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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8064382 No.8064382 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the cosplay is not consent movement is help making conventions safer spaces for cosplaying women?

Did you feel safer at conventions last year than you have in previous years?

>> No.8064386

I doubt the target audience for these ads bothers to read them or gives a shit

>> No.8064388
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Sure but maybe it will help people that don't sexually harass others know to step in and let those folks know that it's not cool.

>> No.8064392

this shit makes me feel less safe.

the whole fighting between SJW and MRA types has gone way out of hand.

i know the spergy fucks who are too touchy feely that go to cons, they're the same people who try to 'call out' SJWs or anyone vaguely progressive and then get asspats from all their spergy friends, and they are doing this shit more because of these movements.

they need to be addressed differently or people will act on them just to be 'anti sjw' it's disgusting but it's true

also i'm not pro SJW or pro MRA but saying anything SJW-like does cause stupid knee-jerk reactions across the board.

if we want to stop this shit we need to go about it a different way.

but then, i want to stop these race/sex/gender/whatever wars once and for all and get back to the root of the cause anyways.

>> No.8064393
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>> No.8064397

> hire half naked girls to get those sweet neckbeard dollars
> cosplay is not consent!!!

cons themselves are the probem.

>> No.8064398

Most people just watch. If someone is dying and no one does a thing (see bystander effect - ex. Kitty genovese) they are probably not going to do a thing with harassment. Fact of the matter is that people don't want to step out of line

>> No.8064403

I think this sums up the entire anime community as a whole, cosplay or no

>> No.8064411

I think it's sad that there needs to be banners like this in the first place.

>> No.8064413

Personally I'm scared that the girl will think I'm doing that because I think it will get m'lady to have sex with me. I know if I did it I would be hoping for a hug or some other bodily contact in return, so she would have a fair reason to feel uncomfortable with me trying to "save" her.

Not to mention I've also been taught it's sexist to assume a girl can't take care of herself in situations like that, and needs a man to protect her.

If she says "somebody help me" I might do something but otherwise I'm just going to watch as some fat fuck gropes her ass because tbh that's kinda hot.

>> No.8064416

If you have the confidence to dress as a slut, you have the confidence to call out a harasser.

>> No.8064425

You'd say weebs follow.. RULLLES OF NAAATUREEE

>> No.8064428

They do. Just because you punch someone in the face after they make a rude remark doesn't mean they didn't make you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8064439
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I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here. I thought this was a bunch of superfluous fear mongering by a bunch of over sensitive SJWs. However I went to an anime convention this weekend (I'm usually more of a tabletop fan) and noticed that the place was packed with tween girls.

If campaigns like this keeps the organizers asses covered legally and actually manages to sell the idea of responsibility and self protection as a cool thing then I'm all for it.

>> No.8064451

That's strange the two cons I've been to didn't have much in the way of tweens.

>> No.8064455

I got harassed the most at cons when I was 13-15 years old, if I stepped away from my group of friends it seemed like it was a guarantee I'd get creeped on. I think campaigns like this make it easier for younger girls to feel confident to stand up for themselves and it makes it easier for people to defend them. I don't think it has the same level of effectiveness for grown women.

>> No.8064465

May I ask something? Does your country have cons that are only for 18+ or are all big cons for all ages?

>> No.8064470

See that was my attitude too. I always thought conventions were a thing for middle aged trekkies and comic book nerds but this weekend was like being at a secondary school dance.
Like >>8064455 said, If this campaign was aimed at "empowering" grown ass women, I'd just roll my eyes and ignore it but it might actually be a necessary reaction to the growing tween demographic.

>> No.8064477

All ages but they're usually organised by universities so there are usually 18+ panels and near by pubs checking ID

>> No.8064486

I'm pretty sure that it was all ages, there were some kids with their parents and some high school girls.

No 13 year olds dressed up without adult supervision though. Growing up I never knew any parents that allowed their young teens yet alone tweens that much autonomy.

>> No.8064495

I think harassers will just get craftier is all.

>> No.8064499

This. I got super creeped on at one of my first cons when I was in high school (including dude just up and giving me a surprise hug without asking me first) and it made me really uncomfortable, but the people I was friends with at the time kept telling me "Oh, that just happens at cons! Don't be a prude!" so I thought it was a problem I had.

Obviously, I know better now, but I feel like if there was a "cosplay is not consent" thing back then I would have been more confident about up and telling people like that "Hey, don't do that."

That being said, I think people who are like "Oh, some guy harrassed me with his eyes" or "Security said I had to cover up my cooch or leave the con! Harassment!" need to chill.

>> No.8064502

Okay, thanks for the reply. We have this one con in a year which is only for 18 + and some underage kids went full rage over it. But other cons during the year are for all ages, so getting mad over one con you couldn't go because you're underage doesn't kill you.

>> No.8064505

Did anyone give into the kids complaining? Just curious.

>> No.8064511

>the people I was friends with at the time kept telling me "Oh, that just happens at cons! Don't be a prude!" so I thought it was a problem I had.
I've learned that girls victim blame way more than guys...

>> No.8064517

I think it's not just that, there are actually a lot of "adult" women who many feel too shy or scared to speak up if someone harasses them, but something displayed visually like this might let them speak up about it.

It might also be a reminder to all the neckbeards to leave the female attendees alone. A lot of people seem to get swept up in the excitement of seeing their wifus and forget that they are not their 2D lovers made 3D, and that they are therefore able to touch them. Plus, all these fuckboys have been invading cons since being a "nerd" has become mainstream with Superhero movies etc. These frat boys seem to thing that because a girl is in a costume, that they are treat them like they are there in the same capacity as a stripper or something. How they get that idea, idk...But they are fucking idiots and often drunk (which is probably the good thing about Aus cons, they are all ages and no alcohol is generally allowed...But it doesn't stop people turning up drunk or sneaking alcohol in).

>> No.8064518

No. Since the con is organized by volunteers and not by some youth organization. One dad had called to the organizer about the age restriction and they said basicly the same thing I said before.

>> No.8064526

It was a mixed group of guys and girls and they basically told me that surprise hugs and "glomps" and the like were just "part of cons." and that I needed to relax.

>> No.8064531

I can't believe this really popular comic is based off that one Black Cat cosplayer. I wouldn't mind being immortalized in a comic.

>> No.8064533

They are...

By people you know though not strangers.

>> No.8064540


>> No.8064543

Obviously. But like I said, they acted like random people just throwing themselves on a stranger in a costume they liked was just a thing that happens.

It probably didn't help that they were all horrible weebs at the time as well.

>> No.8064557

As in in real life? Yeah. We have this one upcoming con for 18+ and the similiar con is organized for all ages in summer. I was wondering if other countries have done this too?

>> No.8064575

No. If you dress like a whore you're going to get called out on it. Especially if your selling yourself, prints included. You're what's making this place shady not the men. Fuck off hoes.

>> No.8064606

Because most cosplay/lolita models are camwhores now? That's the business that cosplaying is profiting from. Why shame the fans when the models are endorsing it? Sure men shouldn't touch, same policy with strippers, but that's your target audience. You literally put yourself in that position. Just get another job if you're uncomfortable with the idea that surprise, costumes were a whores uniform first. Not the other way around faggots.

>> No.8064608

No, fuck you. No one doesn't deserve to be harassed. It's the shady victim blaming assholes like you who make cons less fun for everyone. Selling prints of yourself in a cosplay, whether it's revealing or not doesn't make you a whore. Fuck off idiot.

>> No.8064618

>Sure men shouldn't touch, same policy with strippers
The strippers I've talked and danced with have explicitly told me I can touch them.

>> No.8064620

You and the rest of the word snowflake.

>> No.8064624

In a club or your hotel room?

>> No.8064626


never thought about it that way but this anon has a point

>> No.8064628

In the strip club.

I've sucked on their nipples on one of the couches there.

>> No.8064641

Conventions are only becoming a red flag. Of course it's going to be dangerous when there's alcohol/drugs, half naked people, and fetish shit everywhere. I love it, but I do wish there was a +18 policy now.

>> No.8064663


Then how you suggest we go about it?

>> No.8064665
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Suuuurree you have anon.

>> No.8064668

Lol. Virginrage. Stay spotty, fats.
Still. I worry about these girls sometimes. Was eating lunch at the Plaza of the Americas at A-Fest last year when 14-15 year old girl next to me stood up and dropped trow down to her costume...cat ears and a tiny, two-piece biniki. No idea what it was supposed to be.
In a perfect world she'd be safe, no matter what she wore, but this isn't that world, and no sign is going to change that.

