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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 232 KB, 1474x961, 1416483891577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7961410 No.7961410 [Reply] [Original]

Lets do this, moar pictures please

Also, whose looking forward to Akuma?

>> No.7961413

Akuma is going to be great. I've always had great craic when i've gone in the past. But i hope they have a better trade hall this year. last year was so empty and kind of a disappointment.

>> No.7961469

They have interesting guests and nothing else.

>> No.7961547


I'm not going to pay for a flight for this cosplayer, I'm going to drive to collect her and drive her on a hours long trip!

>> No.7961550


>> No.7961559

I am tempted by the guests, but I've heard a lot that they have nothing else. :(

>> No.7961560

Oh man, imagine if an Irish con got Jessica Nigri.

>> No.7961564

Be constantly fucking mispronouncing her name in an embarrasing manner..

>> No.7961566

Please no. If the betas in the crowd fawning over Lindsey Stirling at her gig a few weeks ago were anything to go by, Nigri would be a trainwreck

>> No.7961571


It's cheap, not too far of a journey from where I live, there's always interesting guests and talks, and the pub is always fun for catching up with people.

Should be bants,

>> No.7961630
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Toy show's this Friday lads

>> No.7961639

I'm fucking hype.

>> No.7961644

>reading some news weeks ago
>that insufferable flamboyant eejit Alan Hughes on TV3 gutted he was turned down for their version of the toy show
>laugh to myself

Trying to watch Irish morning television is so fucking cringeworthy, he's easily the worst of the lot.

>> No.7961645

Does anyone even watch that TV3 version? What nonsense.

>> No.7961646

Those kids embarrassing themselves, and the pure irish-ness of it, gets me in the mood for Christmas everytime.

>> No.7961649

Probably as many people as who unironically watch Fair City

>> No.7961654

I actually know a load of people who watch it unironically. Nobody I actually like, but still. Perils of coming from Culchieland, I suppose.

>> No.7961676

Fair City Drinking Game:
A shot every time someone says "Yeh whah'?"

Actually, it becomes less likely you'll die if you switch out "shot of alcohol" with "gunshot", otherwise it's a surefire way to poison yourself.

>> No.7961868

Only for her to bail on the con and go to the zoo

>> No.7961870

I didn't, it was on the Friday night at Eirtakon if I remember correctly

Maybe they should have had a screening of it?

>> No.7961872
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>> No.7961876
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>> No.7961879

Hey did anyone else almost wet themselves when that Sasuke sang opera? I mean no harm to him good on him for going up and doing it but I don't know, I just couldn't stop snickering.

>> No.7961888

Was that the Sasuke from the Naruto/Sasuke makeout duo? I was half-expecting Mumbles to come running onto stage to save him and have a makeout session with him

>> No.7961892
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>> No.7961894

No idea mang, no idea. It was the high notes that got me.

>> No.7962013
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>> No.7962015
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>> No.7962045
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so this is what she looks like now.


>> No.7962056

HRT does magical things!

>> No.7962059


i think it's confidence too. it might not seem like it at first but she doesn't let haters get to her as much, which is a positive step for her.

also damn that looks like a 1:1 shoulder/hip ratio. hormones are fucking magic.

>> No.7962064

Unfortunately no matter how much HRT she undergoes, it doesn't change the fact you can tell just by looking at her that she was born a male.

>> No.7962073
File: 75 KB, 600x799, 10600350_890017264342316_7524111701647948397_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dunno man.

you're biased since you know she is and you're 4chan so you suspect trap no matter what.

also i don't think it's a matter of amounts lol i don't think that's how it works.

i think i'd maybe suspect she was russian or something as much as trans if i just saw her like this.

>> No.7962077


Not sure if whiteknight who doesn't know how 4chan works or a brilliant troll who wants to stir shit about her.

Please go shit up some other thread either way.

>> No.7962079

Unfortunately her jaw is very masculine looking!

>> No.7962090
File: 46 KB, 534x712, 1395419533000-EPA-USA-ACADEMY-AWARDS-2014-62548678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's fine.

it's strong but very masculine is exagerrating.

some women can still have masculine or androgynous features and still be attractive. sometimes they're called "striking" features.

a lot of eastern european & russian women tend to have strong jawlines and cheeks too.

and this person, whoever she is.

