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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8025651 No.8025651 [Reply] [Original]

Cheesy af, I know, but I wanted to hear your goals for 2015. Any resolutions are fine, but let's try to keep the thread mostly /cgl/ related.

>> No.8025662

I want to get my lolita-related spending under control and stop impulse buying so much stuff just because I'm sad

>> No.8025665

Honestly, same. It can help to instead impulse buy a small "luxury" item, like a new lip crayon or an overpriced latte. I'm honestly not against buying yourself something nice when you're sad, but overspending just tends to make you more miserable in the long run. Treating yourself is okay, but it's really good that you wanna get your spending under control. You can do it, anon!

>> No.8025671
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Cosplay as someone from Samurai Flamenco and Boku no Hero.

>mfw I still can't find out how to do the helmet
>mfw nobody knows what the hell Boku no Hero is.

>> No.8025698

I'm gonna get in shape, and look good, no matter what.

>> No.8025703

Oh yeah, this has to do with doing JoJo cosplays and fucking con sloots

>> No.8025706

I have a couple cosplay-wise resolutions and goals I want to make for the year but I'll try not to textwall.

The very biggest thing being I want to learn more. I want to learn and start doing more things in my off-time instead of being glued to the internet and Steam like I have been recently. I want to start making more things and learning how to do different patterns, and start learning how to construct things like bigger props and circuits and wigs and lighting and armor instead of having to rely on others to make them for me. I want to start learning how to be versatile in my abilities instead of just sewing and glueing things and turning them into an outfit. Like, there's a lot of stuff I still don't know how to do, or haven't yet had the chance to gain experience in making, so this year I'm going to try to dedicate myself to more 'doing' and more active learning.

My second goal is making Princess Vanellope's goddamned ballgown. That is the only thing I'll be giving a crap about for the next four months.

And my third goal is that I want to start having more fun at conventions. Lately I've been stressing myself out with things and worrying about rushing costumes before a convention and it's prevented me from actually enjoying myself at said conventions. I want to get to a point where I don't have to worry about something not being done and I can just keep a backup costume so I don't stress out.

This is going to be the year I think I'm going to try to calm down a bit. I'm hoping to get a lot done.

>> No.8025726

I want to buy my first lucky pack.

>> No.8025738

cosplay boku girl

>> No.8025742
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Mostly just to stick with my plans and finish what I start, I guess. I want to get better at just sitting down and getting to work, too.
Other than that, a slightly more specific goal of mine for the year is to improve my wig skills because there's something I want to cosplay for 2016 that involves a very intimidating wig project. I figure it will be less scary if I build up my wig skills and confidence on smaller projects this year.

You can do it, anon. I believe in you. Here, have some beautiful Sugita cosplaying Goto to encourage and inspire you.
Are you talking about the first helmet? Couldn't you just buy/alter/paint a bike helmet (since that's what it is)?

>> No.8025744

>Boku girl

The futa girl?

>> No.8025761

A lot of really big goals, probably going to sound stupidly out of reach, but here goes....
I want to 1. Get my nose done 2. Get rid of my acne and scarring, start taking better care of my skin, do anti-aging stuff 3. Get back to my lowest weight of 120 pounds 4. Reach my goal waist of 20 inches in corset 5. Exercise more, eat very healthily so I can get a bigger butt + flatter stomach + age well 6. Start my own handmade Lolita/kawaii clothing store on Etsy, make super cute and quality clothes that I can be proud to sell and show people 7.Become better at art/drawing 8. Use noogleberry 9. Get my house and room decorated the way I want it.
A few of these things are for sure, but I'm still going to have to work very hard for some of these. Wish me luck, guys!

>> No.8025766
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I don't even know to be honest. From the looks of the official pictures it seems to be a modified bike helmet (because it shows the strap on the left but the final helmet doesn't have one.) I thought it would be cheaper to just make it out of fiberglass.

If push comes to shove I'll just buy a bike helmet and use that but I thought they were expensive.

You guys have been more than helpful. Sorry if I sound whiny. I never done this before and /po/ sort of discouraged me.

>> No.8025768

boku no hero academia?

it's pretty cool

frog girl best girl

>> No.8025784

I wanted to do float or frog girl but I couldn't make up my mine. Float would be easier because we have the same eye color (but I would still wear a wig,) but frog girl is cuter.

>> No.8025796

Technically, I've been cosplaying for two and a half years. However, a lot of this time was not really spent on the hobby itself due to shitshow life events. I really want to make 2015 the year where I try to really get crafty and spend more of my free time improving my skills and working on things instead of being a trainwreck of dealing with the damage of someone else being one.

>> No.8025802
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I think it's just a bike helmet over a backwards baseball cap, goggles, and a pair of headphones with the connecting piece going behind instead of on top of his head. (So get a helmet much bigger than your normal one so it can fit on top of all that and possibly a wig) Here's the ref I'm going by (which shows the helmet, hat, etc. setup). Then he's got the white facemask and red scarf which cover the helmet strap along with his face and neck. I'm not sure about finding his exact helmet, but I think there are some fairly cheap helmets you can find that are pretty close. You can always alter one a bit and spray paint it the correct red if you need to. Don't worry, I'm sure you can do it! Hero will never give up, never hide, never be defeated, never accept evil!

>> No.8025805

a float is fine too

>> No.8025807

Get and keep a job so I can stop asking my parents for rent money.

Lose an ungodly amount of weight before my next birthday.

... Those were my resolutions last year, too.

