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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8047842 No.8047842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been following Affliction Cosplay Photography for a while now. A few months ago he started a kickstarter to fund a cosplay book he's trying to make, his goal was $27k. He raised about 2k in the few months it was up. This morning I saw that he cancelled the kickstarter and made an indiegogo page instead. Now he's only asking for $12,000 after "re-evaluating the logistics" Does this scream scam to anyone else?! When people asked about his project before he said that the $27k was necessary and now after looking at the numbers again he can take 15 thousand from that?? These cosplay photographers are getting out of control with this crowd funding crap.

>> No.8047889

Fuzzy math from the hillbilly

>> No.8047930

It's only been changed to Indiegogo since you keep whatever money you raise rather than Kickstarter where you have to reach your goal first. He wanted 27k saw he could only get 2k and changed websites so he could at least steal the 2k from people aang not have to produce anything. Total scam

>> No.8048479
File: 29 KB, 484x381, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I searched before creating a new thread. At least I am not the only one who is getting a big scam vibe from this. Not only did your kickstarter fail, you some how magically found a way to cut what you "needed" in half.

>> No.8048536
File: 20 KB, 329x336, tumblr_mi32r5wesf4334tw_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this budget cut is the video documentary of making the book. Why was this even a thing. You wanna make a book, not a movie about a book.

Maybe he should just go the Cosplay in America route and back the book with his own money.

>> No.8048584

IndieGoGo allows you to keep the money raised, even if you don't reach your goal. Kickstarter returns the money if the goal isn't reached. So yes, scam indeed!

>> No.8048593

Very few people have done that though, that takes responsibility and foresight. So far the only things I've seen done that way, from start to finish, was Cosplay In America (book), Cosplay! Crafting An Identity (tv documentary), and Jus'Cos (tv one minute pieces).

>> No.8048755

That is the whole point. He says a lot of things to mean well like leftovers from the project will go to charity and he will make this happen regardless if enough is raised. It just doesn't look that way. Why work with half of your friends and half cosplayers from around the country. Why not aim to work with local cosplayers only, Atlanta has a shit ton them. Why not start out with the cheapest solution for the project book and work your way up from there. Why pay for everything involved in the project instead of collaborating with cosplayers who would welcome splitting some of the expenses.

I just find it hard to not see this as a scam when it involves a photographer whose still lives with his parents and only little income is with photography. He thought his acting career was going to bring in a lot of cash from the C-Rated sci-fi show but it was a bust.

>> No.8048763

"I'm honestly thinking about canceling my kickstarter and changing it up a bit because I have a better idea for it that would be cheaper and work more efficiently. Then flying everyone everywhere." no shit.

>> No.8048774

It is sad that he recognizes this after he didn't get the amount he wanted, not before actually planning how much money he needs to get this done.

>> No.8049233

I'm really hoping no one donates money to this. This screams scam.

>> No.8049279
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Who would want to trust a guy who just spends money for shoots instead of saving for his own book.
inb4 someone claims it is for a paid shoot. It isn't. Just spending money for a free cosplay shoot of a cosplayer he idolizes.

>> No.8049337
File: 626 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He messaged my page a few days ago asking for free advertisement.

He's prob changing to indiegogo because then he gets to keep all the money even if he isn't fully funded. What a greedy douche.

>> No.8049369

Damn, you must have a page with a lot of likes if he is seeping low enough to beg for shares.

>> No.8049372

The desperation is strong.

>> No.8049480

Driving force, oh man, he does think he's some hot shit, huh?

>> No.8049674

you all are just jealous you're not on a tv show like him!

>> No.8049707

Maybe he should ask Lauren Pihl for a loan

>> No.8049710

or Anna/Darshelle/BGZ/Eric/Beethy on how to run a Kickstarter scam.

>> No.8049726

Chase got a reality check. . Not famous enough

>> No.8049836


A shitty show, nah, nothing to be jealous of. if he's lucky, maybe he can win a razzie award?

