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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 489 KB, 612x750, yjfyjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7967547 No.7967547 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a little smaller than the girl in the picture, looking to ease myself back into the fashion before I reach my goal weight.

Looking for inspiration, as well as some affordable options I can sell off when i'm done.

I know you all hate fatty-chans, but advice?

>> No.7967751

she isnt wearing lolita doe

>> No.7967756

She's not a Lolita. I don't mean this cruelly, but shes just so fat that it looks like she's wearing a petticoat

>> No.7967758

Sorry, as I said... not really into lolita anymore. I just grabbed a pic from google images.

My ~driimu~ is to one day make my own pretty princess sort of dress in a champagne colour, but the material would have a sheen to it. Is that acceptable in lolita? Once I lose enough weight to not look like a big, sparkly disco ball.

>> No.7967760
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>> No.7967765

Sounds like it could be a cute prom or even wedding dress, but not really lolita.

>> No.7967766


>> No.7967769
File: 106 KB, 360x500, Navy-And-White-Short-Sleeves-Punk-Cotton-Lolita-Dress-31799-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, it wouldn't be a prom dress.
Pic related... It's sort of the image I have in mind, but with gold material and a lot more of a hime-ish look to it. It's hard to describe, but I'm pretty sure it'd be classified as lolita in terms of style, just not sure about fabric choice.

Thanks! I'm probably closest in size to the second girl, Vanessa. I didn't know you could get brand.

For reference i'm 90kgs and 154cms. Fluctuate hugely between 80 and 90 though.

>> No.7967772

Here it comes again...

>> No.7967773
File: 232 KB, 480x640, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F48ed9ea5ea9f62e5ff29791bd57ee44f%2Ftumblr_n615u371us1s0s3nuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something hime Lolita might work?

>> No.7967784

I love that blue one! Do you know its name? I found the Mysterious Widow, but that doesn't have the same lace bottom.

>> No.7967785

If you don't have a clearly defined waist, don't even bother and wait until you've lost weight.

>> No.7967786

Found it, it's just the JSK. Sage for idiocy.

>> No.7967787

>Anonymous 12/01/14(Mon)00:35:14 No.7967785 ▶
>If you don't have a clearly defined waist, don't even bother and wait until you've lost weight.

I like to think I have a pretty defined waist. Most of my weight is in my stomach (muffin OTT) and thighs, as well as upper arms.

>> No.7967789
File: 17 KB, 236x347, 6fe6cbda51c0ebad1d89d8f3449d82bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Enchantlic Enchantilly (Chantilly). I hear they run large.

>> No.7967793

Gorgeous colour, but I don't wear puff/cap sleeves due to them making my arms look like sausages. I'll investigate and see if they have a JSK in the print/colour! Thanks nonny.

How do Shopper Services work, by the way? Is it just for ease when communicating with Chinese/Japanese sellers, or do some not ship outside their respected countries? I feel like I'm getting OT by asking this, though.

>> No.7967799

Some companies don't sell to overseas, for assorted different reasons, so you need a shopping service to buy it for you and forward the package to you. I've never used one, so I am not the best guide! Sorry! Some places don't need them and you can order directly, googling is your friend in this case because there are a decent amount of tumblr and livejournal comments that address specific shops. Also, certain shopping services really do help with translating!

>> No.7967800

Thank you! I have two friends who are Japanese, one of whom is around Tokyo area, but I'd like to order some taobao cheaper dresses because they're generally more size friendly? And wallet.

On topic: Are tights acceptable in lolita? I noticed that Enchantlic Enchantilly sells them and it would be so handy. Socks have always rolled down on me.

>> No.7967801
File: 380 KB, 500x751, infanta-cinderella-jsk-in-gray-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infanta Cinderella JSK

>> No.7967807

Yep! Tights are awesome! Especially if socks make your legs look weird like mine do!

>> No.7967826
File: 456 KB, 500x708, ELO0005-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elpress White Birch Forest

>> No.7967830


>> No.7967832

This is so beautiful! I know exactly what I'm buying after Christmas shopping is finished.

>> No.7967839

>90 kgs
>defined waist

Okay, so, what are your measurements?

Weight doesn't really tell us anything.

Also OP don't lie to us. Judging by eyerything you've said in this thread, you don't really know jack shit about lolita. You're not trying to ease "back" into the fashion, unless you were the biggest fucking ita before when you were interested.

>> No.7967843

Isn't that a milanoo stock photo? Top kek

>> No.7967847
File: 1.29 MB, 378x672, me spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that most of the hate on fatty chans is more that they may not make good co-ordinates, its the same with itas that are thin.

My biggest advice, as a Plus Sized lolita, is to just work really hard on your co-ordinates (I know that this is a no brainer for most lolitas), because if you are larger you will probably automatically be under more scrutiny (well this is how I feel anyways v.v).

As for advice:

If your sock tops have lace on them, make sure that when you put them on the lace doesn't stretch out too much so its not ruffled anymore. You may need to remove the origional lace and then add more lace to sock tops for more ruffle. Its something you may need to DIY. (this goes for wrist cuffs as well)

When styling your hair, avoid 'flat styles'. If your hair has a bit more volume it will make your body look more proportionate.

As dresses have to cover more surface area for bigger girls they will normally finish up very very short, so wear an underskirt.

If you have stretchmarks or cellulite on your legs that might peep out that you feel uncomfortable with, wear nude stockings even if your wearing knee or OTK socks.

Nice blouses will become a bit of an impossibility to fit the bust or bicepts, so a good way around this is to go op shopping for some blouses that would suit the aesthetic, sort of around your size, and turn them into dickeys. Use a cardigan to cover your arms, so it looks like you are wearing a blouse under your jsk.

Get wigs professionally cut buy a hairdresser (some lolitas of any size do this anyways). If you have a larger face, or moon face from excess weight, it is especially important to get your bangs cut in a flattering way.

Avoid thin straps on dresses as they will make your shoulders look broader. Also high waist, under-bust and empireline cuts as they will make you look bigger or pregnant.

Cardigans, vests and belts can help to define your waistline.

>> No.7967848

Don't waste your time or money on anything 'free sized' it either wont fit, or will be unflattering on plus sized lolitas.

Pic related, this girl in our comm is actually quite a large girl. Although this isn't the best co-ordinate for (it was for halloween), it illustrates that you can be a bigger girl and still pull off the look and look proportionate. So don't be disheartened! She is on the weightloss wagon too!

>> No.7967850

Don't wear socks if your legs are big, they'll only look bigger. Tights are way more flattering.

>> No.7967860
File: 53 KB, 553x454, 252406_10150285424976874_7601393s_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was a young teen
I didn't have disposable income or the means to travel like my current living situation requires me to do. So I don't know anything about SS, about the regulations on fabric and socks/tights or anything like that.

Pic related. First co-ord. Fatty on the right obviously.

Can't measure myself right now, but I plan to in the morning.

>> No.7967879
File: 127 KB, 1024x683, fluttershy_by_underbust-d7zq0p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7967885


>> No.7967887


>> No.7967898

She doesn't do Lolita. She does softcore fanservice

>> No.7968325

it looks like she has an ass for a chest

>> No.7968451

I recommend investing in chiffon blouses. There are some great indie places that will make them custom sized for you. I like the Floral Notebook (operates out of facebook). Cotton blouses are easy to come by, especially shirred ones but they can work badly on broad shoulders or bigger biceps.

Learn to balance your colors. If you are top heavy, you may want to go for darker tops and lighter on the bottom if you are very disproportionate. Likewise, if you have big legs, you might want to go for darker colors on the bottom and lighter on top. Though sometimes working this in with a coordinate can be difficult, but worth mentioning.

