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8017453 No.8017453 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a beauty skin/hair care thread?
I didn't see one in the catalog but maybe I'm just blind.

So I've heard good things about a certain shampoo/oil brand, Calia. It's supposedly more organic/better than the crappy shit from the super market. Which would be great, but is the U.S equivalent? I'm just kinda sick of waiting for online orders and would like to go out and buy it.
Also, does it work for curly hair? I've heard it works for all hair types, but was curious to see if anyone here had experience.

And Yeah, discuss other general questions for skin, hair etc… so we can all look pretty in our cosplays and j-fashion.

>> No.8017477

Anybody have any luck with coconut milk to repair/ strengthen/ protect your hair, especially before bleaching? I'm thinking about doing it for several months before I bleach (I'm trying to get some crazy colors going), but if there are better alternatives I'd rather not waste my time.
Also requesting natural shampoo recipes~

>> No.8017499

Persoanlly, I just grab a job of those deep conditioning remedies. Most seem to do the same thing. Kept my hair nice and healthy.

>> No.8017505

Do it after bleaching rather than before.

>> No.8017512

I haven't heard of this, but I can strongly suggest Moroccan Oil's shampoo and conditioner.

I had hip-length hair for 6 years, straightened it twice or thrice a week, and had it chemically treated a few times, and still received compliments on how healthy it looked.

>> No.8017514

We already have both a skincare and hair thread

>> No.8017567

They're both in autosage.

>> No.8017573

Why not before?

>> No.8017587

Doing it before doesn't really do much of anything, and it just gets stripped away during bleaching, but if you do it after it helps to repair the hair follicle by filling damages bleaching caused.

>> No.8017599

I received a curling wand for Christmas, does anyone have recs for any heat protectants to use?

>> No.8017607

Anyone have any experience using henna on their hair? If anyone has recs or stories, I'd like to hear them.

>> No.8017635

Posted in the other hair thread but no one's even posting in the thread:

Any suggestions for a good clarifying shampoo?

I've always had a problem with build up no matter what brand I use. I rinse as best as I can but I can always feel this sort of residue on my scalp. Neither my conditioner or leave-in conditioner touch my scalp.

ULTA has a really good sale right now on jumbo sized bottles so I don't mind using a more high-end brand.

>> No.8017640

>sort of residue on my scalp
You mean your natural scalp oils? Your scalp and hair aren't supposed to be bone try. Does it look bad and greasy or is it just the feeling that's freaking you out?

>> No.8017645

I'm honeslty so ecstatic. A TonyMoly opened up in a store close to me. I haven't tried their products yet but I've had quite a few on my wishlist for a long time.

Any recommendations? I really love skin products like moisturizers and such.

>> No.8017647

I do!
If you have coloured your hair, make sure to use body art quality henna as it's pure and better quality than the regular henna for hair. If you have dyed your hair, the shitty Jenna may cause some grody reactions and in some cases may melt your hair off (however, in most cases it will just damage it somewhat). So make sure it's body art quality.

Second, everyone has a different mix they use and it works differently on everyone. My hennaed hair may look nothing like yours. Generally, the longer you leave it on the more intense and true red it is. If you have dark hair, it'll just have a reddish gloss to it.

Also, henna is impossible to get out, so please think things through first. It does wash out, but never completely.

I suggest looking at the hennaforhair website for a bunch of different mixes and results and comparing your hair to the ladies there.

>> No.8017720

i cringe so much in these threads- chicks suggesting so many products with rubbish ingredients just because it has cute packaging.

please for the love of anything loli, do your goddamned research. this is a useful site:


the calia haircare line looks kosher enough- nothing amazing, but it can't do much harm. the ingredients don't seem to have much of a sway between straight or curly hair- the first ingredient is a fucking nighty-time tea blend:
Purified water infused with certified organic (Alfalfa, Chamomile Blossom, Echinacea Herb, Nettle Herb, Red Clover Blossom & Leaf and Green Tea) with either silica or beeswax as a thickener added. meh, but pretty. you'd rather see these ingredients stand alone and not in some 'water infusion' concoction.
the next ingredients are usually oil(s). some of the conditioners have acv, which is an interesting way to balance the ph of the hair.
the use of 'botanical tree essences' as a preservative is novel, but unnecessary; you shouldn't be keeping a product for more than a year AT MOST.

don't bend over backwards to get it- you can make this at home tbh. but all in all, it won't do you any harm, per se... if you have a particular qualm with your hair, you're better off finding something better tailored for your need(s).

>> No.8017735

If you're ok with paying high-end prices, look into WEN or other cleansing conditioners. It might take a wash or two for your scalp to balance out, but they work very nicely.

>> No.8017744

Aphogee is your friend

>> No.8018010

Use it after bleaching. Honestly if you have never bleached your hair before and your hair is relatively healthy you should be fine.

>> No.8018025

Interesting! Good to know.
I'm usually at a loss what to do with my hair. I straighten it a lot, so no matter it gets damaged. I just want my hair to feel healthy and clean after 2 days without washing it. I usually straighten it every 3-4 days, wash with herbal essence or "not your mothers" (They're shit but they smell good).
I'll occasionally use some oil or heat protectant… but it makes my hair so friggen oily and greasy looking after a day or two.

anyway that was a ramble rant but you get the picture.

>> No.8018041

have you ever tried t-gel?
I personally dislike how it smells, but it's pretty good when it comes to scalp care.

>> No.8018192


it's a bit of a pain, but try doing cold-water rinsing when you clean your hair. maybe throw in some of that apple cider vinegar as a rinse, as all the cool kids go on about. it's helped me with shine. it sucks if you're shaving in the shower, but the results are worth it.

'buildup' is a loaded word. if anything your hair is doing what's necessary to do to protect itself. maybe try lower heat, or waiting for your hair to dry before straightening (if you're not already).

some people swear by 'no-poo', others by 'no-comb'. i dunno, but they end up really happy with the results. in either case the moral appears to be stop fighting your body's natural oil-production, and instead start working with it for more predictable hair. take what you will from that.

>> No.8018323

I want to let everyone know that the only thing that I've found that gets rid of those small facial bumps with the bad smelling white goo inside is antifungal cream. I currently use Lotrimin twice a day and it is the only thing that has made them stop. If I cease it's use for one day, they come back and get swollen and pimply.

I use it in conjunction with doing a charcoal cleansing mask every night. I don't put lotion on my face, it seems to always make it worse. The mask is drying, but the Lotrimin seems to have enough skin protectant in it to not dry my skin out.

I haven't been to a dermatologist to get this issue looked at, but it's obviously a skin yeast problem. But I thought I would share this with the ladies who might have the same problem.

>> No.8018328

Yeah, I guess the natural oils. I can't scrape any residue with my fingernail, but the feeling does freak me out. I don't think it looks greasy. It just confused me because I got my hair cut last week and my scalp felt weightless since my stylist used a clarifying shampoo.

I've heard some fishy stuff about WEN as a company. Like they charge you a monthly subscription even if you opt out? Not sure...but I've read really good reviews. I'll see if I can find individual products on Amazon.

I've never heard of it but I'll look into it.

Thanks for the suggestions!

>> No.8018330
File: 16 KB, 300x393, vitamin-c-deficiency-229x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had legs that looked like this for years... found out I had a vitamin C deficiency (scurvy). Started taking 500 mg a day of vitamin C with the same skin care routine as normal and the spots are gone within two weeks.

>> No.8018345
File: 10 KB, 335x335, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get it at CVS?

>> No.8018349

I'm so sorry anon, that's horrifying. Have you seen a dermatologist about it? I'd be worried something gross is trying to eat my face if I were in your situation.

>> No.8018351


>> No.8018354
File: 118 KB, 960x600, 10668613_10152258069071020_817069867_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok omg

>> No.8018355

Have you tried exfoliating your scalp? I used to have mad flakes no matter what kind of shampoo I used and the only thing that fixed it was to exfoliate every time I start to flake. (About once a week) I'm going to try alternata's scalp facial stuff after payday. It's 30 bucks, but a bottle of most deep treatments last me months.

>> No.8018366

I'm a biologist, so I have done a lot of the research myself, and have access to a lot of scholarly articles with studies... so I generally don't go to doctors as a first go. Since I've found something that works, and I know it's not an actual disease, I'm just content that I can stop it from making the stupid painful bumps constantly.

It's a candida yeast, which is common in all parts of the body. Mouth, skin, vagina, intestine. I know it's not in the uncontrollable disease form because I have no other issues such as thrush, yeast infections, etc. My body just can't get the balance right on my face though, so it grows out of control. Maybe it's a diet issue, maybe it's an immune issue. But other than the face bumps... which are now under control, I don't mind.

The only thing is, clotrimazole (Lotrimin) isn't a yeast killing chemical, it just stops the growth, which is intended to aid the body in naturally overcoming the infection. I think one day I might go and see if there's something I can get that will actually /kill/ the yeast, but my research shows that there isn't a whole lot out there that will kill it outright.

>> No.8018371

That kind of came off as pretentious, sorry... I just really really like trying to relay information to other people that I think might help!

>> No.8018380

Thank you for your advice! I've never dyed my hair before but it sounds like body art quality is the way to go regardless. I'll poke around the hennaforhair site - thanks again!

>> No.8018385

This wasn't pretentious. I appreciate the advice, even if I wasn't who you were originally talking to. Thanks for doing the legwork on this - I've had that gooey stuff before, especially around my jawline, but kind of handwaved it. I've just begun using neem oil which has antifungal properties - maybe it'll do the trick here.

>> No.8018402

Great, I'm glad! I had tried coconut oil (cold fermented, which supposedly has more antioxidants), which also has antifungal properties, and it did nothing.

I also also tried tea tree oil, and that actually made it worse. I think that actually killed the natural bacteria and enabled the yeast to take over even MORE.

>> No.8018418

So I'm getting out of the military in a month and instead of growing a beard (as customary, but I'm female so fuck that) I decided to dye my hair a bright color, what's the best brand of dye to use?

>> No.8018422

Oh okay, as long as you know what it is and that it isn't eating your face. I hope you get everything sorted out!

>> No.8018424

Any suggestions for something for dandruff? As soon as my hair is dry it's dandruff city and nothing I've tried has really worked well on it.

