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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8031669 No.8031669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best cons in the UK, favourite cosplayer, good contests.

Come on UK let's hear what's coming up in 2015

>> No.8031698

http://leagueofextraordinarycosplayers.com/2015/01/01/loec-convention-awards-2014-results/ the fox bar if you want Evening Entertainment?

>> No.8031726

Super Maians? Never heard of them until these results.

>> No.8031784

It's that family who just get attention because toddlers.

>> No.8032005

>Best cons in the UK,
That implies there are good cons
>favourite cosplayer,
Stock answer Lex and Sands
>good contests.

>> No.8032904
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>> No.8032935

The baby is cute I'll give you that. Can't say I've seen them amongst the Expo crowd however.

Any small fries to look out for in competitions?

>> No.8032992
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>> No.8033051

I'm all for people choosing whatever they like to cosplay, but sometimes you just shouldn't....

>> No.8033059

I get that she'd just had a baby. And that her husband thinks she's the best. And all that's fantastic.

But this could have been made so much better by using some slightly more flattering panties.

Yeah, she's still be obviously fat. Yes she'd still get posted here and everyone would point and laugh. But it would just look a little more polished.

But if she's happy with it....then actually, good for her.

>> No.8033095

The Super Maians, Cosplex, Twinfools, Valentine Cosplay and Sketch McDraw as the nominees?

I thought Twinfools was Canadian?

Where do they find these people.

>> No.8033139

Honestly thought Sketch McDraw should have won instead of the Super Fails.

>> No.8033141

so obviously photoshopped. tights and support wear would have helped.

>> No.8033163

Also, I know the pants are supposed to be simple and white, but she could have got good looking simple white ones, rather than the cheapest off-white primark had that day.

>> No.8033170

I think we covered most small fries in the last thread.
I think the LSCC champ is going to have a lot of small fries, but from those who have announced that they're in it already, it looks to be quite a good competition.

>> No.8033172

I think we're going to get a lot of entrants from abroad as opposed to UK small fries.

>> No.8033177

Just why wear such tiny pants, put something bigger on that goes under the corset and it'd look a lot better.

>> No.8033178

It's not a real award no one cares

>> No.8033179

Why? Who's entered with what?

>> No.8033181

especially because of the Anna/Elsa last year being french... and then being brought over to judge the competition this year.

>> No.8033184

The Supergirl in last year's top 10 was also French. No idea about the rest of the contestants.

>> No.8033190

Catwoman was french and Malekith was dutch. So out of 10, 4 entrees were from outside the UK

>> No.8033191

Almost all the top 10 were from abroad so nice UK contest for everyone here...

>> No.8033195

So who actually was from here in the top 10?

>> No.8033204

I think the rest of them were from the UK.

>> No.8033210

So who's in it this year?

>> No.8033214

Proving once again that the UK has only a handful of good cosplayers.

>> No.8033222

Laura and Lex, otherwise it was some girls from Netherlands, France and Belgium.

>> No.8033230

And Stacey Rebecca as Deathstroke.

>> No.8033231

Doesn't mean anything, not every decent UK cosplayer enters, only a couple bother because it's such a mess of a competition.

>> No.8033234

Also Stacy Rebecca, Lilith Cosplay, Helen Alice Cosplay, The Hypergirl and Raven Quinn were all UK

>> No.8033245

HyperGirl wasn't UK

>> No.8033247

The contest is a hot mess though, with Ziggy starting it and now Ben taking over to fuel his ego. The stage and lighting is terrible but instead of spending money on making that better they put it all on guests

>> No.8033249

Yes they are.

>> No.8033250

The stage and lighting is up to the show, not Ziggy or Ben. They work with what they're given.

>> No.8033252

Not from here but she lives here.

>> No.8033255

Might be improved this year. I know the guy who was running sound kept fucking up, Rage was yelling at him for it.

>> No.8033256

Ben who?

>> No.8033259

Enja cosplay.

>> No.8033261

Ah. Great....

>> No.8033263

The money can be invested in the show rather than guests, or getting better prizes for the runners up etc..

>> No.8033264

Anyone got a cap of that convo between him and Valentine?

>> No.8033265

Yea... biggest ego that needs feeding in the scene, I know Ziggy is crazy but he back stabbed his way into kicking her out of something she set up

>> No.8033266

Didn't they get consoles last year?

>> No.8033270

Yea but I don't think it's being sponsored by Sony again this year

>> No.8033272

No? What happened?

>> No.8033274

I wondered why she deleted everything and suddenly disappeared. Makes sense.

>> No.8033276

They are both as bad as each other, Valentine did come off looking like an idiot in that through his fault alone.

>> No.8033278

Again, what happened?

>> No.8033297
File: 62 KB, 960x960, tcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat high school ps logo
>dat vague info section

Anyone know anything about this cafe? All my friends have been liking it this last week or two.

>> No.8033302

Nothing interesting Valentine made a comment on one of bens costumes that looked hugely dickish and everyone rallied to tell him to fuck off pretty much

>> No.8033304

facebook dot com slash pages/The-Cosplay-Cafe/1522667491327842?pnref=lhc.recent


>> No.8033308

Boys no. Any other male cosplayers worth mentioning?

>> No.8033309

Could anyone recommend cons around the UK? I'm living in Scotland and I'm willing to travel around the country if a con is really worth it, even though I'd go alone.
Considering Comic Con in October since some friends will be atending as well but nothing more.

>> No.8033319

Kitacon is your best bet.

>> No.8033326

If you see anything run by AnimeLeauge, run for the hills.

>> No.8033327

That is all.

>> No.8033330

Yeah I think so.
But looking at the main prize, a trip for 2 to D*C doesn't it feel like it can only be pairs that win so that they both go to the con, rather than a solo and a +1?

>> No.8033332

Damn, checked Kitacon's website and it's held in July-August, when I'm back home for summer break. Thank you anyhow.

I have no idea who or what AnimeLeague is but I'll keep it in mind, thanks

>> No.8033334

Everything that isn't MCM or end in -con.

Bar London Anime Con and Alcon. That's Animeleague.

>> No.8033338

Not really. But performing solo is always harder than as a pair.

>> No.8033497
File: 53 KB, 960x540, 10872953_420660904753527_7328532764969277402_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelly's daily boob photo.

>> No.8033517

Her twitch streams are fucking annoying, her voice, her attitude, but I guess people don't watch for content.

>> No.8033527

Did she get fake boobs? Super padding is one thing but the shape looks like pushed up fakes.

>> No.8033543

They're just super pushed up. Everyone who is saying they're fake is just complimenting her skills of boob magic, because she's got them to look so good they look fake.

>> No.8033547

fake doesn't mean good
fake boobs look bad

>> No.8033565

I wouldn't say they look good. They actually look painful.

>> No.8033783
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What a mess.

>> No.8033791

Even if you didn't like Ziggy this whole thing is disgusting. She hasn't said much about it but as far as I know he forced her out of organising the event, even though she set it up and did a lot of work to secure the budget and prizes. She's stopped getting involved with events altogether now.

I don't mind Ben, he has an ego but he's alright, but I still think it's pretty low that he pushed her out of the cosplay scene altogether because he thinks he's better than she is. He seems to be in it more for self promotion than she ever was, anyway. I just hope it runs smoothly this year for everyone entering if nothing else.

>> No.8033803

She is mental and screams at people but what Ben did was pretty low. Not even sure what he's hoping to achieve whether this is just to push his ego and feel important or he's trying to get into organising cons, it's a lot of back stabbing to just help run a cosplay contest you aren't getting paid for

>> No.8033813

She isn't mental and she doesn't randomly scream at people. Quite often when you're organising where the work is voluntary and you get the benefit of free entry you find people slack off a LOT. So if she had cause to raise her voice, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.8033819

I honestly think a lot of it is self promotion. To me it looks like he wants to be the one in the selfies with Yaya, showing her a great time in the UK and getting further into the spotlight worldwide. There aren't many UK cosplayers who are invited to events internationally, but it'd be easy to be the first if he gets more exposure. Especially with ECG behind him.

>> No.8033835

Alls well knowing people, but how many top tier costumes has he produced in the year? He needs to be making more if he wants to be the international type.

>> No.8033839

She's actually really nice, just put under a lot of stress and deals with a lot of bullshit. She's lovely and understanding. Just people who don't know her personally only see the stressed out organizer, and get bad opinions from that and people making fun of her.

>> No.8033843

... Uk cosplayers have been invited internationally before and for quite a while now

>> No.8033846

>>8033839i get the organising stress but I've seen and experienced her screaming and breaking down to entrants in contests which is completely unprofessional

>> No.8033849

Who? Name a few. I only know of Kelly, and Lex/Laura did some European events after WCS, but I can't think of anyone else invited as guests.
Some cosplayers have travelled and made a big deal of it but not been guests.

