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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 36 KB, 512x512, i_love_my_self_post_card-rfaf54d6525d249fcb431c137da8204c8_vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8025560 No.8025560 [Reply] [Original]

Self post thread? Post your most recent cosplay/Lolita etc etc

>> No.8025854
File: 114 KB, 557x557, urallshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never swag as

>> No.8025870
File: 136 KB, 600x608, Dota2_Kunkka_New.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8025871

10/10 would fug

>> No.8025887

>Kostas Papadopoulos actin like hot shit
>while he swims in a sea of denbts
>while he shags little boys
top kek you wish

>> No.8025889

>Kostas Papadopoulos
Greek scum. You ruined EU.

>> No.8025924
File: 259 KB, 305x639, hurrrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i did

>> No.8025952

Consider suicide if male.

You will probably procreate despite being a 1/10 if female.

>> No.8025965

That's a pretty cute coord. I'd say ditch the beret and maybe the scarf but its OK.

>> No.8025970

Not a flattering silhouette of course but it looks cute to me. I hope you're not a guy though.

>> No.8025973
File: 58 KB, 577x720, 10690182_736726586417429_206240817281827263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8025977

So, are you two dating yet?

>> No.8025998 [DELETED] 

The one on the left reminds me of this one /cgl/ tripfag girl from Canada who falsely accused her boyfriend of rape because he broke up with her.

>> No.8025999


>> No.8026047


>> No.8026238


The scarf and socks are way too clashing imo

>> No.8026259

Pretty sure that is her.

>> No.8026299 [DELETED] 

So is she now pretending that she's a lesbian, to go with the "I got raped, I really did!!!" / Tumblr narrative?

>> No.8026326

This makes me so happy :)

>> No.8026333

very cute!

>> No.8026364
File: 119 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goooes.
Not too recent, but it's the most recent cosplay I have.

>> No.8026380

How come guys can never take selfies at eye level? It's always 60 meters below their face.

>> No.8026392

Dude, like do you wanna be in a movie? Where do you live?

>> No.8026393
File: 104 KB, 585x960, IMG_48283347932049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toph Being Fong - circa 2012ish? I've remade the vest and added a hairbun since. I've worn this one the most and I've absolutely had the most fun in it.

>> No.8026394

The only people I hate more than myself is all of you, except the 1st guy who posted his pic. He looks awesome. I need somebody who looks like him in an upcoming film

>> No.8026395

Fuck you autocorrect. Toph Bei Fong. Fuhhhh

>> No.8026396
File: 16 KB, 480x360, zoidberg mfw booooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just, stop,...... please.
You're an awful person and I hate you the most. Your cosplay is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.8026397

NGL, I thought this was Toph Beef Fong for a minute before I opened up the image.

>> No.8026421

nice blog

>> No.8026435


>> No.8026437
File: 96 KB, 720x540, photo 2 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw art of Leslie in a panda kigu and I realized I had a white wig and a panda kigu

>> No.8026465

this is pathetic anon, move your vendetta elsewhere

>> No.8026624

I thought it was meant to be the Ember Island Players Toph.

>> No.8026708

10/10 Would cuddle

>> No.8026720

Hi Oliver's friend.

>> No.8026726

12/10 would mindrape

>> No.8026733 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x1836, 20141229_130927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue is one of my favorite colors :)

>> No.8026742 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 720x1280, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue is one of my favorite colors :)

>> No.8026795

What is this?
I'm so confused.

>> No.8026799

It said to post your recent lolita, cosplay, etc etc.
So I posted a selfie
I don't believe I'm in the wrong thread

>> No.8026806

any more matoi cosplays?

>> No.8026807

>not lolita
>not cosplay

go back to /soc/

>> No.8026823

I'd do you, what's your kik?

>> No.8026834

Makoto Ophelia, did you fall or something?

>> No.8026835

It did say etc etc
I apologize

>> No.8026839

I saw the first reply and didn't believe that was a cosplay or lolita
So I thought it would be okay if I posted a selfie

>> No.8026846

Just post more. You're cute.

>> No.8026858

How come girls can never take selfies at eye level? It's always 60-90 degrees above their face.

>> No.8026868
File: 71 KB, 413x726, 025c62003b0c5e9529592b37191201a9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of girls taking (awfully lit) selfies 60-90 degrees above their face

>> No.8026891

It's better than staring at someone's wrinkly neckbeard. Guys should try it.

>> No.8026902
File: 296 KB, 1386x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual for going on rides at Winter Wonderland. Still poorly lit because my house is dark as hell. Also should have worn a bra without such an obvious seam...

>> No.8026905

You look like an adorable cartoon character but I sincerely hope you're not an adult male.

>> No.8026917

for the record i don't get why people are wishing you not to be an adult male. your coord isn't perfect but age/gender has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8026920

Why those socks, why that blouse, why live?

>> No.8026938

(which oliver there are two and they both browse this board)

>> No.8026940

yeah m8

>> No.8026956

>newfags responding to one of the biggest piece of shit trolls to hit /cgl/

I hate this place so much.

>> No.8026962
File: 765 KB, 706x745, preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M'water tribe

>> No.8026979
File: 143 KB, 720x960, hal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if covering face makes this not relevant but there u go.

>> No.8026989

love everything but the socks. too clashy.

>> No.8026991 [DELETED] 

Voldemort, you piece of shit, you are literally /cgl/'s Zoe Quinn. You ruin Matt's life and you think we're gonna forget? The only one who's pathetic here is you, you whore. I hope one day you'll actually get raped by some drunk, ugly hobo (no one else would rape you you fugly Tumblr bitch) and then he kills you by suffocating you with his bear hands and dumps your body in a garbage bin for the maggots to feast on. Having thousands of worms chewing through the inside of your body would be the biggest accomplishment of your life you scum.

#gamergate #MRA #falserapeaccusations #doublestandards #DFCdisasters #shortmenareattractivetoo

>> No.8027001 [DELETED] 

>all these hashtags
>little to no effort in copypasta

Why do we get the lamest trolls?

