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File: 685 KB, 421x567, neigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8009250 No.8009250 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is in autosage.

>> No.8009254

Does anybody know of any decent forwarding services in the US?
I want to buy something from AP USA and I live in the UK. However every time I buy a dress or multiple things, I have to pay upwards of £70 customs. I'm getting sick of throwing money away when I know I could be saving it by a forwarding service.

>> No.8009272

How will a forwarding service help? You're still technically buying from overseas, so customs will still sting you...unless you want someone who will illegally mark down your items and mark them as a gift

>> No.8009277 [DELETED] 

I'd be willing to do an ss for you if you want.

>> No.8009289

Yes. Precisely that. I want somebody who will mark down my stuff.
I saw some video on youtube and some girl said she had her forwarding service in the US mark down her package so she wouldn't get charged customs.

>> No.8009336

For >>8008813 from the last thread I definitely can offer you some wardrobe suggestions if you have under 20 main pieces. If you could maybe link me to a pintrest board of your wardrobe or something like that it'd be great.

>> No.8009339
File: 669 KB, 400x225, hide yo kids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does everyone get around in coords? I have a car, but am in a city with reasonable public transit and rideshare. Any tips for driving without wrinkling your skirt? I figure It would be best to keep the petti off until I get there, hang it upside down if possible, then shimmy it on as discretely as possible even if I have to walk with a flat skirt to a bathroom. I think it could be cool to take a Lyft to a meet to give the driver a story, but my Lyfts have ranged to cool college students with a decent car and music to soccer moms who didn't even bother to clean their kids shit out of the front seat before driving.

>> No.8009464

I just spread it out and sit on it, the only issue is if I close my dress in the door (thankfully the one I did it to wasn't super expensive) or my poof covers the gear stick, in which case I tuck it in. Then I just fluff myself up when I get there

>> No.8009474

Could you do my wardrobe as well maybe? I'm kinda all over the place closet wise.

>> No.8009488

Sure thing!

>> No.8009492


The dresses are no trouble at all with the poof on, just lift the poof a bit when you get in so you don't end up sitting on your skirt (or do as other anon says, spread your skirt out), and watch out when you close the door. Don't think I had trouble with it covering the gear stick, but my car's a sedan so the gear stick isn't squished up next to me.

Public transport is also not an issue itself, it's pretty easy to get in and out of most places, if you find yourself too poofy, use your hands to scoop the poof around you and hold it closer to your body. I don't know about safety, though. I've heard of lolitas being harassed on train platforms and such.

If you still want to keep using lyft, you could arm yourself with reallly big garbage bags -- if the car seats look iffy, you can spread the garbage bags over them and sit on those. Don't know how you'd deal with the soccer moms throwing a bitchfit over your implying their car is dirty, though.

>> No.8009527
File: 60 KB, 540x392, Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 1.22.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFC, lolita-tips is ridiculous. I feel like registering "real-lolita-tips" and giving real advice. for real, you'd save "at least a little bit" by not using Clobba? Has this dumb bitch even ever ordered from Taobao before?

>> No.8009541

Ha, I was thinking of opening a service and I would do it for you. I'm on vacation for the next week though.

>> No.8009550

Is there a place I can link you to m pint rest privately?

>> No.8009553

My Pintrest. I swear this computer having auto correct is the most annoying thing.

>> No.8009590

Probably to my facebook page which is Caroline Roli Cherry?

>> No.8009594

"発送はクロネコ ヤマト着払いのみとさせていただきます。"
Can someone please translate this for me? I think it says something about cash on delivery only, but I'm not really sure. Does this mean that as an international buyer I won't be able to bid on the item?

>> No.8009602

>Caroline Roli Cherry
Oh Hi I think I sold you something in the BST thread. I want to say it was a blouse but I have no idea.

>> No.8009639

Haha yeah I think so, I thought your pinterest name was familiar... Small world!

>> No.8009983

Please do it, anon.

>> No.8010053

Uh, it IS cheaper to order to use a shopping service tho, special when using one without EMS

>> No.8010066

>Delivery is cash on delivery through Kuroneko (courier company) only.

I don't know why I'm helping you because I'm a little annoyed that you didn't even try google translate before asking.

>> No.8010067

Red lipstick in Lolita?

>> No.8010079

"We only allow for shipping by Kuroneko-Yamato (shipping company) cash on delivery."

>> No.8010080

That's the point they're making. it's not 'just a little bit' it's 'yes, you will save money enough to make worth your while'

>> No.8010084

do you look good in red lipstick? then yes. does it make you look like a grandma? then no.

>> No.8010099

Depends on the style and whether or not you can normally pull it off. I wouldn't wear it with kawaii AP pastel stuff but in gothic, classic and more mature sweet it can look quite nice.

>> No.8010106

Well, that's about what's to be expected from someone who dresses pretty mediocre.

A while back I was thinking of starting a "Lolita Journal" type of thing that gave advice, and also discussed news, new releases, trends, etc. Unfortunately something like that would probably require pretty frequent posting. It'd also need some other writers, and sadly, I have no lolita friends.

>> No.8010181

did anyone use an SS to get an AP lucky pack? have you heard back from your SS?

I haven't heard back from mine for at least 2 days and I'm getting anxious.

>> No.8010188

Are glasses a huge don't in lolita? I can't wear contacts for at least a few months because reasons, but I also need to be able to see past my nose.

>> No.8010195

How are Meta's bags and shoes? What brand has the best quality bags?

>> No.8010198

Of course not, there was even a feature in one of the lolita mags recently about cute frame styles.

>> No.8010204

I notice that most people don't have a problem with it if they suit your face and don't look completely jarring in comparison to your coord

>> No.8010213


Just a sec. Did you ask them to reserve the LP before last Saturday or are they going in-store for you? Because it's now Tuesday night in Japan (technically it became Wednesday like an hour ago). So if you last talked with them two days ago, that was Sunday? The reservations were already mostly sold out by then unless you wanted the salopette set or the jsk set in black. However, it's just the reservation, most shopping services are going to buy the lucky packs in-store on the 1st of Jan as well, so maybe she was going to buy them in-store for you?

Regardless, if your SS was incommunicado for two or three days with no explanation, it's not a good sign, I would not use this SS in the future, you don't really know if they're going to just dissappear one day without shipping your items to you.

The last time I did not hear back from an SS on the same day of release date, she said she failed. I think if a SS did succeed, they would be more anxious to let you know they have your item (or reservation for) and to arrange payment and shipping. So I think you can assume your SS did not succeed. Hope you didn't pay her money yet though.

>> No.8010232

When was the last time RinRin modelled for AP in their Kera spread regarding the new prints? It seems like it's all Risa Nakamura now.

>> No.8010255

my last communication was on friday (just checked). she's quite a reputatable SS and I used her service before, back then I didn't have any problems. I only wonder if she's really busy because of all the LPs

>> No.8010288

How acceptable is it to use a binder in lolita? My AP dress arrived today and to my horror my chest is too large, even when bound with bandages. According to the binding thread, this is the best one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Underworks-Extreme-Tri-Top-Chest-Binder/dp/B004SRCZ2C/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t, but I am worried it will show through over the top of the neckline of the dress as I tend to wear cardigans rather than blouses. Is there anyone in here who uses a binder to fit into their burando? What other methods do big chested lolita's use?