>> No.8033859

Yeah I'm sorry but if organising completely stresses you out and makes you scream you are volunteering for the wrong role. She might be lovely but from what I've seen she's totally unsuited to organising a piss up in a brewery. Other con organisers manage to do it without screaming and losing their shit at people.

>> No.8033860

Kelly Jane and Tealpirate were invited to some American cons back in the day. Rage was a guest in France this year, I think Tabitha has been too though I don't really count her as a cosplayer

>> No.8033863


>> No.8033865

Well clearly you've never been involved with Emily Bastian if you think she's the only nutjob

>> No.8033870

Hahaha no well now Emily is another problem all together. Ziggy's not alone in being batshit crazy but I'm saying it's not excused by saying oh well she was stressed but she's really nice normally.

>> No.8033875

I've seen her be perfectly fine for whole events. And I've seen her be not so fine for whole events.

I think it's very hard to judge what might be stressing a person out. Everyone can attest to the fact that stressful things happen in life and you don't always let it show or think it's getting to you. Then there's a knock on effect when it's all too much.

It's a really hard thing to judge.

With regards to running cosplay contests, it's not something you can do by yourself. You have to delegate a lot and if people aren't doing their jobs, it all falls apart and if you're the top of the chain it all falls on your head.

That's a lot of pressure.

And it's really easy if you've never been in that kind of liable situation to be like 'if you get handle the heat, get out of the kitchen'.

That said there are things she can and had been learning about running an event.

It's harder than it looks. And you're kidding yourselves if you think most organisers haven't had complete melt downs. But either they've managed to do it behind enough doors or they have better friends.

For all her faults Ziggy did put a cosplay section into ECG and she did start up LSCC. Which is more than most.

>> No.8033879

*if you can't handle the heat

*EGX not ECG

I don't know where my mind is at that I'm typing this rubbish. Sorry guys.

>> No.8033909

>I think it's very hard to judge what might be stressing a person out.
I'm not judging where her tipping point is I'm just saying that as an organiser and a representative of any event it's majorly unprofessional to scream at people. Yeah it's a frustrating job and these things are always volunteer led so I'm not having a go at her for trying. But act that way a few times and you are going to get a rep for being unreliable and volatile. Ive never heard of incidents like these for the guys that set up the cosplay for Expo, Amecon, Ayacon, Kitacon…..

>> No.8033958

They have committees and groups of reliable people though. Ziggy's just got Ziggy and whoever sponges a free pass. Though I don't know if she's shouted at a lot of people or just one person that one time and it's become chinese whispers. What events has she run exactly?

>> No.8033983

>They have committees and groups of reliable people though.
The committee runs the rest of the entire convention. There isn't like a cosplay committee it's normally just one person as far as I'm aware? Ziggy doesn't run EGX she just looks after cosplay. And you're telling me she has no friends she can't ask to help or didn't ask? That's making her sound worse and more unprepared I'm afraid.

>> No.8033996

Yeah but if you're on a committee and one the team is struggling you don't all just sit there and go 'well it's your job so...'.

People can have lots of friends. How reliable they are in a position of authority or to carry out a task...well not everyone has capable friends.

Meant what events has she run cosplay at. Just EGX and LSCC?

>> No.8034011

Think it's just EGX and LSCC those are the only two I've heard of. I've seen her at other events but she was just attending I'm sure. Again I have nothing against her as a person just her lack of professionalism and organisational skill. You can't blame that on her friends it's what she volunteered to do.

>> No.8034017

>Yeah but if you're on a committee and one the team is struggling you don't all just sit there and go 'well it's your job so...'.
You're probably overestimating most committees there

>> No.8034045

Just a thought, what competitions are just walk-ons with no skits?

>> No.8034068

Kelly Jean wasn't so much invited to American cons as much as she was playing mistress for several organisers and other guests. She was officially a guest of NYCC but really that was only because Volpin Props was not-so-secretly putting his dick in her asshole when his wife wasn't looking. Lex and Laura are the only legit exports we have.

>> No.8034076
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This time she's saying her tits are out in protest of all the people who are saying she should put them away. I'm starting to believe she actually does have some kind of deep psychological problem, some kind of trauma that makes her convince herself the bullshit she spews makes sense.

I'm counting down the days until her Twitch.tv stream is spammed with her nudes and all her sad little yes-men have no reason to tune in.

>> No.8034083

>I'm counting down the days until her Twitch.tv stream is spammed with her nudes and all her sad little yes-men have no reason to tune in.

You mean they'll have more reason to tune in. That's what they are all waiting for

>> No.8034093

Ziggy has also done Play Expo. She does shout alot, and she stresses out, sometimes even cries because of all the stress, but she works alone.
I've heard her apologise for shouting and stressing out (but her stressing out is more than just stressing) but she shouldn't be shouting at people like that in the first place.

>> No.8034095

How about we stop talking about her and giving her attention so she just shuts up and goes away?

>> No.8034111


I too am counting down the days until her nudes

>> No.8034146
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Once you've seen her legs spread there's really no further reason to care.

>> No.8034878

They are part of a cosplay group I'm a member of on Facebook and I really don't understand why they won the award. Pretty much all they've done at cons recently is cuddle up to cosfamous whores like Yaya Han. The husband doesn't even have the reason of talented, because all he does is churn out the same subpar Transformer costumes over and over.

>> No.8034882

*talent, not talented. Damn I need to sleep.

>> No.8034885

Everyone knows it's fix and most of the votes were cast by stupid social justice warriors who will happily defend any cosplay to the hilt, even if it is absolute trash

>> No.8034890

DeeCon is on in April, it's a small local con, but it's pretty cool. Been going 4 years now and always had fun.

>> No.8034893

Everything about her is shit, seriously

How morally corrupted can some one be?

Breaks up a marriage just to brag about it, rips off gamers helping gamers charity, sleeps with men for money, makes money by showing her body

Uses asus, so she can sexualiz even herself the the minors who the twitch user base largely is comprised by

What is she going to get into next?

Selling meth to kindergarten students?

Selling american and english secrets to the North Koreans?

>> No.8034965

I think it's sad that they drag their kids to cons, I'm not sure if they enjoy it or are even old enough to understand

>> No.8035466

Yes lets us two wear huge bulky costumes, put a young child, who probably doesn't really get what's going on, and a fucking baby. Yeah lets bring a fucking baby in a pram with us to a bus convention. We're big time cosplayers people WILL move out of our way.

>> No.8035500

minamicon is in march. I'm going. Haven't been to this one before.. may even wear a costume or some shit. can you dig?

>> No.8035559

this is getting kind of really bad now now

>Breaks up a marriage just to brag about it
the apparent marriage ruining is odd since the couple are still together, bragging where?

> rips off gamers helping gamers charity
money goes straight from justgiving to the charity

>sleeps with men for money
citation needed?? where did this rumor come from? she's a health care assistant.

>Uses asus, so she can sexualiz even herself the the minors

it's just tits, you see that shit every day walking down the street.

I know you all love to hate on ai honey but it's gotten too extreme. if you want to shit on her for her shitty costumes it's one thing but come on. I would like to think the uk comm is better than this. it actually makes me disappointed.

be better than this bullshit

>> No.8035587 [DELETED] 


maybe you're right, or maybe you're overly cynical.. I don't know anything about these people and I don't think a conclusive judgment can be made purely from them winning that award..

But one thing that I do found outrageous is anime-league winning two awards. Who the fuck is voting in this thing? mike towers spamming the vote button no doubt

>> No.8035588

maybe you're right, or maybe you're overly cynical.. I don't know anything about these people and I don't think a conclusive judgment can be made purely from them winning that award..

But one thing that I do find outrageous is anime-league winning two awards. Who the fuck is voting in this thing? mike towers spamming the vote button no doubt

>> No.8035610

I heard she has ebola and collaborates with terrorists!
Ai Honey caused 9/11!

>> No.8035616

The marriage might still be hanging in there but she pretty much blabbed about fucking him and for a little while did ruin his image at the time but his name seems to have survived.

There was a whole load of mess with what money went to charity. It was a clusterfuck either way.

She doesn't get paid but comes off as promiscuous, how else do you think she gets invited to these random cons abroad and a brand new computer?

After years of trying to prove nothing could faze her, she stopped posting here after that photo playing with herself on cam was leaked.

She alluded to having a health care assistant job for awhile but in all honesty she seems more interested in whoring herself out online, begging for e hugs every time shes 'ill' than earning an honest living. Even her friends are fed up of it.

