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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 750 KB, 1249x1920, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F2b023c8222a9046323140d0bd3bb12dc%2Ftumblr_mryi3lTpsU1s9gpqeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8046535 No.8046535 [Reply] [Original]

Old one on autosage >>8038009

>> No.8046585

For black/gold legwear, the only thing I can think of (and have seen in real life) is the gold and black harlequin socks by Enchantelic Enfchantilly (formerly Chantilly). I'm also 5'7" and they go up over my thick calves and over my knees with no problem. Turn them inside-out when washing them.

>> No.8046587

When someone sends you an outrageously low offer for an item, do you still respond professionally?

>> No.8046591

How do Innocent World|s OTKs fit? I bought two pairs during their sale, but I am afraid they wont fit me. I am 5.5 feet tall and my legs are not stick thin. Do I have a chance?

>> No.8046593

yes. I say "sorry that's too low" and go on. If they ask for my best price I say that i'm sticking with my listed price but will contact them in case I reduce it in the future.

>> No.8046616
File: 241 KB, 280x362, piratealice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I wear an A-line petti under this jsk? (Pirate Alice II) I put my bell shaped one under it and it looked a bit awkward but it might just be my weird petticoat.

>> No.8046642


Yes, it's an older dress so it will look better with a less full petti.

>> No.8046646

Thank you!

>> No.8046653

What would you consider to be the ideal height for a lolita? I'm 1.55 m tall and I'm afraid I might be too short for lolita.

>> No.8046660

How long are people waiting to get invoiced by Innocent World? I put in a order this week and heard stories of month long waits.

>> No.8046663


That is considered perfect height. Keep in mind these garments are made for tiny Japanese women, they are petite too.
I'm also 155cm and dresses fall perfectly on the knee most of the time, unless it's not supposed to.

>> No.8046683

Any eBay stores to get decent classic lolita accessories?

>> No.8046754

If you already bought them, why not just wait and see? The deet is already done anyway.

>> No.8046757

I think 153cm - 160cm is pretty ideal, if you want the dress to actually reach your knees.

>> No.8046758

Oops, meant to reply to >>8046653

>> No.8046843
File: 51 KB, 599x337, tumblr_nhzkn5XuDc1qgjjjyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New pictures from the AP Dreamy Princess Carnival got out.
So apperently we get two berry prints this year, one with crosses in it (gothic lolita slowly making a comeback?)

>> No.8046847
File: 85 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nhzk5uxkUu1qgjjjyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and second picture. A new cat print, we hadn't one in a long time from AP.

>> No.8046852

Anyone know if a video of the fashion show has been uploaded yet?

>> No.8046856

I'm 5'7 and also not thin [about 175] and they fit me fine. A little uncomfortable but they don't look awful.

>> No.8046860

I go invoiced a couple of days ago for an order from the 12th so you may have a bit of a wait.

>> No.8046876
File: 216 KB, 800x600, plaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this print? It's from IW but I can't find it on Lolibrary or Hellolace.

>> No.8046882

Hime cut with lolita is the cutest thing ever

>> No.8046896

But it works on so few people.

>> No.8046905

>But it works only on asians.

>> No.8046920
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1302679167754s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new tartan dress recently and I've been getting these horrible urges to pair it with black lacy arm warmers. Is this normal? I experimented with raschel lace and stuff a few years ago, I mean like everyone does, but I thought it was just a phase. I'm not really gonna turn totally ita, am I?

>> No.8046931

Not normal but I would recommend just wearing the arm warmers. Does it really matter if you don't follow the lolita rules? In the words of our lord and saviour Momoko, "if it makes you happy, do it".
I cant imagine lace arm warmers ever looking good with lolita but if you have to do it then just do it. Get some and play dress ups in front of a mirror. Then you will see how they look, and if you like it wear them, if not burn them.

>> No.8046966

>strawberries and crosses
I am 100% ok with this. I'm loving the gothic comeback lately, but it seems like sweet brands are putting out more cross themed items than the actual gothic brands... I haven't seen any interesting releases lately unless I'm overlooking something obvious.

>> No.8046994

who the fuck thought strawberries and motherfucking CROSSES were a good idea? gdi, AP...

>> No.8046996

There's 2 kinds of people...

>> No.8047008

I ordered the Ista Mori "anonymous poem" dress in L and XL via the spreenow taobao shopping service. The SS messaged me to say that they were sent two XL's and asked if it was acceptable. I said "no, I ordered an L and an XL".

What can you really do in this case? Do you think the SS will help me resolve this, or do you think I'm SoL? Its not like a foreign person using a SS really has options for leaving bad feedback and getting problems resolved. I'm pissed off now because I was looking forward to this dress.

>> No.8047027

Also Teja Jamilla tights on etsy.

You might be okay. I am legit fat and 5'7" and got some for Christmas that thankfully fit me. Maybe they are making them stretchier.

>> No.8047028

Drop waists usually look awful with a bell petti. An a line looks awesome with this dress. Out of curiosity what are you doing with the weird ties? I have this dress and have to pin them down so they don't flop around weirdly.

>> No.8047054

What kind of accessories? Hair? Jewelry? Socks? Honestly, etsy is pretty decent but don't just search "Lolita" because there's a lot of dumb shit. Think about what you specifically want in regards to that piece and you can find a lot of cool shit for good prices

>> No.8047055

It fits pretty well with the larme-kei trend

>> No.8047077

Hello, I am kind of a new lolita, and I was wondering if someone has some tips on how to successfully sell stuff.
Thank you!

>> No.8047101

On LM or EGL sales?
>polite "no thank you"
>Lol fuck off

>> No.8047120


Wow autocorrect. A Nameless Poem.

>> No.8047129

Would also like this. Where are the best places to sell? If an item isn't selling how much should I reduce it by?
How to avoid being fucked over by buyers? (like what happened to voldie)

>> No.8047135

It's pretty easy, just take good photos, price it reasonably, check the buyer's feedback and provide your own, and always pack well and ship with tracking to cover your ass. Horror stories and scams are the exception, not the rule.

>> No.8047139


>take nice pictures
>always shipped tracked
>research the item you're trying to sell to get an idea of price
>don't be an idiot

If you need to ask where's the best place to sell you probably are too new and don't have anything worth selling.

>> No.8047150

Im not too new. I just haven't sold anything before! Lacemarket, comm sales or LSE on Facebook?

>> No.8047234

>cat dress
>aww yisss
>those fucking satiny bows on it all over the place
>w-well i wasn't looking forward to it too much anyway

>> No.8047238

Facebook. Deffy.

>> No.8047263

That's about right. Average height in Japan is about 157cm so yeah...it also depends on your torso and leg length though.

>> No.8047266


Thank you so much

>> No.8047281

What about if someone sends you an offer when you say no offers?

>> No.8047284

Larme is not nearly that frilly and OTT though?

