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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 217 KB, 1024x1536, lolita_by_photopersuasion-d8d16nf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8061713 No.8061713 [Reply] [Original]

We're autosaging.

>> No.8062532
File: 81 KB, 720x720, meta-got-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if butt or bad petti...

>> No.8062547

she looks preggo

>> No.8062554

This is what happens when you have too much mass for a dress and try to shove a fluffy petti underneath it.

>> No.8062559

it looks like she's using her own fat rolls as a petti

>> No.8062593

honey picnic doesn't deserve this

>> No.8062604

Definitely bad petti, but like, how is she even in that?

>> No.8062610

Shes altered things before so it shouldnt be surprising

>> No.8062614
File: 86 KB, 251x737, tumblr_ncf6i3gYWq1qfg8gbo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8062619

jfc, if you're going to alter brand to fit into your enormous measurements, the least you could do would be to have really fantastic coords.

>> No.8062620

I had no idea it was possible to make Magic Booger in pink look even worse, but she managed to do it. I'm actually impressed.

>> No.8062624

That's so gross... I'm overweight, but I at least get custom stuff so it fits me properly. And if you must alter something, why add a panel in a random color that doesn't match anything in the dress? It looks so ugly.

>> No.8062628

Holy shit she looks like a stuffed pig. If she's gonna alter it to fit her lard ass might as well add a bit of underskirt. I feel like if she bends over I'm gonna see everything.

>> No.8062635

This makes me sad because her face is cute. In a properly fitted outfit I think she'd look great.

>> No.8062673

>those arms
This is my nightmare...

>> No.8062677

It helps to look at the skirt and realize there's a huge hanging double belly there.

>> No.8062686

Fucking hell. 10/10 am mad

>> No.8062696
File: 256 KB, 621x931, tumblr_nh55grfw3b1rmp8l1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062701
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>> No.8062707
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>> No.8062709
File: 361 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ng7cl8JMgF1qfg8gbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062711

The one on the far right is salvageable... the rest, wtf

>> No.8062715
File: 100 KB, 638x960, tumblr_ney9qy2Dre1tkv7sqo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062720
File: 161 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nefpthvTXn1qzirvao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062723


Why do larger girls who are quite tall think they can get away with wearing JSKs which clearly don't fit one way or another...surely it must be uncomfortable as hell.

>> No.8062731

As a larger and taller girl, I can get away with JSKs... custom sized JSKs. Seriously, 60% of the plus sized community needs to get its shit together and stop trying to fit into things that don't fit.

So you can't wear brand? Tough luck, lose weight. But stop trying to squeeze yourself into tiny dresses that make you look like a sausage roll. Custom sized pieces look and fit so much better. And a lot of indie brands put out really cute pieces!

>> No.8062732

Not ita. Shes gorgeous

>> No.8062734
File: 567 KB, 1024x768, tumblr_my70jwmX7S1rnelqxo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062736


Did she call this lolita? Because I don't recall this being labeled as lolita.

>> No.8062737

You're joking right?
>that too short dress - get an underskirt for real
>those tights that don't match under those otks
>that random ass giant fucking cross
>that giant head dress that looks like a wad of TP on her head
>those random wrist cuffs

>> No.8062751

*coughcough* what is old school

>> No.8062757

There are much better old school coords than this. I'm sorry, you don't get to just say 'well it's old school' as an excuse for a crap coord

>> No.8062758

This girl is so full of herself too.

>> No.8062765
File: 37 KB, 300x300, 14d476a975081c6b6e72e6d2789d5af4d2a48a090c7c8727ce7446227abec8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8062769

a little bit messy but i wouldnt go as far as ita.

>> No.8062775

i kinda like this...atleast she isnt trying to stuff herself into something that is way too small and the belt looks cute and gives her a better shape.

>> No.8062778

Far left and purple are cosplays.
Pink looks like a brolita, not sure though.

>> No.8062785

bwahaha I like how everyone always white knights this girl. her coords always make it to the ita board eventually. Though I'd agree this is more of a nitpick, not quite, ita,

>> No.8062797

This is a cute as hell old school coord. Maybe the wrist cuffs could come off but that's all.

>> No.8062800

This is really strange. All of the pieces themselves look really good. Like if you put them together on Polyvore or something, it would look good. Her skirt doesn't have the best poof, but that doesn't mean that it's ita. But on her, it just doesn't look good... I can't put my finger on it. What's so bad about this, anon?

>> No.8062801

I think it's the blouse tbh, this is def more of a nitpick

>> No.8062803

boobloaf, otks reduced to knee socks, badly worn hat, bitch face, fugly illfitting cateye glasses that make everyone who wears them look like a rockabilly cunt.

>> No.8062804

Her hair is really shitty, for one thing. The style itself isn't bad but it doesn't flatter her at all. And the dress is just too short and too small. It's no great mystery. Wouldn't necessarily say it belongs in this thread, though.

>> No.8062811

I feel so terrible for that one girl on the end who is actually dressed well.

>> No.8062858

why in the seaweed aisle

>> No.8062944

I actually like this. If it were on a thin girl everyone would rave.

>> No.8062968

Honestly, the location of this image almost disgusts me more than some of the outfits.

