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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 17 KB, 450x300, notorontodramuplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8028876 No.8028876 [Reply] [Original]

With the new year, let's try and start off from a fresh page and try to avoid any Melty/Purrblind drama. It's getting fucking annoying.

In any cases, what cons are you planning to go to?
What are you cosplaying?
And general Canada stuff.

>> No.8028926

Hard mode: no melty & purrblind drama

>> No.8028931

What's the story behind Purrblind? I'm awfully curious now as I've been stalking her and she seems to give off the " OMG IM SO INNOCENT AND GOOD ^___^ " persona.

>> No.8028935

Has Sengoku Basara cosplay ever been really big? I got into the series pretty late but I fell in love right away.

>> No.8028941

she's obsessed with cosfame and cosfamous people. will fuck over for any chance at either of these.

>> No.8028949

Why don't you faggots just make these Ontario threads?

>> No.8029079

Wasn't planning on going to Calgary Expo, but my friend texted me today and said she'd pay for my ticket since she can't drive.

It's depressing that a convention is the one thing that will give me motivation in life right now.

>> No.8029194


Is that like Dynasty Warriors or something?

>> No.8029216

no more melty/purblind. Let's talk about Robin's giraffe neck. lel

>> No.8029408

It plays in a similar style, though it's made btly Capcom instead of Koei. Whereas Dynasty and Samurai Warriors have attacks and characters slightly more grounded in reality, Sengoku Basara goes full ham. You've got stuff like Date Masamune wielding six swords and a horse with exhaust pipes; Honda Tadakatsu who is a giant mech with jetpacks; Saika Magoichi who is a woman with pistols, shotguns, and automatic rifles; and Tachibana Muneshige who wields dual chainsaws. It's silly and rather endearing.

>> No.8029483

Any canadian cosplay girls hotter than melty/purrblind? Post please since I'd like to follow them ;)

>> No.8029595


I haven't seen much at eastern cons lately, nor have I seen anybody make cosplays of the series at all lately. I'm guessing it's more popular in Asian than in the west.

>> No.8030056
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Hey /cgl/

Bought those AN tickets yet?

>> No.8030187
File: 518 KB, 955x657, cosplayplans2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought mine an hour ago:
>As of 2pm today (January 2nd) 3000 weekend/group admissions have been sold.

>> No.8030302
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You bettcha, I always buy my tickets day one. I remember people freaking out in the facebook group because they still didn't have their tickets the day before the con.

>> No.8030309

Bought them last night when people were posting their 30+ group orders. Geeze, I don't expect the 5000 to last very long.

>> No.8030343

They're up to 4,000 sold now. Def gonna sell out tonight,

>> No.8030402

... crap, I'm at work.Reckon the <5000 will last a few more hours?

Also how strict is AN on putting your legal name on the badge?

>> No.8030404

Well there were 3,000 sold at 2pm, and at 5pm it was 4,000

>> No.8030516
File: 73 KB, 638x960, 10854965_912548742130984_1982048613965684532_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotter than Melty/Purrblind. Give Linnea Cosplay a look-see

>> No.8030603

Meh, she's okay, less hot because shes 'besties' with Arila

>> No.8030609

> As of Jan 02, the first 5,000 Weekend/Group admissions have been sold and pricing has moved to the second tier. All registrations submitted by regular mail must now use the updated registration form now available on this website.


>> No.8030617
File: 7 KB, 249x244, 1414349651773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people are buttmad over not getting their tickets sooner and saving ten dollars.

>> No.8030623

Not even $10. It's $5. 5 fucking dollars. These niggers are the cheapeast jews of all time.

>> No.8030627

Is any western weebs going to PG Fancon? It's suppose to be pretty big as Shatner is going.

>> No.8030652

Ugly friends dont post their ugly friends on 4chan

That's just common courtesy

>> No.8030675

Tomorrow is Anime Revolution's winter con thing. I'm a skytrain station away but I'm not going to bother attending. Anyone here going?

>> No.8030679

Reminder to get your teaparty tickets ASAP! Cadney has mentioned that there will be an insane announcement very soon in regards to the teaparty, and she said the tickets will sell out immediately after whatever it is is announced.

>> No.8030693

>Kaoruko cosplay
please be in London

>> No.8030887

Not a friend. Just someone who "likes" her (page) and thinks she's cute.

If you think she's ugly, have you maybe looked in the mirror lately?

>> No.8030918

I've been in the US for college, but I want to move back to BC once I graduate. How are the cons in BC? I know there's one in UBC. Also, how about Calgary cons? I have some family and friends over there as well.

>> No.8031040

They're already mostly listed as unavailable, because people are hoarding them into their carts until they expire, and repeat.

Managed to snag one after refreshing a bit; last year I put it off and I couldn't get one in time, and I ended up pretty disappointed. Glad I have it secured.

>> No.8031133

Slightly off topic, but how is the US? Are the stereotypes about the people true?

I really want to go to some American cons but I'm kind of afraid of the people (I know it sounds stupid, but I am) based on what others say about them.

>> No.8031165

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter comeback than that. Did you brain stop developing past the age of 12? You've never posted anything of interest or quality making you literally the most useless Canadian tripfag on this board. And that's quite the accomplishment

>> No.8031168

There's a lot of cons around BC, for anime, comics, games, MLP, whatever. You have: Tsukino Con (Victoria), Anime Evolution, Anime Revolution, Cos & Effect, Northwest Fanfest, FanExpo, BronyCAN, MiniComi (1-day Artist Alley event), Vancouver Comic Fest (aka VANCAF), Vancouver Retro Gaming Expo, Summer Fest and something else, likely other mini events.

Sorta feel like the anime cons are a bit of a mess because there are so many of them.

>> No.8031227

Honestly, it depends. There are a lot of assholes, but that's true for any area. I'm in Florida and congoers are mostly very warm people. Cons are generally very open environments considering basically everyone is a giant dork excited to see other dorks. If you'd like to go to a US con, I'd suggest it!
Thanks! It's kinda like that in Florida, too. Lots of cons with little organization.

