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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8019911 No.8019911 [Reply] [Original]

How does /cgl/ deal with deformaties, body issues, scars, etc. when it comes to cosplay and lolita? Do you have to specially tailor your outfits or make certain adjustments? How does this affect your hobby?

Just curious, I haven't seen a thread like this in a while.

>> No.8019925

I will never be able to do cosplays that involves exposing my mid drift. I'm a former fatty and have really noticeable stretch marks left over from when I was bigger and I just dont feel comfortable exposing them even if I am small now and look great. Sucks but meh lots of other costumes too chose from.

>> No.8019929

My left breast is about almost a full cup size smaller than my right one. In regular clothes, I stuff my one bra cup with socks, but for cosplay for things with a bust, I usually sew in padding to compensate.

Does anyone know where I can buy custom bras at, or somewhere I can go? My body feels very off balance because of the difference, and I can't even wear sportsbras because the size difference is noticable. I'd like to just be able to have bras with apropriate padding sewed in if possible...

>> No.8019930

I don't have any scars except really bad burn marks on my legs from previous abuse. So I usually cosplay fully clothed.

>> No.8019939

This pretty much, but with my whole body.
>Stretchmarks on my thighs
>on my arms
>my calves
>fucking ARMPITS

>> No.8019940

Just curious, but is your midriff toned, anon? I have stretchmarks too from losing weight on my belly, and I got into hitting up the gym and got some abs, and I have to admit I look like I wrestled with a bear or fought some sort of demon. It looks cool now, but when I slack off and get some of my pudge back I get super self concious.

>> No.8019944

I've got scars on my left hand/wrist/arm from various things - not cutting - and stretch marks on my thighs.

It's called I don't give a shit.
If somebody has a problem with something that minor about my body they're just being a cunt for the sake of being a cunt.

>> No.8019960

No. But that was something I was considering to see if it might help.

That sucks anon... :( I was a bit more lucky that they are only on my stomach. I have a couple under my arms but I'm not too worried about it as they arent too noticeable unless I point them out and pose awkwardly.

>> No.8019992
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i'm overweight and i want to get into lolita and more into cosplay but the only lolita kind of forum i look at is /cgl/ and everyone here says if you're fat you shouldn't be in lolita at all. i've been trying to lose weight for years but other stuff in my life is stressing me out and which makes losing the weight even harder. not to mention buying lolita is much harder when you're overweight. i just want my frilly and lacey dreams to come true. :(

>> No.8020007

Did you miss the threads we literally just had about fat girls (albeit non hamplanets) looking good in lolita?

I would go to a different board or learn to tune out the naysayers anyway. Don't let some sandy vag on the internet keep from having fun. As long as you aren't a lolcow, you should be fine.

>> No.8020027

yeah it's harder, but it's not that hard as long as you're not at landwhale status (can't fit in back shirred AP or have a 90 cm waist).
I'm chubby and I can still fit most partially shirred jsks, you just have to be very careful. start out with some offbrand/taobao that does custom sizing until you've lost weight.
best advice: don't cram yourself into dresses/legwear you know you're not going to fit. you're not going to be able to throw on a dress and look good, you're going to have to examine the cut and make sure the bodice works and have a nice blouse, etc. (boleros and cardigans help if you boobloaf your dress)
while it might be a lot more work than your friends might go through, you'll at least be confident while you're losing weight that you're not one of THOSE fattys.

>> No.8020176

I'm really super thin so it's hard to do male cosplays, I'm also fairly short and have really small brests, I want to cosplay from klk so badly though, but I don't think I have the breasts for them. I also look really young.

>> No.8020183


Same here anons

I even have them on my shoulders. ugh

>> No.8020188

I have a retarded ass question that has been bothering the fuck outta me.
Am I considered a fatty-Chan if I can only fit into fully back shirred AP?

>> No.8020203

I absolutely cannot show anything between my navel and mid-thigh. I have very coarse and dark hair growth under my navel that I remove, but it's always visible, either with red spots or it shows through my skin. I have tried everything, it doesn't work. My inner thighs are full of red stretch marks that look like self-harm scars... I can't even wear a bathing suit in the summer.

>> No.8020216

>My inner thighs are full of red stretch marks that look like self-harm scars... I can't even wear a bathing suit in the summer.

It wont solve your swimsuit problem but you could still do bikini bottom cosplays if you buy decent dancer tights. Same goes for the anon in this post >>8019939
your caves could be hidden with tights. Tights usually look better anyways.

>> No.8020218

I have an athletic body type aka no curves, all rectangles, linebacker shoulders, an androgynous face and ghostly pale skin to boot. I cannot cosplay any character completely, and lolita is a big issue.

>> No.8020222

As of the past year or so, I have an outie- but only when I'm laying down or stretching. This makes me nervous to do anything showing my stomach in case I move the wrong way. I think I might have a hernia...

>> No.8020229

You could always become one of those gothy andro's that are so popular on tumblr!

>> No.8020423

I have keratosis pilaris all over my legs. I used to feel super self conscious about showing my legs since it looks like I have dots/dark open pores all over. I tend to only cosplay characters that don't show much bare leg, though other times I just say fuck it and hope people won't notice.

>> No.8021681
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thanks for the encouragement!! it means a lot. i've been lurking for a few weeks now and i've seen one "plus size loli" thread and it devolved into genetics vs eating habits vs BMI shitfest pretty quickly so that's all i've really seen of the board's attitude wrt fat people. i am def closer to hamplanet than just slightly chubby sadly, and i'm looking into waist cinchers and corsets to use while i lose the weight. thanks again for the kind words :^)

>> No.8021689

Technically no but borderline. Ususlly fatty-chan in general is someone who needs full shirring or 'can't fit into a decent amount of partially shirred burando'

>> No.8021695

Being really tall without a nice slender body, and with the length being in my torso

AP OPs are just a dream for me

same here, but mostly on my arms, too bad I also nearly compulsively pick them so now I have scars too

>> No.8021701

Depends on your build, like having a large rib cage, large breasts or both.

>> No.8021706

>and with the length being in my torso
I'm not particularly tall but I know that feel. My waist is really low too.

>> No.8021709

I googled that out of curiosity and holy shit anon, I have the same thing on my forearms. I always just thought it was pimples or whatever. I constantly pick and scratch at them (never even realise, blurgh) so I have tonnes of itty bitty scars. I tend to tan and that seems to hide them, I also have other scars on my arms from when I was a teenager (for obvious reasons that haven't been an issue for years, lol) that I mousturise/etc to keep from getting red and obvious and that seems to help me a bit too.

>> No.8021712

Oh god same problem. This short bodice trend is killing me slowly and painfully.

>> No.8021713

it's horrible, people always assume you have long lovely legs when you're tall, meanwhile finding tshirts that don't crawl up half my back the moment I sit down is a chore

>> No.8021767

This. I've got facial scars as well as quite prominent scars elsewhere from abuse and for years I never felt like I could be pretty or even presentable in public until I stopped giving a fuck, learned to use angles and makeup for my facial scars and in time realised people only cared about them or mentioned them because it was obvious I cared about them.

>> No.8021794

Dermaflage is wonderful. I use it to cover up my Harry Potter scar for all those costumes that don't call for a wicked lightning bolt. Works wonders, no one noticed I was the boy who lived this year.

>> No.8021798

My wrists are COVERED in self harm scars from middle school/early high school when I'd become so numb I can't feel you there. (Yes I make light of things it's how I deal)

If I'm going to a local comm meetup I ignore it. They love me just the same. But for cons and stuff I typically wear long sleeved blouses or vintage/hime coords so I have an excuse to wear opera gloves.

>> No.8021801
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I talked about this in a previous thread but I have severe trichotillomania. Some kind anons suggested some treatments that I might discuss with my doctor next time I go in. Basically I just cover up by wearing wigs though, so not that difficult. Nice thing about wearing wigs too is it stops me from pulling because it covers my whole head, unlike hats where I can still pull on strands of hair sticking out.

>> No.8021809

Abso-lutely FUCK cgl when it comes to overweight lolis. I'm average weight now but mostly because of a nasty eating disorder that hospitalized me twice. The thing about "hamplanets" and "landwhales" in this comm is somewhat understandable just because they're often ita and don't know how to find good clothes that fit, but I would so not pay attention to all that. One of the most beautiful girls in my comm is a "hamplanet" and all her coords are amazing.

The corseting is a good idea though. Not because of your weight, but because it'll help with the Victorian silhouette. But they do help you lose weight too! It's like...temporary gastric bypass. I also recommend practicing your hand at makeup and splurging on premium products, cus the first thing people'll look at is your face so they can talk mess about how many chins you have or whatever. If you have a lot of cellulite on your legs and thighs, go for tights rather than kneesocks or otks until you're comfortable. And most of all HAVE FUN. It's just clothes! Never let anyone tell you you're not allowed to dress the way that makes you feel good and confident just because of their standards!

>> No.8021851

I am incredibly self conscious about a lot of things, and many of the costumes I would love to do, I have written off, because I am ashamed of being exposed to a certain point.

To start with, I have several scars from various surgeries all over my chest, and none of them healed well, so they are large, keloid scars,a and while they have gone down somewhat over the years, a few of them are still quite prominent. I have another very large scar going from just above my belly button and going down about six inches, from a massive surgery when I was 15 in which my entire large intestine was removed. Add to that the scars the staples left going down both sides of it, and it all looks quite horrific. There is also another small hole in my side that is healed on the inside, but still looks like I was stabbed with a stylus, and that is from when I was on a feeding tube that needed to bypass my stomach.
Aside from that, I also have an ileostomy, and because it was supposed to be temporary and then ended up being permanent, it is placed much higher than most others are.
I am now, and will always be severely underweight no matter how much I eat or exercise, because my body can barely maintain itself, let alone put on weight or muscle mass.

I never go shirtless, I am paranoid that my bag, or even the outline of it will be seen, and I am always ashamed when I have to ask for help lifting or carrying things, and the worst part is, none of this needed to happen as it was all the result of medical negligence.

It is also the reason I cosplay at all though. Without that escape, and people seeing me as other characters, I am afraid I will only ever be seen as "that guy who is really sick and scrawny".

>> No.8021865

I was going to say your surgeries sound an awful lot like mine minus the permanent ileostomy (mine was temp) and the medical negligence part, but I feel like I might know you since this sounds familiar... At least we sort of match? (no midriff costumes for me)

>> No.8021870

Damn, what happened to you guys to cause that? That sucks big time.

>> No.8021882

I buy bras with removable padding and just remove the padding from the big tit side.My left boob is one or two cup sizes bigger than my right. It works well for me, you just have to try on a bunch of sister sizes to get that perfect fit with no padding for the larger one, and with padding for the smaller one.