>> No.8064675


>Most cosplay/lolita models are camwhores now

Uh, no? Just because a bunch of famous models are doing it doesn't mean it represents the whole cosplay (and lolita, since you mentioned them as well) community. This is like saying Yaya Han or Jessica Nigri represent us. No, they fucking don't. Not all cosplayers are taking pictures half naked and selling them for a profit, and that sure doesn't give anyone the right to touch my ass when I'm trying to enjoy my day at a fucking convention.

>> No.8064676

Don't feel remorse for the stupid.

>> No.8064682

True enough, but I think part of the Cosplay is Consent movement is making younger cosplayers aware that "Hey, just because you're at a con doesn't mean that people are entitled to touch you whenever they feel like it."

Like another anon said, some younger con goers are lead to believe that random hugs and touches from strangers are just part of the con experience and that saying "no you may not hug/touch/glomp me" is unusual and rude.

>> No.8064688

I didn't say
I said
And I got that figure from here during the job threads. Turns out the majority of cosplayers/lolita on cgl are in fact camwhores. Only a few actual artists. So do your homework before getting butthurt. Take it up with them not me kek.

>> No.8064693

top kek. It's idiots like you that make feeling up dumb bitches so easy.

>> No.8064698

Why would I lie about something like this? Mileage depends on a lot of factors.

In this case it actually is a sad story. I was cuddling with a dancer who was wearing a black fishnet thing. We cuddled for a while without me even buying her a dance, including me sucking a bit on one of her nipples. She gets turned on. Has to go dance on stage. Touches herself on stage. Creepy old guy tips her on stage seems really into her. She comes back I mention she's on fire and could probably get a lot if dosh out of the old dude. They go to the vip together. Hours later I learned that she thought he was buying $300 of dances from her, but he takes the $300 he had on the table away at the last moment. Manager says "I warn the girls they should accept money up front only... nothing I can do." Dancer leaves visibly distressed. I never even got the chance to buy the two lapdances I was planning on buying from her.

Haven't been there since too much drama for me even though the bang/buck is great.

>> No.8064701

Timestamp or nice story bro.

>> No.8064703

Not that anon, but I think you will find that your findings aren't exactly statistically sound. Your sample is a little bit skewed and probably you have some shitposter cross contamination, as well as a few samefags.
I highly, highly doubt that the majority of cosplay models are cam whores. They are a percentage of the demographic, but they are not the majority. Downright laughable.
This would be like saying all the lolitas in the world are sugar babies, because that's all that's ever mentioned in the "how do you pay for burando" threads.
/cgl/ is a only a very small demographic of the community at large, and due to the anonymous nature of the board, there is no way of vetting any of the info you get on here, so please don't talk about "doing your homework" when you obviously couldn't be arsed to do your own in a reputable and statistically sound manner. You'll have to find some other jacked up statistics to fan your own delusion that all women are either whores or angels.

>> No.8064707

Timestamp of what?

How can I "prove" a story that happened a few weeks back?

>> No.8064710

> that one anon that got someone kicked out for a cheek peck tho

>> No.8064725

Or lurk more faggot? I asked them if they were worried about bringing in a shady audience to the community. The just got offended. I just think if you consider masturbating in front of a camera, your carrier, then maybe you should be attending a fetish convention, not a family friendly one.

>> No.8064731

The only thing this concept protects are insecure sjw's dressing like literal sluts without consequence. They go after photographers who photograph people cosplaying improperly, dressing like sluts by screaming and howling.

>> No.8064733
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>> No.8064734

Not really.
Shouting "RAPIST NO RAPING RAPIST NO RAPING" isn't gonna stop shit unless the rape/sexual harassment is going on in front of a crowd or some shit.

>> No.8064739

OP here.

I dunno the waters seem quite full to me.

>> No.8064751

I'm a guy and have been kissed on the cheek by a random guy that ran up to me at a con before. Definitely didn't like it, but I was just kind of confused and brushed it off. I guess the fact that I could physically protect myself no problem had he tried anything else is the difference here.

I think the signs are overkill. There's harassment rules all through the pamphlets and such you get. I think a real solution would be to hire some staff that pretend to be just regular congoers, but are actually on the lookout for this type of thing; essentially undercover "cops." Setting an example of some pervs by kicking them out would send a bigger message than this sign.

>> No.8064753

Clearly you missed the careers thread - there were a lot of people working in programming, tech support, IT, finance etc. However, if you look at generic 'how to afford burando' threads, the majority of the discussion is always students or people without careers looking for jobs that will get them the largest amount of money in the smallest amount of time, so there's usually a million threads on sugar daddies/camming/selling underwear and socks/stripping and anything else that's seen as high return for minimal experience. This is because after seeing the same thread every week, those of us with decently-paying jobs and careers don't really have much more to add - there's only so many times you can say 'wait, get a job, and save your money for now'.

>> No.8064757

For sjw though it's not only about a safe convention it's about attacking rape culture.

>> No.8064761

Here's what I like about Cosplay is Not Consent:

It gives a very visible view of the policy.

Conventions are often cobbled together. You've got a ton of people from a ton of different organizations. There is not 100% communication between every single person on staff. Security guards are often employed by the building/hotel, not the convention.
The staff members are people! It isn't unheard of for staff to brush off a cosplayer asking for help.

When the security guard is standing next to one of these signs, it gives them accountability. It makes it clearer to staff members and con-goers alike what the policy is for this kind of situation.

Cosplay is Not Consent is not for the molesters. It's for the victims, the bystanders, and the staff.

>> No.8064768

I haven't been raped in the past year. This system works.

>> No.8064777

I'm >>8064392 and I definitely agree here. SJWs just want to prove a point about patriarchy and shit, they themselves overall, don't really care either way, they just want to be able to reblog that they did anything to DISMANTLE THE PATRIACHY. that's why it needs to happen in a different way, posting signs is a step, but setting examples is a more important one. making examples of people is generally the easiest way to get people to stop shit. seeing signs but no actual negative repercussions just makes idiots want to defy authority more.

>> No.8064790

Thank you. It's raised a narcissistic generation obsessed with selfies, which is great to raise awareness but goes a little overboard with everything else. Conventions aren't the same as they were 20 years ago and they never will be. If you feel vulnerable carry a taser. If you get molested call the police. You're alone surrounded by thousands of adult babies. It's not that hard to be the responsible one.

>> No.8064793

>thinking that anyone under the age of 30 still views themselves responsible for themselves

>> No.8064802

Signs like "community watch" or "shoplifters will be prosecuted" do help to reduce crime. This is not only because people read the signs, but it alerts them to the fact that people are watching, that they are aware that it happens and that they likey will do something if you're caught.

So it may cause some people to be a bit less pervy. It also will teach newcomers that cosplayers aren't like mascots at a theme park (something they might not have been aware of) and it will also raise awareness of the issue. People might be encouraged to talk to staff when something happens, or to step in if they see something going on.

>> No.8064810

I didn't. Hence why I said I was there. The amount coswhores in that thread was very disheartening. Especially to see students ask them how they do it so they can as well. I trust not all cosplayers/lolitas are now camwhores but the reality is still there. Most that I know are. Deal with it. I had to.

>> No.8064814

We fix it by teaching individuals to protect themselves as well as informing people of boundaries. The problem I see with the movement is that that people are behaving that by preaching this tagline the harassers will suddenly stop coming. Most of the time the people who are guilty of groping are not the ones who would view or share such posts and they're just preaching to the choir.

Do I think people need to be educate to stop this? The answer is obviously yes. However we need to also teach the girls who wear skimpy outfits that no everyone is out there to follow their movement and people with unsavory intentions exist on this planet. They need to protect themselves, learn how to handle themselves in such situations just look out for number 1. As its way easier to protect yourself rather than expect the entire scene to change overnight

>> No.8064818

I do with the more subtle grey areas were discussed.

Talking about ass&titty groping does rally more support, but there are more parts of the convention mentality that are really common.
Stuff like this anon >>8064499 was talking about

Surprise hugs, glomping, grabbing props, messing around with your costume, aggressively insisting on photos of you posing suggestively or posing with your friends romantically-
These ones are inappropriate, but since the intentions can be argued as non-predatory, they're often glossed over.

>> No.8064821

>*did, auto correct.

>> No.8064823

I was talking with a coworker about charlie hebdo and this came to mind. Do we blame the cartoonists for the inflammatory comics that would attract militants like flies? Do we blame the militants? Do we blame the religion as a whole for getting mad at everything? Do we blame the noncartoonists for not stopping them?

>> No.8064830

But anon, that's slut shaming!!11 or victim blaming, or some nonsense.

I sincerely hope that people begin to realize that there is a huge huge difference between pointing out facts and trying to tell people how to protect themselves and blaming someone.

Seriously, right now you can say "It's in no way your fault but some people will view you as a sex object, so be aware of your surroundings" and have people up in arms about how it's blaming the victim. No, just no.

