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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7991028 No.7991028 [Reply] [Original]

Lolitas, where did you go to college? What did you major in?

>> No.7991067

Education. But everyone who's an education major dresses nicely because we've all interned in schools so much that most of us don't waste money on anything but dressier clothes. It was a real shock taking a forgotten gen Ed class this past semester and seeing people dressed like they were homeless or just walked out of a rap music video.

>> No.7991068

I'm currently an Engineering major. Considering making a switching to Actuarial Science, I just can't figure out what I'd enjoy more as a career.

>> No.7991069

Physics, formerly Forensic Psychology.

>> No.7991072

International business with emphasis on import/export management and accounting.
A mouthful to be sure.

>> No.7991106

Nashville, music business/live sound. I did some sweet venue management and touring internships. Didn't have to take a language though, and only took international business in my last semester. Now (of course) I want to go into international touring but feel far away from actually being capable of doing so.. oh dreams

。◕ ‿ ◕。

>> No.7991108

With this board being dedicated to cosplay and EGL, I'm surprised to see nobody mention an art major yet.

>> No.7991120

I'm a Law major.

>> No.7991135

I'm an art major. I'm currently studying illustration. There's not many of us because art students are usually poor or don't dress well. At least in my major at my school.

>> No.7991138

Chemistry/Biology. Trying to get into grad school for Pharmacy.

>> No.7991140

Two B.As - one jn studio art, other in art education. It took me 3 1/2 years after graduation to land a job teaching, and it doesn't pay much, but it's fantastic.

>> No.7991153

Archaeology major with an anthropology minor. About half way through it. The college that I'm going to has the best archaeology program in the state.

>> No.7991164

I did a two year program for a civil engineering technology diploma and currently work in that field.

>> No.7991174

I'm studying political science right now. But I've read some japanese paralelly.

>> No.7991176


>> No.7991209

I majored in Visual arts, 2 years after finishing my degree and i'm making a steady and stable living from my art alone, without ever having to work in the fast food industry.
I'm the only one out of a class of 40 to do so. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.7991213

Theatre major (costume concentration) with a minor in French. The "what are you going to do with that?" questions don't even phase me anymore.

>> No.7991215

The classical arts like painting and sculpting are mess work, you can't really dress nice if you'll be covered in paint in seconds and ruin any clothes you have. I could only wear nice clothes outside of college. While besides my hair, i dressed in shit clothes because i did scultpure most of the time. Clay and plaster does not come out of clothes easily i can tell you.

>> No.7991221

double major in mathematics and political science. minor in russian.

>> No.7991225

Majored in art history. Cue the "what kind of job can you get with that?" question being asked for 4 straight years - joke's on them, I'm working as a researcher in a large museum.

But yeah, art history is a hard major to make a career out of, had to pay my dues for years as an upaid intern. That sucked. But I guess it worked out in the end.

>> No.7991232

Sweet! Another law school lolita. I dress in classic, so I can get away with wearing toned down co-ords to dinners, but I usually wear neutral colored suits since I have no intention of any Elle Woods jokes directed towards me.

>> No.7991249

Veterinary technology.
Needless to say, I never wear my lolita clothes to school.

>> No.7991253


Out of curiosity, how annoyed do you get at Legally Blonde?

I had a friend who got really annoyed at the movie because Ellie managed to leap about 20 points in her LSAT, which according to my friend, is nigh impossible.

>> No.7991263

Museum work and research work isn't an uncommon path for Art History or History in general.

Aren't you guys just behind scientists in terms of your research skills training?

>> No.7991267

Getting an associate degree in graphic design. I plan on transferring to a 4-year school and majoring in computer science, maybe minor in game design if at all possible.

>> No.7991269

International studies with a minor in Chinese and marketing

>> No.7991276

People are still getting college degrees? Lol enjoy your mountains of debt plebs.
>inb4 "but I really needed a degree to get a job at starbucks"

>> No.7991280

Sometimes it feels that way haha. Glad I learned how to write a proper thesis in college, it really helped me out.

Although I'm a complete dummy when it comes to science - but my coworkers in art preservation and conservation are brilliant! It's a great career for those interested in chemistry and art.

>> No.7991284

Computer Science. No, I don't wear lolita to work.

>> No.7991285
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>yfw you will NEVER be Goth Loli-Sama

>> No.7991288

Linguistics with minors in French and Japanese. I haven't found a decent job two years after graduating, so I'm considering continuing to grad school for Linguistics (I was going to apply last year, but my adviser basically told me "don't do it if you actually want work lol", so idk), training to be an interpreter, or picking a new direction entirely. Being unsure of what I want career-wise really sucks.

>> No.7991290

Enjoy being a basement dweller and homeless once your parents die

>> No.7991292

Child-Development and a minor in ASL Deaf Studies

>> No.7991294

Can you actually speak Japanese and French well?

Everybody I know who minors in a language in college blows at it. All my polylingual friends who knew 4+ languages just learned the language on their own rather than bothering to minor in it. The only people I know who minored in languages are those who already had a base in it (I.e, Spanish major when they're Mexican).

Linguistics is pretty cool though; do you learn about all the phonemes in every language and all that? Or do you do linguistic anthropology?

>> No.7991300

you can get a good job by going to trade school you know.

>> No.7991301

I'm pretty fluent in French (occasionally need a dictionary while reading the newspaper), but my Japanese is only about JLPT 3. I'd been exposed to French starting around age 8-9, took some in high school, while I only stated Japanese in university.

I totally agree, doing it on your own is far more useful. I originally wanted to study a heap of foreign languages in school, but after talking to a bunch of foreign language majors who truly did not seem to have learned much at all, I decided it would be for the best to do something else. My Ling degree required two foreign languages, anyway.

My program was pretty small, so we didn't get to go terribly in depth in any subject, mainly just the basics. My faves were language documentation (simulation of field work where we'd listen to a language none of us knew and try to piece together as much information about its structure as possible) and morphology, but I'm also really interested in historical, socio-, and neuro-linguistics. There's that "unsure of what to do" thing again, haha, I just find so many topics so interesting and can see myself being fulfilled by all of them.

>> No.7991304


How don't you have a job? I'm a senior in linguistics and I have 3 job offers for when I graduate. (But I minored in English)

>> No.7991309

Probably because I went to a school with a tiny ass program in the south. Good for you, though. Are your job offers in the field?

>> No.7991311

Early Childhood Education/Montessori Education. My college's grad school is affiliated with Montessori so I'm able to take some of those classes sad an undergrad but I'll have to do a year or so to finish up my credential and my masters.
Technically my undergraduate degree will be in Justice, Community and Leadership. The stupid department changed their name from Libera and Civic Studies to that (they're not stupid for the name change they just generally suck). Anyways it's still just basically majoring in education, it just sounds weird.
To keep it /cgl/ related I dress in Lolita to classes often, but never to schools I work in, mostly because working with kid that young is super physical and messy, so it's not worth the risk. Plus it would be distracting.

>> No.7991312

Enjoy lengthy spells of being unemployed and retraining at 30. Archaeology broke my heart & hope.

>> No.7991316

not that anon (I'm the one doing an IB degree with accounting and logistics) but I went to college (as in, high school) that specialised in foreign languages and language degrees in general are only useful if you want to teach or maybe be a translator. Even for translating they will be asking for a degree in medicine or law if you decide to translate any legal documents so language degrees aren't the best when it comes to job versatility. If you do major in a rare language degree you may get hired in an embassy or something of the like, but with linguistics the most common job will be teaching.

I got an internship by virtue of speaking several languages fluently and my mother tongue being a Slavic language because a lot of workers in my field tend to be from Eastern Europe, so from my experience it pays off to get an actual degree + a language certificate instead of a minor or major (such as CPE/IELTS, JLPT etc).
But if you want to teach languages majoring in them is a great choice.

