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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 258 KB, 650x1037, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8072871 No.8072871 [Reply] [Original]

Honest opinion 'gulls. How do you feel about overweight people in cosplay? I've always had mixed opinions about it, I've seen some really good costumes, but it's usually characters who are portrayed as large anyway. Is it just a case of fat people can't look good in anything or is it more down to choosing a costume that suits their shape?

>> No.8073093

I don't care. If they look gross or disgusting I just ignore them. Not that tough of a concept to grasp, really.

>> No.8073129


Please, don't cosplay, or even go out home, unless you treat your illness and stop being unhealty and fugly

>> No.8073133

This girl is wearing a fatsuit...

>> No.8073161

You can be thin and fugly and unhealthy too. Does that mean no one should leave their house?

>> No.8073181
File: 87 KB, 210x140, moot are here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi mootykins

>> No.8073208
File: 72 KB, 500x335, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are good, but most give no thought to what actually looks good on them, halfass the construction, then cry 'fat hatred' when no one wants a pic of their shittily-tailored, doughy ass

>> No.8073225

I'm really tired of the sjw's coming out and trying to use the excuse that modern cosplay is inclusive of all to justify a fat girl looking awful in a cosplay, especially when it's a skinny character. The worst is when they try to wear something that evidently doesn't suit them or fit properly. This doesn't just apply to obese cosplayers, but even podgy girls who are just in denial about their size and making terrible costumes choices that they will never look good in unless they're in shape. Besides cosplay, there is no excuse for being overweight and it's not fucking healthy. Fattychans can use whatever shitty excuse they want to try and justify being a landwhale, but in the end they're the only ones doing damage to their health, no one else.

>> No.8073798

Also, actors can get their shit together in months for a role, they obviously don't go full landwhale most of the times but I think it shows what dedication can do.

>> No.8074534

Yeah, but actors have more money and resources to throw around on tailor-made diets, home gyms, cosmetic surgeons and personal life coaches and trainers. I'm not saying that this is an excuse for people not to try to lose weight, but actors have it far easy because they can afford to spend tonnes of money on quinoa wheat grass smoothies and gold flecks and a live-in personal trainer.

>> No.8074688

Also the worst foods in terms of healthiness are usually way more cheaper, convenient, "tastier", etc. than good foods. That doesn't help either.

>> No.8074701

>shitty costumes with little thought are shit
Agreed. But I've seen this type on all spectrums of bodies. There's really no reason to single out fatties for this.
>there's no excuse to be overweight, it's a choice
Being an angry tool with a vendetta against fatties when you know that being so hateful doesn't help is also a choice. Your attitude is easier to change than someone's body.
I'm in shape bit come the fuck on. Actors have multi thousands to spend on the finest, healthiest meals and have stellar Healthcare and personal trainers. The average person doesn't.

>> No.8074710

that's not really true.

food doesn't have to be organic for it to be healthy

and alot of times the food is naturally non-gmo/non-pesticide through growing practices

like a lot of tomatoes and lettuce which are grown through hydroponic means, and a lot of stuff that the agricultural dept of the University california system research.

also a lot of people who despise GMO corn tend to prefer other foods which are GMO

so....don't let marketing cloud your judgement.

fresh spinach, chicken and kale and butter leaf lettuce tends to taste bettter when prepared right than a $4.99 1/4 pounder with cheese

also butterleaf lettuce is usually the best deal, organic or not it's grown the same method

in a standing pool of water

>> No.8074716

I agree in regards to organic. If I was to buy organic fruit and veg at the store it's hideously expensive. Good quality fruit, veg and meat from a farmers market or similar is very cheap and of equal, or better, quality. I even grow my own things like tomatoes - I actually have to give away many this crop because I have more than I can eat, and I only bought a punnet or two of seedlings.

I'm also a fatty (I used to be larger, but still overweight) and when I consider a cosplay I am VERY picky. You can either cosplay a fat character (which can be done well or terribly), or adapt a thinner character (again can be done reasonably well, but also horrifically badly.) I think the problem a lot of larger cosplayers have is that they're in denial about their size and shape, so they don't alter or tailor things to fit properly, so you get a fat person shoe-horned into an ill-fitting, poorly made cosplay and it just snowballs into oblivion.

