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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 32 KB, 404x505, tumblr_menr34qkLI1rmk8a7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8003995 No.8003995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stupid Tumblr fashion thread. Old thread,

Also, this.

>> No.8004129
File: 119 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n0vyu4c2311qg9qxjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorly dressed fat people who think they are fabulous piss me off. You can look good while fat. You can dress for your body type without wearing a muumuu. But putting on leggings and a cheap modcloth dress with some Macy's sale rack shirt underneath is not fashionable and you should not feel empowered. It gives a bad name to fat people who actually try.

>> No.8004152

>>It gives a bad name to fat people who actually try.

They already have a bad name by being fat disgusting pigs. Children starve all throughout the world while fat fucks stuff their faces. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8004158

Shouldn't this be on /fa?
I think we have enough tumblr cancer here already

>> No.8004159

>in any position to talk about fashion

Kek: high score achieved

Seriously, princess toadstool's on the line... hold on..

she's laughing at all of you

>> No.8004164

I know you're like a troll but are you actually 10?

>> No.8004170
File: 238 KB, 500x650, how tf is that lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel like it kinda belongs here becuase of tumblr being full of preteens drawing their fashion ""inspiration"" from anime, lolita, j-fash etc

On an alternate note please browse the uhh... "art" in the #transbikes tag. It's literally full of gross sweaty weebs drawing Yowamushi Pedal characters in the most HORRENDOUS clothes possible. Don't get me started on when the 69mins theme was lolita. So many ita fuckups.

Pic related. Tagged as #sweet lolita and everything.

>> No.8004172

Please don't subject me to this disgusting trash.

>> No.8004242

>But there's children starving in Africa!

>> No.8004255
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road - 03 [E872CBDC].mkv_snapshot_09.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get curious about #transbikes
>mfw this is a thing
Even funnier some of them draw them chubby/unfit.
Bikers are the epitome of hungry skeleton mode. Especially the Yowamushi Pedal characters(aside a couple of guys like Tadakoro).
The series is really exciting and even motivated me to start cycling but I don't see any gay vibes between the characters, and I actually do like some boys love themes.

>> No.8004266

I'm on mobile and tumblr fucks up my phone, pls post more of this shit itt? I get the most satisfactory hateful feelings after seeing something I love get ruined by weebs. That weird trans/alien/black/kin Naegi in the last thread ruined me, especially b/c Naegi is my fav Ronpa char.

>> No.8004270

/fa/ doesn't like to have any fun, not that we do, but they don't like to have fun with fashion

>> No.8004286
File: 172 KB, 750x937, tumblr_ngqtlbsG4R1trayr7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do anon, might be slow tho because my internet is A Shit. Tbh tho not gonna post any Makishima since his fashion is meant to be disgusting so idk if the artist has shit taste or perfect Makishima taste

Also that fucking Naegi thing was hideous oh my god, he's my fav chara as well and that made me want to slap the shit out of that person - ahem - I mean trans alien black kin

>> No.8004293
File: 510 KB, 1280x1491, the fuck is this art style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if these images are huge im too lazy to rescale

Also >>8004255 sorry forgot to reply to you!!
>Even funnier some of them draw them chubby/unfit.
Ummmmmm excuse me?? Drawing Yowapeda characters who are canonically skeleton mode as they appear is fatphobic duh! M-muh oppression!!!

>> No.8004295
File: 651 KB, 1280x1515, please stop drawing oh my god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8004298
File: 209 KB, 500x479, if theyre meant to be femme then what the FUCK is up with tadokoros gross pit hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually thinking about people drawing ywpd boys as fat, I wonder if anyones ever made Midousuji fat???

Also I lied here is a Makishima

>> No.8004300

Same anon who requested these posts and oh my god hahahaha thank you so much. This style is just so bad tbh I didn't even recognize the characters at first? Also I hate when people draw asian anime characters as black. Like, it's one thing to make them tanner like the second pic, but that Naruko(???) in the first pic is so unnecessarily dark.

>capcha: relpp

>> No.8004305
File: 241 KB, 500x600, fuuuuuuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one because this tag is giving me some kind of intense headache. Probably all the gross clothes and unessecarily bright and unmatched colors.

