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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8060097 No.8060097 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see one in the catalog. Share your plans, 'gulls. Any drama going on in your area?

>> No.8060164

Its here: >>>805303

>> No.8060167

Ugh, >>8053031

>> No.8062183

BUMP because the other thread is now gone.

>> No.8062190

So who -was- the guy in that last Kelly picture?
ASUS Rep she's fucking?

>> No.8062211


Think its just a guy?

Does it matter all that much though?

>> No.8062236

He looks cute and like he has money. Plus why else would she be serving someone a drink

>> No.8062307

For god's sake. Does it happen whenever Kelly is mentioned or posted or something? Never heard of the Streisand effect - can the janitor just not delete the offending posts if so?

>> No.8062339

It's because she keeps getting posted in a non-cosplay related way. Twitch streaming is not cosplay. Just because a cosplayer is doing it doesn't make the debate about a picture of a girls tits about cosplay.

It's grasping at straws.

>> No.8062358
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>last thread got deleted just because of someone posting Kelly copypasta instead of just the post being deleted

>> No.8062369

LSCC had the second lot of entrees sign up for the competition yesterday, anyone know who else has joined?

I'm looking forward to LSCC apart from the super fails parading the offspring around so people pay attention to them.

>> No.8062375

16/01 - 18/01
National University of Ireland, Galway
Day and weekend tickets available at the door

One Piece Concert
Cadogan Hall London
Tickets online

Holiday Inn Plymouth
Standard tickets only available

London Anime & Gaming Con
07/02 - 08/02
Rocket Complex @ London Met
Pre-reg available, door tickets available

MCM Midlands Comic Con
The International Centre, Telford
Priority available online, gen admission at the door

06/03 - 08/03
Novotel, Southampton
Now full, waiting list in operation
Minami Con 21

University of Huddersfield

London Super Comic Convention
14/03 - 15/03
ExCeL London
Tickets online

Video Games Live
Birmingham Symphony Hall
Tickets online (for all VGL events)

Video Games Live
Royal Concert Hall Glasgow
Tickets online (for all VGL events)

Newcastle Film & Comic Con
28/03 - 29/03
Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Video Games Live
Convention Centre Dublin
Tickets online (for all VGL events)

Yorkshire Cosplay Con
Magna Science Adventure Centre, Rotherham
Tickets available online, a small number at the door

10/04 - 12/04
Britannia Hotel Nottingham
Now full, waiting list in operation

Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses
Wembley Arena
Tickets online

MCM London
22/05 - 24/05
ExCeL Centre, London
Tickets available online, a small number at the door

>> No.8062379


26/06 -28/06
Pullman Lodge, Sunderland
VIP Plus sold out, VIP available online

MCM Manchester
25/07 - 28-07
Manchester Central
Tickets online

31/07 - 2/08
Hilton Birmingham Metropole
Now full, waiting list in operation

14/08 - 17/08
Boyd Memorial Campsite, Bedfordshire
Tickets available online

Auto Assembly
21/08 - 23/08
Hilton Birmingham Metropole
Tickets available online

Chibi Sunny
8th November
Pullman Lodge, Sunderland
Entry is free

No date set

If people let me know if there are any more missing (I think there's one in Southampton but can't remember) I'm building a Google calendar which can be made shareable, should anyone want it.

>> No.8062397

Did anything happen after the Bewb pic? I watched a. Live, now I feel I missed out on drama and some kita con party/committee complaints and/or banter.

>> No.8062410
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Rundown of old thread:

> Kita is just weebs
> Kita has no events
> Also they actively avoid running anything against their parties and turn down offers of panels that would be run at night ie karaoke, quizzes etc
> Some committee (definitely Scowny) have moved to Collossalcon
> The Pullman Lodge, Sunnycon's locationm, is a "shitty dead little place" according to a neighbour
> To become committee you must know committee
> One anon on a committee is the only person who "genuinely has any fucking clue what they're doing" and has some internal drama for "calling the two main people out of their shit" but won't spill any more deets
> Lord Assram: will he break his promise not to gopher again?
> Alcon is 50/50
> Who the fuck is professor elemental
> Super Maians have made an events page to get people to sing happy birthday to their child

>> No.8062443
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Tabitha no. Don't do this. You don't need new likes that bad. Put your foam armour back on.

>> No.8062457

I never really noticed before how big her nose was.

>> No.8062459

Wow she is ugly and desperate

>> No.8062461
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I thought it was super cute when they did this to meet Cary Elwes. But then I love Men in Tights.

>> No.8062479

All the photos Tascha has put up of Tabs are just, bland. Shoddy editing as always. I would like to see Tabs do shoots with Darren Rowley or someone who's going to make the costumes look a decent.

>> No.8062484

She's actually vile. A lot of people won't work with her.

>> No.8062491

Which one?

>> No.8062492


>> No.8062501

How so? Share details please.

>> No.8062522

Have heard this too

>> No.8063135

Fuck's sake. I was trying to keep up with the kitacon shitfest.

>checked out the amv fb page to try and glean some information about the schedule
>the guy running it is the same guy who won last year

It's like the more I learn about this convention the more shitty it gets.

>> No.8063216

Yeah, that's what I am enjoying too.

Not long till we see what the Ame Chibi event will be like. I know it's now supposed to be a full amecon, but what will the venue and major committee changes entail?

>> No.8063254

Glad she isn't judging LSCC this year, she knows fuck all about making costumes, until she enters a costume that shes made by herself, she has no right to judge.

>> No.8063267

Anyone going to Tokonatsu this year? Going for the first time this year and I don't really know what to expect.

>> No.8063274

You mean 2014? I did indeed was my first time, I don't really like camping, but actually I was really surprised by how much fun it was, the outdoor games were awesome, capture the flag etc.
They also had DDR, bring and buy, dealers, masquerade, huge camp fire in the evening and was food provided.
I just don't recommend going in cosplay.

>> No.8063275

Derp ignore the 2014 bit, meant I attended last year!

>> No.8063295

If people are asking about events, I may as well mention one that I've never seen posted here. A group of friends and I are going to Multiplay/insomnia 55 this year, and I never thought of it as a cosplay event since I'm going mainly for social/gaming aspect. There's a section for cosplay on the website but there's barely any info. Anyone know what it's like for cosplay? What kind of standard and is there a lot of it? If I cosplayed I'd be putting in a heck of a lot of effort and I don't want to be the odd one out in that sense.

>> No.8063296

It's really fun. It's small enough to make friends but not so small that there's nobody there. It makes events more fun too; with stuff like Anime Pictionary you can actually join in with the game rather than watch other people play.

If there's nothing to do you can go to the pub in the village, or sunbathe, read a book, play a game. There's always a tent with MTG and other games going on, they have an awesome festival on Sunday, etc. I like the houses concept too, you actually want to participate in events because you're winning house points.

>> No.8063299

Ah that's good to hear! Was it warm last year when you went or did it rain a little? I'm hoping that they have a back-up if it does rain all weekend. I think its pretty good for the price considering food is included. I'm planning to do a couple of simple cosplays for it so I can still take part in the outdoor games and not worry about ruining my cosplay.

>> No.8063304

Awesome! I'm really looking forward to it now! It said that Alcohol is permitted, is it worth bringing your own or do most people just head off to the pub?

>> No.8063310

It did rain, but only once, we all ran into our tents. There enough things under cover to do I think

>> No.8063313

Everyone tends to bring a few bottles of something! Quite a few people drive in, and they'll bring like a 24 pack of cans. They make "wizard staffs" where they tape a new can onto an empty one, so at the end of the weekend they'll be trying to drink out of something that's about 5 feet long.

There's also the Tokobus where they do a run to a nearby Tesco once a day - you need to give them some cash for petrol but if you do realise you want more booze, snacks etc you can go.

In response to your other question:
It did drizzle occasionally but it was generally very warm and dry the whole weekend. They have a few events tents, and the tree coverage is really good so if it does rain you can get under the trees! There's also some buildings for Ops, but it's too small for everyone to get into. When it rained a bit last year people generally just hung out in their tents for a bit, it didn't really affect anything.