And sorry for butting in but from what I understand, don't you do both as a student of linguistics? And then specialise in a certain discipline later on?

>> No.7991317


Ya- Teaching ESL abroad to be specific. The jap program actually found ME, they are so desperate for qualified linguists and not >weebs to teach english.

I've heard that the Euro market is pretty fucked, but if you are American you should have no problem finding a job if you are comfortable traveling to distant countries. I am attending school in California at a large and relatively OK university.

If you are an American I can dump relative links and tips for getting a job. If you want to do research though then you definitely need to get your Masters / Ph.D.

>> No.7991319

Lmao I got a full ride scholarship for my BA and my master's is going to be fully covered as well. Not everyone graduates stuck with debt.

>> No.7991320

The Euro market is fucked depending on which language you teach and where you're originally from.
If you're American you're more likely to teach in Asian countries but Europeans usually prefer their own teachers and Brits/the Irish since they're closer. One exception seems to be Sweden who're cucked by yanks to the max.

>> No.7991323

No, you're completely right. My program required linguistics majors to have two foreign languages for minors, but doing it how you described is typically the better route.

And yeah, you're supposed to specialize more further in, but my adviser was SO negative about continuing on the ling path that it kind of intimidated me away from doing so. He literally told me to only go if I loved learning and could afford it or get funding because I probably wouldn't have a job even after after 4+ years of schooling.

>> No.7991324

uni is free in my country
enjoy your freedom billy bob

>> No.7991325


I didn't know that about Sweden.

My job offers are two asian countries and a south american country. South American countries want Americans as well but the pay isn't as good.

>> No.7991326

Ah, see, that's my problem, I don't want to be a language teacher, I wanted to do research. My Japanese advisers were actually strongly encouraging me to apply and wanting to help me with everything, but I think teaching is one of the few things I'd truly be miserable doing as a career. But who knows, I'm at the point that I may go ahead and apply anyway. I definitely don't mind moving or travel, love it actually.

And yeah, see >>7991323 about my ling adviser kind of scaring me away from the PhD path.

>> No.7991335


I don't like teaching either - but it's hard to beat getting paid to travel all over the world.

If you end up doing PhD go to California or Atlantic seaboard. Much better schools there, with the east coast better than the west (but I couldn't afford New York schools)

>> No.7991337

I already have an apartment and will be buying a house in the next three years. Like hell I would live with my parents. The irony is that so many college grads are the ones living with their parents, pot calling the kettle black much?

>> No.7991339

Swedish seagulls can confirm whether this is true or not, but from other people's experiences and my own the situation was as follows:

I went to Sweden for a few months this year (degree and internship demand me to travel to other countries several times, since I got the internship through my uni) and pretty much everyone spoke English and refused to speak any other language around me. About 50% had a flawless American accent and the other 50% had either a generic Euro accent (you'll know it when you hear it) or the typical Swedish lilting.
A good deal of programmes on the telly were American reality shows. People expressed love for the US a lot, which actually kind of offended me on several occasions (I'm from the UK) as they definitely didn't seem as enthusiastic about the Isles. American pop culture is very big there and people get really hyped about their products and such. I legit got asked if we had Wendy's back home. I then invited them for some cheeky nandos when they visit.

>> No.7991340

For sure. I was just hoping to find a way to do it without the teaching part, haha. Again, congrats on the job offers! And yeah, I think I'll try applying to California next year and see where I'm at. Thanks!

>> No.7991343

>mountains of debts
Uni is 2.5K a year in my country??

>> No.7991344

Why are you so angry about people getting college degrees though? Like please calm down

>> No.7991346

Studying translation, this is my last year. English, Russian, French, Italian.

>> No.7991348

Do you speak all of them and how well? I know some translators study translation without actually being fluent in the languages of choice.

>> No.7991351

Uh, what.
I paid mine off in three years.

>> No.7991352

Hospitality. Will never wear lolita at work because everything is strictly business formal. However everything at work is always classy as shit and the pay buys me a shit ton of lolita.

>> No.7991353

>telling the truth is anger

>> No.7991354

He's probably a self-centered Amerifat who thinks the rest of the world works the same way as Burgerstan.

>> No.7991355

Sure comes off as angry when you're randomly attempting to mock people for things not affecting you.

>> No.7991358

I don't know whether to feel awkward or insulted. I'm American and well, like I said, the debt got paid off in three years. People only end up fucked when they go to schools they can't afford for useless shit like Egyptian Literature or, as my ex did, Philosophy.

>> No.7991359

What do you do? Concierge? Croupier?

>> No.7991361

I speak English, Italian and French fluently. I started Russian two years ago and I'm between a B1 and a B2 so far, but I know Russian grammar well enough to translate most texts, although I would need a dictionary for that of course.

>> No.7991364

Glad I picked a major that's easy to get a job with instead of an easy major. Plus by the time I finish getting my degree, because of how the program works, I'll leave with over 100 hours of interning job experience.

>> No.7991371

Oh, is English your mother tongue? that sounds pretty nice, good job!

>> No.7991372

My mother tongue is Italian, but thanks anyway! I plan on focusing on my Russian in the following months and hopefully get a job soon enough after graduating.

>> No.7991374

Yeah, but it wont be a million dollar estate. Hell, i couldve bought a house myself at 22, but its stupid to do so.

>> No.7991384


I took 3 years of German in high school with good grades. I took 4 semesters in college with straight As and aced my master's translation exam. I have no fucking clue how to speak or read German. When you take the final exam, you have to translate parts of a newspaper, but you get to bring a German/English dictionary with you.

It would be so cool to understand German. I wish I could learn it, but according to my teacher's I already have.

One semester, I made myself write my daily diary entries in German for practice. If I look at it today, I have no idea what it says.

>> No.7991393

You guys sound like you have your stuff together, that's really cool.
I've only got a year and a half left of this English degree and I've no clue what I'll do afterwards.

>> No.7991397

Or careers that don't have a lot of openings. Other anon was out of line but don't you start exagerating because you did well.

>> No.7991400

I'm still in college, currently studying Journalism, but I'm not sure what I'll do after graduation.

>> No.7991405

I took 3 years of German in college and I only know the basics but when I listen to it I understand everything. It's odd.

When I had my interview for the internship, I jokingly said I had 6 mother tongues (I lived on the territory of former Yugoslavia which broke apart, and now every country has its "language" which is essentially the same in all countries, they can't even be called different dialects because they're so similar) and the interviewer actually believed that I spoke 6 different languages so I had to explain... I think that's mostly why I got hired kek.

>> No.7991409

Majoring in Folklore, minoring in Economics.

>>in b4 unemployment comments

I interned with the business development division at Disney (one floor beneath CEO) so resume looks pretty solid.

>> No.7991411
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find a sea captain daddy to travel the world with and get a dog

>> No.7991414
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I'm currently doing international relations with a focus on German, but I have no idea what I can do once I graduate.... anon, what are your plans?

>> No.7991424

Fine Art right here. Majored in Painting. Minor in English.

>> No.7991432

I "dropped" (ie ran out of money) out of colloge years ago and have been wandering aimlessly ever since with no idea of what I want to do, but reading this thread with all these people having majors/minors in languages is making me seriously consider fufilling my weeaboo dream of majoring in Japanese...I think I'm going to go for it, I mean why not? I'm not doing anything else, right? I'm printing out my re-entry application right now, so hopefully next fall I can enroll back in, or even take some summer classes! Thank you thread, looking forward to getting back on track with my life.

>> No.7991434

Except that I didn't exaggerate. You could try not getting asshurt just because you weren't included in a conversation, which wasn't even with you to begin with.

