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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 34 KB, 600x450, Suomen_lippu_liehuu_suomen_kielen_paivana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8070773 No.8070773 [Reply] [Original]

Drama and shit. Not much else.

Frostbite in 3 weeks, Animecon webpage under construction.

>> No.8070981

>100 tickets left

>Urobutcher's movie and autographing have their own tickets

I for one am really anticipating waiting in line in the middle of the night so I can get his autograph

>> No.8071879

Soooo did anyone else see this? It spread like wildfire. (remove spaces)
http://erisolfef.. co .vu/post/ 108507714937/this-is-the-story-my-side-of-it

>> No.8072138

>only 150 people get his autograph
This sort of sucks and I'm pretty sure the only reason can't be "avoiding stressful queueing" as they're saying. Urobuchi is lazy?

>> No.8072203

Maybe he just wants to give a more personal autograph and moment for the fan. For example Kaoru Mori did this. That's why she didn't give more than 100 autographs.

>> No.8072212

What is it about? I can't see it on my phone.

>> No.8072223

Who even are these people and why should we care about their relationship drama?

>> No.8072226

Why the fuck is she posting this kind of private stuff online anyways? I'd never want to be around this kind of person who just posts their private life all around the web.

>> No.8072236

>Doesn't know karakuri
What, you live under a rock?

>> No.8072238

I have never heard of these people either.

>> No.8072241

Are there any cheap food-places near Sibelius-talo?

>> No.8072246

how about using a fucking google

>> No.8072253

Only Kotipizza and S-market. Pizza takes over an hour, if you walk towards the center 10-15 minutes you can find a chinese restaurant and hesburger close to Citymarket.

>> No.8072254

Tbh Karakuri has tendency to use other people and be over all shitty person.

>> No.8072258

I suggest to eat on Lastu, because you don't have wait hours to get food or walk far away of Sibelius-talo. And ~10€ isn't that bad price of "real food".

>> No.8072264


There's a Koti-Pizza right next door at the tiny shopping centre, but that's no exactly cheap. There's a small grill at the last intersection when you come from the city centre, but that's absolutely terrible and should really be avoided. Other than that most of the regular places (Hesburger, Subway, kebab joints) are a couple of kilometres away. The cheapest option is to just buy bread and bananas whatever from the regular store.

The restaurant at Sibbe itself (Lastu or something?) is kinda expensive, but the food is absolutely godlike and it's an all-you-can-eat kinda thing. If you're the type that can stuff themselves full of food and digest it all day long without feeling dead, then it's probably a good deal based on quantity alone. Convention staff get a couple of free lunches, so you can try offering sexual favours to anyone with a badge if you're desperate.


I was hoping for something juicy, but it's just teenagers failing to behave like adults. Meh.

>> No.8072287

Ah, they're Homestuck people. No wonder I've never heard of them.

>> No.8072297

Just proves the point that Homestuckers are fucking autistic

>> No.8072304

This. After reading a bit, it made me uncomfortable, so I stopped. Too much private stuff.

Yeah. I wonder why this was so important to link here. I would understand if this was about con organizers or at least had something to do with upcoming cons, but a random person who I don't know and don't care about opening about his life is off topic.

>> No.8072306

Because watching a bunch of Homestucks act like the immature teenagers they are is the closest thing we have to actual drama right now?

>> No.8072309

Hey did you guys hear about the newest con-sex scandal?

>> No.8072310

I thought both of them was some weeb teenagers but holy shit the writer says he's over 25

>> No.8072316

tell me more

>> No.8072323

Because her ex apparently spread a lot of rumors about their breakup and she wanted to tell her side of the story. It's a pretty bad thing to do though, they're probably all rather young?

>> No.8072330

Karakuri is a pretty well known homestuck cosplayer and I think she's also famous in the lolita circles for being a kodona? But still it's only petty teenage drama tho I give it a 2/5. Read the whole thing once expecting something juicy but it wasn't very interesting.

>> No.8072333

the writer is over 25 and the ex is 19-20

>> No.8072334

So someone thinks she's famous if she's known in homestuck circles...

>> No.8072337

probably herself

>> No.8072367

if it's some neverheard people fucking during some circle jerking party we don't care

>> No.8072525
File: 126 KB, 429x395, katugrilli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8072587

My head hurts... But heck, I knew Karakuri a long time ago, and it seems that she hasn't changed at all. Such a shame.

>> No.8072594

TM fucking I, man.

>> No.8072597

This is fucking embarrassing

>> No.8072692
File: 71 KB, 400x267, why_must_you_hurt_me_in_this_way_harry__by_tigerclaw64-d5vaqph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is three days old.
Hours have passed when you made this post. Where is my con-sex scandal? You got me excited for nothing anon.

>> No.8072758

Wait a sec, didn't Karakuri work as a butler in Manga Cafe? I don't know the current situation, I haven't visited Manga Cafe since the moving to Tapanila. Though I don't remember her serving me when the cafe was still in Helsinki. That could explain those Homestucks I saw there at the time.