>> No.8004307

Tysm, these were hilarious

>> No.8004328

nah, they're a bunch of hipster fucks who think that price=quality
Y'all seagulls are bunch of crazy cunts, but you aren't hipster cunts. So you are by default better than /fa/

>> No.8004329

Np anon, the whole reason I even KNOW of transbikes is because I had friends who were really into it, they got mad at me for not having any trans headcanons and saying Chihiro is a boy, etc. I had lunch with one of them one time and the whole time I was eating they were going incredibly into depth on their trans headcanons, then started on triggers and why I shouldn't cosplay red Wadanohara (lots of eyes, siding with the antagonist) and I was kinda like dude. Please. I don't care let me eat my burger in peace.

Eventually I decided to say fuck it and drop them when they had a go at me for saying that straight ace/aro people shouldn't be counted as being discriminated against like most LGBT people. It's almost as if as an actual asexual lesbian I don't know anything about these issues, hm.

>> No.8004332

Thinking that Chihiro is legit trans is just completely ignoring his characterization and complex.

>> No.8004334

Plus tumblr saying he's trans is promoting cissexism and enforcing the gender binary which they work oh so hard to abolish?? Weird.

>> No.8004335

this reminds me of the ugly sissy boys my friend used to draw when we were 16
drew them bone thin in frilly panties
she was such a cunt and had all kinds of mental illness and dramu
when tumblr started it was like she found her home. i can't even look at this shit without feeling a little rage just being reminded of her lol

>> No.8004340
File: 194 KB, 720x1229, Screenshot_2014-12-20-02-35-11-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8004343
File: 123 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to tumblr cgl tag
unsure what I'm looking at but I don't like it

>> No.8004358

It's also the acronym for some fetish.

>> No.8004362

caregiver/little, or something like that. The /cgl/ tag is exclusively board stuff, but isn't used as frequently.

>> No.8004410

little bo peep called

>> No.8004415
File: 42 KB, 442x933, 1399142310421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xer is reccing chocolate for machinekin? do xer not know that will gum up their parts?
>a lil common sense would be nice

>> No.8004426

This is the kindest thing anyone's ever said to me as a seagull.

>> No.8004429

What the fuck?

>> No.8004433

yooooooo, what the fuck. This one has to be a joke right?

>> No.8004434
File: 121 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n1fzvmRkAh1qg9qxjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like this. There's some nice outfits

>> No.8004436

God why can't people just say they and them

>> No.8004438

Was her mother a box?

>> No.8004443

No, a refrigerator

>> No.8004446

Doubt it, as she'd be running all the time

>> No.8004449

ayy, lmao

>> No.8004458

I'm so angry this was perfect

>> No.8004461

Tip top kek

>> No.8004464

This. Their fashion cringe threads always have autists defending horrible outfits and huge arguments about it.
/fa/ is actually pretty fun otherwise, though.

>> No.8004467

>that filename
Women grow armpit hair too anon

>> No.8004493

I'm aware as I too am a woman however I think it's horrendously disgusting

>> No.8004503


>muh style!

>> No.8004641

> tfw people on your dash slowly turned out to be learning towards SJW

I just gave up on unfollowing everyone and just left tumblr and ran to twitter instead

>> No.8004656

>da children!

>> No.8004667

Finally high fashion I can make out of shit in my closet

>> No.8004672
File: 105 KB, 400x478, PS just kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8004689

>high fashion

>> No.8004690

> that file name

>> No.8004694

I live in a house with plumbing while most poor people have to walk 5 miles for a bucket of dirty water.

On a scale of 1 to Privilege, how mad r u?

>> No.8004701

The problem with this tumblr isn't that they're fat, it's that the majority of those people don't know how to dress themselves. Even if you put these outfits on average girls they would still look like shit because the coordination sucks.

It's really hard to find a good fa(t)shion blog because they feel they have to accept every fattie who submits a picture instead of having a filtering process or standards. If they tried to do that then they'd be accused of "shaming." Frankly some of the girls look like obese potatoes, it would help if they got mildly cute chubsters like >>8004434 to submit more outfits.

>> No.8004745


top kek

>> No.8004792

Honestly any "submit yourself" tumblr is like that.The ones were people submit their (semi-)nudes because they just love their body so much are especially bad.
If you'd just make a fattyfashion blog like any jfashion blog and made it mostly reblogs and inspiration you wouldn't have all the ugly housewife fits submitted.

