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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 607x611, taobaomame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7983761 No.7983761 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7970122

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:
**NEW** https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f4Ej-xGtGsOjPJOQ2cxr3zi-p-F30zyattmxajSvFEs/edit#gid=0

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Pop-up dictionary: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zhongwen-a-chinese-englis/kkmlkkjojmombglmlpbpapmhcaljjkde?hl=en
Good EL-CH dictionary: nciku.com
Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes. There's also an anon that will translate stuff if you wanna keep it personal or whatever and don't mind waiting: fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com.

A rough guide on the new forwarding service by anon! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/myoq4zzz5s5pu5t/5GGaij-8os


To fix the browser problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcXkGdwQIAw [Embed]

>> No.7983871

>tfw tiny asian but bigger bust than typical
>the struggle between tight/busting chest area vs oversized clothes that engulf you (not that cute oversized baggy look)
>get a small, still too big and awkward looking
>one size fits all, still too big
>follow size chart, decide that I need a medium to accommodate for bust, too big everywhere

I figured I'd be a bit bigger because bust and my body shape is boxier than typical asians but taobao's clothes are still awkward looking and big on me. I wear xp for a fitted look and a s for a comfortable fit in most western brands.

Why don't clothes look right on me even when I'm following each seller's sizing charts?

>> No.7983945

Because as you say, your bust is larger than the average Asian size.

I would learn how to sew. It's pretty easy to modify clothes. I do it with taobao stuff all the time because my breasts makes my size XL/XXL according to sizing charts.

>> No.7983972

But even when I buy a small the whole thing looks too large on me even though my sizes fall within their chart measurements. Luckily I can sew (to some degree), I make my stuff from scratch though so I'm not too familiar with modifying clothes. I hope I don't destroy it lol

>> No.7983990

it's pretty easy to take stuff in. Looking up "thrifted transformations" on youtube can kind of help you figure out how to mod clothing

>> No.7984119
File: 136 KB, 700x393, SAM_0311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my package! Took 8 days with toll

>> No.7984126

open and review plox

I need my taobao review fix

>> No.7984140
File: 1.84 MB, 1710x622, loot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I bought, feel free to ask for reviews. After I finish taking pics I'll summarise my forwarding service experience.

>> No.7984148

the seifuku, the school bag, the hoodies

>> No.7984152

review/sauce on seifuku and cat hoodie please?

Also those strawberry socks

>> No.7984160

Ah, I just realised that I only half of my stuff ;_; so I can only review the bags, seifuku, shoes, and hats but I'll get to the others once they arrive!

>> No.7984200 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x230, 1418028577384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw used to have shopping addiction
i basically changed my style or whatever when i got out of an abusive relationship so only like 4% of it is somewhat wearable
i dont want to look like a mentally repressed ageplayer anymore and i cant get over how much of an autistic piece of shit i was
i was basically forced into it by a abusive/manipulative ex but i still feel like it was entirely my fault
my past with this is so embarrassing and i dont know what to do

>> No.7984295
File: 106 KB, 700x536, SAM_0332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seifuku: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?_u=910du4ojb877&id=19445494898

It's really cheaply made (18.90 yuan so no wonder). Material is a really stretchy polyester so it just goes over your head like a tshirt. It's really thin so if you wear black underneath it will show a bit. Collar and skirt are just one layer of polyester. Ribbon is shiny and cheap. I'll see if I can take pics tomorrow, camera died just as I was about to start

Would recommend getting a size or two up if you don't want it to stick to your body.

School bag: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.5.0.0.l7WGYV&id=39031486316&_u=910du4oj3a1f

The quality of this thing is so good holy shit. The material looks great, doesn't smell, and construction is very sturdy. It's not very heavy and has tons of space. Underneath the straps are magnetic clips so you don't have to keep undoing the straps to open the bag. It also comes with a little key. The bag is really big - I'm 170cm and it's teetering between just barely right and a bit too big.

What looks like scuff marks on the clasp is just scratched tape the actual thing is unscathed.

>> No.7984299

sell it in packs faggot

>> No.7984304

>implying i have to sell it
i just wanna get rid of it m8

>> No.7984316

I'm doing the same right now, buying tons of lolita stuff because my ex hated it.. this can't bite me in the butt later, r-right?

>> No.7984321
File: 238 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-12-09-22-37-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The is the quote for my shipping
Removing the 3x socks drops the cost by $9
Im still waiting on a 0.45 kg jumper to get in
Should it be this expensive? Is there anything i can do? For some reason the pillow is really heavy

>> No.7984324

If you want to get rid of it why not sell it? Extra cash

>> No.7984331 [DELETED] 

>baw I have all of these childish clothes
>wut do i do with them seegulls

>> No.7984340 [DELETED] 

like unless youre rich and you're not hurting anyone/taking your parents money all the time for it, maybe it wont bite you in the butt *as* much because theres a little less guilt involved when youre done being addicted.
i felt like a terrible person afterwards.
in my situation i was using my dads money and constantly buying weeaboo clothes because my bf at the time was making people up and claiming they did the same thing, it really messed with my head. the shopping addiction wasnt even the worst part, he was forcing me to do repulsive fetish shit on skype when i was 15-16 and calling me asexual if i didnt do anything. he took tons of screencaps when i wasnt ok with it and made me cry on skype dozens of times every day
my dad offered to pay me for everything i get rid of but i still feel shitty about everything

>> No.7984347

That's the cost estimate page isn't it? All the weights are estimates, they could be wrong.

>also this new captcha system is a pain in the ass

>> No.7984351

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on this whole story.

>> No.7984353

i really wish i was making this up tbh

>> No.7984381
File: 998 KB, 500x200, tumblr_n4mxoyFr2l1rqg00io1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reads like it came out of the weeaboo horror story topic. No pics of your clothes hoard? Not believing you.

>> No.7984401 [DELETED] 

if its that badly written its probably because i didnt do anything in school for years and im held back. i was in an online school program but i was failing all my classes because the only things i did every day were what i talked about. i used to have a pic from one of my orders that im trying to find in the archive, it was only like 29 lbs and it was one of the last ones i made because he left me before it arrived. cbf to take pics of it my room. i dont expect everyone to believe me, people probably lie about this shit all the time here for whatever reason

>> No.7984512 [DELETED] 

>cbf to take pics of my room

Yeah it's totally made up.

>> No.7984559 [DELETED] 

i have no reason to come here and lie about shit like that. you're pretty stupid if you think these things just don't happen, lots of people are in abusive relationships and get forced into things like that. just because its on cgl and has anything to do with taobao doesn't mean its just made up and not real, its just uncommon in that context so it automatically sounds like bullshit to you.

>> No.7984566 [DELETED] 

(not that anon)
I've been in a similar situation to yours though, so I totally believe that happened, and I'm sorry that it did. But when you're making those sorts of claims about just wanting to give away clothes then people are gonna be suspicious, you know? (Especially when you conveniently can't provide the proof)

>> No.7984605

Tfw I found a bunch of really cute storage boxes. First I was annoyed because it'd be stupid expensive to ship myself boxes but they ended up being collapsible! Time to get organized. I can't wait for january to happen so the post can stop being a black hole.

