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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 620 KB, 1157x1920, tumblr_nh85j9tru01qm8b4ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8016587 No.8016587 [Reply] [Original]

Last one on autosage

>> No.8016594
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>> No.8016601
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>> No.8016604
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>> No.8016605

eh, i kinda like this sans shoes
but not as lolita

>> No.8016608
File: 103 KB, 709x960, tumblr_nh4hf71yBy1twnuq0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8016611
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>> No.8016619
File: 748 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nh737q3d7Q1qij1n6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8016625

is that oliver twist in a btssb dress

>> No.8016628
File: 89 KB, 595x394, 1413536268471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in tears anon

>> No.8016630

We get it, that fatty is fucking disgusting. I wonder how high that actually goes up, it looks like it's at her crotch already.

>> No.8016640
File: 370 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nh88n9WBnn1qkf1fpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8016644


>> No.8016647

What am I even looking at? Is her bathroom attached to the bedroom? Is her bureau in the bathroom? What?

>> No.8016660

Cringed so hard when I saw this

>> No.8016663
File: 47 KB, 551x233, Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 1.19.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talking more about this girl >>8016407 pretty please? She's so delusional on CoF.
>"durkadurr ero reminds me of rococo aesthetic"
>"You may have wanted to represent rococo but your outfit is not rococo for x reasons."

Wow, excuse us because we're trying to help you polish that turd outfit because you don't know what "rococo" means.
Oh and pic related
>debate on Rufflechat about ero lolita

>> No.8016673
File: 4 KB, 144x108, mystery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most legitimate ita ITT so far
>no mean comments
>this anon wonders why

>> No.8016684
File: 74 KB, 600x960, 1503282_10103074293483292_5641461312250775127_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The delusional girl in question. She looks stupid as shit.

>> No.8016686

>>the most legitimate ita ITT so far
Uhh...did you miss these >>8016601,
>>8016608, >>8016640 perchance?

>why do some people get mean comments and others don't?
Because some people don't tend to stick their foots in their mouths by saying too much in their captions. If an obvious noob ita says something along the lines of 'first outfit don't be too harsh' or just leaves the caption blank, there isn't much to pick at. The problem with a caption like this girl's >>8016663 is that she obviously tries to sound like she's been in the fashion longer than she has and talks about an element that she clearly demonstrates she has no idea of. It comes off as grating, and ero lolita is already an iffy subject.

Not to mention she takes criticism ungracefully and gets defensive for all the wrong reasons. Comments with good intentions get minimized into personal attacks with this girl.

>> No.8016690

what the FUCK are those wristcuffs for

>> No.8016692

beat af

>> No.8016701
File: 99 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nh5h4bMWSC1qaxqljo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s a v e h e r

>> No.8016704

I think it turned into a fuss because she posted, did NOT ask for concrit at all and got...quite a bit of it. That's against the rules so it probably caught her off guard and she got defensive.

>> No.8016710

Only immature people don't know how to diffuse a situation by responding negatively to concrit instead of doing the right thing and getting a mod if things get out of hand.

She's a little drama queen.

>> No.8016711

What the others said plus she was already posted before, this is round 2 I think.

>> No.8016715

I really like this, I like all of her coords, but she is dumb. Also her bra is hanging out for whatever reason. Double bustier does not look nice.

The outfits may not be lolita but they are pretty good color and theme coordinated within each other, just not for the looks she says she is going for. When posting it is best to say as little as possible about an outfit so people have less to complain about.

>> No.8016716
File: 149 KB, 450x800, 1419035614278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*points to pic* GOOD ERO

>> No.8016717

you know your outfit is shit when people give concrit when you didn't even ask lmao

>> No.8016718

You are right, but I think she wasn't expecting so many to break the rule and jump to a critique. I also suspect she IM'd admins but they aren't on to do something. I'm not defending her or her coord but I'm also not sure why so many felt the need to disregard the rules and give her concrit either. Some also gave unsolicited concrit on another post tonight, the girl in the blue blazer. Wtf?

>> No.8016719

Oh I love her stuff anyway...and her dolls, omg!

>> No.8016723

That's absolutely gorgeous and well done tbh.

>> No.8016731

Invie's concrit was spot-on but neutral. Anyone get a screen cap? She deleted it when she realized concrit wasn't asked for. The correct thing to do but it was the best post in the thread.

>> No.8016740

That is a lucky pack dress, how do you fuck that up? It comes with a matching everything ffs

>> No.8016749
File: 93 KB, 640x960, sokawaiispecialsnowflakelolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"snowflake lolita"
I feel like the name is oddly appropriate...

Cant believe this hasn't been posted here yet.
Its clearly a cosplay, she took shots with a photographer and links it to her cosplay page on her FB. She wore it to a cosplay meet and wears the dress for other cosplays too.
Plus she spent $75 on a thigh high dress made of crappy lace and cheap fabric. Way to get ripped off, wouldn't spend more than $40 on this, and that is being generous.

>> No.8016753

She gives me faith that perhaps ero lolita does deserve a spot in the pantheon of true lolita substyles

>> No.8016755

apparently her post is so heavy with drama that when I tried to open the rest of the comments my facebook app crashed

>> No.8016756

does she know what the sun is?