>> No.8025809

spend less money on horseshit
travel more
get into a good uni
get good marks

>> No.8025812

/cgl/ related:
>go to at least three cons
>cosplay more difficult costumes
>redo gantz
>do chun li justice
>work on art to eventually do things in artists alley and take commissions
>work on weeby tshirts
>find a jfashion style that suits my body
>create a personal jfash tumblr

Not so /cgl/ related:
>save more money by not spending so much on myself
>get my parents and boyfriend better gifts
>figure out if I am going back to school and do that by fall if yes
>if school, pick engineering or game design/production
>bench 1lmaoplaet (currently orm is 90)
>squat 200lbs atg (currently 125x5)
>have a nice body
>either be officially engaged to my bf or get married
>decide which city we are moving to and do it by august
>get a 22inch or below waist... 24in right now
>have 22+in quads

>> No.8025827

animator here. it's a tough road. don't go games/3d anything if you aren't prepared to work your ass off to get in

>> No.8025832

I will finally learn to use Taoboa, and I will order some damn shoes that will match my wardrobe.

At this point I know how it works, but I am a lazy butt - and continue to wear black shoes with everything.

>> No.8025838

Even though I hate my current job, I love getting overtime and working my ass off. I feel great at the end of the week.

I'm worried about the pay, though. I don't trust websites. May I ask how much you make? Or if you know how much a game developer makes? Worried about a paycut...

>> No.8025839

To feel better about myself, I feel like shit. No matter what I do i can never get the numbers

>> No.8025848

mid five digit. not cool enough for the super big name companies yet (upper five digits there)
"game developer" doesn't exist btw. the only people who might be game developers are generalists in small companies. everyone else is a specialist. can't hurt to know as much as possible but make sure to pick one part and kick ass in it.

don't slack off. don't do minimums. semester breaks are not for sitting on your butt. i made that mistake and it delayed my entry to the industry.

>> No.8025856
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>lose that holiday flab
I have a great butt, but it's losing its shape since I can't go to the gym as often as I like. Also,

>A's in all courses
I feel like I've been working up to this point (overcoming depression, setting study habits, etc) where I'm finally ready to ace fucking everything.

>> No.8025858

Oh yeah, I also need that butt for Nonon cosplay in April.

>> No.8025859

I have no new year resolution cus im already perfect

from objectivity

>> No.8025874
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Yo same! I want to make Flamenco Diamond and do it well -- it's right at the edge of my skills as they are right now so I think it'll be a great challenge.

Mmm. Thank you for pretty Sugita. That live event is the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.8025880

My goals are to start sewing and drawing again (I haven't been very active since I quit art school in 2008) and to get a better paying job with more hours so that I can drop boatloads of money on frivolous stuff like lolita without beating myself up over it.

>> No.8026014

My Lolita and J-Fashion new years resolution is to try and put together simpler coords that look brilliant instead of OTT ones that look average, and experiment more with styles.

My cosplay new years resolution is to actually work on my cosplays and put effort into them instead of just thinking that throwing them together will work for conventions etc.

My all round resolution is to take less shit from people.

>> No.8026030
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same. ive got skin-tight cosplays planned to really kick my booty into gear.

>> No.8026031
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Gonna get shredded for a proper Berserker or Armoured Titan cosplay.

Currently look like this, but with a softer jawline :(

>> No.8026035

cgl related:
>get at least 10 main pieces for my wardrobe
>more blouses, cardigans, and etc too
>lose more weight to fit into dresses better
>stop being awkward around cameras

>get into the dean's list for once
>get a job, intern, do the student exchange thing, ANYTHING
>be a better big sister

>> No.8026043
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>> No.8026204
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Goals for this year

>get loli gf

It will happen this year. I can feel it guys

>> No.8026240
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Be cooler.

What I mean is improving my character, I'm not exactly bad, leagues better than I was, but there's always more to strive for.
That involves stuff like buckling down and being more responsible.
Things like actually working on my art daily and starting to cosplay.
Finishing that Gunpla I've been putting off, actually job hunting, singing up for classes on time, making plans for living on my own.
Mellowing out further and learning what makes me myself.

I don't plan on solving all my problems in one year, but I do plan on taking things one at a time.

>> No.8026243
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I have several things I really want to do:
>start exercising more regularly and lose some weight
>save more money
>be a happier person and get out of this depression hole
>cosplay again
>make a garden and keep most of my plants alive
>more gunpla
>be an even more kawaii meido than last year

>> No.8026247
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You do realize that real strength looks more akin to what I'd imagine you look like already, right Anon?

>> No.8026254

I have only oner resolution: fill my wardrobe 90% lolita dresses/skirts

>tfw it wont happen

>> No.8026260

Get down to 90 cm bust, stop buying main pieces and focus on versatile blouses, boleros, and accessories, finally finish my fem Wario cosplay that was supposed to be done for NYCC.

>> No.8026274
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>deal with my depression and stop being such a hikikomori
>get involved with local comm
>step up my sewing game
>sort out wardrobe, get more main pieces and maybe getting rid of some stuff I never wear
>take more pictures of myself
>no seriously I need to step up my sewing game it currently takes me like three months to make anything it's pathetic

>> No.8026351

I've been sewing all my friends/strangers cosplays and making props for them for the past 2 years because of my low self-esteem
>too beta to say no
>would never be able to do character justice
>always felt too ugly and shy
>no personality

I switched from glasses to contacts, diagnosed and found proper treatment, figured out how to do makeup, and been going to the gym for the past year. I'm finally going to cosplay for the first time even though I'm nervous as fuck

>> No.8026352
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I have two, my first one is to get a job and work towards building a mostly Jane Marple wardrobe.
My second new years resolution is to stop being so shy about putting my work online and make an art blog or tumblr and stick with it,pic related.

>> No.8026355

You need a couch anon? You can buddy up with me. I'm not trying to lose too much weight myself though (only 63kg! I'm a skeleton at 177cm) but I can give you motivation and some tips!

I won't give up anon! I was just discouraged and confused but you helped me out! I'm still going to do this and Float.