>> No.7962141

Soo back on topic.

Anyone have any idea when the official photographs from Eirta will come out? I got a picture taken and would like to see/ possibly use it at some point. Alternatively, who would be good to contact about this?

>> No.7962326

Kieran Broderick is the photographer to talk to I emailed him last year for a pic and he sent it 2 days after the con

>> No.7962334

Was he doing them this year, though? I heard he moved to Canada.

>> No.7962336

Don't hold your breath. Depending on who the photographer was, they'll be available somewhere between a few weeks and a few months from now.

>> No.7962709

Anyone have experience with Kaizoku Con? I was asked to do my panel there after I did it at Eirta, but I'm not really sure what to expect or whether I should go or not.

>> No.7962724


Thought so as well, but thanks for confirming.

Eirtakon has been in shambles this year for everything. A bit disappointing.


Broderick has gone to Canadia now. It was some young staffer who was taking pictures with a nice enough camera. She introduced herself as the 'official photographer,' so I assume she's the one doing the uploading.

Broderick was excellent when he was there though. Very nice man.

>> No.7962741

Kaizoku con is actually mad craic. It was the most fun i've had at a con in years. Bit of a treck to cork but the bar was cheap and the guests were so damn nice. I'd recommend it. It is also one of the rare drama free cons.

>> No.7962748

On the last thread someone said Declan had left the ArcadeCon committee months ago

If he has, he still appears to be working for them and is making announcements regarding upcoming guests

>> No.7962783

Why would he leave his own con...

>> No.7962788

I've gotten word from a con associate that there's a huge shake-up happening following all the shite this year. Hopefully this means all the stuff is arranged in time for next year.

Kieran was the best photographer Eirta had, especially considering he did it all out of his own free time. It's gonna be a hard job finding a long-term replacement for him that's of a similar nature (and similar price!)

Probably would be more accurately surmised as "voluntarily stepped down from the committee". Maybe he wants to try avoid the stigmata of Arcade being dubbed the "DeclanDoodyCon"?

>> No.7962815

>huge shakeup

So the committee aren't going to be unprofessional idiots telling people to kill themselves over the internet and stuff will actually run on time?

Good gravy, it almost sounds as if this radical shakeup would is meeting the bare minimum standards required for any con. Good on them!

>> No.7962846

Maybe. Might not go to that extent, but afaik it's actually going to allow some sort of multi-year arrangements, so that there's no more "oh we can't agree to this because it's next year's committee's problem" bullshit excuses for things.

>> No.7962883

Cheap bar. But shit bar

>> No.7962899

Are that anyone who knows how to do anything will be kicked out in favourite of the Directator and his glorious regime.

This is Ireland, remember.

The country where the SS probably could've done a lot of good.

>> No.7962903

Meh, i had great craic at it. trade hall could use improvement though. it felt rather bare.

>> No.7962954

I know the Trade Liaison this year, and she's said she's doing what she can to get some fresh stuff in.

Know her well enough to know that she isn't talking bollocks, either. She's trying, and I'm sure she's making progress.

>> No.7962965

Noticed there was only one stall selling manga/anime, where in previous years there was at least 3

>> No.7963055

This year was its first year, wtf are you talkin about, anon?

>> No.7963061


Kaizoku was a first year con last year, meaning a lot of traders wouldn't want to risk going down in case they made a loss. I'd say with the success they had last year it should help spruce up the trade hall for them for the upcoming year.

Akuma should be good craic, I always have a great weekend at it. It's not too far away from me so it'll make a change from having to pay inflated Dublin prices for accommodation and booze. Roll on January!

>> No.7963119

Hafta say while the singing wasn't great by any means I'm glad he's trying something other than their usual

>> No.7963232

for Kaizoku con. it was their first year running.

>> No.7963572

100% definetly him. They did a similar LxLight thing at nom con the same year. I cant forget it O_O

Saying that, I was kinda disappointed naruto didn't appear :(

>> No.7963575

Apologies, I thought this was talking about Eirtakon not kaizoku

>> No.7963577

>smiley on 4chan

Are you fucking 12?

>> No.7963639

12 what?

>> No.7963685

Mumbles was at the con, I saw him in the trade hall, he was wearing a suit rather than Naruto though.