>> No.8016757
File: 64 KB, 577x720, 10882105_725912887940_3128026316464099628_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You always have the best coords"
>buys accessories and shoes from Disney Store
>that wig


>> No.8016758

Honey, you din't need those suspenders, the skirt is NOT going anywhere.

>> No.8016759

Nice up skirt snowflake, where are your shoes? This post is against the rules, it's not a clear, full shot of the complete coord. Off with her head.

>> No.8016760

This looks like some mom who wanted to try on her daughter's luhlita skirt.

>> No.8016762

does she have a blog or more ero outfits?

>> No.8016770

I don't know, I'd really like to know. I've seen her outfits a few times on tumblr.

>> No.8016786

Lol if you look at the comments, she keep wondering how it looks like cosplay and that "platinum blonde" is a natural looking hair color even though it's clearly yellow.

>> No.8016792

Is anyone else in that CoF ero clusterfuck thread? Holy shit it's glorious

>> No.8016797

Ugh now we got the justice warrior lara croft playing post police with the "no swearing, it breaks da ruruuuus~" shtick. Yeah, because nobody ever swears on CoF...
I hate it when the horse is so beaten that one side has to resolve to arguing over bullshit like this just to have something left to pick on about the people they think are being wrong.

>> No.8016806

i can't believe it's still going.

>> No.8016813

not a wig, lol

>> No.8016821

that is even worse
her hair looks like straw

>> No.8016831


>> No.8016850

one of the reasons I joined.
Love watching Drama unfold when I am not involved.

>> No.8016855

Unless I see a close up of the pattern I call this nitpick. Bow looks floppy and hair needs styling otherwise it looks ok and christmasy.

>> No.8016857

Wow, what a lovely bunch of coconuts they are!

>> No.8016871

This looks like garbage, and it barely looks lolita.
She's full of shit.

>> No.8016873

I'm trying to cap and blur names. This may take a while.

>> No.8016879

What does it matter?

>> No.8016884

dont bother blurring names, I didnt the last time i had to cap a big post, they wont care.

>> No.8016886

So the thread doesn't get pulled. I've seen it done before so I blur in general.

Or I could just not share the caps and someone else can do it. It's past my bedtime, I just thought I'd be nice.

>> No.8016892


anon pls

>> No.8016903

Join the group, don't be lazy. I never post there, just watch.

>> No.8016909

Of topic, I have that entire outfit!

>> No.8016910
File: 358 KB, 504x1848, p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 1

>> No.8016911
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part 2

>> No.8016912
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part 3

>> No.8016913
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part 4

>> No.8016914
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part 5

>> No.8016915
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part 6

>> No.8016916
File: 253 KB, 504x1604, p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last part I got to cap.

thread got cleansed to just 13 asspats and a mod warning.

>> No.8016930

holy fucking shit

>> No.8016933

Omg that Abigail person lol.
>muh wittle feels and we need to wuv each other because we wear the same dresses

Obnoxious little puke!
And oh Christ that mod post
>CoF isn't for discussion
Then just call it Closet of Asses since that's all we'll be allowed to kiss. Damn.

>> No.8016939

theres a hotdog in the hallway ..

>> No.8016940

>normalfag coat that doesn't properly fit over a petti
my jimmies are so rustled

>> No.8016946

>if she says it's ero then it's ero and shouldn't be a problem/up to debate
jesus christ

>> No.8016949

>*holds nose like a big snarky nerd* ur silhouette
is this really what my beloved fashion has turned into? a bunch of people saying that the rules don't exist any more and you can do what you want, and no one can tell you otherwise? I feel sad, someone hold me

>> No.8016950

looks like a carrot

or a dildo.

>> No.8016955
File: 586 KB, 756x1297, tumblr_nh7mhinLjp1th32mho3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8016957
File: 1.70 MB, 3343x2168, rufflesareruffled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capped the rufflechat stuff in case anyone cares.

>> No.8016960
File: 376 KB, 512x1142, tumblr_nh7maeKkZz1th32mho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick just keeps on giving in the lolita fashion tag, merry shitmas

>> No.8016961

pls no

>> No.8016964

beautiful anon

I need to get into this group.

>> No.8016965

I was thinking vibrator, too.

>> No.8016966

>>8016960 is better than >>8016955. The only saving grace in the first one is that the shoes actually color coordinate (and I want them), but everything is a mess. Second one is more of a nitpick for the exact opposite reason.

Girl, get your act together. You're losing it.

>> No.8016968

Bless you, anon

>> No.8016974

okay so why the hell do they go "we're taking it to rufflechat" and then Alice *goes to rufflechat* with them to argue it more? girl if you don't want the criticism don't go actively seeking where it is to start defending yourself. you look a damn fool.

>> No.8016977

And then the rufflechat thread gets deleted because it is "targeting" and "too negative"

>> No.8016979

she's so fucking whiny it hurts.

>> No.8016981

I want to friend request that Pagan chick. I like her comments.