>> No.8027005
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 10628236_348603248637628_6486117234337952243_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I over bokeh'd this because of a meetup in the background, sorry. I'm shit at making props and melted my arcade board a couple of days before the con. Hoping to rewear this with a better wig and a finished arcade board.
You guys are too cute!! I followed your progress on the cosplays, and I'm glad they came out so nicely!
Love that you did the dress canonically instead of throwing on a thrift shop wedding dress. It looks amazing.
You're adorable, anon.
I love the texture of the helmet!

>> No.8027008 [DELETED] 

Girls, all report this post, on my command.




>> No.8027009

- nice fat tits
- probably knows how to suck a mean cock
- is into gang bang / bukkake

- that costume
- literally shit, how could you even think that's good looking
- you look like a desperate weeb slot

>> No.8027011 [DELETED] 

Stop talking to yourself for attention, jfc. How pathetic can your porky ass get? Don't you have some brand to look like an overstuffed sausage in?

>> No.8027017 [DELETED] 

Mods why don't you do your job?
>implying that's even Voldie
How stupid are you.

>> No.8027020 [DELETED] 

Oh look, it's Voldefart again.

Where is your army of Beta manginas who will DO IT FOR FREE when you need them?

Die you ugly little slut. If I met you IRL, I'd shove my axe in your skull and watch the blood & brain matter slowly drip down from the crack..............................................jk
>implying you have brain inside ur skull

>> No.8027022

Selfies tend to look better if it is shot from a higher angle so a lot of people do that

>> No.8027025

Yes, a slightly higher angle that very subtly shortens the face. A huge angle makes the face look very, very strange.

>> No.8027026 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 400x600, me as defender of womynfolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worry not, I am here m'lady.

I will defend Voldie till the end of my life.

Maybe then she will g-g-give me a kiss?

>> No.8027028 [DELETED] 

I want to rub my stinky smelly dick on Voldemort's corpse and than take pictures of the deed and upload it on /cgl/.

>> No.8027034

OP can you start a new thread

>> No.8027038 [DELETED] 


Make a new thread and put correct [Trigger Warning]s in the OP.

I was literally and actually raped by the comments ITT.

>> No.8027106

I was trying to match the blue-gray flowers in the frames and the off-white, but It's probably too busy. Maybe I should get some creamish tights to match the blouse/other frames?

>> No.8027201

Gives the appearance of a bigger stronger jaw line and makes him look older. I'm sure if it was straight on he'd look like a baby with facial hair.

>> No.8027281
File: 539 KB, 500x666, urguuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand lolitas being totally fine with not appealing to anyone's sexuality with their clothing choices, but the second a guy does it's an abomination. I'm an adult male who likes to look cute in an unsexy way, what's the problem?

>>8026917 I am feeling a pinch old now to pull it off. I'm 21 but I know one day I'm gonna just wake up and look like a grown ass man, despite how much I'm fighting to maintain a smooth face ;_;
Think I'll just switch to more hiphop/punk influenced stylings so I can continue to look comparatively youthful :c

>> No.8027282

It's ok, there's plenty of mentally ill 5/10 girls with low self esteem who will tell you that your horrible fashion sense is cute and that they would fug you.

>> No.8027284

whats ya tumblah

>> No.8027291
File: 74 KB, 449x584, ruhaevingproblems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure if it was straight on he'd look like a baby with facial hair.

>> No.8027298

anon is you asian
you look like you might be asian
if so
would fug
yellow fever no shame

>> No.8027299

>implying I like girls
>implying I dress for anyone but myself
I know this kind of thing probably gets hurled at you a lot for liking jfashion/cosplay, but please find peace anon-san.

>> No.8027300

Wasn't fond of the scarf from before, but I like your style. Would otouto/10.

>> No.8027301

Literally >>8027282 hit the nail on the head.

>> No.8027302

That entire get up is adorable as fuck.
What's that kind of fashion called? It just so happens that that's exactly what I've been thinking of as a sort of male lolita equivalent.

>> No.8027307

>>implying I like girls
>>implying I dress for anyone but myself

You type like a Tumblr SJW/feminazi. I strongly doubt that the guy you're posting is you. If you were a man, you wouldn't say such bullshit. Men have no trouble honestly admitting that they're dressing some way to get fugkt. I'm guessing that you either stole that from some Japanese website or you're a FtM/genderfluid who thinks that her vagina is a social construct.

Would explain everything.

>> No.8027308

>anon is you asian
No sorry I am Peruvian.
>What's that kind of fashion called?
It's traditional Peruvian fashion worn for generations by mi padre and his padre before.
Well I just happen to be better than all the other men and a feminist ally. Now stop triggering me.

>> No.8027309
File: 348 KB, 286x600, nerggggggggh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arigaytoe onee-san
I don't want to call it ouji or kodona, since I don't wear any brand and I don't do it with as much attention to deal as other j-fashionistas do, but I'm definitely inspired by that look, but with a more school boy bent (since I'm cheap and fat)

>> No.8027314

It's that sort of mix of gothic stylings and schoolboy aesthetics though that I'm trying to pinpoint.

It isn't even necessarily just schoolboy, the newsy look is also incorporated into what I'm thinking of as well.
Thanks for at least giving me some ideas.

>> No.8027317


>or you're a FtM/genderfluid who thinks that her vagina is a social construct.

i c e b u r n
n r n u b e c i

>> No.8027321

> god forbid someone be gay!
Get that sand outta your vag and stop crying Tumblr at everything you don't like.

>> No.8027325

I am not gay tho just cause I said I don't like girls doesn't mean I'm gay check your priviledge

>> No.8027327

No sorry ;~; I'm not a fan of exposing my midriff

>> No.8027329
File: 658 KB, 600x800, urrrrrrrrghooooooood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think everything has to have its own category necessarily, I think it's nice if we have some fun or at least tailor things to what we like, because fashion is about self-expression in my snowflakey view of it. Glad that you got something out of me sharing though.
dis troll

>> No.8027334

i love that you actually groom the beard though. too many guys just are trying to rock face pubes and nobody wnats to see that. you could cosplay satan p good imo

>> No.8027343

I want to berry my face in your navel.

