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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8039455 No.8039455 [Reply] [Original]

Over the years, there have been a few makeover-like shows that include lolitas. The Australian Next Top Model, and that one wardrobe one where the NYC girl got all her brand donated to Goodwill.

There's this person who is actually actively recruiting "kawaii/Harijuki" girls for their show. Anyone up to try? She looks like a really big fucking douche bag though.
>pic related

>> No.8039460

holy fuck this is making me so mad

>> No.8039462

as hot topic as this is going to sound
people should be able to wear whatever they want and it annoys me that people will look for any excuse to be a shit and not "take someone seriously" because they wear non conventional clothes.

>> No.8039476

That part pissed me off too. Most people don't even wear full on OTT jfashion to work (there's this one girl on tumblr named emiii-chan? who does work Liz Lisa outfits that looks nice though).

>mfw all the fame hungry lolwhores of SoCal will probably jump on this girl's clit though

>> No.8039691

>NYC girl got all her brand donated to Goodwill

W-what?! Not even a lolita and I'm horrified reading that.

>> No.8039701

>people will look for any excuse to be a shit and not "take someone seriously" because they wear non conventional clothes.

Couldn't have said it better. People really will look for any excuse.

Religion, race, clothes, income, residence, relationship status...ANYTHING.

>> No.8039702


She's basically asking for people who look bad, including girls who look "kawaii/harijuku".She's *not** saying lolitas all look like clowns, in fact it looks like she specifically only wants the ita weebs that look like clowns, well-dressed lolitas will probably get turned down.

If anything, I'd be glad to nominate weeb itas to be in the show. And if we can swing it, in the background would be her well dressed comm showing how lolitas can look well dressed and gorgeous, while explaining that lolita is a beautiful fashion when done right.

>> No.8039706

It was one of those extreme makeover shows. I am sure a kind loli anon can link you to the episode. The name escapes me, sorry.

Do it! For SoCal girls only though iirc

>> No.8039710
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So is she being sarcastic or just hypocritical?

>> No.8039714

>SoCal girls

Not my comm, sadly. Would do it if it were, though.

>> No.8039718
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>> No.8039788

Any kind loli anon please do so. I'm disgustingly intrigued.

>> No.8039794

She had maybe 1 brand item and was a total ita.

>> No.8039796

Yeah, no. To the muggles the absolute majority look like delusional wannabe anime characters. They're not looking for "itas" they're looking for people with outlandish style of dress. Doesn't matter if you do lolita by the book or is a huge ita, it'll still look great and sensational on tv.

>> No.8039952

Slightly related but all I can think about is this one time myself and my bf watched snog marry avoid and there was this one girl who dressed (admittedly badly) in gyaru. But she said she felt happy dressing like that and tried dressing "normal" before but people still didn't like her so she might as well dress the way that makes her feel happy.
She got the make over and looked so visibly uncomfortable and sad. We both felt awful for her.


>> No.8039956

It was "What not to wear"
If I remember correctly.

>> No.8039959

As the other anon said, she was really ita and possibly had an older ap/baby jsk that wasn't particularly nice

>> No.8039960

Here's a link to some of the clips:
But >>8039794 is a good summary. She wasn't really a well-dressed Lolita in the first place.

>> No.8039971

Her blending needs work.
It's her own fault if "people don't like her", so I really don't have sympathy.
Dress how you like, but if you're college at least dress well for the style you want.

>> No.8039982

lmao, what? I can only speak for J fashion and rockabilly, but a whole decent wardrobe of those styles is probably in the thousands already (plus time spent collecting it). Definitely not something you'd want to throw out for the sake of a show, and if your friends nominate you for this then they are shitty friends.

>> No.8039985

This. Shows like this tend to target itas because they're usually young/new/insecure/attentionwhorey enough to fall for this kind of bullshit, but if a show like this got their hands on a well-dressed lolita they'd just as happily tell her she looks like a clown and needs to change.

>> No.8039990

What's the percentage of well dressed girls and the percentage of tatal Ita in your comms ?

>> No.8039997

I'd say that depends. Sure weird fashion gets laughed at but some slender gothic or classic queen just won't get the same reactions out of viewers as an ita, since they do look out of place in a way that's flattering to them. You can still giggle at her if you put her in a walmart but it's not obviously ugly and unflattering.

>> No.8039999


They're not going to tell people that dressing up in lolita to go to a lolita tea party where the dress code is "dress in lolita" is wrong when it's universally good manners to follow the dress code. And most of the well-dressed, well-adjusted, sane lolitas know that you're not supposed to wear your OTT full frills out everywhere, you wear the OTT stuff to grand events, the normal lolita stuff to regular lolita tea parties, dial it down to cute and girly for simple days out, and avoid it entirely when the occassion is not appropriate for lolita.

