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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7995189 No.7995189[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you or anyone you know been sexually assaulted at a convention?

>> No.7995204

I've witnessed plenty of sexual harassment at conventions (Especially yaoi fangirls saying creepy things or tackling people cosplaying their favorite male characters.) but no one I know personally has been sexually assaulted at one.

I generally feel much safer at conventions than at other gatherings.

>> No.7995209

My friend was groped once. A random guy came up to her and complimented her Tenchi Muyo shirt, then asked for a hug. She thought: "why not?"

He proceeded to touch her chest while hugging her.

She pushed him away and then gave him a hard slap. The most worrying thing was the guy said she was the first woman he had groped to do that to him.

>> No.7995864

I got groped by a girl at a con recently who asked for a picture with me. She stood behind me, put her arms over my shoulders and grabbed on tight haha. I just quickly walked away in shock.

Another time at the same con, a guy forced himself on me, for a 'free make-out' which I had been actually running from for about 5 minutes. I was calling out for help, but I don't think anyone took it seriously. I ended up running behind a vendor, explained as quickly as I could and he got him to back off.

Those incidents and the other creeps I've encountered have put me off doing that or any other tight-fitting cosplays.

>> No.7995868


shoulder grabbing is sexual assault?

>> No.7995871

A guy came up to me once and said I was very pretty and asked for a hug. I thanked him and gave him one. He then asked if I was having a good time and politely chatted for a few seconds before stating something along the lines of, "...But now I'm unsure what I'll do about this since all these girls keep shooting me down." And proceeded to stroke his now apparent erection through his pants. I kicked him in the depth and ran away. Later on I found out he was a new person to the con staff and turned him in for his behavior. He tried to add me on FB three weeks later, too!

>> No.7995872

I have, in an elevator. I pretty much ran out as soon as the door opened. I also had some guy kiss me out of nowhere right after he kissed my friend sitting right next to me. She was into him, I was not. It was fucking weird and it was my first real kiss. I was extra mortified because a guy I met at the con and was starting to really like was sitting right there while this was going on and saw the whole thing. I was 12/13 during both these incidents and had no idea what to do.

>> No.7995875

You guys ever hear of going with a friend or at least carry a knife with you shit.

>> No.7995876

I think the implication is she "grabbed on tight" to her chest.

>> No.7995886

Yes, my friend was raped at a con for around 10 minutes, until someone walked in on it and probably saved her life. It was violent and horrible. With the large masses of people at a con, rooming together, traveling in groups, I do think it's probably rare.

>> No.7995891

When I was 13 I was dressed as Haruhi Suzumiya for a convention and some random girl (who looked like she was 19/20) came up behind me and grabbed my boobs. I had no idea who she was, but I was in such shock I didn't know what to say.

Then when I was 20 I was really upset and I needed someone to talk to since everyone I was rooming with that day were really busy, So I messaged my "friend" and went to see him at their hotel room, walked in crying and upset because I was overwhelmed with everything. He locked the door, stripped off all my clothes and raped me. I kept telling him no, tried to push him off of me, used my safety word, but he took it as "playing" and wouldn't stop. After it was all over I ran as fast as I could back to my hotel. I had never ran so fast.
That year I was a fucking mess.
Became terrified of the world around me, couldn't trust anyone.
Because I went to someone who I thought was my friend who I trusted.

>> No.7995893

why didnt you send this fucker to jail

>> No.7995896

Top kek.

>> No.7995904

whats a safety word?

>> No.7995908

>I didn't say no, but I didn't yes either
Dumb bitch got drunk and fucked

>> No.7995916

If you are a dom person by nature and get turned on by someone struggling and being told to stop, you have a safety word which if said means "ABSOLUTELY stop what your doing".
Its for people who are in dom/sub relationships or who have friends with benefits just in case thing get out of hand. In all my relationships/fwb I have had a safety word that means to completely stop and I feel unconformable.

>>7995893 I was scared. Did you know that most rape cases go un reported? Because I firmly believed at the time it was my fault that it happened to me, that if I wasn't so upset I wouldn't have been taken advantage of. It took me 9 months after to finally go to see a rape counselor let alone tell anyone what happened to me. Its been almost 2 years since then and I have finally moved forward and I am able to talk about it now.

>> No.7995919
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I was in an elevator at a con and this really high and probably drunk Yoko cosplayer got in with her friends and stood directly in front of me and stared right at me for the entirety of the ride, her eyes were really dilated. Shortly before we reached the main floor she put her hand on my crotch and tried to speak but all that came out was "Mmm Hhh FFfmmm". Once the elevator stopped she got out and started screaming and running into people and her friends chased after her, I actually felt second hand embarrassment because I think the people getting on thought I was with her.


>> No.7995920

>being a degenerate
well of course you got raped, serves you right for not having a normal fucking relationship

>> No.7995921

Wait so why would you use your safety word with someone who you weren't planning on fucking? Was this person your fwb or something?

Also a safety word is just for general sexual play situations in which people may seem uncomfortable as a reaction/part of the play.

>> No.7995926

I'm not the Anon but chances he wouldn't have gone to jail are pretty high. She probably would have gotten some comments a la "But you went to his room on your own??" or "I'm sure you wanted it too and just regret it now, and now you want to ruin his bright future with fake rape accusations!!" and the case would have been dismissed.
It's hard to "prove" rape in such cases and the police usually tends to go with "No evidence, they knew each other, probably had consensual sex before, northing we can do" to outright saying you are just lying.

It's shitty, but I have seen similar cases to this happen a few times so I have zero expectations.

>> No.7995938

I was in a sexual relationship with him 6 months prior to the incident (only 2 times), before I was in a full time relationship (which I was when it happened, and he was fully aware of it, I ended our fwb relationship the minute I was in a relationship. but we were still friends. We had been for 2 years.)
So yes, I have safe words in every sexual relation I have had. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel safe when having sex.

>> No.7995941

i'm so sorry that happened to you. sending love.

>> No.7995942
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>tried to add me on FB three weeks

>> No.7995943

I've honestly witnessed both.
Once, in a bar, a girl was visibly drunk and started hitting on some guys and one of them took her home and fucked her. Next day she posted a selfie on facebook saying she was raped (she was already pissed before she met him, so she wasn't roofied) and called the police. The police told her she wasn't raped and her friends started hugboxing her. Apparently she had a boyfriend.

Another time one of my classmates was accused of raping a girl, but it was dismissed and they both got a suspension. Later on I heard from the girl's parents that he raped her in the gym loo and she didn't know him, nor was she drunk, but the teachers ignored her complaints and said they were just having intercourse so they suspended them both.

You really can't know with these things and assuming either that the victim is always right or that they're always wrong is going to hurt someone permanently.

>> No.7996008

I have a safety word since I was molested as a child. I can have something trigger it and I will go completely detached and it isn't clear what is going on in my head. It's not just for BD/SM. My word is small and I say it as quickly as possible as I'm going into flashback mode. It should also never be anything you would ever say in bed so that it doesn't get confused.