If you need help with Taobao ask in the thread and I'll try to help you. I don't know lolita terms but I do know general knowledge about it (newbie too but it's fun.)

>Flamenco Diamond

Omg you're that one anon! I wish I could hug you and give you praise!

>> No.8026358

can I get a link to your tumblr? I hope you post more finished work (and to encourage you I would definitely buy your prints!)

>> No.8026359

I've reached my weight goal over Christmas so I'll lower it for next year. Otherwise start lifting more, go to my first meetup, move and be nicer to my boyfriend.

>> No.8026367

Do it anon! That's super cute.
>tfw I stopped drawing a few years ago
>I don't even know why
>I want to get back into it and maybe post online to connect with people but holding a pencil or stylus feels so awkward now
>let me live vicariously through you and your cute ass art, anon

>> No.8026434

I think I'd like to find small ways to make my daily life "cuter". I know lolita isn't really appropriate for a work environment but our managers are really lenient on uniform accessories. Could probably get away with some small bows or a brooch. That said, outside of work I need to put some serious effort into making some otome outfits.

>> No.8026457

-Have the maid café I'm in be successful and not an underdog
-Be able to go out in Lolita fashion more than 2x a year
-join the local Lolita community and stop being a total hermit
-be cute

>> No.8026469

>Reach goal weight. Already lost 61 pounds in 2014 but still have a little left/toning to do now.
>Start cosplaying again.
>Only working on one costume at a time.
>Give myself lots of time to finish things.
>Actually 100% finishing a costume. When I used to cos before I would get to about 95% done and just say 'fuck it good enough.'
>Not being afraid to cut wigs and style them more.
>Practice makeup skills. Im not awful but would love take it to the next level.

>> No.8026485
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Get a stable job that isn't an internship
Move out of my parents place (hopefully to Canada)
Make an impressive cosplay
Finish my B-MO
Visit more countries
Make new friends

>> No.8026499

What part of game dev do you want a job in?

>> No.8026510
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I think you're referring to the anon who already made her? That's not me! But she's on my list for next year for sure.

I want to find all the samflam cosplayers and hug them tbh. Which wouldn't be too hard because there are only like 15 of us...

>> No.8026530

Sure, but I want to do an accurate cosplay. I can bulk afterwards.

>> No.8026532

Get in more sewing practice. I just want to make frilly dresses, damn it.

>> No.8026541

>Get a fucking job
>Learn how 2 makeup
>Finally get rid of the bleached bullshit that is in my hair
>Build up a lolita wardrobe
>Tone up - I don't think I need to lose weight but I am so squishy..

>> No.8026561

>all these people saying they want to and get in shape for new years
No offense to anyone here personally, but it's just so great for me. Loads of people who don't know what the fuck they're doing, don't even inform themselves about SHIT, and barely last a week.
The gym's going to be fun tomorrow. Last year I saw a dude lifting 2kg weights while on the treadmill. There were also 2 people snapping their backs doing squats and a girl who nearly died while doing cardio without having eaten anything.

>> No.8026562

Keep us posted on that in the feels thread, I love that kind of stuff.
I'm out of shape as fuck and even I know getting in shape is a long process.
Why do you think I'm not?

>> No.8026572

>Why do you think I'm not
out of the ~150 new people at new years in our gym, around 2 or 3 stayed and got in shape.
I'm just saying, inform yourself. Don't pressure yourself to do it at new years just cause. And take it easy, as you said. That's one of the biggest problems people have. They think they have to run on a treadmill for an hour to warm up and then work on every single machine, and tire themselves out in 2 or 3 days.
If that's your new years resolution too, check out the sticky on /fit/. Avoid the rest of the board, though, it's just a bunch of funposters.

>> No.8026588
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>Finish working on my portfolio pieces
>Get out of my shitty province
>Get new job in my field in new province
>Go to the gym with my friend(I've been sticking to at-home stuff)
>Finally go to a /cgl/ meet up at a con(I've been posting here for 2 years but never went to a meet-up)
>Make more cosplays

pic unrelated, just haven't had a reason to post it here yet and I love it.

>> No.8026591

It's so sad that Samflam isn't loved more often.

>> No.8026601

You dound like my mom and sister. Both are over weight but hit the gym daily so that can stay physically strong. They also both hate January. My sister gets pissed at guys trying to lift weights and side eyeing her because "hurr sure look at this fat chick trying to lift." When she's into competitive weight lifting and 6'4". Then it turns into a pissing contest when they see her get started. My mom on the other hand gets her hour long jog and hour of weight lifting in daily and looses her shit with the skinny women who don't eat anything and are terrible at running hog all the treadmills.

My cousin loves it though because as a personal trainer it's his most lucrative time of year.

I on the other hand am just going to keep doing what I do outside of them so I don't feel like I'm running the gym for everyone else.

>> No.8026609
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>wanting NYRfags
It's like you enjoy people doing anything other than olympic lifts on the olympic platform or people doing all sorts of weird shit when it comes to putting their weights back.

Unless you're a PT, no one likes NYRfags.

>> No.8026612

I haven't said that I enjoy their presence, just that they can be pretty entertaining.
It's like a lovable stupid funny oaf, except there's 100s of them

>> No.8026614


>Still don't get some people who think that going to the gym is required to get into shape/if you don't then you are not getting into shape.

Not saying you anons but I've encountered people with this mindset.

>> No.8026615

That was me and there were 30 other people just like me at the gym. I was horrified, got my friends to show me proper form, and then turned my den into a weight room.

I was also sick of all the assholes trying their stupid pickup lines
>you look like you could use a spotter... Or more.
>you work out here often?
>want me to show you how to work your glutes?

>> No.8026639


>> No.8026648
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>> No.8026665

I keked.