>> No.7991440

>college debt of 35k
>graduated with computer science & engineering degree
>found job immediately after graduation that paid 80k
>took < year to pay off because I chose to live with parents until I completely paid off debt
>just really frugal in general

Would rather not say where I'm employed.

I feel like college degrees are absolutely worth it if you pick a good major. Otherwise I agree, why waste the time and money?

>> No.7991442


>> No.7991444


I found a purpose in life.

>> No.7991446

sounds about right. 80k is about average starting. you're likely on the west coat

>> No.7991452

>you're likely on the west coat
Yep! I'm really lucky because I love my job and the great pay helps, especially for an expensive hobby like lolita.

The only problem is fucking godawful housing costs, but I manage by not choosing to live in a really nice place, and that suits me fine. More spending money > really nice apartment.

>> No.7991459

Going to a community college at the moment and about to graduate with my AA. Don't know what I'm going to do with my life. Would love to major in theater and I've already gotten some film acting jobs-- nothing big obviously, but fun and they paid well.

I don't know what'd be smart for me, though. Thinking about journalism. Maybe a theater/journalism major and minor so I can do some entertainment articles and shit.

>> No.7991464
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>graduated with a BA in Geography in 2012
>getting my MS in City and Regional Planning
>one semester left
>graduating with $0 in student loan debt

I'm rather scared about this predicament coming up and thinking about relocating somewhere else to find employment. I prefer moving to a city I like for a career, not the other way around.

>> No.7991465

Where are you from?

>> No.7991485

I went to community college for an Associates in Culinary Arts. Right now I'm a chef at an assisted living. I'd rather be a baker but there's not as much demand for that.

>> No.7991545

Art history major, thinking about a minor in business or French (the language is required for the major). No clue what I want to do honestly.

I've been working part-time since starting college to avoid debt, so I'm hoping my work experience, study abroad and internships will help my resume. I've done various graphic design work and am currently a tech assistant at school.

>> No.7991558

I've worn lolita to my LA courses, but never to my studios. I mainly do print making and traditional illustration but it still makes a huge mess, and I don't want to risk my brand. I know why fine arts majors dress like that, but I was referring to my major, illustration.

>> No.7991572

Nah, that takes a whole other license and the pay isn't worth the trouble. Still finishing up my internships but want to work in front of house.

This. So fucking much. I'll have industry experience and job offers right out of uni. 9 months of paid internship included in course so at 40 hours a week that's 1440 hours of experience. Jesus.

>> No.7991579

>Get AA in diesel tech
>Spend three-ish months working at the most dangerous shop on the planet
>Boss can't make payroll, get laid off.
>I was the only employee.

Now I fix European cars and I hate my life.

>> No.7991596
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Fellow science major; I'm biology only though. I tried majoring in biochem initially, but calculus 2 whipped me sideways, so I changed majors. I've completed all my med school interviews and am anxiously hoping for acceptance letters. Good luck with pharm school!

>> No.7991616

Are you (almost) me? I did the exact same thing (biochem to bio) for the exact same reason (fuck calc 2 man), only difference is that I'm aiming to be a teacher.

>> No.7991619

Taking Philosophy, I'm in my second year. I want to teach/write/generally do anything related to the academe. I really really really want to be able to teach in the university I'm studying in right now someday, it was and still is my dream school.

Also, college loans don't exist in my country so I'll be paying back my parents for the cost of my sky-high tuition later on. I think they want me to do it by paying for my brother's tuition, I don't know. We're way far apart, so I don't have to worry about that anytime soon. Yaaaay.

>> No.7991621

Studio art major w/an art history minor here. I totally relate about being unsure about what to do next. I currently have a part time job dispatching so I get paid well enough to avoid too much debt & buy a couple of dresses here and there, but I'm not the type to live off my art. My school is stricty painting, sculpture, drawing and ceramics which may not have been the best fit for me but ah well. I'm a senior already. I'm hoping my exhibition experience will get me into a museum.

>> No.7991622

I'm studying for exams right now and am stressed and sleep-deprived...
Does anyone want to be friends?

>> No.7991628

I only have one left and I feel my motivation to pass slipping away with every second. I keep thinking to myself that the exams are too difficult for my stupid brain to comprehend anyway so why try, even if I know that's a toxic mentality. Ugh.

>> No.7991634

I have one more paper which I still haven't started it and it's due soon. My motivation to do it is gone especially since I'm already home.

>> No.7991635

It's never too late anon, go for it and make the most out of your life!

>> No.7991641
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You can do it, anon! I believe in you.

>> No.7991651
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t-thank you!

>> No.7991653

One more time and then I can hibernate for the next month, right? Thanks anon.

>> No.7991676


Art History post-grad of 2 years here - I would absolutely recommend getting some kind of gallery or museum experience! If you'd like to work in a museum in the future, volunteering or interning is key. Also take a museum studies course if you can; they can tell you what kind of museum jobs are out there other than curatorial ones. There are so many jobs I never knew about within the museum world and typically all you need is a BA in Art History. Good luck to both of you!

>> No.7991686

I'm a failure and dropped out, but I had been going for Physics. Turned out my high school math teacher was a piece of shit, I was too far behind in math to keep up with the physics work. I still really love it, and I understand the concepts really well, I just... can't into math.

When I go back I'll want to do something with literature. My dream was actually theater, because I love it more than anything.

Too bad I'm a socially anxious piece of shit, I didn't audition in time and my university shut down its theater program two years ago. If I had just auditioned (and got in) while I was undeclared, I'd have been able to continue taking classes in it until I graduated.

It was probably a useless degree anyway.

>> No.7991696

Yes! Fellow Anthropology enthusiast! I'm looking into Biological Anthropology, still considering Archaeology though (about the star on my Bachelors) How's it going for you?
>Archaeology broke my heart & hope.
Details? I heard Archaeology was one of the easier fields of Anthropology to get a job in...

>> No.7991758

You're at Belmont, aren't you?

>> No.7991759


>> No.7991762

Both archeology and anthropology have the lowest employment rates and starting salaries of any course you could do. Google it. I feel sorry for you anon, you'll never afford your burando now

>> No.7991765

It's muuuch easier to process input of a language than create output. That's why I'd never say I speak Spanish even though I understand it quite well in both spoken and written forms. I think that almost everyone finds writing/speaking to be harder than reading/listening.

>> No.7991767

Wait, where on earth do you major in FOLKLORE? Because I want that.

>> No.7991768

I mean, if you've been paying attention, you'd know that majoring/minoring in a language isn't terribly useful, buuut whatever makes you happy.

>> No.7991793

Bouncing back and forth between wanting to be a graphic designer or concept designer for character appearances or completing my studies in regional folklore from around the world.

I am also doing art history with specialties in early Christian Iconography found throughout The Byzantine to the late Renaissance in paintings, statues and architecture. We ended up having to write a paper on the differences between the Glorious Nude Jesus and the Suffering Jesus ( IE: Jesus that looks still pretty healthy nailed when sculptors and painters did the 'glorious nude' movement for all figures stemming from Greek and Roman influence, to the cross VS Jesus when he's more elongated, skin and bones.)as well as little hidden things found in paintings that were symbolisms of the time.

>> No.7991806


So I'm at Harvard, but I think Indiana Univeristy and University of Wisconsin have really good programs too (if you're in America, that is)

>> No.7991818

Almost getting my bachelors degree in criminology with a minor in neuroscience. Planning on getting a neuroscience and cognition masters degree.

>> No.7991824

I'm at one of the UCs and I'm majoring Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in Immunology. And then minoring in Japanese.

Organic chem kicked my ass this semester, so I've had no energy to dress up. Most of the people in my major tend to show up to class in jeans and sweatshirts, so wearing lolita to class feels like showing off.