>> No.8010312


I'd rank them about equal with each other. I've got one bag from Meta, a few from IW and a ton from AP, so far they seem constructed to the same level of quality. As for the quality, it's about on par with a decent, mid-level mainstream brand (like, say, Topshop or Warehouse or Dorothy Perkins?). The leather is fake (unless otherwise stated), the bags are all lined, the zippers are the heavier type and fairly sturdy. Mine have all held up well, even the one that I used for daily for a fortnight, so I'd say they generally last a decent amount of time. However, once in a while you'll hear about some girl whose bag handles fell off or the leather peeled as soon as she received her bag, so I guess there's that one-in-million chance of getting something that shouldn't have passed quality inspection.

Most of the differences seem to be specific to the particular bags, for instance the IW book bag and the AP royal chocolate bags are stiffer than other bags, maybe because of the embossed leather. One of my IW bags has a really sturdy metal clasp, the leather is nicer and the inside is lined with gorgeous floral fabric. However, all the other bags -- IW crown bag, IW strawberry bag, all the other AP bags, and the Meta bag -- are all simple fake leather bags, and all seem to be same level of quality.

I don't know much about shoes though. I've handled them in-store while on vacation in Japan, and they seem lower quality than the handbags to me, so I don't buy them much. I do feel like the similar fake leather shoes also seem to be on the same level across brands, but I didn't try them out, so I can't really judge on that.

>> No.8010313

first time ever buying off of closet child, I've paid for it etc and now blanked out on their site, is this normal? they haven't emailed me and it's not opening time.. sorry for stupid question, I just really want this dress..

>> No.8010324

Totally acceptable. If worn right, no one will even know you use one. As long as it doesn't create bad boobloaf, it's fine. I have several busty friends that use them with great success.

>> No.8010341

>tfw 68 cm waist, 97 cm bust
>I know this feel too well

I use my underworks binder under lots of my dresses and while it would definitely show under lower-cut JSKs without blouses under them, I just wear boleros with higher necklines if I want to go blouseless (BTSSB makes a lot of higher-cut boleros that work well). Some partially-shirred dresses work if I just wear a sports bra, too.
Unless you want to modify your dresses or settle for shirred versions of them, binding is your best bet. I don't really know of any other method of making it work to be honest.

>> No.8010343

>now blanked out on their site
What do you mean blanked out?

>> No.8010345

now it says sold out, so I'm guessing it was just a temporary thing, but still no email.. massive worry wart, pls let me have my dress ;_;

>> No.8010348

I'm planning to get one. I use a sportsbra most of the time I wear lolita, but it isn't cutting it for some of my innocent world bodices.

I think lots of people use them because lolita items can be unforgiving in the boob department. As you said, just be careful that it doesn't show. Button your cardigan or pin it discreetly to the straps.

>> No.8010350

how do I order from closet child?
Sorry Im a noob...

>> No.8010352

it has instructions on the site on how to do it, go to the "international order" button.

>> No.8010353

That's normal. It sold out cause you bought it. Their emails take a while.

>> No.8010364

Yeah... because you bought it, just be patient friend.
It's pretty straight forward friend, just make an account and add the item to your cart.
and this >>8010352

>> No.8010365

thank you for reassuring me, may all your dream prints magically appear for you at convenient buying times

>> No.8010372
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>> No.8010449
File: 29 KB, 474x116, Screen Shot 2014-12-23 at 2.27.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LFM, you make me laugh and cringe

>> No.8010465

Not to move in on anybody's SS or anything like that, but can anyone point me in the direction of one who will go to the physical store on release day to pick up a new print? I don't need anything like that now, but I would like to have someone lined up before spring for some of AP's new releases (if they're as cute as we're all hyping them up to be.)

>> No.8010475

What is one of the best ways to buy from babyssb? I don't want to pay customs and they don't get TENSO adress. Thanks anons

>> No.8010547
File: 20 KB, 250x333, Lace up heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about getting one of these old Angelic Pretty dresses, but I have no petticoat that would work with it. Any ideas on which one to get?

>> No.8010699

Great, thank you so much! I just sent you a message on FB with a link to my pinterest board.

>> No.8010722

An A line that isn't too poofy, so victoriangirldress

>> No.8010729

thanks for the tips

>> No.8010777

Are items a little cheaper in-store at Harajuku Hearts? Someone I know is going this week and I thought I might ask them to buy something for me. Is the stock about the same as the website?

>> No.8010939

I live in Germany and 99% of the time they don't fall for marked down packages or gifts. If it looks suspicious, they'll make you bring in some kind of proof.

>> No.8010942

Well if they marked down a $400 package to $200, I'd be satisfied. I'm not asking them to mark it down to insanely low, just lower so I'll save /some/ money.

>> No.8010949

As a fellow euranon, I usually give ask for a fake receipt in case it's something outrageosly expensive (like a huge Taobao order). Marking down lolita can be tricky though since brand receipts include the original price. As long as it is a single piece, marked down accordingly (like, at half price) and not ordered with EMS our fellow anon should be safe from customs.

>> No.8010990

tokyopirates goes in store to buy things, but her reserves get filled up quickly.

>> No.8010997

May I ask how much does the binder reduces your bust size?

>> No.8011152
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 10882146_810036489055439_6065782221263197144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am making my own Lolita skirt (excuse the unfinished waistband) but is there anything I can do to make this more Lolita-like?

>> No.8011184 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is with the waist?

>> No.8011187

I really hope you pre-washed that fabric, because it looks like you didn't even iron it.

it really doesn't look like it could accommodate a petti.

>> No.8011194

There are some neat bodyline skirts for 16$. Why wouldn't you buy one instead? ]

>> No.8011250

I didn't say I was the best. I just want to improve my skills. I'll just scrap it and try a different approach

>> No.8011251

>better fabric

Come on, anon. Lurk moar

>> No.8011314

Thanks! I'll look into her and I'll try to find a few others, I guess. I would pay a handsome fee if it meant getting a coveted new release in the cut/color way that I *actually* want.

>> No.8011320
File: 17 KB, 236x314, f29877c38bda46704b92e7d4331366b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs to be fuller to accommodate a petticoat, and currently it looks a little plain. Perhaps a larger ruffle at the bottom, or even two like the attached pic, would make it look better. You don't necessarily need lace or bows, but it does need something.

Also, like >>8011187 remember to pre-wash and iron your fabric.

>> No.8011323

It squashes your tits. Hence binder. It's only while you wear it.

>> No.8011331

I live in the US and could just do this for you, though I don't have a formal business.

Shipping from the US to anywhere else is hella expensive though, fair warning.

I guess shoot me an email if you're interested? I can provide you feedback and shit.

>> No.8011340

What a simple skirt design! I need to get on making some like this.

>> No.8011351


Just a quick fyi -- for lolita skirts, IF you're a skinny girl (~65cm waist), the skirt needs to have a minimum hem of around 2metres. If you're bigger, or if you want AP-size poof (which a lot of girls like), go for 3 metres.

I'd also stay away from "cute prints" if you're just starting out. Go for solids or muted florals. A lot of newbies seem to think quilting cotton prints would make cute lolita skirts/dresses, but in reality Western quilting fabric companies take a heavy hand when it comes to coloring "sweet" prints, the colours tend to be garish and loud, with high contrast (eg- black hearts on pink). That's why you'll rarely see newbie sweet lolita seamstresses making anything good. Work with solids and muted colours for awhile, then after you're more confident in your skills, splurge on Japanese cotton fabric, they tend to have more harmonious colour schemes, and some have actual border prints that could almost pass for brand prints.

Also, here's the sew_loli comm: sew_loli.livejournal.com

>> No.8011443

Yeah, sadly people still believe in the outdated 2.5-3x waist measurement which was fine back in 2005-2007 when the poof was more like ETC-otome levels today, but in my experience it should be more like 2.5-3m in your hem, screw your waist measurement unless you're particularly large in which case maybe 3.5m.