>> No.8021896
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tfw no thigh gap.. I'm pretty slender from my waist up but I have pretty round thighs/calves. Been hitting the gym when I don't work tho. I'm 125 lbs and 5'7 feet tall so it's not like I'm a landwhale. I try to pick cosplays that wont make look like a tank just because my top is super hidden but my leg shape is exposed, if that makes sense. I'm ghostly pale too, and bruise easily so I have to constantly cover those ugly damage spots with concealer/foundation if I even want to wear shorts.

>> No.8021911

it doesn't mean you're fat, you just don't have wide hips or something.
I'm underweight bordering on malnourished and I don't have a thigh gap

>> No.8021931

Only certain body types are predisposed to having thigh gaps. At your weight and height I'm sure you have lovely legs regardless of whether or not you can see a little light between them with your ankles together, anon. Please don't judge yourself so harshly based on that.

>> No.8021941
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I'm >>8021865
Started shitting blood while in my first year of uni. Lost 15 pounds. Got a sigmoidoscopy and they diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis. Did a colonoscopy a week later and a barium test to confirm the extent of the inflammation and that it wasn't Chron's. Suffered through 3.5 years of flares, shitty med side effects, and severe illnesses (including C. Difficile, which hospitalized me for three days and had me off work for weeks) as a result of being on immunosuppressants. Finally decided to say fuck you to my scumbag colon and evict it from my body since it was wrecking the place and didn't even pay rent. For ulcerative colitis, which is limited to the large intestine, that's basically the closest thing you'll get to a cure (1-3 surgeries, though mine was 3). My small intestine is connected to my butt now.

I'm doing pretty well these days, I just avoid eating food that will go right through me (e.g. salads). I finally have the energy to work out so I'm stronger than ever. I'd rather have the scars than be sick like that again.

Pic related, friend got the same one for me as a joke gift a few years ago.

>> No.8022747

Jesus fuck! I thought this thread would mostly be fatties crying about being fat but fuck! That is some messed up shit.

>> No.8022783

My stomach sticks out like crazy. If I wear shapeless it's ok. When I was in college I lost quite a bit of weight, gained it back. I tried exercising, but I just ended up developing a painful hip bursa :/

>> No.8022791

Like the other anons said. Unless you have wider hips to begin with. You're not going to really have a thigh gap.

I might have one if I dropped enough weight because my hips got wider during my pregnancy but I really don't care enough to try. I did end up with some stretch marks. Nowhere near as bad as they could have been though. My c-section scar is way worse looking. Thank God it's in a spot that is easily covered.

>> No.8022794

Oof, c. diff + UC has got to be the worst combo ever! I can see why you opted for the total colectomy, especially if you made your way through all the 'mabs without any success. Do you have to take loperamide or anything to slow stuff down?

>> No.8022799

I feel you, anon. I don't have trich but I compulsively pick my skin. My body being scarred isn't so much of a problem, but my face is covered in scars and fresh scabs and I cannot stop picking them.

I think there are devices you can buy to keep your fingers busy, called "spinner rings". They allow you to fiddle without harming yourself.

good luck with recovery, anon!

>> No.8022812
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I have a rare skin disorder called Angioma serpiginosum. Basically the blood vessels come to the surface of my skin and burst. It doesnt hurt or itch. I've felt no pain. Most cases that have this are women but it is very rare.When i was younger, I had to go down to a childrens hospital a couple hours away to get this figured out. Cosmetically, it's irritating as shit. I've had people grab my arm and ask if i've been burned or if i had spilled some checmicals on my arm. Only way i can get ridf of it is by doing laser removal which insurance won't cover. I have this on my chest a little, some on my stomach, back of my legs, alot of my back and quite a bit on my dominant arm.

I also suffer from Tempomandibular joint disease. My joint in my jaw is too large causing it to shift around more than usual. I have to avoid crunchy/chewy foods and wear a mouthguard. I got one made from an oral surgeon and luckily my husband's insurance at the time covered it all except for the $40 co-pay. I use a hot clay pack and Aleve if i'm having alot of pain. I usually dont anymore.
I have asthma and allergies. Excercise induced asthma. Allergies are just almost year round. I cannot afford to get the testing done for it but i found out taking Allegra every day has helped that end. I also have an inhaler but my use of that has decreased. I keep it around just in case though. I have to use it occasionally but definitely not as often now that the allergy meds are taken daily.

>> No.8022831

One of my butt cheeks has defined line under the cheek and the other doesn't. I'm practically crippled.

>> No.8022832

lolita is actually a blessing for me whereas normal clothing is a curse. i have a very pronounced violin hip deformity, which makes me look like a lumpy piece of shit in jeans and tshirts, but in lolita i look no different from anyone else.

>> No.8022864

I have that too!

None of the girls I've ever been with have ever commented on it, and a few of those haven't been able to keep their hands off my ass, so it's probably nothing in the scheme of things.

But I can't help notice it and dislike it whenever I look at myself naked in the mirror.

>> No.8022868

i used to have a shit ton of kp on my thighs and i still have it but the bumps and redness have gone down drastically. my advice is to exfoliate and moisturize. it doesn't really matter what you use to do exfoliate/moisturize, just as long as you do both. though, i'd reccommend for lotions, amlactin and the avene akerat smoothing exfoliating cream, they are quite pricey, but they gave me the best results so far.

>> No.8022900

I only posted to see if someone else shares my fate. Glad to hear it's not super weird. Also my boyfriend didn't notice anything until I pointed it out either.

>> No.8022938

>Glad to hear it's not super weird.

I dunno, I've never noticed it on any of the other people I've seen naked, be it guys in the locker room or girls in the bedroom.

Then again, I'm really not looking for it in either case. I think it's one of the many things we notice about ourselves that no one else really catches on to unless we point them out.

>> No.8022947
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bad dermatillomania and every inch is covered in horrible scars, i dont care too much but i dont want to be posted as an lolcow on a cringe thread :(

>> No.8023029

forever thankful for my perfect titties

>> No.8023037

You're an asshole.

>> No.8023045

I have this too anon. Mine causes horrible ingrown hairs everywhere on my legs, so I can't even shave regularly or I have sores all over.

Mine seems partially nutrition based, partially hereditary. Almond oil has been working for me, and ditto with the anon that suggests lotions with lactic acid or urea.

>> No.8023053

violin hips aren't a deformity, sorry love. But they can be cosmetically annoying to those who have it. However, some people do find it attractive and most think it's normal.

>> No.8023055

I have TMD too. I had it in minor amounts when I was younger but after my wisdom teeth surgery when I was 14 it increased tenfold. It was so painful. I waited a year until I got treatment which was a splint/mouthguard (which I later learned was a really shitty splint, seriously one of my orthos looked at it and basically said "what the fuck is this?") but it did get better. I went to a TMD specialist and basically my right jaw joint I guess is way smaller, all the muscles are underdeveloped and deteriorating. They told me the only treatment was braces for my fucked up overbite and I have had them for a year and a half, schedualed to get them off in January.

So yeah, its a pain in the ass. My jaw pop and pain has gotten less severe but it was kinda fun to freak people out with it haha. I just hope I never get punched in the face I guess

Other than that I have Raynaud's Disease which just turns my fingernails purple when it drops below 70 degrees. It doesn't effect me too much but I'm pretty susceptible to temp changes. I also probably have hypoglycemia but whatever.

>> No.8023057

Hi, b here, cringe thread achieved.
Btw. Why does one cosplay. I figure that alot have some form of longing to an not existing life. Don't we all?
But do you guys ventilate that frustration using cosplay?

Just asking..

>> No.8023066

Don't derail our thread. Post your own.

>> No.8023096

I had no idea what violin hips were until I googled it but that's what I have! It'd always annoyed me but I'd assumed it was because I was skinny and if I weighed more it'd fill out. Shitty knowing it won't.

>> No.8023100

I'm self-conscious about my legs too. I only have a little bit of keratosis (I always used to think it was ingrown hairs from shaving wrong, until I decided to grow my hair out to try to get rid of the ingrown hairs and months later I still had all the tiny spots), but my legs are really blotchy. My knees also look purplish/brownish compared to the rest of my legs, but it's not an uneven tan because I always wear trousers.

>> No.8023110

Yeah this is me too. I hear tan skin helps decrease the spots but I'm naturally pale as fuark. I thought about fake tan but ugh too much work.

>> No.8023123

I'm not that pale and I do tan, I just don't like wearing clothes that show a lot of skin day-to-day, especially since where I live (Scotland, although I'm not Scottish) is cold anyway. Vicious circle I guess. Legs are ugly so don't wear shorts or skirts so legs don't tan so legs remain ugly. Also, if my work colleagues are anything to go by, fake tan doesn't do shit for keratosis.

>> No.8023133

Anon you replied to here, I had my wisdom teeth removed too! I wonder if that's what increased the pain then. I had some mild pain when i was younger but didnt have a clue to what it was. After the wisdom tooth surgery though, it got worse. I have a really tiny mouth too. They told me they had to dig to get mine out. My pain isnt as intense as it used to be now that i have the mouthguard though. I maybe get a day or two a month where im just sore. My husband makes some joke telling me to stop sucking so much dick. I follow it up with "Someone's gotta earn their keep." We're extremely fucked up.
Sorry to hear about your troubles anon.
Oh god anon :(

>> No.8023134

I always feel really bad because it seems I don't have any stretch marks? Either I'm just looking wrong or else they'll hit me later in life, I have a few small thread veins though

is it weird to not have stretch marks?

>> No.8023138

It's only weird if you used to weigh a lot then suddenly lost a lot of weight (or if you got pregnant). Any sort of sudden weight gain. Sometimes people get it if they grow tall really fast too. But if none of those have happened to you, it's normal not to have them.

>> No.8023140

No, I don't have any either. I also haven't had a kid though.

>> No.8023143

Holy shit I just googled that and I have it too, I always just thought I had a lil muffin top going on.

I can see why it would be annoying by thankfully my bodyfriend loves it due to it making my hips squishy so I guess I'm lucky

>> No.8023144

You might have them but they are nearly invisible. Mine are exactly the same color of my skin (which is a miracle because I scar like crazy) and the only way I know they are there is because they shimmer a little bit at an angle. But basically invisible, so I'm pleased.

>> No.8023146

I don't have any (I'm >>8023138), but I'm also childless, only average height, and have never been overweight. I had a 6'5" boyfriend that got them when he suddenly shot up in high school, and my mom got them after having kids.

>> No.8023148

Squishy? For me it makes my hips feel bony af. I wish they were just rounded.