>> No.8047293

I'm worried I'll have issues at 1.46 cm, so far I've just been eyeing AP

>> No.8047330

AP dresses are short though... they often don't even reach 90cm. I can't wear them because I'm 5'8".

>> No.8047512
File: 204 KB, 1600x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my brand handbags, but I'm sick of them wearing out and not aging well due to all of them being made of PU and other fake leathers.

Does anyone know any brands of loliable handbags that will actually last?
I know Alannah Hill does some, but there's only one leather choice on their website and I want more options before settling.

>> No.8047535

How to clean white pleather antaina shoes?
I have a tide pen?

>> No.8047536

Isn't Alannah Hill that one designer who blatantly ripped off ETC designs years ago?

>> No.8047537
File: 43 KB, 405x420, 1354491603134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.46 cm
yeah you probably will have issues then, thumbelina

>> No.8047550

Yep. There is an Alannah Hill shop near where I live and I went in to go see the dresses. It is a very nice store but I don't do designer except muh burando and thrift shop finds.

>> No.8047551
File: 94 KB, 600x800, B7C8TKmCYAAenpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnngf. Here's to hoping this comes in darker colors.

>> No.8047553

11/10 do want

>> No.8047555

>those satin bows

>> No.8047566

Tide pen is really only for fabric. Try STP Son-of-a-Gun which is for cleaning vinyl and leather (they sell it with stuff you use to clean the car). I got bad scuffs off some white lolita shoes with it before.

>> No.8047581

more like lame kei amirite

>> No.8047591

I hear magic erasers are great. You just have to be gentle and watch what you're doing because they are abrasive.

>> No.8047620

I love everything about this about those shiny bows.

>> No.8047628

Don't be a cunt to your SS. They go to way greater lengths for you if you're actually nice about things. If Ista Mori still has stock they would exchange it as long as your SS ordered it correctly.

>> No.8047635

I assume your SS now contacted Ista Mori and asked for an exchange for the correct size. I had something similar happen to me and they contacted the seller but the shop was being a cunt and didn't want to exchange the product and lied about not having the correct one in stock anymore. So worst case you should get a refund.

Thanks mate. Must have missed your reply last thread.

>> No.8047649

You can always remove the bows though?
Or are you afraid about "~muh resale value~"?

>> No.8047675


Eh, they just said they don't love it, not that they won't buy it because they don't want to remove the bows.

Plus, it might look even weirder after the bows are removed.

So yeah, the satin bows do kind of take the piece from "omg take my moneys and my kidneys" down to "I'll buy it if I can get it at x price because I'm not sure if I'll like it after I take off the bows".

>> No.8047688

>cat print
>get excited
>fucking satin bows in lavender
AP, why?
I'll probably still buy it, depends on what the other colorways look like.

>> No.8047699
File: 428 KB, 640x360, sobs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why ap, why, i would love it, i really would but....
you just had to add those damn bowssss!

>> No.8047702

Well no of course not, but the motifs are pretty Larme, and many girls who are into lolita are also into that sort of thing

>> No.8047706
File: 1.58 MB, 5000x5000, 1385162865815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree anon the bows are terrible. I don't feel like I would have brought it even if it they didn't have them though.

>> No.8047707

All y'all bitches complaining about those damn bows are going to buy it up in a heartbeat when it releases, don't even pretend like you won't.

>> No.8047711

Not just one designer, Trelise Cooper kids also ripped off an Emily Temple Lulu print.

>> No.8047713
File: 340 KB, 542x665, ...mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love cats, there would be like 85% chance i would grab it if it didnt have the bows, its a cute print. cant wait until closeups to have a full opinion on it!

i wont be tbh, ill just look at coords from the sidelines, those bows really do ruin it for me, if only they were matte...

>> No.8047721

that picture is huge

>> No.8047744


Maybe you can ask them if Ista Mori still has an L and they return the 2nd XL? I don't know who goofed up, was it Ista Mori or the SS?
I'd be pissed too, but see if it can be resolved first before getting angry at your SS.
Mistakes happen.

>> No.8047768

I ordered the day of the sale. I was invoiced 3 days later.

>> No.8047772

I need the one with the cherries on it and the one with the cats. Damn.

>> No.8047774

New substyle, Gnostic Lolita.

>> No.8047779

I really want this dress and I'm gonna throw a tantrum if I don't get one because of scalpers and girls who don't like it that much anyway.

>> No.8047846

i tried looking too anon but couldn't find anything about this jsk

>> No.8047863

This is me, I love those bows... And how the headbow is lavender too? I think it's beautiful and I need to not have to buy from a scalper
>new with tags xxxx dollars!

>> No.8047896

I hope AP will make it common practice to do made to order rounds for releases that sell out within minutes. In the long run, it will make scalpers reconsider, because they can only sell their items for retail prices or even less. I get that AP wants to keep their brand exclusive, but I hate that people use it to thei advantage, buy a bunch of dresses they don't want, and resell them for outrageous prices. And I'm not talking about people who are collectors or active in the fashion and just happen to sell a popular dress, but about people who do it only for the profit.

>> No.8047903

If enough Japanese lolitas bitch about not getting a favor chance, AP usually does a made to order for it. Unfortunately they could give a shit less if you're foreign if the Japanese lolitas are satisfied.

>> No.8047939

>1.58 MB

Jesus Christ, anon

>> No.8047977

LSE on Facebook banned replicas a couple days ago and there are still lolcows complaining about it. Hilarious.

The excuse is "I can't afford brand or secondhand brand." You can afford ~$100 replica but not secondhand brand?! Fucking bullshit.

>> No.8047993

I know I'm laughing at it too. If you can't afford brand, get out of the fashion or just save more.

>> No.8047999

There's reasons why a person would buy a replica that I could understand, money is not one of them.

>> No.8048001

You don't even have to buy brand; I don't know why itas and entitled replicunts feel like they HAVE to own brand when there are dozens of off brand stores to choose from.

>> No.8048002

You could get it altered.

>> No.8048007

You know what you could do?

You could put that $100 you spent on a replica to afford a gym membership.

>> No.8048011

I was not talking about size, that's the other reason I don't understand. It's more like you can find a certain print and wear a replica until you can't hunt it down, being a newbie and not realizing it's a replica, having the real thing but wear a replica on occasions where you could get it dirty... I don't say I think that replicas are a good thing, but they're also not ruining the brands.

>> No.8048013

Way to be a sandy cunt, I don't own replicas, see>>8048011

>> No.8048014


I don't get these people either.
Most of my wardrobe is brand and many pieces cost me under 100 euro's because I bought them on auction.
Money aside, size is also not a reason to get a replica. Many brands carry plus size friendly items and there are also custom, taobao and indy shops that cater to plus sizes.
There really is no excuse. It all comes down to entlement if you ask me.
You don't *need* a print, if it's too expensive or doesn't fit move on and buy something else instead.