For anons in STEM majors: How do you find time to wear lolita and where do you wear it?

>> No.7991838

Currently pursuing a degree in Nursing with a minor in Japanese. Honestly not sure if nursing is for me but I can't think of any other major and I'm not getting any younger. I love the sciences but really don't want to get a master's degree so nursing it is.

>> No.7991850

I know, I was saying of the Anthropology sub fields Archaeology usually has the best employment rate. Anyways my passion for Anthropology is far greater than my interest in lolita so I don't really care

>> No.7991889

Education is free here, and I have a part time job so I can live of grants and my salary without ever having to loanmoney.

>> No.7992038

I'm about to graduate in a week with my English degree, and honestly the best thing about it is that you have a ton of opportunities. I personally am looking to go into editing, but there's a huge variety of fields you can apply for because good reading/writing/speaking skills are pretty valued in most jobs.

>> No.7992049

College is free in my country thankfully. I supported myself through selling crafts at Conventions to pay my rent and food bills. It's actually one of the very very few things my country have done right.

>> No.7992062

Yep. I have an English Literature degree, when I was studying people would joke about me winding up at McDonald's, but it's been really versatile and useful. Most of my work has been in communications areas (web content, editing, marketing, etc) and is reasonably well-paid; I'm not making bank like my brother does with his MBA, but I've enjoyed most of my jobs and have done well enough to buy a house, travel, etc, so I'm pretty satisfied.

>> No.7992065

What about healthcare administration - not like secretarial, but leadership work at a hospital, healthcare network or so on? It's a growing field and pretty lucrative, your existing education would be really helpful but it would take you out of the day-to-day work with patients.

>> No.7992082

I go to a private uni in NYC, I'm currently studying marketing with a concentration in fashion/youth culture.
I'm up to my eyeballs in debt but I love my major and I've gotten some amazing connections and opportunities (I interned during Freshman year in a fashion startup that had their office in the empire state building), so I'll only know whether or not this was a bad idea once I graduate and have to find a full time gig.

>> No.7992095

Right now I'm double majoring in Linguistics and Japanese. Have some ideas of what I want to do, but not a definite path. I'm actually nervous as hell since I'm a freshmen, but taking 400 level classes next semester for my degree. I really hope I don't fuck this up since I will probably need to go to grad school.

>> No.7992102

Computer Engineering and Chinese.

And anon, depending on your school 400 levels can be not that scary. Just study and I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.7992127

Agreed. I'm an art major and I will never wear lolita to school, solely for this purpose. The amount of ink I get on my clothes in my printmaking class, even with an apron on, is outstanding. I would never put my dressed through that.

>> No.7992139

Healthcare admin is a bullshit degree on it's own. You need a nursing degree to do pretty much anything entry level. The lady who is head of the entire OR at my local hospital had to go back to school at 60 to get a nursing license in order to keep running it.

There are tons of jobs in nursing that are not at the bedside and largely clerical/simple stuff. Stick with nursing, and unless you are in Cali or NYC, you will ALWAYS have work somewhere.

Source: I'm a nurse

>> No.7992154

BFA in costume design/tech, focus on wigs/hair/makeup, and I'm studying for my cosmetology license. I want to do makeup/hair and wigs for film/theatre, I currently help run wigs for a theme park. Ultimate goal is to run wig shop for Disney and show them the light of the lace front.

It makes a decent enough living and I love what I do, can't ask for more than that.

>> No.7992157

I'm a freshman in a private uni in NYC, global business program but no concentration yet.

Where do you go?

>> No.7992158

>Go to Harvard for Folklore
>Work at Disney
That sounds rad, anon.
How do people even know options like that exist when they are graduating high school?
Maybe I just had useless guidance counselors.

>> No.7992161

Nah anon, it's something you just fall into. Nobody tells you "be a hotel manager" or "be an accountant" when you're little and most people go in either out of necessity or they accidentally notice it and it sounds nice.
It's how I got into the logistics business. Nobody told me it would pay well, it isn't a glamorised job, when I was young I wasn't playing pretend how I manage a bunch of truck drivers, I wanted to be a scientist and a ballerina (usually at the same time).
Sometimes you just do it and end up loving it.

>> No.7992163

A lot of posters here seem to have good majors, jobs, and scholarships. Is it because you all want to make enough money to support yourself and your expensive hobby?
Are lolitas just more intelligent than cosplayers? Cosplay is expensive too but all you ever seem to hear are stories about idiots who don't know how to budget or are failing college or something.
I'd be interested in seeing a comparison of lolitas' grades/successes to cosplayers'.

>> No.7992166

Nah I just want to contribute to society and have my own life and money. If I ended up being a housewife or stay-at-home mum I'd kill myself, no lie.

>> No.7992174

I suppose it might be because cosplay is more time consuming than lolita (assuming you're crafting it yourself). You need a job that provides enough cash and enough free time, and those two characteristics usually don't go together.

>> No.7992177

Also true. Didn't really consider that.

>> No.7992178

It depends on the cosplayer or lolita, I guess. I know cosplayers in med school or engineering fields who are fairly successful, but I also know lots of unemployed or college-failing cosplayers. Same goes for lolitas, though.
Personally, I just want to be financially independent and get a nice job as soon as I graduate, even if I have to work hard during my college years.

>> No.7992179

this exactly. I think a lot of people don't have their 'a-ha' moment until they're already in college - you really have to have a lot of different life experiences and meet a lot of people before you stumble into what makes you happy career-wise, which is unfortunately something not a lot of highschoolers can do. That's why the 'big' careers ie medicine, law, politics, tend to be full of people who are just there because they don't know what else sounds good to them.
NYU, what about you?

>> No.7992188

I'm a marketing major now, but it took me forever to decide. Took a semester as advertising/PR, went through a bout of severe depression and moved home to take gen eds at a local community college, then relocated to another uni (my mom's alma mater) for a year majoring in graphic design. They screwed me over on credits though, and I dropped again for a year to take more gen eds part time and got a job to save up money. Then I transferred (fourth school in four years), picked marketing as a major since it's widely applicable, and I've been at my current school for the past year and a half.

If all goes according to plan I'll be graduating at the end of next fall semester, and I couldn't be more excited. Plus, I'm fortunate enough to be an only child with parents who give a shit about education, so they've paid my way through without loans.
>And to think I once took that for granted.

>> No.7992192

Way to stereotype. Most of the cosplayers I know are either working and rather frugal or going to school for shit like pharmacy, while the lolitas I know are mostly either college dropouts or recent grads working retail. And two of them are strippers who didn't give a fuck about university in the first place and could be rolling in brand if they weren't so fucking bad at managing their money. Not to say that there aren't cosplayers who are shitty with money and lolitas who made wise career choices, but in my experience, that's not really the case.

>> No.7992200

I was just reporting my experience reading about each group on this board, there's no need to be defensive. It just always seems to me that lolitas are more prepared financially, though again, I've only learned any of this by visiting these types of threads.

>> No.7992208
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I make violins and shit

>> No.7992214

Sign Language Interpreting, I've used it at both my jobs already, need to hurry up and finish school so I can get an actual real job with it and make $$$

>> No.7992216

this, 1000x this, there will always be jobs for nursing

>> No.7992221

Not a nurse but thanks for doing what you do anons. Nursing is a tough, underpaid and under-appreciated job and I feel like people treat nurses a lot worse than they ought to be treated despite them doing 50% of the job when it comes to treating patients, if not more.
My good friend is a nurse and he loves the job but he says people can sometimes be condescending to him and he has to deal with all kinds of shit at work.