>> No.8031231

Florida is dramacon central. Do not get involved, do not attend. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.8031260

Yeah, I agree. Florida is pretty dramatic, I've found that I stopped talking to pretty much everybody I've met through Florida cons.

>> No.8031304
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AN cosplans template

>> No.8031307
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and mine

>> No.8031328
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From the official AN Facebook group.

>> No.8031347
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Again for anyone interested I'm trying to start up a Canada Cosplay skype group, add me if you're interested


>> No.8031360

what a fucking idiot haha

>> No.8031381


>> No.8031407

Nope, I can't endure the embarrassment of another AR con.

>> No.8031431

This chick gets a lot of worship for not wearing shoes in her pics, I think she's actually trying to play to the foot fetish community for likes, she encourages the guys to drool over her feet in her photo comments

where are the good girl cosplayers? there seems to always be a twist

>> No.8031446

Damn. Good thing I was able to snag one for myself and my friend.

>> No.8031455

I really want to hear more honest opinions about AR, especially artist alley reviews. The prices are just ridiculous given the downtown venue, so I was close to attending the winter event as an artist, but I nope'd out. Things turned out too last minute and barely any advertisements for the artists till that schedule map came out like a day or two ago.

>> No.8031460

Anyone been to animaritime? 2014 was exceedingly meh but it's either animaritime or I travel to Ontario all the time for cons...

>> No.8031568

Seeing how Cosplay.com is pretty well dead, where's the next best place to view organized photoshoots at conventions such as Anime North? Looking to not just know when and where they are, but who's going as well who I can get in contact with.

>> No.8031582


>> No.8031640

I believe the official forums have a subsection on that:

>> No.8031653

It's actually a $10 difference though, between $50 and $60.

>> No.8031739
File: 64 KB, 504x690, AnimeNorth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been the biggest shitstorm in a while.

I get where this guy is coming from, but at the same time, you can't just fix things as easy as he says you can

>> No.8031741
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The comic they posted with it.

>> No.8031781

The guy seems pretty intelligent about this though, that's a well presented opinion

>> No.8031783
File: 29 KB, 505x386, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty dumb too. But posts in this group are always pretty stupid, with more and more stupid posts getting closer to the con.

>> No.8031787
File: 39 KB, 336x448, 1295659717409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen groups at cons years ago. And you might find ONE SenBasa cosplayer per Anime North.

I have like... all of the materials+wig for a Yukimura cosplay and I never finished it.

>> No.8031920

Attendance cap is not a lazy solution. Tons of big cons have attendance caps (PAX East and SDCC come to mind), and their tickets go fast.

He also fails to realize that the Toronto Congress Centre is divided into two buildings. Word among staffers is that the TCC will likely never allow Anime North to use the second building. It's a much nicer building than the one AN has used for the past decade, and supposedly TCC staff would rather keep that building free of the trash and damage that large groups of congoers generally bring. Can't say I blame them; look at the lawns at the end of the weekend during AN.

The only other place big enough to host AN would be the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and I'd really rather not have it go downtown. I prefer the airport district. Lots of accessible hotels and restaurants without having to compete with the rest of Toronto's citizens and tourists. It's like a weaboo utopia in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8031940

Funny, the TCC doesn't FEEL bigger than AX... not nearly as much. Then again, last time I went was 2012 so maybe they expanded, but it didn't feel nearly as big as AX.

>> No.8031999

Fuck. This. shit.

The same fucking question gets asked multiple times every fucking year and they always get the same fucking answer.

They always act like they're making some brilliant suggestion that the staff have never heard before, too, and that their question is somehow being ignored. It's even answered on AN's website for God's sake. They're not being ignored.

>> No.8032111

apparently the only hot ones are melty and purblin. i guess that's why no one else is posted on here.

>> No.8032137

what a massively self entitled lady...

there's a complete bombshell in my area but she doesn't have a facebook page for her cosplay. I won't give out her personal info either but she's legendarily, heart stoppingly gorgeous.

>> No.8032201

No, we just don't want to post our hotter, nicer friends/acquaintances in cgl, because as someone in this thread pointed out, you just don't do that.

Anyone who has been to a convention in Canada should have at least seen one girl hotter than those 2. Purblind isn't even hot. She's moderately attractive, if that. She only gets as much attention as she does because of how strange and/or quirky people find her eye.

>> No.8032207

this one gets it

>> No.8032208

AX is a clusterfuck though. There's no room to walk or stand. Plus doesnt AN only use a fraction of the con center? (And I'm guessing they included the parking lots in that number)

>> No.8032219

Okay. Ex-AN staff member here. We only get 1/3 of the space we burrow avaliable to the public at all times, which end up being Dealer's Room, AA, and registeration/help desk. The other 1/3 opens up for special events. Such as concerts, and masquerades. We technically only burrow 2/3 of TCC grounds, because I walked into the nice area by accident, and I sure as hell don't want any of the fat digusting weeaboos in that nice hall. Ever.

>> No.8032223
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And apparently, I cannot spell "Borrow"

>> No.8032276

it would be awesome if everything could be within the North and South buildings and dump the Sheraton for programming. That would be lovely. But I can see where >>8032219 is coming from if the other half is really nice and the TCC doesn't want weebs fucking that up

>> No.8032358
File: 48 KB, 799x960, 10885344_764005780342552_7650371015158247205_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about Cosplay Butterfly? I can't be the only one who cringes at her laziness and her ass...

> drapes herself in veil, wear a cheap ass moon wig and calls it a day.

>> No.8032386

As a current staffer, I can see why you're ex-staff.

>> No.8032391

In which the poster has no idea how events actually run and thinks it's "so simple".

Uh huh, keep whining fuckboy.

>> No.8032394

some are in it for art, others are just using it as a platform to fill their dream role as a whore in a niche that will accept them and worship the ground they walk on

>entitled lazy people
>in north america
no way that would never happen

>> No.8032408

Here's the issue with all of that:

1. The largest location they CAN move to is the MTCC. There's some key reasons you don't want that. First, security is a total piece of shit and extraordinarily abusive. Conveners don't control that, the building does and time and again security in that venue has been a problem for all kinds of FanEx-related events.