>> No.8027347

ok you can have her nave, but i'm calling dibs on the cunny

>> No.8027362
File: 56 KB, 639x960, 1383440_10152905343388205_643851349394225241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the only pic i've gotten back from the con of my Shadow of the Colossus cosplay and i have yet to find any hallway shots. I think this tends to be the story of everyone's life with photos. People who recognized me flipped their shit which was fantastic.
Im working on more costumes for other people to help me afford lolita accessories. I paid up Haenuli for the Phantom of the opera dress so i'm just working on a coord.

>> No.8027770

I didn't know you came on /cgl/. Guess it makes sense though.

>> No.8027773

>bright orange wig
but why wouldn't you tone it down... even a little bit? wander's hair is more auburn or cherry.

>> No.8027783
File: 249 KB, 2048x1152, 10575177_10152574785500590_203459631626526948_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a crimson magnum wig from arda and even sharpie dyed it darker to this tone. It's just what happens whem i'm 3 feet from a light shining right on me.

>> No.8027785

even that is a little bright, but i now understand the lighting problem. i guess that's just an unfortunate angle

>> No.8027787
File: 35 KB, 612x612, Photo on 12-08-2014 at 12.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many guys just are trying to rock face pubes and nobody wnats to see that

>> No.8027792

Yea. It's unfortunate. I was hoping for some other shots where it doesn't look that way but alot of photogs 'pop color' and then the wig looks more bright and intense than it should. I'll have to go back and darken it further i suppose. It was my first go at sharpie dying wigs.

>> No.8027796

You are really cute but you should take better care of your human.

>> No.8027802

no worries, dyeing wigs is tricky and sharpie dyeing is a good way to get into it. honestly, if you want a lot of practice, id get a pure white arda wig that you can test a ton of colors on (so you don't have to spend a lot of money figuring out what works with those fibers).

>> No.8027806

Fake beard glued onto a teenager's face.
Surprised you're still getting pussy.

>> No.8027821
File: 237 KB, 686x2025, the downfall of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8027822

God please what happened? Islam?

>> No.8027827

I wanted to become a wizard.

>> No.8027876

>Remove the black bow from the blouse as there is no black elsewhere in the outfit
>White tights that match blouse
>Red/Burgundy shoes that match the skirt
>If bow is not made of the same fabric as the skirt then switch it for one which is the red/burgundy colour of the skirt

>Shade your eyebrows in at the end, definitive eyebrow shape improves facial structure 5000%

I think you are definitely improving but you need to refine your colour choices.
Keep posting!

>> No.8027880

I honestly think it's more /fit/ guys crossboarding who have that reaction. At least I hope so. You're qt and it's neat to see a fashionable guy here. Don't worry.

>> No.8027905

It makes perfect sense, I'm a massive gaping cunt, after all.

who r u anyway

>> No.8027955

>can't see his Chuan-tier face
relinquish me of my goblin darts / accouterments

>> No.8027956
File: 81 KB, 540x960, IMG_288660844984974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my 3DMG right now
Sorry for no makeup, I threw everything on for a friend one night

>> No.8027967

You can't see the rest of their outfit at eye level. It's a lazy way to get as much in as possible.

>> No.8027981

I hope this is supposed to be Armin and that you're a dude, Ratkin-bro.

>> No.8027998

You have beautiful eyes, m'Lady. I would be your Reiner any time.

>> No.8028000

thank you anon-san
bingo. I'm basically him with less neck fat and more ambiguously ethnic

>> No.8028005

Haha, I need to work more on my wig. I'm aiming for Krista.

>> No.8028006

Thank you :)
I couldn't find my circle lenses at the time, my next one will have them in

>> No.8028040

Could you please clean up your eyebrows? Why would you groom the beard and not your fucking eyebrows? They're disgusting.

>> No.8028084

>is gay
>knows Chuan

>> No.8028094

keep doing what you do anon, i'm digging it and want you to improve this style.

not loving the exposed leg/sock garters with the loose/open hem shorts above the knee, but your general style/attitude is similar to stuff i'd like to see more of (but spread out a bit, 3x in one thread is tripfriend-tier behavior)

>> No.8028111
File: 18 KB, 338x417, 937fcfa911583c4e40e893fb0cc25b4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blistering barnacles!

>> No.8028301
File: 28 KB, 359x220, jfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8028331

i like your costume but i hate your wig

>> No.8028407

your super adorable.
and that bag is rad as fuck.

>> No.8028417

My wig is shit :^(

>> No.8028822
File: 708 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat--2292262143350131319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time using false lashes
Working more on my makeup for lolita

>> No.8028834

Some tips for you:

>eyebrows: fill them in
>eyes: don't just glue lashes on by themself, use eyeliner and/ or eyeshadow; look at gyaru tutorials for tips on circle lens make up
>lips: avoid using such a shiny gloss
>blush: blend that stuff and use a lighter and peach toned one instead

You have a really nice face to work with, would be a shame not to make the most of it.

>> No.8028837

You're cute but don't do the bottom lash thing especially if they're thicker than your top ones. It doesn't look good.

>> No.8028841

Thanks for the advice! I've been looking at tutorials, this was my first attempt. I'm still trying to get the hang of liquid eyeliner.
I'll definitely be making some changes
Thanks again!

>> No.8028843

I'm planning on getting new top lashes, these are just some cheap ones from Wal-Mart, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on them if I wouldn't be able to put them on

>> No.8028846

Practise makes perfect with liner. Liquid liner is good as a starting point, would recommend moving to gel liner applied with a flat angled brush once you have the hang of the liquid. I find it stays on longer and I can make smoother lines with the angled brush.

Love your lenses by the way, what are they?

>> No.8028848

Yes, top lashes would look much better with them. I would suggest using thinner bottom lashes as those are really thick but if you really like them then go for it. You look more beautiful without the makeup and circle lenses by the way. Not even lying.

>> No.8028852

Sounds good to me, I'll probably end up stuffing over then
They are beuberry poppy blue and I got them from uniqso. They're super comfortable, I forgot I was even wearing them

>> No.8028857

I have a combo pack of them, they'll likely be reserved for lolita events or special things like costume parties, cosplays. Etc.

