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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 361 KB, 1280x1707, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F7db1f8bb84c1c4487736252339dc45ed%2Ftumblr_nglxmztQS81ratb4so2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8008351 No.8008351 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is saging

>> No.8008354

what the fuck....

>> No.8008373

Oh wow

>> No.8008559
File: 74 KB, 662x960, 10500586_1458524457729943_5341280155903653658_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back at all of the 2014 COF itas

>> No.8008571

you don't like this? It's kind of cute for a casual coord. Maybe if the jacket was a little more short and more badges.

>> No.8008573

I really don't get pairing black with a pastel dress that has absolutely no blank in it.

>> No.8008578

>black not blank

>> No.8008580

the flower crown looks out of place, plus the colour of the creepers looks weird
idk if the dress didnt have a kawaii babygirl print on it, the whole outfit would look a lot better

>> No.8008588
File: 118 KB, 720x960, 10525974_1504316783139289_2794920109997774733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8008590

Just because it looks like crap doesn't mean it's "casual". Whether or not you think it's cute, it isn't lolita.

>> No.8008632

Black is a neutral in fashion.

>> No.8008640

Not attractive, but not hopeless. Needs style guidance. If she's new she will one day make it. If she's been around awhile... Well...fail on her.

>> No.8008642

It still looks bad when forced into an outfit that otherwise consists entirely of light pastels. It sucks your eyes into this big dark void of BLAHK while washing out the pastel dress aka the focal point of the outfit. It can be done well in sweet lolita but often isn't.

>> No.8008657

This is cute! A nice blouse and tights would make it "good" but imo it is fine as is.

>> No.8008662

Wouldn't call this ita. Wig needs trimming and it looks unfinished without makeup but it's not hurting my eyes to look at her.

>> No.8008669
File: 436 KB, 1280x1670, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdf7dbeb6ac3e34a033eedb2deb69bfd4%2Ftumblr_nerd7n8LMl1ratb4so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person posted like 50 selfies in a "coord" posing with an ice cream bar. Just eat the damn thing.

>> No.8008670
File: 608 KB, 1280x1920, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F3b3d7c9a73c42d84ef035b6fb1617417%2Ftumblr_ndyxq5Rv2Z1ratb4so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8008672

What if it's a separate ice cream bar in every selfie?

>> No.8008675
File: 499 KB, 1280x1602, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fdc5b9d3e1a7e402dc240acb427964621%2Ftumblr_n91oahxXHR1ratb4so2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8008676

I will never understand the vehement ass-ravage that this outfit causes. It looks good on her, it's balanced, it's cute. I'm really not seeing what's wrong here aside from it using accessories that are popular with tumblr. Only critique I could give it is some dark neck jewelry could add a nice pop.
Honestly the hate for this outfit really invalidates /cgl/'s taste for me, if lolitas aren't wearing a full on costumey wig getup out of a fashion magazine it's not enough for you people. This is a pretty fun look, who cares if it doesn't fall perfectly in line with what we've seen in the past? It's a fashion. At the end of the day if you create a striking, pleasing image that suits you, you're doing it right.

tl;dr I think this getting posted is either just one vendetta or otherwise /cgl/ is actually autistic

>> No.8008677

those glasses.... that blue eyeshadow......

>> No.8008681

I think she's already eaten plenty.

>> No.8008687

I agree. There's a difference between not being 100% in the subculture fashion "ideal" and looking god awful. She doesn't look bad. I think that outside of what Angelic Pretty and crew teaches them, most of cgl doesn't actually know shit about fashion. Real fashion, in the broader sense of the word.

>> No.8008689

The problem is that it's not lolita at all, and for an attempt at lolita, it's laughably horrible. It's a flower crown, black normalfag jacket, pastel AP dress, plain black socks, and fucking ebay creepers. Nothing goes at all.

>> No.8008690 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 119x135, 1399911265635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually cute tho? :/

Wanna buy me stuff?

>> No.8008702

You are actually not a troll... *sighs*

>> No.8008703

what the fuck is wrong with you

how do these people find 4chan

>> No.8008715

I still maintain that she's a troll, it's pretty elaborate but i don't buy that anyone is that retarded.

>> No.8008718

She's a troll, that's it.
Quit responding to hear, quit feeding her.

>> No.8008721 [DELETED] 


>> No.8008723
File: 66 KB, 557x720, 261531_234365786582485_5587389_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8008740

go somewhere else with your shitty wishlist and 64 likes Alexandra Bellofatto

>> No.8008742
File: 434 KB, 500x750, Summer_2009_Lolita_Dress_by_allychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to drop pic of her

>> No.8008778

Does she have notoriety or something? Why such an old pic?

