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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 7 KB, 300x197, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8071619 No.8071619 [Reply] [Original]

New Help/General Help thread. Old thread archived here >>8052863

If there's another thread floating around let me know. Thanks.

>> No.8071664
File: 232 KB, 414x943, Shinji_Ikari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Posts from Old thread that were not Answered/Questions not answered:

>Where to buy the actual Black Goat Egg book from Tokyo Ghoul the series? (or something to make it. or a vector.)

>Trying to find a M16A2 or M16A4 or M1A1 Thopmson submachine gun prop/crafting guide/store that sells these specific brands for a military cosplay (Sami from Advance Wars.)

>Hey seagulls, any advice/tutorial on how to make a mummy outfit? Don't feel like spending 2 hours wrapping myself up in loose bandages, so preferably a tutorial to sew up some sort of body suit. First try of sewing bandages on leggings didn't end up too great and I will have to redo. I tried the second part of www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Mummy-Costume but also tried wrapping some around the crotch of the leggings... disasterous results. Much obliged.

How tough, exactly, is your typical Zentai suit? Im trying to make a monster/muscle suit with latex over it, but I usually use a wet suit.

Looking for a Ricken from Fire Emblem commissioner besides CosplayFu.

>I tried to look on Taobao but couldn't find one.

>>8064061 anon try the tutorial I linked/gave you and if it still looks derpy let me know so I can give you a better one.

Leggings on this bastard.

How to do the split ponytail on a Puyo Puyo cosplay

Katarina Jersey.

Marty Mcfly wig recommendations.


He wears a dark brown belt anon like picture related

Pucchi from JoJo help

>Can anyone help or guide me on how to make the floating/glowing piece on this weapon? I'm not sure what to make it out of... the rest of it I have already planned out.

>What kind of mold should I use for friendly plastic? rubber or silicon?

>> No.8071687

How should I go about putting the ring on the front of an ursaring kigu?

>> No.8071742

Something like this?

>> No.8071750

What do I do about cracking air dry clay?

It's a foam core with wair dry clay over the outside, should i just spackle over it or something like that? It keeps cracking no matter what I do.

>> No.8071767
File: 330 KB, 882x1280, fa886791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to make the large stars on Johnny's hands? I was thinking of molding them with liquid latex.

Maybe glue on crepe wool for the hair? I don't know if that would work on a bald cap but I've seen it done for fake facial hair.

This looks pretty close.

>> No.8071827

New to cosplay, quick question.
I'm cosplaying as Kavisnky and I'm wondering a good brand of pale blue gray make up for face and body. No smearing, typical stuff like that. Can anyone help me out?

>> No.8071830
File: 54 KB, 635x357, red-white-k-varsity-jacket-kavinsky-odd-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8071852

Something like http://www.stagetones.com/Ben-Nye-Creme-Color_p_340.html in either cosmic or sky blue might work!
The Homestuck thread is having a discussion about the best methods for painting their skin (both face and body). I'd check out what they're using and see the pros and cons and if it comes in the color you need

>> No.8071854

Hey, why don't you try food coloring?

>> No.8071860
File: 17 KB, 400x267, jolly_rancher_by_angidraco-d3fijd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give one of these a good lick

>> No.8071869

oh cool thank you! I really appreciate it.

>> No.8071870

Does anyone know a good way to show off SD-237 Winning Gundam model? I'm cosplaying as Fumina Hoshino and I'm not sure where to put it at. On top of my head? On my shoulder? I can't put it in my pocket because I'm doing the all spandex casual outfit.

Also where would I buy this model? I found the older ones but not this custom one.


>> No.8071887
File: 317 KB, 834x590, bbsweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across this sweater for Mirai
I'm not very good at judging size, typically a size S, if I were to get a L, might work ???

>> No.8071898

lol sold out anyways.
But yeah second thought, not much difference in length.

>> No.8071916
File: 132 KB, 450x450, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangg pretty close

Does anyone know much about nissen...
Could I find this same somewhere else?
And it seems to be petite size wondering should get a M or L

>> No.8071917
File: 49 KB, 479x390, 1d99abc952c188da6c78f879d59cdc47926061a6bd88a5c47b85e2a1ce7e7f50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8071918
File: 168 KB, 500x500, 104739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's only a partial match in that it's the same style. Sold out or not, there's a size chart on the bottom of that page anyways, which you can use to check against garments in your possession for fit.

>> No.8071925

Ebay or Taobao?

>> No.8071931

/fit/ here
Do guys cosplay (besides emoshit twinks)? Seems like the vast majority of this board is either girls or traps.
Also, what could I expect at an average con? Never been, not even really into anime, just seems like a good time

>> No.8071938

I always imagined her sweat more chunky knit and comfy.
This is just so sad, and kind of cheap looking.
Might just resort to one from taobao

>> No.8071954

Guys do cosplay. It depends on the series and the con. The average con is a bunch of people cosplaying, some people doing the flavor of the week anime/manga, raves, panels, free drinks (not booze,) and mostly people hanging out and enjoying themselves with the same hobby.

There are party and sex cons though. You have to lurk more to find out which ones are which though. Check the catalog.

>> No.8071988

Is it acceptable/enjoyable to go to a con alone, assuming you aren't socially retarded? Friends are too normal to go for something like this

>> No.8072045

What are you working on? I wouldn't use air dry clay on covering larger surfaces. Depending on what you're making spackle or paper clay could work better.

If the cracking happens only after the clay has somewhat dried, though, covering the piece with wood or universal glue has worked for me. The glue makes the clay much more durable and can also fill small cracks.

>> No.8072050

Yep. I do it all of the time. Hell some people can make friends at cons.

>> No.8072058

It's like going to the movies, most people will recommend going with friends but there's nothing wrong with going alone and enjoying it. I'd recommend planning out what panels or events/shoots at the con that you'd like to check out ahead of time so that you're not finding yourself coming to a standstill mid-con. Bonus of going without friends: you're not obligated to follow them around or keep someone waiting, plus nothing is stopping you from making friends or hanging out with whoever you think is cool there.

>> No.8072145

So I got a nice wig from epic cosplay for my Venom Snake cosplay, my wife ordered the wig and the crepe wool for the fake beard. However she ordered it in light brown rather than brown. I have a photoshoot coming up this weekend, do I go out with a wig and beard in the wrong color or do I play dumb and use my natural hair which is the right color and length? Which is the bigger cosplay sin?

>wrong color wig
>right color natural hair
>you can only pick one

>> No.8072265

Post pics, it's difficult to judge without them. You might be able to dye the wig darker in time.

>> No.8072339

What kind of wood do you usually use to make cosplay props?

>> No.8072371
File: 405 KB, 1600x1135, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a pale lavender or a white wig work better for Nagisa? I cosplay Mami and my little sister wants to do Nagisa for a PMMM group with me.

>> No.8072383
File: 112 KB, 480x640, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend tutorials for spikey wigs like Sora from Kingdom Hearts or Gary Oak? It's my first time styling such a wig.

>> No.8072387

Buy a white wig and sharpie or chalk it very faintly lavender. You won't get a lavender that's as subtle as you'd like for this.


>> No.8072463
File: 46 KB, 750x826, tumblr_niiwmnDMqO1t6jvvlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna cosplay pic related but i have no idea on how to start with the wig.
should i go with something spiked natural?
how am i going to get the tips neon green?

help T^T

>> No.8072532

Get a white wig and do something like this?
Since your wig is spiked, I'd recommend styling it and then coloring it if you can

>> No.8072712
File: 5 KB, 66x137, Echo_Jewel_Rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for linking my question, asking again with another phot reference..

Should I just say heck with it and make it says the floaty disks?

>> No.8072717
File: 158 KB, 512x340, Spoils-of-the-Bone-Ruins-Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sort of a stupid question.
Me and my friends wanna go as Meepo from Dota 2 for an upcoming convention. I'm stuck making the costumes (which I actually do not mind) but I'm a little unsure of how to go about the head piece.

