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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 395 KB, 489x367, wighorror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7989214 No.7989214 [Reply] [Original]

Post any pictures or share your stories of unfortunate wigs, wig nightmares, or styling gone wrong.

>> No.7989230

Perhaps not very "horror": I noticed that my friend's wigs were always really frizzy, sometimes super frizzy and tangled. I guessed that she was just being a cheapskate and bought cheap wigs off ebay or something but no. She buys Arda and EpicCosplay wigs but they get fucked up because apparently she literally just tosses them on the floor of her room/on her desk/etc and leaves them like that for months. WTF. I'm literally buying her a wig head for christmas.

>> No.7989235
File: 318 KB, 720x960, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I've just bought terribly styled. I tried to make her better, but besides the bottom really looks cute now, the top still looks like a helmet.
There's any way to style the top of a wig, or I'm just wasting time?
I can only wear that with some kind of hat that hides that monster-helmet hair on the top of my head.
Sorry for bad english and for bad photo.

>> No.7989238

looking with guilt upon my wig drawer right now. yes. drawer. i'm the worst

>> No.7989240

as long as you keep them in their nets/combed you should be ok ano.

>> No.7989242

I leave mine in a stack on my shelf, but if you braid long ones first and give short ones a nice brushing before you leave them, they look fine. She must literally throw hers.

I've had a 60cm wig laying in the back of my car for three months, I'll take it inside and brush it out tonight (finally) and it'll be good as new. How do people even do this.

Related, I got some free wigs from a cosplayer who just wanted to get rid of them, one was a Miku wig and it was so tangled I had to cut a good 2 feet off of each tail because they were so wrecked after I finally got all the knots out.

Taking care of wigs isn't hard, I don't know why people have such a hard time with it.

>> No.7989255
File: 419 KB, 488x494, Screenshot 2014-12-11 at 6.57.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try and stare at this for more than 60 seconds.

>> No.7989267
File: 399 KB, 469x493, Screenshot 2014-12-11 at 7.00.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it got dunked in the ocean.

>> No.7989272

Would be better if you showed the problem area of the wig.

>> No.7989283
File: 48 KB, 433x648, 10408165_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I forgot to take a picture of that when I was in home. But it looks like this picture: a voluminous thing trying to eat my head.
It was a very cheap wig, so I dont expect something too nice. But since I styled the bottom to something cuter, idk, maybe has a chance to do something with the top.

>> No.7989284

It looks so... nappy. There was a girl on my twirling squad from high school and when we went to the beach for competition finals every year, her hair would have exactly that texture/look to it.

Dumb bitch never thought to even put it in a bun and then she'd bitch about it all night.

>> No.7989303

I think dumping them in a drawer is better than tossing them onto a bedroom floor tbh. Assuming you just have the wigs there, you should do what the other anon said and keep them in nets if you don't already.

Yeah, she pretty much tosses them on the ground in the same way young adults/teenagers toss their clothes on the ground. She also has a dog, so it wouldn't surprise me if sometimes on occasion it comes into her room and sleeps on them or roughs them around a bit. She's also just really shit at wig care in general. I don't particularly notice, but I don't think I have ever seen her really brush out a wig, like when you wake up in the hotel room at a con and put it on. Pretty sure she takes it out of the suitcase she jammed it in, does some minor brushing with her fingers/rearranging and puts it on. Sigh.

>> No.7989309


I only have one wig stand, so I often put wigs on top of each other if I'm too lazy to properly stow it away.

Not sure how bad that is though.

>> No.7989315

I keep all my wigs in ziplock bags and, if I have them, the hair nets they come in originally. Then I don't have to feel bad about tossing the bags into a drawer or something.

>> No.7989329
File: 456 KB, 640x480, entry level fuckup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's a shameless selfpost
>be me
>planning first cosplay (Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa)
>ask friend of a friend cosplaying the same character on wig styling advice
>she tells me to tease the everliving fuck out of it
>I'm new to wig styling and it produces a tangled ratty mess

Took me a day to untangle those ponytails once I got past entry level wig styling

>> No.7989347

It's a fish

>> No.7989351

>Dangan Ronpa

>> No.7989358
File: 545 KB, 540x960, 10857770_738360182906212_4644799632913999461_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protecting identities of innocent wig owners.