If you can get your dresses custom made, do so. Most all existing lolita items are made for small busts and small frames. There are workarounds (I love chiffon boleros). But few things are going to look great on you, especially if they from brands.

Spend a lot of time on your appearance. Work on your makeup, make sure your hair looks nice. Being bigger means you'll get more heavily scrutinized (online anyway) so I can't stress how important it is to make yourself look as well put together as you possibly can.

If you are planning on losing weight, buy items that you can fit into or almost fit into and can continue to wear while you are losing weight. If you have a 48" bust, don't go buy unshirred brand with the intent to fit into it some day. Instead, go with full back shirring or accommodating partial shirring. Then go a size smaller once you get closer. Obviously this poses a problem if you get a lot of things custom-made. I've had to sell a good deal of dresses and blouses that no longer remotely fit.

>> No.7968686

What is going on with your hair here anon? Can you swear on the loli bible that you will never tease something so terribly ever again?

>sexxxxxxxxxxy fluttershy
>flower crown
>ugly pose
>big tits that aren't nice looking
>closet cosplay
fuck off and die, twice if necessary.

>> No.7968727

Any other fatty chans planning on doing some weightloss stuff? Just today in instagram I found this "fit girls worldwide" thing that's supposed to be a 28 day ~jumpstart. Looks legit and not too fad-y, there's exercises and meal plans and stuff, and looks like most people lose about 10 lbs and is sustainable enough to return to again to lose more weight/modify for a longer period of time. Is anyone else going to try it out or has tried it in the past? I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs these next few months and this thing looks good since it has meal plans and exercises where I don't need to go to the gym (I'm unable to attend one on a regular basis during the week at the moment).

>> No.7968834

Am I plus size if my bust is 92cm and I'm about 117 pounds? I'm 5'1.

>> No.7968853

>5'1 117
>Am I plus size if I have a big bust?

I want to say yes only because you're kind of retarded. But no, large bust =/= plus size.

>> No.7968856

You'd be a size L at most places and can fit into most brand pretty easily so I wouldn't really consider that plus size.

>> No.7968871

no, just top heavy

>> No.7968879

nope, just stupid.

>> No.7968883

yup, planning on starting tomorrow, instead of waiting until January. I'm not going to follow any written out plan, just change my diet severely and start some light exercise. I'm trying to go gluten free since I eat so much bread stuff and that would severely cut out a huge source of calories. I'm planning on green smoothies in the am with a couple of baked eggs for protein, a salad for lunch, and a slightly heavier meal at dinner.

I fit into a lot of brand (dresses) now but I'd look a hell of a lot better if I were 30 pounds lighter. Fortunately my husband wants to lose some weight too, so we'll be doing this more or less together.

>> No.7969009

yeah I feel I would look a lot better if I lost 20-30 lbs as well. I've gained that in the past 4 years and it's mostly just my fault. I just need to follow a plan like this because I think it'd hold myself accountable better than I could just trying to do stuff on my own. I think the main thing for me is that I let my diet go to hell in terms of like, not eating enough on some days and eating too much on others and it fucked my metabolism up. good luck anon!

>> No.7969054

Thanks! Good luck to you too!

I'm like that too with the eating habits. But probably my biggest thing is that I started a new job this year and was eating out A LOT. And most of the time it was fast food, and I didn't make smart choices because I was stressed out and exhausted. Now it's time to get things under control now that I've been in the job for about a year and finally become the adult I've always wanted to be.

>> No.7969083

Back in October, I started walking/jogging three times a week, doing some light lifting, and counting calories with myfitnesspal. I've lost 13 pounds so far and I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I still have a ways to go but it's a good start.

Also: I've read that FGW is fairly similar to Kayla Itsines' program, which you can find the ebooks for free around the web. Just a thought if you don't want to spend the dosh.

>> No.7969088

I'm 5'5" 135 lbs. Is that considered plus size?

>> No.7969097

I feel like shit, I gained almost 10cm on my waist, dunno how it happenend. It makes me so unhappy that I have to watch every bite just to maintain my weight.

>> No.7969177

I've went from 210 to 145. Annnnd I've managed to regain about 15 over the course of almost 6 months. I'm hoping to get back to where I was in a few months and then finally reach my goals by summer. I'm moving soon, which means some lifestyle changes and more room to exercise as well as more space to actually cook my own meals rather than eating out so that should help a great deal.

>> No.7969190

Congrat anon! That's a huge difference. Keep at it, you'll make it

>> No.7969217

Over spring semester and into summer yeah...I can't do much until after this semester though.
I'll do what I had success with before: cal counting and lifting.

Requesting actual cute plus size lolitas for inspiration and hope that it isn't inpossible.

>> No.7969316
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>> No.7969327
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>> No.7969328
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This photo angle is really bad but other than that, it's cute.

>> No.7969332
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>> No.7969334
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>> No.7969336
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>> No.7969337
File: 464 KB, 1280x1308, tumblr_nd1jpy2RsJ1qbilw3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done, I think!

>> No.7969342
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>> No.7969345
File: 60 KB, 640x853, 10425007_10154803462055203_4799720410717145666_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My really cute friend

>> No.7969346
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>> No.7969347
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>> No.7969349
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>> No.7969351


look like potatoes, those fits are terrible for them
her legs are always so painful looking
there's a lot wrong with her coord here

>> No.7969355
File: 64 KB, 400x536, tumblr_ndwshg14jy1r06zydo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the last of the ones I have saved right now.

Biggest piece of advice? Know your measurements and spend the money to get stuff custom. Have a damn good bra and/or shape wear, just to smooth out the silhouette. So many plus-size lolitas, even some standard size with a larger bust, don't wear a good bra and that does no favors.

Cardigans and boleros, as well as fluttery or flow-y sleeves (general chiffon blouses) are your friend if you don't like your arms.

I can't be more specific without knowing your measurements, sadly.

>> No.7969363

I feel like >>7969345 would be greatly improved just by swapping to a knit pink cardigan or bolero, shoes of the same pink, and a basic headbow.

The bags, jewelry, jsk, and legwear are fine, if a little generic.

>> No.7969378

god DAMN

>> No.7969379

I wish I knew this girl's tumblr. I remember I had it but then I changed computers and it all went to shit.

>> No.7969383


>> No.7969394

Friends don't post friends on 4chan.
Btw she looks like shit.

>> No.7969402

Buy a corset, for a big girl like you it will improve your figure. There's no doubt about it
Get the corset it will be the best clothing purchase you will make.
Those high waisted puffy dresses make you fatties look even fatter. Like a balloon with no midsection. That princess look you are going for.. drop it. It's not for you, it's absolutely comical

>> No.7969453

Got my measurements. 117cm bust, 93cm waist. That's all that matters right now as I never look for anything fitted around my hips.

>tfw just ordered a dress but couldn't pick a colourway
>tfw mama says 'oh anon-chan, I'll get you one for christmas!'

>> No.7969476
File: 29 KB, 240x320, for da blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will fit in anything that it's back shirred (full back shirred), so if you like ap or btssb or IW you are safe, the problem is if you like j&J o MM.

photo related.

>> No.7969479
File: 20 KB, 269x256, 1396308073749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to mom about a skirt in haenuli's phantom of the opera print I really like but is just barely in my weight range and expensive (to me)
>mfw mom says 'If I found some of the fabric I could probably make it, it'll be your Christmas present'
Moms mean well, but if somehow she fucks up well that's what happens with moms.

>> No.7969482

Thanks! I love btssb, but I'd like to get down a little more before buying ~burando~ so that I don't have to resell it when I hopefully lose my goal weight.