>> No.8074717

>don't let marketing cloud your judgment
Lmao. That's the point of marketing. Also "tasty" food is usually processed shit because they manufactured them to appeal to our instinctual tastes (high fat/sugar/carb/salt).

>> No.8074737

Hence why I also put in the other examples of excuses people can come up with. It's a lot more easier for someone to get the 2 dollar frozen meal filled with shit over having to prepare from fresh ingredients.

As a fat-ass poor myself I just heartily laugh at all excuses that go "but it's not laziness alone!". No, but most of the times it is. Running is free, water is cheap, walking somewhere instead of driving is good for you.

To actually be on topic for a bit: if the fat cosplayer has the same construction levels as a skinny cosplayer, they're always at a disadvantage, in terms of being appealing. Put that fat cosplayer next to a shitty skinny cosplayer it might be a bit different. Personally I tend to look more at a combination "is it flattering"+"how well made is it".

>> No.8074743

>even mentioning GMO as related to health in any way


>> No.8074744

>this stupid fucking way of thinking
every single time

here's a quick logical breakdown for 2nd grade students, skinny refers to low bodyfat% in healthy ranges

every person who is fat is unhealthy.
not every person who is unhealthy is fat.
being fat is associated with being unhealthy because it directly causes being unhealthy.

not every person who is skinny is unhealthy.
every person who is healthy is skinny.
being skinny is therefore associated with being healthy, because every healthy person is also skinny (because if they were fat, they'd be unhealthy).

>> No.8074747

its because i know someone irl who eats absolute crap is very overweight

and uses gluten free, gmo, organic, veganism as various excuses to eat oreos and mcdonalds all day

>> No.8074748

>Yeah, but actors have more money and resources to throw around on tailor-made diets, home gyms,
the first is free and the second costs you like 500-1000 bucks in total. You don't have to be rich for that at all.

>I'm in shape bit come the fuck on. Actors have multi thousands to spend on the finest, healthiest meals and have stellar Healthcare and personal trainers. The average person doesn't.
where the fuck do you people live to be spending "multi thousands" on healthy food? Are you that far away from reality? Chicken and broccoli isn't expensive at all. It is expensive compared to a mcdonalds meal, but that's because those are CHEAP AS SHIT. It's not a fair comparison.

>> No.8074753

You seem really hostile. This is a civil discussion. High blood pressure because you hate fat people isn't healthy.
>all overweight people are unhealthy
I'll need a medical source for this statement. Just because it's stereotypical to assume someone is unhealthy due to their weight doesn't make it factual and is as asinine as assu ming someone is in epitome health because they weigh less.

500-1000 dollars is expensive. I'm sorry you're sheltered.

>> No.8074758

ITT: momscience on nutrition

Count your macros
Count your calories (see above)
Don't eat breakfast
Pick up heavy things until you can pick up heavier things
Go on walks and jogs

Anyone who says anything else is selling something.

>> No.8074762

>the second costs you like 500-1000 bucks in total
Spending 1000 bucks on something that I'll use maybe twice is a lot.

Yes that's how we think.

>> No.8074763

>angry tool with a vendetta against fatties
I would hardly say most people have a "vendetta" for looking disdainfully at an overweight person. There is no positive way of expressing towards something that isn't a healthy, natural state.

>your attitude is easier to change than someone's body
I think the person with the weight problem is the one who should be changing their attitude.

This is coming from someone who is relatively out of shape. I'm aware of this and there is no excuse for it, hence why I would never try and say it's someone else's fault. Some of these people are so in denial about it that they're never going to be able to help themselves.

>> No.8074764

>I'll need a medical source for this statement.
Really? OBESITY IS A MEDICAL CONDITION. Being fat in itself is a condition. An illness.
Because I know you're just going to passive-aggressively say "oh you're a doctor???" here's a good study
Notice that most negative health effects are caused by any and all excess adipose tissue, not just a big amount of it. More is worse.

I can also give you plenty of incredibly logical explanations that don't involve any way or form of scholarly confirmation.
>as your mass increases, your heart needs to push more blood through the body, putting it under heavy stress
>as your mass increases, load on the joints gets heavier
And so forth

>500-1000 dollars is expensive. I'm sorry you're sheltered.
I'm sorry you don't have a job, what the fuck. It's something that will benefit you for all your life, not just once or twice.

