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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 259 KB, 1024x1542, nonon_jakuzure_by_mstarzky-d7jllyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7968026 No.7968026 [Reply] [Original]

I want to do some more revealing Cosplay but like many cosplayers I have to hide certain... imperfections.

Any tips on hiding cutting scars?

>> No.7968034

why dont u make ur scars into a tattoo?

>> No.7968036

I need help with this too. I struggled from a lot of self harm issues and it's hard for me to wear short sleeve cosplays cuz I ask if it can be photoshopped cuz I can never cover it up too well
It's really hard to deal with

>> No.7968037

Of what, a forest?

>> No.7968050

Depends on the scars and locations but the girl in the pic could have worn flesh toned pantyhose and it would have done an adequate job of hiding scars.

>> No.7968055
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>> No.7968081

Good idea, but pantyhose would be too noticeable and weird for this cosplay. I mean, this is Nudist Beach. I think some decent concealer would be best, given that she set it so it wouldn't smear all over her.

>> No.7968091

I wore a nude colored pantyhose with my nudist beach nonon; It looked fine

>> No.7968092


Dermablend is really thick and helps for almost everything! (see video if you want)

>> No.7968158

you think it looked fine

>> No.7968171 [DELETED] 

You insecure weak minded retards would want to dress up as sluts. People who cut should just kill themselves since they're too weak to handle every day life.

>> No.7968177


>> No.7968179


>> No.7968207

why so edgy

>> No.7968225

You're so edgy you might cut yourself accidentally, then what would you do?

>> No.7968230

You could always see a dermatologist about resurfacing where you have scars. Actually removing the scars would probably help you more then just tying to cover them up and boost your confidence more too.

If she's who I think she is(based on who I've seen here that has done NB Nonon) it did indeed look fine.

>> No.7968234

if you have your bare ass on display people wont care about your scars

>> No.7968240
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>> No.7968247

>people wont care about your scars
I will. The scars are the trademark of broken bitches. I'll know that they are prime for a quick pump and dump. Cutters are the easiest whores.

>> No.7968266

be careful to not cut youself with this edgyness of yours

>> No.7968293

Concealer isn't going to help that much if the scars are just raised. In the original picture, they aren't discolored as much as they're raised. That's why really sheer, flesh toned pantyhose would be better for coverage.

>> No.7968596

I have them on my upper thighs and either deal with panyhose (I'm olive skinned so I match dance ones pretty well even if they are obvious in some cosumes) or accept that they'll be on show and use a mix of fake tan + concealer to hide them.
Removing a scar, esp if it's keloid like some self harm scars are, costs a lot and if she's just wanting it for cosplay then it's not worth paying almost $1.5k for lasertreatment or whatever.

>> No.7968615

I don't have any experience with scars but there's some inexpensive creams that are supposed to fade them?

>> No.7968624
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>> No.7968634

Bio oil makes regular scars fade but stuff that sticks out or sinks in wont be helped by it.

>> No.7968638

jesus christ that takes some balls to wear in public

>> No.7968652

can i maybe even dare to ask for help on hiding stretch marks? >inb4 fatty-chan its me growthspurt-chan

>> No.7968654

Nothin personnel kid

>> No.7968674
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I know that it is probably too late for this advice but always make sure to clean your cuts with soap and water and put polysporin on them to help them heal.
Bio-Oil really helps minimize scarring as well but you have to remember to put it on at least daily to help.
There are also scar strips that you can leave on for some time (but they tend to be expensive from what I know).

I would give dermablend a try.
I know Kat von D. had a tattoo cover up but I don't know how this would work with scars but might be worth a try.

>> No.7968676
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Don't cover them up. Cutting scars are hot.

>> No.7968681 [DELETED] 

I don't even like the character but that scar is HOT.

>> No.7968709

Well I was saying do it for you and not just for cosplay.

>> No.7968718

scars are hot, knowing they were mentally unstable enough to do it at some point, and then your just using them for their body oh god

>> No.7968736
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I agree with you but not quite as angry about it.

I do find it funny and am not surprised at all that some fag who cuts also wants to wear skimpy outfits. How about this. Stop being such a tool and caring so much about dumb little shit like scars or being a whore.

Lol not that those are necessarily true. But in a sense i agree people like this are kind of annoying. To me personally, to each their own but people are pretty weak these days it's pretty lame.

>> No.7968895

>I do find it funny and am not surprised at all that some fag who cuts also wants to wear skimpy outfits.
I made this connection too and found it pretty hilarious. It's like the whole "daddy issues" thing in one package.