>bought a bike
>got a lapband early this year so already -20kgs from start weight
>gameface applied

>> No.7969486


I'm so sorry anon but I laughed because that's exactly the skirt I am getting!
I'm sorry about your mum thinking that she can make a dress, but you could always teach her the basics before she starts sewing? There's a lovely fabric thread going on right now!

>> No.7969507
File: 218 KB, 253x750, tumblr_n250yrSYl51s9fgxmo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7969508
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>> No.7969509
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>> No.7969511
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>> No.7969513
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>> No.7969519
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mandatory goddes

>> No.7969521
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>> No.7969523


This girl is chubs but I would still smash

>> No.7969526
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>> No.7969527

She's super cute with a really round face but I think she's standard size, not plus size?

>> No.7969533
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>> No.7969535
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>> No.7969536

Not plus sized. Dem skinny legs.

>> No.7969537
File: 82 KB, 400x577, tumblr_neoifdJ9tV1qmrjl9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7969539
File: 78 KB, 350x600, tumblr_movlecmg1U1rdishdo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7969540

Fat chicks, when will they learn?

>> No.7969543
File: 64 KB, 400x528, tumblr_ne1vgtiDE61r5rdqjo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.7969548

What the hell is on her legs?

>> No.7969567

They're tights that have gems on them, it looks like.

>> No.7969574

DAMN! Too bad she got a horde of suitors already. =/

>> No.7969579

looks like barnacles

>> No.7969586

>on a landwhale

>> No.7969602
File: 106 KB, 567x446, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5"5' and no you are a not. A simple google search would pull you up charts that give you healthy weight spans for your height and sex. The maximum weight a female of your height could be (depending on fat distribution and muscle) is 156 lbs. (Pic related)

>> No.7969606

Pretty sure she's also MARRIED

>> No.7969616

You don't need to resell shirred brand if you lose weight, you can still wear it unless your goal is to look like a stick. I'm anything but overweight and a lot of my dresses are half shirred and fit me fine.

>> No.7969624

Hey guys, any advice on where to get printed tights that won't stretch and have their pattern fade (or worse, rip at the crotch!) on plus sized ladies? Or is it best to just source what we can locally?

>> No.7969626

I was wondering this too. My best friend is plus size and I wanted to get her some tights for Christmas to go with a dream dress she has on the way, but I don't know where to find OTT sweet appropriate tights that would fit her.

>> No.7969646
File: 131 KB, 570x1360, il_570xN.677922302_b4ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier anon asking about tights here... closest I've found is this etsy store - TejaJamilla

>tfw 4chan thinks i'm spam

>> No.7969676


Umm, she's not even chubs man.

>> No.7969724

Digital Artwear is where I get my tights printed. They offer a L size which is very accommodating. I think that may be what Orphinam uses for her tights, and I've heard reviews that her larger size is very plus size friendly. They also offer thigh-highs. But if you design any, regardless of where you go, design them light. Any company that offers printed tights does so with a white base. (Any that doesn't resell it and your designs end up on a random taobao site) So even small legs can make a dark print look faded.

>> No.7969738

literally no one cares

>> No.7969768

I don't know first hand, but that girl in the OP picture gets tights from We Love Colors and if she can wear them, anyone can! I've also heard from normal sized people that they're good

>> No.7969861

But all her stuff is classic? I wish she did some sweet though.

>> No.7969942
File: 36 KB, 508x540, watashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was last week but I had a conversation with some gulls about making a plus size tumblr which had actual quality control?
I've made one and it's still under construction but feedback would be appreciated!
Also if anyone would like to help contribute then let know, I'd especially like help with the indie brand section as I don't really have many indie brand clothes so don't know how to rate them

>> No.7969956

What a cute blog name, anon!
I can't contribute beyond photos and a limited scope of off-brand and indie brand reviews. (I've switched to a lot of brand stuff because job.)

>> No.7969964

Nice, anon!
I'd add Haenuli to the Indie brand list, their size 2 often goes up to 110cm bust, and the full shirred back ones to 130cm or something. Plus, they've started the 1X size too.

>> No.7969968

followed! Here's a few indie places I know of.

- Elegy - Offers custom size can do custom requests.
- Belladonna - Offers size 1 and 2 (about brand sizing and lower end of plus) and custom size
- Haenuli is considered indie? Her standard sizes usually run up into the lower and sometimes medium range of plus and apparently offering larger?
- Sweet Mildred - accessories + clothing and patterns (offers custom, currently has a number of shirred pieces in her shop)
- The Snow Field - offers size 1 and 2 or up to Large, goes into low end of plus size range.

>> No.7970214

If these girls are plus size they hide it pretty damn well.

>> No.7970215

She's a size 14.

>> No.7970221

It's the same girl in every pic? I'd have guessed she was a 12 at max.

>> No.7970225
File: 89 KB, 640x960, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fbde99ba66a84373860df190a60322fb0%2Ftumblr_n6z6xba42B1r6ie51o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7970233
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>> No.7970235
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>> No.7970237
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>> No.7970241
File: 65 KB, 400x533, tumblr_ne5fo89Wxr1qgbe4ho1_r3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I didn't have as many as I thought I did

>> No.7970259

OT but when I used a push up bra for the first time I couldn't help thinking my boobs looked like a butt (and they're not even big)

>> No.7970267

I know people who have lost a bit of weight with the only change they make being cutting out carbs (no exercise or anything). I need to try that too, but I'm so weak to bread and potatoes ;-;

>> No.7970283

>fitting into IW with a 117cm bust
uhhhhh no. 100cm is pretty much the total max there.

>> No.7970287

Sock dreams is probably your best bet. They tend to stock quality, and has excellent customer service. If you're not sure something will fit your legs, contact them and give them your measurements. They're fit the leg of the sock/tights over a cardboard tube with your thigh circumference, and give you an estimate on how it will fit

>> No.7970355

92 cm bust 117p 5'1 anon here.
I quit soda and it helps. My goal is 110. I do 30 mins of cardio every other day. I also avoid frozen foods, chips, canned foods, ramen, and cereal. The bad carbs.
It helps. The food is gross in the first place. It all starts with diet.
Also don't own a tv.

>> No.7970367

I was thinking that too. Maybe because it's evenly distributed and doesn't show in her face? Layers and angles are good
>tfw you look bigger than this but you have smaller measurements
>tfw you entire comm is tiny so you end up looking huge next to them

>> No.7970369

Oink oink

>> No.7970370

What's your waist size anon?

>> No.7970421

Actually they've been releasing a few OPs with fully shirred backs that go up to 130cm. I have the fairytale OP and it fits my 120cm bust with room to spare

>> No.7970442

My waist is 72cm.

>> No.7970466

It may stretch that far but it won't look good. I'm around 100 cm and sold all my iw becaise tube bodice.

>> No.7971160

I love chubby lolitas. They look like big beautiful birthday cakes.

>> No.7971211

Cereal is bad carbs?

>> No.7971227

Uhhh I think that chart is either for muscular girls or on the high side... 150+ is getting kind of pretty pudgy for 5'5" without a lot of muscle. My doctors have always told me to shot for ~110-120 with little muscle and in my case, very small boobs.

>> No.7971235

That's healthy, but not skinny for your height unless you're muscular. I have a smaller waist and bust but am 5'8" and I need to lose weight

>> No.7971304

Honestly, I've been told to get down to 52kg, which would make me stick-like. Most charts don't factor in the muscle you gain if you lose weight. I, for example, have a low metabolism but I've dropped ten cms around my waist whilst only losing a few kgs due to the muscle that has built up around my body from cardio.

