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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 181 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8001247 No.8001247 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best and the worst of our favourite hug box.

This girl posted about how great photoshop is, but all she did was change the colours around? Idk I think it looks like shit.

>> No.8001253
File: 197 KB, 680x510, 63-IP2001-ANo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the JSK make me sad 'cus the print has more at the top so the skirt could have been much longer.

>> No.8001255

oh that's unfortunate

>> No.8001259

>but all she did was change the colours around
She also gave the dress a better shape and liquified her face to give it a better shape. If you don't think the right picture is infinitely better than the left, then there's something wrong with your perception.

>> No.8001263

She's still ugly, but you're right

>> No.8001269
File: 91 KB, 480x640, B39OP301-n-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fabric reminds me a lot of this. Shame she didn't make the skirt longer (assuming she made the dress), it has potential to look really cute.

>> No.8001274

>better shape
she actually looked slightly better before.
You can't just squish faces together to make them look less round. That's not how your facial bone structure works.

>> No.8001285

I saw this on Rufflechat

Pretty bad example for her subject, mind you

>> No.8001290

no amount of photoshop could make this pleasant to look at.

>> No.8001321

you never add anything of value to any thread you post in. nobody cares what you have to say. remove your trip, lurk moar.

>> No.8001334
File: 996 KB, 1080x1084, 2014-12-18-14-14-14_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8001341

there's nothing to say about this other than: :/

>> No.8001348

She said in her coord breakdown her skirt is "Gwen Stefani for Target" like it was some name brand that people care about. Bitch it's Target. Just say offbrand like the rest of us.

>> No.8001361

>remove your trip, lurk moar.
>lurk moar

You can't even filter shit.

>> No.8001384
File: 124 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n8ecycwjvl1qzirvao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much much longer

>> No.8001391

That is SO much nicer.

>> No.8001422

top kek

>> No.8001425

Where do I get this print?

>> No.8001434

It's Harajuku Dolls fabric 'castle and aurora' if you google it you can shop around.

>> No.8001634

God, the length on this looks so shitty. As a tall lolita, my goal is to never look like this.

>> No.8001644

This "after" picture is just so bad. That terribly blurred background, that bad poof adding (which also made her legs wider), that terrible spotlight on the face. It's just a trainwreck...

>> No.8001647

No point in photoshopping if your still fucking ugly after. She looks like a 50 year old man.

>> No.8001685
File: 21 KB, 583x112, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too funny that such a mild comment spiked some butt hurt

>> No.8001720

please post the buttanger, anon

>> No.8001774

It's not a terrible outfit, it's just not lolita. Disappointing.

>> No.8001792

It's also a terrible outfit though, lolita or not

>> No.8001799 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 440x317, cofbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically just tried calling out that girl on a shoop that...isn't a shoop. Awkward.

>> No.8001803

Anyone have caps of that Katie loser's deleted comments?

>> No.8001805 [DELETED] 

Oh shoot I forgot to blur their names. Janitor-chan, please sage and I'll re-post it with the names obscured.

>> No.8001810
File: 25 KB, 440x317, cofbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001817

I thought Rufflechat was like some sort of extension of /cgl/, why do we have cases like these?

I've seen free shoops Anons have done and they usually look like professional level shit and there's this person who does a bad job at it.

>> No.8001826
File: 58 KB, 300x272, forurhealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all my laffs

>> No.8001873

The best thing is that people called her out on it and her response was "she started it." I'm guessing this Katie chick is in her 20s and that Sarah girl is only 16. How embarrassing to be picking petty fights with a teenager.

>> No.8001880

Even more embarrassing when the 16 year old is the one who knows better.

>> No.8001882

it really isn't that hard to show a little class when you're being criticized on a public forum. i feel bad for her comm

>> No.8001987

Don't compliment yourself, fatty

>> No.8002001

Fuck off vendettachan. Why do you pipe up any time this girl is posted? The dress is objectively better than OP's even if she is plus size.

>> No.8002007

why would I have a vendetta against a fatty? Their miserable lives are enough for them.