2. The MTCC shuts down overnight. It's non-negotiable and that means no real overnight events, no rave, and very little of the liberal atmosphere that AN enjoys.

3. The TCC has more space that AN can rent, but it's a matter of negotiating with the ownership. They want to cater to business types (as does the MTCC, btw, they charge FanEx up the wing-wong for having the "freaks" out), and it's a lot of convincing with big fat dollar signs to get anything.

* * *

Attendance caps are a common solution when venue can't be negotiated. It's kind of ridiculous to blame the AN administration when you consider the following:

It's not their day job. They don't paid anything for organizing AN. This is a non-profit, fan-run convention, remember.

They negotiate EVERY YEAR for more space and cope with the headaches of signing the contracts, yelling down the guy on the other side of the table who doesn't want any more nerds on his property, and doing all the logistical work of the convention.

* * *

Take it from sone who used to complain all the time, got into running cons, and promptly changed his tune after realizing what a god damned chore it all is and how thankless the public is.

>> No.8032416

Also, AN pricing is ridiculously cheap. The con should be somewhere in the $65-80 range by now, if they tracked with other cons. They've kept it /extremely/ affordable.

>> No.8032518

I've seen the nice halls and yeah, I can easily see damage happening and it not being worth it for the TCC. The cleanup would likely cost them a lot more money in terms of staffing or downtime -- also not likely to be worth it.

I like it being spread out among hotels. The walk/shuttle isn't great but the crowds are a lot less crazy than you get at fanexpo.

What about the CNE grounds, Probably quite costly but I believe there have been conventions running there.

Anime North is great for it's overnight events, even just playing card games in a hotel lobby. I can't see it working with the toronto convention centre at all.

I'll take an attendance cap over the overcrowding lockout that FanExpo had that one year -- yeesh. It is unfortunate that it makes it difficult to get tickets though, I feel like veteran congoers lose out with caps.

Especially when you look at FanExpo pricing. I'm sure AN could do really great stuff for $100 tickets, but I am really glad they keep the prices reasonable.

>> No.8032547

>CNE Grounds

Not nearly enough in the way of walking distance hotels to support a 20k con with serious overnight programming.

>> No.8032708

Just checked google maps, wow! There really isn't anything near it. That's a bit of a waste.

>> No.8032717

Yup. Toronto needs to eschew a lot of the old "Toronto the Good" policies that still haunt institutions like the MTCC, effectively barring 24-hour operation and encouraging solely corporate or "traditional" types of events. Then maybe the MTCC would be more open to things like nerd conventions and actually giving people a good time outside of CARSCARSCARSOMGCARS.

There's a reason people go to Montreal for a good time.

>> No.8032737

It would be nice if a day were organized where (lightly dressed and in stain-resistant attire?) cosplayers/event goers would pick up trash the day after in cosplay just for the hell of it.

>> No.8033011
File: 86 KB, 640x960, 1662147_675117262531742_1561679285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is you opinion on Vickybunnyangel?

>> No.8033054

I have met her a few times and she was always really sweet to talk to.
And very talented in craftsmanship.

>> No.8033223

I did speed dating with her a year or so ago. Didn't know who she was. She kept telling me to go talk to her at the booth after and buy her prints after. Idk how to feel about that.

>> No.8033240

Someone tried bringing someone else up. But you all shot Linnea down.

I think ZombieBitMe is sexy as hell

>> No.8033242

ouch bro, I'm sorry to hear that

By the way G-Anime is having a Bachelor's Auction; how exactly do those work? Are you obligated to spend time with the person who wins the bid afterwards?

>> No.8033253

I wanted to go to a con out of down with a person i was dating but now that's not gonna happen

problem is they and the people I would've hung out with are still tight and it's gonna be awkward as hell to try and spend time with them with that person there

They are the only people I know in that city to go with but i still want to go to that con

what do

>> No.8033385

another attention whore whos cosplay sucks. Next .

>> No.8033440
File: 58 KB, 720x960, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my waifu

>if only in my dreams

>> No.8033711


I think you do, up until how long you are actually willing. Like in any cases, you could politely ask the person if you may take a leave. I dont expect the whole ordeal to be too serious.

>> No.8033718

Which con?

>> No.8033740

That's convenient, my wife and I are both cool with me entering it for laughs but I don't want another girl there the whole time making her feel like she isn't as important. An hour or two would be funny though

>> No.8034222
File: 585 KB, 932x719, 1420318423137 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AWWWW YEAAAAAAAH, I will definitely have to look out for the great Gyanko!

Im travelling from UK to Toronto for the first time so this will be my first AN, any good tips that I should know?

>> No.8034246
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(Gyanko here)
Holy shit, Reiji!
Gonna build her Gya Gya and bring it with me, better bring your Build Strike!

>> No.8034250


God damn it, now that I know there's some other BF guys around I'm tempted to cosplay Felini.

Not sure if I should lug around a victory gundam or the fenice.

>> No.8034258
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 2015-01-04-20-03-02-1203902733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should organize a group photoshoot ffs.

>> No.8034357
File: 189 KB, 574x584, 1403207146572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwww yeah im excited for this now, didn't expect any BF cosplayers tbh. Im not too sure because im afraid if it will get damaged on the flight ahaha. I may just build a new one for cosplay only.

Do it!!! also bring the Victory Gundam and try see if you can hook up with the chicks with it.

Is there a gundam group? if not then we should organize one.

>> No.8034375
File: 195 KB, 854x746, 1419739836624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there is one, we could try amd organize a phootshoot on the AN forums, trying to spread the word may be hard, not many gundam cosplayers.
(Although there may be a guy re-wearing his Freedom Gundam, maybe he can be convinced...)

>> No.8034380

i know that feel bro, its pretty much the same in UK.
That sounds like a good idea! Also good to create a private facebook group and link it to the forum thread.

>> No.8034384

Since we are expected to be a smaller group, we won't be able to sign up until early March, but yeah I can make a FB group page.