>> No.7963788

Were there any good events at Eirtakon this year? Most of the stuff on the schedule looked pretty meh

>> No.7963826

Mental health panel was interesting
So was classic animation.
Fanfiction panel
Whiskey tasting

>> No.7963829


Mental Health? What was that exactly about? Who was giving it?

>> No.7963835


Mental health? What?
Was the onomatopoeia and violence (or something like that) good? I had no fucking idea what that would have been about

>> No.7963859


I think I found it.

>With a community that is so inwardly focused, so enthusiastic and so prone to throwing themselves into everything, sometimes one can come away from some drama or fallout with their self-esteem battered. This workshop aims to counter that, with a mix of aversion therapy teachings, motivational speaking and other pop-psychology buzzwords that sound really pretentious but actually work quite well. The endgame is for everyone to leave the workshop feeling better about themselves.

That sounds... ineffectual at best, dangerous at the worst, particularly if the speaker wasn't, you know, trained for this. I guess it can't be worse than those motivational speakers though.

>> No.7963867

I believe it was Sinéad Lynch, take that as you will.

>> No.7964119


>> No.7964260

Oh. So it'd be a panel on how to ignore criticism and build a hugbox of people ten years younger than yourself, then?

>> No.7964361
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>> No.7964541

It was interesting. And it did run along the lines of a lot of things I had been thinking about myself. Although I might be quite a bit older than the target demographic and I don't have as big an online presence as the tumblinas

Feh. Whatever makes you happy.

>> No.7964930

It was okay. The intentions were good. I didn't like how she seemed to think everyone thought a certain way/the way she thinks. She also said extroverts were rare.

>> No.7964978

My friend dragged me to it. She had some good points but some of them I didn't agree with, particularly the point of "the only reason people can possibly be mean to you is because they are projecting their past failures on to you and you're an outlet for their anger/embarrassment".
She also said to only take constructive criticism and if someone is just being hurtful to ignore them. I feel like she was half correct, I mean she's right really, it's shite critique if someone doesn't really tell you what you're doing wrong and just tells you're "you're shit", that's not critique. But she didn't mention that sometimes critique can be both constructive and harsh, she seemed to imply that critique that you take on board should only be nicely worded stuff, and that's just not true. If someone is being harsh to you then see if there is any truth in what they are saying and how you can take what they are saying to improve yourself, even if it's harsh. If it's just stuff like "kill yourself" yeah feel free to ignore but otherwise don't dismiss valid critique just because it isn't worded in the nicest way possible...

>> No.7964997

I had a lot to say during the mental health panel, but they ran overtime so they had to wrap it up quick. I think these mental health awareness groups have good intentions, but are going about it the wrong way. Putting in more laws to stop people's feeling getting hurt is not a solution.

>> No.7966365

Yeah, well intentioned legislation will be abused by corporations and celebrities to shut out negative criticism of their products online.

Anyway. Time to start planning for next year. An unexpected expense got in my away *again*. Not it's tiime to really make a start and get something done.

Zip ties and tarpaulin.

>> No.7966819

She's a tool, surprised that people in the con scene still put up with her. Anyone see her on that 40-year-old virgin show way back?

>> No.7967829

That was actually so awful holy shit. I don't know why anyone would do something like that

>> No.7968242

>Anyone see her on that 40-year-old virgin show way back?

Gonna need more info here anon

>> No.7968305

It was on Channel 4 ages ago. You might be able to find it on the C4 site. They included some bullshit where she had to tell a made-up story about being molested to try and make her seem even a tiny bit sympathetic...then went right back to playing the Comic Relief Music over all her parts.
When she finished the show she was still well on her way to being a wizard.

>> No.7968556
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It is "her" you spastic

>> No.7968750

Why would you bring this back

>> No.7968815

Didn't she say men smell of ham and aftershave?

Is it true she got a boyfriend recently?

>> No.7968818

This might be it - http://www.channel4.com/programmes/40-year-old-virgins/episode-guide

>> No.7968855

Yeah, she used the name "Rosie" for the show but I saw through her clever ruse.

>> No.7968916


Yep she did
Proof - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFMU22ob_B4

>> No.7969572

Has that fat autism updated her YouTube channel?

>> No.7969611

It's 'autist' not autism and no I haven't. My piece of shit computer is getting repaired, meaning I can't get videos off my phone so I've no memory left for a video.