>> No.8002010

Because obese monkeyfaced bitches need to stop ruining the fashion

>> No.8002019

I think people with horrible attitudes ruin the fashion more than fat people. At least they can loose weight, you'll always be a bitch.

>> No.8002025

I'm not saying the photoshop makes her facially prettier, but the lighting edit makes the photo overall more eye-catching and her liquefying her waist and making the dress look fuller was a smart move.
Yes she's still ugly, but overall it's an improvement to the photo on the left.

>> No.8002033

Unfortunately her face takes away from the improvements. The only thing I noticed in the improved photo is her horrific face.

>> No.8003042

What is this girl's deal? She just posted in another thread on Rufflechat about how she has "the only Pinterest board for OTT classic" (which was not particularly related to the discussion) and that's not true, and her board is full of shit like herself in a boring Infanta dress coord in a Starbucks.

>> No.8003117

who are you talking about?

>> No.8003119

The person who badly shooped OP pic.

>> No.8003125

She is the specialest snowflake hipster loli, and very thirsty for e-fame. If only everyone could stop kissing her ass, she would go away.

>> No.8003128
File: 205 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when people do this. If your main piece doesn't have black in it; don't use black as an accent colour in your coord.

>> No.8003196
File: 752 KB, 820x1280, 2014-12-19-14-37-43_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely LOVE this!

>> No.8003202

The bow is shiny and cheap, those gloves are way of, the blouse drapes weirdly, cosplay wig, socks and shoes too sweet for the royal theme.
Try again.

>> No.8003208

she did say she was new, did you leave her a comment to help her along?

>> No.8003209

I think she was going for a sweet classic look but idk I just really like it all together I think it looks gorgeous

>> No.8003212

But chunky sweet shoes with elegant pearl stuff ? Berry printed socks when there is no berry on the all outfit.
Don't let yourself be fulled by photoshop anon, you're better than that.

>> No.8003213

This could have been better but it's not the worst thing I've seen today.

>> No.8003221

Isn't concrit against the rules on CoF now?

>> No.8003225

>First time posting, con crit please!
from her post

>> No.8003253

Only if you don't ask for it.

>> No.8003285

No, you can only post if they ask.

>> No.8003292

I meant that it's not allowed if they don't ask for it, sorry for being unclear.

>> No.8003305
File: 158 KB, 720x1080, IMG_646347490564681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually kind of like the weirdly bright color scheme, but I feel like something is still a bit off.

>> No.8003309
File: 61 KB, 720x358, IMG_646341432545453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know where to begin with this one, it's all over the place.

>> No.8003310

Probably the lack of legwear.

>> No.8003311
File: 90 KB, 720x720, IMG_646332831996087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl seriously needs to stop shoehorning gyaru stuff into (bad) pseudo-Lolita outfits. Her previous stuff was just as bad.

>> No.8003313

Oh my god, you're right, that is exactly it.

>> No.8003315

Honestly I think this is kinda cute. I don't mind the black because it's well balanced. All I think she needs is more light blue on the upper half of her outfit.

>> No.8003317

This is really cute though, what's wrong with you?

>> No.8003319
File: 91 KB, 640x499, IMG_646324912508830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Kate is super annoying and mediocre, but I kind of like this one with the black. Except for the bright red bag, it's too jarring.

>> No.8003325

Being cute does not make it Lolita, and she should not be posting it in a Lolita-specific group. This is a CoF thread, not an ita thread.

>> No.8003329

It looks lolita tho.

>> No.8003335

Not to me, which is why I posted. It's fine if you disagree, of course.

>> No.8003336

Well you're wrong.

>> No.8003340

I hate it. The black really clashes with the dress. If she'd gone with either navy or white, this would've been 1000 times better.

>> No.8003342
File: 144 KB, 720x960, IMG_646290599156171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the color coordination on this one (the frizzy hair is annoying though).

>> No.8003346


>> No.8003364

I have Loyal Rosette in the same colorway and one of the rosettes actually have a brighter red edge so I can see why she chose that bag.