>> No.8034393

What the hell. Felini isn't too hard, other then maybe getting the hair right. I'm working on DMC 3 dante but I have time to get him done.

By the way I've made gundam kits for over a decade. If you are worry about damaging kits, they'll be fine if you separate the pieces by limbs and wrap them in bubble wrap. Any really fragile stuff (like the v-fin) should get it's own wrapping.

>> No.8034435


i miss toronto

>> No.8034452

Didn't bring her up for her skills. Brought her up for her looks -.- As the one post said

>> No.8034463

She's always super friendly to me and I've never had a bad experience interacting with her, and I'm ridiculously socially inept.

>> No.8034481

Created the page~
Search "2015 Anime North Gundam Photoshoot"

>> No.8034492

Anyone else besides that?? I know there's a lot of hot cosplay girls in Canada but none of them have pages to follow or anything...

>> No.8034526

wouldn't a group be a lot more better? since its easier to see posts and notifications?

>> No.8034531

whoops, I said it was a page, but it's actually a group, my bad.

>> No.8034557

In 2012 I went as an attendee. The security was aggressive and we were constantly being yelled at and herded into a large empty hall to line up for panels over and over again. The sewing competition panel was terribly run. Rather than commenting on what the contestants where doing, the host took the liberty to engage in weeby discussions with friends in the audience.

In 2013 I assisted my friend at her pottery booth. She made barely enough sales to pay her vendor fees. People seemed really into cheaper, smaller trinkets of fanart (not that that's a bad thing); however, the other vendors we walked around and talked to said they were struggling as well. Also, on Saturday evening the staff suddenly and rudely ushered us to pack up half an hour before the dealer's hall was closed. We had been told we would have time after but apparently there was an announcement that nobody heard.

tldr: cons - disorganized, rude staff, uninformative panels, crowded halls of people with nothing to do
pros- the stuff you can do for free: meet other cosplayers
neutral - for sellers, people tend to want smaller, cheaper items

I hope they've improved since then. I might give it another shot if I hear the issues from previous years have been more or less resolved and they host better panels. Anyone know how 2014 went?

>> No.8035369

I like Attyca

>> No.8035529

Everyone. Pretty much everyone.

>> No.8035620

I'll give you points for the sexiness. But anyone got names of hot or sexy cosplayers that don't have a page?

>> No.8036536


>> No.8037326

Oh wow, I remember her. Didn't know she still cosplayed.

>> No.8037345

She doesn't cosplay anymore. She's irrelevant. All she does is drawings and shit

>> No.8037626
File: 370 KB, 1147x1920, tumblr_ngx3f7p6Fi1r7achxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just did a Kuvira cosplay last yr at Youmacon.

>> No.8038896

oh Frostcon

who the fuck is Playden

>> No.8039152
File: 21 KB, 518x328, lol_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, alright

>> No.8039160

Could've been a joke?

>> No.8040115

Atleast they don't have Everage as a guest this time around

>> No.8040182

I'll give them that, plus who they have as GoH this year. So they doing that atleast right for once

>> No.8040398

no that girl shoots with him, it was a serious post.

>> No.8040403
File: 47 KB, 960x720, 10624787_10154731241955158_2475036188035624772_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this face ever lie to you?

>> No.8040408

He shoots with everyone no matter how fat or ugly you are, so maybe thats why he got suggested to this girl

>> No.8041533

So what is they have one unknown guest per year. I like that they want to shine a light on a different community cosplayer each convention

>> No.8041657

That's true I guess...
There's a difference between choosing to shoot with anyone (fat, skinny, pretty, ugly, etc.) and forcing to shoot the ugly girls because he can't find decent people to shoot.

>> No.8041836

Not all of his models are ugly. There's a small few that are actually beautiful. Think I can count his beautiful models out on both hands

>> No.8044055

I'm a guy who's starting to get into doing his own crafting more, I was wondering if you have any recommendation of male cosplayers to follow? For inspiration and maybe even to make friends.

>> No.8044319

Nick Poulos and Akaitana seem like cool dudes. If you want to look past GTA (since that's where I live), I like Johnny Junkers and Elffi too.

If you live in other parts of yhe country and want locals, then I'm not really sure.

>> No.8044634
File: 964 KB, 2000x1333, jordankrieg_storenvy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M Hydra
>Varied cosplayer with god-tier wig styling

Henchmen Props
>Toronto based cosplayer known for his abs and prop making. He's made props for Jnigs and is in close collaboration with her

>> No.8046969

>Henchmen Props
Man, that guy was so cool. His props are amazing.

>> No.8046978

J.Hart Design has god tier sewing. His stuff is amazing and he's extremely helpful and humble about his work.

>> No.8046990

I wanna fill this out but I need to wait to see if I'll be doing a panel, for after i get my photoshoot booked with AN photoshoot staff in march

>> No.8047277

He only specializes in dresses/sakizou shit. He knows nothing about bodysuits.

>> No.8047561 [DELETED] 

6 days till Tri-Con http://www.themuseum.ca/exhibition/kw-tri-con-2015
7 days till Burlington ToyCon http://www.toycon.ca/
12 days till G-Anime http://ganime.ca/2015/
20 days till FrostCon http://frostcon.weebly.com/index.html
48 days till Kitchener Comic Con http://kitchenercomiccon.com/live/
68 days till MTCC http://www.comicontoronto.com/

So who's going to what? What will you be cosplaying?

>> No.8047565

6 days till Tri-Con http://www.themuseum.ca/exhibition/kw-tri-con-2015
7 days till Burlington ToyCon http://www.toycon.ca/
12 days till G-Anime http://ganime.ca/2015/
20 days till FrostCon http://frostcon.weebly.com/index.html
48 days till Kitchener Comic Con http://kitchenercomiccon.com/live/
68 days till MTCC http://www.comicontoronto.com/

So who's going to what? What will you be cosplaying?

>> No.8047585

Going to MTCC, might wear lolita depending on if the comm is doing anything that day. If not, I'm probably gonna make a JJBA cosplay (either caesar or joseph)

>> No.8047825

going to FrostCon. Normally I wouldn't be bothered to go, but I'm a panelist this year

>> No.8047877

I've never been before, is it even worthwhile to go? I just checked out the website, and it seems kinda ghetto tbh.