>> No.8011445

If you're in the UK they don't give a shit as long as it's clearly not something like £15 on a package saying 'contains 10 brand new dresses' and is shipped EMS
I've had packages with 3 new dresses + matching accessories fly in under the radar because they were marked as 'second hand dresses' as a gift, value under the gift limit and were shipped airmail.

>> No.8011457


I wish there was some place we could announce this fact and actually have it stick. I seem to repeat it a lot in all of the lolita sewing threads we've had over the years on cgl and it always still seems to surprise some people.

The first time I heard of AP skirts being 3 metres instead of 3x waist was somebody's post on sew_loli in 2008, so it's not even new info.

>> No.8011513

I'm moving back from the UK to US soon (US citizen living abroad for a bit), and haven't ordered anything from overseas to the US before. Is it the same expensive customs and tax nightmare as the UK?

>> No.8011516

No. I've never been hit with customs.

>> No.8011599

It depends on the binder. Usually the sales page will have a description of a rough range of reduction (a little, midrange, a lot of reduction, etc.) but as with all clothing things ymmv.

>> No.8011639

I ordered something and once you order it, it changes to sold out.

A little question about closet child though - I signed up with my non-paypal email and my invoice got sent to that one. The email said you can 'use your own paypal email ' to pay so I sent through the total with the invoice/order number, transaction number, name of item and my details. This would be okay right? Just worried that they wont recognize it, especially since the last day to pay is tomorrow.

>> No.8011653

What print is that?

>> No.8011660

Ordered some things from AP Japan and still haven't been invoiced, is this normal? It's been like 3 days

>> No.8011666

They're probably a bit back logged from the Xmas rush. I believe yesterday was also a public holiday.

>> No.8011672

Invoiced? Don't they take the money from your account automatically?

>> No.8011727

How long does it take IW to confirm and invoice?
I usually order through SS.
I placed an order during the sale on the 12th and received an automatic reply, but haven't heard anything since. I've already checked my junk mail, no go.
Has anyone else received an invoice?

>> No.8011736

I did, on the 19th. I only ordered one item (a bolero) which may have sped up my order? Their online office is closed today but open the 25th & 26th, hopefully you will hear from them soon!

>> No.8011739
File: 112 KB, 720x494, Meta-boots-gold-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these Meta boots and am pretty impressed for the quality. I wasn't expecting much (I've heard bad things about brand shoes) but they are pretty comfy and durable, some crease marks from where my foot bends while walking but otherwise they're still in perfect shape. Mind, I don't use them as everyday footwear, maybe 2-3 times a month.

>> No.8011756

I ordered on the same date and no invoice yet. Ordered two pairs of socks and a dress, so it's a more complicated order than >>8011736.

Man, I love IW's stuff but ordering from them is a pain. I ordered from Meta about ten days ago and already received it.

>> No.8011760

Thanks, that's good to know I'm not the only one. I was worried that they had misplace my order and I would miss out on items I ordered. I had a larger order also, a blouse, 5 pairs of socks and a hat.

I find it strange that simplicity trumps order number. I wouldn't think it would take too long to locate and distribute stock regardless of order quantity.

>> No.8011762

>some crease marks from where my foot bends
This is normal shoe behavior unless you mean some ugly non painted white leather become visible in the creases.

>> No.8011769

I wish I'd known this before I started sewing seriously. I have several dresses and skirts made from 2 meters of fabric since that's a little over 3x my waist, and most of them look kind of sad. There's one with a ruffle at the bottom that looks like an overstuffed tube when paired with a proper petticoat.
For the longest time I couldn't figure out what the problem was because hey, I was following that advice from the internet to a T! At least now I know better.

>> No.8011776

Public transit is exactly why I wear a chiffon petti with unsinkable poof.

>> No.8011781

I think it's from an old 'rectangle skirt without a pattern' tutorial that seems to be the first thing everyone finds when they google for lolita skirt tutorials....hence why 2.5-3X waist still gets spread around

>> No.8011782

I feel like sensory and mobility aides ought to be a complete non-controversy in lolita. Seriously, why is this even a thing?

>> No.8011783

Nope, I just meant normal shoe bends. No cracking or odd colors showing through.

Maybe some items need to be transferred from stores? That would explain the delay and why it can take a while for them to let you know when something is sold out.

But yes: beautiful clothes, slow-ass order process.

>> No.8011799

Because some relatively e-famous people wore fugly as fuck hipster glasses with non-prescription lenses and tried to wear them with lolita. There are also a number of lol-itas who don't really do much to help themselves look better and also happen to wear glasses. When said people post outfit photos online, they have opened themselves up to criticism for things not going so well with their outfit, including their glasses (see: hildekitten)
There are also a number of very cheap frame and lens options for those with mild myopia/astigmatism, so buying a stylish pair of glasses in the correct script is a lot more affordable than it used to be - and let's be honest, some people really don't choose the correct frames for themselves the first (or even first few) times they get glasses.
Overall though it's just one of those things that people tend to worry about out of proportion, like people worried that they'll get criticised for 'casual lolita' outfits - most likely no-one will say shit in person, just don't plaster your photos all over the internet looking for asspats. If you're really worried about how your glasses look with your outfits, practice a non derpy photo face by taking a million selfies without your glasses on so you can take them off for photos. I have a lazy eye when I take my glasses off as I favour my 'good' eye, despite having a far focal length of less than 20cm in both eyes - convergence exercises are a godsend for being able to use the correct eye muscles and get both eyes looking in the vague correct direction.

>> No.8011801

In public transit you can just stand. I hate sitting down and having to get up not knowing if my skirt somehow went up my ass and everything is showing.

>> No.8011847

Anybody knows when the Medusa JSK 1 and 2 will be released?
I see the JSK III in the Krad Lanrete page but the other versions aren't there

>> No.8011874
File: 25 KB, 360x420, Meta bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anons! That was very helpful.

I'm considering buying this three-way bag from Meta but I'm just not sure. It's nice to hear that the quality is (probably) good, and the one review they have on their site sounds very positive as well. Now I'm just left debating the colour. Does anyone have any more pictures of what they call "shiny brown"?

>> No.8011878

I see. Yeah I got order confirmation to my email but I chose the credit card payment option yet didn't get prompted to fill in my info I assumed that I paid through tenso using the new system?

Is it like that ever since they did the tenso change? I think it used to be like that but not anymore?

>> No.8011902

I just bought an IW Bag for $10.
I fucking love auctions

>> No.8011904

Shit yeah! What bag?

>> No.8011916
File: 33 KB, 250x333, iw_bag_versaillesrose_color2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versailles Rose in off-white.
I'm pumped because I was needing some plain bags in my wardrobe.

>> No.8011927


>> No.8011988

I just wish my option from where I live wasn't just the nasty ass bus with some nasty ass people. I wouldn't put it past someone to put a lighter to my skirt. I don't live close enough to a train

>> No.8012028

I love the design and size but the colors are the only thing stopping me from getting that. I wish they had a normal matte chocolate brown.

>> No.8012037

Score! That is really nice, anon.

>> No.8012058

Yeah, that's my feeling too. I've been looking for a cute large affordable three-way brown bag for ages and this one hits most of those points but the colour is a little too questionable for comfort.

>> No.8012166
File: 149 KB, 567x850, krad_lanrete_medusa_jsk_iii_-_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I don't know how to feel about the Medusa jsk. Like, are they releasing a skirt version at all because I can't get around the lace on the darn thing.

>> No.8012318
File: 144 KB, 500x669, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I'm so disappointed in this dress. I'm hoping whatever this is will be way better.

