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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 529 KB, 856x642, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7992302 No.7992302 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>7966985

>> No.7992310

I wanted to ask again, long hair or using the Yami Yugi tutorial and make it like the sprite?


>> No.7992559
File: 295 KB, 1120x900, tatsumiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with the clusterfuck that is Tatsumiya's sleeves? I have no idea what they're doing. Would option 1 or 2 look better?

>> No.7992599
File: 5 KB, 397x562, slev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're open backed sleeves. See how the opening in the front has the red coming through. It seems like the sleeves are opened in the back as well.

Pic related is vaguely the idea, the areas with blue are sewn up, and the red is the juban sticking out of the front arm hole and the back of the sleeve.

>> No.7992603

Does anyone have any ideas regarding those long, red shinobi scarves? The problem is that they're known for blowing all over the place, but the only materials I can find light enough to mimic the effect are all nearly transparent. Is there anything light enough to give the fluttering effect, but heavy enough to maintain a bold color?

>> No.7992604

Dream cosplay status.
I think I'd go with traditional furisode sleeves, but have the juban sleeves be long and showing on the other side of the sleeve as well, to get the red line going down the entire sleeve. And attach the little tassle-y bit there.
(I don't know my kitsuke terms, forgive me sensei)

Just curious, what fabric are you using?

>> No.7992609

nvm, >>7992599 got there before me. What they said.

>> No.7992620
File: 10 KB, 193x262, nui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been searching high and low for some boots to use for a Nui cosplay. I can't find any that don't have ridiculous high heels. They don't need to have bows or anything, just some nice basic light pink boots without too much of a heel. Any suggestions?

>> No.7992621
File: 760 KB, 1536x2048, Furisode[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to this. Here is a real life reference that it seems to be stylized after.

>> No.7992651
File: 30 KB, 436x582, secret_shop_boots_9800_-_pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best I can offer you is pic related

They're from here http://clobbaonline.com/index.php?p=1_28

>> No.7992653
File: 28 KB, 435x580, secret_shop_boots_model_9822_-_light_pink_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the other anon said, that store has some really nice shoes, maybe these could do?

>> No.7992665

>suddenly everything makes sense
Thank you so much, anons. There's still something I'm confused about, though, that I forgot to ask in my initial post. Should I change her obi from a taiko musubi because it really doesn't make sense with the furisode? Or am I interpreting the drawing wrong and it is a different knot?

>> No.7992683

It does look like it's a taiko or nujidaiko, but I don't think you should change it. While it may be traditionally weird, the character is wearing it so it will seem more were to change it in my opinion. The entire outfit is too stylized to really need to be extremely over accurate.

>> No.7992688

Thanks for the advice, that's probably true. I guess I shouldn't be worrying about traditional accuracy when I am cosplaying an oarfish.

>> No.7992692

Apologies for spamming the thread, but what fabric would you recommend? I know they are traditionally silk.

>> No.7992697
File: 234 KB, 980x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys say that Nonon's white trim (on her hat, pleats on her skirt, ect...) are white or an off-white? Compared to other characters it looks like more of an off-white, but would doing that just look off when translated into real life? Especially with a group (Satsuki and Mako in particular) using pure white in their costumes?

>> No.7992699
File: 233 KB, 980x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsuki for reference.

>> No.7992705

From the look at other cosplayers, they seem to go with a light blue-grey for the main pieces and white for the details/trim. But imo by the reference, it looks more like a cream to me.

>> No.7992707

Looks like it's supposed to be a really peachy cream.

>> No.7992708

Off white.
captcha: lenins people

>> No.7992902
File: 125 KB, 512x512, P4AU_Ken_protrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to style a wig like this using Got2b? I never done a wig on my own before but I want to start practicing.

>> No.7992908
File: 532 KB, 694x909, lemme bite it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find a good sized suitcase for what I'm trying to bring with me to Australia?

I'm packing my hygiene products (toothbrush, comb, shampoo, etc) Hair products because I'm doing Matt Smith, three outfits, each with fairly thick coats, and a Cyberman head.

Note I do need it to all be in one suitcase as I don't want to lug around more than one thing, maybe my props in a smaller bag at very most.

>> No.7992914
File: 106 KB, 530x254, ebags_size_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon. I would suggest a 24-28''+.

You want brands too/sites to buy them anon?

>> No.7992921

Sure, I usually don't bring this big a load so I just use a normal suitcase, first one buying one so I wanna make sure it's not shit.

>> No.7992933

Got2b is a brand, not a product in itself? Do you have some product on hand you are trying to use up? If not, it's not exactly a gravity defying style, so any cheap spray like aquanet will work.

Other than that, it's literally a layered cut with the longest layer flipped out. I'm not sure what else you need.

>> No.7992942
File: 51 KB, 180x322, 180px-Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_Shelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on making the wig as full as her hair looks?

>> No.7992947

Silk is the only proper material, specifically silk habotai. Dhama trading has great quality for cheap, but the flip side is you have to dye it too.

>> No.7992950

You're going to need to sew in a lot of wefts to get it looking fuller. Buy two wigs and harvest one to sew into the other.

>> No.7992977
File: 20 KB, 100x100, hyouka-11-01-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No someone suggested me to use Got2b to make Ken's bangs and I was like "how do I do that?" and they literally told me to go here heh.

I have no idea how to create that style without looking like a hot mess so I'm looking for tips or a step in the right direction.

There's trunk, metal, and regular. Trunk is more like a fancy box shape and it cost anywhere between 70-150 USD. Metal is more durable but it's high end at 100-300 USD. Regular is usually Polyester and it's in the middle at 50-300 USD. It doesn't really matter but a trunk is usually leather in most brands/cases.

There are two main types: dufflebags and spinners. Almost all of them have wheels but try to get a spinner if you can because dufflebag has weird dimensions and are usually smaller. You will want something 24''+. 22'' would work but it's better to just go big because of the space you can work with (from experience anything past 24'' has more depth.)

Brands off hand are: American Tourister, SwissGear, Skyway, Hanaism, and Samsonite. Don't get Travelway because that's a hit or miss. I bought one from Target and it was shite. The best thing to do is go on Amazon and use that filter to figure out what looks good. Taobao has cheap ones but I have no idea how to find a suitcase there. I might experiment if I get more money in the future.

Hanaism is a Japanese brand that's sort of high end (100 USD or so?) and outside of being fancy it's not that big. I personally own one and feel stupid about it now because I paid a good 150 USD on it.

Most luggage/suitcases come in pairs or more (usually with a dufflebag or mini me's) which is good for makeup/other things but keep in mind that suitcases are big and you have to lug this thing around.

I personally would just go with the big spinner and just carry a bookbag.

>Yes there are bookbag suitcases but I personally wouldn't recommend it

God I hope this helps. I bought too many suitcases but I don't feel like an expert.

>> No.7992979
File: 20 KB, 100x100, tumblr_inline_mxbo9q5lQB1soz6jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want me to convert dimensions anon I can try but I personally feel that I'm very lazy and very stupid.

>> No.7993058

Anyone got any tutorials or advice on how to dart EVA foam for armor or just darts in general? Trying to get curves all up in my armor but I feel like I'm just cutting random triangles until I feel like I'm close to what I want.

pic unrelated but may be useful for someone else

>> No.7993064
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x5703, 1409988302467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped it

>> No.7993087

Cut a single line and fold over until it looks like what you want, then you should know how to large to make your triangle.

>> No.7993180
File: 22 KB, 166x600, arikawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find the skirt and sweater vest here but having some trouble. Would prefer if I could find them as "normal" clothes from a nice retailer so I can guarantee high quality.

>> No.7993182

What's your budget? If you want high quality, you can just buy actual school uniforms.

>> No.7993183

I'm willing to pay up to 100 per uniform part if that's what it takes, although I would prefer something more like a cap of 70 per item. Can you point me in the direction of some links? I'm pretty new to this.

>> No.7993219
File: 52 KB, 788x443, doctor-who-the-day-of-the-doctor-04-the-moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all I am currently planing a build for this prop called the moment. I have it all worked out in my head and on paper but I am unsure on how to scale this to a person since it changes a lot in the source material
Pic related

>> No.7993226

try cosmates.

