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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8037357 No.8037357 [Reply] [Original]

January 16-18th

Anyone going? Looks like the Arizona chapter of /cgl/ is slacking.

-Discuss your plans
-Wait for Pixel to plan the meetup
-Bitch about the current state of AZ conventions
-Brag about not going to Taiyou

>> No.8037357,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.8038325

Either everyone in AZ is dead or no one cares.

>> No.8038365

I'm going. I just wish they would send out panel times so I could actually plan things.

>> No.8038454

We've been dying since Sabo so I'm not really surprised.

>> No.8038460

>Wait for Pixel to plan the meetup
Taiyou doesn't have /cgl/ meetups? Or if they do, I don't plan 'em. Too small of a con.


>> No.8038493

You plan every AZ /cgl/ meetup. That's your job as ambassador.
And even if it is a small con you know the Asuka guy will show up at least.

>> No.8038513

agreed, it's kind of late isn't it?
(Isn't it...always..)

>> No.8038516

I almost keep forgetting about this con until some people on my FB post "cosplay schedules" of what they're doing.

>> No.8038540

I see him everyday. I live with the dude. I really don't need to arrange a meetup just to have only him show up.

>> No.8038644

Oh damn did y'all finally get married? I always knew he was endgame
Well, I guess we don't need a meet plan then.

>> No.8038672

who are you?

>> No.8039183

They said it will be up tomorrow

>> No.8039189
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why is taiyou written with katakana as well?

>> No.8039190
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Whats going on here

I have no idea

>> No.8039201

Fucking mike...

>> No.8039205

Did you know someone made a tumblr about mike

>> No.8039221

I'm going all three days. Going as Tsumugu on Friday and Archer on Saturday, not cosplaying on Sunday. I'm glad its close enough to where I didn't need to book a room. What are everyone else's cosplay plans?

>> No.8039241
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>mfw the con changed the late night party from the "Velvet Room Lounge" to the "Ultra Super Late Night Lounge"
Also can't wait for this con to become full Persona/PokemonCon

>> No.8039261 [DELETED] 

I've heard something about that as well, I think its because Atlus has been looking at them the whole time so they didn't want to step on their toes for Copyright concerns.

>> No.8039266

Its a copyright thing

>> No.8040335

I'm only going to Taiyou because I opted out of ALA this year.

>> No.8043289
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panel schedule when

>> No.8043337
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we'll see

>> No.8043509

Jesus H Crhist! How the do they not have it out a week before the con?

>> No.8043638
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At least gatherings are up

>> No.8043788
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But anon tomorrow IS a week before the con..

>> No.8044729

They posted the panel Schedule....there is kind of a lot this year

>> No.8044783
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> mfw AZ cons have the same fucking panels year after year

>> No.8046972

I think this year it's worse because it's a few of the same panels and then a bunch of shitty ones.

Like if it's gonna be the same panels they could at least be good ones.

>> No.8047396

people live in arizona?

>> No.8047427

We like to pretend we don't.

>> No.8047685

I wish more people submitted shit for cons in this state that wasn't just the same ask a panel bullshit or the heaps of nothing. Where the fuck are the Kendo Semonars or Wacky Gameshows or Obscure Genre Retrospectives like all the out of state cons get. The creativity in our panels is so fucking dead it's not even funny. At least get good guests and have them do programming or something, fucking christ.

>> No.8048008

Con-nichiwa last year actually had a bunch of cool panels like a an actual kabuki performance or kendo/kyudo demos.

There was absolutely no advertisement for them though. A good chunk of the panels held there didn't make it to the programming guide because Greg is dumb and the only way to know of them was looking at the big schedules they had pinned up in a few places.

>> No.8048175

Yeah but Con-Nichiwa sucks and is full off so much weeaboo that it isn't worth going anymore.

>> No.8048430

Are we gonna see that yuna skit in the masquerade....again?

>> No.8049481

I guess the whole trying to limit ask a panels like I heard the rumor going around didnt plan out.

>> No.8049503

All I know is that I'm going to be so shit faced this weekend I'm not going to remember anything.

>> No.8049786

You do realize there are 4 ask a panels right?

1 home stuck
1 persona
1 18+ kingdom hearts
1 attack on titan

That is it. There are way to many fanfic panels though.

>> No.8049801
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>ALA got rained on
>Taiyou Con is looking to be sunny all weekend

>> No.8050318

we're not rhode island, now thats some shit purely made up for the witness protection program, doesn't exist at all

>> No.8050324

>18+ KH panel

someone's still living in 2007 I see...