Yes its tits, but its like shes just discovered push up bras, low cut tops and the flavour of the month - streaming on twitch. Its painfully obvious and embarrassing to watch her defend it.

She gets extreme reactions because her mentality is so low and her personality is generally shit. Be disappointed all you want but she kinda bought on herself.

>> No.8035636

yeah, I know her irl too. I think I was genuinely pleasant to her, but she always came across very stuck up. Beyond seeing more win, I couldn't care less..

>> No.8035641

more legit sounding than anything else on here

>There was a whole load of mess with what money went to charity

all money on justgiving goes straight to source. implying someone would steal from charity with no proof is pretty bad. the charity also seemed pretty happy with what she was doing.

>how else do you think she gets invited to these random cons abroad and a brand new computer?

she has a big following which is why she gets invited and promoted like all those other cosplayers. the likelihood of her dicking someone at asus seems pretty small, doesn't it.

she stopped posting longer ago than when the other drama came out. because she's a health care assistant and she's super paranoid that her workplace is going to get spammed with bullshit and photoshopped garbage. if you think 'oh why has she never given a shit till now' maybe the answer is she never had a reason to give a shit.

it bothers me when the uk side of things actually seems more scary and vile than the rest of /cgl. at least lets bring back things to bullshit we can at least half prove yeah.

I know at heart we are a good community and I miss that man.

>> No.8035997

I think someone just has a vendetta against her and just wants to run her image and shit talk her as much as possible.

>> No.8036022

probably. I understand she was annoying and tried to wind people up but this is getting out of hand and making *us* look bad. silly rumors can be fun but these are getting worryingly cruel and it's time to rein it in a bit.

/cgl to me has always been more about honest criticism for those who couldn't take it. we're better than being a hate group.

>> No.8036034

Thank you. Now lets just leave her alone. New topic, who do you think did well last year costume-wise?

>> No.8036067

Ah right so Kelly gets defended after all her shit? and the other cosplayers who got bashed for doing nothing, absolutely fine?

>> No.8036075

I know right. It's backwards.

>> No.8036080

Everyone gets bashed, and everyone gets defended where appropriate. Everyone is stick and tired of talking about Kelly, she's old news, she's not worth the effort now. Now whats wrong with talking about who did good costumes last year, who normally get ignored because people are too busy bitching about someone who no one cares about anymore?

>> No.8036094

Defended? this is 4chan...

Cgl have a picky views on what makes a good cosplayer, good luck...

>> No.8036097

I really liked the Eurocosplay rep, from Gate7. The Tsubasa pair by the WCS reps were good too.

>> No.8036126

Did anyone see Bens status about someone being rude and demanding the LSCC rules be changed for them because they're a 'Big Cosplayer'

>> No.8036166

you poor miserable soul

>> No.8036186

Do share this status wait is it Andy or that girl who came 3rd last year in the championship .

>> No.8036213

Neither of them. Apparently someone didn't read/did like the rules on what the costumes could be, then asked Ben to change the rules, because they were a 'big time cosplayer' and Ben should change the rules for them, and was super rude to him when he said no.

>> No.8036215

Wonder what they mean by 'big'.

>> No.8036229

Probably just butthurt because they can't cosplay the flavour of the month anime

>> No.8036377

Was it Chloe?

>> No.8036387

That baby looks dead

>> No.8036396

>>80363No it wasn't from what I'm guessing it might be someone out of the UK

>> No.8036416
File: 98 KB, 496x564, dfdfdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There making T shirts now ??

>> No.8036455

I used to think they were just a nice family doing a thing together. Now I'm starting to see ego creeping in and I feel so dissapointed.

>> No.8036461
File: 976 KB, 330x245, Chaplinlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplayers really have no modesty. It's great.

>> No.8036462

Wow, they don't look good at all. The picture is too big and the way it's printed looks a bit cheap.

>> No.8036508

Which one?

>> No.8036510

Oh piss off. This is fucking ridiculous. Who's going to want those talentless egotistical arses on a shirt? Would you wear that? This is the single most egotistical thing I've seen in a long time.

>> No.8036527
File: 51 KB, 670x960, Someonethoughtthislooked good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet they paid a lot to get this commissioned.

>> No.8036534

Okay, there is now 0 respect for them.

>> No.8036562


The entire family is coming across as very vain suddenly. I really liked them at first, but the woman and her husband (not the children's fault) are becoming too full of themselves since people have taken notice of their cosplays at huge cons like Expo. Family cosplays are great, but there's something about them that leaves a bad taste in my mouth...like that Fulco Family episode from the US Wife Swap series. Desperate for e-fame.

>> No.8036630

Probably because they won that internet competition that doesn't mean anything at all but in their eyes, it's like they won some international contest.

>> No.8036717

funniest thing is those girls got those shirts for free.

>> No.8037278

if a guy chooses to cheat on his wife, thats his own fucking fault.

>> No.8037317



>> No.8037321

the dude looks like cringefest material in this image, the others not so bad..

>> No.8037532

It is but it takes two.

>> No.8037962
File: 69 KB, 640x960, 10295476_669490419803348_896701276300860066_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, moving on, can we have some photos of some great costumes from 2014?

I'll start - because all those gems.

>> No.8037964

I've heard that LAGC's being revamped and moved to a new location this year with more variety
Would it be worthy checking out do you think?

>> No.8037998

the dumb face ruins the photo

>> No.8038027

LAGC is still at the same place
and it will still be shit.

>> No.8038050

It can't be that bad. You're forgetting about the burlesque show, that'll be fun.

>> No.8038154
File: 30 KB, 800x575, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8038244

Good costume, bad pose/angle. Makes her shoulders look too rounded

>> No.8038253

why are you even on this board

>> No.8038514

They've been doing it for months now. I used to be fond of them, but ever since they started running the usual "s4s" and competition shit, I ended up unliking the page. It was pretty obvious they were out for as many likes as possible rather than just organically growing the fanbase because they thought they had something unique to give.

>> No.8038518

Urgh. Just spoiling the whole thing. They're not even good.

>> No.8039270

I'm always sad when seemingly genuine people go for a fame grab

>> No.8039273


>> No.8039970

It's not Kelly who's cheating on her partner.

There are legit reasons to dislike Kelly, the fact that a married man chose to ruin his marriage for a bit of pussy is not one of them.

>> No.8039974

Why's your image called Chaplin laugh when it's a gif of hitler not Charlie Chaplin?

>> No.8040536

Kelly was not even the only one

>> No.8040544
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>> No.8040552
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I'm gonna start preparing super early for Kitacon, which means I'm gonna ask all kinds of dumb shit here.

First off, is it worth just staying at the Hilton or would it be a good idea to go to a different hotel and just find a way there?

Secondly, are there any good UK suppliers or people I should straight avoid? I've been super amateur up until now and want to get properly clued in.

Lastly, how reasonable is it to assume I can get fairly swole by the time the con comes around? (Assuming I do things properly, also I'm pretty skinny to begin with)

Sorry for the text dump, pic related is one of the ideas I got going atm.

>> No.8040572

Staying at the hilton is always best if you have the money for it, it's a lovely place.

What is it you need supplying?

I have no idea about getting swole, but I imagine you could really make a difference in the time but it's probably best to start as son as possible.

Dont feel sorry for posting, it's nice to have people discussing something than dramu.

>> No.8040594
File: 98 KB, 476x788, 777239-dark_knight_cecil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye I'll have the dolla, especially if I book within this month.

I'm mainly just looking for decent clothes/materials that won't necessarily break the bank, but are of a decent enough quality. (Which sounds really awkward come to think of it)

I have a few ideas, with some of them requiring actual construction rather than just finding the right items. Travis being the easiest due to hardest thing to get is the jacket.

On the exercising, I'm more using the cosplay as an incentive to build good habits. Rather than getting fit purely for the costumes.

If I had the time/money, the pic is my main goal.

>> No.8040614

My friend booked our room and it worked out as cheaper to book way in advance than it is to book it with the kitacon code. May not be the same now though.

For ready made clothes just look on amazon and ebay, they usually have a wide range of things. That won't work for every costume but it does for a lot of the smaller bits or thigns can alter yourself.
The facebook group UK Cosplay has a document with decent places to comission parts/props/entire costimes so join that and look/ask around if you need things.
What do you mean by construction? Props and armour?

>> No.8040627

I'll certainly look into getting the hotel within this month, didn't know about (or forgot about) the code so thanks again.

I'm looking via Amazon and ebay for shit, but I was wondering if there were anyone well known enough to go straight to.

Which you then answered, I'll definitely take a gander at the facebook page.

Yes I do mean props and armour, as well as actually making the clothes from scratch (I'm looking at you Jojo's).