Doesn't mean it's a good idea to match a bright bag with a dark dress though.

>> No.8003366

look at the skirt shape

>> No.8003369

she looks like she has vitiligo on her legs

>> No.8003385
File: 103 KB, 960x720, 10670264_857902550895122_1911934855123422044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just looks wrong

>> No.8003393

It's good shoop and the muted lighting makes it look nicer than the quality actually is. IMO her face looks horrifying.

>> No.8003398


It's lolita.

>> No.8003403

I think it's because she's wearing tan tights? I would like to see maybe ankle socks or something with this. I like the brightness of it though, something different for a change?

>> No.8003425

This makes me cringe. wtf is with the tan tights? The bright colors make it look like a costume. If I saw her coordinate in person I'd think she was working at a santa booth in the mall. The bright red lipstick doesn't help with the costume factor.

>> No.8003436
File: 82 KB, 690x690, IMG_646248985971375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like everything about this except the weird excess hair accessories and giant pink flower in the wrong shade. If it was just the bonnet and a few flowers I would love it

>> No.8003446

Dig the sand out ya cunt, this looks fine

>> No.8003496

I have a hunch that it's actual gold glitter tights but you can't tell because of the lighting or photo? Would explain why she's wearing them since she has gold accessories.
Still would've been better off with white or something but yeah.

>> No.8003502

skirt aint big enough. soz.

>> No.8003524

Putting an underskirt under a Liz Lisa dress does not magically make it Lolita. You are an idiot.

Not going to deny that is a cute outfit, because it is, but it most definitely is not Lolita, either.

>> No.8003526
File: 128 KB, 720x1080, IMG_646229161799243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever jealous of this chick's sewing skills. Not sure how I feel about the harlequin socks, though.

>> No.8003546

You can delete posts yourself, you know.

>> No.8003556

I love sleeves like that on slender arms.

>> No.8003567

I feel like >>8001384 is kind of like the fat version of >>8003319 with the shitty hipster glasses and acting like queen bee

>> No.8003587


With white tights I'd adore this as a festive themed thing..

>> No.8003594

an attention whore. she has only been wearing "lolita" for a few weeks or something lmao ever since she popped up in my feed the lulz are endless

>> No.8003867 [DELETED] 

the coords not terrible apart from all that craft store shit stacked on her head but her boobs look like they're straining that jsk to the max. that awkward bust wrinkle ruins it.

at that point just admit you're fat and buy stuff with full shirring

>> No.8003969
File: 80 KB, 720x484, IMG_646216674297337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one... Usually her outfits are super busy, so u like the relative simplicity.

>> No.8004188

Looks good for a casual coord.

>> No.8004224

She's brand new to lolita and my comm and she's just been posting everywhere all the time.
I've seen her in person and she's actually very cute but she needs help with her photography and coording
outfit in OP is really bad and it's such a shame because there is a lot of potential.

This is super cute for casual...and she did bring black in pretty evenly. I would change the star pin and the two bags to something else.
Did you leave concrit? I think she requested it.

>all of the accessories

I see where she was trying to go with it but she missed.

>> No.8004918

Such overreach, many vendetta

>> No.8004983


>> No.8005451

i don't see what's so bad about this, i really think this is pretty cute

>> No.8005457

It is and it looks like lolita.

>> No.8005483

It's very cute, but not lolita.

>> No.8005487

Tell me how it's not lolita. It doesn't need to be brand to be lolita, the outfit definitely looks more lolita than some other shit I see.

>> No.8005497

This was covered earlier. >>8003366

Sage because kids these days.

>> No.8005503

She also shooped the skirt out because her petti is shit apparently.I think she attempted to shoop her hair into a hime bump and her face is a bit thinner.

The shoes are a terrible choice. They should have gone with knee high boots that aren't white to cancel out how white the tights are.

>> No.8005508

Oh dear god no. It looks himekaji- which it is- with a giant fucking underskirt stuck under it, making it look like some kind of deformed floral mess. I don't know much about gyaru, but I'm hoping this isn't real Liz Lisa; I can't imagine wearing brand and putting that hideous underskirt under it to look like such a hot mess.