Thank you so much! :)

>> No.8028860

Switching not stuffing FML autocorrect

>> No.8028875
File: 290 KB, 1366x2048, sugar full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Sugar cosplay from OFF.

It took me a year to finally put the costume together. And by that time nobody cared about OFF anymore, but I still enjoyed cosplaying it!

>> No.8028907

I cosplay zacharie from OFF and run several OFF blogs

>> No.8028942
File: 104 KB, 720x1079, FB_IMG_1420177261788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally had a chance to restyle the wig and do a photoshoot over the holidays. Really happy with how everything turned out! Now I'm just on the hunt for good red ankle boots before con season gets started.

>> No.8029053

Thanks! I do agree that I've got to stop with the sock garters at this point, or at least find a way to spin it that's not as jarring. And sorry for trip-faggyness, I don't ever plan on dropping a trip, I just like attaching images to my posts, they feel naked without them.

>> No.8029080

Nice! Links?

>> No.8029093

damn yall is ugly as fuck

>> No.8029108
File: 43 KB, 346x270, 131708490512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you do not say that about my wife. >>8027956
is the cutest thing on earth you little ho

>> No.8029110

someone weighs 400 lbs and hasnt been laid

>> No.8029114

lmao yeah kill that bitch slayyy

>> No.8029115

carsatan on tumblr
There'll be a few AOT cosplay posts, but I cosplay Zacharie primarily :)

>> No.8029129

Ngl, I saved both photos and masturbate to them often. Requesting more.

>> No.8029143

'my wife'
You literally just made my day

>> No.8029146
File: 27 KB, 350x273, n5158cf8872343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8029151
File: 443 KB, 1600x1200, nooo pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8029168

>that thing
>"cutest" anything
Neckbeard please go. Xhi won't have sfx with you.

>> No.8029170

>masturbating to islam
why don't you go join ISIS like the retarded white british teenagers do these days?

>> No.8029176
File: 356 KB, 1366x2048, 1522954_10200108815521341_8937488382049987002_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a fun (but FREEZING) christmas themed shoot earlier in December. The trim at the hem puckered a little, which was frustrating, but it moved well.

This is based on official (?) art of Tenshi from Angel Beats, btw

>> No.8029178


>> No.8029185
File: 2.87 MB, 2472x3016, christmas tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cheap knockoffs and they're missing the shearling cuffs because I couldn't be assed to do them, but yeah.

>> No.8029188

what? how autistic are you?

>> No.8029205

Cocked Faggot is a towelhead / donkey connoisseur from sandpeople land and you said you jerked off to him. How low can you get?

>> No.8029215

I think I'll be okay. I don't mind. If you post your pic I'll masturbate to you too okay, anon? ;^)

>> No.8029227

Does snigger stand for sand nigger then?

>> No.8029240

You first. I'm not letting just any girl masturbate to my classy looks.

>> No.8029601

>40 year old woman trying to cosplay a cute young anime girl
getting mixed feelings of pity and second hand embarrassment here

>> No.8029611
File: 178 KB, 685x365, kanye-shrug-4.8.2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, I'm aware I have a mature face and I usually cosplay well within my type, but I like her as a character, so.

>> No.8029614

/intpol/ pls go
I know this is your first time interacting with women but simmer down the autism, son

>> No.8029623

>mature face
wrinkly old grandma =!= mature

>> No.8029654

You go?

>> No.8029660

I like everything but the shoes. Your face doesn't matter.

>People getting mad about an older woman ruining their image of their waifu

>> No.8029662

/pol/ is that way....oh wait.

>> No.8029676

Nice try but no. I don't even know who that autistic anime character is, nor do I care (it's probably shit, judging from the art direction).

It's just embarrassing to me to see old women dress up like that, because it's obvious that:
a) she doesn't have autism;
b) she's not a neckbeard;
so she doesn't even watch the anime (which is good, why waste time on garbage) but pretends she likes it anyway (because she wants to be a special snowflake and not admit that it's just another case of muh "i liked the charactur design" /cgl/ meme).

I'm guessing that the anime is probably from this season and somewhat popular, why else would she do this crap?

>> No.8029687


Unless you're anon >>8029601 I wasn't talking about you.

>40 year old woman trying to cosplay a cute young anime girl

It's an anime character. Nobody looks exactly like an anime character. It would be like getting mad at a teenager doing doing Shinobu because they are not 5-10 years old and a little girl even though she's an old vampire.

>> No.8029692

>Nobody looks exactly like an anime character.
Oh yeah? What about those Russian girls?

>> No.8029697

Angel Beats aired in 2010, so you look more idiotic than I do even with my ugly old-ass face.

Fwiw I'm 25, which is fucking ancient in this hobby, but I'll give you that silver wigs don't make older-looking people look any younger.

>> No.8029711

What Russian girls? What the hell are you even talking about?

Seriously cosplay doesn't have an age limit and nobody looks like an anime character so you have very stupid expectations in my opinion. I've seen people in their 80s still pull off a good cosplay and personally knew them. People like you are the main reason why anyone over 17 can't have fun in a cosplay because they feel that at 22 or so they are 'too old.' Anon >>8029176 isn't doing a slutty character or a revealing character and in my opinion she looks fine and her cosplay is appropriate.

>> No.8029981 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 3072x4608, DSC_0639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it for last October but well, here I am. Excuse the potato face and lighting (it was 6pm and it was getting darker and darker). I tried to save it with Lightroom.

You're really cute and adorable!

>> No.8029989
File: 287 KB, 800x1200, 8346345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it for last October but well, here I am. Excuse the potato face and lighting (it was 6pm and it was getting darker and darker). I tried to save it with Lightroom.

You're really cute and adorable!