>> No.7996009

Earlier this year at a "family friendly" con I was grabbed at the dance and a guy rutted his dick against my ass several times and tried to get his hands down my pants before I got away. Not only did his dick feel like a pencil, I was crossplaying some bara from a yaoi of all things. The whole situation made me laugh pretty hard.

>> No.7996050

>that picture
I fucking hate that logic.
Men are easy to communicate with, you just have to say words that come together into rational phrases.
If you don't speak words or communicate even remotely with your body how much you disapprove, they will not know to stop, you will have perpetuated your own crime in omitting the response it took to change your circumstances. If he had pinned you down or forced you into silence by force or threat, this is obviously different, but simply allowing a thing to happen doesn't make it rape, nor does it resolve you of your responsibility to keeping yourself safe.

It seriously bothers me that people these days can so blithely declare that half of the population are rapists by society and nature. It bothers me that these people's stories are being swallowed whole as truths and that people find it acceptable to retroactively decide the fate of a man's life by the wishy-washy word of a craven woman. Shame is not a valid excuse, there are some things that, regardless of the situation, must be done for one's existence. If you have every opportunity to remove yourself from a situation you are rapidly enjoying less, and you do not act, that is a problem in your own mind that should be addressed and fixed, that is not damage that this person has caused and exploited over the course one evening. Something like that is a learned behavior you created by passively allowing your life to be lived for you.
. You are not a minor anymore, you need to take responsibility for your actions and in-actions.

>> No.7996082

I would love to have the balls to be this comfortable.

>be in the vendor area
>be 34
>11 year old walks up
>not wearing too much
>asks for a hug
>insists on a hug
>starts making a huge scene, people start looking
>agree to hug her
>put hand in pocket
>give side hug to avoid as much contact as possible
>dirty looks from everyone over 15

Could be my age, but I am seriously worried about police involvement

>> No.7996094


This one time some fat weeaboo bitch was pawing at me and my boyfriend. That was gross.

I've never seen it happen to anyone else though

>> No.7996095


probably because it never happened lol

>> No.7996125

That's probably him trying to call her crazy. "No one else thinks it's bad!!"

>> No.7996223

>slow clap

This culture of victimization is retarded

>> No.7996264

My ex boyfriend raped me in the hotel room while his best friend sat there watching.

>> No.7996466

that never happened

>> No.7996491

If you are drunk, you cannot legally give consent. I don't care if you don't think that's true, that's the law.
/pol/ please go

>> No.7996495

Only boob grabs.
I wear a pushup so I could barely feel it but it was uncomfortable as hell

Its only been done by
>weeaboo girls
>boys in cat ears

>> No.7996502


>If you are drunk, you cannot legally give consent. I don't care if you don't think that's true, that's the law.

Ehehehehe, it's cute you think that, but no.
Being drunk does not, in any state, erase your ability to consent.

Ever buy a cheeseburger while drunk off your ass? Guess what, you consented to that purchase.

>> No.7996504

So do you think that's never happened to anyone or just this specific anon? I'm curious as to the reasoning that's granted this certainty.

>> No.7996507

don't fall for the bait guys just warning y'alls xxx

>> No.7996512


Can you please find me one example of someone being arrested for sleeping with an intoxicated person?
Or even the legal provisions in ANY of the fifty states?

Or are you just going to spout stupid shit like a stupid bitch?

>> No.7996515

I agree with you. But comparing buying a cheesburger and sex is stupid, there completely different things.

>> No.7996520

I forgot the United States of America was the only country in the world and the only citizens visiting 4chan

>> No.7996521

>I don't care if you don't think that's true
well good for you, nobody gives a shit about your bullshit opinions.

And it isn't the law everywhere, at least not in my country. You can't hold one person responsible for another's actions, they shouldn't have gotten drunk in the first place. You are an adult, you make your own decisions. But I forget that when it comes to women everyone else is responsible except themselves when it suits them, and they are strong and independent when it suits them.

Besides, what if they are both drunk? You are not a little child, if you don't want to get raped don't get wasted. Know your limits. Did they not tell you in school what to do in a bar? Only have drinks opened/mixed in front of you and make sure they fizz or pop as they are opened. Don't accept drinks and rides from strangers. Know your limits. It's really not that fucking hard.
>inb4 everyone who disagrees with me is baiting/a troll

>> No.7996526

I live in Europe and there is no such law in my country nor in most others in the EU.

>> No.7996530
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It's the only one that matters, sweetheart.


Legally, they ARE the same. Consent-wise, at least. Legal provisions are made in regards to theft of it (IE Rape and robbery have different punishments) but the consent mechanisms are almost always the same.

>> No.7996531

From New York State:
>a person cannot legally give consent if: a) the person is under the age of 17, b) the person is developmentally disabled, or c) the person is mentally incapacitated or physically helpless, including as a result of alcohol or drugs.

>> No.7996538

>Jew York

>> No.7996540

I will never forget it from now on bless you my child

>> No.7996545



Can you read? It means if you get so drunk that you are on the floor, unable to move or react to simple yes/no questions, you cannot consent.
It doesn't mean "oh she had five shots and said yes but didn't mean it!!!" like you think it does.

Leave the law to the lawyers, lady.

>> No.7996546

>I could get a "yes" out of her so I can rape her and she can't do anything about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fak da police!!!

>> No.7996556

>if the girl is drunk its rape, but if the guy is drunk its consensual

>> No.7996557


Are you insinuating that if I girl says yes that I shouldn't assume she wants it?

Obviously if someone was treating her into it that's a different story, but otherwise yes means yes. Men are not mindreaders and shouldn't be required to be.


The girl in this first example, for instance, would not fall under the definition. She was intoxicated, clearly, but by no means incapacitated. Therefore, under the law of New York, it would not be rape.
Nor in the minds of any sensible individual.

>> No.7996561
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let me try this ancient /cgl/ online arguing technique on for size:

>> No.7996566
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>> No.7996567

The fact that this entire thread is just /pol/ coming here to stir shit because their own board is practically unreadable right now is so disgustingly obvious...

>> No.7996570


What does that have to do anything?
Nice strawman, though.


The fact that you cannot argue and devolve to claiming a board invasion shows how shallow your own arguments are.
Why not take this opportunity to acknowledge that you are incorrect and realign your flawed way of thinking?

>> No.7996574

>but otherwise yes means yes
welp looks like i can't back off now i have to eat the whole cake because i said yes but i'm stuffed already i can't fit another bite what do i do if i can't say no if yes means yes i already said yes already help!!!!

>> No.7996579


Your post is literally incoherent. Are you that stupid/illiterate or are you so angry that you can't even type correctly?

In any case, please try again.

>> No.7996581

Isn't it still technically sex tho? Rape is still sex.

>> No.7996582

1) sex is not cake
2) you reek of tumblrina
3) you obviously don't have a grandmother, otherwise you would fucking know that you can fit a lot more than just one bite

>> No.7996585

>but otherwise yes means yes
>It's not sex... when he changes his mind

Are you that stupid/illiterate or are you so angry that you can't even comprehend something so simple?

>> No.7996591

ayyyy let's not go there
>sex is not cake
what do I live for then

>> No.7996592

By definition, technically, yes.