>> No.7984610


>> No.7984623 [DELETED] 


Been in a similar situation myself. He had mommy issues, I had daddy issues/abuse and wanted to be loved. He knew i liked cosplay and lolita so spent years getting me to do more daring stuff on skype and I was desparate to not let him lose interest in me buying costumes like crazy, but was struggling with feeling dirty/slutty vs a normal healthy amount of sexuality. He spent alot of money on me too. Now whenever I get dressed up I feel bad about 'perversion' in the back of my mind. I can't ever wear the cosplays he asked me to wear anymore. I fucking cleaned his room and answered the door for pizza in a meido uniform for someone who reeeeally fucked with my head. No idea what to do with the costumes and underwear and shit. He had the passwords to my social media accounts and LOTS of pics/screencaps so I know the fear of not staying on their good side....

>> No.7984670
File: 1.72 MB, 1519x1676, taobao4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of addiction, this is my last order until 2-3 months... or longer if I can tough it out.

>> No.7984672 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 487x376, 1403508116222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so sorry anon
(im the same anon as >>7984200)
i feel you about the daring stuff on skype thing
my ex used to send me nudes of his friends all the time, some of them he just took off the internet and tried to say he was "kidding" and got defensive when i called him out on it
he basically made up these people who were ginger sisters, but they were definitely not real living people, he randomly fell in love with them sometimes. he talked about them all the time and i had to basically compete with them. he was always claiming they did these ridiculous things on skype, for example pissing and fighting and fucking eachother, he made me skype him 24/7 and i was even on cam while i was sleeping so i was always being watched. i felt like i had to always be doing amusing retarded shit to compete with them. every time i asked if they were real or proof that theyre real he got super defensive and i was p convinced they were real. then one day he just randomly blocked me

>> No.7984691

>those /r9k/ images
Either post proof with a timestamp or go back to your own board.

>> No.7984694

im not from /r9k/
im a female

>> No.7984786

Source on collar and that curly wig though.

>> No.7984841

wig: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=36277881445&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
collar: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16780793085&spm=2014.12317209.0.0
did you mean those?

>> No.7984857

a please would be nice

>> No.7984919
File: 42 KB, 500x250, tumblr_inline_my2wv5mMLb1qzfpol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't have bragged about how fast my package arrived. The curse of the Taobao thread got me.

>package is two hours away and head here as of Dec 8th 5:49AM
>package arrives here December 9th 4:47AM
>Sorting Complete: 7:51AM

All of these were updated hours later than the timestamp says. It's noon here and it just did the sorting complete one so I have no idea if everything is delayed and my package is already on a mail truck for delivery or what.

>mfw it's cold and rainy outside but I have to stalk the mailman so I don't get a missed package slip just in case it's out for delivery

>> No.7984952

Stop shitting up this thread and take it to the feels thread, I'm here to see hauls and recommendations not see your fucking autism.

>> No.7985160
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Package arrived! The tracking updated to say it was out for delivery about half an hour before the mail truck showed up.

It's mainly craft supplies and one sweater but I'll take pictures/do reviews if anyone wants them. I'm a bit nervous that it's in a bubble wrap bag because I have some fragile items in there but I think I felt a small box.

>> No.7985177

Review craft suplies please!

>> No.7985182

I bought a couple normalfag clothes from taobao and a few items are too short sleevewise. Thinking of selling them on ebay or throwing them out. Has anyone had any luck selling cheap (50-100 CNY) taobao clothes on ebay or should I not bother? They're not the greatest quality either but I'd rather not throw out $40 in clothes if I can help it.

>> No.7985189
File: 1.41 MB, 768x1024, DSCN0089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do! They're all from one store so that'll be helpful.

Yoybuy, 10/10 for packaging. Last time I had to complain because some of my items were just crammed in and they arrived bent but they seem to have stepped up their game.

>> No.7985192

Oh I've been eyeing that sweater since it's pretty cheap (if it's the same one I think it is). Can you do a review on that as well please?

>> No.7985197
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened my sweater first. It's beautiful but it smells... burnt... and it's wet. The entire inside of the plastic bag it came in is wet and kinda sticky. I feel like I need some hand sanitizer.

>> No.7985212
File: 1.53 MB, 768x1024, DSCN0092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweater is beautiful but see >>7985197 for my complaints. There are some stray threads as well but it's not thin, the quality is good and it only cost $4.


>> No.7985236
File: 282 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a variety pack of random felting wools, in case anyone is wondering what the heck those bags are. So far everything in this picture looks totally like the shop photos so I'm pleased.

>> No.7985240
File: 489 KB, 224x124, combiboo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked at the tracking and it's already at my country's customs. It shipped last Friday with e-express (the cheapest besides SAL). That's fast.

>> No.7985243
File: 273 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a little storage container as well and the prettiest packaging for selling crafts. You got 10 of any design you wanted. They're a bit smaller than I had expected but they'll fit rings and necklaces so I'm not bothered. The shop had maybe around a dozen different designs and they were $0.35 for a ten pack.

>> No.7985248
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I'm SUPER happy about. I ordered a full set of doll/minature dishes and plates to use for crafts. The full set of 12 only cost $3 and everything looks fantastic.

>> No.7985268
File: 1.36 MB, 768x1024, DSCN0097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last items. I bought one of each size (it's a two set) and total this cost $1.92 for all four. I was worried about them being broken but they came in their own taped cardboard boxes and they were all wrapped separately in the two boxes with a thick sheet of newspaper.

That's my package so yeah. Overall I'm happy aside from the sweater.

>Craft Supplies: http://shop61781951.taobao.com/

10/10 would buy from this craft store again

>> No.7985289
File: 96 KB, 470x464, efefe_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone knows where to get this thing? I was sure it is on taobao, but can't find it now

>> No.7985293

I'm confused about the options on this listing. I want the long dress with a belt, so which one would I choose? They all sound really similar when they're translated into English.


>> No.7985297

long with drawstring? seems fairly obvious

>> No.7985300

I want to shop there ahhh, thank you for doing this review!

>> No.7985320

No prob! Not sure if their stuff is on sale still or not but when I purchased they had some awesome discounts so I'd give it a look for 12/12.

>> No.7985326

Thank you for the review!

>> No.7985371
File: 171 KB, 341x373, Screenshot 2014-12-09 at 4.21.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit son. Looks like someone is going to start making those birdcage shoes.


>> No.7985377
File: 255 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mea8tj38se1r2vtc0o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But can we trust that they are going to be even remotely similar?

>> No.7985410

I hate myself. I was late and now little dipper underskirts under 200 yuan are sold out.

>> No.7985446

Well, they're only taking deposits now so it's probably worth it to keep an eye out and see what reviews come in when they send them out.

>> No.7985504

Link to Jojo stickers?

>> No.7985555
File: 93 KB, 1138x378, Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 18.08.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm supposed to be getting a package in through registered Airmail and it's been stuck on "opening" since the 22nd of November. Do you guys know what exactly that means?

>> No.7985560

Ugh shit. Read the Taobao FAQ. Looks like Chinese customs has their hands on my package. Hopefully I'll get it back, but who knows...

>> No.7985673

I'm just here to tell you that that To Alice cat apron is really nice. That is all.