If you are a bigger person losing weight, you're going to weigh more compared to your measurements than if you're a naturally thin person due to the muscle gain! Some girls can eat a lot of shit and not put on weight (externally, remember ladies; eat healthy or you are still at risk of getting a heart attack! Even if it doesn't show on your body) but others have to work to keep their weight off.

It depends on how you plan on losing your weight. A lettuce diet would put you at an 'ideal' weight, but cardio may put you at your ideal measurements, but not weight.

>> No.7971350

Why don't you guys go to /fit/ and read the sticky?

Not trying to troll or anything, it just seems like you have a lot of misunderstandings on how nutrition, weight loss, and diets should work.

I've recently lost 45 pounds in 6 months following their sticky, counting calories, and eating a low carb, high fat and protein diet. I really have to say that until I learned about how my body works, I deserved to be a disgusting fat ass. Also, FPS threads are the best motivation ever.

>> No.7971375

Yeah, you're following a diet. Not an exercise regime. For me, diet was about 20% of the problem (I cut out rice and pasta much to my half italian mother's dismay) but exercise was more of an issue. Which meant I put on muscle. I am now the same size as an AU 12, but not the same weight by far. Still feels good to flex tho.

>> No.7971427

Americans are fat and those targets are for gross fatties

>> No.7971466

here it is here the post we get every thread with someone's opinion thank u we really needed this here this is so helpful your opinion is very valuable thank u for your service

>> No.7971469

going from 118 to 155 was great for me tbh i don't understand how that's pudgy at all unless it all just goes to your stomach or something
i had actual boobs and actual ass

>> No.7972111

I think this works for a medium frame or just an average frame in general. A lot of these thing are built on averages so they don't work for everyone. If you have small frame, the numbers would likely be smaller. A large frame might look fine with the bigger numbers and could probably look fine being over that.

I'm 5'4" with a medium frame and 152 seems about the highest I feel comfortable with. I was estimating about 130 or a bit below being a good decent goal, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to push too far under 120 unless I lost a lot of muscle mass. Last I did a test, my lean mass is somewhere in the ballpark of 100-105, so 115-120 would put me at a 15% body fat percentage. 125-130 and a 20 bf% being my goal.

And then I'm going to run into the problem of not looking elegant and lady like in lolita because I'm a tank from trying to lose weight.

>> No.7972129
File: 440 KB, 921x741, CalorieDiscrepancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fatties need to head to /fit/ and stop lying to yourselves. And no, you do not have a genetic condition.

>> No.7972163

>read this is a chinese person's voice
laughed heartily

>> No.7972178

True, there are fatties who are lying to themselves, especially obese people. But for girls who've always been a bit chub it's very hard to permanently cross over tp skinny territory. And I'm talking chubby here, not fat. And there are people who gain easy and have problems losing mass, I gain like a motherfucker and have a hard time losing any weight, not only fat, but also muscle.

>> No.7972216

I get this is partially bait, but where are people saying that the only reason they can't lose weight is because they have a condition. I'm seeing more people claiming to be buff as shit rather than 'muh metabolism!1!!'

that being said, excuses are shit so that's at least correct

>> No.7972236

This sounds a lot like the show Secret Eaters. It's sad that this was published in '92 and so many people are still in denial about basic physics (i.e. calories in/calories out).

>> No.7972311
File: 22 KB, 240x240, laceupdrthumbnail_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, my group recently added Fitness and the Otaku Dream to our event line-up for cons. Losing weight is a lot simpler than it seems, but I'll speak for myself when I say there's no hating of a fatty-chan. As long as you're trying, and staying positive in the meantime, I got no beef with you.

In the mean time, try something like this. Sauce below:

>> No.7972349

Burn it burn it burn it!

>> No.7972357

She said she's fat, not blind. What a terrible ita dress you have posted.

>> No.7972365

27 yr old betas in their mom's basement, when will they learn?

>> No.7972774

you guys are mean wow

>> No.7972813

>women posting on 4chan in their designated board
of course they're being cunts.

>> No.7972814

talking about you too brah

>> No.7972836

Does anyone have the meetup pic that had itas on the left side and decent Lolitas on the right, including an amazing plus sized Lolita who outshined everyone?

>> No.7972886

>6 foot 2 inches
>190 lbs
fuck now i feel like a fatty
even my lank ass brother is closer to normal than i am, hes 2 inches taller and 170 lbs

>> No.7972961

>disabled world
Is this legit? I'm a pound under my target weight but I look like a hungry skelly (>feels good bro) and I've known other dudes who are on the high end of the weight category who don't look fat or chubs at all. They could be lying about their weight but I don't really see why they would. The dude side of this chart just seems weird. Is the girls side weird too?

>> No.7973466

seriously want to see this pic.

>> No.7973561
File: 150 KB, 700x1600, 1025583_10152207808287848_1793008008_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have it, but it was with this chick!

>> No.7973581

aaah I just want to smoosh her cheeks
she looks like one of those adorable aunts

>> No.7973669

I''ve always wondered why I love this coord so much, it's not that detailed or creative. I guess it's because she just looks so put together and is gorgeous in the face.

>> No.7973982
File: 110 KB, 960x720, this one?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know which one you're talking about. I have this girl on my facebook. It seems like her and two other girls are ever on par with their coords, the rest of their comm is ita as fuck.

>> No.7973988
File: 92 KB, 880x960, and another.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened again at their recent meetup.
>three well dressed and the rest look like crap

If I were in this comm I would put all the itas to the left just for shits and giggles and then crop them out if I wanted better pictures.

>> No.7974018

She has lost a lot of weight then, don't see a chubby here

>> No.7974024

Same, I'm not even plus sized but it's still in my inspiration folder. I think it's a great choice of wig, and just the right amount of accessorising for me.

Does she have a tumblr or something?

>> No.7974025

You can see it in her face, imo it's flattering photography and probably some shoop. She definitely looks plus size in these >>7973982

>> No.7974034

>that blonde wig
I want to steal that from her it's a really nice shade.

>> No.7974085

Yeah, but maybe she lost weight? I don't think you can always tell from a face, if it's round

>> No.7974092

Oh, well I'm not saying she didn't lose any weight, I'm just saying she's chubby. It's possible to lose a fuck ton of weight and still be overweight.

>> No.7975382

not sure if life goals or wife goals

>> No.7975407

This photo >>7973982 is older than the other two, if you look at her calves you can see that she's slimmed down a lot.

Good for her! She's gorgeous either way, definitely one of my fav lolitas of any size.

>> No.7975415


I was with this girl at HJ. She gave me concrit >_<

>> No.7975423


Oh she is sweet. I keep seeing the large girl on Waterloo Road and imagining what she'd look like in Gothic...

>> No.7975444

oh no, how will you ever live it down!

>> No.7975452

Still looking for some classic and cute printed tights that come in larger sizes! Anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.7975466

My dream dress on such an ugly body....

>> No.7975535

What do you eat? I want to lose weight, but I have no idea what to eat in the first place on my budget, I grew up in a household that didn't cook and ate whatever processed shit we could find, so I have no basis. I make ~$1000 a month and my rent plus utilities is about $525 a month because I live with a roommate. I don't have much money to spend on food, so where can I start? It feels like I'm constantly working because the types of shifts at ork I pull, so quick prep meals are what I need.

>> No.7975549

Not the anon you're addressing, but my mother makes a lot of food in bulk and we freeze what we don't want, so food is easily accessible.