>> No.8030066


>> No.8030069

FYI that anon is calling you wrinkly because he doesn't realise most people have nasolabial folds when they smile. I didn't either due to watching cartoons and not paying attention to real people. When I got over the phase, I was seeing nasolabial folds everywhere, even on kids to my surprise.
tldr; you're not wrinkly or old, and if there was light shining directly on your face they wouldn't be visible. Using paler lipstick or lightening your lips, along with larger eye make up and false lashes would help for a younger/more anime appearance too. If you wanted that.

>> No.8030103

That's a good Alice cosplay you have there. Nice job.

>> No.8030192
File: 173 KB, 807x669, my_rape_victim_#6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people have nasolabial folds when they smile.
Only a minority does.

>What Russian girls?
Like that cosplayer of the moeshit waifubait from the worst Biocock.

Or this girl.

>> No.8030199

Not to mention the girl who slept with Putin and got Crimea as a reward. She was a literal anime.

And that girl from Kazakhstan who brought worldwide attention to one of the most boring sports in human history that no one cares about.

>> No.8030513

damn what a qt

>> No.8030519

>dat filename

anon plz

>> No.8030526
File: 23 KB, 265x308, TRIGGERED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8030547

who are these girls?

>> No.8030566

>he doesn't know Crimea-chan

>> No.8030571
File: 115 KB, 480x640, 1362106173453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no skinny sand nigger bf

>> No.8030582
File: 504 KB, 1663x2500, Tyler-and-Dylan-derek-and-stiles-24410758-1663-2500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone told you that you look like sterek.
like not even one of the characters in particular.
you just look like it.

pic related, you are the unholy offspring.

>> No.8030583

you're dark as hell too

>> No.8030587

Lol alright.

>> No.8030591

Kek what is this
First I see a seagull who looks like Kate Nash
Then another one that looks like Moriarty
Then one that's a spitting image of Jlaw
Then this

>> No.8030592

don't do bottom lashes until you get better at makeup. Also when you do use them, don't put them on like that. Put them on so that they're at an angle and not just flat down

>> No.8030593

it's okay, apparently i look like kelly osbourne before she got hot. Not all celeb lookalikes are kawaii.

>jlaw lookalike not sure if want
And I'm fairly sure you mean Andrew Scott's Moriarty? Or like... the one from the Guy Ritchie movies? Or Natalie Dormer?

>> No.8030594

Andrew Scott. She had the same eyes, nose and smile down 100% but I forgot which thread she posted in.

>> No.8030671

>he doesn't even lift
What a pussy.

>> No.8030684
File: 894 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n235s2wi421snsruh_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in love

>> No.8030685


Thank you guys!

>> No.8030686

She doesn't look like an anime character. She just looks qt. What anime character does she even look like? I want to honestly know.

>Most people have nasolabial folds when they smile
>Only a minority does

What? How do you know.

Now if you didn't like that girl because she didn't look good to you fine but say that instead of "lol she's a 40 year old you need to get another hobby."

>> No.8030696

Lol but you look white and nerdy anon.

>> No.8030732


>> No.8030738

if you haven't already you should cosplay as cersei. you remind me a lot of lena headey.

>> No.8030765

Seconded so hard. Make those bitchy old woman looks work to your advantage instead of wanting to pretend you're an anime loli.

>> No.8030818

I know one girl anon talked about was probably Sabina Altsomethingsomething and the other one, idk

>> No.8030865

>not knowing Natalia Poklonskaya
Seriously do you live in a cave or something?

/cgl/ confirmed Tumblr feminists - they talk all the time about their fictional genders but don't even know a strong empowered womyn who rules over Crimea.

>> No.8030869

I think most normal people don't care about a random uncute Russian girl

>> No.8030883

>random uncute Russian girl

She looks so much like an anime girl that she even has that mentioned on her wikipedia page.

>> No.8030888

>age 34
A 34 year old Russian girl looks like a qt 3.14 teenage anime girl. And acts like it too!

Meanwhile, a 25 year old American girl (*cough* *cough*) dresses up as a teenage anime girl but looks like a wizened mummy who was recently raised from her sarcophagus.

What went wrong, America??

>> No.8030890

/pol/ and /int/ pls go
srsly, just go
no one cares about your waifu here

>getting cucked by putin

>> No.8030892

>being this jealous and butthurt that you will never look good while Russian girls are literally born as 3D anime characters

>> No.8030898

yet you'll never put your dick in one
funny how that works out

>> No.8030900

Oh yeah? When I put "Crimea" in google the first link I see is an ad for "Russian Mail Brides".

How mad .ru?

>> No.8030902

>implying you can afford one with your mammy's food stamps
try again ricky bobby

>> No.8030903

I am Jewish, I can afford anything.

>> No.8030904

he said, while frantically scouring the selfie thread looking for a gf
>y-y-you girls aren't good enough for my fashionable, euphoric, 9/10 self!!! t-that's it!

>> No.8030908

I hope you can afford a negroplasty, pretty girls don't date pencil-dicked lizard men

>> No.8030911

>I am Jewish
doesn't that oven over there look nice...? you can trust me. i am a reputable russian oven saleswoman. i look like your favorite animu character.

just go into the oven anon.

>> No.8030914

shhh don't say the o-word, he'll report us to jidf for inciting anudder shoah

>> No.8030916

>implying I am not a 8//10 at least
+the money I spend on my Russian bride makes me a 11/10 basically.
((had to upload it on imgur because image won't upload on 4chan / cuz luggage lad fucked it up again))

Oy vey! And you called me the /pol/ poster??

>> No.8030927

wise words anon, ty for the reminder.
>that fucking backpack and tiny little neck
i don't even know if the ov-ns would be strong enough to kill you, michaelangelo.
kek at this captcha http://i.imgur.com/usbSF08.png

>> No.8030928

You sure they didn't ask you to take it off for them?

>> No.8030940

I'd go with straight up racist, but you could blame the autists I guess.

>> No.8030942

Hey, stop bullying the Ratkin-bro. He looks almost like a normal human being with the wig.

>> No.8030944

i like you, anon. i like you a lot.

>> No.8030946

I know, I know. *feeds him cheese*

>> No.8031151

i was linked here from /a/ (technically Tumblr, since it was /snk/)

are you boy?

