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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 166 KB, 500x333, cosplayphotographers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8016830 No.8016830 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fairly new here, and to the cosplay scene in general. I've seen plenty posts shitting on various photographers, but who do you actually like?

>> No.8016928

Max Archer!!

>> No.8017168

Felix Wong, Yenra and Cozpho are the best

>> No.8017437

what cosplay is that?

>> No.8017617

> Felix Wong
> Cozpho


>> No.8017633

how you liking the bait? lul

>> No.8017717

i agree wholeheartedly concerning Yenra. Ken is one of the best photographers i've ever worked with

>> No.8017750

I also agree! Ken is wonderful and it's always a joy to shoot with him. He really knows what he's doing.

>> No.8017774

Why Yenra? His photos are ordinary.

>> No.8017824

his photos are really ordinary but they're the right price and perfect for cosplayers who want something nice for their profile pic on fb. hell right now like twenty of my friends have one of his pictures as there profile picture. i've run into him a few times with my gf, and he's a really nice guy and he's fun to be around, but i'd never pay for his photos.

>> No.8018602

Anyone actually GOOD? Or at least decent??

>> No.8018624

where? free? paid? got to be a little more specific.

here you go, Von Wong. have fun.

>> No.8018867

Sorry, I just meant in general, from the point of view of someone that just enjoys looking at cosplay photography. I wasn't looking for a photographer to take photos of me or anything.

>> No.8019021

Am I the only one who thinks Yenra is a bit weird? Haven't worked with him but a number of my cosplays friends have and hes always commenting on their fb pages saying things like 'I'm living my dream through you girls' (group of idol cosplays) talks about how 'precious their time together is' to him, how he 'cant wait to be reunited', and various other comments that to me sound a bit creepy and inappropriate for him to be saying to girls young enough to be his children.

>> No.8019080

That shit does sound creepy, but go try to find a normal, well-adjusted cosplay photographer.

>> No.8019215
File: 146 KB, 1500x1000, 10679651_754396357955506_5253933602380533583_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunnytuan Photographer is pretty good. She does sequence photography a lot.

>> No.8019217
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>> No.8019475

I thought Yenra jerks it daily to Sunsetdragon

>> No.8019623

Storytelling in photography is one of those things I don't think many cosplay photographers have any grasp of. How often do you see a set of photos and it's just pose #1, pose #2, pose #3 so on. I think more cosplay photographers need to stop worrying about showing off their 5D kits and spend more time learning how to do things like this.

>> No.8019708

you got him and AssB confused

>> No.8019896

I got a creep vibe from him too. he and Robert Spellman are two of the creepest photographers at the local cons.

>> No.8019903


It's not liked, the masses want to see cute/sexy cosplayers up close and tight. Unless it's a private project where you have full input, if it's a paid shoot and cosplayers want certain shots, then those shots are the ones that will matter first

>> No.8019920

Lawrence Brenner, Anna Fischer, Elysium, BGZ, Cozpho, Gerardo Flores, Adam Jay, Cyberbird, Judy Stephens, Beethy, Dave Yang, Lauren Pihl, Fang Fox, Blue Shell, any of the We Rise Magazine staff

Oh wait, you said favorites!

>> No.8019975

Hi, AshB!

>> No.8020197

Lawrence Brenner and Gerardo both have mental and anger management issues.

>> No.8020314

Robert Spellman is just GWC. Nobody should take him seriously as a photographer.

>> No.8020405

Do NOT work with Dave Yang. Yes, some photos are nice, but he has major anger issues and is very controlling. Multiple friends of mine have had just as bad experiences with him as I have. He also spreads a ton of shit around. Word to the wise.

>> No.8020424

I've gotten bad vibes from Yang. He's kinda egotistical. He doesn't really know how to work with cosplayers. After hearing his G+ hangout, I don't think he really cares. He'll talk a ton of smack about people.

>> No.8020447

Yeah. Check out his G+ channel. Pretty much just he, Lauren Pihl, chase Lawrence shitting on a bunch of east coast photographers for three hours.

>> No.8020495
File: 65 KB, 960x640, 14205_800324373340587_785487492102795512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Bunnytuan is one of the most professional, knowledgeable and reliable photographers have ever worked with. She charges relatively little, is a total sweetheart so you don't have to sacrifice comfort for nice pictures, and is really helpful with finding cute poses.
She gets pictures back on time and provides lots of them.
The only problem I've had with her is how quickly her slots fill up, which is really just a further testament to her quality.
Pic related, a shot from one of my shoots with her. I'm an uggo-chan and the photo still looks amazing.

