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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8053517 No.8053517 [Reply] [Original]

Since you guys are all seasoned-convention goers, what are some of your top tips or advice you've learned in regards to conventions?

>What to know before attending?
>Most important things to pack?
>How to get the best bang-for-your-buck in the dealers room?
>Best way to manage photoshoots?
>Best way to organize your day?

Lets all share our tips!

>> No.8053532

If you're planning on making a costume for a convention, finish it before the convention. Just do it. I know procastinating seems nice but when you have to stay up all night finishing a costume and you end up going to the convention with 2 hours of sleep you'll feel miserable all day and won't enjoy as much as you should.

>tfw i can't even listen to my own advice

>> No.8053540

Go with good friends you like and just have fun.

>> No.8053604

Be sure to save up a wad of cash beforehand.
It seems like it'd be an obvious thing to do, but I always have buddies hitting me up for cash because they're hungry and have no money left. Also, spend wisely and keep your money safe.

>> No.8053833

I'm not a seasoned convention goer but, be clean at parties.

Don't share cups with everyone you meet
Don't take hits out of the bong that dozens of people probably used that night
Don't kiss strangers when you're at that point where you can't tell the difference between men and women
If you're going to get your dick wet, use a condom
Con "raves" suck, but you should learn how to dance regardless to not look like one of those awkward faggots
Don't carry all the money you've saved in your wallet. If you get fucked up, chances are you're dropping your pants at some point and you may lose the half grand you put in there.
Weeb stuff at cons is expensive as fuck. Overpriced and shit stolen from pixiv artists on wall scrolls and such. Just custom print that shit and save yourself money.

Got home from ALA a few days back and I'm so fucking miserable right now. I've been in bed all fucking day coughing my lungs out. I hope I didn't catch a std

Also, if a friend says he's volunteering for the convention, expect not to see that fucker at all

>> No.8053878

I give myself a limited amount of money to spend - I leave my credit card in the hotel room and just bring cash on the convention floor. That way if I spend all the money, I'm not tempted to swipe my card for any other goodies. Credit card is only used for emergencies/gas/etc for conventions.
I take a grocery trip before hand and bring my own food, water kettle and electric griddle included. It's ridiculously expensive to get food at the convention and I don't really care for going out to eat. Problem solved for that.

As another anon mentioned, finish your cosplays beforehand. Really. Before you know it, the convention is the next weekend and you barely have anything put together.
Don't get conplague. Shit sucks.

Bring friends you actually like and can deal with. I've wanted to kick friends out for being an ass and wanting to stay up all night and bring random people into the rooms to party.
Earplugs. Bring them. In case people do stay up/hear the rest of the convention going on at night/rave music.

>> No.8053884

Even if you're going for one day make sure to pre-register. There is no point in standing in a 3 hour line just to get a one day badge and waste half of your day.

Just bring a wad of cash. That way you wont be tempted to just start swiping your card and a lot of artist alley venders don't take credit/debit cards.

I never try to stick to a strict schedule of do this this and this everyday. I just kind of p lay it by ear and have fun. There is no point in wasting your whole weekend making a super detailed plan just to stress out if you're going to be able to do all of it.

>> No.8053902

Bring a lot of safety pins.

>> No.8054237

Pack a second baggie of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. People forget, not all hotels have a good valet service, and sometimes things get lost.

Add a couple purse sized packages of sanitizing wipes. Use them often! People tend to be filthy in public venues.

Mouthwash and Zicam help keep you from getting sick if the above fail. You may or may not be in a veritable Petri dish of funk. Take precautions.

If you're driving, bring a pillow and a cheap sleeping bag plus a sheet or two. That way if someone has to crash on the floor they are not in too much discomfort.
Also, some hotel rooms are simply nasty, and the sleeping bag and sheets might save your sanity. If you get ones that are cheap enough, you can simply abandon them afterward.

One pair of shoes you can walk in. White Keds are a good neutral choice or those cheap Chinese maryjanes as they come in a variety of colors.

An umbrella. Or two.

A few large "leaf and garden" trashbags.