>> No.8023151

Whoops *Boyfriend

>> No.8023152

I have chin and neck hairs, as well as asshole hairs and some nipple hairs. Black ones that I can pluck, but I hate HATE plucking every freaking day. And shaving a butthole is annoying as fuck, esp when it grows back :(.

>> No.8023154

Google is educating a lot of people today, I Googled "stretch marks from growing tall" out of curiosity and it turns out those are the mystery marks my boyfriend had on his back! Which is weird, because he's only 5'7"-5'8", he's not even tall. Can't believe neither of us realised what they were (he always assumed it was to do with him having backne when he was younger).

>> No.8023155


That explains it then, I've always stayed roughly at the same weight and I'm quite small height wise, I've also never had a child, I was just worried due to my friend when I was younger having them even though she was never pregnant, I'm thankful that it's normal though!

>> No.8023156

I just realized this thread became a little pedantic... sorry and feels to the anons with more severe issues.

>> No.8023157

Every person ever has asshole hairs, they're annoying as fuck but everyone else has to deal with removing them too. (You're on your own with the chin, neck and nipple hairs though).

>> No.8023159

I kind of have fatty tissue closer to the back of my hip bones, They had always stuck out horribly until puberty

I think it looks really nice though, It gives us more 'curves' so to say haha

>> No.8023161

Hmm ok. I thought the nest down there was related to my hairy issues. Well, now I just wish everyone was born without butthair!

>> No.8023162

Sometimes I get one single nipple hair and it is the most annoying thing I've ever seen, I just pluck it though so I can't help the situation much

>> No.8023166

my face is just plain ugly


>> No.8023175

I think I got one once but it never grew back.

>> No.8023182

I just get random boob hairs, which are almost impossible for me to see because I wear glasses. Running an elapidator over the whole area catches them though.

>> No.8023183

Extra hair anon here. I probably have ovarian cysts but no gyno has said anything, and nothing hurts, so I'm not going to do anything about it until I have money to throw at xrays and blood tests.

>> No.8023186
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Or you're just arab. ;_;

>> No.8023191


WWII rape baby
German Pollock

>> No.8023192

I had an ovarian cyst that ended up growing to 20cm x 10cm before it got caught because I had no pain - I now only have one ovary because it had completely taken over the ovary by the time I had it surgically removed. I also have a nasty three inch scar.
If you suspect a cyst and live in the US, I strongly suggest you go to Planned Parenthood for a pelvic exam, anon. You may qualify for free or reduced cost.

>> No.8023194

That could probably be it, anon. My mouth/jaw is pretty small too. And my mother thinks they "opened my jaw too wide" and fucked up my jaw more than needed but I'm not sure how true that is. My wisdom teeth were angled towards my other teeth so I needed them removed. But that could definitely contribute. That's funny about you and your husband though, my partner and I make similar jokes haha.

>> No.8023195

go away dude, youre really stupid and you will never learn, so just go away. thanks.

>> No.8023198

Thanks for the advice anon, though that's where I regularly go for the last 10 years. I even had an IUD inserted, which calls for a thorough exam and ultrasound, but nothing.

The hairs have been gradually getting worse, and I even late better and lost weight... they say weight loss can help the hair stuff but it didn't. I've been gradually getting more hormone migraines too. I know something is up but I don't have the money to hunt it down.

>> No.8023201

In that case, cysts are likely not your problem. It would be caught on an ultrasound. Sorry if I sounded lecture-y, I just don't want anyone else going through what I did! I have a 200% increased chance of dementia now, and a whole slew of other risks associated with decreased hormone production.
Hope you can figure out what's up!

>> No.8023203

Nope, no worries. Whacked ovaries increase dementia risks? Who knew?!

>> No.8023224

i have a gross huge bump/hump thing at the base of my neck, iforget what its called but i basically have to cosplay people with long hair that covers it or big collars that mask it

>> No.8023289

How does everyone get over their demons whether they're physical or psychological?

I'm not sure what to do to keep progressing. In a nutshell:
>Be one of the only asian kids in school growing up
>Stay with same kids the entire way up
>Got bullied a lot but parents told me not to fight back unless it's self defense
>Teachers and admin had no idea what to do so did nothing, on my own
>Took all the negatives said to me, internalized that shit
>Started to withdraw, but tried to keep up the facade
>Also had various female problems e.g. 3wk long heavy periods, severe pain all month, pretty much want to die
>Get told "You're too young to get help - it's just your body's rhythm" by doc
>Feel like a monster
>Decide, fuck this "It's your body's rhythm" bullshit
>Become exercise bulimic to lower weight enough to stop periods
>Get temporary self-esteem boost
>Finally get b.c.pills and start to back off intense exercise
>Still feel like a monster

Not sure how to get right with myself. I'm out of college and all so in a way I feel like I should've figured all my shit out, but I haven't. What has worked for you lot, in terms of getting beyond things?

>> No.8023339

I have stretch marks and I've never been overweight or even fat, and have never had children.
Got some around the tops of my inner thighs, some on my butt, a few near the tops of my breasts (but those are barely noticeable), and a tiny few on my hips. I wish I was lucky as some of you other girls to have not gotten any.

>> No.8023352

That doctor is so shitty it's terrifying.

>> No.8023361
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omg this is so sweet & supportive thank you!! i'd like to think i'm bretty gud at makeup bc it's something i'm actively studying (although i'm almost entire drugstore, thinking about going to high-end for foundation because it's the most important imo, but i rarely wear full coverage) and i'm def gonna use tights for the forseeable future bc my knees are gross and OTKs/thigh-highs never fit right. i'm still very lost on where to go with corsets though. i dont want to spend a lot for something i might not use so much and i was also warned about "boobloaf" so idk if i should look into binders as well. if you're still lurking or if anyone else can offer advice i'd be much obilged if you could steer me in the right direction in terms of buying and usage. i'm also trying not to be tempted by "waist training" which seems super unhealthy and dumb but if anyone has any experience i'd like to hear it.

also thanks for sharing your experience anon. i'm glad you made it through that dark time in your life and you still have the strength to do lolita and encourage others.

>> No.8023369

Waist training isn't unhealthy or dumb as long as you don't take it to extremes, but you need a high-quality (read: expensive) steel boned corset or it's not safe.

>> No.8023372

Oh man. When the doctor opened me up for my c-section. They found a cyst. Since he had me opened up anyway. He removed it. So I guess my c-section saved me a future surgery.

>> No.8023589

I think you need to look at lucy corsetry. She has many, many informative articles and things written on her blog as well as fantastic youtube videos.

Maybe go see a psychologist who specialises in CBT/DBT? It's designed to help you rewire how you think about things, and was really helpful for teaching me to deal with stuff rather than ignoring it until it goes away/blows up in my face and screws me over.

>> No.8023598

Want to bleach my skin.
I'm tired of being told "That doesn't look right if you're not Asian, that fashion doesn't look good on black girls"

It doesn't happen as much as it used to nowadays with tumblr highlighting darker lolitas, but I still get the shit, even in person, and its tiring, even from my own mother.

I want a cute slim nose, pale skin and small lips.
I want to not feel terrible every time there is one of those retarded pictures of a pale girl's arms with bruises on my dashboard.

I want people to not be shocked and surprised that I have the interests I do because "its not in my nature" to be black and like Japanese things.

I think I'm very pretty, but I feel bad, and I don't like it and it kills me every day.

>> No.8023603
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my face is too inbetween to cosplay female characters well, but my hips jut out just enough to throw off effective male cosplays.

>> No.8023624

I have small red pimples on my chest. Sometimes just a few, sometimes they vanish and these days it's a horror. I look like shit.

>> No.8023633

Fwiw anon, I think black girls look fab in Lolita. I'm one of the very pale ones you mention and it's not all that. Sallow skin, uneven color tone, redness, the bruising you referred to is constant and looks ugly, my veins show, every line or wrinkle shows.

>> No.8023639

This is me.
I have one chin hair which always keep coming back and 2 neck hairs. I just pluck it. Same around my nipples.
At first I freaked out and went for hormonal tests and stuff but all is right, just shitty genetics. After a few years it's just a routine to me to pluck the hair.

>> No.8023640

>tfw have bigger shoulders than hips
i know this is such a small problem compared to everyone else here but name a single anime girl with shoulders bigger than her hips

>> No.8023644

>name any kawaii female character whose 6' tall thats my problem

>> No.8023676

I have a scar on my forehead - got it when I was 3 in a stupid accident. My bangs typically cover it up, but I'm really not self conscious about it at all. I actually like the scar, I think it gives my face some character.

I am self conscious about my moles, though. I have tons of moles all over my arms and legs, all hereditary it seems. It's made me terrified of staying out under the sun, and I'm especially afraid of overexposing my face. I would cry if I got a bad mole on my face... ugh. Luckily, it seems for the most part they don't show up in pictures.

>> No.8023851

same anon responding and yep i had the same problem with my wisdom teeth as well, angled inward toward my other teeth. They said it was going to cause problems with everything else. haha i'm glad we're not the only ones making that joke.

>> No.8023902

I have stretch marks all over my upper thighs almost extending to my waist. I have the luck of then appearing white against my tanned skin. My boyfriend likes run his hands over them calling them branches of a white tree under my skin. I've always been self conscious about them so I cried when he first told me this. Even so, when ever I wear cosplays that show them I wear stockings or sheer dance clothes.

I also used to self harm in the form of picking at my scabs. My boyfriend think they're cigarette marks from back when my mother used to smoke and abuse me. Luckily they're easily hidden with foundation.

>> No.8023909

I am overweight so generally stick to things I feel flatter me. I have all these things I'd love to do but won't until I have lost weight...Especially characters I really love because I want to do them justice. My mental health issues are what I am trying to tackle though, and it is fucking getting in the way. Plus general health stuff...My health has been not great for a few years now, I have had a lot of bad sicknesses and also had a sinus infection for over a year now which causes me a lot of headaches and nausea.

I also have stretch marks from when I had a growth spurt around 11. I was always super tall when I was a kid. Because of that and I guess, hitting puberty around the same time I have had stretch marks on my hips and thighs since then. I am pretty paranoid, so I wear tights for everything (I used to wear multiple pairs which was really uncomfortable). I also pretty much only wear stuff that covers my midriff/wear everything up on the tops of my hips so I hide the stretch marks on my hips.

>> No.8023911

Picking scabs is not self harm you fucking moron.

>> No.8023914
File: 46 KB, 320x944, fake boob tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could make fake boobs like Quantum Destiny has for her Ryuko

>> No.8023918

It is if you're doing it on purpose

>> No.8023926

I feel you anon, I have a lot of dark body hair...On my arms, chest, stomach...I also get a few dark hairs that grow frequently on my face and I almost always have dark patches around my chin because I have to squeeze the hair out because it's also almost always ingrown...Plus, I got a bunch of stretch marks on my inner thighs, and they always seem to rub together if I walk and break out in blood blisters. Fml.