>> No.8008787

As someone who has successfully managed to troll cgl before, I am pretty impressed by her effort...

>> No.8008795

>I should really show some leg

>> No.8008825

Because that stupid troll bitch posted this photo in another thread, probably.

>> No.8008874

That makes a disgusting amount of sense

>> No.8008926
File: 16 KB, 300x276, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actually bubbles, I used to have some. I suppose she's just using it as a prop which I find more ita than just posing with real icecream for some reason..

>> No.8008937
File: 66 KB, 338x400, brainslug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I see when I see that fascinator

>> No.8008941

Propeller bow in the middle of her forehead and those lumpy knees, good god.

>> No.8008987

How the hell could she think those knee socks looked good her.

I'm not even going to address the rest of that outfit.

>> No.8008991

I don't get why she has that cardigan opened around the outside of her breasts instead of having it actually cover over her breasts. It looks like she's purposely pulling the cardigan to go around them instead of over them.

>> No.8009059

This is probably the best coord I've seen from this girl. I have no words to express my sadness.

>> No.8009068
File: 448 KB, 1280x1707, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd005e749cdc8c479fd8622664de37670%2Ftumblr_ne5yqcnutk1ratb4so4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this girl so much. She is one of the reasons that I don't tag myself as a plus size lolita on tumblr.
Being fat is not an excuse to be ita.

>> No.8009078

What I don't get is what the fuck is going on with those knees?

>> No.8009106

oh my god those teeth

>> No.8009115

>the flower crown looks out of place

2014 in a nutshell

>> No.8009356

I've never seen something so Tumblr before in my life
>I lie

>> No.8009366
File: 100 KB, 500x750, tumblr_inline_nh0ag3M2oA1ryzivc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that flat hair...

>> No.8009378

she looks like shelly duvall after electroshock therapy

>> No.8009386

Yeah I hate wigs.

>> No.8009389

>hates wigs
>is into lolita

hun u dont get a choice between the two

>> No.8009393


>> No.8009396
File: 998 KB, 280x198, 1394072174661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag is so obvious. Lolitas didn't always wear wigs. This is a new "requirement" that newbies like to push, and ya'll are full of shit. You don't need gobs of fake hair to look good.

>> No.8009405

Because Mana totally isn't wearing fake hair in your gif

>> No.8009407

I don't think it's a cardigan.. It's one of those stretchy grandma shirts which I do not know the term for but I've seen my grandmother wear them often.. I have no idea why would anyone wear them with lolita.

>> No.8009411

I feel like a lot of modern lolitas would be horrified by old street snaps in Japan. Lacemonsters, no tights with chunky shoes, no wigs, no makeup... And that was the norm. I like where the fashion has come but it's funny to me when people refuse to acknowledge the roots of it.

>> No.8009423

Oh I remember this mongoloid from a finnish site.. She is ita as fuck and her cosplays are shit too.

>> No.8009462
File: 469 KB, 499x225, 1405058480252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's wearing extensions/clip ons in his real hair. Most people, even going back maybe four or so years ago, considered extensions or clip in to be outside the norm and real hair was used 80% of the time. When I started out as a lolita in the early 2000's even the models in GLB used their real hair. It is NOT necessary to wear a wig to look good, all you need is well styled hair. Fuck off back to n00bland, please and thank you.
Exactly. These kids, I swear to god. I remember having to buy shoes from one seller since it was the only place that shipped internationally, and everyone wore black shoes with everything. Including girls in Japan. The cognitive dissonance with the girls who have recently joined the fashion is amazing to me.

>> No.8009473

I have those socks and my legs aren't as fat as hers. They feel tight on me, so how the fuck she got them on is a mystery.

>> No.8009484

The thing is, >>8009366 's isn't well styled. It's really flat and with her broad shoulders and poofy skirt it makes her head look tiny. Wigs aren't required, you gotta know how to style your hair.

>> No.8009494

Oh, I agree. I'm just bitching about the overall perception in general, since >>8009389 basically tried to say that in order to lolita properly one must wear a wig. And fuck that dumb, inaccurate and shitty opinion.

>> No.8009513

>Fuck off back to n00bland, please and thank you

I don't know why but that made me laugh so hard. That was great, anon.

>> No.8009539

low standards of humor, anon.

>> No.8009571

I know. It's a totally cheap thing to say and find humor in but I think that's the part that made me laugh. It's so dumb and immature that it's funny.