Armour will be something I'm interested about learning to do myself so I can wait a bit until I'm in a better position to start.

>> No.8040640

Armour is pretty fun to do, look and see if there are pepakura files pre-made by other cosplayers, which is essentially just papercraft. Gives you a base to start building around.

I think there are armour guides in the group but I will link them here for you and anyone else who sees this
http://digitalemerald.com/cosplay_armor_index.html (fibreglass tutorial)
http://amethyst-angel.com/armormaking_materials.html ( armour making using styrene)
http://www.armourarchive.org/patterns/ ( medieval armour patterns)
http://entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/helmsdeep.html (craftfoam armour tutorial)
http://www.entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/galadriel.html (fake scale breastplate)
http://www.jedielfqueen.com/index.htm ( leather armour f rom craft foam)
http://www.madmaxmodels.com/armorprops.html (Mad Max armour examples)
http://www.xrobots.co.uk/IM6/index_foam.html (ironman armour made from dense foam)
http://www.black-eagle.co.uk/maxiguardprotector-p-769.html?utm_medium=product-search%20&utm_source=google-base (breastplate for ladies - used in martial arts)
http://www.eldritch.com/ (larp armour and accesssories)
http://www.paper-wings.org/tutorials/armor/fiberglass.html (fibreglass tutorial prt1)
http://www.paper-wings.org/tutorials/armor/bondo.html (fibreglass & bondo)
http://www.bioweapons.com/HOW_TO.htm (make gluestick armour)
http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/32083-A1TD-Gears-of-War-3-Pepakura (Gears of War

>> No.8040643


3 Pepakura files.)
http://www.chromepaint.com/ For making 'fake' armour look a bit more shiny and realistic
http://www.cosmicworkshop.co.uk (Leather Armour, Leather Corsets, Cosplay, LARP & Re-enactment)
http://gyakuyoga.hobby-web.net/index.html (LOADS of tutorials on how to make weapons, armour and accessories. )
Artyfakes http://www.artyfakes.co.uk/default.html (Custom made armour light weight armour)

WEAPONS - readymade and tutorials
http://entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/arrowtutorial.html (foam arrows)
http://www.dein-larp-shop.de/index.php?cPath=1_93 ( HUGE german larp weapons shop)
http://www.saberforge.com/index.php (custom lightsabers)
http://www.animepang.com/ (readymade, steal and wooden, order though)
http://www.chromepaint.com/ For perhaps making fake weapons look a bit more shiny?
Artyfakes http://www.artyfakes.co.uk/default.html (custom made weapons for Cosplay or LARP)Eldritch http://www.eldritch.com (bespoke weapons for Cosplay and LARP. Everything on the website is in stock and ready to send but they are happy to take requests for custom items)

>> No.8040644


That's ridiculously rad, good thing I wasn't doing anything tonight.

>> No.8040882

What do people think of this years team for WCS, Noa and Tarka? I think its nice they're unknown, and their progress and ideas so far look decent (that said some of their old costumes look awful, but everything I've seen so far for WCS is good quality).

>> No.8040980

I'm very worried about the quality of their work. However I've seen it before in competitions where I honestly worry about the quality of their work but then they shine in the finals.

The only times this hasn't been true was for some of the Eurocosplay reps. But for WCS and ECG, I've only ever been pleased with the final outcome.

>> No.8042107
File: 263 KB, 1300x2048, IMG_72518939584360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First guest announced.
I'm out.
R.i.p UK Convention scene.

>> No.8042122

Just don't go see him.
It's not like he had a big presence last year.

>> No.8042134


>> No.8042135

No one understood why he was there or wanted him there, why bring him back and why announce him first?

>> No.8042136

He costs peanuts to hire

>> No.8042142

Who is it?

>> No.8042143

A chap-hop guy
Kinda like mr. b but somehow even worse

>> No.8042147

He's a "posh rap artist". Belongs in a cringe montage and nowhere else.

>> No.8042150

At all relevant?

>> No.8042156

At Kitacon? It's not like it has a theme so sure.

>> No.8042180

I've known them-or at least, Tarka- since I first started cosplaying in about 2008. They were pretty local to a bunch of us and we'd do meets. Tarka used to be quite Weeby but who wasn't in 2008? I think because she's been in the hobby so long she's just steadily picked up skills and improved overall. As for Noa, we went to the same Art College for a while and I know from there she can be a perfectionist, which with any luck will show through in her craftsmanship.

>> No.8042221

He was shite last year. Had about 5 people dancing around him like he was an entertainer at a kids birthday party. It was so dead, but it was the only entertainment Kita had on that night IIRC, as they closed the games room and the bar was so expensive.

I actually think Minami has a better party atmosphere than Kita; the opening festival is fun, there's music if you want, drinking, karaoke, pub quizzes and actual stuff to do. And if it sucks Southampton city centre is so close by.

>> No.8042241

I wish cons would stop trying to do parties. They're always so bad now.

>> No.8042278

Small fries trying to sell prints, lol stop.

>> No.8042287

Anyone trying to sell prints needs to stop. Who even buys cosplay prints?

>> No.8042289

Obsessive fanboys and mums.

>> No.8042319
File: 29 KB, 250x395, 10458365_814833438555672_4620407244891390334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Mr. B...

I'm just glad I've never given a fuck about the con parties or guests cause wow

>> No.8042326

How much are we willing to bet the next one is Ellen again. Not that I mind because she's LOVELY but... Come on Kitacon, it's a bit like you're not really trying. I can't see these people hosting panels relevant to anything?

>> No.8042347
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, LaughCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This train wreck.

>> No.8042363

George Osborne loves this guy. And anyone George Osborne likes, I hate.

>> No.8042366

>two posh rappers as guests
Fucking why

>> No.8042368

They're trying to make it shit so they have an excuses to stop.

>> No.8042437

Could be worse. Could be ALcon

>> No.8042438

With guests this shit, it might as well be alcon.

>> No.8042442

Really considering loserconning Kita at this point, it just doesn't seem worth it anymore.

>> No.8042455

Ellen actually likes doing it though, I wouldn't be surprised if she asks to come.

>> No.8042465

I know plenty of people dropping out after how bad last year was. Why do they even bother promote themselves as an anime convention now?

>> No.8042466
File: 587 KB, 600x482, 1416856178384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kitacon site has crashed

>> No.8042472

>If you've been on the site in the past few minutes and seen it's not working fear not! Last minute tests are underway, and all shall be ready to go in just under 15 MINUTES TIME!!!

>> No.8042481
File: 259 KB, 500x354, puhpuhphu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't expect functional servers when most of the budget went towards those high quality quests.

>> No.8042485
File: 3 KB, 470x67, ss (2015-01-08 at 05.54.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's totally working

>> No.8042487

Back now.

>> No.8042491

Gone again.

>> No.8042493

OMFG. This looks fucking awful.

>> No.8042496
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>> No.8042501
File: 22 KB, 250x250, 1406599652020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to leave house ASAP
>Can't until I get Kita tickets because otherwise they'll be sold out by the time I get back

>> No.8042508

Site is working for me but the registrations aren't open yet.

Disgusting how Kitacon can't even open reg on time, truly vile.

>> No.8042510

>Disgusting how Kitacon can't even open reg on time, truly vile

>> No.8042515


AyaCon never had these problems. Just sayin'

>> No.8042519

Ayacon was best con.

>> No.8042521



>> No.8042525


>> No.8042527

I'm cringing at the amount of VIP badges that have already been sold. Holy fuck weebs have a lot of money.

>> No.8042537

Cringing at tickets being sold at all after the last two guest announcements.

>> No.8042544

it's cause they live with their parents and don't pay for food

>> No.8042560

Under 290 tickets left now

>> No.8042562

But ash is also confirmed

>> No.8042570

Oh shit that's an OK guest but she's not a performer. Need a good mix between performance and personality guests.

>> No.8042572

Got my ticket and my cheap room. There's three of us to a twin room. How were the rooms last year? I've never been.

>> No.8042588

The twin rooms are pretty nice and you shouldn't worry about lack of space with only three people. For the price I'd say it's pretty expensive though but that's just me.

>Shared with male friend last year (I'm a girl)
>There was no door to the bathroom and the shower 'wall' was see-through
>Room stank like shit all weekend and it was awkward to shower
>Balcony door handle fell off the first time I grabbed it

At least the bed was a double and the room was still fairly big for a single. I can't blame the Hilton for doing what they did with the bathroom but my god that was a nightmare. So if anyone is considering sharing a single, just keep all that in mind.

I personally got a family room this year, booked months in advance and got it for a cheaper price than Kitacon is offering for their twin rooms.

