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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7997353 No.7997353 [Reply] [Original]

Here we
>talk about what is and isn't tall friendly
>share links to tall friendly clothes that are up for sale
>post pictures of tall girls in jfashion
>share tall feels

Oh, girls 5'7" and up only.

>> No.7997437

There is now a facebook group for tall lolitas!


>> No.7997468
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>being 5'7
>also having large bust
>every bodice too short and tiny, not sitting on waist
>worst boob loaf imaginable
>knees show
>constantly having to wear underskirts to hide them
>otks end at bottom of knees

Hell, I'd rather exchange my height to be 20 lbs heavier, have b cup breasts, and be 5'2.

>> No.7997469

>tfw Mary Magdalene is my favorite brand
>tfw long torso and long arms
>skinny enough to fit into them but all their just-waisted dresses and coats end up being empire waists on me
>sleeves are like 20cm too short

At least Victorian Maiden's sleeves and torsos are slightly longer for many of their newer pieces so I stick to them. But damn, what would I give for a classic wardrobe full of MM..

>> No.7997890

what do you girls do for socks?

>> No.7997899

Tights man... Tights. And not even pretty tights but basic normalfag tights.

>> No.7997901

Avoid knee socks at all costs. They barely ever make it to your knees, and the extra skin makes it look like you have even more thigh. AP otks fit me well actually, but I'm pretty thin so it might be different for other people. Also, offbrand otks work alright too.

>> No.7997911

My sister is just now getting into Gothic Lolita and she's 6'2" tall. At this point she's just so happy that she's flat. Lolita is the only reason I'm happy that I didn't end up tall like the rest of my family.

>> No.7997912

Innocent World, Baby/AATP,Meta and surprisingly Moitie otks fit well.

>> No.7997967

I got a somewhat replica of their Victoire coat recently that I ordered at the 11/11 Taobao sale, XL fits perfect with my 5'7".

Link would be http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21038296918

>> No.7998604
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>all these cutie taobao dresses
>mfw long sleeves

>> No.7999169

Seconding IW. I'm 5'11 and my thigths above my knee are 18.8 inches, IW OTK's fit like a charm and they don't roll or slide down, they also don't cause an ugly indentation on my fatty yummy legs. I try to wear tights under my OTK's whenever the heat allows me to.

>> No.7999268

What are everyone's solutions for long sleeves? Do you just wear wrist cuffs? I have horribly long arms, and I'm terrified of getting a long-sleeved OP because I don't want them to be too short.

>> No.7999287

I try to pick out blouses that have extra ruffles/lace at the sleeve, since that often makes them long enough. JetJ also usually has pretty long sleeves. There's also the option if custom; I hear The Floral Notebook is good.

OPs are harder... Princess sleeves look okay even if they're a little too short. If there are detachable sleeves, I suppose you could have new ones made to match.

>> No.7999290

AatP are really good if you have relatively slim legs. They're nice and long, but don't have as much sideways stretch as IW does. All of mine easily go an inch or two above the knee if not more (I'm 5' 9").

Haenuli and Teja Jamilla are my favorites for printed tights. I do fit AatP tights as well, but I would not recommend them for anyone with thicker thighs, since they don't stretch much (but the length is good).

>> No.7999304

if you find cute tights on tabao "max height 170cm", just turn them into otks

>> No.7999317
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going through tumblr for inspiration and the "#tall lolita" tag isn't used much--there are only something like four people who use it regularly, and only two of them really dress well. Not sure how tall the girls are, though.

Pic related.

>> No.7999321
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And the other one.

>> No.7999709

I have a crazy-tall lolita friend, and I know that if she tags her stuff like that she'll often get really creepy giant/femdom fetish blogs reblogging her and that's no bueno. So that's always a thing to consider, people might just not want the weird attention. Polite sage for OT.

>> No.7999906

She's 5'9, someone asked her on Tumblr before.

I don't use the 'tall lolita' tag because no-one else seems to use it - if I can only get 5 tags, I'm probably better using them with brand names and substyles instead of posting amongst four other people. I think it might be a struggle for the tag to get popular - no one will look in the tag because no one posts in it, and no one will post in the tag because no one looks in it.

>> No.7999931
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Does anyone want a tall-lolita-friendly review of any of the following dresses that are in my wardrobe (as far as the skirts and bodices go)? I'm 5'11" or 180 cm for reference.