>> No.8048023


lel, all these excuses

If you can't find a certain print, either wait or don't wear it. There are so many print releases a year.

If you're a newbie who ends up buying a replica, it's your own fault for not researching and being a fucking retard.

>having the real thing but wear a replica on occasions where you could get it dirty

Only poorfags talk like this. There are girls who are totally fine wearing their $1000+ dresses. It's just clothes.

>> No.8048026

>having the real thing but wear a replica on occasions where you could get it dirty

Bitch, do you go camping in lolita or some shit? What kind of situation would this even be?

>> No.8048032

when will replica-chans ever come up with a real argument

>> No.8048042

Baby calm the fuck down it's just clothing. I know the internet bring out the extreme in all of us and we feel like we are objectively right and must defend our honor but on a personal basis I really don't care if a girl wears replicas for the reasons anon listed. I get the feeling you're the kind of person who gets down people's throats about their religion or political beliefs when they are just trying to drink tea and have some small talk.

>> No.8048043

All dem raging bitches, I never said I owned replicas and even stated that replicas, to me, are not a good thing. But let's be honest, replicas are not a threat to brands, because it's not like people who buy replicas would buy brand if there were none. They's just not get into the fashion at all, and yeah, maybe it would be for the better. I was just trying to state that I don't understand why they are arguing that it's about money when there are many reasons and some of them, even size, are more understandable.

>> No.8048047

If you're worried about the dress getting dirty, just don't wear it? Why do you need to wear the print regardless, instead of a cheaper dress? I've yet to see a pro-replica argument that's not bullshit, man.

>> No.8048055

Lovely, case in point >>8048032
No one needs arguments for wearing their shitty clothing. This isn't world politics. Those reasons are their personal motivations and they probably know best what motivates them to buy replicas so stop bickering.

>> No.8048075

What have the brands themselves specifically said about their stances on replicas? I know they aren't allowed at tea parties, but I've never heard what they think exactly.

>> No.8048101

I didn't say I do this, personally I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't hate on a girl that did.

>> No.8048107

Of course they hate it because it's basically art theft, but what can you do? People are always gonna copy shit, if print replicas were to be impossible to make they'd just make more subtle copies.

>> No.8048155

So what about this big tea Party coming up in June in Hamburg/Germany?
I've seen it mentioned just a few times here and can't find any info on it.

>> No.8048184

I don't think there is any info yet except for the location. I want to know as well...before all the hotels are fully booked and all.

>> No.8048220

moho matsuda, Black peace now

>> No.8048377

I have no idea what I'm going to do with them yet. They're so odd. I thought maybe I was tying them wrong or something. I'll probably pin them down as well unless if I can figure out something better.

>> No.8048407

Urgh, there's a Putumayo piece I want for sale but the price I'd pay for it is like 3/4 of what the seller has it up for. Even if it has been up for a while I feel like that's way too low to ball, man.

>> No.8048439

Is it appropriate to wear lolita to a fashion design school? Learning to make patterns and professional sewing techniques. I don't want them to think I have a bad taste in clothing...

>> No.8048443

Resisting the urge to find that Rufflechat thread with all the whining about "OMG AP is doesn't make sweet anymore" to post this photo in it

>> No.8048450

They hate them. Replicas are illegal. It is illegal to ship them into or within the united states. Innocent World has threatened to ban people who order replicas from the same emails from buying from their shop. The brands are the ones that got replica sales on the egl comm sales taken down. There have been other instances where brands spoke out against replicas but I don't remember them all.

>> No.8048459

I wished the Lolita Police would raid the closets of lolitas to purge them of their replicas.

Replicas are awful and I hate replicas.

>> No.8048460

The only appropriate thing to wear to fashion design school is nothing. You must learn to truly appreciate clothes by experiencing the world without them. You must become the union between humanity and clothing. You must begin again with a blank canvas. Then, and only then, you will create "fashion" that captures your purest essence.

>> No.8048463

Do it. It's topic-appropriate.

>> No.8048512

Anyone who can justify owning them with anything aside from pure selfishness does not deserve one IMO.

>> No.8048579

Good! The more groups that ban them, the better. Let replica-chans go make their own groups for showing and selling them, I'm sick of seeing them.

>> No.8048621

Have any of you been to BTSSB NYC? Holy shit, the store girls were dressed horribly. Petticoats too short, fucking visual kei buckled platforms with a sweet print, neon-dyed hair, awful lace, and tights that didn't even remotely match. How hard is it to find non-itas to run the store for fuck's sake?

>> No.8048627

Replicas are banned from EGL and comm sales because AP threatened to sue EGL if they didn't ban replicas.
Mary Magdalene has also spoken against them.

>> No.8048633
File: 10 KB, 716x118, canadapost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at my wits end. Expected delivery six days ago? This is for a package from Bodyline, and I have another one that says something similar. Anyone have something similar happen to them?

>> No.8048649
File: 20 KB, 350x266, 1420234125541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit, Innocent World. I ordered on the first day of the sale like four or five hours after it started and I still don't have an invoice. I just want to know if I get my stuff or not. Any of you seagulls having any luck?

>> No.8048664

I'm not expecting to be invoiced for weeks, honestly.

>> No.8048670

>>8048649 I ordered 20 minutes after the sale started. Invoiced on 3 days later. Also got everything I ordered.

>> No.8048671

I got this a couple months ago, the package didn't delivery on the expected date and went over by a day or two. With any luck you should be able to get it Monday-Tuesday, but I'd call tomorrow to ask about the package anyways.

Have fun navigating their piece-of-shit automated phone service though.

>> No.8048692

Holy shit. I was awake that time, but decided to wait later. This is going to end in heartbreak, I think. My silver lining is that my things seem to still be available on the website.

What does Innocent World do if you cancel your order anyway?

>> No.8048703

You get blacklisted. Unless you cancel it because something you wanted wasn't available and you decided you don't want the rest of it if you can't have it all.

>> No.8048709

I went a few days ago and the girl who was there looked alright. Nothing really jumped out at me as being awful... but then again, most of her coord was hidden behind the counter.

>> No.8048721
File: 582 KB, 1906x608, Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 15.49.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Auction started at $70
>Kept watch like a hawk until the last few minutes
>Ended up losing
>Sold for $231

Sigh. Will I never have the Katrina headbow in my closet?

On another note, is there someone I could commission to make something similar to this?

>> No.8048731

Fuck me, it's nice and all, but talk about overpay.

>> No.8048735

I was sooo fucking close to buying this. The other bidder out bid me with 30 seconds left and LM kept freezing

>> No.8048736

It's NYC. Finding someone who is well-dressed, not batshit insane, and willing to take what I imagine is a slightly more than minimum wage job at best is gonna be difficult.

>> No.8048743

Meh, I guess. I'm just sad because I would have gladly paid much more but LM is really slow/awful so I couldn't get in my bid on time.

Let's cry together, anon.