I don't know why you think I hate fat people, either. I don't. I just know that it's not healthy at fucking all.

>> No.8074770

>Your attitude is easier to change than someone's body.
I used to be 300lbs and now I have visible abs

don't be such a retard, it's much easier to change your body than to change someone elses mind. Changing someone elses mind wouldn't change anything about the fact that you're going to die with 45 either

>> No.8074797

>there are no positive ways to go about addressing people who make unhealthy lifestyle choices
There are professions dedicated to doing just that. These people tend to be more adult and much more dedicated to helping and less about judging, though.

Also I don't think everyone who is overweight is in denial of their issues or takes it out negatively on others. Not everyone needs an attitude adjustment.

Not everyone who is overweight is medically obese. If you're strictly talking about the obese then I agree but I think we all know cgl standads of hamplanet starts at 140 pounds.
I'm making a distinction.

Also I have a job and if I were to drop $1000 right now it would be unaffordable. Then again, I'm also doing my grad work. And I have more bills to pay than you.

Oh are you that one fat wannabe /fit/ asshole? Makes sense now.

>> No.8074799

Are you talking about that shitstorm where some guy claimed to be 6'2 and 180lbs and you thought he's fat?

>> No.8074806

He said he was 200 and unless he's hulk tier buff he would have to have a good chunk of fat on him. Oh and he posted a pic of his gut iirc.

>> No.8074815
File: 28 KB, 387x289, helmsley5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8" 250 lbs.

>> No.8074819
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I'm just sitting here watching this war like.

>> No.8074837
File: 154 KB, 427x1208, yesyoucaneathealthyonabudget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd prove anons point by making a Grocery list from Wegmans [yes, it is my grocery list] I mostly have fruits and vegetables on here and it's really not that expensive. And I do have other food at home but I only grocery shop every two weeks, which averages down to 25 dollars a week, and I live in a high tax state.

And I've bought junk food too, it averages out to be similar price to the healthy food.

So I don't want to hear someone say it's too 'expensive' to eat healthier food. I have my cravings for chips too but chips and a thing of baby carrots and celery are the same goddamn price.

>> No.8074838
File: 7 KB, 247x204, rocl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

285 lbs

>> No.8074840
File: 51 KB, 363x700, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is old

mcdonalds raised their prices recently as a test market

>> No.8074843

I was just putting an everyday example of 'going to the grocery store' out there.

And yes, McDonalds did raise their prices but I noticed that long ago.

>> No.8074844

>6' 2 and 200 is not fat if he does a decent amount of weightlifting.

Hell I was 6'1 and 200 pounds two months ago while ago and I was only around 15-16% body fat.

>> No.8074845

Fat people are disgusting and its barely tolerable to cosplay fat character, let alone trying to cosplay as fit characters

>> No.8074848


bussinessweek article determining same store sales pitfalls from loss of lower income diners 2012-2013 fiscal year


>> No.8074852

Are you for real? 6'2 and 200lbs is not hulk tier buff, it's "I've worked out for a year or more" buff.

But anyways, I'm talking to someone who thinks high bodyfat% =/= obesity

>> No.8074853
File: 67 KB, 617x383, undertaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this 500lbs fat ass

495 lbs

>> No.8074854

Fascinating read, thank you!

Yeah, it doesn't make much sense to buy a meal from MickyD's if you could eat a better meal somewhere else or at home, cheaper.

>> No.8074856

>hulk tier buff guys
You expect me to believe men who look like that lurk cgl waiting for a fattie thread to pounce on? I'm going to need to see some timestamps, gentlemen.

>> No.8074860

The undertaker's not that heavy. Pretty sure he was like 300lbs at the peak of his career.

>> No.8074864
File: 36 KB, 612x816, zFeIj6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be hulk tier buff.
I'm this guy. >>8074844
I took this when I reached 200 pounds (it's a dumb side shot, but I'm at work and it's all I have access to.

>> No.8074869

DYEL as fug

>> No.8074870

I believe that was his point.

>> No.8074876

Shit, my bad. Back to reading school for me

>> No.8074896

Looks like you could stand to lower your bf%.