My big piece of advice to you (that I didn't realise the first year) is to eat properly. If you eat a salad and that's it you're going to feel pretty hungry. I bought along some babybels, some dried meat and some bread crouton things to snack on so that I had enough in me to keep warm. Also, bring a padded/inflatable camping mat to keep you off the ground, bring a blanket and wear a kigu inside your sleeping bag to keep warm. If you have a big tent, try to share it with someone as it'll keep warmer!

>> No.8063314 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I should have said

> If you eat a salad and that's it you're going to feel pretty hungry

Your food keeps you warm! It's because I'm hungry and haven't had breakfast yet, whoops.

>> No.8063316

Sorry, I should have said
> If you eat a salad and that's it you're going to feel pretty COLD
Your food keeps you warm! It's because I'm hungry and haven't had breakfast yet, whoops.

>> No.8063327

I have always wanted to play that wizard staff drinking game! Me and my friend will be driving in so we will bring a fair amount of food, drink and snacks! (Kettle chips are my weakness!) Thank you for all your advice, I really appreciate it! and now I kinda know what to expect! Are you planning on going this year?

>> No.8063332

Just realized how many exclamation marks I put in that sentence.... whoops.

>> No.8063337

Don't worry, enthusiasm is good. Yes, I plan to go this year, gonna see if I can get a tentshare as I'll be travelling up from Isle of Wight on the train - the less I need to carry the better!

>> No.8063341

Its run by Animeleague

>> No.8063382

I have to wonder when people talk about 'standards of cosplay' and proport to care why it actually matters?

If you're a cosplayer yourself then when you first started, did you honestly think 'oh I don't know if I'm going to be up to standard???' before actually doing it?

And if you're not a cosplayer when you first attended events that may or may not have cosplayers was it really in the for front of your mind?

Why would anyone need to know about the 'standard of cosplay of an event'. How does it affect your enjoyment?

If your only reason for attending an event is to see amazing cosplay why not sit at home on the internet?

Food for thought.

>> No.8063503

When I first started, I didn't really give a shit. Just wanted to go to the con.
Then enjoyed cosplay more, so made shit to a higher standard.
Now I like events with a high cosplay standard, because the cosplayers understand the effort that goes into each others costumes and then become friends.

Go to the con because you can actually see new costume, and talk to people rather than just being a seagull.

>> No.8063509

Anyone else seen that Valentine dropped his second outfit for LSCC and is now just doing one?

I thought he was pushing his luck with two. I am interested in seeing how well sewn it is.

>> No.8063636

He's spent a ridiculous amount of time on one dagger and it still looks shit

>> No.8063664

That Super Maians thing reminded me of the time a FB group i'm a member of tried to get people to dance for some body positive cosplay thing and literally no one actually gave a shit.

>> No.8063729

>Super Maians
just googled them..

yeah a bit ott. Costumes not that good, wife a bit of a ham planet and he looks like a beta orbiter.

Kid looks ok. Hopefully he wont come out all fucked up when he hits his teens.

>> No.8063767

The first kid to rebel against his family by being normalfag.

>> No.8063957

Ah another shit edit by Tascha Dearing. Nice same boring blur just like in all your other images, so imaginative...

>> No.8063963

Tascha is rubbish, she has no clue, but they keep praising her so she thinks her work is good and they kiass her ass.

>> No.8063964

Well, have a look at whos been doing all her photos? Same person in their social circle, Tascha Dearing, you can tell cos its just so shit.

I think this has been said everytime she posts a new photo....

>> No.8063970

>hope he wont come out all fucked up

They have him signed as a child model, so...

>> No.8064007

You guys are scaring me about Kita.

>Have never been to Kita despite it being local
>Going this year for first time due to Ame being tiny/Aya not running/no cons in 2014

Is it literally just drinking and shitty DJs? Surely there's events and things to do in the day...

>> No.8064011


There are events and panels and such. Don't worry about it too much.

>> No.8064192
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Alienqueens attempt to be like ai-honey and Nigri, gurl stop.

>> No.8064196

don't tell the Djs you think they are shit. You will trigger them.

>> No.8064197

They praise her because friends support each other?


I would love to see your portfolio sometime...


Alot of people WILL work with her, she's one of the nicest cosplayers around.


Darren Rowley doesn't do cosplay photographer anymore - Guess you'll just have to suck your thumbs and hate yourself more and more.

Oh gosh! A person poses freely and i hate that person for expressing themselves! *eats a tub of butter* HUR HUR HUR

>> No.8064221

Wow, that is probably the highest level of butthurt I've seen on here in a while.

>> No.8064225

Is it? I lurk these threads alot... and half the shit people say is either idiotic or just made up.

Unless its Kelly... then it's all true.

>> No.8064242

Hi Tascha/Tabitha

>> No.8064249


I am neither, that was your first guess - you have two more.

>> No.8064261

where's the best place to buy half decent but not 40 pound a meter faux fur in the uk? I don't want to spend most my budget for a cosplay on faux fur but i really don't want to look like shit

>> No.8064275

Fabricland is good if you have one near you

>> No.8064298
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>> No.8064325

on their website they don't seem to have any decent faux fur
i forgot how much i love their site though

>> No.8064346

I used white faux fur from fabricland for my Felicia and it's so-so.

>> No.8064371

do you have any pictures?

>> No.8064391
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>> No.8064404

You still post?

>> No.8064408

well they have three grades of it, I used the £8 p/metre on my latest, really love it, then theres the £14 p/metre which feels lush

>> No.8064418
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You bet

>> No.8064421

Why do the same names keep popping up, in multiple threads, even when it doesn't start with anything to with with them? Seriously from just been lurking here for a few months, somehow no matter how the thread starts, it always end up with the same bunch of people.

>> No.8064432
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Okay, well, that post nor the dog photo were me haha. I was gonna post this photo as it shows it in better detail. I think it was £6.99/m, I just remember it making the biggest mess on my carpet but I'm guessing the better quality ones do the same anyway.

>> No.8064433

Tiny community.

>> No.8064440

It's a UK thread, same haters and same people starting shit in the scene.

>> No.8064444

Wow this is the saddest looking Felicia I've ever seen....

>> No.8064445
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>> No.8064449

You haven't seen stacey rebeecas then...

>> No.8064452

Anon has a point...

>> No.8064456

Okay now I'm intrigued.... I do love a good train wreck

>> No.8064461

I was lazy and made it the night before and it literally fell off/apart in the wind. Plus I was chubby and can't do wigs for shit. REGRETS MAN.


>> No.8064474
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>> No.8064479
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>> No.8064504

Big guy slim? I remember a post about him only shoots women for some reason. Don't get me wrong, women are good to look at, but he totally ignores all male cosplayers. Which isn't right.

>> No.8064520

Ugh she really looks like she's riddled with STDs.... Nasty

>> No.8064548

Should I be reading this thread with an accents in my head?

>> No.8064578
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times change but some things stay the same

>> No.8064613


She's genuinely quite nice. Can't say I'm a fan of her cosplays or her e-fame but she's not a bad person imo

>> No.8064672

>Can't think of any ottermode manlet characters I like other than Robin and that's done to death

Who oughta I be?

>> No.8064686

Nottingham is a no-go my friend, just Kita for me this year

>> No.8065072

I think I forgot how tiny the community is over here, I've managed to accidentally join the friendship group of the aforementioned and awkward.. I honestly didn't know all this shit was going on, what have I gotten myself into??

>> No.8065674

Because the same people keep doing the same shit because no one tells them they're shit.
People still like Taschas pictures which just feeds the ego and makes her carry on without even trying.

>> No.8065719

thats because its her circlejerk. One came in earlier to whiteknight her, like theyre the first to come into /cgl/ to do that sort of thing.

>> No.8065720

Why is she working with Lucas then? Everyone knows hes a sneezebag. Shes lowered herself more by working with him.