>> No.8016982

Her comments are like her painting a target symbol to her boobs going "aim here" OMG SO ATTACKED

>> No.8016988

>stahp sloot-shaming meeeeee!!!11!!!!

The fact you look like a slut has nothing to do with the surprisingly unrelated fact that your coord sucks.

>> No.8016990

Dem shoes
*grabby hands*
So what pronouns do we use for it?

>> No.8017007
File: 111 KB, 633x633, 10606247_687077781360411_6959157028412294648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblris/tumblren pronouns plox

>> No.8017018


>> No.8017024

Tard, Tarden, Tardette, Tardself

>> No.8017027

Po, Potate, Potot, Potatoself

>> No.8017037
File: 328 KB, 1200x1920, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9b01e819acc10dda251b1a2313c9c05f%2Ftumblr_mzs2kqx6sR1t1a7amo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice put bows on her uggs.

Bows. On uggs.

>so rori

>> No.8017039

I don't think those are even genuine uggs.

>> No.8017098

She looks kinda like Tina Fey

>> No.8017119

can't believe I slept through all this. Goddamn GMT+1 :(

>> No.8017145

She look like a ghost. Good Halloween idea

>> No.8017156

Thank you based anon

>> No.8017160

Her blog is here http://ameblo.jp/tamie-love/
She wears a lot more himegyaru and Rococo inspired outfits these days but I'd definitely recommend her blog and instagram because her life looks so glamorous it's fun to follow.
If you want to see more of her old lolita and gothic looks try filtering daily lolita by her username, tamulove

>> No.8017165


I thought the girl with the fan blades bow at the back was pretty funky looking, too.

>> No.8017169

I think Gwyneth last comments sums up my feelings

>> No.8017175

>Tina Fey
Cannot unsee

>> No.8017176

die cis scum loli?

>> No.8017182

Cis ppl are ppl who are the gender they were born with. How dare they try to challenge mu trans oppression with their cis privilege. They are truly the scum of the earth. And that's where the term cis scum came from which you are using incorrectly

>> No.8017218
File: 310 KB, 400x400, Naamloos-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's a joke referring to pic related people.

>> No.8017251

She says the dress is from Lolita Charm, aka Milanoo.

>> No.8017252

Her definition of slut shaming is terrible.
Having your boobs out and bra showing in a lolita outfit doesn't make it ero, it makes it fucking ugly.

>> No.8017266

I like how that was the default response to people disliking the outfit.

No, it's not because we think you're a slut that we hate your outfit. We hate your outfit because it's tacky, badly coordinated, unflattering, and a mockery of what ero should be. I love ero when it's done right. But you did not do it right.

>jimmies so rustled it physically hurts

>> No.8017269

OH FUCK OFF ELLEJAY. Nobody gives a shit.

But I'm surprised Cadney got into this one, she usually stays away from major dramu like this.

>> No.8017289

I actually wanted to see a good discussion on ero, why did Alice have to go and shit up the thread?

>> No.8017294

because she wanted to prove so badly she's justified in offending people that she went on to offend even more people

because how dare people say anything other then 'you are the ero lolita goddess you are perfect'

>> No.8017303


Damn that Alice is one butthurt bitch.

>> No.8017539

Of course Ellejay is in there - it gives her a chance to make an unrelated topic all about herself and her problems

>> No.8017548

Someone posted a secret about Alice and that Cordelia chick pointed it out to her on CoF. I wonder how she's going to react lmao.

>> No.8017632
File: 114 KB, 640x640, cordelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Cordelia chick
is she the worst lolita or the best troll? like all of her coords and opinions are so laughably bad it's unreal.

>> No.8017641
File: 831 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-12-27-14-47-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8017643

Please she has already gotten posted like two or three times

>> No.8017644

Shit, thought this was the ero thread. Sorry.

>> No.8017664

jesus, she looks like my mom minus the grey hair.

>> No.8017695

Post pics pls.

>> No.8017706

I like ever after high, but I couldn't wear an EAH coord and call it anything other than a costume tbh.
The dolls are cute but its cosplay.

>> No.8017724

I feel like I have to jump in and defend her and just say, she didn't want her hair to turn out like that. It was meant to be a lighter, pinker pink but her hairdresser didn't know what she was doing...

>> No.8017726

hey girl in the picture :)

>> No.8017729

>going to a hairdresser to get hair dyed

>> No.8017730

She may not have been able to control how her hair came out but she can control whether or not she posts it. Wear a wig, adjust the contrast/color of the photo, wait to post until it fades a bit. You can't just post something looking like that and not expect comment.

>> No.8017798
File: 112 KB, 473x373, 518be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cute skirt, I think it would look especially lovely with nice Venice lace in that taupe-grey shade around the hem. Girl's cute too, kinda reminds me of a plump Dita Von Teese. I hope she keeps going with lolita, taking some hints and tips along the way

>> No.8017826

She can control the hideous mushroom cut and granny glasses. But it's nice her outer appearance is finally reflecting her inner psycho. All she needs now is a sticker on her ~#wheelchair~ that says "#attention whore".