I wasn't offended, I was super flattered.

SDCC13, someone grabbed my ass in the dealer's hall.

Not a little squeeze, I'm talking 1950's Boss on Secretary, full cheek cup, hard squeeze, lifted up on my toes grab.

Happened fast as fuck, I whipped around right after but no one was around me.

>> No.7996593


Nice reusing of the insult I just laid on you. It really speaks to how lost you are right now.

And my original "yes means yes" clearly wasn't accounting for a girl changing her mind and saying "No, I dont want this anymore". That would obviously be rape if he continued.

My point was that if you say "yes" and don't proceed to say "no" when you don't want it anymore, that it is not the guys fault. It's yours.

>> No.7996594

Anon's poorly worded point is that you can revoke consent midway through intercourse. For example, if you were having oral sex and your partner then demanded anal sex, you refused, and they forced you to have anal sex, that would be rape because it is a sex act you explicitly did not consent to.

>> No.7996596

to see the tears of your enemies as they fall down and bleed to death, why else

>> No.7996597


Oh anon, your autism is showing.

>> No.7996601


Ah, I see.
Yes, that would be rape as they did not consent to the anal sex. I think she's taking my "yes means yes" TOO literally.

>> No.7996606

>"No, I don't want this anymore" but the guy continues = rape
>"yes" but can't say no when she doesn't want to anymore because too intoxicated/paralyzed out of fear = not rape

>> No.7996608


>paralyzed out of fear
>after having said yes

Good luck proving that in court!

>> No.7996615

If women are going to try to claim they were paralyzed with fear, we're never fucking going to get equality.

>> No.7996616

implying the victims wins and the rapist gets sentenced irl

>> No.7996622


We were having a discussion on legality. You arguments are piss-poor and irrelevant.

Are you that bullheaded that you can't admit you're wrong?

>> No.7996625

implying women is getting equality

>> No.7996634

Geez, stop replying already. Neither of you are relevant in any case.

>> No.7996640



I don't understand?
We're discussing consent issues in the convention environment. With that "cosplay is not consent" bull going around it is an extremely relevant discussion.

>> No.7996645


The quick grope and flee.

I'm a dude, and I've had this happen three times to me. Twice by chicks, and once by a dude (although I was in a gay bar that time, I'm not gay by the way..)

>> No.7996654

>1950's Boss on Secretary, full cheek cup, hard squeeze, lifted up on my toes grab

Unf. Thats the greatest kind of ass grab there is. I get the best tingle feeling.

>> No.7996655

Dude gay bars are amazing.

All those free drinks.


>at gay bar for karaoke with roommate
>wearing cardigan
>roommate had his off
>put it on yuppie style around the neck because he was drunk, didn't want him to lose it, super expensive
>go to get drinks
>notice guy has been eyeballing me
>adjusts the neck tying
>asks me where my boyfriend is
>point at roommate
>"oh hes right over there"
>threat avoided
>roommate finds me a little later
>"why is this dude trying to invite us over for a threesome"
>god damn it valle

>> No.7996662

>We're discussing consent issues in the convention environment.
>Never mentioning anything along the lines of since the beginning.

>> No.7996663

look anon I found your scumbag ex

>> No.7996671

It's kinda sad how I take advantage of it too. It's sadder for my friend though who is full homo and never gets the ladies because I apparently look like a lesbian and she doesn't.

>> No.7996691

>still not sure if vallelator is male or female

>> No.7996724

It is, it's too bad that the people who really need to commit that to action won't read it, and if they do, they'll make excuses for why it doesn't apply to them.
The emotional heath of our people as a whole, across all fields and in all cities has hit an all time low. No one is happy with the way things are, and this 2nd wave feminism is really just destroying everything that made our society stable.

Women who call themselves feminists and subscribe to the tumblr version of it don't just want their cake and to eat it too, they want men to gather every ingredient, mill the wheat, harvest the cane, make the cake from the ground up for them, eat it all for themselves and leave nothing behind for the men that built it. Be equal partners? No. Share the burden that society has foisted upon men? No. Accept any role or responsibility, regardless of it's import and compatibility? Never, how patriarchal to expect a woman to do anything for anyone but herself.

In Islamic faith, the woman wears the garbs to hide her beauty from the baser men, yet should they marry, the husband takes all responsibility for the livelihood of the family, if the woman works ever, all of that money is hers to spend on whatever she desires regardless of her family's well being. A woman could live richly on her earnings, allowing her children to starve, and it would be the man's fault for allowing it.
Us women have been breed and raised in the hopes of being productive members of society, no different from men, but the expectations women are anticipated to know has everything to do with contributing some of the most meaningful things to life. And we've fallen a long way. It's never been perfect, but this way of 'fixing' things has made a Mountain more problems to climb in the next few decades.

>> No.7996732

Short and sweet and to the point.

>> No.7996900

I believe we are in third wave feminism.
I think you are trying to impress the internet with dense posts. I don't like it and therefore reject your opinions whether you are right or not.

>> No.7996904

I know some people.
They were my victims.

>> No.7996921

I always can't help but think these threads are complete bullshit

I cosplay with with half my ass out and I've never been "assaulted"

If someone tries getting too pushy or touches me somewhere I don't like I just tell them to fuck off and they leave me alone

Seriously why is this so hard?

>> No.7996926

A friend of mine had a guy give her an arm over the shoulder boob squeeze while having a photo taken with her. When she told him bluntly to go away he started asked for her name and address, claiming it was so he could report her to con security.
Then the group told him to fuck off and he left.

>> No.7996929

3rd wave feminism is the worst wave. Also I had this discussion before, but all the issues feminists address can be attributed to a class issue, not a gendered one, but the rich are using gender as a tool to confuse the poor idiots while they control the world under our noses.

I'm an oldschool feminist by the way, not some neckbeard moron. But most 3rd wave feminists are too infected with tumblritis that they are fighting people who could help end all of this.

>> No.7996933

>i haven't experienced it therefore it must not exist
come on seriously

>> No.7996938

Honestly, anon, with the huge influx of tumblrtards, neckbeards and trolls of every flavor, i can understand being skeptical. Some people could be lying to scaremonger, others out of bitterness and so the real gets mixed in with the lies, that's human nature. Liars ruin everything.

>> No.7996939

I've been "flash groped" like some people have described but "assaulted" is very different

I don't understand how you manage to put yourself in that situation, have some common sense

>> No.7996940

what is an old school feminist

>> No.7996941

that's lawfully considered sexual assault
everyone is also not you, that's nice that you can stick up for yourself but not everyone has the same confidence as you

>> No.7996942

usually both parties are drunk
and really if we try to stop anyone, men or woman, because they're drunk there's good chances they'll be angry at us, even if they're our friend, and we're gonna get punched

>> No.7996945

Been spanked and pinched a few times. Didn't bother me too much, though.
I'm a dude however, so it might happen more often to females.

>> No.7996947
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/cgl/ is far and away one of the strangest boards on 4chan.

Maybe it's my /b/tard blood but it's surreal seeing rational discussion about modern feminism.

Continue plz. Pic unrelated. Topo a cute.