>> No.8042600


Whoa girl, congrats on thinking ahead with your room. Wish I'd done the same, but I wasn't sure I'd have the finances for Kita until recently as I've got travel from up North to think about as well.

Thanks for the info, man. I'm really excited, this is my first time at a proper hotel con.

>> No.8042627

Next time check out booking dot com a few months before registration opens, it's usually way cheaper and you have the option of free cancellation. I've saved a ton of money that way when booking shit for cons.

And I hope you'll have fun!! As much as I agree with lots of anons that Kita is pretty shit nowadays, I still enjoy it. Then again, I mostly go for the atmosphere and to see friends, not so much to attend the actual con. Still fun though.

>> No.8042629

Having not been before, whats it like? What days are the parties, contests, events, balls?
Also cheapest place to buy booze?

>> No.8042661

The guest list is so shit this year. It was last year mind.

>> No.8042684

I've done the same. The family room looks sweet.

I don't know if Kita is moving after this year but there's no harm in booking a cancellable room once a con announces it's dates. You never know, you might nab a better deal.

>> No.8042763

So who wants to tell me who the hell this 'cosplay guest' is supposed to be?

>> No.8042816

Ben Cunt (not even joking)

>> No.8042828

>Have hotel room booked for months
>Have non-refundable flight booked for months
>Get badge as soon as reg opens
>A few hours later and most of the best friends are cancelling Kita

Would like to know this too, I'm not too impressed from what I've seen so far

Bring booze with you from home or make a few runs to Birmingham throughout the weekend.

>> No.8042834

Can I have your room?

>> No.8042855

I've got a junior suite and a family room booked up. £492 for the suite and £237 for the family room, both from friday till sunday.
I'll probably cancel the suite so you can have that if you want.

>> No.8042908

Might head over to see friends at kita but fuck buying a badge for that circle jerk.

>> No.8042936

Bens a cosplay guest at Kita? He's basically a normal attendee at anything. Who's he sucking up to this time

>> No.8042946

Pretty sure it's a German cosplayer coming over...

>> No.8043037

It is, the guest is Naraku Brock. They were 2nd place at ECG this year with their Joffrey.

>> No.8043117

I think I'm alone in actually being excited for this guest. She seems lovely and I like her cosplay repertoire.

The other guests I'm not interested in.

>> No.8043130

You certainly aren't alone! I adore her & will be fangirling hard.

>> No.8043216


>>8042763 here, thanks for context. Hoping this will mean we'll get some good panels from her, that would be nice. She sounds nice enough after a quick look around, even though I'd never heard of her before

>> No.8043227

Even before she was in ECG I was a fan of her works, mainly because of her wings and wig work. If she does a panel on wings then I'd be joyous.

>> No.8043234

I'm late to the party, but there is a
Yorkshire Cosplay Con 7 happening at Magna in Rotherham in april.

There are about 2000 members of the facebook group. So I presume most of them are going. I have a few friends in that group that told me they're all going so. I won't be though. Will be travelling to another part of the world in April so.

By the way I don't know if this con will be good or bad, just stating that it's happening in 2015. If you go and get disappointed don't blame me.

Also found this YouTube video from their event last year in Doncaster, again I did not go.



>> No.8043254

Yorkshire Comic Con is the biggest pile of shit I've ever attended.
The event advertise at MCM Birmingham in March and November, handing out flyers, but they try and make you pay to advertise at their event.
The girl who is behind the event is rude as fuck, and a bit of a weirdo aswell.

>> No.8044159

Does anyone know when the room booking will open again? I'm trying to get a double but all it's offering me is atwin.

>> No.8044176

The room booking is open fully.
If there are no doubles its because they ran out.

>> No.8044177

I tried to tolerate that video but I saw my ex and noped out.

>> No.8044190

No, they are releasing rooms under the con rate in batches. They were going to release more today before 10am. Literally nothing has changed - there's been no rooms available under the rate for Thurs - Monday and twins only for Friday-Monday. But there's been nothing from Kita to say that today's batch has been up and gone.

>> No.8044229

My mate phoned this morning and apparently the hotel's doubles are completely booked, so no more will be released.

>> No.8044253

I managed to book a room after the cut off time, not sure how but I booked a double room for me and a friend, though now I'm annoyed about this 'see-through' shower thing, since I'm rooming with a guy. We're friends but, still awkward :/.

I'm hoping to get in the Artist Alley or Dealers Den when they open up.

>> No.8044254

Sure. Email?

>> No.8044279

There are more doubles available again, but it's £500 for the weekend. Nope.

>> No.8044304

The see through shower is only for the single rooms, it's kind of their way of preventing more than one person from using the room I guess? But yeah, since you've booked a double I'm pretty sure you won't run into this problem.

>> No.8044308

Yeah, I've stayed in a twin room every time I've been to Kita and have never encountered this see through shower before. I think you should be fine.

>> No.8044316

This event could be so much better and actually WORTH going to, if the theme of it wasn't ''we have no events apart from getting wasted and being a nuisance to the non-con-going public''

>> No.8044337

So what were the problems with the last Kita, other than the "Chap Hop" guests?

And what sort of things do they have on? Anything unique or particularly good events?

Did anyone go to the Birmingham Comicon back in November? I only go because my little bro is into anime but he can't go to any of the other cons.

>> No.8044340

It's nicknamed 'the party con'. There's virtually no actual events, just lots of drinking and shitty music. They don't even have decent cosplay panels because the committee refuse to take anyone that's UK based. Who knows why.

>> No.8044398

When I looked around online earlier this weekend I was finding doubles for ~£350-400ish so it might be worth looking around? Of course, that might have changed since it was before regs opened but it's worth a try.

>> No.8044401

The biggest problem with Kita last time was how long the closing ceremony dragged on. Meant that the hour break between the end of the closing ceremony and sunday night live became SNL going on live and then they still insisted on putting Elemental on so the ball was cut down to ridiculously short times, along with the ending party. On top of that what other people have said about the panels. There were some good ones, I went to quite a few, but I've always noticed more variety and just more panels at Ame/Aya. I'm hoping that now they've moved to the sumer spot though we might get some of the panel probleming sorted out.

>> No.8044408

That would explain the lack of panel videos - I thought it was odd that only about 5 videos on Youtube weren't just cosplay montages. Ugh, not really a party person and it's also pretty odd that they don't have good cosplay panels /:I.

This Elemental bloke sounds like a tosser.

>> No.8044435

God, I had completely forgotten about that hell. The surprise auction added to the end of the ceremony was unwelcome. I felt like we were being held hostage until some poor schmuck paid £100 to be shot at by a voice actor.

>> No.8044441

No idea where you people are getting your LSCC 'knowledge' but Ziggy wasn't backstabbed. She had a nervous breakdown (like she always does) cried everywhere and screamed in the face of the Sony representative and the main organiser. They were gonna formally kick her out but she'd already decided 'it was best for her to leave'.
She barely organised the show last year even from the start. Ben came in early and they just handed him the reigns. Plus the rest of the staff on the day held it together, and the Sony prizes were something Ben got together.
Ziggy just sells a dramatic sob story and no-one has the time to bother correcting it.
The stage at the show is down to the show, and cosplay isn't exactly their main deal, so it's just a glammed up panel room, could obviously be better but could be worse. WCS qualifiers which are supposed to be a big deal have been on shit stages for years.
Also it's a joke to complain that people are entering from other countries. Cosplay isn't supposed to be a nationalist thing. If you've got an issue then just make something better and beat them. People like Valentine might be an ego driven prick but at least he gives it a go.
Hell, even with Ben's ego and his apparent 'backstabbing' some train wreck girl, he's at least organised a half decent event for free and won stuff himself.
UK has a shit ton of cons but barely any comps as it is.

>> No.8044452

How can you forget. That's two hours of my life I'll never get back. I felt most for the people doing SNL though. Most people fled after the closing ceremony (and with good reason) and there was barely any audience.

Pretty much. There's normally a couple of them - I remember going to a wig one, and there was an armour one the year before, but even though I make an effort to go to as many panels as I can I can't remember going to more than a couple. I could fish out my conbooks and have a look if anyone's really interested in a comparison.

>> No.8044470

This is the truth!

>> No.8044472

I was going to submit a cosplay panel and I'm a UK cosplayer. Should I still bother?

>> No.8044493

No harm in trying. I hope you get it!

>> No.8044564

My god I was fuming at that. I seriously wanted to break someone's neck. I'm glad I was on relatively early in the SNL. I felt so sorry for the people on towards the end.... The closing ceremony was an absolute joke.

>> No.8044666

Do you have to be a guest to run a panel?