>> No.8026702

I'd like to gain some weight, since I didn't reach my goal weight this year, I'm going to try harder next year :)
Also, I would like to own something brand

>> No.8026718

1. Finally start learning to trick so I can do Tekken cosplay justice and get decent shots
2. Oversplits on left and right and finally getting my box splits flat, improve my scorpion and back flexibility, really work active flex/strength in split positions
3. Get botox in my masseters (I have an ugly notch in my canines from grinding my teeth, and the muscle bulk emphasizes my big as fuck lower jaw)
4. Tekken cosplay depending on how 1. and 2. go, or Yomi/Dead Master
5. Finish incomplete sewing projects from 2013

>> No.8026724

> Get from my current ~120lbs to ~105lbs by August.
> Be better organized as to not rush the costume 3 days before the con
> Acquire more burando of value rather than pretty taobao dresses

>> No.8026731

>pickup lines
Oops, I thought they were just being nice.

>mfw can't into social cues

>> No.8026759

I'd like to get moving earlier in the morning. I've been working night shifts so when I wake up I usually don't get out of my room until 9:00-9:30. That might not seem too late but it's two to three hours that could've been spent doing something instead of laying in bed half asleep or fooling with my phone.

I'd also like to get more serious with some bath-related items I've been making. I've been making them for fun and just giving them away as a means to improve/receive advice but people have started telling me that I should just start selling them instead. If I could get that good or come up with more ideas I'd be interested in opening a webshop or selling them at conventions or something.

>> No.8026772

>Take better care of myself.
>Get a new job. I hate my current job but love my bosses. Sucks.
>Expand my wardrobe.
>Step up my coord game.
>Stop giving a shit about people who don't care.

>> No.8026791

It is. It's totally gonna happen. You're going to get a loli GF this year, I'm going to get a loli GF this year to wear cute couple lolita coordinates, it'll be great. We're gonna make it bro.

>> No.8026811

The biggest thing for me right now is weightloss. I have already dropped 2 dress sizes and hope to work on my weight more so I can fit into brand(I can fit into some, but it's mainly sweet and I want to go more classic).

I also want to buy more lolita stuff so I can wear it erryday and improve my skincare.

>> No.8026876

>I can't lose weight because I can't afford a gym membership!
>says the person who lives on the 3rd floor of their apartment complex but insists on always using the elevator
I know that there are fat folks out there who are genuinely trying but so far every fat person I've talked to about this has told me some variation of the above. It's like PT and Glorious Nippon. If only they could go there their life would be perfect, but it's always somehow beyond their reach, so their life continues to suck and there's nothing anyone can do about it and would you please stop asking.

>> No.8027208

Do at least two new cosplays this year, make my own cosplay, actually try to feel good in cosplays, maybe get in shape if I need to. I don't quite like my torso.

I want to do so much, at the least, I want to get one of these done. I want to be able to enjoy this year at cons and in cosplay... and make the most of it.

>> No.8027220

Boku no Hero is actually thought to bea possibl new 'big 3' production since Naruto and Bleach is/are ending. its more popular than you think it is. go for it!

>> No.8027227

This sounds silly but its a big deal for me, I want to go to cosmetology school next year and become an esthetician. I have special needs though and am trying to make the decision to move away from family and risk having to drop out and go inpatient again, but go to a really good school in salt lake or play it safe and go to a local "branded school"

>> No.8027233

Finally work up the courage to actually start wearing lolita. Fuck social anxiety.

>> No.8027252

apply for jobs like mad in london to move there

scared to leave my country but I got no future here. no job, no friends and no boyfriend. got nothing to lose

>> No.8027276

>lose remaining 20 pounds until i'm at my goal weight (lost 20 in 2014)
> have at least 10 main pieces in my lolita wardrobe
>join local comm

hopefully losing the last of my weight will help me overcome my social anxiety. I'm half way there now and definitely have become more confident.

>> No.8027280

Awww thank you so much!
I just made it so it's empty but it's en-pi.tumblr.com
Thank you anon! You're so sweet! I hope you draw again, I just made my tumblr (en-pi.tumblr.com) I'll follow you back. Feel free to send me a message or something maybe we can talk about art together!

Happy new year everyone I hope everyone's resolutions are fulfilled this year.

>> No.8027294

character design would be awesome, but i am not confident that i am creative enough to stand out from my competition.

i'm also interested in the programming aspect, especially AI. my final paper for my ludology class was on AI, and i was urged to apply for a research position under my professor's adviser at my university (in montreal where a lot of game companies are, so i think that's pretty cool).

no, the gym will NOT be fun tomorrow. i am not looking forward to waiting 30 minutes to use equipment. i am not looking forward to people squatting the bar in the squat rack or benching in the power cage.

>> No.8027313
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>Loose 40 lbs, get back down to goal weight
>Get a better job
>Buy more brand
>Do more of the shit that makes me happy

>> No.8027315

Attempt to make some decent cosplay armor.

>> No.8027333

learn to sew!
i already got a good machine(janome) and i'm just sewing small things right now like tiny purses. my new years resolution is to make at least really one good lolita thing.

>> No.8027340

New year's day and I'm at a hotel with an empty gym. No squat rack, but they have one of those big climbing frame things that you can do pull ups and stuff on and big enough barbells for me to do bodyweight squats

>> No.8027344
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>clean out my wardrobe, both lolita/j-fashion and normalfag and sell stuff I don't wear or like
>use said money to buy items toward achieving a more cohesive wardrobe (both lolita and every day)
>wear otome and more j-fash stuff on a daily basis
>take more outfit snaps
>fix my posture, i feel like i'd go from a 5 to a 6.5 just by doing that
>get another part-time job so i can buy more kawaii shit
>drink better tea, no more lipton shit i'm a mariage freres bitch now

>> No.8027375

I have that issue as well when I'm at home.
Try cleaning the weight or doing front squats.