We need to get our heads out of our heart's metaphorical asses and stop with emotional garble and start thinking and acting with logic. So much of this could have been dealt with already.

>> No.8064841

>Most that I know are.
That says less about the state of cosplay and more about the company you keep.

>> No.8064849

Isn't the point to rally support, though? Like in this comic >>8064388

Of course no creeper is gonna look at the sign in the middle of reaching for dat ass and suddenly realize the error of his ways. It kinda sounds to me like those terrorism signs at the airport that say, "If you see something, say something" in the context of reporting abandoned luggage.

These signs are for the creep's friend to point at and say, "Hey dude, look, maybe you shouldn't be doing that." It gives that friend backup when the creep says, "Nobody cares, stop being a pussy."

The sign honestly is more saying, "People care about this issue and will support it."

>> No.8064852

I agree. There is nothing wrong with learning to protect yourself or how to spot bad situations and avoid them. Just because it's not your fault something bad happened to you does not mean there are not things you could have done to prevent it. Is ignorance of those preventative measures really enlightenment? Are people really comfortable giving up all control and trusting every person in the world to do what they consider to be the right thing?

>> No.8064857

Well sexual exploitation isn't going anywhere it's only going to get more mainstream and you'll start seeing it in everything we do because we're naturally attracted to pleasure. Which is fine, people will adapt. I think those in our future will balance things out so we can still function while keeping priorities. Death will always be enough motivation to restore life. With robotics on the way things are bound to be rocky at first. I'm glad I won't be around to have to deal with those headaches.

>> No.8064875

The reason that people get prickly about protecting themselves is because it's usually brought up after the fact in the context of,
"Stupid whore!!! If you had been smarter, this wouldn't have happened!! That boy couldn't control himself due to how LEWD you were and he deserves no punishment!"

We should be talking about both sides of the coin: What can we do to avoid the crime before the fact, and what should we do to punish the crime afterwards?

Our first line of defense shouldn't be our only defense. The nervous girl who is frozen mute with fear shouldn't be scolded about how she should have screamed at and hit the man who was a foot taller than her and twice her weight. She should be encouraged to speak out in the future and be made to feel confident that if she asked for help, people will be on her side. She might just believe that people will say she's overreacting and is just trying to ruin the guy's life.

>> No.8064876

I definitely roll my eyes when people take advice on how to protect themselves as victim-blaming. Telling someone how to take back at least a little bit of power for themselves should be seen as empowering, in my opinion.

Still, I think the cosplay is not consent movement is, at its core, a good thing. If nothing else the fact that cons are adopting it and are starting to explicitly putting stuff about unwanted physical contact down in their rules takes away a loophole that creepers have where sometimes they claim "I was just playing!" or "No one said I couldn't!" when the con tries to throw them out. Even if they still have that mentality of "I can touch people when I want because it's a con" they know that if they risk it, they risk being thrown out and having spent 50 dollars on a badge for nothing. People can point at a sign or look at a con guide book and point out where it says "Hey, you can't touch people without their permission and only as much as they permit you to."

It's not ideal, but it's something.

>> No.8064885

>it's usually brought up after the fact in the context of,
That is rarely ever the case. It's like when fat people bitch about the doctors bullying them calling them fat fucks when all they say is "your weight could cause a lot of health problems". It's always taken out of context and skewed to fuel media bullshit and tug on heartstrings.

It's always questions like 'were you alone? what were you wearing? were you drunk?' and most of those have nothing to do with victim blaming, but rather trying to determine motives.

And like I said, even saying that it's in no way the victim's fault, if someone thinks you're even somewhat victim blaming it's a whole big to do.

>> No.8064897

All I'd say is, the terrorist's acts were reprehensible, but in hindsight the publication and it's staff should have been more security conscious.

People that say they shouldn't have published that cover can eat shit.

>> No.8064904

Yes it does. I hate cosplay now. My local community went to shit real fast. It's not fun anymore. I can't cosplay without someone assuming I'm a whore. I can't take pictures without seeking attention. I can't speak without being criticized. I can't wear a dress without others mumbling ageplay. I can't wear cat ears because that's petplay now. I never had these problems before the internet and there's noone to blame but myself for enjoying the hobby. Sorry for all the projecting but honestly it's been bothering me for a long time. Funny how dressing up eventually forces you to grow up. From what I've seen anyway.

>> No.8064909

Where the fuck do you even live?
Like shit.

>> No.8064916

This. Dude, what the fuck. Maybe it's just your shitty local community, but I've never heard of entire communties just assuming that cosplayers are all camgirls/into fetish petplay shit or whatever.

>> No.8064936

Yeah, my local community is mostly 14-17 year old girls. Our thing is that if you don't do something skill-intensive, it's assumed you're underaged. That sucks how your community is so sex obsessed, anon.

>> No.8064959

Regrettably can't say because it's population consists on cgl. Which is the only thing I actually like. Fb is too cringe worthy now. From the sounds of it I should try another convention scene, which sucks because I grew up here.

>> No.8064960

> If you feel vulnerable carry a taser
>what is peacebonding
Have you never been to a con?

>> No.8064988

I really don't know why this even needs to be a thing.

A shred of decency or at least conscience should be enough for a person not to think that cosplay is not consent.

>> No.8064998

It's interesting to see a girl blame other girls for guys assuming cosplayers are whores.

The way I see it though the problem isn't girls selling their bodies for brand, but people looking down on an ancient and perfectly respectable profession.

Also people thinking just because someone does sell their body for money that you can touch them or photograph them without them asking.

>> No.8065006

Yeah, keep thinking that. The delusional utopia in your mind makes this shit so easy.

>> No.8065007

I have decency and conscience but I also have a strong sexual desire to molest and rape girls.

The later has never overpowered the former to the extent where I've done something really bad, but I have stared and I do sympathize with people who have crossed that line.

>> No.8065042

See a therapist.

>> No.8065066

There are rightful reasons to be weary of shady lifestyles, diseases and violence mainly. But I applaud those who have enough stamina to dedicate their lives for their fans, but it's a risky business to get into. If teens were well educated in adult affairs then maybe there would be less panic? I don't know if there's an absolute answer to "fix" problems that can't be controlled, or should be. Though the sign is an okay reminder to family friendly conventions. But don't blame the hotel staff if they tell you to change out of your sex kitten "cosplay". They are normalfags and normalfags see that as a fetish, not a hobby you spent a year making. You don't get special privilegedls for being a cosplayer. It's not about your freedom of expression, it's just unsanitary.

>> No.8065076

Pfft, about the same. Some women think it doesn't apply to them, or they are immune to this. Majority of the people I've faced comments and harassment from are rabid fangirls. Sure some guys are creepers, but I have been able to hold my own pretty well.

>> No.8065082

Ladies and gentlemen: the male psyche at work

>> No.8065089

No that's stupid.

Are you going to ask girls to see a therapist about their rape fantasies too?

>> No.8065090

Stop replying to your own post, fucking propaganda feminist

>> No.8065099


hilarious, people watch other people die without intervening, nobody is gonna give a fuck if someone ogles the tits you have hanging out

>> No.8065112

I think this is being directed at the wrong people. It's becoming like this bc of the trend of hot girls dressing sexually. Just go after them and not the few if any harrassers. But no, it's considered a right by sjw, ignoring the cause and going after the typical result: men.

>> No.8065114

That's exactly my point.

People that think that mankind is basically good and that rape didn't exist until evil western culture created it and spread it across the globe just hasn't done very careful research.

So what I'm saying is we do need police we do need security guards, we do need signs, girls will continue to travel in groups even to the bathroom etc

Any girl who is like "well my boyfriend is a funfundamentally good person" should try refusing him sex for a month or so.

Maybe he'll just masturbate behind your back. Maybe he'll sleep with another woman. Maybe he'll wait for you to fall asleep then delude himself into thinking he can use your body without you waking up.

>> No.8065121

Get a good camera. Claim photographer. Find a fem creeper (usually the outgoing pervert in the group) and she can wingman you even without knowing so. Especially if she's trying to impress you. It makes all the difference, too many men will intimidate them. Lots of thirsty kinky bitches, but even more so if you're with another fem. Bonus points if she also takes pictures. When they're drunk always push for the camera for fap material later. If you don't fuck it up by getting attached to any of them you could make for interesting fun. But note. Be friendly with your male competition. We're all after the same thing, and sooner the party happens the quicker the panties drop. Good luck m8!

>would make an awesome game now that I think about it. Probably get banned in 'murica though.

>> No.8065130

I would never do that to my husband. We watch porn together or in a separate rooms whenever we don't want to fuck eachother for whatever reason. If you can't fap with your lover how can you live with yourself? That mentality is just looking for a reason to dump his ass. You're the problem here not him. Please learn how to release that stress in a productive manner before having kids thanks.