>> No.8044667

I'm the one you replied to; honestly, give it a shot, no harm in it, but don'y be discouraged if you're met with some unreasonable excuse and a refusal. I wish you luck Anon!

>> No.8044781

The truth is probably a bit of both stories

>> No.8044838

Not at Kita. You just submit an Event.

>> No.8044849

Thinking about running a panel at KIta (especially since there's apparently no events). Thinking maybe an hour long, based on a popular series I like, including some audience participation games. Good or bad idea?

>> No.8044887

In my opinion,no. I think it's a bad idea. It's like giving a powerpoint presentation to a bunch of people then quizing them at the end. I personally wouldn't sit through it.
Unless your idea is different to that, if so, explain your plan, and I'll give you a better opinion.

>> No.8044910

>Implying all panels aren't like that

It depends on the presenter and the content, I've been to some panels that have been hugely enjoyable and interesting. Getting the audience involved is a good thing since otherwise it's just like being lectured to.

>> No.8044942
File: 895 KB, 1350x810, 39870750_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different person with another panel idea looking for feedback. I want to do one based off BL visual novels and explore more obscure VNs, how to play them, how to set things up, which ones have translations and discuss all aspects for someone who may have only played DMMD to get properly into BL VNs. I also want to do a dumb game and maybe give out a couple of prizes.

The yaoi panel last year was just as I expected, dreadful. I kinda want to try something myself for actual good BL stuff and not just random images found on google search put on a powerpoint.

>> No.8044947

I've never been to a yaoi panel that wasn't utter shit. Screaming fangirls waving around penis plushies creaming themselves at boys kissing.

If you do a proper, decent BL panel that doesn't fall into the hurrrr gai trap you have all my support anon!

>> No.8044948

Different styles of panels facilitate different levels of participation.

Things like quizzes and competitions obviously involve everyone all at once, they also make great places to meet people because of that very reason.

Work shops and hands on panels where everyone gets to take part do the same thing.

Then you have demonstrative panels, like Nert's photography panel, where he'd get volunteer models and photographers and throw in his unique humour. If you have something you can present that is simple enough for audience members to jump in then that's great.

If you want to do an instruction or how-to panel have lots of pictures and videos and phyiscal demo's or examples if you can. No one goes to panels with a notebook in hand and no one goes to a con like it's Uni for Animu. So don't just sit there and talk with slides full of text. Also be prepared to field questions, even if you can't answer you might be able to direct them to a resource that can help.

Panels based around humour are a hard sell. It relies on everyone in the room sharing your humour. I've been in a panel where it was run by a group who presented all their in jokes. They found it hilarious and everyone in the panel was just like wtf all the time. The most common ground for humour is sex which is what yaoi, yuri and hentai panels survive on. But try to hard to be funny and it shows.

>> No.8044950

That sounds like fun, I'd go to that!

>> No.8044964


You should consider talking to MangaGamer. They have that one BL game coming out soon and might be willing to give you a free copy for a giveaway or something.

>> No.8044987

Anyone else getting sick of shitty copy and paste composites/edits all over the place? Good ones are good, but I keep seeing loads with backgrounds that don't blend in the slightest and the focus and colour matching is terrible. This is why you pay professionals.

>> No.8045016

Welp, I fucked up my reg so I might have to losercon it. What's the Kita losercon experience like?

>> No.8045860

Wlfcc is gonna be fun.
Have you guys seen the other cons sharing the space that weekend?

>> No.8045974

Upload a sample.

Thats true i have seen some shitters and get loads of likes, its like are they all blind or something?

Pay professionals? Not everyone has money to throw around for shoots. Especially as most of the so called "professionals" do wedding shoots and will charge you their working rates.

>> No.8046040
File: 55 KB, 720x480, 10474254_767949433267932_5053904930799092130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a shitty copy paste background, but the wobbly floors from bad shooping is laughable

>> No.8046041

What the fresh hell is going on here?

>> No.8046052

Why who actually gets like for them?
Is anyone even good at them? Never seen a decent one that could look at all realistic.

>> No.8046077

You have got to be kidding me. SCG?? That'll be Lucas's work then? The one who shit on everyone, togs and cosplayers alike.

>> No.8046138

Wow they turn other cosplayers down for this. In a back garden.

>> No.8046150

long shot but anyone have experience as a dealer at London MCM? planning to book my 1st table on mon

>> No.8046254

Well good luck with that, there's only about 5 booths left on the whole huge floorplan. Priority bookings took 99% of the show already.

>> No.8046274

> Says UK aren't worth his time unless they pay him.
>Makes everyone who wants to shoot with him send WIPs so he can check if they're good enough for him
>Gets insulted when people call him elitist.

And then does shitty edits like this. Oh boy.

>> No.8046319

This is awful.

>> No.8046334

Hahaha send him their WIP? Seriously? All the other togs must hate him surely considering he bitches about all of them.

>> No.8046338

Pay him to attend? You joking, is his ego really that big? SCG is only popular because of other photographers showing their photos, and also because it used to be Sexy Cosplay Girls, not the re worded Super Cosplay Girls. Different title, same shit.

>> No.8046341

Didn't he send out those status bascially slagging all the UK photographers and something about they shouldn't shoot in the carpark, but yet he shoots in there himself?

>> No.8046601
File: 109 KB, 960x717, 1483340_364511057089397_8571491945110755997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow digicon look busy

>> No.8046629

He did, basically said there are better places to shoot than a carpark

>> No.8046659

Looks more like a support group for middle age men.

>> No.8046710

Which is a shame because I heard the actual event was really good,

>> No.8046768

really?? how do do you know? are you a dealer?

>> No.8047540

It was aimed at Sonesh and Kyle, calling them shit because of a shoot they did. It wasnt that bad and Sonesh is well known for carpark shoots, but Lucas can't hack that cos they're not following his method. Lucas thinks hes some kind of spokes person for uk cosplay photographers, so full of himself. I speak to quite a few cosplay photographers and hes lost alot of respect from. He just doesnt know it in his own little world. His scg group is falling apart, he used to have stall at mcm, but now doesnt cos hes fallen out with so many if the scg cos hes a scum bag behind the scenes. Why Stacy runs to him for shoots i will never known. I used to respect Stacy, but not now, she should known better than to lower herself to him.

>> No.8047558

Hes not a nice person behind the scenes, why do you think there was that one time he had to ask for volunteers to man the admin work for scg? Because people knew what he is like and everyone quit and or avoided him. Then he went and pulled that kickstarter stunt, which frankly was an absolute joke and failed miserably. He is a elitist who only shoots you if your top tier or somehow help promote his ego.

>> No.8047562

I remember a post he did after attending Conichi to say UK cosplayers need to step up their game. Basically beating down on all uk cosplayers, calling them shit, like we're doing it for him.

>> No.8047569

This will explain y theres no hot chicks promoting SCG like it used to. I remember them days, oh I'm a scg cosplayer. Now it's shameful to be associated with him tbh.

>> No.8047590

Ha, what a prick wish he'd fuck off out of the UK then. Why on earth does he even think he's so gifted anyway

>> No.8047629

He thinks hes doing things no photographers have ever done. Watches a bunch of youtube tuts and copies them, but because other photographer are not doing the same as him because they are more creative than copy videos he think they are shit.

>> No.8047634

Hes not, but thinks he is. He has to get 10 people to look at his work before he posts them, cos hes a baby and needs approval and people to praise him and hold his hand, his latest status, oh im a wedding photographer now. But has handouts from another tog for lenses. What a tramp, he can't do anything without someone helping him out.

>> No.8047643

Just had a look at his conichi album, its all the same boring shots. Whats with the fucked up colour background about?? Lol

>> No.8047646

I have no respect for that guy, i avoid him at cons. Hes such a creep.

>> No.8047664

If a photographer has some kind of paper to prevent him approaching panels table at cons, you know he's bad news. Don't understand why ppl want to work with him.

>> No.8047680

Because scg has a lot of followers. If he posts pictures there, its good exposure

>> No.8047683

Loads of people are now calling out on his shit. I'm just waiting for his next, who wants a shoot, send me your WIP status. Unless you have over 10k followers don't even bother. There are more capable free photographers than him.

>> No.8047686

Good exposure? Lol, try looking in the cosplayers from around the world folder. Basically the folder you get put into because its not good enough to get featured properly on front page and to shut people up. Like getting featured in SCG is a good thing? Lol

>> No.8047689

Its all paid likes, you can tell becuase there are hardly any comments to likes ratio. So it doesnt net you any likes on your own page. Its just a front money making scheme he had planned but has gone to shit, now his only joyment is shitting on everyone else.