>> No.8054279

>Know con schedule, what panels, photoshoots, etc you want to hit up
>Bring water bottles, healthy snacks, camera, batteries, phone charger, mini sewing kit, anything you might need for your cosplay
>Don't buy figures at cons. They're marked up as fuck.
>If someone seems weird, they're weird. Don't waste your time on weirdos.
>I know it's there and it's tempting but don't waste your money on junk food and then binge on it. It'll leave you sick and broke.
>Save up some cash for spending money, food, merch, etc, but don't carry it all on you at once.
>Stay hydrated motherfucker.

>> No.8054392

If you're cosplaying, ALWAYS BRING YOUR HOT GLUE GUN. You'll thank me later.

>> No.8054451

>>Don't buy figures at cons. They're marked up as fuck.
They're also bootleg 99% of the time.

>> No.8054470

>How to get the best bang-for-your-buck in the dealers room?
Don't go to the dealer's room.
Actually, I go to the dealer's room when I'm taking hall cosplay photos, but don't BUY anything from the dealer's room.

>> No.8054531

Three essentials: Hot glue gun, safety pins, phone charger. Never forget these.

If you're in heels, bring backup shoes if you've got the room in your bag. Your feet will thank you. Also on the topic of shoes, bring blister bandages.

If you're wearing a bare midriff cosplay and are going the route of not eating that day to prevent bloating pudge, suck on Lifesavers or any other hard candies. They stave off hunger really well.

Skimpy outfit? Stick with a buddy. And always bring something to slut check with. Big coats work best.

Don't bring your credit/debit card around. Just use cash.
Avoid con dances and con raves like the plague. They are all unforgivably awful.

If you're shooting, always message and confirm location with your photographers up to 30 min before you go. Shit can happen and it's a matter of professionalism.

>> No.8054544

Crystallised ginger is great for that too. Ginger is a natural appetite suppressant and the sugar will keep your on your feet!

>> No.8054709

>Wash your hands/body to avoid the con-flu throughout the weekend
>Pack what you need and not stuff you aren't going to wear or use
>Don't buy stupid shit in the dealer's room/artiest alley you don't need, buy stuff for others or one or two small things that you really like
>Bring your own food and drink and don't share it! You may need it more than others.
>When drama comes around, walk away from it. If you aren't apart of it, don't care about it. You have your own problems to deal with.
>Wear good shoes when walking around the con, you'll need them

>> No.8054739

Stuff that I like to do for cons:
>Pack snacks/food, a water bottle, and a baby bottle of hand sanitizer
>If you're cosplaying, bring an emergency sewing kit
>Scope out the nearby food options ahead of time
>Wait until the last day of the con for the best bargains in the dealer's room
>Use cash so you can track your spending better and see how much you're spending
>Don't room with people you can't stand
>Write (or type) stuff down to keep yourself on track! On the lookout for certain items from the dealer's room? Checklist. Don't wanna overspend? Write yourself an approximate budget. Draft up a vague schedule of what you wanna do at what times.

Emphasis on the last one because I'm a total list/spreadsheet whore. I get my kicks out of crossing stuff off of checklists and mapping things out in an organized fashion.

>> No.8054953

I see the credit card thing in this thread a lot. Are people that horrible at not spending money like it'll expire at conventions?

>> No.8054962

Don't be that one guy that does like 9+ cosplays for no reason.

>> No.8054975

You're on a board where people have absolutely terrible spending habits when it comes to their hobbies.

>> No.8054989

Rest is important, especially when avoiding conplague. Get rest. If you're a party animal, take at least one day to just sleep. Booze+no sleep+tons of grimy ass people= conplague

For larger cons with a lot of programming/events/panels, come up with a very specific plan of action. You usually won't be able to go to all of them, but if you plan and have contingency plans, you'll be able to hit at least some of the ones you really want. If you just "try" for panels willy-nilly, your chances of actually getting in and seeing the panels is usually a lot slimmer.

The Dealer's Hall/AA will always be there. Save it for downtime or the last day (when most vendors/artists will do sales anyway)

Artist Alley regular here

Yes. I can usually count the number of people who say and do sensible financial things over the course of the weekend on one hand.