Try looking at soup, pasta sauce (have your sauce over greens instead of actual pasta), curries (same goes), stews, etc. Omelettes and frittatas are also amazing, super easy to prepare and if you make an eight egg frittata you can toss in all sorts of goodies and expect it to go between you and your roomie for 2-3 days (depending if you eat leftovers for lunch/breakfast, which I recommend since most marketed breakfast food is just baseless carbs). Look into that sort of thing if you're on the go. You can just set aside an hour or two twice a week and cook enough to last you! :)

>> No.7975554

There is a ton of info out there about healthy eating on a budget. Start with something like http://www.poorgirleatswell.com or just google for "eating well on a budget". You WILL need to put in some work to learn about nutrition and cooking, but the results are worth the effort.

The best tip I can offer, especially if you work weird shifts or otherwise need quick food solutions, is to learn to meal-plan for the week and cook in bulk so that most of your food is homemade but still fast to prepare. I tend to make a large soup and a pot of chili, stew, or another bean-and-veggie heavy slowcooker dish on Sundays, and live on that when I'm busy during the week, alternating with non-leftover meals on days when I do have a bit more time to cook so it doesn't get totally boring.

>> No.7975556

Different anon here, but I'm the one who posted above about being 210 and getting down to 145. To be fair, I still ate processed shit and fast food while losing weight, I just watched my calories. I always eat at least 1200, but try to go no more than 1400. For example, I'd get a chicken sandwich, replace the fries for a salad, replace mayo for lots of pickles. I cut out soda and replaced it with iced tea (unsweetened) or drank water. I'd eat a lot of microwave dinners too, but specifically ones with lower calories. I'd also make sandwiches to take to work, usually on wheat bread which is a teensy bit better but-- it's still carbs. Cut out most of your sweets by eating fruit. I like baby carrots, celery and a low calorie dip (I gag without it) Granted, I'd still eat sweets every once in awhile, but it stopped becoming an everyday thing, and I'd plan it into my diet and adjust as necessary. Not saying it's the best nutrition possible, because it's not, but it worked for me, and it was a simple enough lifestyle change to keep up with.

Now, if you really want to drop a lot of weight more quickly, I'd suggest keeping your carbs under 100g, going high protein, higher fat, (proteins and fats make you feel fuller longer) lots of veggies. This is still possible even with a budget like that. I'd eat omlettes for breakfast, lettuce wrap sandwiches, red potatoes, brown rice, and lean meat (usually chicken). And that combined with strength training (I have a 30 minute workout thing I do that works out really well) made my weight drop more quickly, especially after a few weeks of doing so.

But also, keep in mind, bodies all react to things differently. Some people have to cut things out entirely for it to work, or have to include a lot of cardio exercise. I guess just experiment and figure out what works best for you and your budget/time.

>> No.7975563

Not that anon but I have "filling food". Semolina is my go-to when I'm hungry and have no time. I pour half a cup of it, add salt, pour water on top and let it sit and it makes an cup full of it.
Another thing is a French recipe called "oeuf cocotte" : you take a cup, break an egg, pour low fat cream and a bit of seasonning and pop it into the microwave for half a minute or so, the white part of the egg must be cooked. It's the express version of course, but I eat it with two toasts and it's 150cal if I rcall.
Otherwise I eat a lot of raw veggies (not in winter time though) like cherry tomatoes or cumcumber.
Seriously, look up easy cooking stuff like "what's in my fridge", it'll save your life. Cooking ain't difficult anon, you just need to learn.

>> No.7976196

That's me oops
Sorry if I offended you but I really don't remember giving anyone concrit? A few girls asked me about where to buy plus size lolita stuff and I gave them some advice but I wouldn't really call that concrit.
If I've genuinely upset you then you are welcome to message me privately on fb and we can sort it out. If we worked the stall or fashion show together then I would definitely appreciate you messaging me because everyone worked really hard that weekend and I don't want you to be left with a bad feeling because of what could be a misunderstanding

>> No.7976238

Check rawrtiger

>> No.7976245


>> No.7976277

I have some advice, having successfully gotten from size 12 to 0 and maintained it for 2+ years now consistently.

1.) The single most important thing is your mindset. You won't feel normal about your new habits until they've become a habit in your mind. And studies suggest it takes at least two weeks of consistent behavior to build a habit. So you need to be positive and dedicated enough to keep it up and build habits. That means:

a) Make sure the habits you're building are sustainable. Forget the aggro personal trainers you might've encountered. Start small with diet and exercise and increase both in an incremental but very regularly way. This has been the most sustainable and least depressing way for me and others I know.

b.) Don't deny yourself all of your favorite foods - that isn't sustainable either. Just start slowly reducing the portion sizes of your more fattening foods. Do some research on nutrition and glycemic index - a certain amount of fattening foods are necessary. Some people leave out important but fattening areas and wind up so exhausted it isn't sustainable.

c) Be nice to yourself. Don't get into the trap of feeling like your relaxation time is time that you're wasting. Happiness is productive too. Nobody can sustain hard work forever without charging themselves up with a little rest and relaxation.

d) Be nice to yourself. So YES, buy yourself some nice lolita clothing that makes you feel more happy and pretty. Maybe buy a little less than you want, maybe opt for slightly cheaper pieces. You can always sell them later and buy yourself a smaller size when you lose weight.

But yes, yes!, YES!, buy yourself a nice dress lol. This is the biggest thing I struggled with losing weight. Maybe you don't feel worthy of wearing nice things yet. Maybe you agonize over the extra $ you might spend.

But making this change made all the difference for me. You will feel happier and want to work harder if you do things to enjoy life or boost your confidence.

>> No.7976284


2.) Spend as much time, or more, on muscle building as on cardio. People expect cardio to fix everything when it actually takes forever to burn more than you'll eat in one binge. But, just resting, muscle burns way more calories than fat (that's why muscle is the first to go when starving.) So you not only burn calories working out, you keep burning calories faster just hanging out if you get toned.

3.) It's better to start off small (cut a small amount of calories/portions, just a TINY portion of the total amount you plan to cut.) Not only is this more sustainable, you will actually lose weight faster, and avoid the plateau period you will hear so many talk about. Your body adjusts to how many calories you are regularly putting in, and starts operating off of that expected amount. The pounds really come off fast when you consume fewer calories in a day than your body's become accustomed to. This is why so many people lose a ton starting a diet (they are eating less than their body expects) but then can't lose anymore even though they're sticking to their diet (their body has become accustomed to that amount.) So you're better off reducing your portion size incrementally but very regularly.

Good luck!

>> No.7976534

Cucumbers are essentially water. Eat some dark leavy vegetables, and filling stuff like broccoli, kale, aubergines, there's countless ones. You can also eat stuff like spinach, zucchini and carrots raw.

>> No.7976713

nah man i've seen her in person and stuff, she's not incredibly skinny or anything but she seems to be a healthy average size. tbh almost petite but not quite, but i dont see any features of her that are huge like broad shoulders or anything. she just has incredibly chubby cheeks and a moon face but its really adorable.
>tfw would smash too

>> No.7976794
File: 55 KB, 392x600, _tumblr_m1w1ylBk9V1qk9zvlo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys take the weight loss stuff to /fit/?

>> No.7977067

Enchantlic Enchantilly is getting smaller all the time. Plus they have tiny shoulders. Not recommended if your bust is over 110 cm, it's impossible to match her base fabric exactly so you can't add fabric to alter it...

AP's Victorian Letter tiered jsk really does have a 120 cm bust, my bust is 112 and it looks amazing.

>> No.7977076

yeah no that's from 1992. I have no doubt that a lot of people eat more food than they think they do but how about you read this one:

The biology and genetics of obesity--a century of inquiries.
Jou C.
N Engl J Med. 2014 May 15;370(20):1874-7

>> No.7977194

is the fitness advice triggering you?

top kek

>> No.7977527

She looks so awful in every outfit.

>> No.7977533

It's really hard to tell if she's crouching or just a midget.