I have a base of a bald cap and craft foam ears that I would like to put the faux fur over... but i'm not actually sure how to go about doing that. It's a cheapy plastic bald cap from the dollar store so I assuming sewing through it wouldn't go too well. Would I just simply glue the faux fur to it? with what kind of glue if so?

Furthermore, what kind of pattern should I use to fit the fur directly to our heads? I tried using a hood pattern on some practice fabric but it doesn't work out for obvious reasons.

I feel so dumb cause this seems like it should be so simple but it's just... not for me.

Pic related is the costume. I'm stuck on the head/ears.

>> No.8072724

N0tail's set would be easier to pull off.

>> No.8072873

I personally don't think so, plus I dislike how that set looks the most out of any Meepo set, haha.

The Bone Ruin set is what we chose as a group and I'm mostly done with the costumes in general, It's just the head I'm having trouble with.

>> No.8072879
File: 57 KB, 500x813, BeatJSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys know a thing or two about aggressive inline skates? I need a pair of two-wheeled ones for my Beat cosplay (I know most cons don't allow skates, I just want to have them for outside use/photoshoots/etc). I've looked around ebay etc but I can't find any under $100, and most of them have more than two wheels. I'm not sure where I can find a cheap pair, I mean, I don't have to worry about quality since they're just for show. A lot of them seem to be made of a thick sort of cloth material too, rather than a plastic, so it would be hard to paint them.

>> No.8072889

You won't find skates like those unless you make them yourself or mod a pair.

>> No.8072895

Buy a normal set, remove wheels?

>> No.8072903
File: 139 KB, 1152x754, Tokyo Ghoul Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been debating on cosplaying Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul but I've hated every mask I've ever seen.

They are either too flat in the face or fit terribly. The closest one I've found to how I would want a mask to look is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm8Jv96yMdM

My only problem with it though is that mouth feels too bland and i'm not a fan of the flat teeth.

Anyone know or have any ideas on how to incorporate semi realistic teeth and gums into a mask like this?

>> No.8072907

Yeah, I figured it would require modding. It's hard to find skates with a relatively plain flat/angular bottom piece though, most of them are softly curved or super complicated looking. I'll just keep looking.

>> No.8073263
File: 258 KB, 620x620, 11498-530460676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to cosplay Lulu but I am having trouble finding a hat and wig that would work for her~ Any help would be great~!

Lulu from Yuri Kuma Arashi.

>> No.8073309

I have a character that has a spandex bodysuit as a base, but doesn't wear any kind of footwear. Is there something I can do to the feet of the suit so that they don't wear down or get holes in them? Or should I try getting slim boots/shoes and then making boot covers.

>> No.8073335
File: 36 KB, 317x506, asuka5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for not knowing much, or anything about sewing and materials but that's why I'm here.
What would be the best way to get the flare on this dress?
I'd like something comfy and lightweight for the dress itself, and then what should I put under the skirt to make it sway out? I'd like it to be flared without being poofy.
Any other tips would be great, thanks!

>> No.8073339

Just make it a basic circle skirt made out of something light.

>> No.8073479

I'd like to skirt to look like it's being blown out even without a wind source though anon, but thanks.

>> No.8073490

minimal poof a-line petti underneath a basic circle skirt.

>> No.8073506

That's going to look really stupid and inaccurate in practice. How about a compromise: add horsehair braid to the hem.

>> No.8073543

Yeah I probably worded it badly, sorry. I just don't want the bottom to droop down and look frumpy and was hoping to do something like a Mami skirt does.
Thanks guys :^)

>> No.8073554
File: 219 KB, 1024x768, Sami__from_Advance_Wars_by_pottersys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question gulls. How would I do Sami's hair style from Advance wars?


>> No.8073748
File: 75 KB, 632x572, 1398659779764 wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which hair color wig would be the best for Masayoshi?




Or should I try Arda/Epic wigs instead?

>> No.8073757

Hey guys, what are j-brands that are fairy kei/swankiss like? and what are their searchterms?
I'm trying to think of shops besides nile perch, swankiss, mania q, spank, liz lisa... and so on. pastel clothing mostly. thanks guys!

>> No.8073763

First link is better, the second one is too red. His hair looks tan/dirty blond. It's a simple enough style so you can probably pull it off with Taobao.

>> No.8073856

Which iron on transfers are best for shirts? Should I got with the $18 kind or stick with the cheaper kind?

>> No.8073966
File: 152 KB, 729x1095, devil_sunset___devil_may_cry_3__dante_cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm making dante's coat and I wondering what material this guy used for his coat

I'm guessing I'll have to order it online, but I like the fabric he used here. I don't think it's vinyl but I could be wrong

>> No.8074011
File: 89 KB, 304x465, 2274901-dead_scythe_and_dead_master[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys! First time prop maker here, tackling pic related. I already cut out a foam board for the base, but was wondering your thoughts on the material to either carve or mold to it to make it a good thickness. I was thinking of using either foam carved out then covered with modge podge and sanded down or paper clay molded over, sanded down and covered with modge podge or something similar. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions!

>> No.8074022

Anyone ever make plush slippers for a costume?

I want to make frog-feet bedroom slippers, but I can't figure out what to make the sole out of. They had non-skid fabric (with the little rubber dots on it) at Jo-Annes but it was white. Is there a name for that stuff? Can you just buy the non-skid rubber dots on their own?

I would just want slippers I could wear around an indoor con, not walking around outdoors or anything.

>> No.8074147
File: 114 KB, 1366x768, Symphony Regalia Finale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably won't have this done in a long time, but it wouldn't hurt to start asking now. What are some ways I could attach these speakers onto my shoulders? Velcro seems too flimsy and any kind of straps/harness would be be too noticeable on a skintight top like this.

>> No.8074197
File: 15 KB, 390x525, BodySuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm looking for a body suit that isn't too shiny (spandex-y). I plan on being Miss Martian soon and am ready to get started. Just need a black body suit that is more off a matted color.

>> No.8074264

Something like this?

>> No.8074305

something that big, I would use pink insulation foam board to give it thickness. I would also then do paper mache (using paper clay as filler for small gaps) then mod podge

>> No.8074420

make them attached to a mantle. Google armor mantle.

>> No.8074739

> http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4004-3631036524.31.ehBHVp&id=41431077371
How about that one?

>> No.8074834
File: 347 KB, 742x1274, ExcaliburNewLook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I posted this in the last help thread but didnt get any suggestions. My issue is I found the texture files and model for the Excalibur warframe and I just wanna know how I can resize the textures on photoshop to my measurements so I can print out a general pattern to make his outfit.

>> No.8074903


I have a really good leather that I used for my friend's DMC4 Dante. It's pricey but I think it worked well. I used one of these


I can't remember which one because it was 4 years ago and we didn't finish it and scrapped it, but i hope this helps a little.

>> No.8074996
File: 76 KB, 480x640, 1401234688779 boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So which one would be closer to canon then?
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4004-3631036524.31.ehBHVp&id=41431077371 or


I'm leaning towards the second one but I wanted to have a second opinion about it.

I think someone helped you but it was archived. I can try to look it up but archive threads are being wonky. That or I missed you so I apologize.

>> No.8075058

You posted the same link twice anon.

>> No.8075060

Oh my bad. I can't delete it now kek


and http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.w4004-3631036524.31.ehBHVp&id=41431077371 I mean.

>> No.8075135
File: 57 KB, 600x409, Utoku.Masami.600.1818021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate wearing heels and I have no desire to wear them because they make my feet hurt really bad (high arches.) Could I get away with wearing just low heel/boot type soles instead of high heels? I love the rest of the design but that.