>> No.8050929

how did this shitty con get these great guests????????? I've never heard of it till like a week ago. To bad i'm on the east coast I would go for that concert.

>> No.8050982


Get out.

>> No.8050985

Oh yeah?
Well you live in Arizona


I win.

>> No.8051534

It's not really a shitty con, it's just that nothing in Arizona really matters aside from the Grand Canyon and it's alleged abundance of cosplay drama.

Still no clue how they got the guests they did this year, but maybe it's a sign of better things for Arizona?

>> No.8051539

Ask Haikyuu
Chat with Dollars (I hope this isn't a panel about the panelist group, they stopped being relevant three years ago)
Ask Yowamushi Pedal

There's seven.

I also heard that they were only gonna do one ask panel, but then they released the schedule so I dunno anymore.

>> No.8051549

The same way any con gets the guests they get.


They're probably banking on a lot of people flying out for the Persona concert to cover it. I wonder what'll happen if they don't get enough attendees to pay for the guests.

>> No.8052326

Who all is ready?

>> No.8052362
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stone cold bitch its terrible here

>> No.8052371

I'm actually thinking of going up from Tucson on sunday? is it worth it? gas is dirt cheap right now and I wouldn't mind a day out with the bae

>going for lolita tea party
>who is hosting
>who the fuck is soup juice or whatever who cares

>> No.8052562

I'm considering going too, depends on if a friend of mine goes. I think Cherise and DM and possibly Chelsey are hosting like usual? They typically throw decent tea parties. I guess that Lotus juice person is featured in the Persona games or something? I'm not big into the series so I'm not interested.

>> No.8052951

Lotus juice is a singer in the persona games. I'm not a persona fan but yeah that is who he is

>> No.8054775

Arizona is a hell hole. Glad I'm getting the fuck out soon. I don't know why anyone would live there by choice.

Also this con looks like shit.

>> No.8054943
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>Download the Guidebook app
>There's a "Artist Ally"
It's like they're banking on the Persona fandom to make the con because obviously no one is giving a fuck a week before

>> No.8054966


>7 ask panels

ahahahahaaa this is gonna be shit

>> No.8055046

Honestly, I have more fun at Taiyou then any greg con.

>> No.8055051

The sad part is I'm pretty sure they had to say no to a bunch of them, and still ended up with that many.

AZ panelists fucking suck man.

>> No.8055076

Im sick of the ask a panels being run by children

>> No.8055177

Aren't Ask A panels for children though? It makes sense they're run by tweens and teens.

>> No.8055521

The ones run by older people tend to be more entertaining.

>> No.8055566


every one i've seen has been full of shrieking morons, no matter what their age

>> No.8055822

I have been to some decent ones. Most of them are awful though. I passed by a Superwholock one once and almost jumped off the balcony.

>> No.8056063
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>> No.8058422
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It's tomorrow! Woohoo

>> No.8058441
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Who else is still working on costumes?

>> No.8058541

generic first post hater

>> No.8058958

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don't want to sew anymore!

>> No.8060294

Opens at 11, no shit going on until like 2.
Glad this area is full of neat stuff

>> No.8060408



>neat stuff

you can only have one, anon

>> No.8060416

Mesa's full of cooler things than say, Phoenix or Chandler

>> No.8060504

That little street has lots of cool shops

>> No.8060800

Anyone snag a pic of Bayonetta?

>> No.8061876

Phoenix has tons of cool shit what are you even talking about.
>collectors market
>Roosevelt row/arts district
>science center
>shit ton of comic and nerd shops

>> No.8062083


Mah nigga

>> No.8062311

/v/ here, I was at Taiyou Con yesterday, I got in for free and was just looking for merch and games but was disappointed, but god damn do you cos players smell.BO must've been this years perfume choice.

>> No.8062337

/v/ here. Went to Taiyou Con to look for merch and games and wasn't disappointed. The con smells pretty good to for Arizona. Maybe con-goers are learning to shower. Saw this loser neckbeard though, so sad.

>> No.8062436


i came in and stood in line to get a badge and the unwashed nerd stink was nearly overwhelming. fucking hell AZ, it's winter, it's not like you're outside in 120 degree heat sweating your asses off. take a goddamn shower.

>> No.8062451

what do you guys think of all the rocket grunts running around? I saw them stalking Eric Stuart

>> No.8062481

Rocket grunts are the same as deadpool cosplayers to me.

>> No.8062505

Team Rocket AZ or regular rocket grunts?