>> No.7996966

Basically, someone who considers themselves feminist but agrees with less of the modern and more of the older policies and values. Some examples would be that I agree with(obviously) getting paid the same amount for the same job, but I don't agree with thinks like sex work or any of that really warped "pro-body empowerment" that reduces anyone, not just women, to a sex object. I also agree with women making all of their own choices, becoming housewives or astronauts or anything, as long as it is their choice. And I have a slightly different standing on some more important issues that I can explain in more detail if desired. Basically though, I feel like 3rd wave feminism is doing more to victimize women as well as portray women as weaker, less able to hold responsibility and stupider than they are(hopefully) intending.

>> No.7996972

Once when I was 16 some real fatty-chan forced me to sit on her lap and kept going how cute I was. She even forcefully kissed me all the sudden. I managed to get away pretty fast from the situation after that.

> mfw I got my first kiss from ugly as fuck landwhale fml.

Otherwise Ihave had only creepy stalker girls at conventions but none of them have touched me nor I have heard anyone else being assaulted. I guess I attract crazy lesbians only.

>> No.7996975

My female cousin had her BFF pumped and dumped by some asshole.
She claimed rape as a retaliation.

My cousin had to testify against her.
It musts have been pretty hard. But justice did prevail. I'm proud of her.

>> No.7996979

As a guy, it is really hard to stop if a girl chances her mind. I mean i always do, but you have to literally suppress every instinct to continue combined with level 20 blue balls.

I had an ex who changed her mind half way quite often, never really quite sure if she was messing with me or if something else was going on. It was torture.

Not that i want to defend these fucks, i'm just saying stopping takes a pretty incredible amount of will.

>> No.7996980

Just go masturbate you creepy fuck.

>> No.7996982

>as a guy I have no self control when it comes to sex or sexual topics
we know, that's the underlying excuse every guy gives for rape and sexual assault

>> No.7996990

That ain't normal yo

>> No.7996992

>dude is honest about the emotions involved in respecting a girl's wishes
>never raped anybody, just illustrating a basic biological mechanism
>is immediately attacked
Sure is tumbr feminazi in here.

>> No.7997003

>t, mill the wheat, harvest the cane, make the cake from the ground up for them, eat it all for themselves and leave nothing behind for the men that built it. Be equal partners? No. Share the burden that society has foisted upon men? No. Accept any role or responsibility, regardless of it's import and compatibility? Never, how patriarchal to expect a woman to do anything for anyone but herself.
What a bunch of BS.
Men nowadays are lazzy ass tat wouldn't lift a finger to help you do the housechore when youy still bring more money home than they do.

Women have just learn that men are unreliable overgrown children and shouldn't be counted on for anything.
That's all.

>> No.7997022


And yet every woman's goal is to marry a man richer than her with higher social status than she could ever achieve by virtue of her own merits

>> No.7997029



I think women are realizing men have wised up and are now pumping and dumping women in record numbers and they have no real recourse.

That's the funny thing about claiming you don't need men, it goes the other way too!

>> No.7997047
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>every woman's goal
sure is generalizing there.

I just want a pretty boy with a good body. Don't care about money as I've plenty by myself.

>tfw I can afford a boytoy.
I'll never love me for real, just my money, but it's still feel good enough.

>> No.7997056

I wish

>> No.7997112


>i just want a pretty boy with a good body

what a shallow bitch

>> No.7997113

Yes but all the molesters have been girls

>> No.7997124


>> No.7997137

I don't think that most of these "convention assaults" don't really happen. Women tend to overreact when a guy approaches them, especially when his looks doesn't please them. This leads to over exaggerating of what really happened, such as "guy talked to me = guy tried to rape me". That so it's easy to see a guy who's acting just normal as "a creep". Most nerd guys wouldn't even dare to flirt with a cute girl, we know what's out of our league(unlike certain women who apparently think they deserve the very best) and just try to interact normally but the "3rd rate feminists" that have mentioned in this thread are just plain man haters and see it as something else.

>> No.7997139

*I think

>> No.7997143


I agree. This is the real reason why there is so rarely a conviction in rape cases.

>> No.7997151

I'm >>7995872 and I think those incidents both happened because I was young and predators tend to target the vulnerable. 12-14 was definitely the time period when I experienced the most sexual harassment, it doesn't really happen to me as much anymore.

>> No.7997175

does wearing revealing cosplay attract more gropers?

if so, why do so many girls keep doing it?

though Yaya's groping incident was outside a con not in cosplay

>> No.7997178

Lots of people on both sides of this argument are completely not thinking about the violence during rape most of the time. Your life is *usually* in danger during rape. You are threatened too. Plus let's not underestimate the grooming process...Not applicable during a fairly random con rape, but usually this *is* the case with rape from a person already in your life. Some people can't just say no. Sometimes you continuing saying yes cause he already beat your ass black and blue and he knows where you live and could come and kill you later. It's not as easy as a "yes" or "no". I have a sneaky suspicion that most of you arguing have not been raped. I have. As a child I didn't say no and was raped for years, violently, and once as an adult, where I was able to stop it after oral...but was then threatened with a loaded gun resting on the temple of my head. The only reason I could stop the later one was because I chose it was easier to just die then relive this again....and then someone walked in and saved me.Discussing "consent" is more complicated then anyone is giving credit to.

>> No.7997212

That's horrible. You are right though, not everyone's circumstances are the same.

>> No.7997215
File: 182 KB, 500x523, rapist statistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for saying this, Anon.
Rape is about power, not sex. Of course it isn't the case for every rape, but often victims are unable to acutally say "No" due to being in shock, being threatened or just fucking being afraid for your life.
Whenever I hear "But x could have just said 'no'?!!" it sounds to me like these are the kind of people who say "Just be happy!" to someone with depression or "Why don't they just eat??" to someone with anorexia.

>lel girls constantly make up false rape accusations!!1 XD
No they don't. Of course there are people who do this but there are very, very, very few of them because reporting rape involves a shit ton of obstacles like all the questions, emotional burden, consequences for your social life, you have to pay for a lawyer, the police may not believe you, etc. There are reasons why so many actual rapes don't even get reported.
>pic also related

>> No.7997231

Only creepy thing that ever happened to me was a dude grinding against my ass in the subway.

Meanwhile my sister attracted them like flies around a honey pot.

I'm rather tall, she's really short and has big boobs.

Being an man-faced woman can be good sometimes.

Also I wonder if creepers don't target more often women who looks more soft spoken and fragile.

>> No.7997244

Calling him a creepy fuck is a pretty valid complaint. As you said, we're just being honest too.

>> No.7997246


>that image

You've just destroyed your whole argument.

>> No.7997261

Clearly comprehension of simple graphics isn't a skill you posses.

>> No.7997345

SJW's are the fourth wave they combine a cynical veneer of third-wave sex positivity with the second wave's babbling bullshit that the third wave rejected.