What they want is not just "people who dress like delusional wannabe anime characters at a party where the dress code is anime characters", what they want is someone who dresses like that 24/7 regardless of the time, place or occassion. And let's face it, it's mostly the weebs and the wannabe "lifestyler" itas who try to shoehorn lolita into every aspect of their lives.

Pretty much like the NYC girl mentioned in this thread. She did not get her burando thrown out. AFAIK it was a replica, and she did not wear it to a tea party, she wore it to her workplace. And coorded it badly. imo she really needed some help, although the advice she was given sucked just as bad as her own fashion sense.

>> No.8040003

This. If you have a "odd" way of dressing, chances are you've been in the style for a while and have half a brain to not go on these types of shows, becuase you know no matter what you say or how well you dress, they'll tear you and your fashion to bits. Most newbies go on these shows to teach people or to try and change people's minds and it's not gonna work.

>> No.8040034

What the hell is up with that awful filter that show uses? You can hardly see things.

>> No.8040062

It's the youtube account. They did it to stop copyright claims probably. I watched it with no filter before.

>> No.8040069

They did her a favor, really.

>> No.8040220

>What they want is not just "people who dress like delusional wannabe anime characters at a party where the dress code is anime characters", what they want is someone who dresses like that 24/7 regardless of the time, place or occasion.

Actually I'm sure there was something about how on Snog Marry Avoid there was a cosplayer or lolita who was portrayed as wearing it every day, when in real fact it was more of a weekend hobby.
And in the Living Doll doc, as much as I don't like Luna, much of it was scripted/edited and she never wore those clothes daily.

It's reality tv, sure they do want the things that you are talking about, but they often just fake them for the sake of the show.

>> No.8040244

Honestly, the most annoying thing is when the families act like the fashion is like "tearing them apart" or that it's a "fake them", as though they're hiding in clothes.

>> No.8040247

>caring about scripted "reality" tv
Anyone who watches these things and thinks this is some 100% portrayal of reality is an idiot whose opinion does not matter.

>> No.8040251

I once chanced upon a show where they started by having co-workers talk about how horrible the person dressed. How is publicly shaming one worker on TV allowed for a workplace? That's gonna fuck up an workplace environment hard. Did they have no HR department?

And she didn't even look bad.

>> No.8040252

Omg that's awful.

>> No.8040264

So the real question is who is the most obnoxious so-cal lolita and can we all nominate them simultaneously so they can get their shit thrown away and be embarassed on tv for us to watch?

Melissa brown? Hello kitty bedsheets chan? Other?

>> No.8040290

You mean all the scripted bits?

>> No.8040293

Yeah, kinda, but there are irl people who think lolita and other fashions are "~ ways of hiding your true self ~"

>> No.8040315

Is it strange that I've always kind of wanted to set myself up on one of these shows?

Like, have my friends in on it, have them nominate me and just dress really shittily for the week or whatever when they watch you, just for the free shopping?

>> No.8040330

>fake oriental art display

Do they think that mocking her and calling her fake will make her change her mind? She's 17, she's still a teenager.

>> No.8040333

I'd totally do this if I was in SoCal. Free designer wardrobe? Hell yeah. Of course, I'd rent a storage locker for the lolita stuff I wanted to keep, and load my closet up with atrocious ita stuff so they'd have lots to throw out on camera. With a little planning, this could be a great way to get a new professional wardrobe for free.

>> No.8040334

She does look really cute after tho, she'd be p.cute in otome.

>> No.8040585

bitch is trynta hate on "hipster harajuku raver girls"??

>Giant firetruck red weave
>Clown makeup
>Actually calls herself "lenora claire"


>> No.8040589

this show is so lowkey racist though

>konnichiwa jessica!
>playing 'japanese boy'

>> No.8040593

her hair is flat and that limp fringe is annoying af. if they were going to transform her into a normalfag they should've at least done a better job

>> No.8040619

She also dubbed herself "PT Barnum with boobs", so this show is going to be a huge train wreck.

>> No.8040657


I think this just gave me cancer

> people are so fake!!! anything other than a shirt and skirt is WEIRD!!
> wear "normal" clothes even if you hate them because it will make people like you more
> that annoying hostess

>> No.8041016

>Girls who don't know they aren't at the club 24/7.
Judging from the picture, I thought that Lenore was talking about herself.

I could have sworn that was a drag queen.

>> No.8041040

are those tits real

>> No.8041051

Plot twist: your makeover is that you get to be a drag queen.

>> No.8041223
File: 727 KB, 500x264, meinsides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be cool with that.

>> No.8041316

There was a What Not To Wear episode with a gyaru girl as well


>> No.8041324

Is she actually a gyaru? She looks kinda normalfag to me.

