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8073108 No.8073108 [Reply] [Original]

Orlando Megacon thread. Only 77 days left to go. Who is going? What costumes are you bringing? What events and guests are you looking forward to?

>> No.8073116

I'm still kind of miffed that they ramped up the ticket prices after the disaster that was last year. I mean, I know they're in the toilet financially, but christ, you could at least give a discount to anyone who has a badge from last year, you know? I'm still gonna go anyways, but damn is it gonna hurt my wallet.

Also, question: Do you get free or discounted autographs/photo ops if you buy a VIP pass? Because I can't imagine dropping $250 on a VIP ticket and then having to pay another $50 per autograph on top of that.

>> No.8073138

I havent been to Mega since 2012 and that was my first and only time going. What was it that happened last year and why in the show in trouble money wise?

Yeah $75 at the door for a 3 day is pretty high :/

>> No.8073164

I'm going and gonna be wearing lolita for all 3 days. Does anyone know if there will be another loli fashion show like last year?

>> No.8073172

>What was it that happened last year
Last year was an absolute nightmare for (almost) everyone - Be glad you didn't go. The traffic in the area was at a standstill for up to 3 hours on Saturday, there wasn't enough parking, and they had moved it to a different venue within the convention center which was smaller than the previous years. There were too many people and there was absolutely no organization for the lines to panels and such. They seemed to be understaffed, too.

The most frustrating thing that happened all weekend for me was standing in line for the Walking Dead panel. I was sitting in that line for around 4 hours since I got there early, but the line was getting so long that it started to double over. Not everyone was guaranteed to get in since there were so many people in line, but they told me the number for my spot and I was supposed to get in. So, when the time came for the panel, because the line was doubled over, the people at the end of the line sneakily merged into the front of it and essentially cut past everybody who was waiting for hours. It then became an angry shoulder-to-shoulder throng of people trying to stuff their selves into the panel room. I didn't get in. They closed the doors to the panel room without making any sort of announcement like "hey guys, sorry, we're not allowing any more people inside", so a bunch of people were stuck waiting outside of the panel room for up to 20 minutes without knowing whether or not the panel room was full or what. Similar thing happened for another big panel later that day.

Once the weekend ended, their facebook page erupted with complaints from angry congoers. They had to issue a public apology and stuff.

>why is the show in trouble money wise
My knowledge on this is all just hearsay, but I had heard people talking about how they've struggled with mismanaging money and they keep spending too much money on big-name guests.

>> No.8073213

Going; haven't bought a ticket yet though our hotel room is booked.

I'm assuming they're announcing more things since the Arrow cast pulled, but I'm excited they got Ron Perlman again after he had a scheduling conflict last year. (Like the week before or something he cancelled, I don't remember?)

I'm happy it's back in the other hall, for sure.

>> No.8074101

I'm sure they have a lot more guests in store. I'm hoping they at least get some minor characters from Arrow to sort of make up for the cancellations. I'm surprised David Ramsey is still going to be there, considering the cancellations were because of filming schedule conflicts.

>> No.8074119

Going, got my tickets, hotel's booked, and starting cosprep. Contemplating entering the contest again but it was so horribly run last year that I don't want to have to go through that nightmare again.

>> No.8074126

Yeah, it's still pretty far out. I would rather have a well-run con with a normal guest list, instead of a sloppy one with a lot of big name guests. There's so many good guests already, too.

I'm also curious to see if Megacon winds up having to address the Adam Baldwin stuff because of the petitions against his appearances at other conventions he's a guest at.

>> No.8074130

I've never competed at Mega but I was interested in doing it this year....was it that bad?

>> No.8074135

I am definitely not going this year. After last year, I can no longer justify the cost of me going to this con. It was completely ridiculous how things were run. Literally a complete mess.

>> No.8074200

Sit down dear anon because I’m about to tell the story of the absolute clusterfuck that was Megacon 2014’s Costume Contest. Not the Heroes of Cosplay one, the other one.

It started off like any convention contest, I went to the 501st to register, got a signup paper that told me t put down the standard stuff, name, character name, series, and the Description. now I thought it would be cool to write out a good intro for Jinx (Which was a bad idea, but i’ll get to that) and I had even brought walk-on music, a short 30 second clip. I asked them who i should give it to when I go to pre-judging, and they immediately told me that there was no pre-judging and that their equipment ‘didn’t support that kind of stuff’

That should immediately have been a red flag, but I ignored it and went on my way until it was time for us to line up for the contest. . My weapons handler and I went upstairs and it was absolutely packed. I had no idea where anything was and everyone was so close together that I was praying to god oxygen masks would drop from the sky because there was almost no room to breathe. I end up finding out that the contestant line was directly next to the line for people who wanted to line up and see the contest, and that there was no barrier between the two and that the contestants were shoved up against the wall. E joined the line and everyone was just as annoyed and confused as we were.