>> No.8064091

So who saw the masquerade? What did you think?

>> No.8064332

Male host was pure shit.

>> No.8064387

Team Rocket AZ is trash.

>> No.8064895

I thought he was funny!

>> No.8065071


>> No.8065075

0/10. Horrible but it's an az con so not terribly surprised.

>> No.8065108

There was only one bayonetta that I saw and she was a complete bitch

>> No.8065118

I just wanted a picture of that one because how often do you see people cosplay as Bayo 2's bayonetta design

Not surprised she was a bitch though

>> No.8065522

The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I high five a random person the last day and never got the chance to talk to them again.

RIP whoever you are.

>> No.8065937

What werr they wearing maybe you will find them?

>> No.8066633

So what's the general consensus?

>> No.8066679

Weh heh nope, they were just generic Asians in casual clothing. I just want to know if the high five was random, or I was so hyped from Mass Destruction playing on Sunday that I was just in too good of a feel good mood to read social cues and see that they were waving to some friends behind me or something.

Forever it will be a mystery.

It was okay. The concert carried the team for me, outside of that the panels seemed okay, but the voice actors didn't seem to thrilled and while I didn't stay for the entire Masq, the guy leading the show seemed a bit awks.

A lot better than Comic Media Expo though.

>> No.8066991

Panels sucked, rave sucked because what's with all the fucking dubstep, guests were good I guess as long as you're into music featuring a fucking substantial amount of Engrish, dealers' room was better than it's ever been.

So, solid year? Can't really expect a lot from the dudes who put the Arizona conventions on, they insist on spreading themselves super thin. Why do you need to have 4 shitty cons over the course of the year rather than just a couple of decent ones?

>> No.8067019

>Raves sucked

Gee I wonder why raves have dubstep?

>> No.8067024

Good question because how the fuck are you supposed to dance to wubwubwubwub breeeet

>> No.8067047

I enjoyed it. There were some good contestants in the masquerade for a change. I didn't care for most of the guests but I enjoyed the panels and the stuff i went too. I had a lot of fun though. The vendors hall was decent, I wish the artists ally had better artists though. I'm tired of the same artists! Especially being some of them can't draw.

>> No.8067105

I think the increase of bad artists is a good thing. They're our future GOOD artists.
We need some new blood in the AA

>> No.8067188

Well, the people that run this con only run this and they did Comic Media Expo, but that was a weird one. I wouldn't say they are exactly spread thin, but AZ does have too many cons for how small a community it still is. It's just silly.

>> No.8067388

I don't think we're small, I think most of the cons are just too small in their target audience so the community feels smaller than it is. Taiyou, connichiwa, [Random con that won't exist next year], and Sabo are all appealing to the same exact group.
You've got the weebs, geeks, and internet autists, but 70% of the conventions here appeal solely to the weebs and interneters with nothing distinguishing them.

>> No.8067431

Yeah, that sounds like a decent explanation. Even though they are all decently sized, it seeming smaller than how big the actual community is being because of the over saturation of cons would make sense.

AZ is still a pretty strange community. Taiyou seemed to be pretty alright this year. The guests were great. And the new location at least had some more breathing room.

Why did they have the masquerade after the concert though? Did they just not care about it? Like, it had to start super late because of it, so why not have it on another day?

>> No.8067491

Masq is traditionally on the projected busiest day of the con, Saturday in this case. I heard that they wanted to not have it back to back with the concert, but the problem arises that not many people come early on friday so judging would have almost no time, and if it were on sunday most people don't stay too late and you run into closing ceremonies. The problem is they both clash because they're big draws but not enough days. Not saying I would want another day added onto Taiyou though.

>> No.8067608

Nah, I get that. Totally makes sense. Problem was sort of unavoidable, but at least everything went okay despite it. More days never seem like a good solution though. Not that there really is a different one, but yeah, more days wouldn't really make it all that much better.

>> No.8067661

The masq was supposed to start at 8, but the concert started like an hour late b/c of equipment issues so they got pushed back

Would have been better to add a preview night on thurs, concert on fri, and masq on sat like usual, but taiyou's too small for that to be an option

>> No.8067678

Oh, shoot, I guess that explains a lot of it then. At least they got it all together, even if it was late. Would have sucked if they had to cancel.

That might have worked pretty well, but yeah, Taiyou is probably to small to really get people out, even with the concert bringing in so many people this year.