>> No.8075231

anon >>8075202 mentioned something about an alternative to deodorant and my question is:

What's the best way to keep from being sweaty/funky if you are going to wear a zentai or tight suit? Arm and Hammer and most brands breaks me out and the only deodorant I can use is Degree.

>> No.8075379

oh no, the guy that replied to me just wanted to know where i got the model *cough* xnalara . org/viewtopic.php?p=66909#p66909 *cough*

so ya, like i literally dont know how to use photoshop at all so i have no clue how i could go about sizing this thing

>> No.8075446
File: 935 KB, 983x736, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go to MCM later this year but can't find the ESER logo on the back of Eliots shirt from Blue Stinger, would anyone here be cool enough to rip the texture and upscale it enough to fit on a blue shirt like that?
I may even be able to give you something for your troubles.

>> No.8075459

Make them like how people make wings, that's the way I did mine

>> No.8075474

I'm sure no one is such an autist that they'll freak out over your heel not being high enough, you'll be fine

>> No.8075654

That helps a lot, thank you!

>> No.8075905
File: 54 KB, 890x897, SunnyDEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /cgl/ I need some advice, I'm working on a Solaire cosplay and I'm wondering if anyone knows what type of paint I should use to paint the sun logo. The tabard itself is made of cotton if that helps.

>> No.8076475
File: 2.01 MB, 1791x781, rtsvv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, i'd like to cosplay a dishonored witch but i have no idea how to make the plant roots growing all over their body. any ideas?

>> No.8076583

If you're going to paint it, use this shit called Fabric Medium, its a liquid you mix with acrylic paint so the fabric absorbs the color rather than have it lay in the top layer, risking to getting crackled up and what not.

Do a few tests before working on the actual cosplay, ok?

>> No.8076592
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, x01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newb here. I think I screwed up.

I was trying to make a male school uniform jacket. And I was going to use cotton + lining. But I think it's going to look shit and maybe I should have used twill or something else? I have everything cut out and the sleeves done. Should I just dump it all and start with new material?

>> No.8076724
File: 156 KB, 336x506, Doomguy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the guy who redirected me here, so I'm currently developing a Doomguy costume.
What do you recommend I should use to develop the helmet?

>> No.8076841
File: 73 KB, 855x695, cyperous error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally getting a Cyperous wig!

Or... so I thought. I continuously keep getting this error:

"Currently not available in this card. Please contact your card company contact details found on the back of the card"

basically, does that mean "Card has been declined"? htf am I supposed to buy the wig now? Any advice?

>> No.8076859

You only have bank transfer option in the screenshot. How about a screenshot of the card error? And what site is this? Be careful of non-secondhand scam sites in Japan that sell for less than retail price.

>> No.8076867
File: 132 KB, 1366x768, cyperous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Cyperous. I'm giving you a screenshot of the error shown at the top.

in the deep orange bar.

But here. Here's a screenshot of where I enter my information of my card.

One time payment.
credit card number (Without hyphens)
My name as it appears on my card
secrurity code

I've tried ordering with and without the box below checked.
By the way, this is Cyperous' site. not a different shop.

>> No.8076868

Cotton is a material and there are dozens of different fabrics made out of it. Generally a blazer should be made out of bottomweight twill, suiting, poplin, gabardine (all of which are usually cotton/polyester mix or similar). Did you pick a quilting cotton?

>> No.8076875

Try a different card? I'm looking at the instructions here
Maybe you'd have to go through the English site?

>> No.8076883

I do not own another card.

And the checkout system is the same, and is in Japanese as well.

>> No.8076884

There are different cotton weights. Which one did you pick? If you're doing it with lining, it might just end up heavy enough to look good.

>> No.8076900

To be honest, I'd be willing to have someone else buy it, while I reimburse them with some extra for their trouble

>> No.8076914
File: 323 KB, 602x382, necklace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of making a mold to save time on the necklace, since all the pieces except the center are the same. What kind of mold should I use for friendly plastic? Rubber, silicon?

>> No.8077056
File: 57 KB, 420x500, 19_Kamen_Rider_Decade_(2009).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the same question as this guy.

Making a Kamen Rider cosplay right now and the only advice I got so far was to use EVA foam.
I was just going to use a Pepakura model, take the paper pieces and cut the according pieces out of the foam, glue everything together and then put fibreglass resin on it (followed by paint and shit and so on)

Does this sound like a good plan?

>> No.8077100

Yes. And show pictures. Do you need a tutorial or the files to do so? I can give you a ton of information/detailed help later on.

>> No.8077124

Okay, that's great.

Naw, I already got the files for every single piece of armor from the /krg/ on /m/.
And not too much to show, since I'm just cutting out the pepakura pieces right now.

That would be amazing!
But I got another question right away: what do about the undersuit?
So far, no place that I asked makes fullbody spandex suits with hoods.
Getting the magenta pieces on there shouldn't be a problem since my gf said she'd sew it on for me. Or is there something specific I should know about altering the undersuit?

>> No.8077252
File: 54 KB, 387x365, Persona_4_Adachi_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a good looking fake cabbage?

Everything I find is either too small or looks like a lettuce leaf.

>> No.8077254


>> No.8077329

there's also this starting at 3:40

>> No.8077341


Your card's fraud protection is blocking the transaction because it's being processed in another country. Call them, tell them you're actually buying this thing, and then try again.

>> No.8077342

Got anything based in the US so shipping doesn't rape me?

>> No.8077348

Unfortunately not. That really was the only place I could find.

>> No.8077684
File: 125 KB, 253x302, haru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updo wigs?

I've never done a ponytail wig before, and the idea of having to sew in additional wefts makes me nervous (wigs are a weak point for me, and the person I'd typically ask for help has since moved to North Dakota).

Because of this, I'm willing to spend a bit of extra money to get something closer to what I want, and I've been looking into Arda's pony tail wigs (the Jasmine and the Jeannie), but my biggest issue is that I don't think I can get away with anything but a lacefront for this idiot's hair.

I figured there should be a lot of this kind of thing easy to find, because of Hanji, but of course those are all brown and character specific.

Any suggestions?

>> No.8077690



>> No.8077693


Epic cosplay's Helen maybe? I'm not sure how well it pulls back though.

>> No.8077699

Why not get a lacefront and a clipon? If you want both lacefront and ponytail on the back, then you might want to try an ethnic store or the more expensive wigs sold for everyday wear (not cosplay).

>> No.8077721
File: 96 KB, 409x500, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Helen is way too short, sadly. I already own it in purple for something else.

I was hoping to avoid the anime hair clip in syndrome where the hair isn't actually pulled back (pic related)
I probably should look into everyday wig stores, since it's black hair not pink or green. It just means looking through a different community of sites than I'm used to, but I'll definitely start looking.

>> No.8077874 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 864x1240, Sa2_rouge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am stuck here. I have big boobies which need a lot of support and I don't want to do clear straps because they look stupid.
So I was thinking about adapting the black unitard to give extra support to my boobies. But I have no idea.

>> No.8077928
File: 196 KB, 1304x1936, bltcomputer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Object head' version of the computer from The Brave Little Toaster, would it work?

Crap, rushed doodle concept, but you get the idea. Not sure whether to make the suit torn where the cables come out, or tailored around them.

Just wanted opinions and advise on object heads - I'll probably make the head peice from scratch to get the distinct shape and eyes

>> No.8078007

Just a plain regular cotton from a fabric store, which is why I'm worried it will be horrible. I don't know what type. It's very light, but it wasn't an extra cheap one.

>> No.8078189

Cable tale you make like a normal tail and modify it. Not sure about the suit though. Maybe you can wrap the cables around the jumpsuit and around the shirt (from a pocket in the suit?)

>> No.8078578

Still can't tell what you got exactly, but since you're not describing it with any particular texture like a nap or cuddly feel, it sounds like you got quilting cotton or even broadcloth if by extra cheap you meant muslin. You should consult the back of your pattern package if you used one and/or the store clerks for hands-on help on picking the right fabric.