>> No.8063008

suppose she wanted to feel at home

>> No.8063014
File: 210 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ncieqk4RhX1tjixd5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063025

It just looks uncomfortable to wear. All squeezed in and everything is too short to look flattering

>> No.8063030

>girl on the right
don't laugh send help

>> No.8063035

Her pose also isn't very flattering. A nicer photo and pose would make this 100% better.

>> No.8063045

Just scroll down until her head is cut off and it looks so much better. Shoes and socks that actually match would make it quite lovely. I don't think it would look like a Lolita coord though. Just a very pretty, feminine outfit.

>> No.8063050


It's simple. Her clothes don't fit.

Polyvore coords and floordinates only really work if you're using pieces that you already know fit you well, and looks good on you. No matter how gorgeous the polyvore coord is, how do you expect a polyvore coord to look good on you if you're bursting out of every seam?

In this case this jsk doesn't fit her properly, it's giving her the mother of all boobloaf and actually looks like the bust seams might burst at any moment. The socks were probably meant to be OTKs, but they don't even cover her knees.

Seriously, when she put it those two items and looked at herself in the mirror she should have realised her clothes don't fit and ditched the coord instead of going ahead with it just because it looked good in polyvore.

>> No.8063051

I think it's a combo of
>the dress doesn't fit her, she's way too big in the chest for it
>not enough poof
>sausage legs + OTKs
>absolitely awful shit posture
>ugly face with unflattering glasses
>"my mouth is a sphincter" look

To me, anyway?

Tights and a better petti and different glasses would make it better.

And if she fucking stood up straight.

>> No.8063054

A-are those dreds

Dreds are absolutely fucking disgusting 75% of the time in general, and 100% of the time in lolita.

Bitch also needs makeup and to get those fucking holes out of her face.

>> No.8063057

she's well coordinated. just, fat.

>> No.8063060

Anon, in this case they're spelled as "dreads".

>> No.8063067

>Being fat =/= Ita

>> No.8063069

That's because white people don't fucking wash their locks

>> No.8063070

Not ita? She's a larger girl, but she actually dresses for her size.

>> No.8063111

This is fantastic

No ita, just fat. This is a cute old school coord.

>> No.8063118

All i can think of is.. why the sides? Why couldnt you do something with the back or something? but I guess with arms like ethat you need to add it to the under arms

>> No.8063121

Probably because side seams.

>> No.8063138

She's ugly. Body and face wise. Also those gold shoes and bag really piss me off. Is that all she has?

>> No.8063154
File: 86 KB, 422x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to posting actual it's instead of land whales because fatty hate.

>> No.8063160

why is she always taking pics at the grocery store?

>> No.8063163

pls go back to the swamp

>> No.8063189

>y'all ain't recognizin misslilith in cosplay on the far left

this was a cosplay picnic that allowed J-fash, btw
hence the themed coordinates everywhere

(it's really nice seeing Brooke smile in a photo for once, I wish she'd do the same for her lolita coordinate photos.)

>> No.8063195

Yeah, it was also submitted to "LolitaLovers" on deviantart.

>> No.8063215


That wasn't even good old school. Why the fuck are you whiteknighting? Are you her?

>> No.8063217

It amazes me that every time there is an ita and a cosplayer in the same picture there are at least one or two fucknuts thinking we are ragging on the cosplayer.

>> No.8063243

It amazes me how poor your reading comprehension is, anon

Brooke's identity wouldn't have excused her if her outfit was shit, anon was pointing her out because no one seemed to notice it was her.

Anon was just giving you some context for the photo, please chill.

>> No.8063261

Nobody cares, though. She's not THAT famous.

Or when there's a group picture of several well dressed girls and one obvious ita, there's always someone going
>why was this posted???? aside from the ita they look really good!!1

>> No.8063317


Now this is ita.

>> No.8063339

Sounds like you care enough to be bitter as hell, anon. Nobody said she's famous, but to deny that she's popular and gets posted here a lot would be stupid on your part.

>> No.8063345

>bitter as hell
Okay? That was my first post in this thread.
She gets posted a lot because she posts pictures of herself in lolita/brand a lot. I don't think most of us really give a fuck what she does outside of lolita.

>> No.8063399
File: 131 KB, 1080x514, tmp_1982-Screenshot_2015-01-18-08-15-18-1-1782332259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asks RC if they should make a plus size lolita/beauty blog
>Pot, meet kettle

>> No.8063403
File: 82 KB, 670x503, 670px-Be-a-Hot-Stoner-Chick-Step-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8063429

That girl really irritates me. Does she even wear lolita?

>> No.8063435

Pretty sure she doesn't. Probably because she's still in HS and her mommy and daddy won't buy it for her.

>> No.8063447

All she does is hand out snarky "advice" on rufflechat to other girls. She's never done it to me personally but it just gets under my skin. I wish they could ban her on the grounds she's not a lolita.

>> No.8063449

Or at least make her post pictures to show she actually is a lolita

>> No.8063488


Print is too bright and it's not lolita, but I like it. It would look better with a toned down print to go for a classy look.


One in pink is a man? I like the black dress, if only it weren't on a landwhale. Far right is alright, needs different makeup.