I'm thinking about trying to make something like it. My only concern is being able to find lace that isn't shit tier.

>> No.8048744

I hope it comes in the next few days. Tracking says it's been sitting in the local post office for days. Just deliver my darn packages already!

>> No.8048750
File: 497 KB, 500x282, anigif_original-grid-image-2085-1379539256-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so willing to go to 250. I had just sold a dress strictly to BUY this headdress. I will cry with you anon

>> No.8048767
File: 67 KB, 425x567, mmm cross print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moi Meme Moitie had a decent cross print recently but I didn't like the cuts.

>> No.8048768
File: 216 KB, 712x932, DSCN5101-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elegy is selling a veil now.
She also take commissions.

>> No.8048779

I'm kind of iffy on the lace..

>> No.8048803
File: 292 KB, 500x600, ap_katrinakc_2014 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm iffy about the lace too. Look at the Katrina headbow lace in the pic. It's so gorgeous.

Someone recommended "Veils by Lily" to me but I wasn't a fan of any of their veils either. The lace either looks tacky or is shit quality.

>tfw I'll never have the Katrina headbow

>> No.8048811

Wasn't there a store on Taobao that sold the lace brands use? You could search for good lace there.

>> No.8048818

>itt people willing to spend more on a headbow than I have ever spent on a whole dress

>> No.8048824

I bought the navy CDC headbow for $100 because i know itll be rare, but i would not do that again

>> No.8048826

Hmm, I might have to ask around in the Taobao thread about this. Thanks for the suggestion.

It's my dream accessory, so I'm willing to spend quite a bit on it. So desperate...

>> No.8048878

More info will be released after the LVER event has sold out! :) As requested, I think that's fair enough from them to ask!

It won't be as big, of course, but there should be some interesting guests coming that I can't wait to announce!

>> No.8048906

So if I had to go to one you would say LVER is the bigger deal?

>> No.8048915

wow that's fucking ridiculous. it would cost like max $15 to make yourself

>> No.8048929

Some people just play at a different level, anon. Nothing wrong with that. Lolita fashion itself is pretty cheap compared to much real designer fashion, you know...

>> No.8048937

The demand for veil headdresses is really up right now thus the winning bid is astronomically high for you.

Veils could be just another fad like peignoirs were last year or could take off as a must have head accessory like bonnets did in 2010.

>> No.8048987

Do they usually have lace? I have some excess chiffon that I didnt know what to do with, maybe I can make a veil out of it or some shit like that...

>> No.8048994

The ones with lace tend to look nicer imo.

>> No.8049003

What kind of lace?
I was gonna sell them for like $10, just some gathered veils that you clip on behind a headbow. But lace makes it more expensive.

>> No.8049004

Or alternatively I could embroider the chiffon. I think that might look nice?

>> No.8049022
File: 954 KB, 2056x804, Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 17.38.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>8048929 and >>8048937 said.

I just get miffed when people say shit like >>8048915 because it's true, normalfag fashion brands are much more expensive than lolita brands, and it's not like everyone has the sewing skills or materials to plan to make something like the Katrina headbow. Maybe it'd be easy for you, and by all means, go ahead and make one for yourself if you can, but most people never learned sewing outside of their elementary home economics class where they put together a really shitty pillowcase. Not to mention the requirement of a sewing machine.

Pic related. They're ~$500 scarves from Burberry. These are the price of the silk ones, btw. The cashmere scarves are $1000+. The original price of the headbow (¥6372) seems much more reasonable, doesn't it?

Maybe the headbow isn't worth $250 for you, but I'd much rather pay extremely elevated prices for it rather than commission someone or make it myself because I'm critical of construction, and at least I am familiar with the build quality of brand pieces.

>> No.8049047

Well Burberry is overpriced for the brand and image alone. And this is silk/cashmere at least.

>> No.8049079
File: 121 KB, 500x536, yandy man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So looks like Mr Yan will be crashing a bunch of Brisbanes meet-ups over the next two months. I'll keep you ladies updated on the wreckage as it comes through.

>> No.8049085


What the actual fuck.

>> No.8049120

My 100% cashmere scarf was only $30 because i didnt pay for the brand name of course. But Burberry is not a significant luxury brand like say, Hermes.

>> No.8049122

The veil looks like it is inspired more by mantilla veils than modern wedding veils, which wouldn't be too hard to buy and attach to a comb/band/clip (as mantillas are often draped). Some mantilla veils are all lace, but a good portion are that soft chiffon with lace edging.

My Catholic background is showing, ooops.

>> No.8049127

I thought only chavs were into Burberry anymore?

>> No.8049132


>> No.8049133

Nah, chavs wearing Burberry is so 2003, they've moved on.

>> No.8049135

I paid an invoice on the 25th and they still haven't shipped my stuff.

>> No.8049136

it's an auction right? maybe trying to find out via your shopping service?

>> No.8049163

Do you know of a good place to buy high quality mantillas? I was trying to search for them, but like I said earlier, the Veils by Lily place didn't interest me. I don't mind paying a lot, as long as the quality is good.

>> No.8049170

Ordered not even twenty minutes after the sale started and still didn't get an invoice although everyone in my comm who ordered after me already got one. I am quite pissed about this whole sale.

>> No.8049176

I'm not quite sure, but I'm looking as well (I haven't bought one since I'm not actively religious, but my father is). Searching for "sheer black" mantilla or church veil is okay. I think some shops do custom or modified? I found this girl who has a lot of links.


>> No.8049183

It's from LM, seems like the seller doesn't know either.

>> No.8049232

Most lolitas I know know how to sew though, or at least an overwhelming number compared to normalfags. A headbow with a piece of lace-trimmed chiffon is so easy and cheap to make even with limited skills. Easy to get commissioned, too. I guess I found a new way to make a quick buck.

>> No.8049249

Though it seems less exorbitant when you look at the price of the wedding veils.

>> No.8049259

I hope you realized that you blocked out the name on top, but it's still in the chat window, right?

>> No.8049261

Chance your arm, you never know you might get lucky

>> No.8049262
File: 59 KB, 402x322, il_570xN.488139853_8x2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there are some fucking awesome looking laces up for sale on etsy like this (not a super high quality one, but there are a ton of those too). I like the Spanish lace

>> No.8049278

I can't talk bad at all about the NYC gals. When ever I go in they are super helpful, and they ship fast. The one gal when I went in was more goth visual k then loli, but keep in mind it's a mixed store with Tokyo rebel. Right now one of the girls is working with me to work out a shipping mishap and they have been helpful and curtious. I'd take helpful friendly staff any day over the perfect coord loli.

>> No.8049285

That's hilarious. I've bought secondhand brand dresses for $50 before. They're not a sooper speshul print or anything but really cute floral and plain styles that I can mix and match easily.