>> No.8004852

I'd love a blog like that. Being fat myself I'd rather see people who manage to dress well so I remember I can actually look decent even tho I'm still losing weight, then people looking like shit making me feel even worse.

>> No.8004870

This blog is dead and mostly chubby women, not hambeasts:


If anyone knows an active blog like that, I'd love to know.

>> No.8004906

Fabu. Free is my favorite price

>> No.8004917

THIS, THIS A MILLION TIMES. They/them is ALREADY a gender neutral pronoun, why make up stupid shit that fucks up the pronunciation and grammar?
PLUS, every goddamn snowflake just HAS to has their own pronouns e.g. vey/vem or something else just as retarded. Fuck I am so happy I live in a country without gender pronouns.

>> No.8004920

*Has to have
I'm so angry I typo, excuse me.

>> No.8004927

I agree, hän is superior
Imagine the poor fucks who speak gendered languages, like Slavs or the French.
>omg why is a VAGINA female??? like I cant even??
>BOYS can have vaginas TOO, you transphobic scum!
>a FORK is female because it is a feminist symbol of power and struggle! educate yourself, shitlord!

>> No.8004941


>implying everyone's fat because they eat much and not because genetics

>> No.8004945
File: 48 KB, 500x334, dormthumb.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8004949

Wow. This is the first time I've actually seen someone actively using snowflake pronouns. I had no idea it would give me such a strong urge to punch things.

>> No.8004953

>Never understood the purpose of snowflake pronouns or the propose of CIS in the first place.

>> No.8004954

Kiitos, fellow Finnfag.

>> No.8004964

Food determines how big you are. If you consume more calories than you expend, you will get bigger. If you consume fewer calories than you expend, you will get smaller. If you meet your maintenance needs, you will stay the same. Regardless of your metabolism, body composition, genetics, or whatever, your body must obey the laws of physics and biological imperatives. Now, your calorie needs can change over time. But in the end, it really is calories in and calories out. Everything else is just fiddling around the edges of this basic fact.

>> No.8004966


>> No.8005006


Really? I'm sure if tumblr and their genders were a thing back when I was a teen I would have totally fall for it. I mean I never questioned my gender, but I was always a tomboy and neglected any make up for a long ass time and I always felt lonleywith being an outsider.
I didn't wanted to be friends with the other girls because we had nothing in common, at least I thought so. I sometimes thought it would be easier to be a boy beacause I shared their interests but they didn't wanted to have me arround since I was a girl, you know the way early teenage boys are.

Man I'm honestly happy to be through with puberty.

>> No.8005009

I actually feel the same way, I'm feeling like if the SJW part of tumblr was shoved in my face during my weebish times I would have fallen for it, hell I think I did for a very short moment before I realized how toxic it was.

It makes me happy the worst thing I did was being a bit of a weeb and wanting to become a mangaka in japan

>> No.8005010

Anon you realize that looks like shit right

>> No.8005012

Same, to all of this. Initially I was very supportive of the gender movement, but then I pulled myself out of it and realized just how nonsensical and oftentimes how harmful it really is. I have friends who claim to be gender queer or nonbinary or what have you, and I just keep my mouth shut around them. They can believe whatever they want, but I really hate that this line of thinking is marketed as being remotely progressive. They enforce gender roles more than anybody else by claiming that by prescribing to certain roles that they're *~*genderfluid*~* when really, clothing or hobbies shouldn't be gendered at all.

And anyway, yeah, I see lots of stupid pronoun and identity and fashion trends on Tumblr. I ignore some people's ridiculousness if their blog is still quality, but I've unfollowed a lot of people for just being too much of an entitled snowflake.

>> No.8005014

I was and am like that and I'm glad I wasn't so young and gullible to believe that meant I was actually a man trapped inside a woman and needed to pump my body full with hormones.

>> No.8005015

Same here. In middle school I dressed like a boy, cut my hair like a boy and didn't wear makeup because that was girly and girls r st00pid and I was totally one of the guys you guys. If tumblr had been around back then to tell me I was totally a gay transboy and that this made be better than everyone else I would probably have eaten it right up. All I had back then was stupid teen movies glorifying being "not like the other girls" and being a snarky unlikeable asshole. At least being a snarky unlikeable asshole didn't significantly affect my mental health.

>> No.8005016

Anon you responded to here, and I agree to all you said. I think that when we first saw it, it was also when SJW was only just surfacing, so at first it just made you go 'oh I didn't know that' and the change comes when you realize how unreasonable they're being.