>> No.7977534

>crouching I think

>> No.7977572

I'm so glad that you said the thing about buying dressed anyway. I'm currently in the process of losing weight and I bought a skirt that is currently too small for my waist measurements. Last night I had a dream that I went into a lolita store and then I remembered that I couldn't fit into anything and felt pretty down the rest of the time.
Some day soon I'll get there.

>> No.7977730
File: 93 KB, 612x612, _tumblr_md2quqZVRN1r5rdqjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? It's just that's not what the thread is for, I just wanna see cute pictures

>> No.7977748


This is what Blissey evolves into...

>> No.7979376
File: 647 KB, 1280x1920, 1414342201756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does anyone even get this fat like seriously, this must be an American thing

If you're over 100kg as a woman and you are not very tall there's something wrong, I don't understand how anyone could live this way and get up each morning, turn to the mirror and say, "this is fine, I don't need to do anything about it, no need to exercise or diet for me :^)"

surely, lolita cloth is more expensive when of such a size no?

>> No.7979525

dat pic....
well I m plus but not obese, why plus? because I have very large bust and hips size, I can fit into ap shirred very well and wear OTKS. When a girl can't fit into any lolita dress and otk, and the legs are pretty fat is when I think you need to care about your health, not for fashion, is about the healthy life style and how do you feel, looks etc.

>> No.7979620
File: 50 KB, 400x600, BLmacaroonplussizeloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7979631

im 5'3 and weigh 220lbs...
it's gonna take forever to get down to my healthy weight... God damn

>> No.7979669

You can do it anon! For what it's worth, it comes off faster at the start. When you get down to the end, that's when it takes forever.


I think I personally like how I look in lolita being a bit heavier. But it's a constant struggle between wanting to get smaller to fit into more things, or having a cuter face. Once I get to the area that's considered "healthy" for my height, my eyes start to get sunken in, and my hands start getting bony looking, but things fit much better and I'm happier with how my body looks. I just don't like my face. I've gained a little bit and I think I look way cuter now, but my dresses are getting a little more snug and I'm getting boobloaf problems I didn't have as much before. Why can't I just have the best of both?

>> No.7979735

I'm rooting for you anon! It's tough but there's a good amount of resources available even for free. If you haven't already I suggest you give myfitnesspal a try. It's good for logging calories, even if you don't wanna go by the daily calorie suggestions they offer which can be a little off.

>> No.7979765
File: 278 KB, 329x380, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New btb post option isn't up yet.
please answer.

>> No.7979770

adding something to your wishlist solely because it can house your fat ass sounds pretty dumb to me.

>> No.7979785

Holy shit. You are literally two times heavier than me and I'm the same height as you (160cm).

I REALLY recommend working out. I'm not even kidding, head over to /fit/ and look through the sticky and read through the suggestions they give. It may be overwhelming at first but take it step by step.

>> No.7979788
File: 163 KB, 500x667, plus size classic country lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it dumb? Would it be dumb for a tall lolita to put something on her wishlist because it's long enough for her? Or a busty lolita to put something on their wishlist because the bust is roomy?

>> No.7979805

But the dress doesn't fit her remotely. Look at the bust. You need to be more than a bit smaller than her for it to look good.

>> No.7979806

if that's the sole reason, then yes, I think that's dumb. I'm super tiny and most brand hangs around me like a sack. Doesn't mean my wishlist contains nothing but Moitie's tiniest just so I have brand that fits me. Custom made anyone?

>> No.7979834

The girl in the secret didnt say it was the sole reason. It could just be one of them. Maybe shes always liked the dress, but it hasnt been on her wishlist because she didnt think she could fit it.

Or maybe she thought the dress was okay, but didnt give it much thought, assuming it wouldnt fit. But now that she knows it might fit, shes interested in buying it

>> No.7979843

..I just realized I read the secret wrong. I thought the "if it's brand" meant that she'd take any dress that'd fit just to have some brand in her closet. Apologies.

>> No.7979887


I already own a fair bit of custom items and handmade as well. there are very few brand dresses that MIGHT fit me. So I usually don't look at brand. why pay that much if I don't know it'll fit. But seeing a girl larger than me fit into it, then that means there's a better chance of it fitting me.

Note: I'm 5'5" pear shaped and about 260 lbs (was 270 at the beginning of the year) and I'm trying but very slowly losing weight. I'd just like to look pretty now, instead of having to wait to look pretty when i'm smaller. other plus sized girls know what I'm talking about. just 'cause I'm fat doesn't mean I have to look worse.

>> No.7979900

I know bait but..
Shit happens really. Unlike popular believe not every fat girl is happy with herself. I hate my size. I hate it to the core of my very being. But unfortunately I'm a huge emotional eater that often feels like shit it's not going to well.

>> No.7979908

Please let this be a troll

>> No.7979919

it's a habit thing for most people

You start eating more than you should, you keep doing it, often times just feeling nice and full is what you need, it's not a completely conscious thing you just want it. And over time it takes more to feel full, more food, more tastes, it makes you feel good for a bit, so you crave it consistently, even if you aren't hungry ever. You know it isn't right, it only makes it worse, but it's the easiest way to make you feel good, requires no effort. So you get bigger and bigger, can eat more and more, your stomach is a fucking bottomless pit.

I mean, that's how I feel it is for me, personally. Took me a long time to understand. One day I was just like, jesus fuck, how was it possible for me to get THIS huge.

>> No.7979939

People really don't account for bone density and size enough. I'm 5'10" but anything over 130 looks pudgy on me and puts me above a US size 8 because my bones are very small and non-dense. I really wouldn't look at ideal weight very much. Honestly, I wouldn't look at the scale, period. Measurements, doctor's recommendation, your own personal feeling of health (assuming you don't have distorted self-image), and body fat tests are a lot better.

>> No.7980054

This and I never realized how much food I was eating until I started using MFP. That was a huge wake up call when I hit calorie limit halfway through the day and actually saw how many calories were in my food.

>> No.7980057

I agree, but I think people take these generalized stats (that really do fit a bunch of people!) and apply it to everyone without accounting for the natural variations in people. On the other hand though some people take that line of thinking too far and completely disregard legitimate suggestions and estimates because they are too focused on the uniqueness of their own body.

It's all about balance, I totally agree with you there, but I think people on both sides of that extreme need to get to that balance point. Sorry my English is very rusted but it's always very neat to me how people construct a relationship with weight in and of itself rather than as a whole. Very cool to think about

>> No.7980799

I started counting calories back in March and tried to walk for an hour at least three times a week over the summer. I lost 40 lbs, but I plateaued back in October. Still watching what I eat but I haven't been counting calories and I've maintained my weight. It's so cold and icy here that I don't want to go out and walk and I'm cheap and also unemployed so I don't want to join a gym. My plan right now is to start counting calories again, cut back on the amount of fat in my diet (I am a slave to ice cream lately, despite how cold it is), and start walking again when it warms up in the spring.

>> No.7980812

The girl in your pic actually looks kinda cute other than being monstrously overweight. Most of the posters here tend to exaggerate their problems anyway and are nowhere near that level of fatness. The OP pic is too much as you have read already.

110kg here and yes, I could be thinner, but its not killing me either physically or emotionally at the moment. Losing weight is hard once you've gained it too, unfortunately. Maybe i'll get something done this new years.

>> No.7980819

You sound exactly like me anon, but good luck! That plateau seriously sucks; I was stuck there for a few months and only just got past it.

Anyone want to share their MFP? I could always use more company/people holding me accountable.

>> No.7980829

Janitors will delete lolita comm general threads but shit like this >>7979376 is okay? lol

>> No.7980838

mods are retarded, there's probably some fat-shaming janitor that likes it staying up to illustrate "what we should not be like"

>> No.7980867

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7980901

I fucking love all of the "my weight isn't affecting my health tho" posts. Bitch it will be in about ten years, just wait fatty chans.

Blame all the shit you want but you all know you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.7980922

fuck the longer it stays up the more I believe you're right, it certainly doesn't help reading more mean comments like >>7980901
like seriously fuck off

this is supposed to be positive plus-size discussion, why is everyone hating on us?

>> No.7980929

You're an inch lager than my boyfriend. You probably look slim under clothing even if you don't work out

I want him to lose 20 lbs though since he's a bit overweight

>> No.7980939

Oh so you want HIM to lose weight while you still get to be fat? Hahahahahaha what a brat

>> No.7980949

not OR but that's so rude from your side. there are many couples who lose weight together.

>> No.7980953

I'm underweight, I'd be working out with him to gain if the gym he goes to occasionally wasn't $60 a month. The last time I paid for the pass we went all of 1 time, and you need a car to access it so unless he goes I can't.
He also wants to lose a little, but he's dealing with finals.

>> No.7980984

>why is everyone hating on us?
because you literally cannot stop yourselves from whining constantly in public

sorry for not being "positive" enough about your terrible lifestyle, anons

>> No.7980990

Fuck off

Seriously would it kill you to just let the fucking fatties have a thread where they post pictures and talk amongst themselves?

>> No.7981007

Most fatties in this thread even state that they want to lose weight, what's your deal?

>> No.7981019
File: 29 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make my bust smaller so I can fit into this dress?

>> No.7981021

Lose weight.
You're not going to fit into that otherwise lmao.
It's going to be mid thigh on you as well

>> No.7981023

What kind of bra are you wearing? Make sure it has no padding in it whatsoever. Look around for minimizing bras, too.

And don't listen to this fuckhead >>7981021

>> No.7981030

Even if she's just chubby with big tits, it's not going to look good on her.
The empire waist is going to make her look pregnant because of her large breasts.

>> No.7981122

This. Those dresses look good only on flatchested girls with long skinny legs. Big tits are a dealbreaker for most lolita dresses anyway.

>> No.7981496

If you have boobs over a A you aren't going to be able to fit that bodice. It will hit you midboob otherwise. Maybe if you have B cups, but even then it's a pusher if you are a bigger B or a smaller B. Trust me sweetie, don't do it unless you are sure. I've gotten a dress that ended up not fitting because boobs were too big to fit int he bodice right.

>> No.7981537

Truth, but just wanted to remind girls that what matters is the inches rather than the boob size. People get so used to thinking "an A is tiny, a D is huge."

I wear a 26E, and E sounds huge, but that actually means my bust is 32 inches and I look almost flat chested. Your boob size is how many inches are on top of your rib cage. A lot of women are wearing the wrong size bra so we think these C+ sizes are big when really they're the norm but most women are wearing a band that is way too big for them. Conversely, if you're a 38A, you're not necessarily gonna fit just cause you're an A.

(Friendly reminder that if anyone of this sizing seems confusing or new to you, look up how to get yourself properly fitted. Wearing a smaller band and bigger cup than what the joke measurers at VS or similar places will assign you will do wonders for your comfort, posture, boob perkiness, and fit in clothes. Forcing yourself into too small a cup like most US measurers recommend (because they don't stock anything lower than a 32 inch band) can also give you perma armpit fat (your boobs migrating sideways) and other nasty things.

>> No.7981551

Oh I always thought bands size was the under breast measurement to fit around and the cups were the actual breast size. Good to find that isn't true.

>> No.7981553

>the joke measurers at VS or similar places will assign you will do wonders for your comfort, posture, boob perkiness, and fit in clothes.

I have a friend who has big breasts and she will not fucking listen to me about this. I told her about VS fits and so she tried another shop that gave her a bigger size, but it turns out it's only the biggest size they stock. Fuck I need to like ninja measure her tits.

>> No.7981566

Well that's halfway true. Band size is the under bust measurement, but cup size is just the ratio between band and bust measurement(the letter equals X amount of different) So like A cup is a 1 inch difference, B is 2 and so on. The worst thing though is that some shops give a weird band size. I am a 32C but wear 34C in some places and even 36C at others, but the bands are all the same measurement and tightness. It's stupid, bras are stupid.

>> No.7981575

Ok I'm about to say some things you ladies won't like. Yes, I'm actually going to whiteknight janitor-chan.

It's called freedom of speech. That post is on-topic because this is a plus-size lolita thread. Just because you don't like anon's opinion doesn't mean the post is against the rules. It's not.

Lolita comm threads aren't about lolita fashion at all, they're just about the people in the community and drama between individuals. It's the lolita equivalent of the tripfag circle jerk threads cosplayers used to have. Comm threads are only about drama. That makes them off-topic and againt two of the board rules.

Tl;dr deal with it

>> No.7981584

I have to agree. Loli comm threads turn into a huge circle jerk and people bitch about people bitching about getting bitched at. They are totally useless and fit for like a loli tinychat or something.

Also, I'm much less worried about a 'fat shaming' janitor, and more worried about the prevalence of people who think that "fat shaming" is a thing at all and a bad one at that. I know it's overused but I've seen a lot more tumblr stuff popping up in the past year, and I've been on /cgl/ for 4+ years now.

>> No.7981586

I'm such a landwhale that once I overestimated how much a JSK would stretch and wen I pulled it on, it completely flattened my boobs. At first I was like where did my boobs go, then they started hurting, so I took it off. Like they were flat. It lined up perfectly with my waist. So that meant that my waist was the bust measurement and it was then that I knew I needed to lose some fucking weigt.

>> No.7981589

>posting a picture of a half naked BBW porn star is related to a plus size lolita thread




And yea some of it is drama, some of it is talking about meetups, general discussion. Cosplayers are allowed to have threads about their local communities, why not lolita?

Go fuck yourself you cuntrag

>> No.7981601

not even the anon you're replying to but damn
dull that edge a little, anon

>> No.7981603
File: 92 KB, 800x939, 92116-1028-2014-06-19254214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy this one, but I n super busty and afraid of how looks

>> No.7981622

Eh, sorry, I have a final exam due in two hours and I can't access it, and my prof isn't answering my emails, I'm p heated right now.

But the sentiment stands. Let's not pretend that post was in any way related to this thread or even this board.

>> No.7981650

>I'm pissed off about my life so I'm going to tell a random person on an anonymous image board with a different opinion to fuck off and call them a cunt because i disagree with them

>> No.7981661

You can't possibly be surprised.

>> No.7981675

Hey question for fellow plus-size lolitas who are in the middle of losing weight, do you know where I could find some cute/'kawaii'-design exercise mats (like to do crunches/sit-ups on)? Not sure if that's the same thing as yoga mats.

>> No.7981680

>I have never taken my anger out on 4chan before


>> No.7981687

let me get this straight, you only support freedom of speech when it applies to people posting pear-chans softcore porn, but not when it comes to lolitas talking about petty comm drama and whatever else?

>> No.7981715

I just use a yoga mat.

>> No.7981730

Rules of the board bby.

>> No.7981731

anyone who says 'fatshaming' in a serious way doesn't deserve to be taken seriously anyways.

>> No.7981734

are you trying to be weeb? it should be dorimu

>> No.7981753

the rules of the board say that this board is for cosplay and lolita

i dont see "fat porn and the grossness of fat people" as a topic, bby

i didnt say anything about fatshaming i think you are confusing me with someone else

>> No.7981854

I wish you luck for your weight loss anon.