>> No.8065138

I'm not saying a girl should do that to her bf...

I'm just saying that just because I want to have sex with girls who might not want to have sex with me, doesn't mean I need psychiatric help, it just means I'm a dude.

>> No.8065145

Lol I thought you were a girl. That's usually their point of view wtf. Top kek. I needed that.

>> No.8065150

A attractive male cameraman and an attractive touchy boundary pushing female host have been the basis of many good candid pornos.

When is girls gone wild anime convention edition coming out?

>> No.8065154

>Any girl who is like "well my boyfriend is a funfundamentally good person" should try refusing him sex for a month or so.

If that was her choice, I'd respect that. Bloody hell we're in a day and age is widespread and we all have our hands to use, no need to fucking result to force if she clearly doesn't want it.

It's just respect, man. We're not animals.

>> No.8065157

Read the last 2 lines of that post

Disregard what I said, I suck cocks.

>> No.8065158

>We're not animals.
By the dictionary definition of animal that statement is false.

>> No.8065160

Ever sucked a guy off you met at an convention?

>> No.8065162

If it's to the point where they start looking at rape victims differently the way you say you can sympathize with those that "have crossed that line", then yes.

>> No.8065172
File: 43 KB, 355x236, 351808822-1big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon. There's already porn actress cosplayers. The music videos are making it that much easier. It's only a matter of time when they realize they could be making a fortune anonymously instead of wasting funds/stress on their costumes that rarely bring customers. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the next big cosplay controversy over the Internet. But who really wants to be in that spotlight? Jnig. Jnig. Pls for the love of

>> No.8065182

*without them paying

>> No.8065184

There's a lot of girls out there like that.

Girls are the number one victim blamers. So yes many girls who fantasize about being raped, especially ones that are uncomfortable with said fantasies, do indeed let it color their perception of rape victims.

This doesn't mean they need a shrink.

>> No.8065191

Here in texas a business can refuse anybody, so they don't have to accept your money.

>> No.8065195

Also it'll be a kickstarter. I want to start taking bets.

>> No.8065228

>decency and conscience
>desire to molest and rape girls
Pick one.

>> No.8065236

Pick both. That gives you the desire, but causes you to not act on it.

That's how guys are.

>> No.8065237

Being horny isn't a crime anon.

>> No.8065238

If you are a guy, yes it is.

>> No.8065244

If their fantasies are colouring real life tragedies, then yes, they do. They won't get one, but that doesn't mean that it's okay to project your own desires on other people.

>> No.8065251
File: 219 KB, 652x574, 583385783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stand for that harassment! It's dangerous to go alone. Take a Fluttershy.

>> No.8065254

Yes, it does. A lot more people need therapy than are willing to admit it. Having a sexual fantasy about something should not make you feel differently about a victim of a crime or a criminal. I'm into plenty of weird stuff, and I see many other people that share certain fetishes with me openly brag about committing crimes related to that fetish to the point where I've stopped having to do anything with those communities. They're just doing things like stealing panties and sometimes doing things like wearing them or masturbating in them, but it's a crime and it's fucked up to do.

>> No.8065259

You should take your own advice.

>> No.8065261


I swear I'm not trying to start shit

But has anyone ever actually filed a legit rape charge at an anime con?

>> No.8065265


>> No.8065266

I don't need to make fake feminist propoganda when men admit to this shit constantly. Literally all the time. Do you even 4chan? You think everything here posted is just women trying to make men look bad?

>> No.8065273

Pretty much this. People need a good dose of history. Any society where rape is accepted, it happens constantly. Your man wouldn't be "one of the good guys"if he grew up in just a slightly different culture. There are still societies where a large percentage of men forcibly take brides. There are societies where men are hired to rape activist women for just a few dollars. Men with wives and children. Every society that this is allowed, an incredible proportion of men take part in it with very little coercion. The delusion here is strong.

>> No.8065274

Ya know, I think the idea has been taken by some cons and put into good use, but I always hear horrid examples and situations where people abuse the idea "Cosplay is not Consent" and it's painful and loaded with ignorance each time I hear it.

I think what people always fucking miss is that
A. People are responsible for what they choose to wear, and while NO ONE has the right to harass or violate one's person or personal space, It is horrendously ignorant and naive for someone to think that something bad can't happen to them.

B. Just because someone approaches you while you're in cosplay and they seem genuinely interested in you, does not mean that they're trying to take you home, molest you, or treat you inappropriately.

I sat on a Cos is not Consent panel and I wasn't too pleased with the way it was executed. If I'm asked back onto it this year, I'm gonna interject and have an actual discussion about proper etiquette and safety at cons.

>> No.8065277

Therapy isn't some magic bullet that turns you into a good person.

everyone takes part in actions that lead or help perpetuate tragic results to some degree. To put a religious spin on things we've all sinned. Giving everyone therapy isn't going to stop bad things from happening. Even arguing that it will help prevent bad things is dubious.

>> No.8065283

To be more specific therapy certainly won't stop you from projecting your desires on other people.

>> No.8065300

Humans are still too stupid to domesticate themselves properly enough to get rid of their instincts and carnal desires.

>> No.8065303

On the rapesurvivors subreddit a girl said she cosplayed at a comic book con and was at a affiliated bar talking to a guy.

She had one drink (which she claimed was spiked) and the next thing she knows she's in his hotel being fucked.

She said it horribly traumatized her and she didn't press charges.

>> No.8065305

It can help people cope with their thought processes that lead them to get to that point. You can't get rid of people's kinks and I don't think you should, but you can help people realize that sympathizing with those that can't separate their fantasies and real life is toxic and help them change the way they think.

>> No.8065307

I can't remember it ever happening in here in Texas, though I do know a girl was attacked by a random non congoer once at Ikkicon and managed to get away before anything serious happened.
However, there's more to sex crimes and sexual harassment than just penetrative rape. I don't think penetrative rape is what was in mind when the "cosplay is not consent" phrase was coined. It's more about harassment and unwarranted/unwanted touching and comments. And I'm sure there has been more than one creep kicked out of a con for grabbing a handful of titty or taking a panty shot without consent. But getting kicked out of a con =/= committing a "crime," and chances are it's not going to make the news or anything of that nature. Cons would rather keep that sort of thing on the DL. Too much chatter means panic and less ticket sales due to people feeling "unsafe" or whatever. But I guarantee you probably every con in the US, and other countries as well but I just don't want to speak for them, have a list of pictures of people that con security is supposed to immediately remove if they see, due to past sexual misconduct at the con.

>> No.8065308

Of course they never fucking press charges.

>> No.8065314

It's a good thing we can't go to jail for having bad thoughts. Because I am having some horrendously evil fantasies. Like making the coswhore pay for her badge.

>> No.8065330

Except I already know it's toxic...

Sympathy is an emotion you feel when someone you can relate to goes though a bad experience.

>> No.8065337

Isn't that empathy?

>> No.8065347

Ok. In that case just replace sympathize with empathize in my posts.

>> No.8065350

Having the knowledge that it's toxic and being able to work through why you think that way and change are two different things.

>> No.8065351
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ITT: sounds like an old couple arguing.

>> No.8065354

Except I can't change having somewhat normal sexual desires and somewhat normal feelings of empathy.

I can only repress those feelings. Case in point those congressmen who fought tooth and nail for harsh laws to punish those evil horrible child molesters that they have nothing in common with and then... I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the story.

>> No.8065359

To finish my post, so I'm not going to repress those feelings which is what trying to "change them" would be doing. I'm going to acknowledge that I have those feelings and that they're wrong and do what I can to not act on them.

>> No.8065363

I don't think empathizing with criminal acts is normal. There should be a disconnect between harmless fantasies and harmful empathizing with actual criminals. I think you're normalizing your behavior because you don't want to admit that it's something you can change. But, I'm getting preachy and it's your life so just don't molest or rape someone. Sage and goodnight.

>> No.8065367

Goodnight panty-san :)

>> No.8065377

Wow. You sound delightful. Criminals = Trash to you. That's very small minded. We're all the same species, I almost pity your naive ego. Pent up stress from ignorance is what makes some of the best killers and abusers. See, religion. Hope you don't crack and end up in the big house. The irony that'll be.

>> No.8065518

Daily reminder that unless skin to skin contact and/or verbal threats occurred that nothing happened

>> No.8065902

I'm still molested as much by women. So no.

>> No.8065938

Women can be molesters too?

>> No.8065948

This. Please stop. I had 4 women, 3 of which were complete strangers last convention grope me hard because I had "impossibly" big boobs. If men can't do it, either can you. Not even because it hurts, just that you mess up my padding every fucking time and it gets annoying real fast.