>> No.8017838
File: 203 KB, 1128x1200, 10869909_10204393722834792_1190355651575032433_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for the shitty ero landslide.

This wouldn't be fucking terrible if the blouse was different and she got some decent headwear. As it stands it's godawful.

And of-fucking-course she didn't ask for concrit.

>> No.8017879

Those bangs wouldn't suit anyone, and she's always wearing those kinds of glasses that look terrible on her and in the fashion.

I thought it was an alright general alt fashion outfit that used a lolita piece when she just posted it on her profile. I was surprised to see she then posted to CoF as a full on lolita outfit. No thanks.

Also what do you mean by "inner psycho?" I'll agree she's a cringe-worthy attention whore with a bad sense of style, but I've never seen any evidence that she's done anything THAT crazy. Then again, I don't really know her.

>> No.8017899
File: 389 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nh9exuV6wB1sax0ybo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much the co-ord, but that unflattering angle and dress...
That's a babydoll dress, right?

>> No.8017903

Is she pregnant? If not, I feel like this is a cute dress for an expecting mother.

>> No.8017923

Her attention whoring is only the icing on top of her crazy cake, a symptom of a mountain of underlying problems. People who get close to her can tell you that she's controlling and manipulative in her relationships and is prone to outbursts. She uses people shamelessly for attention, money, housing, a step up, etc. Everyone is just a means to an end for her.

>> No.8017978
File: 11 KB, 235x300, th9BU81F0U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to come around to this way of thinking. Brace yourself Chicago, she's back

>> No.8017989

its not a selfpost she doesnt come on here

>> No.8017990

I remember seeing a post about it from her earlier in the year, but I was hoping it wasn't for real.

I'm almost curious where she gets that idea from. I'm not very close to the Chicago community (physically and friendship wise), but I remember meeting her mom by chance and seeing how nice and cool she was. Not that I ought to delve into someone else's life especially someone I barely know, but I wonder how her mom is even aware of what her daughter's like online/outside home. And not that I should be surprised by a short marriage in this day and age, but I saw what you mean when she left for California and a few girlfriend after that elaborate wedding and honey-moon.

>> No.8017992

wow could you be any more sandy anon?

>> No.8018007

Whatever her damage, she left the new "girlfriend"/fiancee to go back to Chicago. It's a pattern. Unsure if she even got divorced from the first one.

>> No.8018013

I believe she is.

>> No.8018017

Why the sudden rise in Ero? I hadn't even heard of it until that chick posted in Rufflecrap, now i'm seeing it everywhere.

>> No.8018029
File: 62 KB, 600x800, why_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the thumbnail, I was thought it was the older Diana Von Furstenburg in her wrap-around dresses.

I've un-friended her on fb a while ago and I'm honestly unsure either, now that you mentioned it.

>> No.8018036

Same. But FANDOM LOLITA YAY! and so forth.

>> No.8018042
File: 1.01 MB, 600x800, Little_cute_lolita_dress_by_Gabrielle_niki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wrap dresses*

I require coffee.

>> No.8018054
File: 167 KB, 700x1046, 058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because everyone is posting ero in solidarity of the girl who did it really badly and got ripped apart on CoF: >>8018017

/cgl/ has discussed it before and the concensus is that people saw really old goth snaps in the G&LB which had "dolly" silhouettes and bondage-style gear, combined that with Moon Kana's stuff, and decided it was a new substyle of lolita, rather than a separate trend that happened to be developing at the same time.

Pic related.

>> No.8018060

Yeah, this shit isn't supposed to be lolita, it's not lolita related, heck it's not even in the same vein. But people are idiots and the west has a warped version of lolita already.

>> No.8018073
File: 114 KB, 842x1181, 10365654_1042994482384798_1033210692688665_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ will it never end? This looks like it came from the set of an ageplay porn.

>> No.8018078

>plump Dita von Teese

>> No.8018086

My fave part about ita posts on egl/cof/tumblr is when they use the term "photoshoot" for "we sat on the floor and my mom took snapshots of us with her iPhone"

>> No.8018101

this isn't nearly as bad as that Alice girl, but that wig and hat why

>> No.8018107
File: 130 KB, 902x960, ero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8018120

Which Tim Burton movie is this from?

>> No.8018121

do you people actually look at what's posted before posting or what?

>> No.8018126

Could people please just learn to scroll through a topic before they submit anything

>> No.8018131
File: 67 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nb31er5Ewl1sbqrezo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8018134

It reminds me of when /b/ raided tumblr and everyone on tumblr just spammed their own tags with fun.

>> No.8018140
File: 49 KB, 448x311, nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how egyptian. almost poetic.

>> No.8018146

what the fuck is that

>> No.8018148

that's not how corsets work.

>> No.8018158

I'm sorry but i am really confused....dafuq are you on about?

>> No.8018169

i'm busting a nut on your face, homes.


and that's my quota of sperg-handling for the day.

>> No.8018177

Today's coord.

>> No.8018260

more like today's tragedy

>> No.8018267

i know everything else is awful too but
>strawberries on dress
>cherries on cardigan
jimmies are so rustled

>> No.8018270

I mind that less than, say, violin shoes with strawberry print skirt.