>> No.8055011

>Know your surroundings around the con - where to get food & drinks, transit if needed
>Try to take a look of the schedule beforehand so you know what who don't want to miss.
>Make a list of what to pack including every single aspect of your cosplay (all dinky accessories and shoes fml shoes), do a checklist of it the night before you're all packed up and ready to sleep. Don't forget toiletries and makeup especially if you have to pack those last because you still want to look presentable in the morning. Hairbrush if you need.
>I don't even buy from the dealers room anymore but if you do try to haggle lol especially on the last day of the con.
>Organized day? lol.

This sound advice that I can never follow.

>> No.8058271

>Avoid the dealers room if you can. Most items there you can find much cheaper online
>If you do have to buy something there, wait until the last day for last-minute deals and a better chance to haggle a price
>Bring cash, the ATM at most large cons always have huge lines (plus added fees)

>> No.8058301

If they're younger with fewer outside financial responsibilities, yea, they tend to go full retard at conventions especially if traveling without mom and dad is still a fairly fresh/new concept to them. Older con-goers who have financial obligations like student loans, rent/mortgages, utilities etc. tend to be better about budgeting things out like for food, lodging/travel/parking, shopping etc. and tend to know they've seen much of the same shit in most Dealer's Halls so it's not super unique/ check online for pricing before buying. "Tend" was the operative word though.

>> No.8058411

There are some good guides on youtube. I don't remember the girl's name, but she is wearing a pink wig and talking about how to be safe at conventions. it had some things I never thought about, like knowing where the nearest hospital is to the con center.

>> No.8058438

>What to pack

Water, a powerbank for your smartphone, more than one charger, deodorant

>Best bang for the buck
Haggle with the dealers on the last day of the con. The less they need to take back to their storage the happier they are.

>> No.8058474

Last year at Ohayocon the line for pre-registration entry was a 2 hour wait at best while the line for entry at the gate was empty.

It depends on the event.

>> No.8060693

Don't shoot with the After Dark photography gang. Ever.

>> No.8060703

Why though? I like supporting local artists and getting commissions.

>> No.8060705

dealers generally sell overpriced knockoff taobao shit.

>> No.8060731

Bring a set amount of cash, and don't pull money out unless absolutely necessary.
Room with people you know. ALWAYS. Mystery roommates are almost always a bad idea
Bring and use hand sanitizer as if your life depended on it, and wash your hands often.
If you're cosplaying, bring an emergency cosplay pack. Mine usually consists of scissors, needle and thread (hotels usually provide an emergency sewing kit), hot glue gun with extra sticks, safety pins, industrial Velcro, and whatever extra materials I might need depending on costume (snaps, fabric, etc..)
Always get a couple gallons of water before a con to keep in the room. Staying hydrated is one of the most important things to do during a con, trust me.

>> No.8060740

Slut check? I'm a dude and I've never heard that before.

>> No.8060807

>what to know before attending
get a good scope of where the con actually is, what's in walking distance, how late stuff's open, etc. shower everyday and don't room with people you're kinda sorta maybe iffy on. being lowkey pissed off at someone for 3 days really adds up.
>most important things to pack
UNDERWEAR. a change of normal clothes, comfortable shoes, airborne, and all the standard stuff you use to keep yourself clean and looking pretty. if you're cosplaying a small sewing kit, hot glue gun, and a bleach pen might be a life saver.
>dealers room
sunday is the cheapest day because everyone's trying to get rid of their shit but it'll probably be pretty picked over by then. figures can be kind of iffy at a con so it's probably best to steer clear. spend your money on the artist alley, booze, and food instead.
>best way to organize your day
ACTUALLY PICK A COUPLE THINGS TO DO don't wander around the con for 7+ hours in full cosplay bored 2 death. highlight a couple things on the schedule if everyone doesn't want to go go your separate ways and meet up for meals.

also!! if you can get the people rooming with you to go in on some groceries it's waaay cheaper and if you're like me and forget to eat entirely during cons having snacks around prevents you from spending half the con pissy and hungry

>> No.8060855

Don't be afraid to ask the concierge where the good cheap places to eat are.
Before you even think about getting your G on with a man, woman or trap, do make sure that they are not underage.
Comfy shoes and Dr Scholl's are your goddam friends. Take it from a guy who used to stand at a static post for 7 years. Wear the wrong footwear and you will pay for it in blisters and ankle pain.
The night before the last day of the con (if you drive) pack up your gear and take the bulk of your luggage down to your car in the early hours of the morning. That way you can just take the stairs and not have to worry about waiting a long ass time for an elevator packed with people and luggage.