>> No.8049852

I'm glad other people are voicing concerns over this guy. He's been sending me messages asking me to promote his work on my fb page (I have almost 20k followers, nothing huge but I also don't repost promo crap from every single person who asks me to). He didn't seem to understand my reluctance to promote his ALL AMERICAN COSPLAY BOOK in Canada.

>> No.8049862

Yeah he hit me up, looks like he's just copying and pasting these messages. Everyone getting them should just do what I did, report it as spam.

>> No.8049879

what do you have against all american cosplay book?

>> No.8049908

...I'm pretty sure that person is a canadian. So why would she promote an ALL AMERICAN book...while she is in Canada and deals with canadian cosplayers?

>> No.8049915


because Canada, and while Canada is part of North America, the cosplayers in the book are primarily from NY/NJ, locals to him in Alabama and a handful from Cali. Huge swaths of America are ignored. These are pretty much only cosplayers with some publicity, who are willing to work with Chase and his greasy hands

>> No.8049925

He should've learned marketing at Hallmark like Lauren Pihl

>> No.8049944

pretty much all the AL ones where his "Affliction models" back in the day, and a lot of the ones he picked don't have...that great costumes. the photos he posted on his indiegogo have a lot of people in pieced together or purchased cosplays (like a sweater dress and boots or the black canary) where they didnt even make their cosplays.

Why yes, lets watch behind the scenes as they go to target or get on ebay to buy shit.

>> No.8049961
File: 396 KB, 1041x437, Screen shot 2015-01-11 at 10.59.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldnt even FIND a 15x20 backdrop. the biggest I found and the ceapest was 12x8 at $154 and that was ONLY for a repeating logo, not a full background

is he fucking serious?

I WILL say he has it set on 'fixed funding" so if he doesn't make the $12,000 he doesnt get to keep anything...apparently.

>> No.8049968
File: 56 KB, 540x960, 10917349_10203723490267954_7335743169182561316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...that girl's cosplay isn't even that great...

Is she super underage? It seems like Chase likes them super young (started dating his 'fiance' when she was 14, and now has RCSixtyfour cosplay on contract where she can't get photo shoots with anyone else, she's 16)

>> No.8049991

Honestly, I don't think this is a scam I think it is a huge joke! I mean come on, 24 cosplayers...maybe 4 have any skill or are ACTUALLY known. The rest are his "friends" living in and around Alabama/ Atlanta....ya you need 27k, oh wait I mean 12k to make a picture book about them. This guy sounds too stupid to actually cook up a scam, I just think he threw a number out having absolutely NO idea what anything would cost. Maybe the COSPLAYERS in the book should kick in some money, seeing as they are in it. 24x $500 each would put him at 12k. Oh wait, lets have everyone else pay for it because logic!

It also seems like he is really pushing that Beautiful Syn cosplayer more than the rest of them like she is actually a big name or something. She's right at the top with a nice photo and even a little bio, while the rest just got a picture or nothing at all. Come to think of it, she did post she was getting a divorce recently, maybe he is trying to help her out with lawyer fees so she doesn't actually have to get a real job.

>> No.8049992

Did we really not see this coming? I mean, we've already had the Wild Places and Journey Beyond horseshit in the last two years. It's no surprise that people started jumped on the bandwagon hoping to make a quick buck. Here's a novel idea: stop giving them money, and the trend will go to shit faster than Anna Fischer's underwear.

>> No.8049997

he said on facebook he knows a guy who makes backdrops

>> No.8050022

helping her divorce fund

>> No.8050035

oh god is that one on the right supposed to be fucking touka from tokyo ghoul

>> No.8050684


Did the 16 year old's parent or guardian sign the contract? If not, then it's not valid, as per US laws designed to protect minors

>> No.8050700

"So what I did ya'll was buy a bunch a paper from Staples and tape them all together"

>> No.8050957

RCSixtyfour is 15.