>> No.8074207

(part 2)

Fast forwards to when the contestants were actually pulled into the room before they started filling it up. The staff started walking around asking us what numbers we were at first, and then instead of actually putting us in the order that our numbers were, they told us 'We're going to have you guys go up in groups of 8'. Nobody knew what that meant. Some guy started counting us and then a solid nothing happened for a good 15 minutes of room filling with whoever MC was on at the time casually picking out fans in the audience and not being very good at being an MC.

Then I got curious and asked the staffer who seemed to be in charge if what we wrote on our entry forms was going to be good introductions for the characters, to which he immediately replied 'You were supposed to write down all the stuff you did on the cosplay, so that the judges can know how hard you worked on them.'

Well fuck my gun hopped asshole, i thought that's what a pre-judging was for. I had a solid intro for Jinx that I had to completely cross out and redo because apparently craftsmanship is more important than presentation, even though there was no frickin pre-judging to detemine craftsmanship. And I wasn't the only one. Half of the line ended up having to rewrite their introductions, while we were waiting on line, because nobody had been told that either.

>> No.8074217

I ended up realizing quickly that the contestants were being given virtually no time on stage (save for the children section which was really impressive) and wondered how the dick shitting christ the judges could even judge craftsmanship when they were given less than 30 seconds to look over a contestant’s cosplay. I felt bad because there was one absolutely beautiful Elsa that did a flawless transformation sequence, but it seemed rushed.

I went on stage, I did my thing, dropped a grenade on accident, and walked off. I didn’t even get to glance at the judges really. My handler and I ended up leaving immediately after the winner of my category was announced because we were just 100% done with how awfully the entire thing was run.

So, geentext TL:DR:

>Sign up for the costume contest
>No pre-judging
>No walk on music support (I call bs)
>Nobody knew where the contestant line was
>Horrible internal organization
>”Groups of 8.” Which I still don’t understand to this day.
>No direction on what to put on the forms
>Everyone frantically rewriting intros
>Barely any time on stage
>Didn’t stick around to see best in show because we were just done

The room was also negative three thousand degrees and I wasn't sticking around for that. I want to enter the contest again this year but after last year's endeavor I'm almost tempted to enter the HOC one, if they're gonna be there again.

>> No.8074230

I'll be going hopefully Friday and Saturday and if my costume is ready in time I'll be going as Anemone from Eureka Seven in her flight suit.

>> No.8074236

I'm not going this year either. I flat out had a panic attack on Saturday because I was stuck smushed between people for about thirty minutes in the dealers room. People were packed so tightly in there and staff did nothing, like sardines.

>> No.8074319

the other japan-centric contest is actually run by animesushi, not HoC. hopefully HoC won't be coming back to mega this year.

>> No.8074356

Hanari Sandoyu, is that you?

>> No.8074359

I had multiple panic attacks that Saturday. It was bad. Really fucking bad.

>> No.8074363

This is twice now. What is the deal with Adam Baldwin?

>> No.8074380

*Solomon. Not Sandoyu. Facebook's restricted my ability to change my name until I get this paperwork done.

But yeah it's me, what's happenin.

>> No.8074399

Oh nothing much. Saw ya at Matsuri and wanted to chat, but didn't get a chance to cause you were really busy.

>> No.8074765

I had a panic attack as well on Saturday, I got separated from my friends in the dealer's room with my heavy prop and people kept bouncing me around like a pinball. Security eventually helped me out of the dealers' because I was "too big to be in the hall".

>> No.8074767

He's apparently involved with gamergate doxxing, on top of the general political fuckery he does on twitter.

When it comes to the other stuff it all falls in free speech, obviously, but this last thing is the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of attendees, I guess.

>> No.8074769

Oh, damn. Never mind then.

>> No.8075566

But yeah, who are you doing for Megacon this year?

>> No.8075578


Man the hotels cracked down on the afterparties so hard last year. Some guy wanted to avoid the bullshit so bad that he rented out the entire Hilton pool area but they still kicked everyone out at midnight. What the hell is the point of a con if you can't get wasted with a bunch of other weirdos?

>> No.8075604

Thought about it for a while. I might go cosplaying as Adachi from P4.

I kinda wanna meet Troy Baker and have him sign a few things for friends.

>> No.8075762

I heard the party was stopped because of the glass on the pool deck, but then again I wasn't there lol

Most of the I-Drive hotels are family oriented hotels so they're gonna close shit early.

>> No.8075815

Princess Vanellope's going to be my big reveal on Saturday, Friday i'll be Peridot from Steven Universe and Sunday I'm pulling a Legends Of The Hidden Temple thing. I want to gather a lot of people together to dress up as players for when I bring in my Olmec (>>8067561).