>> No.8066061

I have had women grope me to see if my fake bulged was really my package or not.

>> No.8066134

lmao at the idea that a woman dressing provocatively excuses a harasser of even a fraction of the blame

If I went to a club or a beach and did the kind of shit some con creepers pull there would be no "asked to leave" or "confiscation of beach tags," I'd get beat bloody and told to fuck off and not come back.

It's not the bikini's fault that you can't keep your hands to yourself, no matter how hot someone's costume is you don't get to break boundaries unless told. The only reason it's gotten as bad as it is is some nerd social fallacy bullshit about not ostracizing people combined with the idea of bad press from harassers whining about being thrown out outweighing the bad press from people being harassed.

>> No.8066151

>skin to skin contact

So groping tits and ass is ok as long as they are clothed? Or he is wearing gloves?

Not to mention upskirt/creepshots.

>> No.8066157

Did you bother to read the thread?

>> No.8066166

Just imagine if guys did that to other guys because they had big dicks

Actually, no, that's just gay

>> No.8066174


I don't think the campaign is about gender... they never said "HURR DURR LET'S SAVE THA WOMEN!!11!", they're just trying to make people understand you have no right to molest anyone just cause they're wearing a cosplay of you waifu/husbando.

>> No.8066179

To be honest, these sort of campaigns always have double standards when it comes to gender.

>> No.8066187



Personally I think he was asking for it. Calling himself "Fanservice" Renji.

>> No.8070160


Alright anons, I run a convention and I'm considering a new sign that will say:

is a stupid slogan
instead ours is


>> No.8070181

I'm all up for the "cosplaying isn't consent"shit but as a cosplayer, you should know that you're gonna have to deal with some wierd shit no matter what character you choose to be. I'm not saying it's normal though. Cosplay has gone from being a huge nerd and dressing up as a cool character to turning the convention into a near disney experience where people believe that you ARE the character.

Not everyone is into that "hurr durr I'm gonna become the character" shit, some of us just like to craft, nerd out and be ourselves at the event,not the damn character.

>> No.8070297

>that last panel
Infinity = victory?

>> No.8070305

Such a blunt message will not get your intended message across, too many people will take it as "staring at my boobs is creeping, staring an sich is creeping." Always keep the vile in mind.

>> No.8070348

If it means I don't get glomped by fat smelly girls, I'm down.

The fact of the matter is though, all of these signs in the world isn't going to stop fat smelly girls from glomping me.

>> No.8070365

>saying anything SJW-like does cause stupid knee-jerk reactions across the board.
At this stage, not being racist and sexist=SJW to the MRA types you're talking about. They've abused that term to the point where it's pretty much lost its entire meaning.

>> No.8071175

>if you dress like batman, you're going to be treated like batman, now let me break your spine over my knee

good mentality really great.

>> No.8071212

I've been assaulted more out of cosplay than in/

>> No.8072053

I go to conventions and specifically wait in super crowded halls and grope girl's asses and sometimes even tits and run off

I've done this more times than I can count and I've never been caught or kicked out because I'm sneaky and can tell when to strike so that no one will notice

eat shit :)

>> No.8072063


I lold

>> No.8072070

You're an asshole! It's because of shitstains like you who can't control themselves make cons less fun for everyone. If you can't behave like a normal person, you shouldn't go to cons at all. You're disgusting.

>> No.8072074

I can control myself

I just choose not to exercise that control

fun fact: I only started doing this when these signs went up. if cons are going to treat me like I'm an animal with no self control, I am going to act like one... and I'm going to get away with it

>> No.8072078

Thats like telling gypsies thieving is wrong.

>> No.8072089

>I just choose not to exercise that control.
This I can believe, because I'm sure your ass cringes at the idea of any exercise that doesn't involve shoving a handful of Doritos into your fat maw.

>eat shit :)
Lose forty pounds and hit puberty first and then we'll talk, aspie.

>> No.8072099

lol ok daddy issues seagull, I am reasonably fit and literally in the middle of where I should be to be healthy on the BMI scale for someone who is 6"1, which I am

>confirmed for mad as fuck slut whose ass I have probably jiggled in a hall

>> No.8072102

ew...you sound like a rapist

>> No.8072108
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I don't care

>> No.8072120

not just goin with friends that cosplay, while you go around the stalls ho look at the fun and weird stuff, then goin to room parties and makin out with hot babes
tnx coners

>> No.8072129

femanon detected

>> No.8072354

>decide to check out Cosplay is not Consent panel
>panellists in a screaming match about legalities of loli porn with some dude in a fedora
>immediately leave

>> No.8072364


only if you are dressed as comic bane.

>> No.8072372

WTF does one even have to do with the other?

Unless he thinks loli = consent or something.

>> No.8072373
File: 32 KB, 370x285, kaftan_bezpieczenstwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be at least few at every con.

>> No.8072375

I actually know a few strippers who cosplay or otherwise attend conventions.

None of them wear revealing outfits. They get enough of that at work.

On the other hand, the pro-doms I know love going to cons in their work gear.

>> No.8072376

Calling bullshit. The dudes in the fedoras are the SJWs, not the other way around.

>> No.8072381

Fun Fact: Most dudes in fedoras or trilbys are apolitical, and have no fucking clue why there's suddenly a culture war over a fucking nice hat.

>> No.8072394

Awkward men no longer go to cons. They know it's been taken over by SJWs (usually morphed from their larval stage of 'quiet awkward girl') and Chads on the prowl for "nerd xD" pussy.
Just another thing taken over by mainstream society.

>> No.8072401

That's the whole point of "Cosplay is not Consent". It's an easy way to get rid of all the ugly and awkward guys. Cons will now be our hunting grounds, with nothing but hot fit guys to pick from.

>> No.8072405

>basically admitting that you never really cared for anime, video games or comics at all
Thanks for proving that women really are all whores.

>> No.8072414

I should be in a straightjacket because I like to touch girl's asses? lol ok

if it makes you feel any better I only do it to the hot ones who are wearing revealing shit anyway, so the fatties from cgl are safe

>> No.8072418

tbh I feel like this has made it worse.

people that would have come up and taken my photos are now not asking me and taking creeper shots or being general dicks because they're "afraid" of my reaction were they to come up to me like a normal person.

there's also people that would have acted fine without seeing the signs and are acting out just because the signs are now there, and because it's an anime convention and people like to break rules at anime conventions.

I think that there's just periods every few years where a lot of younger people or new people start to attend conventions, and the behavior goes down accordingly.

>> No.8072421

Why is loving anime and wanting a hot bishie boytoy mutually exclusive?

>> No.8072426

Aw- poor little creep boy can't be laid so has to get his excitement from touching girls' butts so he can jerk off later.
Absolutely pathetic. You're gross.
And inb4 I'm a fatty. I weigh 115 lbs.

>> No.8072427

there's also the fact that A LOT of the "cosplay is not consent" thing is used to identify people that are not sexual harassers at all, just perfectly normal dudes some girls don't want talking to them.

shit doesn't get said when it's an stereotypical "attractive" man grabbing asses.

>> No.8072428

If you like to touch girls asses WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION you should be in a nice pair of cuffs.

>> No.8072434

That's why "zero tolerance" and "listen and believe" policies are a terrible idea.

Cons that have some sense (or ran their policy past a lawyer) don't have bullshit like that. There still could be abuses, but it's not so easy when you need to convince a couple of people to publicly lie for you.

>> No.8072438

Can't wait till you end up in jail and get the shit beat out of you c':

>> No.8072453

is filming a girls butt (NOT upskirt) allowed?

>> No.8072469

why would that be allowed. are you asking them to film? no? then respect their wishes and don't do it

>> No.8072471

It's too tryhard.
>Cosplay has gone from being a huge nerd and dressing up as a cool character to turning the convention into a near disney experience where people believe that you ARE the character.
It's gotten to the point where some people literally think those of us in professional level costumes work for the con. Two SDCCs ago, I was in this beautifully made Batgirl costume I commissioned from a friend, that really looked like something straight off a movie set. On my way to meet my friends, which I was running really late for, this lady stopped me to take a picture with her little boy who looked to be 10ish. I did, but then she wanted to take more is a bunch of different poses, so I told her I was running late to see my friends, but I would if I saw them again. She got pretty demanding about it as if I had some form of obligation to, so I told her I really had to go and she proceeded to bitch me out and tell me how she was going to report me to my higher ups for not doing my job. When I told her I didn't work there, she was so embarrassed, it was hilarious. I have a friend who was also in a similar situation when she was Aurora.