>> No.7993227

Is their stuff high quality?

>> No.7993245

You mean that box? That very obviously 1 cubic foot box?

>> No.7993251

I am not very good with sizing things sorry if that was obvious

>> No.7993297
File: 162 KB, 456x500, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get into cosplay, I have never done anything like it. My first choice would be Pit from Kid Icarus. Would this be a doable first cosplay? I'm not sure how much I would want to make myself, but I still want to do like half of it myself so it could be my cosplay. I reckon I'd need to buy the wings and wig and sandals, but I could make the tunic, bow, headband thingy and I could modify the sandals myself. I got a sewing machine but I've no idea how to sew.
So yeah, is it doable? Any tips?

>> No.7993344

Hrmmm I'm not sure. I asked you because I was curious if you'd solved it somehow already.
If you go the traditional route, you could try buying kimono fabric off Ichiroya or Shinei. (They sell silk made specifically for kimono by the bolt, one bolt is enough to make one kimono. Be careful you don't buy a shorter one meant for haori.)
You could get very lucky and find fabric with a similar pattern already embroidered onto it, but I don't think the chances of that are very high. Otherwise, you could maybe machine-embroider the pattern onto it, but if you don't have a machine.. I don't know. Then you'd get to options like sewing shinier patches onto it, but that's not going to look as good.

If you go the fabric store-route instead, be aware that you're going to be drowning in sweat if you pick a polyester. I don't know how much you know about kimono. They're supposed to be slightly shiny (duh, silk) but definitely not too much. So be careful with the synthetic fabrics.
Hope this helps! Good luck! I'd love to see your Tatsumiya when she's done.

>> No.7993358

I'm in a bit of an odd situation. I'm making a mask/helmet thing, but because of the proportions and making the eyes glow I'm not actually using the eyeholes. Instead I'm going to have to see through markings just below the eyes. To do that I need to find some sort of black plastic I'll be able to see through but can't be seen through easily by observers. I figure that because my eyes will be so much closer to it than theirs that it could actually work.

So my question is; does anyone know of a material that might work for that?

>> No.7993442

For mine I got a pair of gogo boots, dyed them, and added on the bows and lace

I didn't want the lolita boots because of the lacing up
Gogo boots have an unnoticeable Zipper on te side so they're much more accurate

>> No.7993893

You want taobao, ebay, or ali links for school uniforms?

>> No.7994065

I think I would prefer Ebay if possible but whatever is the best is fine with me.

>> No.7994104
File: 13 KB, 100x100, blushing-4_zpsa7277f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








Hope this helps

>> No.7994551
File: 975 KB, 780x2211, lance_of_longinus___evangelion_wip_by_breathelifeindeeply-d4qtoy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a full version of this? They said that it was based on an old tutorial but I can't find it? Or another lance of longinus tutorial?

>> No.7994605

So something like this anon?


Or is there a better one?

>> No.7994707
File: 266 KB, 976x2176, aegislash concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need opinions on my Aegislash Gijinka concept. Planning to put this together for Colossalcon.

>> No.7994806

It's really hard to visualize as you have it now, get your friend to draw it up for you or something.

>> No.7994822

Seconding this. There's also some deals for artist commissions right now since people need money for the holidays.

>> No.7996324
File: 69 KB, 560x560, 1000091168_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone new a reliable person to commision a hoodie for cosplay? I suck ass at sewing and so do most of my friends and since its from a tokusatsu series its rather hard to find online.

This is probably the wrong thread to post this but if you guys could maybe help direct me to a better place I'd appreciate it.
Picture attached is the hoodie I'm looking to commision.

>> No.7996523

It depends what your budget is and when you need it by.

Also, if you plan on learning to sew, this would be a great project to start out on. Simple things like pullover hoodies are a great way to learn basic sewing skills, and have the added bonus of being far more forgiving in terms of fit.

>> No.7996552

My budget is about 90-100 bucks I can go higher if needed but I'd prefer not too. My deadline is end of march, which I don't think is pushing it too much but yet again I'm so new to the whole idea of commissioning someone I'm not sure.

I'm honestly thinking about taking a swing at making it myself but for cosplay right now I'd rather have one made by someone who knows a lot more about sewing then I do. I can always have one hoodie as cosplay only and the other as casual wear!

>> No.7996607

Stupid question, but can you dip-dye chiffon? Would it be done like regular dip-dying?

>> No.7997052
File: 188 KB, 512x720, tumblr_ngn5sbSB3u1t35kwso6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best method to make the top part of this dress here? I really can't grasp the way it is constructed

>> No.7997614
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 3145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna sound like a useless dumbass here, but i'm trying to work out how to make an armor set from WoW (as in the pic). I initially considered craft foam or worbla to make it, but i'm struggling to make something that looks both accurate and wearable. I know Papa Cosplay did this set for Gamescom/Blizzcon and made it out of leather, but I have absolutely no experience in working with it, so i'm a bit stuck. Do you think it would look bad if I modified it a bit so it was like segments of armor? I'm just really unsure and need some honest advice, because it's a mail set and I think it'll end up looking like plate if I do it that way.

>> No.7998420
File: 245 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_ngpm9zvMpu1qgzbg1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this doesnt really pertain to this boards interests but I wasnt sure who else to ask. Im visiting my parents for the holidays and I found this stashed in the back of a closet, and I dont think its Japanese because of the patterns and the way its shaped. I know some fashion history savvy people lurk here, any ideas on what its called?

>> No.7998451

It's a cheongsam

>> No.7998463

Whenever I google for mens or womens cheongsams they look very different, is this an older style?

>> No.7998482

Not that anon but it does look like and older northerner style.

>> No.7998493

Some quick google researching tells me it's late 19th century cheongsam, so yeah

>> No.7998500

You're right! :0 Thanks anon, mystery solved!

>> No.7998962
File: 72 KB, 960x640, fnHHL117h98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get an authentic japanese medical eyepatch?
I've seen one on jlist but I'm not sure in the quality of it.

>> No.7999491

I bought some fabric for a cosplay but it's white and needs to be dyed grey. Should I sew everything, and then dye it, or dye the fabric before I sew it? It's big-ish dress and I have about 7 yards of fabric. And if I should dye it before sewing, I can just dye the pieces I cut out, right?

>> No.7999567

Why not just get the ones from taobao or ebay? Why do you need an authentic one?

>> No.7999573
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, Samurai-Flamenco-OP2-Large-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make the ridges or the top part on Masayoshi's helmet in his first outfit? I'm using this but I don't know how to do that detail: http://www.instructables.com/id/Power-Rangers-Helmet/step6/Creating-the-visor-and-Painting/

>> No.7999638
File: 368 KB, 1215x717, Lux_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of silly, but I'm making armor for Lux (pic). I've got the patterns for everything fine, the only thing I'm having trouble with is the boob cups. I've already botched one attempt. The tutorial I followed recommends shaping it over something round and similar to your boob. I don't have any round objects similar to my boobs sitting around and shaping the foam over my actual boob doesn't work. I feel like trying to mold it over one of my bras wouldn't work since they're not super stiff. I'm working with 1.5mm craft foam, if that helps.

Is there any alternative method I could do this or should I find myself a ball or something to mold it over? Did I not shape it enough/should I try again? Sorry if this question is retarded, first time working with this stuff.

>> No.7999643

Can you post a picture of your botched attempt? It'll make it easier to troubleshoot.

>> No.7999649

I pitched it but basically It just was a square of foam that was not retaining a rounded shape, it was more of a slight curve. Do you think if I kept reheating/doing it it would've worked? The tutorial I saw repeated the process a lot, but also had a stiff, consistent shape to mold it over.

>> No.7999655

tut I looked at, if that helps.

>> No.7999676

Dye all the fabric first before you cut and sew. Your fabric might shrink in the dye process.. or at least cut the 7yds in half if your pattern allows

>> No.7999682

Okay, I'm thinking you probably didn't use enough pressure/force and possibly enough heat. An alternate method if you can't make that one work is >>7993064

>> No.7999698
File: 9 KB, 100x100, tumblr_mytikcONSG1sbmu2ho4_100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll try the method from tut upthread and use more heat.