>> No.8023933

Shit, is that what it is called? I have it all over my arms so I am pretty self conscious about it, and to a lesser degree on my legs...At least I can over my legs with stockings. Arms are a lot harder. I have put make on my arms in the past when I did sleeveless cosplays...I don't think I ever felt as self conscious as I did with uncovered arms. Pretty much all of my cosplays have covered or partial covered arms.

It also doesn't help that my arms are kind of disproportionally fat compared to the rest of my upper body...I have tuck shop lady arms /weeps/

>> No.8023936

If your hair is dark and your skin fair, there is laser treatment.
It worked wonder on me, but well it's expensive.
I had to put money aside for years just for that.

And if your skin is dark, they have new lasers that can work now, but it's going to take longer and be more expensive.

Your hairs need to be darker than your skin though.

>> No.8023946

>Maybe go see a psychologist who specialises in CBT/DBT
Anon you're replying to. I guess I never considered this as an option due in part to not trusting doctors judgment after the incident I mentioned in my post and from wasting time trying to get any help from counselors in college.

But it sounds like you coped with things the way I still do, by brushing it off and not wanting to be overly dramatic about things. I'll look into this. Thanks/

>> No.8023974

oh gosh her waist is way tinier than i'd ever like to be, but she does have a ton of information so thanks for the tip!

>> No.8023987

>Got bullied a lot but parents told me not to fight back

My mom did that too.
>blah blah Jesus said to offer the other cheeks
She sets me up to be a victim all my junior high years. I resent her and her tree hugging ways to this day. And Jesus too.

Worst is that I was taller than the other kids and I could have fight back and get a little bit respect if I had some support at home.

>> No.8023994

I plan on getting as much cosmetic surgery as I can once I have the money to do so. I'm not gonna be like MJ though, I want things done to like every part of my body.

>> No.8023997

Honestly, I used to think this way too, but then the girl who I got bullied buy in middle school found out she had been fucking her own cousin for years but didn't know.

>> No.8024001

I'm fat and working on losing weight, but I have a hormone condition so while I'm not so much self-conscious about my appearance but rather how long I can keep this off until my body fucks me over and I get fat again. But I will say that I will probably never cosplay anything that involves sleeveless or strapless tops because my arms have some loose skin on them from years of my weight yo-yoing.

My hairline is also fucked up in twelve different ways so I just pluck it to smooth it out a little and make it look good under wigs.

>> No.8024003

It's not 1950, don't give in to those feels.

>> No.8024010
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Sakaki-san from Azumanga Daioh seems to have something of a fanbase. I think her canonical height is only 5'8" or something but to have the right effect in a group cosplay the person playing her needs to be about 6' anyway.

>> No.8024029

Anon from >>8023289. I think secretly my dad would've fully approved me kicking my bullies asses but he also didn't want me to end up with a record. He's always been the kind of guy to agree with my mom unless she's way off course, at which point he would say something.

That is some impressively fucked up comeuppance if I ever heard of any. Wow.

After high school, most of my bullies ended up getting really fat, partying too hard and now look "rode hard, put away wet", plus they added a few kids by different daddies. That kind of life is a hard pill to swallow when they always prided themselves on being the hottest and were relying on their looks to get things handed to them.

>> No.8024736

oh god i think I have tmd. My jaw clicks and pops every time I open my mouth and it's gotten worse over the years. Before it would happen when i would open my jaw too wide, and now it casually happens when I talk

I break all of my mouthguards in months. I cant afford to pay $400 every 3-4 months right now

I'm not currently in any pain and it doesn't bother me. Does the pain come later? I'm also considering getting my wisdom teeth pulled because my lower ones have not come out so I bite on my gumline

>> No.8024838

Just make sure you find someone who seems willing to help you rather than someone who's like nah, not a problem. That was my biggest fear, that they would just be like "you're weak, suck it up and deal with it" but my family doctor was pretty good about it and referred me to a really good psychologist. Mind you I was nearly failing university at this point, had like 3 warnings and was a month behind on a simple 500 word essay that eventually took me 6 months to get in because I was avoiding it (because it reminded me of being a "failure" and I was like no, I'm a normal functional human being). You know that this is something that bothers you so this is where you should stick up for yourself and get some help, don't leave it to the point that I did because crawling back out of the hole you've dug for yourself from avoiding things is really fucking painful and people still won't 'get' why you acted the way you did.

>> No.8025380

I'm the anon you replied to.
Why do you break your mouthguards? Are they hard mouthguards and you are breaking them because of teeth grinding? I would maybe switch to soft ones?

The pain does come later. The popping will wear down your jaw condyle and the muscles in your jaw, face, and cheek. I would not recommend wisdom teeth surgery unless you are in pain or they are causing problems like mine were. I'm not sure what you mean by biting on your gumline, but use redirection so you don't chew. Like instead of chewing, press on it (gently) instead, or buy a spinner ring/stim toy.

I would recommend seeing a TMD specialist if it gets worse or you start having pain because a lot of dentists and orthodontists don't know a whole lot about it and you might get fucked over like I did.

>> No.8025388
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>> No.8025398

Get a shitty human hair wig to pull instead

>> No.8025531

I've been grinding my teeth since I was 4 (26 now). I got my first mouthguard when I was 18 and I've gone through about 6 now. They're the super rigid plastic one and I'll wear them down towards the back until they crack and splinter. I'll try getting soft ones

My top wisdom teeth haven't gone through the wear and tear as my other molars, and the ones below have not come in. So when I chew or close my mouth my wisdom teeth will come down into the empty space in the back.

I'll definitely be seeing a TMD specialist. I didn't know how serious it was until I read your posts

>> No.8025535

I was skinny so I bulked

Now I'm fat so I'm losing weight, maybe I will look good

I have really liked my body but occasionally people have sex with me

>> No.8025563

I've got bad back acne, doesn't really effect my cosplay since I don't do much shirtless ones, but boy does it bother me and make me self conscious about swimming.

>> No.8025570

wait that's what they're called!? I just through I had permanent love handles. even when I was at my lowest weight and bony AF they were still there.

for normal clothes I stopped wearing pants BC I was too selfconcious now I only wear dresses and skirts that hide them

>> No.8025574

do people really find them attractive?

>> No.8025590

MAYBE if you're digging at them in an attempt to make them bleed or hurt yourself

>> No.8025595

this thread was so helpful

>> No.8025598

I'm in a similar boat as you, anon. My shoulders are quite wide, and I have a mad case of thunderthighs. My waist is the smallest part of me, sure, but my ribcage is small to begin with so I'm just a rectangle in the end.

Now, bad news is that for our shoulders, puff sleeves are a no-no, and brand blouses won't fit well. However, lolita can be super flattering because all the poof gives the impression of a nice figure. Maybe you won't be pulling off super sweet, but androgynous faces look amazing in gothic lolita and I'm sure you could rock classic as well. Embrace it anon!

>> No.8025605

It might help doubling up on the soft ones if you can. Yours does sound like it was caused by the teeth grinding.

I didn't know how serious mine was until I was in severe pain and had my jaw locking sometimes too, even then I was surprised by my x-rays. By then the damage was done pretty much. It's really strange, if you feel my jaw, the muscles in my right, TMD effected one are about half the size.

I was surprised when you said your jaw pops when you are just talking as well. I hope you can get the treatment you need, but honestly unless it is very, very severe, your prognosis is good. I'm really fine most days except like once a month when my jaw is acting up.

>> No.8025616

i have a chicken pock scar on my face by my eye, it looks like a tiny crater dent thing and it's kinda grey
i have them all over my body but that one is the worst
i also have a really crooked nose, it's not haggard or witch looking but it looks very different from either side of my face
i have a severely deviated septum and i was hoping it would be considered a medical surgery to get it done but it's not so I gotta save up
i think fashion kinda makes me feel better, i can't explain it but I feel more confident i guess
I've come a long way self-esteem wise because of jfash as cheesy as that sounds

>> No.8025623

Is dis judi

If so I think you're gorgeous and would look wonderful in lolita

>> No.8025708
File: 111 KB, 500x700, a monster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly what my body looks like. I'm scared to show my face so here's a simulation. I'm really scared to go out in public in lolita or cosplay, like people will think I'm trying too hard. Can anyone offer words of encouragement?

>> No.8025711
File: 177 KB, 420x646, goalsinspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(simulation of me in lolita)

>> No.8025732

I can't wear anything that reveals any boob/cleavage because I pick at scabs all over my boobs. I have pictures with some boob in it but it's photoshoots done by myself at home with photoshop used to cover it up.

I really hate it but I can't stop doing it. It's kinda a stress reliever now.

>> No.8025746

Do you just have huge boobs or is your entire upper body big like in your image? That's a very unusual body shape.

>> No.8025749

what is the site for that picture

>> No.8025752

>none of this needed to happen as it was all the result of medical negligence.
Holy fuck. How does shit like that even happen? What was the underlying reason for all this? Was it just substandard post-op care, or did the fuck up in surgery?

>> No.8025753

diff anon but the site is http://bodyvisualizer.com/male.html
good trolling from this girl though.

>> No.8025754

you're a man, harry

>> No.8025782
File: 244 KB, 200x177, Rilakkuma-GIFs-rilakkuma-25798966-200-177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 4'10" and overweight (~150lb), I don't bother with characters I don't physically suit though I'd be okay with ambiguous designs that are flexible (ie. gijinka). I've only done a couple of full-body covered mascot-like cosplays (in before furry) and I enjoy those the most.

>> No.8025810

Is ths copypasta

>> No.8025813

>lose 150lbs in order to feel confident enough to start cosplaying
>loose skin on stomach
>slight loose skin on arms
it's like a tiny amount but enough to make it an unwise choice to show arms/midriff

>> No.8025840

Holy shit, this is such an amazing idea. I don't know if I'd ever wear it to cons, but I'd totally do it for photoshoots so I could shoop/pose to make the lines less noticeable. There are a ton of One Piece cosplays that I've wanted to do but have been hesitant due to the combination of Oda's proportions and revealing character designs.

>> No.8025864

Fucking this. I pick scabs in my hair all the time. It feels good and it gets itchy if I don't.

>> No.8025867

It should tighten up, give it a year or two. Through illness & bad eating choiced I gained then lost 140lbs in my early twenties. My arns were awful at first but I massaged them lots, kept exercised & well hydrated eventually bingo wings retreated. I got sick again & gained half back because I couldn't exercise hard or well at all. I spend 9 months being mainly immobile & couldn't even lift a bottle of milk nevermind weights *cries* working on that now.