Anyway- fact of the matter is that the dress is made to be himekaji; it has no lolita characteristics at all- adding some hideous skirt underneath it won't change that.

>> No.8005510

Oh god. It's like a crappy goffik 13 year old got dressed up for an Emilie Autumn concert and then rolled around in Christmas decorations. My eyes burn.

>> No.8005582
File: 370 KB, 1716x861, Screenshot_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 hours for a bad extraction job and gaussian blur

>> No.8005587

What a little cunt, and she deserves less than that. Who takes NINE HOURS to edit?!

>> No.8005589

>I need to factor in education, insurance, bills, taxes, etc.
Someone needs to tell her that they're paying her to shoot and edit pictures, not pay for her lifestyle. Thank you for not blurring out the name, I'd like to avoid this piece of entitled shit.

>> No.8005641


This girl whose picture she mocked was fucking 16, I'm laughing so hard

>> No.8005645

Wow. um... what did she do, follow a bad tutorial and take 9 hours to do it?

>> No.8005821


haha, these fucking people

I used to do photo retouching for a local photographer, you do go really slow when you don't know what you're doing but you can get through it more or less; that's why it took her so long.

But I always laugh when shit retouchers complain about their pay. I'm a fucking chef now (because apparently I'm a glutton for punishment and I hate making money, idk) and I make what they do but I work my fucking ass off, don't get holidays/weekends off, and unless you cut your hand off or get cancer you better fucking show up to work anyway.

>boohoo my at-home job that I'm shit at doesn't pay enough

>> No.8005843

Wow, why would you do that to yourself. Cheffing IS such hard work for so little pay.

>> No.8005878
File: 57 KB, 959x960, hahahaha you wish sweetie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl as OP.

"Concrit welcome from people with style... Like don't bother if you're not cute." L.O.L.

She CLAIMS to have put on a second petti (implying she's wearing a first one...?) but then, I don't know why she wouldn't have just uploaded a photo of her with it on? Dang, she's outright hilarious.

>> No.8005883

Most people either have love for the craft, or high level masochism, sometimes both(most of the tim both).

>> No.8005890

Is this supposed to be lolita? It looks like sad, sad himegyaru attempt.

>> No.8005894
File: 75 KB, 597x616, kodare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adding to this

>> No.8005907

Haha holy shit! What a stupid bitch.

>> No.8006272


Funny how she tried to edit it out, but if you clicked the post you'd find the original text.
Stupid rude cunt. Hope she gets burned on BtB for this shit.

>> No.8006281

Erm...it's sorta cute for a casual outfit I guess but it's not lolita at all.
Is she going for bratty princess look?

>> No.8006642

Got in trouble for calling her a bitch, but it was so worth it.
Don't think she learned her lesson though.
Don't think she can ever be helped.
Anyone got a screen shot of the comments before the post was deleted? in case I missed something.

>> No.8006818

but anon making this dress isn't that hard you know?
Just need to understand the pattern

>> No.8007250

You were that commenter? Dang, I love you so much. Kudos, anon.

I was up late and had the post followed for the entertainment, and I don't think anything else funny happened. Just a few girls saying she should delete the post with faux politeness.

>> No.8007594

see >>8005894

>> No.8007659

Her attitude is half her problem tbh. She's apparently very new to the fashion but is already very stuck about it. And honestly, it's not even funny when pretty, popular girls say bratty things like "like don't say anything to me if you're not even cute."
Her posts give me secondhand embarrassment, big time.

>> No.8008381
File: 190 KB, 1038x1200, IMG_126047905135802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this?

>> No.8008388

It's a cute coord, and the lights is okay I suppose for holidays, but I say it's more of a one thing deal.

>> No.8008422

it's definitely cute for a christmas coord, although i don't think i'll be jacking this idea for mine anytime soon

>> No.8008445


I like the concept quite a bit and for the most part how she pulled it off.