>> No.8047920

The venue seems like it'll be nicer this year, but still, don't bother, the con itself probably won't offer much.

>> No.8048259

lmao tri-con is so shitty is doesnt even have its own website

>> No.8048292

Only going to FrostCon and MTCC. Besides Con-G and ConBravo, I don't see traveling outside of the GTA for cons worth while

>> No.8048360

Who are the bad news Canadian cosplayers? Who should be avoided at all costs?

>> No.8048373

Geekette's, Purblind, Melty, Arila, Scarlet, Antonio

>> No.8048376

What's wrong with Scarlet?

>> No.8048515
File: 45 KB, 720x450, scarlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based from having seen her as a guest when I was at Animaracon, she had a really snobby attitude and she advertises her own work as being the best while she`s average at most. Girl is desperate for cosplay fame.
I would`t go as far as to say that she`s avoided at all cost.

Call vendetta if you want, but that`s just my opinion.

>> No.8048790

Agreed with this list, especially the geekettes. They're all elitist bitches that talk shit about everyone, and they're not even good. Average at best.

Also for some ppl who dont know who melty is, she's now Brigitte Quinn on FB

>> No.8048822

no shiro? she seemed to be with Melty all the time.

>> No.8048825

nothing wrong with sticking with what you know / what you're good at. that's how you can produce greatness

>> No.8048832

who is arila?

>> No.8048847



she really sounds like she is criticizing people who make money of cosplay in that article... yet she's been pushing so hard to sell prints, calendars and that book ... She's quite two-faced.

I hope Animaracon doesn't invite her back next year.

>> No.8048857

the fuck is she trying to say though that she's mad nobody wants to pay her to summon a character?

>> No.8048864

any link to that page? I can t read french and i cant google translate a screenshot. I am going to katsucon and i'm wondering if i should schedule a shoot with her.

>> No.8048867

allow me to translate

" A character can be a fantasy for someone. Some people are able to make money with this, because they tell themselves they can "get famous" because a character is popular. Someone who sees a girl cosplaying really well would want to put money into this girl"

Had to paraphrase a bit, but the general tone is quite demeaning...

>> No.8048869

Also becketry, she's with purblind all the time. Isn't she only 14 or something?

>> No.8048872

than you, anon. yeah. its weird she's selling prints/calendar now.

>> No.8048874

she probably lurks here

>> No.8048877



apparently the whole montreal com doesn't really like her that much... not that there is much to montreal anyway

>> No.8048886

>can read both french and english
>still don't get it

I'm gonna stick with my "nobody wants to make it rain on dat ass" theory.

>> No.8048893

Can someone translate that? I don't speak Italian.

>> No.8048895

you're right.

basically she mad because people who do popular characters tend to make money off of cosplay. she implies she doesn't, but she tries so hard to make money off cosplay. She's a poor, misunderstand hipster cosplayer who nobody wants to put money into.

>> No.8049177
File: 43 KB, 480x720, print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I`d totally want to buy a print of this.


>> No.8049207

ok, that's unmistakably a shower. What's she charging for this?

>> No.8049693

There's plenty of local talent.

Keyword: talent.

>> No.8049838

heard she's into anal, which is scary since she's like, what, 17?

>> No.8049860

Met Shiro Cosplay once, she seemed very nice, but extremely shy and quiet.

Met Zombie Bit Me once, but she was kind of a stuck-up bitch and hard to shoot with. She did what she wanted and didn't like being told how to pose (nothing sexual).

>> No.8049863

lmao hey novii

>> No.8049876

I met her once and couldn't stop staring at her giraffe neck.

>> No.8049900

Lulz why is that even scary? You know people have sex before 18 right?

>> No.8049916

because I was hearing it from cosplay photogs who were easily many years her senior

>> No.8049960
File: 91 KB, 600x1072, whatDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've narrowed down my cosplays to 5, but now can't decide which one I want to do for Anime North. Hoping I can convince my boyfriend do do Porco and Fio with me :)

>> No.8049963

Shiro is ugly, average at best. Giraffe neck so bad, it's actually creepy to see in real life. She's also a cold bitch, not shy and quiet. you can feel her judging you with her dead eyes.

>> No.8049966

I heard them talking shit at a con recently about the geek girls.. then I saw that a geek girl joined them later.

>> No.8049969

Even worse than her neck is her chin. Someone pointed out how lopsided and lumpy is was a while back and now I can't get over it

>> No.8049974

it looks like the child of Jay Leno chin

>> No.8049984

So I've gone to AN for like 10 years now and have cosplayed for a few but I've honestly never given much attention nor noticed "cosfamous" ppl. I watched a few masq but no one in particular ever really sticks to my memory besides those giant costumes and even then I don't remember the names of the ppl behind them. Who in Canada is actually cosfamous enough that ppl would walk up to them in a convention and fangirl/fanboy over them?

>> No.8050003

^this. plus she's pretty spoiled/rich. my friend just met her and she bought her and a bunch of random cosplayers dinner. maybe she's just nice

>> No.8050008
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, BIFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a couple people interested in doing a group of Griff and his friends, maybe not for AN, but some time this year. Be our Marty McFly.

>> No.8050011

I doubt she'd buy people dinner. She's a greedy brat.
I don't think she's loaded like Melty, she constantly changes cosplay plans because of "bad budgeting".

>> No.8050036

Honestly, nobody is on the same level of cosplayers like Yaya and JNig. Though Vickybunnyangel has been a guest at a lot of cons and has done shoots with Yaya before, she would be closest going off the top of my head.

>> No.8050075

there is no cosplayer who would do that.

>> No.8050086
File: 35 KB, 533x800, 10294333_312407638958979_1707431301715576487_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit that

>> No.8050088

novii's nice use of angle to hide her giraffe neck. that guy is a master.