>> No.8025872

It's tightened up as much as it's going to I think
it's been a little over a year and you can kind of see my abs ;_;

>> No.8025931

I do this to myself too, but only on my fingers.
>tfw I used to have scars on all my fingers and whenever I ran out of fingers to pick on I'd wait for them to heal just to start picking on them again.

I-I've managed to do it only on six fingers, though.

>> No.8026866

I've got hyperpigmentation from acne and some days I can't leave the house because tons of makeup is never enough to hide the redness. It's really bad and I never even picked at any of it.

>> No.8027685

>tfw you're a young girl but you've got the bodytype of Danny DeVito

I just gained back a shit ton of weight I'd previously lost because of no time to work out and stress eating. Shit sucks. Gonna try at it more.

>> No.8027695

I feel you so much on the stress eating, it's most of the reason I went from average/chubby to plain landwhale.

We can do this anon, it's a brand new year to start over again

>> No.8027702

Right on, I believe in you too!

>> No.8027798

I have a birthmark on my right thigh as big as my palm, which makes it hard for me to gain the courage cosplaying characters with exposed legs. It's also very hairy, and I rarely shave it because it's covered all the time.

Another issue I have with myself is my belly. Definitely drives me away from characters with midriffs showing. I'm average, but my belly's pretty noticeable with a lot of stuff. I tend to go for cosplays that cover myself because of my birthmark and belly.

>> No.8028867

I lost a lot of weight unexpectedly over a short amount of time and while my body looks a lot nicer now it absolutely destroyed my face. I have awful prominent nasolabial lines now, plus weird creases at the corners of my mouth. I look like I'm fucking melting.

They aren't wrinkles, the skin is completely smooth where they are... I'm horrified thinking that there might not be any way to fix them.

>22 and geniuinely considering getting a facelift

>> No.8028925

>Got bullied a lot but parents told me not to fight back unless it's self defense

This pisses me off so much, parents telling kids this. It doesn't work at that age, and it never will. It's a real thing to do when you're in middle school and most definitely high school since it's higher stakes for discipline, but when you're a little kid it's like the jungle. Eventually I just said "fuck it" and beat the shit out of the kids who were bullying me. I got lectured almost every day the rest of my school life by my mom about how it's "wrong to touch another kid" but people stopped bullying me.

My problems with bullying and my issues with my family have prevented me from really connecting with people on an emotional level. I love hanging out and stuff, but I just don't do parties and focus on my hobbies. It's lonely, but it's how I've always coped. Seeing a shrink on and off for most of my life did absolutely nothing. I just talk at them, and they never give me any advice or walk me through things. I wish I could tell you a definite way to deal with your demons, but nothing helped me except for myself in the end. It's just one of those things where you need to find an apropriate outlet (I paint, and do boxing) and find one or two friends who you can spill to. I've found through my life that a few good friends help you sort through things much better than any shrink ever has since they actually hold active conversations with you.

As it is, I hate my childhood, and I'm misreable even thinking about the time before I went away for college. I've learned to just stop caring but it all stays with you. At the very least working through your shit gives you tougher skin.

>> No.8028936

OP here. Is it really? I remember seeing a few threads like these floating around before and found the conversations interesting. I like seeing people being able to talk through issues.

>> No.8028946

I've always has super blobby legs. Even when I was thinner and worked out a lot, my legs were never firm and nice. I've had the legs of an old lady since I hit puberty.

>> No.8028954

Most plastic surgeons won't do facelifts on someone that young. Your best option may be botox and fillers, you might not be able to get rid of them completely but it can help soften them and make them not so bad.

>> No.8028963

I have quite a number of burns and scars on my arms from my work ( I work in a kitchen), and two surgery scars on my stomach which are pretty prominent. Normally my cosplays do a pretty good job of covering them up but if I ever have to do a cosplay that shows my stomach normally I cover it up with makeup.

>> No.8028973

Dude I had this problem!
I got rid of it by eating F-cup cookies! You can get them on ebay, jlist, amazon and some other places. Just search around and see if you want them. My tits got up about 1 cup size bigger while eating them for around a month. Some days 2 cookies some days 1.

I got chocolate and they taste like buttery cocoa cake and they're soo good. I also lost 8lbs while on them because they keep you feeling full! I love them a lot. Also my breast size went down a bit after I stopped taking them (they are somewhat permanent but only if you take them for like 3 - 6 months) and to my surprise both breast came down at the same time! So I haven't taken them in about a year or so and my boobs still match lol. Look into it if you want!

>> No.8028982

I wish I could be happy in my god damn body, and I don't mean like fat acceptance kind of happy but just content.

I used to overweight as a kid and 'fat and ugly' mentality kind of stuck through with me, especially when I went to an all girl prep high school. I lost the weight in college so now I'm a health weight. Not perfect and toned, but I'm p ok with it.

I naturally have an hourglass figure but I love and hate it all at the same time. Unless it's fitted, I sometimes feel like a fat blob in my clothes just because my proportions are more squished since I'm only 5"3,5"4 (with hips wide enough to have an upper thigh gap but thighs still touch). Sometimes I feel sexy, but other times I feel discouraged, particularly in Lolita where my 32F's are considered 'cowtits'. I had these tits when I was overweight and I still have them now at a healthy weight.

>> No.8028983

Why not cosplay characters that are covered up?

>> No.8029204

I have this too because I compulsively rub my fingers when I'm under intense anxiety. They look like really bad burn scars and there's a huge one on my wrist from a bad episode during inpatient mental illness rehab when my roommate who was severely bipolar threatened to kill me in my sleep and the psych just said it was part of her treatment and wouldn't take steps to make sure I was safe. I've mostly stopped by carrying a domino to rub but the scars are still there. I also have a lot of self harm scars all over my body from cutting. I cover up in lolita, but my new years resolution is to do a series of chemical peels to see if that helps. The cutting scars are just white hairline scars that show at the right angle because I'm very pale, but the whole mental illness thing is really embarrassing and I feel like they're a giant sign that screams OCD FUCKED UP CRAZY GIRL.

The scars on my upper arms also break out in hives all the time for some reason.

>> No.8029233


>> No.8029235
File: 49 KB, 500x325, 1382756419875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I hate everything about myself
>>black with typical black features (wide lips, flat nose, etc.)
>>round baby face, short thin hair
>>average weight and height but excess fat is on my stomach, thigh and arms
>>saggy boobs
>>weird dark spots all over my body
>>tfw I'll never look good in lolita or other j-fashions
>>tfw I just want to be cute and happy

>> No.8029238

I forgot to add, its a really good idea if you struggle with self harm to pack a "shit got real" bag. Just put a pair of comfy clothes that have no strings (waist ties, hoodies, ext) a bra with no underwire, slippers, a soft cover book,, phone numbers, and travel size toiletries you like. Just make sure the toiletries don't have any kind of alcohol in the first six ingredients.
Being in the hospital due to a psychiatric emergency is a horrible experience but sometimes necessary. The little things like having a bra you can wear, your own clothes and hygiene items that aren't absolute shit can go a really long way in helping you feel human. Go to the er if you feel seriously suicidal or don't think you can stop self injuring and it may cause permanent damage. Its better to spend a couple days being babysat than it is to permanently damage yourself. I have stomach and liver issues because I was to too proud to go the er when I tried to OD on ibuprofen.

I would wish there was a crazy girl support group but that would devolve into tumblr before it even began

>> No.8029246

I'm so sorry anon I feel you. I did the same for a while I don't know why it appeased me, I'd spend an hour or two in my bathroom before going to bed plucking ingrow hair and making tiny scars.

Now I stopped but I got super pale legs and there's faint marks EVERYWHERE. I don't know how long it will take to finally fade away, should I scrub my legs to peel a bit the skin little by little ?

Anyway I don't know how to help you with the dermatillomania, cause I was just tired of how awful my legs looked and I simply stopped. The sooner you stop though the better.

>> No.8029251

I don't have much strech marks but I got some obvious horizontal ones on my back, just on top of my butt. It feels like it's saying "If you didn't think I had a big ass here's some stretch mark to prove it" or something :(

>> No.8029253

I literally will not be happy until I can pull my own face off my skull and fix it.

>> No.8029254

I pick at the skin around my nails on one hand. Even without me doing anything the area around the nail is swollen and dry and the skin always brakes. I managed to quit during summer due to little stress but with college again in winter and the skin being extra dry from the cold I started again.

>> No.8029260

One thing that's done amazing work with my picking is getting acrylic nails. They're so blunt that they don't do any damage, like you can't even pick at dead skin. Its like 30 bucks a mmonth but has done so much.

>> No.8029586

....wait is this for real?

>> No.8029594

I got chemical burn scars on my fingertips from work (automotive shop) from when I was a teenager. It's been almost 4 years since I switched shops to one with a boss who didn't abuse the safety code, so they've faded and now all it looks like are my fingertips are very wrinkly.

It was funny though because when I was in hs they had us do fingerprint analysis and mine had changed a bit from when we last took down prints because of all of the chemical burns. Made all these funky textures.

>> No.8029609

>scabs on boobs
I puked in my mouth a little.

>> No.8029610

>stress reliever

Have you tried squeezing them instead?

>> No.8029615
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Dude here. Most guys I know don't give anything close to a shit about the thigh gap that women seem to think is so important.

Though it is bullshit when fat women complain that they're "just healthy", there's nothing, NOTHING, wrong with having enough fat on your legs/hips to not have a thigh gap.

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.8029619


Is this a thing for women? Like, is this the dick enlargement surgery for women? The jelqing for grills?

I see ads like this and you could just straight swap boobs with dick.

>> No.8029651

Yeah, seconding this. I have a strong preference for skinny woman and I never even gave a thought about a "thigh gap" until that hashtag last year.

>> No.8029656

Thigh gap doesn't matter if you're (not) cute. It's a frivolous thing to care about really.

You probably have a lot of other problems before that. Post pics, me and my friend (my penis) shall be the judge.

>> No.8029665

excoriation disorder is, though, dumbass

>> No.8029668

Try masturbating with them instead. Works wonders.

>> No.8029670

Scabs in hair=/=scabs on your body. Picking scabs on the body is a serious problem unless you want to go to the hospital and get a shot in the arse from a bloody infection.

>> No.8029679

I never even noticed it until I saw a report on the news saying teenaged girls were starving themselves to get it or something.

I'm sure the report was greatly exaggerated and mostly just pandering but I never even realized that was a thing, let alone an actual thing you could do if you didn't just have it naturally.

How do you even target fat in that location to slim down? I wouldn't even know where to begin to try and lose weight there specifically. Isn't that like one of the absolute last places you'll burn excess fat?