>> No.8018287
File: 112 KB, 1084x559, EroLoliM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decided it was a new substyle of lolita

Ok so some of the Kana type stuff etc wasn't lolita sure, but 'ero-lolita' as a term actually came largely from the early G&L bibles. Sorry folks but love it or hate it, 'ero' has been a recognized sub-style for an age; unfortunately it also leaves room for garbage and the 'more sexy goth than lolita' type stuff caught in the grey areas. Remember that many of the almighty, glorious Mana-sama's early outfits were described in the bibles as 'ero lolita'.

The 'omg lolita is never sexual/sexy u guys'!!! Types also love to bleat that ero doesn't really exist at every opportunity too.

>> No.8018293

I would love love LOVE to see ero lolita done well, but the majority of people look like absolute shit and not even lolita.

>> No.8018306

true, but I would still kill for Rochelle's skirt to wear on my physical body

>> No.8018320

Rustles mah Jimmies when they call that a coord, when there isnt anything coordinated about it.

>> No.8018585
File: 46 KB, 429x600, 1eb32a381f30e924f747068d4f086e061f95f7e2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living Bag dress

>> No.8018595
File: 76 KB, 700x700, 20a9b11bb051f819bbab87f1d9b44aed2f73e73e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8018598

I was afraid it would look like this. {sigh} Glas I scooped the JSK instead. This color is pretty though, nice and rich.
>Bag of Keys

>> No.8018603

You just had to say it.
Can't unsee!
>God dammit

>> No.8018613

10/10, I both got it instantly and laughed at the confusion.

>> No.8018690

Page and Dawn are my favs
>Bet they got kicked out of both groups

>> No.8018694
File: 154 KB, 720x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fcafb086db8e7230866ced568cd7d3697%2Ftumblr_nh9ulfNuc41s07oh5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8018715

I wonder if anyone actaully buys these 300 dollar cosplays that brands put out. BABY's collabs whether accurate or inspired always end up terrible though.

>> No.8018796

I feel so ita for liking this. If the caplet were black I'd totally get it.

>> No.8018826

so basically anyone fat,poor or ugly is ita.

>> No.8018860

I guess hardcore otakus do...? I've never seen anyone wearing them.
To be fair, the IW x Mawaru Penguindrum one was pretty, and the Baby x Kagepro one wasn't that bad either. It's a matter of how costume-ish the original design is and how it's adapted to reality. And that's why all Rozen Maiden collabs look absolutely terrible.

>> No.8018862

>fat ugly poor bitch detected

>> No.8018871
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>> No.8018873
File: 8 KB, 224x224, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see you catching on so quickly!

>> No.8018914
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>> No.8018929
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>> No.8018935

what the fuck

>> No.8018943

Dingdingding...we have a winner!

>> No.8018956

I'm banned from CoF.

>> No.8018958

does this person have downs

>> No.8018982

Surprisingly no

>> No.8018986

Then you must have been a naughty pug. Off with your head.
>Why did they ban you?

>> No.8019005
File: 14 KB, 150x216, helpmeow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8019008

shinku's dress was nice, they make for nice cosplays

>> No.8019016
File: 4 KB, 100x88, ss+(2014-12-27+at+11.02.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8019613

what dress is this?

>> No.8019624


That's the new Innocent World stained glass print.

>> No.8019836

To be honest, I am not the tidiest person of the world but I can manage to take outfit snaps without showing my mess. Is this so difficult?

At least my house seems clean compared to this examples.

>> No.8019868

If I don't feel like cleaning at the moment I just push everything you can see in the reflection out of the way

>> No.8019879


>> No.8019928


>> No.8019942

people are fucking stupid

>> No.8019945

wait a minute how big is the chicago comm i live like 45 min out from downtown should i check it out?

>> No.8020092

It's huge, but a lot of girls live in the suburbs and there is a lot of turnover because a percentage of the comm is just temporarily in Chicago for school. Meets are generally between about 4 or 5 for mini-meets to about 12-20 for popular stuff like fancy teas. The Mega-meet brings in a many, many more than that. There are a lot of Lolitas but being so spread out and having very different schedules means it's fairly diffuse.

>> No.8020125

Are you really going to suggest that fugly grecian-looking Joann's lace?

>> No.8020140

I have the Hakuouki JSK and the Kamen Rider Wizard (I think?) JSK and capelet from Metamorphose. Neither looks like they're intended to be anime-based, so they generally "pass". The Kamen Rider one wasn't even advertised as a collaboration on the English site. I found out after the fact that it was intended to be a collab.

>> No.8020341

I'm laughing but also confused

>> No.8020348

Instantly hard. Great pic.

>> No.8020364
File: 295 KB, 841x1280, tumblr_nhbb4iF1g21u0bqhpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the unmatching white shoes
>the bow on the side of her head
>her hair doesn't match at all (im ok with girls who dont wear wigs as long as their hair looks alright with it)
>the lace shirt that looks terrible with the light purple dress

>> No.8020393

That's defintely not a wig. She's a very cute looking girl and could look really good in lolita if she knew what she was doing. But you're right, she doesn't.