>> No.8049297

Speaking of simple brand, is it just me or have reasonably priced simple/plain pieces kinda....disappeared? There's a good amount of medium cost, $100-150, brand, but not a lot of the $50-ish lately in the western market. Not saying theres NONE, but I was going to grab some lazy day cheap dresses and there just isn't a lot there.

>> No.8049304

That's adorable. I'd put it on the ends of wrist cuffs or something small.

>> No.8049309

Yeah, I've noticed too. I roll my eyes whenever I see people selling OLD non-print peices for like $200. Really? You can still get great deals on mbok and the like though.

>> No.8049312

Yeah, I agree. I bought a Baby floral dress that has a little bit of an old school feel to it for $50 including shipping back in September.

I've seen a few plain ones in the median range too but yeah, nothing super cheap.

>> No.8049314

Searched "black lace" on etsy and it popped up in the craft supplies. I was like ooOOOOOooOOOo do want.

>> No.8049318

Someone's poopin

>> No.8049319
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1394078607445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a coat off of Baby's winter sale a few days ago, and I'm waiting to be invoiced. How long do you think this is going to take? They're not usually as bad as IW, but, I haven't ever waited this long for an invoice. Even during a sale period. I don't want to e-mail them. I'm too afraid.

>> No.8049322


I did just sell a dress for around that price a little while ago, but I also received it in meh condition (some discoloration, a very used feel), and it was an old dress from 2006. It still got snatched up within days though.

I've been noticing in general I'm getting a lot less views on lacemarket for plain pieces, particularly above a certain price. Or maybe I'm just not marketing right.

>> No.8049330

I've kept an eye on mbok and yjapan but haven't bought anything overseas yet because the idea of sorting through SS fees/shipping/etc makes me feel laaaazy. Might hit up closet child though if I see something I like.

>> No.8049338

Giving people the side-eye who list their IW oddment dresses for $100+

>> No.8049345
File: 52 KB, 600x398, 2842_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Clara OP was oddment but it seems that after the initial glut it rocketed back to $200. It's also hard to find, so there's that too.

I'm never going to have that fucking piece.

>> No.8049348

I recently bought my first dress (secondhand Meta) for $60 exact at a con. Granted, it was old school and had a small stain on it, but it's not visible when worn due to the color. I'm definitely keeping an eye on lolita sales at cons for some brand now after that though.

>> No.8049349

I ordered something from their sale right after Christmas and didn't get an invoice until Friday. Same thing happened the last time I did their year-end sale; I think they just get behind when things are busy. If you haven't heard back within seven business days, it might be a good idea to email them with an inquiry.

>> No.8049351

I feel the same way about closet child and tenso, lol. I've never bought from either and it seems complicated

>> No.8049355

Same here haha.
Damn, really? I think my friend got that.

>> No.8049360

>Willing to pay up to $250 for my dream headbow
>Not that anyone would sell it for that much because no one wants it as much as I do but I never see it
>Randomly find it this week for $35 + shipping

>> No.8049365

Shit, I just realized there are two different berry prints here. The middle one is okay, but it's no Milky Berry/Strawberry Parlour. The cherries and crosses one looks like a clusterfuck but then again so does the rest of the coord so maybe I'm biased

>> No.8049366

Ahhh I don't go to cons. But good find! I like metas older stuff a lot.

>> No.8049368



If I ever have some money floating about I might do a WTB, but then I don't want to deal with rejecting all the offers because I'm such a doormat.

Oh well, there are many other dresses out there that I want that are attainable. Clara isn't too high on my list, thankfully.

>> No.8049371

Closet Child actually couldn't be easier. I think it's simpler than ordering from a brand these days because you can just pay straight away without having to wait for an invoice.

>> No.8049376

I feel stupid then. I also rarely see anything I like on there though

>> No.8049381

Kind of on this subject, how do you guys feel about people making stupidly high offer WTBs for items?
There are a few items I can never find, however I'm sure there are people who have them and just can't be arsed to sell for the $30 it would normally be worth. So I was thinking about offering high prices (like $80 for socks, $120 for headbow, etc) to entice them to sell. What do you guys think of that?

>> No.8049414

I ordered about 12 hours after it started and got an email 3 days later saying the JSK I wanted was sold out, so I tried to add two more pieces to my order instead and I hope I got them. I have no idea.

>> No.8049448

Yeah, me neither. I think it's because they mostly keep the good stuff for the physical stores and send the leftovers online. Occasionally I'll see something good, though.

>> No.8049640

I keep looking at auctions of punk shit and whining to myself because I don't want to untwist my bloomers and find a cheap shopping service.

Hnnnng h.Naoto.....

>> No.8049652
File: 278 KB, 640x360, 1409929491629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered within the first hour of the sale and got an invoice the next day

feels good

>> No.8049661


The last few times I went in at when CC restocked, all the stuff I want is gone within half an hour.

This time it was that IW gobelins JSK. I clicked on it and it was sold out.

Oh well. I kind of don't need to spend that money anyways.

>> No.8049673
File: 37 KB, 500x367, FfHjdgB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these people who ordered from the sale after me getting their invoices
It's like waiting for my Pottermore letter all over again.

>> No.8049712

Is it possible to steal from brand stores or even just any stores in Japan? I remember reading something about a girl that used to steal from Baby like jewellery and stuff.

>> No.8049718

Of course, Japan has shoplifting just like the rest of the world. It'd be difficult in small shops like the ones brands operate, though. And that was probably a troll.

>> No.8049736

Hello sorry I'm new but never ordered from a brand store before. I tried to buy socks from Meta but nothing else interested me (that I couldnt find on yja) so I tried to check out. I know I have to use EMS but does it really cost 2400 yen to ship some socks?? It was basically paying for the socks twice. I'm sorry of this is dumb but I just wanted someone to confirm thats just how the shipping is for Meta.

>> No.8049739

what times do CC typically restock?

>> No.8049744

keep in mind that you're using international shipping from japan
of course it's going to cost way more than you're used to

>> No.8049788

I'm so fucking pissed the the blonde bitch invited him to meets without talking to anyone else first. I found the fucking rude jfc.

>> No.8049789

Might want to see if anyone will group order for you. But yes this is the shipping cost.

>> No.8049790

My total shipping for a full dress set was 2800 yen. From what I understand, EMS does have a base fee and they won't ship any other way because of unreliability and liability.

>> No.8049797

Okay i see! That was helpful, it makes sense, thank you!

>> No.8049855

I feel like Meta's stuff has been really lackluster lately, like their designs used to be full-on weird or cute in a quirky and/or old-school way, but most of their recent stuff just kind of looks like shitty c-tier taobao. Their cuts lack detail and the prints look kind of sloppy.

Having said that though, I am kind of tempted to get a Princess Wardrobe set.

>> No.8049894

Having been to Shinjuku and Harajuku over new years, I can tell you, the staff follow you around if it isn't that busy. Plus when you go to pay, they take all your stuff and wrap it, bag it, tape it, then escort you out of the store before they even give you the bag.
If you even consider trying to steal from them, it would be best to do it on days where there are many, many people, like lucky bag days and big sales. But they again, there would be more people to see you.
Also stealing is bad.

