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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 600x653, 10352994_407309552775758_4935724068704511507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8067504 No.8067504 [Reply] [Original]

BTSSB is coming to Anime North!
How many of you have your tea party tickets?
Who are you hoping to get picked as a model for the fashion show?

>> No.8067517

>has no btssb or Aatp
>time to shop!
I wonder if they're going to bring Venus again

>> No.8067528

I really want to see Cadney or Fanny Rosie as a model. Really disapointed that Fanny Rosie wasn't chosen last year at Otakuthon.

Also tfw couldn't get a tea party ticket because they sold out in like a day.

>> No.8067580

I really like cadney actually

>> No.8067593

Please no Venus though good god. I question their taste in models so hard

>> No.8067738

Fanny isnt a con person, so its unlikely that she would go to AN at all.

>> No.8068397

Cadney is an organizer, so I'm not sure if she'll be allowed and/or have time to model. Which is a shame, she'd be amazing!

>> No.8068423

I can see the cluster of girls trying to show off their gloria and midsummer nights dream coords already

>> No.8068537

Anon you're destroying my hopes and dreams. I just want to see her beautiful face.

>> No.8068659

Can we get some actual kawaii models this time? That's all I'm asking for.

>> No.8068669

What's everyone wearing to the tea party?
I'm hoping to put together a coord with their Cinderella OP in pink. It'll probably be popular since I know a bunch of girls are buying it because of hype from the movie.

>> No.8068735

She is staff for the tea party, idk if that stops her from applying for the fashion show. I think they are also on different days this year.

>> No.8068765

More male models for AATPs ouji stuff would be awesome!

>> No.8068772


>> No.8068794
File: 3.54 MB, 1482x1525, twinkle doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hngg I want that dress so badly, can't wait to see your coord with it. I was planning on wearing some OTT sweet AP stuff but I'll probably wear something like this (pray that I can find the scepter and crown)

>> No.8068826

Just want to see more guys. I like looking at good male ouji.

>> No.8068827

im fucking mad
when i wanted to buy tickets they were sold out

>> No.8068836

Hopefull this will not be otakuthon all over again

>> No.8068844

One of the girls they picked last time has done foot fetish modelling. I don't know if it was before or after but still.

>> No.8068853

Oh man, I'm also planning on coording with that scepter, a similar crown and sash.

I'm mostly still hunting for a proper wig to wear with such a OTT hime outfit.

>> No.8068854


>> No.8068864

Anon you can't say that and not tell us who it is.

>> No.8068869

Anon you can't say that then not tell us who it is.

>> No.8068870
File: 179 KB, 729x1096, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick. I found her stuff on everage's DA when looking through photographers that are highly recommend NOT to use by the cosplay community here.

>> No.8068873

fuu now I'm mad too

>> No.8068886

Oh my god why

>> No.8068890

There's worse but feet gross me out so I don't want to go find them

>> No.8068900

Is ... that Tymoora?

>> No.8068908
File: 169 KB, 512x452, Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 4.55.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went to look at her fb and this was the first post on her wall

>> No.8068913

I'm going to go with yes after looking the name up on fb her face is.... Distinct.

>> No.8068917

(deleted file cause blue board but it's a foot sex toy link)

>> No.8068920

I'm even more mad she got chosen over fanny Rosie at otakuthon now

>> No.8068928

I know I highly doubt btssb knew that she was doing that on the side though.... But fanny is so much more beautiful than her. I don't understand it at all.

>> No.8068933

I don't wear lolita fashion but was wondering if they'd have a booth there? Would love to see their dresses irl.

>> No.8068934

They will have a booth and a fashion show as far as they've told us.

>> No.8068957
File: 118 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m4rditWdPN1rw64rno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I went to AN was 2012. Anything changed much since then? More panels and stuff? I remember the TCC being really lackluster and all the good stuff being at the hotel over the road.

>> No.8068961

All the good stuff is still in the hotels mostly

>> No.8068967
File: 127 KB, 143x136, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am less disturbed at the feet and more disturbed at how frizzy that wig is.
Also the fact that I live like 10 minutes away from her.

>> No.8068970
File: 56 KB, 960x720, 1233599_10153268758355486_287709537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fanny is more elegant than kawaii though. JetJ would have chosen her in a heartbeat.

I'm pretty sure Trumie & Timoy will both apply to be models... I hope Lee does, he always does a great job of modelling.

>> No.8068974

Who are you, fellow north-of-city anon. I need to make friends.

>> No.8068993

That wig is pretty damn bad yeah.

>> No.8068994

Did not expect two other anons to live near Bradford. This is a nice surprise.

>> No.8069026

It's like she doesn't know what a wig comb is.
Also the fact that she would use a wig with bangs for a fem draco malfoy cosplay just baffles me

>> No.8069033

You should see the picture she did with the handcuffs and the wand anon. It's really something special.

