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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8063120 No.8063120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Hook-ups and Fuck-ups, "Almost had it" stories, Longterm friends you hoped to make it with at the nightly events, Friendzone K.Os and coping.

>> No.8063124

>be 2011
>lusting after this one girl
>found out my friend asked her to the formal ball
>devastated cause I was gonna propose these (not marriage but confession)
>went with bro friend to the ball instead
>11pm DJ start playing love songs
>asks my bro friend if hes gonna intervene but hes too pussy
>finally gets the courage and goes to them and breaks up dance
>dances with her completey o
>dances out of sync with the music and in a funny way totally killed mood
>watch her for the rest of the con and then go back to hotel room to play halo 3
>makes sure she gets back to the room and sleeps
>tfw cockblocked friend but he doesn't know it
>bro friend never said anything cause we go way back
>she and I are still friends to this day but I'm still working on it

>> No.8063125

>go to ALA
>girl comments on my cosplay
>thank her for the compliment
>we go out seperate ways

God damn she must have been soaked down there after our 2 second exchange of words. Next time, bros.

>> No.8063144

bump for stories

>> No.8063147

This picture explains the poor average quality of cosplay costumes.

>> No.8063150

>go to /cgl/ orgy
>have great angry sex
>the end

>> No.8063172
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>tfw no cute cosplaying gf
am I going to be alone forever?
I don't even cosplay I just go to cons to try to hang out withand maybe hit on people with similar hobbies as me

>> No.8063177

I had sex on the second floor balcony of the Anaheim Convention Center for a certain large anime convention about 8 and a half years ago, many people know the venue now as the location of WonderCon. That same year we also fooled around in a panel room, got kicked out, and then finally settled with a hotel stairwell. Other roommates were occupying the room for similar reasons at the time, I had to improvise.

Being young is fucking stupid, and fucking fun. At least the view was nice from the balcony.

>> No.8063305
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Only times at a con were a in-cosplay threesome and another time with my girlfriend in cosplay.
Came close to another time with a girl cosplaying Mami straddling me but there were other people in the room sleeping, and too many times where I never picked up on someone offering.

>> No.8063323
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Well, my (now ex) girlfriend cheated on me at a con. So I guess there's that?

>> No.8063348

>at a con with my boyfriend
>very passable and attractive mtf asks me to fuck
>talk it over with my boyfriend, he oks it, but isn't 100% comfortable with it
>I go up to the room, hang out in the shower with her(?)
>make out a litte
>about to get down and dirty on the bed
>get a phone call from boyfriend, he is NOT okay with it
>apologize to her and get dressed
>as I'm leaving, she says, "I could ruin your relationship, you know."

Bullet fucking dodged.

>> No.8063369

how can you just casually hook up with someone? i need to have feelings for them before i'd ever consider them touching me. i'm a weirdo

>> No.8063376

>in a relationship
>"hey bf can i fuck that person"
>he actually fucking agrees
I don't understand. Why can't you just remain fuck buddies if you don't want to be exclusive?

>> No.8063377

So people try to be "in character" when they fuck?

>> No.8063380

Something about emotions. We started off as fuckbuddies, then moved to open relationship, and are now in a closed relationship.

>> No.8063385

You have morals and standards. There is nothing wrong with that. I'm the same way when it comes to girls.

>> No.8063386

IS it a closed relationship if you go fuck other people?

>> No.8063387

Because of the fear that sex will lead to greater feelings which is intuitively.. true?

Especially if you haven't had sex as much, because the less sex you have the more special it is each time you have therefore you tend to be more clingly. This is why females shy away from less sexually experienced guys or flat out virgins because they selfishly want the power of being able to have sex freely without it being a big deal, whereas the guy would take it like the girl actually loved him.

For all the talk about women being empathetic, I see constantly that its men who want, seek, understand and are more capable of real love. Women just have a maternal instinct or something.

>> No.8063390

We don't do that now. That's sort of the point. The con hotel almost-sex happened when the relationship was still open.

>> No.8063394

Yes yes, life on easy mode, cruel cunts, bad at everything, useless sluts, now that you're done shitposting can we go back to the topic?

>> No.8063412

Well thats kind of like seeing the equation for momentum and being like "you know this explanation for that it too.. condensed. I wish I could go back to being confused."

And thus we move away from explaining and debating the cause of these problems, and instead continue to cite random examples and generally learn nothing or become more moral.


>> No.8063414

Usually, gets quite kinky depending on the characters

>> No.8063420

But most of the characters never engage in canon sex, so what kind of things do you plan to do?

Is it ever akward when you accidentally break character because of the emotional intensity of the situation (that your having sex with a stranger at a con) despite you inner confidence that you can project an aroused version of your character? Do people use being in-character as a convenient excuse for their behavior e.g. "I am not doing it, "Miku" is the one having sex" or something?