And I wanted to make a video about how shite the Inquisitor's Edition of Dragon Age Inquisition is before I leave it back

>> No.7969683

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.7969735
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I'm calling bullshit on this, Who would vote for them except out of irony? they have like 6 votes now

>> No.7969758

I saw that too. I have no idea why.

>> No.7969761

Getting their mams and their friends to vote, probably.

>> No.7969764
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>> No.7969767

Irish mammies would, lets face it.

>> No.7969771

Capt. Autism looks about their age, no wonder

>> No.7969970

I find it really shitty that people are making fun of her because she was felt up as a kid. You may dislike her for your own reasons but that shits low even for 4chan.

>> No.7969973

She wasn't, though, she was told to say that for the show.

>> No.7969974

I've known her personally for years. That is not the kind of thing she would make up.

>> No.7969976

How do you know she made it up?

>> No.7969982

Well, that's what I heard from somebody, so there's a possibility it's not true, and if it isn't I apologise profusely, but I really, really don't think the person who told me would lie about something so horrible, or even tell me about it if they weren't certain.

>> No.7969991
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>that shits low even for 4chan
>mfw I pretended to be somebody I didn't like on /b/ years ago for a laugh, posted one of her Youtube videos in the thread, left it and hours later the thread ended with satellite photos of her house being taken, her work being phoned asking for her/Battletoads (she worked in a Gamestop) and her nudes/a lewd video of her being sent to her family on Facebook

This site is capable of a lot more than making fun of somebody they don't know for being felt up as a child

>> No.7969992

Meant to reply to

>> No.7969995

I know for a fact that it is a lie. She was not making it up in the slightest. You should not instantly believe everything you hear without actually asking the person in question of getting the information of them personally. I know the girl and can tell you 100% she didn't make it up. It is a shame people came to the consultation that she had. But i fear that people just tried to make shit up about her to shitpost because they don't like her instead of actually knowing the truth,

>> No.7970017


You mean it is NOT a lie, right? I had to reread this several times.

>> No.7970025

Yes. it is not a lie. bad typo on my part.

>> No.7970038

Except none of that is true

>> No.7970051

Unfortunately it is. I feel pretty bad about it. She moved to Canada a few months after though and I've not talked to her since.

>> No.7970060
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Canada? Really? Cos she was at EirtaKon last weekend.

>> No.7970063

Who are you even referring to?

>> No.7970066


I think you've got your wires crossed. The other anon was talking about some random girl he knew from what I could tell.

>> No.7970068

He's not talking about Sinead, obviously.

>> No.7970080

Failcon is in t-13 days. Anyone going to watch the car crash?

>> No.7970085

>people ironically contributing money to that fucking eejit to go and watch his con fail

One or two of you do it and document the failure if you have to but that should be it.

>> No.7970089

Yes. I'm going for free so might as well.

>> No.7970091

Just went to their website there, fuck I didn't know they still made those bouncy pop-up adds

>> No.7970093

Just sneak in, they wont notice or give a fuck, lets be honest here

>> No.7970095

kek. Those 90's kids...

>> No.7970097
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Greatness awaits

>> No.7970103

Oh sweet baby jesus.
The sheer amount of CRINGE!

>> No.7970111

I once saw he did a FB review of his own podcast, saying it was the best one in Ireland.

>> No.7970116

I'd imagine he left a less than flattering review for the prostitute who robbed him on Escort Ireland

>> No.7970117

What? He got robbed again?
My sides. They cannot handle the lolz.

>> No.7970152
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>> No.7970179


So who is this Sean Burke lad and why should I give a fuck?

>> No.7970280
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Why would you even review something that hasn't even happened yet....

>> No.7970316


Eirtakon section starts from around 17:13. Lad reporting it at least seemed to know what he was talking about at least

>> No.7971987

Humbug,humbug I say! So close to Christmas, I am especially misereable at all the hollow plastic joy shoveled down my throat.

I'll down a bottle of Jemmy on my own while pissing and shitting venom all over ye.

>> No.7972086
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I've been reading some left-wing subreddits and I now finally understand why Marxists despise anarcho-capitalism.

It's because it is utterly pointless to destroy the hierarchies created by Government if you do not also destroy the hierarchies created by Private Industry (ie : capitalism). Therefore the only true form of anarchy is anarcho-communism.