>> No.7992228

I'm a marketing major now with a minor in Japanese. When I started college I was a huge weeaboo and chose to major in Japanese. I didn't really think too hard about what I wanted to do after college. Luckily for me I saw classmates struggling to get jobs and noped the fuck out of it and switched to business.
I don't still don't know if marketing is for me. I've never known what I wanted to do. I'm terrified of ending up with a job I hate and a mountain of loans.

>> No.7992237

Actually I'm in California where new graduate nurses are having hard times getting gigs because everyone wants to live in CA, older nurses aren't retiring

So don't go for nursing in CA unless your program has a high chance of getting you a job on your capstone preceptorship floor, you know a manager or established nurse who could probably get you an in, or you're willing to work 1-2 years out of state to get the experience that will get rid of your "new grad" status.

>> No.7992247

cool, how much do you sell em for?
ive played, on my stentor student II, for about 3 months now

>> No.7992250

That's why I excluded Cali in my description. Even with personal relationships, most facilities do not hire new grads per policy. When the recession hit, everyone ran to nursing school. Not only does Cali have room any nursing schools, but they have a huge population of Filipinos. In the Philippines and other parts of Asia, so many people train and work as nurses with the specific intention of moving to the US, and choose to reside in Cali. The market is flooded.

>> No.7992266

I'm in pharmacy school, just finished my first semester, so only six and a half more years to go. (Right when I started they switched from a six year to seven year program.) Bio and chem classes were kind of difficult but Calculus killed me. Thankfully it's only a semester long.

I'm one of two lolitas at the school I go to but the other girl is on rotations so she's hardly ever around unfortunately. We did go out for tea once though! I do wear lolita to class sometimes but not in lab of course.

>> No.7992275

That's got to be one of the most loli jobs anyone's ever posted here

>> No.7992282
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Hey, it's better than nothing, which is what I'm currently doing. The people I know that are doing the same thing all have already been to japan/have steady employment while in school, too, so...figure it's worth trying? I was and hopefully still am pretty good at Japanese.

>> No.7992301
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something like 1,5k $ cause im still a student and nobody knows me as a good luthier yet. in fact i have never sold any instrument before but i'm going to try selling my first 4/4 violin in the future (it is the one on the picture but the quality is pretty terrible).
imo playing on the factory-made violin is rather disgusting unless you are a beginner and can't afford the ones made by professional. trust me, the difference in sound is great.
this is one of my previous instruments right before varnishing, the 1/2 violin for kids. as you can see there are some holes on the left side but i fixed it later dont worry

>> No.7992312

I have a BA in game design (which sounds as ridiculous as it is, at least in my country) and me and my friends from uni founded our own games start-up. My income is even less than I got at my part-time job during school, but I do enjoy it a lot.

We do 3D visualizations and stuff for museums and companies to fund our game, so I guess I can always do that if the games thing doesn't work out. I know I won't get a lot of money ever and my rule is to sell every lolita dress that I haven't worn in 6 months, to feel better about my spending habits. Buying lolita makes me feel guilty quite often and I get mad that people get so much more money for working so much less than I do. But then I get mails from people who tried the pre-alpha version of our game and loved it, or I see kids enjoying it at conventions and I feel like the happiest person on earth.

>> No.7992314
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>mfw I'm basically doing this as well

>> No.7992317

I'm in Los Angeles. I may have to move since the demand for new grad nurses is so low. I'm honestly considering taking the NCLEX in another state and moving there but I really love living in LA.

>> No.7992319

those are the most Slavic looking men I've ever seen holy shit

>> No.7992324

um, anon, this is super cool. do you/will you do cellos?

>> No.7992327

Fucking this. My friends in different fields get 4-6 weeks paid vacation. I'm lucky if I can even get approval for a week off.

>> No.7992348
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probably. all i need are good measurements of other cellos, for example those made by Stradivari, and nice piece of wood but i've never tried making one yet

>> No.7992361

I've been a cosplayer for years, but I've been slowly moving towards lolita and gyaru because I don't like how the community is and I see no change in sight. It isn't about money for a hobby, but rather for a stable future and because I always wanted to be a STEM major yet had counselors and my parents saying I wasn't good enough. My real hope is to be a housewife one day, because I really do find catharsis in cooking and cleaning. It's just awesome that I'll be a housewife with a degree instead of the mothers I knew who were just fat, white trash in yoga pants and VS Pink gear at 43.

>> No.7992364

I'm a cultural anthro minor. I love it! The program at my college is really awesome with a lot of good internship opportunities, especially for archaeology.

>> No.7992374

I'm studying museology. I'm going to start with a minor collections management in a few months.

>> No.7992380

I have a BA in Celtic Studies and Archaeology (switched Archaeology to a minor in my final year because the employment rate is terrible) Currently doing a Masters in Early & Medieval Irish.
You can probably guess what part of Europe I'm studying in from that.
I used to wear lolita to university a lot during my BA and wear it still on weekends now and days I'm not in class (i.e working on project work).
I'm the only lolita I've seen in my university so far but know a small handful in my city (my comm are mainly based in my home city)

>> No.7992384

please tell me you're not american, otherwise it just sounds like a cherry on top of the heritagefag cringe cake

>> No.7992403


>You can probably guess what part of Europe I'm studying in from that.

Reading comprehension. Learn it.

>> No.7992406

I'm studying medicine, now in my final year.

>> No.7992410


Oh hey I think I know you. I really enjoy your archeology stories haha. Congratulations again, btw!

>> No.7992411

"I'm studying in" doesn't mean "I'm from"

>> No.7992421

Probably! Thanks! (I have a few guesses to who you are haha!)
But yeah, I'm not American.

>> No.7992432

Why the fuck is everyone suddenly so overly sensitive to racial shit? Unless someone is going around and being a dick about it, I don't see why you fuckers try so hard to be Tumblr 2.0 about this shit.

>> No.7992440

No one wants to hear your life story anon and we don't care where you are from.

>> No.7992485

Fair enough Anon.
Though its hardly more detailed than other posts and maybe you should read the OP's post again...

Nice to see there's a bunch of other history-area people here! Anyone else working with manuscripts of any kind? I'm thinking of going that direction with my studies in the future.

>> No.7992487

What is your problem? That anon wrote half as much as some people itt. Chill out, you twat.

>> No.7992498

Nursing and Psychology with a minor in Child and Family Development. I wonder if a good amount of lolitas dabble in art but decide not to major in it or make careers out of it.

>> No.7992514


sounds you've done a lot of hard work and having to face this future really stinks, Funk. which city have you thought about moving to? hoping you move to a city with a large comm.

>> No.7992551

History and Political double major with a legal studies minor and a Spanish minor. Law school, here I come.

>> No.7992555

I'd say if you were a naturally intellligent person who just didn't try the first time, and then the second time you study as hard as Elle seemed to have done, then you sure could do that.

>> No.7992558

Fordham at LC, I wanted to go to NYU but couldn't afford it. How did find internships and stuff?
I honestly didn't think my career choice through in high school; I have no idea about anything to do in business

>> No.7992581

My cello sistah

>> No.7992629

Lolita or cosplayer?

>> No.7992661

People automatically assume I do an art degree when they see me out in lolita. It's either that, theatre studies or fashion design or something. Do people think drama students walk around in stage outfits all day?

If they're a total stranger I'm never going to meet again, I usually roll with it. When I tell most people that, actually, I do political science, they make a joke about me wanting to be the prime minister and that got old three years ago.

>> No.7992704


Mostly lolita atm. I did cosplay once, but I don't have the time management skills to pull off cosplaying unfortunately.

>> No.7992732

Who San Francisco State University here?
SFSU lolita I see you every day right smacking middle of the Student Center.
I lol at all your orbiters.