>> No.7982106

No, I haven't. Because I'm aware it's pointless and would rather solve whatever is making me angry or vent to people I actually know. In stead of calling people names in 4chan and taking my angry out on some stranger who isn't even involved because I'm having a bad day. That's stupid.

>> No.7982121
File: 43 KB, 506x506, korra oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7982243

Can someone provide me with a good super plus sized coord. I don't mean a size 12, like someone who actually has to get all their things customized

>> No.7982252

Thanks anons! Just saved me a lot of fuss.
I'll probably go for something shirred instead.

>> No.7982258

What a stupid cunt.

>> No.7982264

The original post that you are defending did.

>> No.7982269

I use a yoga mat, but could definitely use something cuter.

>> No.7982279

Yes I'm mad, mad that scum like you exists that will stop at nothing to lie to themselves, to lie to others, scum like you that can vomit out their retarded biased opinions and not feel an ounce of shame in hindsight so you just continue being the disgusting filth you are. Of course the most heinous bi-product of your miserable existence is that if people fold and give you an ounce of right to your idiocy then the greatest of harms is done to peoples perception of reality because suddenly, the victims are at wrong for being alive for forgetting in blisfull ignorance that we're not living in 1500's or Africa anymore where all life is uncertain.

This is the raging anger I carry for individuals such as you, the corrupt shameless liars that stop at nothing to be a hero in their own eyes of some divine logic they carry in themselves cause all others are wrong and beneath you.

No, fuck you assclown. Anybody can see through your bullshit, why even bother being this idiotic.

>> No.7982693

Damn, anon, that's rough. Good luck losing weight.

>> No.7982704
File: 114 KB, 500x410, whatingodsname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7982730
File: 46 KB, 600x811, 1414440954865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showing you are mad on 4chan

>> No.7982836

Can I see pics of massive landwhales please. I thought that's what this thread was for.

>> No.7982881

im not defending anything, i just think it's ridiculous that someone is trying to say that pearchan softcore porn is somehow related to this board

>> No.7983322

well, fatshaming isn't related ether. So tell me why >>7979567 still exist?

>> No.7983329

Is this copypasta or something? I swear I've read it somewhere else.

>> No.7983399

What I always find interesting about "how could you ever get so fat like omg" stuff is that the same thing works for people that are underweight.

It's the same problem with two different effects; A friend of mine is underweight because when she stresses she doesn't eat and that kind of stuff where I'm the opposite that eats more when stressed causing me to be overweight.

The 'metabolism means shit" works on both sides too; most just don't realize how little they're eating.

Someone can forget to eat too, or they're too busy.

>> No.7983464

pretty sure it is.

>> No.7983468

This is true but 99% of people who are called underweight aren't unhealthily underweight these days. Women get called anorexic for being anywhere under size 4 since the average size has ballooned.

& "metabolism means shit" does apply to people who are very dangerously underweight but most people do a shit job of diagnosing who is actually dangerously underweight so it kinda doesn't matter in most actual arguments.
That's because there's not as much room between "you're going to die" & "a healthy size 0", as there is between "you're going to die" & "yeah you're a little on the chubby side."

Like, according to BMI charts, over 25 is overweight, but over 30 is morbidly obese so that's a pretty recognizable difference. Whereas, by those same charts, underweight is anything less than 18.5 but anything higher is totally healthy, and most people can't tell the difference between an 18 and 19 leading to a lot of unfounded anorexia accusations.

Based on personal experience, (except now I'm average due to overeating problems) you WILL get called anorexic, skeletor, etc. for being anywhere under a 20, while still totally healthy. So there are just a lot less cases where that actually applies versus the frequency of people misassuming eating disorders. A much smaller percentage of the population has eating disorders compared to those who are overweight. And most of the models and celebrities being attacked for being anorexic are most definitely not.

>> No.7983483
File: 35 KB, 554x330, Moby-Dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7983490

I'm not trying to say that people get called anorexic unfairly, and interesting points you brought up.
It was more that fat people always get shit on for having shit habits (I'm not going to lie, they're terrible habits).
It also had to do where you live though, I'm in yurop where I generally don't see people who are skinny getting called anorexic. I'm sure it happens though.

>> No.7983493
File: 492 KB, 1200x650, interstellar.black_.hole_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I'm a little smaller than the girl in the picture

>> No.7983514

Stating they want to lose weight is the not the same as losing it. What a loser mentality. "I want to lose weight" as opposed to "I'm going to lose weight" or "I have already lost weight, and I will lose some more".

I never understood what is so difficult about losing or gaining weight. You don't even need to change your diet, just eat more or less of what you're currently eating.

It's not like you girls are trying to be a bodybuilder where you have to completely change your diet and eat clean to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass. When your only goal is to lose or gain fat, it ain't hard. You don't even need to consider bf %s or muscle, only your weight.

fatty chans pls be beautiful for once in your life before you hit 40, because after that even if you lose weight you're already old

>> No.7983519

thats a sperm whale you pleb

>> No.7983521


at certain mass densities, words are relative.

>> No.7983527

oh, please, you have to start somewhere, even if theyre just saying they want to lose weight

>> No.7983535

>fatty chans pls be beautiful for once in your life before you hit 40, because after that even if you lose weight you're already old
who hurt you, anon?

>> No.7983649

congratulations, you don't use food for comfort or to stave off boredom/apathy/sadness, so of course you don't get why losing weight can be easier said than done.

>> No.7983665

Yes I'm mad, mad that scum like you exists that will stop at nothing to lie to themselves, to lie to others, scum like you that can vomit out their retarded biased opinions and not feel an ounce of shame in hindsight so you just continue being the disgusting filth you are. Of course the most heinous bi-product of your miserable existence is that if people fold and give you an ounce of right to your idiocy then the greatest of harms is done to peoples perception of reality because suddenly, the victims are at wrong for being alive for forgetting in blisfull ignorance that we're not living in 1500's or Africa anymore where all life is uncertain.

This is the raging anger I carry for individuals such as you, the corrupt shameless liars that stop at nothing to be a hero in their own eyes of some divine logic they carry in themselves cause all others are wrong and beneath you.

No, fuck you assclown. Anybody can see through your bullshit, why even bother being this idiotic

>> No.7983689

So like since the thin lolitas are making their own anti fatties comms, us plus sized lolitas should make a fatties only comm

>> No.7983996

how about one step further and make it a "only good plus size lolitas allowed" too many bad plus size lolitas out there

>> No.7984006

People who use food for that deserve to die from obesity related things. Weak pieces of fat shit.

>> No.7984435

It's not gonna work. Years of having cantaloupe melons attached to my chest has given me the ability to look at a dress and immediately know that it's gonna look like shit on my body. Short bodices are the bane of every large busted lolita's existence.

>> No.7985034


>> No.7985040

>people have defense mechanisms and crutches
>everyone is a weak piece of shit
>except for me :^)

>> No.7986357

Becoming beautiful is one of the biggest reasons I've lost 50 pounds and won't stop till I get to my goal of 120. The other is to help stave off a genetic problem with my heart that I got from my dad (I'm a brugada carrier. Fun.).

And I agree, it's not that hard to lose weight.

>> No.7986490
File: 231 KB, 960x686, 2af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatty chans pls be beautiful for once in your life before you hit 40, because after that even if you lose weight you're already old
beta male detected

>> No.7986997

we used to have a /fit/ friday.
what happened to us/cgl/?

unless we still have them and I've just been missing them?

>> No.7987011

they weren't on topic enough/too much thinspo posted something like that.

I actually liked them though, it motivated me seeing other progress as well

>> No.7987016

Stop linking this thread to /fit/

No one cares about your drama you stupid cows

>> No.7991166

Oppai can't shippaï