Jesus, kill it with fire.


Rip off the chest lace and pockets.


On a skinny, pretty girl with different glasses, it would be good. That is an ugly toad.


Is that a dude? Ita as shit outfit.

>> No.8063489

Dirty golden shoes, they also look too chunky.
The otks doesn't really match. They have white details, maybe golden would work better. They are also not over the knee.
Maybe get an underskirt and a petty.
I hate those glasses, make everything look lazy.

>> No.8063491

Petti, damn autocorrect

>> No.8063499

That would work too but I can't imagine people would be nice or forgiving about it if she was mediocre or bad. Especially after her handing out all that lolita advice.

>> No.8063504

I think she does, she just don't post pictures online. No one should have to "prove" anything unless they're trying to sell you something. I don't post lolita photos of me online, but I also very rarely post ANY photos of me because I simply don't like to.

>> No.8063524

Fair point anon, but I also feel like if you're going to shit talk to everyone, you should at least have some grounds to back it up

>> No.8063526
File: 23 KB, 536x402, IMG_392761141993397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this time she said what everyone was thinking. Telling this muffin to check herself

>> No.8063528
File: 34 KB, 540x960, IMG_392646976389870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063529

True story

>> No.8063530

What is happening with those flats tho...

>> No.8063541

Ughhhh good point anon. I don't think you even have to be a Lolita to realize she shouldn't be handing out advice though. At least someone said it.

>> No.8063562
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 61Uc6EcZ21L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that bow

>> No.8063582
File: 45 KB, 270x179, image143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously thought they were tabi socks at first glance.

>> No.8063628

It looks like she literally just glued some shitty tulle bows onto them.

>> No.8063663

That's probably why she hides it. If she has anything at all.

>> No.8063675

This would make a cute non-lolita outfit but ugh her hair...

>> No.8063678

Ugh I just wish she had at least used pink fabric though?? Why the random ass purple??

>> No.8063688

Even white would have gone better than that purple

>> No.8063746

her fucking hair just kills the outfit

>> No.8063750

is that a brolita, trans girl, or a tumblr transfuck

>> No.8063831

Just look at the "expression" of that statue thingy in the back, even he doesn't look happy, also
My sides

>> No.8063840
File: 398 KB, 854x1280, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F5fde42af139ee5afa0232700b1106cb4%2Ftumblr_nidm09jyHD1tei7zeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was tagged as both Lolita fashion and cosplay.

>> No.8063843

>it doesn't look like lolita nor cosplay
Tumblr is amazing.

>> No.8063859
File: 247 KB, 1335x2000, tumblr_1222193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr never gets old.

>> No.8063871

Wow! A HimeMiya coord that doesn't look like absolute shit.

>> No.8063872

is the one on the left a higurashi cosplay?

>> No.8063874
File: 107 KB, 480x854, Heroine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8063882

Looks more like simple japanese fashion or harajuku, I think I spelt that right

>> No.8063887

but anon she has the animu eyes!

>> No.8063891

The outfit is super cute, not lolita but cute street style.

>> No.8063955

Not ita
A++ oldskool coord

>> No.8064027
File: 42 KB, 465x535, 1421606789011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally posted and it's hilarious how she thinks she is so qualified to give out snarky comments. Not ita but plain as fuck.

>> No.8064034

Holy dang those booties look unflattering on her.

>> No.8064035

Wtf is wrong with being plain? If she's just going to get groceries or some shit there's no one to impress (granted I dont know what FNM stands for but I assume its not a big fancy event)

I dont like her either, but you are grasping at straws

>> No.8064050

Not that anon but I feel if you're going around dishing out condescending advice and snarky comments then you had better be a damn goddess of lolita, or at least capable of putting together a rad as fuck coord. She's plain and condescending. It's obnoxious.

>> No.8064059

Second this

>> No.8064062

If everyone was judged purely on their more casual daily coords then no one would be allowed to give out snarky advice tho

>> No.8064065

Don't be a cunt, she's just fine.

>> No.8064167

What is FNM if that's some sort of event she has flunked. Plain is okay, but honestly she deserves being torn apart for being a lil asshat.

>> No.8064178
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>> No.8064180
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>> No.8064183

Nah, but (assuming that's the only loli coord she's posted, I don't keep up with lolidrama) we don't know how skilled she is. All we know is that she can pull together a plain daily-wear coord, which really isn't that hard in the first place.
Therefore, as far as we know, she's not in any place to dish harsh criticisms.

>> No.8064185

Honestly meeting up in a cafe, museum or park - relatively casual places - with other people who enjoy lolita doesn't mean you have to dress OTT. Personally I don't like it visually and don't want to be forced to put on a costume for a damn cup of tea and slice of cake.

>> No.8064189

I shudder.
But I also need to know what shoes those are...

>> No.8064190

Maybe Friday Night Magic?

>> No.8064195

If that were the case, then half of cgl wouldn't exist.

>> No.8064208

no ita, just fatty
this is dope, love her
old school dude
this are no ita, just not super ott mega meetup coords; you have to give a chance to more relaxed coords.

>> No.8064212

Yeah I was about to say that.

>> No.8064216

I wouldn't call this ita, just a nitpick.
Usually she has a nice silhouette, people just like to post her because of her hair and other nitpicky things.