>> No.7997584

this isn't a hugbox

>> No.7997677

Can you tell me more about this? What did the bff say to the cousin?
I'm proud of your cousin too

>> No.7997687

>Rape is about power, not sex.
No it's not, I'm sorry if you're trapped in the 60s or something, but rape is more about sex than power. Rape done in a disgusting and violent way, like it's often depicted, is the least likely situation. Most happen because of unbridled lust, alcohol or just simply not being on the same page and being unaware. You sound like one of those people who watches lifetime all day.

>> No.7997704

Sounds like you rape people

>> No.7997714

I don't, I'm just not too stupid to understand that statistics have changed since the definition of rape has changed and that many people have this false view that rape simply happens on a dark night in a back alley with a dude with a knife or some shit. I also know that people seeking that power are more likely to rob someone rather than rape them.

>> No.7997722

>No it's not, I'm sorry if you're trapped in the 60s or something, but rape is more about sex than power. Rape done in a disgusting and violent way, like it's often depicted, is the least likely situation. Most happen because of unbridled lust, alcohol or just simply not being on the same page and being unaware. You sound like one of those people who watches lifetime all day.
Rape doesn't have to be happening in the super violent stranger rapes you in a dark alley-way to be about power and control. Look at abusive relationships or why children are often victims of rapist (this often has less to do with pedophilia but children being easier dominated and shit like that)
If you seriously think most rape is caused by "unbridled lust, alcohol or just simply not being on the same page and being unaware" you're simply retarded.

>> No.7997728

>If you seriously think most rape is caused by "unbridled lust, alcohol or just simply not being on the same page and being unaware" you're simply retarded.

It is though.

>> No.7997732


>> No.7997752

So I assume you have been raped....right? No? Oh, well then GTFO

>> No.7997761

A few years ago at A-Kon, some random young weeb (I think she was, like, fifteen) that my friends had been talking to walked over to me, grabbed my tits, and said something really stupid like, "Boobies! Yay!" I shoved her off me and had to leave everyone to keep from hitting her stupid, fat face. But that's the only time someone's touched me inappropriately at a con in the 10+ years I've been going to them.

>> No.7997777

You're an idiot.

>> No.7997809

Idk man how about

Using ur fucking hand

>> No.7997815

It's pretty shitty if you're wearing something that covers you up and this happens to you, but if you're rocking something like Yoko or Nonon's nudist beach costume, then you are tempting the fuck out of people.

>> No.7997954


No, you're stupid. This graphic only proves that most rape accusations are bald-faced lies, since convictions rarely occur.

That or women are stupid and irresponsible and allow their rapists to go on raping other women.

>> No.7997969


I can't even comprehend where you're coming from with this, anon. Do you know how to read?

>> No.7997979

>responding to sexual assault in crowded public with a knife
talk about crazy, there's security and everything and they're not about to actually rape you in the middle of the con floor

>> No.7998022

How do they know about those rapists when they're unreported?

That's some good statistics

>> No.7998138

Where are you from that the legal system is infalible?

>> No.7998148

1/10 for getting me to respond.

>> No.7998150

This whole thread is bait.

>hm, how can I get /cgl/ upset today? I know! I'll start an argument about rape and play up gender conflicts!
I wish /pol/ could be contained from posting on the internet entirely.

>> No.7998153

I think the captcha-less posting was an attempt to tempt them to stay there.

>> No.7998181

Men and women who push their sexual desires onto others and act offended when they're rebuffed disgust me.

But while men are repeatedly called out for doing this, and the social discussion at conventions is on how gross men are for sliming con culture up with their desires, cons still explicitly cater to male desire with booth babes, advertising featuring sexy characters, etc. It's super fucking hypocritical.

Meanwhile, girls are, as mentioned in this thread, running around groping people, consuming their own porn and acting out their own fetishes in public without reproach, even when it makes con-goers supremely uncomfortable.

I know this thread is bait but convention staff should stop being hypocrites. Sex sells; men and women have sexual desires that should not be shamed; but no one should be allowed to subject anyone, physically or visually, to those desires without consent. No heavy petting cosplay sessions, no groping, no assault. And stop shaming men for buying porn or having fetishes; women obviously have them too. What do you think has made shows like Supernatural so fucking lucrative?

>> No.7998189

>That or women are stupid and irresponsible and allow their rapists to go on raping other women.
There you go. Men go on about how damaging feminism is but it isn't half as damaging to them as it is to women. Women told not to report. Women raped because rapists are let free

We tell our children to report abuse and sexual assault at home even though it comes at great risk to them. We tell our women NOT to report sexual assault and domestic abuse because they might get hurt or someone might not believe them. Why do we put more responsibility on CHILDREN than we do WOMEN?

>> No.7998200

>or communicate even remotely with your body
Men are (supposedly) great with words, not so much with body language. That's why you so often hear stories of guys saying "SHE FLIPPED ON ME, JUST SLAPPED ME/YELLED AT ME OUT OF NOWHERE!" when it really wasn't, the girl was avoiding them with their bodies all along and the guy couldn't pick up the signs.

Agree with everything else, though. Just. Understand that men suck at picking up signs or are just flat out not interested in doing so.

>> No.7998228

Talk for yourself, I'd rather kill myself than get married and I'd be a permavirgin before I'd let a man pay for anything for me.

I enjoy humiliation, but only in bed. Out of it I pay for my shit and do my part. Most women I know are the exact same.

>> No.7998246

I am just like you but I don't think many women are.

>> No.7998257

I have to admit I tend to keep myself to my circle of friends, who are usually feminists or at least not the cliché normalfag "tee hee he paid me a drink" kind. I wouldn't personally know if these even exist, though they probably do.

>> No.7998272


Where are you from that a woman's word is infallible?

>> No.7998278

I mean, I would let a guy pay for something for me, but not under false pretenses. And I don't see the problem. The angry narcissists making those arguments don't make the connection that men would do exactly the same things.

>> No.7998294


I've yet to meet any woman who's looking for this. But then that could be because my area is mostly filled with hippies/super-feminists/etc. Still, I think that more and more woman are coming to realize that living like that makes you super vulnerable. It may seem easy at first, but at some point you have to realize that if you can't support yourself, you're essentially at the mercy of whoever you're married to. That'd be way to risky for my tastes. I'd rather have a career to support me, you never know where a marriage will head.

>> No.7998295
File: 43 KB, 629x811, 250639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But would you date a guy that makes less money than you and feels insecure. I get a small satisfaction from degrading a guy in-front of his friends. I guess I'm just a bitch.

>> No.7998299


No, you're just full of shit.

Any woman who doesn't realize she wins by default in marriage due to divorce laws heavily favoring women needs to wake the fuck up and smell the coffee.

The only reason a woman has to get married is to have access to man's resources.

>> No.7998300

Different anon, but I'd bet there are more out there then you think. I almost never let a guy buy something for me unless it's a special occasion or a first date or something (I've found guys feel a bit rejected if you insist on "going dutch" so I usually let that slide at first). But I'd never let a guy/boyfriend buy me anything expensive unless I were going to do the same for him. It would just feel weird.

>> No.7998309

Luckily I've never seen anyone sexually assaulted. Some girls touch me but it's usually just them being flirty and it's invited. How often does it happen?