>> No.8012341

I only like this JSK in cream, but even then it's kinda iffy. the OP is the best imo because it has the Grecian thing going on with the sleeves.

>> No.8012350
File: 330 KB, 533x800, jsk-bl1_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I'm really sad that I can't afford Märchen's Romantic Masquerade because I've already made a huge IW order.

I hope I'll see it on the second hand market soon

>> No.8012415

I need the Medusa OP, for God's sake
Someone knows when it will be released?

>> No.8012447

I'm pretty sure Medusa was already released. Clobba even had a reservation open.

>> No.8012454

It was released several weeks ago anon, they sold out pretty quickly

>> No.8012468

is there any stigma around wearing all brand but then a decent handsewn headband/wristcuffs, if they match? I can somehow justify paying $200 for a dress but not $40 for a headband..

>> No.8012475

Thank you

>> No.8012487

I own that one too, but I got it for 3000 yen. The inside print is awesome. It does not close all that well because it uses a magnet that isn't very strong, so avoid holding it upside down. It s an awesome bag though.

>> No.8012493


So long as it looks good nobody ever cares.

>> No.8012503

Not at all. If it looks good, no one will care at all. Handmade stuff is only frowned on when it's shitty.

>> No.8012504

sorry, I realize it's a stupid question I just really want to do this right and headwear is something I pay very little attention to normally

>> No.8012511

The only place where all brand matters is if you're attending an event or teaparty hosted by the brand. There you typically want to try to make nearly the whole coord from their brand. Though I dont think they'll kick you out for having offbrand tights.

>> No.8012519

I have fairly good sewing skills and I own one AP headband that I use as a pattern so the quality is not the problem, I just get the impression there's a stigma attached to it
interesting, so if I had just AP clothes but not matching in theory that'd be okay? Not that I'd ever do that, I'm a stickler for matching colors

>> No.8012528

Krad Lanrete usually restock stuff?

>> No.8012562

They do re-releases, not usually restocks though

>> No.8012652

Nope, no stigma. It's definitely just based on the quality of what you made.

>> No.8012656

This. Handmade just has a stigma because 90% of the time it referring to girls trying to make something out of carebear bedsheets and Walmart acetate lace.

>> No.8012657

Does anyone know anything new about the AP Kira Imai Wonderland of Perfume print? Will it ever be open to public to buy or am doomed to not own cats and perfume bottles?

>> No.8012676

It will be available to the public

>> No.8012757

I've had 60k yen worth of items from a japanese punky brand so a huge box of tshirts, jackets e.t.c and it passed as it was marked down and went through as SAL. Got sent the Claudia dress by EMS marked down and they charged me customs anyway.

>> No.8012778

I think they scrutinise EMS much more closely. $180 corset made it through airmail, 8000 yen JSK shipped EMS didn't

>> No.8012993

What's the general consensus on wearing replicas of expensive as fuck dresses? I mean, not to brag about having them, just because you like the design and can't justify spending over 600-700$ on a dress which has already been worn to bits.

>> No.8013007

I ordered on the 11th (reserved the new Chocolate Macaron jsk and matching headbow) and didn't get a reply until the 18th. They're running pretty behind because of the sale.

>> No.8013012

I dislike replicas and they don't hold up well. It cheapens the value of the brands themselves. However, the idea of dropping $600-$700 on dresses is farfetched. The highest I've paid was $330 on a JSK from Baby and that was when the Yen was really high against the US Dollar back in 2011. Dress sets that includes a JSK, socks, and headpiece end up being around $300-$400.

If you don't feel like dropping hundreds of dollars on new stuff then fine. There's EGL_Comm_Sales, Lacemarket, Closet Child, and Japanese auctions where one can find used/gently worn dresses for over $100.

>> No.8013013

Do you have an example of the kind of dress you mean? Few things cost that much new.

>> No.8013022

Iron gate and chocolate rosette are two I can think of.

>> No.8013031


I paid about that for La Princesse Sucre new and I'd say if you want a dress, buy the real thing. Replicas are trashy and will never match up.
Out of curiosity, what were you thinking of a replica of?

>> No.8013034

Same. They might have some in stock after the initial release maybe?

>> No.8013113

Plz help anons, they're going on Friday.

>> No.8013152

I have an oojia iron gate replica I bought second hand. Fuck spending like $800 on an old ass dress I'll be afraid to ruin. It is the only replica I own, and while it isn't top brand quality, it really isn't bad. Waaaay above bodyline. I was impressed.

>> No.8013166

Really happy with Christmas. I was graciously given $300 so I'm planning on investing in some more dream dresses.

I hope everyone is having a good holidays so far!

>> No.8013172

I don't think the prices are any different online or in-store. Their shipping is notoriously expensive though for small items, so buying in store is probably better. Also no, the stock is slightly different. I think not everything in store goes on the website.

>> No.8013178

Bless you, anon. Merry Christmas!

>> No.8013256

Thanks guys!

Holding it upside down? I'll try to avoid that ahah

Best of luck getting those dream items.
It's such a good feeling when you manage to hunt them down.

>> No.8013290

Op or jsk?

>> No.8013316

I'd really say, given how motifs are repeated in lolita, just get something in a similar vein instead of a replica. Replicas aren't as nice. For example, Loyal Rosette was kind of similar to Chocolate Rosette.

>> No.8013330

How long does it take fromjapan to release the deposited money usually? It's been 4 days/2 working days for me and it's not showing up on my bank's website

>> No.8013334

Misty Sky, Iron Gate, Puppet Circus, that kind of stuff.

>> No.8013340
File: 349 KB, 843x1692, oojiajsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jsk, in the silent moon cut. I bought it because it was cheap and I have been having an impossible time finding affordable Gothic that I actually like. I'll try to take a better pic later. The top one I snapped in low light to send to my friend and it is blurry (the print isn't, just the photo), the bottom one was the seller's pic. Fabric is medium weight, not overly stiff, lined, good stitching, etc.

>> No.8013346
File: 128 KB, 581x443, 1414400858436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm meeting my grandma tomorrow for Christmas. She's bringing her Japanese exchange student, any topics I should try to cover?

Of course I don't try to spaghetti and alienate her with random Japanesu~ topics, but I like to test to waters to see if we have general interests.

Any bad stigmas about j-fash in Japan? Or will I be fine to try and bring up things like lolita?

>> No.8013362

I'd test the water with something innocent enough like, "Where are you from? ... Someday I'd like to visit Harajuku and Shinjuku. I like the fashion they wear there."

Contrary to weeb beliefs, not everyone in Nihon likes or cares about alternative street style. So, if wait to see if she or he knows anything or shows interest in it at all before bringing up lolita.

>> No.8013390

I think even then most brands will appreciate seeing things you made yourself, as long as you're not directly replicating something of theirs and do have some of their items as well. Everyone loves good handmade.

>> No.8013392

I would go in very vague at first. Depending on where she's from, she may not even know much about it at all and/or think it's on the same level as disgusting otaku. I think the best you could hope for is her maybe knowing who Kyary is.

>> No.8013394

Every time CC gets flooded with tons of items in the same style I wonder if someone kicked the bucket and their family sold off their entire wardrobe.

>> No.8013398

The online shop is mostly shit that didn't sell in their retail locations, so it's probably just one of their branches getting rid of most things in a particular style.

>> No.8013405


Thanks for the advice guys! Really good ideas on how to approach the subject.