>> No.8020406

i know it's not a wig, but i think it'd look better with one. way better. her hair looks terrible with it. youre right tho, shes very cute.. what a shame

>> No.8020408
File: 93 KB, 480x640, BtssbMacrossCollabSet_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO inspired seems to usually turn out better than accurate unless the source material already looks nice (i.e Mawaru Penguindrum collab). I really like Putumayo's Tales of Xillia collab they put out too.

BABY seems to have a hard time with collab most of the time though, pic related....

>> No.8020428

Even the cat knows she's ita as fuck

>> No.8020513

I like how she says she's been in lolita for half a decade

>> No.8021415
File: 78 KB, 640x633, fuckingcreepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl just posted this on CoF and said it was her halloween coord. I thought she was wearing one of those creepy clear plastic doll masks but I think that's her real face...

>> No.8021424

God, she still thinks this is a flattering photo?
This girl is so delusional and autistic I physically ache when I see her post

>> No.8021427

michael jackson lolita

>> No.8021433

The second I saw this I immediately head over to the ita thread to post but 3 AM and you posted it already. God I love you guys. You have not disappointed me one bit. This dress is so busy on top, I just can't. She tried I guess.

>> No.8021437

anon, who is this girl? You're right, she looks awful but she could be a lot worse and I think she'll improve. It's just that she's really close to my aesthetic in lolita. Also I own that bracelet. Not for lolita but. I own it.

>> No.8021441

She's so effin cute. Yeah but that outfit.

>> No.8021443

ita patrol 24/7 gurl

Not saying that I'm the most amazing lolita in the world of course, but god fucking damn that face. Bonnet is kinda nice though and that's about it. If I'm talking her outfit and not her shiny ass face:

>horribly fitted blouse
>incredibly busy dress, bottom does not balance top
>legware and shoes match colour

>> No.8021448

Outfit isn't great, but fuck she is adorable. Get that girl a good mentor and she'll be amazing. I'm usually straight and even I'd totally do her.

>> No.8021462

This shit is annoying. They were only allowed to say they liked the coord that's bullshit.

>> No.8021489

wasn't this the girl who was defending mellisa the creeper sissy in LA? I remember us hating on her ugly ass months ago.

>> No.8021490

It's always been that way with this rule. Sometimes people want to post and not receive any critique.
>sometimes it's so bad commenters can't help themselves?

Either that or someone over-spiked the eggnog. People don't ususlly give concrit when it's not asked for though.
>It was kind of funny though, I admit.

>> No.8021505

Good looking Ita are the best because you know they look like shit because of their bad coord, not because of an unfortunate ork-face or a potato-shaped body.

>> No.8021571

I think she could have seriously done better to have posted on COF. On a private blog I'd give it a pass but we all know COF and rufflechat are now direct cgl proxys.

>> No.8021575

I fucking hate that shade of red and that shade of pink. Even if you wear some cute pink JSK with a red cherry print to pull it together. It's repulsive.

>> No.8021658

Ah thanks!!

>> No.8021811

What is wrong with her face?

>> No.8022168
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>> No.8022185

awww dont be mean
the coord is cute shes just a sweet old lady

>> No.8022187

> sweet old lady
Idk, ive heard some shit, anon.

>> No.8022194

what is she horrible? ive literally only seen pictures of her

>> No.8022195

really? 90% sure that's a man

>> No.8022198

she looks a bit like my my dads sisters

>> No.8022202

Google is your friend, anon. Andrea, Atlanta lolita drama

>> No.8022227

sounds like she's a control freak who thrives on drama, y/n?

>> No.8022239

but she lools so sweet and motherly :(

>> No.8022247

The coord is fine, maybe even the hair, but the make-up is atrocious. I've never seen a person who wasn't aged horrendously by that blue eyeshadow.

I really think she(??) would look better in more muted colours and something that looks more elegant in general, but as it is, this coord isn't ita.

>> No.8022275

Everyone and their mom already have this jsk, where's mine???
That said, her coord is meh at BEST, the fit of the jsk is kinda off. On a young, pretty girl this would look okay.

>> No.8022276

The Tights and shoes he/she(?) Wore with the dress didn't go, the normal fag blouse, the lack of accessories, Crap hair and makeup; its pretty ita anon.

>> No.8022283

That's what the interwebs tell me. I'm too busy being glad she's not local to me, I live in a conservative area and someone like her, nice or not, heading up any Lolita events would be a very bad not good thing.

>> No.8022294

Isn't that a hello Kitty be sheet? Done with ppl making dresses of bed sheets.

>> No.8022349

Lol at Megan's double post of the rules. Not even trying to conceal that shade

>> No.8022355

i've actually been talking with her pretty recently? she seems fine.

i did just get finished reading some of the warosu thread, and can certainly say i'm now confused.

>> No.8022360

she sounds like one of those people that are lovely until you get to know them/until you screw up their perfect plans

>> No.8022361

I want to friend Kim. That interpretive dance comment omg haha>>8016982

>> No.8022362

That's what lots of people have said. Solo she's sweet and fine but with group stuff and events, boom, drama. She was in charge of a fashion show that yielded some pretty cringe-worthy reports. And of course the Frill/Afrilliation thing.