At last I truly see.

>> No.7972100

Cumdumpsters don't get to be wizards, only witches. Sorry /cgl/.

>> No.7972102

Witches are magic too.

>> No.7972104

She should be so lucky.

>> No.7972106

There's at least two words in your own post that you clearly don't understand. You were so close to being clever, too.

So close.

>> No.7972142
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>You were so close to being clever

no I fucking wasn't

>> No.7973778

so who's going to Otakucon with the other 32 people who preregged?

>> No.7973836

Fucking what? they only had 32 people pre-reg?
Were the committee and Geek Eire the only people who pre-regged or something? haha

>> No.7973874

Would that surprise anyone? Their website is so cringeworthy with pop up ads everywhere. They still haven't taken down the guest who cancelled either from it

>> No.7973925

Any source on that figure?

Seems a bit on the high side

>> No.7973979


They started with 500/200/200/100 available.

>> No.7973991

They really thought they'd sell 1000 tickets?


>> No.7974001

is there even 1000 people in Ireland

>> No.7974014
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The term EPIC FAIL has suffered semantic satiation over these long years.

I think, at last, we have a FAIL so EPIC, it truly earns the term.

>> No.7974286

13 weekend passes? Looks like it's gonna be a fun weekend!

>> No.7974292

why the fuck would you hold a convention out by the red cow anyway?

>> No.7974381
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Otaku Con's failure is making me rock fucking hard

>> No.7974720

What the fuck is this shit? I do actually agree that lasernow are bootlegging essentially however what about foutees or some of the other dealers from cons like those plushy guys that go to all the cons. Also there's Replay Games. Weren't they at Arcadecon? I mean they're the biggest pirates I even seen.

>> No.7974726
File: 138 KB, 352x338, 1359838829767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and me both, buddy

>> No.7975658

is there a timetable yet?

>> No.7975668

jesus, why would there be?

At this stage, expect them to pass around a hat at the end for the venue

>> No.7975696

It was supposed to be announced. But hasn't been.

35 people will need to have deep pockets for that hat

>> No.7976020


That's for us up at Q-con! We Northern Irish Like Cosplaying too!

>> No.7976053

My crew of 967 people and are I going.

No lie

>> No.7976249

I kind of want to go, just to see how horribad it is.

>> No.7976342

I can't go, so i am sending my mate to go and report back the awfulness. I pitty poor David Vincent. He's going to get the brunt of shitty organization. And he was so much fun at brocon, it's a pitty he'll never want to come back after this!

>> No.7976353

Ah man David was definitely the absolute soundest con guest I have ever met!

>> No.7976365

J Micheal Tatum was pretty damn sound too.

>> No.7976533

Kevin M Connolly
Spike Spencer
Those were fun

>> No.7976678

Tatum's late night panel at Kaizokucon was absolutely fantastic!

It's a shame they militantly forbade recordings and pictures because it was honestly one of the most hilarious panels ever!

>> No.7977376

I remember that, fucking hilarious. That same game is still played among my friends at gatherings sometimes

>> No.7977411

Not to mention that most of the sellers are selling bootleg replica shit from Taobao for a legit product's price, but this has never ever been an issue seemingly.

>> No.7977417

Why do cons even get replay games as traders anymore? I've only ever heard of people having trouble with them

>> No.7977430

And what... "crew" is this?

>> No.7977432


>> No.7978115


>> No.7978229

10/10 day made better.

>> No.7978236

Still no timetable with a week to go.

>> No.7978240

lel. Do we place bets now for how close to the start of the con the timetable is revealed, or do we assume they'll be frantically handed out at the door?

Speaking of handing out, are there any volunteers or anything for this con?

>> No.7979302

Who else is heading to Sabaton tonight? I know there are a lot of Irish seagull power metal heads!

>> No.7979318

Because everyone buys from them. If you buy, committee thinks you like them. Asks them back, and the circle goes on

>> No.7979613

Consider me a whistle blower but I have just heard that Nathan Kealy might have got the wrong David Vincent for this year's OtakuCon. I can't say for certain if this is true or not but you heard it from me k.

>> No.7979615

>Irish seagull power metal heads

cancer defined

>> No.7979641

So, the metal head, or the baseball author?