>> No.8064273

i want to start a tumblr blog called thatsnotlolita and reblog(and post w/o permission ho ho) people who force themselves into the lolita fashion tag. the sole purpose of the blog is to start shit and cause butthurt

>> No.8064314

How about just "damn this looks bad". Because tag policing is a fucking obnoxious thing sjw do. Tag it as whatever the fuck you want, just don't look like shit when you do it.

>> No.8064454

I get that, but for someone who acted so high and mighty is why she needs to be torn apart. She acted like she was a lolita god, instead she posted a really plain coord with no make up(people get new assholes for this alone). If I had no idea who she was, I'd say it was plain and not ita.

>> No.8064475
File: 599 KB, 301x225, 1395470377599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id follow
i say go for it, it would be fun just start shit and watch it go down

>> No.8064481

this is badass honestly

>> No.8064482

What has she said? The only post I've seen of hers (I don't follow shit) is her telling that bridge troll to get some learnin' before she tried to make an advice blog

>> No.8064500

Yeah, that's what I assumed when I read it.

>> No.8064501

with where shes standing, how her arms are placed, and how high and thick those heels are, i feel like shes going to slip backwards in to that small square hole in the ground for the rocks and tree. like her heel going to seep in to the hole and her whole body will fall backwards and shes going to slam her head on the tree or a rock.

>> No.8064510

I am actually peeved that a bunch of nubs here keep insisting that oldschool and not ott coords are ita. Just because you haven't stuck everything under the sun on your head it doesn't mean it is ita. Like fuck off

>> No.8064519

Thaaaank you.
Y'all bitches can wear the kitchen sink on your heads, I'll be over here looking classy.

>> No.8064558

I don't have the screen shots, posts were deleted, but she acts really rude and snarky on posts and comes off as a huge ass. Like she does cgl level rudeness on posts that have nothing to do with what they are talking about, always saying we baby newbies too much, ect. I'm bad at explaining, but I've seen her crap and she ticks me off? Like some of what she said is understandable, but she goes too far with it a lot.

>> No.8064591

So basically she does what cgl does 90% of the time, but actually has the balls to put her name beside it.

Sounds like a real evil bitch to me .

>> No.8064598

I get what you're saying but she's beyond /cgl/ level of sandy. Like she's 100% sandy 100% of the time.

>> No.8064609
File: 68 KB, 600x600, whattheactualfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. The. Fuck?

>> No.8064621

I'll take your word for it. If she can out-cgl a seagull, then daaayum.

>> No.8064639

Except she's not because she's just made a perfectly polite and reasonable post telling that fatty to learn more about the fashion before making an advice blog

seriously calm your hate boner. You're not better than her, look at where you are

>> No.8064651

Super minor nitpick, the bow and socks match eachother, but I feel like they don't match the dress as it's primarily a white and red coord. Would look more matchy if she had white socks, red shoes and a head bow that matched the dress.
That said it's not a bad coord. Just causal.

>> No.8064681


She looks like a smug little cunt who needs a slap.

>> No.8064759

And you sound like one.

>> No.8064765

thatsnotlolita was an actual tumblr for a long time, it posted etsy and ebay "creations" that were labelled as lolita. Not sure what happened to it.

>> No.8064771
File: 82 KB, 399x600, theagony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Truth hurts.

>> No.8064800


friday night magic. you don't want to dress super nice because neckbeards will try to get up on you. its gross.

I go and play with my BF sometimes and if im not near him, i get gawked and sometimes hit on (the brave ones). Heavily breathing near me is a norm too.

She looks fine. It's plain. She is a bitch, but hey she is honest and REAL. She gives no fucks and her advice is legit. If you look like shit, she will say it. I give her pros. Love her comments on rufflechat.

OP is butt hurt on probably something she said which was THE TRUTH. She didn't flunk her occasion. She dressed SMARTLY imho. stop being mad butt-hurt chan.

>> No.8064809

pls do it

>> No.8064816

I'm gonna go with butthurt OP until someone can link a screenshot of when she's been a cunt AND wrong about it.

I personally think Anna Wintour dresses like shit sometimes, but she can still call it.

>> No.8064965

this this this

>> No.8065003

Im plus sized and i have altered dresses. But i use the waist ties that go with.
This makes me wanna cry.
Even more hot pink like the bow would have been better D:

>> No.8065096

Yeah she has chilled the fuck out a little, plus I don't go up into people's faces acting like a bitch. This is like the first time I've ever really hated someone on here. One nice bit of advice doesn't rule out all the bullshit she has pulled.

>> No.8065131

plain as fuck + she looks like a cunt

>> No.8065165

i swear something like this existed before and they would reblog people and tell them what was awful and not lolita about their coords and the other person get all defensive

it was pretty funny, but i guess poorly maintained

>> No.8065176

>ita detected

>> No.8065312
File: 123 KB, 640x640, tumblr_ng6m87TQvy1qzirvao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8065318

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you. I've been sitting here watching you post this girl for 3-4 years now. Do you have s job? A relationship? Education? Do you have any kind of goal toy are working toward in your life? Do you actually have anything to live for? This is seriously one of the saddest vendettas I've seen on the Internet and i've seen s lot of sad vendettas. If you're considering suicide, I think that might be a good move because this isn't healthy in any way and I believe in quality of life over quantity of life. Four years man. You need help.