Ugh I had bad experiences with people turning SJW and my jimmies already get rustled even with actual social justice stuff that's not bad.

>> No.8005020

That last part it what concerns me the most, because lets be honest most teenage bullshit trends aren't that harmless, mostly a cause for embarrassment later on in life. But SJW take it to a whole new level, imagine the ones currently taking hormones or telling everyone they're a different special gender only to realize in 2 years they're being idiots.

>> No.8005021

This is why psychologists are trained to be so stringent about who they recommend for hormones and why you have to show commitment to it for such a long time before they'll even consider you. My biggest worry is that a lot of this SJW nonsense is already and has been leaking into sociology influenced fields, (Medicine, psychology and so on) despite being de credited scientifically hundreds of times over. It has real potential to damage people.

>> No.8005023

Because using "they/them" isn't special anymore. It's too neutral. These people want to feel unique, they have to get special treatment so they demand people to refer to themselves with pronouns that don't even exist in English language.

>> No.8005024

We have gendered prounouns in German too, and as far as I know no real gender neutral one...
But the "gendered language" gets people mad as fuck. I am pretty sure there are dozens of outraged SJW posts on this topic (nevermind that this doesn't even have anything to do with actul genders but muh priviliege and muh oppression!!)

True story: Once some "feminists" re-wrote the enitire bible with gender neutral pronouns and words to replace the words "God" and the matching male pronouns.

>> No.8005029

A former good friend of mine once attented a lecture by some guy talking about trans stuff and said friend basically posted how they agreed that 'people should get hormones faster and it's evil they have to wait so long" something along those lines. I cringed because there's a reason you have to wait. You can image why we're not friends anymore.

>> No.8005030

Don't worry, most transtrenders don't go as far as taking hormones or even dressing like men. They don't even try to get any kind of treatment, they just decide they're something and whine how they're being oppressed. It's a phase among others.

>> No.8005033

>and as far as I know no real gender neutral one...
Why do you say 'das' isn't a real gender neutral one?

>> No.8005035

Or nounself pronouns, like only wanting star/stars/starself or something like that. That's all fine and dandy on a little "safe haven" like Tumblr, but (and at the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man) that shit just doesn't fly in the real world. And honestly, it should be offensive as fuck to people who actually have dysphoria and who struggle everyday with themselves/their identity while some little fuck is screeching about how oppressed they are because their mom doesn't agree that they're genderqueer or whatever.

Exactly this. I've seen tons of posts advocating for hormone blockers in pre-pubescent kids. That's outright child abuse. These drugs have not been studied long enough to determine what kind of long term side effects they could have. For all we know, the results could be detrimental to these kids' health. I know several people who began transitioning and then de-transitioned when they realized just how much they were fucking up their bodies. I don't know why people on Tumblr as so blase about HRT.

>> No.8005036
File: 17 KB, 500x348, are you fucking serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what gem I just came across. There's really no way to please these people.....

>> No.8005041

Dude. "das" is clearly the neutral one

>> No.8005046
File: 15 KB, 100x100, blushing-5_zps81ed3cd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matilda is transmisogynistic and potrays "masculine" women as bad and "Feminine" dainty women as good and perfect.


>> No.8005047
File: 8 KB, 300x168, asuka_ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I can beat this. There was a post going around about a woman whose face was lacerated by her husband (I want to say it was in India but I could be wrong) and how she had to go live with her husband's horrible family after the incident, etc. The commentary turns to feminism and someone mentions how shitty the world often treats people who are born without penises. And someone reblogs and says, I shit you not, "*Tapdances onto this post* This is cissexist *dips top hat and dances away*"

How clueless, insensitive and tactless are these people JFC!?

>> No.8005052

And you realize that was a fucking joke.

>> No.8005055

did u kno that if u make anything that isn''t a white manly male evil, it's instantly bad?

so wait is the post about it cissexist? I'm so confused. Also I've started to hate stuff like 'tapdances onto a post" it's so obnoxious

>> No.8005060

I seriously love you guys,
>GASP, NO WAIT, did I use the wrong term? Now I'm an anti feminist patriarchy cishet scum, oh I am so sorry
Because honestly, the most ridiculous thing there is is to make a new pronoun for every single weeb.
They/them/theirs is neutral enough.