>> No.8078756

>I may even be able to give you something for your troubles.
elaborate please.

>> No.8078844

A video game or something.

>> No.8078897

How do i attach vinyl sheet to fake leather without the adhesive/glue peeling off along with the piece?
Ive tried latex, woodglue, vinyl glue(which actually melted the vinyl) hot glue, I am yet to try super glue so.

>> No.8078911

Why not sew it?

>> No.8078969
File: 54 KB, 640x437, watamote-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on where I can find some shoes like Tomoko's?

>> No.8078993

thrift store, also link to page where you share your cosplay, id watch it for Tomo.

>> No.8079004
File: 57 KB, 469x647, char21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total newd here when it comes to cosplay. What would be best way to do this wig? Should I just get long, grey wig and give it a ponytail or is there better way for this?

>> No.8079025

Don't get a long grey wig and give it a ponytail since 99% of the time it'll show a lot of weft or you'll have to edit it yourself which is really time consuming. Since you're new I'd just say get a ponytail wig (made up of a base wig + a clip in ponytail)

>> No.8079048

Okay, I'll try to do that in the future, because I highly doubt I have either time, money or effort to work on this before summer.

>> No.8079126
File: 10 KB, 300x300, green_transparent_vinyl_film_300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the look to be seamless.

>> No.8079158



>> No.8079170
File: 951 KB, 2560x1600, anime-swimsuit-spice-and-wolf-apples-brown-eyes-hair-cute-fox-girl-974277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this question in the sewing thread too, but how should I make the collar of Holo's shirt? I used bias tape around it on my muslin practice run, looks like total shite. Don't want to post it out of embarrassmentu.

>> No.8079175
File: 195 KB, 831x600, 8244030994_ef85dcf82d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of like the idea of the collar on this one.

>> No.8079184
File: 133 KB, 1000x673, il_fullxfull.354907441_qv86[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reminds me of a 50s circle skirt sorta. Maybe look at patterns like those?

>> No.8079204

Let's see the practice run.

At a quick glance, I'd use bias tape (custom-made if possible) and stabilize it with double-sided fusible iron-on interfacing. And iron the result a lot for crisp stitches.

>> No.8079282
File: 2.01 MB, 1680x1050, klkend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly asking for help, but more of an opinion. I don't have anything really exciting planned for the next con I'm going to, seeing as it's mostly just to relax and see some old friends. I'd like to cosplay this version of Satsuki because its fairly casual and comfortable for lots of walking around. Thoughts? Would I be recognized? Should I get another friend to do this version of Mako or Ryuko?

>> No.8079292
File: 242 KB, 1970x729, Naotsugu shoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am wanting to cosplay as Naotsugu from Log Horizon at a con in about 6 months. I am wondering if this would be a good idea for constructing his boots, I am using eva foam and hot glue. What can I expect the durability of this to be? Or should I just get a normal boot and just cover it with foam.

>> No.8079335

It will get torn up. Glue the foam to actual boots.

>> No.8079350

This. Feet being a place that is very in action (look at the creases on your leather shoes or soles on very sued shoes, for example), the foam will tear after a day's use. Or the glue will break apart from all the stress you're putting on it.

>> No.8079354

> very sued
I meant used. Dunno if you can sue your shoes.

>> No.8079357

Alright, thanks guys. Are there any other parts that look like something I should be concerned about?

>> No.8079366
File: 57 KB, 520x463, Taiga uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most recommended fabric for a sailor uniform? I'm cosplaying Taiga and want to make sure it's accurate and looks nice in photos and such. Also tips for the collar would be much appreciated.

>> No.8079427

If you have the wig yeah.

>> No.8079429

If I'm cosplaying Hinata from HQ should I go with Volleyball gym shoes or just any old shoe?


>> No.8079544

I would REALLY like to see this when it's done - big Log Horizon fan - do you have a page I could follow?

>> No.8079546

you're cosplaying her outfit from the very last scene?

>> No.8079547

I don't have a page or anything. But I intend to post photos in the momocon threads when they pop up.

>> No.8079734

Ignore the other anon, a twill for the skirt and cotton blend for the rest. (Dont use broadcloth)

>> No.8079743
File: 186 KB, 512x720, Nico_smile_sr490_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what I should search for to look for this type of horn? I've tried bugle but that just shows the one with the loop.

>> No.8079746

>different materials for matching parts
Better to stick with the same fabric for both the sailor uniform top and bottom since they're obvious made of the same thing.

>> No.8079751

>Ignore the other anon
it was just a question you dumb cunt, also no, this will look like shit, just use the same fabric for both parts.

>> No.8079756

medieval trumpet

>> No.8079844

Also, I might post in progress threads once its more than a few pieces of foam on a shoe.

>> No.8079880

What con are you wearing it to? Really curious.

>> No.8079903


>> No.8079907

Darn. If you were going to AX, I was gonna say that my friend and I would have just pushed our Log Horizon cosplay to this year.

>> No.8079919

I'd actually like to go to AX, but I am poor and I live in Kentucky.

>> No.8079943
File: 132 KB, 640x480, mami01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is a good place to buy a pre-made Mami costume that doesn't look like complete crap? I need it like ASAP.

>> No.8079958

What's your budget and where are you located? Those are important.

>> No.8079962

US and I could drop a bit on this considering I'm getting my tax refund soon. I'd just like some options.

>> No.8079980

honestly, the KLK hype seems dead already, so probably not.
but don't forget the eyebrows, they are so damn imporant. If anything, carry around a plush of satuski or ryuko etc

>> No.8080012

Any recommendations on good fake leather online? I can't find anything to suit my needs in person and I've never bought fabric online before. I'm really tactile and need to feel the fabric before i'm confident enough to buy it but I just can't find fake leather that doesn't look like it'd fall right apart. Also if anyone can find some nice black fake leather with what appears to be a subtle scale pattern, I'd love you.

>> No.8080016
File: 50 KB, 313x467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what kind of fabrics should be used for very basic, solid colored costumes? One anon said not to use broadcloth. Why is that? Kind of a new fag to making my own stuff. What kind of fabrics do you guys like to use?

>> No.8080027

Cotton is too thin for a skirt, twill is too thick for a top.
And gee?? Getting mad for telling an anon to ignore hate. Nice.

>> No.8080030

Because broadcloth is flimsy and see through. You can use a midweight cotton or twill, I guess. It's a basic school uniform, much like some of the ones people already suggested fabric choices for. I tend to walk around the store and pick up what's on sale/what would work.

>> No.8080037

Broadcloth wrinkles and frays way too easily!

>> No.8080042

Makes no sense to only mention a fabric material. Are you talking about Kona cotton or other quilting-tier cotton fabrics? Twill is usually (mostly) cotton as well. Anyways, a mediumweight cotton fabric shouldn't be too thin for the skirt because it's pleated, since proper pleating means triple-layer fabric. I have even used decent broadcloth once (out of time and color accuracy desperation) and the triple-layer nature of pleating made it thick enough to overcome the fabric's inherent flimsiness.

>> No.8080122 [DELETED] 

>do I use quilting fabrics for clothing?
>or is quilting fabric made for quilts, which isn't clothing?
>do I use apperal cotton for clothing?
>I wonder????

>> No.8080127

>what is interfacing?

>> No.8080134

Except what you've said doesn't even make sense.
Cotton just refers to the textile, i.e. that it's come from a cotton plant. "cotton is too thin" is a nonsense statement, cotton fabrics range from sheer muslins to sailing canvases.
Twill refers to a type of weave which has a diagonal stripy pattern on it, so again 'twill is too thick' is a nonsense statement as it comes in a variety of weights, including some suitable for tops.
A light to medium weight twill weave fabric would be fine used for top and bottom, as well as holding the pleats. A plain-woven fabric like a decent broadcloth or even a poplin will be okay as long as it isn't see through and drapes well rather than floating away.