>> No.8009572

>normalfag jacket
do you even fashion you fucking fedora?

>> No.8009578

Varsity jackets aren't that uncommon anon. You can find that shit at F21, maybe even with the spikes.

>> No.8009645

I see a panda in those knees.

>> No.8009666
File: 87 KB, 960x960, 10849752_10152851280075155_9104263242812166196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8009793

can I get a sauce on that purse

>> No.8009796

>google perfume purse

Aldo used to carry it.

>> No.8009799


>> No.8009803
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nh0z7pSICU1u12k2po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So I finally got the dress I ordered..

I feel weird..

I never wear dresses

But this is what I’m going to the convention in."

>> No.8009844

WTF it with that ridiculous pose?
Is that a box of kitty litter?
>those sewn on bows aren't even tied

>> No.8009889
File: 36 KB, 640x480, IMG_80363358684707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8009912

Silhouette is awesome. Too bad it isn't black and white. Is she meant to be anything or experimental

>> No.8009914

If there's anything that rustles my jimmies about ugly handmade it's when the construction and design are good but they ruin it with ugly fabric. There's no fixing that and it's just... why. You could have made something nice. Why this.

>> No.8009915

also what is on her head... a tea towel?

>> No.8009954
File: 1.11 MB, 1272x1920, tumblr_nh0mx58sCF1u5fpdmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8009955
File: 520 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_ngzyivIGnn1roe221o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8009970

So close, yet so far away.

I see potential, though.

>> No.8009984

its a blurry picture and the skirt isnt really poofy enough
more of a nitpick, she looks fine

>> No.8010005
File: 62 KB, 798x797, 10422285_10152867415947247_6688335168824131327_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8010034


And with that, an ita is born.

>> No.8010043

>Dat use of cognative dissonance when you mean ignorance

Don't use words you don't know what they mean because now you look like a dumbass

>> No.8010046

That's not a nitpick. It's not even lolita. I don't think that skirt could even hold a petti, and that shawl thing...just no

>> No.8010049

the shawl is cute! i understand the skirt complaint though

>> No.8010072

why are there so few good uk lolitas?

>> No.8010111

I didn't mind the video so much. She says she knows BL is shit but she's going to try it for now and maybe buy brand later.

>> No.8010124

It's opinions like this that make me realize just how little lolitas know about actual fashion and how embarrassed I am to dress like you people.

>> No.8010290

How's this ita

>> No.8010310

Its not a neutral when the rest of your outfit is the absolute opposite of neutral.

Yes. Most lolitas hardly know hot to dress themselves out of the costume, so it's no surprise.

>> No.8010411

lolita isnt a costume, cmon now

>> No.8010434

I think some people just like to have extreme opinions, y'know? They can't call a mediocre coord mediocre, it has to be the worst ita shitfest ever.

>> No.8010452

i can't even tell what is going on in this picture. quasimodo over here might as well have just thrown on a trash bag with some ribbons and i wouldn't be able to tell the difference

>> No.8010455

For these people it definitely is. Just look at any reply to someone with an outfit that isn't OTT. It's always just that it's casual, too simple, they wouldn't wear it to a meet, etc. Meet culture is where you come and wear a costume together so you aren't embarrassed alone in your inappropriate clothing.

>> No.8010463

I think anon meant that people like that wear it as a costume. They buy a set of matching frilly clothes but can't dress themselves outside of those premade outfits so it's kind of a costume for them.

>> No.8010467

Yep, that's what I meant. To be more precise I also don't mean meets are this way >>8010455 for everyone.

>> No.8010484

i wear ott alone sometimes.... i dont feel embarrassed or anything? its just fun. idk, might be because im a lone lolita and ive always been one. if you dont like what i wear, thats your problem, not mine. i dont mind being stared at all. i dont see staring as offensive. just new people taking in new things.

>> No.8010509


>> No.8010519

I think she is wearing a AP dress but I forgot what it's called.

>> No.8010524

Meets are basically for people who need a group to be comfortable. Usually people who go to meets the most will only wear lolita at meets. The bulk of 'community' that stems from them is the group safety aspect.

>> No.8010563

>For these people it definitely is. Just look at any reply to someone with an outfit that isn't OTT. It's always just that it's casual, too simple, they wouldn't wear it to a meet, etc. Meet culture is where you come and wear a costume together so you aren't embarrassed alone in your inappropriate clothing.
This so fuckig much. While I love going to meet ups and admit I feel safer wearing more eye catching or OTT coords to meets I wear Lolita outside of meet ups too; it's a fashion to me and I like to wear it as normal clothes too. I wish more people would do so, and I wish Lolita would be more seen as a fashion that can be worn everyday rather than the "OTT-twice-a-year-dress-up-game" that is the fashion today. I'll take the imperfect street snaps from the Lolita fashion magazines over the "clean and perfect and everything must be 100% perfect"-cons/meet ups only Lolitas any day.