>> No.8065322

I see nothing wrong with here here. Sometimes she has fails, but in this she looks lovely.

>> No.8065325

Fuck off cunt, I don't know this bitch, I just saved her picture from another thread. I think she looks horrible so I posted her in an ita thread. Is this you? You're too fat for this fashion, maybe channel that energy into some cardio.

>> No.8065327

This looks so lovely though!

>> No.8065331

This is the toad >>8062720 again btw.

>> No.8065332

She looks really nice here. Literally the only thing this is here for is her weight in this pic.

>> No.8065362

well now that her clothes fit, i see nothing wrong with her, and honestly, even that other pic wasn't exactly ita.

>> No.8065370

I like this coord a lot! I have seen some very iffy stuff from her and even downright ill fitted but this dress gives her a nice shape and i like her accessories.

>> No.8065371

Well she can't change her face anon. I still like her outfit though.

>> No.8065386

I wouldn't call her ita but I don't understand why people praise this so much. The tights and heart shaped bag go so badly with the dress imo. Why does she coord it like a gold/white sweet print? It seems to me like only the instagram filter makes it work because it makes all of it yellowish and an even color.

>> No.8065387

fat =/= ita

>> No.8065394

Please do it, I want to see this be a thing

>> No.8065417

I always dress nicely for Friday Night Magic, I don't always wear lolita to my local FNM, but I once wore full on lolita to a Legacy Tournament. I got stared at a few times, but I stared right back. No one hit on me while in lolita, but out of lolita, yeah, I get the comments.

But we don't have many severe neckbeards in our group, ours are all grown adults.

I don't think there's anything wrong with her coord, it's simply a bit plain

>> No.8065421

This is probably the cutest coord I have seen all day, although her bag does seem a bit off, a heart shaped bag with that kind of dress? But at least it's golden and it's color coordinated.

I like it a lot though

>> No.8065498

their head/face is huge compared to the rest of their body and it's fucking me up wtf

>> No.8065500

what an odd coord. cute tho. not ita.

>> No.8065503

I think it's just a weird angle, they seem to be leaning forward a bit?

>> No.8065513

the bag may be a little out of place but this is gorgeous

>> No.8065515

fat =/= ita. she's not even that big to begin with and her clothes fit her so whatever take a deep breath or something lmao

>> No.8065556

>people actually defending this
GEUagH terrible
>people actually defending this too
her hair is not done, as is her makeup, the blouse is an atrocity, the hat is not good, the dress is plain. it's too plain. plain is okay but to this extent? the hat just pushes it into ugly town.
you must be a total ita
this is terrible. her weight isnt the issue. but that blouse with that dress? and those socks? jfc. it's a pretty bad co-ord. the fact people are trying to defend this...if you're fat and you're ita, the issue isn't that you're fat, it's that you can't dress yourself.

>> No.8065564

>people actually saying this is nice
what the fuck
the internet has become such a total shitty hugbox honestly. this isn't oldschool. it's a mess. that lace is atrocious, she's wearing fish nets.... what the hell happened cgl? is this place just a bunch of ita white knights circle jerking? or people coming off tumblr who have to protect their precious little poc and ignore how shitty they actually look?
yes i'm mad

>> No.8065643

>I just saved her picture from another thread
>tumblr filename
It's a decent coord, I'm personally not keen on the tights though.

>> No.8065667


Plain but ok. I get what you're saying though.
She incredibly rude on RC and acts like she knows it all.
You'd think she'd be some god-tier all burando Lolita but damn what a disappointment when you see this is what she looks like.
Considering her attitude I expected much more from her, this co-ord barely passes "fine".

>> No.8065672


I like this a lot. Perhaps the harlequin socks don't go so well with the classic dress but the aesthetics are good.

If you hate this just cause she's a fatty if feel sorry for you. I'm not keen on fatties either but even I am getting tired of all the fat hating shitposting.

>> No.8065675
File: 58 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.248877511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Steam punk lolita"

>> No.8065692

she looks fine. how new are you, exactly?

>> No.8065693

I feel so bad for her face..

>> No.8065694

This one looks amazing...

>> No.8065705

Oh gosh I think these two were in the Edmonton lolita fashion show. Not 100% sure but I recognize that "gothic" (as was refered to in the fashion show) dress. Good lord.

>> No.8065707

If anon wants to hate on fatties there are plenty of uglier, worse-dressed fatties out there. Someone just has a vendetta agains this girl for whatever reason.

>> No.8065790

I honestly just want to throw the kettle at her stupid face.

>> No.8065793

I wasn't talking about one specific comment. She's never made a non-bitchy response to any post that I've ever seen. I don't necessarily disagree with her opinions but she's certainly not qualified to spout them. Hypocrisy ain't kawaii.

>> No.8065795

Why the fuck are you mad though, no one cares about radioactive/booger magic.

>> No.8065841
File: 446 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_nifh85iRzW1rxd8kro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watched Into the Woods yesterday with [friend]
And I think my subtle a-line poof petti is losing its poof fast. Gotta get a new a-line soon.