>> No.7999779
File: 212 KB, 2400x742, Lanawig.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide which color is best for Lana

I think n.2 or n.3 look the closest, but my BF says n.1

>> No.7999785

None? Maybe its my screen anon but the character hair looks blue not teal.

>> No.7999786

i think 3 has the least amount of green in it, making it closer to blue, but i also wouldn't trust the complete accuracy of the vendor photos bc they're rarely taken in natural light

>> No.7999792
File: 129 KB, 750x516, T2CnJ1XgxcXXXXXXXX_!!55083938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this one as well

>> No.7999794
File: 51 KB, 600x338, Hyrule-Lana-Footage_07-01-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hair is more to blue yes, but I can't find a ponytail wig that isn't a bit green (since they are all for Miku) and I want to order from taobao since I'm making a bigger order from there next week. Her haircolor also look a little teal in some screenshots
I know I can't trust them completely, but I can try to go for what seem to be closest

>> No.7999800

http://www.ebay.com/itm/80cm-31-5-Long-Heat-Resistant-Bangs-Straight-Cosplay-Anime-Womens-Girls-Wig-/231200799570 top middle?

>> No.7999804

I want to order from Taobao since I'm already making an order from there, and I would rather have a ponytail wig

>> No.7999810

I think this one is the best. I would go for the one that is the most blue in the photos because the others might turn out really green irl.

>> No.7999845

colorwise i think this is the best match but would you have to restyle the two pigtails into one ponytail anyway?

>> No.7999923

Is there any easy way at all to do Marvel's Dr. Doom?

It's gonna be my first cosplay and, although I love the character, I just can't seem to find any easy method of making his armour at all.

>> No.7999930
File: 313 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo... On a scale of 1-10 how lolita-able is this?

>> No.7999933


>> No.7999953

If you want to look like a damn curtain yeah.

>> No.7999955

Brown part is it's own piece, so ignore that for now. Break the top down into its most basic form-- a white top. Now, using that white top, create a pattern for the blue part and sew it on. Then find trim in the same/a similar pattern as the one in the design and use that all along the edges of the blue and up to and around the neck. I'd probably make the front clasp together so that you could slip your head in/out easily. That would also help you avoid using a zipper.
Just noticed that the blue piece flares out over the skirt, so I'd probably use a seam at the waist to attach either a circle or half circle skirt to the top. Thankfully the brown piece will be there to help hide the seam
Unrelated, but what episode is that outfit from? I need to know what Kotori's looks like!!

>> No.8000058

not at all anon, dont even try. i know i sound mean, but that would never work with lolita, sorry! better luck next time.

>> No.8000059
File: 203 KB, 700x989, 45602568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to do wing covers like this?

>> No.8000067
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, il_fullxfull.695778989_fuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah, yeah.

I'm just gonna make a pair of overalls then.

>> No.8000136
File: 19 KB, 503x387, blanket tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't /cgl/ related, but it's sewing related so I hope it passes.

I'm making a quilt for a friend's daughter who can't fall asleep without rubbing clothing tags. She needs to be able to grab the label so I'm sewing the top of the label, but how should I attach them to the quilt?

I was thinking of sewing them to the quilt before I add the boarder then sew the boarder slightly above it so it looks like the labels are peaking out (pic related). I can't sew the tags together in one strip then attach to the quilt because they're all different sizes.

>> No.8000178

Tag quilts are a thing, just google it. I have never met a child that cares if the tags stick out the edges as opposed to peaking out like you're attempting. It sounds lumpy and uncomfortable that way, plus extremely difficult to actually quilt

>> No.8000218
File: 65 KB, 710x520, kaitou joker dark eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making the mask? I was thinking of using a morph mask as a base but I'm not sure how to proceed from there.

>> No.8000379

Your going to need to lvl your google skills anon if you wanna start cosplaying.


Google search: "worbla armor" "craft foam armor" "eva foam armor" "cosplay armor tutorial" "pepakura armor" "Dr Doom Build"

These should help you get started. Also look at other cosplayers who have done Dr. Doom and see if they have posted WIP pics with blurbs about how they have made it.

>> No.8000462
File: 1.25 MB, 734x1371, Illiya Reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference material on details is kinda hard to come by but here goes.
So I really want to cosplay Archer Illiya but I'm stuck on some small things. For starters, the things on her sleeves don't look like solid coloured gems, but rather like hollow or see-through. I have no idea where to start on that.
Second thing is the lenses. I have only ever needed brown or green ones, and I can't really specify this colour. Anyone with experience on that?

>> No.8000646
File: 87 KB, 426x599, IMG_211502250894192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! That's what I thought would be easiest to do, good I wasn't completely lost.

It it from Love Live School Idol Festival's Snowy Mountain event. Kotori's outfit is the cutest, but a friend of mine is cosplaying her so I'm making Honoka instead (her outfit is seen from the back though that's why I did use Rins picture)

>> No.8000648

They are clip ons so I will only use one of the ponytails. Will go for this wig since it seems to be closest in color

>> No.8000737

The ones I've seen look like an absolute shit.

>> No.8001168

Oh wow! It really is a thing! It was such a weird idea when it was presented to me that I didn't think there'd be anything to Google about it.

Which way sounds lumpy and uncomfortable though? I'm too far in to sew the tags around the edges and sew the back on top like all the tutorials mentioned. I think I'm going to have to do it the way I drew out.

>> No.8001250
File: 46 KB, 600x637, Wakasagihime.full.1509919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeking assistance form people who have worked with fabric in water

was gunna go buy the fabric for pic related this weekend and i'm wondering if anyone will know what is the best material for the green robe and the mermaid tail would be since my shoots will 99% be in water.

Sidenote: I buy my fabric from Joanns

>> No.8001261
File: 11 KB, 250x250, help me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life


>> No.8001388

Okay, that's what I figured. I'll have a look, but I'm pretty sure the pattern will allow me to cut it in half. I should dye the halves in two separate sessions, right?

>> No.8001712 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1368x1220, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I improve this image or am I good

>> No.8001884
File: 489 KB, 965x1400, chaikapike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001950

I thought stroke paralysis only happened to one side of the body. I used to have tiny strokes, it should pass probably since you're young (probably)

>> No.8003518

Yeah, strokes typically only paralyze one side, and even then it's usually numbness rather than paralysis unless you have a massive stroke that's probably going to kill you.

>> No.8003582

I bougt a cheap seifuku online for a cosplay, expecting to have to do some alterations. One alteration I wasn't expecting was the sleeves don't taper at the bottom, the cuff is as wide as the rest of the sleeve. Is there a way to take in the bottom of the cuff without ripping apart the whole sleeve bottom? It's ~1" too wide. I'm not super familiar with sleeves, which is why I'm asking. If it's too difficult, I might just take it to a seamstress. She'll probably scoff at the shit fabric quality, but meh.

>> No.8003600

You're probably going to have to compromise and just make armor plates. The only real alternative to leather is normal fabric, even then it's not really flexible unless you buy the right kind. I'd say the chestplate could probably be done in one piece and attached at the back, then split the legs into different sections. Bootcovers and glove tops are easy.

>> No.8003668

Okay, just saw a tutorial for a similar thing, wondering if it'll work - could I just sew a new seam up the arm to taper it and then trim off the extra and serge the edges again? It seems like the easiest way, and it obviously doesn't matter at all how the inside looks. I might try it out on a junky old top made from similar material just to make sure it'll work first.

If it does, I just saved so many old cosplays friends have given me that I wanted to do and didn't quite fit in.

>> No.8003824

I bought a used costume from a talented cosplayer, and I love it, but it's just a tiny bit too small around my chest area. Everything else fits like a glove.

It was a bit hard to breathe when I tried it on, but I figure prebinding would help. I don't need to flatten myself completely since the cosplay is still of a female- should I be looking into getting a compression shirt?