>> No.7979659

I know only what I know
Well at least Terrence Stones is still on the list of guests

>> No.7979710


How did you find this out?

>> No.7979720

I shall not tell but I have my inside sources.
If I get into trouble for ratting out Nathan I don't care.
But remember he "might have got the wrong David Vincent" as my source tells me
The public need to know this information I'm just doing my duty here

>> No.7979730

but how do we know its true and not just h8 b8?

>> No.7979736

Oh and also, Potsy will be unveiled as the next Rose of Tralee

>> No.7980487

K den.

>> No.7981320


Which Irish con would ye 'chlorinate?"

>> No.7981335

If you elaborate, I might chlorinate?

>> No.7981396

Who's the best cosplayer Ireland has to offer?

>> No.7981435


with Bluewolf as a close second

>> No.7981467

I believe they are talking about this http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-19-hospitalized-thousands-evacuated-in-gas-leak-at-rosemont-hotel-20141207-story.html?track=rss

>> No.7981479

We really have no stand out talent. Certainly not on an international level

>> No.7981568

Eirtakon! They're such a bunch of liars with their 3000+ attendance. Arcadecon was a bigger and better con and they know it. Personally I can't wait for next years AC. They always have the best acts and so many guests!

>> No.7981819

Can't tell if Arcade committee or troll.

>> No.7982338

Anyone hype for Akumakon?

>> No.7982365

Not really this year.
Last year was the same as always. While akuma is great fun i never get hype for it. It just kinda happens

>> No.7982370
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>> No.7982373

Do you get hype for other cons?

>> No.7982386

I get hype for certain voice actors and panels at cons. Like Eirtakon last year. (voice talent was shit this year)

>> No.7982395

Which Voice actors would you guys love to meet? I know he's been here before but i'd fucking love to meet Spike Spenser.

>> No.7982586

so apparently the excitement for otakucon is so infectious it's like ebola.... geek eire strikes again

>> No.7982593

Wow. he really has a way with words doesn't he.

>> No.7982682


>> No.7982827

As in an Arcade committee member who is a troll, which fits the description for most of them.

>> No.7983054

As an Arcade con committee member who is a troll, this fits my description for me.

>> No.7983067
File: 82 KB, 678x960, 10342450_1589130284631758_1785939964093895681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timetable is up...... I have no words

>> No.7983075

€22 for that? That's less stuff than the one-day €10 Anime Dublin!

>> No.7983076

>geek eire
tip top lel

>> No.7983095

Wheres the ballpit?

>> No.7983097

They must not have room in the reception area what with all the card games that will be played there

>> No.7983104

I'm sad, but not fucking surprised

>> No.7983123

He's a decent chap.

What? Easily avoided with minimal precautions? Or by torching entire villages just to be safe?

>> No.7983133

Oh god not that dude Simon hosting a panel. God help us all.

>> No.7983135

isn't he ani4serz? Meaning two lovely hours of his shite one panel after another

>> No.7983153

>bullying in the con scene
>fuck shit up
>geek eire

What a fucking disaster. What in the name of Christ do they do when they want to 'fuck shit up' anyway? What does the event even entail?

>> No.7983168

I would love if it was a panel chronicling every moment they fucked things up. It's probably just going to be about the internet deforming the director

>> No.7983185


Every time

>> No.7983207

Yeah he's terrible and awfully cringeworthy.

>> No.7983236

That bronies panel isn't even a brony panel, it's a furry panel about fursuits and furry fandom!

Also people wearing fursuits or furry ears with fursona badges get discounts to the con!

All of my what!

>> No.7983334

>Ireland's furry population will never be subjected to a chlorine gas attack

Why even live

>> No.7983361

Gas Otaku con, you say?

>> No.7983365

Ah now, you might end up injuring their 10 attendees.

>> No.7983373

So how many of you are actually going to witness the failure that is Otaku Con from the inside?

>> No.7983386

I'm going for a friend. I will post a vivid description of the failure on here. The rest of you can save your money and my anger/horror from the safety of your screens

>> No.7983389

Based, thank you.

Make sure to post with a trip and take a lot of pictures please.

>> No.7983512


>> No.7983531

Okay I'm back out of my hiding hole
So David Vincent the voice actor on his official Facebook page revealed that is definitely going to OtakuCon! Crisis averted as they say.