>> No.7985677

Just got my stuff >>7983239. Had to haul its 6kg fatass through a snowstorm, but bad weather will be bad weather. I'll post some pics when I have more time, but if anyone wants a quick review...

>> No.7985681


I apologize but how much was your shipping for this order? I've been debating about whether or not I should order supplies through Taobao.. Thanks in advance!

>> No.7985705

sauce for the anchor converse?

>> No.7985746

Shipping was around $25, AIR mail.

>> No.7985759

sauce for the popsicle backpack and all of the converse? Do they come in a size 43?

>> No.7985852

Does anyone know when the next sale after 12/12 is?

>> No.7985856

seconding a link to the jojo stickers

>> No.7985872
File: 39 KB, 400x400, TB14t9PGXXXXXaDXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_480x480q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me find a simple, light blouse like this one? I've checked basically all the main shops from the spreadsheet but had no luck.

>> No.7985873
File: 31 KB, 435x580, strawberrybag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for pic related. It doesn't have to be this exact bag, but just about any strawberry bag will do, as long as it isn't that fuzzy Bodyline one. I've searched DoL and they seem to be out of stock, and Loris doesn't have any, either. Thanks in advance, anons.

>> No.7985895

Probably either Christmas or New Years. There's going to be a LOT of lucky bags.

>> No.7985898

love ur sandals anon

>> No.7985908

seconding this

>> No.7985916

Anyone know any reason why a previously working tracking number would suddenly stop working?

Last thing I saw it was in transit from China and now the tracking number has apparantly stopped working?

Tracking number if anyone wants to try: CP301509699CN

>> No.7986048

Not stickers but keyrings: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.11.G5bSJn&id=19173361598&_u=a10du4oj562b


Backpack: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.

Red converse: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.

Star zips: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.

They only go up to 39/40 unfortunately :(

>> No.7986055

If you can find a local marketplace community on facebook you can sell them there

>> No.7986065

What country are you in anon?


>> No.7986078

What was in the package?

>> No.7986080

I found a couple of strawberry bags but I didn't see any like the pic




thanks me too

>> No.7986139
File: 245 KB, 700x700, 1367195345378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7986164


>tfw you have big ass feet.

>> No.7986194

Source on that white dress and the chokers top right?
Also how exactly does top left fit? Does it fit pm waist or under the boob?

>> No.7986198

That's a picture of this item?

>> No.7986231

I'm from the uk.

>> No.7986249

Sometimes it can take ages to progress from 'Forwarded for export' because it can be anywhere from in a queue to get on a plane, on the plane, or just sitting at Heathrow, waiting to be checked. I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.7986280

Thank you!
Speaking of jojo keychains,

>> No.7986311

I'm used to tracking numbers taking ages to update or not updating atall but now when I enter the tracking number it says I have the number wrong, compared to before where 4 tracking infos showed up. It had been opened and forewarded for export etc.

>> No.7986316

Still works on Parcelforce - where are you tracking it?

>> No.7986413

dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=40716851951
chokers from: http://manapalace.taobao.com/

Not sure how top left fits. The package just came but there were customs fees (24 euro yuck) and I didn't have paper money on me :( At least I know to mark it down even more next time (I put 150usd for a ~350usd order).

>> No.7986439

Where are you from?
In Germany if the value is over 22€ I have to pay 19% VAT and over 150€ there's extra customs charges for whatever material the thing is.

>> No.7986467

The Netherlands. It's been hit and miss with customs fees.

>> No.7986540

I need these...

>> No.7986558

Crafts anon here. I filled out Yoybuy's customary feedback for when your package arrives and mentioned the issue I had with the sweater and the bag it came in and they've actually contacted me back about it and asked me for my photos that I offered to supply so I've just sent those in. Honestly didn't expect them to do anything at all. I'm only out $4 on it and it's a beautiful sweater otherwise if I can get the smell out since I'm starting to think most of it was caused by whatever moisture was in the package..or at least made worse by it.

Just hope they don't start thinking I'm some kind of trouble buyer since I order from them at least three times a year and up until now I've only had one minor issue with a past package which was stationary being bent up.

>> No.7986599

this store is adorable

>> No.7986633

That last purse is great. Thanks, anon!

>> No.7986669

Everybody is talking about how fast they got their order. I made an order in october and it hasn't even shipped yet. GDI little dipper.

>> No.7986696
File: 76 KB, 830x462, kbkkkkkkkk_DSC0223_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for anything like this Excentrique military skirt. Would probably take an original too.

>> No.7986716

Not planning on ordering for a while, but I read something on one guide about using your seller's log in to build your own cart for Taobao orders...

Do you do this? Or link them to items?
Sorry for my english!

I have read through the linked FAQ

>> No.7986742

It was a pair of VM replica shoes. According to the FAQ it's highly possible that my shoes could be taken away because they're a replica.

I'll keep the thread posted on the status of my order though.

>> No.7986753

I didn't even think of using parcelforce, I was using intmail and track-chinapost. They've worked for me before.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.7986762
File: 139 KB, 600x771, T277i8XuRaXXXXXXXX_!!55084630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone understand the measurements on this?


Body Height, bust, waist, hip is what I figure from it but that's pretty nonsensical for a skirt (no length?) and I really don't see anyone's underbust requiring 80cm when you have a 60cm waist. Doesn't look that extreme on the picture either.

>> No.7986838

It might just be the standard size chart the store uses??? Not a big deal, just ask your SS

>> No.7986839

Yes, I know, but I asked taobaoring and they said it's sold out.

>> No.7986841

Have you tried Miss Point? They released some Excentrique-esque pieces lately

>> No.7986843

Thanks, I did eventually find find a reseller that confirms what I thought expect it's supposed to be body not fabric size.

>> No.7986873

I like a lot of their stuff thanks for the suggestion, it's close but not quite there. A little less Audrey Hepburn and more military.

>> No.7987184

Do anyone know of a SS that refunds stuff if they don't arrive? My post office is kinda shitty and it happens sometimes to me, so if I could find a SS that refunds it would be great.

>> No.7987204
File: 353 KB, 560x600, TB1U74jFFXXXXabaFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have anyone bought from AOI wigs? I' looking for a Kotori wig fro Love Live, but I don't like Lucaille's version, and they are my usual go to place for character wigs. AOIs pictured wig is so far the best looking one I've found

>> No.7987219

Why would they refund you?
It's not like you bought things directly from them.
You're paying for services, if anything they'd refund you the service fee.

Unless the shipping is their fault (they fuck up, do something faulty, incorrectly put the address etc etc) they is little chance they'll refund you.

>> No.7987232

That's exactly why I'm asking? They fucked up with the tracking number with you wanna know. So it arrived here, I didn't know, my post office didn't say anything too (because they are shitty) and I lost the package.

>> No.7987239

I'm not sure about logging in as your ss, but a bunch of the ss sites have shopping carts.

For instance, Taobaoring has a shopping cart where you copy and paste in the links for the items you want and it automatically gives you the color and size options that you can scroll through and select. It also saves your order list so you can add to it later before you submit it.

Sorry if that doesn't answer your question.