>> No.8069039

The booth at Otakuthon sucked though.

>> No.8069048

Show us this I need a good laugh

>> No.8069055
File: 166 KB, 729x1096, my_father_will_hear_of_this_14_by_everage-d8ct3jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but here you go

>> No.8069075

We get enough shit from normalfags thinking we're a fetish community without people like this representing our comm and fashion. Really hope she doesn't bother applying to be a model this year.

>> No.8069099
File: 165 KB, 729x1096, my_father_will_hear_of_this_13_by_everage-d8ct3k7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? She has some great new pictures to add to her portfolio.

>> No.8069119

I'm curious, how do you apply to be a model?

>> No.8069123

They'll put up a form sometime soon. You need to fill in your measurements and submit a photo of yourself.

>> No.8069126

Tom Savage's subjects always look so depressing, between the awkward, stiff posing and vacant expressions. They always look like he picked up some confused high schooler at the side of the rode and got her high on morphine.

>> No.8069130

Maybe some people get off to that.

>> No.8069158

Like on the website? I'm sorry I'm really dumb at this, but I can't even find the announcement in OP's picture.

>> No.8069164

All the information will be on anime North's page and site.

>> No.8069199

Oh god could you imagine if she submitted that photo?

>> No.8069211

It would be so nice if the fashion show were on sunday as well, that way everyone could kinda flock from one lolita event to the other

>plus i mean i'm cosplaying saturday and can't feasibly change out of it part of the way through the day but hey

>> No.8069231

Actually it is not. That is usually what happens and it is always hectic. It only had worked out in the past because Lolitas got to go first, but they usually overlapped and so it meant everyone was rushing to the tea party just after the fashion show section is done.

>> No.8069281

The announcement isn't up on the AN website yet, they haven't even announced which specific designers are coming. Model call will likely be 4-8 weeks before the con, I'd guess, so keep an eye out starting in March.

>> No.8069289
File: 378 KB, 1200x1600, 1338334399315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it? Nothing new?

>> No.8069312
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>> No.8069319

I was in charge of going through the model photos for a brand guest designer at a different con, and trust me when I say that people submitted much, much worse. (Which is why it was my job, to eliminate the borderline porn, the sissies, the people who weighed 350 pounds, and other deluded unfortunates before the brand had to see them.)

>> No.8069321
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>> No.8069333

>They keep rearranging shit in the AA/ Dealers Room etc to try and make more space
>1 million MLP, homestuck, sherlock, and other western panels for some reason
>attendance caps
>that guy who makes armour out of timmies boxes
>We got one whole year without the goddam wrestlers before they brought them back

All I can think of really, but i don't tend to go to the panels/big events much

>> No.8069339

That is really disheartening for some reason. I want to try submitting myself for the modelling but with a 27inch waist I don't think I stand much of a chance.

>> No.8069347

Obviously, it's about being of standard size to fit well into the clothes. Otherwise 27" isn't that big.

>> No.8069363

When it came to size, I left in people who were on the cusp. I only eliminated those who were clearly not going to fit. A 27" waist would not necessarily have eliminated you. There were quite a few applicants that didn't follow the rules, like their pictures were blurry, we asked for a headshot and full body and they only sent one or the other, they sent cosplay photos where they had so much makeup and costume that you couldn't see what they actually looked like or in their underwear so you could see a little too much if you know what I mean - so it wasn't just about getting rid of chubbies or giants.

>> No.8069370

In fact, now that I think of it I left in one girl who was on the big side (not plus size but would need some shirring) who had really good quality photos and she ended up getting picked. So unless they give specific measurements that you are above, I think you should apply, just make sure your application is very strong.

>> No.8069376

I will anon! I have done some modelling work so I have a lot of high quality photos where I am wearing makeup but my face is not obscured at all. (Full body shots and head shots) that makes me really happy to hear!

>> No.8069389

What are you going to cosplay as on Saturday?

>> No.8069429

I don't see why your worried about a 27inch waist. 27" = 68.5cm right? I know when J et J came they were looking for 70cm and under, and I'm sure Baby was looking for the same when they went to Otakuthon. and lets be real, I'm sure many lied about a few cm's and just sucked it in when needed. With a 68cm waist, I would thin you have a great chance! Do you fit most dressed?

>> No.8069442
File: 37 KB, 582x552, 1907788_10204527472768076_7067843612613159545_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasnt a size requirement for Otakuthon, so its hard to compare. That being said, even if you dont like the models they picked, you can tell they had an idea in mind with the girls they chose. I think she used the wig in >>8068870 for modeling Baby?

I dont think Trumie fits into Aatp, so if he does apply it isnt for Ouji.