>> No.8022370

Makes me want to use a gorgeously embroidered pin tucked and lace edge sheet as part of an underskirt.

>> No.8022375

All that it's and you zero in on the wrist cuffs?

>> No.8022388
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-29-14-18-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herp derp

>> No.8022398

weird face, shoes are too big/don't really match but she seems fine other than that? unless im missing something

>> No.8022400

cute chinchilla, don't see much wrong with the coord save for it being pretty meh and clumsy. Not ita.

>> No.8022401
File: 109 KB, 848x960, a skirt for a rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posted in the plus size sales comm.......

>> No.8022402

It's not THAT bad. That poor chinchilla though.

>> No.8022405

What? They were so cute. I thought they were moving back to her old home together.
I'm sad and I don't even know them that well.

>> No.8022407

I'm always tempted to name the bad ones.
> Musical Party Tent

>> No.8022409

I cackled at this I feel so evil, did they say what their measurements are?

>> No.8022417

It was in San Francisco.
You're clearly not in our comm.

>> No.8022422

It's some dress from etsy I think

>> No.8022460

It's from a new indie brand fb.com/kawaiiskirts

>> No.8022580
File: 119 KB, 612x612, 96c0802c135411e3b81222000a1fd1fa_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl(?) on the right claims to be super into Lolita and own's all brand and is apparently a model.

Vomit. Vomit everywhere.

>> No.8022604

how could anyone take such a bad photo?

>> No.8022624

What in god's name is wrong with her face! why do all this terribly dressed Ita's have butt ugly face. Fuck me.

>> No.8022625
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>> No.8022629
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>> No.8022630

>that font

>> No.8022634

I really hope no one ever commissions her. I never thought I'd say it but she's worse than penny

>> No.8022636

Is she bulimic or something? Them teeth man

>> No.8022640
File: 46 KB, 653x480, 10710532_10205068511215729_3744867740142459308_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand why old people wear Lolita. it never looks good.

>> No.8022642

I-is that a petticoat underneath or......something else entirely.

>> No.8022643

Some people just have yellow teeth. It can happen that they just grow in a shade darker when you loose your baby teeth.

>> No.8022645

I don't think she's even that old, just ugly.

>> No.8022647

Belly fat. Definitely belly fat.

>> No.8022656
File: 22 KB, 624x496, 10897922_877843805588821_3035691586871029118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that hair
>that lace monster
>those piggy eyes
>that pokeball
>those pokeball earrings
>those granny glasses

It look's like she's never washed her hair a day in her life.

>> No.8022664

I didn't really even notice the shoes
I was distracted by the blue petticoat

>> No.8022666

Its not perfect but not really ita imo. That dark blue petti has gotta go though

>> No.8022729

the padded up dressform looks like a body cast of a fat slightly deformed man.

>> No.8022828
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>> No.8022893
File: 138 KB, 728x745, 1394069144713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet old lady
Are you fucking new? Andrea only cares about Andrea. If you haven't been burned by her yet and still think she's a nice person I caution you to take a step back and really think about any interactions you've had with her. Really think about all the conversations you've had with her. Did she ever seem genuinely interested in what you had to say or was she just waiting for her turn to talk? It took me years to finally realize what a self centered, uncaring, control freak she is. Distance yourself from her before she has a chance to screw you over too.
In b4 "you're that girl that had a baby or her friends". Those bitches don't even like me.

Also, her make up looks atrocious and her shirt looks dumb unbuttoned. I'm pretty sure that jewelry doesn't match either. It looks really clunky and clashes with the gold and yellow on the dress.

>> No.8022915

This sounds so much like a girl in my comm, minus the old transwoman part. I swear there is always at least one horrible self centered manipulator in each comm.

>> No.8022921

That Teepo has seem some shit.

>> No.8022943
File: 68 KB, 600x800, hupsoonheng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever noticed how those manipulators all tend to be SJWs, too? It's the perfect vehicle to package their bullying in.

>> No.8022975

>just waiting for her turn to talk

this is so true. shes desperate to talk about herself and wont let you get a word in

>> No.8023003

why is she orange?

And fuck those shoes are awful. I know they are Vivianne Westwood (or replica's) but damn they are fugly. I HATE seeing peoples toes in Lolita...and in general.

>> No.8023009
File: 60 KB, 399x296, pk3ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know this girl. Please slap her. Hard. With a brick.

>> No.8023033

If she made this, she at least seems to have a decent grasp on fitting and construction...it's just not a very good design or fabric selection. Could do with some more lolita shoes and full tights instead of knee-highs

Also, have wristcuffs ever looked good on anyone?

>> No.8023058

Is it possible to have this poor colour sense?

>> No.8023060

Looks like she's wearing the wrong colour foundation to me.

>> No.8023108

I don't participate in this flavor of fashion, but I think I am in love with that red hat.

>> No.8023139

I think I need the shoes, too...

>> No.8023165

girl on the right sounds like a liar who lies.