>> No.8065726

Never understood why she was so popular. Her body is ok but her face. Gawd.

>> No.8065728

Alot to do with what they say about eachother in their own groups. They forget these elitist individual in their social groups also hate on eachother because they are so far up their own asshole.

Its a front they put on in generally public view like facebook etc, but behind that they look down on eachother. Infact, i wouldnt be at all surprise the ones hating on here are the ones in that very group.

>> No.8065730

I think shes fit, but just like alienqueen, you gotta change that same facial expression in all the photographs. I know models tend to have that empty look on their face, but this is cosplay, for godsake match that of the character.

>> No.8065736

Genuine lack of pretty faces in the UK groups. People just like tits.

>> No.8065985

Stacey moaning on Twitter about how she doesn't care if people don't think she's pretty - cared enough to publicly rant though...

>> No.8065989

There's a bunch of pretty in the UK scene, but pretty don't get their tits out and therefore don't get exposure

>> No.8066030

Such as?

>> No.8066103

If we say then that might inflate their egos. then we will have a whole new batch of cam whores etc.

Alternatively when presented with suggestions people can go "eww no she has crooked teeth" or something and we all end up arguing over what people find attractive.

Best to just nod and accept that there are several very pretty people in the UK cosplay scene. Some of them aren't even trashy!

>> No.8066114

Has anyone else noticed how weirdly close-knit the birmingham cosplay scene is?

I came here for uni at the start of the year and everyone I meet already knows everyone else. It's not like b-ham is a small town, and not all of these people are even at the university.

>> No.8066125

The entire UK scene is like that. Everyone goes to the same tiny events so It's not surprising.

>> No.8066141


back in the day when the internet was taking off a bit more it was creepier. Before hand you'd literally only see con buddies at the con. Then there were con specific forums, #animeonscifi / #cunts IRC, anime Europe and anime England.

Everyone knew everyone else. people would go to the same universities, date from the same "pool" of other anime friends. IRC and forums became less used as people literally started living with other cosplayers/anime chums.

A lot of these people are now committee on the various cons or owners/organizers of the cosplay websites. Some of these anime friends have kids with each other now and are married.

it would lead to threads here about how certain cosplayers were snobs because they only hung out with other well known cospayers. Ignoring the fact that they actually lived together and worked on each others costumes.

Its like one big inbred anime family. Plus now because of the prevalence of things like facebook you meet some people at a con half heartedly you can actually become part of their life as it were far more than following them on myspace/live journal. that is why everyone knows everyone else.

not that i complain, I met all my other halfs at cons and have spent the last 10 years or so living/renting with people I met either at minami / aya and on the aya 2003 forum.

Lets have a London meet and go to Namco for old times sake. We can go to the Japanese market first for lunch. Month after ltes hit up Bristol for quasar and the month after that we can go to Birmingham so we can get kicked out of megabowl.

>> No.8066253

It's fine to have opinions guys, and I know everyone who has been slandered above - now who has the balls here to admit who they are instead of being Anonymous?
Also, who has the spare time and bitter life that they go beyond constructive criticism to vile abuse?

>> No.8066334

Who has the spare time and bitter life to even care what anonymous people are saying on the Internet.
0/10 I actually replied

>> No.8066363

Someone butthurt because they got mentioned.

>> No.8066378

I wouldn't waste your keyboard to try and put me down. I just wanted to know your thoughts, feel free to avoid my questions though.
I just think inconsiderate and unconstructive criticism deserves as much attention as 'poor modelling and photoshopping' which are successful and we'll received regardless of some of the unfortunately harsh views expressed on here.
Perhaps if you weren't vicious there might be a bit more of an acceptance from the artists to your suggestions.

>> No.8066396

You Stacey's holier than thou boyfriend

>> No.8066413

I'm nothing like him. Who said I was a guy anyway?

>> No.8066417

What about artists who just put their fingers in ears and act like they're perfect wherever they are given constructive criticism? If people are slagging you off online read it and figure out why dumbass.
>Why do people have issues with whatever I do?
>What can I do to stop this?
>Do I need to change something I do?
You don't need to take it to heart, but if loads of diffrent people are pointing out the same flaws in your work time after time, maybe there is a problem that needs fixing.

A lot of people in the UK are like this, and it's frustrating. So people come here to vent.

Say what you like about anonymous posters, but every now and then they actually speak the truth.

>> No.8066418

No one said you were a girl either so I think a mention of either gender is probably valid

>> No.8066433

Final question; have any of you ever tried to give the respective people mentioned 'constructive criticism ' directly? Do you think they'll actually come looking for a put-down on 4chan if they want to improve their work? If one of your goals is giving them construction as a byproduct of bitching then why not go directly to them?
I know what I'm saying is hopeless but why not message these people with suggestions instead of sounding bitter?
~would like to note than I'm none of the people who have been mentioned nor does my gender matter in this~

>> No.8066445


Then why did you get defensive about your gender before if it doesn't matter

>> No.8066450

Yeah. Just get ignored, or the circlejerk all jump in and White Knight, feed the ego so that the person then doesn't listen to what is being said.

People are bitter, because this keeps happening, and shitty people keep being shitty or bringing out shitty stuff, which then shits on other people.
Have you tried to give criticism to people within that social group? You get ripped up by them and treated like shit, to the point where no one improves because everyone always calls each other perfect/amazing/wonderful regardless of what crap they do.

>> No.8066469

But the problem is that people don't behave in the physical world like they do on /cgl/ but it's all public. In fact it's more damaging on /cgl/ because the internet never forgets.

If someone hasn't asked for constructive criticism, or criticism at all, then just don't give it.

But then we get into the massive debate of whether putting your work online is putting it up for criticism. Because the act of sharing for sharings sake in the hope that people might mutually enjoy a thing gets swallowed up in how easy it is to be cruel and unrepentant on the internet.

And in the end it all boils down to opinions.

But if person A is happy doing what they do. And their friends are happy doing it with them.

Does it matter if person B thinks what they're doing is shite? (this model doesn't work if what person A is enjoying is being cruel, negative or otherwise hurtful for no reason) Does B's opinion count for anything? Is there a need to say it at all?

And when you stop taking everything personally and take several hundred steps back. Person A is just a person doing something they like. And Person B is just being an ass for whatever reason.

>> No.8066476

Is there a point to constructive criticism?

Yes, of course there is. But in context.

For example, say person's C and D had made the sample costume with the same materials and techniques to the same standard. But the only difference is C has been cosplaying for a month where as D has a history of sewing and has been cosplaying for a lot longer.

Arguably you might discuss why D has not advanced. Or say how well C is doing for so little time.

But that's not to say that either D or C are doing anything wrong. They're just simply doing a thing. If it's your prerogative to take issue with that then you probably need a job, some friends or a hobby. Something to take your mind off of how much the world is disappointing you.

>> No.8066505

Do cosplayers take criticism well?

Nope. This is usually because the 'criticism' is generally an ass make back handed or outright spiteful comments and hiding it behind the shield of 'constructive criticism'. Then moving in for the kill with the sword of 'you're so stuck up because you can't take criticism'.

But lets say for example that person E has given a criticism of 'you X is good but your Y and Z could do with .... because ..... and I suggest this resource.....'. Constructive criticism isn't just stating your opinion, that's simply criticism, most people miss the constructive element all together.

However I see really frequently that cosplayers turn round and say 'ignore people on 4chan they're all *insert degenerative insult here*' or 'how would you know? you don't even cosplay, I've done more cosplays than you blah'.

Which is equally dumb. You don't need to be an expert in something to have an opinion on the aesthetics. But equally there's a lot of things that can't be judged at first glance.

It's a massive trade off that tends to leave more people unhappy than satisfied. But that's just one observers opinion.

And life is not a spectator's sport.

>> No.8066550

Can we get back to the regularly scheduled mindless bitching now?

Come on, who's got the biggest/most unnecessary ego at the moment?