>> No.8010578


>> No.8010589
File: 55 KB, 280x373, 155519-470-2014-08-27865301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady pleats

>> No.8010592

its ap you nitpick, whats ur deal

>> No.8010632
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>> No.8010695
File: 441 KB, 1071x1920, tumblr_nh1nu8x2zF1tmrlh3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gothic lolita tag always delivers

>> No.8010712

why are there so few UK lolitas in general?

>> No.8010736
File: 95 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mbaqjx7Dei1qapdzko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8010740
File: 105 KB, 448x806, tumblr_m5xsb80j6f1r8w2gqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8010741

Hahaha I see it too! top kek

>> No.8010879

How did anything squeezed in there?

>> No.8010903

What about them? Her teeth are the least of her problems.

>> No.8010911

Just because it used to be like this, doesn't mean it's still the best option. I think 99% of Lolitas (would) look better with wigs or hair pieces.

>> No.8010922

I think your ass would look better with an OTT sweet tattoo.

>> No.8010937

>I think 99% of Lolitas (would) look better with wigs or hair pieces.
nigga what

>> No.8010983

Even girls with naturally beautiful hair look too plain for a Lolita outfit, maybe it's okay to take a few pics, but it won't look good for long at a meet. It's just that you need big hair to balance out all that poof and ruffles.

>> No.8011005


Not every coord would have a large amount of poof and ruff. Not saying it should have, but how you worded it made it sound like all coords at meets would be big and poofy with prints everywhere and lolitas would need wigs to balance out all that shit

>> No.8011007
File: 28 KB, 407x428, qwerqwrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8011027

I've seen pics of a cute girl who wore a pretty toned down classic cord, her hair was is this beautiful braided style, must've took her some time... and it looked so underwhelming because her natural hair just wasn't enough and her head looked so tiny.

>> No.8011028
File: 9 KB, 183x275, PT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I even dear to post our dear queen in this tread??

>> No.8011037



>> No.8011043

Oh I haven't seen her wear this yet. How atrocious, and too bad, with some solid white tights and a white blouse this didn't have to be so ita.

>> No.8011115


She just started to post again on her photobucket. (I found the photo through the courtesy of the lolcow boards)
>no petti
>dress is probably so ill fitting that it's hard to notice she s wearing a petti
>random pink trousers
>random black bow
^ I know most people say that black goes with everything, but to me this seems off putting? Idk
>dotted tights

A-at least the cupcake matches anon

>> No.8011120

i'm assuming the weird crew sock/boots combo?

The boots would look really cute with some matching cute OTKs imo

>> No.8011130

what's her obsission with salopettes? They look fucking aweful on her.

>> No.8011153
File: 78 KB, 594x445, 1017-46075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8011164


They're supposed to fit loosely, I imagine she's taking advantage of the (usually huge) max measurements.

>> No.8011181

She's unable to squeeze her fat ass into anything else, anon

>> No.8011190

Sexy french maid for hire.

>> No.8011269

Abby, I really want to like you. Please get full bangs, you would look so much better, your zitty shiny forehead bothers me more than it ought to

>> No.8011379

Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.8011414
File: 666 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8011429

the color of the glasses matches the print but the random chocolate kinda gets me. those shoes need to go too.

>> No.8011442


I guess they were going for the food theme but yeah, fruits and chocolate don't mix that well here.
Otherwise I like this coord a lot! Minus the shoes

>> No.8011472

It still looks like the epitome of what tumblr gushes over, though.
Colors might be balanced, she still looks like shit.

>> No.8011485

Such a grim day when you're so fat your dress doesn't have any pleats from how stretched it is.

>> No.8011498

Is this old? I think I remember this or something similar from years ago and that it was sorta a joke.

>> No.8011528

i really like her tights

>> No.8011575
File: 92 KB, 600x800, B4xUPf5IIAEMFuM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BF found this on Twitter. None are safe.

>> No.8011581

>what tumblr gushes over
>muh 4chan
>got 2 hate tumblr to be cool kid
>tumblr fashun so gross!!!!!
i swear if i had a nickel every time...

>> No.8011592

Has to be. I remember something like this being referenced on egl 10 years ago.