>> No.8018433

Don't use sulfates in the shampoos, and also make sure to rinse well. I also switch btwn two brands every couple weeks, not sure why it helps but it does... any brand really, I just switch it up.

That's what works for me.

>> No.8018456

Special effects. If you have hair anything darker than light blonde you will need to bleach first to get the dye to show up

>> No.8018458

I'm the poster of
Exfoliation is the ONLY thing that's actually gotten rid of it. Sulfate free stuff helps a lot in making it better, but exfoliating cured it. Mine was dry scalp though not fungal dandruff. (Dandruff shampoos are meant to treat fungal so it makes it worse)

>> No.8018489

Boy I hope you're right, I just bought a container of this because of your post.

>> No.8018492

What about yoghurt facials? I know lactobacilli aren't really facial flora, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt.
Also pustules sound really unusual for fungal infection alone (clearly I want to blame p. acnes), although clearly there is a component of that if anti fungal treatment helps.

>> No.8018500

Make sure you are also getting your proper omega 3, 6 and 9. I use almond oil on my legs as well, but nothing touched the spots and dryness til I added in the vitamin C supps. Good luck, anon.

>> No.8018509

Thanks anon!

Hey, that's a great idea. I had no thoughts on how to restore a natural flora, but that sounds like a great way to try.

And the pustules don't form until there is irritation, such as absent mindedly scratching my face, or a poke, or something. They are just little, colorless bumps that sometimes I can squeeze whiteish soft stuff from. I assume the actual red, angry pimples that form once they get irritated may be due to the p. acnes?

>> No.8018515

Oh, and only take about 100 to 250mg at a time, the doctor says you only really absorb that much at a time, all the rest gets wasted if you take it at once.

>> No.8018530

I like their Appletox face cream, oily acne skin here.

>> No.8018541

I actually got a grinder just for grinding flax seed so good thing I'm covered. Haven't heard of omega 9 before!
Thanks for that

So just take half a pill hey? Mine are 500mg.
I hear not to take anything with calcium, since it blocks absorption of other vitamins. Do you agree?

>> No.8018544

there were packs of facial masks that someone recommended from walmart but I couldn't seem to find it the last time I went in (I also forgot the name). Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.8018548

Also I have a question about skin.
I dint understand why acne doesn't appear on say, my hands, which are smooth as baby butts, but on my face and back it does. You would think there's more on the face because the skin is made to be more sensitive there, but what about my palms? Back of hands? They're even more sensitive.

>> No.8018559

A few ideas:
Tons of bacteria comes from your mouth, and so is more prevalent on the face.
Hair produces a lot of oil, which makes its way down your back and face, especially if your hair is long.
Hand dry out very quickly, naturally.
Hands might have a tighter defense system (not as open pores) because they are made to be stuck into all kinds of nasty situations. Faces aren't.
There are a lot of ways hormones interact with faces... blushing, pheromones, shape, collagen... maybe that makes them more delicately balanced than hands.

Just pulling ideas out my ass that might sound reasonable.

>> No.8018926

I want to bleach my skin, I just want to be lighter

however I don't know shit about the subject

>> No.8018948

I rarely look at the hair care aisle in detail. I usually order big bottles from Amazon anyway.

I've read about massaging your scalp with your head tilted upside down, but never a product to actually exfoliate the scalp! Looks like it's $36 everywhere, but Amazon has some bottles for $27 with Prime shipping if that's any cheaper for you. Do you have any products you'd recommend I try first or should I just try this first?

>> No.8018959

Ahh, that makes more sense - I was thinking that pustules sounds really odd for a fungal infection just considering what the usual presentation in skin creases/mucosal surfaces looks like. How long have you used your antifungal for? I assume if it's getting under your skin it'd be a bit like treating nail infections rather than superficial skin infections and you'd have to use it on your whole face for at least 6 weeks. As for the grumpy red ones, either the p. acnes or another opportunistic skin commensal is probably to blame.

>> No.8018963

stay out of the sun
wear sunscreen
use likas or kojie san soap

be careful though because skin lightening (with soaps and creams) ages you

>> No.8019242

is kojie san soap one of the soaps that will age you or did you specifically mention it separately because it's different from other soap in that respect? Sorry if this is a stupid question!

>> No.8019262

Anyone know how to increase boob size? Without having to get fatter, get pregnant or get a boob job?

>> No.8019266

Try birth control. Some people get bigger boobs with the oestrogen-containing pills, and fairly dramatically at times (knew a friend who went from a 28FF/G-28J but stayed the exact same weight). If you want to connect yourself to suction cups all night, the Brava system also works basically like a penis pump, but a boob pump. Mixed results - people definitely get tissue size increase but not usually permanent and it's more like...half a cup size to a cup size. There's also the option of fillers/autologous fat transfers which aren't a full boob job (not implants) but are still a surgical procedure.

>> No.8019555

Just learned this in another thread, but sometimes doing the "scoop and swoop" while putting your bra on can do that. If you've worn a bra with a cup size too small for you for a prolonged period of time (and a lot of women do), you may have inadvertently pushed your breast tissue into weird places like your armpit. Positioning your breasts correctly in your bra every day can help return the migrated breast tissue to the correct place. Also, being free and noninvasive is a nice bonus.

I'm on mobile now so I can't easily grab a link, but some quick googling on "scoop and swoop" should give you better instructions.

>> No.8019596

I'm not /fit/, so I'm going to use the wrong words, but if you work out your pectoral muscles, your breasts can get noticeably perkier, which makes them look bigger.

>> No.8019655

Has anyone had any experience with dermal fillers? Would be really interested in hearing some stories.

>> No.8019799

Seconding this, I want to get fillers in my non-existant upper lip.

>> No.8019820

ah sorry I meant to say likas soap and kojie san cream*
But in general if you're desperate go for it, just don't take any pills or anything that may harm you too much.

>> No.8019875

I went to Lush for the first time yesterday and one of the employees recommended Greeench powdered deodorant. I have extremely sensitive skin and have never found a deodorant that doesn't make me break out in rash so I'm really hopeful. What are some other recommendations in case it breaks me out?

>> No.8020016

I'm so confused by your comment, I've been in every hair, skin, and makeup thread and never have I ever seen someone suggest something solely for the packaging.

>for the love of loli
>suggesting cosdna
>the source of 100000 wanks and part of the reason the skincare threads and makeup threads kept going to shit
I'm guessing you've been away for a while friend...

>> No.8020031

*every one for months sorry, when I was overseas last spring I wasn't around haha

>> No.8020035

get out.
don't listen to them, they have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.8020036

there's literally nothing wrong with cosdna, if you stopped being autistic maybe you wouldn't get so butthurt about it.

Even bloggers and sources that seagulls cream their knickers over, like skinandtonics, use it.

>> No.8020038

also forgot to add, the post is an ebin trole, do not reply

>> No.8020165

Hey hair anons, is moroccan oil any good for your hair? As apart of my works perks package we get a discount on the moroccan oil range, so if it actually does work in making your hair less dry and ew I might buy some.
Thanks in advance!

>> No.8020233

can anyone recommend something to help with hair regrowth? i've lost some patches lately due to stress and heavy bleaching, and it's really bugging me. it's not much, but it's enough that i can notice it if my hair's not covering it. i don't want to use anything that will require me to use it long-term, since it's not really balding as much as it is excessive shedding. i've started taking biotin supplements, so hopefully that will help. i also bought this cinnamon solid shampoo at lush that is supposed to help with thinning hair, but i don't know if that would be enough...

>> No.8020250

i'm pale as fuck, and i got even paler by using shiseido's white lucent line religiously. i'm sure it's overpriced for the amount of lightening product in it or something, but it's nice and i like it. it's also easily accessible if you live near a sephora, unlike the weird borderline-illegal stuff you can only order from asia or the carribean.

>> No.8020327

I went on a week-long cruise earlier this year where I didn't pack shampoo or conditioner because I was trying to save room in my luggage. The stuff they had on the ship turned out to be absolute shit and basically turned my hair to dry, crackly straw. By day five I was desperate enough to buy some really marked up Moroccan argan oil in a tourist pharmacy, and one treatment turned my hair back to its normal texture. I've noticed the gains aren't as dramatic when my hair isn't in such shit condition, but it's still nice stuff. I use it every 2-3 washes.

>> No.8020344

I used WEN and it was a godsend. I actually need to get more because my hair is fried right now.
It took a week or so to see results.
and yeah their website is a bit sketch, but you can get it on like an As Seen On TV store? Most malls have them. Though it's a lot more expensive that route.

>> No.8020413

Does anyone here have any experiences with Konjac Sponges? Are they as good as they sound?

>> No.8020475

I realize this isn't a makeup thread, but can someone recommend some good face primers?

>> No.8020515

i like hourglass mineral veil the best, but a lot of people still use the monistat chafing gel as a dupe for high-end primers. it worked okay for me, but my skin didn't react well to the heavy silicone (which you'd find in those other primers, too), so i eventually had to stop using it. if you don't have sensitive skin and are on a budget, i'd recommend that tbh.

>> No.8020642

Got an amazon gift card and was wondering of there's any good bb cream suggestions? Doesn't need to be prime, just on amazon because I wanna burn this cars

>> No.8020685

I never said there was, but none the less cosdna has been the cause of a fuck ton of wank in these threads. It's a site that can be useful as a guideline, not a holy grail or a holy terror. Maybe if you learned to read life wouldn't be so frustrating for you

Really asides from biotin and related stuff I can't think of a solid help. A girl a few threads ago was having luck turning her head upside down and giving her scalp a good massage. That sounds a little placebo-y to me but maybe it will help? Likewise I've heard from a friend coconut oil and a scalp massage will help. Again, not at all verified but may as well share that haha.

I've had really really good luck with biore bright face milk actually. I know, I know it's a sunscreen. But it didn't work great for me as a sunscreen (I'm not as oily skinned as I thought I was) but as primer it's great! You need to be pale and cool skinned though.
seconding this though, my friend let me use a bit of hers and it was a dream. And another ditto re:silicone. Primers that are mostly silicones really clog up my skin too.