>> No.8041357

This chick was not actually...consciously gyaru, she just had all the features of one. Super fake nails, tan, blonde hair, crazy makeup, campy tacky clothes, permanent uguu duck face and a wacky cartoon barbie attitude...I actually loved her. Her fakeness was so genuine.

>> No.8041368


Honestly though maybe she was gyaru? Like, 90's gyaru? She even had zebra striped boots. Also her eye makeup seems extreme even for an over the top playboy bunny look.

>> No.8041409

Maybe she just saw a random picture of the style online and never knew its "name" or rules or anything and just wore similar stuff?

>> No.8041420

Hitomi from los angeles aka Tiffany Silver

>> No.8041442


They made her wayyy better.

>> No.8041448

her lips bother me

>> No.8041453

I can't stand shows like this most of the time.
It's one thing if it's a person that is truly clueless on what to do with themselves, but it's another thing when it's them trying to change someone who actually does have a specific style and look they go for.
And then they only want to shove them into the same type of normal clothes that every other girl or guy is wearing.

>> No.8041460

Me too. Just. Stop. PURSING.

>> No.8041479

>What they want is not just "people who dress like delusional wannabe anime characters at a party where the dress code is anime characters", what they want is someone who dresses like that 24/7 regardless of the time, place or occassion.

If someone wants to wear that stuff 24/7 though they should. Now I agree with they should know when not to wear it like at a funeral, or if they're going to be in a dangerous area of town, etc.
But other than that if they want to wear OTT lolita or whatever other out there fashion daily, then they should.

>> No.8041484


It reminds me of fucking Liz Katz and her stupid face she always makes.

>> No.8041661


>> No.8043411

Bump, did anyone nominate anyone/send in an application?

>> No.8043624

These shows are my absolute fucking nightmare.Watching my two hundred dollar dresses die while my friends and family applaud and celebrate their GoT level of betrayal is some serious surreal horror stuff.

>> No.8047818

Lenora is doing some show about the history of fart jokes or something. Totally excited to see what happens with all her projects.

>> No.8047840

very smart anon

>> No.8047852

"We want to show your personality through your clothes!"
>show the dullest dishwater identikit outfits EVERY SHOW.

>> No.8047853

man that's my biggest issue with all of the makeover shows, they make sure to make everyone look like a 40 year old mother of 2 that tries to dress in the most safest and boring way possible

>> No.8047938

IMO she actually looks better after the "make under", but I hate that they're trying to encourage her to change just because other people will like it.

>> No.8049290

I hate this show so much, the "pod" is unnecessarily rude, and I just want to headbutt that hostess.
>if you don't look like what's considered "normal", you're FAKE!

>> No.8049359

RuPaul actually had a spinoff for a while where gave tired housewives drag makeovers. The difference was that all the women LOVED it and the point of the show was to give them confidence and treat themselves. I think it was called Drag U?

>> No.8049384

lmao this is my friend, she doesn't dress like this any more but she still has her own style so don't feel sad anon

>> No.8049388

Drag U was such a good show. The women on it actually wanted to be on the show, and the makeovers they got clearly made them feel ten times more confident.

>> No.8049419

I'm really tempted to apply and just give a few of my favorite pieces to a friend for safe keeping. I have a lot of old school AP that's pretty bad looking and I don't have 5k worth of wardrobe. I have a pretty good sob story for viewership too.

>> No.8049421

I adore Lhouraii.
Don't feel bad she's gotten better and even hosts yearly gaijin gyaru awards shows and helps newbies.

>> No.8049497

I love her, too. She isn't hosting the GGA's anymore though. Apparently she got disheartened by people complaining at her about who did or didn't get nominated or whether the winners deserved to win.

And Snog, Marry, Avoid is a trashy show. It's racist, classist, narrow-minded, etc. The Pod character is insulting as shit.

>> No.8049512

Please do this. Round up any ita stuff no one wants to sell and stuff your closet with it. Then go VenusAngelic for the cameras.

>> No.8049556

OP, did you get this from Sydney's facebook?

>> No.8049579

I would happily send you some of my old shit

>> No.8049702
File: 147 KB, 1010x1022, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking stand "What Not To Wear" they always choose the most uninspired clothing. Dull colors and patterns, lots of muted and toned-down boring shit you find at Banana Republic. I find it pretty ironic that the hosts call themselves authorities on style when the woman has the most hideous grey skunk stripe at the front of her hair. Seriously?

>> No.8049902

I think thats a birthmark type thing. She use to dye it in the beginning of the show but just embraced it?

>> No.8050010

So... she's looking for women who are 'forever on a super visual style archetype' for a fashion show she is casting...

And her profile picture is rocket fire red hair, super thin eyebrows, tangerine eyeshadow, and red lip stick...