>> No.7989361
File: 814 KB, 540x960, 10429819_738360136239550_3828045062088657982_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7989365
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>> No.7989369
File: 88 KB, 576x960, 10372262_934837976545333_698553699621395730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's aliiiiiive

>> No.7989389

>be at convention
>in a rush to get to a photoshoot
>wig needs just a couple inches trimmed off the back
>rooming with friend who's a really talented cosplayer and won best in show before
>ask her to trim it while it's on my head to the right length (seriously, nothing difficult)
>she proceeds to quickly hack at it straight across
>uneven, choppy, blunt wig
>barely contain a scream
>thank her
>do my best to keep back of wig out of shots at the photoshoot
>let a few tears of frustration leak out later while washing my makeup off

I think either she was being a bitch and purposely fucked up my wig (she's way more talented than me, but I'm slim and do make up well and get more attention from photographers), or, since I'd never actually seen her work on a wig after thinking about it, maybe she commissioned them and lied at contests and didn't want to have to admit it to me. Fuck, man.

>> No.7989393
File: 933 KB, 640x960, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying I'm underage or that I have shit taste
Because I'll admit Dangan Ronpa is tumblr tier
>pic related

>> No.7989404


Dangan ronpa is attracted by tumblrettes but the game itself isn't shit.

>> No.7989435

Is cosplay wigs USA still a thing? The one that was owned by the same people as Gothic Lolita Wigs?
I bought one of their 100cm wigs and wore it to a con. That thing was godawful, while I was in line for registration the poor girl behind me picked up a bundle of fibers and handed it to me saying 'you're shedding', I wanted to cry.
It tangled so much everyday, it took me an hour or two to comb it after one day of wearing it.
I ended up hacking like 2/3 of it off, and now its not a monstrosity but it's too soft to style? I don't understand how something that tangled so easily could be so soft once most of its gone.
Either way, in case you were for some reason planning on buying from them, don't buy from cosplay wigs usa.

>> No.7989467

I just got a really long wig. Welp, it's already tangled at the bottom. Does anyone have tutorials to help the wig avoid becoming a future horror story? I know you have to start brushing from the ends, but it's still knotting like a bitch.

>> No.7989505

Silica spray usually works.


>> No.7989513

I'll try it out! For now, I just braided it. Fingers crossed; it is/was a very nice wig!

>> No.7989537

The crazy thing is that wig heads cost about $2 or less. Not a huge investment after paying $30+ for the wig itself.

>> No.7989553

i paid 20 bucks for a small-ish styrofoam one in person because i was too lazy to get one off the internet :(

>> No.7989556

wtf anon, you can get them for maybe 5 bucks at a beauty supply store

>> No.7989557

i went to a costume store because it was closest

>> No.7989560

Same. Except I bought two. Ah, to be young and stupid. At least they've lasted to this day since I took good care of them.

>> No.7989564

I went to Sally Beauty Supply. I think I paid $3 for it, maybe less. I was shocked, it was cheaper than anything I found online.

>> No.7989791
File: 143 KB, 976x432, Screen Shot 2014-12-11 at 10.52.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tf would you buy a wig called "ringlet reblup" and then decide to straighten it

>> No.7989801

Tbh being asked to style wigs at a con is very stressful. I've been roped into it before and although I tried, the results are never as good as if I had time to work on it before handhand

>> No.7989810

Nah, I understand that and recognize it was my fault for a) not getting it done on my own beforehand and b) trusting someone else to do a good job, no matter how many awards they'd won. On one hand, she wasn't in a hurry or part of the photoshoot, I wasn't hurrying her and told her to take her time, and it really was just a simple trim, but yeah, it really was my fault overall. It's mostly funny, in a morbid sort of way, to think about her giving my wig this almost comical hack job while my eyes bugged out and my stomach knotted up.

>> No.7989843

>no problems that i can see

>> No.7989863
File: 355 KB, 1600x1600, 1418198267040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i check the back of my hair in stunned silence just looking at this

>> No.7989867

Oh god just a few weeks ago I tried trimming up the bangs of a wig and I kept making them uneven and before I knew it they were fucking Grimes short. I posted it to instagram to make fun of myself and lockshop's account liked the post. Thanks for advertising on my failure, guys.
At least it was a $12 ebay wig. It was nice for the price though.

>> No.7990490
File: 67 KB, 450x600, tumblr_lrfcnvCIFZ1qamqweo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some classics coming.

>> No.7990492
File: 42 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lvqxqbMrEw1r7nuilo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7990494
File: 68 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mh1er7O2XF1rzpk2bo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7990497
File: 46 KB, 472x500, tumblr_m3z5xkFBxh1qgpixjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7990499
File: 13 KB, 320x320, Naruto_Jiraiya_Cosplay_Wig_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7990500
File: 88 KB, 768x576, tumblr_mh1er7O2XF1rzpk2bo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm out for now.

>> No.7990516

Same. I keep them in the nets but otherwise I treat them the same way I treat my socks. I want to get a wig head because it could double as a place to display my hat(s) but I worry that things will just get dusty that way.