>> No.8020565

only Yenra is bookable. Felix Wong and Cozpho only shoot with freinds and cosfamouses.

>> No.8020721

Yang basically told me he was prepared to do free shoots for any Cosplayer that has a large fan base so he can pump out photos to be shared ASAP, and make him have a quick rise in the cosplay community. He's just a nightlife/rave photog who's hit the wall and realized cosplay is the newest fad to make money off of. I feel like he doesn't care about the model, just how many fans they have and how he can use taking their photos to his advantage. He's taught Pihl well...

>> No.8020722

I'm a huge fan of Jono Wai. (JwaiPhotography). Very professional, great work quality, and very friendly. I felt very comfortable working with him and is easily say yes to a photoshoot with him in a heartbeat. 10/10

>> No.8020761

>pictures back on time and provides lots of them.
Normally I like her work but in this case the focus seems off (on the leaf to the right of the photo, which is not the same plane as the cosplayer)

>> No.8020768

Jwai is definitely one of the better photogrraphers out there. too bad he's part of the circle jerk Cosplay Photographers group.

>> No.8020798
File: 338 KB, 1024x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Jason Chaus work? Or DTJAAAAM? They typically just walk around cons with nice DSLRs and take hall shots, and I feel like for hall shots, they're pretty decent.

>> No.8020830

I think most in the East Coast try to shoot with Ron Gejon or Cantera just to get the shared from Aggressive Comix or Nerdcaliber

>> No.8020969

Lack of editing and generally lazy composition does not a better photographer make.

>> No.8020973

If you are looking to just have photos taken, they're alright for that. I haven't seen anything really amazing/good from either.

>> No.8020989

David Ngo is a fucking beast.

>> No.8021025

Lack of editing, possibly. However, what do you expect? They're hall shot photogs and very much worth striking a pose for. To my knowledge, I haven't seen either of them do full shoots with anyone. I've always been pleased by how quick they both upload things, as well. Do you think they have time to edit hundreds of photos? No. Are they better than most randoms with cameras? Fuck yes.

>> No.8021039

You forgot Martin Wong, everyones favorite egotistical fuckboy!

>> No.8021040

jwai does nothing but private shoots. you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8021108


I'm tired of Gejon's photos personally. Only thing worse is his selfies and fucking video game screenshots. Speaking of which Knightmare6's food and Transformers photos on his instagram annoy me too! Dude, just stick with the cosplayers nad semi-nekkid chicks! No one cares how much you blow on toy robots!

>> No.8021132


I really, really want to shoot with Bunnytuan. Her work is exactly the style I love. Didn't manage to get a shoot in with her at ALA like I wanted, so super bummed about that. I really, really want to for AX though so I'm going to stalk her page like crazy for when she releases her slots.

>> No.8021140

Lol the nerve of this bitch.. smh

>> No.8021187

Speaking of Nerdcaliber, what's the consensus of that site? I've seen their galleries a few times, but not enough to know what photogs from there are any good.

>> No.8021245

This thread has super duper potential. Don't fuck it up cunts.

>> No.8021277

no photographer thread ends well. ever.

>> No.8021318

Bunch of random photographers. Each gallery should be sorted by con and photographer. Look through the photos and see which ones you like.

>> No.8021341

I asked in the other thread, but it got shit over by photographer drama. Any awesome photographer reccomendations for Anime Los Angeles? I stupidly didn't ask the ones who booked a shoot because I thought I wouldn't get a badge.

I ended up getting one, but now I don't photographers to do shoots with.

>> No.8021748

I got to know Martin better and he's pretty much a troll. He plays the innocent nice guy online. Don't believe everything you see.

>> No.8021753

It's Cantera, Alex Valderama and First Person Shooter

>> No.8021771

I thought Gelix only does shoots with Sarah Fong

>> No.8021824

I have watched a few google hangout and follow his twitter. I can tell he's trying hard faking to be a nice guy. I wouldnt be surprised if he post here too.

>> No.8021832

look up masamune. he has a nice set up and his crew will make you feel like a star.

>> No.8021948

He isn't a nice guy unless you're in his inner circle. He usually talks about your shitty cosplay right in your face in Chinese. The dumb Chinaman act with corny jokes is an act.

>> No.8022006

Damn. I thought he's a friendly Asian. These Wong's are so sneaky.

>> No.8022126

I always felt like I was the only one that got that vibe. I've never shot with him, but friends and friends of friends have and I've always felt like he's been a little creepy.
Who knows, though. His shoots seem to be good for entry level cosplayers who need cheap/free pictures for their page so I can't hate too much.