>> No.8072764

Lol Finnish cons. I can't believe the amount of drama from feminine men, beta as fuck awkward guys and bitches in general. Only a few people are actually funny/chill/have good cosplay.

>> No.8072772

Go whine somewhere else, faggot. You don't know shit about Finland, much less of its cons.

>> No.8072775

Anyone going to Popcult?

>> No.8072777

Typical finnish response. So hostile. Try to tone down your negativity, you just might end up committing suicide. Don't forget your meds as well.

>> No.8072781

Now that you mention it, it could've been her. I vaguely remember a tacky feminine butler that had cat ears and other ridiculous crap.

>> No.8072783

Careful with the bait. Judging from the anon's awkward grammar it's just your typical self-hating Finn (sans themselves, of course) trying to piss people off.

>> No.8072794


Frostbite karaoke songlist. It's shit.

But if you're wasted as shit and feel like singing, go on ahead.

>> No.8072812



>> No.8072825

Oh, I didn't know this existed. Thanks for the heads up anon. Not sure if I'm going though.

>> No.8072829

Depends on what they are going to have there. Any info of the guests?

>> No.8072837

Weird. I don't remember her, even though I used to go to the cafe often after school. Then again I didn't interact with maids and butlers much other than telling my order.

>> No.8072860
File: 137 KB, 700x467, 20378824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this her?

>> No.8072867
File: 231 KB, 300x300, profile_picture_by_princekarakuri-d7ki3e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, judging by the profile pic she has on
Deviantart. Wow.

>> No.8072870

How young are you guys posting here anyway? Grow up.

>> No.8072874

I feel old.

>> No.8072875


No "Cha La Head Cha La!"?! What the hell! This list lacks so much!

>> No.8072883

It's 22:22, not that late.
18, why do you care?

>> No.8072884

Says the 20-year old. Anyway, the manga cafe's maid thing was in 2013 so it was 2 years ago, anon could be in high school or already graduated. And to add to it, school doesn't necessarily mean grade school.

>> No.8072891

hello grannies

>> No.8072894


Ok, like what the flying fuck.

First no Cha La Head Cha La, then there's no original Sailormoon theme song and the list is atrocious as fuck! Who was in charge of compiling this list? How can you miss the most important songs, the ORIGINAL and DEFINING songs of the fucking anime titles there? Jesus H Christ! I am mad!

>> No.8072900

>no cha la head cha la
>no sailor moon theme song

That's it, I'm selling my tickets. (jk jk) Seriously sucks though.

>> No.8072908


I scrolled down further and found Cha La Head Cha La under their Japani list. Would you come sing it with me, anon? I swear I am not a male creeper, I just want someone to go crazy and sing it with.

>> No.8072911

>No Cha La Head Cha La
Why the fuck would you do that

>> No.8072915

I'd love to sing with you, but I'm not singing karaoke unless I'm drunk enough.

And drunk enough for karaoke will get me kicked out.

>> No.8072926


We can pretend to be drunk when we sing. *crai*

It's there. I made the mistake of not scrolling down further and they made the mistake of not filing it properly under DBZ.

>> No.8072927

>head cha la is on the list
Con saved.
I would rather save your ears from my horrible screaming. I can't sing for shit, but still got 9 from music. Maybe, if I'm too drunk to care or everyone else is too drunk to care. Do people clap to those who can't sing, but sing anyway?

>> No.8072943


I cant sing for shit, anon. But I am singing anyway. It's Cha La Head Cha La. All you need to do is scream your lungs out anyway

>> No.8072963

True. I'm gonna need a rohkaisuryyppy or something before stepping inside the karaoke room.
Holy shieet, they have Inner Universe (Ghost in the Shell).

>> No.8072976


So let's be brave anon and sing our hearts out!

>> No.8072984
File: 250 KB, 500x485, tumblr_inline_nhiy3vFfuM1r3fk1u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximum the hormone is on the list
>no freeza song

It could have been fun.

>> No.8073048

I'm a bit upset that some of programs start at the same time as the others. Now I have to choose between the panels, lectures and shows I want to see.

>> No.8073113
File: 780 KB, 500x380, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, are you saying you'd sing with me for real?!

>> No.8073125

If you do sing, I'll come watch.

Maybe even sing a little with you.

>> No.8073155

I might sing with you if there aren't many people around. I freeze if there are a lot of people around. If any of you has been in this con before, is there a separate room for karaoke or is it somewhere public where everyone can see you? And is the karaoke open 24/7?

I'm off to sleep, if you reply back, I will check your replies later. Good night.

>> No.8073174

there's a separate room for karaoke!

>> No.8073182

And no one cares when bunch of fat manchildren take over it?

>> No.8073193


I'm planning to have a small drink for courage then sing. Nobody knows who I am anyway and is anybody says something bad about my singing I wouldn't understand it either because I am an illiterate fuck when it comes to Suomi.