Like I want to have legit two people from each team in the helmets and shoes and kneepads and everything but I have no idea how to go about doing that.

I'll be booth bouncing for Selan Pike throughout the course of the weekend so, find her booth and I'll be there.

>> No.8075908

Selan Pike? Who is she or what is this company?

I might go as Yang....I really wanna get Varrick or Bolin done. Saving money is...difficult when you wanna do all things.

>> No.8076369

How's your living situation? Did you end up getting that sorted out? Just wondering how you're doing these days. We used to be friends but we fell out of touch.

>> No.8076808

I have to bury the hatch with Hanari myself. Though I do think the community might have been a factor.

>> No.8076814

What do you mean?

>> No.8076815


We were sorta friends, but shit went down, she said some things, I said some things. But lately I just felt bad and I feel like I need to apologize and maybe just fix things so that she doesn't hate my guts.

>> No.8076833

Ah, right. We were con friends but I guess we fell out of touch since she was always busy with her other friends at cons. So I got left behind. I don't blame people for that though, friends come and go, etc. It happens a lot with my con friends especially though.

>> No.8076864

I'm only going on Saturday as Satsuki, in case the con is nuts. I had fun last year because it was my first time going to Megacon, and I happened to get a lot of photos, but even as a newbie congoer, I knew that it was very disorganized.

>> No.8077302

> Busy with other friends
> You mean "climbing the popularity ladder", right?

>> No.8077575

Maybe that's what really happened, but I'm not really one to hold grudges. There are plenty of better friends for me out there.

>> No.8077595

That's the spirit! Even though I wanna bury the hatchet and move on, I have found better friends.Good natured people,

>> No.8077746

Oh jeez i just saw these strings now. First thing, yes my living situation at home has gotten much better. A lot of differences were resolved and misunderstandings were fixed and everything's going much better now.

Second thing I'm genuinely sorry if I don't talk to either of you at conventions anymore. Normally i'm too busy running around doing one thing or another to really stop and enjoy the convention and talk to as many people as I'd like. I'm going to try to change that this year. I also know a lot of people in the florida con sphere so I get stopped a lot by a lot of different groups, but if you see me in the future, megacon especially, please feel free to come talk to me. I have literally zero plans for the con and will be BSing around all weekend. Unless I enter the contest which, after last year, is doubtful.

And to whomever I've exchanged negative words with I'm sorry for that too and I'd like to make amends for whatever was said. Contact me on FB or find me at a con and i guarantee we can laugh about it over some drinks and wonder why it ever happened in the first place.

That being said, is anyone excited for any of the guests this year? I'm stoked to see Jeremy Shada again. He's such a sweetheart!

>> No.8077836

I will hold you to that. I wanted to talk to you at Matsuri about it, but with all the craziness, I figured it wasn't the best of times.

>> No.8079294

Dang I bought a weekend pass but doubt I even want to go anymore. Does anyone know if there's a way to give it away to someone else or are they assholes about it?

>> No.8079430

Don't know for sure. Is it in your name?

>> No.8079462

I'm going on Saturday and Sunday this year. I'm glad they moved back into the old building because last year was hell in a handbasket parking-wise. Hopefully I can bring my Punished Snake cosplay if it's finished in-time, and it's a toss-up between S.T.A.R.S. Chris Redfield or anything else I can think of.

>> No.8079486

*toss-up for sunday I mean

>> No.8079586
File: 2.71 MB, 1000x1509, 0a8c1e_5d60fad2089b48fc93c04d0b958bf95a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw on her instagram that MS paint eyes Sonico will be there

>> No.8079644
File: 1018 KB, 1200x1453, DSCF6553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to take my Gundam Mk-II and wip Hyaku Shiki ms girl.

>> No.8079712

Yeah. I really hope I can just give it to someone who wants to go.

>> No.8079790
File: 180 KB, 380x492, tumblr_n0tmn3RGtB1r09vilo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty excited for this year, only to meet up with friends and do a completely different type costume than what i normally do. i'll be there all weekend, lineup will probably be all jojo. debuting part 4 star platinum on saturday, fuckin' pumped.

has anyone been in the anime sushi costume contest? hearing the horror story from the universal one sounds like hell, but i'm hoping the one run by the other group would be/is better.

>> No.8079806

You're in luck. I'm planning on going.I just need to finalize a ride to and from.

>> No.8080161

i used to do the animesushi contest....then i stopped because it always ended up being a waste of the entire day on saturday. here's my $0.02

- be prepared to lose your saturday to waiting to be prejudged, then waiting backstage in a cramped, fucking hot hallway hours before the contest starts. i almost passed out one year.