>> No.8066565

whose the chick that's doing Hades for the comp at lscc? Saw some of her progress the other day and ouch

>> No.8066574

Can't remember the name, but she did Shego at MCM and it was shoddy work.
I wouldn't enter that into a competition ever. Especially cus there are some talented cosplayers going in too as well as a loads from europe we don't know.

>> No.8066586

I saw on her post that Chloe Jazzhands commented trying to help. She can't sew or do anything well anyway.
it's the blind leading the blind.

>> No.8066594

I don't have much to say but agree with everything you said here, bravo.

>> No.8066597

Jesus Christ yeah, she can't do anything. Everything I've seen so far is cringeworthy.

>> No.8066601

Who is it? Share pictures.

>> No.8066608
File: 116 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved from a previous thread

>> No.8066614

Got a good looking wig though.

>> No.8066619

The only decent part about it really

>> No.8066620

At least she's having a go.

>> No.8066626

Don't forget she does burlesque to...

>> No.8066628

an effort was made
The sewing though.

What is the hades like?

>> No.8066630

that's unfortunate

>> No.8066632

LAC looks like it's going to be a fun show with her doing her burlesque routine. Have any of you seen the video on youtube of her performance?

>> No.8066642
File: 97 KB, 640x852, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is meant to be a skull that pins onto hades' top or whatever

>> No.8066647

She's entering LSCC too. She said it was a 'big' costume and was whining on facebook about how she is worried she won't fit through the doors.

>> No.8066651

the fuck is that even made of?

>> No.8066656

play doh I think? looks like there's paper mâché too

>> No.8066675
File: 281 KB, 1300x957, close enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8066708

I want off mr Bones wild ride

>> No.8066736

Your logic is quite sound, if you to get mentioned on /cgl/ it's probably not a good thing.

>> No.8066743

Fishing for sympathy from fans. Only people with insecurities do that.

>> No.8066758

digging this up because it's always a laugh.


>> No.8066854

she can't dance for shit, this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen

>> No.8066871

that's probably why the strobe lights

>> No.8066879

did she just take off her bra to reveal her lack of tits?

>> No.8066900

unfortunately yes

>> No.8066904

Was that really burlesque? I'm no expert, but that was just awkward.

>> No.8066906

why would you even go through the trouble of stuffing your bra just to take it off and show everyone you were faking?

>> No.8066913

i thought the same... i don't think she even knows what burlesque is, all she did was move her limbs awkwardly and shake her ass

>> No.8067218

Genuine questions from a newbie. Not trying to push any particular point, I'd just be interested to know what people think the answers are.

>If the Kelly Jean, Tabitha, Stacey Rebecca, AlienQueen, Tascha, Sonesh & Lucas circlejerk is so hated, how come they are always guests and judges at every convention and their tables are always the busiest? Is the hate blown out of proportion? Do con organisers not care?

>Those names always draw so many rumours and stories but how often is anything actually proved? How often has something kicked off at a con rather than online?

>Why do mods on here and other sites immediately delete anything about Kelly Jean but the other people get left up even if they're getting harsher hate than she does?

>Lex and Sands seem universally loved. Do they escape the hate just because they make better costumes?

>Why do so many new cosplayers quickly take up the circlejerk route and not try to follow in Lex and Sands' footsteps instead? Why are Lex and Sands the only cosplayers who do well in competitions?

>There are always hundreds of guys with huge cameras at every con but we never seem to see any really good photos. Where do they all go?

>> No.8067254

First question, I think more people are willing to overlook indiscretions than care, plus most people probably don't hear about drama bullshit. Second question, maybe 40/60 for proven/not proven. Last question, I think a lot of people don't have pages to post their photography and take photos just so they personally can look at them later. Can't answer the rest.

>> No.8067288

Fourth question, they were popular before all this s4s crap. Their costumes and generally their performances are good, they give back to the community with panels and online tutorials, generally keep to themselves so you don't hear much about them.

Fifth, there are plenty of other good competitors. Most of the time, when someone wins a big competition once you don't see them again, at least for a while, but Lex and Sands have more of a presence after repeatedly entering and winning.

Sixth, I guess it's easier for people to afford DSLRs these days but they're usually for their own personal use or they give the photos directly to the cosplayer via email.

>> No.8067332

Omfg. That was so awful I'm actually offended, there wasn't even any dancing! I'm not one to diss a small pair of tits (mine certainly aren't anything to brag about), but taking off the bra did nothing but make her look like a drag act ffs.
Also isn't the point of burlesque that it's raunchy without stripping and that?

Oh god I'm going to lagc and if she's doing that I might just go along to point and laugh

>> No.8067984

To your first question

Because people think their e-fame and attention are undeservered, theyre branded as 'attention whores', they don't give back to the community etc. Although I think some of the hate is unfairly put on some of these names.

Cgl/ peoples are very picky about they like, they hate anyone in the lime light, you're only decent if you are entering the bigger competitions or have 'actual skill' in making cosplays.

>> No.8068028

Lex and Laura (sands) have been in the scene for 10 years, make good costumes, win contests, give back to the community and keep to themselves so causing no drama. Which is why cgl usually loves them as an example for all cosplayers to follow.

The other group are just a bunch of girls who did 'modelling' first then put some cheap costumes on and got e-famous and constantly start drama and bitch about each other. Hence cgl generally not liking them as they don't really deserve all that attention as there are much better cosplayers out there that deserve it.

>> No.8068213

This is genuinely one of the worst burlesque attempts I've ever seen. I always thought she had big tits because she was fat, actually quite surprised how flat she is.

>> No.8068288

It's great having her in the community. No matter what she does, it's always a trainwreck and always fun to laugh at. Makes everyone feel better about themselves.

>> No.8068328

Question 1, none of them names are 'always' at panels, so not sure where you got that info from? A few have been invited as far as i know like Jean, Stacy, Tabitha have and Sonesh may have done one off panel.

The reason why these names you mention keep coming up is because they are linked to few individuals who are very disliked by the community and with good reason. Mostly Lucas from scg, mostly known for his sexist page "Sexy Cosplay Girls", which he has now changed the name to "Super Cosplay Girls", just to please people, but is actually no different then before. He's also hated by community upon his kickstarter calender which failed because his business model was flawed and nothing, but to give free trips to his cosply friends and to feed his ego. He often gets onto his high horse and made status on his FB slagging off cosplayers and photographers. Sonesh i believe is one he aimed at for shooting in carparks saying his photos are shit, and from what i know, Lucas himself shoots there, but it's fine for him to do until he decides he doesn't like it, Lucas just believe everyone should follow him, whenever he finds something new he'll praise himself on his achievement and why is not everyone doing this etc. Alienqueen, Stacy are ones that get aimed at because they also work with Lucas. The biggest giveaway hes not a nice person is the fact hes used to have scg group at conventions, but because of his attitute towards people, they have all left him on his own. Theres a link between Kelly and Lucas which has been debated to death, all i know is they both hate eachothers guts for whatever reason in RL.

TL;DR: Lucas is a cunt, if you work with him, you will be branded as one.

I presume Tascha is hated because of her working with circlejerk only and produces shit images, but get praised and wants to charge for shoots? Who knows...

>> No.8068389
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Fabricland is Alright, I used, I think the £8/M one on this one.

>> No.8068395

The cosplayers who are often mentioned are the ones who are popular because they're hot and they don't put that much effort into the costumes.
These aren't the people who compete, because they know their costumes are a 'this will do' standard. But even though it is a lower standard than the people who are amazing crafters, they still get 100x the attention for it, because they're reasonably attractive.

So people get pissed off, because they can put hour and hours and hours into a costume, and get 1% of the attention the others get for just hot gluing stuff together. It's why you never see the 'top tier' in competition. (excluding Sands and the like)

The top tier of both cosplayers and photographers AKA The Circlejerk, they have a monopoly on the limelight, meaning no one else gets a look, even though the work is poor.