>> No.8073881

she looks dirty

>> No.8074537


That's pretty much every con for you

>> No.8074609

Aaand it's gone.

Not all of us are males, anon. Are you saying that cons are mostly full of males?


>> No.8074629


Aw... I was too lazy to look it up last night. Does anyone have screenshots or a rough summary at least?

>> No.8074636

"Immature people who consider themselves well known enough to be relevant (but aren't) post tmi relationship drama" about sums it up.

>> No.8074646
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>> No.8074648
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>> No.8074650
File: 126 KB, 440x602, tumblr_inline_nielu4yxBM1qkceqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8074652


You are doing god's work, anon! Thank you so much!

>> No.8074660

no problem. luckily I still had it open on a tab

>> No.8074661

Swede here.

Was invited to go to Tracon by an acquaintance. Is it worth the money? I'll have a few friends there but, y'know.

>> No.8074667

Yes, it is one of the best cons in Finland

>> No.8074818

>all this karaoke talk

I-is it okay if I bring my 3DS and Smash, too? Can't sing to save my life.

>> No.8074826


We should all get together and sing during karaoke night even if we sound like banshees! Let's get together and sing our lungs out!

>> No.8074862

Sure, I will need your 3DS's for StreetPasses, but I wouldn't mind a battle in Smash or Monster Hunting before or after karaoke. Though I can't stay overnight.

>> No.8074867


How do we meet up then and know which one is which?

>> No.8075048

Depends what anyone who wants to take a part in the karaoke has planned for the day.

But this >>8074862 was just a suggestion, no one doesn't have to play a match or anything if they don't want to or have no interest etc.

>> No.8075053

*...have planned for the con days.*

>> No.8075070


Meidos and shit.

>> No.8075078

holy shit that is tacky

>> No.8075083

their profiles are always written like that

>> No.8075086

I meant the people. Not text.

>> No.8075088

what is tacky about them?

>> No.8075091

They are a bunch of sweaty nerds and bored-to-death looking girls.

>> No.8075095

Jennina & Isato best girls

>> No.8075097
File: 139 KB, 1248x1505, 1shylUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8075099

Linni & Regzo best girls

>> No.8075115


What time does the karaoke start again?

>> No.8075117


>> No.8075119

Reiko and Megzo have the cutest outfits.
Their profile texts are probably written in playful manner, though it's a bit awkward to read them.

>> No.8075124



Now, how about we organize a meetup?

>> No.8075138


Karaoke on avoinna:




I don't really care about the opening ceremony, so I could come to the karaoke room straight after the doors open. Rest of the day I will be attending lectures and cosplay related programs. I have to leave after Metal Gear, so I can still get home by train, but I will be back on Saturday and Sunday.

tl;dr I'm free during 17:00-18:00 on Friday.

>> No.8075154

Oh and I noticed this too.

''Frostbiten uutuutena karaokeen saapuvat yksityisajat! Lauantaina aikavälille 22-01 on mahdollista varata 30 minuutin aikaslotti. Kerää kaverisi tai varaa karaokehuone kokonaan itsellesi, kaikki on mahdollista! Yksityisaikoja on mahdollista varata conin lauantaina klo 10 alkaen infopisteeltä, kysy lisää!''

>> No.8075158

I'm gonna be skipping Friday altogether, and I'll be there around 9 AM on Saturday, and will be staying until Sunday evening.

Any time on that period is fine by me, as long as it doesn't clash with Urobutchi's stuff.

>> No.8075159


It's pretty fine by me, too and I am very keen on getting to Urobutcher's program and his signature. Wanna hang out during the Urobutcher times?

>> No.8075172

Okay, are there any other programs you don't want to miss during Saturday and Sunday besides Urobutchi? I was thinking of renting a time (If I can before someone else does) during 22-01 on Saturday. I don't have anything important going on after 21:00.

>> No.8075175

Says the American

>> No.8075187


Nah, not really. I'm not really interested in any programs in particular. I have no real plans besides the Urobutcher thing and hanging out with a friend for a while then roam aimlessly.

>> No.8075188

Well, okay, why not.

Depends how drunk/tired/bored of socializing I am by then.

>> No.8075191


That's great! So throwaway email time again?

>> No.8075200

Re-read the program again. I don't have anything important after 19:00. So would around 19-22 be okay? I have to leave before 23:17, so I can catch the train. I don't know hoe popular these karaoke rooms are, so I have no idea what time would be best.

>> No.8075201

*I re-read the program again.* I'm probably going to sleep soon, but I will check this thread again later today.

>> No.8075203

19-22:30 (If I can rent the room.).

>> No.8075206


Which day again? Friday? If so I dont think I will be available. Might skip that day. People are saying that it's the most boring day of the con. Basically nothing happens and not a lot of people are there.