>> No.7968937

i'm disappointed in all of you

>> No.7968960

And people like you should actually kill yourselves for being worthless pieces of shit so far below human you're actually worse than the methane-rich excrement which cattle ruin the earth with.

>> No.7968991

>i don't mean to sound insensitive and i respect other people's opinions but i think y'all fags
you sound like some unholy union of /b/ and tumblr. you're horrible.

>> No.7969017
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I work with animals and have tons of scars from them like on my chest, torso, arms. I typically apply foundation on them when cosplaying, almost the same with my face, primer first, a liquid foundation with strong coverage but the palest hue, then powder foundation to set. Friends all assume I have perfect skin but it's far from the truth.
>Tfw could never do this every day for a living.

>> No.7969115

I was actually at that convention, it was a great sight because I was walking 10 people behind her with my entry-level ingrates.

For those who want to know, this was at Anime North 2014 (The boxing ring was the shittiest event there but it was the only place to shit)

>> No.7969125

Just show off your scars

I think they are sexy, I always see on tumblr that one picture

"Who could love a girl with scars..."


>> No.7969128

I'm sure you look cute and the scars you see are not as bad as you might think.

>> No.7969142
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>> No.7969151
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>> No.7969163
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I cut too its not a one way street

>> No.7969312
File: 113 KB, 744x1024, Akane best3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right i knew chicks like this IRL i even dated one which is why i felt obligated to bring it up but not be all angry butt-hurt about it cause honestly,
Why would i care more than just the tiny fucks that i give?
When did i say I don't mean to sound insensitive? I have no reason to be malicious but I am certainly not pussyfooting around any ones little feewings.

As for respecting others opinion that must be earned it is not just inherent. Most people are fucking weak and pathetic and can't handle everyday life even though most of them are coddled little faggots who get all pissy if you aren't gender neutral trans queer bi cis.

Get my drift? I said something because I am tired of pathetic faggots like this who attention whore then bitch about scars they gave to themselves over some bullshit. *shrug* but again it doesn't affect me more than writing a few sentences so *shrug*

Where the Akane cosplayers at YO!

>> No.7969329

On a side note I don't mind /b obviously I am on the chins. But as for tumblr it breeds SJW's and not the tolerable kind. The kind that actually use stupid unnecessary terms such as Cis (that one always bugs the fuck out of me) How about this, a guy liking a girl, and or a guy who is attracted to females is NORMAL. Get the fuck over yourselves. Just because it might hurt some random fucks feelings to say that is a normal reaction, it doesn't make it not true. I don't care if you wanna go be a fag, do your thing, go be a fag. Just don't shove it in my face and try to force me to talk differently cause of how you believe or how you think of things.

That is why I respond the way that i do. Nothing really personally affects me but it is a pet peeve. So i point it out but not gonna get all angry over it. Intiendes? That means-Understand?

>> No.7969343


maybe cutting that shit out in the first place would've help


>> No.7969354

Why bother? No one honestly cares, you may as well own them. You are just cosplaying anyway

>> No.7969356

And you've added nothing to the conversation

>> No.7969686

I'm not the OP, but I need help with covering self-harm scars too, and the last time I cut was 6-7 years ago. For a lot of people, it's just a matter of hiding old ones you did when you were a shitty emo teenager, not a matter of hiding fresh ones.

>> No.7970655
File: 115 KB, 1076x1076, 10688082_800669616645221_6367619834003942301_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say never stick your dick in crazy but I disagree wholeheartedly. It feels too good.

>> No.7970702

>Any tips on hiding

>> No.7970703

Not him, but you realize you likely used the least situation-appropiate insult EVER, right?

>> No.7970729

It feels good when that crazy cuts off your balls too?

>> No.7970730

the joke

your head

>> No.7971379
File: 527 KB, 1145x1291, Easter__Akane__Bunny_by_Gate_the_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I am the one you responded to.

Could not agree more never understood why people said to steer clear of crazy. For me crazy makes my dick super hard. Especially with all the random shit my head enjoys for some reason.

Feels way too good and anyone who says otherwise obviously hasn't done the basic addition of Dick + crazy beech= Kaspoooooge! that's a SFW sentence right?

>> No.7971416

nobody is starring at the barely noticeable scars on your thighs

but they will at other stuff...nobody is looking for scars

>> No.7971782

For once you're right. OP, they're gunna notice your wigs shiny or your bodice is ill-fitted far before they notice your scars.