>> No.8074915

I took this picture about a month and a half ago I've been on a cut since then.

>> No.8074949

Running and not spending money on fast food is free. If people start looking at food for survival sake instead of what taste the best then Weightloss isnt that hard.

There's many intense workout channels on youtube.

>Also a big issue is that people are willing to ignore medical standards of unhealthy weights and go with what their peers say they should be (with usually very low standards out of fear of big person being too sensitive).

>> No.8074951

What do they think junk food is made out of?

>> No.8074955

Eat less calories, do more exercise.

Jesus Christ it's not fucking rocket science. Burn off more than you put in and you lose weight.

>> No.8074981
File: 207 KB, 486x1460, 1421868194433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is their any photo's of chubby/over wight girl's cosplaying Rei ayanami's plug suit that looks good?
I need to know if it's possible because all I could find was mostly woman under a size six and the only bigger girl's I could find had shitty bad fitting costumes or only the school uniform.

>> No.8075045

>>8074981 >an
y photo's of chubby/over wight girl's cosplaying Rei ayanami's plug suit that looks good?

1. It's a body suit.
2. It's a white body suit.


>> No.8075360

>j-just bulking...

No but for real, good work. You look like you might be pretty solid once you finish your cut.

>> No.8075364


>> No.8075375

Some us do not live in the US

In Aus, vegetables, fruit and meat can all be very expensive because 1) our cost of living is higher, so almost everyone not earning over a certain amount struggles 2) we have limited available land to grow crops 3) we got through periods of drought that lasts years, and have frequent storms/floods all of which can drive up the prices of our produce

Oh, we also have much higher food standards than the US

>> No.8075396
File: 107 KB, 960x720, 1421050496194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 star post

>> No.8075399

>lives in Aus
There's your problem you mank

>> No.8075411


Where the hell does this person live that a while chicken is $5.39 or so? It's around $10 here. Milk is like $2-4 here.

Although the Mcdonald's for four here would be around $40+

>> No.8075430

Seriously, this. Australian food prices are very, very high. Americans and people in the UK do that 'dollar/pound a day' thing and it's painful going through the store and looking at the prices of food.

I rarely eat pre-prepared food, but I just had my wisdom teeth out and had to go shopping. Turns out that buying enough soups from the deli at woolworths/safeway for a week actually costs less than how much I spend on food usually.

Some meat isn't /too/ bad, but I live in Tasmania, either way... I tend not to eat too much and when I do I get it from a butcher so I know it's fresh and free-ranged, which only hikes up the price further.

>tfw dropping $70 on groceries/necessities each week

>> No.8075433

Oi nah, fuck off mate. Australia is beautiful, cunt. Fucking sick my drop bears on ya mate.

>> No.8075458

IMO obese people shouldn't cosplay. It never looks good unless the character they are cosplaying is also obese. Overweight can get away with it depending on how much but when you hit that 200lb mark focus on losing weight instead.
Fat girls especially who cosplay characters who are shapely but not fat really ruffle my feathers. At least wear some shape wear and a corset.

>> No.8075512
File: 75 KB, 327x710, skinny fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. When I started working out I looked this. 120 pounds of pure pathetic. I'm pretty happy with my progress so far.

>> No.8075637

I'd imagine that people would eat less with those prices.

>> No.8075723

Did you actuallyread those articles or literally just throw in some links? Because they don't support your point. First abstract reports that obesity (not all fat people are obese) is a risk factor for disease (obviously), not that all fat people are unhealthy. Second article is about ayurvedic medicine and obesity specific to India. If you have studied the health sciences you might know that south asians tend to experience diseases associated with obesity exponentially more than other races. But since you don't read, you probably wouldn't know that. :/

>> No.8075774

Sam's club in the states. Full chicken, seasoned and cooked on rotisserie, is $3

>> No.8075802

I just wanna say that I really think she did a great job on the cosplay.

That is all.

>> No.8076017

Yup, I live in Brisbane, and am a vegetarian. I spend $60 a week on fresh fruit and veg, plus some bread and things. None of that pre-made expensive vegetarian crap either. It's depressing when my family goes shopping and their trolley is filled with crap and its cheaper then my shop.