>> No.7999951

I use the tag myself because as a tall lolita I love looking through the tag.
Never had any creepy people reblogging me

>> No.8000009

Are princess sleeves the wide billowing ones that flare at the elbow? I've seen them before I think.

I wish they made longer ruffled wrist cuffs, like an underskirt for your arms. (Stupid I know - lanky lolita dreams)

>> No.8000039

I usually wear two pairs of wristcuffs but that still looks a bit off.
I wonder who to commission for this sort of thing, blouses I mean.

>no sewing skills/hate sewing
>interested in lolita and cosplay
worst feel

I've been thinking about getting these arm cuffs to lengthen my winter coats.

>> No.8000081

i forgot the name of it but, id love a review of the the blue jsk with deer and other forest animals on it!!

>> No.8000364
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>tfw always the one person who's at least a head taller than everyone else

>> No.8000589

I'm 5'11 too anon! *Hi five*
I'd love to hear how the Nun OP fits you, especially the torso and sleeves?

>> No.8000619

my dick gets so wet every time i see the stained glass haneuli print
maybe it would fit a 6'0" fag but

>> No.8000671

How tall are you?
And at least your feet look pretty small

>> No.8000709

I get some of my socks from sockdreams, the length on them is perfect, haven't had any problems with their thigh highs and OTKs.

>> No.8000716

that's not me, just pulled it off tumblr

>> No.8000815

Different anon (5'10 here), it's called Dear Litte Friends by R-Series and a great lenght for tall lolitas imo.

>> No.8000819

Nun OP please? Especially sleeves wise.

>> No.8000824

I'm 5'8 if that helps >>8000739

>> No.8000828

I got the Coat of Arms Tartan skirt and it's so damn short, I look like a stripper. I'm only 5'7", this shouldn't be so hard.

>> No.8000912

I don't mind sleeves not reaching wrists tbh. I get to stack my bracelets with it.

>> No.8000921

Perhaps you're not worth reblogging?

>> No.8000923


I'm 5'1 and it's stupidly short on me too.

>> No.8001385


>> No.8001652
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>>7999931 Here, hello!
Dear Friends is of decent length skirt wise.
The bodice however is pretty short. I'm proportionate in terms of leg vs torso, so they're about equal and the waist definitely sits a few inches under my bust. Pic related. Sorry for the lack of legwear, the picture is just for show.

>> No.8001660
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Sorry, giant sideways phone picture. Here's the resized picture.

>> No.8001664

God I need to buy this dress back soon, so jealous!
I sold my original because it was too big and I bought my size through my SS, but that's when the whole Transbao fiasco went down.
I mean, I got my money back, but I'd rather just have my goddamn dress.

>tfw i literally have the entire set
>except the jsk

>> No.8001776
File: 216 KB, 753x994, namelesspoem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Nameless Poem is totally worth the hype, great fabric and well constructed. I ordered a size up for length purposes and without waist ties, it's a bit frumpy on me (left). However, when I put on waist ties and tie them a bit lower than normal, I can bring down the waist and silhouette of the dress and it looks a lot better (right). I have long arms and hands and it still comes down pretty far. It doesn't quite cover my wrists unfortunately, but I don't really care. Bodice is definitely short, it's nearly a babydoll style but I can move it a little bit thanks to the waist ties.

>> No.8001781

>bought first burando
>it's a salopette

Hooooo boy here we go. This is gonna be good.

I guess it's good I have short bloomers?

I'm not even that tall, I'm just 100% legs.

>at least I'm not fat i guess

>> No.8001786

Sailor OP sauce and review please

>> No.8001828
File: 934 KB, 720x960, ribbonlogosailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo Ribbon Sailor Series OP by Lief
Bodice is super short, this definitely appears to be a babydoll style on me. The skirt length is great though, extra long. I also bought the beret but it's too small to wear with a wig on and the ribbon on that is navy while all the other ribbons are black. Fabric is lightweight, it's shirred in the back, also great construction. Sorry for the striped tights in advance, I just really like how the brand styled it.

>> No.8002382

I'd like to hear about the starry one! I'm 5'8.

I know someone already asked about it, but I'm just adding my support for the nun-looking one and the stained glass one.

>> No.8002450
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>tfw you will never meet a tall lolita in your country

>> No.8002505

sauce&review pls on cherries print

>> No.8003733

Ooh, that's such a relief. I'm 5'8 and ordered an M. Curse these monkey arms.