>> No.7992774

Theatre Studies w/management concentration. I just graduated and been re-thinking about my vocation. I still love theatre and I can see myself dicking around with play writing while I'm stuck at some desk office job, but I honestly love event planning and would like to try that as a career.

>> No.7992781


Oh ho ho, anon, I make shit too, but I do it for free as a...necessary hobby

>> No.7993118

Working at Disney sounds great, but when it's corporate strategu/business development it is basically a consulting job. Soul sucking excel spreadsheets for days.

I was planning on doing English and that's what I applied to colleges for, but when I was accepted into Harvard I looked more carefully at the programs and saw Folk & Myth. We call it the bastard child of English and anthropology and it's perfect.

>> No.7993122
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Any cute lolita girls go to Carleton University?

>> No.7993126

not a grill but I go to Carleton
weird that someone else from here was lurking this thread..

>> No.7993129

Ah just saw this now! I am looking to travel abroad on an internship in Singapore. I have very good grades and am trying to finish my degree at NSU.

>> No.7993165

But you get the cast member perk of free admission and those sweet coupons they send out during the holidays. That was the best part of working at Disney for me (I'm not the person currently working at Disney, haven't worked there for years).

>> No.7993242

Majored in Biological Science, minor in Dental Technology and Lab Management.
I literally just finished my Admissions Test for Law School 2 hours ago and Med School Admissions Test is in the 1st week of January. ;-;

>> No.7993268

I studied German for seven years and still can't understand anything. German sucks.

>> No.7993274

Just graduated from undergrad with a BS in Biology with a German minor. This is a bit off topic, but since other people mentioned studying it, I want to get some opinions/feedback/suggestions. I feel like I'm losing my German skills since my job (med tech) has nothing to do with it. I started penpaling e-mails to keep it up, but I find myself relying on dict.cc waaaaay too much for expressions and noun genders. I would love to go back (I studied abroad and became as close to fluent as I've ever been while I was there.), but I live in the US and that would be really expensive to do right now for me. What have other German students here done to keep at it?

>> No.7993293

In my second year. Computer science / mathematics major.

>> No.7993306

Still in school for Biology with a concentration in biomedical science. It's a premed tract. Any advice for a lowly second year student, first year Lolita who really really wants to become a lovely Lolita doctor?

>> No.7993320

Just enrolled in teaching. Not looking forward to a four year degree, and I'm hoping that I can fast-track it some way, at least through the first years.

I used to have a pretty good grasp on Japanese (Not American, so it was basically a class we had to take until grade 7, after which I took it until grade 11) so I'm thinking of taking some private classes and going off to get my foot in the field by teaching English in Japan until I have a solid teaching resume.

I went to stay with a friend of a friend in Japan who was a landwhale and spoke as much Japanese as a five year-old. I actually had to direct the taxi driver for her to get back to her house... I don't think I'll have an issue with mediocre level japanese,

>> No.7993322

You'll eventually make so much money you can afford any burando, but you will have to make an effort to make time to wear it. School/work is out of the question since you have to look 'professional' and/or comply with PPE/hygiene guidelines while you're there. My advice would be to wear lolita as much as you can now and maybe join a comm for weekend stuff and meets so you can make it a habit. I stupidly didn't start my wardrobe until I was already swamped with class/work and I regret it a lot.

>> No.7993323


MCAT and LSAT both at once?? Holy crap. I don't think I could ever do that. Best of luck with them! The end is in sight and I'm sure you can do it!

>> No.7993334

Gosh, how about med-school? Would I be able to wear Lolita to class and not be looked down upon? I imagine it's going to go down hill after I start my residency (assuming I get in at all)

>> No.7993339

>mountain of debts
Well, thank fuck I'm in Yurop.

>> No.7993341

I have a BSc in Psychology, MSc in Neuroscience and am in my final year of my PhD now.

>> No.7993349

I was a mallgoth in non clinical years and started wearing lolita in clinical years - but only ever wore it to lectures/tutorials. No fucks given, as long as you're appropriately professional when necessary. However, forget about wearing lolita to work unless you want to wash it all the time/like having body fluids on your lolita - hospitals are disgusting dirty places and you don't want to wear your hospital clothes longer than it takes to walk to the washing machine and throw them in. Even if you don't touch a patient, you constantly brush against the environment and there's only so much that hand washing will do... I basically change as soon as I walk in the door, and I won't put hospital clothes back in a drawer or wardrobe, they hang on my door or live inside out on the floor

>> No.7993356

>racial shit
ethnicities aren't race you eejit, especially because both parties involved are white.
It's just cringeworthy hearing Americans say "I'm Irish because my great-great grandmother was!" and stereotype a whole country (if you have dark hair you aren't REAL Irish, you're "black Irish" etc) while whining about muh cultural sensitivity at the same time. Not to mention that people who do that are also retards to the highest power, to a point where a man named Cromwell came to Ireland to ask where his last name originated so he can feel closer to muh ancestors and then got bootybothered when the workers started laughing.

Same reason why people jumped on that yank who was getting married for saying he's Scottish when he's been living in the States his whole life.

>> No.7993359

Haha yea, I would never dream of working in Lolita. I just don't want to stop wearing the fashion because it becomes inconvenient. But all your advice is very encouraging, thank you! Are you a practicing MD then? Congratulations!

>> No.7993363

I believe I know the girl, and yep, she's pretty damn Irish. Also pretty damn great,

>> No.7993369

>to a point where a man named Cromwell came to Ireland to ask where his last name originated so he can feel closer to muh ancestors
ayy lmao

>> No.7993373

Aww thanks!

There's a fair few Americans who study/have studied with me but that's mainly because its such a niche area and very few American colleges offer it. We attract a lot of German students too.
Also our dept staff are really fantastic!
Its quite tough so people generally din't take it on lightly- those that think its an easy pass tend to not get past the first year.

>> No.7993376

In stitches here

>> No.7993378

I am not a grill either

>> No.7993379

Yeesh my bad

>> No.7993475

I'm a third year computer science major with a focus in robotics. I only noticed a few other engineers/tech majors, why are so many of you guys art majors? Tech makes bank and is creatively fulfilling.

>> No.7993479

I think a lot of people can't hack the maths, or assume they can't. Or y'know, maybe they just really like art.

>> No.7993491

>math major
>University of Waterloo
Not quite 300k starting but it's pretty close. I got a scholarship because of "diversity quotas" too.

>> No.7993494

You may say flooded but nursing homes are still out there looking for people, and considering as to how most hospitals tend to look for nurses who have at least 1 year experience in convalescent homes, it's a good place to start.

>> No.7993500

Because a lot of people don't go for something just because it's "making bank".

>> No.7993505

That's because this is a "success" thread and not a "pity party" thread. Go on /cgl/ feels, you'll see all the people failing/dropping out of school.

>good majors
Every major is a good major if you're willing to work hard and you're passionate about what you do. Yeah, okay, it's pretty common to joke about how other departments are worse than yours, but no one (intelligent) actually takes those seriously.

>> No.7993523

Did you find getting the BFA really changed anything as far as your job opportunities go? I'm only a BA for theatre with a costume design concentration, and I was thinking about auditioning for the BFA program until I saw all the crazy shit the BFA students had to do.

>> No.7993535

Believe it or not, this isnt exclusive to /cgl/ but you're actually going to find a lot of Anons throughout 4chan(outside /b/, of course) who are pretty successful in terms of careers. Everyone I've met from /cgl/ bar one is in prestigious colleges, while the first dude I met through an /a/ meet up is a mechanical engineer who now earns 6 figures running a power plant in LA, and he's only 2 years older than me too (he was 25 when we first met, I was 23 then).

>> No.7993537

CompSci major here. Looking to get into visual computing eventually.

