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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7975742 No.7975742 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is auto-sage'in

Let's try to keep it /cgl/ related!

>> No.7975749
File: 30 KB, 1136x145, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see this girl post I want to rip my hair out

I don't get why certain lolitas get on my nerves this badly; I'm not associated with them in any shape or form and they're not in direct contact with me either

>> No.7975752

>tfw another identity crisis

>> No.7975772

She's such a moron. If I had the money I would have upped the bid $50 on all the items and then posted in the thread.

>> No.7975785

I realize I spend an ungodly amount of hours on 4chan.

From reading fiction, to playing games, now browsing 4chan and saving images off /jp/ and danbooru.

Whenever I become content with my life, I just delve into repetitive tasks rather than striving to achieve more. I still can't find any passion in life.

I've also been trying to convince my gf to cosplay because I've always wanted to have sex with a cosplayer. She doesn't want to because she says it's "basically cheating because I'm imagining having sex with someone else and it's degrading".

At this point, our relationship is a little strained anyway. So I kind of want to break up with her, but if I do it now, it'll be like I broke up with her because she didn't cater to my fetishes. I can't pull the "it's not you, it's me; I'm sure you'll find a better man" because she won't. Also, I'm nearly out of excuses of why she can't live with me and it's all getting tedious.

all I want to do now is browse /fit/ and /cgl/, jerk off, and sleep

>> No.7975796

somewhat con related
>be art student
>finally starting to get a hang of observational drawing
>really want to start making prints for artist alley
>realize how difficult it is to translate observational drawing into doing stylized imaginative work
One of my artistic goals is to do artist alley at least once, but damn I feel like the hours I need to put into switching to more stylized things is causing me to untrain my eye, but maybe it's just because I'm not used to it yet.

not /cgl/ related, forgive me need to vent about it
>have undiagnosed social anxiety
>never leave house except for school related things
>have to go buy pet food at store so have no choice but to go
>go to pay, give nice greeting to cashier
>thought everything would go without a hitch
>swipe debit card and wait for receipt
>for some reason he starts giving me change back
>too socially awkward to ask him why he's giving me change back
>just run out of the store with groceries/change (the exact amount the items cost, 8 bucks) and give some to red cross person
I feel fucking awful because I thought maybe I just spaced out and got charged twice, but my card wasn't when I checked at home. I always do stupid shit like this, I don't know why I couldn't just ask him what it was for, and now he'll have to deal with it.

>> No.7975800

"I just need some time to think things through and deal with my problems"

>> No.7975828

That would imply that I'm only breaking up with her temporarily, though. She's clingy; we've been together since HS when I was obese and didn't practice hygiene. I didn't realize it back then, but I just now realize how strange she is. She actually asked me out in a relationship Freshman year, and I rejected her by saying "I'm not ready for a relationship yet, maybe next year" and she didn't get the hint. We shared the same AP Euro class Sophomore year, and she asked again and I said yes. Keep in mind that I was a social reject and she hardly knew me.

I'm considering just sending her a text rather than saying it to her face to face. But ya' know, I don't want to be the type of guy that needs to break up with someone non face to face.

Also,my biggest peeve is that
>she wants to move in with me

Also, I'm nearly 20 and she's the only girl I've been with. I don't want to be the guy that that is stuck with one open relationship with a girl his entire life.

>> No.7975837

> tfw siblings work and study much harder

I just can't get myself to do anything nearly as meticulous as they do. I hate how I can't get myself to study like any other normal person and I can't remember the last time studying didn't consist of reading through some study material hours before the actual exam..

I've also been gaining weight again and it makes me feel like I should give up on cosplay even though I know I can just lose it again if I'd work for it.

>> No.7975839

dude I'm nearly 20 and I've never even had a relationship.
You'll be fine, just end it face to face because this obviously isn't working out for either of you.

>> No.7975874

> Cosplay friend only hung out with me on her convenience
> Would borrow props and ask me to help with her costume and never returns the stuff she borrows
> Got into a fight in April and break it off
> Lies about me all over social media
> Ignore her
> Go to her tumblr for shits and giggles
> Well, that's what you get
> Feels good, bro

>> No.7975883

>have undiagnosed social anxiety

>> No.7975891

>being a little awkward in stressful/weird situations


>> No.7975893

>have undiagnosed social anxiety
This rustles my jimmies. You're just a shut in

>> No.7975910
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Sorry should have just said "social situations make me anxious".

>> No.7975912

Go get your social anxiety diagnosed and prove these people wrong.

"Do you feel anxious in social situations?
"gib moni pls"

Then you can come back here again and show that you've proved these seagulls wrong

>> No.7975917

There is a huge difference. Like social situation make anxious, too. They put a lot of stress on me and I'm an introvert. But I don't qualify for a social anxiety diagnosis, not even close to it.

>> No.7975920

Sorry, we're a bitch touchy cause tumblrfags.

>> No.7975930


Yeah, don't go throwing around terms like you know what they mean, particularly technical ones. It's like saying "I have undiagnosed lung cancer" every time you cough. Get it now?

>> No.7975936

yeah but lbr here, if contemplating hanging out with some nerdy friends makes you have a full on panic attack and contemplate suicide ur more than a shutin

>> No.7975982

Yeah, IDK what these seagulls are talking about, it sounds like she actually does have social anxiety? The inability to handle such a simple social situation would attest to that.

>> No.7976005

dude, learn how to draw a skeleton and the muscles, then apply that to your stylized drawings. ain't that hard.

>> No.7976019

>bitch touchy
doctor sigmund would like a word

>> No.7976071
File: 525 KB, 1280x1235, tumblr_nb0w4qeIRC1qf11cvo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After following the fashion for almost six years, I think I've finally decided I want to get into lolita. I've lurked long enough, know what styles I like, and have (I think at least) pretty good taste, so I'd like to believe I could avoid being ita and maybe become a pretty decent loli.
I guess I'm pretty nervous though, and not sure where to start. I've read all the guides, made lists of dream dresses and everything, but somehow I'm still a bit overwhelmed. Do I go all in and buy a /semi/-expensive dress, or do I go for like, BL first? Will I still be able to afford cosprayu? I'm sure I'm just overthinking it, and I've been cosplaying for years so it's not as if I'm unfamiliar with the idea of pouring money into my hobbies, I guess I just don't want to fuck up.

I feel dumb just saying all this. I just want to look pretty and make new friends and feel like a goddamn princess.

>> No.7976095

Don't worry if your first coord isn't perfect, most people don't get it right first time. Look on LM and get something you really like, unless you're unsure about the fashion, in which case go for something cheaper. Once you have a complete coord go to a meet, that helped me a lot when I started. Just remember the point is looking good for yourself and not winning other people's approval. I can't comment on your finances as I don't know your situation.

>> No.7976114

Good lord, I need that bag.

>> No.7976119

different anon here and that doesnt really work unless the other person is a) extremely accepting b) also considering a breakup
i tried that shit two months ago and the kid is still pestering me to get back together, even going so far as to contact my mom.

>> No.7976130

I know what you mean about 4chan/Internet addiction and not getting anything done. FOMO

>> No.7976142 [DELETED] 

Oh my god, this bitch is so dumb I can't even.

Does she not understand how auctions work? Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7976144


Like, seriously, does she not understand that's the point of an auction?

>> No.7976148

Yeah, everyone needs to really start to get over that. The anti-Tumblr shit on here has gotten more annoying than the Tumblr shit, honestly.

>> No.7976155

I can relate to some of this.

Except my gf is a cospayer and I don't care about it in a sexual way.

The other stuff though

>> No.7976157

I put on the dress I was going to wear this weekend and I'm a few cms too big for it now. Emotional breakdown this morning as a result.
(Insert a few paragraphs of backstory about weight gain, loss, stress, injuries, etcetc.)

I signed up for MFP again this morning and I hope to change this starting after the semester ends.

>> No.7976169

Anon who spilled tea on their laptop from the last thread reporting in!
>been 97 hours, try to turn it back on
>nothing's happening
>plug charger in, it turns on
>turns out the battery's fried but everything else is working. Getting battery replaced in a week.
Here's where it gets /cgl/ related:
>was saving for the laptop for a while, planning to buy babby's first burando dress after I got laptop
>Battery replacement is expensive so I have to wait on the dress
>also throwing off my holiday shopping
>next time I'm investing in a fucking keyboard protector

How was your day /cgl/?

>> No.7976186

More of a personal problem probably but I hate going to cons since I always see so many cute couples kissing or having fun or whatever cosplaying together, constant reminder I'm lonely, I mean you see couples in general in public but it's all over at cons.

>> No.7976193

>undiagnosed social anxiety
>give nice greeting to cashier
>too awkward to ask why he's giving change back
wow sounds horrifying. i cant imagine the struggle you go through on a daily basis.

>> No.7976195

That sucks, hope it works out for you.
I never eat or drink near my electronics, just a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.7976197


>runs away instead of asking what the change is for

>phobias are controlled by escape and avoidance behaviors. For instance, a student may leave the room when talking in front of the class (escape) and refrain from doing verbal presentations because of the previously encountered anxiety attack (avoid).

Nigga has some degree of social phobia. Why the fuck is /cgl/ so full of salty cunts?

I have it too, and I don't need a doctor to tell me that, because I'm too scared/anxious to pick up the phone to make the doctor's appointment to the point where I nearly have a panic attack just thinking about having to.

>> No.7976200

because everyone who's socially awkward assumes they either have aspergers or social anxiety without ever seeing a professional

>> No.7976201

I don't know what the exact term is, I assume people are upset at that anon because they most likely also have social anxiety, possibly worse, and compare that kind of situation to ones they themselves have been in and say that his situation isn't nearly as bad as their experiences or that he doesn't actually have social anxiety and is making it up, like he doesn't know what they actually go through.

>> No.7976202
File: 25 KB, 800x250, sad-seagull[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're very right, I appreciate it! Truthfully I think I'd give up cosplay in a heartbeat if it meant I could afford lolita, and I knew it'd be worth it. Thank you for the advice!

Fuck anon, I feel you so hard. I just took in my laptop to get the screen replaced. It's pretty expensive as well, so I know there's no hope in me getting a dress anytime before Christmas, definitely not at the risk of being unable to afford gifts.

>> No.7976205

Phobias are extreme and unreasonable cases.
Extreme and unreasonable.
Is it really unreasonable that she left the cashier without asking? If someone did that to me I'd think it was weird and probably not ask either.
It would be an extreme social phobia if she refused to leave the house, thought of a hundred different ways to excuse her not leaving the house, and/or had high blood pressure/heartrate while she was in public.

>I don't need a doctor to tell me that
You're a retard. Go see a doctor and get help/meds because you actually sound like you do have some degree of anxiety unlike the person in question.

Self-diagnosed people with "anxiety disorders" frustrate me more than anything. It's just as annoying as people who go "OMG MY OCD IS SOOOO BAD LOL I HAVE TO ORGANIZE LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING"

>> No.7976246

I don't want to shit this thread up anymore so I'm going to leave it at this, I know better than to come off as a retarded tumblrite who lists their fake mental issues in their about me page by using the word "undiagnosed".
But if we're going to start word policing because someone didn't adequately whine enough in detail about some anxiety issues they may (or may no, this is the internet) be having (because we all know if they had continued to justify their anxiety it would be met replies other than "qq more") then what else is there to say. We should just remove the word "undiagnosed" from the dictionary as it has zero credibility.