>> No.8080149

Why would you interface the skirt portion? In a school uniform, the most I'd do is collar/cuffs/skirt waistband - you still need the skirt to have some movement.

>> No.8080271


Pleats on 100% cotton will completely wash out unless you topstitch each edge. You don't need 100% polyester, some kind of blend with polyester in it will do, the polyester part will keep the pleats even if you wash it (with cold water, no dryer).

As for the fabric type, I'd go for a twill myself, but I don't see anything wrong with regular weave so long as it isn't too thin. Might be a good idea to walk around the fabric shop and pick a fabric you like, verify that it has som poly content in it, and go with that.

>> No.8080333

Thank you for the input! I'll keep it in mind when getting my fabric.

>> No.8080488
File: 88 KB, 313x475, 1814349small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of still looking for ideas on this.. basically how should I make floaty disc things on this? And bonus points to make it glow..

I have no idea what I'm doing but quick to learn

>> No.8080672

I'm trying to be thrifty this year and reuse my old wigs and leftover foam/worbla. But I can't find a good character to cosplay. I'd prefer someone with a lot of armor.
My wigs I'd like to use again are
Wavy mid back length gold
Miku turquoise bob with two clip on ponytails
Pink flippy shoulder length
Chest length straight black
Thigh length straight neon green
Or chest length blonde.

I'm pretty good with craft foam armor so complexity won't be an issue. Any suggestions? Something not super obscure would be appreciated.

>> No.8081473

real question
why does shinjis belt change so much?
i cant be the only one who has noticed.

>> No.8081511

Each version is different (or a different 'loop.') so they wouldn't have the same belt.

Also one reason could be that Kaworu and Shinji swapped colors in Rebuild (blah blah blah symbolism.)

I would help you if I could but I'm not sure what to look for exactly but you could probably make it glow with neon lighting similar to the KLK wig.

>> No.8081524

Suggestions for wigs and shoes for Mirai from KNK?

>> No.8081532

did they? ive only seen his belt being brown, only the buckle changing. source?

>> No.8081577

Any suggestions for who my sister and I should cosplay as? Its our first con, and we dont really think we could pull off anything too hard, and we dont really know what to do. Pic repated is the most recent picture i have with her.

Bonus points if you can think of sibling cosplay

>> No.8081582
File: 199 KB, 1012x1012, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woops forgot pic

>> No.8081593

I thought this pic was like /x/ tier at first.


>> No.8081607
File: 79 KB, 500x356, ikari_shinji_ikusei_keikaku_manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8081613
File: 1.30 MB, 774x1145, 573901-573900-eve_page_59_design_shinji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagura and Kamui?

>> No.8081615

i..cant read that. but what am i supposed to be seeing?

>> No.8081617
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1415, petit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more but uhhhh do you really want me to post several versions of Evangelion?

>I'm not saying I'm right but I noticed it either due to creator forgetting or herp derp

>> No.8081627
File: 145 KB, 238x773, Chiyo_Sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could I find a nice wig for Chiyo? I'm fairly new to cosplay, so I still have a little trouble deciding what's best. Would buying from Amazon be a bad idea for wigs? I can't find anything I can style on Arda or any of the big wig stores online. Anything is appreciated.

>> No.8081629

I'm working with peachskin and no matter how carefully I smooth it out and cut the pieces, it doesn't match up at all once I pick it up, and then a moment later it'll go together totally differently. How do I do? It's especially hard to cut lining for.

>> No.8081632
File: 172 KB, 374x614, rebuild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this thread >>8065149 If you need more ideas let me know.

It's a version of the manga kek. This is Rebuild.

>> No.8081634

Interfacing is a given for the waistband and I have never seen a professional pleated skirt with interfacing in the skirt body itself.

>> No.8081639

Iron the fabric completely flat first. If the usual pinning a pattern to fabric warps it, try weights and tracing the pattern piece onto the wrong side of the fabric instead (work carefully to avoid accidentally shifting the pattern). I've also heard of the method where you literally pin the fabric and the pattern into a carpet, but I have never done that myself since I'm terrified of losing even one pin in the carpet.

>> No.8081647


If you email me I could probably give you the wig for free when I do my next Taobao order. If all of them look shit then let me know and I won't do it.

>> No.8081653
File: 61 KB, 640x640, sonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone who recreated pic related in costume, and was wondering if anyone knew who it was or had the picture?

>> No.8081666
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x2488, 15281562576_e103182bc3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazon isnt a good idea.
fire orange in eowyn. theyre out of stock but you can pre-order.
it seems pretty close to her color.
this one from lucialle seems good as well.
although the bows may not be the best of quality and you may want to make them or buy different ones.

no matter what wig you buy you will have to cut the bangs. there are tons of tutorials out there, just search anime bangs or such on youtube.

>> No.8081690

oh i see. and sure, imgur might be easier to upload than here.

>> No.8081692
File: 478 KB, 900x1200, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for an underbust corset to wear under a bodysuit and have no idea where to start. 2-3 inches of reduction would be nice, and no bumpy seams or edges. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

>> No.8081696
File: 280 KB, 510x440, Elrond_-_The_Hobbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a tutorial for making circlets? Like the kind the elves in lotr wear?

>> No.8081723

Lucycorsetry has a great beginner's guide to corsets

>> No.8081729

Check out Orchard Corset! They have nice corsets for nice prices, especially if you're not going to wear it too often. Their mesh ones are lovely, and less bulky than cotton or satin. You're still going to have a bit of a line, but it's inevitable when wearing a corset under a bodysuit.

>> No.8081742

Satin stitch (zig-zag stitch option on a machine; it'll end up looking like an applique). There's tutorials around, but here's the one I learned from: >http://yaexrae.tumblr.com/post/25052945629/

Try taking that to the suggestions thread, but just post a photo of your wigs instead of filling out the form.

>> No.8081781

>herald trumpet prop
As far as I know, there aren't functional horns (read: would play more than two notes) that would be that small without valves or loops.

Thank you both so much!

>> No.8081783
File: 13 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a spray paint that would work on PU shoes? I kmow of Angelus paint already, so I'm specifically looking for a spray paint.

>> No.8081788

When are you ordering next? I'd very much appreciate that! And also your email?

>> No.8081792

Thank you for the input! They look very nice!

>> No.8081800

Do any of you know where I would be able to get something relatively like like this http://www.magnoliclothiers.com/tennant-long-coat-overcoats-p-72.html
Because I am not willing to spend nearly 900 Australian dollars on something I know is worth less and does not cost that much to produce

>> No.8081805
File: 846 KB, 1000x1000, Aiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of stuck in a rut. Been debating on what wig to get for Aiba and I notice there's a gradient but a straight blue wig looks like it'll work. Which do you guys think would work?

>> No.8081832

2 or 3, 2 looks thicker though. If you're willing to, buy both of them and pick inbetween the two and sell the other, or dye it for something else.

>> No.8081835
File: 2.76 MB, 1764x1050, darklaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make (or find and alter) a pattern I could use for Darklaw's top. The more I look at it, the more annoying it gets. I'm not too sure as to how I should go about drafting a pattern for this. If someone could help me break down the different pieces or recommend a pattern I could alter, I'd be super grateful.

>> No.8081845
File: 190 KB, 412x402, WMAX1DLHP1B88LB_H6EQ6CU_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the right kind of help thread for this but I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this storenvy?


I have seen an image of this shirt floating around tumblr that I really liked, and backtracked it to that store. I really like some of the stuff on there but I don't know if the store is legitimate or if it is indeed safe to buy from. Has anyone bought from it before? Or does anyone have any opinions on if this store is worth buying from etc? I'm sort of seriously doubting the legitimacy of this store myself but I'd like a second opinion. Thanks

>> No.8081858

I'm looking for this pair of pajamas that was the OP pic for a thread like a month ago or so. They have a little chick on the front of the top and cute bloomer-type shorts. I can't seem to find them though.