If you really don't have a conscience, just ask to work in with nyr folks, then subtly imply that they should be doing another exercise. Only works if you're not DYEL, though.

>> No.8027381

I want to stand up for myself more. A lot of people used to know me as somebody who was physically of normal living but now I can't at the moment. I need to stop pushing myself beyond my physical limits to please loved ones to keep up the illusion that I'm okay. This facade is mentally exhausting.

>> No.8027384

Shit forgot my /cgl/ related. My physically health is important for cosplay. I need to start early on my cosplay this year because of my chronic illness.

>> No.8027393

Save money, Go to three big cons and nothing more, finish cosplays as soon as they're started, ignore sudden impulses to buy shit, and when you get a gut feeling do maybe do or don't do something; do it you won't regret shit

>> No.8027402

Ugh, I meant dumbbells. I can't clean them with good form but they have enough random machines I can put them on to get them up to shoulder height. I'm too chicken to do more than body weight without the safety of someone who will lift them off me/a rack. They also had one of those weird angled squat machines with padding, which I looked at and had a go on and decided was not ok

>> No.8027412
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I'm going to get fit, go to more cons, talk to more people, and learn this before 2016


Also, Happy New Year, you beautiful bitches.

>> No.8027418

Take less shitty cosplay photos.

>> No.8027422


If I may, I actually would advise against impulse buying when you're sad. Instant gratification as your only way out of a sad mood is a very unhealthy thing for your brain.

>> No.8027425

Winter is for bulking, spring is for cutting, my friend.

>> No.8027426
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Just go around yelling "Lightweight Babby" at people until they leave, kek

>> No.8027433

Now I want to go to the gym today/tomorrow to see if it's as bad as people say.

> worked out at home since 5ever

>> No.8027439

Ha, why waste your money on gyms when you could get a good old Street-Stretch™.


>> No.8027447

Same on both accounts. I love people watching.

>> No.8027455
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Go, it's gonna be fun. Treat it as light entertainment.
As for my goals for 2015 (not actual resolutions):
>Hit lmao1pl8 bench, lmao2pl8 squat, lmao3pl8 dl
>Get a qt Japanese gf (working on it)
>improve my Japanese while I'm still there
>proceed as planned in my Uni education

>> No.8027505

What I've noticed is that the best people to watch are

1. Asians
2. Women
3. The Mentor and Trainee duo

Everybody else, even the DYEL and old people usually get into a routine real fast and have a semblance of exercising correctly.

Asians are fucking awesome, though. I don't know why this is only unique to Asians but; "I come to a gym to do a bodyweight routine". I mean, what they're doing is effective but it's funny as shit. Especially when they're practicing a move like the muscle up or the dragon flag. Guy got the muscle up at the very end of the quarter, but jesus; that took a lot of practicing flailing his legs and failing before he got it.

Women. 99% of the time; what are the hell are you doing? I'm most convinced most women don't ever learn how to lift because they only learn how to put weights up and down from other girls and they completely ignore whoever is coaching them.
>Mfw going into the weight room at 12~, when the volleyball team comes in to use it
The horrors I've seen.

Then you have the mentor and trainee duo. The mentor is some bro who probably done sports and exercised his entire life, and his trainee is one of scrawny or fat friends/relative who probably never touched a weight before. Then the bro is like, "PUSH YOURSELF PUSH YOURSELF" and recommends circuit training with a thousand arm exercises.

Girls tho.
>the dumbbell push press then double skullcrusher
>the "put more weights on one side than another" bench
>the hip weighted hip thrust
>the get on top of a bench lunge
>the yoga deadlift
>pins on a smith machine
>goodmornin/learning how to bend over squats
>the "I'm too shy to ask someone to show me how to use this, or ask someone to help me(when I really should become this could result in fatal injury)

weightlifting at a University gym is the best

>> No.8027523

I'm going to start cutting out toxic staffers that keep trying to start drama in my department. I know we need the help, but we can make it if there's less two-faced crap to deal with in the long run.

>> No.8027531

But drama is so fun

>> No.8027585

If you want to design characters, try getting into concept art. It's difficult to get into, and the pay is not great either, but great if you love to draw.
Programing is better paid and probably a better choice if you are worried about a pay cut. Either way, expect a lot of unpaid overtime (It's worth looking up some crunch stories) so you have to really have a passion for it.
Not trying to put you off, it's a very rewarding industry to be in. Good luck if you decide to go for it.

>> No.8027621

Buy mo' brand. I've already started with placing my first 2015 order.

>> No.8027629

>Keep the fitness routine going but learn to stick to a fucking diet
>Sell dresses that I don't wear
>Buy more blouses, legwear and hair accessories
>Have a solid wardrobe of 20 main pieces that I love and can wear regularly

Just bought a new petticoat and a couple new blouses so I'm on my way there, but I want to be able to do a "30 Days of Lolita" by the end of the year with all pieces I love. And not look like a fat fuck while doing so.

>> No.8027713
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>overcome the fear of anything that could interact with me
>get two jobs
>find a subject I want to study
>move out
>go full lifestyle-mode with the new apartment (classic living room,sweet&weeb guest room,mori kitchen,sailor bathroom and gothic hallway)

That's all I need to be happy.Please let it happen this year.Please.

>> No.8027760

I'm a girl and I'm so glad my dad taught me proper lifting form when I was younger. A dyel male friend of mine will literally not listen to me when I try to fix his though, like, enjoy your back injuries motherfucker.

>> No.8027766

It's a friend, tell that fucking faggot to listen to you. When you enter the weight room, you gotta leave your ego at the door.