- depending on who is judging, prejudging might or might not suck. one year they all sat behind a fucking table 10 feet away and never bothered to come look at anything up close (IMO a couple of the judges who are there every year are really not that great). sometimes if they have good judges, someone will come look at your detail work. have progress pics and reference pics. be prepared with a little spiel, so you're not just standing there.

- japanese origin only, so no star wars, LOTR, etc.

- prizes are kind of shitty.....a bag of random animu crap (random dvds, etc) and maybe a little trophy if you win one of the bigger awards. once i got some cash, but it was like $40 for the best individual award, so again not that great.

it's not all that great IMO....it ends up being a lot of time spent for a contest that really doesn't have a large # of high quality costumers entering.....all the good people stopped entering a long time ago. go for it if you want, but don't expect much.

>> No.8080785

yikes, that sounds horrid. thankyou for answering tho!!

>> No.8081315

Wow both contests sound like absolutely horrible experiences. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.8083363

she looks like shit irl
nothing like on instagram

>> No.8083474

I guarantee the con will be craziest on Saturday. If you want to save yourself that headache I suggest attending Sunday. I have been attending this con since 2010 and every Saturday is so crowded you can't walk through the dealer's hall. Last year was disorganized, but I fully expected that Saturday crowd.

>> No.8083477

Looking sharp as ever Temjin. I like the decals.

>> No.8083691

Oh I enjoy the most popular days because I'm a crowd gazer, but I don't want to pay an obscene amount of money for a 3 day pass of hot mess.

>> No.8083736
File: 75 KB, 665x385, Megacon-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misunderstood your "in case" then. If you want to save money (Sunday's pass is cheaper) and avoid guaranteed overcrowding, go Sunday. There will still be a large crowd, just not body to body at all hours.

In any case, they are back to the West Building so I hope they'll be better organized. In any case there is more room to wander in the West Building.

>> No.8084180

Any particular guests or events anyone is looking forward to? Its been a long time since I've been to Mega

>> No.8084196
File: 105 KB, 604x506, momos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a guest but she will be there
momosweetcosplay or her new instagram name Ahriseo

>> No.8084292

Ew no. Hell no. I know her. Delusional bitch who has a hard on for older men.

I'm avoiding the fuck out of her.

>> No.8084369

you know her irl?

>> No.8084384
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x662, 0a8c1e_a27d2c90962842bb88f54697e69e21d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol is that why she broke up with that one boy?

>> No.8084412

He's a gamergate supporter which in some people's eyes means he "MUST BE STOPPED! TOXIC MISOGYNIST!" and since anything involving gamergate gets huge opposition on tumblr, and if tumblr is good at anything is signing petitions and making shit look bigger than it is, so he keeps getting stonewalled for cons

>> No.8084489

Fucking tumblr feminazis. I met him years ago. Really nice guy....just...don't talk about Jackie Chan Adventures, it's an apparent sore subject for him.

Did. She was a cunt who I was going in a hotel room with her, her gf, a scumbag photog and his cronies, and an old guy who loved Halo more than his family.

She backed out and caused a lot of drama. We had to change rooms a few days before the convention because of her bullshit and drama.

She also had a thing for the old dude who loved Halo. She might have been the reason why his wife broke up with him. idk

She caused more problems on FB, but I blocked her because she was a toxic cunt.

>"Sexy" cosplayer in Florida
>Oh boy here we go again

>> No.8084511

I never new she had a girlfriend I just knew of Ellis or ellisuwc_

>> No.8084516

info on that dramu?

>> No.8084557

I'm more interested in the Jackie Chan Adventures...

like... the cartoon, right? The one that got the boot?

>> No.8084581

Yeah that one. He called it a very touchy subject and wouldn't go into detail why.

I mean, I might ask him again if I ever see him and maybe he will have mellowed out enough to talk about it.

>> No.8084587

Which dramu?

>> No.8084593

Why she backed out? Why is she a cunt is she mean or something?

>> No.8084615

Because she claimed her gf and her were having "problems" and needed to work them out. Bullshit excuse. We saw them holding hands and laughing it up at Megacon.

She's a cunt because she shit talks people constantly and chases after older men even though she has a gf or a bf.

>> No.8084659

are you talking about xkrispiix?

>> No.8084748

Was that her gf's name?

>> No.8084798

Im asking if that is her
and thats the instagram name

>> No.8087575


>> No.8087621
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First time going to megacon. I'll probably go on Sunday since that seems to be the least crowded time to go and I'm so painfully shy I think anything else might be too much for me. I really want to make friends and get the most out of it. Any tips for a newcomer who wants to enjoy a con without having an anxiety attack?

>> No.8090467

Not another Momosweet post please. We all get it.