>> No.7987245

i'm trying to pay tao bao trends while sending the money as a gift (to lower the tax) but i can't find where to send it as a gift. help anyone?

>> No.7987246

Email them. I'm not sure if Tao bao trends does sending money as a gift.

>> No.7987253

I am from Germany to and I have to pay nothing unless something doesn't gets shipped with airmail, even 180€ coats pass all the fees just fine.

>> No.7987254

in the ss spreadsheet they say that if you send it as gift they will lower the tax, so i think you can do it. i just want to know about sending money as gift from paypal in general

>> No.7987258

>sending money as gift from paypal in general
I believe they renamed it. You now have to send money to "Friends and Family" or something like that.

>> No.7987264



>> No.7987273

Really? I used to order some stuff to Finland and would get taxed over €100 regularly. Several times I even had to take the bus all the way to Vantaa to pick it up in person. I don't know how to bypass this, our department stores have overpriced and shitty selection and I wanted to buy some more pricey stuff from overseas but am scared I'd have to sell a kidney to pay the tax.

>> No.7987280

thanks, but i still can't find it. i'm feeling rather dumb now.

>> No.7987296
File: 33 KB, 347x584, 1212coupon total.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for late link


in other news I just scored a 20 yuan coupon from the 12/12 coupon collecting thing raising my total to 50. Been browsing religously to earn the random coupons.
I wish I knew more about what stores accepted it etc. I only know you can only use them on 12/12.

>> No.7987303

how do you actually use them thought?

>> No.7987306

I've used the forwarding service and the cart let's you add amoy gold you've earned to take a few cents off your purchase so I assume it'll work like that. This means you have to use taobao or yoybuy forwarding and not a shopping service since the coupons are applied to your account.

>> No.7987310

hmm, they don't ship to canada now do they? I knew they were doing the US and I believe Austrailia?

>> No.7987317
File: 298 KB, 2506x1110, paypal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon really? It's pretty fucking hard to miss.

>> No.7987324

I input a canadian address to test and it still let me select a forwarding service so probably? If not use yoybuy though I'm still having trouble inputting my yoybuy address because they haven't updated the how to input screenshot they show you on yoybuy.

>> No.7987345
File: 75 KB, 997x778, whytho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really. my pp looks totally different from yours

>> No.7987353

Click send payments

>> No.7987357

I looked through some of the review pictures for that wig, and it seems like a pretty nice and soft wig. I only saw one or two pictures that showed it might be somewhat shiny under awful lighting.

>> No.7987367
File: 45 KB, 801x620, whytho2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suppose goods = gift? also this is really stupid from paypal, because i had to CHANGE the language for this option to appear. when it was in portuguese there weren't such a thing. c'mon paypal...

>> No.7987385
File: 22 KB, 516x328, paypal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goods is you buying a product. You should see something like this.

>> No.7987386

You're probably not seeing the gifting option because you're not logged in.

>> No.7987397
File: 52 KB, 796x562, whytho3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now even goods doesn't appear anymore. what the actual fuck paypal

>> No.7987402

You are kinda right. I logged in and now even the goods doesn't appear anymore.

>> No.7987434

Your paypal is very weird.. it may not be available in your area? That's the only thing I can think of.

>> No.7987486

I was wondering the same thing. maybe it isn't available in brazil. but they only say that gift payment aren't available in india so it's really weird

>> No.7987552

What store did you get the felting wool from?

>> No.7987556

If the tracking number says it was delivered, then all SS will assume it arrived and won't do any refunds based off hearsay. If your post office is shitty, you can contact them for the insurance claim based off the shipping method you picked.

Update your paypal to the new one. There should be an option somewhere on the site. If not, then you're out of luck.

>> No.7987557

Shop is the one listed in >>7985268 but their wool listing was for random colors.

>> No.7987569

I'm out of luck then. there isn't.

>> No.7987579

Yep if you can't update your paypal or find the option to select outside of goods and service.

>> No.7987934

If it's just normal stuff you want, why not try the european asos site?

>> No.7987947

>friend tells me about forwarding service
>"ok then let me make a taobao account and -"
>holy fucking shit
>9 items normally for $50 with fees and domestic shipping shenanigans cut down to $36

Holy shit I'm going to be poor.

>> No.7987957

What exactly is a "spot page"? I see the term often in the listing titles but I'm not entirely sure what it means.

>> No.7987982

For the forwarding service, do you just check out on taobao normally after your account is up and your address is added? What about for pre-order items?

>> No.7988051

I've been collecting that amoy gold stuff (the daily thing right?), I have no idea where to input it to actually use lol granted I think only only saved up like $1-2. Also, where to put the 12/12 coupon if there's a difference?

I have a wig in my cart from them too! Their wigs look really nice from pics and the reviews are pretty good with photo reviews that look pretty decent too. Not sure when I'll actually be getting the wig though. Review if you do end up getting please!

Be careful anon, there's still shipping.

Example link?

Yah pretty much, there's a section that asks for which forwarding service you want since it'll auto register that you have an overseas address. I haven't done any preorder items but I assume you pay and the service just waits for your item to arrive? The 20 day limit doesn't start until your item actually gets to their warehouse. That being said you may want to time the rest of your items accordingly if you wanted to make a big haul to make the shipping worth it.

>> No.7988057

Where do you live? Do you not declare any value outside on the parcel? Here in Berlin absolutely everything gets checked and either you have to pay at the door or even worse go pick it up and wait two hours in the process.

>> No.7988085

Will probably buy it. Shinyness can be fixed with baby powder, I just really like ponytail in this wig

>> No.7988086

Anyone know how to shop from http://d-sakura.taobao.com/ ? Last time I tried to order through taobaoring, they told me that the seller wouldn't sell it to shipping services. Just wondering if there's a way around that.

>> No.7988108

You'll have to get an individual or a smaller SS to buy it for you in that case.

>> No.7988118

Oh I'll try that then! Just wondering, do you have any suggestions of who I should try?

>> No.7988161

How do I see picture reviews btw?

>> No.7988166

Pictures are attached to the regular reviews as far as I have seen.

>> No.7988167

So 12/12 is almost upon us, any places with an actual good deal? Best deal in my cart right now is 11 yuan lower than original price. Cosplay stuff would be a plus.

>> No.7988171

Scroll down to right before where the description starts, click the second tab (first tab is description of item so that is already click), second tab is reviews then click the second bullet for reviews with photos to filter. If your product hasn't been bought a lot then don't be surprised if there are no photo reviews.

>> No.7988184

CD probably.

>> No.7988254

I'm using TaobaoRing for the first time and I was wondering if the price of the order isn't adjusted to the selected option? Basically on an item there's two options, one with a shirt and a cheaper one without. Despite selecting the latter for my order the price they show is for the other option.

>> No.7988324

Can you do a review on the dress please?

>> No.7988337

I feel like, similar to 11/11 all the good deals go to misc. items and normalfag clothes.
Cosplay and dressing up like the japanese are likely niche markets in china as well so they aren't likely to lower their prices that much if they already have a decent customer base and know you can't find their stuff for much cheaper elsewhere except competing shops on taobao which they can easily keep an eye on.