>> No.8011607

"Oh hi, Dana, I didn't know it was you! Listen if you ever want to come over, I have some low-sodium mineral water I -"

>> No.8011787
File: 39 KB, 374x664, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F7668fe37c727e42b0ef412fdb8dc1396%2Ftumblr_nh05sl6Z4x1rv7an9o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadpool lolita

>> No.8011793

that toilet roll behind her

>> No.8012155
File: 101 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping some from my folder. Sorry for any repeats.

>> No.8012158
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>> No.8012159
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>> No.8012225

That shirt isn't even, what the hell???

>> No.8012232

what the fuck is she wearing
I feel bad for that dress, she also looks so sad :c
this would be 70-80% better without that wig, also why the wristcuffs?

>> No.8012245

top kek

>> No.8012246

God those tights always look so nasty imo, like the wearer has grotesque bird or dinosaur legs.

>> No.8012255

I am horrified by its lack of chin/neck/face separation

>> No.8012273

cannot unsee

>> No.8012276

Learn to fucking quote, we have no clue which picture you are talking about

>> No.8012278

>>8012255 anon is referring to >>8012155 I assume

>> No.8012284

That's really unfortunate....

>> No.8012286

Anyone know where that blouse os from?

>> No.8012291

Lady Sloth i think

>> No.8012303

She looks like a baby's thumb.

>> No.8012332
File: 214 KB, 640x852, tumblr_nh3wrjVGbI1syoqjho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8012335

all I can think is LoL Jinx wig...

>> No.8012364

The fuck

>> No.8012573

It can't be easy making an AP dress that underwhelming.

>> No.8012667
File: 68 KB, 920x920, 141945g0543565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013048
File: 103 KB, 709x960, tumblr_nh4hf71yBy1twnuq0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8013053

girl in red/creme is cute, but that fatty is making me feel really good about myself and my bag of kitkats right about now.

>> No.8013056

>the fattie is better dressed than the Asian with the yellow wig and milanoo dress
Never thought I'd see that.

>> No.8013061

Fatty is girl in >>8008351

does she not know about the existance of underskirts or something

>> No.8013066
File: 994 KB, 500x500, 789500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That skirt is gorgeus, what is it called?

>> No.8013070

Fat women just should not lolita

seriously like 90% of the itas in here are fat girls

>> No.8013073

They should figure out what actually looks good on them instead of squeezing themselves into dresses that don't fit

>> No.8013085

Everything about this picture makes me so fucking angry, holy shit

>> No.8013094

tiara rose.

>> No.8013098
File: 900 KB, 480x480, 3695702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called "the floral ita"

>> No.8013207

Maybe it's cuz I'm high as hell but I like this coordinate a lot. It's almost good enough to save she looks like a fluffy cloud.

>> No.8013211

I love the 50's feeling of this but why the chocolate tights and the glasses don't match. Other shoes wouldn't hurt too.

>> No.8013268

suburban PTA mom-kei?

>> No.8013285

someone please tell this girl to fix her goddamn eyebrows

>> No.8013338
File: 63 KB, 404x960, IMG_3680663167675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bow
>her face

Her body looks good for Lolita but what happened along the way

>> No.8013371

Damn you beat me to it. I was just about to post this. Every one of her posts make me cringe. Why would you post an incomplete coord to COF?

>> No.8013373
File: 664 KB, 1080x1074, 2014-12-25-07-42-23_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is trash.

>> No.8013378

The dress, blouse, wristcuffs, and tights look good, but jfc the zero hair styling, lumpy bow, and rectangle glasses make it look awful.

>> No.8013439
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>> No.8013450

Why is it incomplete, did she say it was?
She's got stockings, socks, and head gear. Complete enough to me.
Besides lack of makeup

>> No.8013459

Yeah her post stated half her stuff hadn't arrived yet. Like the fuck? Why not just wait to showcase the whole thing before making yourself look terrible..?

>> No.8013465

If we put a big sticker over her head it would look okay

>> No.8013480


Prepare for 100 ita posts of Christmas present "coords."

>> No.8013569


I agree. She looks like a cute, sparkly snowball. All the silver accents are really pretty and well suited. Not seeing ita here, just an adorable chubby-chan.

>> No.8013617

I'm still waiting for trolling ita mr Yan bodyline pillow shots.

>> No.8013649

Second one from the left isn't wearing a petticoat I believe
Which is a shame because I absolutely love that JSK

>> No.8013919

Her blouse with a pointed collar bothers me way more than the lack of petti.

>> No.8013926

It's dimpled fat.