>> No.7998314

(Shouldn't feed the troll, but) While that may be true in some cases, if your family is poor or in debt (which is increasingly common) and then divorce, and you don't have a career, you're kind of screwed. It's pretty rough trying to support yourself in entry-level work when you're already much older.

>> No.7998316


it literally happens thousands of times every single second of every single day

>> No.7998317

1. I'm not married and never will be.
2. Who would want to be with a man who refuses to marry because he thinks you will steal from him if he does? If you trusty your partner so little you shouldn't get married on that basis alone.

>> No.7998325

I was dressed as Tinkerbell at Otakon a few years back with a friend dressed as Aladdin. We hung out by the bay area to take pictures with the local kids and some of the vendors wanted photos, too. I didn't mind, who doesn't want to take a picture with a Disney character? Posed with the girls at the chocolate place, the lemonade stand, etc.

While I was getting my picture taken with these two guys who worked at one of the stores in the mall area, one grabbed my ass. I shrieked and punched him in the chest. He tried to play it off like he didn't do anything but I made a huge scene, drawing a lot of attention. I refused to let him walk away and kept just shouting vitriol at him about how unacceptable his behavior was and what the hell was wrong with him and etc.

The guy's manager ended up coming over because of the how loud I was being and I told him what he did and we showed him the photo my friend had taken during it - pretty clear he had a handful of fairy butt. The guy was fired on the spot.

>> No.7998329


You seem confused. I am a woman. I would never marry a poor man, or a man who was in tons of debt, because he has no resources and probably never will.

>> No.7998332

LOL you're awesome

>> No.7998337

Why do you care if your man has resources or not? Do you not have the ability or the agency to gain them yourself?

>> No.7998354


I do. And I can get even more by getting a man to surrendering his.

>> No.7998363

Haha. If you make more than your man you will lose in a divorce. I have seen it happen numerous times. If you aren't making more than you could with a divorce, you are a weak woman with no agency. Women can make more without a man than they can with one, only lazy idiots do not realize this. A weak woman who thinks money has more value than anything else you can offer or that tog could have. You probably buy into the feminist lie that your body is the only thing you have to offer. Yes, it is a feminist belief to those who can read between the lines.

>> No.7998379


Not if I say he raped me.

>> No.7998387

That doesn't change a single thing I said. You may add well have answered "but not if I'm a dolphin!" For all the relevancy your brilliant statement had to my entire argument. But of course it won't because you're a troll parroting soundbites someone smarter than you fed your eager mouth.

>> No.7998389


Can you read? I said I would never marry a poor man. Obviously I would never marry a man who makes less than me.

>> No.7998396

Why would you marry a man who makes more than you rather than simply chose to make more and not marry? That's like saying you took a lower paying job so you'd be in a lower tax bracket and have to pay fewer taxes. Please at least bother justifying your own internal consistency.

>> No.7998398
File: 542 KB, 500x668, 1394078112305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, anon, you are my hero.

>> No.7998399

>I said I would never marry a poor man. Obviously I would never marry a man who makes less than me.

That's not remotely the same. If you are filthy rich then a lot of people make less than you, but that would not make him poor.

>> No.7998414

Anon would rather give up earning anything herself to leech off someone else because she has no agency. But she's a troll and knows no human being would admit to a lack of agency. So she dodges the question. A real person would be at least somewhat introspective or try to justify themselves. A poor troll repeats sound bytes written by people smarter than them that they cannot understand. A good troll can have original ideas and respond intelligently, this one does not.

>> No.7998431


tbh you sound like a troll too. I'd rather marry a man that earns either the same or more than me because my father raised me with the mindset of not marrying a man that can't provide for me, regardless of whether I need it or not.

>> No.7998447

so you're being sexist because daddy told you to?
Then again you sound retarded so no wonder you need someone to provide for you since you cannot provide for yourself

>> No.7998449

It's OK. No father is perfect. Did it ever occur to you your man might one day need you too? Are men immune from disability and disease and need?

Have you ever realized you can provide for your future self of your own agency?

Do you trust someone else more than you trust yourself? Do you think that is safe?

>> No.7998461

>no wonder you need someone to provide for you since you cannot provide for yourself

see: regardless of whether I need it or not. I don't.


I mean, I wouldn't marry him if he couldn't provide for me then. I understand he might get fired/get sick/etc - but so can I.

A better wording would be "I wouldn't marry someone without a job or without potential to make money".

Financial burden shouldn't be all on him but it shouldn't be on me either. And if it happened that it was me that was unable to have my own money, I wouldn't like to have a lower living standard.

>> No.7998469

you sound like a selfish cunt tbh

>> No.7998473

She's right
The only thing won't is that men don't realize the same thing

>> No.7998476


>> No.7998693


This. I have been raped as wellbut rapist was unknown man and it all happened in bar. I was pretty drunk but I did say no. I'm pretty sure I could have got someone to save me if I would have screamed. Dunno if it was because of alcohol or if I was simply too scared butI couldn't do anything but cry and hope that it will be over fast. Which is funny isn't body supposed to go in some super mode when your life is threatened or something.
I didn't get him reported or anything since didn't know name and he left right after it from bar but at least I ruined his clothes with all that blood. My friend went also missing that night so I had to go search her and didn't have time to be think myself or what happened.

Maybe because of what happened I get so angry with these girls who are first saying yes and then next day regretting it and telling lies to everyone how she was raped.

>> No.7998744

More like having unrealistic expectation.
Mos men don't want to shoulder all of the financial burden nowaday. They would rather choose a self reliant girl over a dead weight leech. At least in Yurop.

>> No.7998765


Because, as you said, in some states the spouse making less money than the other can make bank off of a divorce. I don't actually think you're trying at all here.

>> No.7998767

because making more would take effort and skill, and it's easier to tie down a man by getting pregnant and then suck out all of his funds.
On one hand, she's a cunt for doing it, on the other, serves them right for thinking with their dicks so I don't really feel sorry for them.

>> No.7998769


It's really quite simple. I don't do anything that I can have someone else do for me. I have an IT job and I do well enough on my own. But if I'm going to get married, I'm going to marry some with better prospects than I would have simply on my own. It's common sense really.

>> No.7998799

that's because /cgl is vagina dominated unlike the other boards

>> No.7998804

i think thats fine as long as you only advocate it for yourself and not your entire gender.

>> No.7998807


Women like me (smart women) have been doing this exact thing for many years without your permission or approval, but thanks I guess.

>> No.7998814

And someday your husband is going to ditch you for a younger gold digger and you'll be unable to fend for yourself.
There is nothing smart about it.

Men will only let you leeched off them so long you're young and cute.

That said I wouldn't date a poorfag either. I don't want a man who would have to run to mom's home the day I ditch him. But I wouldn't want a richfag in search of a trophy wife either.

Just a self reliant normalfag. So the day we get sick of each other we could break up instead of being forced to stay together for economical reasons.

>> No.7998819


What are you even talking about? I'm not in this for love. If you had been paying any attention at all, you'd know that once a man is on the hook he's screwed. He can try to ditch me for some younger girl and see if I care, I'll win in divorce courts, and with his resources severely dented we'll see how long he can hold that little girl's attention, and god help him if I birthed a child by him.