>> No.8063431
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You basically go off fanfic or just the general personality of a character to make something up (eg. a genki character would be bouncy as fuck under the sheets). That's if you want to keep the talking up though, you don't really need to be in character for pants and moans.

And I think the character part is just added fun, it doesn't spoil the feeling if we're out of character, it just intensifies it. The last thing you said might be going a bit too crazy though.

>> No.8063448

Serious question though: Because the human form is different from anime form, even those portraying slice of life stories, how do they "keep up with the demand" of expecting to have big cawks, huge bouncy boobs, and less squishly bodies (realistic bodyfat behavior)\\

Essentially when the clothes come off, both (or all three) have to come to the realization that they are fucking another human being.

The guy could be big, or he could be small. The girl could be volumptous, or petite. How does that mental transition work?

(btw I want to experience this but idk if im sexable)

>> No.8063458
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What demand? If someone wants to have sex with you I doubt they'd nitpick about expectations unless it's seriously strange from the norm. If you're already hitting on/being hit on by another person, you already know they're another human, so you either recognize it as such and have fun or turn them down and stick to 2D loyalty (or find someone else more suitable).

It's entirely your choice if you want to go through with it or not. If it's too weird for you, you could always explain that or just not do it at all.

>> No.8063466


We demand far more from our fantasies and pinups than we do in real life. Once we start engaging face-to-face we are far more willing to settle, particularly if we are caught up in the moment.

>> No.8063476


Well I'm not a virgin so I'm not desperate.

>> No.8063479

Speaking of virginity, I don't get why people are so desperate to lose it. With that kind of attitude you're more likely to do something you regret and make your first time awful. Thankfully mine was enjoyable when I was 18 but I can't understand why you'd want to rush losing it. Social stigma?

>> No.8063480

I love con's for the after parties, they get pretty crazy

>> No.8063508

Couple reasons.

-Wanting to experience sex while youthful, and with a youthful partner.
-Fearing that the dating game will be more challenging when your older
-Increase risk of STDs when older due to girls having had multiple partners by then
-Social stigma indeed. I lied about my virginity with the first girl I was with, and only now intellectualize their reasoning.
-I've only had two partners. Another reason is wanting to try everything, different ethnicities, personalities, threesomes, fetishes etc. Girls get 10x more opportunity to find this on average, and its no wonder they come out of it being so experienced, if not even bored of having tried everything - a feeling just unfathomable to the average robot, who'd wait by a girl all day just for a kiss on the cheek, and the chance that it might grow into something more.
-If not stated about basically to become smarter, sexually competent. Theres a feeling that people reveal new art of themselve when in bed. Guys want to *know* girls. They want to know, understand, and *be* for them. Its a male thing to crave a role, purpose in life, and sex might bring a greater knowledge of human nature of the nature of the opposite gender.

Guys have to "rush it." Its not something that comes every day. Fail to grab an opportunity and it could be months, or years that's another time comes along. Girls could fuck an army in that amount of time.

>> No.8063544

>Build cosplays and armors as a hobby, not just for con season
>I hit the gym 5 days a week, keep a lean body, clean cut hair, and just enough scruff on the face

Honestly its not even really trying at that point. I had ugly duckling syndrom growing up where i was pretty hideous but girls liked me because i was funny.Once I cleaned up things got alot better for me.
Heres the latest one for me that was kind of funny:
>Did a horror cosplay last year. Monster demon thing
>Did the whole, after pictures, take off the head and show face
>One girl in particular following in our group. Shes cute
>Starts talking about her webcomics and im kind of just "yup. yea. uh huh." because my mask blocks out alot of sound
>Finally bump nasty. She wants me to be rough as FUCK, call her slut and spit on her
>She has to catch a plane home in the morning, gives me some contact info
>Go home, loook it up.
>She is a HUGE radical feminist who hates the male patriarchy and supports castration day

Could only really picture that look of joy on her face when I kept saying "You're a dirty slut" and ect. Good times. Luckily I limit myself to 1 encounter a con, 2 if shits really crazy. I dont need that level of crazy coming in multiples. Bad experience with that.

>> No.8063578

Just a question. Are doing this for yourself or just "because you're expected to be sexually experienced at certain age" by the outside factors?

>> No.8063637

DragonCon is hopping with orgies. It was the first time I had a red head, blonde and Asian.

>> No.8063672

>long term bf
>Go to a con out of state for his birthday
>Pay for the hotel as a gift + badges
> On day 2 tells me he's feeling sick and go to it without him
>Come back early with some birthday gifts
>He's fucking some girl

Turns out he was cheating on me for about a month with this internet slut. He only wanted to go to that con to meet her and fuck her. I ended up kicking his ass out of my hotel room, took his badge and told him he can go stay with her. Later found out the girl was like 16 while he was 23 after he called me begging to say with me because he had no place to go. Sucks to be him.

>> No.8063679
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Hooked up with a CC some years ago. Now I legitimately have a hard time getting it up to anything but cosplay. I wish I could go back.