>> No.8051095

I've never met this kid before and he sent me a message on my page asking to promote this dumb project. You know, for charity. *eyeroll*

>> No.8051676

14 is perfectly ok if he's underage at the time no? how long ago are we talking about.

>> No.8051722

Well for all we know, she could be his cousin or sister too. He is in the South.

>> No.8052147

The one on the left is Mira Scarlett Cosplay, not RCSixtyfour. The one on the right isn't involved in the project.

>> No.8052238 [DELETED] 

i wsant claiming she was RC64, I was pointing out that Mira's cosplay isnt very good for him to drop cash on a 15x20 screen (even if he 'has a guy' he's begging for $12,000 from strangers)
and I'm pointing out that maybe Mira is super young (like rc) and he's trying to sleep with her

>> No.8052242

i wasn't claiming she was RC64, I was pointing out that Mira's cosplay isnt very good for him to drop cash on a 15x20 screen (even if he 'has a guy' he's begging for $12,000 from strangers)
and I'm pointing out that maybe Mira is super young (like rc) and he's trying to sleep with her

>> No.8052311

look after rooming with him before i know he has slept with models or has tried to with others that didn't give him the chance. His gf knows he sleeps around and thinks it makes her cool to let him so he won't leave her, but she gets her fun with him too so not like she cares. no clue if he has tried anything with rcsixtyfour but i wouldn't put it past him to try. why do you think most people don't shoot with him anymore. hard to work with a guy that keeps doing anything he can to get in your pants. as for the project he let syn and the rest guilt him into adding them to his book. when you only have a few people that will work with you you'll do anything to not lose them. its just sad...

>> No.8052576


16 will get you 20

>> No.8052618

Call Chris Hansen

>> No.8052896

and Jenny Craig

>> No.8053771

It sounded like he had a private shoot planned for the backdrop and was getting extra use out of it by wanting to shoot with another girl who doing the same character.

Like at a con? Because he has lived at home with parents all his life.

>> No.8053988

how does it seem like he had a shoot lined up? if you read his fb post, the entire thing is him hitting on that mememe girl and his fiance helping him hit on her. He never claims to have gotten it for a shoot, just asks if anyone is interested in shooting mememe and then tags that mira girl.

he also shares hotel rooms with his 'models' and never his fiance, I know for D*C she was begging people for hotel money so she could cover her part of the hotel room she was sharing with friends because 'chase's room was full'
I guess he tried to just sleep with all the people he rooms with and doesn't worry about the fact that his gf doesnt room with him.

remember, he also travels for shoots, maybe he tries to sleep with the girls at shoots?

>> No.8054492

More like trying to get a return on a stupid photography investment. My bad on not reading it completely.

As for the hotel situation, it wasn't his room. There was a lot of back and forth on what happened but it came down to she didn't have money for her share of staying in the room so she wasn't allowed to stay in the room. I don't know how that happened but I guess she assumed chase was going to pay for her or that her spot was free.

>> No.8054621

he paid for her ticket, and is constantly offering to buy other specific girls cosplays for him to shoot, so I can see why she might have thought he was covering her.

At the same time, she got a bunch of people to give her money (into chase's paypal), or at least she claimed that was happening. I know she ended up going to D*C, so did she end up in a different room or the same room as him?

>> No.8054632

Hello Sarah, I know you like to call me creepy on your twitter while pretending to be my friend, but posting vendetta about my business ventures is pretty low.

>> No.8054658

who the hell is Sarah? and who specifically are you talking to? There's a bunch of us in here calling you a scammer bro

>> No.8054694

Anyway, yes, I do try to sleep with most of my models. It's only happened a few times, but those few times are worth the rejections and reputation.

>> No.8054772

I also haven't tried to sleep with Syn yet, but she's on the list since she's getting a divorce. Love me some cottage cheese legs.