>> No.7983540

Is Akumakon worth travelling several hours to?

>> No.7983543

Cheap bar and food, people are great craic, and good guests. One of the few cons I travel to every year.

>> No.7983622

It definitely has one of the most aesthetically pleasing venues of any con, couple that with cheap booze and some really cheap hostels within 15 minutes of the con and you have a recipe for a potentially fantastic weekend!

>> No.7984581

As a WoWfag, hell yes. Garrosh Hellscream/human Arthas is their guest.

Always have great craic there anyway. Never usually give much of a shit about con guests.

>> No.7984588

Fuck yes. The craic in the pub is worth it alone. The over 18 events are also really damn funny. I've always had good fun at their hentai panel.

>> No.7984594

They've had Geek Eire speak before but don't hold that againest them.

>> No.7984624

That was 2 years ago i believe, Before they were well know super autists. I doubt any proper convention would have fuck all to do with them now.

>> No.7984654
File: 119 KB, 491x606, oh my fucking god..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys were saying about David Vincent?

How on earth can a con go so far wrong. I actually feel sorry for them at this stage.

>> No.7984659

my fucking god, how!? how can you do something so badly? i'm fucking amazed they even know how to breathe without a step by step guide

>> No.7984664

I know they wanted to emulate Dashcon but fucking hell, did they have to do it so spaztacularly?

>> No.7984665

I am so happy right now.

>> No.7984673

Meh who cares anymore not like it's the first convention that had guests drop.

>> No.7984676 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7984677
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>> No.7984680

Only reason I find this hilarious is because the director was so convinced he could run a con better than anyone else while being a fucking dictator. I'd feel bad for them otherwise if he hadn't been such a prick about it

>> No.7984689


>> No.7984690
File: 133 KB, 640x480, wanker .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he get denied for not having a ticket? Expecting a guest to pay for their own flights and not actually telling them sounds like something they'd do.

>> No.7984692

Aye, if he'd not been so up his own hole and such an unmitigated spastic, we might not care.

As it stands, he was, we do, and it's really fucking funny.

>> No.7984696

Yea, but wasn't that due to guest incompetence rather than con incompetence?

>> No.7984698

See it's retards like you who can't run an anime convention. If a guest can't get onto a plane it's due to your own bad planning.

>> No.7984699

I really doubt it.
Why would there have been rumors of david vincent not coming, then suddenly a day or so after, they say he "couldn't get his flight"
I say it was the cons fuck up. It's too coincidental.

>> No.7984701

Amen anon

>> No.7984707

I'm inclined to agree, but sure we'll see what David has to say, if anything, on one of his pages or something.

>> No.7984708

If you look up David Vincent's twitter, he was really excited to be coming back to Ireland, so I doubt it was him who decided he was too busy/didn't want to/etc. So seems like a fuck up on the con's side with his flights

>> No.7984710

Maybe he visited the facebook page and saw that he was meant to be at a table............ all fucking weekend.

>> No.7984714

I bet they never bought the flights and lied to Mr Vincent about it when he turned up at the airport with no ticket waiting for him.

Even illegal immigrants get onto the actual flight, the only reason he'd be stopped at his end would be no ticket or no passport.

>> No.7984722

I'm willing to place money that the ticket was never bought.

>> No.7984727
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Did the ball pit get on the flight okay?

>> No.7984729

If you'd paid attention to who I was replying to, you'd have realised my remark was referring to Yaya's fuckup from a few years ago.

>> No.7984732

>I got it in argos
This man is actually a retard.

2 seconds in Google and I found a company that rents out actual ball pits.


>> No.7984735

But dose it have two cup holders?

>> No.7984738

What if he has 3 guests?

>> No.7984743

I don't think there's any fear of that

>> No.7984749

They have only terrence stone and the mario busker guy left.


>> No.7984754

>Hey Terrance we need someone to watch the ball-pit for a few hours, I'll give you a free manga.

>> No.7984772

Snap, Crackle, Pop

>> No.7984794


Whatever your opinions of Eirtakon or Non-Com, or any other convention in Ireland for that matter, I doubt any of them have managed a failure quite as epic in scope and intensity as this.