I mean, if it's a stranger--they won't listen to you no matter what you say unless they want to do the exact exercise you're doing; ie, clean or muscle up. Even if you're 1000x better lookin' and 5x times as huge, they won't listen and justify it with "ohh, this guy got big because he roids", "he doesn't train legs", "he has good genetics".

But if it's your friend, you should at least save that poor guy's back. Maybe one day he'll realize what you've done for him and he'll give you something. "Here's the 100k I would have spent on surgeries for my snapped spine, if you had not shown me the proper way of lifting".

Well, unless you don't like him. Then yeah, dyel faggot can rot in hell.

>> No.8027769

Then again, dudes find it emasculating to listen to women. If you bench/squat/dead/OHP/ect more than him, you probably make him feel like a little bitch.

Thus making leaving his ego at the door even harder. If he's a real friend, get your bf or something to help him out.

>Teach your bf to lift then have your bf teach your fag friend to lift

>> No.8027780

> find a job
> stop being a landwhale
> maybe cosplay once point 2 happens

I hate my body so much but for YEARS I've been trying but I just don't have the self control and I hate myself for it.
let's hope 2015 will be kind to me.

>> No.8027790

I've tried but he just kind of shrugs and goes "whatever". No bf but I did enlist a mutual male friend who lifts to show him some stuff. Who knows if it'll stick...

>> No.8027797

I'd like to lose weight and work on my construction/sewing skills. Ideally I would like to do this to cosplay Pit and maybe Samus somewhere WAY down the line if I ever get good with armour.

>> No.8027801

Cgl related: buy more brand, mostly AP. Round out my wardrobe with shoes, boleros, socks and headwear rather than focusing on jsks. Hunt down Sweet Cream House and wish list items. And wear Lolita every Saturday.
Non-cgl related: start running again. Buy a condo/town house and decorate it nicely. Go to lots of concerts and get a boy friend.

>> No.8027803

I completed my prior year resolution of getting to my ideal size. Bought myself zero clothes for the past few years while toning up. Saved up $10k during that time. This year's goals are more exciting: Get myself the beautiful lolita wardrobe I've been planning but never owned, and get my husband a small aristocrat wardrobe.

>> No.8027844

I agree with >>8027375 on doing front squats. Do you squat ATG? If you just hit parallel, deload and try getting to ATG. That way you can also practice cleaning with good form. Front squats really helped me with my squat form in general.
>tfw when finally squat over body weight ATG for reps

pretty much my lifting goals! we're gonna make it, anon.

the only time a girl seemed particularly strange to me was when i noticed that EVERY time she was at the gym, she was lurking around the squat rack and trying to get different men to help her put weight on. she'd also try to help any dude doing squats with their form. caught her taking selfies of her ass in the locker room, too. the few asians i've seen either exclusively do cardio or lift like normal dudes with their white friends.

i do love to draw, but i am afraid of how difficult it is to get into. the only art class i've ever taken was AP art, and my teacher and the people in it really annoyed me. i figure a lot of other artists must be like that, so i'm hesitant. unpaid overtime sucks, but i'd put up with it to be in the field that i want.

thanks for the advice!

>> No.8027856

My goal is to buy a Lolita dress and make a co-ord by the end of 2015.

>> No.8027863
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hmm, lets see
cgl related:
>cosplay more
>get my first piece of brand (bodyline chan ok)
>buy more seifukus just for fun
>get more wigs
>get bigger on sewing
>go to my first meet up (DAMN YOU ANXIETY!!)
>take better care of skin
>wear lolita more often
>take more ootds and selfies

non cgl:
>get srs about animation
>walk my dog more often
>stop being so quiet in a social situation

all ive got for now! 2014 was pretty good year for me, hoping for another good smooth year!

>> No.8027869

Lose 30lbs and actually start posting and trying to sell my art.

>> No.8027886

>More haircuts
>More hats
>Fill in the sock, cardigan and blouse shaped spaces in my wardrobe
>Get some more otome stuff so I can dress nicely in skirts I like and not have to deal with the tyranny of badly fitting trousers in the real world

>Finish degree without completely destroying my soul
>Graduate and get a job
>Keep a diary so I don't fuck up and share dumb shit on fb and twitter again
>More fucking art
>Talk to people

>> No.8027901

As a plus-size lolita, I feel like this may be a challenge to do well, buuut
>buy blouses that fit comfortably
>buy cardigans and boleros
>buy exciting and flattering legwear
>either coord the dresses I have in multiple interesting ways or sell them off
>learn to sell online the smart way
>buy at least one brand dress

Ultimate goal is to be able to make a timeline at the end of the year and see noticeable improvement!

>> No.8027935

I've banned myself from cosplaying or wearing any nice clothing until I've lost at least 2 stone so that's what's most important to me this year.

>> No.8027969

> Take better care of myself and stop stressing so much
> Get rid of acne
> Finish master's degree
> Quit my job and find a new one
> Expand my wardrobe
> Wear wigs
> Get better at makeup

Be a Dammann bitch anon, it's better

>> No.8028387

I think, "oh, 2 (units, not bad)"
I did not realize that's nearly 30 pounds.
You are tougher than I am, anon.

>> No.8028401

Get back into cosplay and lose weight

I didn't cosplay at all in 2014, no money.

>> No.8028526

>Stop spending so much money
>Sell off things I don't absolutely love
>Get organized instead of just having things in big piles
>Get a tumblr and post outfit pictures/art
>Find someone IRL to share my love for jfashion with
>Just keep swimmin' as I have been doing for the last couple of weeks to get in shape and feel better
>Start drawing and crafting again. Maybe start selling handmade things online?