The same goes for why people hate Lucas' and Tascha's photos, they're not good, they put 0 effort in, and the cosplayers look shit in the photos, but they still get more praise than a amazing smallfry tog would.

>> No.8068413

Stacey Rebecca competed at LSCC last year and her Deathstroke was pretty awesome. Shows she at least has the skills to back it up when she wants to.

>> No.8068419

May I ask how that's attached? Looks awesome!

>> No.8068421

Only made the finals though,didn't win anything.

>> No.8068426

Regardless, she competed and showed she can actually make good cosplays, even though she's in what people consider the "top-tier"

>> No.8068433
File: 84 KB, 604x716, attached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing wire over the shoulders and attached to the waist band that the character has.

>> No.8068442

Damn girl you gotta start lifting before you wear sleeveless like that.Your arms look like pasty jelly

>> No.8068459

Aah I didn't think of fishing wire. Also your arms look fine.

>> No.8068460

Yeah ikr? My bad

>> No.8068463

>fishing wire
Please don't use that it's very dangerous. One of my friends cut gashes into her arm because her tail got caught onto something and pulled the line into her flesh.

>> No.8068464

Yeah anon, it dug in even over my top. :x The costume is retired anyway so that's not happening again. Thanks for the warning anyway!

>> No.8068472

Just use webbing. Simple

>> No.8068513

Anyone here been to Majikkcon? Is it any good?
I saw they've sorted out their cosplay guests and got people who don't normally do it. So I was worried it'd be a shit con that was too poor to pay for anyone better. Worth going?

>> No.8068527

LSCC are doing a 'Make a Wish' event.
>Singing happy birthday to The Super Fails kid does not count

The two french girls who won last year are now judging. Don't you think 5 Judges is a bit overkill?
>5 Judges and not 1 is from the UK.

>> No.8068558

Yea kind of odd there's no UK judge especially when it's open to anyone from whatever country to enter...

>> No.8068663

>>There are always hundreds of guys with huge cameras at every con but we never seem to see any really good photos. Where do they all go?

As a possible answer for this, naturally some photos turn out poor and then a lot of people just don't do anything with them.

To give an example, at the last con I went to, I had in excess of 40 pictures taken (well, posed for 40 people) whilst I was in cosplay around the con areas, plus during an event.

After the con, I probably found about a dozen pictures in total.

Some don't turn out, other people just don't do anything with them (other than look at them themselves later).

>> No.8068719

The Make A Wish event is mainly a big raffle as far as I'm aware. There things like limited edition PS4s and props by Bill Doran in the prize pool.

>> No.8068725


When you consider that the judging panel is one of the best known cosplayers in the world, one of the best prop makers, probably the best worbla artist, plus the reigning champs, it's not all that surprising. They've certainly got all of the bases covered in properly judging each element of the entries, that's for sure.

>> No.8068752

Yes, but only 1 of the judge's first language is english.

And they've also invited the Norwegian group IE Starbit and the like over as guests, when they didn't even come last year.
Just seems like they're screwing over the UK community a little.

>> No.8068764
File: 244 KB, 982x1344, tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fishing wire is dangerous but if you're careful with it, it can be very useful at holding things like tails and such up (since you can thread it through fabric)

>> No.8068782

Do you need to speak English to access how well something is put together?

I get what your saying though. Perhaps if people from the UK continue to try and up their game, in the future they'll be featured more prominently.

>> No.8068823

It's just Ben trying to get himself noticed by more cosplayers and events abroad to stroke his ego with. Considering Lex and Laura carried him through ECG I'm surprised he didn't involve them

>> No.8068831

Maybe they're entering again? Isn't that why they turned down judging last year?

>> No.8068839

They've said they're not entering

>> No.8068850

This debate popped up recently and I don't understand why a cosplay judge's first language should be English (for an English event). If they're skilled in their craft then they will be able to judge for themselves and not have to explain why unless asked, in which case generally they will do their best to explain their constructive criticism.

If they don't speak English at all then I also don't see this as an issue as they're still perfectly capable of judging costumes.

Performances, fair enough, that's a little trickier if they can't understand what they're saying. But if it's visually impressive then they can understand that much and if there is suppose to be humour involved then they can perhaps grasp this from audience reaction.

I think the main real issue with inviting international cosplayers that don't speak English is transport, especially at the airport. This is where they'd usually have an interpreter/friend/staff/someone to pick them up I guess, that would be the organiser's responsibility to sort out and for the cosplayer to let them know the terms.

>> No.8068876


>'reigning champs'
one once. And the competition has only happened once.

>> No.8068879

Sorry, *won. brainmelt

>> No.8068946

I've met them all bar Bill Doran, and there's certainly no language barrier to worry about.

>> No.8068949

Aren't they also the French ECG reps? Safe to say they know their stuff.

>> No.8069008

Even better. I was just stating a point that language barrier shouldn't be an issue in judging a cosplay competition.

Yeah, the two French girls are also in Team France's ECG team this year. I really liked what they qualified with as well.

>> No.8069181


Who in the UK would CGL like to judge these events? (other than Lex/Sands)

>> No.8069789

Someone who sews their own costumes for a start.

>> No.8070343
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 10898110_750896788328576_7896248029464315562_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sands = biggest girlcrush ever. Can we all take a moment to appreciate Sands? Can this be the Sands thread now?

>> No.8070349

Is that enslaved? That was one of my favourite games

>> No.8070459

I think it's important for judging to be able to understand the native language.

For example there are different terms people use for things like serging stitching and overlocking are the same thing. But a contestant might describe something and not know a technical term.

Also the language barrier for skits would be important I think. Because if a contestant is jumping through a flaming hoop while singing about bubbles it wouldn't make sense, but the audience would be wowd and if you couldn't understand the words, the fact that it doesn't make sense wouldn't come across.

Obviously these are weak examples but I still think it's important to be able to communicate with the judges and for the judges to be able to communicate with each other!

>> No.8070472


Are those technical things important, though?

Doesn't the judge just compare how the outfit looks in the original media (anime, game, movie etc.) and how your outfit looks in real life, and pair that up with how conceptually difficult it would be to make? (for example, the best Sheldon Cooper cosplay ever pales in comparison to a half-decent Nightmare from Soul Calibur).

I mean it isn't a tailoring contest.

>> No.8070481

It is though, for anything sewn they flip your seams to make sure you've done everything correctly and not cut corners.
It's less how over the top the costume is, and more about accuracy, and how well executed it is, as say an Iron man suit is much MUCH easier to make than a 3 piece suit.

>> No.8070486

she has nice hips

>> No.8070498
File: 143 KB, 702x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding you anon, biggest girlcrush <3

>> No.8070504


I see what you mean, but "cutting corners"? You speak as though that's cheating.

You're not trying to make "clothes" that could be work day-in-day-out. You're making a costume.

A bespoke tailor is cheating if he doesn't stitch your suit together properly. I'd argue a costume maker who economises and only makes the parts of the suit you can see is doing a BETTER job.

If they were making that costume for a film, then they'd need to get it to look right, fast.

Thing is, I'm not disagreeing with you per se - this is news to me, that cosplay judges place so much importance on things like this and not just the end result when they see the person in the costume.

>> No.8070508

In competitions like LFCC holds then yeah, the judges probably won't even see a reference, they'll just pick whatever looks best (even when half of it's bought).

But in higher tier cosplay competitions including, but not limited to, LSCC, EC, ECG and WCS there tend to be 3 important categories.

Accuracy, Technique and Execution, Stage presence and character

>how conceptually difficult it would be to make?

Different people find different things difficult, which is why you're asked to present progress pictures, to show your methods. And so judges who may specialise can appreciate the work behind a skill they may not be able to do themselves.

>for example, the best Sheldon Cooper cosplay ever pales in comparison to a half-decent Nightmare from Soul Calibur

This sort of thing is at the judges discretion but you've cast the net a bit wide.