>> No.7998823

so I was right, you are a cunt

>> No.7998825


Again, I don't care about your approval or permission. You can go cry about it if you're too foolish of a woman to do the same thing, or too stupid of a man to not fall for it.

>> No.7998828

>>Being an man-faced woman can be good sometimes.

I know, right? We just fly right under the radar and we're safe.

But then in my case literally the only people who have been attracted to me/told me I was attractive have been neckbeards, middle aged women, and a trans woman, because I'm such a fugly butch bitch.

Anyway, back on topic, I have never been assaulted even at a con. Not even when I roomed with all guys (all strangers) at Katsucon one year. It also helps that I cosplay characters that hardly anyone knows and the people who do know them probably aren't the type to grope/glomp/dry hump/whatever random congoers.

>> No.7999145

Jfc you keep putting words in my mouth. I'm pretty well off, so is my family.

>> No.7999205
File: 1.10 MB, 1484x1552, 1204986034896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guys on the left are smaller than the ones on the right.

I got a larger picture and drew a line.

There are a couple other blatant stats abuses in the picture (counting those reported and who underwent trial but were declared not guilty as "unconvicted rapists"), but willful deception doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.7999213

>right are smaller than left.

Basically what I'm getting at is that it's a dishonest trick to make the "falsely accused" seem like an even smaller percentage than they actually are.

>> No.7999226

This one time I was rooming with a girl and we were both really smashed alone in the room, we were into each other so we ended up having sex, she came onto me and told me she wanted to multiple times before the penetration even happened. Afterwards when she was sober she regretted it and now I'm a registered sex offender. Check your privilege.

>> No.7999248

I need a friend like you anon.

>> No.7999251

>report her to con security
>for telling him to fuck off
>thinking that would convince her to give it to him

>> No.7999254

Resorting to violence for having your butt grabbed?


>> No.7999309

If you count having your butt grabbed nonconsensually as sexual assault, sure. It was an easy fix, though. I just loudly told him, "don't touch my butt." He seemed embarrassed, and didn't do it again.

>> No.7999334


>> No.7999338

Is your flat boney ass made of gold or something?

Yeah, you showed him. He could have ran away with it and you'd be left with nothing to sit on..

>> No.7999341

Nothing much comes to mind other than the time some girl went up to squeeze the fuck out of my cheeks to see if the scars were real (they are, bobcat swipe) and recoiled in disgust when she found out they were

>> No.7999368

>implying grabbing someone's ass without consent isn't a form of assault

It's righteous self-defense.

>> No.7999390

this entire thread is full of so much bait it hurts

>> No.7999402

You, I like you.

Don't mind the haters -- when you take a stand for something, inevitably someone else will be butthurt about it and tell you you should've done something different.

>> No.7999412

>super mode

The human body is pretty dumb -- like 'dumb dog'-level. Without the brain to tell it what to do, it'll take its cues from other places -- like a person raping you, who wants you to be quiet and submissive.

Be loud and angry. Set off alarm bells in your brain, they'll set off your body and your body will set off the world. Get pissed, smash them, break the world.

Be safe. You are not responsible for the actions of others -- only the actions of yourself.

Love yourself. God loves you; you ought to let yourself love you, as well. : )

>> No.7999479

My life, "Oh but anon, you don't LOOK gay!" Like do I have to put on tacky rainbows all the time to "look gay"

>> No.7999533
File: 317 KB, 1600x1200, minami_ke_panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy sounds like a fag. Not because he raped you, you're a headcase. "I was getting me feels and wanted to use my old fuckbuddy as an emotional tampon meanwhile neither of us value chastity and by the way I dislike rape but just as a heads up I don't scream for help when people tear my clothes off violently hehe ;_;"

He's a fag because I can imagine how much of an insufferable asshole he must be, and since you're promiscuous and into sub/dom, must have had absolutely nothing redeemable to his character other than a large frame and thick beard.

But the story probably never happened to begin with, as is typical in this thread. So I'm an idiot for writing this.

>> No.7999696

>what is reasonable force

>> No.7999737

I was in the 18+ room at a weird con with two friends and this creeper who kept hitting on one of my friends found us in the crowd of people watching the whipping/chain toys demonstration. One friend was having panic attacks and the other actually got smuggled in (she was 17 and we promised to be guardians) so I told them to go hide and figured I could at least distract him by standing next to him while they went off out of eyesight. Within a minute or two he slid behind me and put his hands on my hips, then decided to just start feeling up my ass. I moved his hands once to my waist, up and out of the way, and he moved them back down and got even more fondly with his hands trying to grip with his fingers moving between my legs. Thankfully, I was in a long jacket for my cosplay.

I just moved his hands away and left the crowd, found out my friends didn't wait for me and just left. We basically had go avoid and dodge that guy for the rest of the weekend. It wasn't fun.

>> No.7999780

>grab her chest/ass
>punch him in the chest/kick him in the ass

Seems reasonable to me. It's not like she punched him in the face or kicked him in the balls.

>> No.7999788

That post is satirical.

>> No.7999789

>Implying you aren't fucking ugly too
>A man never never leaves a job half done, nor does he take on a job he's not asked to do
>You're over 30, old dried up meat love
I could set you straight bad girl

>> No.8000012
File: 78 KB, 640x363, 1348793051854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy humiliation, but only in bed.

I'm a guy with a rape fetish, but I only enjoy overpowering women "in bed." In day to day life I respect women and would never try to exercise inordinate power over them because I derive pleasure from it.

Do you believe me? Even a little bit?

>> No.8000025

Shut up dumbass

>> No.8000037

Most people are capable of compartmentalization.

>> No.8000046

What's not to believe? I like reading about torture but hate actual torture. If you want your porn and your life to be the same thing you're actually the odd one out.

>> No.8000052

Anons only mistake was thinking she could be friends with a man. Men aren't capable of emotions beyond lust and they literally tell that to women all the time. Women are stupid enough to not believe them, and create all these lies about how they are civilized. I guess it's because the alternative is killing them and that's dangerous and messy. Easier to lie to yourself that the animal you live with is tamed than to have to put it down.

>> No.8000076

Sexual Assault is never okay, okay? But then again, what percentage of most of cosplayers/covention attendees (weeaboo stats) are just plain fucking weirdos. Come on now- most weeaboos are so completely fucked in the head due to the wasted hours of social activity other than hanging with their other antisocial merp 'friends'. I like how most obviously autistic weeaboos think it's okay to just go up to a stranger in a neato costume and cling to them like they're forever besties/potential hands that will touch them in their naughty bits. When you go to a convention, you're basically chancing yourself in the pit of forever alones with a mind track of a piece of stale bread. Go with a friend- a decent friend that won't ditch your wimp ass since some don't have the balls to just defend themselves. Oh yeah, Cosplay 101: when you cosplay as a Hentai character, pffft! Nice choice. Good luck avoiding the horny tards.

>> No.8000088


Anon, this is off the topic of assault at conventions but aggravated sexual assault can be taken to court for up to 7 years after it happened. I'm sure actual rape has an even longer time frame... if it is only been two years you can still convict him.