>> No.8075214

Sorry for being confusing. I meant Saturday. I have nothing to do after 19 and I was thinking of renting the karaoke room for 22:00-22:30, if I can, but any time during 19-22:30 is fine for me.

>> No.8075218


Okies, can you give me an email or something? Fake is fine as long as we meet up eventually.

>> No.8075220

Okay, I'm gonna make one real quick.

>> No.8075226

Waitin then.

>> No.8075229

Done. chalaheadcharra@hotmail.com

>> No.8075233


That's... beautiful , anon. Emailing you now so please check your inbox

>> No.8075239

Thank you. Someone had already taken ''the better version'' and I had to come with something easy to remember. Got your email message, replying in a moment.

>> No.8076022

Can we please get back to Finland and cosplay and not karaoke meets?

>> No.8076024


>> No.8076027

was sure it was gonna be that rose shock chick but instead it was elffi lool, the heading is a bit misleading.. maybe tunnetuin cosplayer would suit better.

>> No.8076028

Does Elffi or whoever wrote this know the difference of the words feminist and feminine?

>> No.8076059


I thought it was going to be Moomintroll.
Isn't Elffi retired from cosplay or something?

>> No.8076079


B-but anon! We were socializing and making friends with each other! This is very connected to cosplay, too! Don't push your negativity and misery upon us pretty ladies!

>> No.8076123

I thin the anon just meant that we could talk about other topics besides karaoke, which seems to be already done with.

On topic then. I haven't heard anything interesting about upcoming cons. I'm pretty excited what kind of different cosplays people have come up with cosplay competition.

>> No.8076127

I'm really looking forward to Popcult Helsinki, I hope it brings something new to Finland's con scene.

>> No.8076132

>Isn't Elffi retired from cosplay or something?

>> No.8076140

Yeah, it seems to be about fandoms and fan culture in general. Ticket sales start 25.1. If I have money, I could buy one, it seems interesting now when I have read more about it. Nice to see there is something happening in Helsinki.

Okay, good to know. I think.

>> No.8076193

>10 000 visitors in a convention
>Thinks they're all there to get his autograph

Yeah, sure. Who wrote this thing?

>> No.8076238

Essi Rikama as it says there

>> No.8078225

Essi Rikama can't write for shit.

>> No.8078260

It seems that Operaatio Frederik is coming to Desucon Frostbite.

>> No.8078274

Oh, are they going to compete in cosplay competition or just making a show?

>> No.8078282
File: 98 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you can make of this.

>> No.8078481

Oh god please, something totally different than the shit at Yukicon! It was so horrible to watch.

>> No.8078500

I think that kuroko no basket show was nice but yeah their perfomances quite repeats themselfs pretty much.

>> No.8078502

I agree. Why do they even try anymore? 'cause they REALLY suck at the moment. Rullarinkeli mentioned that she was so proud of the performance and I do wonder why. I couldn't watch either of their shows.

>> No.8078518


Okay, this was a bit awkward to watch. That "chipmunk voice" is so annoying at the beginning.

I hope whatever they have planned for Desucon is better than this.

>> No.8078523

Every time they perform they have had problems keeping the form, staying in sync and there seems to be always that one dancer who skipped practice. I like their energy but for a group that apparently has been together for some time now, their improvement as performers isn't really showing ass much as it could.

>> No.8078532


OF is stuck on the same level they were a couple years back, while the level of finnish cosplay performances has developed otherwise. They were good then.

>> No.8078558

sadly groups like C!C and .Zero aren't actual cosplay groups. Maybe OF would up their game if there were other groups with the same concept as them and they actually had more competition for the time slot they apply for.

>> No.8078605

Well there's now this new group called μoi's and it is going to perform in Frostbite but we'll see what they're going to be.

>> No.8078974

I would love to see that one group again who were cosplaying Castle Crashers in Animecon, they were really talented and did a really refreshing and new kind of skit in group cosplay shows.

>> No.8080151

OF's gone to waste. All the shows seem to be made the same way and Rullarinkeli is clearly running out of new fresh ideas. It was fun and new at the beginning but now everything has been seen already. It got boring really fast.

>> No.8080233

> μoi's
How the fuck do you spell that?

Kinda jelly how some people already have tickets to Tracon. I heard they sold some in Yukicon, I wish there is a chance to buy them in DF too.,

>> No.8080416

I think it's meant to be "moi's" or something?

>> No.8080435

The idol group int he Love Live anime/game is called μ's, the name, for sure, a reference to that.

>> No.8080442

Maybe Rullarinkeli doesn't let anyone else decide what they are doing. So that's why all their skits are the same. According her blog it looks like she's never counting herself as a member of the group.

>> No.8080444

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up. I had no idea.

>> No.8080622

I have noticed this too. Seems like OF is just an extension of Rullarinkeli. Makes you feel bad for the rest of the group.

>> No.8080752

I can take the wishes to them, I know one of the knights.