>She also has a dog, so it wouldn't surprise me if sometimes on occasion it comes into her room and sleeps on them or roughs them around a bit
Something consisting entirely of hair does sound like it would be a very popular toy with certain pets.

It looks like a gothy christmas ornament. A wig for christmas trees.

>> No.7991632

get out.

>> No.7991764
File: 328 KB, 1200x1600, BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I soak my long wigs in warm water and fabric softener for 12 to 24 hours, and they're much easier to manage after that. Make sure it's tangle-free before you soak it, rinse it out well, and don't brush it while it's wet. Also, if the ends of the wig are super frizzy like mine were, you can run a flat iron on super low heat over them a couple of times, and it should tame them down.

Pic related, my handiwork.

>> No.7991772
File: 353 KB, 2048x1633, 1063765_616988261659131_585489491_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon but I pretty much did the same thing as this anon to fix this wig. The original owner was going to trash the wig but I rescued it and got a free wig out of it.

>> No.7991775 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 720x477, 252406_10150285424976874_7601393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first lolita coord ever
>don't want my wig to look flat like friend on left
>teases it to fuckery and back
>I still have it laying around in one big tangled rats nest

Still feel it looks better than the floppy mess my friend wore though.

>> No.7991776
File: 53 KB, 553x454, wig mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg forgot to censor last post.
>didn't want a flat wig like friend on left
>teased wig to hell and back
>it still lives somewhere in an old costume bin
>looks shit

But I still think it look better than the flat wig my friend had. Flat wouldn't have suited my round ass face at all.

>> No.7991778

also forgot to include in repost that i was like 14 or 15. this is a years old photo, first ever lolita. no h8rs dont like dont read!!!!1

(though I'm still pretty proud that this was my first ever lolita coord, even if the dress didn't fit well.)

Saging for double

>> No.7991800

work of the gods

>> No.7991801

More like work of the really fucking patient. The pink wig took several hours to fix and lost some volume in the process. But it's a labor of love.

>> No.7991817

Agreed, mine (the red one) took about six hours. I got a lot of compliments the next time I wore it though, people said they could tell I took care of my wig, so it's totally worth it.

>> No.7992135

I have a friend who never washes her wigs, wears brightly colored cosplay wigs to work and thinks it's perfectly acceptable to never brush or style her wigs out of the bag. She throws them on the floor at her house (where her dog chews them up), but she still wears them afterwards. Just recently, I told her that she needed to at least style and wash her wigs and she responded with "wait, you have to WASH them? You do it for me. I don't know how to do it."

>mfw she saves all the tags from her wigs because they're written in "azn langages"
>All the tags have an English side with care instructions

>> No.7992149

Junko's hair is a huge mess, though. Generally the only way it looks good is if you get a lot of hair (not recommended since weight), or tease it to death.

>> No.7992167

No. Fucking no. Her hair is big, but it's clearly segmented chunks of hair, not some giant shit of teased ponytail.

>> No.7992193

I usually keep my Arda wigs in bags, but they tend to get frizzy as fuck from brushing and I have to restyle them every so often. I've seen this happen a lot to other people, but just with the wavy or curly wigs.

>> No.7992224

God is real.

>> No.7992462
File: 51 KB, 310x465, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The costume looks nice...that wig...what the fuck is going on!
What happened.

>> No.7992466

why does it look fluffly...wigs shouldn't look fluffy...

>> No.7992492

DUDE it's covered in fake fur

>> No.7992493

It looks like she used fake fur for it, jesus.

Also i hate it that people do the highlights.

>> No.7993232


In b4 Sonteen

>> No.7993271
File: 111 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tease it. Curl it but gently for waves then do a small amount of teasing to get volume

>> No.7993288

>Admitting you're underage

Nigga you just got yourself on grounds for a ban

>> No.7993294

Fuck off, they didn't admit they're underage, DR has existed for about 5 years, and popular for 2 years so she's probably 18, idiot.

You're the worst trip.

>> No.7993308

I thought the popularity surged after the anime release....that's not really 2 years at all

>> No.7993389

I remember back in 2012/2013 it was really popular on tumblr soooooo.

>> No.7993422

I usually take good care of my wigs, have a wig head and such. But two of my wigs have begun to be messy in the back, in the part that touches your neck. It's really dificult to care for them there since it's so close to the roots as well. But if I leave it a much larger part of it gets entangled. Help me cgl..

>> No.7993507

Question to prevent my wigs from appearing in this thread. The nets of my wigs are almost all lost or ripped. Does anyone know where I can get new nets to store them? Or maybe an alternative. I don't have room for more Styrofoam heads, unfortunately.

