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8070066 No.8070066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of milkyfawn?

>> No.8070068

She comes across as bitchy and tactless to me, as well as vain

>> No.8070070

She's not a lolita any more so I don't care.

>> No.8070072


Since when?

>> No.8070074

I don't, really.
She was sort of cute but now she's not into lolita anymore so idgaf.

>> No.8070080
File: 368 KB, 1600x1272, 1420879472257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since earlier this month.

>> No.8070081



Lolitas are such bitches, you know?

>> No.8070083

when was she bitchy? she is queen of chocolate and taught that it isnt kawaii to be mean !

>> No.8070085


Did she post this or did one of you weirdos break in and scanned this page?

>> No.8070087

don't care, she couldnt pull it off anyways unless it was a whole set, or using her mom's clothes

>> No.8070092

Someone posted it in the old thread.

>> No.8070097


>Went to university

>Can't spell 'underappreciated'

>> No.8070099

if shes sick of e-fame why is she going to keep blogging?

>> No.8070102
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>i'm too old for lolita

It's like she wants us to be upset at her

>> No.8070107

how old is she anyways? 18?

>> No.8070109

All that fake rilakkuma annoys me.

>> No.8070111


21 according to her about me on her blog

>> No.8070118

Starred in lolita videos last year > 'omg I have so much pressure on me' <. I'm sad for her, I actually think she looks supercute in lolita but I do agree with the fact that wow so many mainpieces..did she wear them all? I don't understand people who have like so many dresses honestly, I would be afraid that lolita would be less special to me. Maybe because of this it just got way too much. I think she still likes lolita but should go back to that purity of when a lolita starts and only buy things she reaaaaaaly likes, choose things and not buy everything.
I don't know her irl so I wouldn't know about her character and also I don't think that's important.

>> No.8070129

If she feels like she has pressure on her to wear lolita, maybe it's because she posts about herself wearing it all the time and is always self-promoting. There's no pressure if you wear it for yourself and not to impress people you don't even know.

>> No.8070135

She sounds really insecure

>> No.8070136

I thought she was quitting because "baww Angelic Pretty doesn't make OTT sweet any more!". Apparently she is also blind.

>> No.8070154

No sympathy. She self-promotes like fucking crazy and is also post-bragging about how many pieces she owns/has bought/how much money she spent on them (like her $2k+ mbok haul from mid last year). I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was fucking made by her.
Maybe take a step away from social media and focus on your legit life if you want to feel less pressured by your online pseudo life.
I hate people who purposely work to gain online celebrity and then complain about it.

>> No.8070169

Are you kidding she is in Japan right now why would she be making a thread on cgl? This is obviously made by someone wanting to cause drama.

>> No.8070173

she posted it on her new blog.

>> No.8070180

I miss her being a lolita, she was my lolita role model.
She pulled casual sweet off so well,but at least I might get an otome role model now.
She gets a lot of shit for some reason, but she's actually just a simple 21-year-old doing her thing.
I laughed my ass off when people were butthurt over her throwing her brand on the ground sarcastically.

This is a personal decision, I'm almost 22 and consider leaving sweet for otome, I just feel it's not as mature as I am.

>> No.8070190

I agree with you, I don't know why she gets people butthurt over the smallest things.

I like her because she always seems to be genuinely having fun with her friends while dressing cute.

I can see why she'd be stressed out. People talk shit about her for no reason.

"Omg I can't believe she has so many dresses wtf she probably doesn't even wear any of them" wtf

>> No.8070214

>too old for Lolita
I dunno man, even if she's a twenty something, she has some youthful features. Unless she means the attitude for it.

>> No.8070222
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There's going to be a bunch of people whiteknighting her for this but let me say post ex facto:

Nobody forced her to plaster a public explanation over the internet as to why she's "quitting" a fashion. If anyone had asked she could have simply said she's taking a break for school related reasons.

Is she an idiot, blissfully tactless, or a calculated attentionwhore?

At any rate, it's clearly a grab for attention, which is ironic considering how she states that e-fame has stressed her out so much--but this is why I don't believe her.
Look what posting that stupid thing has done. It's given her an assload of more attention, and there's been at least three threads already on cgl (Selfposts? Who knows!) But who really cares? Let it die. I wouldn't mind more people like her getting irrelevant.

>> No.8070242

Yes because silently deleting everything is publicly looking for attention.

>> No.8070271

Totally agree with you guys. People are just mad yelly I guess

>> No.8070276

Agreed. I understand feeling pressure and being uncomfortable with e-fame, but she only has that because she actively works for it. She doesn't have frilly paparazzi breaking down her door, she posts everything herself. Lolitas have the attention span of a goldfish. Just stop posting online for a while and the majority of people will forget who you are. Some of the girls in my comm used to be weekly L_S fodder years ago but nowadays they just keep to themselves and nobody bothers them.
You don't have to leave the fashion completely and make a big hoopla out of it.

>> No.8070300


It must be so stressful and boring to be rich :(

>> No.8070309

>It must be so stressful and boring to have a wealthy, supportive, and loving family who wouldn't charge her rent for living with them and help send her off to college *

>> No.8070316


You should really stay away from /cgl/ if it gets you all worked up like this, Alanah.

>> No.8070319

Who? Is that someone MF had a tiff with or something?

>> No.8070323

MF is called Alanah. I think anon misread the post they replied to.

>> No.8070333

Oh I see. Well I wasn't correcting it to sound boastful. I just think it's weird to label her "rich" when the only reason she's had her lifestyle is because her parents have let her live at home rent-free. She only makes (what was it, $10/hr?), and that would certainly put her in the poverty line if she had bills to pay, student loans, insurance payments, and other necessities.