Oh lord.... this sounds like it will be horrible. I know she isn't ugly, but she definitely looks like she is from the club.

>> No.8050023
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I am more and more convinced this is fake, the casting.

>> No.8050024
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>> No.8050034
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We may even get fashion lessons from her friend.

I don't know, this is either fake... or if it is real... is either going to be the worst or greatest makeover show.

I'm not sure.

What if we had a lolita what not to wear? Like, itas being coached by the best dressers on all aspects of lolita styling. That would be cash.

>> No.8050710

Doubt it will be good. It is most likely just going to be the hosts making fun of the girls and then making them look like 40 year old office ladies.

>> No.8050777

wow. talk about arrogant.

You're not hip. You're a douche. "We're going to belittle you as much as possible right now, so when we dress you the way WE like, we'll seem like the best people ever because THEN we'll compliment you."

>> No.8050784

Wow... the looked ...

Like you'd lose her in a crowd and not even feel bad. She just looked so boring. Tshirts and jeans are more interesting and easy to remember than that ugly dress.

>> No.8050814

I was on this show once for a family member and they're actually even more jerks irl.

>> No.8050873

Anon, that's how people from Jersey dress

>> No.8050894

Deets, and which episode?

>> No.8051911

Please elaborate. Sounds really sad though.

>> No.8051918

Do they actually throw out your clothes if you really don't want them to?

>> No.8055278

I thought some girl actually found a couple minor brand pieces at a goodwill? There was an egl post about it. So yes?

>> No.8055283

I hate how they treat these young girls. I get it that it's a social porn show and it's scripted and needs to be offensive so it's interesting but I cringe when I watch those girls' faces. They're so uncomfortable and the fact the host is continuously making fun of their way of dressing and obviously not giving two craps about their feelings is painful. I wish they'd rather follow their style when giving them a makeover, like a toned down and classy version of what they used to wear instead of making everyone look like the same bland office lady. I rarely like the outcome because it always looks really dull and unimaginative. Like that gyaru girl was a hot mess and her overdone ganguro look was painful but the makeover version wasn't much better.

>> No.8055399

I'd watch the shit out of a show that respected the person's personal style and just helped them develop a more toned down/classy version of it for situations where going full throttle isn't appropriate.
The OTT ganguro mess can be an OTT ganguro mess in her free time and should easily be able to tone it down for certain occasions. There's no reason that someone who likes blonde hair, tanned skin, decorated nails and bright colours should be forced to have brown hair, pale skin, plain nails and bland grey clothing when a perfectly appropriate and toned-down version of her own preferred style is so easy to achieve. When they turn someone into the opposite of what they were trying to look like before it's so obvious that they don't give a single fuck about the person they're dealing with. I seriously wonder if they just buy all these ~improved~ wardrobes in advance and then stuff the subject of the episode into whatever fits.

Also wtf Captcha is making me look at pictures of gross-looking food and asking me to pick out everything with meat in it.

>> No.8055402

Careful anon, your tumblr is showing.

>> No.8055412

Unrelated to these shows

>> No.8055420

That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.8055423

>Also wtf Captcha is making me look at pictures of gross-looking food and asking me to pick out everything with meat in it.

tumblr as fuck.

>> No.8055425

yes, it does

>> No.8055431

How? There were these malformed dinky little cupcakes and mushy-looking shit, and it literally told me to select all the steaks. How is that tumblr? I don't even have a tumblr. I'm so confused.

>> No.8055434

I'm laughing so hard because I imagined some militant vegan going EWWW MEAT THIS IS TRIGGERING ME

>> No.8055436

wheres the one with the sweet mori girl?

>> No.8055437

Maybe captcha thinks you're too young to know how to write?

Also, the goal of media is to have a form of unity making it easy to target everyone with the same show. While being original is praised, a commoner cannot afford standing out of the masses, that is reserved to famous people, the one presented with an exciting, fresh life.
People should aim to be like them, while never attaining it.
It's the snake that bites its tail: by being influenced in copying the life and habits of famous people, any originality is lost.
Uniformity of moral standards, of culture, interests, etc: that's why standing out is frowned upon, except for the people that naturally stand out positively.

Or like a /fa/ says:
>han solo cosplay

>> No.8055441

Dude not even. I was mostly annoyed because I was supposed to pick out the steak but nothing really looked like steak and what the fuck am I on /ck/ now what does Captcha want from me? I just want to bitch about makeover shows, get these fucking cupcakes out of my face.

>> No.8058692

Seconding this. I have a strong need to watch it again!

>> No.8060600

what even has 4chan's capcha system become

>> No.8065440

OHHH NOOOOO I just saw a commercial for America's new version of Snog, Marry, Avoid featuring Stacey London, called Love, Lust, or Run

Kill me.