However, I'm bothered by the fact that the lights are forming a runway to her vagina, so there's that.

>> No.8008556

it's cute but the lights just seem out of place imo
nice idea, meh execution
also it pushes the outfit solidly into the costume category

>> No.8008563

This pic and the OP pic makes me think that she doesn't even own a petticoat.

>> No.8008572

i can't unsee that, thanks a lot

>> No.8008574


But then her vagina would be at around her bellybutton?

>> No.8008724

>not fucking a bellybutton vagina

>> No.8008971
File: 35 KB, 444x361, cofdramu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit hahaha

>> No.8008990
File: 52 KB, 432x266, cof2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still cackling to myself over this tbh.

>> No.8008993

Not sure if this chick is brave or trying to be edgy? I'm only a bitch in secret, damn. But she's just letting it out. Good for her, I guess?

>> No.8009008

so much butthurt over the fat, black, and trans comment but with tumblr thats so true.

>> No.8009019
File: 8 KB, 428x93, closetofdrama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not even afraid to be mean at this point.

>> No.8012663

That is a dude in drag

>> No.8012694

Can someone post coords from this girl? I want to see if she has grounds to be such an openly massive bitch. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8012701

This girl is so fucking annoying, she tries soooo hard to be edgy just so she can self-post about it here

>> No.8012702

None of the reds match, ugh.

>> No.8012851
File: 52 KB, 540x720, 10427293_10205815892139035_7832752653250569613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pregnant.

>> No.8012856

She seems like the type of person who because she posts a picture of her pregnant shit on facebook and gets 60 likes, that the 'muh pregnancy' trick will work every time.

Pregnancy isn't an accessory, she should come back and post when she actually can wear something good and doesn't have to use her husband and fetus as like generating tools. Ugh.

>> No.8012899


Go back to COF you half-fuckwits

>> No.8012900

Bitch post your best coord. I want to raff.

>> No.8012904
File: 205 KB, 1024x949, itainteasypimpin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying you lil'cunt pimple

>> No.8012908

>not posting
Hehe, someone's scared.

Ugh, that makes me cringe so hard. Also
>attractive white males are breeding with ugly asians

>> No.8012911

You're just about as witty here as you are elsewhere.

>> No.8012916

Then post yourself Mr.Hotshit
Not like you will, so just stop shitting up the thread

>> No.8012921

I'm not the one being an edgelord, Ms. Pissypants. If you can't take the heat yourself then maybe you ought to stay out of the kitchen. You're an idiot.

>> No.8012926

She knows she's got flaws herself that's why she won't post shit. A true coward.

>> No.8012953

Anyone can give concrit regardless of how they are dressed. Dressing well doesn't qualify someone to give concrit. If your outfit looks bad, I shouldn't have to be in a god tier coord to tell you. Not one of the people that is being told to show coords, but that idea is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Feels to me like all you want is pictures of those girls so you can make fun of them, not to validate their arguments.

>> No.8012956

I can't find a lick of lolita on her facebook and she's a sophomore in high school.

>> No.8012959

She also runs a shit-tier storenvy. fascinationstreets. storenvy. com

>> No.8012962

Proof that I give no fucks about people ranting and raving on here about their opinions and shouting "go back to tumblr" whenever someone disagrees with them. This bitch was just stupid enough to attach her real name to it.

I don't go to high schoolers for advice, certianly not fashion advice. We all know how everyone dressed as 16 year olds.

>> No.8012981

I don't get it. what's wrong with being pregnant?
Or is it because of something this girl has done? I don't go on CoF too often

>> No.8012992

LMAO oh so it's confirmed underageb&
That explains so fucking much.

>> No.8013186
File: 126 KB, 229x345, zhgoKLQR1qjanen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8013193

shit there's that 5 min doodle levi picture i drew as a secret ages ago

>> No.8014303

No, she's just plain ugly and that coord sucks, but she uses her pregnancy to fish for likes.
With a face like that you just shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.8016730

I agree on all of this. It's a cute, creative idea, but the lights look cheap and chunky compared to the rest of the outfit. Maybe it looked better in real life. Definitely costume-y.