>> No.8049895

Yeah, one time I posted a troll secret about shoplifting from baby or AP or somewhere. Everyone took it seriously and people even talked about it at the comm meets and one person said they were emailling the store to inform them. I'm sure you could though if you really wanted to.

>> No.8049899


Late to the party but is this girl in the comm - by that I mean actually a participant in the fashion or just one of those cosplayer who for whatever reason joined the fb page!

>> No.8049976

Man, I wish lolitas weren't so gullible, it's embarrassing.

>> No.8050028

I will note that while in japan they do have these neat little orange paint balls behind the counter. If you rob a store, or idk maybe even shoplift you get paint balled. I assume after the police or some one can spot you easy for arrest.

With that being said Don't rob stores in Japan in brand.

>> No.8050030

The girls who work there are usually sweet, I can't blame them for going a little off the deep end with their coords. They obviously can't afford a misako-tier wardrobe on minimum wage, I would probably start mashing things together just to keep from getting bored with my main pieces as well - especially when you have to come up with a new, amazing coord every day. Damn.

>> No.8050055

What are the chances that things sold out in the Angelic Pretty online store are sold out in mortar and brick stores? I stopped by the SF store today but they were closed.

>> No.8050064

No more tears, Just bought honey cake. Today is my day again.

>> No.8050118

What do you guys think about buying Replica fabric to make other garments then Lolita? For example a ballgown in Holy Lanterns fabric?

>> No.8050180
File: 1.99 MB, 340x305, as if!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, I wanted to buy some to make pillowcases/baby outfits/DIY rice heating pads

friendly reminder that Oo jia sells twinkle journey replica fabric for $35 per meter, crazy bitch

>> No.8050184

i think i know why you're asking and hell, im tempted too.

>> No.8050188

I personally don't mind unless the brand itself also sells the fabric it uses (I think some indie brands do this).

>> No.8050212
File: 97 KB, 480x640, o0480064013186708338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hat. I can't decide if I love it or think it's dorky. I may love it because it's dorky. Now I'm hoping it's not some kind of prop made only for the GLB shoot and that it's an actual burando item.

On the other hand, it looks like a lampshade.

My feels can't decide which way to go.

(source: Midori posted these on her blog, they're from a GLB shoot.)

I think you're already aware and probably don't care about any of the issues surrounding print replicas, and you're unlikely to show up to a tea party in a ballgown, so I don't see many problems with it.

My main gripe with replica Holy Lantern is that the original is flocked, whereas all the replicas I've seen only print it on, so I've never been able to look at the fabric favourably.

Aside from that, I'd suggest just looking at the costing/value first -- the last time I asked, Oo Jia charged 25 per yard + shipping for her replica fabric. Whereas spoonflower is just $24 ($22 if it's your own artwork) for the silky faille, the basic cottons are even cheaper. It's easy enough to grab a bunch of free chandelier, cross, etc clipart off the web and tile them to put together your own "Unholy Lantern" print to get the "designer discount". The trade-off is that Oo Jia's stuff can survive the washing machine more often whereas spoonflower is pretty delicate. There's a lot of quilting cotton with crosses designs on them, if you don't mind a dress made of cotton.

>> No.8050290

Yeah of course, just look at the line-up! There are so many cool brands and guests coming! :)

The Hamburg event is a lot smaller, so there won't be as many guests coming, but there will be different guests coming! It's a different even in general.

>> No.8050293


>> No.8050295

You are still financially supporting the people ripping off the art.

>> No.8050298

Haha, nice try but a bit too late, he'll be coming to your parties, meets and cons ;)

>> No.8050304

Person you're replying to - yeah they did.

Though to be fair a lot of the fabric ETC uses can be bought anywhere from China, but mimicking the construction was stupid.

I didnt know BPN did leather. Thanks for these!

>> No.8050347

I ordered back on the 12th for the 15% sale.
I still haven't received an invoice and the only reason I know 2 items I ordered were sold out, because I had emailed them asking about it.
Ended up adding 2 more items from the 50% sale, but haven't heard from them since.

>> No.8050366

It's your money, anon. I do think it's kind of ridiculous, and that it might increase the market price if enough people do it, because "well ___ paid x USD for it!".

>> No.8050392

It'd entice people out of the woodwork to sell. I don't really have any feelings on it either way, unless I've got the item you want in which case it sounds like a good idea.

>> No.8050474
File: 294 KB, 580x795, JSK_BLACK_TORSO00_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone received theirs yet?

>> No.8050489


I think it's a thing of last resort. I've answered regular WTBs before, usually it's an item that I've stashed away somewhere or forgot that I own until I see the WTB. There's no need to mention you're willing to pay $80 for a pair of socks right off the bat unless you've been posting WTBs for like half a year and cannot seem to find it on egl, lacemarket, yja, mbok, CC, anywhere.

Another thing is to specify how much you're willing to pay including pp fees and tracked shipping. No need to allow others to scalp you by adding pp fees and shipping on top. You can alway say you're willing to negotiate prices if the seller needs it for EMS shipping or whatever.

Also mention how open you are to items in alternate cuts and colourways, I know there's always someone who ignores it but for every one of those there's a few who didn't contact you because they read your post and know what you don't want.

Other than that, take the usual precautions in checking the feedback/background of your sellers.


I think it upsets the market for a little while, but unless she's a super popular lolita and starts a trend, I don't see the prices "sticking". After a while sellers will realise that nobody else wants those socks at that high price and then either lower the prices or not bother selling.

If the item she's seeking is pretty coveted by other girls in the first place, then maybe $80 is the right price for those pair of socks after all.

>> No.8050524

Did anyone hear that Amiko was diagnosed with breast cancer?

>> No.8050558

most aren't leather but I had one for like 5 years now and it kept it's shaped so super good. It's when you start to get into non normal purse shapes that the PU gets wonky or the company buys cheap PU.

>> No.8050594

I was always warned that Grimoire tights would be too small, but I got a pair today along with some OTKs, and I find they both fit comfortable. I'm 5'7" almost 5'8" at 120lbs.

>> No.8050629

lol different level my ass. new money is what you mean. embarrassing tbh. your grandchildren will not be rich that way

>> No.8050641
File: 20 KB, 480x640, B38SC844-iv-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in need of some nice affordable cream lace-topped OTKs. So far all I can find is either really crappy or brand, which in my opinion isn't really worth the money for something so simple. Any recommendations? I'm considering just making my own sock toppers.

>> No.8050672

So how is this okay but wearing a dress made out of the fabric is not? It is still art theft, which is the big issue. Art theft is technically the only illegal part of replicas, because the majority of replicas are not marketed as being made by the brand (as in, oojia isn't pretending she is selling an AP dress, she is clear that it is her own sewing) which means they do not qualify in the greater fashion industry as actual counterfeits. You have to claim the item is being made by the original/false company for it to be considered a counterfeit product.