In Australia, its hard not to spend $30 a visit even if its just dropping by to pick up a few things.


Australia, full chicken at the store, $11. $8 on Tuesdays.

>> No.8076018

current billed weight is 299 lb for mr taker

>> No.8076030

I'm from the UK and live in Australia at the moment, the food prices aren't extremely different it's more that some things cost more, other cost less and it has a roundabout way of balancing out. Food in America is infinitely cheaper than in both the UK and Aus.

>> No.8076072
File: 84 KB, 500x500, gijinka-pokemon-venusaur-Favim.com-163022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seems to be talking about McDonalds, which, tbh isn't that bad if you get smaller portions. If I have to go there, I just get the Happy Meal box, smaller portions and you get a goofy toy. Aslong as you're not eating that stuff everyday.

Anyway, fat cosplay: Depends on the person. If the character is fat, they've altered the costume to suit their body shape more and it's clear they've spent a lot of time on it, all is good. Also helps if the person is clean and tidy, not stinky and greasy. Personality helps too, if they're polite and friendly, it goes a long way.

>> No.8076084

Depends on the character. I don't like seeing fat people cosplaying characters that don't suit for their body type or costume that doesn't flatter them. Honestly, who likes seeing whales on lara croft cosplay? But if the costume is good and the person has a good hygiene, then I don't mind.

>> No.8076093

It's also because the biosecurity stuff makes importing cheap and decent fruit and veg difficult = less competition on prices. Even when they opened the apple market to NZ growers most of them went nope, we'll keep sending to the US because it works out as greater profit.
Cross the ditch to NZ and you halve your grocery bill, we get fruit and veg for 3 people for a week for $80NZD (and that's not buying the cheapest stuff we can find, either), and being a poor student vegetarian for $20/week works in some cities with farmers' markets or good fruit and veg store (big tray of eggs for $6-$7, then the rest on the best seasonal vege deals for the week)

>> No.8076102

Cute as fuck. God damn I love fat girls.

>> No.8076116

Just roleplay as a Dalek.

You can even fit your disability scooter in it.

>> No.8076119

>500-1000 dollars is expensive
>my health isn't worth 1000

So you'll be happy to learn that eating less actually results in you having more money!

>> No.8076131


my opinion of overweight people in cosplay is the same as my opinion on overweight people in general.

fucking disgusting.

>> No.8076136

then.. what if you don't have 500 to a 1000 dollars?

>> No.8076431

I'm the guy who made the original 500-1000 dollars estimate here.

It's what a brand new power rack, barbell set, and some form of cardio machine costs. I don't know US prices well, but 500-1000 bucks seems about right.

This is the absolutely most expensive getting fit will be. You can get a gym membership for like 200 bucks a year. You could also buy a used powerrack and run instead of buying an expensive cardio machine.

If you're actually homeless (who found a laptop in the trash and browses /cgl/ on mcdonalds wifi), you could do bodyweight exercises and run. 100% entirely free.
Infact, there's a /fit/ poster who is partially homeless and dumpster diving. He has a healthier diet than you do.

You lazy fucks are just making excuses.

>> No.8076469

What you're saying is true but you don't seem to know how much actors spend for trainers and a really well planned diet. It doesn't cost too much to get fit yes, but they have it WAY better. Its stupid to think buckets of money doesn't make a difference vs 200 bucks.

>inb4 fat
5'4" 95lbs.
>inb4 anorexic and i probably look disgusting
I look fine and i don't have to 'eat a fucking sandwich'.

>> No.8076483

What the fuck do you eat for dinner? Also no meat or eggs? Im not very good at health so please forgive me for being a dumbass, but wheres the protein in this? I usually have at least 8 eggs a week for protein and have chicken for my meats. What do you do?

>> No.8076484

I didn't mean it like that I was actually curious

thanks for the informative post though

>> No.8076485
File: 279 KB, 500x400, 1422018074183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't eat breakfast

>> No.8076486

Is this girl not wearing like, a partial fatsuit? Her neck looks extremely skinny for someone with such a fat torso

>> No.8076491

I have a pair of 20 lb dumbbells and a pair of 15 lb dumbbells, and a pull-up bar. Total cost is maybe 150 dollars, tops. Set up my laptop with a workout sheet and some music, and I workout for about an hour or half hour 5 days a week. Body weight for everything except shoulders and arms, pull ups for back. Hell, I used a fucking I-beam in my basement before I got a pull up bar. People act like preparing the equipment is harder than the workout itself.