>> No.8017116

Did anyone get caps of the comments on that ero loli pic that was posted on cof maybe a day ago if that?

>> No.8017123

Look in the ita thread. All the caps for your viewing pleasure.

>> No.8017141

I fucking hate hipsters.

>> No.8017171

What does it take to join this group? I've been waiting a few days with no response, but I'm hoping that's normal. I just want to watch the drama. ;_;

>> No.8017285

Yay thanks!

>> No.8017299

You can fix lighting and color but you can't fix ugly. Those glasses make her look like a guy.

>> No.8017350

>like a guy
>implying it's bad to look like a guy in a dress

>> No.8017354

>implying it's bad to look feminine in feminine clothing as a girl

>> No.8017357

>implying it ISN'T bad to look like a guy in a dress.

Anon are you high?

>> No.8017361

I think to call her plain ugly is a bit unfair. I've seen far worse looking people on CoF.

>> No.8017364

Uglier people existing doesn't mean that ugly people aren't still ugly.

>> No.8017407

>implying it's bad to look like a guy in a dress

Just look at OP's picture and tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.8017868

PM the mods and ask them if they could approve your request? Don't PM Caterina though because she is on holiday atm

>> No.8017960

All of these shitty ero posts in response to that disgusting one last night are really filling my vagina with sand.

>> No.8018049

Aksing for concrit means I want advice from my peers to improve not some random person I can't even see just telling me I look bad. I quietly look at the profiles of people who comment and reply to the not-ita people. I don't call anyone out or such. But no, I really don't want critique from someone who might not even wear the fashion or a noob. So I just pass thrn over. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8018166

>yellow fever

>> No.8021874
File: 78 KB, 640x633, 10393700_10204486167806914_8248667280506772197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted on CoF this morning.

>> No.8021987

Isnt that the girl that tried to defend Melissa? Yikes.

>> No.8022010

Was she caught in a fire or got her face burned or something?

Or is that just bad makeup combined with bad photography?

>> No.8022018

You should listen to the itas. If even the itas think you look bad, then you really must look like shit. Go back to CoF.

>> No.8022029
File: 129 KB, 960x960, 10418517_773385422728713_3388578645364296933_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8022042

I just saw this and couldn't stop laughing. What an ugly boy(?)

>> No.8022045


>> No.8022046


>> No.8022049

>being this new

>> No.8022051

Is that an old man wearing lolita?

>> No.8022055

hope so, that would be adorable

>> No.8022096

Lol pls leave Melissa

>> No.8022112


>> No.8022115

i aint her, i swear

>> No.8022116

that's not mr. cummypants is it?

>> No.8022124

Andrea. Trans'woman' from Atlanta. Evidently there are fans and not fans due to her behavior, not the fact that she's trans. I don't think her transformation was successful. She still looks very much like a man.

>> No.8022136

Likely because she didn't transition until much later in life and there's not much hormones can do once you're already old.

>> No.8022137

but it's a doodle of erin....?

>> No.8022148

I thought it was Melissa too

>> No.8022178

But they don't say I look bad? They just usually have some 'creative' but inexperienced opinion on something I could do differently, commenting to comment. It was more about 'just pass quietly over the comments you don't like'. No need to be fighting and arguing in the FB coord posting groups. But why would I listen to you about Lolita if you don't even lolita, that's just silly.

>> No.8022296

>mfw I own this jsk, tights and headbow
>mfw when my name is Andrea
>mfw I have no face

>> No.8022352

Can anyone give me the link to this group?

>> No.8022469

They don't look anything alike though?

>> No.8022876

if youve seen people from atl bitching about someone running our events badly and scaring the designers, its this lady. she terrified the Baby designers for obvious reasons.

>> No.8023721

Tink is cringing.

Melissa has never looked that good.

>> No.8023732

pic of this infamous Melissa?