Also: Talcum powder after showering is your best line of defense against sweating your nuts off at a con.

>> No.8060887

How do I get a gf

How do I find who is single and who isn't

>> No.8060981

>What to know before attending?
Make a plan of the programming you'd like to see and mark it's importance. you may have conflicting schedules or figure to skip it in the end.
Familiarize yourself with the layout. First aid, cosplay repair, nearby eateries, restrooms.
Check out AA and dealers that are attending so you may have an idea of what you may plan on buying.
>Most important things to pack?
Underwear. (Always bring extra - you never know.) Toothbrush, toothpaste, etc toiletries. mini sewing kit, safety pins, hot glue gun, change of comfortable clothes (when you're done with cosplaying), phone charger
>How to get the best bang-for-your-buck in the dealers room?
Look around and compare prices before buying. Haggle the last day.
>Best way to manage photoshoots?
For a general meetup? Make sure to be punctual. Have it out of the way of traffic and stairs. Clear directions and loud voice. Give each chr about 15 seconds. Depending on size of group, can run from half hour to an hour.
>Best way to organize your day?
Make an iternerary for each day (panels, meet ups, programming) either paper or phone. For the time you're not sure on, browse the dealers or AA. Make sure to have at least one full meal a day.

Also, thanks for the other tips in this thread.

>> No.8060986

You be a fucking man... talk to a girl and if things are good. Ask if she wants to hang out later or tomorrow at the con. Exchange numbers and then if you get to the 2nd meetup and things go good, state your intentions clear, ask if she is seeing anyone right now. You will never be friendzoned and it's so much easier for you to decide to be a friend or not a friend after.

>> No.8060993

Diaper bags.

There are so many compartments in those things that can be used for conventions. Two bottle holders, compartments for sandwiches, pockets upon pockets.

>> No.8061049

Double sided tape too.
Good for last-second cosplay repairs.

>> No.8061059

>Bring a lot of safety pins.
THIS. I made a friend in the washroom when I noticed she was wearing a cosplay from the same series, made small talk, and found out she needed safety pins (the velcro on a piece of her costume had fallen off). I had a box of safety pins and gave her a few, and then we parted ways. We ran into each other an hour later and ended up hanging out for the rest of the day.

>I know it's there and it's tempting but don't waste your money on junk food and then binge on it. It'll leave you sick and broke.
It's so hard when you're walking by tables in the vendor hall that have cute Japanese snacks laid out and you haven't eaten since breakfast, but you'll get more fill for your dollar and actually get energy if you drag yourself to a Subway!

I've been pretty good about my convention spending, but I also didn't start buying things at conventions until I started making my own money. I've only made two AA purchases, and they were because I struck up a conversation with the vendor and wanted to support them (and they had something I was interested in) or because they'd done a gorgeous print from one of my favourite movies.

>> No.8061060

I've heard the term used before somewhere and sort of picked up on it. Basically, if you're wearing something revealing, slut checking would be wearing something to cover up. Aka wearing a coat over a bikini so you can be decent in public. It's pretty much a girl thing.

>> No.8065032

Convention's dealer's room are a great place to steal

>> No.8065039

Anon it's not worth it. If you must buy candy and snacks before you go to the anime conventions at Walmart or Tesco's.

>> No.8065084

A lots already been said, but this is what I generally do.

- Make a list of everything I want to pack before hand. I try to pack a day or two before so I'm not scrambling to do so later. I'm lucky and generally my con friends come to my place first and we leave from there, so I have more time to really plan it out. But I'm always super paranoid I'll forget something, the list has been the life saver for me.