>> No.8005063

> tfw I realized 4chan is the only place I can talk about SJW without fearing backlash

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.8005066

Welcome home, kiddo.

>> No.8005069

"Das" isn't really appropriate to use as a person't pronoun. It's like "it/its/itself"; usually used for objects and using it for a person sounds really disrespectful.

>> No.8005076


anon meant pronouns for people, I think. Using "das" for a person is usually considerd rude, because it sounds like you are talking about a thing. Sure SJW wouldn't like it as a whatever-gender pronoun.

>> No.8005078

In everyday speech in Finnish, people refer to each other as it/it's/itself almost completely, sometimes even as "that". Only in formal text is the genderless pronoun used.
But of animals we use the genderless pronoun! : D (we're fucked up but happy by grammar)

>> No.8005079
File: 395 KB, 240x180, 1390685378970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"masculine women"
>all the "masculine women" in Matilda were fucking abusive

Jesus fucking Christ, of course they were labeled as bad.

>> No.8005081

Some Tumblr people do use its/itself. I guess you'd have to ask the person.

I've also seen people who use gendered pronouns but don't identify as that gender, but don't tell the 15 year olds.

>> No.8005083

hell I like how they somehow imply that the evil lady (I forgot her name haven't watched the movie in forever) should otherwise be a good trans example or something

I see they/them used the most, especially with people still unsure about their gender

>> No.8005085

Yeah, I doubt pronouns for objects will ever be prevalent.

>captcha: iteat

>> No.8005090

>am trans
>have had "it" pronouns used maliciously against me to dehumanise me
>try and explain this to tumblr
>"ur transphobic truscum go die in a trashcan uwuwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuuwuwu"

>> No.8005130

Was God gender Neutral to begin with?
I know the Bible got a lot of shit changed when it was translated so really what she did isn't THAT strange

>> No.8005154

Because there are women WITH penises, who have it real bad and are whitewashed, shamed and erased by the post! I cry ever time.

>> No.8005161


And in any case, it doesn't really take away from the underlying problem, in that it's basically bronze age ethics and morality that doesn't quite go well with modern ethics and morality and has to be adapted to fit with the times.

>> No.8005182

can we get back on topic please i like seeing people look like shit

>> No.8005190

In my small group of friends from High school there was this one girl who was always quietly SJW, but I didn't mind so much because she pretty much kept it to herself. Fast forward to college and one of my other friends has discovered the transtrender movement on tumblr. Now that's basically all she ever blogs about and when we all hang out, she and the other SJW friend won't shut up about tumblr crap. I see my old friends maybe once or twice a year, and instead of being joyful reunions, these meetups turn into obnoxious circlejerks where the SJW girls talk over the rest of us. Like this time:

>have a bad day, am particularly down
>but I get to see my friends for the first time in months! Yay!
>we meet up at a cafe, talk about our lives recently, what's been good, what hasn't been that good, etc.
>I mention I've been having a hard time adjusting to college because my family recently moved across the country and that I'm having a hard time meeting like-minded people, Ask for advice
>SJW friend is like "I feel like I don't fit in because I'm demisexuall"
>entire conversation turns into a discussion about made-up sexualities
>I stay quiet, nobody says a word to me for two entire hours.
>eventually ask if maybe we can talk about something that isn't SJ related
>get ignored, eventually make up some excuse to leave

>> No.8005193

I would've punched them in the face
being ignored for stupid shit is the worst thing.

>> No.8005194

shhhh, we're venting here, anon

don't take away our safe space

>> No.8005199

yr tr*gger*ng me c*nt
tw: g*nd*r*d sl*rs
tw: ast*r*sks

>> No.8005200

you're right, i'm sorry

i call people out for dumb sjw shit on tumblr all the time so, perhaps i have no need

>> No.8005226
File: 54 KB, 400x534, pleasegodno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tie in both the topic and genderspecials, why are they all clinging to j-fashion subcultures? What is it that makes lolita, fairy kei, cult party, etc easily manipulatable by these snowflakes? I've been trying to understand it for so long, why would you choose traditionally female ran fashion types, do a shit interpretation of them, and then start screaming "but see when I wear the sweater in fairy kei, I'm a boy, but when I wear the petticoat I'm the girl, you see, you cis scum?" It's always weaboo assholes that pull this shit and I'm really curious as to why j-fashion. What made it so desirable to these people to the point that it's almost become a staple of their community?