>> No.7976253

Why is it so hard to understand that, as a layperson, you are not able to diagnose yourself with a mental illness? Would you diagnose yourself with cancers? No, you fucking wouldn't, you'd go to a professional and get yourself checked out. Maybe you have some sort of anxiety disorder, but you don't get to claim a diagnosis unless you have been evaluated by a professional. Just say you're extremely anxious until then.
>tfw everyone claims social anxiety
Next thing you know, people will be self-diagnosing themselves with schizophrenia.

>> No.7976255

Just say you're nervous then, or leave out the "undiagnosed". Nervous is not anxious. Anxiety is not normal worrying. And saying "undiagnosed" is asking for trouble.

>> No.7976258

>tfw Australia post appears to have lost something you ordered for a friend's birthday
>tfw they basically tell you that they can't clear shit up until after the New Year since "it could still arrive" and the holidays just make the mail a mess


>> No.7976274

Can't make a formal diagnosis of course, but at point you can be very suspicious, almost certain.

I went undiagnosed for depression for years (we suspect 10 years actually) until I started to notice how I related to some of the posts and discussions from people who were diagnosed formally.
No doctor (or when I was younger, family members or scool faculty) ever even mentioned it as a possibility.

I feel like there's a balance to be struck--in the same way that I can tell when I have a sinus infection, strep throat, or a cold, I think people _are_ capable of knowing that something is up.
When I was first suspicious, I could only enter conversations with others about it if I said I thought I had undiagnosed deprrssion because of xyz. Had I not done that...I don't think I'd have gotten professional help once I had access to the resources.

self-diagnosis, when done by educating yourself and really mulling it over, can be an extremely useful tool and a huge first step to seeking professional help

That said, there is so much misinformation about things like depression and anxiety disorders that it can also screw things up when they're treated as trends.

>> No.7976298

That's a good philosophy. I'm addicted to tea though so travel mugs are what I'm using now.

>> No.7976322

This isn't tumblr, if people say they have something at least give them the benefit of doubt. I've had depression for a long time (and self-diagnosed a while back too), finally went to a doc for help, told her I think I have depression, she asked a couple of questions and then said "it seems you indeed have depression". Big fuckin whoop.

People seem to be skipping over the part where anon said that they only go out of the house for "mandatory" things (school/pet food). That's pretty telling of social phobia.

>> No.7976325

they fucking say you SUSPECT you have something rather then outright saying you self-diagnosed yourself jfc

>> No.7976333

I get being anti-self diagnosing, but there are circumstances where it's pretty fucking stupid to act like you absolutely need a doctor to pass it. For example, if a girl has starved herself to 75 lbs at 5'6 and has been vocal about thinking she's a disgusting landwhale, you don't need a therapist to tell you she has anorexia. Generally, I'm not one to condone unprofessional diagnosis, but sometimes it's just so apparent you would have to litrally be retarded not to realize the person clearly has something.

Also, self-diagnosing was a thing way before Tumblr. Why does everyone insist on blaming Tumblr for everything?

>> No.7976340

I didn't mention tumblr anywhere in my reply.

Also anorexia is a whole lot different then saying you have social anxiety which is something that basically gets thrown around as much as "I am sad so I have depression"

>> No.7976344

Oh my god she kept derailing some thread about wearing brand to con tea parties and it was really irritating to scroll through. Apparently we (cgl) are all children and spineless lmao.

>> No.7976366

Not comparing it to your situation in crappiness, but in terms of topic I'm in like the opposite boat haha.

I cosplay and dress in lolita and I like to use wigs and contacts and shit like that even in normie clothing. I have this fantasy of this like being a really hot part of my relationship. Like, that he finds it hot that I can be so many different looking women. And I'm also into acting so I kinda wanna take this into full on roleplay. He can tell me what accent or personality or sex acts he finds hot in combo with my outfit and I transform into someone else regularly.

Like that sounds really hot to me. And I do have a bf but he hasn't mentioned anything about this. I have mentioned roleplay in a roundabout way but he doesn't take me up on it or request any specific scenarios or personalities. he will compliment me in costume and say it's hot but I would prefer more. he's also kind of awkward about sex so

do I give up? do I suggest it and make it clearer that I specifically am desiring that? do I ask him what his real feelings are in case he IS getting off on it in this way and is just embarrassed to say? men or sexually functional women of cgl help me

>> No.7976367


Just some advice, and I don't mean to be mean or anything, but next time when you think you have something, whether it's a cold or depression, go to the doctor and give the doctor your highlighted symptoms rather than just saying "I think I have X." It makes communication much easier between the both of you and it gives the doctor concrete details to work with - not just if you have depression, but even what type for instance. Doctors also have to rule out other diseases so it's always helpful if you provide what symptoms you've experienced so the doctor has a clearer idea of what to work up.

Again, though I'm not trying to say you did anything wrong. I do think a lot of people do need to recognise themselves that they might have something wrong with them, and even make a 'self-diagnosis' (although tbf, I'm hesitant to call it that since you seemed quite informed about depression and self diagnosis has the connotation of not being well informed). Psychiatric illnesses are still only starting to be recognised, so a lot of them do get missed. I definitely agree with you that self recognition is important. However, I must asterisk it saying the only reason why labels in medicine exist is because well, you're supposed to treat it. So going to the doctor, or psychologist for that matter, isn't necessarily to get a label, but to get the needed help for it as well.

>> No.7976376

The comment at Tumblr was directed at the person saying it above you.

It's true that people do that a lot with social anxiety, but again, there is a point where it becomes extremely obvious the person has something wrong. My grandmother used to absolutely refuse to leave the house except to go to church because she was convinced the would just randomly die if she did. She literally thought that walking down the street would kill her for zero reason. For years, she never left the house other than church related activities. She never saw a doctor and was never diagnosed, but clearly she had some form of extreme anxiety disorder like agoraphobia or something.

>> No.7976389

Uh, I think you're mistaking me for the person they were replying to or something. That was my first post in this thread and I never said anything that would warrant your reply?

Though, it is very helpful advice for anyone who might end up talking to a therapist and they should take it.

>> No.7976397


Oops, yeah, sorry about that! Thanks for pointing out.

Meant to reply to >>7976322

>> No.7976504

Studying and exercising can both be boring activities on their own. Some people find that with either, it helps to do a second activity alongside it.

I remember in college seeing students prop their science textbooks on the elliptical, so that they could study and work out at the same time.

I couldn't do that, since I was on the swim team. But I listened to classical music while studying. Selecting calmer composers (the "real classical" composers like Mozart and Hydyn, plus some other non-dramatical ones like Brahms) seemed to help. If the music got too exciting, like Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries", then I felt that I got too distracted from the reading material. It depends on the person, of course. My husband is doing some coursework alongside his regular job now, and he likes to study while listening to J-pop music such as Kyary's "Ponponpon", because that sort of repetitive beat for him makes it easier to focus on the text.

You should open a Pandora account and input some artists and composers in your playlist. See how you feel when studying while listening to each.

Also, a lot of people exercise while watching something. When I get home from work, for just the first 30 minutes of watching Crunchyroll, I use a step platform and a set of 5-lb wrist weights to exercise. I don't use the wrist weights the whole time, though; just several repetitions of some arm lifts, and then dropping them and continuing the rest of the stepping-up-and-down.

>> No.7976509

>getting into lolita
>fairly tall
>measurements say I should fit most brand just fine
>still scared I'm going to look like a hambeast in every photo

>> No.7976512

Communicate with your partner. How do you expect your sexlife to get any better if you don't talk about it?

>> No.7976546
File: 27 KB, 171x143, Yuuki - ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to cons/cosplaying for 10 years
>Used to spend a lot of money and time making costumes/props
>now I work fulltime, spend off time playing vidya/streaming
>Considering just buying cosplays now because less time spent and can just edit what I receive if it's not up to my standards

Never bought a cosplay before. Gaming is my one true hobby not crafting/sewing, but I do like cosplaying to fuck around with friends and take pictures. I guess buying is the route for me, I was never in it for craftsmanship.

>> No.7976579

I'm >>7976253, and I get what you're saying. If you tick all the boxes, there is obviously a high chance that you do indeed have whatever illness you're looking at, but like >>7976367 said, it's best to describe the most telling symptoms when talking about an undiagnosed disorder, rather than mentioning the name.

I kind of flew off the handle a bit in my original comment because it's just so insanely frustrating to see people self-diagnosing serious illnesses, or, even worse, armchair-diagnosing others over the internet, without consulting someone who can actually help them.

>> No.7976616

I not so long ago cut out a toxic friendship. I was told by two unrelated people on separate occasions that she told each of them I didn't deserve a job in my chosen career path and she would never help me.
She had a job in the same career and all I needed was a foot in, the same opportunity she got from /her/ friend but she couldn't even do that. She instead chose to lie to my face that she /was/ helping me out.
This plus recent behaviour of hers just has me thinking I don't want to be her friend.

>Tl;dr shitty ex friend who also cosplays

>> No.7976672

What happened to that post? I was going to read it when I got home from work. Did it get deleted because of her derailing the thread?

>> No.7976784

>doing modeling gig for some guy's glasses company
>offers to pay me in a free pair of glasses
>wasn't supposed to be paid anything
I'm excited, don't know if the ones I saw will go with lolita at all though.
on other news
>spent loads of money on lolita because I got some of that tax return government money and sold a few things
>Also because I'm horribly depressed right now, am going to fail my final and thus my class that I can't drop because my appointment for when I could take a medical drop out is directly after

>> No.7976808

Absolutely not /cgl/ related, but I wanna share with SOMEONE damnit

>been having major issues at work for over a month
>hours being cut, managers treating me like dirt, my tires "mysteriously" going flat (two in less than 7 days and I have reason to believe sabotage [it's a TL;DR story]), people whispering behind my back...you know, childish petty shit
>can't quit due to money issues and I can't find another job that pays close to what I make (about $16 an hour)
>go in today; ""Oh anon, you're not supposed to be here! But let's ask the owner if you can work tonight."
>pissed I wasted gas; now down to only two days a week
>this isn't the first time they've done this to me, i.e. not call me when my hours got cut
>check voicemail as I wait for the owner
>interview on Monday and the manager tells me I'm practically hired
>Fuck you bitches, I can't wait to be OUT

There's more, but I'm just happy I FINALLY got a callback.

I guess to make it /cgl/ related:
>new job will have more hours and pays a bit more
>can finally get myself a new dress for Christmas

>> No.7976847

I have positive feels guys!
Been struggling with agoraphobia, chronic and terrible anxiety, really bad depression and D.I.D and ptsd. Since I was a kid but nobody picked up on it except for my employment office.
>Been to the psychiatrist and psychologist.
>Got the meds I need I'm on three prescriptions.
>Today I woke up feeling fuzzy,happy and good! Been excited for therapy sessions now.
>I actually accomplished three chores today anbd was happy about it.
>After I took my meds I then brough two dream dresses and am in line for an LP.
>I have an interest in all my hobbies again (Lolita, Reading,art,museums, fitness,martial arts.)
> My health is on track after being a hikkimori for like four years.
>Dusted off my old equipment, thinking of going back to my dojo.
>The best part was that I woke up this morning and folded and cleaned my bfs clothes for him as a surprise. The happy look on his face made me feel all fuzzy inside. (He has been really supportive of me and dated me before I became a shut in) So I am looking forward to spoiling him!
>My life I just feel so proud of myself that I didn't give up or anything!

>> No.7976863

This. I know I have some degree of social anxiety or phobia because of things that I experienced as well as input from others and research done on my own. I am next to unable to actually function enough socially to see a doctor. That should be enough of a sign.