>> No.8031156

you're a qt anon

>> No.8031157

I'm actually an inferior race, but by hiphop I mean mostly in silhouette and by punk, mostly its motifs. I think putting the two looks together is fun and cute, and a lot of items that exemplify this aesthetic are starting to become more common, inexpensive and varied.

>> No.8031158

You're a qt but that bottom lash thing doesn't work. Sorry.

>> No.8031178

I am an aliagendered demiboy, my preferred pronouns are she/his/allself. Thank you for asking.

>> No.8031235

Pretty sure it's just Cloaked talking to himself like he does in all threads he posts in.

>> No.8031380
File: 139 KB, 481x315, ss+(2015-01-03+at+04.21.37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh. i thought the cute anime girls irl weren't supposed to have nasolabial folds, anons?

>> No.8031722

Yeah, I think I'm gonna stop using them. Thanks though!

>> No.8031727

Ignore the other person who replied. I'm a female. It was really late at night and I had no make up on

>> No.8031737

Where are you from?

>> No.8032070

Is this a Melisandre cosplay?

>> No.8032112


Do you have Russian fever or something? You sound just like those people with Japanese fever who think that all Japanese women are qt, loyal, and will bow down to your mightly American/European cock.

>> No.8032147

You're so dumb, it's not because she looks animu, it's because she's fucking 34 and looks 15. She only has animu drawings of her cause japs liked her first and that's all they can draw.

>> No.8032250

You sound jealous of Asian and Russian women, see a therapist. Jealousy isn't a nice thing.

>> No.8032260
File: 104 KB, 864x594, crowd push.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /cgl/

>> No.8032310

very cute imo

>> No.8032326


Is this all the same fag?

>> No.8032335

tfw no skinny sand nigger bf ;-;

>> No.8032349
File: 28 KB, 401x438, 1352153742021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel, i know it anon

>> No.8032364

Nope. It just goes to show that Russian women are the best objectively and your jelly.

Her "nasolabial folds" are cute like anime too.

>> No.8032367

Wow you sure proved that you're def not samefag.

>> No.8032375
File: 49 KB, 1472x269, SEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am not. Look at pic, not even a single (You).

>> No.8032377

Bangladesh, why?

>> No.8032379

>Complaining about an older woman and her nasolabial folds, calling her 34 when she's 25
>most people have nasolabial folds when they smile
>Natalia is a 34 year old woman with them and looks good for her age like anon >>8029176
>B-But that Russian girl is cute with her nasolabial folds so she doesn't compared

Yeah you have Russian fever anon. No different than a weeb.

>In Russia woman fucks you.

>> No.8032384
File: 8 KB, 249x244, 1420248984445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw another anon called you out on your bullshit.

>> No.8032419

Oh now I get it. You're trying to compare yourself to Natalia-chan and say that you're as good looking as her.

Well no. You are not. She is 34 and looks 15. You are 25 and look 44+.

>> No.8032427

>there will never be a /cgl/ thread without this toxic harpy-like jealousy towards cute girls

>> No.8032438

>Thinking that I'm anon >>8029176

Stop being autistic. Go take your Russian fever and go move to Russia.

>> No.8032442

Jokes on you, I am actually Russian.:)


>> No.8032468

>there will never be a self-post thread that guys from other boards don't troll

>> No.8032471

The only guy from other board here is you.

>> No.8032507
File: 1.85 MB, 238x239, eye roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. this happens every fucking time. usually it's fit posting in the rec threads. 'wat hot animu character should i cosplay? btw they must be half-naked. look at my pex, am i fit or am i fit. pls b in london.' i might shitpost on other boards but cgl is not for that.

>> No.8032581
File: 38 KB, 540x540, 2015-01-04_00.54.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes the jaw look smaller. Pic related.

Skin looks like garbage in the second one because I just had a hot shower, but you get the picture. The first photo was taken from about for head level, the second taken from nose level. Taking the photo from up higher is just much more flattering.

>> No.8032584

10/10 would waifu, you're beautiful

>> No.8032741

>that feel when all the actual, cute girls that used to post on /cgl/ are gone
>now we have this weak Tumblr circlejerking shit instead where no one is allowed to criticize anyone because it would make them *feel* bad

I miss Lobitah.

>> No.8032800

Newfags don't even know who that is.

>> No.8033070
File: 141 KB, 636x636, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks x
I should have mentioned that I had to adjust the brightness/contrast on my face because of the poor lighting. The blouse is more creamy/goldy like the first pic and the skirt is covered in black gingham (and my hair is black) The frames are a mix of off white and goldish cream like the blouse and I tried to pick up on the blue-gray flowers etc on the print with the tights, but probably would have been better with solid. I have pure white tights but they look weird; any recommendations for off-white/beigey/creamy ones?

Yeah I picked something difficult as hell to coord and thought the colors were all different when I saw the skirt on the computer screen too. Shitty phone pics aren't helping anyone help me so I'll get a battery for the DSLR

I've never really shaped my eyebrows before but they are kind of growing wierdly full in the middle and very sparse at the edges i lost them completely due to a skin condition years ago) I'll go back to face shape thread and ask about what do for my v

I'm waiting on some Infanta and hope I don't totally screw it up. Am I right in picking reds to go with my skin tone? Because people keep making dick comments about it and to stay far away from pastels. Thanks for the help x

>> No.8033077



>> No.8033081

Oh lordy. Great construction and you def have the legs for such characters

>> No.8033082

Just a classic /cgl/ girl, racist as fuck against soul people.

>> No.8033087

That's a cute euphemism. Sounds like an animu. Soul People.

It's better than mutt lol

>> No.8033128

Thank you very much! It's nice to hear someone seeing the details of it.

>> No.8033130

you look a lot kinder in the straight angle though, and as a result more attractive.

I think that weird angles can make faces look uncanny, when they would otherwise be fine. Like slightly unnatural if it's hard to tell the angle it's taken from.