>> No.8005231

I honestly don't understand why decent people get on tumblr to begin with. I never liked it.

>> No.8005232

/fit/ called, and they would like a word with you.

>> No.8005233

I like drawing fanart and posting it. I actually really like posting art and following others on tumblr etc etc but some of them went full SJW within a short time span and just ugh

>> No.8005234

Eh jfashion can be pretty androgynous, especially for guys. So you can wear guy clothing while still wearing "fabulous" things.

>> No.8005240

i agree with >>8005234, and also think it's just a matter of jfash being really different from most normal fashion, so it seems "unique" and perfect to weeb snowflakes who want to be seen as "special" too.

>> No.8005242

ngl I love their hair

>> No.8005243


>> No.8005244

why do they always make the SAME fucking stupid ass face in every picture i am so angry

>> No.8005247

They don't care about the fashion, they only want the status that being stylish would bring. They've given up on themselves. These are people who pump their bodies with chemicals and lard that will kill you faster than illicit drugs. The problem is that they are fat. Their brains and their bodies can not function properly because they are malnourished from all the empty calories and simple carbohydrates they take in. These are not human beings anymore, these are empty shells that might have has a chance of being a sentient lifeforms at one point if their bodies weren't made up of garbage. You are what you eat, and these people are made up of disgusting trash.

>> No.8005249

I imagine everyone who uses this emoticon talking in a baby voice.

>> No.8005250

I feel your getting a little bro science here matey. They just look like house wives and poor Americans. And are fat.

>> No.8005258

What I don't understand is why these tryhards go so far to prove how smart and educated they are in these topics and are too stupid to realize that every time they attack someone they are being huge hypocrites. Because that's why they are upset, right? For being attacked over their ideals? For them not being accepted? For being bullied?

That's exactly what they do to people who disagree with them. It's the most insane circle jerk I have ever witnessed in my entire life.

>> No.8005263

Same anon and I agree
At least Christianity makes Gothic lolita looks better
>I'm not a christian but I love me some crosses

>> No.8005275

>be me
>college student
>ultra raging hard feminist
>"oh look there's a new feminist org in campus"
>"it's called[something along the lines of] gender equality club. Sounds like it's pussyfooting, but whatever"
>gets added to the org's fb group
>"Yay friends!"
>checks it
>tumblr, tumblr everywhere

I swear to god, I live in a country that can use some gender equality(human trafficking is still a -very- big thing and one activist was fucking raped using wooden sticks a few years ago, for god's sake) and they talk about how this one youtube show is sexist and how ~we're all beautiful~ and shit. Talk about the male gaze and how 'we shouldn't judge people based on how they look' every once in a while is fine but this "me me me all the time every time" feminism is killing me.

I just needed to rant, sage for ot

>> No.8005277 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 200x207, 014e9ddbea5813080f33b25dd625c0611401801352_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone uploads a giant guide with tons of GG xrd clothing references.
>Stuff is really hard to find/see unless you do people's IKs.
>Some are really obvious though like on people's head, etc. and the words are clear
>Any photographic evidence for the words? Just to be more convincing?

>> No.8005280

wait shit, didn't realize the thread moved past SJWs already.

>> No.8005288
File: 22 KB, 100x98, 1153415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't specific enough but this happened.

>Was on forum FGC
>Asked about people's clothing in GG
>Someone posts a tumblr link
>Prepares myself
>Someone took the time to put down every single word and/or phrase from every character in people's clothes from Guilty gear xrd
>Some of it is obvious but a lot of obscure stuff
>Any photographic evidence for the words? Just to be more convincing?
>Some other comments about SJW and this game in general

God damn I can't escape it.

>> No.8005289

Trunchbull iirc
Lmao I guess they should be happy that there was even a sliver of a chance of representation. It shouldn't matter that a transwoman was the villain, at least they were in there?

>> No.8005295
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, ech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005296
File: 82 KB, 600x919, tumblr_naml5rFoCi1rrue9uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005299

This is so fucking cool.

>> No.8005300

Whatever happened to "I cross dress on occasion?" Just because you dress like opposite gender doesn't mean you're trying to be the opposite gender. I bind and cross dress occasionally at cons and manage to earn the nickname "bindgirl" at my local con. This last year I got called that by one of confamily and had a tumblr pos try to rip him a new one for it. I told her she was being sexist and that a girl can dress like a man without wanting to be one. Kek, she looked like a fishkin.