>> No.7971850
File: 34 KB, 625x352, Oh fuck me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By not being such an emotionally crippled fucktard who cuts themselves
Jesus these first world problems

>> No.7971860

healing lotion for scars

but I doubt you wanna get rid of them you special snowflake

>> No.7971881

>Dick + crazy beech= Kaspoooooge!

Confirmed 14yo virgin.

>> No.7971885

haha I know her

>> No.7971955

It's judgy but I kinda agree it's true.

>> No.7971994

why hasnt anyone posted Ledgers Joker yet?

>> No.7972040

Proof once again everyone on this board is a mentally ill degenerate.

>> No.7972108

The second you browse 4chan you're mentally ill so I don't see your point.

>> No.7972313

she has that i've fucked well into 3 digits, face skin though kinda oily-sheen but not oily

that texture that develops after you start fucking alot of people

>> No.7972314


>> No.7972319

I'm honestly more distracted by that nose ring than the cutting scars, it took me a moment to find them. Hell, my stretch marks are more distracting than those snowflake cuts.

>> No.7972329

> my stretch marks are more distracting than those snowflake cuts.

texting girl that wants to fuck

out of shit to say, half asleep

"i want to run my tongue on your stretch marks" -send

no response

never hear from her again

>> No.7972334

Im surprised she didn't give up on you earlier

>> No.7972346

gr8 b8 m8, at least my stretch marks look like I got clawed by a tiger or something equally badass. Thanks for the story

>> No.7972347

learn to not care. i use to be self conscious about the ones on my arm... heavily on one of them... until i ended up with someone would didn't care about it. most days i don't even think about them when i pick out an outfit and if i do, he reminds me to not worry.

>> No.7972350
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>> No.7972381
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This, anything that can work well enough to hide tattoos will definitely hide scars. That said, I wouldn't worry about people asking about scars; anyone who does that is just straight up rude. As for being true to the costume/character during a photoshoot, I'd just photoshop out any scars afterward.

Hope you're doing ok, anon!

>> No.7972632

So...is she cray?

>> No.7972655

Yes. She goes by Treazure Preshus on FB, babybitchbutterfly on tumblr and calls herself a 'perfect pretty pony princess anime babby' on her soundcloud which, by the way, has two songs and they are both terrifying.

>> No.7972691
File: 26 KB, 1280x720, [Over-Time] Blue Blazes - 03 [35C5F992].mkv_snapshot_25.05_[2014.11.20_22.10.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rap Star

>> No.7972734

this. I got bullied at a job for having some what noticeable scars.

>> No.7972740

>No one honestly cares
not true, people love to ask about.

>> No.7972925

People with names like that always have the worst daddy issues.

>> No.7972932

that's dead-on, really

>> No.7972936

When I was a teenager my dad saw my stretch marks and thought I was cutting myself. I was so confused! I like mac & cheese, dad! Not knives!

>> No.7973324

...this is actually pretty sweet. It's like Josip on Deck meets Iggy Azalea.

>> No.7973333

If your scars are on your legs, start waxing your legs regularly. Chemical peels, needling and other mechanical exfoliants also help to resurface your skin.

Waxing is what I've used and my scars are barely noticeable now after about a year. It takes time, but works.

Concealer won't cover up raised scars, and most cutting scars are raised. You're best to cover them up with sheer stockings as other people have said. Or just put off your cosplay until you can get the area treated.

>> No.7973335

>I like mac & cheese, dad! Not knives!
Either way you're hurting your body and he should be concerned.

>> No.7973339

>I like mac & cheese, dad! Not knives!

>> No.7973613

I don't think that costume would work if you had balls

>> No.7973658

I have about a thousand scars on my thighs but after about five years theyre pretty healed. like everybody can tell but people dont look at me like a burn victim anymore. the bae says they're not even noticeable but i dont know.

all the dermatologists and shit ive been to have told me they'll pretty much never gone away. but I want to fucking wear shorts again and I think im past the point of giving a fuck.
though now that im an adult im thinking about getting some second opinions.

>> No.7973678

Same with mine, I have them on each side of my thighs.

>> No.7973685

Burned arm victim here, my scars are pretty much tanned spots that faded away in the last 3 years but I used ointment to fasten the healing process and you can pretty much use it any time in the scarring period. You can order it with a doctor's permission and soon enough you will find the courage to wear shorts again. It worked wonderful on me, I wish I could show before and after but it's a blue board.

>> No.7973692

what animals do you work with that give you scars?

>> No.7973793

>Cutting yourself
Literally the stupidest shit ever.

>> No.7974152

Drugs are seriously a lot more fun.

>> No.7974170
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>tfw she squeals when you lick her scars

>> No.7974184
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And they're usually less bad for you, if you keep your nose out of the stupid shit.