I have panic attacks. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was younger, which has a high co-morbidity with anxiety disorders. I've been to a general physician who eliminated non-psychological causes for my symptoms (eg blood tests to check for fucked up levels of whatever) If I could email the doctor to make my appointment, I would, but I can't.

I also know that I have stroke-like migraines triggered by changes in air pressure, my doctor never told me that either, just "Well you have migraines." You can figure a lot out about yourself if you pay attention, do a little research, and take that research with a grain of salt.

Maybe I just see really shitty doctors, though. I had to diagnose myself and come to them on a number of occasions with suggestions which all turned out to be correct, because every time I go in they do a quick look over me, check my BP and temp, listen to my heart, and tell me I'm fine. It took chest pains for me to be diagnosed with palpitations. It took full-blown asthma attacks for them to actually send me for a breathing test. It took dislocating my shoulder to even get an MRI for my weak joints that had been causing me intense pain for months.

Schizophrenics are also typically unaware of their illness. The hallucinations are REAL. It doesn't matter if you tell them they're not, they're real. Even medicated schizophrenics often don't know they have a problem. Anxiety or depression isn't like that. If you have a panic attack every time you think about or experience a certain thing, it's pretty safe to say, "yeah, I probably have a phobia or something." I understand not supporting self-diagnosis, but sometimes it's pretty damn obvious.

>> No.7976869

That's great anon! The same thing happened to me after I got my meds, it's going to get better and better from now on!

>> No.7976893
File: 412 KB, 613x511, Screenshot+2014-08-05+01.47.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live on campus
>Since I work parttime i have a lot of money to blow on brand
>orders some stuff from japan the week before thanksgiving break
>It'll be in the last day the campus is open, no worries
>gets delivered during when the campus is closed
>Since EMS no one there to sign
>I don't receive a delivery notice
>don't even find out they attempted delivery till next week
>Try to reschedule redelivery during when the school is open
>Mfw package is returned to seller

I mean the items I ordered aren't essential for my coord I have planned but it was items that were on my wishlist for awhile.
I already emailed the sender, but I'm so pissed at the post office and the school right now.

>> No.7976895


You'd be surprised. Sometimes people are not even aware of how bad the damage is. I've seen very bad cases of both depression and social anxiety disorder, and sometimes it's just to the point where they just don't have insight anymore.

I agree with you though that many people are fairly aware if they're feeling depressed or anxious. It really depends on the mental state you're in and just how bad the condition is.

Also, you don't necessarily need to have hallucinations in order to be a schizophrenic. Delusional perception for instance is enough to diagnose schizophrenia.

>> No.7976901

Thank you, also can I ask a question? My psych isn't available atm. One of my subs is Valproate Winthrop(Epilim) for my anxiety. It says take twice a day after food. I took it at 9 this morning (Aus) and it's 3:05 now. Do I take the second one when I start to feel anxious again or do I take it with dinner. I can't get ahold of anyone and I'm feeling a bit anxious about when to take it.
>Congratulations on you getting help and getting through the system! How long did it take you to really feel better (If you dont mind me asking)

>> No.7976919

>i know i have this because of things i experienced, other peoples input, and research done on my own
in other words "i think i have this, other people who arent psychologists think i have this, and wikipedia". lol
also fucking get someone else to email a doctor for you then if you're that concerned about it, ffs

>> No.7977010
File: 602 KB, 500x286, please_tosexxy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See Aatp Lucky packs went up.
>Freak out. Rush to check to see when they well be up to buy.
>Next week.
>Mfw I told myself I could not spend anymore tell after Christmas because I have a huge family I need to buy stuff for this year.
>Tell myself It wouldn't fit my bust anyways.
>Mfw even the blouse would fit fine.
>Look at the print. It has bunnies and Alice in wonderland. I see the butterflies and melt. Everything I love.
>Tell myself that it well be over priced.
>Mfw not even close to over priced.
I want to cry. I have real things in my life that should upset me right now. And the thing that makes me want to cry most is missing out on this lucky pack.

>> No.7977015

I have xanax for my anxiety and I was told to take it after meals as well, I usually take it at 10.00 and 18.00 regardless of my anxiety level, so I suggest you just take it with dinner. It's not a problem, I don't mind you asking and I don't mind answering! I think I am really starting to notice the difference after a month of therapy, I feel like I can accomplish more and feel less intimidated by the outside world in general, but my symptoms (panic attacks, tics) got better almost immediately, after the first week or so.

>> No.7977019

>there is no way email them

There's no option. There is only phone, which I can't do. My parents won't call for me because they think I'm being an asshole or something.

>> No.7977020
File: 115 KB, 639x211, btb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She annoys the shit out of me too, this was also her.

>> No.7977024

friends that understand your situation, then.

>> No.7977025

oh god...
Still not as bas as "is a cougar a bear?" and "If the cold kills germs, why don't we just freeze sick people?"
Do they offer reservations in the US store? I've never ordered directly from baby yet

>> No.7977029


aaah, haha, nice joke, anon.

>> No.7977031

If you can afford a brand dress I would recommend it. I started with bodyline and have just finally managed to purge them from my closet. Feels good man.

>> No.7977037

As for hallucinations it depends. My symptoms are superfecial and I only have them when my body is tired/in period of stress : when my mind can't compensate. They appears in kin of a surimpression, I can't see them directly as clear as the background and anything real around me, but I still kind of perceive them. Even at their strongest they're still faint, but the feeling of presence become way stronger (feeling brushed by something, generally feeling threatened). The thing is, a part of your mind try to persuade the other one that what you see is real. I don't believe in any religion or in paranormal stuff but that would be the easiest thing to cling to in regard of this phenomena. I just repeat to myself it isn't real, but it literally takes hours of sobbing in a corner of my room to really succeed deeming them as not real.
Tl;dr: while in most advanced cases you may not realize that all of this is in your head, less aggravated cases exist. The feeling of becoming crazy is not a good one, I swear.

>> No.7977043

Just do it!!! Tall girls look good in lolita c:

>> No.7977053

tfw no AM teaparty tickets

>> No.7977060

>Tfw you think you finally have control over your anxiety but you're wrong. So, so wrong.

Lately I've been experiencing "depersonalization" (and yes, I've spoken to a doctor about this) and that's been a trip. It's always fun to wonder frantically if you're dreaming while you're driving and you're struck with the sudden urge to ram your car into a median "just to see if you're really dreaming." Back to the meds for me, I guess.

>> No.7977064

Me either, anon. But I'm sure the whole weekend is going to be really jampacked, what with the fashion show and summit. Plus, ya know, the rest of the con. I think a few people want to coordinate unofficial "tea parties" during the con so girls who put together awesome coords can still have tea and treats and feel fancy.

>> No.7977087

Had anxiety since childhood, now 21 and cured.
Had agoraphobia, panic attacks where I couldn't breathe and thought I was dying, as well as depersonalisation.
Only thing I can say is that better now than later, and that it goes away with time anon.
Eventually you get used to them and you just go "oh...this shite again" and move along, then they gradually become less frequent and completely disappear.
I think what's important is to recognise when it's coming on (after a while you'll get good at that) and carry a Xanax or something in your pocket just in case. Don't take it unless really necessary, just keep it with you as sort of a security blanket.
Try to challenge yourself and deliberately go outside, in social situations etc but please keep going to therapy. It'll all blow out eventually. Now I'm not saying you will 100% be completely anxiety free in the end (a lot of people with anxiety are just worrywarts by nature) but you'll definitely be a lot more at ease.

Sorry if I was talking about myself too much, but I just thought it'd be helpful to hear the experience from someone who came out the other side, so to speak. In the end, it could be different for you.

>> No.7977090

>blow out
I meant over

>> No.7977114
File: 2.00 MB, 389x329, ugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm cutting a wig and short fibers fly off and it feels like a cloud tarantula of hair got thrown all over my body

Having taken care of my a friend's tarantula for two weeks, all I can say if you want to simulate getting tarantula hair on you, throw a bunch of sort wig fibers on yourself.

>> No.7977142

I remember this being on btb and there was some comment on it which told there apparently was some new kind of technology which allowed to remove the DNA. Maybe it was about this topic?

>> No.7977144

Different anon receiving treatment for anxiety but will I have to come off the meds eventually? I love the way they make me feel and before taking them I was numb and felt nothing. I am soooo worried if I get taken off them I will go back to feeling the same way as I did before and it scares me.

>> No.7977147

> just keep it with you as sort of a security blanket
This actually not a good idea. I don't remember why exactly, didn't pay attention in this lecture, but you might talk with your therapist about why security blankets are counterproductive.

>> No.7977159
File: 42 KB, 350x381, angstkurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I remember again, it was something about the anxiety attacks that go along with the illness. It's like "The patient has to experience that the anxiety will go away itself. If he uses security blankets he will attribute the "going-away" to the security blanket instead of habituation."
Something like that.
Pic related is used in therapy (sadly in german). The upper lines in the upper chart display how patients think the anxiety will develop (increasing or staying at the same level). The second last line shows hoe anxiety WILL develop (going away if you endure it). And the last line shows how it develops if the patients leaves tje situation or uses a security item (goes away, but won't help you in the long run).

To make this post cgl-related:
> first meet-up on sunday
> gained weight due to stress
> freaking ass cold
> don't know how to keep warm
> don't know if clothes will fit
I hate this month.

>> No.7977178

Yes, but don't worry. The doctor will just gradually reduce your dose at the pace you're comfortable with and in the end you'll still be able to take a Xanax or something in the case of emergency.
As you say, it's a bad idea in the long run, but at first it's very helpful. Even my doctor recommended it to me back then and you can always stop carrying it around when you feel more confident. I certainly don't need meds anymore so it obviously works for some people.

>> No.7977202
File: 132 KB, 198x268, tumblr_lxnkzpHPKQ1qjne6o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time last year
>shitty minimum wage retail job
>barely make enough to do much besides pay rent
>able to get weekends off easily
>poor but able to go to lolita meets and wear the same two outfits

This year
>high-end retail job
>making quadruple as much as old job
>can buy all the lolita I want
>no weekends off, can't go to any meets

Is it better to be poor and longing for more clothes, or well-off and longing for places to wear the clothes?
I've basically resigned myself to dressing up alone in my room and taking pictures for tumblr.

>> No.7977209

>go to friends bday party
>friend's obnoxious 18 year old girlfriend(we're all in our mid to late 20s)brings her 18 year old friend
>said friend is setting off red flags left and right
>special snowflake attitude
>need to constantly repeat special snowflake shit no one cares about
>passive aggressive comments on our booze choices "I only drink straight,neat, hard liquor"(she said like 50 times)
>suddenly she starts going on about how she has synesthesia
>super red flags
>rare disorder that's widely used on tumblr as a special snowflake disorder since it's not easily deniable
>i'm a psych major
>begins to try to act wise beyond her years since her being a psych major clearly means she's deep and understanding
>is extremely defensive about everything
>gets visibly angry at the fact that I have a closer relationship with my friend's gf, since I've known her for years

Fuck, I had a long night.

>> No.7977214

Is synesthesia that rare ? I though colorXword was something pretty spreaded.

>> No.7977217

easy; the latter

>> No.7977221

As far as I know, you can cause colorxword, so it's not considered "real" synesthesia by most people. The same goes for colourxflavour, which was told to me it was "caused by playing too much pokémon"

>> No.7977222

Well acute symptoms like that aren't really even synesthesia it's just association through conditioning, only 1 in 2000 people have it. Synesthesia is usually uncontrollable and it's a real physical visible thing to the person, like a flash of color or an immediate thought of the color which remains consistant every time. So, people who associate certain things with colors don't have it and are probably just using it to sound cool.