But it's true if you're going to enter a competition with a mid-tier difficulty (and this is really up to personal judgement as there's no recognised scale for cosplay difficulty) costume where say you're just focusing on the dress making side of things, to stand any chance you have to make it 100% perfect and walk that fine line between interpretive detail (like choosing to embroider details rather than paint them or add a beaded trim where it might just be a flat gold line in the reference) and overkill.

Because there will be people reaching higher doing possibly dress making, armour and weapons and they might still do better than you even if their costume isn't 100% perfect because they used more techniques.

Something that has bothered me as a competitor and as a judge is this idea that if there's an armour costume, it automatically does better than a dress. No one starts their life knowing how to sew and often on full armour suits any fabric elements are either bought or patchily made. So why should a suit full of armour be any better than an equally proficiently executed dress?

>> No.8070520

See that's the difference between casual cosplay and competitive cosplay.

And when I say casual I don't mean a t-shirt grabbed from your cupboard. Casual is just for round the con or for a shoot or a video or basically anything where the only thing anyone's gunna be able to judge you on is a photo.

In competitive cosplay, if you don't make the layers and you don't press your seams and you don't jump through the hoops that is making a working garment....you might as well not bother competing. Cause you can bet good money that someone else will.

The different between making a cosplay that looks good and a cosplay that works.

>> No.8070535

>In competitive cosplay, if you don't make the layers and you don't press your seams and you don't jump through the hoops that is making a working garment....you might as well not bother competing. Cause you can bet good money that someone else will.

Thanks, BTW - that explains it.

>> No.8070582

Or, perhaps more aptly, the difference between casual cosplay and high-end competitive cosplay. I mean, the standard of competition at your regular Showmasters event, and the standard at somewhere like LSCC is vastly different.
I guess that's the difference when you offer up tickets to DragonCon over £60 in cash for first prize though.

>> No.8070599

This is also why armour often does well.
With sewing, there is a standardised way to do it. If you don't do that, it's wrong.

With armour, if it looks like armour it's good, as there are lots of way to do it.

>> No.8070604

Really I only see 'competitive cosplay' as when you're before a panel of judges and expected to provide references and progress pics.

If all you have to do is turn up and waltz about on stage then it's a competition, but that doesn't make the cosplay competitive.

>> No.8070606

And then you get people like the girl doing Hades, and see how technically wrong it is, you know instantly it's not going to go well because of who else is entering.
IDK there are a lot of people with good reputations for sewing and craft in this time, so It'll be fun to see who does best because some of them are getting really ambitious.

>> No.8070616

Like who? I've not really seen a lot of who is entering this time. Seems like people are being quiet about it.

>> No.8070632
File: 54 KB, 720x960, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick, she has been posting a lot of "updates"
I think its thee weakest cosplayers that have been shouting about it more and the better ones seem to be keeping far quieter about their plans.
Speaking of which when did jazzhands get rid of her page?

>> No.8070637

No idea, maybe after she went apeshit and deleted everyone, after the whole creditgate, and digging more holes when she tried to defend herself.

She planning something "big" and is "worried she won't fit in the changing/judeing room"

>> No.8070640

Valentines being annoying loud about it. Maybe he's trying to scare people off. Seen a few updates from Ross that look promising.

>> No.8070641

he cancelled his mid act strip and change didn't he?

>> No.8070657

The people who have posted on FB about entering so far are
Jazzhands, Valentine, The girl who was Hypergirl, Helen Alice, RossEcobb, The Penguin guy+Batmite guy as a team, Apeture Cosplay
I think that is all I have seen so far? Any others?
I get why people aren't saying they're in it, as if they fuck up it looks bad.

>> No.8070670

I follow Valentine's stuff and to be fair I wouldn't say he's being annoyingly loud. Sure, he posts a lot of updates on progress but he's the kind of guy that has always shared all his WIP so that's not unusual.

>> No.8070674

he's raving about taking a box full of work in progress stuff to the judges..

>> No.8070683


A) mentioned in one post that I've seen is hardly "raving"
B) considering the level of the competition, showing the effort that's gone into details by providing samples and things like that isn't actually a bad idea.

>> No.8070706

This is the same list I have. Know a couple who dropped out early, but I've literally seen no others that have said they're in.

>> No.8070708

Who dropped out?
What are those who are in it actually doing?

>> No.8070713

"Kenny cosplay stuff" is also in it. Looked at his page, seems like just Iron man suits.

>> No.8070726

Pretty standard for Kenny

>> No.8070728

Wish I had time to mount a proper go at one of these competitions. No idea how I'd do, but it'd be fun to have a go.

>> No.8070734

start now for 2016 ;!

>> No.8070744


I truth? I'm worried what it'd do to me. I've done some cosplay, I've enjoyed it, even entered a few competitions - never won, but always got positive remarks from judges...

... but part of me thinks going into the competitive side of it, seriously, would mean I'd run into all the "cosplay drama" that I see so much about, but fortunately have never had to deal with.

>> No.8070758

Anyone from The CircleJerk entering?

>> No.8070765
File: 49 KB, 720x540, 10442432_747801935304728_1639515903576948902_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every UK thread can be a Sands thread. Proof you can do skimpy costumes and still be respected

>> No.8070769

Clear bra straps ew no stop

>> No.8070771

who is actually included in the CircleJerk?

>> No.8070780
File: 37 KB, 480x720, 1610865_747362295348692_1381904434835335635_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though most of her FB feed is progress rather than finished pics. So have a casual cosplay. Still hot.

>> No.8070797

Theres always time just plan for one way in advance. Or just slowly work on something awesome until its ready and then enter.

>> No.8070802

If I'm honest, not really...

>> No.8070811

stop trying to make this a sands thread

>> No.8070820

Just getting bored of everyone complaining about Andy Failentine all the time

>> No.8070825

But she's more boring than him. She's old news.

>> No.8070831

Care to post someone newer then? Don't care if it's bad or good just tired of UK threads being endless posts without pictures

>> No.8070843

Old news, still reigning champ of ECG... Bitching about Valentine is more fun though

>> No.8070860

What cosplay groups of last year did CGL like?
I liked the walking dead group at LSCC last time around.
Also the legendary bird Gajinkas

>> No.8071059
File: 11 KB, 505x141, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We have"
That's funny, he's the only one out of The Super Maian's who actually makes the outfits.

>> No.8071064

U wot mate?

>> No.8071974

Who the fuck is inviting crap cosplayers to be guests?!

>> No.8071976

She's put on weight. Still would.

>> No.8071981

It won't be MCM, it'll be some shit little event run by AL.

>> No.8072028

Looks the same to me

>> No.8072185

Don't think that's a very flattering pic for any of them really

>> No.8072937

That's not entirely true, there's lots of ways to make a garment fit like darts vs seams and different ways to treat fabric, lining and interfacing. Choices whether to bone and how to do decorations. There's at least 3 different ways to hem things and that's without getting onto fabric choice.

Mixing and matching textures and colours.

There have been standardised ways to do armour, nowadays that's Worbla. And things like Space Marines and Ghost Buster back packs have been broken down in tutorials right down to the fine print.To the point where it's hard to consider them impressive as a judge because there's no innovation. But arguably if it ain't broke, why fix it?

>> No.8073092

It's funny that the by far hottest UK cosplay girl is also the one who gets naked the least.

>> No.8073112

Ky Kiske

>> No.8073115

Pretty doesn't need to be slutty

>> No.8073127

idk she seems a bit too masculine in the face for me. She's good looking yeah, but there are other types of pretty in the UK groups, who are just as pretty, in different ways.

>> No.8073128

loki looks awkward as fuck with the helmet with tux. Should have just gone with the wig, and maybe bring the staff to be recognizable as loki.

>> No.8073132 [DELETED] 

loki looks awkward as fuck with the helmet with tux. Should have just gone with the wig, and maybe bring the staff to be recognizable as loki

>> No.8073137
File: 26 KB, 220x293, 50852908194c8laura-sindall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there's really nobody in the UK who can match Sands except maybe Masubi and she's barely in the scene

>> No.8073147

Yeah she's not that great. There are other cosplayers just as talented/pretty.
Yeah, she's good at what she does, but not enough to justify you being shitty about everyone else.