- Con purse: my normal purses are kind of small, I keep a larger tote bag that I'll carry around the con. It usually has my wallet, phone, camera, touch up makeup, water bottle/flask (flask doesn't usually come out until night time), and whatever cosplay accessories I don't feel like carrying at the moment. When someone asks for a photo I can just take it out for pictures. I can't emphasize how important it is to keep a waterbottle on you.

- Cash is a must. Gotta pay for tolls and shit somehow. That and not everything is going to take a card. Sometimes I like to buy prints so keep some cash on me.

- I don't like to plan my day out too much. I might have a gathering I want to go to, or my friend might have one to go to, but otherwise I like to keep my schedule open to just wander around, check out a panel or the dealers room or whatever. Some people are super into planing their whole con experience and that's cool.

- Pack clothes other then your cosplays. I generally wear 3-4 cosplays per con, but there's going to be a point where I want to change into something more comfortable. At some point you'll probably want to do the same.

- Pack a little first aid kit. Little cuts might happen, or maybe you get a blister from bad shoes. Keeping some bandaids on me has been super helpful in the past.

>> No.8065146
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Better yet, buy cute Japanese snacks in advance and eat them in front of your friends.

You'll be the coolest weebfuck there and if you share with your friends you will be god-tier.

>> No.8065203
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When it comes to the topic of being on the convention floor, I've made it a habit over the past few years to bring this baby around with me, filled with a good number of helpful things that can help me and other cosplayers on the showfloor. It's uber helpful and prevents me from going back to the hotel room every 10 minutes just in case I forgot something. Here's what I pack, just in case anyone else does the same or wants to::

>Cash purse with cash limit (Normally 40-60 dollars)
>Energy Bars/Protein Bars
>Miniature sewing kit
>Green Tea
>Business card holder (For photographer cards)
>A pair of socks (Just in case whatever shoes i'm wearing start to piss me off)
>Makeup (Front pocket)
>Miniature Hit Glue Gun/several guesticks
>Hair ties/Bobby pins/Hair clips
>Feminine care products
>Eyedrops/Contact case
>Tissues/Napkins/Facial wipes/Hand sanitizer

It can hold a surprising amount, but I've found that keeping a help bag with me throughout the convention is a huge lifesaver.

>> No.8065473
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>What to know before attending?
Never been to the con you're going to? Use Google Maps to look around the location for walking routes between the con/hotel, places to eat, places to park if you need to, and other notable things. This is especially important to see where is safe or not too!
>Most important things to pack?
SOAP, SHAMPOO, AEROSOL. Please! Also the important things: money, con ticket, condoms. Try and keep yourself from bringing expensive electronics or at least get travel insurance if you do (no matter how small the trip), a phone is a must and bring backup battery chargers if you can.
>How to get the best bang-for-your-buck in the dealers room?
Have your phone and check prices online while you're there. If they're selling it for a good price in relation to how much it costs on AmiAmi (+ shipping), check it's not a fake and buy it if you're happy with it. Don't impulse buy! Also, HAGGLE! This is especially important on Sunday of a con when the sellers are trying to clear their stock and more willing to have the price bumped down a bit.
>Best way to manage photoshoots?
One-on-one with a person? Organise the meeting place and time online beforehand, it's awful trying to contact each other during the busy rush of a con, especially while in costume. If you're the photographer, tell them what kit you'll be bringing and ask for the kinds of poses the cosplayer would like to do, this way you can scout the location on the day and see where would be best for them to pose, and what angles you'd need (+ lighting setup positions)
>Best way to organize your day?
I personally use the calendar app on my phone for 'fixed time' events like panels and photoshoots, but outside of that I just wander around and see what happens on the day. Of course, you could keep a strict schedule to adhere to, but I don't find it as fun.

Hope that helps!

>> No.8065480

And then wait for someone to post about you in a creep thread

>> No.8065484

When I go to the dealer room I use a three pass system:

First Pass: I look at everything on display in the booths quickly, about 15 sec per booth. I'm looking for the limited edition or "I absolutely need to buy this" things. I pay at move on quickly. At this point I'm willing to blow my entire dealer room budget because these are things I want regardless of price.