OP: Miss Point
Flower headband: Present from a friend from Lovisa
Shoes: Bodyline
Everything else: Offbrand"

>> No.8065859

she is really welcomed in the german comm... I like her, she made thousands of dresses bye herself and never looked that awful fat! Not her best coord truly

>> No.8065860


She's like 16 or 17 years old? She's a fucking minor who's not even been in the scene that long yet sprouts out broken record advice because clearly she's a high tier loli who knows her shit. How adorable.

>> No.8065864
File: 125 KB, 852x677, IMG_1868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have struck ita gold

>> No.8065869
File: 125 KB, 563x677, IMG_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8065880

thats not really gold, I think you struck copper. its not really worth anything.

>> No.8065915

Because she consistently looks like shit but thinks she is qualified to run panels and be a guest at cons?

>> No.8065916

> she's 100% sandy 100% of the time

Except for yesterday when she was perfectly polite and cordial.

> She's never made a non-bitchy response

Again, she has calmed down a lot. Maybe she realized the error of her ways. Just because you haven't seen it with your own eyes, that doesn't mean she's not..

One plain coord post does not qualify or disqualify anyone from making bitchy comments, anyway

>> No.8065926

Would probably look better with darker shoes instead of tan.
I'm also really not sure about harlequin tights working with that print, but the filter makes the colors blend together nicely. Sometimes the photograph itself saves the coord.

>keeping the tumblr filename
>it was another thread!
Stop stalking this girl's tumblr and maybe you wouldn't have such a big stick up your ass about her.

>> No.8065933

She has run panels and been a guest of cons so it's not like she's delusional. Is this because she was defending Kate? Is Chunlichan the vendetta chan?

>> No.8065942
File: 57 KB, 331x600, 205683_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She almost had it, she just insists on coording black with navy for whatever reason. She must not have any matching shoes for the dress.
I watch the comm she's in and it's pretty entertaining to see the spectrum from ita to good.

>> No.8065945
File: 131 KB, 704x960, ny comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.8065953

Is that girl in front handicapped or just kneeling? And what about the lack of neck on the one next to her?
I honestly wonder how the blonde in black feels around these ladies. Probably ego boosted.

>> No.8065960

I think just kneeling.

>> No.8065962

So it is a vendetta?

>> No.8065968

What the fuck is with girls and dyeing their hair an unnatural color, then thinking it's okay to wear lolita without a wig?
Especially with that your roots showing.

>> No.8065971

Idk, some special snowflake thing. It's pretty bad.

>> No.8065976

Slav style squatting is so kawaii.

>> No.8065981

Oh wow. It must get pretty awkward to be gardenberries girl when the majority of your comm is ita or nitpick at best.

>> No.8065998

Girl in pigtails is cute and her coord looks nice, but gardenberries girl is gorgeous. Hope this isn't all of their comm, for their sake.

>> No.8066002

I'm kind of jelly of the hair on the girl wearing sugar dream dome. She has what looks to be a hime cute plus it's super long.

>> No.8066021

I actually like those bunny shoes on the Lolita wearing the Lief dress.

>> No.8066023

If they were flats, I thought they were heels, I think I'm just completely blind.

>> No.8066038

They look like flats, she's just lifting one foot.
I really like them too. Really cute but still kind of classy.

>> No.8066039

Found the source
They have a slight heel to them.

>> No.8066040

I had purple hair for a year and I never understood it either. I always wore wigs in lolita or in other clothes where my hair would throw everything off. Hell, on days when the color were a bit too faded I'd also wear wigs or other things to distract from the shit color. I demand 100 whips on each girl doing this.

>> No.8066044

Fuck, I need to get myself a credit card.

>> No.8066049

If you want a cheaper option, don't know how good the quality is but for that price maybe it's worth a try?


>> No.8066054
File: 84 KB, 521x757, gothiclolita6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen oldskool lolita? Back in 2005 when I just got into lolita coords like these where top notch.
Ok, she could have ditched the wristcuffs and choose different socks but other than that she looks fine and pulls off the oldskool style really good.
Pic related, oldskool BtSSB
>inb4 lacemonster ita

>> No.8066058

I love good bxw old school but I also don't really like that outfit. It just looks wrinkled, cheap and too short. Maybe it's the lighting, but to me there's a big difference between the picture you posted and the girl with the heart apron/JSK.

>> No.8066060

Stop that.

>> No.8066075

It is, as several have said. She's not perfect, but she's got better coords than the 2 or 3 this person keeps posting in the ita threads. She's fat, and I guess some people think she's ugly, but she usually dresses well for her size, keeps to herself, is helpful and doesn't start drama. If it really is Chunlichan, that is pretty hilarious given that this girl is one of the few people in our comm who still puts up with that trainwreck.

>> No.8066191

It's just those socks every time. She's nice and had potential and is getting better but those socks when you're really tall noooooo

>> No.8066210

I totally do not get the hate she gets. This is a really good coord and it looks really good. She looks really good.

>> No.8066222

This. Chunlichan is a trainwreck. She can't colormatch to save her life. Chunlichan totally is capable of being a vandetta, but this pre-exists her entrance into lolita.