It's also pretty easy to condition yourself to associate X with Y so claiming you have it is easy to do since no one can really prove you wrong.

>> No.7977224

Well it's not about causing specific ones, more about simply conditioning yourself to associate them with eachother. People who condition it don't actually see the colors, they just associate x word with x word that means a color. So in a sense we all have it with colors since you think of the color when you think of the word for it.

>> No.7977234

The latter is better. Just don't stay at that job forever, so you don't feel trapped.

>> No.7977242


I don't even care if it's 'real' or not, I just know that tons of people on tumblr do it and like one anon said, we all do it to a fault with colors. I associate the word red with the color red, so even if the physical manifestations are rare why brag about it.

>mfw I looked it up
>generally public misconception of people with synesthesia is that they are of higher intelligence than others
this explains a lot.

>> No.7977254

Tfw all the girls who were bit him about it being only got some tickets. FUUU

>> No.7977256


>> No.7977367

What kind of laptop do you have, you might be able to get some offbrand battery off of eBay for maybe $30 or so just to hold you over for the holidays.

>> No.7977373

>tfw kinda fat but steadily losing weight
>tfw everything on lace market is just that little bit too small
>tfw want to just buy pretty clothes and wear them already

my grandma likes my bodyline and adores my blouse so thats something nice i guess

>> No.7977375
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The sender emailed me back and offered to resend it for an additional cost. I don't mind that much.

I realized one of the items in the package would be great for my next coord, and now I'm anxiously waiting for the email.

>In finals week
>I finished one of my more challenging finals this morning
>Feeling good

>> No.7977416
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 1388704604051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh man I've got so much social anxiety and depression and I'm so lonely
>But at the very least my boyfriend and family and employer and extensive network of friends are all so supportive and helpful to me in these sad, harsh times

>> No.7977567


>> No.7977585

Good job on the exam anon!

>> No.7977598

>group of people are sitting around in wheelchairs complaining about how hard it is being crippled
>throughout the conversation they routinely get up and walk around to get stuff or stretch their legs
>none of them are actually crippled, they just sometimes get a little tired from walking or standing
>genuinely wheelchair-bound crippled person rolls past them
>"ahahaha look at this fucking loser. wow can't even walk how pathetic"

Do you see and understand the parallels I'm trying to illustrate.

>> No.7977622

Then quit pitying yourself and fucking talk to a therapist or something. If you're in college go see a guidance counselor. If you're an adult that is neglecting to treat her own mental health I don't even know what to say to you other than "you're out of luck."

>> No.7977648

>have a party tomorrow
>finished my costume yesterday
>an hour after trying it on, feel sick
>oh fuck oh fuck
>has fucking food poisoning

Of course this would happen. Called in sick to work and going to try and get it all sorted out tonight. Already feeling loads better after finally having slept a bit without getting interrupted, but I am still having most symptoms.

I-I have been looking forward to this party for months, man. Anyone have some good tips for getting rid of this?

>> No.7977693

>ILD meetup tomorrow
>want to place in outfit contest
>working on headpiece
>glue fucking up everything, no wire to use
>feel like coord will be fucking awful regardless of what I do

>> No.7977700

Throw up whenever you feel it coming, or poop, whichever it is. Sleep. Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. Wait it out. Hope it clears fast. Good luck anon.

>> No.7977701

Nothing you can do, anon. You could try loading up on anti-nausea medication and advin and shit to stave off symptoms while you go, but you don't know if you're contagious or not, so it wouldn't be advisable, you might make everyone else sick too.

>> No.7977704

You're working hard on it. Don't worry if it looks shitty/unfinished on the inside, just make it look good on the outside. You're coord probably looks great and you're just stressed out. Wear it with confidence.

>> No.7977708

>tryign different methods for making a top for a cosplay
>nothing is working
>eventually end up just hot gluing everything
>it looks amazing now


I'll just take my glue gun to the con and hope nothing goes wrong.

>> No.7977710

I was afraid of that. I'll just wait until tomorrow and if I'm not feeling better, just give my ticket to my friend, I guess.

>> No.7977749

Realize I'm most likely lesbian.
Girls in my area hard to pick up.
TFW no lesbian loli girlfriend

I just want to be frilly and serve tea to a beautiful girl.

>> No.7977767

>won bookmark jsk on y!j
>finally arrives
>jesus christ it smells like smoke
>fuck you japanese chimney

"A bit of a worn feeling" != fucking smoke infested. Managed to get all residual stains out of the white part and washed it thoroughly with baking soda and detergent with it airdrying outside now. I'll do the dryer sheets thing if there's any remaining smell after this.

If you were one of the bidders bidding against me you missed nothing, fuck.

>> No.7977775
File: 60 KB, 504x470, 1416867764241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends just casually cosplay and don't care if the cosplay doesn't look the same
>"we're doing our own version of the character"
>"omg why doesn't anyone know who I am??"


I need new friends.

>> No.7977782

I feel you.
> Friend asks me to take her to the mall for materials for her "sexy jigglypuff" cosplay
> Pink crop top and cut off jean shorts
> sunglasses with anime eyes drawn on them

I also need new friends.

>> No.7977783

It's not as bad as the friend's of the buddy I hang out with
>Sailor Moon Deadpool
>Deadpool everything

I'd rather go alone

>> No.7977796


One of my friends is ready to suck and fuck every deadpool around her. I swear to god, if she buys another thing deadpool related, i'm burning her house down.

I think I might have slight anger issues.

>> No.7977799

I'd rather you not go to cons at all.

>> No.7977827

>I think I might have slight anger issues.

I can't say, it's quite justifiable.

Just filter and go away, I ain't bothering you nigga.

>> No.7977833

Ya'know, you can lead your anger issues into doing many productive things. Start by murdering your friend and burning her house down; this is phase 1. Phase 2 is to go to a convention and shoot up a Deadpool cosplay gathering. Phase 3 is to not fight with the police, but surrender instead(Won't work if you're black, tough luck nigress); if you succeed here, you can write a novel -- Manifesto of the lulleeta shooter.

You'll be famous. Female convention shooter dressed in fetish clothes kills 8, wounds 11.

>> No.7977845

You're the most annoying trip on the board. In a matter of weeks you've managed to garner more hate than voldie had gotten for months.

>> No.7977854

I try hard not to be an angsty virgin fag, but it sure is fucking difficult. At least on 4chan I can complain fairly safely about it without any real consequences.

>> No.7977855

that's debatable

>> No.7977856

I casually cosplay.

How far does the cosplay have to look the same before it's a problem?

>> No.7977868

Just don't look like shit, that's pretty much it.

>> No.7977869

>order EGA stuff for bf for christmas via SS
>important item is sold out but other is in stock
>get the instock item and wait till the other item is available again
>3 weeks later item is back in stock
>SS has both items and ships them out
>they arrive
>super excite
>open bag to find that the item we got first was the entirely wrong color
>pissed to hell
>tell SS
>she said that she ordered the color i wanted but they sent her the wrong one apparently
>she didn't double check to make sure
>in the 3 weeks it was just sitting around she didn't check or anything
>have to send it back to japan
>it's sold out in correct color
>christmas is ruined

I'm so sad guys, this sucks. I mean, I can understand if she got the items and had to ship them out the day after, but it was sitting around for 3 weeks, I even asked her if she got it and if everything was good it was blue instead of white, it's not like that's even possible to mistake. Fuck.

>> No.7977894

It's not even casually cosplaying that's the problem, for me at least. It's when people get mad because no one wants a picture of them in a green dress and tights when they cosplay "casual female Link".

>> No.7977919
File: 21 KB, 267x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new boyfriendo
>likes anime and encourages me cosplaying
>even says he'd couple cosplay with me
>have mentioned interest in lolita
>doesn't think any of it's fucking weird, wants to buy me dresses and likes to see me feel kawaii af
>"i have a friend who is into loli, maybe she can help me pick out that classic stuff you like"
>mfw finally found a winner

>> No.7977930
File: 1.72 MB, 500x281, fds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to create a bank account to put money on paypal
>ask parents if they know where my birth certificate is
>they do
>they search for about two days then give up
>blame me and say I have it
>'hurr durr what do you mean you can't buy this off ebay for me u have paypal '

>> No.7977935
File: 53 KB, 350x266, loliscreensmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet someone into same interests as you online
>chat and get along great
>they complain about how they're the only cosplayer/lolita/whatever in their program/area/whatever
>say that's a shame and ask where they live to be so isolated
>same city as you
>big city with lots of lolitas/cosplayers/whatevers
>warning bells start ringing
>offer to meet for coffee some time anyway
>person stops replying
>suddenly ...
>person posts to Tumblr/Facebook/Twitter about how ALONE and OPPRESSED they are being the only one of their kind that they know around
>life is suffering! if only I had friends!

Stop this shit. I've had this happen three times now and each and every one of you needs a fucking reality check.

>> No.7977940
File: 64 KB, 375x430, LIFE CONTINUES TO DISAPPOINT ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in a place where we get the holidays off plus weekends
>all the hard workers are sent there because they can be trusted to run things on their own so its like a reward
>place most people work has a few people pulled for other arbitrary shit
>"we're short manned, we need people from your facility"
>need people on christmas and new years
>"if you want christmas off use your vacation days" aka go ahead and waste your paid vacation days for days you should have off anyway
>I hate that place so fine maybe I will
Please stop making promises you can't keep job, I might die from frustration

>> No.7977948

Can't you use another means of id?

>> No.7977965

>mom forces to go shopping with her for clothes for me
>we spend an hour and 30 minutes trying on all kind of clothes, which my mother always says she won't buy for me as they don't look nice on me because "I got disgustingly fat again"
>at the end we leave without habing bought any clothes for me.
>mom disses me because "I didn't want to buy clothes because I'm upset I'm fat". Then she reveals me the clothes were going to be my birthday gift, and I shall have no birthday gift because "I" decided not to pick any
WTF mom. And then you wonder why I never go shopping with you.

>> No.7977974

no it definitely wasn't. I remember reading that whole thread. That girl is just retarded.

>> No.7977975

Try freezing it. Or spray deodorant all over the jsk and wash it again.

>> No.7977998

Congrats, anon! It's the best feeling isn't it?

I've been trying to make friends with other newbies (I've been interested in lolita since middle school and am now in my twenties but have only just been able to start building my wardrobe, so I consider myself a newbie) but so far every single person I've approached has been like this. At least we're aware of the warning signs and don't get in too deep with these people before realizing they're special snowflake dramallamas?

Wow, fuck them.
>tfw writing thesis
>supervisor decided to move the due date backwards to the day after Christmas break
>"Sure you can have Christmas off, anon! You'll just need to finish your entire thesis in two weeks instead of five and don't expect me to answer any of your questions because I will be on holiday hahaha bye~ oh btw your presentation is the day after, have fun"

>> No.7978013
File: 174 KB, 404x574, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F455f28c13d43e99174c8467cade920dd%2Ftumblr_neg5bq1k3v1qkraumo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I used to love going to cons
>looked forward to having time off work, acut ally being able to wear my cosplays and lolita coords around other people
>recently started going with cringeworthy pack of weebs for the last year now
>They have essentially ruined cons for me over the past year
>Im at the point where I want to stop going all together to avoid dealing with any of them
>Tell them to leave me alone
>They refuse

One of them works with me and I swear to god every time she talks in broken japanese to me I want to saw my own ears off. She also constantly claims that cosplays that I make for her are her "own handmade costumes". I just want my life to go back to the way it was.

>> No.7978022

just get a new one it takes a bit of time but it's not hard. If your parents aren't organized enough to keep important documents safe you should keep them yourself.

>> No.7978087

I kind of feel this. I just thought I was a coward and a cry baby until I saw posts with symptoms and stuff and things started clicking. I realized that when I'd suddenly start breathing too fast and crying uncontrollably about being in large crowds and certain situations that that was a panic attack. I just thought I was being an emotional baby. I can't make eye contact with people. People larger than me automatically make me afraid so I avoid them no matter how nice they've been. I don't do a lot of things I really want to do because of fear. This is not some fun or cute tumblr gurl thing that happens. I feel actual terror every time I try to leave my home. I'm too afraid of the doctors to go see them and actually get a diagnosis. My grandmother is mentally insane and locked away and I'm afraid I'll become like her.

>> No.7978138

Can't you discuss those circumstances with the head of your department, or the ombudsman? Seems like a shitty deal.

>> No.7978154


I recently changed my name so all current documents are in my newer name so unfortunately I have to provide a document in my previous name


I'm definitely going to keep those documents myself in the future, I have learned my lesson.

>> No.7978237
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1409168172724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang out with friend after class
>can't find the rest of our group
>decide to just hang out together and get some lunch
>chill at my place playing some games
>asks if I want to join them in going into DC for some extra credit art thing they need to do
>figure why not since I've been enjoying spending time with them up to this point
>go with them
>place was closed because we got there too late
>decide to buy them dinner since it was my fault for missing some turns and getting us stuck in traffic
>afterwards we go see the christmas trees
>starts raining so we finally leave
>say later to each other

The whole time we spent together was talking about stuff we're into and I found out they've got a lot more in common with me than I realized at first.
In general I really enjoyed the time we spent together and was planning on hanging out again.
But I was talking to some of my coworkers today, they're all 30+ year old women, and they said I went on a date.
Primarily because of their cumulative knowledge of their behavior around me.
Family said the same thing, and now I'm mortified to talk to them again because I wasn't even thinking about it like that.

I don't want to be in a relationship, and I really don't want to ruin this friendship, but I feel like a complete monster now for basically
having been leading them on unknowingly this whole time.

>> No.7978252



You hung out and had a good time with your friend.

>a form of courtship which may include any social activity undertaken by, typically, two persons with the aim of assessing each other's suitability as a partner.

Tell them they're fucking retarded and to stop trying to ship you guys together.

>> No.7978255
File: 17 KB, 545x528, 1390785437503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, relax, relax, friends hang out!

I dislike this rampant assumption that just because two people spend time together, it has to mean something more than it is. Even older adults get so overexcited about things like that. "AWW SO CUTE YOUNG LOVE IT WAS OBVIOUSLY A DATE SILLY AWWWW."

Is it really even a date if it wasn't planned?
Your day with your friend sounds like two friends who kept trying to make the most out of the situation whenever it went wrong and ended up having a good time in the end. Very spontaneous. It would've been incredibly lame to just be like "Welp can't find our friends, see ya" or "Welp, missed the art thing and went into the city for nothing, see ya." You did the natural thing by trying to go with the flow and adapt.

Besides, consider your friend in this. Do YOU truly think your friend misinterpreted? If so, do you have evidence to back that?

>> No.7978257

Unless you both agreed it was a date, it wasn't a date. You just hung out. Don't feel awkward. Don't even think about it. Just because you bought this person dinner doesn't mean it counts as a date, you just did them a favour.

>> No.7978264


They've asked me to be their significant other before in front of our friends.
They often say stuff like
>you say that, but you and I are going to have like 27 kids
in response to me saying I'm not interested in anything serious.

I mean, I really don't want to be stringing them along so I've been incredibly blunt about not wanting anything.
And they even commented on how refreshing that was after dealing with so many people who think they're entitled to something for just spending time with them.

I genuinely do plan on dying alone and to continue doing my own thing.
I'm not going to shut people out of my life to be a hermit, but I'm certainly not doing anything romantic in the slightest.

I hope you're right.

>> No.7978284
File: 69 KB, 400x282, Bathing+in+toxic+waste+is+fun+_3c795d16eceae67a8d40dc10dc56adfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw grades are fucked, need to find a new apartment this month, basement flooded, destroying a lot of the merch I was gonna sell, and I got my period for the second time in one month

>> No.7978380

My boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up. Now we'll never be San and Ashitaka together.

>> No.7978383

>My boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up. Now we'll never be San and Ashitaka together.

What happened? If you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7978397

He caught me cheating

>> No.7978399

Oh boy, you brought it to yourself

Assuming you're the same Anon.

>> No.7978410

He's really busy with work and I'm really busy with college. We just had less and less time for each other and stopped trying. It just happens I guess.

lol Don't pretend to be other people anon.

>> No.7978414
File: 269 KB, 1199x580, Screenshot 2014-12-05 at 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me lol. I would never cheat, we actually met through his ex who had cheated on him for many years. I hate that bitch.

>> No.7978430

> I would never cheat
I figured. Loyalty in a relationship seems to be the most sacrosanct her in /cg/, based from experience.

>> No.7978552
File: 66 KB, 470x540, 1417505871360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ related
>Have a bunch of shit I can't coord in my closet + things that don't fit
>I'm absolutely shit at mailing things out so I just hoard them

not /cgl/ related
>actually autistic
>everything makes sense in my head but when I speak I jumble words around so everyone just assumes I'm dumb
>It happens sometimes when I type too(usually when I type I have a lot more time to think about what I'm trying to say and properly get my point across)
>Boyfriend's friends are over and they were all discussing something simple which I knew a lot about
>I tried to explain it to them
>misplaced words everywhere
>They tell me I'm wrong and all of them raise one eyebrow at me looking at me like I'm extremely stupid
>Boyfriend tries to save my ass by changing the subject
>I correct my misplaced words but everyone's just ignoring me now
>I'm ran back to my room because fuck socializing

God, why do I have to be so autistic

>> No.7978558

>wah i'm so autistic and bad at socializing
>my boyfriend

>> No.7978561

like its hard to get one if you have a vagina.

>> No.7978565

or anything really

>> No.7978619
File: 473 KB, 320x182, despair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wanted to work at one fabric store for so long
> Finally got hired
> Dream come true
> Three weeks later, boss says my hours don't work for them
> Will keep me on call if they need me in emergency

> MFW no more 40 percent discount off all the fabric
> MFW most fun job in your life (tied with other current job) is taken away

>> No.7978622

I'm not saying it isn't, but any guy worth keeping is rarely easy.

No I'm not saying go yandere on them, I'm saying catching a free spirit that just does his own thing is pretty hard because they don't give you that kind of special treatment beta and alpha-fags do.

>> No.7978631

Meanwhile in male autist no one tries to save my ass and instead I'm just put down and treated like a child.

>> No.7978657

I'm properly drunk for the first time and I meant to sew but ended up on cgl instead. It's probably for the better, but I'm also an autist and obsessed with getting a service dog for my condition because I can't even go to the grocery store without a panic attack. I'm also now afraid of becoming an alcoholic because this is a short respite from the desire to kill myself and remove my genes from the gene pool and a good portion of my extended family are fucking drunks. I just need to find some kind of treatment close to home so that I can learn the life skills I need, but home is Idaho where all the rednecks are and don't realize that retarded encompasses a lot more than just people who can't function at all.

I'm in Cali because of a job I was dumb enough to take and have the wait a few more months before I can even make it home. I need to be near family to help with my depression.

>> No.7978663

why don't you just have your boyfriend buy you groceries

>> No.7978668

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7978671

>i want a service dog
>im an alcoholic and depressed and want to kill myself
take care of your own issues before you have to worry about taking care of another living thing. im sure theres AA stuff around or other rehab programs you could look into.

>> No.7978675

>im an alcoholic
She said it's the first time she's gotten drunk and she's worried she'll become an alchohlic

>> No.7978676

Because you are a child if you feel the need to latch onto someone else's feel post, or shitpost in other boards. Shame on you, you're not a child but an obnoxious animal who wont stop yelping till its put down.

>> No.7978677

whoops, that's my bad.
i amend my statement to say "keep alcohol out of your house until you can do something about your depression"

>> No.7978683
File: 49 KB, 471x329, c18d25a2-8df6-412c-96dd-2b5c392e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, anon. I'm not even in the same country as this girl and she rustles me when she posts. It's probably the "XD" she normally uses.

>> No.7978686
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 1376044123355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>behave the exact same way
>if you're a woman you get sympathy
>if you're a man you get called a pathetic obnoxious child
>these same women likely complain about how women are constantly discriminated against and treated sexistly

>> No.7978697
File: 2.97 MB, 350x260, fuckeverything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tomorrow is ILD
>have work and all lolita-related stuff is in the mail bc newfag

I have some normal cutesy stuff laying around but I know it's not enough

>> No.7978721

Anyone, whether it be man or woman deserve to be put down if they feel the need to latch on to someone's feel post for selfish reasons.

How's that for equality.

>> No.7978724

If you're drunk right now Anon, don't worry you're probably just freaking out a bit from being drunk.

If you aren't, I can't really do anything beyond give you advice and my condolences.

>> No.7978725

>How's that for equality.
>woman posts feel
>a woman responds "yeah I have a similar problem but even worse"
>gets sympathy
>a man responds "yeah I have a similar problem but even worse"
>insulted, called pathetic, told it's all your fault and nobody will ever care about you or your problems so you shouldn't even be allowed to complain about them

>> No.7978738

The depression is comorbid with the severe anxiety and autism. I'm more afraid of becoming an alcoholic because family history makes it more likely and it's a small respite from depression. A service dog is to help with the anxiety and autism. Symptoms helped = less depression. They train dogs specifically for anxiety and autism and keeping certain triggers (I hate that word) from happening that can't be cured with therapy. (Meltdowns triggered by people bumping into me, nightmares, they'll provide you an out by whining at the door when you get too anxious, to name a few.) service dogs are for people who can't function normally in society because of whatever disability and can't completely manage their own care. It's a working dog, a companion to help navigate the world not a pet.
I'm currently at a point where there is no likelyhood of being cured, which is why I need a service animal. So I can function close to normally. I've been inpatient for almost half the year and my therapist is hunting for a residential treatment that my insurance accepts so that I can at least take care of the basics. What seems as easy as buying groceries or remembering to take medication are huge tasks for me and I need the help. I am severely disabled and only leave for non work related things once a month because I can't even go to the store for milk without having a panic attack. I only go to work because I'm forced to under contract and even then it takes a hell of a lot of Xanax and biweekly therapy to make it through. I'm just waiting for administrative approval to leave my job and go back home. (I just turned 21)

Please don't judge on the spot. I'm kind of an uncommon case, but you should still take mental illness seriously.

>> No.7978744
File: 5 KB, 125x203, 1364943361273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I see a fatty trying to do a fit cosplay
Why the fuck does nobody stop them?
Why do I have to be mentally scarred because you think your jelly rolls are cute?

>> No.7978748

Yeah but why not just get your boyfriend to do stuff.

>> No.7978750

both need to be shot.
especially the one who is still whining about it.
do you even cosplay or lolita fucker

>> No.7978751

I like looking at cosplays.

>> No.7978753


>> No.7978754

No boyfriend. Besides, it's a quality of life thing. Do you want to be forced to stay inside the same room for the rest of your life? I want to have some semblance of a life offline, right now my life is pretty much like Yume Nikki.

>> No.7978755

Because you are.
You're sitting here bitching about how you aren't getting what you want and belittling others.

Autism isn't an excuse to be a bad person.
It's an excuse for bad behavior, sure, because you physically can't socialize properly,
but even if you can't socialize people can pick up on the quality of your character.

>> No.7978757

>No boyfriend
lol what a loser. how pathetic can you be.

>> No.7978765

especially when said idiot is acting like a child shitposting this thread, it would seem fitting that he's treated like one online and off.

>> No.7978766

Pretty much. See why I kept trying to kill myself? I have the suicide thing managed enough that I'm no longer an immediate risk, just at high risk. Don't worry though, I'm planning on sterilizing myself as soon as I find a doctor who will do it on someone so young. It's my "happy medium" to eliminate myself from the gene pool without dying.

>> No.7978768

It sounds to me like the situation where you can actually get pregnant is something you'll just naturally never find yourself in. I don't think you need to bother with surgeries

>> No.7978771

>need to be up early tomorrow
>ADHD and anxiety making sure I get no sleep again
>it's been two fucking weeks
>maybe I soul just take my muscle relaxer, it always knocks me out
>can't stand the thought of relying on medicine to function
>I'll end up doing it one way or another anyway

Maybe I should finally try going on meds, clearly therapy and coping t techniques alone aren't cutting it. Fuck. I'm going insane, I can't sleep if I know I need to be up at a certain time the next day because I'm so worried about oversleeping I wind up wired. Then I get a migraine from not sleeping an can't sleep the next day because of the migraine.

>> No.7978773

better safe than to bring a child into the world who functions lower than I already do. I've had boyfriends before so it isn't totally out of the realm of possibility. I have one of those nifty arm implants right now that are idiot proof and 99.9% effective, but I'd rather be completely sure.

>> No.7978775

Sort of unrelated but how was it getting that implant? I'm thrinking about switching from the shot but I am so scared of needles. I don't have to see them stab my butt.

>> No.7978776

Valerian root, try it. I like it because it allows me to sleep rather than makes me sleep. I had to stop taking it because I'd sleep through my alarm clock though, so try it on a weekend. I've tried ambien, benedryl, otc sleep meds, some old school antidepressant that starts with a "t" and a few other things. Nothing works as well as valerian root at 1/3 the dose.

>forever sleep deprived because no other sleep med works

>> No.7978782

I started vaping because the nicotine calms me down enough to sleep and helps me focus in things instead of my mind being all over the place , but coming off even just a little makes me feel fucking terrible. I don't get why anyone would choose to smoke, jfc. It works alright when I'm going to bed because I sleep through the feeling awful bit.

>> No.7978784

It's not bad at all and you don't have to worry about it for two years. I can bend it under my skin, which I think is cool, but it didn't hurt worse than a flu shot and didn't scar. Have you had your ears pierced? It feels like that mostly. if you've been on birth control before, research it and talk to your doctor. I chose it over that shot you need every three months or so and the cervical implant because of side effects. The short momentary pain is worth the peace of mind imo. Pills have too high of a fuckup rate for me to consider them, though I was on seasonal for a while. I also have had one period since last year, which is awesome.

>> No.7978788

People like that are just selfish.
They don't look towards themselves to fix what's broken, they look to drag others down instead.
Because in their minds, it IS our fault he isn't getting his dick sucked for saying he liked her tits.

These guys are shit and never improve because they aren't honest with themselves. They aren't
some stoic introvert, or some dark and mysterious lone wolf, they're failed extroverts who desperately want to get laid.
I've heard it all from them, about how that isn't what they want, or they just want love, or a pure maiden or some shit.

Lie to yourself all you want, you're just upset that you aren't getting poon.

The real kicker though is that being a virgin, or alone, or anything really isn't actually that big of a deal.
They deny living the normalfag life is what they want, but they hold it on such a pedestal. It's because
they don't even know why they want to have what they don't in the first place. They just want it because they don't have it.

And that's why they'll remain forever unhappy until they have a bit of insight, because the people they're jealous of don't put nearly as
much thought into what they're doing as these guys do. They're doing what makes them happy, and these guys think that something they
hate is the key to their happiness.

>> No.7978791

Personally all I want is for women who post about their feels to understand that had they lost the genetic coinflip and been born a man, but were otherwise the exact same person, their current standard of a "bad feel" would be heaven in comparison.

>> No.7978799

nicotine is actually the first thing they tell you to avoid in a sleep hygiene class. Also, if you don't live in a studio or dorm, only use your bedroom for sleep and sex. Avoid physical exercise for an hour before bed or drink before bed. Drinking before bed causes you to have much less restful sleep than if you were sober. If you can't sleep after more than twenty minutes or start getting restless, get out of bed and do something relaxing. Have a cup of non caffeinated tea and read a book. Electronic screens stimulate your brain so don't watch tv or read on your phone. These aren't set in stone rules, I live in a dorm so my activity is regulated to my bed, and turning on a Netflix documentary about something I already know helps if I can't get my brain to stop working. Having a routine before sleep also helps as does writing out the thoughts thoughts that are keeping you awake. I also sometimes play white noise if I can't have my fan on because it keeps things from being too quiet.

If you google search sleep hygiene you'll find a lot of helpful info I didn't cover. If you still have trouble sleeping, see a doctor to make sure you don't have an underlying cause.

>> No.7978813

>underlying cause

The whole issue is the ADHD/Anxiety thing. I already do all the basics, except nicotine because at this point I just want to fall the fuck asleep.

My mind races toi much to fall asleep, and then I start to worry about not sleeping enough, and then the anxiety kicks into overdrive and my heart starts pounding and... It's all downhill. Two or three puffs on my ecig calms my brain down enough to fall asleep most nights when I have trouble, I just... I hate relying on any kind of substance. I hate it. Prescribed medication is just probably a better option at this point.

>> No.7978821

so to do so you ride on every feel post saying

fuck off

>> No.7978823

Who Freud, that sure is a whole wall of text for someone who posted less than 20 words.

>> No.7978827

I also have diagnosed anxiety issues and honestly the documentary has worked on the worst of nights. Stimulants even me out, but I still struggle with sleep. I take adderall because of attention issues, but a cigarette before bed disturbs my sleep too much. I still suggest valerian root, it's over the counter and doesn't cause a pill hangover like others do. Just do a test period before you take it on a work night because of the whole sleeping through the alarm issue. I still take it on nights where I'm crawling out of my skin and just make sure to set a really loud, obnoxious alarm for a few different times before I wake up. I have one for a 30 minute warning, a 20 minute, and the time I actually have to wake up because I have a hard time waking once I finally get to sleep. This helped me go from two hours of sleep a night, sometimes not sleeping at all, to six hours of sleep. Every person is different though, and experiment to see what works and what doesn't.

>> No.7978829
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 10850644_10204594605318316_1182931293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lolita friend's birthday coming up, I want to have a custom teaset cake made for her.
> I ask work colleagues for recommendations and post on a local goods and services fb group.
> Get a few responses so I send some PMs asking for price ranges and examples of work
> "Hi I'm looking to get a cake commissioned for a friend's birthday, can I see some examples of your work?"
> "I don't know what commissioned means but I make cakes lol!"
> She sends an example of her work, it's pic related.
> A fucking three wolf moon cake.

>> No.7978835

that's ugly as sin. Go to an Asian bakery and buy a mousse cake. They look like something out of an anime. If you live in Portland, the meianna bakery in fubonn makes some really pretty ones.

>> No.7978836

Well it's true isn't it?
Based on this thread even the most severely "depressed" and "socially anxious" women are pretty much guaranteed an active social life with multiple relationship partners just for being women.

So yeah I don't think people who are physically incapable of having a life below midway-quality even if they try and qualified to understand.

>> No.7978837

Pretentious posts like this are how serial killers are made. Fuck. I was agreeing for a while, but you guys are acting just as bratty as he is with this shit.

Also you don't know shit about shit and it sounds like might as well be saying "as a psych major" in front of everything.

>> No.7978841

I'm UK based sadly, I live in a pretty small city, we don't have any Asian bakeries unfortunately so I'm stuck asking small cake shops and commissioners.

>> No.7978843

Only people from /r9k/ think that women will still have friends and shit. Also, only stupid girls who don't know anything will think that dudes are just jellybitter cause virgins.

Fuck guys, can't we just get along? This is what retard feminazis want, useless hate. This dynamic just feeds into the hate. It feeds into guys thinking women are 'bitches an whores' who have it easy and that guys who complain about anything are angry betafag neckbeard virgins. Stop the hate, it's what they want.

>> No.7978851

/r9k/ ruins another /cgl/ feels thread.

>> No.7978885

>watching porn
>see super cute asian girl
>realize that my chances of having sex with an asian girl like her are very small
>realize that even if I leave my girlfriend my chances of getting an asian gf are very small
>consider paying an escort just to get the chance of fucking an asian girl like that
I've been feeling this for almost a week now.

>> No.7978887

Well that's just no fun.

>> No.7978893

>Personally all I want is for women who post about their feels to understand that had they lost the genetic coinflip and been born a man, but were otherwise the exact same person, their current standard of a "bad feel" would be heaven in comparison.
This is so true.

A guy with the same personality would just be treated like shit by society and would never get a gf to save his ass.

But keep telling yourselves that it's because of your personalities and not because you were born women.

>> No.7978895

You forgot sieg, the master of all faggots

>> No.7978902

>unironically talking about "privilege"
/r9k/ and tumblr are figuratively two sides of the same coin.

>> No.7978905

> They've asked me to be their significant other before in front of our friends.

That's some important information you left out. I bet your friend considered a date.

>> No.7978914

>service dog
Bitch go outside and see a doctor

>> No.7978933

My life is shit, I really need to take some things off of my chest but no friends. I also don't speak the language of the country I'm living in enough to pay a therapist to listen to me. What do I do.

>> No.7978935

Just talk to your boyfriend about it and have him take you out to dinner and buy you something.

>> No.7978936

What if my boyfriend is part of the problem?

>> No.7978939

Get a new one

>> No.7978940

Where do you live anon? And where are you from?

>> No.7978944

Too much work.
I'm living in Japan and come from Italy.

>> No.7978951

Maybe take up lessons? I'm sure you could learn the language in no time. In bocca al lupo!
>Sorry, I'm from Oireland, that and "porco dio" are all the Italian I know

>> No.7978959

Oi anon anche io vivo all'estero e normalmente vado da una psicoterapeuta, chiaramente essendo una completa estranea ti capisco se non vuoi darmi retta, ma se ti serve qualcuno con cui parlare di robe varie poaso provare a darti una mano.

>> No.7978960

Yeah I'm already taking lessons but talking about feelings and insecurities will probably be out of my league for a long, long time.

>> No.7978962

Just say it here. We're all just anonymous

>> No.7978967

Grazie per l'offerta ma mi sentirei molto a disagio ad ammorbare un'estranea coi miei problemi. Però è bello vedere altre italiane su cgl.

I'm so pathetic I'm ashamed to even admit it anonymously. But maybe I'll come back to this thread later.

>> No.7978968

In my opinion being afraid to share your thoughts with completely anonymous strangers is more pathetic than any problems in your life.

