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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 58 KB, 604x453, tall lanky skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8062123 No.8062123 [Reply] [Original]

hey /cgl/ i'm new to cosplay but a lot of my friends have persuaded me to give it a shot.
problem is i'm super tall and lanky (6'3'' 165lbs, 193cm 75kg). and i cant think of any character that besides faust from guilty gear.

any ideas? pic not of me but pretty much my build

>> No.8062134

This is Generic Tall Person response, but there's a bunch of sports anime featuring people that are either canonically tall, or close enough that you could fake it.

Look up tall people in Haikyuu and that one basketball anime.

>> No.8062144

problem is i dont have the musculature of a sportsman

>> No.8062154

Like above said: sports anime.

Tall and lanky in haikyuu: Lev Haiba, Tsukishima

Kuroko no Basuke: tallest chara is Murasakibara, but like almost everyone is over 5'11

Yowamushi Pedal: Midousuji..and others too probably

Otherwise.. Bertholdt Fubar from SnK. Pretty sure there are tons more, though.

>> No.8062157

They arent all that bulky - and besides, it's mostly girls cosplaying them anyway, so you're bound to stick out.

>> No.8062160

roger from 101 dalmatians was pretty lanky. so was his clone, the guy in the suit from their paperman short
dr facilier from princess and the frog?
a spooky scary skeleton?
scarecrow from arkham asylum?

>> No.8062164

Jack Skellington?

>> No.8062170

If you're long climbed, consider displaying from Clamp. Especially after their art shifted and their characters became even more noodley.

>> No.8062171

Do some curls as part of your cosplay.

I mean, just doing curls 3 times a week is easy as fuck and doesn't require any knowledge. You could of course do a proper lifting routine, but that'd probably be more time consuming.
If you're just doing it to look better in a cosplay temporarily, doing some curls is enough anyways.

>> No.8062189

i dont have the patience for that stuff. id rather just cosplay as something weird and frail like a scarecrow

>> No.8062201

If you don't have the patience to spend 5 minutes every other day doing something that benefits your cosplay, I pray you will find something low-effort that fits your lanky stature.

>> No.8062206

Bro, it doesn't benefit his cosplay, he just wants to cosplay his bodytype. If he had a dream cosplay then I would agree with you, but right now you're just trying to make him change his body to cosplay something else and that's laughably autistic.

>> No.8062267

why would you NOT work out to cosplay athletic characters?
Is that really so far-fetched? Changing your body isn't somehow a huge hard process. As I said, spending 5 minutes curling after every time you tailor/work on props will make your arms fit the cosplay more. It's really low effort, especially when compared to the time you'll spend on your custome if it's not babby shit.

I mean maybe I'm being autistic as hell but you cosplay to look like someone, not just to wear clothes that someone else wears, right?

>> No.8062271

Basically any male anime character is tall and lanky. The only real difference comes when they take their shirts off and have abs. As long as you don't cosplay someone shirtless you can basically do anyone.

>> No.8062273

They want to cosplay someone they already look like and they want advice to do so. They have no reason to get fit to cosplay someone outside their body type.

You're pretty much doing this.
>hey I have small tits but I'm kind of tall, can anyone reccomend tall DFC characters for me?
>i wanted to cosplay characters that already have my bodytype though...

>> No.8062284

>>hey I have small tits but I'm kind of tall, can anyone reccomend tall DFC characters for me?
That's not a good analogy. OP didn't ask for tall lanky unathletic characters, he asked for anything that might fit his build.
So yes, suggesting slightly athletic characters that he could slightly change his body for (the push-ups in your analogy) aren't bad suggestions.

>hey I have small tits but I'm kind of tall, can anyone suggest a cosplay for me?
>here's a tall anime girl, but she has bigger tits than you. Use a push-up bra, it's easy

>> No.8062289

You could be a Space Marine.
Those dudes are like 7 feet tall.
And lankiness is hidden by armor

>> No.8062292

>didn't ask for tall lanky unathletic characters
>asked for anything that might fit his build
>mentions his build is lanky and unathletic


>> No.8062295

a pushup bra doesnt require the same amount of work as curls though.

and no, doing them for 5 minutes does absolutely nothing

>> No.8062299

Do someone from Clamp, PLEASE.

>> No.8062306

He can't change lanky, but he can make himself appear more athletic at a terribly low time investment.
I guess I'm sorry for fucking suggesting ways for someone to look more athletic since that was his issue with those cosplays.

I, for one, fail to think of any cartoon, game or anime where characters are lanky and unathletic. I can think of plenty when it comes to tall and athletic, though.

>doing them for 5 minutes does absolutely nothing
5x5 curls takes less than 5 minutes, actually. Plus you only do it twice a week. If all you want is a slightly more athletic appearance in a basketball shirt, it's enough.

>> No.8062318

>5x5 curls takes less than 5 minutes, actually. Plus you only do it twice a week. If all you want is a slightly more athletic appearance in a basketball shirt, it's enough.
no its not even close to enough.
are you some /fit/izen or something because this is some terrible advice.

nevermind that an average joe requires more cardio for an athletic appearance and not weights. you think some shit tier curls will even make a 1% muscle growth?

>> No.8062328

I don't even want to talk to you, you know terribly little about the subject and trying to out me as some TRYHARD /fit/ ASSHOLE because I know more than you.

But I'll bite in this regard: What should he be doing for muscle growth in the shoulder and arm area if not progressive weighted curls at high weight, low reps? Should he squat, perhaps? Or do you think he should do cardio to build muscle?