>> No.8080839

I heard all of them expect for Jarwes haven't been on stage before. I find that amazing how well they did despite that!

>> No.8081548 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.8082650

vittu mitä paskaa

>> No.8083047

I think their performance might've been so fresh BECAUSE majority if them had never done a skit before. What I mean is that they hadn't seen what cosplay skits are usually like in the scene, thus they made something completely out if the boring mold.
Am I making any sense?

>> No.8083150

You make sense. When I asked them they said they want to break the "mold" by bringing more life to the show itself with minimal or no speech but more focus on sound, music, movement and especially humor keeping it really interesting and simple. Like, bringing out the story without words so well everyone can understand it.

I think group cosplays need that. I don't like group cosplays with boring dialogue between few characters or a random fight/dance show without a plot. Simple and effective is the best.

>> No.8084686

It's not a new thing. They just executed it really well and made good use of the video. Something you rarely see in cosplay shows. People should follow their example.

People have done same kind of thing in the past but those shows don't stand out as much. Mostly because they aren't humorous but lean more to the dramatic and epic.

>> No.8085024


There's only 90 tickets left for Desucon Frostbite. Anyone who wants to go should hurry up and buy one today.

>> No.8085366

Huh. I ordered mine around two weeks ago and then they had 200 or so left.

They don't seem to be selling that well.

>> No.8085376

Considering that the con is only for people over 18 and Finland has a relatively small con scene, I think they've sold pretty damn well without the underage congoers.

>> No.8085386

This, it hasn't been that long since we had summer Desucons that didn't sell out until the con weekend itself.

>> No.8085532
File: 67 KB, 600x696, B8dNIrnIIAMKnN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty gay.

>> No.8085545

Well it is Desucon after all.

>> No.8085716

Those look cute! What are they?

>> No.8085755


>> No.8085768

Thank you!

>> No.8085872
File: 132 KB, 800x900, pinktaric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet Desucon's new mascot.

>> No.8085918



>> No.8086026
File: 14 KB, 132x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened Desu-kun? Or is this the mascot for Frostbite only?

>> No.8086058

uh, that is a LoL character

>> No.8086075
File: 95 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that was our previous mascot.


>> No.8086107

I think anon meant >>8085872 this one being a LoL character, not this >>8086026.
But I guess it fits with the pink tickets/bracelets theme.

>> No.8086114

yeah, that's what I meant. go to sleep fellow Finns, your brains are not working right now

>> No.8087295

>>8086075 >>8086026
Frost-chan is Frostbite's mascot while Desu-kun is summer Desu's.
I guess they picked pink for the bracelet color because of Valentine's Day. They already did the 'wall of positive messages on heart shaped papers' thing last year and might do similar again..?

>> No.8087300


>TFW no date

>> No.8087302

>They already did the 'wall of positive messages on heart shaped papers' thing last year and might do similar again..?

>> No.8087309

>none of my friends want to go to Frostbite

Oh well, it's not the first time I'm in a con alone.

>> No.8087312


Will it be a bad idea to organize a meetup or something for people going alone? I mean, if you dont like the crowd you'd dont have to be with them all day long. Just a thought

>> No.8087369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8087372 [DELETED] 
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hello is this a finland thread???? :-DDDD

>> No.8087402

You might be interested in this:

>> No.8087466

Maybe. But my train is in Lahti 9 AM Saturday, I don't know if I make it unin time.

Also I'm a fucking terrible when it comes to social interaction

>> No.8087470

Does anyone know if Rose Shock will be at Frost? Wanted to meet her at Yukicon but didn't get the chance..

>> No.8087519

Just look for soro and you're sure to find her.

>> No.8087544

What Soro has to do with her?

>> No.8087580
File: 73 KB, 475x613, 1420898896728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual.

>> No.8087586

God I feel sorry for Rose, she's probably letting Soro hang around just because rejecting her would be mega awkward in real life

>> No.8087587

yup I was thinking of this too

>> No.8087597

Could be just for the fanbase as well. If she rejected Soro by being rude, she'd get hate for that too.

>> No.8087628

Oh. Maybe I should not have asked. I had no idea they were friends.

Her and her friend's Nana cosplay were amazing.

>> No.8087672

they have been friends before Rose became famous

>> No.8087676


And how do you know that?

>> No.8087681


>> No.8087693

I don't think Rose considers her as friend. She just tends to hang around her when she gets the chance. Probably a lot of people are like that around Rose.

>> No.8087696

What? She's famous? I thought she was just another wannabe makeup artist who has a blog.

>> No.8087698

And how do you know that?

>> No.8087699

Soro also is known for latching on famous people and kiss their asses so she can claim they're "friends" and look all high and mighty.

>> No.8087703

Get out, soro. Everyone knows it's you.

>> No.8087705
File: 44 KB, 339x112, aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you get out!1!
nah, i'm having too much fun

>> No.8087710

Ah yes, because there is totally no way to get rid of the (You), such as closing the tab or editing the picture.