>> No.8003827

What kind of bra were you wearing when you tried it on?

Sometimes just switching to a sports bra can actually help a decent amount, especially if it's only a little too small. Try that before you buy something else.

>> No.8003929

Weird question but does birth control make your boobs grow bigger or swell? I noticed that my chest size changed recently from taking some pills after a month or so.

I'm afraid it might make my lesloveboat binder too tight because I used to be a 32c and it feels like I'm around a 36+c.

>> No.8004020
File: 60 KB, 370x595, zinnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so this is my first time constructing something like this, but how do I go about making Zinnia's blue anklet?

What material would be best to make something that can wrap around my leg and stay sturdy?

>> No.8004154

6mm foam from michaels
Use a heat gun to warp it
Draw the embellishments with hot glue

>> No.8004160

It's her normal pink/red
The hint of gold is because of the lighting

>> No.8004262

Just a normal well fitting one, but point taken! I'll try that out. Thanks~

>> No.8004275

Anyone have any sword tutorials that /don't/ involve ungodly amounts of Worbla/Wonderflex/access to power tools?

>> No.8004301

The part about the sword starts over halfway down the page.

>> No.8004979
File: 17 KB, 145x187, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably going to seem like a simple question, but I really want to get better at costume making. How would y'all suggest the yellow parts be done? I think painting would look fake, but I worry it would warp oddly if I stitched it down. Ideas?

>> No.8004990

Is it safe to just buy from aliexpress with a credit/debit card?
Do I need a SS?

>> No.8004993

You could embroider it

>> No.8004994

What you are describing (32c-36c) is ridiculous, because the number refers to the band size. What you're saying is happening is that your breasts remain the same size as your underbust expands, which makes no sense. I think you're trying to say 32c-32dd or something like that instead. This question could probably also be answered with a google search.

>> No.8004997

Look up applique/ turned under applique stitch. You'll have to do it by hand but it'll look great. Alternatively, try Heat N Bond. Never used it myself but I thought it looked great here. >>7994876

>> No.8005342
File: 2.48 MB, 2938x2218, Nyanta.(Log.Horizon).full.1674360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm totally new to making cosplays, and I've posted in one of these threads like two months ago.

I have... most things situated I guess.
Taking it one step at a time.
Right now I'm at the scabbard and I don't know what to do. For the actual blade of the swords, I have yard sticks. For the guard, I found a large PVC christmas bell that had a seam down the middle at Old Time Pottery, and bought two of them for each blade. I'm going to be cutting out the design in them with a dremel.

For the hilt of the sword, I found two wooden music notes at Pat Catan's, where I'm going to try and cut off both the flag and the notehead from it and then cut/sand it to look more like the hilt.
For the quillons and the knucklebow, I had bought some flat aluminum craft wire from Pat Catan's, and figured I could maybe layer it a few times? If anyone has more viable ideas, I'd love to know.

What I'm left is the scabbard. I have no idea where to start or what to make them with so that it fits. I'm also inexperienced with painting, so I don't know how I'm going to paint the handle of the sword like it is. You'd think I'd have this stuff figured out, but this is my first time ever making a prop.

Any of you folks have suggestions?

>> No.8005347

Ask the furries.

>> No.8005350

Last time I checked, rapier creation wasn't a common knowledge amongst furries.

>> No.8005406

They probably just looked at the picture and made an assumption.
>Log Horizon
mah nigga
Anyway, try this. http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=153775

>> No.8005434
File: 245 KB, 917x1462, ladyoscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually have no trouble picking out a wig, but I'm really struggling to find a wig that does Oscar justice. Any suggestions? She's my big project right now so I'd like it to get one that'll complete her. Sorry for rambling I really love the Rose of Versailles.

>> No.8005554
File: 4 KB, 331x152, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can, but you and the other anon who replied don't quite have the idea of how bra sizing works right.
If *just* your boobs are bigger, your cup size should go up but NOT your band size, as your band size is reflective of your ribcage/underbust and not of your boob size. The alphabet letters are a reflection of the ratio between your boobs and your ribcage, i.e. the bigger your boobs in comparison to your ribcage, the bigger the letter.

Because larger band sizes mean larger ribcages, the cup volume for each letter goes up at higher band sizes i.e. 36C IS a bigger size than 32C, but the boobs-ribcage ratio is the same for both sizes.

Bras are roughly sister sized, which means that as you go up one band size, the cup size with the equivalent volume is one letter down. i.e. a 32C cup has the same volume as a 30D and a 34B.

Pic related may help with the sister sizing concept.

>> No.8005654 [DELETED] 

Thanks this is what I was looking for/wanted to know. Not sure about that other anon. I think they were confused too.

>> No.8005659

Nothing is safe using a credit card or debit card anon.

But for the second part you don't need an SS to buy from aliexpress or a FS to my knowledge.

>> No.8005662


My last cup size was a 32c so I was guessing. It didn't jump a cup size so I just assumed due to the swelling it just became slightly bigger than normal (not D size) so that's why I said a 36c. I wasn't really sure so thank you very much.

>> No.8005985

Not really cosplay related but I don't know where to ask.

Do I need to prewash flannel if it will be used to make some loose fitting pyjama pants? I know there's a risk of shrinkage after washing but since these will be made loose anyway will it be okay?

I'm new to sewing, apologies. I would just prefer to skip prewashing if possible since I don't have much time on my hands since I only have 2 hours a day free time to work on making 5 pairs of pyjama pants.

>> No.8006032

I would worry about length shrinkage - maybe just allow 1" more in the inseam. I assume they're elastic anyway and can be low-waisted or normal waisted so if you make them to sit at the natural waist then if they do shrink they can be low-waisted.

>> No.8006035

Well...as you can see, the idea of "D size" is meaningless anyway as it's all related to band size. As a 32C your boobs were also a 30D size because of the sister sizing, you may or may not be a 32D (or larger) now. Anyway, it is probably related to your birth control (unless you have gained weight) and if it is concerning you should see your doctor.

>> No.8006037

Does anyone know of a material like sunglass lenses that you could buy a sheet of?

>> No.8006222
File: 230 KB, 1200x846, hitsugi-no-chaika-pv-character-visuals-seventhstyle-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make a Chaika cosplay for my sister (I'm being Red Chaika, myself) but I've no way to go about the bust and hip cage?
All the other cosplayers I've seen fucked it up big time. I want it to be able to actually stick up at the sides and not be really expensive. I thought about wire but then had another look and it would be way too thin.

There's a British site called Coscraft that has one that's perfect for this. It's offline for Christmas so you're going to have to wait.
Arda has nothing good.
If not, you could always get 2 okayish Panty or Yang Xiao Long wigs from china and weft them together.

>> No.8006394
File: 516 KB, 2200x1238, MMM_image_candida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea of where to get patterned velvet for the skirt? Or failing that, if it's possie to put the pattern into the velvet somehow?

>> No.8006441

I can't go back to the doctor until 2015. America health care fuck yeah.

I'm taking Tri-Nessa so I have to tell him about that. I'm not gaining weight, these pills make me sick so I don't eat half of the time. I was just concern that my lesloveboat binder would be too small due to swelling.

>> No.8006592

Look for 'Brocade velvet' if you want it pre made but use a stencil to put glue on the lighter areas. You need to push the glued bits down so that they stay. Make sure it's a flexible glue too, probably a fabric glue.

>> No.8006695


>> No.8007846

Probably like that. Would it be dark enough to not see my eyes, but let me see through?

>> No.8007888

If a con doesn't allow airsoft guns, what alternatives can I use?

>> No.8007919

Disassemble an airsoft gun? If you don't want to make it yourself just get something and prove that it doesn't work.

>> No.8008055

This is a dumb af question but I ordered a wig off aliexpress before I went off to a camping trip with my friends for a con. It's been around a month now, I got the shipping warning notification but when I entered the tracking number in the china post website it came out with 0 items found. Does it mean the seller didn't send me anything or does it mean it's already in my country?