>> No.8063698

How do you find people to hookup with at cons?

/cgl/ meetups are my only reason to meet strangers at cons.

None of the cons I go to are known for their afterparties.

>> No.8063700

Just order some Pizza Hut

>> No.8063707
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You mother fucker

>> No.8063716

/cgl/ meets can help but if shit goes wrong you should be ready being posted here about it. Series meets are a good place too since you can meet people with similar interests and even better if you and someone are cosplaying as OTPs.
Con parties are a maybe, depends how many thirsty people there are attending.

>> No.8063721

Look for people doing things your interested in. Like, the chick I met in >>8063544 we were at a jojo panal. Go to panals your interested in. If theres a line out front, talk to people

Usually, if I want to talk to people, I go to the food court and find a table half full or somthing. We sit, start a conversation, compliment cosplay, talk about the subject material, somthing. You are at a place for people specifically interested in things you are, you have all the fire starter you need. Be confident, groom yourself a bit.

Also, been to a couple /cgl/ meet ups, you guys are good people.

>> No.8063723

Jesus christ you have a super warped view of women

I wish moot would bawlete r9k again its such a cesspool for this crapola

>> No.8063726

He has a warped view of everything else judging by that post.

Women don't really want someone with tons of random experience, it doesn't have the affect you're imagining. They want someone to cater to them, so you basically have to learn how to sex all over again. Girls however, girls think that experience is king and have no clue how sex should be.

>> No.8063782

Naked Snake cosplayer here.

I need a fool-proof battle plan to score some tail at a con coming up.

Besides finding another MGS cosplayer, how do I "find love on the battlefield?"

>> No.8063791

be jacked and charming

>> No.8063793

You sound pretty pathetic.

>> No.8063796

>ala dance
>still in ftm crossplay
>3 different girls up against my magic D
>everyone mad
>too many bags of spaghetti to know what to do

It's been a week and I still think about it.

>> No.8063799

I once had sex with my bf in the Anime North parking lot (Near the north side of the building) in a deserted lot between two large shipping containers.

A security guard on a golf kart drove over, and really angrily told us "This isn't a place to be fucking around". He then looked at my bf's ID and claimed we were "banned" from the con, and went on his walkie talkie to proceed to talk shit about our licence number and how he "doesn't want to see this car on his lot ever again". It was pretty empty threats though.
It took me a while after to realize there was a pun in "this isn't a palce to be fucking around", and man do I regret not high-fiving him, despite how angry he was at the time

>> No.8063800

do what i said here >>8063721 and dont activly 'hunt' for it. Let it happen. Dont set yourself up for disappointment. Once you start putting sex on top of the list, your going to be unhappy. People like someone whos nice to be around. When your nice to be around, your more likely to give dickings.

Dont be weird. Talk about them. No one cares about this one time you and your friends stepped on a a capri sun or some shit. Make it seem like your interested. Find a good cosplayer? Talk about how good the cosplay is. Only talk about yourself if asked or if its directly related.

Commence virginous mission.

>> No.8063811

As a person whose worked security for years, I'd have let you finish out of the respect for the guy.

Bros don't stop other bros. If no one was around and there weren't any cameras to indicate that I pretended you weren't there I'd just let you go about your business.

>> No.8063818

>"This isn't a place to be fucking around"
He had to

>> No.8063827

yeah, you were 18. try that at 25. or 30. see where i'm going there?

>> No.8063833
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A friend of mine had sex on my costume even though I told him to be careful, now it's ruined and smells like ass sweat. In return I came in his laptop, but he hasn't figured out a thing other than the horrible smell he can't get rid of.

>> No.8063855

God, what a complete dick. You did the right thing, anon.

>> No.8063865

This holy shit
It's incredibly easy to see if you're just looking to fuck at a party instead of actually having a good time.

>> No.8063869

This. Nobody likes thirsty people.

>> No.8063875

Sounds like a lot of scissoring.

>> No.8063886


>> No.8063898

>score some tail
Unless this is the 1980's, you've already lost.

>> No.8063901

>nobody cares about this one time you and your friends etc
Holy fucking shit this.

Why are most anime fans like this? It's so boring, talk about the weather or something, there is nothing more boring than the life of someone you just met.
Unless you're interesting, in which case I would be asking about it.

>> No.8063912

That is the opposite of what you want, Anon. Back in the days before /pol/ they lived on /n/ - the "news" board, mostly known as /stormfront/. Moot deleted it because it was just right-wing nutjobs circle-jerking about their hatred of the coloreds and Jews. The result was an outpouring of these junior /pol/sters to every board - especially /k/, which got so bad with the racist nonsense that it needed its own mod to deal with the swastika people. So Moot made /pol/ to corral the retards again.

That's why you don't want r9k to go away. Because these shitlords are already on 4chan, and if they don't have a place to gather and circle-jerk they'll just ruin everywhere else.

>> No.8063913

Ice cream men do.

>> No.8063993
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