>> No.8020825

I want something I can use long term but I am not very savvy with haircare brands. The site that my work gets discounts at is hair2go.com.au.
So if any anon can point me in the right direction I will love you forever!

>> No.8021076

Found some products on Amazon and I have some gift cards so I'd be willing to buy from there. What would you recommend for my needs? I see a lot of conditioners with many scents and I'm not sure where to start.

>> No.8021089

They're alright, yeah. I used to use them.
Don't expect any miracles but they're good to use with your cleanser and stuff, and do exfoliate just a bit.

>> No.8021316

Apparently men should avoid lavender oil as it has stuff in it that makes ya blobs grow.
May be small affect on women, but may not hurt to try.

>> No.8021319

My mother and her siblings all went to hair regrowth places for thinning hair and all were advised to do scalp massage as well as using whatever product they prescribed. My mother's hair is now nearly BSL again after being just below shoulder for ages, and is thicker despite there being more stress in her life this past year. So maybe scalp massage plays a part?

>> No.8021325

How long is your hair?

>> No.8021333

They feel nice. Probably the best exfoliating thing I used. Kinda gently buffs. It costs $1 to try out on eBay, so take the plunge, then you can post how you feel about it.

>> No.8021344

I'm going to be dying my hair in a few weeks and plan on going the entire time without washing (im going to be lightening so im trying to minimize damage)
my hair isn't thick and I usually wash every other day, is there any way I can make my hair look the least gross for the duration of the 2 weeks without having to buy anything?
im out of my batiste dry shampoo so I can't use that
I'm thinking about just keeping it in a bun for most of the time

>> No.8021349
File: 12 KB, 280x280, nizoral-shampoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a shampoo to help my extremely itchy, dandruff-ridden scalp. It's called "Nizoral" and looks like pic-related. I used it only once a week, and I really did see results.

>> No.8021384

>Likewise I've heard from a friend coconut oil and a scalp massage will help.
>all were advised to do scalp massage as well as using whatever product they prescribed.
huh, i'll definitely try it. i have nothing to lose, and at the very least, it'll feel pretty good, aha. i actually have one of those wire scalp massagers... i wonder if that would help? time to google~
anyway, thanks, anons. :)
pretty long. it reaches the small of my back. i've considered cutting it to help it grow back in healthier, but i'm super attached to it. :(

>> No.8021467

i tried the boscia one, and it was okay. overpriced though, since it fell apart within a month.

i don't know if it's just that brand or all konjac sponges, but it was kind of rough on my skin at first and made my face really red. though after kneading it with my fingers and using it for a few days, it eased up and gently exfoliated instead of sloughing off all of my skin cells.

i usually use a clarisonic, and i was honestly surprised at how well a little sponge held up to that. if i hadn't already had a clarisonic before trying the konjac, i might not have even bothered to invest in one, sticking with the sponges instead.

i'd say to try it, anon. unless you have really sensitive skin that doesn't react well to any exfoliation, it couldn't hurt to try it. definitely get a cheaper one first, though, since i'm pretty sure they're all created equally, and i don't think the boscia brand is worth the extra money.

>> No.8021473
File: 23 KB, 226x252, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My skin went through some trouble recently but I've started using products from Alpha-H and it seems to be doing pretty good. I'm not sure if those products will help my problem but I just noticed that my blackheads/sebaceous filaments are huge. They're not mostly raised but they may be the darkest they've ever been.
This AHA/BHA and peel stuff goes over my head but is there any product I could add into my routine to help minimise them?

>> No.8022462 [DELETED] 

Help with eyelash shapes?
I've been using falsies for awhile, and I do have certain styles I'm attached to, but I'd like to be able to use them a little more diversely for different looks. Does anyone have any good tips for what shapes/styles to get for different looks?

>> No.8022487

Seagulls, do you have any shampoo/conditioner favorites when it comes to frizzy or thin/flat hair? I somehow have both (yay). I try not to condition too much because I produce oil like crazy but I'm growing tired of how lifeless my hair looks just days after being cut and layered.

>> No.8022517

so hello there
i'm gonna guess the frizziness starts towards the end of your hair, yeah?
and since you have thin hair the hair on your scalp probably gets greasy before the rest?

so i've learned that washing your hair too often can cause it to produce too much oil, because your scalp freaks out that you got rid of all the natural oils and rushes to produce more
i don't know how often you shampoo but i try to do it every other day at the max
my hair gets greasiest while i'm sleeping so i try to keep my hair in a bun as far away from my head as i can while i'm sleeping
i also use batiste dry shampoo if it's still greasy the next day, try to avoid the scalp though

also when i do shampoo, i try to focus on just washing my scalp and not all of my hair, and when i condition i try to avoid my scalp and focus on the rest of my hair
i think the shampoo / conditioner matters less than your routine, btw i have no idea what you do but this is from years of trying to figure out wtf to do with my thin limp hair lol
also blowdrying with your head upside down is a good way to get volume, just do that and spray with some hairspray before it falls
i hope this was somewhat helpful and made sense

>> No.8022587

Actually the frizz is everywhere but mostly toward the top of my head (I have a lot of premature greys that don't like to stay flat).

It sounds like you and I have the same take on shampooing and oil - that's about how often I shampoo too. I usually try to avoid blowdrying since it makes the frizz even worse but you're right, it'd probably help with adding volume.

>> No.8022654

BHA is probably what you want to add in, i.e. a 2% salicylic acid lotion or liquid. Helps dissolve the gunge on your pores so they don't block up to the point of being visible. Alpha H *is* AHA based for the most part (glycolic acid).
People also seem to like clay masks with Apple cider vinegar in them, but I have never found they work for me.

>> No.8022662

What can I do when dealing with post peeling from glycolic peels? I moisturize and put aloe on my face but it still feels super tight. It's driving me crazy and I just want to pick them off

(And yes I am using sunscreen/limiting sun exposure! I've been slathering it on and using parasols/umbrellas to and from my car)

>> No.8022677

UK anon here, in need of desperate help. I've been an idiot all my life and never had a skincare routine. Now I'm 24 and im lost. I use cleanser and toner every morning (Asda own brand because it's convenient). I recently bought some day/night cream too to start using. Do I also need to moisturise? Should I be using hand cream? Is there anything else I need for a good routine?
Any and all help is appreciated. Products recs also easily attainable in UK stores appreciated too (like boots, superdrug etc)

>> No.8022768

Day/night cream should be moisturising, but you need to be using something with UVA-UVB coverage on your face if you want to prevent further sun damage (i.e. aging etc) unless you, like the rest of us, are leaving home when it's dark, not seeing the sun, and returning home when it's dark. If so, take a multivitamin supplement or something with vitamin D in it as you will not be getting enough. If you have acne concerns, BHA/salicylic acid peels and creams are good - I love Bravura London for peels especially when they have their fairly frequent sales. I would not recommend their mineral moisturiser for someone who isn't pale as fuck as the titanium dioxide still gives that white cast and it gives me that odd dry but going to break me out feeling on my acne. If you want to get your skin to look brighter/anti aging/fading damage, glycolic acid is the way to go for your exfoliator. You can get creams with it in or do it as a peel.
I actually quite liked the Boots own brand tea tree + witchhazel + aloe for my acne but it was too drying on my dry areas.

What do you use for moisturiser? I would consider hyaluronic acid serum + a barrier moisturiser over the top, to me aloe is more soothing + light moisture but the effects don't stick around like the heavier creams.

>> No.8022790

I use Proclaim's brand of olive oil hair spray. I'm sure that any olive oil or almond oil hair oil works fine, but I just own this one because my aunt, who is a hairdresser, gave me a bottle.

>> No.8022843

Any tips for getting rid of a giant hurting pimple?
It's like, right under my nose and I've tried putting ache whips and noxzema on it. Now it just hurts more

>> No.8022912

Applied topically? As a bonus it'll help you sleep kek

>> No.8022918

If it's really sore try a chamomile compress (make chamomile tea, remove teabag, let teabag cool enough not to burn you then put the teabag on the pimple for a few minutes. If you think it'll stand having some spot treatment, put something like benzoyl peroxide (for me this dries the oily skin out), salicylic acid (helps dissolve the plug gently if it's got a head), tea tree oil (antimicrobial, use with caution/dilution especially if your skin is sensitive, I used to be able to put it on straight but it also did jackshit for my acne) or even an aspirin mask (since it's anti-inflammatory but can be drying)

>> No.8022924

I only have aspirin in my house atm, so I'm gonna try! Thanks so much

>> No.8022940

You could also do a warm compress to try and bring it to a head/encourage circulation through it

>> No.8022965

is it the cyst kind
i get those on my chin a lot and I just take ibuprophen orally and ice it until it's numb
the ice also makes it less awful looking

>> No.8023278

So this came up in another thread, so I want to bring it up here.
For those of us who have to deal with some facial hair, do you wax it off?
if so, what kind of wax do you use, etc etc etc?

I've just been using tweezers to pick out the hairs one by one, but thats time consuming and not super effective, as I tend to miss some hairs underneath my chin, like on my neck and such.

>> No.8023368

Is Paula's Choice okay? It has been suggested to me in one of the threads before but other people were also saying that the products aren't worth it. There's free shipping until tomorrow so I'll get some samples anyway.
I can buy a 1% and 2% Liquid to test the strengths but there's also the Daily Pore-Refining Treatment. No SPF 30 products unfortunately.

>> No.8023402

With sales and free shipping they're really worth it, otherwise the only worth it item is the bha liquid/gel/lotion etc. it's a fantastic product, but I'm hoping that cosrx bha stuff is a good dupe for it because $$$$. Some people find their holy grail with of though so you never know.

>> No.8023467

I just discovered a brown spot on my cheek most likely from the sun and I want it to go away. I've been looking for a good moisturiser with SPF or sunscreen and I guess my skin didn't want to wait.
Are there any home treatments or holy grail products to help stuff like that fade? Thanks.

>> No.8023484

I used to go to a place to get my mustache waxed but now I use either http://www.sallyhansen.com/hair-removal/wax/face/microwavable-eyebrow-face-lip-wax-kit or http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001S6O0YW/ref=pd_aw_sims_1?pi=SS115&simLd=1or I'll just tweeze obsessively.

Someone in another thread said they straight up use an epilator on their boob so maybe that'll work for facial hair?