>> No.8008086
File: 64 KB, 600x900, 4d68aa283cfd93230e1f70b70a1e4ee11378467692_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not exactly a hard or difficult cosplay but my experience with costumes/cosplay is so so limited so if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful. I wish to cosplay as Quiet ( pic ) but I just do not know how to approach the whole thing. Would a black bikini top work ? I guess the thights are an easy part but how about the strap like things.. ? I just dont know what to do.

>> No.8008105

The straps are holsters. In fact, all you need is a black bikini, torn pantyhose, and then take a quick visit to any army surplus story and get the rest.

>> No.8009245


Is this the proper plastidip to seal EVA?

>> No.8009502

Try boning in the right width or aquatic tank tubing (or just plain tubing from hardware stores). it should be flexible enough to move with you and still rigid enough to hold its shape. For attaching it to your costume, try putting small bits of industry strength white Velcro brand Velcro on the inner side & matching spots on your costume along the top edge (at the chest, armpits, back). Easy on, easy off, and the Velcro will be hidden when the cage is attached.

>> No.8010989
File: 236 KB, 268x456, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would someone go about making this skirt? It doesn't have to be somewhat transparent like in the art, but something similar with the gradient?

>> No.8011836

It looks as if the top secion isn't transparent and it's just the white trim.
The white trim would be organza/organdy and the top would be cotton that would be dip dyed. Start with a lighter purple base and get come dark blue dye. Just google a dip dye tutorial.

>> No.8012098

Thanks so much!
I'm guessing I would use organza for the edges of her collar and shirt, as well?

>> No.8012196

Nah they don't look transparent. Just dip dye them too.

>> No.8013010


I've used this one and it works fine! Just make sure its the rubber coating one and not just a clear paint.

>> No.8013021
File: 16 KB, 300x422, Terra-ps-please-rate-teen-titans-villans-11616939-300-422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a gentleman cosplayer genderbending Terra for a con in three months. My hair is brown, at about the bottom of my ears.

A) Can I get away with no wig? I can get a haircut and dye job a few days before.

B) How should I do my hair?

C) I am debating how to do the pants. Terra in Titan uniform wears skintight pants, but I'm not sure how this would look on a male character. A compromise might be Hollister sweatshorts with the logos removed.

D) With the spandex top, heat-n-bond is a no-go. What should I do for the T symbol?

>> No.8013026

> your own hair

Not even once. Wigs are less trouble and look better.

>> No.8013027

Whelp, time for me to start reading.

>> No.8013161

A) You can't buy a wig from ebay, or a cosplay specialty store? Or even Arda? It's not a good idea to get a dye job because it can damage your hair and Terra's hair is long so you would like to have long hair like the character.

B) See A

C) Wear Yellow slacks/pants/cargo like pants. Don't have to be skintight.

D) Not really sure.

You're doing the gloves/belt/rest on par right? If you need links for the goggles let me know

>> No.8013181


I dunno, I was thinking something shorter, like cheek length or shorter. As for wig vs no wig, I just think that a wig wouldn't really fit the aesthetic. Terra was always supposed to be plain, and a wig might just look too good. Plus I have very thick, straight, well behaved hair. I dunno, I might be talking out my ass.

I'll be doing gloves/belt/boots as purchased items, but meticulously matched. Link for goggles?

>> No.8013189

Oh, and modified to match perfectly, of course.

>> No.8013933
File: 624 KB, 1366x768, barda3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help breaking down a cosplay outfit!

I figured as much as that it is some sort of top coat, a dresshirt with some sort of ruffles along the collar and the cuffs (would love a name on what those are called!) and some sort of knickerbockers, though I'm not sure if that's the garment pattern I should be looking for.

I would love help to pin down the time period for these types of garments so I know what types of patterns to look for, because that's kind of where my main failure is.

This is the video, it's not very great quality but if you want a motion image of the outfit:
(Youtube) /watch?v=8VoTVj8sfGo

Thanks for any help!

>> No.8013934

male Georgian clothing

>> No.8013948

I read gregorian at first and was so confused.
But thank you! I suppose a velvet type fabric would work for the coat?

>> No.8013951

>gregorian chant clothing
velvet would be ideal, I would lean towards thicker velvet to keep the shape, then bell sleeves with big decorative lace on the ends

>> No.8013953

erm meant to quote >>8013948 not myself..

>> No.8013954

I assume you mean bell sleeves for the dress shirt? If possible I want to avoid sewing the shirt myself, would attaching some sort of lacey-cuffs to the end of an already existing shirt be an alternative? Or in another way modifying a dress shirt?

>> No.8013956
File: 92 KB, 432x576, 01_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get this dress/one like it? Not a cheap knock off. Thank you!

>> No.8013961

if you can get a suitable shirt I don't see why you couldn't just add bell sleeves, it really depends if you're keeping the jacket on or not (keeping it on will allow you some variation in colour matching etc)

>> No.8013967

I'm not sure I'm following you, maybe I've just misunderstood the concept of bell sleeves but isn't that an entirely different type of sleeve cut? Wouldn't that mean that if I had a standard dress shirt, I'd have to rip off the arms and sew new ones?
As for the ruffly collar, I assumed that was something which was attached onto the shirt and not part of it?

>> No.8013970

yes it is a different sleeve cut, if you had a standard dress shirt you'd have to make your own sleeves.
the ruffly collar is a pleated ruffle, they're fairly easy to make if you can't find a premade one

>> No.8013975

Okay, thanks!
What patterns should I look for for the jacket?

>> No.8013985
File: 127 KB, 556x300, tårar på min kudde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just to make sure we're on the same page, which type of sleeves were you suggesting? Because both show up when I search for bell sleeves, but the right type seem more common for the era.

>> No.8013992

any vintage jacket or male blazer will do, you'll have to elongate the actual body to about knee length (I watched the video and that's what it seemed to be) and change the collar as necessary.

>> No.8013994

definitely the right, essentially they're make in the same way as a circle skirt, but for your arms, if that helps.

>> No.8013999

Okay, thanks a lot! Any fabric suggestions for the pants while you're at it?

>> No.8014001

I would suggest not satin or velvet, a nice dark cotton would work

>> No.8014051

I'm warning you now. People are going to bitch at you for having no wig since most wigs are 20 bucks. I personally don't care but yeah.

Taobao, ebay, or ali?

>> No.8014163

Does anyone have a good reference chart for fake eyelashes shapes/different looks they give?

I'm pretty good with make up, but when Im purchasing lashes I often don't know what styles to buy. I figured I'd learn what I like by trial and error, but I'm not really, haha.

>> No.8014489
File: 37 KB, 400x300, 4758-90645612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm about to start Yuno soon. My only concern is how I'm going to get that top over my head. The buttons in the back look more decorative than functional because of her collar, so I'm thinking of a tiny hidden button in the front. But I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to ensure it doesn't show when the bow inevitably shifts around while walking, posing, etc.

I also shortly considered making the collar detachable (and undoing the back buttons to get the top on) but I have a feeling I won't place the snaps exactly right and then it'd just look terrible.

Sorry if this sounds dumb, the only tops that would go over the head I've sewn were jersey so the stretchiness meant there was no need so consider button or zipper placement.

>> No.8014593

Why not a tiny hidden button between the folds/hole or have it big enough so that it slips over your head easy?

>> No.8014647

Invisible zip up the center back, and button plackard can fasten over it either with functional buttons or snaps?

>> No.8016255
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 10814278_10203270348972087_1497910575_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, whats your opinion of BFF dull satin? pic related,, with flash

>> No.8016340

It depends what you are using it for. Even cheap, costume satin can be used effectively given the right circumstances.
What is it you are planning on making with this?

>> No.8016381
File: 484 KB, 630x960, 10565027_725077654236860_580999587255627062_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making this. I was thinking either dull satin or gabardine, but my partner likes the dull satin, so I'm just trying to get more opinions on it.

>> No.8016449

Not who you were talking to but I would go with the dull satin. The reference you posted some shine and no texture to be gabardine imo. Also I bet you can get a better flow from the dull satin.