>> No.8050685

Have you looked for second hand ones? Those generally start at about $10, which I think is a reasonable price.

>> No.8050713

New cat print? Oh fuck..
Oh well, will probably be too OTT for me anyway

I really want some more casual cat prints

>> No.8050736

Did AP just restock all their LPs or just Cotton Candy Shop?
Damn, I really wanted Romance Doll.

>> No.8050742

I really want Romance in black. Not the set, just the damn dress :(

>> No.8050746

Same here, anon. I hope they start popping up.

>> No.8050752

Not actively, but I'm kind of eh on second hand socks.

>> No.8050794

holy shit that's lovely!

>> No.8050866
File: 103 KB, 480x640, P10HA954-01-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is adorable but I only noticed it after it was totally sold out. What are my chances of finding it somewhere else? Do you think the english site will sell these?

>> No.8050875

check etsy for vintage head chains! they're usually cheaper too

>> No.8050876

Look for hair chains or head chains on etsy. They're insanely popular in mainstream fashion right now. If you can't find one just right, they're easy as fuck to make even if you're aren't artistic. Go to the jewelry making section of a craft store.

>> No.8050882


Haven't received a shipping notice yet, hopefully soon though, pretty excited!

>> No.8050883
File: 233 KB, 600x450, xxwitherxx-img600x450-14207745965aujhx6644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought these for 6000 yen, I just wanted someone to tell me that if it was a crazy decision or not. Im normally a poorfag so I'm beating myself up over the guilt of spending so much on secondhand accessories

>> No.8050916

Considering that you could have gotten two pairs brand new from AP for not much more, I'd say you just got ripped off.

>> No.8050918

6000 yen is too much.
Wristcuffs retail about $30ish new. So with SS and shipping you are better off buying new wristcuffs instead of used...

>> No.8050921

That seems like a hefty price, shipping not included I assume.

>> No.8051168

the beads on the pair on the left look so shitty. like dollar store craft kit shitty. don't do this to yourself, anon.

>> No.8051254

I actually rounded up, the SS fees are included but still. I just got really intense with the bidding, it was the first bidding war I won on. But I'll learn my lesson next time. I looked up AP prices on their current wristcuffs and at least I didn't pay over what would be the prices of new ones, though theres just a small enough difference that I should've controlled myself anyways

I'm mad at myself but at least its not a terrible purchase. I mostly wanted the ones on the right but the ones on the left would be good for a Valentines day coord, but yeah the pastel beads are incredibly tacky. I might as well replace it with pink pearls or something.

Thanks everyone though, I'm still new to this and I'll learn from this dumb mistake.

>> No.8051262

I think everyone overpays for their first piece. My first dress was a Bodyline dress that I paid over a hundred dollars for at a con. Don't beat yourself up too much.

>> No.8051327

I got accepted to the egl feed back forums yesterday,but they haven't added my feedback page yet. When do you think they'll start adding more pages? I noticed they haven't added any since the 29th of dec

>> No.8051347

If you really like them both then don't be upset! Lolita has a relatively high resale value, I reckon you could sell them to people for $20 each. Maybe $15 for the ugly ones if you don't alter them. They will fit somebody out there's style well.

It takes them forever to add a feedback page. It took me about a month and a half to get added!

>> No.8051423

Did anyone see what that one chick said (and then flounced) from the LSE page's sticky? I was at work and missed everything.

>> No.8051582

Is there any way to change feedback on lacemarket after leaving it? It seems kind of like a design flaw, especially if some seller gave the buyer a partial refund or something after they left negative feedback.

>> No.8051595

contact a mod and wait...

>> No.8051600

Contact the admins. I once had a girl select the wrong star rating on accident, and both her and I contacted the admin about it. It took about a week until they fixed it.

>> No.8051605

Don't expect it anytime soon. I waited almost two months for mine.

>> No.8051702
File: 587 KB, 533x2090, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been meaning to make one of these for a while I even have filigree in that shape.

If you're up for it anon, you need

>filigree/brass stampings (easy enough to pick up in a craft shop or online on ebay)
>glass pearls in what seems to be 4mm, 6mm, and 8mm
>glass teardrop beads

There are tutorials on how to make a basic head chain. Unfortunately no real walkthroughs for one this elaborate, but once you get the basics down it's easy to add on bells and whistles.

You could always buy one as well, but if you're even the slightest bit crafty these look really fun to make.

>> No.8051703


And sorry, forgot to mention

The tutorial I posted up is pretty terrible, but there are some good ones on youtube if you google 'head chain tutorial'

>> No.8051706

Yeah same. I don't understand why they cant just say "print replicas and the theft of the brands' intellectual property are illegal, and we do not want this group to be associated with illegal activity, so the sale of those items are henceforth banned from this group."
Because thats why they banned them, isn't it? I think people just consider it ~~brandwhore oppression~~ and by explaining that it is illegal I don't think the whingers can justify that as an argument anymore and just accept the fact that their garments are illegal and they will have to make their own groups to sell them in.

>> No.8051707


Fuck, I keep forgetting things

>gold headpins and/or wire if you want to attach pearls like in pic

And as a note, the original headdress does come with mini combs. So there's also that.

This is why I don't write tutorials. I probably would suck at them.

>> No.8051741

Is oojia seriously selling something on Lacemarket?


>> No.8051794

I've been waiting since February of 2014, around August of 2014 they commented saying I couldn't get approved because I'd been recently warned, but then deleted it when they realized I hadn't. But they also deleted my comment and never approved me. Suuuuuper annoying

>> No.8051923

How often do you guys buy new main pieces? new blouses/socks/shoes? New accessories?
I think she would have needed it to make her replicas from as she needed to copy the print.

>> No.8051942

How long do you wait to relist an auction on LM when the buyer is unresponsive? Do you leave negative feedback if they don't respond as well?
This is my first flaky buyer and I'm really not impressed.

>> No.8051950
File: 72 KB, 400x548, OP_BLACK-TORSO00_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiit it's stunning and I like the op even more. Goddamn, I somehow manage to miss the boat for every beautiful lolita dress released ever and end up sifting through the leftovers instead. Damn.

Here's hoping it appears in re-sale at a non-crazy price at some point.

Argh I'm even coording it in my head against my will, help me anons.

>> No.8051957

when will we get the mermaid print revealed!?

>> No.8051964

Does anyone know why Oo Jia is currently auctioning off clothes for $1?? are they real or fake , and why so cheap?

>> No.8051975

All Oo jia's stuff is replicas isn't it? Unless she was buying originals to replicate.

>> No.8051981

She does get the originals to replicate but her replicas are about $100 so I don't understand why she is selling for $1? There must be something wrong with it that she wont say but she is selling off multiple..