>> No.8073165
File: 341 KB, 1000x1500, 1415714950548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why Sands has dominated competitive cosplay, you know. It can barely even be called opinion, it's basically a fact that she is the very best.

>> No.8073170


>> No.8073200

But she's boring. Unintresting. Might be good at craft, attractive enough, but she's not special. Not better than everyone else.
She dull, old news.
There are other people just as good, but you weird fans make it so no one can be noticed because you treat everyone else like shit.

She good at stuff, just fucking boring.

>> No.8073211

I'd take talented and keeps to themselves over untalented drama whores any day

>> No.8073218

Basically because she's not causing drama or fucking married men you aren't interested. I get it.

>There are other people just as good, but you weird fans make it so no one can be noticed because you treat everyone else like shit.
Not really. Keep on asking for other examples but you can't seem to be bothered to post anyone?

>> No.8073235
File: 1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-01-22-23-18-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck is up with Stacey Rebeccas eyebrows

>> No.8073279

Name one. Name any. Name someone who's as good as if not better than Sands. I'll give you Lex for free as a maybe.

Yeah this.
You don't have to be Kelly Jean or Lucas or Tabitha Lyons to be hot shit. Some people get to be hot shit just by being really, really good.

>> No.8073471

someone is a fan of Shades On

>> No.8073745
File: 54 KB, 960x640, mirimew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of mirimew cosplay? I think she's pretty but I don't really approve of the amount of e-fame she's gotten over basically one costume :/

>> No.8074394

Whose she? Never heard of her before, this is the annoying thing about e-fame in that a sudden rise doesn't mean a lot outside of the Facebook likes world

>> No.8074497

I don't know if the staff is meant to be crooked but that just looks like a floppy pool noodle

>> No.8074570

I've been in this community for a long time and people who have one costume and commission other ones like her don't seem to last long in the hobby I've noticed.

>> No.8074803

as far as i know she shot to fame after last expo when she made a facebook page for a nidalee cosplay she commissioned

I mean she's nice to look at but she hasn't really done anything since :/ (other than continuing to milk her Nidalee cosplay and then doing a 'Nurse Nidalee' one :O)

>> No.8074907

Jesus fuck I am sick to death of pretty much every fucking girl getting their tits out for the likes, and doing LoL cosplays. It's done to death, move on do something else.

>> No.8074929

This is when you know the UK scene has just become a massive joke

>> No.8074930

If you're going from the game model, then no, it isn't.

>> No.8074990

Commissioned a Black Rabbit from someone else.
I can tell the future of her page right now,
4/5 smallish costumes, all commissioned, makes nothing herself. Then a kickstart failure for boobjob/holiday/calender then a sex scandal.

Is that not what normally happens?

>> No.8075347

I can at least answer something about the cameras.

Large cameras the pics couldn't be uploaded as they are too large and the pics would need to be edited to down scale the quality to a lower MB that can be uploaded.

4chan does have an upload limit for pics.

As for me I took pics with the 16MP camera on my phone and covered some pics for EGX and covered a lot of pics for London MCM Comic Con from October.

I was the main contributor of pics those times so I was like fuck those who didn't take anything better or take pics at all.

I basically took the best pics I could with the hope there would be better contributors, but other than a few similar pics to my own there wasn't anything much better than mine.

I'm not saying I'm the best in anyway, but I too would like to see good quality pics from those who used the so called perfect light, settings, etc.

>> No.8075486

Thought bubble

>> No.8075509

I try to take photos at cons whenever I go, even helping to do a booth at some to raise money for charity at some. I want to get better though, so I want to try and get some practice with local cosplayers.

What would be the best way to try and contact people asking about this without coming off as a creep?

>> No.8075539

Just post on your local comm page that you're looking to do some free photo shoots to get experience, trust me you'll get tonnes of responses. Cosplayers jump at the chance to get free photos.

>> No.8075973

As for the creep thing, approach "groups" to take photos, not just individuals.

>> No.8076046

Thank you

>> No.8076046,1 [INTERNAL] 

What happened to Dragonfly Cosplay? Other than this article, I haven't seen anything from her since her EC disqualification.


>> No.8076513

What happened to Dragonfly Cosplay? Other than this article, I've not seen anything since her EuroCosplay disqualification.


>> No.8076568

What happened? She use to date Kyle aka Sketch Mc-Draw cosplay didn't she?

>> No.8076572

you sound like a shit photographer.

Anyone who says their own photos are better than anyone else's is obviously a shit photographer and needs to justify themselves.

Post your work or shut the fuck up.

>> No.8076871
File: 2.97 MB, 2592x3876, 20141025_133100[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not a pro photographer and I more or less get bored at those who critise and are too shit themselves to contribute any pics which seems to happen a lot on this particular thread.

I'm just a normal person taking pics and uploading some here because no one else have been doing much of this during these events.

At best you might get slightly over 10 or maybe 20 contributes if you're lucky from random anons from start and finish of the event.

I on the other hand posted a lot more than that as a single person.

Here are some pics.

>> No.8076877
File: 3.56 MB, 2592x4608, 20141025_100355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were from MCM Comic Con back in October last year so some might be familiar.

>> No.8076880
File: 2.40 MB, 2592x4200, 20141025_122831[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8076887
File: 2.95 MB, 4344x2576, 20141025_131904[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8076890
File: 2.82 MB, 4424x2588, 20141025_171041[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8076892
File: 2.78 MB, 2268x4392, 20141025_131708[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8076899
File: 2.61 MB, 2404x4204, 20141026_113524[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more pics and can upload more, but this would be time consuming for me.

I am not looking for praise here and only making the point that I contributed pics where many critics didn't at all.

>> No.8076993

>whites literally blow the fuck out
>crap backgrounds, people everywhere
>I'm great guys
confirmed shit

>> No.8077017

I don't know how to tell you this - but pretty much all the good photographers share their images on much more appropriate sites.

>> No.8077033

Such as?

And I'm suppose to be pro?

>> No.8077044

Are you serious? XD
Like their personal flickr accounts, their own pages or on forums where the cosplayers are actively seeking out images
No one comes to 4chan for photos of their stuff.

>> No.8077098

Other crap cosplayers

>> No.8077139
File: 75 KB, 400x259, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8077170


>> No.8077193


>> No.8077199 [DELETED] 


>> No.8077205


>> No.8077747

Bernadette and Jake, sort your shit out.

>> No.8078224


Fuck-off huge resolutions are for Flickr. There's no reason to have standard browser-viewed images any larger than 1080 high and whatever width is appropriate for the aspect ratio. If you're uploading images on here or on forums or facebook or wherever that clock in over 500kb you're doing it wrong.

And rename your files when you export. Fuck me.

>> No.8078249

Who are they?

>> No.8078384

Has anyone been to the Edimburgh Comic Con? I'm not sure what to expect.

>> No.8078402

Seagulls. Both are plebs in their own ways.

>> No.8078413

When did /cgl/ start hating on Bernadette? And which Jake? Though they're both plebs.

>> No.8078450

A lot of people dislike bernadette for good reasons . Guessing nicnax since he's more active on 4chan.

>> No.8078476

Fair enough, each to their own.

>> No.8078479
File: 3.49 MB, 2460x4256, 20141026_113052[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL I am neither of those two.
I am just a random anon who likes to contribute pics on here.

Here is another pic for creative criticism.

I have no issues with getting a Flickr account sorted before the next events and I should have very little issues finding a software to down-scale my pics to 1080p.

I don't have much confidence of getting a better background as these events are always busy and I don't feel like carrying a portable backdrop around to take a pic with a perfect background.

As for file names I generally don't care that much.

Any suggestions for improvements would be helpful.

>> No.8078484

All poorly composed, either dark or too bright, no editing done... do you even shoot raw?