>> No.8067724

Honestly, it would have made more sense to put the costume contest on Friday, if anything. I came out to AZ because of the Persona concert, but I wouldn't have been able to do it on Friday because I work weekdays 9-5 and had to pack to get ready for the day trip, drive six hours from SoCal to Arizona and then get all of my hotel shit handled. I don't wanna be that guy, but the Persona Concert was the main event of the convention, and wouldn't have been anywhere near as successful if it was on a weekday.

>> No.8067729

I don't really think you're being that guy. It's like, cosplay is a big deal, but not everyone is a cosplayer that goes to cons, and even fewer enter the masquerade. While a lot of people watch them, when a con gets international guests that have that much of a pull, the cosplayers can take a hit for a year.

>> No.8068320


because kids these days have no fucking taste whatsoever

>> No.8069758

Who got to see that really shitty Ryuko cosplayer? I don't normally talk shit and rag on people but honestly if you're not even going to try don't do it at all.

>> No.8069774

Did you get a pic?

>> No.8069786
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>> No.8070474

The panels sucked bigger dick then me.
only one of the 18+ panels was decent.

>> No.8070901

I went to a few panels and they weren't that bad. Like Name that tune and the MAL one. It was fun arguing about animu.

>> No.8071227

I refused to go to a couple panels because the people running them don't know shit. They were cosplay panels being run by beginner cosplayers

>> No.8071744

AZ has never really had that many good panels, from what I've seen at least. A few here or there that were funny, but it kinda seems like the ones that happen in recent time are either rehashes over and over or just things people have seen or done somewhere else. Like all the fucking ask a panels.

>> No.8072423

So true and I avoid a lot of panels because it always the same shitty people running them.
>that loud nigger running the same panels at every AZ con.

>> No.8073357

>nude cami
>black boots?
>tape on long sleeve under armor

what is going on here

>> No.8074281

She should have at least done a nude leotard so it was tight against the skin

>> No.8074289

Are there any other pictures from Taiyou this year, or do we just have the one pretty bad Kill La Kill?

>> No.8074290

I heard taiyou con is dogshit and has almost no attendance, true/false?

>> No.8074335

It seemed like Taiyou had pretty decent attendence this year.

>> No.8074476

True it's dogshit. But it had a moderate amount of attendees.

>> No.8074678

I wouldn't say it's worse than any other AZ con other than PCC. And it's attendees aren't numerous, but there's a fair amount.

>> No.8075419
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>> No.8075582

It's just the location was a lot bigger so it wasn't as crowded.

>> No.8075916

Yeah I hardly saw anyone!

>> No.8078393

The con seemed like there wasn't much drama

>> No.8081152

I heard a lot of drama about things going on behind the scenes. Didn't see any though.

It was kinda boring in that sense.

>> No.8081559

I guess there really wasnt. Nothing big at least.

Does AZ have any major drama cows left though? Or do any of them even go to Taiyou?

>> No.8081638

I heard about "drama" behind the scenes but it mostly seemed like losers trying to make something bigger than what it really was to make their life more exciting.

We've been pretty tame for awhile. Its kinda sad but kinda not

>> No.8081771

Eh, it's kind of a good thing though. Drama is fun to hear about, but I guess it's sort of nice to know that I'm less likely to run into someone who just lives and breathes the stuff.

Though, we must still have some people around right? Does JNig still live here? And that Gackto guy runs Taiyou or something, right?

>> No.8081891

I haven't heard any drama with gackto in a while.

>> No.8081904

I guess I haven't either, nothing since him and Kara broke up, but I figured I'd mention the name and see if anyone else had. He's about the only person I can think of with a drama filled reputation in the state anymore.

>> No.8082020

I unfriended him a bit ago, but around new years on his facebook he said that he's all about just having fun, avoiding drama, and not caring what others say about him anymore. Seems like it's really all dried up over on that end, and it's not just talk.

Yes, Jessica Nigri still lives here. But it's not like she attends the smaller conventions. Pretty sure last year she dropped in on the last day of Taiyou for a few hours, but that's it.
And if there's any drama with her, the rest of /cgl/ would already be talking about it. Doesn't really feel like an AZ comm thing.

>> No.8082861

Yeah we here in the AZ threads take pride in people like Jnig and Peacockfeather so they never show up in these threads.

It's the d-listers and convention heads we look for drama from.

>> No.8083377

Yeah, I guess that's probably for the best if that's all just dried up.

Huh, I thought she moved. I get her not going to the smaller things though. It's not like AZ really has much going on, and even Taiyou is kinda boring for the most part.