Not everyone likes tech, y'know. I, for one, am glad my major is not completely flooded (yet) with people who are just in it for the cash.

>> No.7993540

I'm sure there are plenty of unemployed lolitas or those who work shitty McJobs, but this is a college thread, so why would they post here?

>> No.7993553

Most people on 4chan outside of /cgl/ seem to take this "STEM or bust" view and actively ridicule people for doing literally anything else. Everyone seems to be in engineering also.
I can't believe how many times I hear "hurr ur not going to a uni so u must b stoopid xD"/"haha that's a joke degree" from people in my country when I say I'm going to a UAS or saying what I study.

That mindset is reserved for insecure manchildren imo, especially since employers don't look at your degree as much as your skills and experience.

>> No.7993557

I'm in CS, that "STEM OR DIE" attitude is mostly reserved for insecure freshmen or people who are poor performers and want an excuse for their inability to succeed ("yeah I failed fluid dynamics but that's because I'm studying a *real* field, not like philosophy! If I were in philosophy I would be getting straight As because it's easy")

It's already happened to my school. Fortunately most of those wannabe entrepreneurs and people who just want to make video games fail out past 2000 level courses.

>> No.7993565

Try joining discussion groups if there are any in your area, and keep a journal on lang8. Try writing it without using the dictionary as much as possible. Other German speakers will come in and correct your mistakes, and you can do the same for those practicing English.

>> No.7993576

Currently in my last year of Nursing school. BSN program, I have intentions of returning for my Nurse Practitioner degree. I don't wear lolita to classes because we have a class uniform/clinical uniform. I dress up on the weekends.

>> No.7993611

I couldn't get into college because our fucking shitty government gives out most of the places to foreign students for money.

>> No.7993612


>makes bank

That's the problem actually, too many students get into it just for that reason.There's nothing wrong with pursuing a well known financially stable major, but if you aren't loving all the rigorous math and projects you have to do, you're setting yourself up for a miserable job life.

For example, my school has a great engineering program, which of course most people try to get into. I work at one of the colleges on my campus, and we always get calls from engineering students looking to change majors.

I just feel like the field is something you really need to love, and as another anon said, actual work skills and experience get you much farther than a degree alone.

>> No.7993621 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you hate shit grade

>> No.7993624

Sounds like you have shit grade mate

>> No.7993632

I'm glad to see so many nursing students here.
I posted in the feel thread before. I'm currently third year in nursing in a very reputable university and to be honest I'm barely passing.
I've been feeling extremely anxious left to right this semester and my decline in performance is showing in my clinical.
Right now I'm pondering about the option of taking a semester off (or lower the class load), which guarantees that I would graduate a whole year later since it's a small and very specific program.
I really want to finish this and have something to back me up until I'll know what to do with my life, but my grades are so shit being a NP is completely out of the question...

>> No.7993657

Rejected with AAA grades so I think not.

>> No.7993693

What country do you live in? You do realize that you need more than just good grades to get into university, right?

>> No.7993724

I find it hard to believe you're a day over 16 tbh

>> No.7993735

I imagine you were probably applying to institutions who were asking for a) higher grades such as at least one A*, b) different subjects to the ones you studied, and c) asking for different life/ work experience.

I went to school with enough failed medicine students to know how this shit goes. Competition is so stiff right now that there are loads of people with stellar grades who don't make the cut.

Also, your attitude stinks and I bet that came across in your application.

>> No.7993903

did you not read the creatively fulfilling part? Also yes a lot of people do go into things just because it makes bank, have you not seen the sugar daddy threads we have on /cgl/??

>> No.7993932

If you're serious about nursing, I'd suggest lowering your class load. You may graduate later, but at least you'll actually graduate and not fail out. Besides, you want to make sure you're understanding the material and concepts since everything will come back to haunt you on the NCLEX. Best of luck though anon! I know nursing school can be pretty tough.

>> No.7993992

This. I've seen many people give up in the end because they cant pass NCLEX. It comes to the point where cramming schools make off so much money just because of you get to have an idea about what's on NCLEX with their sample questions.

>> No.7994012

I'm assuming because of math. At my school (at most schools?) you need to take 6 math classes beyond Calc 1. Also, programming is hard (but fun and rewarding).

>> No.7994329

Geology - not exactly your stereotypical lolita degree.
Kind of want to go to Japan and look at radioactivity and contaminants there, but my Japanese is minimal and it's impossible to show an interest without everyone assuming I'm a complete weeb. Oh well.

>> No.7994503

studio art, minor in dance

>> No.7994520

I'm a computer science and engineering major myself. I also wonder about this, considering that you can do some really cool things with a cs degree.

To be honest, I didn't find the math for my degree hard at all, but then again, wasn't the statistic that most people have never taken a math past Algebra?

I like to think anyone can do math (because... they really can if they put in the work). I honestly think most people are scared off of math without trying or because they had shit teachers in middle/high school.

>> No.7994535

I just got a BA in Mass Communications. No idea what to do with it yet. I've had a couple of internships and will probably apply for another one this month. Currently making okay money at my seasonal job, so not too stressed about it.

>> No.7994540

I feel your pain anon, before my professional nusing classes I had at l had a 4.0. This semester my clinical supervisor gave me a barely passing 78, and she said "you did great!" I don't understand how 60% of our grade comes from a subjective grade.

>> No.7994543

>bragging about offers to be an ESL teacher
Like, I'm glad you found something, but that's not really a "linguistics" job. Plenty of people from all kinds of majors go the ESL route, and it's often when they're not really sure what else to do with themselves. I know I sound like a bitch, but it's funny that you're cocky like "How do you NOT have anything with lingusitics, I got three job offers", and then it's something tons of people do just to fuck off and sometimes can do just for speaking English natively, bfd.

>> No.7994546

I had many friends who weren't linguistics majors (they were in majors not even remotely related to linguistics) went to Korea to teach English because it's a good way to make money.

>> No.7994572

I work for hospitality and it's quite tempting.

Pays slightly lesser than a nurse but bloody hell, I think it's a job I'd actually enjoy doing unless recession hits.

>> No.7994575

International Relations. I'm pretty sure I'll have to drop lolita/cosplay in the near future because I want to apply for internship in an embassy - mostly because those kind of jobs are handed in relation to who you know, and I don't want to be "that one weird girl"/"weeb".

>> No.7994591

>I don't want to be "that one weird girl"/"weeb".

It's a hobby, holy shit. It's not even as creepy as cosplay.

>> No.7994612


yeah but people in the foreign service will shit on you for much less.

>> No.7994614

People in that area of work are incredibly judgmental, everything is about appearance to them. And they would probably find it creepier than cosplay due to have some familiarity with the latter.

>> No.7994633

Hey! Cool. Whatcha doing? Did you go to school for it?

>> No.7994644

I have to work with some people from several embassies and the local women and men who work there are massive thundercunts (the foreign workers are amazing though).

One of my workers needs a work visa to travel to other countries and the renewal is a routine thing we go over with the embassies yearly. This year there was this new worker there and when I explained the situation she stared at me as if I asked her to lick my arsehole and said "well what do you want from -US-?!" in a bitchy tone. Another asked me if my business was real and a third one from the Polish embassy felt it necessary to tell me they don't allow poitin into their country.

As soon as you wear a suit though, they magically become sugary sweet, and if you don't they will be very irate and impatient until they find out who your boss is.

>> No.7994657

Yeah I was in school for marketing and journalism and I had multiple people "approach" me to teach English abroad. I taught English in Germany for a summer, which was really fun, but I would hardly consider it a job--much less a linguistics job.

You ENJOY your hospitality job? That's a first. Glad you're doing something you enjoy. I absolutely loathed my time working in FBH.