But even more pathetic than that would me mentioning you have problems but then refusing to mention any of them in hopes of stirring up concern from people to get pity or attention

>> No.7978973

Yeah, sorry. That's why I said I will come back later, because I feel like I have attracted too much attention by behaving like an idiot. I should have just written my problems but it came ot as a disgustingly boring wall of text and I deleted it.

>> No.7978975


>> No.7978976

you sound like a mad cunt

>> No.7978977

Take the meds, trust me the first time I took them I had an inner crisis over it and tried to suicide. I dropped out of therapy and everything. The second time I went back onto them which was just recently I felt better, I would prefer taking four tiny pills a day then to go back to what I was before. It just wasn't worth it.. On a side note
> my stomach became huge and hard when I had anxiety/other for about two years.
>Then when I started my meds I went to the toilet had a butt exorcism and seriously my stomach shrank back down t o before that...What the hell happened and is that normal? Heh it made me giggle a bit.

>> No.7978978

Capisco, non preoccuparti. Infatti, mi rincuora vedere altre italiane su cgl, se non altro ci siamo, anche se sparse in giro. Certo che però chi ti ha risposto prima di me non brilla per gentilezza eh... Io ti consiglio di provare comunque a postare qualcosa, magari più tardi se ora non te la senti, perché aiuta. Comunque, anche io non ammetterei determinate cose neanche su internet perché ho paura, non è così assurdo, anche solo rileggerle mi darebbe fastidio.

>> No.7978979

kek I bloat easily as well
>people sometimes think I'm pregnant
>but whenever I eat ice cream or nuts I have the Devil's diarrhoea and my arse erupts so hard I get haemorrhoids just thinking about it
It could be hereditary, my mam has that as well

>> No.7978980

Maybe she doesn't want to share because people like you will shit all over her unnecessarily, for her own personal choices. Did you ever think of that? Did you ever think it might be scarier not to talk to strangers who don't know you because cunts like you will take it as a personal offense? How low is your fucking self esteem, bitch?

>> No.7978984

Well her plan to stir up sympathy certainly worked.

>> No.7978985

I don't give a shit about her one way or the other but no one likes a dumb cunt.

>> No.7978986


>> No.7978987

She's a person, not an evil mastermind with a "plan". Stop being such a bitter asshole.

>> No.7978991

that's not a cunt thats sad /r9k/-kun bitching and latching onto everyone's post

>> No.7978993

Grazie per le belle parole, sei molto gentile e anche solo questo mi fa sentire meglio. Magari torno nel prossimo feels thread, perchè in effetti ho una gran voglia di parlare anche se il mio problema risiede soprettutto nella mia incapacità di comunicare. Che paradosso!

>> No.7978996

Dudes can be cunts too, anon.

>> No.7978998

Congratulations anon! Good job on toughing it out with unbearable work people.

Get yourself some kind of dream dress with your new money! Strut your stuff!

>> No.7979008


Personally I'd hate to blow all my cash on one burando dress if I couldn't afford anything to go with it or end up with that being the only thing I could wear for a long time. If you have a good eye you can separate the crap from the good shit at bodyline. Or at least get some filler like different blouses or shoes to wear with your one piece of burando.

>> No.7979052


>Also autistic

>Have a cat after 17 years of my mother bitching at my dad to let us get one because they're not a thing anymore and she longer feels obliged to put up with his unjustified animal hatred

>1000x better therapy/motivation than 8 years of actual therapy

Go get ANY dog from a shelter. You don't need a soecially trained service dog

>> No.7979057

>Everyone expects I like anime and manga because I'm japanese
>I don't like it
>People still insist

We have any interest aside anime, did you know?

>> No.7979062

What are you on cgl for? Lolita?

>> No.7979064

Well once you eliminate cosplay it is the one other thing in the boards title, so I would guess so.

>> No.7979065

Makeup threads, mori, and for stuff from taobao.
Lolita sometimes.

>> No.7979067

>First print brand dress comes in
>Owned some other brand, but it's all solid colors
>Literally cries not just because it's so beautiful, but my dress came after a shitty 8 hour shift at my retail job
>Have everything to coord it with and it looks nice
>mfw I won't be able to wear it for awhile because of job


>> No.7979073


Same here anon. My mind has always raced over anslyzing absolutely everything I did that day, the things I have to do tomorrow, the innumerable things I will probably fuck up in the future. I start making shopping lists, to do lists and start feeling hyper-aware of every part of my body that could only be uncomfortable the moment I lay down to sleep...

I hate the way nicotine makes me feel. Smoked cigs for 2 and a half years before starting to smoke weed. Realized the cigarettes were never actually helpful. I participated in a university study where I had to puff an e cig for 30 seconds and thought I was going to pass out.

The bf used to have to get drunk to sleep, but the quality sucked and he'd be up needing to pee.

Cannabis Indica helps me get to sleep. And eat. And with chronic pain. And anxiety. And hypnagogic hallucinations. And my blood pressure whilst on birth control pills. But mostly it's great for a night of undisturbed, comfortable sleep.

>> No.7979102
File: 7 KB, 139x135, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on ILD, only have an hour to get ready before the party starts

>> No.7979248

i need your help, girls

>going out with a girl that does cosplay etc.
>her birthday is close
>want to give her something cosplay related but i don't know anything about it, i just know she's going to cosplay Marceline from Adventure Time

to make it feels related

>want to cosplay
>can't because do it because everyone in Law thinks that being anything different from the usual is a sign of a shitty lawyer it would hurt a lot my chances of getting a raise because they would think i'm weird etc.
>fuck my life

>> No.7979259

I have 3 cats. They have been more of a help getting over trauma than any person ever has. They know when I'm feeling sad and they come cuddle with me. Animals are the best.

>> No.7979261

Sorry that this isn't entirely related to /cgl/, I really just need to vent cause I'm extremely upset
>Order a super cute 3DS pouch and a figure set from Amiami back in november
>Gets shipped out on the 4th and 5th
>Tracking would have made both things 3 times as expensive so I chose not to because I've shopped with them multiple times with no problem
>Every time I've bought stuff from them, it's arrived within 1 - 2 weeks
>Nearing the 5th week of waiting, nothing here yet
>Post office tells me they can't do shit and to ask the shop
>Amiami tells me they can't do shit and to ask the post office
>My country is slowly getting blacklisted by one seller after another because packages who gets sent here ~mysteriously~ disappear
>Both items I bought are now sold out everywhere and the figure set was a group order so now I'm owing people money as well if this shit doesn't show up soon
>Pre-ordered 2 3DS games that came out on the 28th november
>Shop is located two countries away, was promised a delivery time of 5 days max
>They're not here yet
>Neither is anything else I ordered in november
>fucking nothing

I feel pathetic but I actually broke into tears yesterday because of the hopelessness of this bullshit. I wish we had a second mail company in this country so I could actually tell them to go fuck themselves and not use them anymore.

>> No.7979293

>so lonely
>boyfriend and family and employer and extensive network of friends
Bitch, you don't know lonely.

>> No.7979303

Cosplay Finn with her dude, and it's just a hobby, no-one should put you down for your hobbies. Your cosplaying shouldn't bleed into your job anyway so I don't see a problem.

>> No.7979316

>feeling anxious about anxiety medication

>> No.7979317

I work in a very, very conservative environment and have said my cosplay is a way to cheer up children in the community and people gobble that shit up.

>> No.7979319
File: 26 KB, 392x296, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to con raves and afterparties
>always invite a bunch of girls to my room afterwards
>always get a bunch to say yes
>more drinking and more 'fun' in my room
>lace everything with hypnotics and roofies
>no one thing has a big dose, but EVERYTHING is laced so girls start dropping like flies
>always make sure they call their friends to let them know they're in my hotel room
>always make sure to have them do this before they get knocked out completely
>eventually everyone but me in my room is in a drugged sleep
>spend the next 2-3 hours of my reliable drug induced slumber window to pose and use my little dollies before everything wears off and they go back to regular sleep
>don't go past just fondling a bit, never actually touch places that matter or clothes that can't be repositioned
>even if someone does check in on us they just think they partied too hard
>all this because I'm just a friendly girl and that's all it takes for them to drop their defenses to get date-raped
>laugh about how this would be impossible if I was a man
>tfw I love double standards

Honestly, I think I'll get caught eventually. Or maybe not. Who knows.

>> No.7979325

I think she's mocking someone in her life is doing this.

>> No.7979326

gr8 b8 m8 etc

>> No.7979335

It's the same thing as Bill Murray. It doesn't matter that it's real, no one will ever believe me. A fact that I count on, honestly.

>> No.7979343


>> No.7979396

lmao you aren't the equivalent of crippled just because you have a dick and "waaah girls have an unfair advantage why won't they date me!!"

Any social challenges you face end up being your own fault or because you literally have aspergers

>> No.7979472

I do because I'm not high functioning enough to take care of basic needs that involve leaving my dorm. It's a quality of life thing, if I have to take 2mg of Xanax to leave the house and still panic it's a big problem. I'd just get a pet if I didn't need one to the tasks that an appropriate service animal does. Like recognize a meltdown before it happens, keep people from bumping into me in buildings, recognize nightmares and respond accordingly, remind me to take my medication, deescalate anxiety situations ect. I qualify for one, i just need to get the balls to talk to my psych about it after I get residential treatment because I've done all that I can in an inpatient setting. A service animal would help my symptoms enough to get a job and not have to be on welfare, because I can't really work now and wouldn't be if it weren't for a god damn contract. (Still waiting on corporate approval to be let go.) residential treatment plus a service animal would be optimal in my therapy right now because the doctors have pretty much done all they can.

>> No.7979566

These parallels don't exist. We're talking about a male and a female.

Only a minority of males should reproduce. This is the way it has been for over 200 thousand years.

tl;dr: nobody cares about a lonely man

>> No.7979702
File: 13 KB, 341x264, 1417587268420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979760
File: 142 KB, 640x480, 1388128858679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault though. When you're born a woman (something completely out of your control) you just never have to face social challenges to begin with.

>it's not a double-standard because of a double-standard
lol ok

>> No.7979762

>local comm having a holiday meetup next week
>really want to go
>have never been to one of their meetups before
>"festive" coords encouraged
>afraid my coord won't be good enough and i'll be judged
>i'm a good bit younger than most of them
>torn between desperately wanting to meet other local lolitas and fearing their judgment

>> No.7979763

Bullshit, asshole. Social skills still matter.

I'm size zero, double D boobs, blonde hair ... and I am 18 and NEVER been kissed OR EVEN HELD HANDS. So fuck off with this bullshit. The only people who have ever asked me out have been fat unattractive guys with lots of BO. I guess I could date one of them, but you could so date a fat chick with BO too ...

And more importantly I spent every lunch all through high school TOTALLY ALONE or being bullied by fat nerdy chicks because they had more social skills than me as an (at the time) undiagnosed aspie. Social skills matter for women too and I have never had a real friend in my entire life and it fucking sucks. I have never had a social situation that wasn't stressful as balls so fuck off with your assumptions

OK sorry but my social life has been utter hell since age 5 so I am sick of these assumptions that because you are female or even "attractive" you have it made ... NOT SO.

>> No.7979769

>and I am 18
You're just a child. Haven't even gone through college yet.

>> No.7979777

Anon, as long as you're nice I'm sure they'll be very kind back! Half the reason comms are judgmental towards girls isn't because they're ita or "not good enough", it's because they're rude/bitchy/unwilling to learn/don't know how to behave in public. Go and have fun and make friends!

>> No.7979778

Every other girl in this thread has managed to have boyfriends (yes, plural) even while being complete shut-ins that never leave their house besides the absolute necessary tasks.