Non cgl related:
>Stop falling for clickbait headlines, it's never as interesting as it sounds.
>Stop hoarding chrome tabs god fucking damn it

>> No.8028536
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Truly a blessing
I hope Masuda kept the samflam suit for when I marry him one day.
Also, super excited to see your Flamenco Diamond. She's on my to-do list but a little intimidating, I'm thinking about maybe making crapsuit Masayoshi first to get my hero game started. And in the meantime I cosplay plainclothes Mari and try not to hit on cops.
And yeah, I feel you. I try to not start crying when I see fellow SF cosplayers because I don't want to scare them away but it's hard to contain those happy tears.

>> No.8028594

I'm an Asian and I'm female, so I probably make hilarious watching? At the last gym I was a member of, I couldn't reach the highest peg the plates were hung up on without using one those silly wee step benches. The worst time was when I was increasing my squat weight by 5kg and the only plates smaller than 10kg were up on the top pegs, so not only was I too short to reach, I was asking for the baby plates.

Nah, always ATG. Cos I'm lazy and sometimes go right down and have a rest at the bottom. It's only for a couple of days more anyway, I'll be back home soon

>> No.8028597

/cgl/ related:
>get into voice acting business
>cosplay the characters I voice-over
non /cgl/ related:
>get over my depression
>lose the extra weight I got these holidays
>get back to videomaking

>> No.8028638
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Main goal:
>be more punctual
In high school I was on time or early to everything both school and family related. Now in college I'm sometimes late to my first early morning classes and always late to family events. I know for school I just need to wake up earlier but for family events it's a bit hard since I'm usually waiting for my boyfriend to finish getting ready.

/cgl/ related:
>understand the science of sewing
I took 3 years of sewing classes in high school and continue to do little projects so I know the basics. What I want to learn is WHY certain pieces work better than others, what darts do, how the curve of an armhole effects the garment, etc. Someone recommended this book to me and I was wondering if anyone could confirm or suggest something that has helped.

>> No.8028640

Good luck anon on the voice acting business.

>> No.8028654

Don't worry, that's adorable.

I've had a girl ask me to help her get the 2.5s that were at the top of the weight tree before. Shit is hngggggggggggggggggggggg.

I remember another time when a girl asked me to help her adjust the height of the pins on the squat rack because she wasn't strong enough to pull out the pins on her own.

And and.... another time, this chick came up to me and asked me to help her learn how to squat. Doushioooooooooo Shit was adorable; too bad I couldn't help her more... I know how to coach dudes, but with chicks it's harder because half of the shit you say makes you sound like a perv. Ie; to get the idea of tightening the lower back for someone who has never trained it, I usually tell them to lay on the ground, put their hands behind their head, then raise their legs and torso. That is flexing your lower back, and that's what you should tighten when you squat. Then the other thing I show people is the flexibility routine which is something a girl should never do. You squat down, then you put your hands together and use your elbows to push out your your knees. Then once they have the lower back/leg flexibility down, I just show them how to retract the scapula, elbows up, high bar(I don't like low bar), keeping the chest up/back tight/looking straight forward, hips back before squatting, pushing with the heel and not coming onto the front of foot, no buttwink, using full ROM, thumbless grip, breathing maneuver, ect.

I wonder if she ever learned how to squat. I didn't have enough time to help her more than 10~ minutes because I had to finish my workout and go home.

>> No.8028659

>stop hoarding chrome tabs
I recommend using OneTab, a google chrome extension.

>> No.8028764

I know that feel, anon. When I'm doing stuff with cables, like tricep pulldowns, I have to stand on my toes to change the attachments.

I hate asking for help at the gym. Sometimes people have the power cage set up in a way that makes it difficult for me to rearrange because of my height, but I refuse to ask for help.

The other day, a dyel guy was giving a tour of our gym and said, "this is the free weight room where some guys lift pretty heavy." gesturing to me, "oh, there are sometimes women in here too that just lift a little bit." i was benching 90lbs, which is nothing impressive by a long shot, but i do weigh 110lbs. there are maybe 5 women that use the free weight room at my gym, and all lift much more than me. why did he feel the need to say that??

>> No.8028770


Because he didn't want to exclude you from the "perceives free weight group" given that you are not a guy who lifts a lot.

Sounds to me like he was just acknowledging that you don't necessarily have to be an xbox huge guy to lift free weights and be healtht.

>> No.8028787

flamenco diamond anon here -- do you have a twitter or tumblr or something? we samflam folks gotta stick together, yo.

>> No.8028793

>Cut junk food (see: cheese and pizza) and start bringing my own food to work as they supply meals which aren't super healthy
>Organize my fabrics and sewing things
>Save money for school instead of buying so much burando
>Stop trying to be funny through insults (it's a really bad habit I get into with certain friends I feel awkward around and it basically kills the relationship)

>> No.8028802

I don't want to be adorable at the gym or need help, I just want to get my workout done without hassles.

My bench is so far behind my squat it's not even funny, 90lb isn't bad at all. I'm guessing we must be quite similar sizes (I'm 5' 2" in the morning...), although I'm currently "bulking for winter" (114lb). Also, "women that lift a little bit"? Throw the 90lb at that fucker to catch and see how heavy he can lift.

Seriously, all these stories remind me why I'm thankful I don't pay for a gym membership and have access to all the equipment I need. Weights is supplementary to my main sports/leisure activities requiring physical fitness anyway, so my only goal is to be able to move my bodyweight around really.

>> No.8028853

Maybe I just feel shitty. I've had dudes clap at my lifts and follow me around a gym before (not this gym, thank god).

Yeah, I'm 5' 1", so we're about the same.

I wish weightlifting was still just in addition to sports for me. I don't have the time for sports nowadays as I work evenings and everything is also at night. That's also a goal for me this year -- somehow get back into a bjj gym.

>> No.8028868


Fuck trying to type on the phone, btw.