>> No.8050093

Too bad he's such a pathetic person

>> No.8050095

such cold, dead eyes

>> No.8050211

Vickybunnyangel, Melting Mirror for cosfamous people
Fighting Dreamers Pro for YouTube famous cosplayers

>> No.8050766

but i think one of the geekettes is also a geek girl

>> No.8050795


No she has very much talente an she do what she want. Stop bitching persons an get a life. You don know her.

>> No.8050803

GJ on that selfpost. Hello Scarlet

>> No.8050823

The geek girls are all ugly

>> No.8050832

haha, for serious?
What con are you planning for?
Plus, are you doing BTTF2 outfits? I'm more of a fan of Marty's BTTF1 outfit than the 2nd.

>> No.8050848

derp, you said Griff, of course you're doing BTTF2.

>> No.8050889

Anyone here going to FanExpo Vancouver?

>> No.8051087


yeah BTTF2 "future" outfits
I'm sure you could do the BTTF1 outfit, still join us for some group cos activities, and nobody would notice/care that we weren't all from the same film. Unless you felt like making the second outfit just for me ;D <3

>> No.8051109

She's 15 now, I think. What has she done?

>> No.8051129

Marty's BTTF1 would be more closet cosplay kinda stuff, but I don't think I'm going to have much luck finding that jacket anywhere, haha.

I can get the hat off of amazon and make a hoverboard prop easily enough though. Any ideas for the jacket?

>> No.8051156

>tfw no one cares about otafest or animethon

>> No.8051163

I'll be going to Otafest this year

>> No.8051182

They have it on eBay for $60
Buy a grey jacket from a thrift store, get some red vinyl and make a "vest", then you can either attach the red part on top of the grey jacket, or cut out the sleeves, base, and collar, and attach them to the red part.

>> No.8051512

even with the circle lenses the frigidness seeps out

>> No.8051516

purelight or whatever she calls herself. hard to keep up with her name changes every few months

>> No.8051622

Careful, she lurks on here. She's probably the one who keeps bringing up Melty and co.

>> No.8051643


>Not mentioning Trauma

>> No.8051644


I care anon.
I just had to move to Saskatoon, so I'm not sure if I can go to either. Probably pick one though.

>> No.8051655

What's wrong with Trauma? (Besides her fucking Dr. Holocaust)

>> No.8051672

Going to all but Ganime. Don't have the funds to travel to Ottawa

>> No.8051677

how about her bad anime eye makeup and freaky shaved head?

>> No.8051679


She has always seemed super pretentious and rude every time I've encountered her. First time I met her, she was talking shit to her friend about another cosplayer, (who actually made her own costume and did very well) because they were both cosplaying the same character. Also, it might not be HER fault, but all of her photos are ridiculously over-Photoshopped.

Is she still fucking Dr. H? I guess I have to feel a bit sorry for her.

>> No.8051757

idn they seem pretty happy together. They're probably feeling sorry for everyone out there who doesn't have a SO

>> No.8051823
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1421109533435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people caring about the trainwreck that is alberta comm
It makes me so sad that people are so terrible here that nobody even wants to mention that shit. Asspats galore and weeb infested and showing no signs of improvement.
It's kinda bs how ota sold 90% of their vip passes yet they haven't even announced any guests. They're the same guys every year anyway.

>> No.8051944

I'm not so sure. Maybe half. The other half being haters and people she has screwed over.
Speaking of, her page has been kind of screwey recently.

>> No.8051948

Try to make it less oblivious you who are.

>> No.8051962


>> No.8051983

Purelight will do anything for attention it's sad

>> No.8051986

I thought she was a good cosplayer though, any dirt?

>> No.8051990

She's almost at 10k likes but I've never heard of her before this thread

>> No.8052008

Here's the thing
You either don't know who I am, and you're an idiot (which you probably are anyway), or you do know who I am and I know exactly who you are; which if that's the case, I can call out some of your bull.
Here's a protip though: my names is not Natasha or Mira. I'm not even in GTA.

>> No.8053093

Holy shit the funny thing is, that's a shower at the Hotel Le Dauphin, id recognize it, rooming there about 3 weekends a year, she probably just roomed there for Otakuthon and a ~greato~photoshoot~

>> No.8053130

Nothing, I think. She doesn't sell prints anymore.

>> No.8053154



>> No.8053185

Didn't she also give up on her Worbla book?
Anyone got info on what happened exactly?

>> No.8053191

I thought she was putting up the information for free instead or something. I'm guessing there weren't enough takers to justify charging for it, so she just dropped it.

>> No.8053237

Yeah cause she totally has the credentials to be selling a book on how to Worbla.

>> No.8053263
File: 56 KB, 1024x768, Poll_votebox-1024x768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is the saltiest cosplayer in Ontario?

>> No.8053316

Your Mom

>> No.8053459

Zombie is a cunt. I've worked with her several times, once for amateur commercial I shot myself, and another time for a cosplay she made for a video ggme company or something. She's always been mildly nice to me, but seeing her at a con is painful. She'll greet me like I'm her best friend and then will refuse to make eye contact ever again. She's changed as well. Shes doing everything jnig is, including dying her hair purple. Shame.

>> No.8053525
File: 420 KB, 932x629, 1420318423137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Touka in her cafe uniform with her kakugan and if I have enough time, her kagune.

>F/Z saber in her suit. I emailed the weapons master asking if motored cuirassier is unacceptable on convention grounds

>Regular Saber, if motored cuirassier is unacceptable

Worn days are dependent on my group plans. If it all goes through, I'll be travelling with a good group for each of my cosplays.

>> No.8053537

Odd question, but did you ever cosplay the mailman from legend of Zelda?

>> No.8053545

Any progress pics of Saber's armor?

>> No.8053575

Thank you or catching that. I'm saving that for fanexpo.

Not anything that would look good on camera. Just patterns laid out and materials gathered. Once I get started, I should finish it fairly quickly. When that happens, I'll take progress pics. I'm better at making armour so I'm leaving that for last. She's my biggest sewing project for far and I'm a little nervous. Let's hope it works out!

>> No.8053598

Good!? are we looking at the same cosplayer, because I see nothing but half assed cosplays with bad photoshop. She looks skinnyfat and 40 without photoshop. She also only cosplays characters that are popular and doesn't know anything about them (other than starfire, and all of her starfire cosplays are so bad).