>> No.8081860

How would you go about ordering through Taobao? Do you need a middle man?
Where could you get one?
Do you have to pay in Asian currency?

>> No.8081862

The links in the beginning of the taobao thread should help you with this one anon. Don't be lazy. >>8075571

>> No.8081864

We have a Taobao thread with a FAQ sticky you can look through. That should answer most entry-level questions you have.

>> No.8081867

I didn't even notice, thank you!

>> No.8081926

I'm ordering like right now but I'm also going to do an order in March so I can buy your wig either or but I prefer March since that's a smaller order but with a big item (a suitcase.)

Email is in my name. It's a fake one but I'll email you on my main email after you figure out which one you want or if you want to go with anon >>8081666 option.

>> No.8081927


>> No.8081928
File: 277 KB, 1215x717, Yasuo-High-Noon-Splash-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual plebeian here
I'd like to cosplay High Noon Yasuo
I have experienced people to help me, but I would like to know things prior so I'm not useless to them
I just need help finding stuff from the waist down, not including the belt

>> No.8081933

When gluing together EVA foam, what is the strength difference between high temp and low temp hot glue? Is it just relevant against heat, or does high temp glue have better grip/tensile strength?

>> No.8081944

Anywhere I can buy a nice Taiga Aisaka wig?

>> No.8081961

Arda, Taobao using her name, Luciella, Epic wigs, Ebay, Ali, etc.

>> No.8081964

Sorry to say buddy but magnoli are one of the few people who have a good one out there you might have to hand over the cash for the over priced coat.

>> No.8081995


>> No.8082058

It's incredibly hard to find a basic box pleated skirt tutorial, does anyone have one? I pretty much just need the formula for the rectangles, I can do the physical pleating myself. (I'm just bad at math.)

>> No.8082085

>Copy & paste

Here's how to determine the width x length of skirt body needed for box-pleat skirt:

Width (Circumference)
- Measure your waist or figure out the circumference you want your waistband to be. Multiply the number by 3. Add seam allowances to both ends. Generally the fabric won't be long enough to let you cut it out as one continuous piece, so divide the long rectangle into halves or thirds, remembering to add seam allowances to the ends.

- Figure out how long you want the skirt body to be, not including the waistband. Usually I take out a previous skirt, put it on, and see how much longer/shorter I want the new skirt to be in comparison, and measure that for a baseline. Add seam allowances to top and bottom.

- Figure out how many pleats you need on the skirt and divide it from your waistband measurement. This is the width of each pleat and each in-between fold will be 1/2 of that. For example, a skirt with 24 inch waistband with 12 pleats = 2 inches per major pleat and have a hemline of 72 inches overall.

>> No.8082111
File: 61 KB, 379x469, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I know it's copypasted, but do I need to change things up to make it flare slightly? (Pic related, the seagull.)

>> No.8082115

> Memoca <3
It should flare like that naturally at that length and if you use stiff enough material (assuming you're a girl with average waist-hip size difference).

>> No.8082116

eBay, but it won't be nice.

The Magnoli coat costs as much as it does because the coats are custom tailored (from an altered vintage pattern, it looks), made from quality material, and made to be really durable (looking at the reviews of how long people have had theirs and been wearing them as daily coats). JCrew wool coats that are half the length start at $370, and those are mass-produced, albeit mid-tier quality. $900 for a Tennant coat is a slightly inflated price to bank on the demand, but it's still reasonable for a custom high-quality long coat. You won't find this shit in Jay Jays.

>> No.8082128
File: 50 KB, 500x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my fellow memoca lover
Thanks for the advice! I actually didn't think about that natural flare since I try my best to eliminate it on my knife pleated skirts.

>> No.8082136

Are there any wig sellers in the US that don't cost an arm and a leg?

I need a ig by Katsucon (the one I ordered was junk) that's green, a shoulder length bob or pigtails.

Arda's Chibi is too big for my head or I'd have already ordered it, Katinka, which would be perfect, doesn't come in the color I need (Emerald Green or Dark Green), and none of the wigs that DO come in the color I'd need would work very well, either the bangs are unusable, or they're curly, or I'd have to lop off so much hair that it wouldn't be worth paying for such a long wig.

>> No.8082209

Like >>8082115 said, since the waistband will be smaller than your hips, the pleats will naturally flare out because of them.

If you need really exaggerated flaring, you'd need to cut the skirt body out as an arc instead of a rectangle, which will involve a lot more math and patience to draft properly.

>> No.8082249
File: 378 KB, 856x476, Urusei-Yatsura-_-Lum-lumforever-31379587-1017-765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having trouble picking out a wig for lum her hair is both teal or green?
Also wether I buy green or teal should have the wig be both her main and highlight color or just a solid color ?

>> No.8082287

I think teal might be better

Depends on how you are willing to spend? If you are on Facebook, join some cosplay selling groups to find a used cheaper one. I usually see new posts every day and some have wig sales

Are you looking for pants name or the shinguards? If yo'ure looking to alter, get some slightly bigger pants, from knee down, tailor it to be skinny on the bottoms, get some fabric the same color as design, cut out the shape, the the same with the darker edges and sew them on. For the shinguards, there are a lot of armor tutorails using a lot of materials like eva foam, worbla, cardboard, etc so you can look at some and build from there. For the rope, go get some thick solid curtain rope or a regular rope. Your choice. Sorry if I can't help too much.

Storeenvys are usually taobao resellers so they buy it cheap from taobao ( See >>8075571 ), mark up the price and resell it. and try out different shops that might be similar fashion or ask.

I just saw a Darklaw cosplayer. Search "Sumptus Cosplay" on FB , check out her progress photos and shoot her a message

I heard floral paint works just as well and more even. This is coming from a few friends

If you search "circlet tutorial" there are a few that comes up. I'm assuming because of the popularity of the Hobbit movies, there are a lot more specific ones

Are you looking for US based or do you have time to search TB? Either way, the show is popular so if you just search its name, there will be many results. Sometimes you might be able to find the right color if you try out different color names for the hair.

>> No.8082300

I myself found this
But I am unsure if the site itself is trustworthy the reviews all seem good and the quality and details seem to match the show one but I am still rather unsure

>> No.8082363
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x1836, 20150127_022130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was drawn so spur of the moment I am fully aware of how terrible it is. Yes, the sash is the vine wrapped around and bowed up.

Bulbasaur gijinka dress.

I cannot, for the LIFE of me, decide what color the wig or shaw should be. The shoes should be light pink and glittery as fuck. The bodice is going to be glittery as fuck. I know it has red eyes, maybe the wig could be red, but the sash.... I just don't want to make a jolly green giant.


>> No.8082382

1- its shawl

2- that design is tacky as fuck

3- you'd want to make the bulk of the dress the teal color of bulbasaur's skin, then have the shawl be leafy green, the vine maybe a darker green, and then pick a wig color based on which of those suits your akin best - light or dark teal, or light or dark green. Get red circle lenses if you can wear them, and go with red shoes. Bulbasaur is all green and teal aside from his eyes.

>> No.8082391

1- It's 'skin'.
2- I've already acknowledged that.
3- The colors of the dress itself are stated, they will be as close as possible to the colors of Bulbasaur in the Anima because the ref pics change the shades of teal/green a lot. I'm hoping that the shaw could be a color that compliments the green, instead of adding more green. The wig I'll figure out later I guess.

>> No.8082394

Fuck this stupid phone.

>> No.8082402

Why would you use pink shoes though? Bulbasaur doesn't have a drop of pink on him. In any case, a red wig will look shitty most likely.