>> No.7988346

I wanted to buy some snowshoes and Pima cotton tees from LL Bean, I never used Asos but I don't think they have it.
I also wanted a coat but I'll check Asos for that.

>> No.7988351

I think taobao is good for medium to low quality fast fashion and accessories. I wouldn't actually buy anything you want to function for a long time like snowshoes and coats from there.

>> No.7988371

LL Bean is an American store anon.

>> No.7988378

Weren't you talking about ordering from taobao?

>> No.7988417
File: 953 KB, 1000x1000, taobaoOrder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming Taobao order.

Anybody ever have their items taken by customs because they looked like a reseller?
The bags are Vera Bradley and I am buying them as gifts, but I'm afraid 4 might tip the scale and customs might take them away.

Sailor outfit will have the longer, winter version of the skirt.

>> No.7988423

start from here:

>> No.7988437
File: 339 KB, 356x524, Screen Shot 2014-12-11 at 4.00.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from this store before? If so, how is the quality?


>pic related, dress I want to buy

>> No.7988448


another anon here - I live in nothern germany and things sent with singapore Airmail never got caught. TBR declares always a lower value (like 16$ or so) and it worked the four times I used it.
But I'd say if you have shoes or a bag insinde they will most likely catch it, because it could be a possible knock off. All shoes I got from China until now got catched.
If you have a huge package there is still the possibility of using Yanwen, which takes a diffrent route and so avoids customs (they are going through UK or something like that) but as far as I know Yanwen is really expensive.

>> No.7988455

looked for the sailor dress using the store tag but came up with nothing, any chance of a link dear anon?

>> No.7988482

It comes in navy and it comes in white!

>> No.7988508


>> No.7988515

... why would customs take away things because you're a reseller? The worst that could happen is they charge you.

>> No.7988522

How do they apply the charge?

>> No.7988528

Nah, four usually isn't a reseller indicator for customs. Saying this as a person who recently bought six wigs in one order. I would estimate over 10 of a similar item for it to raise flags, maybe.

>> No.7988551

Is that harness for the bedroom or what?

>> No.7988618
File: 3.15 MB, 1944x1466, weeaboo trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 12/12 order with the forwarding service to the US!

Also reporting back on the 12/12 coupons. That little orange box below certain items that says anywhere from 5-30 yuan are the items that the coupons collected can be used on. You can only use the amount specified on that item from your coupon total. So I went in with 50 yuan coupon total, only got to use 30 of it. The coupon does apply in addition to any discount that is already happening for 12/12 so I basically got the 210 yuan sailor moon dress for 170 yuan before shipping.

The coupon thing shows up at the end of your order page sorry I didn't take pictures.

Then after purchase it gave me a ton of coupons so now I have 105 yuan in coupons and nothing to do with it unless they decide to let coupons roll over to next year or a different sale. Why must you do this to me taobao?

>> No.7988621

Not that anon but that's a fashion harness.

>> No.7988622

>105 in coupons
..do another order, pay nothing for it

>> No.7988647

In what fashionable context is it worn? Just gothic lolita?

>> No.7988651

Tumblr kei

>> No.7988669
File: 1008 KB, 1242x665, amount deductible by coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coupons only work on specific items in increments of usually 5 yuan or else I so would.

>> No.7988788

Add a note when you're adding the item to the cart. They will fix it when you confirm the order.

You don't look enough like a reseller. I remember one anon got dinged as a "reseller" because they bought lots of watches and wigs. But it was a large quantity and it was shipped via Singapore Air or something like that. It was shipped to the US.

(I love Vera Bradley's tacky bags).

>> No.7988803

Are resellers not allowed?

>> No.7988807

Not those who don't declare their import intentions.

>> No.7988819

That's beyond beautiful anon thank you for sharing! I haven't heard any reviews of that store though.

>> No.7988829

creepy cute? pastel goth?

>> No.7989028

I've been eyeing that sailor moon dress for a while. Can you do a review when you receive it?

>> No.7989038

Sure thing! It's in relatively low stock though hopefully they restock it or don't run out before you get the chance to buy it. It's my favorite from what I've seen of the taobao sailor moon dresses so far. I'll probably still end up getting the glow in the dark print and super ruffly ones eventually though.

>> No.7989054

It's a fucking sm harness. Don't you go "it's just fashion". It's not a scarf, I'd love to see a cord though.

>> No.7989061

>glow in the dark print
>super ruffly

Is this sold at the same shop? I'm on mobile right now so I can't check. If it's a different store do you mind linking me pls?

>> No.7989162


I actually was browsing the taobao guide and it popped up, but no problem nonetheless! The store has amazing items - I'll probably buy some and I'll review when I get them.

>> No.7989173
File: 249 KB, 750x700, TB227m.aXXXXXaHXXXXXXXXXXXX-41484053[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone looking to score some last-minute cheap 12/12, this store has some pretty good deals.

Getting pic related for 184 instead of the ~380 it was before. Anyway, 50% off on some loliable stuff.

>> No.7989212

I ordered some stuff on 11.11 and everything but one item arrived at my SS. Should I ask for a refund or wait?

>> No.7989216
File: 89 KB, 325x245, af3c8958df47b081648414bf1c50fd4c4cbc2e1d_m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godddddd, fuck infanta. in my last order i got a blouse from them, since i heard good things, and it turned out too small. no sweat, since it turned out my bust had gotten a bit bigger without me noticing. surely the next size up, with room to spare in the bust, will fit me! NOPE, even with a minimizer bra, it still has awful button gaps. i can probably fix it with a quick sew or bobby-pin but fuck. just list the ACTUAL SIZE instead of leading people on.

>> No.7989221

I'd ask about the item.

>> No.7989226

I'm also german and it's the exception that something passes by customs unnoticed...

>> No.7989251

Alright I emailed them but I haven't received a word back yet. It's been about two days now I think (Taobaotrends.)

I didn't want to bug them but I thought it was weird that it would take forever for a Kaneki Jacket.

>> No.7989616

Do 12/12 sales only last for 1 day? I remember during 11/11 most of the sales lasted for a week or so, is it the same for 12/12?

>> No.7989621


>> No.7989710

Thanks a ton for sharing. I've been looking for a store that sold clothes like this. I love it!

>> No.7989951

Hold onto your wallet anon here's a Sailor Moon dump for you.

Glow in the dark print

Super ruffly dress comes in seifuku and princess serenity

More from ruffly dress shop (includes tights, seifuku, shoes, accessories etc.)

Sailor moon earrings from glow in the dark print shop

Denim skirt
(there was a crop top that sold out but I came across it on ebay)

Princess serenity necklace

Senshi bow rings

cloth bow brooch/hair clip

Then there's a few sailor moon themed accessories on budbaby.taobao.com

>> No.7989956

Ok so I emailed them and they said that they tried to contact the seller several times about the jacket but couldn't get a reply back. So should I just cancel it or wait it out?

It's this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41094883464 It has a lot of good reviews and the one on ebay is like $50 with shipping?

>> No.7989970

How badly do you want the jacket vs. how badly do you want the rest of your stuff? Most SS won't hold items forever, and you're about to hit three holidays.