>> No.8013481


If you want to make your own pieces, please study Lolita a bit more. Go to Lolibrary and look at what the brands are doing, look at the cunstruction, look at the colourschemes and look at the fabrics.
If you want to take this seriously, buy yourself some Gosu Rori and Otome no Sewing mooks and work with those patterns. They are specificly for Lolita garments.
The fabric you used is just not Lolita, it looks more like a pillowcase type thing. Sjirt isn't nearly full enough, fabric appears it hasn't been ironed. Perhaps it's better to start over?

>> No.8013633
File: 152 KB, 400x533, 24227499_3981255327kakou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make most of my accessories, and I've gotten compliments from brand designers at events on my hair things and jewelry so it's not a problem. Just like >>8013390 said, don't replicate their designs. Many girls, even in Japan make elaborate accessories to match their brand main pieces (Sae and Takulu with their crazy carnival hats, etc). Pic related.

>> No.8013637

I'm so ready for this weird occult print.

>> No.8013640

Everybody has to start somewhere. My first projects looked really shitty and ended up in the scrap heap, but now I'm pretty good at sewing so those early trials paid off.
Don't give up! Like other anons said, make the skirt fuller next time, and try using a bit thicker fabric or lining it.
This blog has some great articles about different sewing techniques like ruffling, making bias tape, scallops, etc if you go through the archives: http://www.coletterie.com/

>> No.8013663

Where do you guys get your socks from? I am severely lacking in socks, particularly red colorings

>> No.8013739
File: 220 KB, 670x778, bibliotheque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for loliable skirt pattern for a knee-length a-line skirt with pintucks. Similar to the skirt shown but with an actual waistband as well. If anyone know of a pattern like this, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8013744

e: pintuck probably wasn't the right word. These re wide pleats like seen in the photo. Is there a right word for that?

>> No.8013748


>> No.8013753

thanks anon!

>> No.8014004

That's nice that designers appreciate handmade stuff. Most of the patterns and tutorials in the G&LB tend to be for accessories anyway.

>> No.8014012

is there any place where I can see a lot of close ups of prints? I love them, I know of lolitacloseups.tumblr.com

>> No.8014019
File: 155 KB, 532x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to think about this and I i want it or not...
And if I want it in wine red or cream...

>> No.8014041

Wine red.

>> No.8014226

Am getting bored with Lolita, all the main brand releases look so samey and there's not enough interesting solid colour releases. I am really loving axis femme at the moment though, so maybe my tastes have just changed.

>> No.8014337
File: 58 KB, 667x1001, PID13457_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related for Christmas. When the zipper gets to the gathering, it's really hard to zip it up when the dress is just flat on a bed, and basically impossible when I try to put it on. Is there any way to ease up the zipper?

>> No.8014369
File: 50 KB, 600x800, B4uGfw2CQAA6qxA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako Aoki made a trip to Victoria's Secret earlier this month on her vacation in Hawaii. What do you think? Do you think she bought anything from there?


>> No.8014503

Why would there be anything wrong with her going there? The body lotions/sprays are pretty popular in Japan, and everybody wears underwear (I hope)

>> No.8014508

hey i'm making a visit to another city in a few months as a tourist and i want to meet up with some other lolitas from that comm. should i be able to join their local comm?

>> No.8014518

Yeah that happens all the time.

>> No.8014526

lol why do you want to know what Misako buys at an undergarment store? That's just plain creepy.

>> No.8014533

First time ordering from AP, and I got a lucky pack the other day. They sent me an email which was what I presumed was a confirmation email.
However they sent me the exact same email yesterday. When I translate it, it says this:
I received available Angelic Pretty Online Shop
Thank you very much.

This time, Thanks for choosing reservation Kudasari a lucky bag.
Womochimashite This email will be reservation acceptance completion.

Sorry to trouble you, but, Please confirm whether there is find the mistake in the reservation content again.

1/1 and will be delivered plans of (wood) to 1/3 (Sat)
※ your time it may take to deliver the convenience of weather and transportation company.
I'm sorry, but thank you you can forewarned.

■ cancellation after booking, change the type and color, returned or exchanged will refuse absolutely.
Should, even if it is canceled after payment, refund I can not do.

Is this just a standard confirmation email that was accidentally sent twice, and google translate is weird. Or is something wrong with my shipping address?

>> No.8014536

>yfw Misako Aoki's bought a bra from VS and it doesn't fit right

>> No.8014546

Oh my god she bought underwear what a whore

>> No.8014570

I can try to help you if you post the original moonrunes, anon, but from the translation it looks like they just send you the confirmation twice.

>> No.8014709

Oh, thank you!
Here they are:

Angelic Pretty Online Shopをご利用頂きまして





>> No.8014724

They are basically telling you to re-check the contents on your order since it is a reservation and that your LP will be shipped during the New Years.

>> No.8014790

Wtf is the deal with storenvy? I've just recently heard about it (all bad) and finally looked and it just seems like scammy taobao resellers, overpriced used stuff, and the rare shitty handmade junk jewelry.

>> No.8014797
File: 40 KB, 600x590, cowrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to base a co-ord around a headband like pic related? More importantly, would it be a bad idea?

>> No.8014819

It would be interesting, but I can't think of many pieces that would actually go well with it, theme or color-wise.

>> No.8014822

>getting a bra from VS and not fitting right
I know that feel. I hate their bras anyway. Their sizing seems funky on me, like they're meant for fuller breasted women and it baffles me why their designs with lace tend to be raschel and often in the worst color combinations while being sold at $40+.

>> No.8014826

please don't

>> No.8014827

time to go hunting the auctions for some older, rare plain pieces then

>> No.8014828

It's good if you don't want to mess with Taobao or AlieExpress.
Otherwise, yeah don't bother.

>> No.8014857

So everything is okay? And it's basically like any place would tell you "make sure your order is correct" sort of thing?

Alright then.

>> No.8014883

Eugh, that looks awful

>> No.8014899

Your pic is hideous, but the idea of using seashell accessories appeals to me. Unfortunately, I don't think there are many pieces that would work, as other anon said. You could do a simple sailor look of course, but otherwise, mermaid, sea life, or traditional Hawaiian prints are not exactly common,

>> No.8014912
File: 138 KB, 1275x718, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leaving a note of how my visit went with her, it went super excellent!

At first when she arrived I was a bit skeptical because she kind of had a bitch face going and was afraid she would be too much of a serious type to be interested in j-fash or things. But I finally got brave enough to ask her where she was from, and she said Toyko! I proceeded to ask if she liked harajuku and she also said yes. I think we talked about food for a bit before I asked about fashion, and then she actually asked me if I knew who Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was! Of course I said yes and said I liked Pon Pon and Candy song. She knew what I was talking about and we watched those music videos for a bit, then showed me her favorite which was Fashion Monster. She asked if I ever had been to Japan which I have not, and said I would love to visit Angelic Pretty store there. I showed pictures for her to better understand and she was so surprised that I knew what lolita was! She showed me pictures of famous fashion girls she liked, one of which was AMO. I think she really liked lolita but she mentioned it was expensive so never tried it.

I feel really bad for her though because she was with my grandma for a month and is leaving tomorrow, and I don't think she had an enjoyable time here. My grandma is a bit hard to live with and she had to work in a White Spot for awhile? (I'm not really sure how that works, maybe volunteer or something that the exchange program does). My parents even said after they all left that apparently my grandma was having a hard time with her because she was really shy. And I can't imagine being dragged from place to place visiting with a bunch of people that don't even try to talk to her is very fun (probably explains why she looked so grumpy when she first got to my parents place).

But I found our visit very enjoyable and I think she did too! We exchanged emails and she even took a photo with me! Sorry for such a long post, Merry Christmas everyone!

>> No.8014920

Well, hopefully getting to talk to you was a highlight for her, then.