>> No.8082526

I would consider doing it as a box pleated circle skirt - it's super easy, the inner circle just needs to be 3X your waist instead of the same size as your waist

>> No.8082841
File: 28 KB, 818x474, 462962-ryo_asuka_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anybody help me with ideas for what to do for Ryo Asuka (from Devilman)'s shirt turtleneck sweater thing?? I'm alright at sowing, but I'd like to get some sort of a base or at least an idea of what to do. Also, sorry that the picture doesn't get the full thing, but you get the idea.

>> No.8083004
File: 161 KB, 566x800, trish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to cosplay as pic related for awhile, but I have some bad scars on my back. Would it be alright? No one is taking pictures of my back, but I'm not sure.

>> No.8083009
File: 88 KB, 144x882, falchion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would get a pattern for a shirt with a mandarin collar and just extend the collar part to overlap like his.

I'm making Falchion out of insulation foam, and I'm a little worried that a strong gust of wind will snap it in half. I'm thinking about inserting a thin, wooden rod into the blade to strengthen it. Since the "hilt" has a giant hole in it, do you think the weight of the blade may cause the sword to break at the hilt?

>> No.8083054
File: 104 KB, 500x500, isabelle1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm brand new to cosplaying and I figured that Isabelle from ACNL would be a good beginner's costume. However, I'm having issues with her wig. I have no idea how to go about making the yellow part of her bun. Should I dye it? Is it even possible/worth it to do?
Also, if I do end up dying it, should I also dye the ears, or should I make them out of fabric? Thanks a lot.

>> No.8083391
File: 430 KB, 1280x960, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making this coat for a friend and i'm not sure how i want to do the armor. I have some yoga mat foam, its got somewhat of a sheen to it. Could i just glue a couple of a similar shape together and put some fabric over the top? Or would that look like absolute shit? Need some suggestions. i'd rather this not look like ass

>> No.8083421

Try Cosmonde on Ebay though their corset is a little "eh". I think it comes with everything but the wig (it's not that great so don't bother with that.)

>> No.8083504
File: 50 KB, 570x529, il_570xN.717154053_jduz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what you might call this vest if you were hunting to buy something similar? I really like the slight victorian feel and low collar, but I can't yield results like it no matter what I search for (waistcoat, vest, shawl collar, etc.). I need it for a costume.

>> No.8083576


Find an object that has the shape you want like a bowl a bottle or whatever. Put plastic wrap on the inside of the object and and apply air dry foam to the shape and make the bits you want. After it dries, peel it off and remove the saran wrap. Some types of air dry foam is sandable so put on a filter mask and smooth out the surface and shape the edges using a rasp and sandpaper on blocks.

Using a scrap piece test to see if you can apply a sealant to the material without it disintegrating. If you can, apply it to reinforce the structure and to protect it from moisture. Afterwards you may be able to paint the piece or if not you can wrap it in a stretchable fabric or vinyl stretched over it with a hair dryer.

>> No.8083594

Cropped waistcoat with a plunge neckline?
You might have to do a couple of search term combinations to find something exactly like it and you will have to trawl through a lot of shit, but 'cropped waistcoat' and 'halterneck'/'v neck'/'plunge' at least start turning up similar shapes...

Depends how insecure you are about them. I would give no fucks as long as you aren't posting on the internet about how you're the *most accurate character ever* but people may ask about them if they're visible.

Does your fabric have stretch, and if not how will it sit when glued over the yoga mat? Fabric-over-yoga-mat only works if you can get the fabric to conform to the shape and hide your raw edges somehow

>> No.8083674

So I saw this very nice wig on Taobao, but since it's my first time buying from there I'm a little nervous with the whole shopping service thing. And I also found that same wig from what seems like an official merchandise shop on Amazon. Taobao's price seems a lot cheaper, but with shipping costs and all that I think they might just be even in cost. What do?

>> No.8083679

Do you plan on ordering anything else from Taobao? If so you can just use their forwarding service. If not then just go with Amazon but remember unless it's over a certain price no free shipping.

>> No.8083680

> turn on chrome translator
> read the Taobao FAQ
> choose forwarding service so barely any service fees
> buy wig directly
> ???
> profit
I can't tell you if it'll be worth it or not, since it's a case by case thing.

>> No.8083696

Possibly. There's another wig but I'm thinking I should just buy that somewhere else. It's still a possibility. Thank you for your help
I'll look around in the FAQ. Thank you!

>> No.8083703
File: 33 KB, 960x540, 10610830_996502950379824_801616470454141622_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I even start with a wig like this? Dying over black would be, uh, problematic. But would I get a good mix of colors dying a lighter wig?

>> No.8083902

Ty anons. I was looking at using some stretch fabric since i haven't purchased any fabric yet. I'll definitely try the airdry foam as well and see what might work. Thanks so much !

>> No.8084076

I was looking into making armor, but a lot of the armors that I'm interested in are far too complicated for a beginner. Can anyone recommend some armor designs that would be good for someone to start with?

Sorry if this isn't right for this thread.

>> No.8084092

Are you a boy or a girl? Are you flexible with crossplay? Just to make sure.

>> No.8084096

Girl, but I'm okay with crossplaying.

>> No.8084185

Alright I'll take a look

>> No.8084203

Your best bet might be to get a white wig and colour individual sections with Sharpies or spray dye. I'm feeling that the red/green overlap sections have the danger of leaking over and turning poop brown.

(if you're using Sharpies, use India ink for the black portions since "black" Sharpies are just concentrated purple dye)

>> No.8084211

You could make everything from the hilt up to the bottom of the blade (looks like about one-third of the sword) from a stronger material (foamboard or a lightweight wood?), and mount the insulation foam blade on that. That way, your strongest materials are around the hole.

>hole in the middle of a sword
>wtf, designers
Like, it's pretty, but.

>> No.8084222

Cover them up with makeup, and get someone else to apply it for you. Off the top of my head, Ben Nye is good stage makeup (ie made to last if applied right), and you can also search for tattoo-covering makeup, which works just as well on scars!

>> No.8084241

I'm confused on the wig colors. One says white granite and the other says something else. Which is more accurate?


>> No.8084486

You have a choice between two wigs in the listing, black to white gradient and the other is black to silvery white gradient.

>> No.8084500

Does KUCOS ship overseas directly if you e-mail them? Does the store have an e-mail address?

>> No.8085298
File: 460 KB, 911x1300, 88584_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they do have an email address but I don't know if they ship overseas or not. I'll post it after I come back from the doctor.

The problem is I don't know which wig is more accurate or does it even matter? I thought about getting black to white gradient.


>> No.8085305

Legit just GS that image and you've found the best shop. make an effort

>> No.8085311
File: 22 KB, 500x223, 500px-FalchionAwakeningRuneScript.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is actually "purpose" to the hole and the blade is supposed to be indestructible, but yeah, it's a little cringe-y thinking about it as a sword irl.

>You could make everything from the hilt up to the bottom of the blade (looks like about one-third of the sword) from a stronger material (foamboard or a lightweight wood?)
To do this would require I saw my sword in half vertically - I'm carving from a thick piece of foam so I'm only working with one piece (versus the sandwich method). I'm trying to think of other methods to strengthen it that would also keep it intact... How much structure does wood glue add (if any)?

>> No.8085334

It's also suppose to look like Naga's mark.

>> No.8085455
File: 54 KB, 500x495, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a good pattern drafting book for beginners?

There's a few on Amazon but I'm not sure which to get.

>> No.8085701

Honestly just make the bun shape and use slightly darker acrylic paint. It'll hold the shape and it washes off wigs if you soak it in warm water and comb the Shit out of it after.

>> No.8085760

Download the ones someone posted in the pattern thread first >>8072863

>> No.8085854

On mobile and it's hating my pictures, but does anyone have advice/tutorials on adding leather-like trim to a costume piece?

Should i just find a thin stretch leather and try to attach it like bias tape? What about corners, will the same sort of mitering techniques apply or should i be looking into finishing them another, better way?


>> No.8086395

What's the best adhesive for fabric on pleather? I need to add a sort of applique onto the back of a leather jacket and I don't want it to peel off before the con even starts.