>> No.8072473

actually I usually end up fucking anywhere between 3-6 girls in the span of 3 days, sometimes in group sex

I just think it's fucking hilarious that women at cons think they're anything but meat

ps if you're not lying about your weight you're probably still uggo

>> No.8072475


>> No.8072476

ya maybe by the letter of the law but I haven't been caught yet and chances are I won't ever be because it's super easy to get away with lol

honestly I think most of the girls like that sort of attention anyway, they're basically asking for it with the outfits most of them are in. so who cares?

>> No.8072478

lol the absolute worst thing that would ever happen to me is that I would get thrown out of a con, I'm not going to go to fucking prison for slapping a girl's ass

but the fact of the matter is I won't even get banned from a con because I will never be caught, sweetheart <3

>> No.8072480
File: 22 KB, 400x196, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want /pol/ to leave.
Just don't aswer to this faggot.
It's pretty clear he has never had any normal contact with women and has warped idea of his own behaviour. Just don't reply to this fucking faggot.

>> No.8072485

lol /pol/ is stupid, I am a regular congoer, make my own costumes, and am independently wealthy so I go to pretty much all the major cons

you would never realize I do the shit I do if you looked at me irl

you sound pretty mad. is it just because I get to have fun at the expense of stupid drama queen girls in costumes who think they're princesses? lol

>> No.8072487
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>I usually end up fucking anywhere between 3-6 girls in the span of 3 days, sometimes in group sex

>> No.8072489

On the off chance you're not trolling, I should warn you that many girls have an instant reflex for that sort of thing. I've been groped twice by guys pulling the same shit as you and both times, I grabbed them the second I felt them touch me. It doesn't matter if you manage to get away, at that point, the girl has seen you and can point you out to security. Any girl who has ever crossplayed characters with a massive fujoshi fanbase will have their guard up constantly at cons. I recommend more subtle tactics. Like, for example, softly brushing your hand against their ass when in a massive crowd of people in a way that could easily be dismissed as an accident.

>> No.8072492

>newfag detected
Honey, if you don't think there are actually people that sick on 4chan, I've got bad news for you. It could be a troll, though.

>> No.8072494

If "Cosplay is not consent" then "Hello is not harassment"

>> No.8072496


ps: a few things I've learned from being rich and into getting laid at cons.

1) literally every girl there with a bf will cheat on him if he's not there with her. I have lost count of the number of guys I've inadvertently cucked at cons, I guess I should feel bad about it but I don't really care, imo it's the girl's fault for being a whore

2) many (most?) of them are actual whores on some level or another. they usually excuse it by calling it being a 'sugar baby' or just leech off bfs or have a bunch of fuckbuddies that conveniently buy them shit, but it pretty much boils down to prostitution. I usually keep one or two of these girls on call at any given time as sugarbabies, for times when I don't feel like picking girls up. I pick these girls up off of cgl threads almost exclusively. burando buys pussy, lol

oh yeah, for sure - I've had some close calls when I first started but you start to get a knack for when it's "safe" to do it. I only do it when it's super crowded anyway so even if they somehow spot me I can blend into the crowd asap. it also helps to be wearing a mask that you don't care about, so if you think there's a chance she saw you, you just pack that shit back in your luggage and don't wear it for the rest of the weekend

>> No.8072497

I think cons should also mention that staring doesn't qualify as assault.

>> No.8072498

also if I were to do that subtle hand-brush-ass shit it would ruin the appeal for me. I like the fact that I'm getting a handful of ass and there's basically nothing they can do about it. women, especially con sluts aren't really people to me tbqh

>> No.8072499

/pol/ whore please go.

>> No.8072500

Officially confirmed for troll

>I guess I should feel bad about it but I don't really care, imo it's the girl's fault for being a whore
I love it when people try to justify sleeping with a taken person with this mentality. If my boyfriend cheated on me and the girl knew about me, I would kick her ass. It's mostly the person with the SO's fault, but the person they were cheating with still deserves blame.

>> No.8072503 [DELETED] 

Your baiting is getting more and more obvious with every post. Started 4/10 now .5/20.

>> No.8072506

Real men don't brag with their achievements, it's only the faggots who need to compensate for something. No one in this thread believes you have ever gotten any, so stop spewing bullshit.

>> No.8072508

Your baiting is more and more obvious with every post. Started 4/10 now .5/10.

>> No.8072514

not a troll but you can believe that if it makes you feel better, I've found women (but surprisingly, more often men) desperately want to believe I am full of shit on this stuff

explain to me how I'm a bad person for fucking a guy's gf. I didn't have a deal with that dude, he's not my friend, I never promised not to fuck his girl. she's the one that's messing around. she's just a ho to me. how am I to blame at all? idgi

>> No.8072523

does it really count as bragging if I'm doing it on an anonymous messageboard where I get absolutely zero props or status or anything for doing so?

you want to know why I'm talking about what I do? I talk about this shit on cgl sometimes because I find it funny how mad seagulls get about it

plus it's not like I can tell people "lol I grope random women at cons because I think it's hilarious that they don't have the power to stop me" irl without people realizing I'm a sociopath, and it feels good to talk about it somewhere even anonymously

>> No.8072527

See what I mean? Con attendees need to learn that we're here for fun, not for them to annoy us like the disney character workers. Shit's really aooying.

>> No.8072537

I'm not sure why I'm surprised that a total misogynist who shamelessly gropes people at cons can't see what's wrong with fucking another guy's girlfriend.

>> No.8072539

if he was my friend I'd pull him aside and tell him he's dating a whore

but if he's just some dude? seriously, who gives a fuck. if it's not my dick it'll be someone else's, the guy is a cuck one way or the other

>> No.8072540

Troll detected

>> No.8072542

But isn't that creeping, though?

>> No.8072543

Jerking off to girls on pornhub with a group of your loser friends doesn't count as group sex. Just fyi

>> No.8072544

You can try to justify it all you want, but don't be surprised if someone beats the shit out of you

>> No.8072546

It's not?

If you're saying hello to someone who doesn't want to see or talk to you (likely due to your repulsive behavior or appearance), how is that not harassment?

>> No.8072547

Have you ever been screened for STDs? If you're really that much of a slut, you probably have something. Not all STDs ave symptoms right away.

>> No.8072548

oh wow another fatty seagull saying "hur dur you dont really get laid" what a surprise

it will never happen, I can handle myself in a fight and more importantly I'm not going to stick around to fight some neckbearded cuck, I'm going to bust in his girl and bounce

>> No.8072552

yes, once every couple months (getting a swab in your dickhole is not a fun experience btw)

I'm honestly not sure how I haven't caught anything but I get a clean bill every time. I guess I caught scabies once awhile back but that's not really an std, and it cleared up asap

>> No.8072557
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>> No.8072558

Literally every slutty guy I've ever had this conversation with IRL has said more or less the exact same thing as you.

And every single one of them got the shit beaten out of them.

"It will never happen" is what everyone says/thinks until it does happen. This applies to your idea you'll never get busted or groping, too. This is a prime example of the delusional sense of invincibility the military looks for.

>> No.8072560

It's always white women.


>> No.8072561

Seriously- 115lbs and hotter than any girl you'll ever sleep with. Also in med school so I'll be making tons of money while you scrounge about on govt welfare c:

>> No.8072569

>I'm going to bust in his girl and bounce
I really hope you end up knocking one of them up and get stuck having to pay child support.

>> No.8072653

>one comment on a message board
>all women

>> No.8072657

I personally see it as a way to demonize the regular congoer.

it is like we are treating them all like "Possible Criminals" instead of paying customers who are attending the convention.

Honestly, it feels like someone is trying to make cosplayers more special snowflake than we really are. There are rules about harassment in the guidebooks and rules for the conventions anyways. Best to just expand those.

There is no reason to make convention rules "just" for cosplayers, to set them apart.

We do that enough already by being narcissistic fucks.

>> No.8072662

All con goers are possible criminals, though.

>> No.8072664

someone please please start a push to get fujoshi creepers acknowledged openly. they are atrocious and it would help guys who aren't creepers realize they're not being demonized. equality doesn't work when authority figures ignore half the problem.

>> No.8072668


I wish someone would tell this to girls as well.

I'm sick of having my ass grabbed and turning around to see some sweaty hambeast in bad cosplay is the one responsible for it.

>> No.8072671

Pretty much this.

Male gropers and such try to be more discrete, like patting an ass or filming something in secret, because they know their shit is gonna be in trouble.

The fujishits and fangirls brazenly, and openly, harass and touch whatever the fuck they like in broad daylight, in front of con ops, and no one bats an eye.

Either we call more attention to "that", or we stop trying to paint all the con goers as "rapists in waiting" as the cosplay is not consent movement is attempting to put across, subtly.

We are anime fans, after all. We are neither prudes, nor are we willing to let our hobbies be clamped down by outsiders morality codes.