>> No.8023742

Lol someone asked her if this was an attempt at shironuri. Cannot tell if they were serious or attempting to point out that she looks horrible with her makeup like this.

>> No.8023745

I personally do not post photos of myself in lolita on Facebook except in private groups.
And aside from that, if you look bad, someone else shouldn't have to look "equal" to or superior to you for their opinions to suddenly count. Treat them all the same. Look at their comments and your coord, and then see if you agree or not.

>> No.8023808

Is this the girl who made the angry hugbox rant? And then her profile is just full of her being greasy and her equally greasy bf

>> No.8023813
File: 37 KB, 534x396, 10420293_631415626984953_2332641110113399233_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milkyfawn just suggested that this girl should wear a fucking fedora.

>> No.8023825 [DELETED] 

do you understand jokes.

>> No.8023826

It's not a joke when the girl is asking for con-crit.

>> No.8023828

I lol'd. you kinda sound like you don't get she was joking, tho.

>> No.8023833

Did you even read it milkywhiteknight ?

>> No.8023834 [DELETED] 

>It's not a joke when the girl is asking for con-crit.
i am the girl.
milkyfawn is a close friend.
calm it bruh

>> No.8023835

this girl is such a clusterfuck in Lolita. How does she have such a following?

>> No.8023838

hahaha oh man.

>> No.8023844

are you looking for things to be mad about, sperg?

>> No.8023846

Trust me when I say Disney face characters/fur characters see way worse on a daily basis. Tink was probably thrilled at something different from the endless stream of 6 year olds.

>> No.8023858


Um okay, I'll try:

>Take off pink collar
>Take off pink bow
A mess one bun, or a wig would have suited more
>Take off hearts
>Replace teddy bear with bell or even a mistletoe
>Add more hints of gold and white
>Darker red could have been better, or pine green shoes

I would have ended up changing the whole coord at best, but oh well.

>> No.8023861

She's like a doll.
Her legs are tan from the tights, her face is beige, and her arms are pale a'f.

White ankle socks or white tights would have been better.

Overall I like it.

>> No.8023871
File: 488 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-12-30-13-14-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here straight after seeing that. At first I thought they were maybe a good friend making an inside joke, because why a fedora rather than just a hat or large bow, but then there was no 'haha yes friend' sort of response.

>> No.8023885

>but then there was no 'haha yes friend' sort of response.
Except that there was, lol

Are you people really debating on whether or not this was sarcasm? It's pretty obvious she's trying to make a point (albeit a dumb one) about some of the bad concrit that gets dished out by inexperienced lolitas on CoF. You know, the "a flower crown would make your milky planet coord totally perfect!" kind of responses.

>> No.8023887
File: 24 KB, 462x215, dontbedumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the image.

>> No.8023900

I am the girl. Milkyfawn is a close friend. Why is this even being discussed lol.

>> No.8023904

Why did you crop most of my responses out

>> No.8023905

So you can see the relevant posts is my guess.

>> No.8023907

Ding ding ding. It was an inside joke haha.

>> No.8023910

Ah Kay. Looked like I was just saying thanks and didn't really know her well and stuff lol.

>> No.8023920

her husband (?) is very handsome
I'm jelly

>> No.8023938

Thanks, glad to have it cleared up. I guess it got a bit Poe's law on this one?

>> No.8024018

Why is everyone hating on this chick >>8008971

she is this same one

>> No.8024077

That bloody shirt lol

>> No.8024080

That face scared the living daylights out of me. What the hell happened to her?

>> No.8024176

>black shoes with white blouse
>wonky headbow
>can't even put on tights

>> No.8024198

>black shoes with white blouse
Are you serious mate? This is the issue you have with this?

>> No.8024213

Fucking love this coord though. Nice balance of oldschool and modern.

>> No.8024216

Love this coord though. Lovely balance of oldschool and modern.

>> No.8024220

Shit website fucked up didn't know the first one posted.

>> No.8024338

It's one of the issues. There's no black anywhere else in the coord, why use black shoes? The only reason could be that you also wear a black blouse, which could maybe work with the dark navy in the dress.