>> No.8015028

Never bought from Bodyline before, so can any California/west coast anons tell me how long shipping will take via air? (Order goes out next Tuesday)
I'm just ordering a pair of shoes btw

>> No.8015046

I'm glad that it went so well, anon!

>> No.8015088

Trying to get my Tenso to work on YJA
Can I use non-japanese credit card? apparentlyI cannot register it.

>> No.8015126

So. I ordered from IW on the 12th and still haven't got an invoice. In the time I've had to ponder what I ordered I want to drop one of the items from my order. Can you do that? The only other time I've ordered from them something went out of stock so they gave me the option of altering my order.

>> No.8015137
File: 762 KB, 716x590, wardrobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guills please help me, this is getting frustarting and I am not a smart shopper

>be a newfag
>buy alot of things that don't match in the slightest only cause i like them
>wardrobe full of clothes that cannot be coorded together at all

How does one deal with this? Any similar mistakes you've made while being first year into actually wearing lolita?

>> No.8015140

Your next step would be to bridge pieces together by buying pieces that can work with more than one main piece.

>> No.8015313
File: 58 KB, 196x185, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I sent in a request to join my local comm over a month ago, and after a couple weeks of waiting I even sent a message to the admin explaining I was interested and would love to join. I sent that in the beginning of December. I know my comm is supposed to be fairly populated so its not like its dead. Is there reasons why an admin would ignore my request to join? Or do you think life is just busy for them? Unsure how to feel really, I've just been excited to try out meets.

>> No.8015319

Black dress can be matched with the black shoes with one strap, while Jelly dress will go fine witch blue shoes. It's not that bad anon, not at all. But these cat shoes, idk.

>> No.8015330

Message a different admin, also say in the message that you are a lolita and can give pcs to prove you're not a creeper. Same thing happened to me and it turned out that one of the admin's profiles was a lolita-only one and she barely ever logged in/had been on holiday/some other excuse. If you aren't friends with the person you message you don't show up in their main folder either, only their "other" folder, so they might not see it.

>> No.8015339


Well unfortunately she is the only admin. But the message did say "Seen on xx date." Thank you for the suggestions though, I might try re-sending her a message with a photo attached. Hopefully I'll get noticed eventually!

>> No.8015413

>suggesting sweet shoes to go with a gothic dress


Anon, you'll have to get different black shoes for Nameless Poem.

>> No.8015427

The cat shoes go better with Nameless Poem than the other black shoes in my opinion. Not a perfect fit but it makes some sense.

The two strap black shoes also go better with it than the one strap.

>> No.8015556

Your link doesn't work anon. Did you mistype it or something?

I only know of Lolita Details anon who comes by here sometimes. She also has a youtube channel.

>> No.8015563

I was like this too! Have the same black bodyline shoes and I want to sell them because I hate sweet with black colors but at the same time they are the comfiest heels I own. I need an alternative so I can get rid of them!

>> No.8015565

lolitaprints.tumblr.com, sorry completely got the name wrong! thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.8015569

I have similar measurements to that one anon (25.5 waist 37 bust) and I used to be able to get my 30F cups almost completely flat (I'd say large A/small B at worst) with 2 binders. With one you could easily get down at least a few cup sizes/inches.

>> No.8015582

What's the deal with brand shoes? I always hear from people that they're cheaply made, yet I see a lot of girls who wear the same pair of BTSSB heels every single meet and they hold up well. Are some models better made than others?

>> No.8015592

They are mostly cheap plastic, not comparable with good normal fag leather shoes, and very expensive for what they are. Most lolita shoes all are pretty cheaply made/styled, I think.

>> No.8015595

If you find a shade that both looks good with your skin tone and your style then yes.

>> No.8015598

I ordered from them on the 21st and I received an email right away for account creation, and got the invoice on Dec 24th, about 75 hours later. It was only for a canotier since SF was sold out. If it was a dress or more items it might take longer?

>> No.8015633

Unless you want to invest in the necessary essentials to make all those pieces work, my recommendation is to do one of the following:
>sell Infanta Creamy Cat, leftmost BL shoes, cat shoes; work on building a more classic wardrobe using light brown and black as your main colors (that way if a piece has at least one of those colors in it you are guaranteed several coordinates).
>sell Creamy Cat, Nameless Poem, cat shoes; focus on buying elegant classic-sweet pieces for a soft BTSSB sweet look

Either way you're able to refine your wardrobe into a workable palette that won't be too expensive to try to build. (I made the same mistakes as a beginner.)

>> No.8015639

Not the anon who suggested it but I like fancy sweet black shoes with both classic and gothic. It's not that much of a mismatch.

>> No.8015654

How do you lolify your shoes? I found a pair of wedge heel burgundy pumps with a rounded toe that match a couple of my dresses that are great quality but otherwise plain.

>> No.8015657

Buy lolita shoes?

>> No.8015658

post pictures

>> No.8015684

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does anyone know what petti to wear with royal melty chocolate skirt? My CP cupcake was too long and overstuffed it, but without one it looks too deflated and sad.

>> No.8015721

They're so cheap you're better off buying them at Bodyline. I've heard stories of 100$+ Baby shoes getting scratched when trying them on.

>> No.8015725

I think people buy small Leg Avenue pettis for stuff like salos and miniskirts

>> No.8015757 [DELETED] 

Does anyone here own the letter regimental jsk? Whats the max bust?
It a dream dress but I have 96 cm bust and I don't know if it will fit - found it for a great price and I want it so much right now...

>> No.8015844

Shoe clips

>> No.8015869

i was like this and i fixed it like this:
>only purchase things for a specific coord. e.g. a nameless poem coord for a meetup or event, purchase appropriate legwear, bag, headpiece, etc.
>when coordinating other things, see what accessories and pieces you can use that you own
>sell unused/unworn/impossible to coordinate
and after awhile it should clean itself up and your wardrobe should become more cohesive.

>> No.8015895

Is it possible to tea-dye polyester? I did it with cotton lace and it was easy but polyester is a whole different thing.

>> No.8015957

Where is the cheapest place to buy from Infanta? I would like to get a salopette, cutsew, and a bunch of accessories. I am not sure what place I will have to pay the least for their clothing/shipping (I live in Australia) and I think some of you would be able to give me a better answer rather than plugging clobba like people in other places always do...

>> No.8015961

why not taobao?

>> No.8015975

Oh I forgot that they shipped overseas now! They do, right?
Is that the cheapest method?

>> No.8015989

Don't they damage your breasts though?

>> No.8015992

Even if they don't, get into the taobao thread and find a shipping service for you. Also you might have to compare prices yourself. Just keep in mind rather expensive shipping and SS fees.

>> No.8016041

There are some site where I can buy the Lost in the Sea by Krad lanrete?
I'm searching for the OP in dark blue, short one: no one sells it on 2nd hand sites and I searched around clobba and such

>> No.8016049

Only if you wear them 24/7 or ignore pain from a binder that's too tight

>> No.8016212

If it's a poly blend it might work (but will only leave a light tint compared to the cotton), but most likely no.

>> No.8016213

Has anyone purchased from wunderwelt before? They have a few prints I've been after and the prices seem to be a bit too good to be true.

>> No.8016223

How popular is AP's radiant candlelight gulls? I am looking to buy one and I haven't seen it up in a while.

>> No.8016259

only if you wear them daily for years and years the dense breast tissue can break down and become less dense, actually making it easier to bind them. Or if you use a binder improperly for a long time. But I've only ever seen breast tissue breakdown in transgender men so you should be fine honestly.

>> No.8016266

ah okay thank you I'm worriedthey would make my boobs saggy

>> No.8016277

I thought I read somewhere that binding with firming cream is actuslly a wat to make them firmer if they are a little soft. ??