>> No.8033138

I was just pointing it out

>> No.8033267

Which one of these girls is cute
Protip: none if them.
We left, either self post threads or the board in general. Or don't need false validation anymore.
>inb4 Wahh you're jealous! ;~;
Are you really that insecure about yourself lol

>> No.8033677

I see what you mean with the skirt, the black appeared more like a burgundy in the previous photo. I think the cream colour is more definitive in the outfit so I would pick up the cream tones instead of the black. Primark have some good 100D solid colour tights at the moment in cream but you can also check out Bodyline's hoisery section for cheap patterned ones http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showProduct2.asp?id=8805&noSubType=Y&pageNumber=2&pageStop=stop_3
In the Summer lace trimmed ankle socks will look very cute with this.

I have the same problem with my eyebrows and shading in the sparser areas really improved my look. It's trial and error getting the perfect shape but after a few weeks you will be able to do it very quickly. E.L.F sell eyebrow stencils cheaply too if you aren't very confident.

I'm sure you'll look great - maybe post test co-ords on cgl when it arrives? Personally I like the reds, I think you would look lovely in richer tones too e.g wine and burgundy
Check out Michaela's co-ords on facebook for ideas, you have a similar skin tone and she often wears red.
Some pastels actually look a lot better on darker skin, mint especially and often cream. cgl is just racist 9/10 times unfortunately

>> No.8033688

You wanna go out with me, Jelly-kun?

>> No.8033722
File: 159 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a stupid lil selfie but im working on Yamraiha from Magi for ALA this weekend!! Im almost done, I just have to attach the seashells to my ears and hopefully find a smaller jewel for my forehead.

>> No.8033891

Read the thread before you start shitposting, you moron.

Natalia-chan is the cute girl. Not "which of these girls".

>> No.8033892


>> No.8033893

Looks really cute, anon. I usually am a vehement opposer of piercings in cosplay (though I am aware this is just a test) but man, it really suits you/your character!

>> No.8033897

>wanting a pierced turboslut
You do realize that this girl literally had sex with more than twice the amount of guys than her age, right?

>> No.8033905


>> No.8033908

Well, I don't really care about that.

If I actually wanted to have a chance at dating her, I wouldn't have posted "LONDON", but my actual area of residence; California. I'm going to ALA, and I'm probably going to say "Hi, can I take a picture of you?" then never speak to her again because I have a gf and she's coming to the con with me.

When I say London, I mean it more in the sense of "Wow, you're attractive!" rather than "We should date and you are wife material!"

And what's wrong with having a shitton of sex? Would just mean she's experienced, really. Purity is for 2d, not 3d and obsession with it isn't good.

tl;dr clarification; the PLS BE IN LONDON can also mean a funny way of saying she's hot

>> No.8033910

There is nothing wrong with having the amount of sex a normal, mentally healthy girl has. A Tumblr slash /cgl/ raised turboslut though is always extremely dangerous too fuck. She might get clingy if you're attractive and falsely accuse you of rape. This is an actual thing on this board, I'm not making it up.

>> No.8033911

Looks like one of those chicks that goes to shit like ala to get drunk and fuck strangers

If your gf is serious in any shape or form she should let you have your fun while young

>> No.8033922

Thank you! Im still debating on keeping it in during the con since I've had a lot of complements saying it suits Yamraiha. but im kind of a stickler for accuracy so im still not sure ahaha.

>> No.8033937

I've always heard the stories from /fit/ and /pol/, but I never believed them. It just sounds like what happens when you get the worst stories and add hyperbole. Like on /fit/, fat people are seen disgusting creatures with no semblance of control, discipline, or logic. But you know, IRL, most fat people are pretty regular. Then you have /pol/ which hates niggers and women, and it's the same there. Most black people are pretty chill.... and women are just... people.

Then again, I have heard the stories of tumblr feminism. I just assume it's like how I'm on /pol/ talking about how all blacks are criminals and Jews are responsible for all the world's problems for shits and giggles.

They don't actually believe what they say, right?
Not going to cheat on my girlfriend, Sieg.

>> No.8033943

Do you really not have sufficient knowledge of geopolitical climates/ relationships and /cgl/ board drams to understand that he is alluding to several situations ranging from a shot at Obama, and jnig at the same time?

>> No.8033947

Oh my god.........oh my god, this is so cringe / awkward.
>apparently there was someone ?cosplaying? a character called Natalia ITT or something
>now it thinks I was talking about her and not Natalia Poklonskaya
I... don't want to live on this world anymore.

/cgl/ actually gave me cancer.

>> No.8033952

>thinking that those stories are unbelievable

>> No.8033953

Didn't say to cheat. Said to sit down and have an adult conversation with her.

Life isn't a fairy tale, and life shouldn't be filled with missed opportunities because you had assumed the woman you spend it with in order to make it more enjoyable would be angry.

>> No.8033968

Oh my god I clicked on the wrong post to respond to I am so so sorry

>> No.8033974

Too late, now I have PTSD.

>> No.8033979

They aren't believable, though. They're special occurrences; the absolute worst humanity has to offer. /pol/ and /fit/ cherrypicks the worst tumblr blog posts, and some of them are probably satirical or troll blogs. And a lot of the stories themselves are told from the /fit/izen or /pol/'s standpoint, meaning you only get one side of the story.

Yes; some of them are completely terrible and 100% factual, but every human group has terrible people. Shit, I'm I advocate death to blacks, Jews, slavs, sandniggers, Mexicans, chinks, ect on the internet in my spare time--I'm not going to judge anyone with full knowledge of the situation and circumstances. You just gotta take what you read on the internet with a grain of a salt, especially on 4chan where everyone is Anonymous.
Well, I'm not going to fuck other girls because I don't want her to have sex with other men. That's all. I'm not going to jeopardize our relationship just because you think I should get my dickwet with a bunch of one night stands that may or may not happen.

>> No.8033984

without full knowledge*
Pity /pol/ was nuked. It was a fun board.

Well, I'm going to go lift things up and down. That LONDON wasted a lot of time

>> No.8033986

>They aren't believable, though.
Depends on what you're talking about. If you're, in example, doubting that this girl >>8033722 had more than 50 sex partners in her life, then you must be really naive. All things considered, the number is relatively low.

>> No.8034001

It is? 49 more than me.