>> No.8076510

There appears to be ham and (imitation?) crab for meat, and that and the milk/cheese for protein.

>> No.8076511

She is. Look at her arms. She's still fat, though.

>> No.8076532
File: 17 KB, 247x204, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every person who is healthy is skinny.

>> No.8076564

> a really well planned diet.
I don't know why you think planning your own diet is hard.
It literally takes 40 minutes of reading through what your body does with macronutrients, calories, and which vitamins or other things you may be lacking. That's it. Zero cost. You don't need to see some retard nutritionist who will misinform you just so you feel comforted.

I'll give you trainers, but you don't need a personal trainer to pick up a barbell and do some good exercises and/or run. They have those trainers to get incredibly aesthetic bodies, the trainers look at them and tell them which muscles to work out. You don't need this. Technically, not even they would need that, because you can easily train yourself, but they're rich and have better things to do with their time.

>> No.8076565

> 8 eggs a week for protein

I eat 3 eggs a day for protein

>> No.8076569

> skinny refers to low bodyfat% in healthy ranges
What is your issue with that statement?

>> No.8076577

Skinny doesn't mean that. Skinny isn't fit or slender.

>> No.8076579

You should read the post again. Anon literally said that he refers to bodyfat percentages in healthy ranges with skinny. He laid out the definition he uses for you as it's a subjective thing and you still misunderstand. That's below second grade, kek

>> No.8076587

Yes he did but you might as well use fat only for heavy weight lifters. Or refer to all Christians as Catholics. But whatever you use fat synonymous with landwhale and skinny synonymous with healthy fit person and build your posts on that. Its 4chan, enjoy your posts.

>> No.8076593

I don't think the point was to mislabel "skinny", the point was to use a more sound and logical definition than "person who is slender".
Because otherwise, retards like you would chime in and say

>> No.8076602

anon said skinny = healthy amount of bodyfat.

the definition is wrong, i'd not refer to everyone with healthy amount of bodyfat as skinny. like muscular people.
but the logic is sound. you can't be healthy without having a healthy amount of bodyfat. therefore, having healthy amounts of bodyfat, read, not fat, is associated with being healthy.

>> No.8076664

Food in the US is hard too because you can't live on minimum wage. (In b4 "get a better job" it's hard to find one if you're under 30 because the old people refuse to retire.) Our housing costs and transportation are so expensive that they offset low food prices. Your minimum wage is $16, ours is $7.
Not that it excuses eating garbage. Your body is not a trash can, don't treat it like one. Get a god damn crock pot, you can buy cheapass cuts of meat because they'll become tender from slow cooking and it takes almost zero effort.
I grew up pretty poor (raise your own meat and garden poor) and crock pots saved us. Stew meat, bits and pieces from the butcher that usually end up as ground whatever in the US, actually tastes pretty good when slow cooked and even lamb stew meat costs like $3 a pound. (Lamb is stupidly expensive here, I get it every so often because we raised sheep and it reminds me of home) another trick is to go to the nearest farming area and find a butcher that advertises butchering animals rather than meat, they sometimes help families offset costs by getting x amount of pounds of meat and selling it for cheap out of their shop. It's usually truly free range too because the people that use small butchers like that don't own factory farms. They also kill humanely too for the most part because it's kind of butcher broscience that a stressed animal doesn't taste as good.

>> No.8076671

any tips for simple healthy meals? like preferably on youtube because I'm an idiot

If I want to eat more healthy dinners I'll need to make them myself since I still live at home and my cooking skills don't go beyond being able to make scrambled eggs....

>> No.8076721

Crock pot. Throw some meat and veg in there before work. Add spices (Mrs dash is good if you can't into spices. Its salt free) add some stock if its lean meat, turn it on low and when you get home your house will smell divine and food will be ready. A chicken breast, a carrot, a celery stalk or two, and a potato feeds me dinner and lunch the next day. Its kind of a traditional college gift where I come from because of men have never cooked. Its pretty much idiot proof, you can also find five ingredient crock pot cook books.