>> No.8029685


Another long torso anon. All my shoes, even my 'flats', have a heel so I don't feel so stumpy. Unless I stand next to a person for comparison, I look short due to the proportions.

>> No.8029701

Nipple hair is actually normal though, it's not odd to see a stand or two growing.

>> No.8029707

I bought an epilator and I'm not convinced that it actually does works. Maybe I'm using it wrong?

>> No.8029719

Nipple hair is pretty ugly tho. Same with chin and neck hairs, but lots more people will see that.

>> No.8029721

So don't shave your asshole hairs????

Why are you shaving them in the first place? Someone is going to go down there and eat you out?

>> No.8029751
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>Someone is going to go down there and eat you out?

>> No.8029774

Seriously? I mean I have no idea why people shave asshole hairs unless they don't want poop to catch on them or they have a bf/gf that likes to eat ass.

>> No.8029808

I don't really feel anything from them, they are just kinda bags of sand attached to my body so that stuff is kinda useless to me. I think what I meant is that I enjoy the act of picking at the scabs than it being doing something with my boobs.

Thanks for the ideas though.

>> No.8029819

Do you feel anything from any part of your boob? Like around the nipple?

This sounds weird but picking scabs is not a good idea if they can get infected so if you need something else as a stress reliever then anything would be better than a pus filled scab.

I had a relative who did the same thing and well now they have scars all over their arms from scabs being infected and not healing properly.

>> No.8029834

My upper front teeth are a bit uneven after dentist ducked them up by not fixing my retainer correctly after wearing bracers. It makes me hate smiling with my teeth visible in photos. It isn't very visible unless it's a close up picture on the face, but it still makes me feel insecure about my smile and makes me look so stiff in pictures

>> No.8029893

Got a lapband, dropped 15kgs or maybe a bit more since I've had it.
Yay. Fucking great.
Now I have four ugly ass scars on my stomach which, coupled with stretch marks, mean no revealing cosplays if I ever reach my goal weight. It's so depressing, I feel like I haven't dropped a lot since realising it.

>> No.8030018

>scars from self mutilation during depression years ago

>stretch marks on underarm, stomach, thighs, legs,breasts etc from rapid weight gain and loss during that time

>no boobs but large ribcage

>very noticeable tummy pouch due to binge eating, elastic waist high pants parents put me in when i was younger, tighter pants when i grew older

>large pelvic bone

> considered obese by asian standards

>constantly called fat by relatives

I end up cutting a lot of characters I want to do because of these. I always want to hide my arms and stomach even if people say I don't look too bad. My self-esteem is wrecked. I do alter some outfits to cover parts of my body if need be but it often looks too obvious that I am

>> No.8030138

Different poster, I don't like to eat ass, but I love the response it gets and the pleasure it gives, so I do it anyway.

Yet another reason (as if one was needed) to always shower before kinky sex.

>> No.8030954

I have moles all over my body. I have about five that stick out enough where I want them removed, but nomoney and not sure if it will be covered by insurance. I've thought about using a sterilized kitchen knife and doing it myself, but if I mess up it will be even worse. There's one that's raised, puffy, squishy, and just yucky on my tummy. It sticks out more than it is wide. Makes me self conscious around men, too. All this and I already HAD three removed as a kid, at least one of which now has a puffy pink scar on it. I'm at super high risk for skin cancer, too. And there's a mole on my face that I hate to god, I feel so ugly and self conscious about it. But if I get it removed it might end up as a scar and be even worse.

Plus I get random long dark hairs all over my body. One here, one there. I'm blonde. This morning I plucked one from my arm and one from my foot. I try to look and keep them plucked, but new ones show up, and I never find them all in time.

I'm not at all comfortable with my body because of these ugly moles. My mother and my father's mother both have a ton of moles, so I got shitty genetics. I think they're disgusting and can barely stand to look at my mom or grandma because it's disgusting to look at because I know I look just the same. And I'll probably get skin cancer on top of it.

I also have a puffy bit of extra skin on my asshole. It's been there forever and doesn't hurt, but I don't let men eat me out so they won't see it. I wish my body wasn't so disgusting.

>> No.8030960


I feel really bad for heterosexual men.

>> No.8030964

you should be dressing in high-waisted skirts. Not saying cosplay or lolita (don't know your mes) but tummy pouch = fit and flare

>> No.8030966

I've eaten ass of my prev bfs, but only after they have cleaned. One night stands that like it? I can split a condom in half.
>Famanon here

>> No.8030981

Why's everyone so self-conscious about stretchmarks?
I mean shit, they're there, does anyone even really care about them aslong as the body they're on is pleasant to look at?

It's one of these things that fat people have, but it doesn't look bad or silly on non-fat people at all.

>> No.8031042

Yeah! I really love them, I feel that eating those for around a month before a con gives me natural looking, fuller, firmer boobs. Not like the usual 'oh I just wore a really really up high bra and now my tits are at my collar bone' but perky energetic boobs, kek.

Kinda but these things actually work lol.

>> No.8031179

I am glad that I am a permavirgin then.

>> No.8031194


Same anon here. It just surprises me because I never found anyone nor heard anyone interested in eating ass. Hell my ex bf didn't even want to go down there at all.

>> No.8031202

I eat ass.

I eat like, the whole ass.

>> No.8032801

Lmao you pathetic virgin loser.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.8032802


Virgin men are misogynistic neckbeard basement dewelling scum.

>> No.8032815


>> No.8032905
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>> No.8033692

>ad hominem

>> No.8033707

I do. I have a lot of dresses and skirts but its harder for me to wear them sometimes because my hips and butt poof them out to much. Usually it ends up right under my ass

>> No.8033716


>> No.8033771

I have the same issue, pale skin with dark hair and neck/chin/nipples also chest hair that grow fast as a beard. I have to pluck or shave everyday my nipple and neck hairs that are a lot and visible. Maybe laser hair removal is the solution. Other than weird body hair i'm ok with my body also with my skin allergy or super inverted nipples.

>> No.8034792

Same, anon. I've been so self-conscious of it that I've never shown my back or shoulders in public, ever. Which is quite the feat since I live in Florida. No swimming or relationships or anything for me cause I don't want anyone to know, it really sucks

>> No.8034827
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>> No.8034831

My nose looks fine from the front but when you see my profile it's like HOLY JEW NOSE BAT MAN

I want plastic surgery so bad but I'm probably too young/scared

I've been compared to: Sheldon's gf from big bang theory, severus snape, and that one teacher from Jimmy Neutron. Feels bad man.

>> No.8035169

>tfw underweight, flat-chested, stick-limbed
>tfw whatever weight I seem to gain goes straight to my belly
>tfw stockings/tights will never suit me

I just want to kawaii gdi

>> No.8035172

>pale skin with dark hair

Laser would work well on you.
Go for it.

Get to a dermatiologist and not in an institute as dermatologist can use stronger one.
At least where I live.

>> No.8035497

With the extra/dark hair issue, you may have higher testosterone levels than normal.
I have PCOS that was invisible until they did a ton of tests. When they did the blood test, they found out I have higher levels of testosterone than the average woman and that it's what causes my dark hair issue. They put me on a birth control with specific hormone levels so that this is kept in check. I'm still pretty self-conscious about it, though, so I use body-friendly Nair to remove the bothersome hair every month or so.

>> No.8038102

I have scars all over my legs from cutting in my emo pisschild days. Good thing tights exist.

>> No.8038414
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>losing weight just to get rid of my double chim
>5'8, 210 2 years ago
>now, 160-170lb (i forgot)
>still have that tiny and annoyig chin flab
i just wanted to cosplay as sonico/pochaco because i have the perfect breast size for the both of them (40 F-cup i think) and a cutesy face without glasses
i had a pilonidal cyst that healed ok but the skin is super tender and i broke my toe from dropping my drawing tablet on it so now the toenail looks funny (but hopefully if i file it more often it'll go back to normal)
i can never be the perfect sonico/pochaco ;_;

>> No.8039028

>i had a pilonidal cyst that healed ok but the skin is super tender

Get that shit checked out. They have a stupid high recurrence rate. I had my first (big) one lanced about ten years ago, and it came back three times since then. I haven't had to get the new ones lanced. My doctor just gives me antibiotic cream and I take a lot of salty sitz baths for about two weeks.

>> No.8039171

>all the women in my family are petite, thin, and very feminine looking
>grandmother used to be a model and much fuss was made over her 16 inch waist (no corset, she was just fucking tiny back in the 50s)
>mom is a dead ringer for the original Morticia Addams actress and at my age had waist length wavy black hair
>then comes fucking me
>very tall masculine build
>face like benedict cumberbatch
>frizzy mouse brown hair
>waist is nearly three times grandma's waist size
>have skin condition that causes intense and bizarre scarring from almost any form of irritation
>(cant wear most makeups because of this)
>hopelessly in love with lolita but always feel Peacock Feather-tier when I try to wear it
>love making cosplay for other people but know there's really nothing I can ever pass as
>why the fuck do i even come on this board

>> No.8039199
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>pic related happened to me when I lost a shit ton of weight
>had a sagging paunch ever since I was an 11 year old

The last time I've known what it's like to have a flat tummy was when I was 7 years old. Being pregnant once also didn't help. I'm mid twenties, and it's really discouraging and depressing to post about this anonymously because I always have people talk down to me like stretched out skin can "bounce back" like I'm 16 years old if I only "tried hard enough." I lost over 100 pounds, I don't think my willpower is the issue anymore, the skin just won't go back and the sagging gets worse and worse every year.

Nobody irl notices, except my bf who sees me naked, because I dress to accommodate for the skin. But I can't wear a lot of things because of it, and I'll need plastic surgery to fix it.

>> No.8039206

Hi, first time here on /cgl/. Are the majority of people here female?

Anyways I have these really noticable stretch marks on my midrift and hips. They're pretty red and I've had them for years. But when it comes to cosplaying I really don't mind that it's exposed. However someone did recommend me to put skin makeup over it.

>> No.8039211

>50s women
Anon, I'm just pointing out that the reason women back then were so tiny was because they all took speed and other barbiturates/amphetamine to reduce appetite and keep thin. My grandmother did it. Doctors would prescribe them for nothing, it was an epidemic and many women had complications later in life from drug effects and anorexia.

>> No.8039219

I was just about to post about this too, anon! Mine has gotten so bad that I actually tried laser treatments on my legs to help lessen the ingrown hairs/scars. It seems like it's helping my skin but that's also a really expensive option. Other than that I try to keep them moisturized but it makes me feel so self conscious that I tend to wear tights with everything where my legs are showing, cosplay or not.

>> No.8039222 [DELETED] 
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Used to be increasingly over weight and had sever acne. I have need stretch marks on my stomach and boobs along with a battle field of acne scares on my back.