>> No.8069510

I do fit most dresses and my face doesn't totally suck I've had modelling jobs for non-lolita jobs in the past so we shall see!!!

>> No.8069526

God I'm so mad at myself I didn't buy tickets sooner now that they're all sold out.

>> No.8069547

tfw not a kawaii white girl
tfw will never model for baby

>> No.8069585

still deciding since I have a few on the go right now but more likely than not i'll be doing hyrule warriors sheik

Does anyone else who dabbles in both cosplay and lolita just feel incredibly awkward going to panels/booths/events intended for one while dressed in the other? Despite doing both, I feel like such an imposter or something idk

>> No.8069593

who fucking cares?

>> No.8069619

Does the photo have to be of me in lolita fashion? Will a decent full body/random fashion shoot suffice? I've only done nice photos for a photog friend and I let her dress me up in whatever.

>> No.8069622

Good luck anon! I'm hoping beyond hope that they'll have some in stock at the NYC store but I doubt they will. If you recognize me come say hi at the teaparty for cute hime photos together

>> No.8069624

She's so ugly

and I think it's the shadow but it looks like she has a half stache

And her wig is on her head like it's a hat.

>> No.8069635

people who don't want our hobby represented by shitty fetish models when there's already enough negative connotation about it

>> No.8069637

I'm >>8069319 and the chosen models had a mix of lolita and non-lolita pictures. I think if you choose a lolita picture, keep it simple. Remember the goal is for them to see what you look like so they can choose the models who will best fit the look they want to create. The goal is not to see who can make the best coord or who has the coolest wig. Know what I mean?

>> No.8069654

That is exactly who cares anon.

>> No.8069656

Awesome. Just wondering, did you get non-lolita models? Like was there anyone who just wanted to get done up and wear pretty dresses? Or did everyone there pretty much live and breathe lolita?

>> No.8069876

It was mostly lolitas who ended up being picked but there were a few non-lolitas too.

>> No.8070058

The more I read this, the more I think the person eliminating applications at Otakuthon had something against Fanny Rosie, because at the Tea Party, the Btssb designer and Rin-chan were raving about FR every time she got close to their table and Midori even took FR apart to take a picture of her.

>> No.8070205

Oh shit I didn't even think that could be the case. Maybe they where only presented with a certain look by the preselector, and then they just picked the best of what they where given.

>> No.8070724

why is every photo by tom at this sketchy hot tub with the lame tropical painting? You'd think they'd atleast have the balls to ask him to shoot in a different location once an a while, but i feel Tom & the Insecurity Girls will never even think twice

>> No.8070810

Is it some place he owns, lives near, or just knows about? I keep seeing it a lot too

>> No.8070822

It's in his dad's building. The brick wall he uses frequently is there too.

>> No.8071244

>Tom and the Insecurity girls
Sounds like the name of a terrible band.

>> No.8071249

What do you think are ideal measurements for the models? I'm thinking of applying but I'm not sure if I'll be too big.

>> No.8071290

featuring granny peko and tymoora

sounds terrible enough for me to want to listen to it

>> No.8071505

My life would be some complete if someone could make a fake band poster or album cover for them.

>> No.8075208


>> No.8075262

It was a different con I was working with. I first eliminated everyone with unsuitable pictures, then went by size which was on a spreadsheet. I didn't look at the names when I did the size part. There were a couple people I didn't personally like very much in the pool but I left them in as I felt it would be unfair otherwise, and one of them did end up getting picked. Maybe if there had been someone I truly hated, I would have been tempted. I think I was chosen for the job because the con organizers knew I would try to be fair and not play favorites.

>> No.8075298

Not everyone is as fair as you though, anon. I can imagine someone being enough of a twat to remove applications for personal reasons.

>> No.8075816

Tea party ticket get YUUUUUUSSSS
Someone couldn't go so I snapped up their ticket.

>> No.8075874

Obviously there is the possibility if there is that kind of process there, but I think it is unlikely for it to happen unless there is already hints of things being a bit iffy by those running it. It also would imply that someone in her own comm has it out for her, which seems unlikely since there hasnt been any sort of talk of stuff against her besides that one moment where she wasnt chosen.

Ideal is thin asian size unless Jetj because they seem to like western ppl. Obviously you have to fit brand and if you can fit it without shirring it works better. But I dont think measurements are a big deal unless they make limitations for it.

>> No.8076175
File: 105 KB, 960x576, BtSSB-AatP-Otakuthon2014-Models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JetJ needed models who were their standard size 1 (bust 88 cm, waist 68 cm), because that's what size all their sample dresses were. They also had a preference for taller girls, I think 5'4" was the minimum?