>> No.8087713

Ah yes, but I really only posted the other "And how do you know that?" believe it or not

>> No.8087746

I saw them at yukicon and it did look like they were awkward with soro tagging along..

>> No.8087752

Wait didn't she also crash Rose's place after the con because some friends of hers ditched her? Damn I feel sorry for Rosie on that one.

>> No.8087753

that's just you, we had fun <3

>> No.8087756

yeah, my friend's mom got sick. that happens. oh and i've been at Tanja's place before so no need to feel sorry for her

>> No.8087773


This is just sad. Why can't you just keep a low profile instead of using every chance to brag about your friendship with the "popular" kids? It's just sad and pathetic.

>> No.8087777

This just sad how you get so mad when I tell how things really are. I don't care if my friends are popular or not. It's you who cares about that.

>> No.8087778

Now I feel even more sorry for her

>> No.8087784

Yeah, of course you do.

>> No.8087786 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 384x216, spurdo fugg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funland mentioned
tapu tapu tapu :-DD

>> No.8087792

Also, why do you even read my social medias if it's so hurtful to you?

>> No.8087793

I've talked with her a few times and we have plenty of mutual friends. I know she dislikes when people brag about knowing her or using her for some kind of social status/drawing her in drama. Good luck with your friendship when you don't even know her.

>> No.8087798

Like I've said, we've been friends for a long time (since 2009/2010) so there isn't any "using" involved. And also I don't decide if you write about her here or not, you do.

>> No.8087805


> I know she dislikes when people brag about knowing her or using her for some kind of social status/drawing her in drama

That's exactly what you are doing. Everytime her name comes up you instantly pop up screaming about how you are friends and bla bla bla. You've been using her as an excuse to promote yourself and you've been lying to so many people. Grow up

>> No.8087807

"Everytime her name comes up you instantly pop up screaming about how you are friends and bla bla bla." Proof?

>> No.8087812

How about this thread itself? You're so delusional it's rather sad.

>> No.8087822

So no proof. I mean, this is once, not "everytime". Aww, don't be sad. I'm having fun.

>> No.8087837


You are a sad, sad creature who cannot see reason. It's useless trying to rationalize with you. I wont be feeding you anymore. The mockery and disgust of a lot of people directed to wards you should be enough. Although you are super thick skinned, it will be enough for now.

>> No.8087839

Do you mean those cheating girls?

>> No.8087847


Tell us more

>> No.8087848

Aww, giving up already? "a lot of people" Yeah, you always say this but there's no proof of it either. A few isn't a lot, not to me at least.

>> No.8087854

She's not thick-skinned, if she was she wouldn't be here or in any social media screaming "nu-uh, I'm so not mad! Look at how mad I'm not!" or whining about her haters to her "friends" all the time OR stalking people on a paranoid level.

>> No.8087863

When talking about cgl with friends we mostly do this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0BZhiNb2JBg
Also the last time I wrote something about cgl was when I was wondering this: do you guys really think writing here about me changes my life in any way? And I can answer for you: it doesn't

>> No.8087867

Y'guys! l just realized it's been over two years since people started writing about me here. Amazing. Two years of stalking me etc.

>> No.8087876

Probably anyone here who's interested has one already, but there's still 82 tickets to Frostbite left.

>> No.8087878

Strangely enough you keep reading and commenting in these threads. Just an advice: constantly bragging how you don't care and none of this affects you gives the exact opposite effect you probably intended to give.

>> No.8087879

We don't care. You've been a rude and a self-centered bully in the past and in the present and you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm going to have to agree with >>8087837 that it's enough of a punishment to have the whole community despise you.

>> No.8087889

This is the first time I've actually commented this much. It's been fun so far, but I think I'll take your advice and stop for now! Toodaloo.

>> No.8087893

lol, as if anyone needs to stalk you because you keep forcing yourself everywhere and harassing people

>> No.8087895

"whole community despise you"
Whole community? That's never gonna happen.

>> No.8087897
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>this thread

I see. I got confused by this >>8085872 anon's post and I'm not familiar with LoL. Thanks for correction.

I got my tickets, but doesn't hurt remind others who are unaware of this.

>> No.8087898

lol, as if you have any proof of that. I don't do harassing.

>> No.8087899

Who the fuck is this soro person and why should anyone care?

>> No.8087902

yeah, let's talk about something else

>> No.8087907

what does everyone think of Frostbite's program?

>> No.8087910


What about that con-sex scandal? I wanna know!

>> No.8087911

Not very interested. Too much fujoshi targeted program.

>> No.8087913

I think it's okay. I have found programs I want to see and I'm still planning my schedule for everything. This my first big con outside Helsinki and I'm horrified and excited at the same time.

>> No.8087914

Just going to watch the cosplay competition, nothing else seems interesting enough

>> No.8087927

Checking Urobuchi's stuff at least.