>> No.7990084

I ordered some stuff on 11/11 too, from 2 stores. Only one store shipped the stuff, the other didn't, and the one that didn't also didn't communicate with my SS (Yoybuy). I simply asked Yoybuy to check the status of the shipping or if the seller had said anything, and neither of things had occured, so I just asked for a refund. Had the credit in my account 10 minutes later.

Go for the refund.

>> No.7990095

Holy shit anon. My wallet and I didn't ask for this. I love you though. Thank you!!

>> No.7990097

Its like
>bitch, if you want your shit you better pay up or we're throwing it away

And because you don't want them to throw it away you pay up.

>> No.7990116

But like, when they deliver it in person? I don't understand how they inform you of a charge and how to complete the payment.
I understand the concept of the charge. Not the actual physical payment of it.

>> No.7990123

No problem! Let's both drop reviews for each other in the threads when/if we buy any of this.

>> No.7990145

Don't you have a credit card? Its seriously basic.

>> No.7990161

>They send a letter
>You pay over the phone or online
>With a magical card

>> No.7990165

Any cute/anime related cell phone case stores for samsung galaxy? I get way too many iphone ones to sift through when I do a general search.

>> No.7990245
File: 64 KB, 500x617, SAM_0413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for taking so long to get to this

Strawberry socks: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.206.uzisfq&id=41641346199&_u=c10du4oj89c2

These socks are exactly like the photo and they're very comfortable. Largest foot size it can accommodate is probably an 8 (my feet are 24cm long and they fit nicely - has space for probably another centimetre at most).

Cat hoodie: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.212.ryRWtk&id=41629418319&_u=c10du4ojefbf
The colours in that stock photo are kind of off. The red is a wine red and the navy is not as black as the photo (this link has more buyers and the colours are more accurate http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r. )

Quality is good though, it feels a little thin but the inside is soft and fuzzy and super warm.

Cloud sheep hoodie: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.2.9.111.Gfmfb7&id=41989229777&_u=c10du4oj029f
If you want blue there's one here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.23.bHRZco&id=36426769174&ns=1&abbucket=16&_u=c10du4oj8683#detail or you can search 云 羊 帽 外套

This one has a zip but the one I got doesn't so pay close attention to the pic of the listing

The inside is very soft like the cat hoodie and quality is really good. The blue is a nice soft sky blue (a lot of stock photos over-saturate the blue unfortunately)

Here's a pic of my sister wearing the hoodie

>> No.7990248
File: 167 KB, 700x947, SAM_0400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the cat hoodie taken with flash.

>> No.7990258

Search for i9300 or something, and use translate t get the term for samsung galaxy and go from there.

>> No.7990260

I'm currently stuck trying to get my package out of China. I use Pruany as my service and I find the bigger my order the more times it seems to get rejected by Chinese customs (so I am told) and sent back to them. I've been waiting a week for then to get a new tracking number for it.

I JUST WANTED MY PACKAGE BEFORE CHRISTMASSSSSS!!! Ugh I feel I probably wont be getting it until January now.. Which sucks cos it had Christmas gifts in it and things for my cousins birthday which was mid-November..

>> No.7990264
File: 105 KB, 500x375, SAM_0315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone still wants reviews/sources I'd be glad to supply them

First time ordering with the forwarding service went pretty well. I picked 4px (Australia has 3 options but I see people go with 4px the most so I chose that). Things you have to remember are that each package only holds 20 orders (1 seller = 1 order) and that they do not unpack or repack the items for you. These are pretty much non-negotiable. Also you can only have them hold the stuff for 20 days before they start charging you 1 yuan per order per day.

4px staff were helpful when I asked them about repacking etc, they replied quickly and politely. I don't know if they speak English though - I know lequgou doesn't because I asked for a friend who was doing another order.

They ship all your stuff by just chucking everything in this thin plastic/straw sack so if you have anything fragile make sure you tell the seller to add extra packaging because 4px will not do it for you.

All in all it was pretty good - there weren't any complications and my stuff arrived quickly and in good condition. Boxes were a bit battered but nothing was damaged. I had a box of glasses that were unscathed. If you are worried like I was, separate the heavy things from the others (I left the smaller items like the glasses with the clothing and put all the bags in the same package).

tl;dr would recommend forwarding service unless you need to communicate with the seller and need checking of items and repacking

>> No.7990284

>they do not unpack or repack the items for you
Just wondering, how do they know that all your stuff arrived if they don't repack for you? That means that your individual items were weighed with the individual seller's packaging as well then. Or did you even get individual item weights? Not from Australia so I'm not sure about the options you have but my forwarding service had a page where they updated when my item from each seller had arrived with each item's weight and they repacked it all into 1 box for me without me asking since I assumed they would not.

>> No.7990300

You likely won't get your order before Christmas, sorry anon. Why not ask them to split your order into two smaller shipments?

Why is your order being rejected by Chinese customs anyhow? I've never heard such a thing. Just customs seizing items.

>> No.7990308
File: 35 KB, 773x538, attempt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the tracking numbers update the first few times.

But otherwise I'm not sure why. My last order was sent back 4 times I think before it finally got through. The first time they said it may have been glue in the package? Something weird like that.. but I dont really have any idea at all.. Just annoys me cos I pay so much for shipping that is supposed to only take a week and when it finally gets through it does only take a week, but it takes 2 - 3 weeks to get through.

>> No.7990314

Yeah they weigh each item with the packaging. I'm not really sure how they tell but on the packaging label there's the seller's address and sometimes a description of the items so they use that I guess.

>> No.7990317

Ive been using taobaofocus but ive been thinking of switching to another ss, most likely pruany ?

>> No.7990318

Weird, when I used the forwarding service to the us all of my orders were just clear plastic bags thrown into the shipping bag so it looked like they repacked it.

>> No.7990341

That's a little dangerous in case you order multiple items from one seller. You wouldn't even know until all of it arrives to you. Plus you paying a little extra with the packaging weight.

Ditto, minus the shipping bag. I used EMS so I got it in a box. Mind sharing which service you went with?

>> No.7990350

i live in australia too, can you tell me how to use a forwarding service ?

>> No.7990351
File: 75 KB, 453x603, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea for some classic lolita high collar shirts? I'm looking for shirts in beige/wine red to fit 96cm bust and under <245 yuan

Picture not related.

>> No.7990367

There's a guide in the first post it's nice and straightforward so give that a read first. It probably won't make much sense until you actually go and place the order but when you do it'll be clear

>> No.7990397

You chose a forwarding option right? Like the one embedded into the taobao checkout page. Those don't do repackaging. That looks terrible, they sent you straight all the fully packaged items as received in China not even opened. I mean they can read the shipping order to see who it's from and what's supposed to be in it but there's no guarantee you got your stuff.

Much better just to pay a little more handling for a shopping service. You save in actually getting 100% of what you ordered, service, and saved shipping from them dumping all that extra packaging.

>> No.7990459

I believe 'spot' usually means it's in stock, as opposed to a reservation page?

>> No.7990462

If the seller hasn't replied after a few messages, they're probably not going to. I'd cut your losses before the mail gets any worse.