Other then her horrible cosplays, ive also heard that shes a raging cunt. Probably best to stay away from her, theres many horror stories about her being a liar and backstabber.

>> No.8053605

yah shes trying to become the canadian jnigs but shes a bitch and not outgoing enough to fill that bra (oh she also wants to get implants)

>> No.8053613

Did you ever happen to cosplay as the mailman like years ago at Anime North?

Reason being is that I was cleaning out my closet the other day and I found a letter a Mailman cosplayer handed to me at Anime North a few years back. The cosplayer had made many letters and was handing them out to Zelda cosplayers at the organized photoshoot. Inside mine was a cute drawing, and I thought it was a cute idea. Any chance that was you?

>> No.8053630

Nope but that's an adorable idea. I wish thought of that. >.>

>> No.8053943

That's just kind of how Canadian cons are - a level playing field.

>> No.8053947
File: 72 KB, 640x960, 1236940_673331816010552_821029762_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably thinking of my friend Jimmy. He also cosplayed the Morning Rescue guy.

>> No.8053959

How old is Conal? I know Natasha is 19 going on 20 this year but I thought Conal was somewhere in his mid-30s. Gross.

>> No.8054039

Natasha just turned 19, and Conal just turned 30.

>> No.8054129

She wants to get implants? No surprise since she has no tiddies.

>> No.8054175

Good for him. Who wouldn't want a 19 year old gf when they're 30.

>> No.8054221

Someone who isn't a manchild.

As someone who had a brief phase of dating older men while in my early 20s, it's shit. They're in a completely different stage of life. Either it burns out quickly because they want you to be a fuckbuddy at best, or they get intense really fast and want you to marry them because they're not getting any younger. You can barely connect with them due to a large generation gap; everything you know is new and needs to be explained, and everything they know is old hat. Guys only date significantly younger women because it enables them to continue being immature and carry on delusions of extended adolescence.

Good luck to them but it's unlikely to last.

>> No.8054328
File: 413 KB, 936x632, 1420318423137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plans! Really hoping it will be cooler out as it has been the past two years.

>> No.8054414


>> No.8054613

Exactly it won't last. She's waay out of his league anyways

>> No.8054809



>> No.8054819

everything by sickly cosplay makes me feel physically ill. Never met the girl, but her face/makeup/costumes are all really disgusting

>> No.8054846

you mean aside from the fact that he tries to fuck everything within 15 meters of him?

>> No.8054866


I'm guessing some people in her local comm didn't agree or think it was a good idea so she pulled out. I remember her saying on her page how she was now putting the information for free and making herself sound goody-goody.

>> No.8055595

i guess that's good branding on her part, then XD

>> No.8056795

Her name is literally a rip off of 'Vampybitme'.

She doesn't have any substance, she's a leech.

>> No.8057040

>She's waay out of his league anyways

What do they look like?

>> No.8057042
File: 3 KB, 184x172, 1284432062672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input about AR's artist alley, it's seriously hard to find any reviews about it. The con is so expensive, I'm not surprised by people holding onto their money, though I am surprised the artist alley is already sold out for 2015.

I've never been to either, and as usual I'm curious about the artist alleys there too.

Also, how come there's two Animethons? Is it a summer/winter thing?

It's such a headache researching AA venues, just dang, but has to be done.

>> No.8057043

More like hey'll bang any lady that might be willing to give him some ass. If not he'll try hard for that ass

>> No.8057662

I think people here think he's more suave then he actually is. He got little to no tail, and was single for the longest time without tail before Trauma.

>> No.8057670

He's gone through a lot of shit, just let the poor fucker have a hot girlfriend if at least for a little.

>> No.8057685

Can confirm that although he was "single" for a long-ass time, he was still fucking as many 18-19 year olds as he could find. I know of at least 5 Toronto con regulars that he's been fuckbuddies with within the last 6 months. Not to mention that he literally propositioned all of them for a threesome with Trauma.

>> No.8057713

>>8057662 >>8057670
Doesn't mean he won't try to bang someone. As >>8057685 said, he tried when he was single

>> No.8057775

So we've moved on from Melty and Purblind's personal life to dragging Doc H and Trauma through the mud?

Stay classy, anons.

Let's just go back to bashing Tom.

>> No.8057819

The drama

>> No.8057859

Hey, Conal

>> No.8057888

Conal and Tom are good friends. Don't think he'd knock him like that

>> No.8057889

Why not? Hitler promised to not invade Czechoslovakia.

>> No.8057895


>> No.8057942

because Tom is an easy target to turn the army towards, even his friends know that

>> No.8058035

I'm definitely not conal. Just another anon who thinks dramashit is stupid on cgl.

>> No.8058057

/cgl/ was first made for cosplay sluts and drama so I don't see your point.

>> No.8058310



gtfo >>8058035 if you don't like it.

>> No.8058339

>>8057889 >>8057895
Just because's he calls himself Doctor Holocaust. Doesn't mean he's an asshat

>> No.8058369

>Hitler promised to not invade Czechoslovakia.
>Hitler still did it

it's about talk shitting tom even if conal is his friend damn. keep up anon.

>> No.8058407

Yes it is. One is the smaller winter convention and that is held in January/ February (this year in February) and the other one that is the main event is always held on the second weekend of August (or at least it has for the last seven years or so).

>> No.8058410
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, XQ7pH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about talk shitting tom even if conal is his friend damn
what a trainwreck of a sentence.

>> No.8058579

>hot girlfriend

>> No.8059296

I was thinking about going to MTCC for the first time this year. Not sure what to expect. My main concern, do they have a gaming area?

>> No.8059310

Yes for tabletop, not so much vidya

>> No.8059405

They don't do Yu-gi-oh right? Only Magic?

>> No.8059423

On AN's cosplay FB page

> NO, you do not have to get fitted to wear lenses if you have normal, healthy eyes. All standard costume lenses come with a standard curve and diameter. If you're looking at circle lenses or sclera lenses, they will have a larger diameter, as that is their style. Make sure you read the lens stats before buying.