>> No.8005301

Not really.
You end up looking a survivor of a hipster apocalypse.

>> No.8005307

This doesn't look that bad?

Jesus christ...

>> No.8005309
File: 555 KB, 168x126, 1409261072350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#cgl or CG/l is the SJW name for DD/lg.

>> No.8005310

Some kind of homeless, knifeweilding hipster. Are there boots behind the boots or are those laces on a pair of pants/leggings/something?

>> No.8005311

Sick goth kunoichi fit

>> No.8005312

I don't know about the hormone blockers, because in the case of someone being truly trans, it gives parents a chance to support their kid without feeling like they're taking options away. It's much easier to "pass" if you haven't gone through puberty before you started transition. In the case of real transpeople, it's important.

You wouldn't be against giving a kid who is schizophrenic their medication because it may not be safe for someone so young, So why in the case of (real) transpeople is it different? Being trans gives you a much higher percentage of suicide than schizophrenia.

Please note that I said real.

>> No.8005317

she has a bf and i dont. jesus

>> No.8005322

>a kid who is schizophrenic their medication because it may not be safe for someone so young,

You sure about that? There are so many side effects for medication for adults as is; if it isn't approved for kids then there should be no reason for them to take it. There isn't enough research done to see if it negatively effects a child or not. In some cases children and drugs can be positive, but in others it can turn out worse than when they started. Don't ever assume that you should give medicine to a child when it isn't safe for them. Children are still growing and have a much different body chemistry than adults and as such need different medicine.

As from trans people, it's my personal opinion that we need more information on the hormone blockers. As another anon said; we don't know how the hormone blockers may effect the person 10 or 20 years down the road.

>> No.8005331


you really need to learn to exclude people. cant be friends with everyone.

>> No.8005367
File: 1005 KB, 854x708, blarghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"anti-capitalism for versace thots."
"queer bisexual haitian magical girl on a mission to give looks and vaporize the capitalist cishetero white supremacist patriarchy"

>> No.8005368

Oh god I had no idea this kinda thing was in other fandoms. There's also something kinda similar in the #transtalia tag

>> No.8005371

> countries being trans

sounds like a great idea

>> No.8005372

... I wanna see that Naegi.

For some reason I wanna see my favourite character not look like himself.

>> No.8005376
File: 305 KB, 500x405, gettin real tired of your bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying chihiro is trans

>> No.8005390

Examples anon?

>> No.8005392

>i go with they/them and is agender
>see snowflakes use nounself pronouns
>made up genders
>say they're trans
>no dysphoria

>> No.8005400

It feels great doesn't it?

>> No.8005402

She wasn't trans though. She was a domineering Butch with somewhat questionable sexuality but presumably straight with a need to dominate and control everyone she deems as weak.

>> No.8005407

The boots and scarf chosen were bad choices, the knife is stupid unless this is supposed to be for (I believe) sikh men

>> No.8005408

I fucking love the silhouette.
>tfw too fat for badass goth hobo-ninja looks

>> No.8005410
File: 107 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_nf1vwpqReH1sibi5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would think that the art's not as bad as #transbikes but still

>landmasses being trans

>> No.8005458

she wasnt even trans so who gives a fuck

>> No.8005470

That's a really shit knife.

>> No.8005501

Because tumblr isn't a single entity.
If you don't follow sjw blogs it's a normal site

>> No.8005522

Then just use Dev art or /ic/ hell even danbooru works.
Holy shit I knew an sjw girl(fuck you there's only two genders in my book and I go with which you pass as) that would not stop using that emoticon every time I texted her. It looks dumb.>>8005258
Ever talked with one long enough, through talking about porn, to get them to realize as all the bullshit they spout? Its worked 2/3 Times I've tried it.

>> No.8005531

>uwu is an emoticon
I thought it was just something like derp. A silly made up word.

>> No.8005534

Aren't there any other threads to bitch about tumblr in? Maybe, like, a tumblr general? I'm getting a little frustrated, I want to see stupid fashion.

>> No.8005552

I know that feel. I am the most normal acting person in my group of friends and the biggest nerd yet I'm an extrovert and still no gf.
You /k/ also?
That's for finding decent tumblrs mostly though.