>> No.8086620

If the patch is thick enough, E6000? It needs like a 24-hour cure time and it's fume-y to high heaven, but I haven't yet found something that it won't glue down.

I actually got the image off Google while looking for a pic to accompany the post, but I asked /cgl/ looking for people with cosplay-specific experiences. Thanks though!

>> No.8086923

Naotsugu guy here. What do you guys think I should do about his pants/leg armor? I doubt I could actually layer the foam to match the LN style for his pants. So if I have to go with the anime style, what should I do, fabric or a single layer of foam? Also, a fabric suggestion would help a lot.

>> No.8086926
File: 420 KB, 1247x690, How do I into cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot pic

>> No.8086971

Random question. If a photographer were to take a hallway shot of you, which would you prefer

>more of your head, less of your whole body/costume in the frame, but with a shallower depth of field to blur the background behind you
>more of your body in the frame, but with a sharper background that may or may not be a littered mess of people

>> No.8086978

I'll check it out! It's just regular fabric, probably cotton of sorts or polyester, that I'm going to cut out. The alternative was paint but I'm just afraid of it cracking or turning out messy. Thanks!

>> No.8087000

More body, definitely. If I'm there in cosplay i'm there to show off the costume i've spent time slaving over and am wearing, i'd almost be insulted if someone just intentionally cut it out of the frame

>> No.8087002
File: 96 KB, 500x626, tumblr_ngxe71jG4o1s0zwh6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time on this board , and first time cosplaying. But i want to cosplay as Boingo from jojo. I have the hair for the character, im just wondering where i can get the jacket. Any tips i need to look out for when cosplaying ?

>> No.8087015
File: 421 KB, 1247x690, 1422515737526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second, hands down. If I'm cosplaying, I hope to god it's more than just my head/face. I mean, what's the point of having a head-to-toe outfit if people look only at your bust? What a waste.

Picture is for >>8086926
Just some thoughts from a guy who's tried his hand (once) at doing armor; I'll be starting my second attempt as soon as I can get my head around the materials I'm going to waste.

>> No.8087021
File: 175 KB, 500x279, Asura-Gifs-D-asura-soul-eater-31313269-500-279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to do a decent asura.
I don't have any sewing skills, so I'm doing the bandaged one.
Anyway, how do I make this not godawful? My biggest concern is the wig, and the armribbon things. How do I get those to entirely defy gravity? How would you go about making the wig not be a horrific disaster?

>> No.8087023

make it
and wear a wig i don't care how much your hair resemble's his, its not gonna stay styled like that a whole con day

>> No.8087036

I should have specified, but I'm mainly talking about the upper thigh pieces. The chaps sound like a pretty good idea, but I don't know how I would go about getting that layered look without making it incredibly thick.
I already have the greaves about 30% done. So not too many worries about those.
Also, the more you plan, and the more you prototype with card stock, the less materials you will waste in the long run.

>> No.8087040

Should i buy a green trench coat and go about it from there? I have some confidence in my hair, but ill get a wig just in case.

>> No.8087049

you're probably never gonna find a coat that looks like that, in that color
>if you're using the anime color scheme, which in this case, you are
i'd just make it
there are quite a few patterns for longer coats out there, and this way the coat can be fitted to you, the right style, and color

>> No.8087052

How do i go about making a coat like that? Should i just youtube this? I've never touched a sewing machine before.

>> No.8087058

>never sewn
>wants to cosplay jojo
get out

>> No.8087061
File: 72 KB, 604x572, Fulldragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to work on an armor cosplay, and I was wondering if foam seemed reasonable for this. Would foam be able to wrap around my back without it looking awkward where the gap is? Or should I just aim for making front pieces only?

In any case, I should be able to attach the pieces to a leotard, right?

>> No.8087062

I've gotta start somewhere !

>> No.8087067

for that part, I would just make it out of a fabric that looks like armor/ is the same color. Since it looks like a regular corset, I would look into that

>> No.8087070

I'd start learning to sew then.

to make the wrappings stand up, you need to pipe wire into it. For the wig, you can look at what death the kid cosplayers do by pre-styling the wig solid and then just painting it with fabric paint

>> No.8087071

anything easier
>not fucking jojo

>> No.8087084

Boingo looks easy enough though .

>> No.8087133

If a wig is marked as discontinued on Arda but you can still add it to cart does that mean they're not making more, but still have some for sale?

>> No.8087141

Never mind I just answered my own question!

>> No.8087443

Those are just basic brown work/fashion/school shoes anon. You can find them on taobao under uniform shoes, thrift stores, Payless, even the Gap.

>tfw I used to wear them back in the 80s.

>> No.8087444

Ascos on taobao I think sells it.
Bodyline has it but I don't know if it's crap or not (or sold out.)

>> No.8087449

Anon because I cleaned out my computer my fake email is gone so just post here before it auto-sages if you still want me to get the wig.

>> No.8087452

Did you see the Tokyo Ghoul mask in the TG thread? There were several varieties that you might like anon. One anon posted a really good one from Tao Bao.

>> No.8087456

You can cheat the layered look by layering the fabric to start, but cutting out the fabric from underneath. And your inner-thigh fabric can be thinner, as well, which will help with some of the heat/weight/bulk; it's highly unlikely anyone is going to inspect your pants to see whether it's proper chaps or just the appearance of such.

>> No.8087565
File: 688 KB, 1047x1000, 2015-01-29-17-35-25_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a hat. When I lay it down it's round, but the second I put it on it looks kind of shitty (pic related). I already tried ironing it but it didn't help.

How do I get it to look nice and round without the seems falling inwards?

Thanks in advance

>> No.8087568

Did you interface it?

>> No.8087630
File: 283 KB, 500x683, tumblr_mazu57oKWj1qzqnxxo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I expect to pay for a basic seifuku commission?
I'm trying to decide if I should buy a cheap premade one and alter it or get a custom one made for me.

>> No.8087655

I need a corset to wear as underwear which supports big boobs and I have no idea where to look for it.
any ideas?

>> No.8087800

As someone who can't make costumes at all, what is the best place to get commissions from.

>> No.8087944


>> No.8087954

There's a few corset suggestions in the replies to >>8081692 up above. Lucycorsetry has a guide to picking out the corset you want and Orchard Corset has a good stock.

>> No.8088006
File: 183 KB, 881x1180, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having a hell of a time getting this to be smooth. It's expanding foam, paper mâché, drywall compound, like ten layers of gesso and I swear like fifteen hours worth of sanding. Also one layer of paint+gesso to see if it would somehow magically look better with a layer of paint
Any tips?

>> No.8088409

Okay they actually used the help thread, don't be an ass.

>> No.8088422

what exactly are you using to sand it?

>> No.8088531

Tumblr (like chubcakes) Taobao, CERTAIN ebay places, that one Fashion place that sells cosplays and loli.

>> No.8088862

What was the name of that eBay store that sold okay petticoats for not super crazy prices? I need a floor length one and I am so sick of trying to make my own.

>> No.8089315

I've been sanding it by hand using mostly 120 grit sandpaper. I've already accidentally sanded it down to the paper mâché in some parts

>> No.8089434

How do you carry prop weapons in public? My hotel is 1km from the con and I wasn't intending on bringing a bag, but I might have to just so I have a way of concealing my prop.

>> No.8089883
File: 332 KB, 900x600, 1102ZW_0307CC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey cgl, I need help.

I'm making a baymax costume much like the oficial premiere one (pic), but I can't figure out the fabric.

Also, how do you think the person enters the costume? I couldn't find any back pictures so I'm guessing a zipper on the back, unless it is really an inflatable costume.

and any tips on making the screen on his chest?

>> No.8089912

ok forget about the fabric, I already solved that, now I only need help with the screen

>> No.8090642

What Katie Did is a great place to find corsets.