>> No.8076782


Actors spend alot of money on equipment and trainers which does make certain aspects of it easier. What doesn't change though and most people overlook is that they have to work their ass off in order to take their ass off. Anyone who puts in that much effort is going to see significant changes regardless of how much is spent. Old school calisthenics and body weight exercises work just fine, what they don't do is let you isolate muscle groups which is only necessary if you are doing body sculpting.

>> No.8076796


Take a little time to learn how to cook, you'll need to use it for approximately the next 50 years of life and it significantly improves your quality of life.

The first thing you should learn is how to sharpen a knife. Most people have kitchen knives that are very dull and actually a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one. With a dull knife you need to put more force behind it and there is a greater risk of it slipping and hurting you. Most homes also have a knife drawer where knives bang against each other or people leave them in the dish rack, this all leads to dull edges and chips in the blade. hand wash and dry your knives and store them in a knife block or with a blade guard on the edge to protect it.

The second thing you should learn is knife skills. Learn how to hold and use a knife properly and the techniques for dicing onions or other vegetables. You won't believe how quickly and evenly you can take them apart once you know the correct way to do it. Check on Youtube for examples on how to do it.

>> No.8076818


It is difficult to live on minimum wage if you work only 40 hours a week. 40 hours a week is about 9 hours a day at work, that leaves 8 hours to sleep and approximately 7 hours a day for anything else and two days off. To my mind that's still alot of leisure time. Pick up an extra shift, work a double, or get a second job.

I worked at McDonalds in college to pay for school and make some extra money. Part time during weekends when school was in session and full time during breaks. When I worked full time I picked up every extra hour I possibly could by working doubles, covering for sick people, staying late for extra cleanup, etc. Once you pass 40 hours it's overtime and 1.5 times pay. Sometimes I would hit up to 60 hours which took me from about $800 take-home a month to $1,400. It still isn't great pay but $600 a month lets you start to make make changes that let you get ahead.

>> No.8076819

I think it looks really cool, it's not just making a costume and throwing it on.
It's making something on another level, higher up than a cosplay worn over your unaltered body. I'm talking about fat-suits and the girl in your pic appears to have made one

>> No.8076830

They're fucking retarded, skinny people are always sick. Their immune system is always compromised and never firing on all cylinders. Expose them to harsh environments and they're fucked

>> No.8077774

So they are supposed to get healthy by staying in their house? You sound stupid. Try again.

>> No.8077808

In the city I live in that wouldn't even cover rent for one bedroom one bathroom. You gotta be like a stripper or sugar baby or like sell your soul or something. $1000+ go towards rent, then there are other bills. Leaving maybe like $20 for food for the month. I could buy maybe a pack of chicken for $5, a head of lettuce for $1.50. Bunch of bananas $2. Two or three cans of soup will be $5. Almond milk (lactose intolerance. And too much soy will mess with horomones) $3. Cereal $3 and then I gotta think about tax and if my bag isn't big enough to carry, then I have to buy bags for 10 cents to 25 cents each and then I have to think about bus money because the grocery store is in no way walking distance. All of that could last like two weeks if I eat a healthy three meals a day. Longer if I decide to skip a meal. But then if I wait too long the food can go bad.
I remember taking as many shifts as I could, and still I ran out of food and it was just like surviving off of pancakes, water, left over almonds, and rice. I couldn't pay attention in school and I couldn't do my best a work. And at the same time I was trying to lose weight. But I was just so damn hungry and poor I didn't even have the energy to work out.

>> No.8077826

Jeez what a worthless thread full of completely ignorant dicks.

>> No.8077931


No offense but you were living in the city while going to school. If you were just working or attended a school in an area with lower cost of living, you wouldn't have had to sacrifice as much. If you were collecting a paycheck for working during the time you spent in school you would have had more than enough money for food.

Alternatively if you moved to a lower cost area in order to attend school you would have had more money available to avoid starving.

>> No.8078037

If Fat cosplayers are fine and dandy, then why is all of the highly circulated cosplay fap material of skinny girls?

Furthermore, why are almost all (if not all) of the famous, high-demand cosplayers all skinny and/or fit?