>> No.8016281

I bought from their aliexpress store (which is how they ship internationally) so I didn't have to deal with a SS.
It was easy but their prices are slightly higher there. Then again, shipping was free! I also live in Australia and they came quickly. I think free shipping made the slightly higher price worthwhile.

>> No.8016355

i have seen this for sale sooo often so i have no idea where youre checking? it's been on lacemarket/yja recently. its usually goes for around retail/a bit under though

>> No.8016400

You can alter your order by emailing them. I'm not sure about dropping items (I think it's okay as long as it's not a reservation), but I've added things to my orders before without problems.

>> No.8016417

I wonder what Carney's measurements are

>> No.8016489

Am I a really bad buyer to often ask a ton of questions and then decide not to get something? I feel like I lead on about items when I am not sure if I want them. I know that that is the point of asking questions but I feel like I waste a lot of the sellers time...

>> No.8016491

If you're not committing to buy it and then asking questions, you're fine. It's so irritating when buyers click that BIN on lacemarket or something and then back out - AND it leaves to negative feedback for them.

>> No.8016498

Link to aliexpress store please?

>> No.8016504

If I am getting a lot of items wouldn't a cheaper site that charges for shipping be better?
If prices for shipping are factored into each item then buying a lot would probably cost more...

>> No.8016518

For dresses that don't have the zipper on the side and you just have to slide them on:
do you guys think it's better to step into them or pull them down over your head?

I hate feeling like I am stretching the shirring too much while I get into it even if it for just a few seconds.

>> No.8016527

What's the dress second from top left? It looks right up my alley.

>> No.8016530

I hate pulling them over my head because I'm afraid of getting makeup on them, and I don't like putting on my makeup after I put on an expensive dress just in case I drop something (like my mascara wand, which has happened while wearing other clothing).

>> No.8016532

If the seller didn't give enough information initially such as material, measurements, detail pics, possible flaws, etc. then any questions pertaining to that I consider fine.

If you're the sort of buyer that asks for shit already listed or you're basically looking for reassurance on your purchase then yeah, you're a bad buyer in my book and I'd rather not have your business.

>> No.8016541

I always pull it over my head carefully. I'd be scared of stretching it too much trying to get it over my hips and butt.

>> No.8016542

It depends which is bigger, your bust or your hips. I do over the head because my boobs are smaller, stretching it less.

>> No.8016569

Thanks for that. Should I email now or when the send the invoice?

>> No.8016668

Anyone have pics of ombre tights being used well?

>> No.8016678

>not that much of a mismatch
>sweet shoes


>> No.8016685

You could use a face cover like they give out in japanese changerooms. It's basically like a loose fabric bag you slide over your head before getting into clothes. Keeps the clothes safe from any makeup transfer.

>> No.8016698

You could try emailing them directly. I think they have a paypal now.

>> No.8016726

I didn't know those existed and I am thankful for this knowledge.

>> No.8016739

Lol, that response. I didn't mean to rustle you so, but it made me laugh all the same. Don't worry, grumpy-chan, you can concrit me when I wear my bow shoes with gothic things, I don't mind.

>> No.8016744

Lolita Tips has always been shit though. This surprises you?

>> No.8016781

Does anyone know a store or something along those lines that makes custom wristcuffs, or at least sells a large amount of different colors? I've tried Etsy and that turned out just about as well as you'd think, and I haven't sewed anything in at least a year myself...

>> No.8016814

I want to sell this Dream of Lolita Dollhouse JSK I got a long time ago, but I have no idea how much I should sell it for. Any ideas? It's a little worn, but it doesn't have any stains.

>> No.8016816

DOL dress you say? Used? Bout tree fiddy...
>price check thread exists.

>> No.8016819

There's Peacockalorum. They tend to put the bows on upside down but if you get something custom-made I'm sure you can ask them to reverse direction.

Also, they're mega simple to make if you have a sewing machine. And if you're just making them for yourself you can do the super easy version and just sew lace directly to the elastic.

>> No.8016823


>> No.8016825

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't even see that thread! Thank you! I'll go ask there.

>> No.8016951

Oh wow, thanks so much anon. Exactly what I was hoping to find!

>> No.8017029
File: 191 KB, 510x266, assssc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is buying off cgl and facebook sales groups? I tend to buy second hand from Japan because I've had much better luck in the condition of the dress. I once bought from Lacemarket and it was okay, but it looks like parts of the dress have bled colors together.

Whats your personal experience with second hand?
You prefer Japan to west or the other way around?

>> No.8017031

I'm scared to. I've heard too many horror stories and seen too many clueless posts in threads on how to CLEAN your stuff.

>> No.8017054

I've bought from Japan and the US and had excellent luck with both. I buy more from Japan because the things I want show up there more often than they do in the west, and for better prices (I'm mainly gothic, into stuff 3+ years old). Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I've heard girls get screwed over by Japanese sellers and western sellers, but at least with western sellers they have a chance of getting money back.

Basically I don't think one is inherently better than the other. You still need to look at feedback, proof photos, ect no matter where you're buying from to try and avoid trouble.

>> No.8017058

Dear little friends by R-series

>> No.8017072

I've only had good experience with buying from Japanese auctions. The items were usually in perfect condition, and if they weren't the seller mentioned it in their terms of sales. There were no unexpected surprises.

Only bought from the facebook group once. The item was only wrapped in a thin plasic bag and arrived severly damaged. The item itself was a bit overpriced, but shipping costs were included, so I was expecting that she took a more expensive shipping method and would choose a secure packaging.. but this was not what I paid for obviously. I was heavily ripped off and sweared to myself to never buy from facebook again.

Also had lots of bad experience with EGL sales. Sellers lying about the condition of the item and items that came with a horrible smell, stains or scuffs on shoes that could not be seen on the proof pictures, because the sellers shooped the damage away.

I rarely buy from western sellers anymore, even though lacemarket and the facebook group seem to be convenient and filled with stuff that I want. But I always tell myself, that the same item will pop up on the Japanese second hand market some day, and they usually do. And I rather wait a little longer than dealing with lying and unprofessional cunts.

>> No.8017079


Thanks so much for the advice. I'm sorry that you've had so many horrible experiences with the western market, I don't understand why the girls here like to scam so much.

>> No.8017085

My dearest Victoria

>> No.8017088

Because they can. Because most lolita are so afraid of confrontation they would rather accept being ripped off over speaking up. I would say like the anon above, but I don't know whether or not they spoke up during the process.

>> No.8017103

I've been buying lolita second hand for a long time and I've had both good and bad experiences with Japanese and western sellers. Most often, my negative experience is due to misrepresentation of the item. I've never been scammed or had a seller drop all communication with me, but I have received many items in considerably worse condition than they were described by the seller from both Japanese and western sellers. In a way, the western sellers have been easier for me to deal with simply because I can tell them "hey, you fucked up", whereas I receive a severely damaged item from an mbok auction and I can't contact the seller about it because I don't speak Japanese. That's nobody's fault but my own, and I'm actively learning the language so hopefully that won't be an issue for me in the future.
Every western seller that I've ever dealt with that originally misrepresented their item has been surprisingly easy to deal with, though. I recently received a 50% refund on a JSK that arrived hideously stained, and I was actually able to clean it up enough to make it wearable so there's that.

In the end, no retail transaction you make can ever be foolproof and there are always ways that someone can screw you over, whether your interacting in person or online. I don't think that should ever stop you from buying the things you want to buy...just document your transactions thoroughly, do lots of research about your seller, and protect yourself by using services like paypal whenever possible.