>> No.8016752
File: 108 KB, 350x500, 121052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sailor uniform tops that don't have glaring seams for opening/closure, I've seen professionals usually put in an invisible zipper on the left side from the armpit to the hem and do snaps inside where the collar meets in the front so that the seam will be hidden by the ribbon.

>> No.8016863
File: 32 KB, 414x524, Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 12.17.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to make this bracelet? Thinking of connecting the two hearts via magnet. I don't think O-shaped bracelets would work unless the heart halves stick out severely, making it easier to break off.

Maybe D-shaped bracelets? But how would they close, since I doubt our hands could fit through if we make the bracelets accurately small in diameter.

>> No.8016938

I would be more concerned with finding the proper color if I were you. That deep red is nothing like the ref pic you posted

>> No.8017001

You can alter colours, as long as they all match. If she goes for a darker and more saturated red, then the rest need to be the same.

>> No.8017126

Maybe circular but with a square corner?

>> No.8017138

Hinged bracelet.

>> No.8017533

Thanks everyone for the advice! I think I'm gonna go with what >>8016752 was talking about, and maybe I'll have an extra snap for the bow so it can't move enough to reveal the seam. Didn't even think of needing an additional zipper for the side before - the top isn't very fitted but the fabric isn't stretchy so I bet I'll still need that side zip.

Thank you, kind anons!

>> No.8017654

That was my original idea but I doubt our hands can fit through it since the opening doesn't seem to be that big in the pic.

I've never attempted that but I could give it a try. Do you know if craft stores sell the required hinges, or do I just purchase a small one from a hardware store (if they even have mini-sized ones)?

>> No.8017880

Hey, I'm thinking of a particular gag cosplay and I'm caught up on one detail in particular. I want to do one of Shinji cosplaying as Asuka (Neon Genesis Evangelion), and I'm particularly torn on whether to do the school uniform ,or her iconic sundress.

>> No.8017887
File: 190 KB, 544x640, tumblr_mu11mh3LNI1qix8rco1_r5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not this anon?

Also what are your other ideas?

Btw the sundress is official. That was one of the ideas for Shinji before Anno decided he wanted to be a boy.

>> No.8017890

So the sundress would be a meta gag? That's too perfect.
The idea was to get a cheap wig, some of asuka's clothes, and then roleplay er badly, defaulting to something Shinji-like. It's for a con, and my badge will have "Shinji" and I'll cross it out and write "Asuka."

>> No.8017892


>> No.8017895


>> No.8017896

Yeah. I can't find the picture but it was in the draft notes. Shinji was originally going to be a girl and Kaworu would be the same. With a sundress and short hair like his mother.

You could have something Shinji-like with a Kaworu plush, cooking tool, or I dunno blue contacts/eyes since (only the manga version) has different eyes.

>> No.8018032
File: 108 KB, 817x657, it can't be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I asked you guys on how to make a witch hat, I was told to make the interface out of buckram and millinery wire. I went to my local Jo'Anns and they had neither. Is there a store that consistently stocks this stuff, or should I order them online?

>> No.8018118

I'm going to be working with vinyl for the first time and want to do a mock up before I spend the money just to mess up. Can I use muslin for that or what would you guys recommend if I wanted to use stretch vinyl?

>> No.8018331

I dont have said chart but I bought two boxes of lashes from Shany Cosmetics via Amazon and they are only $8 for a box of 10 pairs of lashes.

>> No.8018382

You can easily pick up heavy duty interfacing and thin wire from JoAnn and they'll be very similar.

>> No.8018972
File: 39 KB, 300x297, nagisa shiota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it acceptable if I put a knife in my mouth for pictures/poses? Also what's a good place to buy fake knives that are safe to do this?

>> No.8019003

yes? has it ever been a problem?
check halloween shops in general or online. they always have cheap plastic replicas

>> No.8019009

I wasn't sure so I decided to ask here. Thanks anon.

Would it also be ok if I had a gun prop and posed with it or is there an acquired rule about using/posing with guns?

Going to use a M6 Assault Rifle as well as a handgun.

>> No.8019033

it depends on the con (check their weapon's policy online) and in general your state's policies on using gun props (you have to have an orange tip in my state)

>> No.8019037

I'm going to Anime central so I think any orange tip gun would work in this case since the rules say:

>It must have an orange tip.
>It must be disabled.
>It must be unloaded

Thanks anon. I can't wait.

>> No.8019135

Is it better to get a pre-made pigtail wig with clips from Taobao or do it yourself? Same anon >>8018972 Sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions.

>> No.8019679

Question about semi-realistic toy guns and planes!

I have a large toy gun (a black painted Nerf Vulcan, the tip is still safety orange) and a small toy gun (an Airsoft M9, also painted but orange safety tipped) that I'd like to bring on a plane. Can I put them in my checked baggage? I know you have to declare real guns, but I don't feel like you have to declare toys.

>> No.8019888

You can't mail them to whereever you are going to go? They might take the small Airsoft M9 but not the Nerf gun just because it's an Airsoft gun. Customs is weird.

>> No.8020026

I hecked up my craft foam, and the painting is all wrinkly now. Can I just paint over the wrinkles with the same primer I used, then new paint and seal? Will that even the wrinkles out? I don't want to try, and then mess it up further. I don't have enough money for more craft foam..

>> No.8020545


If you have a steamer or an iron that makes steam try using it near the foam! not directly on it, just near it otherwise it'll melt! it usually helps with wrinkles!

>> No.8020559
File: 370 KB, 1215x717, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations on how to make this bodysuit? I'm planning on using the instructions from stretchy.org but I'm not sure how to do the princess seams with that pattern. Would it be enough to make a bodysuit without them, mark the seams, cut it there and then resew? Or is it pointless?

>> No.8021156
File: 192 KB, 350x750, AC4MP-Duellist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a cosplay with this as a base. Been searching, trying to find a name/vendor for the type of coat this character is wearing. An anon mentioned gregorian clothing but it's not quite there. Halp, with even a name of the article of clothing?

>> No.8021963
File: 290 KB, 1100x1200, 2011-07-22-423953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do in order to get the same body shape as Vienna ? She look kind of... conical, and I'm afraid the tunics are going to look floppy if I don't wear anything underneath to give them that shape

>> No.8021972

Anyone have a tutorial on painting armor? I'm trying to figure out how to get that shaded look I see so often and can't think of anything.

>> No.8021983

I love you for doing this, anon.
I always assumed she was wearing an robe (the light gray one) + another robe over it (the dark gray one) + the cape over some kind of clothes, like huge shorts or something, to make the robes poof out a bit. You could do with an a-line petti as long as it's not too puffy, though.

>> No.8022159

Ah, alright, I'll try that! Thank you!

>> No.8022488

Does anyone have that good Yami Yugi hair tutorial? I lost it and need it again.

I can't remember the girl's name either but it was posted in the bad cosplay thread and here on /cgl/ several times.

>> No.8022801

Thanks ! I'm glad to know there are other Knights in the Nightmare fans here. What material would you recommend for the petti, tulle, organza, or cotton ?

I guess you mean Malidachan's tutorial ? Here you go, and good luck ! http://malindachan.deviantart.com/art/Yami-Yugi-Wig-Tutorial-337272600

>> No.8022946
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141229_201016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I affix two pieces of steel together solidly while avoiding welding? I'm thinking JB weld

>> No.8022957

Try looking in SCA clothing shops, there's a lot of guys in to the pirate and musketeer look so stuff like this is everywhere. reliks.ca is the only good site in Canada if you're here.

Of course. I got a cold steel rubber training knife for my prop knife, they're quite sturdy and completely safe. You could just paint the blade or put the metal duct tape on it if you wanted the shine; all the knives come in flat black only. I bought my knife off of amazon for like $9

>> No.8023002

Best thing to use short of welding/encasing the joint with another material is to use epoxy like a JB weld. Make sure you sand and clean the joint of oils properly else the epoxy won't bond correctly.

>> No.8023044

Thanks eh, will any degreaser and wire brush do the trick?

>> No.8023230

Wiping it with alcohol should be sufficient so a degreaser will be just fine. The brush itself doesn't matter as much but the surface of the metal should no longer be glossy.