>> No.8062334

curls are okay, but not 5 minutes per day. you have a bigger workout carrying the groceries from the store

>> No.8062350
File: 14 KB, 250x261, notsureifretarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I, for one, fail to think of any cartoon, game or anime where characters are lanky and unathletic

>> No.8062353

It doesn't matter how long you spend on the curls aslong as you curl a high enough weight over a bunch of reps. That's scientifically proven to be the best configuration to encourage muscle growth. On the contrary, spending obsessive amounts of time doing exercises at low weights with high frequency only serves to damage your joints.
doing 500 curls with 20lbs over 2 hours will work your muscles less than doing 5x5 curls with 50+lbs (depends on how strong you are, should be out of strength on the very last rep) over 5 minutes.
Doing them more than twice a week also does not affect muscle growth significantly unless you do roids.

I know someone will bring his generic "go away, /fit/ fag!" insults now, but I assure you that I've stopped browsing this shithole 2 years ago after doing so for a week.

>> No.8062357

Give examples?

I'm sure OP would appreciate it

>> No.8062386

OP shouldn't work out because he has shitty laughable insertions. I'm pretty sure he's a lost cause, and is skinnyfat beyond repair.

>> No.8062389

OP said
>pic not of me

>> No.8062391

Dude is like 6'3.

He can do nothing but 5x5 curls for the next 3 years and he'll barely look any different.

Also, isolating your biceps and doing nothing else is just asking for injuries.

>doing a strength routine for your biceps
>and only your biceps
>and not training anything else
>going heavy 5x5 EVERY day

Also, 5 minutes per day is not nearly enough. You need 3-5 mins of rest between sets if you're going to be going heavy.

>> No.8062396

The only anime I can think of with athletic, unlanky characters are sports anime... but their body type still looks lanky just with muscles hidden underneath their shirts.

>> No.8062400
File: 112 KB, 626x364, robe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, its even worse then what you fear

dunno what an insertion is but its probably something i heavent got.

>> No.8062401

I think your suggestion was well intentioned, but just drop it at this point anon. Even OP has said that he doesn't want to do it.

>> No.8062402

>isolation exercise
Anon please. I'm not talking machine curls.

>>and not training anything else
This is 100% fine if you're not serious about lifting and want to shape up slightly for a con.

>>going heavy 5x5 EVERY day
Two days a week is what I said repeatedly.

>You need 3-5 mins of rest between sets if you're going to be going heavy.
Rest between sets is entirely inconsequential aslong as it doesn't exceed 7 minutes or so and aslong as it's atleast around 20 seconds. Unless you're going bone-bending amounts of weights (which a beginner won't with curls) you're fine with those 20 seconds.

>> No.8062408

Insertion refers to where your muscle is placed and how it's shaped. It's pointless, only /fit/ cares about it.

I don't know why you wouldn't want to do sports cosplays. You don't look THAT unathletic, especially compared to the guy you posted at first.

>> No.8062412

Are you an idiot?

>> No.8062415

>You don't look THAT unathletic
thats nice of you to say but lets be real, im a walking ribcage.

but i like being a walking ribcage. and i like characters that are weird and creepy because of their build. thats why my first thought was faust from guilty gear or voldo from soul calibur

>> No.8062419

I don't know, am I?

>> No.8062453

There you go anon. OP likes his build and does not want to become more muscular. Now stop arguing.

>> No.8062454

I was aware of that, just correcting the anon spouting misinformation

>> No.8062476

That's a nice attitude to have, OP. I think you'll be fine cosplaying most tall anime characters seeing as how they are all drawn so thin.

CLAMP is good, as a few pointed out above, if you aren't afraid of complicated and effeminate. Same with Trinity Blood, there are some absurdly tall looking characters if you aren't afraid of detail. Also check out One Piece characters, Nnoitra from Bleach, most of the characters from Code Geass, Nabari no Ou (if you aren't afraid of being yaoi bait), Hellsing, and maybe Star Driver?

Hope that helps you get started!

>> No.8062480
File: 153 KB, 450x518, midousuji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird and creepy because of their build
There is a character that comes to mind...

>> No.8062496

why does everyone wnna fuck midosouji

>> No.8062503

I don't know, anon. I really don't. I was like you at first, but somehow I got sucked in.

>> No.8062510

cause he looks like he would talk about doing terrifyingly horrible things to your pussy while sporting a lovely inverted banana boner and then slam it into you as hard as he could while you're dripping wet.

>> No.8062546
File: 106 KB, 1000x1600, JackS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic relate, or any one from this list:

>> No.8062558

thanks man, thats just what i needed

>> No.8062672
File: 1.81 MB, 235x175, 1418917332979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... i was just passing by and glanced at the thread but DAMN that scenario got me dem weak knees, thanks fujoshit, I gotta get me into this series asap

>> No.8062683

he's gross and i bet he eat ass

>> No.8062684
File: 16 KB, 654x364, IMG_20141128_041828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8062691

The Batter from OFF

>> No.8062708
File: 239 KB, 610x395, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kite from Hunter x Hunter (pic related), and I guess Bruno from Yugioh 5D's? He doesn't really look that tall but his canon height is 199cm.

>> No.8062739

stay DYEL

>> No.8062767

Just do a knight like soldaire from dark souls or something. And 6'3 isn't too lanky yet, you're lanky because you don't lift and eat like shit
>>8062267 thanks bro was gonna skip my sleep 5x5 routine today and you reminded me to do it. Not op btw

>> No.8062777 [DELETED] 

If he likes his build he should kill himself.

>> No.8062781

Lift or kill yourself.

>> No.8062993

Nozaki Umetarou from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. He was a former basketball player but is a professional manga artist during the storyline, so it's logical that he's lost a bit of muscle by then.

You'd have to work on your makeup techniques to get his chiseled profile, most likely.

>> No.8062999


>> No.8065868

Joseph Joestar, from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency.