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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7983722 No.7983722 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss fave cosplayers? drama?

>> No.7983728

I don't remember anyone's names but that one fucking girl who's Star Wars dad makes everything for her, or the other lady whose BF makes everything ... WHY is that considered more respectable than commissioning shit from a seamstress? It's not about anything except connections/money at that point so I don't really understand.

Actually commissioning something from a seamstress might take more skill cause you might have to draw up a really detailed example of what you want. Whereas it seems like these ladies' dads/bfs think of a lot of their ideas too.

I'm not a cosplayer though just a lolita so maybe I am missing something?

>> No.7983742

If anything that show made me discover my true hatred for Monika Lee.

>> No.7983817

did carl and miguel ever hook up? they should.

that's all i care about tbh.

>> No.7983842

>WHY is that considered more respectable than commissioning shit from a seamstress?

It's not. And anyone who thinks so is an idiot or kidding themselves. It is only acceptable if it is a group effort and all the people working on the project enter the contest. Or if the contest rules say you can enter with a model wearing a costume. But when that is the case the model doesnt win the award the seamstress does.

HoC tries to cover up the girls lack of actually making their costumes by saying, "it is all about the skits!!!" And the even better argument of, "B-but we didnt have time to make a costume!! We dont know what cons we are going to and just secretly planning costumes and patterning them without the TV crew knowing is just fucking beyond out mental capacity."

>Actually commissioning something from a seamstress might take more skill cause you might have to draw up a really detailed example of what you want. Whereas it seems like these ladies' dads/bfs think of a lot of their ideas too.

Um... no? I don't know about other commissioners or seamstresses but once you give them the reference images of the characters that is kinda it for your input on the costume beyond maybe giving the seamstress permission to use certain materials based on price. Why would someone who is paying a seamstress to make something then try to tell them how to make it? I mean you could give suggestions but its much easy for the person working on the project to decided how they will go about creating it. Nothing more frustrating then when a friend throws a half finished costume at you and wants you to finish it and you have no idea what they were doing.

>> No.7983843

LOL I always felt bad for Carl. He worked so hard but those freaking molds always looked like shit, man.

>> No.7983855


it felt to me like he was JUST getting into propmaking, so putting him on the show comparing him to the other people was a little unfair. at least pick someone who's on the same level as everyone else on the show.

only tangently related, but i wish he'd worn a wig as makoto. he would have been such a good makoto if he'd done it properly. he was cute. :(

>> No.7983878

iirc his swimwear weren't in makoto's colors though...so...was he even trying?

>> No.7983885


i don't think there was much effort, which was kind of my point? he's cute, and if he had put in effort it could have been good.

>> No.7983887

Putting Yaya on the show just made everyone else look bad. Plus it kinda became the Yaya Han show... but I wouldn't expect anything less.

>> No.7983898

>Plus it kinda became the Yaya Han show... but I wouldn't expect anything less.

Well it was her show. Adrianne Curry commented recently that she turned down the show originally and suggested Yaya for the role. And cast members at a con said that the original title of the show was "Yaya's World". But I guess they realized Yaya wasnt interesting enough and added Riddle and then the other girls.

>> No.7983902

>Plus it kinda became the Yaya Han show
But wasn't it always suppose to be the Yaya Han show? She's the one who came up with the idea for the show in the first place.

>> No.7983915

my bad, I thought you implied that the only thing he would have had to do to make a good makoto was to wear a wig.

>> No.7983922

I know it was originally hers, but why even add other cast members if their whole purpose is to make Yaya look better? I mean, come on, we all know they could've picked better cosplayers. Then again, I'm sure Yaya knew that, too. I guess that was the point.

>> No.7983923

>Star Wars dad makes everything for her

>> No.7983930


They meant Chloe Dykstra. Her dad only helped with the Claptrp, that I recall, but she did get outted for a lot of commissioned props/pieces used

>> No.7983931

i guess i was thinking of when they do the somewhat original or fully original costume, rather than a character. this one girl on the show made some comic book page outfit and some troninspired dress, except her bf came up with the whole concept for it too? so i was saying it would be more original if she'd drawn the tron inspired dress for example and then dragged the sketch to a seamstress, but her bf seems to have done all of that?

>> No.7983940
File: 3.61 MB, 3000x4500, 98cdb964cf3498a43c34856af7ca87e9dd379dcd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh she looks like a newborn baby in every cosplay

>> No.7983942

I like all the ones they don't let speak on camera.

>> No.7983943

It was because Yaya was not interesting enough by herself for a whole show. Lets face it Yaya really cant enter contests bc of her status and that is the show they wanted. So they added more girls and got amazing results. I mean trips to the hospital for leaving your contacts in and puking bc your allergic to wool? They hit a goldmine of retards with the addition of crabcats.

>> No.7983948

yeah, the seamstress they took the tron dress to was betsey johnson.

as in, they bought a betsey johnson dress and added the lights to it. that's it.

>> No.7983951

Nope that's a lie, proved it last thread.

>> No.7983952

I thought you were exaggerating until I opened the pic. This makes me feel 10000x better about my own case of baby face.

>> No.7983953

I'm not very convinced that this girl can construct a single piece of garment by herself. The way that it's filmed is super choppy but she seems to always fumble with fabric and accessories in one scene and in the next it's magically all done on a dressform or on herself. Also her poison ivy plant things were fully constructed by that prop guy she knew even though it was the focal point of her costume.

Her attitude was awesome in season 1 but they made it very apparent that she's useless in season 1.5 or the second half of season 1 whatever.

>> No.7983954

I think she's pretty cute honestly
I'd like to see her try Taiga? I think she could do the pout really well

>> No.7983974


agreeing with the other anon, she's cute. she would be so much better if she actually cosplayed to how she looks, though, instead of doing sexy or mature women.

>> No.7983980

I was so unimpressed with her poison ivy. Idk what I was expecting but the artwork looked so cute and she has a cute look so I thought she would pull it off great but she ended up looking like a green blob.

>> No.7983982
File: 68 KB, 610x831, 7271.6325779149_2b0c1ba005_b.jpg-610x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i think that's the problem... i really love her little sister from bioshock, but sadly that's her only cosplay i like. she doesn't have a mature face for serious cosplays.

>> No.7983985

I think maybe if the bustle had actual structure or volume to it it would have looked good. I liked the rest of it a lot just not the tiny unextravagant bustle

>> No.7983988

I will be forever unimpressed by her. She doesn't even try to become the characters she cosplay, just like jnig. Make up ain't that hard to use after a while.

>> No.7983991


her sailor mars is cute, too.

she'd do so much better cosplaying anime, honestly.

>> No.7984004

I think her color and fabric choices just didn't work for me and her top could have been a lot better. Also, wig should have been orange red not pink red.

>> No.7984005

>I'm not very convinced that this girl can construct a single piece of garment by herself.

Me either. Everything she has made was either crap (Wendy costume. She used curtain lace for straps and it was essentially a tube with elastic at the top.) or bought and modified. (Sera: DA was a sweater cut up and a pair of leggings she bought.)

I remember reading that Gaige was made by Adella but not sure if its true/dont have proof. I know they are all friends. Adella, Chloe, Vanessa (Creature of Habit), and Jen (Grant Imahara's gf and also the girl on the second season that fixed the crabcats Morrigan costume.) so it wouldnt suprise me if they 'helped' her.

>> No.7984016

Just checked out her site, and her himawari is pretty cute too. Inaccurate wig and hair accessory though. I remember her fushigi yuugi cosplay from the show was pretty and she actually watched it.

>> No.7984023
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She should cosplay some of this characters since she has no chin, like them.

>> No.7984025


yeah. she's got a good face for cosplaying cutesy anime characters, but she chooses not to for whatever reason.

i mean, if you're just doing it solely for fun, by all means cosplay what you want. but if you're going to compete or sell prints or cosplay for essentially any reason outside of just fun, consider how you actually look?

>> No.7984039

>They hit a goldmine of retards with the addition of crabcats
made me lol

>> No.7984054
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 10362636_10152434860516083_8111123577382767121_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, what he did on the show was avery inaccurate reflection of his skill levels and experience.

>> No.7984075

Knowing Carl from my local con circuit and then seeing what he did on the show, I have a feeling he just suffered from being too honest. They probably told him "YOU HAVE THIS STUPIDLY UNREALISTIC AMOUNT OF TIME TO MAKE A COSTUME, GO" and he probably took it seriously, unlike a lot of the people on the show who instead went "lolokay" and then used stuff they already had, or commissioned it.

>> No.7984087


i go to texas cons too and thought i hadn't see him around, so i looked him up after posting that. apparently, i just didn't recognize him. of all the cosplays they'd shown, i only remembered the halo one, which frankly doesn't feel that impressive as there's patterns and tutorials all over the internet.

that makes sense. i just sort of assumed it from his work on the show, but yeah, he was probably just too honest and actually did it all in a week.

>> No.7984103
File: 118 KB, 900x675, 7_will_protect_you_by_ShinkaStudiosCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met him for the first time when him and his 9 group won Best In Show at Ikkicon several years back. I was back stage with them. Their costumes almost always have masks, which makes it hard to recognize them from con to con.
I'd say Raiden is definitely Carl's best work, though the Silence from Doctor Who, the Lying Figure and his Tidus definitely get honorable mentions. Tidus not because it's particularly impressive compared to the others, but because he really fits the character.

>> No.7984110

Don't know the dude but I got that impression from the show too. Just because the pictures they showed of his work were good but we see him crashing and burning throughout the making of. But at least we get to see his work progression unlike >>7983953

>> No.7984122

This. People give the regulars shit for reusing old costumes. But this is regular TV aimed at regular people. It's not aimed at cosplayers and our scrutiny. It just doesn't help that the only plot they can ever come up with is "OMG CAN'T GET COSTUME DONE."

>> No.7984124

His skill level still isn't that impressive.

>> No.7984128
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Well it's at least better than this monstrosity led on.

>> No.7984219

Carl has a girlfriend who attends all the cons with him.

>> No.7984308

Miggy is hot

>> No.7984383

A question for anons:

Given the opportunity, would you be on the show?

>> No.7984390

Probably not considering the show is notorious for ruining other people's con experiences and rigging contests, and I simply wouldn't want my name attached to that sort of stigma. Plus, I highly doubt it pays well. If I'm going to sell my soul or my integrity, the paycheck has to actually be one that could sustain me.
If we had a RuPaul's Drag Race equivalent though, I'd be on that in a heartbeat, because that just seems like fun.

>> No.7984391

I would but i dont take troll well

>> No.7984393

Has anyone met some of the cast? Ive met a couple. They were nice. What con stories do you have?

>> No.7984399


Oh my God, yes.

It's too bad if it ever WAS a thing, it'd be Yaya's Cosplay Race.

>> No.7984514

Am I the only one here who doesn't hate Crabcat?

>> No.7984518


>> No.7984532

I met Jesse at Otakuthon, shook his hand and talked to him for a little bit, he was nice.

>> No.7984549

so you shook his hand and talked to him? and therefore he's a nice guy?

how do you know he isn't a child trafficking pimp? how many men has he killed? are you sure that number isn't 0?

he came off as a charming dude? cool
did he steal your grandmother's identity?

>> No.7984668

Miggy is a tool. He goes around introducing himself as Miggy from HoC and calls himself cosfamous. Even as a joke it comes off douchey. And let's not get started on what a shit person his gf Gina is.

>> No.7984789
File: 995 KB, 280x201, uhhhhhhehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she have any other facial expression besides the resting bitch face?
It's hilarious watching her trying to hitch a ride on the coat tails of Jnigger.

>> No.7984842


>> No.7984850

I had no idea that Adrianne Curry cosplayed. I use to watch her reality TV shows in middle school. I was fond of her.

>> No.7984859

How come I never see anyone ever talk about how in the episode where Monika and Veronica cosplayed Fushugi Yugi together, Veronica asked Monika if she ever watched it and she said no, but then when they're being interviewed about it, Monika said she grew up with it and it was one of her first animes?

I seriously can't stand Monika. My hatred of Monika is stronger than my like of any character. I'm actually sad she's not on the show anymore, she was such a train wreck of a cosplayer, it was hilarious.

>> No.7984861


>> No.7984862

Well, pretty much like >>7984789 already said, she's just heading in the same direction as JNig

>> No.7984863

That only proves they ripped off the design, not that they just bought the dress and added light to it.

>> No.7984864

And that makes it okay?

>> No.7984866

At least JNig doesn't lie about whether or not she's played/watch something.

>> No.7984868

No, but it's very different than the original claim that they just bought the dress and added lights.

>> No.7984876

I'm not even going to get started on what is wrong with this statement

>> No.7984878

Pretty much, I think if it's the case that they used the dress as a design template, then it's a bit of a dumb argument because you could argue that anyone who makes a dress is "ripping-off" someone else, seeing as they are all variations on someone else's design

>> No.7984884

Where are you getting this information?

>> No.7984908

I've spoken to her at cons several times about her costumes. When she said she had seen or watched something, she would then talk about it.

>> No.7984925

Hi Jessica

>> No.7984930

who has time to cosplay a character AND beat the game/watch the entire series/movies

enough to memorize trivia about it

fuckin' nerds

just pay your $20 snap a selfie with that bitch and then go home and ship her a dick shaped soap on a rope so she can open it on her youtube channel and get more viewership exposure

because thats what being a fan is about

#rehash #cockmagic

>> No.7984947

New here so what the hell is a Lolita?

>> No.7984950

stupid japcrap fashion that tasteless white chicks that are a foot too tall and 20lbs too heavy for it adopted, because they want to appear modest despite the majority of their comm (community) being sex workers or related to the sex work industry in some form or another

>> No.7984969

>who has time to cosplay a character AND beat the game/watch the entire series/movies
>implying cosplay of Nigri quality takes much time to make at all

Also, I make anywhere from 12-18 costumes a year and read and watch everything. It doesn't take up THAT much time.

>> No.7984972

40+ hours to make a costume that isn't slutty
some anime series take up ALOT of time to watch to completion since so much of it is dead story development and poorly translated

you must not have a job

also she's fucking famous for a reason
and you're not

u mad?

>> No.7984988
File: 267 KB, 480x640, 1368193_5655093777_3073e20ce2_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Japanese fashion that accounts for half the board. Attached is an example. Just Google lolita fashion if you want more info or lurk the lolita threads.

Also, disregard >>7984950 Sieg is known for being a retarded troll no one. Do yourself a favor and filter out his posts.

>> No.7984996

You're really bad at trolling.

>> No.7985001

call me troll like in apperance all you want

but a broken clock is right at least twice a day

also, sometimes trolls come up from under the bridge and provide a perspective from outside the bounds of society and can show you how silly/petty you all are

>> No.7985024

>also, sometimes trolls come up from under the bridge and provide a perspective from outside the bounds of society and can show you how silly/petty you all are
This is exactly the kind of thing I would have said in my /b/-tard days at 14 when I very first discovered 4chan and felt so full of edge.

>> No.7985028

whatever bitch, keep wearing a pegnoir with your sweet JSK and keep up with tying your socks wrong

you're too ugly for sweet anyway
you wannabe edgy bitch

>> No.7985039

>40+ hours to make a costume that isn't slutty
If you've never sewn before and didn't bother looking into any tutorials and have no patterns, maybe? The only costumes that take me that long are especially elaborate ones like ballgowns or something with intense props.

And most anime are 13-26 episodes.

Please get off the board, already. Everything you ever say is wrong and stupid.

>> No.7985043

>bitch bitch bitch
>herpderp maybe if i insult anon more i sound like a gud troll

>> No.7985046

>you're too ugly for sweet anyway
and you're too stupid for life

>> No.7985053





>> No.7985060

Please just kill yourself. You are the dumbest troll this board has ever had on my 6 years here.

>> No.7985120

She commissioned all her costumes from Adella and Creature Habits.

>> No.7985156

Adella still does stuff?

>> No.7985164

She's still working on the Zelda Project

>> No.7985170

She never said she didn't watch the show lol

>> No.7985176

well considering you can't even get the girls names right, it doesn't surprise me your information is wrong. Both of them said how much they love FY.

>> No.7985259

Yet they still had to copy someone else's skit. The skit done by one of the girls that judged them in this episode.

>> No.7985271

did this shit start up again? Has there been any new episodes since July?

>> No.7985282

Most beta tards assume that any girl who is remotely pretty hasn't consumed whatever media they are consplaying from unless they can answer extensive trivia down to what was the eye color of the shopkeeper in episode 227 and what's the name of the author's racehorse.

>> No.7985346


>> No.7985360

Watch the damn skits. One was from WCS a few years ago. Rynninator was the judge who's skit the HOC girls stole.

>> No.7985640

>"I'm pushing Carl"

>> No.7985657

hahaha I had to read that in a serious "we r legion" voice. classic

>> No.7985931

Miggy was a real dick to me at a con once but nice to my prettier friend :(

>> No.7986052

I love Monica

>> No.7986107

Go away Monika

>> No.7986208

"yaya's Cosplay Race" still wouldn't be as bad as what the show is now, anyone know if this shit is canned or renewed?

>> No.7986210

Btw one thing been bothering me. Are Riddle's boobs fake or real? I didn't know her before I watched HoC.

>> No.7986215


they look real to me

they sag and have the shape of real boobs, you can see it best in her soul caliber cosplay. comparing that to yaya's boobs i'd definitely say they're real.

>> No.7986219

I think it was other way around. If I remember correctly Monika was fan of the series but other girl wasn't. I might remember wrongly though.

I kinda had neutral opinion about Monika before but I hated how rude she was to her mother. I wouldn't act like that no matter how annoying my mom would be. Not when there are cameras everywhere.

>> No.7986233

yaya's cosplay race wars would be a good show though

watch all these kawaii asian girls wearing lolita as cosplay and just dominating white girls

jnig, ai_honey, voldie all look like shit especially on stage near yayahan and some cute ass japanese cosplayers

>> No.7986242


Fake, there are pics of her from the anime days that showcase her before the boob job

>> No.7986273

Is Miggy bi?

>> No.7986608

I thought it was signed on for like uh... Six seasons? But according to reliable Wikipedia, nothing has been announced.

>> No.7986634

I'm not sure how real it was, but I lost all respect for her when she told one of the other girls to her face that she wouldn't work with her because she thought she was a bad cosplayer or that her work wasn't at the same "level" as hers. Then I remember Yaya confronting her about it and she started breaking down crying and whining about how attacked she was.

>> No.7986747

Wasnt Miggy detained in Mexico this year?

>> No.7986749

This broke my heart entirely, the girl was becky if I recall. I found her so sweet and it was so awkward when she had to interview them after the stage performance. I dont feel like it was worth saying those things she could've just said no instead of insulting her skill level when monika's isn't that high or impressive

>> No.7986799

Jinyo is awfully nice even on the internet, the only cast member I've met was Yaya and she didn't bitch at us germans but seemed to genuinely enjoy herself in her home country

>> No.7986830
File: 167 KB, 900x970, home grown seig dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hangs out here for fap material
>brave enough to insult strangers
>edgy trips

micropenis confirmed

>> No.7988081

Yeah that too. I felt really awkward to watch when Yaya confronted her about it. It truly showed how immature Monika still is. Well at least that gave them some drama material for the show.

>> No.7988513

I don't understand why would you pay for her appearence like, look how shitty her coaplay looks... She has been doing this for years and she brings this shit?

>> No.7989023

Any news on who will be on the next season? Miggy is a douche and everyone knows that. Carl is a nice kid with more skill than Miggy but is kind of a tryhard and obviously wants everyone to like him. Indra has no skill. I used to follow her cosplay page but seeing her work on the show made me realize she has no eye for detail and photoshops the shit out of all her pictures. I don't miss Becky's and Monika's shitty attitudes or Victoria screeching at Jinyo to make her costume faster. Does season 1.75/2/whatever's next have anyone good?

>> No.7989034

No information posted yet

>> No.7989042

Rewatch the episode before claiming shit never happened that did. Victoria straight up asks her if she ever watched Fushugi Yugi and Monika says no. It's in the scene where she suggests they cosplay from it.

>> No.7989049

>Both of them said how much they love FY.
That's the point. They say how much they love it, but when Victoria first suggests it, she asks Monika if she ever saw it and she said no.

>> No.7989084


Isn't that Logan prop guy involved in the next season?

>> No.7989106

Im glad im not the only one who hates that donkey face.

>> No.7989113

Oh God Jesus my eyes. That Raiden, it burrrrrnnsssssss, the hoooorrrrooooorr.
Sunny looks good tho, on point.

>> No.7989189
File: 72 KB, 500x738, 1418011022035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus. there is so much wrong with that wig

>> No.7989222

jesus that Raiden would be okay if it wasn't for that wig. what is it with men and wigs, holy shit

>> No.7989327

is he? Miggy was so sweet to me when i met him at the start of the year

>> No.7989373

They're confirmed fake. Also, I don't know what angles you're looking at, because they look every bit as fake as Yaya's.

>> No.7989497

i met Gina and Miggy. Didnt like dealing with them.
Met meg turney before the show and she was nice.
met crabcat and they are normal i forgot who else was on the show

>> No.7989640

Why not?

>> No.7989896

I did line control for Chloe at my local HorrorCon back in October. She was nice

>> No.7989924
File: 52 KB, 528x404, 3111098e55ed60bfba4d0ffffb523f7f2c4d19702cbebe78f155dd69d0493d88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7989946

Don't they all hate Yaya?