>> No.8023503

Well my first instinct is to tell you to please get it checked out ust to be safe. But to follow up the way tanning works means there's no """good""" way to light up a tan caused by the sun because a tan is essentially damaged then cooked skin and I really wouldn't recommend throwing any spot lightening treatments on top of that. I would say just conceal it and it'll even out eventually bc of cell turnover. If you must do something I would sugesst a brightening spot treament or anything for hyperpigmentation. I'd also get a separate facial sunscreen if you live some here sunny, the consistent coverafe will be worth it.

>> No.8023513

I used to use those facial wax strips, but they charge the same for 20 of those as they do for 20 leg strips which are much bigger.
So I just get leg strips for sensitive skin, cut them up into smaller pieces, and wax away.

>> No.8023517

I use LRP Cicaplast on those, brings them to a head in a day.

>> No.8023521

Paula's Choice is worth it when it comes to the efficiency of her products, but not when it comes to the price if that makes sense. I paid around €30 for a wee bottle of 5% AHA, and have to ration it for it to actually last long enough.

If they go on sale though, might be worth copping a few.

>> No.8023692

Thank you for the tips, anon! I ventured into Boots superstore before I started work today and had a wander around, now I just gotta wait for payday!
I did walk out with a sample of moisturiser, by 'Simple', but almost as soon as it put it on I showed a red, itchy rash, so I guess something in there didn't agree with my skin.

What are people's thoughts on the 'Soap and Glory' brand? Is it all a gimmick or are they okay? I have a lot of relatives that love it so I was curious. I saw the display and recognised the brand name...

>> No.8023707

I know they spend a shitload on their marketing (had a friend who worked for their PR department) but not a lot about the actual quality of their products. I'm told they're just average drugstore quality in a pretty package - looks like their stuff has all the right ingredients so it'll just depend on you and your skin.

>> No.8023762

The face and back has more sebaceous glands than the hands.

>> No.8023786

>hyaluronic acid serum + a barrier moisturiser over the top
Different anon but does anyone have recommendations for these? My skin is not reacting well to winter at all. I currently use a daycream meant for dry, sensitive skin (from Decubal) but it's not enough and it feels like I need to reapply every few hours, which afaik isn't how daycreams are supposed to work.

>> No.8023880

I use Vaseline on my cheeks when going outside in the snow.

>> No.8023881

Use your night cream in the day.

>> No.8023893

I'm doing that as damage control when I'm outside, but when I'm inside my skin still feels dry and tight and I'd rather not have a tick layer of vaseline on my face when I'm at work. When I blend it in enough that it's no longer noticeable it doesn't do its job anymore.

I ran out of night cream a few days ago so I'm currently using my day cream/vaseline combo at night, too.

>> No.8023928

I use translucent powder over the vaseline, the innisfree one with silica (if talc breaks you out)

>> No.8024848

Soap & Glory is a bit hit and miss in my experience. I use Fab Pore as a night cream and it suits my skin well, but everything else I've tried off their skincare has been mediocre->bad. What's really annoying is their shaving gel was fucking awesome but they've discontinued all of their men's range aside from at christmas. Most girls that I know are enamoured with the bathing range but don't venture into the skincare/makeup.

Not the anon from before, but I'd also recommend the teatree+witchhazel range if you have oily/spotty skin. I swear by that toner, and use the wipes for cons etc. They're 1/3 off from tomorrow (31st), and S&G is reduced as well. Botanics is another good range that has some moisturisers with UVA/UVB protection in and is discounted from tomorrow. No7 have a couple of good skin care ranges (the protect and perfect serums do live up to the hype). Don't ever buy anything no7 without a voucher, though: they come through every other month. They're in at the moment until the end of the month, I think. The makeup is over priced, even with the voucher.

Handcream isn't essential unless you have dry hands, or feel you want softer ones. Nutrogena Norwegian formula seems to be the most popular range for dry hands, but if you just want softer hands go for what ever. You can get hand creams with sun protection in too, which will help prevent them ageing.

I had a load of hair loss through summer last year (from May-Nov) and biotin at least made my hair healthier and regrow faster once it stopped falling. You should also try and be really careful about drying it: no hair driers, gentle as possible->no towel drying, no brushing until it was dry etc. I did try the massages too and if nothing else it makes you feel a bit better. Good luck!

>> No.8025353

Need advice.

Morning - Cleanse with Cetaphil for normal skin, apply Paula's Choice Pore Reducing Toner, moisturize with CeraVe's lotion.

Evening - Cleanse with Cetaphil if my face feels oily (not often).

Before Bed - Varies each night. Generally exfoliate with Murad's AHA/BHA cream one night, apply 1% retinol cream on the next night, nothing on the third night, and then back to exfoliating. Every night, I cleanse with Cetaphil, apply toner, and moisturize before bed.

Every now and then, I'm getting an angry red bump that fills with pus overnight and dries up and peels off over the next few days. Particularly on my chin.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

>> No.8025378

cleanse in the evening, morning is a better one to skip of you have to skip. Most people get a lot of shit on their face throughout the day- unless you work/school from home. Try spot treatments on the pimple when it does arise. And keep an eye out for what you think may trigger it: even innocent things like your handcream, conditioner, or sheets. Everyone's skin is different and as such your triggers are different as well. It's not a matter of doing something wrong, because wrong is wildly different for different people, but you are doing something that isn't working for your skin.

You should try to wear sunscreen though if possible, and if you wear makeup use a good remover or oil in the evening.

>> No.8025573

I get ulcers, pustules, and other skin anomalies not always related to p. acne, it is related to staph. strep, and the occasional bout of Necrotizing fasciitis... and acne.

My doctor told me to start using dial non antibacterial soap, scrubbing and rinsing well, when the breakouts flare up.

Works like gold. I still use my face masks and other facial cleansers on good weeks.

>> No.8025578

anyone have experience with not washing your hair for long periods of time to get your oil balanced?

>> No.8025639

best skincare products for cystic acne and sensitive skin? i'd like to change up my routine if it'd help

>> No.8025642

Cystic acne is normally caused by hormones, no skin care routine will stop it. I've found that spot treating with a sulfur mask brings it to a head quickly, though.

>> No.8025669

i get an acne cyst on my chin around my period
since I started birth control its really tamed it
if it does come up though i try to take ibuprophen and ice my face as much as I can stand to

>> No.8025673

How stinky do you get anon? I know some people who actually make their own deodorant with coconut oil and baking soda. I have personally never tried it because I'm afraid my BO would over power it, but it may be something worth looking into for you.

>> No.8025680

Yes. I have gone months only using conditioner on my hair. If it does look greasy, apple cider vinegar works as a natural "shampoo." It made my hair really soft and if you make sure to get it out you will have no smell of the vinegar after you shower. This is just my experience though.

>> No.8025693

Anyone know some good makeup to cover up severe psoriasis? I've had some luck with nature republic BB cream, but because I don't really have pores on the parts of my face that have psoriasis the makeup sweats/rubs off after about an hour, even when using setting powder. Anyone know a good brand/tips for this problem?

>> No.8025695
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About 2 years ago I started getting patches of dandruff around my hair line and the back of my head. I have a shit ton of wavy/curly hair but the actual strands are very thin. I have used massaging oil onto my scalp and sleeping in it, head and shoulders, T/gel, almost everything you can think of. I wear mostly black so on some days this can be embarrassing. Has anyone else experienced this? Could it be that I'm not totally washing some kind of product out of my hair?

>> No.8025700

Is it white or is it sort of oily? Also do you get red patches after you comb it out/get the flakes out? If you say yes to red patches and oily then check it out with your dermatologist.

>> No.8025743

thanks for the reply, could you tell me what hair type you have and if it's color treated or not?
also do you know if the vinegar would effect hair dye?

>> No.8025899

Hi, I'm hoping for some advice. Recently my lips and the skin around my lips has been really dry and tight and my lips are peeling a little, I've never had this problem before, any suggestions for products that might help?

>> No.8025914
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nuxe reve de miel lip balm in the little jar is what i always use when my lips get like that. after they heal a bit, exfoliate with a brown sugar scrub to get rid of any dead skin cells, and continue to use the lip balm. if you need to, you can exfoliate every or every other night/morning. i add this to my routine every winter and my lips never chap anymore.

oh, and they also make it in chapstick form if you want to use it throughout the day. the formulation is a bit different - kind of waxier, definitely thinner - but it's still nice to put on to protect your lips from wind and stuff.

>> No.8025918

Small of your back - just take note at these lengths your hair starts to look like its falling out more.

>> No.8025919

I second this. I've used heads and shoulders and some other bottles of anti damdruff but there's this active ingredient in this stuff that dropped my dandruff level in half the first use. I'm onto my 3rd use tonight.

>> No.8025929

Konjacs I've used where really soft... Weird. You soak the whole thing in water right?

>> No.8025930

Thank you very much! I'll get some now.

>> No.8025934


>> No.8025937

Doesn't do jack shit for me.

>> No.8025938

Use a Primer

>> No.8025994

Does anyone know something good to deal with blackheads? I got a fuckton of them all over my nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. They're not getting huge or anything, just visible.
I don't know why I have so many of them to begin with. I wash my face pretty often.

>> No.8026008

clay mask, bha exfoliant or a gentle konjac sponge. One of those may work for you. Some people here have mentioned charcoal masks also.

>> No.8026216

Different anon but man, I once applied coconut oil to my pits in an attempt to moisturize them and the smell was REVOLTING. My natural BO isn't that bad and I normally like the smell of coconut but they combined into something straight from hell. Maybe the baking soda makes a difference but from my experience 0/10 would not recommend.

>> No.8026314

Seconding the ice cube suggestion. Turn on something to watch and just sit there until it's melted.

>> No.8026344

Some specific products I like
>Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore mask
>Biore Pore strips
>Any acne cream with retinol-A & salicylic acid

The Kiehl's one is good value and nice, but anything with bentonite in it is good. I wish I could buy pure bentonite powder here but alas. People say pore strips are drying and will enlarge your pores, I've been using them about once every fortnight for 3-4 years and have seen no such effect. Hot towel before, wash face afterwards, and moisturise well. I apply a salicylic acid gel on my blackhead prone spots daily with my moisturiser and it's really helped. I also have a Clarisonic which is also great, but I understand it's really expensive which may not be an option for you. Between the salicylic acid gel and the Clarisonic, I used to have to use pore strips every week now it's 2-3 weeks in between. Sometimes squeezing with a comedone extractor is the only way to go, but I try to avoid that as much as possible.