(im assuming girl on left is wearing shitty cosplay)

>> No.8023169

why is there a lone.... sausage?? there oh my god

>> No.8023185

What'd her tumblr???

>> No.8023193
File: 89 KB, 600x860, typical guido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is she orange?

She comes from guido stock.

>> No.8023202
File: 202 KB, 640x1136, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this on a cosplay thread but I think it really just belongs here.

>> No.8023216

I think her dress and wig are pretty cute, imho.
But then I'm a guy, and thus don't have some kind of shit vendetta against random people.

>> No.8023229

Which lolita character might she be cosplaying? Anything recognizable? Because otherwise for lolita fashion it's just noob/weeb ita.

>> No.8023233

Valentine's Day department shit all over her.

>> No.8023245
File: 41 KB, 464x67, CH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foundation from Daiso that's way too light for her skintone.

>> No.8023257

How was she allowed into Disney?? Like aren't they very strict with dress codes? I saw that in the other thread around here.

>> No.8023258

You must also be colorblind because look at her fucking shoes
Not to say thats the only thing wrong with her but maybe if you looked with your eyes instead of your dick then maybe it'd be worth explaining to you.

>> No.8023270

Her outfit*

>> No.8023283
File: 39 KB, 640x640, image:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Indeed she is. Solid makeup.

>> No.8023285

She's mixed but looks completely white so she wears darker foundation so she can claim that she's totally a POC for extra SJW points.

>> No.8023359

Apparently they aren't as strict anymore, or at least not around Christmas. I wore lolita there every day two weeks ago and no security or cast members made me change or leave. My outfit was pretty casual and I had minnie ears and a stitch backpack so that may have helped.

>> No.8023396

>bad hair
>bad lightening
>bad coord

>> No.8023404

>ohemgee look at her colors, you thilly boy!
So it turns out you are just a dumb cunt.

>> No.8023427

>poorly made diy dressform
>waistband and length from hell
>subpar gather
>microscopic hobby lobby print fabric
I'm sorry but this is truly one of the worst things I have ever gazed upon. Also, nub here, link to the plus size sales comn please?

>> No.8023433

>I'm a man with man parts and I'm too laidback and nice to say mean things unlike women gosh women are mean good thing I come to these threads to whiteknight cute girls and show these seagulls how to be a real gentleman

>> No.8023509
File: 100 KB, 864x648, evilqueenandrea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, they only do that so little kids don't mistake them for characters and... she can really only be mistaken for one that I can think of.

>> No.8023654

If she's a model then I'm Mana-sama.

>> No.8023957


>> No.8024132

Wow so orange

>> No.8024251

Oh god. I recently sold my lucky pack. I hope to god that she's not the one who bought it from me.

>> No.8024277
File: 128 KB, 801x534, jj_jameson_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resemblance is uncanny! Especially the nose and wrinkly chin. No one would mistake her for a princess.

Wasn't there a lolita event at Disney a few weeks ago? I wonder how the staff reacted to that. I'm sure there were some girls present that could have passed for face characters. Anyone have pics?

>> No.8024308
File: 14 KB, 493x279, HA!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best comment on that post! Nice to know not everyone is blind

>> No.8024745

LOL. Fuck. I love the random surge of honest bitches recently.

>> No.8024886
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 10882136_10152597690048932_4322792571718037084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8024997

holy shit what

>> No.8025157

Claps! Well done anon hahaha!

>> No.8025188
File: 15 KB, 640x480, 10882320_637470096361408_882607061826126520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the brand logo.. seems legit...

>> No.8025190

How are those ankles supporting her?

>> No.8025222
File: 37 KB, 720x405, itas all in a line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8025430

>implying that only people from that comm knew about melissa

>> No.8025443

is this supposed o be a "fashion" show?

>> No.8025462
File: 40 KB, 533x800, 10636081_1542253679338613_2501773870892154071_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8025469
File: 32 KB, 417x556, 10468092_914570525225560_8646459169363619584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8025474

Stop trying blackxpink-print happen, it's not going to happen

>> No.8025496
File: 58 KB, 533x800, 10710939_1547689088795072_3160785818466836534_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8025512

Can someone post the picture of the ita in the really dirty house?

>> No.8025517

is... is she carring a whip?

>> No.8025519

>>8025496 >>8025517
and a fucking crucifix too... i hate when girls just put random accesories just because they're "trendy"

>> No.8025786
File: 29 KB, 533x800, 10676184_1553225811574733_570283486216726657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8025900

it looks like a shitty stage at a high school.

>> No.8025992

I liked the dress, I liked the makeup. I just don't like them together. I wanted to say this on CoF but I don't want the shitstorm that would follow.

>> No.8026198
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1959382_919877178022977_3718197571692826275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Asking $80, still sought after on eBay"


>> No.8026495
File: 45 KB, 533x800, 1620606_1553225598241421_3146897776528536567_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8026722

At least the make up is well done

>> No.8026728

This one isn't nearly as bad as the other's, I would definitely switch out those shoes though. Probably the tights as well. But other than that, she looks fine to me

>> No.8026730

I saw that on facebook and I couldn't stop laughing