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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8079400 No.8079400 [Reply] [Original]

We went as Sohoku, Kyofushimi, and Hakogaku to Disney yesterday, had a blast; and a handful of people even recognized us and asked for pics

>> No.8079404
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>> No.8079408
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>> No.8079417

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8079435

4chan is not your personal blog

>> No.8079436

Wow just wow. Thanks /cgl/ for surprising me. I thought I seen everything cringe worthy.

>> No.8079440

well its not a costume but I thought Disney had rules about this thing?

>> No.8079442

Fukutomi's wig is horrible and this is embarrassing.

>> No.8079491

Cast member here! They do have rules, but they've become more lax over the years. As long as you don't look like a face character and you aren't causing issues you're pretty okay.
This is pretty embarrassing though.

>> No.8079495

I like yowapeda and I am so embarrassed right now

>> No.8079689

Is it more acceptable to be in a sinple character cosplay with a friend or two for one day? I was considering it but this makes me cringe.

>> No.8080286
File: 3.37 MB, 4128x2322, 20141101_124056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh FL cosplayers you never change. I've seen them around at a few FL cons before. Pretty cool pedal bros but now I'm seeing this I just cringe. But that Kinjou also cosplayed Izumida(pic related)

>> No.8080401

Boi lemme get dem digits

>> No.8080422

It'd probably be fine if the outfits aren't blatantly anime looking or over the top in design. Wearing fake cycling uniforms looks incredibly out of place at a theme park...

>> No.8080434
File: 60 KB, 522x530, Hiroshima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all cosplayers, but my cycling outfit is a legitimate set of jersey/shorts. I actually ride a bike and since I'm a fan of the show, I figured it'd be better (and they are cheaper than the specifically built cosplay ones)

This one here is an actual cycling set, not a cosplay. I personally have Hiroshima myself

and now I'm salty, it's 15% off now as compared to when I bought it for full price

>> No.8080681

Okay but going to Disney in a real cycling outfit is still retarded.

>> No.8080703

Wasn't arguing that, but still better than a fake one.

>> No.8080796

This is only a few steps above cosplaying Naruto at the mall.

How does everyone feel about Disney bounding? I'm going to a bachelorette party in Disneyland and the bride has required it. I kind of like it because I like the idea of wearing more comfortable, normal clothes with some Disney flair. But the other ladies appear to be doing stuff way closer to a bad cosplay. Also kind of want to punch the girl who was like "I found a great sparkly blue jacket for Elsa Disney bound but wearing a jacket means I'm cold and that wouldn't be very Elsa.

>> No.8080811



That being said, Kinjou is pretty tanned

>> No.8080812

I was pretty sure that wearing cosplay at disney was against the rules?

>> No.8080813

what about going to Disneyland Paris in a real cycling outfit because you just won the Tour de France?

>> No.8080816

This is so cringe worthy, OP. Why would you do this?

>> No.8080823

absolutely disgusting

>> No.8080829

With bad cosplay, do you mean they are making actual costumes? Like >>8080812 said, costumes are against the rules and will get you kicked out of the park.
If they don't know that, you better warn them before their ignorance ruins the party.

>> No.8080858

Disneybounding is stupid as fuck because most girls put next to no effort into it. I see so many tryhards at Disneyland every weekend with red Ariel hair & a purple top thinking they are hot shit.

>> No.8080915

I mean they're putting together really dumb ensembles that look more like closet cosplay than a well thought out outfit. Lots of mixing of cheap knits over prom dresses and than kind of stuff. Nothing that could and confused as a face character. Also so many princesses. I settled on White Rabbit because I already have a red blazer, yellow collared blouse, grey skirt and white mary Jane's. I'm going to find some white fight and tie a headscarf with "rabbit ears" coming off the side.

>> No.8081026

I understand this is something you *can* do but I can't understand why you would.
On the subject of disneybounding, I suppose it's alright and sometimes even cute but maybe still a little silly.

>> No.8082427

Apparently Walt Disney World is changing its rules concerning this and retaining its employees to tolerate visitor costumes more. Is that true?