Wear light non-oily sunscreens which may be causing breakouts and blockages. I love Biore's watery essence sunscreen. Remove make-up ASAP with a non-oily remover, or wash immediately after.

>> No.8026345

Any pimple cream with sulphur in it will take it down overnight.

>> No.8026401

I have really crap oily skin and very little money. I wash my face in the morning and night (with that Yes to Tomatoes stuff) and use Proactiv (my mom orders monthly and gives me the bottles that she hasn't fully used when the new stuff comes), and I'm constantly blotting oil off my face with tissues and crap like that.

I can't spend a lot of money, but I am totally willing to put a lot of time/effort into fixing my face. Does anyone with the same problem have any recommendations for products or daily regimen stuff? I just have no idea where to start.

>> No.8026472

Apple cider vinegar and witch hazel are generally very cheap depending on where you go and last a long time. Both are good toners for oily skinned people.

Other anons have rec'd olive oil and straight up vitamin e cream or Shea butter for moisturizer- again easy to find affordable versions of, but can cause breakouts depending on your skin.

You may also want to look at a cheap makeup remover, but oil can work just as easy!

>> No.8026540

Can anyone help with a regimen for dehydrated and acne prone skin? In particular I have dry/scaly patches around my nose/cheeks. I have tried so many different products and nothing works. I'm just desperate to have somewhat ok skin.

>> No.8026671

You can buy WEN at Sephora. Its pricy ($30), but is worth it. Keep in mind you only need 1 product, whereas other high end hair products run around $20 per shampoo/conditioner for less product. I've done some pretty extensive color treating and heat styling and you can't tell at all because of that stuff.

>> No.8026685

yeah. hot water for what was supposed to be fifteen minutes, but was actually 30 because i forgot about it, lol. i don't know if that damaged it in some way, but it could have only -helped- to soften it, right?

my friend got the boscia one in a kit for christmas, and she said it was a little scratchy too, though it didn't make her face as red as it did mine. i think it's just that brand. i ordered a cheap one from ebay, so we'll see~

>> No.8026695

>ph balanced cleanser (western brands like cetaphil and cerave work, but you may or may not like them)
>astringent toner and then an aha OR a hydrating toner, depending on your preference

(aha would be a weekly/biweekly deal- physical exfoliating is also a weekly or biweekly deal- don't do both on the same day ofc)
>lightest layer of moisturizer: mizon gel recovery snail cream is nice for this but aloe Vera would work as well
>heavy layer of moisture: western moisturizers and/or asian ones can work for this
>sunscreen, any that aren't designed specifically for oily skin. asian sunscreens trigger less breakouts for me, but some people have luck with French brands

pm is the same but with a makeup remover before cleansing and a sleeping pack and spot treatments at the end if you want them.

You may also benefit from using an oil cleansing method, but I don't know very much about that. It would help give your moisture, and can help with pimples as well depending on the oil(s) you use. It also removes makeup a charm. Sheet masks and Konrad sponges are also popular additions to skincare routines, the first for varieties of moisture and skin treatments, and the second for gentle physical exfoliation.

Vaseline and aloe are great cheap moisturize options though. They can feel a bit icky, but I have more combo skin so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.8026706

Not the same anon, I've tried 1 ebay one and multiple korean ones (no boscia) and they only take a few minutes max in cool-warm water to soften up. None have fallen or flaked apart on me before I threw it out due to using it for up to 3 months.

>> No.8026719

I don't really have any skin problems, other than the fact that my face often gets little stinging pain like it's dry, but I get no acne or flaking or anything and I don't think it actually *is* dry based on feeling it with my fingers. The thing is I do literally nothing to my face, I don't even get it wet in the shower if I can avoid it. No moisturizer, sunscreen, either, etc. and I don't wear makeup. My question is if this is a case of "don't fix what isn't broken" or is it going to come back to bite me later?

>> No.8026723

The no sunscreen will come back to bite you. Even if you don't burn, UVA is the reason most people in their 30s in Australia have lizard skin.

>> No.8026736

Even if I'm mostly nocturnal and hardly ever see the sun?

>> No.8026821

Thanks for this.

>> No.8026825
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Anyone here epilate? what is the best way to do it? most the time the pain gets to the point of being unbearable and can only do 1/4 of my legs at a time. Tips? Suggestions to get through the pain? I want to be able to do my pits & bikini but it seems impossible at this point

>> No.8026865

Oh, in that case the lack of vitamin d will.

>> No.8026867

Honestly any time, being uncomfortable with your skin is the absolute worst and any time I can help someone possibly feel better about it is good with me

>> No.8026869

you see the sun at some point, so wear sunscreen then. most sunscreens have a three year expiry and even then, using the 1/2 tsp for your face and neck will get through most bottles quickly, regardless of how often a month you use it.

I'm guessing you work a night shift?

>> No.8026870

>>8026540 here, you have given me hope that my skin can be made somewhat ok. Thank you and Happy New year!

>> No.8026874

My sis pops some ibuprofen about 45 mins before, then goes for it. I, however, am too chicken to do it. Waxing pushes me to my limits most of the time, I'd die with an epilator

>> No.8027042

No I just go to class before the sun comes up and I don't leave campus till the sun goes down, and I just never leave my house outside of that.

I think I'm going to try daily sunscreen anyway though so thank you.

>> No.8027078

no prob, if you play your cards right your sunscreen can act as a moisturizer or a primer depending. So that way it feels less useless when you're putting it on in the morning, bc I definitely know that feel

it really can be! it takes time and trial and error, but it really can work out! if you want reviews on products or lists of products with correct pjs or certain ingredients r/sca or r/ab is a good place to check. but if you ever want good individual product recs these threads almost always deliver! best of luck to you anon and cheers to good skin in 2015! and I'm glad I helped

>> No.8027196

Why does this work? Isn't a pimple an infection trying to heal itself?

>> No.8027203

Why the heck does she order it monthly

Those blotting papers are a waste of money, start from there. What is bothering you about your oiliness by the way? Just the feel? I don't reckon a lot of people notice at all. I barely think of it when I see someone, til they mention it.
As for suggestions I tried the PC Bha treatment everyone keeps raving about and it looks slightly less shiney now. It didn't bother me before though.

>> No.8027207

I only ever used cheap eBay ones haha, that probably explains our experience differences.

When I get mine I soak it in ordinary temp tap water for a minute, then squeeze out in the sink, then soak in fresh water again. Sometimes I do that one more time depending if I got a dry or wet one. Then I use it. Though its surface is not super fine, its ever felt scratchy. Always felt good how soft it was.

What about sunscreen acts like primer??

>> No.8027214

That's the only way I can do it :(

I only tried it completely once on underarns and legs (the time I got down with it on vodka-, but I read that the more you do it thr less painful it gets. Which I'm testing with epilating my arms (it doesn't hurt as bad there, and I love having hairless arms), and I am definitely feeling the difference.

>> No.8027339

Cool! Thanks. Usually Sephora has sales so I'll just wait until one rolls around. Looks like the single product is the cleansing conditioner so I only have to choose between scents, right?

>> No.8027350

There are types of sunscreen that dry to a powder finish, add colour to your face, and.or mattify while extending the wear of your makeup.

They're often described as a sunscreen and "makeup base" rather than a primer, but that's more translation than anything else.

>> No.8027352

What sunscreen do you all use? I've been looking at reviews for about a week and there seems to be problems with every single one.
The Asian products I find seem to be the most liked but they contain alcohol so I'm not really sure what I should be looking for. I'm using AHA so I just need something that will protect me but won't clog my pores. I could buy Anessa or Shisedo but there must be a lot of good sun protectors out there that I don't know about.

>> No.8027369

Some anon mentioned one from Skinfood with aloe. Also not all alcohols are bad.

>> No.8027411

I'm trying a lactic acid peel for mine, I'll have to let you know how it works

>> No.8027419
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Chest acne. Worst part is its accented by my DFC, so not even titties can save me. I just need the marks to go away...

>> No.8027475

No, pimples are not always infected. Sometimes they are red and sore because of overproduction of sebum and blockage, although secondary infection is quite common. Controlling the inflammatory response to the blockage or infection helps the redness go down while your body sorts itself out

>> No.8027490

I've been using retinol for three weeks, and my skin is extremely red. Will this go away?

>> No.8027666

The feel, and I also don't like having acne because of it either.

Probably I got it wrong, I think she actually gets it once every few months.

>> No.8027748

Is it just flushed or irritated? Some people don't react well to retinol. It made my forehead extremely dry and caused me to break out.

>> No.8028353

I've used it in the past, and it just made my skin peel for a while. It looks more irritated, right now.

>> No.8028361

It should within 8-12 weeks but it's a bitch till it clears. If it worsens, you can back it off to every other/3rd night or mix with lotion/cream. Are you applying it to completely dry skin, 20+ minutes after washing?

>> No.8028688

I thought so, just wanted to confirm. How does their blue velvet look? I looked really good with blue hair as a teen.

>> No.8028794
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Who has actually bought the mizon snail recovery gel?

I see such a ridiculous price range over it. $5 -> $99, so I'm not sure if one is fake or what.

>> No.8028816

Blue velvet is very, very purple and I can stretch 6 weeks before a redye. Directions midnight blue is more blue, but fades faster and goes through green. Directions Plum starts out Cadbury purple and fades through some really nice blue, but has rubbish lasting power - maybe 3 weeks? This is all on quite yellow blonde hair, twice bleached from dark brown.

>> No.8028987

it's from 4.99-6.99 usd per tube. higher ones are generally short hand for out of stock. sellers like f2plus1, cosmeticmarket2012, rubyruby76, singsinggirl (with dashes maybe? on mobile now sorry!!!), and beautynetkorea are all legit sellers who use that price range.