>> No.8023403
File: 97 KB, 600x600, hk-16797k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo i have this top in purple. Any ideas of what i could coord this with?

>> No.8023419

Oh thanks a lot!

>> No.8023446
File: 592 KB, 1024x1024, Powersuit_concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini-wall of text inc.

I know my way around 3DS Max and Pepakura, but I'm planning on using worbla to make the more armor-y parts but I'm having some trouble figuring out a few parts. The boots. How can I make those look like armor while still being "walk-able"? For the calf/shin armor, I have fairly wide feet so I wouldn't be able to slip it through if I want the armor to be really tight up to my leg, any ideas on how to achieve that? Perhaps worbla is the wrong material. I've seen this done with wet-look spandex/vinyl before, but I'm really unfamiliar with those fabrics and I'm more familiar with Worbla. Last question: Should I make the shoulder pads and chest plate one singular piece of armor, or should I split the shoulders and the red chestplate?

>> No.8023485

Okay, this may sound crazy, but hear me out. For her boots, why not have some sort of shoe that has a shin guard attached to it? You could slip on the shoe, and then wrap the shin guard around your leg. You might be able to use snaps or a zipper to hold it in place.

As for her chestplate and helmet have it in two pieces. You'll be able to make it look better, and it won't be so cumbersome when you put it on. It may take you a while to put it on, but it'll look more authentic.

>> No.8023496

Yes definitely make the shin a different part from the shoe. I would also suggest instead of having a single shin piece that your foot goes through, make two pieces that attach with magnets (neodymium is very strong and relatively cheap) that wrap around your leg.

>> No.8024642
File: 135 KB, 350x450, 01102_10_prod_rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is kryolan the way to go?
>need facepaint for certain purple face unicorn healer
>will i need sealer?
>will this colour work??

>> No.8024665

H-hi /cgl/.
I'm a newfag and I can't sew.
Does anyone know where to find a decent Sailor Mars costume that doesn't use that shiny satin material :'<

>> No.8024670

It is very unlikely you will find a decent ready-made one. Your best bet is to get one commissioned.

>> No.8024702

W-would you mind referencing me to a few people? Gwahhh sorry I don't know anything ;____;

>> No.8024708

Hello newbie!
Since you're new I'll give a quick tip: a lot of /cgl/ doesn't take kindly to emotes. It's a quick way for people to start attacking you.
As for getting something commissioned, I'd start by looking around your local cosplay community for people who do work, and then find reviews on them. Do NOT go with someone just because they say they make outfits, and don't be afraid to dish out a few extra dollars. If you go cheap, you're going to get cheap. Research, research, research, and definitely get reviews before you purchase so you don't get shoddy, ill fitting construction.

>> No.8024716

Got it! I'll be sure to cut that out baha!
I really appreciate the advice. Thank you very much!

>> No.8024876

They have official cosplay outfits of Sailor moon anon



>> No.8025550
File: 498 KB, 806x712, 2014-12-30_23-51-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna try to cosplay as Sgt Rex Power Colt from (Farcry 3: Blood Dragon) for Ohayocon this year.

I've got most of the outfit ready, I just need to build the cyborg arm and eye.

Now, I've read up a bunch on worbla, and have some ordered, so that's gonna be the main component to building the arm, but i was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to
1. shape it right
2. attach it to other parts of the arm
3. actually keep it in place on my arm so it doesnt move around.

Plus any tips on making the cyborg eye would be rad.

>> No.8025566
File: 107 KB, 500x750, otk_tabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought tabi OTKs on a whim and now I actually want to cosplay something with them. I can't really think of much off the top of my head aside from some Vocaloid costumes, but that's not my scene anymore.

Are there any cute characters that wear otk tabi socks? I would research and watch/play/consume whatever is recommended before I cosplay it, of course.

>> No.8025572

literally any anime involving schoolgirls.

>> No.8025579

But I want the tabi featured? I know I can wear them as regular OTKs but I wanted to take advantage of the tabi style toes.

>> No.8025581

you're gonna be wearing shoes most of the time (i'd assume, at a convention, hopefully)

>> No.8025585

I know they can be covered by shoes, that's why I would look for a character that wears zori/geta/sandals. I didn't realize I was asking such a difficult question. I suppose I should have listed more detail in my initial post.

>> No.8025586

The point of tabi socks is to wear sandals/geta with them bruh. I can't think of any thing for OP atm but try to learn what they're getting at before spouting nonsense.

>> No.8025587

maybe i'm just being purposefully difficult.

>> No.8025596

Then troll somewhere else besides the help thread.

>> No.8025632
File: 402 KB, 444x718, float.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I be able to make an outfit like this by myself if I never made a cosplay before? If I can't, then does anyone know who does commissions for something like this?

>God Save the Queen is too expensive

>> No.8025634
File: 186 KB, 724x528, 46145577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture.

>> No.8025641

Why not just cosplay as any character who wears sandals then?


That's the tag.

>> No.8025667
File: 46 KB, 447x651, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya and Momiji from Touhou and Akagi from Kancolle come to mind.

>> No.8026129

I tried looking there for a tabi tag, didn't think to look for the sandals tag. Thanks!

I love touhou but I couldn't never cosplay them just because of how autistic the local touhou fans are. I'll check out Kancolle, thanks!

>> No.8026136

>couldn't never
I need some coffee. I could not ever cosplay them, rather.

>> No.8026714


Thanks for the replies! I'm actually a guy and I was planning on getting a corset to wear underneath to get some curves going, does anyone have experience with male corsets? I've never worn one before but I have about a 28-30 inch waist, and I'm pretty in shape. I just don't want to hurt myself by making some stupid mistake with a purchase or something, so if theres anything general that I need to know about corsets please fill me in.

>> No.8026734

Lucycorsetry - read all the resources. I suggest getting a custom corset rather than off the rack

Men's bodies are a lot larger in the rib/chest and narrower in the hip, so most corsets designed for women are too small at the top/too large at the bottom.

>> No.8026850
File: 140 KB, 544x500, mencfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Samus is pretty top heavy, and my shoulders are pretty broad, I would really only need to squish in the abdominal region below the ribcage, so something like this looks like it would work. I'm actually really being able to picture this whole costume coming together. Pretty excited now...

>> No.8026944

That's still on your floating ribs and your upper hip, and yes that corset works because it's a men's one. I think timeless trends sells them, but check the measurements and measure yourself (rib, waist and high hip) before ordering.

>> No.8026952

Will do. Thanks for all of the help guys! Gonna go start planning. I've got about 7 months ... is it possible?

>> No.8026964
File: 80 KB, 402x604, bella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving this here:
Anyone know where I can find a simple long skirt like this? Everything I find online is either designed to be tight and show off your hips/ass, stops at the knees, or is made of thin/shiny fabric.
I thought this would've been a very easy find...

>> No.8027015

Additional info: I'm a 6'2" guy that's men's size 32-34

>> No.8027064

Late reply but thanks.

>> No.8027958

Is it better for your cosplay to be as accurate as possible or as clean as possible?

My character's hair always looks greasy and dirty (big boss). I'm distressing the outfit where it would experience wear and tear as well as working in 'dirt' from doing soldier things (I've been putting the smallest amount of neutral, black and brown boot polish on a brush and buffing the uniform here and there. It is subtle and adds a lot of depth). I don't want to look fresh out of the box as it just isn't fun.

For the hair I am ordering a wig
that I will be shaping and trimming a bit. Should the wig look clean and pristine or should it be a bit dirty too? And if it should be dirty to match my outfit how would I make it look dirty without looking like amateur crap?

>> No.8028455
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, mayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wig should I use for her? A normal curly wig wouldn't have the cloudlike look...should I use a rhapsody wig?

>> No.8028545

You can make the outfit look 'rugged.' I can try to look up methods how but it's similar to making metal look more dirty. For the wig I have no idea.

>> No.8028549

I'm more concerned if you are going to look that pale all over.

>She literally looks like someone threw baby powder on her.

You might have to fluff up a normal long wig using the Arda method. Don't use a curly one.