We must be respectful of each other's personal space, but also respectful of the fact that conventions are for everyone, not just us cosplayers.

>> No.8072674

>All humans are possible criminals, though.

Go back to reddit with your thought crime bullshit and stay there.

>> No.8072679

I'm honestly surprised more conventions don't just hire a police officer or two to handle cases at conventions.

In the comic you posted. Only one of those things counts as sexual harassment outside the workplace. So, no, there isn't really anything that can be done about inappropriate comments other then to let the person know you don't appreciate it.

The fourth panel counts as sexual battery though. You can be arrested for that. I feel more people should know this.

In America you have the freedom to look and comment on my ass. If you touch my ass, it is sexual battery and very illegal.

I'd like to note that unwanted hugging and physical contact count as sexual battery as well. Once you've done this, any commentary furthers the crime.

Please don't touch people.

>> No.8072693

And this. I can't even count how many times some fujoshits have harrassed me and my friends when we have cosplayed male characters. Nothig too bad. Mostly they come too close(which isn't nice if they are unhygienic and who have bad breath), ask for pics as we do some "YAOI~" and other bs. Sigh.

>> No.8072698

Legally, yes.

Morally questionable, but I'm of the opinion that if it's visible at eye height it's fair game for photo and video.

Under con rules? Depends on the con.

But if someone catches you, don't be surprised when everyone thinks you're a creep.

>> No.8072699

It is not incorrect, though.

>> No.8072715

Are they really that bad? Guys are much worse with this, don't be blaming women for things that you might be blowing out of proportion.

Guys are the ones who film candid upskirt videos without anyone's consent. Guys are usually the harassers, anyway.

>> No.8072725
File: 1.53 MB, 2964x1667, safe from degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate sexual practices

Pick one

>> No.8072735

That's the equivalent of using the groper guy in this thread as proof all men are sexual predators
Also this

>> No.8072736

The female offenders are usually much, much worse.

If we are going to blame anyone, it's gotta be hambeast fangirls who are way more physical.

Seems you are trying to "underplay" female harassment more than that anon is trying to overplay it.

>> No.8072738

>I'm honestly surprised more conventions don't just hire a police officer or two to handle cases at conventions.

I know that Otakon hires out off duty Baltimore police, but they're mostly posted up in the dealers room for obvious reasons.

Most large conventions do have an LEO presence to keep an eye on things.

>> No.8072749

But didn't the whole "Cosplay is Not Consent" thing start because of guys harassing women at cons, catcalling, groping, filming candid videos, and so on?

You never really hear any media reports or articles about guys being harassed. It just doesn't really happen that often, meanwhile women get harassed every day. And cons invite the worst of guys: either the creepy, basement dweller neckbeards or the "regular" guys who just see this as women being provocative for them, either way they both act entitled to women.

>> No.8072759


More like guys just don't make a fuss about it.

>> No.8072761

You are kidding me, right? Either you have never met a female harrasser or tumblr has turnt your brains into cereal milk.

>> No.8072762

Oh god, your entire post is sexist as fuck and full of nothing but confirmation bias.

Please go back to tumblr where you belong.

If we have to shame "one" of the sexes at conventions, then we need to shame BOTH of the sexes into submission at conventions.

More girls "report" harassment then the men do, but I think honestly it's the guys who get more overt harassment.

>> No.8072763

Not the same anon, but I've been sexually harassed by girls more than men. I cosplay mostly as young male characters and have been groped several times. I have quite a few friends who also cosplay as male characters that have been harassed as well.

I feel like people underplay how often women sexually harass other women who cosplay as males.

>> No.8072776

Guys make make fusses all the time.

I've never met a female harasser, because it's simply unheard of. You also can't deny that men are the cause of a lot of harassment, whether it's at a con or not.

Where's your proof of guys being harassed, though? If more girls report harassment then more people know about it. If guys aren't reporting it, how are you so sure? I mean, without sources or proof, it just sounds like you want to defend men when men are the ones going around harassing others.

I don't think people are underplaying it, maybe it just doesn't happen as often as you think. Was it really as bad as you're making it seem?

>> No.8072780


>Guys make make fusses all the time.

I've been felt up more times than I can count. I've never gone around screaming rape.

Even if you take a look at things like rape statistics, you'll see men are significantly less likely to report it than women.

>> No.8072784

As long as it can help my sister and my friend's little sisters not being followed or touched by neckbeards because they're cosplaying their waifus.

>> No.8072785


>what's your proof??
>response is all anecdotal or hypothetical
>neh neh neh prove it!

Fucking tumblr get out.

>> No.8072804

Clapping counts as sexual battery? Shit more people SHOULD know this

>> No.8072806

>anecdotal or hypothetical

That's your problem. Where are the statistics?

>> No.8072811


I'm just a bystander, but it's not like you're providing awe inspiring statistics either.
>all men do this
>all women get this

JFC and you call yourself a feminist?

>> No.8072814

Then maybe you should step it up and start making a fuss because that shit isn't cool.

>I've never met a female harasser, because it's simply unheard of.

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.8072818

>I've never met a female harasser, because it's simply unheard of.
Hey I'm with you about it being more one gender or the other but that's a huge exaggeration. Have you really never heard stories/seen girls do shit like hug, caress, "glomp" and otherwise non-consensually touch male bishies they are into? It happens.

>> No.8072836

They don't just do it to men, either. They'll do it to crossplayers or girls dressed as their fave character. Unexpected/unwanted touches from girls at cons are basically the norm.

>> No.8072838

>basically the norm

And thus, not a problem.

>> No.8072840


>> No.8072844

I remember when shit like racism was the norm. Def not a problem.

>> No.8072849

> lol that comic

what a whiteknight

>> No.8072851

Racism is sadly still the norm, and is a problem.

But fabricated stories about guys who think they're getting harassed? How is that a problem?

>> No.8072856

What are you even fucking saying at this point

You flip flop between it either being fictional or being not a problem. Pick a position and stick to it. Does it not occur or does it occur but doesn't count?

It's arguable to what degree each gender suffers harassment, and like I said I'd probably AGREE that there are more men doing it. But anyone who thinks that males have literally never ever, not once EVER been harassed at conventions is a fucking moron. It's just statistically impossible from unless you discount female on male harassment categorically, which you seem to be doing.

>> No.8072866

I never approached girls at cons anyways, not my problem. Just don't interact with the opposite sex unless you're that type of guy and you're golden.

>> No.8072916

What's funny about this shit is that anime/comic conventions are just about the safest places held in the public that a person could ever go to. Out of the MILLIONS of people that have gone to these cons there have been hardly ANY verifiable instances of rape or sexual assault. That's not something that can easily be said for any other type of massive yearly public events. And yet, for some reason, it is these conventions that feminists choose to attack as somehow being feeding grounds for perverts and molesters.

A "cosplay is not consent" movement at conventions isn't going to make anyone safer any more than a PSA telling men to "don't be that guy" is going to stop men from being a rapist. The few bad apples out there that would actually do such a thing aren't going to be swayed by an ad.

It is also incredibly insulting to enter a convention and immediately be told in LARGE DISPLAYS to "keep your hands to yourself", as though I'm already being suspected of rape just for wanting to enjoy a con. This is nothing more than condescending hysteria.

>> No.8072946

>The sign honestly is more saying, "People care about this issue and will support it."

I also think it's a good "hey just FYI" for first-time congoers. My friend saw a sign like that at her first con and asked me if it was really an issue.

A lot of people get tunnel visioned when roaming the floor and this is a good way to remind them to be more aware of their surroundings and report any skeevy behavior.

>> No.8072953

TBH I wish I could call this person a troll but there are people who seriously believe guys never get harassed. Talk about living in a self-centered bubble.

>> No.8072956


I agree with you. It's like doing PSAs for pickpocketing at the subway station. It certainly won't solve the problem overnight, but it's helpful in reminding people to keep a watch out.

I think this should be about both sexes, and I appreciate conventions trying to reach out to all genders despite the origins of the movement.

>> No.8072960

Guys might claim to be harassed but those who claim that are just trying to silence feminists who are trying to prevent actual harassment against women.

>> No.8072971


Ah now you're just trolling. Good to know. You had us for a while though!

>> No.8072972

Talk to any con security and they'll tell you that the majority of "skeevy behavior" reports they have to deal with are issues of girls being hit on, bumped into in lines, and men "looking creepy".

Except pickpocketing on the subway station is a common problem and convention molestation is not. The only thing hysteria enables is more hysteria.

>> No.8072980


Yeah because having some girl wrap herself around me without my consent is totally acceptable right? Having girls grab my ass, and I mean grab with a full handful and not a little pinch (though that happens a lot too) is also not harassment either, is it?

