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7985757 No.7985757 [Reply] [Original]

Question /cgl/. I wasn't sure where to put this but I'm thinking about going to Otakon but I never been to a convention out of state. What are suggestions/tips on how to go to a convention out of state? How do you go about getting a hotel/etc.? Traveling with props? Is it better to travel in a car with friends or on a train/bus/plane?

I guess this could be a general traveling to cons thread.

>> No.7985767

It would depend alot on the distance and also how well you can fit all of your props and costumes into suitcases or the mail. For the hotel would you be staying by yourself or with friends? I don't think the hotel would be any different than a local con unless you were risking staying with randoms.

>> No.7985777

>How do you go about getting a hotel/etc.?
Get the ones beside/near the con, iirc otakon has a hotel booking site.

>Traveling with props?
I didn't because I had to cross the border so I didn't want to have to deal with the mess of explaining to customs about fake weapons, letting them know I had costumes was already enough of a headache.

>Is it better to travel in a car with friends or on a train/bus/plane?
Depends on where you're coming from and your budget?

>What are suggestions/tips on how to go to a convention out of state?
Do your research. Get to know the con surroundings before going. Figure out transit before going if you aren't driving and if you aren't living near the con or if you plan to travel a little around the area. Make a packing list.

>> No.7985778

I'm not really sure yet if I'm going to be staying by myself, with friends or with strangers. I live in Illinois so traveling to Maryland seems a bit much but I want to try it.

I'm paranoid because I don't know the laws of Maryland, I don't know the area, and I don't know anything about that area in question. I'm going to do my research but it's still nerve racking.

Otakon doesn't have much information about it either (like the area/hotels/etc.)

>> No.7985787

Google maps is your friend. Google the address of the venue/convention center, then look for nearby hotels. It's all done online, sometimes over the phone in some situations, so no problem there really.

I don't have personal experience with this but many people mail their props down when traveling. Check with your mode of travel (airline, bus service, etc) for restrictions on what you can/can't bring or what might need to be checked in luggage. Of course it depends on the prop as well.

>Car vs Train/Bus/Plane?
It depends on the distance and if you're going with friends. If you can fill the car with 4 people and it's a do-able distance, driving is usually much cheaper. (Just remember that hotels can be expensive to park at.) You can also bring whatever you want. If you have fragile costumes, you can pack them in the car safely and not worry about them getting messed up in shipping/in travel.

>> No.7986426

I'm some Massachusetts and am thinking about going down to MD for Otakon as well, the farthest out of state I've been for a con was Hartford, CT which probably is max, a one hour drive from where I live so that's not a huge thing.
I'm just wondering, what are the usual hotel prices for places near the con? At AB the Sheraton is $240 a night for 2 people in a single or double bed room. Does Otakon have similar/better/worse room rates?

Also seconding information about the area. I heard Baltimore can be sketchy. I went there once for a field trip in high school but only went to certain nice areas. I know the convention center is near the harbor area which I hear is pretty safe compared to other spots in the city?

>> No.7986428

*from, not some, wtf

>> No.7986481

From a Euro-fag who's been to European and Asian events:

>What are suggestions/tips on how to go to a convention out of state/country?
Research research research. Especially in Europe and Asia the type of events and what people do at them varies greatly, it also changes how you should travel to them and what accommodations to choose. If possible build a network of international attendees who can help you with information in the local language or even give you somewhere to sleep. Then when they come to your country help them out in turn. Even just writing on the event page that you are from abroad and would like some help with information etc people will respond. I'm super thankful for all the friends I've made along the way.

>How do you go about getting a hotel/etc.?
Check if there are any official collaborations between the con and some hotel chains, otherwise I just pick what's cheapest and closest according to good sites. I really recommend making friends though that you can stay with because you will have time to experience the countries culture in a different closer way.

>Traveling with props? Is it better to travel in a car with friends or on a train/bus/plane?

If it's possible to travel by car and not that much more expensive car is a super good alternative, especially in Europe where we have many great and scenic roads. Gather a few friends and get on a road trip. Added bonus that you can pack props and cosplays you would normally not be able to get on a plane. When I fly I just bring simple and not too heavy stuff.

In general I make sure to make the most of a trip to another country, not only experiencing a different con-culture, making new friends, but also enjoying the trip and the new culture. It's really a blast and I really recommend it!

>> No.7986502
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If you have props, travelling by car is a definite better choice (unless it's REALLY far, then you should mail them ahead) since you shouldn't trust airline baggage guys with anything, let alone cosplay props.

I was travelling from the UK to the US for AX and Otakon, so what I did was look at the area on Google Street View, where all the safe looking areas were, travel routes, distances from hotels etc. so I knew the place in my head immediately when I got there. If you're driving, make sure you know good parking spots.

Also look around for resturaunts and things to do outside the con nearby, there's no fun in travelling all the way to a new city for something if you're just going strictly for the convention!