>> No.8047715

Lucus lost all respect from the original admins of the page it wasn't just him who stared the group it was a group of men not just lucus then he pushed them out because he got all high and mighty he use to be nice now his just up himself.

>> No.8047748

Any other photographers to avoid?

>> No.8047789

any good small fry photographers who are worth looking at?

>> No.8047792

Ah, right. That will explain why the only photos you see get put up by from scg is him now. You shit on enough people, eventually people will call you out and hes at that stage now, noone really wants to work with him and he has to approach people instead. When will he understand, SCG is not what it once was and never will be cos hes tainted that brand.

>> No.8047871

Pouncy. Always avoid Pouncy. He takes the same poses for every single person he shoots with, he's got a shitty back drop, and he won't leave you alone. He even uploads the shit pictures to his Flickr. So embarrassing.

>> No.8047886

I like Beth Dooner/MadameLapin. She does a lot for Starlightfairy and looks promising.

Also Littlegeeky, but I haven't seen any of her new stuff for a while so don't know if she still takes a lot of photos.

>> No.8047941
File: 103 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not known for her photography, but I seriously think it's something felixize should spend more time doing since what she does turn out looks really great - especially the portraits are always clean and well edited.

I think she might be better at photos now than making costumes, her wcs finals costume I wasn't blown away by.

>> No.8047984

Tascha Dearing's work is nice, more artistic than the rest. However it seems she only takes very few pictures and only of friends.

>> No.8048209

Yeah, she only takes photos of her circlejerk friends and they inturn praise her and share the fuck out of it like shes the only photographer out there.

>> No.8048213

Only if you wouldn't mind and they're not going to be a hassle to find.

>> No.8048221

Pouncy, if you was at a con, hes probably got a photo of you. He takes alot, downside is he doesn't really edit or check what he uploads, so you could be eating/ mid blink and he would still upload it. But hes the goto guy if you just want a quick photo.

>> No.8048246

She uses too much instagram type filters for my liking. I spend ages looking for the right colours for my costume to get it as close to the anime as possible. Why would i want my costume to end up with completely off colour. :/

>> No.8048264

Its to hide the fact its a crappy quality shot. Thats why instagay uses it.

>> No.8048331

I am so small fry that I don't even take cosplay photos but if anyone reading this has a dSLR and would like to learn how to use their camera in manual mode I presented this workshop at... oh, I can't remember which con, Minami or Aya or something. I'll also be putting up more photography tutorials on my page over this year. Hope it's of use to somebody anyway, I know there's lots of folk who own cameras and would maybe like to use them more.

Facebook url + /mazcostuts/albums/310503909151468

If you were getting into cosplay photography or just photography in general (the skills are pretty transferable) what other stuff might you like to know? How to pose people and so on? Adapting to changing lighting conditions? I did a manual focus workshop a year or two ago, need to dig out the slides for that and put them up.

>> No.8048345
File: 41 KB, 960x553, 10897914_896547057043778_2595982739225235536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then edits like this happen and everyone says it's amazing and she's the best. Tabitha looks 15ft tall in this.
Took 5 hours.

>> No.8048359

That would look so much nicer without the yellow cast. And if the background was in better focus. It suits the costume so why DOF it out and not make it a feature?

>> No.8048381

Given that lighting she'd have a much more pronounced shadow. Themed backgrounds and atmospheric lighting is bullshit if your character looks like a sticker.

>> No.8048393

Thing is you can pull off a photo like that without any shop if you have the right settings and some little battery powered slave flashes. Shame.

>> No.8048415

the wounds on the arm need work. no wound if that clean, it needs bruising or redness around it to look real.

>> No.8048417

The blood wouldn't run directly down either. It would curve around the arm.

>> No.8048421

works on the 100+ luttece pictures she did recently but thats it.

>> No.8048434

To the average joe thinks it's good, but it just looks like a basic cut and paste job. That arm on the right is too straight and unrealistic. The thing that bothers me the most is the DOF is all wrong. The person is sharp, but it falls off too quickly and remains the same for the length of the room. Ofcourse the light intensity is all wrong, so causing the cosplayer to look like a cutout.

>> No.8048436

I think its more than likely a photo she used and pasted onto a background from google images. She has known to edit other peoples photos because she can't take her own.

>> No.8048445

Yep, my first thought when i saw it. The cosplayer and background looks like seperate entity.

>> No.8048452

Oh what a surprise, she only edits the cosfamous. hate photographers like that, they only take photos of cosplayers with loads of likes.

>> No.8048457

People often confuse the term, shes a digital artist/editor and not a good one at that. Shes not a photographer. Wish people would saying shes a good photographer, shes not. She uses photoshop for everything.

>> No.8048461

she fakes alot of DOF in her photos because she doesn't have the right equipment/lens to do it in shot. Its the cheap mans (womans) way.

>> No.8048495

I think people actually pay her for it. The rates on her page ask fo £60 for this type.

>> No.8048501

Like who? Seems to be mostly smallfries, not counting tabitha.

>> No.8048502

Haha oh wow that's bad!

>> No.8048528

TigerLily, lola in progress, Kelly Jean, Lisa Marie Cosplay etc etc.

>> No.8048535

You'll be a mug to pay £60 for that.

>> No.8048537

And the rest are all smallfries. And I can't even see Kelly Jean in the photos, which picture is it?

>> No.8048542

The dude at crimson coscraft charges less than that and his edits are way better.

>> No.8048544
File: 85 KB, 640x960, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another bad edit. Think this was sold as prints too, what a joke.

>> No.8048546

lol@ that DOF...

>> No.8048552

wtf, the perspective is all wrong. Where her toes at? In the ground? lol

>> No.8048558

Why do people keep faking the dof, it just looks so cheesy??

>> No.8048561

Haven't even heard of lola in progress

>> No.8048564

Shes a good cosplayer, very underrated though for what she does.

>> No.8048569

She's Australian, moved here a few years back. She's done loads of good costumes, just not very well known over here because she doesn't sell herself out by doing sexy cosplays only.

>> No.8048570

What happened to good old photos. Everything is over shopped now. Wish there was more just "normal" photos with only very minor touchups instead of all this OTT shoop.

>> No.8048571

Wow she's put a load of weight on recently

>> No.8048577

>She's done loads of good costumes, just not very well known over here because she doesn't sell herself out by doing sexy cosplays only.
And thats 99% of our good cosplayers over here. Unknown because they aren't showing ass/tits/both.

>> No.8048582

It's it mainly done to sell prints.

>> No.8048588

Yep, thats why i respect her so much, she does amazing cosplays and don't shout about it, unfortuantly, drowned out by all these attention whores.

>> No.8048590

I actually would buy prints if they were in the actual setting. Do a proper location photoshoot, get a good photographer, looks 100x better.

>> No.8048596
File: 71 KB, 960x719, oio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look through the album, it's all over-faked. Found this gem. The DOF is terrible and the angle of the floor. Cosplayer looks like she's floating. You can tell the background is from Google there are ski tracks everywhere.

>> No.8048597

Too bad she makes drama. She needs to get her medication changed or seek help.

>> No.8048598

Think shes not been well recently, on all kinds of meds.

>> No.8048604

Prefer the black background even if it's boring

>> No.8048617

what drama?

>> No.8048628

Took two pros (lucas from scg) and UK best photographer to produce that c&p job. lol

>> No.8048637

Agree, at least with the plain background you can concentrate on the costume, instead of wondering why theres ski tracks in the snow lol.

>> No.8048644

It's all about the details, if she failed to notice something you picked up by glacing means shes shoddy at editing not to notice.

>> No.8048645

She blocked a load of people for apparently trolling her or something. Something to do with Stevie and someone else.

>> No.8048656

Probably hoped people were only looking at the costume. It's sloppy work.

>> No.8048675

Oh them Stevie Dee, Linda Bryson-carter and David L French? The usual troll group. Always the same, one of them would start shit or pick on someone and the others would follow suit and they say theyre not bullies. They are actually ok in RL, but are total assholes online for some reason.

>> No.8048697

Lucas is also part of that crew. They just target people and bully them until they daren't come online. She called them out on it and they went batshit at her, so she blocked them.

>> No.8048698

It's already shot with a black background, it can't get any easier to paste it onto a background and she can't even do that properly.

>> No.8048704

Why are they showing before and after? It isn't exactly difficult to extract the cosplayer out and drop it into a backdrop. You only show before and after, if the final result is really different to the original.

>> No.8048712

Why am i not surprised Lucas is part of it? His name seems to keep poping up in this thread. Seems to be all round cunt.

>> No.8048725

Best way, why would you want fucktards like them in your feed?

>> No.8048844

But he's the biggest fucking cunt on the scene.