I have 7 stretch marks on my stomach. They almost look like a big animal clawed me.... And the ones on my boobs go to my arms.

Here's a picture of what I mean. All of my cosplay tops need to reach the red line because my stretch marks (the pinks lines) go to the green line. It doesn't help I have small boobs too. So in the long run I can't cosplay anything that shows any type of boob and has a high neck line.

>> No.8039235

I used to be a fatty-chan until I joined CGL, and I lost 30 pounds. I didn't do it in a very healthy manner, but honestly, I think I'm happier being thin and worried about my weight than when I was fat and ignored it. I'm trying to lose 7 more pounds to get to 99, and then start working on fixing my eating habits and toning/weight lifting. I'd like to gain about 11 pounds of muscle since now I'm skinnyfat as hell, but for some reason I would just feel more comfortable cosplaying for a while if I weighed less than 100 pounds, just to see if I can do it before I go back up to a healthier weight.

That way, I've been able to try everything. The cute chub, the waifish look, and then have those fit, muscular curves.

I guess my concern with my mentality is that I'm not as concerned with having a certain body type as I am with being able to try on ALL the body types.

>> No.8039244

>you're 106 pounds now
>meaning you were 136
>which means unless you were under 5'3 you were at a healthy weight and were never fat
Unless you're a midget, sounds like the only thing you need is a therapist. You don't sound like you have a healthy perception about yourself.

>> No.8039306

I'm not-quite-5' 3" with a small frame and although I'm technically a 'healthy' weight at 114lb (or a fatty if you go by Japanese/Korean standards), I still have a pooch on my belly which isn't all that healthy and probably won't go away until I get to about 110-111. I'd be pretty damn upset (and pretty fat) if I got to 136lb without being some sort of world-class powerlifter.

I think you should start fixing eating and lifting now, waiting for an extra 7lb to disappear is inviting the unhealthy eating habits to stick around. You aren't going to get fat again if you're exercising and eating appropriate amounts of healthy foods, and it will give you a chance to build your fitness up. Being waifish isn't healthy and being underweight carries its own health risks. If you don't have access to a gym or weights, it's not a problem - Pop Pilates and Pop Sugar have a number of easy to follow workouts that don't need any equipment, and use body weight to build muscle.

>> No.8039319

>or a fatty if you go by Japanese/Korean standards
Shut up and stop being a weeaboo. You're NOT ASIAN and you have a NOT ASIAN person's frame so go by WESTERN medical standards.
>my fat in a specific area will go away if I get to x number--
And stop with the fake pseudo guessing. Your fat accumulation depends on your bodyfat percentage which will not be gleaned from a scale number.

>> No.8039332

I'm 5"2. At 135 pounds I was dangerously close to being overweight, and it got pointed out plenty of times on here.

At 106 I'm perfectly healthy. Like I said, I wanted to see if I could get to 99, but I haven't yet. It's more of a short-term challenge.

>> No.8039338
File: 551 KB, 824x560, Bmi-chart-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd only begin to be overweight at 140, so I wouldn't call that "dangerously" overweight.
>it got pointed out plenty of times on here
What a shocker. Anyway, have fun being underweight and worrying about a non-issue.

>> No.8039345

>Close to being

Reading comprehension can be fun! And that is a super old chart. Most BMI calculators put 136 at 24.9 for 5"2.

>> No.8039351

>muh 24.9 BMI
Which is still a healthy BMI. It's like you really can't stand that you were at a healthy weight and let a bunch of other mentally insecure girls on the internet talk you into feeling like shit about yourself. Being under 100 pounds at 5'2 is classified as underweight and is dangerous for your health. I wouldn't be merciful to an obesechan who was justifying their unhealthy body image just because they think it's "right," and I'm not going to give you a pass just because you happen to be at cgl's "approved" end of the spectrum.

>> No.8039354

>tfw can't do any cosplays that show my hips

A skin doctor fucked up a cyst I had that I wanted removed, but now i just have a giant purple area and a scar from injections and shit.

I can't even wear a swimsuit anymore, I hate my my hips now.
Which is a shame, because I have a fabulous figure.

>> No.8039357

I never said it wasn't underweight. Being between 106-110, which was my end goal, is however. I'm not saying it's normal, but I assume building muscle will be much less frustrating being actively trying to gain weight.

>> No.8039364

Why do girls get so salty about other's weight?
What the fuck is it your problem if she weighs 105 or whatever.
>implying you know everyone body type
>implying people don't have frames of different sizes.

Sincerely, 5'6'' and 110Ibs without any dieting or eating disorders.

>> No.8039365

Who cares if you didn't say what it is or isn't? By saying you want to be 99 pounds, like you did in your original post, is saying you want to risk your health for retarded aesthetic reasons. Is it really worth it to you? Snap out of it. You won't even be happy anyway because when you gain muscle, you will gain weight and then you'll just tirade about how you got fat again.

>> No.8039366

For the same reason people get salty about fat people on here. It's retarded. Enjoy your poor health.

>> No.8039379

I think it's even stupider, if >>8039332
was 5-10 pounds heavier no one would say shit.
and 5-10 pounds is literally nothing.
My health is fine, doctors have never told me I needed to gain weight.

>> No.8039380

Not really, because I don't think I'm fat now? And people risk their health for aesthetic reasons all the time.

You don't see people hounding the "curvy and proud" or "cosfluffy" people for their degenerating knees and overworking heart when they're happy about it.

>> No.8039386

I think it's an American thing. Everyone thinner than you is anorexic, everyone bigger is about to drop from a heart attack.

Or it could just be an asshole thing.

>> No.8039403

Um. I *am* Asian, why do you assume everyone on here isn't? I was 110-111 pounds in summer, and I know that the pooch on my belly goes away when a combination of diet and exercise gets me to that weight. Yes, it depends on my body fat percentage as well, but I'd have to work pretty damn hard on building muscle to *not* have a pooch at 114lb.

>> No.8039406

People on cgl are assholes.


>> No.8039408

Isn't there something you can do about that, legally?

>> No.8039413

I hate to be all 'can't we just get along,' but this is a cosplay board. I do NOT understand the need for everyone to go around throwing out psychological labels. Most of us are a little out there for even being here, and cosplay is an art that uses bodies as a canvas. If someone thinks BBW is beautiful and strives to gain weight, why complain if someone thinks super thin is beautiful?

If both ends of the spectrum are as unhealthy as you say, they obviously don't look as good as you do in your costumes, so less competition. Everyone wins.

>> No.8039416

Well, I've never been outside of America so I can't just label it based on just what I've seen. I assume if women are like in other countries it's just an asshole thing.

>> No.8039424

Maybe not being an asshole, but American women have no idea what a healthy body looks like. The national average is huge, and a normal body looks foreign to them.

>> No.8039427

Hopefully not too long of a story/explanation

A couple of years ago a friend got me into cosplaying around when I started to come out as transgender, and it was nice because a lot of people in the cosplay community that I met were really cool and nice, a couple were complete jerks though. It was nice when I was around friends and for the most part I could pass off to people as long as they didn't look too closely and it was really rad having my first experience going out in public and feeling that way, but a couple of times just experiences with random people harassing me and calling me out and catty other cosplayers being jerks kind've made me entirely want to stop and drop cosplay..
Its been about 2-3 years since then and I've gotten and been on hormones and am passing now and living happily but just kind've have bummed memories of people calling me out on some of the subtle things that I can't really ever change without surgery or something, such as adam's apple, veiny arms, being tall (5'11), having a large protruding ribcage, and the obvious ownership of my diddly-doo.
I know I should be thankful and I really am that I'm able to be passing now and have a much better everything than I had before, but its just weird hearing people say good things about me now and saying I made it and I look fine, but never really being able to see myself in the mirror how everyone else seems to see me..
Hope it wasnt too long of a type-out..

>> No.8039500

i have pretty big thighs which for me lead to stretch marks and cellulite, but hopefully i will able to tone them up this year i hope. after all, i have some cosplays i want to do that show leg. some parts of me look like im a descendant of chewbaca, but i either use cream to get rid of it or use that bleach stuff for hair.

>> No.8039576

>American women have no idea what a healthy body looks like

Because no one watches TV or the movies, or reads magazines, or takes selfies from angles designed to make themselves look thinner, and they definitely don't spend millions of dollars on diet/weight loss gimmicks, and they sure don't photoshop themselves into a healthier shape when all else fails.

Body image is pretty well-researched among Americans but you don't need to be a psychologist or sociologist to just fucking observe the culture and realize that the majority of American women are aware of their weight and where they stand relative to an ideal (be it health or attractiveness).

>> No.8039690

I do sport on a regular basis and am pretty /fit/, but it shows most in my shoulders and thighs. I'm really physically, so the extra muscle makes me look really bulky, particularly in my thighs. Like, I still have a thigh-gap, but the muscles are really prominent and they're really solid in general, wheras most of the women in my area/age-range value really skinny legs. I'm kind of uncomfortable in thigh-revealing things because of that.
My eyes are also 'too small' for most contact lenses, making it basically impossible even put them in. It kind of sucks, because it means I can't use cosmetic contacts for characters with noticeably unnatural eyes.

>> No.8039810

That's model height anon! Living in NYC, it seems like all the glamorous girls are AT LEAST 5'11". And it's proven being taller helps you in interviews, interpersonal relationships, etc. I'm very jealous and I hope you come to value your height someday!

>> No.8039846

fuck man thats what i have i lost so much weight bc i was very insecure about it and thought that theyd dissapear if i lost more
thanks violin hips for giving me an eating disorder

>> No.8039851
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Kirari from idolm@ster!

>> No.8039976

i'm planning to, but i already had like 3 surgeries from this because it turned into a fistula after the first one. i dom't really think i'll get it again cause now that i lost weight my buttcheeks can breathe instead of suffocating in sweat

>> No.8040082

I used to cosplay, but I lost the use of one eye and now I have to keep it covered.
I still want to cosplay, but I can only do characters who happen to to be missing their left eye.
I also used to be a sweet lolita, but I looked stupid wearing a decoden eye patch so I got out of that too.
On the positive side, I've switched to gothic, and so far only a few people have said anything about my patch, they all thought it was just for show.

>> No.8040118

Yes, and that causes a backlash, especially recently. When you're stuck between seeing fashion models and 300 pound "real women," your vision gets skewed.

>> No.8040298

Being under 100lbs at 5'2 isn't unhealthy in itself. Could just be a very petite girl.

What matters is the bodyfat percentage. IIRC, females shouldn't go below ~20%. Aslong as you got that, you're good.