The snail recovery gel helped reduce the redness in my face, heal some pimples, and act as a lightweight moisturizer for my combo skin- which has helped me reduce the amount of oil/sebum produced by my skin. many people have had similar results, but it may not work for you, especially if you are allergic. it's cheap enough to be a safe risk though so feel free to try it! I like it a lot and am ordering a second tube.

Fake sellers almost always are from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and when googled have bad reviews and so on. Even their feedback on eBay will be pretty mixed. But it's always worth it to be careful!

>> No.8029244

Thank you! I might have read one of your review about it before on cgl which is what prompted me to buy it.

>> No.8029302

I used to use that manic panic midnight blue, bit manic panic is generally shit. Anything from a good brand that gets that same blue black? Though that purple sounds fun.
I'm seconding the snail gel. I have really dry skin and use it to "seal" in my other products because it has a dryer finish and the thick moisturizer I use can feel greasy sometimes.

>> No.8029311

... I'm a masochist so it's kind of therapeutic for me, lol. Have you tried doing it after taking a bath?

>> No.8029323

I have a really high pain tolerance I guess but I do my pits dry. Maybe you get used to it over time, I know I don't feel anything on my pits and legs but my arms, torso (it's that bad) and face hurt like a bitch.
I took an ibuprofen and it doesn't help, so what I do is get one of those topical numbing gels.

>> No.8029325

I'm looking for a relatively cheap shampoo/conditioner/hair mist, can anyone recommend any korean stuff?
Second, has anyone used the benton snail bee essence after the whole ordeal with a batch being contaminate and have you had any problems?

>> No.8030789

hmm, I've tried those sally hansen things a few times, but they didn't work well for me, I wonder if I was doing it incorrectly.

I've been thinking about trying sugaring, but somehow I think it might end up being just as effective ;--;

>> No.8030934

Biore UV is the shit. Technically it contains alcohol, but I have pretty dry skin in the winter and I haven't noticed any negative effects at (I use a moisturizer on top). It feels amazing and not greasy, is absorbed easily, and doesn't clog my skin.

Does anyone have an opinion on Mizon snail recovery VS Benton snail products? I've been using Benton's steam cream and essence for about two months (newer manufacture dates, not the old ones that had the recall problem) and haven't really noticed any improvements for redness/fine lines/dark spots. Not really sure if I should just drop it completely or replace it with something else.

>> No.8030938

Backing soda if it is that kind you need to dryout.

>> No.8030947

Chest acne is usually caused by bad eating habits, the marks itself can get lighter with using papaya soap.

>> No.8031116

Hey /cgl/, I've posted before about this and tried everything suggested so far to little success.

My forehead dries out and visibly flakes badly all day every day, worse after it's just been wet. It is really embarrassing and has been happening for over a year regardless of climate or season.

I have tried a couple moisturizers; the beauty moisturizer worked better than the medicated one but I am still flaking by mid- to end of the day. Both were over the counter moisturizers. I also tried olive oil/castor oil mix which worked better but felt greasy.

Any suggestions? I'm so tired of feeling embarrassed. It even flakes up my cosplay makeup which is horrible. Are there prescriptions I can get for this? Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.8031160

You probably have a more serious condition like eczema or psoriasis. I'd recommend going to a dermatologist. It might be something like a fungus or a bacteria that's causing you to flake out, which is why lotion isn't working. A regular doctor might be able to make some suggestions if a derm isn't in the picture.

>> No.8031175

if you can see a doctor s/he can prescribe you prescription shampoo or some medications
for now just try sticking to a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo
there's several different kinds such as tar shampoo and shampoo with salicylic acid
also you should be using oil before you wash your hair, put it on and leave it for an hour then wash it off with shampoo

>> No.8031238
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With makeup and my glasses my old lady eyes aren't noticeable, but does anyone have an idea of how I can make the area surrounding my eyes look better without surgery?

>> No.8031298

during the school year I'm regularly active (because I have to walk everywhere), I eat healthier (because I only like salad at the cafeteria), and I drink more water (because I can't afford anything else) and my under-eye bags basically disappeared. Yeah, unfortunately living a healthy lifestyle is the best cure for ugly.

>> No.8031325

well there could be a lot of different reasons you have under eye bags
aside from what dr oz said here >>8031298 it could be (and is more likely to be) other things as well, such as allergies, sleep habits and aging
try to think about whether or not your allergies are under control (if you have any) and consider how much restful sleep you're getting

>> No.8031336

Do you use an AHA? I used to have very similar circles to yours, but they've disappeared with regular moisturizing/AHA usage. Unfortunately a lot of things cause under-eye circles, so it could also be living/eating habits or just genetics like >>8031325 said.

>> No.8031345

For me it's stress and a lack of sleep, two things I can't change in my life yet.

My Aunt has the same issue with deep under eye bags so it's most likely genetic. I stopped caring to hide them because I don't want to get surgery.

>> No.8031386

I've always used the Treseme one. Heat protectant is just liquid silicone.

>> No.8031397
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My eyes usually aren't so bad, but I usually have under eye bags. It's most likely because of my poor sleeping schedule right now and stress. I've started carrying around a 2L bottle of water with me in my bag, but would an 8hr sleep schedule be best to help with the dark circles?

>> No.8031405

I used regular organic Argan OIl that I buy off Amazon or from my local health food store. Moroccan Oil brand oil is mixed with silicone which can make your hair more dry. It's a lot more expensive too. 2oz of Argan Oil on Amazon is less than $12 and you only need to use 3-5 drops at a time for mid-length hair.

>> No.8031412

You don't need 8 hours. Whatever your body says you need that's the amount of sleep you should have. 5, 7.5, etc. I personally need 9 myself but between stress and my job it's not possible.

>> No.8031420

I really like Lioele Water Drops, I've been wearing it almost everyday. It's light coverage, but it's enough to even out my skintone and provide me with some sun protection (it's spf27). If you want a little more coverage I'd recommend Holika Holika Aqua Petit Jelly, it has a gel texture and it's very buildable. It comes in two shades, I'm around NC20 in MAC and I wear the darker one.

>> No.8031424

can you tell us about your hair texture/needs?

>> No.8031448

Brush your hair a lot. Bend at the waist, flip your head over and brush from the nape of your neck to your ends everyday, for a few minutes a day. You'll move a lot of the oil buildup from your scalp down the shaft of your hair. I have thick brastrap length hair and I work out 6 days a week, and just brushing for 3 minutes a day or so has helped me extend washes to 2 times a week or less. Wearing your hair up as much as possible also helps a ton.

>> No.8031945

Different anon but also searching non-greasy sun cream! Searching for just Biore UV brings up a lot of different products - milk, mousse, essence, gel… is there a specific one that's good? I'm not looking for whitening or BB coverage with it, just want the UV protection.

I can't compare against Benton, but for Mizon snail repair cream, I can't rate it highly enough! I have really bad acne scarring and rosacea on most of my face, I've been using it daily for 3 months now and it's made a massive difference, friends and family have also pointed it out. I've tried quite a few products now from these threads, and so far this is the only cream I can't live without. Definite keeper for me, so I'd say it's definitely worth a try?

>> No.8031957

you should also mention that restful sleep is the key here, if you're waking up a thousand times in the night or tossing and turning it's not going to do you any good either

>> No.8032001

what are some bra sizes similar to 30C?

>> No.8032017

Has anyone ever had their makeup done at a salon? I'm not really sure how to go about it, I'd like to just bring in a magazine and pick a style.

>> No.8032065

28D and 32B

>> No.8032150

The 99 ranch market in San Gabriel is having a sale on My Beauty Diary masks 10 for $10 right now, not sure if it's applicable to the other 99s.

>> No.8032155
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>be a guy
>sick of short hair, start growing mine out
>successfully get past the dumb-looking middle phase of growing it
>now have hair just a bit past shoulder length
>want it to be healthy and good looking, like a girl's hair
>a bit clueless on how to accomplish this
Currently, I shampoo and condition, and let it air dry before combing. I haven't gotten any sort of haircut in about a year, so I'm wondering whether I have split ends, and how to get rid of them. Advice and recommendations please, thanks.

>> No.8032168

I have for prom. I just showed them a picture of my dress and then they went from there after seeing how my hair looked. What are you looking to do, get something done for a day or to learn how to apply makeup?

>> No.8032197
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So last week I started taking zinc supplements since I was at my wit's end over my face being an explosion of cystic acne the last few months. Within the last week my face has cleared up and has only gotten what seems to be a new one yesterday. My skin's still healing a few of the bigger ones that I had picked but I could cry at how happy I am to have my face back to where it was six months ago.

But then again I'm also taking two times the reccomended amount on the side of the bottle (taking two a day instead of one) but I read about people taking a higher dosage the first week or two and then cutting back, which is what I planned on doing. I also noticed how smooth my hair has become since taking the zinc as well? Any anons have any experience with zinc?

>> No.8032229

I have read up on zinc. Zinc and copper are in a delicate balance.. .if you have too much copper, you will be zinc deficient.

Often, copper pipes can cause copper overload. I have a copper IUD, and just recently learned I should probably be taking zinc. Multivitamins have copper in them, too.

I took 30 mg of zinc chelate a day for about 2 weeks but didn't notice anything. What form of Zinc are you taking?

As for the smooth hair from zinc after a week... your hair is grown, I don't see how that would affect the already grown hair, other than the oils produced in your head. Could be placebo affect there, but I believe you on the skin thing.

>> No.8032247

thank you!

>> No.8032401

Just for a day, likely for a dinner with some friends. They're usually just all decked out so this year I wanna get fancy too

>> No.8032559

What confuses me is that my forehead isn't itchy (eczema), rashy, red or scaly (psoriasis). It's just never-ending flaking, and it stops between my brows. The rest of my face is fine.

My scalp does not appear to be flaky, but I have had random bouts of itchiness once in a while that I scratched till it bled. I don't have greasy or acne-prone skin at all either.

I am going to look into a dermatologist, but I'd welcome any brand recommendations for moisturizers.

>> No.8033615

Zinc picolonite. It's a 22 mg dose, and I've been taking two a day so 44 mg for me. I know not to go over 50 mg, and I've been watching for signs to see if I should get some copper supplements to balance things out.

I just think it's crazy that I start taking some zinc and wham, it's like being on an antibiotic. I was thinking of upping my dosage of fish oil to 1500 mg a day as well, but I heard some people talk about vitamin d supplements?