>> No.8017111


>>8017103 here, that's another thing I forgot to mention. Do not be afraid to speak up if something isn't right. If your seller or buyer is being a piece of shit, you've gotta say something. A while back, I dealt with someone who is super popular within the community who strung me along for six months for two items that weren't worth a third of what I paid for them. I wanted to help her out with her new business, so I didn't mind paying the stupidly inflated price for the items and in the end I never even received them. She never gave me a tracking number or acknowledged the fact that I paid for insurance on my items...and she kept saying "look I'm super busy, I'll get back to you later" and then would continue to ignore the shit out of me. It took coming to cgl and calling her out for me to even get a refund on my shit, and even then I got a guilt trip about being a big mean bully and a half-assed apology when I listed all of the reasons why she was being a cunt. Part of me thought "no, her reputation is too important to her for her to really treat me this way..." and the other part of me thought that I really could trust her just because I thought she was a good person, but neither of those things were true and I should've done something about it a lot sooner than I did. Hands down worst transaction I've ever had, honestly. Just fucking speak up, it's easier to close a paypal dispute after an issue is resolved than it is to squeeze money out of someone who doesn't give a shit about you when you have no buyer's protection to back you up.

>> No.8017112

I bought off CGL once and it was lovely, the seller made the package really cute! I've also bought off facebook and that went really well too. I don't normally buy second hand and I think I'm an odd lolita because I refuse to spend dream dress money on something secondhand, I'd rather get something similar new. So I only ever buy cheap pieces secondhand so there's less money at stake anyway.

>> No.8017125
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Seagulls, I'm going to kill someone

I used LaceMarket for first time, I selled a pair of items to the same person, one month ago

She told me she didn't receive anything and want money back

I was surprised because I sent the package certificated and such, so I put a claim in my postal office.

Today I receive the answer: she receive the package half month ago, but she didn't signed it, so the items are in her post office

So because she "didn't receive anything" she will put me a PayPal claim, get her money back and then, go to her postal ofice to get the package

So I'm without my stuff and without money

>> No.8017128

If she doesn't pick it up in time it should be returned to you after awhile, although you could double check with the post and see if you can speed that up so she doesn't go claim them.

Sorry that happened Anon, you should name and shame.

>> No.8017129

Name them, and report them to Lacemarket.

>> No.8017146

I'm kinda new to Lolita and was wanting to do a Closet Child order, but i wanted to know if they needed a shopping service like taobao or is it direct?

>> No.8017148

Closet Child ships directly overseas by EMS.

>> No.8017153

Mmm, can't wait for January and the traditional wardrobe gazing and closet clearing season. No lps have tickled me this year and I haven't touched taobao since summer so I can probably afford to grab some stuff.

>> No.8017154


Closet child is amazing to order with btw, and yes they are direct as other anon said.

>> No.8017157

Seconding this, I've received items marked with a 3/5 condition rating that were actually new with tags. I've never ever gotten anything from them that was in worse condition than they reported and more often than not you won't be able to find any spots they report (if any at all). They're strangely critical of their stock which means awesome discounts.

>> No.8017161

Do people usually clear their wardrobes in January? I have the same dilemma

>> No.8017173 [DELETED] 
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How much I must sell this?
I'm seeing some people sell the light blue version at 150 $

>> No.8017186

I wonder how much that guy that sits in the stockroom scrutinizing their stock gets paid.

>> No.8017189


Even if they don't there's a lot of girls who just received lucky packs that contain things they don't want. It's a good time to look for lp leftovers.

>> No.8017212

I got a jacket for Christmas, and the sleeves are too short for my long monkey arms. Any ideas how I can play it off? I was thinking long sleeves on my blouses would maybe work, but I don't know what to do for OPs or when I want to wear it out of Lolita.

>> No.8017215

Wear like two or three wristcuffs

>> No.8017216

Oh good point. I've been wanting some iw lately

>> No.8017237

I got the Merry Romance Doll set in black from AP USA.

>tfw I'm not crazy for the JSK, just bought the pack for the socks/blouse/bag

I'll probably end up selling the JSK, I need to do a TaoBao haul for filler pieces more than I need a plain JSK.

>> No.8017245

Add a fur cuff?

>> No.8017262

It's the Infanta Rose Elegy jacket, so fur wouldn't really work, but I think the wrist cuff idea could work well. I may be able to sew some ruffles in a similar colour onto the sleeves, too. Thanks, gulls.

>> No.8017265

ur ugly xD

>> No.8017267

I bought my dream dress off of the Facebook sales group. It was in wonderful condition because the previous owner only wore it a couple times!

>> No.8017271

I've never had a problem from Japanese sellers. Prices are usually better on Japanese auctions, items are always as described.

I've only had good experiences with Lacemarket so far, as a buyer and seller.

I'll buy off egl comm sales only if its a good deal or hard to find item. Sellers never leave me feedback (Yes I'm a bit salty about that. I'm always polite to sellers as I sell items online too.) and about half the time items are shipped with the cheapest packaging possible so that's frustrating as well. I bought some OTK's from a seller in the UK that overcharged for shipping and they arrived in a taped up plastic bag and the OTK's were shrunk from being washed. Never buying secondhand OTK's again. My last purchse on egl comm sales was a rare-ish dream print, two detachable bows were missing and the JSK reeked of perfume so it wasn't washed. At least it didn't smell like B.O.

I don't bother with Facebook sales based on my egl comm sales experience.

>> No.8017288

I did the closet child order and got a tone of hair accessories and damn that place is cheap!
The Engerish is a bit confusing but over all it was pretty easy to order from. Is the shipping as fast as other EMS shipping? I've found it differs from shop to shop and was just curious.

>> No.8017380

Email now. The sooner the better since they're likely still backed up from the holidays.

>> No.8017381

Please let me share my excitement seagulls! I got my bttsb Happy Pack today. It was here within 4 days of them shipping it out, wow.
I'm still relatively new to actually owning lolita and this is my first time buying/owning baby. I'm pleasantly surprised by the quality considering all the little nitpicks I hear about them and the mini kuma kumya-chan is super cute!

>> No.8017412

yeah it took less than week for me, pretty fast!

>> No.8017452

I'm getting rather annoyed with that mentor group on fb. Even when I try to message them it still doesn't work. And they almost let a girl believe she'd be charged over 400 in customs alone. Useless

>> No.8017492

I thought post offices sent packages back after a few weeks? I think you'd have enough time to get the package back or at least get proof that it's being sent back to you before paypal makes a final decision to refund her.

>> No.8017527

Has anyone ever had this problem?
The outfit I wore for my last meet looked really good in theory and in my mirror, even the selfies that I took with it. But when I got back the coord picture one of the girls took of me, the outfit looked super awkward.

I'm not really sure whether it's just me being weird about the picture or what

>> No.8017542

It can be a bunch of things, like the pose is a bit off, or the camera's settings dont flatter you, etc. It happens. But we tend to be harsher about ourselves in pictures than how others see us.

>> No.8017550

Yeah I think I figured it out. My legs look bizarrely long in the picture because of the angle it was taken in. When I blocked off my face the picture looked a lot better to me so, I guess I was just being harsh on myself.

>> No.8017728
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Where can I get shoes like Bodyline 170? They're probably a replica of something..

>> No.8018089

You have to be careful when buying from Tokyo Alice/Violet Blue because they do NOT give info on the exact condition of an item, only the rating and a very brief description, unless the item is in really bad condition. So don't be surprised if an item arrives that's worse than what's initially pictured. I haven't had any bad experiences so far with Japanese sellers, I find western tend to lie more about the condition of items.