Just to be clear there's no shame in having a supportive family with a bit of money, but I hope anons understand she's not miss moneybags.

>> No.8070356

I doubt it's her, but seriously, it's not like traveling means you have zero free time. If anything I spent more time on here when I was vacationing in Japan than I do regularly. There is lots of spare time on trains, or at the end of the day before bed.

>> No.8070359

$10/hour? I don't think she's a pleb American.

>> No.8070362

Not to mention that she has a shopping addiction, no savings and a hoarding problem, so even if she earned more she' probably put herself in the poverty line.

>> No.8070368

Minimum wage is 17/hr in Aus.
Since she's been working that job for a while and is over 18, she's probably making a bit more than that.

>> No.8070377

Even if it were 20/hr, that's not very much considering she's part time. I know adult couples who make slightly more than that and they wouldn't be seen buying flavor of the week in casual clothes. Living at home and having mom and dad pay the bills and put food on the table is huge.

>> No.8070386

From what I've heard, she's full time as a pharmacist assistant? That's not exactly a minimum wage job, and considering her cost of living is practically non-existent, it's kind of a big deal.
I wouldn't have a problem with it other than that she makes a big deal out of how much money she spends. Hell, even with this japan trip she posted a photo of all of her money on instagram.
Like it's one thing to say "Yay, I'm looking forward to shopping in Japan!"
It's another to post a photo of like 5k...

>> No.8070388

I'm not saying that's minimum wage, but it is a wage where if she were living by herself, she would not so easily be saving up 5k to go on a shopping spree in Japan. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.8070447

She's not part time though. She works 12 hour shifts 5 days a week according to her own admission.

>> No.8070453

She seems decent.

>> No.8070454
File: 71 KB, 554x436, chen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, I was thinking the same thing.
When you really like a fashion you should wear it for yourself in my opinion, I personally think when you start to do it only to show it off to other people it can become "stressful" as she says.

It can actually become annoying with anything you like really. When you over work on it, you can forget the fun sometimes.

I don't understand why would she post such thing though, it would be a lot better if she leaves slowly and silently, when she says e-fame is stressful.

>> No.8070461

It seems you don't understand a thing. If she just vanishes her followers would question it, she's just explaining it to them. She's slowly deleting one thing after another and stopped posting.

And how can you not be stressed by e-fame when people constantly mention and post you on cgl/btb/facebook/youtube. Constantly might be exaggerated, but this thread is proof, it would stress me out, too.

And don't even start with "but she brought it upon herself with posting so much"bullshit. Almost everyone here posts on fb, lj, youtube, and tumblr and everyone would like many people see their content, myself included. But I don't intend to be posted on cgl and have people getting butthurt over little things I did.

>> No.8070468

Yeah but I think there must of been a reason for all of this. The videos weren't hers so maybe she didn't like it or was forced into it? There wasn't any big public drama to make her leave which seems suspicious.

I tried to find her blogs and pages and they're deleted. So are her Instagram photos. I want to know the drama behind it.

>> No.8070473

Do you even know who you're talking about? You sound new and stupid as fuck.

>> No.8070476

Maybe some japanese girls called her ugly. Maybe she's just trying to get people to beg her to come back.

>> No.8070478

You sound like a narrow minded sandy cunt that doesn't want to believe anything other than what you think is right.

>> No.8070479

Yeah it needs to be considered that the videos aren't from her.

Maybe she just doesn't feel the fun and joy she used to feel, everybody does, for example I used to draw a lot but since I work on it is a bit annoying sometimes and I don't draw too much like I used to do before.

Or maybe as you say there is something hidden, who knows?

>> No.8070487

I know milkyfawn quite well and yes she's not the perfect sweet modest little lolita that never says anything wrong. But no she isn't doing anything that's out of the ordinary for a 21-year-old.
She's not rich because she's living at home for free, many do that.
She's not the devil because she brags sometimes, soo many lolis do that.
She's a hoarder maybe, but if you look at some wardrobe posts you can see many others with the same problem.
She's not attiontion-whoring just because she leaves an explanation for her leave.
People are so mad here.
If you want some drama go to Rufflechat.

>> No.8070490


It sounds like she's writing this as a cover up for something. I don't think these are the real reasons she's leaving they're too petty.

>> No.8070491

Are you autistic?

>> No.8070495
File: 256 KB, 728x745, 1420244451575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah the sweet old autistic insult only a true faggot would bring.

>> No.8070500

>confirmed autistic
I was seriously asking though since your reply seemed really offbeat to the rest of the posts.

>> No.8070501

I want to know who you are because your facts are pretty eh considering you say you know her.

Do you actually know her, or do you feel you do because you follow her online?

>> No.8070506

>or do you feel you do because you follow her online?
It's most likely that, and >>8070500

>> No.8070510

> was a normal lolita blogger
> did videos for deerfuckers
> gets e-fame from videos
> promoted and did things for deerfuckers
> gets shit for what she's doing
> deletes everything and quits

Does anybody else see the problem here?

>> No.8070516

Why are you all still posting about someone who is totally irrelevant now?

>> No.8070553

What does she work with?

>> No.8070556

B*TCH PLEASE just because other people do the same mistakes doesn't make it ok

>> No.8070560

Maybe because the rest of the posts are autists bitching about an irrelevant person.

>> No.8070563

I'd fucking kill for a 20/hr job parttime. Then again I live in the united states where it almost hits 8/hr for minimum and no one hires full time unless you are a manager.

>> No.8070567

Omg all those jelly bitches flipping their shit over a girl that doesn't want the e-fame and brand they'll never get. All this butthurt in this thread, you can almost taste it.