Maybe, just maybe, something else if I'm bored enough. But I'm pretty sure I'll just fuck off at one point and go check some other stores in Lahti.

>> No.8088091

I have mixed feelings bout that eroguro program. Does anyone know who that M.J. is, does he know what he's talking about or will it be a shitty hentai program? Though I get the impression that it's more art focused?

>> No.8089048

I heard he has done tons of research for it and if I understood right he is interested of this stuff in general so I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about. And yes it should be art focused.

I found some programs what I'm going to see. Urobutchi's stuff, cosplay contest and said eroguro at least.

>> No.8089747


Do you guys think there will be tons of Fate/Zero and Madoka cosplays in honor of Urobutcher there?

>> No.8089789

Yes. Probably like a billion Madoka cosplays.

>> No.8089805

Well, shit.

Don't make me feel bad that I'm gonna ask his autograph on my Rebellion Blu-ray. I know he's probably seen like a million of these already.

>> No.8089812

If it makes you feel better, I'm going to have his autograph on something I'm planning to turn into a meme and have him hold it up for me as I take a picture. :v

>> No.8089853

>This man killed my waifu

>> No.8089866

you sound like soro

>> No.8089899

No, no, no!
Let's not make this thread shittier by mentioning a certain someone. She lurks this thread as you can see what happened yesterday.

>> No.8089926


Not that one


Heavens no! Just no!

>> No.8089954

yup, that wasn't me. you sure are bad at identifying me by text.

>> No.8089980

It's awkward to read this thread because y'all write as if you were in English class.

>> No.8089989

How are we supposed to write, huh?

>> No.8090003

Native English speaker here, they all sound perfectly normal. Get your head out of your arse
And then you go criticising everyone else's English proficiency.

>> No.8090129

obviously don't know who MJ is :D

>> No.8090476


>> No.8091007


Who is MJ then?

>> No.8091132
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't know personally no. I know her gf.

- He
1. (personal) Refers to a male person or animal already known or implied.
2. (personal) Refers to a person whose gender is unknown.
You can use he even if you do not know their gender.

>> No.8091321

Please don't. That sounds really cringeworthy and you'll only end up embarrassing yourself and probably even making the guest feel uncomfortable.
>Turn into a meme
Just don't.

>> No.8091842
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>> No.8091859

He looks familiar but I can't recall who he is

>> No.8091864


NVM, it's Norio Wakamoto. How can I forget the face of GOD himself?!

>> No.8091870


>> No.8091955

Ugh, the poor color balance of the cover

>> No.8092067

Did you guys see all the bitching Hanna-Pirita & co did right after the conzine was published? Again, it's Desucon's place to be the sexist etc. Sigh.

>> No.8092087

screenshots, links?

>> No.8092092


>> No.8092094

Seriously these high-end tumblr feminists can't take a fucking joke

>> No.8092114

Apparently this wasn't sexist at all

>> No.8092139

>complaining about a T&A panel
>in a con with a ridiculous amount of yaoi and fujoshi panels
I sure love these double standards.

>> No.8092143
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>> No.8092158


I'm not saying it's right to send rape threaths to them (like wtf, who does that) but seriously, why take everything so frigging seriously. There's so much more wrong in this world than niidel's funny T&A.

>> No.8092177

Minä niin mieleni pahoitin.
Niidel is just a big troll and they fell right in to it, sure sending rape threats is not okay but that's not desucon's fault. She seems to be upset always about everything tbh.

>> No.8092196

How about just not going to panels you might find offensive? No one is forcing you to watch certain kind of program.

niidel obviously is making description like that so these butthurt people wouldn't go there and then be more butthurt later.

>> No.8092229

>She seems to be upset always about everything tbh.
That grammar.

>> No.8092458

Oh please, what anon wrote is fine. As long as I can understand the main point, I don't mind about the grammar.

Getting death threats is not okay, but I don't understand what Niidel is upset about. Is it because of the T & A Session description or what?

>> No.8092486

>but I don't understand what Niidel is upset about.

>> No.8092591
File: 147 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay him/her no attention, it's probably that same bitch ass anon from yesterday who complained about our English. Anyway, here's a better picture of Niidel's tweet.
I was confused at first too, until reread it.

>> No.8093067


Double standards. First world Feminists are a joke to begin with.

>> No.8093092

Wtf, why do people call her Niidel? Two different people, or am I missing something?

And yeah, critique is always good but at least go to the panel first before judging it to be sexist. Also judging the whole con to be sexist by one program? Wtf.

>> No.8093105

She isn't called Niidel, the person that she had been complaining about is.

>> No.8093107

Get your nicknames straight folks.
niidel = ex main organizer of Desucon, very much a heterosexual male
Hanna-Pirita and Nieidanine = tumblr feminists

>> No.8093163


Sorry about that, it was 4 am when I made this >>8092591 post, obviously I was too tired to think properly.