>> No.8059449

Magic > YGO

>> No.8059451
File: 47 KB, 169x145, nonononononononononono.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8059465

I had approval to get lenses by my optometrist. You could have something wrong with your eye that your not sure of until u put a lense in your eye then OH BOY scratched cornea! People are just fucking stupid. I left that group so fast.

>> No.8059647

I question while I'm still in it on a daily basis. But I do get the occasional laugh at the stupidity of some posts, so I stay.

>> No.8059823

Thoughts on Arda finally opening up a branch in Canada?

>> No.8059835

You'd try to avoid, but hey, they're infecting all the major cons now too! I stopped going to cons completely because of how bad Florida everything was.

>> No.8059844

You forgot Little Finch and her lesbian harem.

>> No.8059972

prices weren't what I was expecting, but good to know if I need something within days instead of weeks that I *might* be able to get it.

Curious to see if they'll be able to keep everything in stock. Summer will be the busiest time for them forsure.

>> No.8059986

the one who only cosplays bikinis with her saggy boobs hanging out? yah shes gross. Im pretty sure she only does fansigns and bikini shoots

>> No.8059987


Granny Peko?

>> No.8060217

Her exgirlfriend makes all her cosplays. All of them.

>> No.8060222

The price difference is meh because the price of the wig + slowest shipping from the American site is lower than the Canadian site... but it's slightly worth it if you want it fast.

>> No.8060277

wasn't it pretty chilly in 2013?

>> No.8060451


So what's the deal with the Geekettes anyways, I remember on one of these older threads someone mentioned something about one of them being a 'homewrecker'.

>> No.8060460

Freeplay, always. Tournaments? Uhhh I don't think there was, at least nothing big.

I remember there was a munchkin tournament though. Mainly there were board games set up to try out.

>> No.8060467

But she doesn't claim credit for making them, so that's good. I only chatted with her for a short time but she seems nice.

>> No.8060533

yes, I remember because I wore Alter Saber that year for the first time, and was REALLY happy for the armor and dress coverage! I'm just hoping it stays the same so I don't sweat balls in Liss.

>> No.8060575

It was cold and windy but the sun was still out, so I got a sunburn despite being freezing in my costume.

It was bright and sunny last year.

>> No.8060577

cool because you can drive there to skip out on the shipping charges if you or a friend lives in the area! i probably won't be ordering from them but the fact they are in waterloo and not like... winnipeg... is such a bonus.

>> No.8060876

Yeah, but they make cosplays for one of their friends and he had the gall to make a cosplayer page. Dude, don't call yourself a cosplayer if you're gonna make a page all about cosplays you never made, but wore.

>> No.8060877

15 actually. Saw she had a wonderful figure when she cosplayed Cinder fromRWBY, then found out she was 15 and I was just.....no, hell no. 15 year olds shouldn't cosplay someone THAT SEXY.

>> No.8060880

which one? im pretty sure they all are

>> No.8060946

Cosplay pages are the new forums. Tons of people buy costumes and make their own pages, it's not really a big deal. Rather than post progress I suppose she posts selfies or something? I'm sure it has some sort of audience.

Now if she were pretending she made them or entering contests, that's an issue.

>> No.8062005

Cosplayer doesn't imply crafter though. It just means you wear costumes and "play" at being a character, even in cases of OC. That's sort of the soft line between cosplayer and costumer, where the latter tends to imply crafter.

>> No.8062039

FINALLY!!!! Someone get's it

>> No.8062039,1 [INTERNAL] 

yes! someone understands! I make most of my costumes, but if it is something way out of my crafting ability, i commission it! nothing wrong with collaborating with other cosplayers

>> No.8062771

This is exactly it.

Cosplaying =/= making your own costume. The name implies the act of being in a costume regardless of who crafted what.

Having a cosplay page is fine regardless of making cosplays or not, it's when people steal credit from people that made their costume that it becomes an issue.

>> No.8062866
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1461732_1554696828105545_8256452917072271823_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we feel about the community's new ship?

>> No.8062875

I have no clue who these people are

>> No.8062877

The one on the right is melty. No idea who the guy is

>> No.8062889

He just wants to get into Melty's pussy

>> No.8063068
File: 5 KB, 318x315, 1350152414344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VickyBunnyAngel works at 401 Games now

I have to find a new card shop now, it's weird as hell

>> No.8063158

A&C Games seems to be turning into a somewhat decent card shop as well.

>> No.8063201

moi je vais aller au comiccon de montreal et a celuis de quebec... je vais surment me deguiser en "jacket" dans hotline miami ou en louis cyr. on me dis souvent que je ressemble a antoine bertrand.

>inb4 :damn quebecers go die on your snowmobile

>> No.8063246

Nathan DeLuca

>> No.8063473

What's so weird about that?

>> No.8063851

Isn`t that the guy who has that COSPLAY license plate on his car?

>> No.8063971

No that's Kory Berezowsky

>> No.8065533

She does fansigns and shit, can't believe she's over 30.

>> No.8065553

Any Winnipeg-anons going to Winterfest this year?

>> No.8065899

She's fucking gross yes you can tell she's 30, I thought she was like 35. Saggy tits give it away

>> No.8065909

Maybe it makes her feel good about herself? If she was under 18, okay bikini shoots is a little bit risqué for the age range but after that point... meh?

I just don't get the wank here, half of the time.

>> No.8066547
File: 1012 KB, 500x225, fellow-kids-buscemi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked at her facebook...

>> No.8066711

i love how mean this is <3

>> No.8066964
File: 464 KB, 500x338, 132520985546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Gulls, I just got offered a job in Kitchener today and I've decided I'm going to take it, this is a big move for me because I live on the East coast and literally don't know anyone who's from there. I actually lived there for a year when I was like, 8, but I never stayed in tough with any of my friends from grade 2.

Is the Kitchener comm decent? Are many of you from there?

>> No.8066964,1 [INTERNAL] 


Being bored and throwing on a bedsheet and taking a few photo's shouldn't be cringe worthy. Dress up is dress up.