Also the side of the zinc bottle said something about hair and nail health as well, but the more I think about it, I remember that I got a boar bristle hairbrush around the same time I started taking the zinc, so it's probably the brush that's made my hair nicer lol.

>> No.8033621



>> No.8034194

For those who have used lightening creams and w/e w/e, I purchased some of this kojie san skin lightening soap, and as you probably know, it comes as a soap bar.
Bar soap gets wasted really easily for me; is there a way I can make it last longer or something?
If I dissolve it in water and put it in a different container, with that mess it up?
I want to use it on my face, and a few places on my body that are darkened. I'm a brown-skinned person if it matters.

I also purchased some maybelline dream fresh bbcream inhopes of that giving me some light/easy coverage without me having to use "real" makeup....but it didn't really cover up much at all. Is there a certain manner in which bbcream should be applied? (I just used my finger)
should I have bought a darker shade? (I have medium/deep here) I'm a caramel color, but the spots I want to cover are more of a chocolate brown.

>> No.8034213
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Has anyone tried activated charcoal on teeth? Does it actually whiten or teeth? Or is it just wearing away your enamel?
I wanted to try teeth pulling but I heard it's awful to do if you smoke. Which I haven't fully quit yet (but I'm getting there)

>> No.8034293

I heard it wears away your enamel.

Anon stop smoking first THEN whiten your teeth. You can'd do anything until you quit because of the tar from the loose squares.

>> No.8034340

I don't smoke, but I drink TONS of coffee and tea and have bad teeth, they're a bit more yellow than first pic. Anyone knows who to whiten them without damage (or not too much damage)?

>> No.8034360

Baking soda paste. Whitening causes damage in all cases because it's usually removing a layer of stained enamel.

>> No.8034688

I wrap mine in an exfoliating towel. It keeps a grip on the soap and lets it lather. Plus I feel like I'm actually getting clean rather rubbing a bar of soap on my still filthy body.

>> No.8034730

"Home rememdy" pastes will generally end up stripping your enamel ie damaging your teeth. I would recommend actual teeth bleaching products/having a dentist or hygienist help clear off external stains if it's significantly discolored. Pulling for 30 minutes (as I've read) doesn't do anything that brushing your teeth for 2 minutes in the first place wouldn't do.

>> No.8034743

What about that banana peel trick?
Is this safe to try?

>> No.8034813

tbh, I haven't heard of this one before but if fruit is being used, it's probably using acid to wear down your teeth to make it "whiter"

>> No.8034908

What is the cut off date? I tried googling this but I'm just redirected to here and posts in places where they just say "watch out!! Dont use recalled mizon!"

>> No.8034973

Not exactly what you're asking but when I pat setting powder over my Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturiser SPF 15 (still feels oily even though it says oil-free), it feels like I'm wearing nothing.

>> No.8035026

It appears to be march 5th 2014

>> No.8035126

I got a boar bristle, it really helps distributing the oils to the ends.

>> No.8035129

My old dentist drank tea a lot and said they would do all their drinking of it in one session per day, then go rinse their mouth with water.

>> No.8035132

That explains why I didn't find it. Thank you.

>> No.8035135

just got a tube of Hada Labo UV Creamy Gel with PA++++, anyone want a review?

>> No.8035176

Does anyone have advice on dealing with redness? When I was a teenager I "exfoliated" my cheeks physically once and they were red for a week. Even now even just a little heat is enough to make my face look like a tomato.

>> No.8035212

Yes please. I'm in need of some sunscreen.

>> No.8035230

I'm like that too, I'd also like advice. I get red insanely easy.

>> No.8035231
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I'll keep you updated, but from what I know atm:
It's very cosmetically elegant, moreso than other sunscreens I've tried. My eyes don't water from the alcohol content as there's little of it, and that happened to me once or twice while using the Biore UV Watery Essence sunscreen. So, no such problems here.

It hasn't broken me out and I doubt it will, but I'll still let you know if anything bad happens.
CosDNA (yeah, yeah) doesn't report any bad ingredients, although there's a few comedogens. No big deal though.

It says it contains hyaluronic acid and moisturises, that's cool. I can see why Skinandtonics considers it her HG.
Very good for where I live, PA++++ so protects better than most other Asian sunscreens I've tried so far but the PPD isn't as high as some Western sunscreens have it (for example LRP). So if you're going somewhere really warm and sunny I'd either use more of this or whip out a power grease sunscreen. For winter, autumn and spring I think it's grand though.
Same consistency as Biore Watery Essence, if you've tried. It's very creamy and light and goes on very smoothly, but it's a tad more oily than Biore. However, it holds on to my translucent powder better and my skin is matte longer because of that, so I think it'd make a better makeup base.
It'll make your face a little shiny, and the packaging says it can be taken off with regular facial cleanser. I'll test it out tonight, but so far it appears to be true as it behaves more or less the same as my Biore sunscreen, which can be washed off easily.
It comes in a 50ml tube and the opening is smaller than on other sunscreens, which makes dosing easier.

>> No.8035299
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I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but if you want a GOOD face scrub or even a body scrub, get this. It's even a Japanese product for all you weeb fuckers. It smells great like green tea, bamboo, and little Japanese lady. I have like severe dry skin and a typical scrub would leave my face feeling tight and dry after use but this goldmine makes your skin soft all night. I still use philosophy's hope in a jar (night cream) every night though for 20lbs of moisture. And for acne, on Christmas I had shitty horrible acne and I wouldn't say this product did ALL of the work, but it was my exfoliater every other day and so it had to do something. I could post progress pics later but for now, this product is a two anime thumbs up.

>> No.8035305

you should make youtube videos. you sound like the kind of bitch i like.

>> No.8035326

10/10 would buy whatever you're selling
you should consider a job in marketing

>> No.8035399
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I like wigs too, but I want to use my hair.

Is it even allowed to have so much volume in Lolita? I keep finding lots of wigs with super puff, but I fear it might look like a rat nest.

My hair already looks puffy like this wig.
Ideas of how to style it without so much puff? how to use the volume in my favor?

>> No.8035411

>I haven't gotten any sort of haircut in about a year, so I'm wondering whether I have split ends, and how to get rid of them

You almost absolutely have split ends - it's just the natural result of hair growth. The only way to get rid of them is to go in for a regular trim in order to trim them off. Usually you'll only need to cut half an inch to a few inches depending on how bad they are (just ask your hairdresser - they can tell), but if you haven't been in for that long you may have so much damage that they'll need to take off even more. It may seem like a lot, but your hair will look much healthier afterward and appear to grow faster because less is splitting off.

>> No.8035414

Yes I've used it and it's been fine (formula is clear, doesn't smell odd). I haven't noticed any obvious improvements either but that may just be my skin.

>> No.8035627

i feel like everyone has that wig. i know i have the blonde one and the pink one in that pic. you should be grateful anon - you have the hair everyone wants.

>> No.8035640

Really? I stopped reading half way. All I could imagine is a chubby colourful haired chick sitting in front of her laptop in a musty room.

>> No.8035721
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Volume isn't the issue. Flat stringy hair is what looks weird.
As long as your hair isn't gross looking (read: greasy or overly frizzy), you should be fine. You're balancing out a giant petticoat.
Do you have bangs? I like to ground my excessive hair with controlled bangs. I try to keep my hair closer to frizzy than greasy, and if my bangs look great, it all looks great.
I find that doing two french braids with damp hair really helps keep the curls even and looking nice. Don't braid all the way to the ends and scrunch it up to get the loose bits curly. Or else you'll have straight straggly ends.

I'm also in love with the Deva Curl Styling Cream. Scrunch it into your damp hair before braiding and it'll help keep the style together throughout the day without crunchiness. Plus it smells like skittles and floral rainbows.

>> No.8035839

I have the same problem, even if I eat well, excercise and sleep well.
I don't want surgery.

>> No.8035852

I do braid my hair and wait a long to make it puffy. I'm going to try as you say and don't do it all the way down.
I don't have bangs because somehow they always cause me pimples on my forehead, no matter if I clean. It just works for me to not have bangs.
However, I do use a hair piece as bangs when I go to meets.
I will look for that cream. Is there any generic name? here there are very limited products, mostly store-brands

>> No.8035982

Hey /cgl/, I'm 19 and finally decided I want to take care of my skin better (among other things). I can't go to a dermatologist yet, but I do want to start doing what I can to clean up my skin. I get a little acne on my face, in addition to some bigger ones once in a while. Is there a guide of some sort that I can look in to start a good skin care routine?

>> No.8035986
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>> No.8036136

Are those meant to be eye bags? I never understood what those were.

>> No.8036149

Meant to be eye bags/stress lines.

>> No.8036824

I use algenist's total eye renewal balm and it works pretty well for mine. (Genetics and insomnia)

I'm also experimenting with lactic acid peels so I'll report back after a a couple days. I just did a 50% lactic acid peel for five minutes before neutralizing it with baking soda. Retinol serum alone has almost gotten rid of my nasolabilial fold. (Or whatever its called)

Current routine is
Face Shop's rice water oil cleanser
Skin Food's black sugar scrub foam
Thayer's rise water witch hazel toner
Dr Dennis Gross retinol and hydrolytic (I think) acid serum
Algenist total eye renewal balm
Fab's ultra repair cream
Mizon snail repair gel

Weekly I'm starting a lactic acid 50% peel and a dead sea mask. It seems like a lot of product but ends up feeling weightless. I'm going to try an indie dupe to the retinol though, nobody should pay $80 for an oz of serum.

>> No.8036988

tear troughs

>> No.8037313

Here's a page on how to portion out your shampoo and conditioner to a "WEN formula."


I'm going to start tomorrow and see how it goes.

>> No.8039118

I need a new flat iron! I just blew $150 on a titanium Paul Mitchell one my dumbshit stylist sister swore up and down was the best one she's ever used and the damn thing's plates don't even clamp right unless I'm almost crushing them together and it doesn't straighten for shit. I get smoother hair from my 6 year old iron from Sally's at 300 degrees than I do with this fucking thing cranked to 400. Better the Sally's iron may still be, it's still super old and really needs replacing.