>> No.8078050

What the actual fuck.

Screw living in the UK...It costs more than that for a bunch of fucking grapes.

>> No.8078085

it's actually $7.99 for a chicken at sams club

and $4.99 in lower income areas

read a fucking finance article once in awhile

also sams club chicken has beef broth and all sorts of nasty shit in the seasoning you don't want to eat

plus its really greasy

>> No.8078096
File: 86 KB, 466x540, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when stores have $2.99 as the price tag over the chicken in the store

/cgl/ thinks the chicken is $3

not $3/pound

they probably live with mom and dad or have their significant other do the shopping

this is what i pay for a whole chicken, in southern california

>> No.8078178


Holy shit that's the thing. A full chicken seasoned and cook isn't going to last that long. I thought it was a frozen chicken, which is expensive as hell.

>tfw the closest Sam's club is outside of Chicago where I live at
>tfw you live in the middle of no where
>tfw the closest place is Middle eastern stores and Jewels.
>tfw no car yet.

>> No.8078181

The problem anon is that not everyone gets smaller portions and they get what they used to get years ago.

I know because I used to get Super size meals as a teenager to last me over since my lunch was shite and now as an adult I can't do that. I can get filled up on just a mcdouble, fries, and a pie or ice cream with a drink.

>> No.8078319

that's actually an inaccurate chart

>> No.8078394

>not eating 6 eggs a meal
Sorry brah not gonna make it

>> No.8078498

Incase you actually want to know what makes for a healthy dinner and are interested in nutrition and such, give the sticky on /fit/ a read.
Just ignore all the weightlifting stuff and such, but it's incredibly helpful and correct on what calories and macros actually do with your body. I feel like people are incredibly misinformed about macros in general.
I know a girl who won't eat eggs because they have too much fat for her. She thinks she puts on fat if she eats something with fat in it.

>> No.8078565

>those unhealthy foods taste better
>baw I don't have willpower

for chrissake man

>> No.8078568

nigga I don't even know what to say to that
post a pic of you, that'll say a lot

>> No.8078603

Strongly recomend everyone check out myfitnesspal

takes me about 3 mins tops to enter my entire days worth of food on there. They have every food product ever made in there database and its quick and easy to scan things or just select from things you have already ate before.

Can set goals to lose weight, gain weight, maintence, shows you all your needed macros.

Myfitnesspal is a gift from god

>> No.8078610

I do my calorie counting in notepad, I think its way better

>> No.8078616

When I first started I did it just in a notebook but myfitnesspal is just so handy for all the info it breaks down and lays out for you. Plus it saves what you regularly eat and just makes logging stuff so easy

K ima stop shilling for MFP now

>> No.8081405
File: 72 KB, 500x667, change mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your attitude is easier to change than someone's body.
Why not just change your attitude about food?

>> No.8081409

my god I can smell bacon from here.

>> No.8081434

I don't get why fat people are so butthurt all the time about how no one wants them

I'm a fatass at 5'10" 210lbs, have high standards for girls I fuck/date, not very rich, and I have no problem getting laid

>> No.8081443
File: 10 KB, 363x343, smug spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>days later and you're still responding to that post

I must've really gotten under your skin. Kek.
>implying I'm a landwhale
>implying I'm wrong

>> No.8081448

>the fatty who originally made that retarded post is still lurking this thread
>responds within 15 minutes
now that's some dedication holy shit

>> No.8081453

I just saw you bump it from the first page.
Why are you still so angry? Isn't three days of rage bad for your blood pressure?

>> No.8081456
File: 17 KB, 384x480, james way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Your attitude is easier to change than someone's body.

>> No.8081460

>being this assblasted you start samefagging

>> No.8081941

thats muscle mass you fucking scum

>> No.8081951

>spiking insulin

>> No.8082076

Our wages are also much higher, and most jobs feature benefits like penalty rates and overtime etc. Australia does have a high cost of living, but if you shop smart it can be much the same as shopping in the US or UK.

>> No.8082079

Why is this thread still going it's not even /cgl/ related at this point.

>> No.8082625

Fat people cosplaying can be good but they are only the exception rather than the number.

Some good fat cosplays are:

>the guy who cosplayed the southpark WoWer who has no life

That's it.