>> No.8051985

How quickly people forget... she once sold off a replica and claimed it was a real dress she had bought to replicate. It was not one she made herself, it was better quality than the ones she made as it was supposedly made by the factory AP had contracted (they later switched factories) so the fabric was probably real (maybe a slight misprint) but it did not have the official lace, buttons, charms, etc. She got caught out when a girl who bought it tried to do a "replica vs. real" egl post thinking it was real. Oojia tried to pull a fast one, I would not trust her even if she's claiming to sell legit secondhand dresses.

>> No.8051999

Aha, I thought I remembered this happening but I kept my mouth shut because I wasn't sure. It was Misty Sky or something, right?

>> No.8052015

Holy shit!! I never knew about this! I admit that despite the whole replica hate I was considering her CDC replica but not anymore.

>> No.8052019

I've seen the fabric, it's scary how similar her navy is to the real deal.

>> No.8052024


not that anon, but it was Dream Sky.

>> No.8052027

dream sky iirc

>> No.8052036

Ah, that's right, I remember now. Well, I knew it was something Sky.

>> No.8052051


But she keeps messing up the details. I bet she uses the cheapest organdy she can find, that's why it's so shiny, and she skimps on the lace, using probably only half the amount AP uses, that's why you can always tell a replica from how gathered the lace is.

Still, if Oo Jia tells a newbie it was an original dress and the tags were taken off for some reason or another, then being a newbie I guess they wouldn't know better. I wonder how long it is until someone starts making fake Angelic Pretty tags...

>> No.8052106

How long have you been waiting? Be firm about when you expect a response or payment, and *then* leave negative feedback if they don't reply. But I know you can see if people have read your messages, so they might try to be sneaky and ignore you... but I would still leave neg feedback if that's your situation.

>> No.8052126

Egl feedback group is adding more feed back pages as we speak

>> No.8052164

Is there going to be a Rufflecon 2015?
How did the first one go?
Not much reports about it when I searched.

>> No.8052176
File: 44 KB, 345x437, Frilly poodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it best to preorder from IW, or will this still have stock when it arrives at the stores? I want it, but I don't want to pay for it now.

>> No.8052187

That's so ugly ugh, there's bound to be so much excess stock the world would implode from it.

>> No.8052191
File: 55 KB, 345x437, kawaii not ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I may even be able to get it on sale!

>> No.8052194

I think it's cute too, anon. Reminds me of those old international airmail envelopes.

>> No.8052207

I don't get why everyone seems to think it's so disgusting ugly. It's not the sort of thing I'd buy, but I don't see what's so hideous about it.

>> No.8052223

Hey Rufflechat mods. When are you going to start enforcing those new rules you made? Most of the question posts are noob shit that belongs in the help thread. Delete them already.

>> No.8052276

Yeah, that's how she got banned from comm-sales. The girl in question did at least get her money back (so basically got the dress for free) but there's some question on whether Oo jia was trying to pull a fast one or whether it was a genuine mistake on Oojia's part (i.e. Oo jia thought she had bought a real dress to replicate, and honestly didn't realise)

>> No.8052290

Evidently it was awesome. There had better be one this year, every single person I know who went to it had nothing but good things to say

>> No.8052342

I usually get five or six main pieces per year, and pick up other stuff whenever. I don't really keep track of accessories. Shoes maybe once a year, since I don't need many and don't wear them out super fast.

>> No.8052358

If I recall, there was evidence she had run a group order or something for those factory-made replicas, which made it less likely that she didn't realize what she had.

>> No.8052365

i swear there were fake AP ttags on taobao.. but maybe they took them down?

>> No.8052399

crap. I ordered on sale day as well and no answer :( boo-hoo I want my stuff

>> No.8052402

not necessarily. It's more about having that thick straight asian hair, actually. I know a white chick that looks fab in it but she has straight asian type hair so go figure.

>> No.8052405


Nah, it's as >>8052358 says, she ran the group order for the fake factory Dream Sky on her old FB (which got shut down because too many girls complained about her openly selling replicas to FB). So it really looked as if she intended to cheat the newbie all along, she only got caught because the newbie posted a comparison post to egl.

There was drama that followed after that, too. Apparently she was getting hatemail, so she wrote a long "woe woe pity me" post on FB about how she was supporting single mothers with her replica shop, and then she posted a photo of her "workshop". Some cgl-ers then image-searched the photo.... and it turns out it was lifted from some completely random institution's website.

I think that was the turning point for me, personally. Now every time I think about buying replica fabric I can't help but think that she's laughing at me while I hand over too much money for cheap printed cotton and constructions that's so wonky it's obvious she doesn't even pay an actual seamstress to adjust the patterns. Since no one has ever found out what she looks like I've always wondered if the money in fact goes to one of those Chinese lolitas who then bids a million dollars on one of those coveted prints.


Oh, so they existed? I searched for them when I saw a secret about sewing AP tags onto cheap replicas, but I never found AP tags on taobao or anywhere. I've found Liz Lisa ones, but not AP. Maybe there wasn't really a demand for them, since lolita market is so small and the replicas are mostly so bad that you can tell it's a replica almost right away.

>> No.8052412

Oh my. Now I know about Larme... I had no idea--- the more you know... http://universal-doll.com/2014/08/larme-magazine-introduction/

>> No.8052415

Is she even a person? If she is hiding what her workshop looks like are we supporting a sweatshop or something?

>> No.8052427


No one knows, man.

At some point someone connected her www.jjlolita.com website with another girl in China, but could not conclusively prove the connection between the girl and jjlolita. That's about as far as I got.

>> No.8052568

Does anyone know how long Meta give you to pay for an item once the order is confirmed?

>> No.8052650
File: 30 KB, 345x437, 151904-m-05-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW's selling this for ¥7900. It looks -exactly- like the flimsy straw boater I once overpaid $10 for at a flea market, with some $5 lace and ribbon slapped on.
Do you guys think people will actually buy this? And if yes, will it just be for the name?

I'm kind of bemused, or annoyed, or I don't know what to call it because I've been looking for a decent straw boater hat ever since the $10 one lost its shape two years ago when I got caught in a very light spring rain. I'm normally a big fan of IW so I got my hopes up when I saw them selling one but then I realized it's the same fucking hat with a ¥7900 price tag. Wtf, IW.

>> No.8052818

Well you can say that about a lot of accessories brands put out. I doubt many people will buy it because it is IW and people bank on them having sales all the time, so everyone will wait until then.

>> No.8052891

Not yet but damn, I hope mine gets here before Ohayocon.

>> No.8052964

I could of sworn it was a berry print?

>> No.8053996
File: 68 KB, 279x392, bowshoeclips19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this tutorial? I've got some wine wedge pumps and a $5 goodwill bag that almost the same shade and I think I'll try it tonight.


>> No.8054008

This is a great tutorial, definitely one of the best lolita shoe alterations I've seen.