>> No.8066252

Post pics anyway. This is the ita thread, she is an ita.

>> No.8066260

But she also looks like a potato.

>> No.8066262

Miss Point doesn't do very much actual lolita, as is evident here.

They do mostly vintage stuff. Newbies don't know how to differentiate.

>> No.8066265

I don't the the issue is with Miss Point in that coord. Could still make for decent aristocrat. I think that's the original silhouette is was supposed to have before fatty inside.

>> No.8066435
File: 930 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-19-16-17-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yes Lolita wig....

>> No.8066447

why do people always try to justify shitty coordinates with ITS OLDSCHOOL
old school doesn't feature fishnet stockings, it doesn't look like shit. that picture is nothing like the picture youre comparing it to. misakos dress isnt cheap and wrinkled and it's well cared for. her tights are lovely, and the lace and fabric is top notch.
sure is ita in here.

>> No.8066449

That girl with pigtails looks just like PT

>> No.8066455

this still manages to be better than my comm.

>> No.8066456

Jesus christ why would you even buy that

>> No.8066462

People arguing that their outfit is oldschool really mean it's dated and shitty. It's like someone showing up in neon parachute pants, a crop top, and platform sandals and getting butthurt when people don't understand it's "90s" and somehow therefore alsome.

If you have to defend your outfit by saying its oldschool, it means it's ita as fuck.

>> No.8066467

>buying a dress to go with her wig
Burn her.

>> No.8066472

Wait where does Misako figure in this?

>> No.8066474

Eh, she's still cuter than most of those other girls though.

>> No.8066475

Newbie. Think in the comments tons of people told her the wig was no good, and she mentioned she won it in a contest. She was pretty receptive about learning though.

>> No.8066484

Idk man some newbies are really clueless and will call a cute 2006 BtSSB coord ita because it's BxW or doesn't have a ton of poof or understated hair and makeup. Not a lot of people like that on /cgl/ but my comm definitely has them. We weren't even talking about a recent outfit but old brand ads from the G&LBs. Some kids just have no clue where their roots lie.

>> No.8066496

This is cute. I like this kind of oldschool. See that dress all the time on Closet Child, too. Maybe I should buy it.

>> No.8066503

Needs different socks and cardigan and that hair is AWFUL and needs lipstick. But basically, cute dress. Just not a lolita outfit. Don't think that dress would fit a decent petti.

>> No.8066504

Socks over tights just never look good.

>> No.8066528


>Buying a wig before buying an outfit

It's a shit looking wig anyway

>> No.8066575

the picture she posted ass an example of old school is of misako i believe? could be wrong

>> No.8066643

I own this "set" in blue and it's taobao lizlisa-like brand.
so yeah... not lolita OR cosplay

>> No.8066733
File: 222 KB, 512x471, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8066915
File: 115 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nig6ndoBsl1s6n6uuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8066945

It looks like she dressed in the dark, but even that is no excuse for those shoes.

>> No.8066999


Hi Sarah, you vapid cunt.

>> No.8067030

can I ask what's the deal with the peruvian comm?

>> No.8067115

This looks pretty good if you are just going to a more toned down place like the grocery store or school or something... until you get to the tights and sock combo, then it just ruins everything. The shoes suck too but not as bad.

>> No.8067158
File: 34 KB, 444x720, 10924778_1457502627803606_1114749864698202179_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8067297
File: 115 KB, 960x960, please stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagged as "#lolita #kawaii #decoco"

>> No.8067309


Why are you self posting? Just say it's you. It's kind of pathetic really.

>> No.8067616

is that a fucking star driver wig

>> No.8067907
File: 100 KB, 638x960, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8067909

If girl on the right started a crowdfunding campaign to get a proper bra I'd donate $20 right now.

>> No.8067911

How can her legs look so normal and then there's that tiny right arm and hand?

>> No.8067952

Why is she holding her stomach? gawd I hope this isn't a pregnancy announcement photo or some shiz.
How to fat lesbians even have sex? they can't scissor.

>> No.8067957

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.8067963

>not recognizing a shitty ten-minutes-of-fame cosplayer
Found the samefag

>> No.8067964

lmao isn't this the chick who posted a bunch of sales with her dude friend's gross hairy legs and tighty whiteys in the bg of all of the photos?

>> No.8067981

wig looks like a fruit roll-up

>> No.8067997

Misslillith is quite a popular lolita, anon. I never even knew she cosplayed, but I have followed her as a lolita for nearly a year now.

>> No.8067999

oh god was that her? that was just awful, when i think about its like war flashbacks. anybody got the photos?

>> No.8068131

what is the name? I think her outfit is cute and would love to have something similar

>> No.8068139

This isn't steampunk or lolita. Girl in the photo has some reading to do on both topics.

>> No.8068146


>> No.8068186

Hey ita thread, sauce on the dress?

>> No.8068191

as told before... all selfmade

>> No.8068204

Thanks, anon, didn't catch that. Maybe she didn't sew it with lolita specifically in mind in that case?