>> No.7989950

why didnt i like gina and miggy?
they were at a club with a bunch of other cosplayers but just sat in the corner looking around acting like they were above being there and honestly were annoying and bored.

>> No.7989953
File: 8 KB, 261x200, +_13d60e4b73a3874d71b6992471c0b38c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost fell off my chair and died

>> No.7989961

Carl has a head bigger than a planet. Even before the show he was full of himself, its insufferable now.

>> No.7989968
File: 207 KB, 600x900, i_m_not_ready_to_play_yet_by_riddle1-d7w7toh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i guess it's because she does a lot more cosplays with no extra support like this one, whereas yaya's are constantly shoved into an unnaturally round shape with high-up cleavage, but i do think riddle's look better that yaya's. they look more like they retained her original shape and like they were enhanced less? yaya also otherwise has absolutely no shape though so it probably isn't too hard to look better with fake boobs.

i mean, the fact that anyone even questions if they're real sort of affirms that hers are better done at the very least.

>> No.7989969

The fuck did I just read?

>> No.7989984

Some have heard it already but here we go again
Monika lee, huge cunt and I feel like fame went up to her head. I was in charge of crowd control and I had to ask everybody for their badges even if they were VIP, media, con guest, anybody important/etc or send them to the weapons check if needed, the only exception would be the mascarade judges- they were literally the only ones I was told to not care about because at this time of the day they were atleast 20 minutes late. Back to Monika, Like I said before, I was OBLIGED to ask for con badges and she literally pushed me out of the way and laughed in my face for not "knowing" how popular she is. I didn't even recognized her, she looks nothing like her pictures too. I still wonder why was it necessary to give me attitude? The groupies following her were talking shit and laughing the second I had my back turned aswell. Apparently her assistant(or whoever that is)was banned from a few cons for acting this way and influencing Monika's behaviour or some shit. It still bugs me to this day because later on I had to continue crowd control in the artist alley and guess who I had to stand near to. God, she was so rude to her fans too, unless they're all masochists, I don't see why you need to be so salty. She wouldn't even look at them or smile or be the slightest friendly, it was super unprofessional next to yaya.

>inb4 she wuz havin' ay bad dayy!1!!11!!1!!!

No, fuck off, giving attitude and laughing out of "superiority" to con staff isn't having a bad day.

>> No.7990019

>super unprofessional next to yaya

I will give Yaya one thing and that is that she genuinely cares about her fans and is always happy to see them. Every time I've seen her at a con she's smiling and taking pictures with fans. Except for one con when someone bumped her...

>> No.7990070

What anon says here kinda explains it and thats why I asked in first place if they were fake. I tried to dig her Facebook but didn't find anything what could give it away. Or maybe I didn't search hard enough idk.

>> No.7990072

fak replied to wrong meant >>7989373 sorry

>> No.7990169

here's your daily reminder to stop replying and just filter sieg.

>> No.7990174

I always forget he's here until I see these posts. filtering him was the best thing I've ever done on this board.

>> No.7995014

If you had to have sex with one HOC who would it be and why?

>> No.7995216

the camera man.
He seems to be a very patient and hardworking man. Or woman.

>> No.7995221

can anyone recommend a place to watch episodes of this? all the places I've tried are 'American only' or you have to pay to watch

>> No.7995503

Considering how much of a failure her partnership with Victoria was, I'd say Monika got her karma.

>> No.7995525 [DELETED] 

I don't know I would want to partner about someone lying about their pieces being broken when they were not done.

>> No.7998927

I would have sex with jinyo

>> No.7999883

http://www.flavorus.com/event/Hustler-Presents-Pizza-and-Porn/275484 You can go watch a porno with Chloe and Jessica (half of Crabcat) for the low price of 5 dollars

>> No.7999887

You can go watch porn with Jessica Merizan and Chloe for only 5 bucks

>> No.8000124

Only the ones that would want to have sex with me, because otherwise it'd be rape and that shit is wrong.

Seriously, what a stupid question. It's "Fuck, marry, kill, HOC cast." Idiot.

>> No.8001328

Fuck Chloe, marry Rikki, kill Yaya.

>> No.8002334

that sonny is the literal worst

>> No.8002828


FMK Atlanta cosplayers
FMK LA cosplayers

Fuck Yaya, marry Riki, kill Monika
Fuck Holly & Jessica (what? they're always shown together), marry Jinyo, kill Victoria

>> No.8003290

I would literally fuck the shit out of Miggy. What's the deal with him and Gina? Surely Miggy is gay.