And you're saying your better than togs...


>> No.8078490

Try a new hobbies :^)

>> No.8078493

I haven't done much editing besides just cropping them to reduce their quality a little so they're uploadable.

I'm not sure about shooting raw, but I am taking pics using normal auto settings.

Also I am not saying I'm better than anyone, but I do contribute more than most.

>> No.8078525

But that's the thing you don'r. Have you ever actually looked at what the other photographers - the REAL photographers contribute?
You didn't even know flickr was a thing. Please stop.

>> No.8078530

You think you contribute more than Nert?
That's funny.

>> No.8078544

I still intend to contribute pics.

>> No.8078546
File: 2.90 MB, 1075x600, 1415749919991.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it guys, it's sad to watch.

>> No.8078735

Auto settings are not normal, they are for idiots who have no idea how to use a camera. Auto settings will always consistently under or over expose. Don't even bother putting your shots up for criticism if you're still using auto settings because the first thing you need to do is learn how to use your fucking camera properly.

>> No.8078742

Says they're better than Con togs.

Shoots Auto..

Oh son... this just turned into /p/ so beautifully.

>> No.8078784

Why does he hate her?

>> No.8078975

She's really arrogant. That's why I think she's a bit of a bitch at-least.

>> No.8078985

So this is Jake?

>> No.8079008

Y'all funny niggas trin to figure out who yall all are on 4chan puhpuhpuhpuhpuh

>> No.8079901

You don't crop to reduce their quality. You crop to improve your framing. You reduce image size to reduce file size. Your quality should stay the same.

What camera do you use? If you're using a point and shoot and its decent then you can certainly improve your settings. It won't be as easy as on a manual. You won't have RAW though. Try and get a bridge or even a cheap DSLR - I started on the Canon D500 which is a really cheap camera now. It doesn't have very high ISO but if you enjoy taking photos it'll help you take better pictures once you learn about the technical side of things. And it has better suited auto settings for you to choose from if you don't want to go manual.

Your composition really isn't bad and you've got people to pose decently. I'd like to see you go further.

But you don't contribute nearly as much as other togs sorry. If I shoot with someone I'll take about 150 pictures. I'll edit and upload maybe 6-20 of those, because I'm also a cosplayer and I'd hate it if my unflattering photos were uploaded. I put then on FB and tag the cosplayers if I know them, and the high res goes on flickr. I'm not a big name and i'm not decent, just a hobbyist, but I still want people to feel like it was worth working with me.

>> No.8080086

I like both of them, I don't know why everyone here has to have a constant stick up their ass. Nax in particular is one of the kindest/friendliest people I've ever met through /cgl/.

>> No.8080716

There's an Edinburgh one? Thought it was just Glasgow?

>> No.8080784

I've never known her be arrogant? Is this a cosplay, lolita or personal thing?

>> No.8080805

Nax is fucking creepy. He used to follow pirate toaster and her friends around like a puppy before he realised he wasn't going to get "in" with them

>> No.8080909

Sounds a bit socially inept but I don't see how it makes him a bad person. Nothing wrong with wanting friends. As far as I knew they were friends way back when anyway so am I wrong or is this a bit of post-breakup-with-Blue revisionist history at work?

>> No.8080940

Jake/NikNax was a dick when they broke up. He had been Blue's "bro" for ages but when him and pt broke up he suddenly became really chummy with pt and started bitching about blue. Never interacted with him myself outside of cgl but that seems like dick behaviour to me.

>> No.8081317

I do crop to improve framing, but the quality goes down in relation to MBs for file size which I take advantage of so I can upload to here.

I'm using MS Paint for the basic editing which probably isn't that great.

As for my camera it would be from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom which has a 16MP CMOS Camera which is the best detail I could get from it's general specs on the Samsung product page.

Camera is more or less consistent with a normal compact camera, but it is somewhat dated in comparison to newer compact cameras.

I'm not too aware of the other togs and have mainly been uploading on here.

My interest is just as a hobbyist at this point and I'm not looking to go pro or anything that big.

>> No.8081353


You're using your phone camera?

I... no words.

At least download GIMP to resize your bloody pictures. Jesus Christ. It's FREE.

>> No.8081415

But the 'popular' and 'good' togs in the UK only ever upload 10 pictures per con anyway, and it's always of the same 'popular' group of people. So you know that there is 0 point ever trying to find your picture.

>> No.8081483

You sound butt hurt. Either make a decent enough costume to warrant it or make some effort to obtain a shoot - it's honestly not hard.
Crying on 4chan wont make any difference.

>> No.8081537

>But the 'popular' and 'good' togs in the UK
No such thing. Everyone who is good is not popular. The ones who are popular are not good. Most of the better-known names are neither popular nor good, they're just infamous for scummy reasons. Name one UK cosplay tog who is genuinely good and genuinely popular.

>> No.8081551

To be fair, togs have as much right to choose what they capture as cosplayers do to choose their costumes.

Used to be more people went around with cameras and took a lot of photos and it all went up on the internet.

But most casual capture has been replaced by complacency and cospalyers realising they don't want photos of other people anymore or to lug around a camera they have to put down and away.

Event coverage photography has gone out of fashion because the togs that were doing it got about 1 thank you to every 10 criticisms. The fun went out of it. Why waste your time and equipment really? Why not just take photos of friends and things you like and call it square?

>> No.8081659


>> No.8082371

Oh okay, I didn't know about that. That's pretty shitty given the circumstances.

>> No.8082642
File: 37 KB, 1080x720, IMG_11540536622714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hobbyist too, but I still think if I'm going to go out to take photos I should use somewhat decent equipment.

Megapixels mean NOTHING if your sensor is shit, lens has small range, no antishake function, no options for iso, aperture or exposure. Mp is just what phone manufacturers use to sell their phones.

This photo was taken with a 5mp camera on a sunny day. Because I could alter the aperture it isn't blown out. Because I could alter the speed I could avoid blur and get the photo before the bird moved. I upped the iso slightly to compensate for these things and shot in raw in case I needed to adjust later. Iwas able to use optical zoom to get in closer, not a shitty digital zoom. And the details are alright.
Its not a fab photo (I don't want to upload pics of people here because that's rude) and it was one of the earliest I took after getting a DSLR. But the difference between this and a "better" high megapixel photo is astounding.

If you're taking pics for yourself, use your phone. If you're taking photos for others, please at least stop using Paint and start uploading onto flickr. Your tools are letting you down.

>> No.8082764

That bird is hotter than most the UK cosplayers.

>> No.8082775

>tfw alcon

>> No.8082913




swing and a miss

I've seen some pretty fit birds at cons, but never anything as fine as that piece o' tail.

>> No.8082959

Those circle lenses! They pop! And it rocks ankle tags better than any of our convicted creepers ever could.

>> No.8083083

You obvious not looking hard enough. If you still can't find any of the photographers that regularly attend the UK cons.

There are good and popular photographers, just because you haven't meet any of them, doesn't mean they don't exist. They enjoy doing what they do, and don't go around shouting about it, because it's a hobby to them, just like there are some amazing cosplayers, but they keep themselves to themselves. Open your eyes next time you're at comic con.

>> No.8083096

You hit the nail on the head there. Event coverage takes time with very little reward, as it usually mean hallshots and large number of below par photo because the shot has to be taken whatever the light conditions is (e.g the horrible lights in LFCC). Whereas time spent doing a proper shoot by taking the cosplayer aside, elsewhere is more satisfying. Rather spend 20mins to get one amazing image than 30 medicore images with peoples heads, random bits that will take time in photoshop to remove etc in the background. With that in mind, ofcourse the photograher is going to choose a cosplayer thats amazing. Can you see a photographer taking aside a pikachu onesie and spend a session making it look epic? Nope, nether can i.

>> No.8083109

Ok then, who are these amazing togs and cosplayers?

>> No.8083125
File: 831 KB, 480x135, Not Japanese enough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop taking cosplay seriously please thank you.