Any suggestions that aren't Chi irons? Everyone I know that's gotten one in the last couple of years had it break shortly after the warranty ran out. I need something that'll actually last. I don't care whether it's ceramic or titanium anymore as long as it's under around $150 and I can curl my ends under or up without getting a line and it won't snag my hair.

>> No.8041953

Can someone point me to a legit amazon seller for bbcream, or should I suck it up and buy directly from Missha US?

>> No.8044245

>skin only feels wonderful the day after wearing BHA
It feels like all scars smoothed out at once, 90% my acne gone and my oilness subdued. Then I give my face a break and everything looks and feels crap again. Why is this?

>> No.8044531

That happens with the bha facewash I use. Once I stop I look like shit again. Which product are you using? Do you recommend it?

>> No.8044578

Does anybody have advice for braiding your hair by yourself? I want to wear my hair in a simple braid but I have the worst genetics on earth and my hair is naturally wisp thin, hard to handle, and wont grow very long so I have a hard time braiding it. Getting it wet helps but when it dries and looks gross because my hair is so thin.

Also any products that work well to protect fragile hair? Currently I'm using a leave in conditioner that my salon gave me and it helps quite a bit but I want to look into other things that can help. My goal is to try growing my hair as long as I can get it even though I'm pretty sure it physically can't grow longer than the length it's at now, which is just past the tops of my shoulders by maybe an inch.

>> No.8044828
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Well first things first you should go in your bathroom right now and really LOOK at your skin. Is it dull? Patchty? Shiny? Don't ever buy a one size fits all skin care system because our skin is unique and has special needs. You need to figure out if your oily, dry, or something in between. Then look for products that zone in on that. Personally I think you should only invest in three products right now: a toner, a cleanser, and a moisturizer. Get used to using these things twice daily and then start looking into other more specific products to add to your routine. Another thing, prepare to spend some money on youself. I'm not saying go out and buy a billion dollar toner just because it's expensive. But if you find something you know will work well for you don't hesitate. You can skip going out to dinner or buying that iced coffee if the payoff is healthy glowing skin.

>> No.8045049

I'm using Paula's Choice 1% BHA. I'm not sure? Haven't been using it for so long to tout long term effects but for what it's doing now, it made my skin feel the nicest it ever has in years.

>> No.8045134

Because of your post, I bought zinc.
Also at whits end. I'm on day 3 now and what the hell - no fresh acne. I even forgot to change my towel on my pillow last night.
Too soon to tell though, I'll keep you updated.
>on Blackmores Bio Zinc
>Couldn't find zinc picolonate in the giant chemist so I settled on
>settling on Zinc amino acid chelate

I have a hypothesis for my Acne case.
If the zinc works, than this means my acne has happened all these years due to malnutrition.
My family is full of obese people. Just around when my acne started, I lost weight too (used to also be fat). Nobody else in my family ever had acne as bad as me, and they stress more than me and eat more junk.
When I say malnutrition, I just mean I dont have as many vitamins as everyone else.

>> No.8045237

What's your nutrition and environment like? Are you getting enough protein and vitamins? It's unusual for hair to not be able to grow long unless there's some underlying nutritional or environmental issue, so I would look at diet (biotin, protein, etc.) as well as what you're doing with your hair - are you putting a lot of tension on it (e.g tying it up tightly, tugging at it when it's wet, catching it on things) are you using heat a lot, are you stripping it/washing it too frequently (is it moisturised enough?) or is it damaged (have you dyed it previously? are there split ends that you need to trim off?)

You also have to think about your scalp health, if you have any skin conditions affecting your scalp clearly this will affect hair growth.
If you have fragile hair you may want to try some of the tips that girls with natural black hair use to protect their hair such as sleep caps, satin pillow cases, and also look at protein treatments and hot oil treatments.

In terms of braiding it, maybe try a styling water that has a bit of hold to make it easier.

>> No.8045310

I don't even use a blow dryer on my hair I'm so careful not to put stress or damage on it and I trim it every other month. It could be partially nutritional because I do have health problems but I do really have shit hair genetics in the first place and I think that's a big part of it, because my hair sucked long before my health problems developed. I'm guessing I probably have a natural short hair growth cycle on top of the thin weak hair.

Didn't think about black hair care tips, but that's a good idea and I'll have to look into that.

>> No.8045315

Anon that posted about the zinc here. I'm glad that it's working for you! I recently added vitamin A and E supplements to my zinc intake because my face is still breaking out, though not as it was. It's all slowly calming down for me which is good, but frustrating. I'm pretty certain that my hormones are just whacko and fucking me over. I have a month to go until my appointment with a dermatologist and they're probably going to reccomend hormonal birth control or some shit.

I got zinc picolonate because I read it was the easiest to absorb or something.

>> No.8045319

Forgot to mention I also take a multivitamin. Obviously supplements aren't the same as getting it from food but sometimes life doesn't work out so perfect.

>> No.8045320

Anyone have any luck with fading acne marks? I've had luck in the past with kojic acid soap + cocoa butter, but I'm a little reluctant to go back to putting acid on my face/chest/back.

I henna-ed my hair for about a year and a half. The redness faded much more quickly than I had been led to believe, even after multiple 7-hour sessions, so I was a bit disappointed. I also hated the way it made my hair feel: gritty and dry. Also, it's not impossible to get out, contrary to popular belief. I got it out pretty easily with the extra-strength Color Oops and went back to dyeing with commercial dyes.

Use body art quality henna (NEVER anything with metallic salts). Let it sit for as long as you can stand. It has a very earthy smell, which I found pleasant.

>> No.8045340

Just out of curiosity, is your natural hair light?
Because I have dark hair and could not get it off at all.

>> No.8045353

It's medium mousey brown. Also very fine, but I have a lot of it.

>> No.8045366

It depends, I get moderate pain on my legs, strong pain on my bikini area, but no pain at all when it comes to my face and pits.
I find cold waxing really painful. I usually warm up the wax on my own and use non woven strips.
Some people feel more comfortable with an epilator: the pain gradually decreases while you are using it, being the surface less and less hairy. I find it terrible at the start though.

>> No.8045801

I already take Vitamin E, but I found for me, with vitamin A you get more than your daily intake by eating just one carrot?
Let me in on how the dermatologist went, I'm still not sure if I should book one or not.

I use Palmers Cocoa Butter blemish fade cream for that, family noticed significant difference.

>> No.8046127

I still have two weeks to go waiting on my dermatologist visit, so I'll probably post about it in the next skincare thread. This one will probably be in autosage by then. I just want to stop having a face full of craters my skin was never this bad, even when I was a college kid living off of a shitty diet and heaps of stress.

>> No.8046227

/cgl/ approved way of removing eye bags?

>> No.8046230

That could be it then. People with darker, thicker hair often have trouble getting it out.

>> No.8046281

Same anon from >>8035231
I got another sunscreen, Skinfood's Aloe Triple Sun. It smells so nice and powdery and it didn't break me out, if anyone else wants to try it I wholeheartedly recommend. The HadaLabo one is also great, can't say which one I like more.

>> No.8046819

Does anyone else get unnecessarily excited when their new skincare products arrive? I feel like a kid at Christmas, but it's only moisturiser and toner.

>> No.8047039
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Does anyone have a recommendation for a dry shampoo? I have extremely thick, pixie short hair and I don't wanna wash every day so I don't fade my bright blue locks.

>> No.8047113

Yes. I have to wash my face RIGHT AWAY. Then I casually open and smell them the rest of the say. Skin food's black sugar cleansing products are amazing and I feel like I'm washing my face with those powdery lemon cookies.

Also, I did a peel on Tuesday and it really does make a difference. You don't visibly peel with the 50% lactic acid I used on my face, but my body peeled a bit with the 20% TCA that I used on it. Nothing a gentle exfoliating towel (NOT those Korean ones) didn't clear up.

>> No.8047128

I did a 20% two layer TCA peel and it faded all my acne marks. It didn't do anything for my freckles, so I'm planning on making my own kojic acid exfoliator at 70% (a common peel strength)

Please keep in mind though that my skin is very resilient and not sensitive in the least bit so I can experiment a bit more

>> No.8047188

One of my new years resolutions was to take better care of my skin, so I recently went bonkers on Sokoglam and bought a bunch of shit. It's been about three days since I started my new skin care regimen - not quite the crazy 10 step Korean one, but close. While I'm noticing I'm not getting any newly forming pimples (which is great because this is the time of the month that I usually break out), but my cheeks and chin seem to be getting red, almost like I've exfoliated too much. I used to use an extra-gritty peach scrub with salicylic acid as an exfoliator, but I ditched it in favor of this new regimen which is supposed to be gentler. I'm just really puzzled because I used to go to town on my face with the peach scrub and never had any issues with redness, but now that I'm trying to be nicer to my skin it starts giving me issues? Are there other causes of redness besides over-exfoliating?

(Right now I'm using an oil cleanser, water based cleanser, toner/refresher, essence, moisturizer, and then BB cream during the day or a night cream at night. I wanted to add an eye cream since I'm starting to get crow's feet, but the Garnier stuff that I picked up at Target gave me an alarmingly intense burning sensation.)

>> No.8047657

Not really, but when there are unexpected freebies I do!

>> No.8047677

It may be a reaction to one of the new products you're using. You might have to cut one of your steps out...

>> No.8047733

batiste gurl, batiste

>> No.8047793

Zinc deficiency can also make you tired as well! I have low zinc so I really need to get around to ordering the liquid supplement the doctor recommended; I tried some tablets we already had and my stomach could not handle them, I would get awful tummy aches. Actually I found the same with just normal multivitamins as well, although not to the same degree (and yes I took with food). And since I've now been dealing with acne for the first time in my life if zinc would help I'd be fucking ecstatic (although it's not cystic).

>> No.8049025

Castor oil, and monistat

>> No.8049042

In addition to the clay masks and things other anons have recommended invest in a Clarisonic. I've noticed a real difference in the texture of my skin since I started using mine 6 years ago.

>> No.8049074
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Try an eyeroller with caffeine and keep it in the fridge. The caffeine constricts cells and makes puffiness go down quickly. Pic related works too.

>> No.8049724

oh god, i had your issue. I started using lush products and bam, i can go days without washing it and its not oily anymore!