>> No.8013931

i'm so happy that i'm not part of the closet of frills group because i don't think i would be able to handle all the complimented itas

>> No.8013939

It's amusing to watch sometimes but I do often wonder about the compliments on ita stuff and question the compliment-giver's taste.

>> No.8013950

not a regular but I can tell this is bad

>> No.8013968

>Hoverloli is a thing
>Headless loli should be too

>> No.8014003

everything looks good except for the hair, face, and that godawful bow. she could be cute if she got a cute wig and put on some flattering makeup.

>> No.8014017

>throwing a hoodie on with a skirt
>it's pink so it totally goes

looks terrible. Not even getting into the basic ass my first lolita item looking skirt.

>> No.8014021

What is that monstrosity to the right!
That dress almost makes you not notice the mess the girl on the left is wearing.

>> No.8014030

The one in red/cream looks so unhappy to be there.

>> No.8014045

This is actually rather cute! I'd say minor nitpicking at worst.

>> No.8014080

>i never wear dresses

>> No.8014088

i've never laughed so hard in my life oh my jesus

>> No.8014097


>> No.8014102
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>> No.8014107

Can someone please tell me what COF stood for again, I completely forgot.

>> No.8014111

What's the story behind this?

>> No.8014115

Closet of Frills. It's a Facebook page where people showcase their lolita fashion.

>> No.8014171

Honey, I Shrunk The Burando

>> No.8014176

It's a staged shot for a TV show from the UK. I can't remember the details beyond that.

>> No.8014281
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>> No.8014299
File: 220 KB, 896x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fcb44471040b08f7a2d9ef073d20622f8%2Ftumblr_nh5qitV7cD1qc1livo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May be her first coord but damn

>> No.8014336

sorry for strange link, on phone

>> No.8014340

The issue with this girl isn't her coords, it's the horrible way she edits her photographs. The background and lighting is way too harsh. Like I'd understand that lighting for a certain kind of normalfag commercial fashion shoot, but for lolita? Nahhh.

>> No.8014355

what the fuck

>> No.8014385

Nitpick. Definitely not ita.

>> No.8014414

Not remotely ita. Take your vendetta elsewhere.

I do think the lighting could be a bit softer though.

>> No.8014418

Does anybody know what dress this is? Not that I could pull it off...

>> No.8014425

Beautiful dress ruined by ridiculous go go heels. Yuck.

>> No.8014428

Not recognizing authentic iconic old school.

>> No.8014433

I hope she's just new. The skirt and bag are the only good things but maybe she'll get more. But for now, yep, ita. Or just 'not quite lolita yet' to be nicer.

>> No.8014440

I love this! It's so old school.

>> No.8014449

I'm not a fan of the shoes, but I'd quite like this if it weren't for the red tights with the red dress. There's a weird block of colour that needs breaking up.

>> No.8014462

Your link don't work

>> No.8014463

it's old school baby. her cof post says its called marie rose. found the lolibrary link.

>> No.8014473

My phone's an ass, just search lolita getting arrested on youtube and the first hit should be it!

>> No.8014477

If she had done tea parties with a small heel this would look 100x better. She's cute though. Wish it was't blurry as shit so I could see the hair ornament better.

I thought so too. She seems pretty young, so I hope she can grow into a fine lolita.

It's like we're hitting everything on the ita bingo here.

Maybe with pink shoes and a bow in a tone that wasn't so peach compared to the cooler skirt this wouldn't feel so off. It would also look nice with a brown skirt I think.

>> No.8014488

No you dumb fuck, don't try to delude yourself into thinking this is some 4chan vs tumblr argument.
She looks like shit and those things, whether or not you want to admit it, are trendy on tumblr, where the fuck do you think the flower crown fad came from?

>> No.8014493
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Ugh the comments on this. That dress is horrible. The first common was spot fucking on, but other asspatters disagreed and gave the girl what she wanted to hear.

>> No.8014500

homegirl needs a much better bra

>> No.8014554
File: 29 KB, 270x480, wrapping_paper_dress_view_3_by_non_void-d8b7vjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd she even think this was a good idea

>> No.8014557

Was this even tagged Lolita?

>> No.8014605


>> No.8014639

How the fabric is green is beyond me.

>> No.8014657

I usually like old-school stuff, but those Michelin Man sleeves ruin this one.

>> No.8014676
File: 40 KB, 640x862, what the dearest fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I never thought bath tub lolita would be a thing.

>> No.8014699

I don't think this belongs in the ita thread at all. It's really cute, creative and she rocked it.