>> No.8003736

>be 5'5"
>oh anon you're just whiney you're not even tall
>100cm dress
>ew anon that's so short on you wtf it doesn't even come halfway down to your knees
>anon you can't wear that it's not decent, why don't you wear a longer dress!
>links to 90-95 cm dresses
>explain situation
>lol it must be a replica then! there's no way it's that short on you.

Being 100% legs is suffering

>> No.8004822

Why? Where do you live?

>> No.8005325

I'm 5'6 and apparently only 5'7 is welcomed here (and up) Meanwhile I'm crying because no cute leggings or tights i get ever fucking fit me and I'm sick of wasting money.. then when it comes to leggings and shoes.. people are like "YOU SHOULD Change those" but it's not like any cute shoes or leggings ever come in my fucking size and i have no one that knows how i feel irl and I feel really upset and alone because j-fashion is the only thing that comforts me.

>> No.8005333


I'm fucking 5'9 and I have no clue what you dumb cunts are whining about. I can fit into j-fash-cute leggings etc, and I have 40in fucking legs. You both must be fat as fuck or just trying too hard for pity.

>> No.8005338

5'5" and 97 lbs, 29-22-30, I am actually more than 50% legs. Nothing fits.

Everything is too short and too big.

>> No.8005343

I'm 69in tall and have 40in legs, you do the fraction. I think you're just not looking hard enough or something. All the clothing is made for you.

>> No.8005353
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No clothing is made for someone with tits who's otherwise the size of a 10-year-old child with limbs like a monkey.

The dress in this photo is 95cm long, admittedly the poofy petti DOES poof it up and shorten it, but it's still ridiculously short considering my height.

All I hear you saying is "weeeh you're not tall enough to be in the tall girls' club, you can't possibly have any of these issues, get out x("

>> No.8005361

> tfw no endless legs like you

I'm tall yet I look stumpy because I have short legs and an endless torso instead

>> No.8005384

Next time, try not lying. That dress is only 85cm, princess.

>> No.8005387

Wow! I'm 5'9 and my inseam is only 32 inches long. You must be really skinny to be able to wear most tights.

>> No.8005388

Basically what you're telling us is that you need to learn to sew, or find a good local seamstress.

>> No.8005391

>All I hear you saying is "weeeh you're not tall enough to be in the tall girls' club

You're not.

Longer legs =/= tall, random fashion problems =/= tall. Sorry you have such a shit body but it's your own problem.

>> No.8005396

I guess so! I have a really small frame for a taller girl apparently.

>tfw my asian friend is jelly cause she's fatter than me

I still have a fuck ton of problems with skirts though.

>> No.8005411

you look fine and you can fit ops.
clean your damn room its gross.

>> No.8005782


>> No.8005793 [DELETED] 

>tfw 5'8
>that means clown feet
:c Life is suffering... I can barely squeeze into a BtSSB LL

>> No.8005795

Your feet obviously aren't that big if you can fit btssb LL.

>> No.8005801 [DELETED] 

9.5, almost 10. I had pic related stretched to hell tho and they're still really uncomfortable to wear (is it possible to add extra pleather to the quarter for dat length?)

>> No.8005803 [DELETED] 
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Dropped my pic like a dumbass lmfao

>> No.8005808

Is it really that hard to fine 9.5 shoes? I wear 11s and there have been girls in other tall threads who wear size 13 shoes.

>> No.8005814 [DELETED] 

Cute/inexpensive 10 shoes are :c I want my burando...

>> No.8005824

>tfw my left foot is a 9 and fits comfortably into baby's LL
>tfw my right foot is almost a size 10 and doesn't
fuck you body as if being tall wasn't already enough now I have fucked up body proportions.

>> No.8005829

>Wait until shoe thread comes up.
>Ask about large shoes for your style.
> Get response.
> ??????
> Profit.

I have a feeling IW shoes might fit you in their LL or AP possibly.

>> No.8005949

What did you buy, anon?

>> No.8006019

I'm a tall lolita in NZ.

>> No.8006046
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>> No.8006102

5'2" here, the whole series is short. I even need an underskirt for my jsk and I'm usually the ideal height for AP.

>> No.8006113

I'm 5'5" and have no problem fitting into any of the tights and leggings I've bought from Taobao. Maybe try there instead of brand?

>> No.8006116

It would probably help if I was more specific...
I've bought from mu-fish, nyanmi, mybambi and mita-mita. All my cutest/comfiest tights are from Taobao A+ would recommend.
(although obviously I can't speak for girls who are actually 5'7"+)

>> No.8006117

Wtf I meant to quote myself >>8006113. Sorry for the confusion.