>> No.8028692

can I use friendly plastic with silicon molds?

>> No.8028818

Thoughts on making a DIY dress form? Should I just shell out for the real deal? I'd use it for like 70% modeling dresses, 30% tailoring and sewing

>> No.8028839

Having gone the DIY route before, I strongly advise you to get a store display one for cheapies online.

>> No.8028872
File: 248 KB, 1112x776, sao2_2_04_cs1w1_1280x880b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I make her blue bottom skirt cover thing to keep its "spreading" A-line shape all the way to the bototm? I've noticed that on a lot of cosplayers who have made this costume, the fabric will drape and hang vertically downwards past the black skirt, since there's nothing underneath to support it anymore, which warps the overall shape/silhouette.

>> No.8028890
File: 40 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if wigfashion is reliable and match pictures? Looking for a Mako wig and found http://www.ebay.com/itm/351032354885?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Reviews are pretty good and the neutral/negs seem similar to most chinese ebay wigs

>> No.8028909

Pad stitching and/or interfacing. This should give you some ideas, it's the best article I could find that didn't just use pad stitching for a collar/lapel. You could also consider using boning, I guess, but I don't think the drape would look very natural anymore.

>> No.8028948

just go for it

okay will do thank you

>> No.8028980

I made a really detailed armor set but I have no idea how to strap it. Most of the lighter pieces are fine, I just laced them up, but some of the heavier pieces and the thigh pieces keep slipping off, and I'm kind of lost on the pauldrons as well. Any good tutorials for strapping eva foam armor? I've seen the adjustable buckle ones but I feel like I'll still have the same slipping problem.

>> No.8029318

Strap it the same way real armor is strapped. Either attach the armor to the undergarment like an arming jack or go the easier route (which won't move as nice as you move) and suspend the armor from itself. Attach the faulds to your belt or the bottom of the chest harness. Attach the pauldrons to the chest harness via a strap running from the peak of the shoulder curve to the collarbone part of the chest harness.

If you have any segmented bits look up sow bug legging armor, it's all quite easy.

>> No.8029324

they photoshopped the reference picture so that it would be closer to their own wig color...

>> No.8029918
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x800, CG20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey cgl! so my sister is cosplaying aoba from dmmd, and he clearly has a bit of an ombre at the end of his mullet, were having a hard time finding one with the ombre that looks good. most are just one color. shes already ordered one from ebay and it came with a horrible blunt ice colored ombre, i dont see anything too good around ebay. what do you guys recommend for a good looking one?
>tldr; where can we find a nice looking aoba wig with an accurate ombre

>> No.8030221

I'll try interfacing since the padstitching can't be hidden, thanks! I did consider boning, but it is likely to curl up on itself rather than keeping a straight shape when it gets that long without a petticoat/bodice to hold it up.

>> No.8030347

I'd say you'd maybe have to sharpie it, they're almost always one shade

>> No.8030440
File: 371 KB, 900x595, wow_spirit_healer_cut_out_by_atagene-d2xhkqj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I'm looking to finish this costume by summer time, but I' not really sure how to go about doing the bodypaint! I know the homestucks use ben nye, but I've also heard about Kryolan being used! does anyone have any recommendations? will i be able to mix colors with kryolan like with ben nye? thanks!

>> No.8030585

How do I shrink a sewing pattern? I found a great pattern at Hobby Lobby for a stuffed shark that I love, but it's like three/four feet long and I need it to be a plushie.

>> No.8030596
File: 39 KB, 300x300, Kirby_Wii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I know genderbending is frowned upon most of the time. But I'm looking to do this right. How would I successfully genderbend Kirby. I was thinking something simple. Like a knee length pink a-line dress and red shows. Maybe the star wand for the prop. For the wig I was thinking a pink bob cut. Am I heading in the right direction with this?

>> No.8030597

I don't think Kirby has a gender

>> No.8030600


Sorry. Kinda sleepy.

>> No.8030602

Kirby is in fact a boy.

>> No.8030605

Stop triggering xir, shitlord! Kirby is clearly a demisexual pangender dingleberrykin

>> No.8030613

I had no idea

>> No.8030626

I'm building a halo helmet out of Papercraft followed by resin and fiberglass followed by bondo. Is the fiberglass step completely necessary? I don't really see the purpose of it if the resin makes it pretty sturdy to begin with, and if I'm going to be using bondo to smooth and finish it, I really really don't see any purpose of fiberglass. If anyone has had experience with this method of helmet building, please tell me if I'm being an idiot trying to save a couple bucks by not buying the fiberglass, but I really don't see its purpose.

>> No.8030629

Man, I think you need the 405th for that one.

>> No.8030648

I'm planning my first cosplay to be Kotonoha Katsura from school days, When I checked up on her hair color the wiki says it's violet? It really doesn't look that color to me, It looks more of a dark brown/black color, Will I attempt to find a violet wig that would match or would I be safer with black or brown?

>> No.8030653
File: 17 KB, 250x601, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.8030665

I see the purple. it's really dark. Search for "purple black" . Alternatively look for Inu x Boku Ririchiyo wigs

>> No.8030668

take all the measurements of the pattern
use the appropriate ratio to reduce the measurements
translate the new measurements onto a new pattern

>> No.8030670
File: 25 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps this? like I said I'm new to cosplaying so I'm not sure if this would pass or not, I don't want to end up in some cringe thread somewhere

>> No.8030674
File: 93 KB, 818x766, 2015-01-02_21-17-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone be of assistance?

>> No.8030676

That's pretty good. Indoor lighting will make it darker. You wont be on cringe thread because of a slight wig color difference. If it was a neon color or drastic difference, then yeah .If you feel like its not dark enough, go with a dark brown wig

>> No.8030678

Well, there are some complicated curves. Here's an idea: what if I drew a grid over the pattern, then replicated the shapes on a smaller grid?

>> No.8030683
File: 364 KB, 917x1175, FIBREGLASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want the fibreglass as it adds thickness to the paper so when you start sanding the bondo to make it smooth you'll sand through the paper so its very helpful.

The fibreglass matting also makes it super fucking durable its worth the time doing it.

Also you want to find fibreglass weave as its a lot easier to work with. Refer to image, I buy mine off eBay but I live in Aus but i should be easier if your US based.

>> No.8030689

that should work fine I'd think.
Not bad thinkin'

>> No.8030797

Yup. My friend cosplays Nagisa and she made her knifes out of styrofoam (IDK how she did it, but it looks good. She had to do styrofoam since she was bringing them to a smaller con that had ridiculous ~weapon safety~ requirements.) but she put one in her mouth for pictures and they were fine. Even when I (albeit a bit roughly) shoved one in her mouth the first time because I got the idea mid-photo-stop. I did get her permission, though, I was just a bit excited. Just make sure if it is with styrofoam or something that you don't actually bite down. For obvious reasons.

>> No.8030848

Where can I find some faux fur similar to this color? It's for a Holo cosplay. Fursuit supplies never restocks and I need this shit pretty quick.

>> No.8030855

won't let me post a photo but yeah if you google holo something similar to that. Red brown color.

>> No.8031355

I hope you've got tiny arms for this...

otaku and fit has a decent explanation of how to make robot arms, just look up his venom snake how to guide. I made a robot arm off of it recently.

>> No.8031379
File: 128 KB, 300x245, 598744-caz_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing a Caesar cosplay and I'm wondering how to go about doing the gloves? I already have basic green gloves and some metal studs. How would I go about attaching the studs and doing the metal plate thing?

>> No.8034369

If they're made of a good material like canvas or leather just rivet them on, you can buy them at michaels in the leatherwork section. If the gloves are cloth I'd add a leather washer to the back to help prevent fraying if you end up punching holes for the rivets.

For the metal plate I'd use leather as well. I had to attack a plate to the back of a glove recently, I used simple hollow stud rivets and it turned out pretty good imo

>> No.8035629
File: 29 KB, 185x104, 185px-Shuu_making_blade_from_his_kagune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions on creating Tsukiyama's kagune from Tokyo Ghoul? I have seen others attempt it and their craftsmanship left more to be desired.