Second Pass: I go back for things I liked from the first pass but now I'm working with whatever money is left from the first pass. Since I had time to check out all the booths I can comparison shop and pick it up from wherever had the best price. While I'm at the booths I can also check to see if I missed anything on the first pass or if there is anything new from restocking.

Third Pass: Now I take my time and thoroughly look through booths for hidden gems. I have more time so now I can browse and just check things out.

>> No.8065492


It's going to happen no matter what. I go dancing at clubs and bars a lot and even those most girls I ask to dance have a good time with me every now and I'll get a drop dead look. Just suck it up and move on.

>> No.8069221

How is this post creepy? Creepy is when a guy follows a girl around, takes pics or touches her without her permission.

As far as I can tell, the guy is just showing initiative and being straightforward with the girl. And 7/10 times this method works and is the most effective. This is also the difference between getting laid and being friendzoned and being a permavirgin.

>> No.8069253

Make sure you take pictures or otherwise check how what your wearing will look under really bright lights. If you just use the kind of lights in your house, or the flash on your phone, you can end up walking around all day wearing a bodysuit that is completely transparent under the much brighter lights people sometimes have at a convention. And if you weren't wearing anything under your bodysuit, because it's basically the same as tights and so why not? Then you can end up getting in a lot of trouble with your mom who you had to really work to convince to even let you go by yourself in the first place when she finds all these pictures of you like that. Thankfully, it's such an easy problem to avoid that it'll probably never even happen to anyone in real life.

>> No.8069450


Creepy is whatever the girl calls it. Basically it's unwanted attention that makes the girl feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it's because the guy is awkward, intense or aggressive. Other times it's simply because the girl gets caught off guard and feels put on the spot, she isn't into the guy, or is awkward herself. That's the breaks

>> No.8069568


>> No.8069574

Excuse me Park Ranger, but I couldn't help but notice you haven't gone to get your bareback.

>> No.8069599

Please, please, wait until you get back to your hotel/someone's party/really late at night at the rave to get drunk if you need to.
Nobody wants you acting like a retard and puking everywhere in the middle of the con.

>> No.8071266

how do I get a cgl girlfriend to go to cons with me?

is it possible to buy one?

>> No.8071273

u buy my brand u buy my heart

>> No.8071285


contact deetz pls

>> No.8071309

>What to know before attending?
50% of the people there are people who shouldn't leave their room and stay on tumblr. Stay the fuck away from anyone in a Hetalia/Naruto/Homestuck/MLP cosplay. If someone is jumping on you and hugging you without permission, don't be afraid to pull the "please stop, this is assault" card on their ass. The artist gallery is nice, please buy their things because they honestly want you to like their stuff. Play a round of Smash Bros in the game room even if you're not great, its a ton of fun. Eat and drink so you don't pass out. If someone with a professional camera approaches you and asks to take your picture for the con, ask for their credentials. If they cannot give you any, they're a creeper and you need to get away from them ASAP.

>Most important things to pack?
Deodorant, water, a bag to carry shit, a quick patch kit when things go sour on your cosplay, pepper spray just in case, save up on money.

>How to get the best bang-for-your-buck in the dealers room?
If they're selling collectables, low ball them. Selling something for $50? Say you'll buy it for $30. They'll usually meet you halfway and go for $40. If they're not willing to compromise, they're not worth your time. Don't buy plushies unless you collect because they take up space. Ask what materials props and weaponry are made out of before buying.

>Best way to manage photoshoots?
If you're the subject, don't let the photographer boss you around too much. You're allowed to have a say. When working with groups, make sure everyone knows exactly what they're supposed to be doing.

>Best way to organize your day?
Don't. Just have fun, and make sure to jot down some events and places you want to see so you don't forget.

>> No.8072897

>If someone is jumping on you and hugging you without permission

If you are an asian male and the con is taking place in a predominantly white area, be prepared for this. I wasn't even cosplaying, and this has happened to me at almost every con I have attended. Be polite but firm that this is unacceptable. This is a bit tricky since you will not get any sympathy, even my friends say I should be glad that i am getting so much female attention.