Next you're going to tell me you can't be sexist to men, that men can't be raped and how the patriarchy is the cause of everything bad, right?

Damn, you sound like one of those really fucking crazy tumblr SJWs.

>> No.8072989

>Yeah because having some girl wrap herself around me without my consent is totally acceptable right?

Only if you're not gay.

>> No.8072993

You can't be sexist to men though, they're the ones oppressing women.

>> No.8072994
File: 111 KB, 500x667, npvFe6Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're cosplaying and this girl comes and wraps her arm around you.

What do you do?

>> No.8073008
File: 36 KB, 707x648, 1315696646210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god it's just the same stupid troll posts over and over again

>> No.8073015
File: 73 KB, 476x484, frans-hals-descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do.

>> No.8073020

It's a false equivalence - males are generally bigger and stronger (more threatening) than women so when a woman gets grabbed she has less ability to defend herself.

>> No.8073030

>males are generally bigger

You must be new to anime cons.

>> No.8073033

So it's not harassment? Nice victim blaming you fuck.

>> No.8073040


I'm 5 foot 10, 117lbs. You trying to tell me that all those hambeasts weighing 200-300lbs are smaller and weaker than me? Most of them could flatten me simply by walking.
If they seriously came at me, I know for a fact I could not fight most of them off. I don't have the size or strength to do so.

Besides, size and weight don't mean shit. If someone is harassing a person, that is harassment.

Or are you telling me if I find a woman who is bigger than me, say 6ft tall, I'm allowed to grab and grope her all I want because she is bigger/stronger than me and I can't defend myself from her?

The fuck is your problem?

>> No.8073050

Since when can men be victims of anything? Aren't they usually the ones making others their victims?

>> No.8073055

>males are generally bigger and stronger

.....We are talking about the same lanky, boychild looking wapanese guys at cons, right? Because I think your impression of guys at cons is a bit out of whack.

>> No.8073058


You're being too obvious now. Tone it down a bit, you might be believable then.

>> No.8073062

I did not say it is not harrassment, I said it is a different type of situation, where one is more threatening than the other.

If the woman is obese, it does not mean she is strong, in fact it would be the opposite.

It is not ok for anyone to harrass anyone, but realize that situations are different depending on who harrasses who. If the harrasser is much stronger - or has multiple people backing him up - it is much harder for the person being harrassed to defend themselves.

>> No.8073074

this is why i say there should be a push to call out fujoshi harassers; people don't take them seriously, and they are the reaaon yaoi paddles were banned so it's not like authorities can deny their existence. speak up when it happens, they've probably never been told they are harassing someone.

>> No.8073075
File: 56 KB, 485x357, dumbbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If someones obese they're not strong

Wrong. Obese people carry around significantly more weight than skinny people. Though you can't see it due to it being covered in fat, obese people are infact usually muscular as fuck on account of them having to carry around hundreds of pounds of fat everywhere they go.

See this dumbbell? Imagine having one of these strapped to each of your arms. You trying to tell me you wouldn't get strong as fuck from lifting these all day?

>> No.8073077

Even if you don't believe >>8073075 300 pounds body weight alone just going down on someone by gravity will overpower and hurt you.

>> No.8073086

Even if that is true, most women aren't obese. I'm talking in general, here. Of course there are exceptions.

>> No.8073090


In the US 35.5% of women are actually obese.

And we're specifically talking about men being harassed by obese women and being unable to defend themselves from these women.

>> No.8073094


Trivializing the plight of others is generally what divide and conquer establishment minded people do. You are no better than the patriarchy you probably are seeking to dismantle.

>> No.8073099

So you're saying a bunch of obese women are going around harrassing males? Do you have statistics showing that this is as big of a problem as males harrassing women?

>> No.8073118


Men get harassed by women. I'm not claiming they get harassed more than women (though I suspect you have no statistics to back up this claim either), I'm saying it happens more than people think it happens.

I'm also saying, for some reason men being harassed by women doesn't seem to be a problem. It is, and it should be treated as seriously as women being harassed by men.

>> No.8073119


It wouldn't matter anyways. Singling out one sex or race is bigoted and sexists.

If we are going to be fair, then we have to make sure female harassers are well mentioned in any sort of advertisement deamonizing the convention goers.

It's only fair.

....Unless you are worried about terrible female fans actions being brought to light?

>> No.8073134

Have you never been to a con? That's like half the interactions you can expect to find. You don't need statistics to prove it, and it won't help since guy won't contribute the number of times some dumb bitch tried to grope or overpower them.
Fat chicks are a menace man, they're a microcosm of a microcosm, yet they manage to cause the most problems.
And I'm speaking as a former fat chick that acted the fool. Trust me, it happens, the issue is real, I'm just glad I didn't cause any real harm to anyone and managed to make up for the things I did do.

>> No.8073142

Do you not understand that this branch of the conversation spawned from someone saying this literally NEVER happens.

And to be honest, while I would guess men harass more in general, I would also guess that women who go to cons harass more than women generally. The amount of fucking hambeast horror stories I've heard and yaoi fangirls who think they can grope hot men is ridiculous. As this chucklefuck said >>8072838 it's considered the norm and therefore "not a problem."

>> No.8073144

All I'm saying is, if the harrasser has an advantage over the harrassed person, that is a more threatening situation. For example, a strong adult male harrassing a small child would mean the child is defenceless, meaning there is no way for the child to stop it by himself. If it was the small child harrassing the strong adult male, obviously he could just laugh and walk away.

Not sure if this post is serious or not.

>> No.8073156

>All I'm saying is, if the harrasser has an advantage over the harrassed person, that is a more threatening situation.
Yeah what fantastic insight thank you. It's also worse if they bring a knife, did you know that?

It's still harassment regardless. The only person who brought up variable threat levels was YOU, everyone else was discussing the OCCURENCE of harassment of men. You're utterly transparent.

>> No.8073157

I didn't say it never happens, and I disagree with the post you linked to.

>> No.8073180

My initial post was relevant to the post I responded to - I pointed out a false equivalence. People seem to misinterpret my posts, and I don't want to argue about this anymore, so I will leave the thread now.

>> No.8073183

I'm gonna get a drawfag to draw a flier of a fat hambeast female con goer tackling and harassing a male bishie cosplayer.

Hand em out all over the place with the "Cosplay is not Consent" logo at the top.

We'll see how that flies with convention goers.

>> No.8073190

It won't go well, because you're blaming all women for something that literally never happens and pretending that men are the victims of something trivial.

>> No.8073201

>you're blaming all women for something

Oh, I do hope you realize the irony here.

>something that literally never happens

It has happened the last four times I have cosplayed,

>pretending that men are the victims of something trivial.

Oh but of course, it is only important if it happens to one sex and not the other. SILLY ME!

>> No.8073328

That's because no one, especially not the media, gives a single fuck when it happens to guys.

If you think girls, especially teenage girls hopped up on pocky and hormones, don't do this, you've never been to a con and you've never read a single /cgl/ horror thread.

>> No.8073334

>no one gives a single fuck when it happens to guys

Because they're the ones doing the harassing, anon. Why should anyone care about them?

>> No.8073356

Your callous disregard and preferential treatment of one sex over the other is very archaic and old fashioned, anon.

Maybe conventions are not for you.

>> No.8073365


He's probably some beta ass white knight who is just agreeing with what some SJW told him because he think's it'll get him laid.

>> No.8073380

Callous disregard and preferential treatment of one sex over the other? I'm not a man.

Newsflash, men are the ones oppressing women in society. They're the ones who are callously disregarding women. Yes, it is very archaic and old fashioned, and it needs to be stopped.

>> No.8073383


Oh. You're one of those people.

News flash. No one is oppressing you. You're just looking for an easy ride.

>> No.8073401

New thread


>> No.8073454

Are you a troll or an actual SJW misandrist?

It's impossible to tell the difference any more.

>> No.8073467 [DELETED] 

>I've never met a female harasser, because it's simply unheard of.


Terrible Internet Argument #7.

>> No.8073502


5th panel... you know what I meant!

>> No.8073903

Wow, the mods sent the follow up thread down the memory hole despite all the posts.

I guess the SJWs really have taken over.

>> No.8074039

what are you, fatty seagull dr phil? you're just mad that I've beaten (and will continue to beat) whatever odds there are because I'm better than most people

>> No.8074054

>hotter than any girl you'll ever sleep with
confirmed for delusional cunt. my dad owns multiple dealerships and I already own my own business, there is a 0% chance I will ever be poor

do you seriously think I'm stupid enough to give these girls my real name? give me some credit

>> No.8075166

When was that Black Cat Cosplayer going to say that Thor's costume was nice as well?

>> No.8077232

Not being a SJW= being an MRA according to SJW types.