>> No.7993521

Has anyone EVER actually done a nice YGO wig? Is that even possible?

>> No.7993544
File: 361 KB, 518x809, yami_and_yugi__two_halves_of_the_same_coin_by_malindachan-d5ru7vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Anon did you even bother googling?
Look up Malindachan's (right in pic) and Technoranma's.

>> No.7993547

I meant left in the pic fuck.

>> No.7993564

These two are miles better, but the bangs don't look that great to me. Maybe my expectations are just unrealistic, considering how impossible the original design is.

>> No.7993569
File: 115 KB, 399x602, cosplay_yugioh_by_konohacosplay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only one I kinda like, from the ones I've seen around. sage for OT.

>> No.7993836

The net are bun nets (like for your hair) I'm pretty sure anon, I had a load left over from when I did dancing when I was younger

>> No.7993869

Story of my first time getting a wig and styling it.

>Be young.
>Purchase first wig ever on the internet.
>Wig comes in. Disappointed that it was an ash blonde, can't really blame them because it could be lighting from my computer settings, but design and curls were still pretty.
>Try wig on and the fringe was a bit long so I decide to cut it.
>TFW realizing I didn't straighten out the wig on head before cutting the straight fringe.
>Straighten wig and one side was shorter than the other.

>> No.7993873

OOF! that wig is so bad, why... why would you put fur.... did she really think that would look good, sweet jesus. that wig also looks suuuper heavy for some reason, hope she didnt break a neck. and whats with the weird pieces of construction paper on it....?
she prob made her hair black because it goes better with her skintone though. darker skin, darker hair.

>> No.7993882
File: 273 KB, 1305x1305, pACE3-5072089enh-z8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't keep the nets when I first started buying wigs, so when I started to properly store them I just made sure to brush them out as best I could, and braid them loosely (don't tie the end) if they're longer, and put them in a large freezer bag. These get labelled as the character I use them for, and wig company/style/color if it's something like Arda or Epic that people might be interested in (I would never buy a used wig, but there are people who will, and I take good care of mine) and these go into my wig drawer. I've also heard of people getting plastic storage containers like this and keeping them under their bed if you're low on space.

>> No.7993887

Yugioh hairstyles are not realistic in the first place so your expectations are stupid.

>> No.7993913
File: 17 KB, 100x100, tumblr_m26wjrh77d1qe0mun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly just turn them inside out if theyre not a heavily styled wig; and keep the in the bag they came in in their own dedicated drawer as well.

I once had a friend though, who kept her wigs in a drawer without any sort of protection.
>Open friends wig drawer to look at her collection.
>They're all just shoved in there haphazard.
>No net, no bag, not even insideout.
>Some of them are really tangled because of it.

>> No.7993917

I never said they were, read my post again.

>> No.7994023


It's because you said 'Maybe.' Nothing you said in your original post implies that you think your expectations are stupid.

>> No.7994029

>this level of autism

>> No.7994031

Back in the start of purchasing wigs I went through...3 wigs. Where I couldn't fix them at all (Rest in pieces wigs), because I was a stupid 13 year old who didn't know how to take care of her wigs.

Now at 21, I keep all my wigs in their bags, after every time I wear a wig I brush it out lightly and braid it, putting it back into the bag until after I get home from a convention so I can take my time and make sure I get all the knots and tangles out. If the wig wasn't styled to anything extreme and the wig is tangled, I wash it and de tangle it, braid it up again, let it drip dry over night, then back into the bag until I need it again.

I put all my wigs into a large plastic box so they are all tidy.

Oh how I wish people would learn to take care of their wigs.

>> No.7994032


Please calm down and don't start shitposting. Carry on with wig horror stories.

>> No.7994281

>be me at 14
>wearing baby's first wig to con
>unstyled but not awful-looking
>it gets tangled during the con
>wigs are just like human hair right???
>tries to brush it out with normal plastic brush
>why is it getting worse?
>try to cut off frizzled ends after con
>no idea how to cut wigs, holding scissors sideways and making ugly blunt cuts
>looks 1000x worse
>give up and store it away
I still have it, and after reading this thread, I figured there might still be hope for it, considering I only ever wore it once. Not like I can sell this shit anyway or make it much worse. It's sitting in a bath of water and fabric softener at the moment. Wish me luck.

>> No.7994590

Did you ever consider that maybe she was busy and didn't have time for your shit...you were "in a rush", so maybe she felt inconvenienced by you just running up to her like that. You should have just done it yourself beforehand if it was "seriously, nothing diffucult"...lazy prick

>> No.7998582

i know these are seen as the epitome of yugioh wigs but they look like theyve been shaped w hotglue and it really grosses me out\?????