Most rape cases go unreported because the victim, male or female, often goes and showers, destroying any evidence.

>> No.8000089

Fuck, I'm sorry! What a shithead for taking advantage of such an already emotionally vulnerable situation. Don't listen to any of these idiot trolls that are trying to rustle you up either. They've obviously never had to deal with this kind of situation before.

>> No.8000096
File: 482 KB, 806x806, rape_culturers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Objectively false.


>YOUR behaviour when you are drunk represents your true personality, scientists have confirmed.

Uh oh look like SJWs are gonna have to face their worst fear: Personal responsibility.

I know, it's horrible. Having to own up to ones actions instead of just playing the victim card.

>> No.8000098
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>> No.8000103
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>> No.8000108

you literally quoted a satire site tho...

>> No.8000110

>satire site
>weasel words
sure brah

>> No.8000111

And all you other people. The law in the United States covered people incapacitated by alcohol, heroin, cocaine, and of course, your date rape drugs.

You cannot become incapacitated by marijuana.

To be considered legally incapacitated by alcohol, you must drink yourself either unconscious or to the point you can absolutely no longer move or act.

Blacking out from being too drunk and having unwanted sex does not count. While you may be under an altered consciousness, you are still acting consciously. Not all, but many falsified rape claims are because a women blacks out and acts out of character and has unwanted sex and doesn't realize she is still responsible for her action in that state. Then they get mad that the guy knowingly took advantage, yes they did, of that state... and then they call it rape. Which its not.

>> No.8000120

That's funny, I find women aren't capable of anything except psychopathy and yet still manage to fool others into thinking they care.

>> No.8000121



The study is literally posted everywhere on the internet and is based on information posted by the NCBI. It's real.

Deal with it, degenerates.

>> No.8000126
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>> No.8000138
File: 80 KB, 900x285, WattersonWarnedUs_10500403_24008923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once dressed as haruhi at a con and saw this really hot guy so I whispered into the guys ear that I badly wanted his cock. We went back to his hotel and started having sex, halfway just before he was about to cum I realized it was a bad idea and withdrew my consent. The bastard came inside me anyways. Thankfully hes now serving 10 years in jail. Ugg. Fucking creepers.

>> No.8000139

This. Males aren't human and haven't produced or created anything of value towards civilization.

>> No.8000149

Uhhh so you wanted him and even told him "how badly you wanted his cock"? Wut?

>> No.8000152

This went from debatable feminism to I-Just-Took-Three-Classes-Of-Women's-Studies-101-And-Have-Fourteen-Tumblrs.

>> No.8000158

I think that's an oversimplification, but you have the right idea. Go you.

>> No.8000163
File: 50 KB, 283x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like /b/ in here

>> No.8000169

I'd argue that it smells more like tumblr.

>> No.8000201

That post is obviously being sarcastic. "haven't produced or created anything of value towards civilization." is pretty telling as even the most delusional man-hating tumblrina knows the opposite to be true. Talking about inventions and scientific achievements is the last thing any actual misandrist will talk about.

>> No.8000207
File: 24 KB, 300x470, stock-photo-young-teenager-acting-fed-up-by-rolling-her-eyes-2785987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some kind of /r9k/ /pol/ joke

>> No.8000241

I know you're being satirical, but they truly have not. Men have created only the greatest show in the galaxy: the greatest death a civilization could ever face by its own hand. They will take the whole entire world with them just to prove to each other they are worth something. The irony is they are not.

>> No.8000246

"Scientific achievements" have, are and will destroy the entire world. Any species that kills itself is worthless by definition no matter how "intelligently" ams "civilized" they do it.

>> No.8000255

They said a thousand monkeys typing on a thousand keyboards would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare.

Someone attempted this experiment, but with apes. They locked a thousand apes up with a thousand keyboards. They waited and the apes typed away.

And we got the men's rights movement.

>> No.8000268
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What is 'her situation' that I don't understand? You really believe I'm unable to comprehend deception? Keep in mind this was not a case of molestation from an older brother, a cousin, an uncle, a father, or a husband. It was (implicitly) a fuckbuddy. That most carnal relationship possible, and one that suggests several things about her character (slave to desire, poor mental health, disregard of romance, etc).

>I was really upset and I needed someone to talk to ... walked in crying and upset because I was overwhelmed with everything.

For the sake of commenting, I'm just going to assume somebody died (somehow, I'd wager it was not something that devastating which reduced a 20-year-old adult like her to tears). Whatever could somebody like a fuckbuddy say that would console you?

'Relax babe, you're beautiful. I really liked when you sucked my cock that one time.'
'Wow, that makes me feel so much better! I'm so glad to have a friend that doesn't hesitate beating his women in bed.'

So let's say she was forced to a state of mind where *any* attention would appease her, and that she doesn't indulge in a bit of narcissism, but was truly overwhelmed by some sort of news or act that was inflicted on her. Sure. What kept her from seeking help? By her own admission:

>I kept telling him no, tried to push him off of me ... I was scared ... Because I firmly believed at the time it was my fault that it happened to me, that if I wasn't so upset I wouldn't have been taken advantage of.

At that moment, she considered her rapist a friend, appropriating the rape as 'punishment' for her own incompetence. But I don't buy that. I believe what she wanted was attention, not punishment, and when she got it, she quickly regretted it, realizing that meaningless sex does not heal the heart.

The guy is garbage, yet the two have one thing in common: they can't manage their emotions. And this is why I call her a headcase. Both of their behaviors deserve shame and discouragement.

>> No.8000271
File: 197 KB, 838x450, 62b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh snap

>> No.8000281

Male mentality in action. They admit it constantly. They are nothing but fuck buddies. They have no interest in being any woman's "friend". They are not equals any more than your cat is your equal.

>> No.8000311

I'm not being satirical. You are exactly right. Only females are capable of real emotion and thought; men only vapidly create to please others and prove that their existence is worth something. Only girls can save this world because they are born self-actualized and everything they do, is for themselves and the greater good.
Exactly. If girls were in charge, we would be far better off. We would be living in small bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and completely disregard the state-- thus living within our planet's means. We could live on the earth until the planet is destroyed through natural clauses; we wouldn't harm the planet. All progress has done was fill this planet with misogynist apes that are not good for anything.
Exactly. The MRA movement proves that men are worthless and can't achieve anything; even when banded together, they can't even get the law on their side. Look at how many laws there are that specifically favor men in European countries. 0. Then look at how many aid women. This is proof that men are too fucking stupid to push for rights correctly and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
ape whose role will soon be replaced by dildos

>> No.8000315


And yet women fucking love cats.

>> No.8000324

loving and treating equal are not the same thing. I shouldn't even have to say that but apes need concepts fed to them as they do not think for themselves. Pretty much all of men's rights theory is ripped from advanced feminist thinkers.

>> No.8000325
File: 193 KB, 520x853, catreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this? This doesn't even count as blatant trolling. It reads like something a friend in women's studies would post on facebook.

>> No.8000330

Yes, everybody picked up on the joke.

>> No.8000340

Bitches be crazy