>> No.8082435


That asian guy is stuffing his pants..
There's no way his shlong is that big, not a chance.
Bet he's got a rolled up tube sock in there or something

>> No.8082441

Onoda is cute... Still a bad idea tho lol............

>> No.8082447

maybe he was gifted by the asian gods with a MAGNUM DONG


I just wanted to post that actually.

>> No.8083114

At least they look like they had fun

>> No.8086659

Disney never changes any regulations to be more relaxed. It only gets stricter. 4 keys or die.

Also this is fucking stupid and if I was working Id be so second-hand embarrassed I would have to leave the floor so I wasnt an outright ass to you. Cut this weeaboo shit out.

>> No.8086776

I don't even see anything?

>> No.8090390

You must be new to 4chan...

>> No.8090865

God I hate the FL cosplay scene

>> No.8091408

I keep seeing shit about this animu everywhere and the females and fakebois are creaming their panties over it.
an anime about fucking bike riding
is it even any good or is it only so popular because OMG TEH YAOI SHIPS

>> No.8091436

I have never really gotten the shipping thing in any show when people are just putting random characters together regardless of their actual encounters with each other or sexuality. That said though I fucking love this show so hard. I hated cycling so much before that, I always thought cyclists look like weird giant wasps. I actually watched it just to prove to myself I would hate it but I don't, I really don't. The characters themselves are great and the character interactions are pretty okay but only okay. Some how the story line is amazing even though it's not that good. I have cried during it over half a dozen times. I also hate 3D animation enough to drop series on the first episode if they use it but they use it constantly in this show and badly at that and I don't even care. I am ashamed to say it is one of my favourite anime series, it's not the best but it's one of my favourites.

>> No.8092412

this is why we can't ever have nice things

>> No.8092413

casual probably, but not full out shame train

>> No.8092443
File: 35 KB, 358x151, weird shit gdi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At Epcot during Disney vacation with my family
>Hetalia-tards are running around
>what the fuck

I'm going back in March and if I see this shit again I'm going to slap them.

>> No.8093874

Ew fuck, never leave the house again

>> No.8097142


>> No.8097169

>This is only a few steps above cosplaying Naruto at the mall.

fucking sad how i used to see that every once in a while when i worked at the mall.
worked next to a small japanese shop that sold some anime related products as well. i would see these stupid high school fucks wearing those black robes with the red clouds on it.

>> No.8097179

way to necro a dead thread you retard
lrn2 sage

>> No.8098339


spoiler: sage doesn't work anymore

>> No.8098351

Actually, sage does still work.

>> No.8098414

This. People always cry wolf before even trying it.

>> No.8099193

try it

>> No.8099197



This thread didn't get bumped. Sage works.

>> No.8099209

I saged when I made that post and it didn't get bumped. Cry wolf person also must have saged, because the thread didn't get bumped when they posted either.

>> No.8099262

>>8098414 here. I still do it all the time, and yes, it still does work. Did moot say something about removing it?

>> No.8099409

No. Sage still works. In a 2013 update, moot explained that he was making sage invisible in order to discourage using it as a "downvote" type function, which is not its intended purpose.

>> No.8102908

My favorrrrret!

>> No.8103511

it's still coming up

>> No.8103527

Because some people don't know how to sage properly. Like you.

>> No.8105387

ok you

>> No.8105570

The show isnt free it isnt overly gay at all. The story is great and the characters are fun. And it is true to real life bike riding. Because the mangaka rides himself. I dont like shipping at all but i think this anime is one of the best sport animes ive ever seen.

>> No.8105663

This is cool as fuck anon, dont care what these other nerds say.

I was actually thinking of doing a naruko cosplay for my f since i'm a pretty good fit for him. I was worried nobody would recognize it but the fact that you got recognized even at disneyland is reassuring. But then again all the people here calling this cringe is sorta the opposite.

Midosuji's jeresy is a size too big though. Kimo.

I think you're just looking at peoples crotches too much anon

I don't watch anime but i got into it since i actually love biking. It his the sweet spot of being over the top ridiculous without being too much.

>> No.8105667

>for my
*for my first cosplay

>> No.8108384