>> No.8014702

I really want to fix this.
Like, it looks like when someone's got the right idea, but they don't have the execution.
I hate how the colors break at the waist in particular, it's like nobody understands color theory or at the very least color blocking.

>> No.8014705

I still need to find that ridiculous shower cap hair accessory that goes with this print.

>> No.8014728

It looks as if a box of baby bath time toys and accessories exploded on top of her head. The cut of the hair is also unflattering for her face shape. The hime style of bangs, or whatever you call them, only elongates her face in a bad way. Yeah, it's a pretty creative coord, but it looks tacky as fuck.

>> No.8014735

dat loofah. Didn't fyeahlolita predict bathtub lolita once as a joke?

>> No.8014742

Yup. Now I don't do sweet lolita and I'm fully aware of Meta's crazy designs, but I've got to admit, that set, including the jsk with the boob window is fucking kawaii.

>> No.8014763
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whoop. Posted too soon. If anything about this coordinated outfit, I think that it better belongs in a nit-pick thread. Piercing aside, the makeup choice makes her look older somehow and the wig makes her face look longer than it really is, imo.

>> No.8014768

Obvious convention or party themed coord. Not ita, creative. It follows the rules and is OTT in theme. Cute.

>> No.8014794

Boyfriend of a lolita here. I was thinking of surprising her with a fake ita dress for her birthday. What's the cheapest, most ita dress you can get shipped to the US? She goes for classic style normally.

>> No.8014799

Oh noooooo she's cute but this coord is so bad.

Try Milanoo.

>> No.8014801

I was thinking of this:


or this:

Don't worry, I'm actually getting her a gift card to her favorite shoe store.

>> No.8014802


oh my god the wa-lolita dress do it

>> No.8014809

Skip bodyline. Go eBay. I found a shitty ita dress for $1 there once.

>> No.8014810

The problem is that she always complains about wa-lolita, so she'd know it was a joke right away. I kind of want to find one that she'd at least think I was serious about :) That'll be my backup though!

>> No.8014817

You could get her the jill punk x loli "shitit" toy fantasy replica, I recommend the wa lolita version. It's got shitty as hell scratchy lace on it and is made with terrible fabric.

>> No.8014821

Get her something she can at least make a pillow from later to remember the joke. Maybe a super-sweet Bodyline, the ice cream or the strawberry ones?
Steal one of her burando bags to put it in before you wrap it too. Too funny!

>> No.8014829

How about something super sweet?
Where do you live? I have some ita stuff I could sell you cheaply but shipping might be expensive!

>> No.8014830

That's a great idea! I'm thinking super-sweet bodyline - i've heard her complain about 'lace monsters', so I'm going to find the laciest dress I can!

>> No.8014837

I'm in WA state in the US.

>> No.8014839


>> No.8014851
File: 101 KB, 960x836, 10888765_825940997447782_5632540207748532995_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't. The tiny top hat that's so 2010. The patchwork. The lack of petti. The lack of MAKEUP. Jesus take the PRNDL.

>> No.8014855

Shut up newfag. It is perfect old school.

>> No.8014859

>sylveon necklace

>> No.8015076

The girl on the right is ita as hell but she's still way nicer to look at than the gigantic baby looking thing on the left.

>> No.8015081

I like the concept of this dress but the execution looks like ass. That hem can't be more than 1.50 meters.

>> No.8015084

That poor girl, she is so ugly.

>> No.8015090

I know I mean where are her eyebrows. I'm starting a gofundme to get this thing some eyebrows.

>> No.8015102

I have never owned one wig or hairpiece and don't intend to unless it all falls out.

>> No.8015107

She's really cute. Why the fuck does she have to dress so badly?

>> No.8015114

They also should have told her to clean her room

>> No.8015185
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A whole tablecloth in her hear.

>> No.8015187

don't buy her an ita dress, unless the real gift will be a decent lolita dress.

>> No.8015190

Head* gosh sorry. Fuck autocorrector.

>> No.8015213

fucking shit. i've been looking for this salopette. why you gotta do this to me pt

>> No.8015241
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>> No.8015304

I think this is really cute, do you think it's ita only cus it's ott sweet?

>> No.8015326

someone save that bunny

>> No.8015357

Who names their website idiot cat...???

>> No.8015361

Butthurt classic lolita probably

>> No.8015362

FUCK someone took my idea. I've been wanting to do this for years as a joke, but that was before I got into lolita and took it seriously. Oh well.

>> No.8015365

I'm more confused about where she got the bunny from. That doesn't look like a pet store?