>> No.8048852

lola is as bad as all of them.

>> No.8048901

Laura are you still upset you weren't good enough for SCG?

>> No.8048923

Laura? I assume that's this Lola girl and not Laura/Sands

I feel so old sometimes not knowing who all these new young cosplayers are.. back to my zimmer frame

>> No.8048977

She doesn't cause shit, just calls people up on being shitty and shines a light on them so everyone can see how badly they behave.

>> No.8049091
File: 22 KB, 572x122, Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 23.21.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. About 4 booths left now so have fun.

>> No.8049386

she's ok for portraits but overall a bit crap imho

who does cosplay photoshoots at nice fitting locations like castles and beaches and then goes full bokeh so you can't even see any of it??

just seems like a cheap attempt to look more "pro", at least her editing has improved though and I don't think she charges? so ok for a UK photog

>> No.8049432

You think that's a laugh? She's selling prints of her own cosplay now.

>> No.8050145

No Sands Laura is nice and talented compared to lola in progress Laura (Benson) who is bitter and spreads rumours about people.

More convinced this is her. Only Laura could justify her shitty attitude like this.
She shits on everyone else to try and make herself look better. Even the togs are tired of her telling them how to take photos and moaning when she looks bad. She looked a fat lumpy mess in that costume with her belly hanging out. Photographers aren't miracle workers.

>> No.8050201

Kelly? She has always sold prints.

>> No.8050228

No way I'm going to get one now

>> No.8050305

Sup Stevie Dee, Linda Bryson-carter or Lucas. Having fun?

>> No.8050421

I think they mean the cosplayer in the photo, not sure who it is, but lets be realistic, unless you are are doing sexy, suggestive fan service aimed at the neckbeards, you're not going to sell many, or unless you are top tier.

>> No.8050455

Its the catch 22 situation, if the cosplayer looks shitty and get posted, the cosplayer complains, calls them shit. If they edit her body, they get flamed and shamed for editting their body, so what happens is all the togs will just avoid them, noone wants grief, especially as theyre doing it for free!

>> No.8050462

Sexy will outsell any top tier, as Oki's selling history has shown, but thats a different subject.

>> No.8050467

She needs new stuff, she doesn't seem to have anything new, it's the same photos from when she was with scg.

>> No.8050476

Not going to lie her Mai cosplay is sexy as hell and i'll buy prints of that at a heartbeat if she ever does another set with it. Yes, I'm a neck beard and proud. I have money, do you want it or not? Lol

>> No.8050480

She doesn't really cosplay any more. Unless you count wearing it whilst streaming on twitch.

>> No.8050482

Shes one of them people that just doesn't fade away. She doesn't do any new cosplays, but yet end just with Jnig at booths.

How does that work, shes no longer with scg, but yet still sell photo taken by them, at least thats the case at mcm. She doesnt even sell prints online, her store is closed.

>> No.8050483

He needs to get his shoot payment agreements sorted, thats all I'm going to say

>> No.8050492

Fuck me, why don't she just go fully nude, get it over and done with. It's not like shes shy look at her. The way i see it is, shes wasting her time, she ain't going to be young forever, before she knows it, she'll be crinkled hag noone wants to see. If i was a fit chick and people are willing to pay for my nudes, bet your ass i'll be spread eagle in front of a camera faster then you can say, how much is that gucci bag.

>> No.8050497

Anon seems to know something, please spill the beans. Its not like that dude is sqeeky clean. Eveytime theres a mention of people to avoid, or scandal, or someone shit'in on cosplayers or togs, hes in there like hes some kind of king pin.

>> No.8050562

The person that did this hasn't grasped the concept of a good composition. She looks like a giant in that image with that stupid shallow depth of field, pun intended ofcourse. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but theres clearly watermark lines crisscrossing all over the background which is to deter people from stealing it, which the person whos done the edit hasn't even bothered to photoshop out, what a lazy son of a bitch.

>> No.8050578

Also the shadows are wrong. For that sort of lighting there should be two shadows, one from each flood light?

>> No.8050603
File: 110 KB, 636x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think the dof is funny on that, look at this gem they did lol, it's like wtf, that is not at all pleasing to the eye. Learn to take photos properly instead of relying on photoshopped gaussian blur.

>> No.8050608

Yep, you're right. I know this because i watch alot of football and if you at a match when they have floodlights on, there are at least two sets of shadow. It's just shoddy photoshop, they haven't actually stepped back to look at it at all.

>> No.8050613

She does that on a lot of her edits and also random colours for no reason.

>> No.8050617

But its 'artistic', just like folks who change an image to black and white and assume thats artistic, but it's not. It just demonstrates they can go into use a drop down menu in photoshop, but they call themselves artist.

>> No.8050619

Her earlier stuff is actually better. Now it looks like shes just doing for the sake of doing it without putting much thought into it, or trying to copy the mainstream cosplayer photographers and failing.

>> No.8050632

The trouble is cosplayers praise her for it and so does her followers so what shes doing is just given them what they want, which unfortunately is really bad edits in the whole scheme of things.

Just like in costuming, number of likes doesnt equal an actual better costume.

>> No.8050634

Thats Kyles shades on photo isn't it? A cheapshot at getting Kellys arse.

>> No.8050643

Faking the DOF with use of photoshop is never realistic at the best of times, especially if its implemented this badly. She needs to actually focus on getting it right inshot using something with a large aperture like a 1.8-1.2 nifty fifthy. I can see what shes trying to do, make the viewer focus is on the face area by blurring the surrounding, but it doesnt work like that when the distance of her arm suddenly drops out of focus like that while large part of her hair/chest is in sharp focus.

I don't care what others will say, but sometimes you need the right gear for the job, you can't expect to do a shallow depth of field using a lens thats fucking f2.8 for a portrait like this and expect everything to bokeh out except for the eyes/face.

>> No.8050682

if you cant use photoshop properly, just leave the image fuck alone instead of trying to make it artistic by applying crap filters and blurs. All her images are so over photoshopped its awful.

>> No.8050695

She only hangs around with their social circle elitist group. If anyone takes photo of them, they won't acknowledge them or display it on their page, but if Tascha takes a photo of them, fuck me, you will see it everyday for the next month on their facebook, twitter, tumblr, every social media you can think of.

Thats why she doesnt need to take photos of smallfries. Why would she need to when she gets so much more exposure for such little effort? Anyone that charges for edits are out there for money, not for the love of the hobby.

>> No.8050717

I think she's trying to go pro, thats why she charges.

>> No.8050810

Speaking of the Super fails, anyone else notice they're once again planning to force the kid's birthday down peoples throats at LSCC?

'I would like to ask anyone to every time you see us (more specifically Gui), to make a big deal out of it, shout happy birthday and sing it to him! It's not everyday you turn 7! :P'

Pretty sure what'd be nicer for ickle Gui is if he had a birthday party inviting his actual friends.

>> No.8050819

>it's not every day you turn 8
>it's not every day you turn 9
>it's not every day you turn 10
>It's not every day you turn 11
>it's not every day you turn 12

Kids gonna have good memories of his childhood. It's just pushy parents wanting the attention from it.

>> No.8050843

Yep saw and no thanks, got nothing against the kid but last thing I can be bothered with at that con is stroking their egos as they try to live through the child.

People have birthdays at con's all the time, present from the place/drinks/meal after - sorted.

If they want a big gathering, throw the kid his own party ffs

>> No.8050992

>Fuck me, why don't she just go fully nude

She already has. See >>8034146 and a quick GIS will get you the uncensored originals.

>> No.8051003

Well, anyone fancy paying her £60 for the shit she does is stupid and deserves to lose their money. Seriously, her edits are crap and full of rookie mistakes, and all she does is apply some actions to, which takes 2 seconds and tweek it using sliders, which adds another 10 seconds. You can always tell its done by actions because the image looks flat. That image of Tabs could have taken 50 hours, but if the end result is rubbish it doesn't matter how long it took, it looks bad. She needs to ACTUALLY step back and look at what she is doing and stop thinking just because her wankgroup is praising her, that her work is worth shit.

>> No.8051045

But because she's in the snobby elitist group, if anyone mentions it, they'll be the most hated person in the community, because everyone will just jump to re-build her ego more.

>> No.8051047

That goes for the whole circlejerk, not just her. They all bitch about each other secretly but none of them will ever dare criticise in public. Whole bunch of ass kissing so nobody improves and everybody is happy to wallow in their shit-tier costumes and photos and ignorantly believe they are fantastic.

>> No.8051070

Any other togs? We've had a fair few of the rubbish ones, any other good?

>> No.8051080

Which is the same reason why no one has told Joshua that the barely clothes beard costumes are fucking trash.