>> No.8034002

Well that's your choice and I respect that.

However I also think it is a childish notion to prevent yourself from doing what you want, so that your significant other cannot do what she wants.

It's like you lock yourself into a stalemate for no reason.

You can still have a perfectly functioning, healthy and intimate relationship.

I'm not saying open relationship hurr Durr

I'm saying, you guys are there to hopefully make each other's lives more fulfilling rather than engaging in a Cold War of " if I can't do x then you can't do y"

And keep it up until someone cracks and has a huge dramatic blow out

That doesn't seem like a fun life to me. But if that is how you want to live it, enjoy it

>> No.8034005

>had only 49 different dicks inside her vagina
Damn, you are pretty much a pure virgin by /cgl/ standards.

>> No.8034012

All those dicks were inside me all at the same time, just fyi

>> No.8034044

You go girl! So strong and empowered.:)

>> No.8034140


Thanks for the detailed advice! Yeah Michaela's a bit darker than me and I stalk her from time to time. I've seen her in quite a bit of burgundy, plum, gold and green. I was thinking one or two solid burgundy jsks like iw/meta's high waisted ones and have been eyeing some wine velveteen pieces from Infanta for the rich warm tones and texture. On the other had I user to wear a lot of pastel in childhood before loliita and mint has been suggested to me once... Don't laugh, but I have a real thing for mint tea and chocolate; Chess Chocolate seems to be both the only mint and only chocolate themed thing I like at the moment- problem is it has a bit of a bad rep, hasn't it? I just got my student loan, so it's on the cards.

Have been meaning to go to Primark for accessories and shit anyway; they had some cute wine knee highs with lace trim last time. I'll try a big branch and look out for cream tights. Coord aside, they would just look a little less stark against my skin, wouldn't they?

Eyebrow stencils- thank the lord. I'll give it a go. Foundation gets caught in the sparse fuzz and its not a good look. When the Infanta arrives I would like to test out some red x navy with gold accents and an all black coord. let's just hope the shades match. Thanks once again for your time and suggestions. I'll stop derailing and go over the coord help thread for anything else xx

>> No.8034388

>284 posts
>101 unique posters

>> No.8034489

Well, I don't know about her whims completely; but I'm more traditional and rather selfish.

I want to have all of her, and vice-versa. It is childish, but love and desire aren't reasonable. I don't think I could be in a relationship where she had sex with others guys and I with other girls; I just feel it ruins the sanctity of the whole affair. I don't really feel it's restraining; I already had enough flings in HS and community college. Though, I guess due to your post, I'll ask her what she wants now. She's rather shy and reserved-- I'm her first boyfriend. If she wants to go out and experiment with other guys rather than be in a relationship with me, I'll "gently" breakup with her. You sacrifice the chance for many sexual partners for one you know that is completely yours.
I don't doubt nor do I care how many sexual partners she has had. I was doubting that she was a tumblr feminazi that would report whoever had sex with her as a rapist and cling to attractive guys and stalk them.

>> No.8034493

Nah, I only reported two of my ex boyfriends for rape because they dumped me instead of me dumping them.

>> No.8034502

You are a good man please ignore this asshole.

>> No.8034509

adding onto this, I think it's idiotic and infantile to prioritize getting your dick wet over other important aspects of a relationship. I'm sure your nice, secure relationship will work out great once someone ends up with an STD or some other person gets pregnant. You run that risk by having sex with acquaintances or strangers, people are fucking crazy after all. If you can't control your need to fuck other people you're just weak minded and pitiable.

>> No.8034521

This femanon is right. Guys should just try it out and get into a stable secure relationship with a girl who had sex with hundreds of guys before you, got AIDS and got knocked up.

Single mothers who fucked AIDS infected cultural enrichers are the best!!

>> No.8035098

Can at least one cute girl post itt thread?

>> No.8035148

I.. I w-would but I am kind of s-sh...shy...

>> No.8035173

rick-rolled thought it was derpqueen posting again

>> No.8035266

Jewel tones look great on you too - I think Plum would be lovely. This OP would really suit you I think http://lolibrary.org/apparel/renoir-onepiece
Chess chocolate gets a bad rep because of all the shite replicas about, if your coord is good then I think the colours would look really nice on you.

Personally I like the contrast and would choose tights over socks any day but try out different things and see what works best for you! Maybe ask a good friend with a varied wardrobe if they could help you try out some new styles?

P.S you can buy eyebrow shavers in asian beauty shops to get rid of the sparse eyebrow fuzz!
Not a problem~

>> No.8035378


>> No.8035537

Whoops! Forgot about qt3.14 nataliachan.

>> No.8036028


>> No.8036172
File: 70 KB, 960x1280, 10697272_614215915366957_5518968178732830331_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My childhood hero! Wrong wig because I'm a cheap ass.

>> No.8037132
File: 275 KB, 1024x1547, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this before, but it's the newest one I've actually sewed myself instead of buying the cosplay

>> No.8037226

You're a pretty young boy.

>> No.8037390


I think I might go with the shaver option for my brow fluff and tweeze the odd thicker ones. Also I refer to keep my legs covered so will likely stick to tights. I know it's controversial but I do like to wear knee highs or lace topped ankle socks over tights.. Mostly outside lolita...

Thankyou!! x I was just looking at this actually


Which is remarkably similar (I think we're on the same page) and also this


I'm hoping neither would swamp my short self or look weird with small DDs under according to what others say about IW. I was even thinking of testing with the Bodyline interpretation or a similar Taobao dress but I might check Lacemarket as soon as it's back up for the real deal.

I've just seen Chess Chocolate on Kleiderkreisel but it's pink... Nooo... One day I shall become delicious mint-chocolate-chan

>> No.8037644

Those are gorgeous dresses, they would really suit you! IW is shit for those with B cup and higher unfortunately as if they haven't got shirring they are cut for a A/B cup. Lucky packs have come out so there's sure to be some cheap deals floating around, check out the japanese auction sites for some really great deals!

>> No.8040948

>You're a 1) pretty 2) young 3) boy
You got one out of three right, chum, I'll let you figure out which.