>> No.8015389

Because it's kawaii baka anon-san (´・ω・`)

>> No.8015409

hardware store with a pet section?

>> No.8015434

>I'm not like other girls

>> No.8015455

This religious trend needs to stop.

>> No.8015458

Is... is that a table runner....?

>> No.8015459

I was afraid to ask...

>> No.8015461
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>I'm starting a gofundme to get this thing some eyebrows

>> No.8015467


This is kinda cute, more Otome than Lolita though.

>> No.8015483
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>> No.8015486

Old school, not ita.

>> No.8015714
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OTT sweet can look good when it's done tastefully. Incorporating an item used for cleaning dirt off your skin in your coord is not cute.

>> No.8015735

I seriously hate her wig.

>> No.8015746

fb: princesssuportohio/info?tab=page_info
Im honestly not sure where else to post this... This is that girl that set up a gofundme to buy lolita clothes for her "organisation". Now she is setting up a lolita and cosplay private school.

>> No.8015748

Wasn't this already in the Rufflechat thread?

>> No.8015749

99% sure the bath pouf was incorporated as a joke in response to that fyeahlolita blog post of a few years back.

>> No.8015751

>everyone saying she has an ugly face
Where are you guys from that you consider this to be ugly? She's cute, the glasses don't fit her face well but that's not an ugly face at all

>> No.8015753

where the fuck did the need for all those polka dots come from

>> No.8015756
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>sold out

this is how i know the world is actively becoming an uglier place.

>> No.8015759

I think I saw this bitch at the miku expo

>> No.8015762
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fucking don't.

>> No.8015789
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>> No.8016057
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>> No.8016061

Oh my god she didn't even take off the tags christ

>> No.8016175
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>> No.8016302

>implying varsity jackets aren't loli

>> No.8016383
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Why? Just why?

>> No.8016407
File: 74 KB, 600x960, 1503282_10103074293483292_5641461312250775127_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the comments on this though. People literally won't stop giving her asspats. She claims it's "classic ero" when really it's just sweet with no blouse.

>> No.8016426

came here to post this shit. everything about this is bad from her old man face to her generic cherry red tights. and what's with that weird huge old lady bra inside the strapless dress?

there's ero lolita and then there's this...which is a step too slutty

>> No.8016440

Get this reject out of the fashion.

>> No.8016464

This irritated the shit out of me too!She could've gone so much further and added some real "ero" elements. Like sheers, heels, chokers,something elegant but sexy.
no, just let your boobs hang out and call it ero. and then Closet of Fail will call it slut shaming when no one likes your ugly outfit.

>> No.8016476

Was gonna post this too, like holy fuck what was she even thinking?

>> No.8016486

Was going to post this too, is not even tasteful or classic.

>> No.8016558

aren't you mature

>> No.8016564

Seriously, though, does this girl ever have an actual good coord? Everything I've seen lately is just off.

>> No.8016579

The entire comment thread for this picture is ridiculous. Yeah, this is poorly executed, but I love how that one girl cried slut shaming for people not liking the coord. Someone was even accused of being rude for mistaking another persons gender. My fucking sides.

>> No.8016583
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>> No.8016932

I feel like this hits so many points on the Ita Checklist.
>Style Points
-Flat hair, scraped back from face
-Bed sheet skirt
-"Loliable" top
-Claire's Accessories-looking jewellery
-Complete disregard for colour theory when choosing pink accents. Apparently pink is pink and any pink will do.
-A colour scheme that stops at the knees.
-Wobbly thrown-on hair accessory.
-Frumpy shoes

>Physical Points
-Dumb pose
-Meh makeup, if any
-Smug expression
-Bigger girl in need of a better bra and better posture
-Unflattering camera angle
-Attempts at "refined/elegant" decoration with that sagging framed painting poster on the wall

I bet her friends all call her the "classy" one of their group.

>> No.8017866

Completely doesn't help that AP's tights have terrible stretch. I'm not even sure how they fit Japanese lolitas. If you're going to do a chocolate print, make the print dark

>> No.8017911

The jacket is sort of cute. Bodyline?

>> No.8018051

No....just no. I feel like she wanted to start a shit storm on CoF. Then cried when it happened.

>> No.8018622

That's OTT classical dipshit

>> No.8019367

I thought this was a botched madam red or grell no lie

>> No.8019966


That hair tho... I don't even know what's going on here. Just... sit down.

>> No.8020011

a monster appears

>> No.8020051
File: 111 KB, 540x960, 10687197_10152965972453817_8039293449125739511_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]