Methinks you just aren't nearly as attractive as you think, are probably a straight up unpleasant person to be around (as opposed to simply shy or awkward) and have unreasonably high standards.

>> No.7979783

Then I'm gonna be forced to assume you have a tiny dick, bad BO, facial deformities, morbid obesity, and the social skills of a 5 year old retard, or else you'd have a GF.

PS - there is a thing called LYING or having NO STANDARDS which i already addressed. if you want to have a gf, you could easily find a fat cheating alcoholic bitch with BO, but no, your premature balding self probably isnt satisfied with that. dont ask for empathy if you dont offer any motherfucker. id stick a menstrual clot in your drink if i knew you IRL

go fuck yourself you tinydicked monstrosity

>> No.7979784
File: 66 KB, 433x492, 1412600991239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite /cgl/ feels but:

>Ulta won't ship my shit
>My Lorac Pro isn't here either
>Viral infection made me weaker than PT's bitching
>Lost my favorite bow
>Not sure if my antidepressants are working better since upping my dose

>> No.7979787

lol serious pot kettle action here. even stephen hawking gets laid on the regular. so i'm pretty sure all your own suggestions apply equally to yourself. having a penis is just a copout from pussies who cant get up the balls to approach anyone.

>> No.7979790

lol u cant really be confused about ur own body or boob size or ur hair color ... she didnt say that she was hot overall ... but btw ur claim was no woman has social problems ... now ur backpedaling and amending it to be basically "hot, socially competent women dont have social problems." yeah neither do hot socially competent men! what does that say about u?

>> No.7979793

Getting a relationship is easier for women. I admit it.

Now you guys can go home.

>> No.7979794

>shut-ins that never leave their house besides the absolute necessary tasks.
>socially competent

Is that how you read that?

>> No.7979808

I don't really give a shit about women.

I guess I just don't appreciate watching people with cheatcodes complaining about the game being too hard.

>> No.7979811

dont have severe autism = socially competent compared to someone with severe autism

men dont have a harder time at dating. they just expect us to have no standards while every last one of them wants supermodels

>> No.7979817

And I guess I just don't like watching people who are too retarded to analyze basic psychology or trends or recognize confirmation bias in action blasting their middle school dating opinions like they have any idea what the fuck they're even talking about.

>> No.7979821

how is it a cheat code when u admit ur only talking about hot women tho? guess what? hot men can just stand there alone at a bar and get women throwing themselves at them or be propositioned for 3somes. ive seen it happen. so what exactly is the difference? uggos of both genders have trouble, its just u dont care about female uggos

>> No.7979829

Here's the basic truth about men and women. Attractive, charismatic, or likeable (or famous or rich) members of both sexes can get laid easily. Every attractive man I've ever known who puts himself out there is being propositioned every single night of the week. Something an average looking female like myself can't relate to at all.

It's just that if you're awkward or ugly, it feels like dating is just plain hard. But that's because all the *ahem* promiscuous women are throwing themselves at the hotties and richies. Awkward or unattractive women tend to feel the same way, that the stories about men being sex crazed are bullshit. Because all the confident sex crazed males are out there throwing themselves at the charismatic or hot women as well!

Fact: If you're having a problem dating, the place to look is in the mirror, either literally or figuratively (your personalityyyy.) Plastic surgery and therapy are available to all Praise be to God and our modern technology!

>> No.7979833
File: 64 KB, 602x751, 1417852796954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just expect us to have no standards
Right cause it's totally men trying to force fat acceptance and movements like that.

>while every last one of them wants supermodels
lol. women on dating sites rate like 80% of the men they see as "below average"

Probably because everything you just said is a straight up lie.
Even bottom of the barrel women have an easier time than 75% of men.

>> No.7979840

They had the same opinion as me that some other Anon's said.
It wasn't a date, we were just hanging out and making the most of a series of events.

>> No.7979851

>Make two separate deposits on fromjapan of 7k yen
>One's bidding period expires, so I go to release it so I can readd it
>It releases both deposits
>it will take over a week for the deposits to appear in my account
>All the shit I want will be gone by then
>I can't afford to make new deposits from my bank account right now

>> No.7979868

>nine hour shift at work today
>coincides with AP USA's release of Sugar Dream Dome
>don't even want Celestial, just want fur trim jsk in sax
>specifically request one of my 15 minute breaks at 2:55pm

>time arrives
>attempting to shop on my phone
>"Down for maintenance"
>spend the majority of my break refreshing my phone
>~8 minutes after scheduled time, the release begins
>log in
>1-2 minute load for each page
>go to put the sax jsk in my cart
>server timeout
>go back
>item is no longer there

Fuck AP.
But at least I actually got some Christmas shopping done. The money I didn't spend on the dress went into my 20% employee discount today.

>> No.7979870

Sorry bro ur just ugly. This is false as hell.

If you were a hot or even average dude you'd know this.

>> No.7979874

Provaci, se proprio poi non te la senti puoi sempre lasciare stare, ma fra le varie persone che ti assalgono senza motivo sono nascoste anche un sacco di ragazze molto disponibili e gentili! Io ho ricevuto un sacco di aiuto qui, spero sia lo stesso per te. Ti auguro buona fortuna con tutto!

>> No.7979879

Sorry sis but girls lives are just easier.

If you were a dude of any level of attractiveness you'd know this.

>> No.7979902

I know it's just anecdotal (and no, I'm not who you're replying to), but my guy and I have had similar experiences with the ease of dating people and he and I are roughly the same level of attractiveness. Some dudes do have it easy.

>> No.7979916

But that doesn't change overwhelming general trends.

I'm gonna guess you and also every "lonely" girl in this thread who complains about how depressed, autistic and suffering from social anxiety they are but who all still have and have had multiple boyfriend, were all asked out by the guy.
This simply would not happen if you were a guy. If you're a guy who's just barely too nervous or scared to ask a girl out, then expect to be alone. Unless you were lucky enough to be born highly attractive AND lucky enough to meet a very particular girl, nobody will ever reach out to you.
And don't even think about it if you're a guy thats autistic or depressed or suffering from social anxiety.
Oh and to top it all off, all those people giving you sympathy now because you're a woman would be mercilessly attacking and insulting you for being otherwise the exact same person except born a man.

>> No.7979921

>too nervous or scared to ask a girl out
Oh yeah, because lord knows no women ever ask men out and being introverted and socially anxious actually isn't a common personality trait that many people can look past.
>wah "lonely" women dun exist
Yes, they do. Some women live and die alone like how some guys live and die alone. So piss on your self-righteous indignation.

You sound like a bitter robot. Why don't you go back to your homeboard where you'd be more comfortable in your echo chamber of banter?

>> No.7979926

Don't bother with dudes like this. They're under the impression that if they could walk up to someone and ask for sex (and get it), they would never be lonely. Those are always the saddest people.

>> No.7979927

As I've already said.

But that doesn't change overwhelming general trends.

Oh and lets not forget the "attacked and insulted for being the exact same person except born a man", which you do immediately after I mention it as if that will somehow disprove me.

>> No.7979936

>be me.
>organizing wigs and getting them on heads and out of bags.
>find wig for a costume I plan to re-wear at next con
>realize the size adjuster on the inside has broken and is now just hanging lifelessly at the bottom.
>whatevs. don't need it.
>notice a bit of hair is hanging strangely.
>weft is literally snapped and is now falling off.

T_T what I get for buying a wig from eBay.

Trying to decide if it's worth my fixing, since I had to restyle the bastard anyway.

>> No.7979982

Ugh that girl is so dumb.
>Replicas are fine if its hard to find the original!
>How do I google currency converter?
>Brand is too expensive

>> No.7980007

I've asked almost every single person I've dated out myself, I think only two of them asked me out. I also haven't been posting in this thread until that post you just replied to. One of the guys I asked out and dated for a little while was so socially awkward and hissed at me when I first tried to talk to him. He was cosplaying Squall and I was cosplaying Quistis so I talked to him a couple of times even though he was acting like an angsty shit.

>> No.7980033

>making some christmas gifts
>accidentally bump iron that I left next to me to cool
>just turned it off
>instant blister

>> No.7980037

file a claim. like, now.

>> No.7980053
File: 52 KB, 398x445, angry elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spider-kun just wanted Bald Guy Senpai to notice it.
>Senpai is disgusted by spider-kun and strikes pider-kun
>Spider-kun died after being crushed from rejection

Fucking humans.

>> No.7980243

Fuck spiders

>> No.7980385
File: 495 KB, 500x285, taiga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diagnosed with social anxiety and depression at thirteen.
>Goes to therapy. Gets meds. It's okay-ish.
>Crazy mother refuses to take me to therapy anymore.
>Be fourteen. Completely snap. Fun times are had at ER.
>Mother is constantly saying I'm just an attention whore.
>Drop out of high school.
>Didn't leave house for two years, or even really my room for that matter.
>Worked on anxiety with baby steps.
>Turned eighteen, got GED, and then got a job.
>Nineteen now. Struggling to get some more independence from my mom.
>Incredibly lonely. No irl friends.
>Wants to join a local FB group, but doesn't have a FB.
>People will think I'm weird if I join a group with a new FB with zero friends.

I'm just so lonely. I just want a friend I can do little things like playing games, walking around, or just having a cup of tea with. I haven't had anyone to do with that irl since I was twelve... I don't even have family I could add on FB to make myself look less weird. I'd also feel weird about openly using my full name.

>> No.7980390

Forgot to mention I was talking about a local FB group for lolita. Wearing it is one of the few things that make me feel happy.

>> No.7980467
File: 89 KB, 400x534, tumblr_n3cwd7ZkMo1qhyo6ho1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looking to vent, nothing more.

I don't know where I stand with my comm anymore, many of the girls are lovely and welcoming, few drama queens but nothing major.
Had a few events I helped run and I just look and the comm think Why am I doing this? I can't go to the events as my work doesn't let me take much time off and I live far away from most of the meeting points.
I still enjoy the fashion but the community side has me at a loss. I think next year I will leave the fb group and go it alone.
I think it's time I branched out and starting doing the hobbies and community groups that I enjoyed again.

>> No.7980725

Not the guy that started the whole "girls have it easier in relationships than guys", but
in some aspects females DO have it easy because normally you have to play the waiting game, leaving very subtle hints that you like the guy.
While the male is most of the times expected to take the first step, but how does he know when to do it or even if he should do it? Because (let's face it) sometimes those hints can be confussed with simple simpathy (or vice versa) and some of us are too dumb (and I'm guilty of it) to differentiate or spot those hints unless they were written on a neon sign. And so the question, does she like me? And if you think you are ugly, and etc you probably just assume that it's impossible and don't go foward, at least that's my case.
Most of times a guy won't ask the girl out because "what if she doesn't?"+ girls that ask her crushes out are somewhat rare, do the math.
BUT when you are attractive, that gives you a double advantage. First off, you have more probabilities to be liked by the girl; secondly, confidence fueled by the first one. And those guys who just stand and get the ladies as some posts said are also rarities, probably no male under 7/10 would have it THAT easy.
If I blamed anyone I would be a bit hypocrite though, because anyone has a crush on a person partly based on their body. Heck, one has to like its partner for her/his personality and her/his physical appeareance or the relationship would be shit.

>> No.7983575

Io sono italiana e vivo in Italia ma amo parlare di più in inglese che la mia madrelingua, specialmente online e su 4chan! Non so se ci sono molte lolita su questa board ma mi fa piacere che anche in Italian 4chan cgl è popolare in Italia!