>> No.7990475
File: 1.98 MB, 500x281, wpid-tumblr_nbdun1wrdh1sd7ee8o7_5002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoybuy contacted me about my sweater issue (arrived damp in a clear bag that had sticky moisture on the inside and the sweater smelled a mixture of musty and burning) and they asked me if the sweater was fine otherwise and I said I was happy with it aside from the packaging/smell so they gave me some suggestions on how to get rid of the smell and gave me 2000 points in my Yoybuy Points account so with the points I already have I can get like a $2 off voucher. Which was half the price of the sweater.

Honestly, I didn't expect them to even offer that since I didn't submit a ticket about it. I just mentioned it on my feedback and then they contacted me and offered to fix the situation.

>everything went better than expected

>> No.7990619

Does anyone know if any shops on taobao do custom printing/the keyword for custom printing?

I'd really love to print my own art on tshirts or tights or whatever, I tried looking myself but couldn't find anything, there has to be some shops on taobao that will do it?

>> No.7990636

That's pretty good of them! Sounds like they have great customer service. I don't usually check out taobao threads but after seeing you doing the crafts stuff, you're great at reviews. Again thanks for sharing.

>> No.7990684

>Those don't do repackaging.

It depends on which taobao forwarding service you chose/are offered to you.

>> No.7990949

The recent jfashion threads have featured a fair number of cute outfits using harnesses and other sm gear in very cute ways. It seems to be really popular in the new wave goth/punk cords. Yeah it has sexual connotations but it's not like fashions haven't been playing those kinda things up or down for decades. (centuries really but you get me)

I have to admit I'm so charmed by the leather garters/thigh straps that I've been seeing around recently.
>track and field thighs
>can make any high jump
>can't look cute in garters

>> No.7990970

I got my first taobao order, which was a mini haul from bobon21, and I just wanted to ask if the fabric will become softer with use? I knew not to expect store quality fabric, but I'm still a little surprised at how stiff it is. Is this usual taobao quality?

Other than that everything is soooo cute and it fits me surprisingly better than most western things (everything I ordered was size S)

>> No.7990984

>the fabric will become softer with use

... what?

>> No.7990987

sometimes clothing is stiff since it's new but after being used (i.e washing and wearing) it'll be more flexible and soft?

>> No.7991018

Taobao quality depends on the store. I haven't personally bought from bonbon 21 but i have heard their quality isn't so good.

>> No.7991051


I don't really need it because I'm doing other cosplays so I'll just cancel it. Thanks anons! My biggest concern is "would I get a refund/did something happen?"

>> No.7991058

You raise a good point, but I can't find any shopping services that accept AUD so that'll bump up the price a lot. Also with the forwarding service I can use alipay cards which have no fee unlike credit cards so I don't think I'll be moving away from using them anytime soon.

>> No.7991094

No I understood but... what gave you that idea? I have never even heard of that being a thing, usually it's the opposite where clothes become less soft after washing/using them.
Try fabric softener? I don't know. Apart from that I really doubt there is anything you can do.
The quality of clothes doesn't really change over time, apart from things like stretching it out maybe.

>> No.7991208

Any good stores with stuff for cult party kei? Couldn't find any specific in the spreadsheets.

>> No.7991254

What. Why do you think your oldest sweatshirt is the most comfortable? It's why dress pants often have dry clean only on the label, even when the material is washable. Fibers break down, lose their structure and rigidity. Depending on how compact the fibers are, some material will be lost each wash (the lint in your dryer trap) which looses the weave and gives a softer feeling. And finally, almost all companies use unwashed fabric in garments, so washing removes the sizing used in its production.

>> No.7991398

Really? I've only heard good things about them. The blouses are fine since they have a soft fabric on the inside which makes them quite comfortable, but the shorts I bought were oddly stiff.

Guess I'll find out when I wear them.

>> No.7991473

The reviews on Taobao that I've looked at for items that I like tend to be bad but it had mostly been shoes.

>> No.7991475

Oh my god, can you please link the Jojo shirt at the bottom? It's so cute!

>> No.7991534

It's the only option for the US. It didn't have a specific name that I could tell, it just had a picture of the EMS and DHL logos.

>> No.7991573

Not the same anon, but here:

>> No.7991583
File: 275 KB, 500x704, tumblr_ng26a27HRD1qegob8o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any stores that sell Omocat-type/knock off t-shirts?
Or glitch-styled stuff?
Pic related.

>> No.7991586

>shipping for $47 @ 2kg worth of stuff is $45
maybe i will use the forwarding service next time

>> No.7991597
File: 360 KB, 700x875, TB2lL3wbXXXXXcPXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!666475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I could find any bags similar to this? Looking for something cute like this but a bit cheaper!

>> No.7991599

i dunno whats worse - people wearing omocat stuff, or people wearing replica omocat stuff. yeesh.

>> No.7991614

Christ, she's a single person selling her clothing artwork, are you really that fucking cheap to not just buy it from her? Brand replicas are bad enough, but you're willing to buy rip-offs of a shop run by a single artist. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7991617

fuck off, seriously. stop ripping off an artist and buy your shit from hottopic

>> No.7991624

Since when has /cgl/ become such moralfags?

>> No.7991625

Hottopic steals artwork all the time though

>> No.7991626

i am >>7991599
just hate omocat in general lol

>> No.7991647

Yes I am that cheap now tell me some stores.

>> No.7991665

she's a bad artist though
'pay attention to me i am a girl and i like anime xD'

>> No.7991685

Finally someone else that doesn't think omocat's art is that great. She has cool concepts and color usage but I can't get over her adventure time limbs and tumblr drawing style. She just slaps on anime themes and memes so gets more attention than your run of the mill tumblrina plus the game gave her publicity.
If she actually had good anatomy in her work I'd buy it.

>> No.7991699
File: 14 KB, 195x293, 1415452234435700538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is a stupid question to ask, but does anyone know what kind of search terms I should use for finding boots like this? Like, black on the top and white on the heel/platform? Thank you!

>> No.7991704

Another anon here.

> She just slaps on anime themes and memes

Her art is seriously plain. I like some of her comics though.

>> No.7991712

While I agree, you wanting to buy her art and wear it invalidates your opinion

>> No.7991726

But I don't want to buy and wear it. I can design my own shit and have it printed for cheaper, and I end up with a better result.

>> No.7991740

Did you even read what she wrote? Looks like you made a fantasy story in your head.
>If she actually had good anatomy in her work I'd buy it.
Doesnt mean she wants to buy it [as it is now]

>> No.7991770

I'd try white heel and black leather (even though it obviously wont be leather)

>> No.7991779

Now asked to pay another $5.60 for shipping after they got the initial weight wrong

Don't think I will be ordering from them again

>> No.7991790

an-Tai-Na will do custom shoes for you!

But also my-lolita-dress has a lot of these shoes. They're a taobao reseller but if you'd like to check some out these are the ones I've found

You can try reverse image searching these with the term 'taobao' if you'd like!

>> No.7991791

You're so mad but you're here in a Taobao thread complaining about replicas and ripping people off?
Okay, anon.

I'm not super familiar with Omocat's stuff.
I just like the glitch-like designs and was curious if anyone had any of that OR anything SIMILAR that I could look through. No need to get your panties in a twist.