>> No.8068207

I give her kudos for making her own stuff and giving her dresses enough space to accommodate for her size. However I'm not going to give her a pass just because she's a fattiechan not making everyone want to immediately grab eye bleach. The dress is pretty clashy with that striped blouse and tights. Also while I understand that maybe her legs don't look the greatest as a result of her weight, I'm of the opinion that tea-length dresses don't flatter her, and at best they make her look like a stubby, safety cone troll.

This isn't corded well. The lack of posture and inadequate petti makes her look frumpy. She also has comparatively flat hair in contrast to the bulkiness seen in the lower half of the coord which leads me to believe it's unbalanced. She also can't pull off kneesocks.

This is sad.

This isn't as terrible, but as someone else said the diamond socks seem forced and clash with the print, and a darker shoe would balance the bottom better.

It's nice seeing chubbychans look better than lanky itas, ngl.

>> No.8068209

There isn't a single lanky person in that picture though?

>> No.8068215

You don't think >>8065942 is on the lanky side? Eh, maybe ugly was a better word albeit harsher.

>> No.8068221


if someone interested in all of her outfits:

>> No.8068223

It's ugly anon.
But well, I really hate old school, so I'm not judge of what can be considered ita or not in that substyle. It all looks equally ugly to me.

>> No.8068232

>tfw tits are almost als low hanging as ass

>> No.8068233

This is the first time I see someone mentioning hip measurements lol

>> No.8068235

really? I didn't even notice. I almost bought the damaged Milky Planet OP from her but then I saw the rest of her photos with that pantsless, hairy man in the bg and was like, "but why?" I showed my husband those pics and he p much kek'd.

>> No.8068245

whats stuck between her tits? it looks like a keloid scar but it also looks like gems.

>> No.8068256

lol no it's not
>arr rook same

That's okay, I think all non-oldschool sweet is ugly as sin.

>> No.8068279

Let me rant, okay, it's 4chan after all.

I like old school, maybe that's why I think >>8062715 is absolute shit.

To start with, her clothes don't fit her and don't flatter her body type. The top skirt is hiked up to right under her boobs and looks to end at mid thigh. As for the underskirt, the scallops look like peeking petticoat, it looks like something that shouldn't be there.. Her blouse sleeeves are too short, who the hell puts wristcuffs so far away from their actual sleeve cuffs? The sleeve style makes her look like she has fat biceps, too, if you don't have stick-thin arms, you need to avoid wearing that style.

Then there's the random shit she added to her lazy-ass so-called old school coord. There's the weird patterned stocking she has under the socks to start with. Then there's the big tacky thing that she's hanging on her chest. What old school coords have you seen have these things in? Are you sure you weren't looking at actual ita coords and labeling them old school out of ignorance? And finally, instead of putting a lace ruffle as her sock topper she put some weebtastic bow on it.

And then. The final nail in the coffin that tells me all the people praising this coord are blind. All her ribbons are left untied. I could imagine this is a candid shot so she didn't have time to tie them, but all those anons praising this coord as badass or cool, man, you guys are blind if something like untied ribbons doesn't even register in your brains as a thing that needs fixing.

Phew, okay. Thanks for letting me rant. Carry on with thread.

>> No.8068302
File: 40 KB, 539x960, heroinita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a drug addict..

>> No.8068342

If you hadn't posted this, I was going to.jfc

>> No.8068346

I used to have a sliding shower like that in my parent's house and I was always paranoid of slipping and breaking my neck on that bottom rail for the door.

Eugughhh this is triggering me.

>> No.8068357
File: 368 KB, 819x727, noples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringed at her FB name almost as hard as I did at the photo.

>> No.8068365

Lmao she must be like 15 (hopefully)..

>> No.8068375

Literally never heard of our seen this chick. You sound like you're her, and have seen yourself posted here a couple of times so now you think you're "famous" and everyone is just jealous

>> No.8068379


Don't know what's worse. Her co-ord, her hair or that stupid name!

>> No.8068385

You sound painfully new.

>> No.8068386
File: 13 KB, 320x241, 1420678635017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8068473
File: 63 KB, 591x720, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those hands

Too spooky

>> No.8068588

I seriously think you're her. I've been on /cgl/ for several years, and literally the only time I've ever heard of her is when someone pops up saying, "Lol these noobs not knowing who misslillith is." You're not cosfamous, get over it.

>> No.8068632
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, 1421136605244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is misslillith? I had to Google her. Ya'll fame crazed Lolitas (and cosplayers too) need to chill out. If you need to defend the fact that someone is famous (to the very community that they're supposedly famous in), then they are not famous.

>> No.8068635

All these itas, lawd

>> No.8068656

I really wonder who you are, fellow peruvianfag seagull

>> No.8069017

I think she's holding her stomach to keep that cheap ass waist cincher from rolling up when she bends over. Top ke fuckin k

>> No.8071120
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 1453377_768942879799108_973537742_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of her worst examples.

>> No.8071184

Emo kei

>> No.8071906


I'd like it more if she was wearing some eye make up; especially with the nude lip going on.

She needs to just get her hair dreaded professionally. If she lets it dread like that it'll turn into nasty clumped dreads.

>> No.8071911


I don't know, fourth girl from the left is quite the train wreck. She knows too.

>> No.8072449

Thank you anon!

>> No.8072449,1 [INTERNAL] 

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