>> No.8022149

He's like the 7th Heaven dad around cons. He's mobbed by barely legal teens

>> No.8022220

Not sure if this is a genuine recommendation or a troll.

>> No.8022226

He'll make you cosfamous lol

>> No.8022458

Welp if you're pretty much giving away shoots then it's to be expected.

>> No.8022779

That's all nice and all if you have cosplayers who work out photoshoots ahead of time but for the most part people get hall shots. Hard to tell a story under those conditions

>> No.8022796

Any photographers in california I should look out for? There are a shit ton so having some recommended names would be nice.

>> No.8022820

Doesn't Lawrence brenner work for the site?

>> No.8022857

I think Lawrence Brenner works for National Geographic too. You ever check out his banner? lol

>> No.8022881

my most favorite is JL7 and GQBravo. worked with both of them and they not only get an amazing outcome they are so fun to work with and professional! i love both of them and have became friends with them after shooting together

>> No.8022913

Doesn't QGBravo only ever post Yashafluff and Luvnatsu?

>> No.8022925

No, Lawrence Brenner isn't affiliated with NerdCaliber. Also, there are a number of other photographers that shoot for the site other than the 3 mentioned. Bentpic5 & KBV photography are a couple I know. Both of them seem to contribute more than Mr. panty shot Cantera and Alex.

>> No.8022933

BQGbravo also post photos of himself.

>> No.8022981

Ever see what Yashafluff's face really looks like? lol

>> No.8023032

>Mr. panty shot Cantera
I laughed a little loud at this.

>> No.8023047

more like Mr "East Coast After Dark" Cantera Cosplay. lol

>> No.8023050

I love Jared, he is such an awesome photographer. His composition is top notch and his photograpy equipment looks quite nice. I think he will be in Sac Anime and Amime Los Angeles. If you see him, tell him I said hi.

>> No.8023149

She's adorable when she doesn't filter her face

>> No.8023367

somebody should do a before/after of her filtering. I couldnt believe it's the same person when i first met her!

>> No.8023591

I like K6. Granted I'm not famous or good at crafting a cosplay, but he took the time running between shoots to take a few photos of me at Castlepoint and anime next! I didn't ask him to do anything fancy, but I ended up getting to shopped photos from him, and love them! I also like that he takes to time to do FX on some hall shots, even if some people critcize him for wasting time on nobodies

Ron Gejon is good too, he's not a photo shop guy, but he shoots everybody and it shows. Same with DTJAAM. I know DTJAAM will have my photo on Flickr if no one else will. ConPics used to be the same, but the guy got buried in his back log.

I like the photos who appreciate even the cosplayers who aren't good, like myself. I'm just looking to have fun and these dudes make me feel important at the con when i'm with them and that matters to me, even when the cosplay celebrities walk by them, they are still giving me attention first

>> No.8023620
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 1964942_2548634679137_1309358846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hall shot that someone took of her (under "photos of" on her page). Still looks cute.

>> No.8023924

ConPics is the laziest person ever

>> No.8024435

point and shoot master!

>> No.8024730

I've worked with Laphotonet a few times and he is seriously my favorite photographer. He takes a while to edit his photos but they're seriously worth the wait. Super nice guy and his photos are the shit

>> No.8024781

Yenra's a great photographer but also just a great guy generally.

>> No.8024860

Ken is cool. Tired of Felix the Sony fanboy and Nikita and her little circle.

>> No.8025112


Nikita who? Who's her circle?

>> No.8025257

That's shopped too. She's way uglier in person.

>> No.8025580

KO Cosplay, Byndo, Sinclair and all those other N list cosplayers begging for pics at cons

>> No.8025808

I would LOVE just one shot like this...this is like a life goal for me...

>> No.8025822

go to japan during comike
cosplay as a hot female character from a popular anime (ikkitousen isn't the most popular but if it's known for anything it's the females)
surefire to get swarmed like a motherfucker

>> No.8025837

david ngo is pretty great, takes one good shot and leaves. doesn't hover around like every other photographer ever.

>> No.8026188

Byndo is hot, I'd love to break her in half

>> No.8026205

Juggernaut, I got a feeling something wrong witchu.

>> No.8026391

Actually comiket and other cons have started posting up rules, some of which include surrounding cosplayers and the lower angle shots.

>> No.8026454

well, considering Luvnatsu is his girlfriends... yeah they do work a lot together :P
but during con season he does have some other people, just not as many as her and Yasha (who's Luvnatsu bff)