>> No.7974206

Heres a FUCKING TIP -Don't fucking cut yourself you dumb cunt.- or how about this, don't be a slut, you don't have to show every inch of your body, you're only doing this for attention 100% if you really are in pain maybe you should suicide otherwise ride it out like the rest of us, TURNDOWN4WHAT

>> No.7975899
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Oh boy

>> No.7978702

>6'2 male
>arms fucked up with scars
>stretch marks on back and chest from having dropped 70+ pounds
>will never cosplay shirtless due to stretch marks

>> No.7978867

Hell... if people say anything. Tell them a tiger, or if your in the South, a mountain lion attacked you.

I've got scars. I've got a bunch. Not too deep... except a couple where I fucked up. Then again... my scars are from a very real mental disorder. The reasons for some but not all being that through the sacrifice of blood I atoned for my terrible misdeeds. Of course, spiritually speaking, my blood is worthless! And I never did anything related to a terrible misdeed. I've also got scars all over every part of my body because of an immune disorder. Staph scars...

So I'm bonkers. I have hundreds of scars. I seriously wouldn't worry. Otherwise, if it matches your skin tone, Kat Von D's makeup works great. Does Benefit still make Shelaq? You could set it with that.

I just think of mine as freckles. Anon, please don't worry.

>> No.7978884

Who hurt you so bad you couldn't love anon?

>> No.7978892

Who are you to say your scars mental disorder any more real than everyone else's? Sounds kinda special snowflakey.

>> No.7978913
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lol oh no. Someone on CGL doesn't think what i said is true! NOOOOO my life is over, i just need to end it now.

lol I'll tell my wife that she doesn't exist or my pup either. lol Whatever you gotta tell yourself.

Even 25 year old dingleberries can act like kids for fun. Plus the crazy bitch i dated was back in highschool. Either way I have no need or want to convince some random negrodamus.

Think whatever you want brother, makes no nevermind to me.

>> No.7978931

>Even 25 year old dingleberries can act like kids for fun.

i have the luxury of acting like a man child because i figured out how to use a condom, which afforded me the luxury to go to college rather than chase after a bunch of fucking brats while working low end service jobs and live paycheck to paycheck.

yall niggas play the new GTAv? oh wait no you didn't because you were working the night shift at kmart over thanksgiving and came home to a 9-10 year old who can't stand you

>> No.7978952

>a tiger attacked you
What kind of Down's Syndrome fucks do you hang out with that fall for that?

>> No.7978958

if you're going to lie about it come up with something beliveable

>was on period
>ex-boyfriend's pitbull clawed at my thighs trying to get to my snatch

if you've ever lived with a lazy/disgusting bitch before you know they leave tampons in the bathroom trash can where the dog can rip that shit up an leave bloody cotton bits all over the house like he killed TED

>> No.7979018

>ex-boyfriend's pitbull clawed at my thighs trying to get to my snatch
Pretty sure most people would rather admit they had a problem than say that.

>> No.7980056

>Step one: don't be mentally unstable
>Step two: don't cut yourself

Problem solved

Real answer is concealing makeup/flesh coloured leggings

>> No.7980061

>tiger or if you live in the south a mountain lion

Anon where the fuck do you even live

Actual wild tigers are pretty rare, and they live mostly in southeast asia.

Mountain lions (cougars, panthers, etc.) live all over the world.

>> No.7980064

(the stretch marks are from getting fat, not from losing the weight)

Captcha : Some hussy

>> No.7980073

>Be male
>Have a few minor scars on face and body
>Sometimes think about giving myself more with a penknife to look cool

Get on my level selfharm fags

>> No.7981902

>in college
>no kids
>don't want kids
>STEM major

I have so much time for vidya. I love it.

>> No.7981914

Don't do it.

Not because it won't look cool (it might!) but because people are going to ask you how you got them and unless you're prepared to lie every single time, you'll lose a great deal of their respect.

Self-harm for mental issues is understandable, self-harm for cosmetic/vanity reasons is completely beyond that. I imagine it's like what tattoos were back in the 40s/50s

>> No.7982113

Just keep them out since you're probably an attention whore anyways.

>> No.7986269


add an extra ammo belt or somethin over it

>> No.7986886

True. Back when I was too dumb to get professional help, eveytime I wanted to cut I'd take a few hits. Worked wonders.

>> No.7986906

>leave tampons in the bathroom trash can
where else are they supposed to put it? those things don't flush

>> No.7988950

i have cutting scars and i'm asexual, what now anon