I'm guessing Baby will be a little more flexible with both size and height because they have more shirring options, but if you look at the models they picked for Otakuthon, you can get a pretty good idea of the size & look they are going for. I'd guess everyone in this photo has a 91cm bust or smaller, they're at least 5'3" and up (maybe taller, it's hard to guess with footwear) and have average-to-thin legs. It's going to depend on how many models they need and what range of people apply, but the closer you are to those measurements or under, the better chance you have.

>> No.8076179

How exactly does it work? You just apply and they supply the entire outfit to you, including accessories and shoes?

I'm not into lolita so I don't own any piece, but I'm interested in applying.

>> No.8076213

It's a little different for every show, but the general process for modelling requires you to commit to a fitting, maybe a rehearsal and then prep+show. Fitting is ideally done a day or two before the actual show, so they have time to scramble in case you "misreported" your measurements, gained weight or otherwise don't fit the outfit.

For the day of the show, expect to arrive very early in the morning, especially if the show starts before noon! Getting ready takes a long time and you will not be allowed to leave the prep room during this process. You'll also need to allow time to remove everything after the show, there's usually a checklist process you have to go through to make sure every item has been returned to the designers. The clothes need to be kept in good condition so you won't be allowed to wear them while walking around the con.

The designers select the entire outfit and also arrange for styling. There may or may not be a make-up artist on hand to do either full make-up or touch-ups after you've done basic foundation, etc. Sometimes they ask for models who already own suitable shoes, but I'm guessing Baby will bring their own, since they sell shoes. (so you'll also need to list shoe size and fit into Japanese measurements for shoes, which is pretty much US sizes 5-8). I think they supply wigs as well, but you might want to bring your own wig cap. If you're chosen, they'll provide you with a detailed list of what to expect and what you'll need to bring in terms of make-up, etc.

Overall, anyone interested in modelling should be prepared to devote 1-2 hours for fitting, another 1-2 hours if there's a rehearsal, and 6-8 hours on the day of the show. It's a serious chunk out of a con weekend. Perks are bragging rights, some nice lolita photos and a chance to get to know the designers and other models.

>> No.8076309

Aeryn is about 4'10'', so idk if height is that big of an issue. In that photos she is being propped up on a stool. So baby is going to be more lenient, at Otakuthon they didnt have any requirements.

>> No.8076350

Is she really that short? I had no idea! I was guessing based on the people in the photo that I've met in person.

>> No.8076360

I'm interested in getting in a pretty dress but oh my 6-8 hours and early morning. I'm also on the shorter side (5'1"-5'2") but I fit into the small sizes and my feet are 5-5.5US.

>> No.8078456


I hope they just do 100 yen = 1 CAD for the exchange rate like JetJ did.

My wallet is ready

>> No.8081793

Got my tea party ticket! Can't wait to wear OTT sweet for the first time in my life. Let's hope I don't fuck this up.

>> No.8081820

If he fits brand lolita, shouldn't he fit ouji? From what I can tell AatP's guy stuff is larger than their lolita.

>> No.8082031

The issue is the broadness of guys in the torso and shoulders. With lolita you can get around this a bit more, because you can wear jsks or go for short sleeved ops that are loose in the shoulder only. But if he is too big in the shoulder for the jackets that Aatp makes, then he cant wear what tend to be the 'main' piece for ouji. It sucks because that isnt something you can change either.

>> No.8084262

This saddens me. Trumie is quite nice to look at. Wouldn't mind seeing him model for AATP

>> No.8084349


With that logic, wouldn't the vests fit him? Since the vests are sleeveless as well.

Although it's another question whether or not they're showcasing any vests this time.

>> No.8084366
File: 44 KB, 442x508, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so mad at myself for hesitating to buy a ticket. I just want to go to this damn tea party before I leave for the boons and start my journey as a solitary lolita. Life is pain.

>> No.8084392

I'd imagine they fit him, because He could wear Lost in Sea in size M, which means his torso is pretty slim

>> No.8084407

Wait for people to drop. Are you on the list on the SOL comm of poeple who are looking for a ticket?

>> No.8084453

How does applying for the fashion show work exactly? Is there a page with the rules on the actual website?

>> No.8084454

Yeah, I'm already on the list. I remember a few tickets were available near con time last year, so hopefully the same will happen soon enough.

>> No.8084473

Details won't be up until around March, probably

>> No.8088093
File: 18 KB, 432x288, 1418880042053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check rebecca black tech to see what it was. Jesus christ.....

>> No.8088176

I had to go look because of your post. Jesus fucking Christ, man. For the lazy ones, it was a picture of a "Vajankle", a highly realistic looking combination foot/vagina/vulva sex toy.

>> No.8090621

I fucking wish. I'd kill to see a BtSSB/AatP fashion show.

>> No.8092700

why would this remind anyone of her....

>> No.8094978

No to the playing card bag,the heart one suits the theme better. Great co-ord overall.