>> No.8028878

Well, it is what it is.
Just know that it's.. kawaii as fuck I guess.
Iunno, he probably just said it out of slip of tongue. A girl who lifts is pretty unique, I guess. If you can squat lmao2plate as a girl, you're probably in the top 99% of females.

But yeah, sometimes you just gotta ask for help. It's a lot worse if you need it then you don't ask. Like for guys, it's normal to be exercising then to ask someone "Yo, is my form correct? "How do you do that?" "send help I don't wanna roll of shame" "Can you spot me?" ect. Girls usually don't ask for help or advice. Even worse, with guys you can just walk by and say "Yo man, your form right there isn't very good." and if you look big enough, they'll listen and ask for more advice. If you do the same to a girl, it'll be all sass and "I know what I'm doing".

Then again, I don't think you can really snap your back DLing less than 1 plate no matter how terrible your form is.

>> No.8029232

Asking for help with form or spotting is legit, asking for help setting up your lifting feels lame.

Nah, he was being a dick. You can't say that shit if you're dyel. Different if he actually lifts heavy and uses the room

>> No.8029242
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The cult that justices together stays together. The flamencult will never give up, never hide, never be defeated, never accept evil!
I've only been using it for a few months and I don't post too much, at least compared to most of the people I follow, but here's my tiny blog:
Please shoot me an ask with yours. Love always returns!

>> No.8029245

Be a better, not-shit human being who will actually go out there and do stuff instead of failing to even play video games.

>> No.8029588

My goal is to make friends with interests similar to my own.

I'm thinking about making fandom meetups at the next con, but I'm pretty awkward at leading these events.

>> No.8029600

Get over a girl
Manage not to ruin my first relationship in years

Also stop giving a fuck about things that I shouldn't

>> No.8029603

I want to make more simple cosplays just to have fun in! I only have two big cosplays planned this year.

I also need to take a pattern drafting class so I can get into the seamstress education I really want to take

(excuse my English)

>> No.8029605

in 2015 I s2g I'll remember that I actually do have pierced ears more often

>> No.8029628
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the last five months of 2014 were abysmal, as i graduated college, broke out of a long term relationship, and lost my job of 2 years. it made me feel totally unfit to be an adult.
as such, i can't see 2015 being any worse than that.
last year's fuckery forced me to be closer to my family and those who actually care about me and realize it is OKAY to rely on people
(sometimes. or i'll just tell myself that. i'm still working out the kinks on that indignant sense of independence that collides with my pathetic dependence issues)

>> No.8030336
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You sound like you need a hug Anon.

>> No.8030367

>buying more lolita related stuff
My wardrobe is still in progress really and creating a cohesive one, with 70% black items in sweet or gothic (old school gothic) and the rest would be red, pastel pink and some lavender. I will add also some otome in country themes.
>graduating university
>being less shut in and social
>attending to more lolita events around
>overcome my shitty fear of driving
>getting a small car
>solving the issue to living in the middle of nowhere
I live in a single house with parents and the stupid highway is the only street present here so no going by foot, i'm like doomed into my shutin-ness.
I think where i like (Eurofag here) most young adults still live with their parents so i'm not a rare thing, it's only the place i live that is awful and not helping me to being more independent.

>> No.8030430

Oh well
Get in shape so I'll fit in my dresses again.
Only buy wishlist dresses.
Add as few dresses to wishlist as possible.
Continue building a cohesive wardrobe (I'm pretty satisfied with my work in 2014 on my wardrobe).
Start building a casual/office j-fashion wardrobe with DreamV and LizLisa stuff, so my wardrobe doesn't only consist of lolita and black primark skinny jeans and blouses.
Don't buy anything hobby-related until I've set a good chunk of moving-out-with-bf-money aside.
Actually move out.
Decorate future apartment as cute but still mature as possible.
Work on japanese cooking/baking/reading skills.
Try to make the best out of my bad grades at uni.

Honestly I'm kinda happy my bf will most likely get a job good enough to support us both after his degree.

>> No.8031473

- Get into better shape for cosplay purposes (skinnyfat, blah).
- Actively work on costumes at least three nights per week.
- Finish all of the projects sitting around 75% completed (~3) or waiting for repairs (~4).
- Build up my lolita wardrobe; I only started in December and still have a long way to go.
-Get better at coording. I've only been to one meet, and I know I looked bad (a few shades not matching well and poor choices on accessories, but hopefully not full blown ita), and I want to really work on improving my outfits and looking cute, yes, in part to be well-liked in my comm, but mainly so I'm happy with my coords.
-Attend more meet ups.
-Make more friends in both hobbies.

>> No.8031730

Eh, not only fat people are like that. Pretty much everyone has a really wicked stupid stance on exercise.

>oh, I don't need cardio, I'm not fat so my heart is guaranteed to be strong
>oh, I don't need to do anything, I'm naturally in shape
and my favorite
>oh, I don't want to lift weights, I don't want to be a bodybuilder
because accidentally becoming a bodybuilder happens

>> No.8031735

Absolutely nothing.
I decided to get in shape 3 months ago. Already lost 25lbs and gained a fuckton of muscle.

New years resolutions suck dick for anything that should involve proper planning... so pretty much everything you would ever make a resolution for.

>> No.8031788

I restarted my workout routine again. Here's to hoping I don't give up anytime soon

>> No.8032834

>not knowing you burn more calories in winter and so it's easier to cut during it


>> No.8034156

I'd like to get back down to 110 pounds (I'm 5'3) and tone my gut. I was 110 before I started grad school, but got up to 120 in the first year and 125 at my worst last summer. I've been fluctuating between 120 and 115 since fall. Ideally I'd like to be at 110 before Katsucon, but if I miss that goal I'll try for 110 by the start of summer.