>> No.8093177

I guess she was proud because Baka to test is the first one she didn't "direct" It was actually another one
of the members, I think there has been small projects where she didn't lead but it was the first major one.

>> No.8093183


If you guys haven't heard she is actually stepping down from being to chairman of OF and is now the
secretary. This girl: https://twitter.com/pipapiparminttu is now the "leader". Though I still have no idea
if skits and so are going to be directed by her. I know there should be at one least coming from the new vice- chairperson.

>> No.8093197
File: 566 KB, 781x540, nothypocriticalatall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well tbh Hanna-Pirita has exaggerated the level of "threats" she's received in the past and outright lied about certain things, just like a real tumblr sjw would. She's absolutely impervious to the fact that most people don't give a fuck about her or her ramblings other than for a cheap laugh, so she keeps milking how "THE WHOLE INTERNET TURNED AGAINST ME WHEN I DARED TO CRITICIZE DESUCON" to get attention. Nobody did that, all you got were people calling you out for your dickery, childish behavior and unnecessary martyrdom. The people you were trying to pick up a fight with were not even associated with Desucon and didn't do anything as bad to deserve your flaming, which you started by the way.

She has a real warped perception of reality and she's blind to her own hypocrisy. She keeps hiding behind her "mental problems" and talks about them all the time, but when ptj_tsubasa said in a podcast "according to her, she doesn't even watch anime because her major depression prevents her from focusing on moving pictures" (which I call bullshit on) she was screaming about him being ableist/spreading private medical info/whatever.

And to add to it, apparently image related was a totally okay thing to do, but talking about cartoon tits, you're worse than a dozen Hitlers! (by the way, she never addresses comments calling her out for this)

tl;dr: She's a crazy tumblr SJW who shouldn't be given any attention even when she's starving for it

>> No.8093198

>according to her, she doesn't even watch anime because her major depression prevents her from focusing on moving pictures
Makes me wonder how all those hikki NEETs with serious mental problems watch all that anime then

>> No.8093202

I don't think that the cosplay shows are going to change much (unless Rullarinkeli is following this thread) 'cause Pipa is more into the dance group thing.

And the board's functions probably have nothing to do with the actual products.

>> No.8093205

>tries to validate her own rude, immature behavior by yelling the rape/death threat card without having anything to back it up
>Look mum, I'm just like Anita! Am I a big world feminist now?

>> No.8093215

Eww, I could draw and edit this whole thing better, wonder if they'd take a new person for the graphic team?

>> No.8093226

It looks like it's done in such a hurry with all the overlapping colours and shaky lineart

>> No.8093232

I thought it was a homage to Madoka's sketchy style, but to each their own I guess.

>> No.8093309

That's what I thought too, to be honest. Makes sense with Urobutchi being there.

>> No.8093313

meant Urobuchi. Where the fuck did that t come from

>> No.8093478

It looks nothing like said Madoka-ish style imo, even though I do see the elements like the dress and collage-thing. It look sloppy and like the person has never drawn the character before, you know, the quality differs so much from summer Desu's graphic level.
>inb4 like you can draw better/sandy much
Actually, yes.

>> No.8095792


>> No.8095814

Ilona's tits and Finland thread on the first page of cgl, oh boy what a glorious day

>> No.8095825

>tumblr tumblr tumblr tumblr

>> No.8095920

Also guy dressed up as a maid with Yukicon badge. Busy day.

>> No.8095930

>OH GOD! I laughed so hard when my friend linked this! Because, you know, I'm the maid guy in the picture~ X'D
>Noope, no selfposting. I srsly don't know how this ended up here. And I'm kinda scared of people spreading my pics~ I WAS JUST HAVING FUN GOD DAMNIT! X'3

>> No.8095975

Anyone have a pic of this?
>anon must be joking, that can't be
>reads info about the programs
>oh shit, anon was right.

>> No.8095983

it's here

>> No.8096078

Are you retarded or what?

>> No.8096088

I'm not the maid guy, I just quoted what he had said in the Cute boy cosplay thread

>> No.8096098

Is he retarded or what?

>> No.8096144

Thank you!

With a response like this >>8095930
it should be obvious.

>> No.8097558 [DELETED] 


>> No.8098548
File: 77 KB, 500x510, cat390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frostbite is on next week! Any cosplay stress yet? What will be the most cospayed anime at con?

>> No.8098553

Madoka and other Urobuchi's stuff.

But in all seriousness, I don't really know whatever is popular right now.

I did find my Yui Hirasawa costume I wore in London Comiccon last October but I've lost the guitar already. Also I don't have balls to crossdress in Finland, someone may recognize me.

>> No.8099887

do it!

>> No.8099998

Dmmd, Fate/Zero, Madoka, SnK, Love Live and maybe Tokyo Ghoul.

>> No.8100292

Do it, who cares if you are crossdressing? Most of cosplayers do that anyway. And Yui is really cute!