>> No.7991797

Are there any petite stores on taobao? I know this sounds redundant but I'm really short and the general small sizes still hang on me kind of awkwardly.

>> No.7991803

who did you order from ?

>> No.7991808

I ordered a pillow, a cell phone charm, one jumper, and a bunch of socks.

>> No.7991811

Your shipping is probably high because of how much space the pillow takes.

>> No.7991814

It apparently weighs 0.8kg, but you might be right. Could I, in future, ask them to remove the inside of the pillow and just send the cover? I didn't think to do that. Also 3 of the sock pairs come to 0.35kg.

>> No.7991815

Um that's why I said except for getting stretched out, but that's different to the fabric getting softer, which does not happen. Fabric will not magically change like that. And even as you say for old clothes "getting more comfortable", I've never had clothing fabric change that much from when I bought it than getting a little looser, it pretty much stays the same. So yeah, it's still kind of a weird thing to think that fabric will get soft if you wash/wear it a few times if it doesn't feel nice to begin with.

>> No.7991816


I'm an artist selling my own clothing designs too and I cannot blame anyone in the slightest for wanting to buy replicas of omocat's stuff. Her prices are ridiculous and just fucking greedy, she way overcharges. And yeah ok she is entitled to do that, of course she is. But I cannot blame people for wanting a cheaper product by buying a replica for a fairer/cheaper price.

>> No.7991833

Would probably depend on the pillow you got and what kind of casing it has.

>> No.7991843

That's honestly not that bad I recently got a order from celestial delinquent at around that weight for $75 with EMS
Can't use budget express for much of a discount anymore since she updated her policy for that to use volumetric weight.
I'm so done using her.
Going to switch to forwarding services from yoybuy and taobao.
And probably taobaotrends for shipping service when I need custom sizing.
I've already used the taobao forwarding service once and it went fine.

>> No.7991845

*taobaotrends for shopping service

>> No.7992072
File: 63 KB, 862x841, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls halp
I need to pick out a custom colour for shoes from this chart but image-to-text + translation is garbling everything.
I think I know that row 2, column 2 is pure white and row 3, column 2 is beige, but what do the other various whites in this picture mean?

>> No.7992081

Omg the chart has my wine colour I need!
Anon-chan please give a link?

>> No.7992090

Why do you need a translation? Select your color and put whatever signs are written on there in the order?

>> No.7992113

I'm ordering http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35803383166
but they do custom colours on most shoes I think.

Because they're showing what I think is white as grey. And because I don't know what's special about the whites on the right. Are they leather? Glitter?? And the one at the bottom is... shiny/glossy? I just wanna be sure about this.

>> No.7992140

There are only 3 whites in this chart.
>row 2 column 2: off white
>row 3 colum 2: ivory
row 5 column 4: patent off white

>> No.7992145

Sorry for shit formatting.
>sage for dumb

>> No.7992156

You're retarded. What do you think lint is made of? Why do you think pilling happens? Anon explained exactly why it happens; it wears out over time.

>> No.7992162
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x2000, D&amp;G 2014 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen links for any of these items? I'm looking to order them asap for an upcoming trip

>> No.7992176
File: 40 KB, 610x336, hentai00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a store link?

>> No.7992194

the faggot store

>> No.7992197

yeah, dolce and gabbana,

>> No.7992204
File: 67 KB, 467x704, TB1HBSOGXXXXXaTXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help, my translator is giving me mixed messages.
I wanna get pic related for myself and the 2nd one with the link for my bf. I made sure to include "finished product" in the search terms but Im not sure if thats what Im buying or Im going to get the white mold GK

how do I make sure Im getting the painted version?


>> No.7992205

Instead of being the snide, useless cunt you are, why don't you keep your mouth shut? This is obviously a Taobao thread. I've already exhausted my efforts in looking for the real things.

>> No.7992238

Warning: Customs might take your figure because they check for bootlegs and figures are on the list.

I'll help you regardless anon give me a second.

>> No.7992241


>> No.7992242

Anyone know a good store to buy cute push-up bras for small ribcages? I have a 66 cm ribcage and 86 cm bust (which translates roughly to a US 30D).

I can find some in the US, but they all seem to think that you don't want/need a push-up bra if you're over a C cup...

>> No.7992243


>> No.7992251

Not that anon but I want that figure now too, and I would prefer for it to be a garage kit. Would they still take it off me if it's a garage kit?

>> No.7992255
File: 45 KB, 141x133, 1411170598792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you! I hope it makes it through

>> No.7992257

That's a little bigger than me, and tbh I just get a bra in a sister size.
Try a few on until you find a comfy one. 32C shouldn't be too hard to find.
I found some really cute ones at Burlington Coat Factory recently actually. Random but they have a lot of nice bras for cheap.

>> No.7992259

I don't think that's from taobao, ask /fa/
I've seen those shirts before, there's a lolicon and EVA ones too. Expensive though.

>> No.7992264

yes but dont buy them
they are overpriced and not good quality
the reflective ones in particular will have the print start to go yuck after a few washes

>> No.7992273

Ignore the troll.

>> No.7992468

I'm putting in a new order soon but I'm rethinking what SS to pick. Yoybuy sounds good but the spreadsheet says they don't accept Paypal anymore. It's an old notice though so can anyone confirm if this is still the case?

>> No.7992475

has anyone's SS heard from Ista Mori about the Nameless Poem rerelease orders? I was hoping to get mine before I move in January...

>> No.7992499

>3.Which payment methods does YOYBUY accept?

Now the accepted payment methods include PayPal, Credit Card, Web Money, QIWI, Western Union and Wire transfer. The transaction fee varies depending on the payment method you choose.

>> No.7992509

Anon I want to say that I'm still trying to contact the sellers but it's taking a while due to the timezone.

>> No.7992557

I haven't heard anything. TBS told me when I ordered at the beginning of november that production time would be 2 to 3 months (ouch..) so I wouldn't hold out much hope, especially considering the christmas shipping delays.

>> No.7992660

I'm retarded for not expecting something of shit quality to magically become comfortable because you wash it/wear it a few times? Are you even listening to yourself?
I don't even know what kind of clothes you wear because I have never had clothes fabric change drastically over use, even shit I've been wearing for years. I don't find older things to be comfier, in fact they become thinner and flimsier. I've absolutely never had an article of clothing go from crap to comfy and soft, ever.
Stretching happens, but something being looser =/= it being soft and better. If the material is itchy and not nice it's going to stay that way, it "wearing out over time" is not going to change that. I know exactly what you were explaining before but it doesn't change the fact it's not going to change the material from being yucky to being nice. It's a ridiculous thing to think of.

>> No.7992674

New thread >>7992672

>> No.7992682

Why do you think the term 'break in shoes' or 'break in corsets' exists? Because rigid material becomes softer and more accommodating after multiple uses. A person will obviously prefer skating in more broken in skates than absolutely new ones because the latter will chafe (thus are uncomfortable).

And that was what OP was asking about. No one claimed that an itchy shirt will become less itchy over time, just that a crisp t-shirt will become nice and comfy after being washed and slept in.

>> No.7993453

>This is obviously a Taobao thread.
And you're looking for unreplicated designer clothing so what were you expecting?