>> No.7994667

Teaching English as a native by sole virtue of being a native is not a real job and you're most definitely not helping the students because of multiple reasons.
Yes, they get to converse with the natives and listen to them speak but nowadays they can do so online and pretty much anywhere else.
There are trained English teachers who do it but most only passed a teaching course and have no idea how to teach a language
They don't speak the students' language so they don't know why, how and where students may make mistakes which is really important when teaching a language. Speakers of different languages are influenced by their mother tongues and tend to make typical mistakes for their language region.
One example with Finns would be their mixing of gender pronouns (they use the non-gendered 'hän' for both men and women, so you would hear "my mam is nice and he makes delicious food"), or directly translating some phrases ("what's the clock?" "smashed potatoes") etc.
It's easy to correct them every time but explaining why is a bit more tedious.
They're often monolingual and have no experience in language learning themselves
They are very replaceable, and so on.

>> No.7994679

I said I didn't consider it a job. Did you not read my post? I was more of a live-in tutor than anything, helping the kids with their schoolwork and helping them move on to more difficult coursework. They already knew English from being in school but they needed a little extra help with grammar. They were 10 and 12. It's not like I was teaching a full classroom of people.

>> No.7994732

Im one of those California new grad nurses and the most I have finally managed to get was a flu shot clinic that is now over. So screw it I'm going back to community college for graphic design like I originally wanted before my parents talked me into going with something more "stable." My Silicon Valley husband supports me otherwise and I run an etsy store for laser cut goods that brings in about $300-500 a month and teach sewing which is $200-400 a month. Enough to cover student loans and car. I support cosplay/loli with free reign over husbands card but within reason. Also if he has a rare cosplay request it gets bumped to the top of my work queue as part of the deal. Hoping to develop a decent enough portfolio that I can get a reasonable entry level job with a startup or something and get work experience without paying more for a 4 year degree.

>> No.7994825

You seem to be implying that any foreign language instructor has a linguistics background, which I can definitely tell you is NOT the case, at least not in any French or German class I've ever attended. Sure, a linguistic background might give you more insight into helping kids learn WHY they're making the mistakes, but it won't necessarily help them stop doing it, nor does not having that linguistics training make you unfit to help people learn a language. ESL isn't a "linguistics" job, it's just a job where linguistics helps, which is why I (>>7994543) was giving that other anon a hard time about seeming a little cocky about they're ~multiple job offers~ toward the other linguist anon.

>> No.7994829

*their, hurr

>> No.7995013

I'm in political science and I feel the same. I mean ou can go for a more toned down look with lolita. But cosplaying is a bit...

>> No.7995042

Poitin? Are you Irish or something?

>> No.7995116

Nigger nobody mentioned linguistics once, I was saying that if you want to teach English you have to know both English and the language the children speak in regularly and be an actual trained teacher. I studied Japanese this way and it's a very impractical way of teaching, they do it because of muh immersion but at the end of the day you still need a dictionary because a teacher can't explain what a word means in their own language lest it becomes even more confusing to the student.

>> No.7995263

so edgy desu. My bad for assuming you were talking about linguistics just because the chain of replies linked to my post that did.

>> No.7995803

Front Desk atm while I tackle my Nursing prereqs. I'm in the crossroads at the moment because I really want to do Hospitality(my manager works 5 hours a week and gets paid a lot for it) or Business Law instead but with my entire family here in the US being in Medicine(1 NP, 1 PT, 2 RN, 1 LVN and the rest being LVNs and CNAs), I see their logic as to how being an RN is a convenient and lofty job. Work 11 hour shifts for 3 days, get 4 day offs, recession proof, 401k, Medical and life insurance, and dedicate the rest of your week to whatever the fuck you want to do.

>> No.7995821
File: 59 KB, 500x350, english-major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated with my BA in 2012 with no debt
>majored in political science and English
>wanted to go to law school
>parents spend $1800 preparing me for the LSAT
>take the test but immediately cancel because I ran out of time and missed five questions in one part
>I probably did fucking fine I just lost my shit
>do more research into law school
>law students who don't perform in the top percent of their class have a rough time finding jobs
>the debt is astronomical
My best friend is in law school and it seems like she hates it. But she'll have a better time finding a job because she's fluently bilingual, and that's really valuable in the legal arena.

>decide to go for my MA in English literature
>next semester is my last one
>~20k in debt
>work a shitty clothing retail job where I'm treated like a juvenile by people who are dumber than me
>they're shocked when I tell them I'm working on my master degree
>it's the best I can do until I move out of the college town and go someplace where there's real jobs
My parents just moved south. So I'm hoping that maybe if I can't get a job with my degrees up here, I can move south and get my teaching certifications and just teach as a last resort. My mom is a retired teacher so at least she might be able to help me with that.

>> No.7995861

Graduated in 2011 with a BS in sound engineering. Also worked for the IT department all the way through school, so I graduated with a degree and four years of work experience. Was able to get a job less than three months after graduation. I work in IT now, and married a programmer, so we do pretty well.

>> No.7995877

Heyyy, I'm an anthropology major too. I got my BAs in Anthropology and Religious Studies and now I'm getting an MA in Applied Anthropology. Haven't had too much luck with getting a job in my field yet, though. My best advice to you is do internships and volunteer a lot because a BA these days is a dime a dozen, employers want to see that you've actually done work.

>> No.7995909

Honestly, it depends on your program and your portfolio. The BFA program was more intense, more focused, and offered me more opportunities to get experience/work than the BA program. If your program doesn't offer any real advantage to BFA versus BA, do whatever's best for you.
People look more at your portfolio than at your college transcript. I've worked with people who have MFAs and people who didn't even go to college. Do good work, have good references, and have a solid, diverse portfolio; that's the key.

>> No.7995930

Currently double majoring in Political Science and Public Policy with an emphasis in Criminology. I currently work in an environmental safety lab and it's really awesome.

No idea what I want to do when I graduate, but I hope I'll find something all right.

>> No.7996817

Psychology Major with a concentration in Group Dynamics and Political Conflict. I'm actually pretty surprised there aren't more of my kind here. There are lots on tumblr--okay, nvm. Those are SJWs.

>> No.7997165

Anthropology major!

>> No.7997195

Went to Stony Brook University. majored in Clinical Laboratory Science. Been working in the feild for 4 years. Money is good but I feel like a sold my soul. I wish I went into writing. My passion.

>> No.7997272

I have a psych degree but I can't stand SJWs. Their opinions are almost always born out of ignorance, so I doubt many of them have actual education in the subjects they like to go on about. School is probably too ableist and triggering for them anyway. Seriously, nobody who's studied psych would believe for a second that otherkin and headmates are even a thing.

>> No.7997298


I feel the exact same way with social sciences, specially history and politics.

>> No.7997476

Most SJWs are either still in high school or college dropouts

>> No.7997497

I thought "headmates" was just their way of saying disassociative identity disorder. Not saying any of them have it by a long shot or are even characterizing the disorder correctly during their fantasy disability playtime (fucking offensive, man, don't pretend you have shit wrong with you to be "special"), but that's what I thought was meant.

>> No.7997500

No, and most of the time their 'headmates' are characters from shows or other ridiculous things.

>> No.7997518

I find that incredibly offensive and a mockery of real mental illness. Good thing I don't go on tumblr, I guess, or I'd probably be posting nasty responses if I saw something like that.

>> No.7997520

Actually, a lot of them strongly deny that having "headmates" is a sign of mental illness, for some reason.

>> No.7998296

>Be on West Coast best coast
>Sophomore CS major
>Loaded down with coursework, barely have any free time, and wondering if it's all worth it
>See this post
Thanks fellow anon, this gives me hope!