Definitely go for building muscle over building fat if you're feeling too much like a stick. Unless you're dangerously low in bodyfat. Dudes can go down to 10%, females get troubles with their organs if they do.

>> No.8040306

It's always funny when people assume that others don't know when they're overweight.

You have a gut? You're overweight in the sense that you have too much fat on you. Fat looks different from muscle. Fat doesn't look attractive. People know when they're too fat, and they know when they're not fat.
On the flip side, you're probably not underweight unless you look like a skeleton with ribs showing and all.

>> No.8040307

And meanwhile average women between 120-180 pounds get left in limbo because we don't fucking matter to anyone because we can't be exploited since we don't have ~*~controversial~*~ weight.

>> No.8040309

I like how you're assuming a small girl has a "gut".
If you don't know her bodyfat percentage, and the other anon doesn't, and OP isn't posting a picture, then nobody can say shit about it.

>> No.8040316

> I'm kind of uncomfortable in thigh-revealing things because of that.
At the risk of sounding like a creep, that is not at all something you should be ashamed of. Muscular thighs are incredibly attractive to the average male, as far as I can tell. It's just that it's pretty rare for women to be relatively muscular like that, so skinny thighs are the 'ideal' in everyones head.

I mean, aslong as you don't look like an ogre.

>> No.8040323

Are you implying that people with small frames can't put on fat?
Replace gut with muffin top if you don't like how it sounds. Gut is a bit extreme I guess, but surely you know how waists get more healthy as they cut down on fat?

>> No.8040348

idk I honestly don't mind mine anymore. I cared a lot when I first got them, it's just natural to feel uncomfortable about something you're not used to that everyone makes a big deal about it, but now I'm like eh whatever.

I'm the anon who thinks they look like I got in a fight with a demon.

>> No.8040349

I'm not even joking- I really like well done pirate lolita with billowing sleeved blouses and layers and shit. Plz do. My uncle lost one eye to a taxidermied alligator. But he is not kawaii.

>> No.8040353

I had developed a nasty habbit of sticking toothpicks between my teeth so I have holes where my gums should meet. It's annoying b/c they're perfectly straight but it looks like I have black pepper all over my teeth and food gets stuck in there.

My dental hygiene is really good so is there even a slight chance of them growing back? I get so envious of seeing people with normal gums now ;_;

>> No.8040354

/cgl/ is known as the "girl board."

>> No.8040356

Ye, your mouth area is pretty flexible

just stop doing the toothpick thing for good

>> No.8040359

I get sick so often (especially heat sick at summer conventions) that I'm starting to get discouraged from more ambitious cosplays. Heels and any sort of compression wear makes things even worse.

>> No.8040360

Anon, when I ran daily my thighs were super muscular too. The rest of my body is tiny, except for when I have big toned thighs. They're not HUGE like I've seen on other runners, but when my friends give me piggybacks they don't carry me for long because they say my thighs grip so tight it feels like I could crush their body like a sparrow's egg.

When I look in the mirror and I'm wearing pants I think my proportions look weird, but I love my thighs in shorts and skirts. Men love toned thighs, so idk find someone who likes rough sex and you can grip the shit out of their hips with your thighs

>> No.8040363

Someone who weighs 106 pounds isn't going to have a "gut" no matter how much you spin it. A muffin top happens when someone wears too tight pants, and that can happen even with lean people.
>gut is a bit extreme I guess
You guess correct. No wonder people like that are posting in the "body issues" thread.

>> No.8040365

I'm sorry I didn't use the word you wanted me to use. Semantics, you dumb nigger. Who cares.

People know when they have too much fat on their hips. NOBODY is wrong about being underweight or overweight because it's so goddamn fucking obvious.
Guess what, the people who are wrong about it have a known disorder.

>> No.8040366


Tiger stripe stretchmarks on dark skin. When i hit puberty I DOUBLED in weight in 6 months. Men like the thick thighs and ass but I've had conflicted feelings about it all my life.

Also I had a *major* infection in both my armpits when I was younger. I'm autistic and was almost nonverbal so didn't alert my parents until they were just a bleeding, pussy mess of open wound and scabbing. Now they are really dark and puffy from scarring and I have hyperhidrosis from nerve damage. Every ballet class, photoshoot, gym session etc I've had to lift up my arms and felt really ashamed.

>> No.8040369

That puts my mind at rest a bit, thanks. I stopped about a month ago and I think there's been slight improvement since. Fingers crossed!

I think the worst side effect of all is that I'm super obsessed with teeth thanks to this ordeal so it's always on my mind now.

>> No.8040370
File: 32 KB, 640x480, kakashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious, you don't have to answer, but how did you lose your eye? You sound like a main character, anon you need your own anime.

Pic related for cosplay

>> No.8040375

I'm not your nigger just because you used a word that's too extreme for what you're referencing. I know you don't care, but someone could genuinely have a low bodyfat percentage but still think they have the "gut" you're referencing just because they have a natural layer of fat on their abdomen. Choose your words better next time if you have a specific point to make.

>> No.8040379

>but someone could genuinely have a low bodyfat percentage but still think they have the "gut" you're referencing just because they have a natural layer of fat on their abdomen.
Then they have a body dismorphia disorder.
People know when they have a gut, that was my entire fucking point. NO ONE without a disorder thinks they have a gut when they don't.

>> No.8040381

My point is there aren't too many people in the 90-110 pound range who have legitimate "gut" issues which is why I think it's stupid to say in the first place. You can't expect someone to have a factual perception about themselves if they already have disordered thinking. I've never seen a gut on a person who weighs that much, so if you have evidence to the contrary I'm all eyes at this point.

>> No.8040382

Teeth are less important than they seem, anyways. No one really pays special attention to your teeth unless they're seriously disgusting tiny yellow cancer stones or otherwise disfigured, at which point you probably have more concerns than looking good

>> No.8040384
File: 22 KB, 285x348, gut example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. The gut on this one is so gross, it's peeking over her panty line.

>> No.8040385

I was not talking about the 100lbs person. I was simply using it as an example of how easily excess fat is recognizable. A gut is an extreme example, but a functional one. Excess waist and hip fat is very easily recognizable aswell.

stop samefagging like you're clever, dumb fuck. If you want to circlejerk, find someone who agrees with you first.

>> No.8040388

>gut example
More like vomit.jpg
Why would you even post that? Too overweight for me.

>> No.8040392

>I was not talking about the 100lbs person.
You quoted someone who was talking about a 100 pound person. If you were speaking generally, then why were you butting in on a conversation about a specific person? Stop being so mad.

>> No.8040393

not samefagging at all!

are you seriously so butthurt?

>> No.8040395

Why does everything I say have to refer to the person at hand?

>If someone has a gut, they know they do
is a general statement made in the context of "recognizing excess fat", which is what the argument was about.

Stop fucking samefagging, by the way, it's really obvious and I'm embarassed for you.

>> No.8040397

Let me guess, your sudden lack of capitalization is supposed to indicate your lack of samefag? Mhm.
>someone's making a point I hate, better call samefag

>> No.8040399

>tfw guy
>tfw some stretch marks on biceps and a fuck ton on thighs from lifting
>tfw always have mixed feelings of awe and disgust when I see them
Self admiration and loathing aside, I heard that cocoa butter helps a lot of reducing and maybe even removing visibility, but I'm not sure

>> No.8040400

>n-no you

>> No.8040406

>Why does everything I say have to refer to the person at hand?

Because if you're quoting about a subject, like you did here >>8040306
>It's always funny when people assume that others don't know when they're overweight.
Then why are you so surprised and shocked that people are still talking about the same subject you based your argument on? Sounds like you're just mad that you can't argue that a 100 pound person has a "gut" anymore so you're backpedaling now to say you were just generalizing. Yeah, whatever.

>> No.8040412

You were misunderstanding something out of a complete assumption and were corrected.
Instead of accepting that, you argue that I was backpedaling and start samefagging like mad.
>Yeah, whatever
I'm sure you don't care at all

>> No.8040414

You're just upset that you can't go around labeling the stomachs of perfectly healthy weight people "guts" without some backlash. Deal with it poopsie.

>> No.8040421

You can't tell wether someone is at a completely healthy weight by their measurements.
Someone at 106lbs can easily have a tire around their waist. That's not only unattractive, it's not healthy.

>> No.8040423

>Someone at 106lbs can easily have a tire around their waist
Pics or stfu anorexiafag.

>> No.8040431


Me too. I've tried soaks, ketaconazole, coconut oil, benzyl peroxide, chemical peels, every sort of exfoliant, moisturiser.. Whatever. Really prominent bumps and dark spots where I've scratched/picked and they've scarred. Then only time I've ever seen improvement was when I spent 6 weeks in Trinidad. Might have been the humidity + water + sun but I fucking hate the sun and now permanently live in tights. My legs are too thick to bare without looking overly sexual anyway...

>> No.8040447

That's bad posture, not a gut. Her quads are also so bulgy because of pelvic tilt

>> No.8040532

It's funny you mention that, I actually just bought my first aatp jsk this week, and thank you!

It was at a family get together awhile back, one of my little cousins came running at me with a pencil to show me how sharp he got it.
And I saw.

>> No.8040717

I've had a very similiar thing happen to me when I was little, except of a pencil in my eye, my cousin accidentally shoved a drumstick (the musical kind) into my throat. Almost died.
Fucking cousins.

>> No.8041275

T-thank you anons, I really appreciate it.

>> No.8041759

Yeah, I know about all that. Unfortunately I also know my grandma did none of that. She (and I) have a hormonal disorder. Hers causes her to not retain fat properly, on me it just sticks only in certain areas (I have permanent pregnant belly look). Its actually another body issue factor I guess because it might mean I'll never have children. She only had one successful pregnancy, several miscarriages, years of pain, and had to have a hysterectomy before she was 30. I'm 26 and already starting to have really similar pain and other symptoms like she did.

My boyfriend has started talking about having kids. I haven't been able to tell him yet.

>> No.8042986

Well, this is actually true and I don't know why people just look at numbers and then assume they know better how body looks like.

When I tell people I try to loose few kilos and they hear I'm 50kg, it's always the same: but you're not fat, you're making things up etc. But suddenly everyone forgets about weight and height correlation, about different body frames and so on. I'm 152cm, with small frame - I easly fit XS-S in European sizing and most of Japanese clothes, but still have some fat on stomach, butt and breasts. Nothing really to worry about, but it still doesn't mean that there's no room for improvement. Unless somebody rolls in fat or has ribs sticking out, let people decide for themselves, ok?

>> No.8045250


I was born with one eye blind, and the only two characters that wear eyepatches on that side aare Old Snake and Asuka Shikinami, neither of which I can pull off because I'm 5'9" and 175.

Someone just kill me now, I guess.