From two guests dropping out, to the ball-pit, to deformation on 4chan, to a schedule so dull and uninteresting it will turn people away, to stupid date-picking, all the way up to having Geek Eire involved and achieving the staggering total of 35 pre-registrations..... to blaming 4chan for the inevitable failure

Whatever else is said about any other con in Ireland, now we know what a truly malorganised and bad con is.

Eirtakon has problems with loosing experience. Nom-con has problems running on time. Akumakon is in fucking Galway and Kaizokukon has the worst fucking bar of any convention in Ireland. Arcadecon is, well, it's arcadecon....

But these are all but molehills compared to the monumental mountain of mishap that Otakucon will be.

All we need now is Otakon going derp on them, and the cards will be complete for true Epic Fail.

>> No.7984806

Calling it now they're going to announce a "mix up" with the venue and pass the hat around like dash-con.
Only difference is no one will bother giving them cash.

>> No.7984812

Anyone remember this fiasco

>> No.7984816

That website looks professional, what was the fiasco?

>> No.7984818

If it survives this year it will out beat Akacon by a mile.

>> No.7984825

Set to take place in November 2013 in Cork.
Loads of big promises, pro players from all over as guests, as well as lol/starcraft commentators.
Support from huge companies like Riot, Microsoft, Alien ware etc.
Month to the date they change venue, due to "high demand".
Week to the con they just call it off,
"Due to circumstances outside of our control, n00b c0n has had to be Postponed until a later date."

The guy who was running it basically fell of the face of the earth, and nothing was heard of it since.

>> No.7984828

Wow that actually sounds like a scam. Did he get away with pre-reg money?

>> No.7984831

Couldn't tell you if I'm honest, was lucky enough to assume it was going to be awful in advance and never bought a ticket.

>> No.7984840

I saw David posted on their facebook. I imagine he was mad pissed at them cause Id say they screwed up the flight details somehow. Anyway just seems they'll be paying the postage for any item you want signed to be sent to the states and back again... wait! what!? How much is that gonna cost even if it's just 10 attendees. If you are going bring something heavy or bulky I say. Either way it'll definitely cost more than the entry ticket that the attendee paid. Well done! Bravo! Good business sense!

>> No.7984849

Dave! Dave! Sign my billet lead scultpture of the character you played in that thing you played him in!

It hasn't been sculpted yet.

Y'know, I'minclined to think it was an airline snafu. That is the sort of failure that happens.

Flight in the name of 'Dave". Passport sez "David". ARE YOU A TERRORIST?!

>> No.7984860

Nah thats bullshit. He'd be stopped at security or customs, they said he was stopped all together ie no ticket.

>> No.7984923
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>post yfw the day of the failure

>> No.7984968
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>> No.7985017

what's the bet Lisle pulled out as well because she was expected to pay for her own ticket

>> No.7985130
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Can't wait to read the shit storm live on FB

>> No.7985144

It could have been her appearance fee. During his facebook breakdown the Con director bragged about getting the guests to take a pay cut.

>> No.7985426

Changing the name on the ticket would cost €100, so either they are just that broke or they never bought the ticket.

>> No.7985438

Oh wow. They totally didn't buy the ticket. What utter idiots.

>> No.7985581

This con is the gift that keeps on giving. Merry early Christmas everyone!

>> No.7985588

Pictures of the failure are going to be a must.

>> No.7985618

Agreed. Try and get some of Nathan's inevitable breakdown.

>> No.7985638
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>> No.7985727

Guys, please, don't post any stupid shit over the next few days. We *want* this event to happen and go off without as much interferance as possible. If only to make sure that it never happens again.

It's the final countdown to failure Let's just stand and watch in quiet silence. And smile as they look at us to give them a reason to cancel the event.

They have made their bed with their own hands. It is now time to sleep in it.

>> No.7985750

Or we can post and lol about it! I don't think this con will be happening again.

>> No.7985752

The con is going to be a failure whether we post stupid shit here or not. Let's call a spade a spade here.

>> No.7985768

We can post and lol fine and dandy, but you all know what I mean when I say 'stupid shit'

>> No.7986307

I really don't. Can you clarify? We post a lot of shit in here..picking one shit out of a pile is hard man. Which are you on about?

>> No.7986322

U wot m8. I'll pop ya in ya gabba ya cheeky cunt. I swer on me mum

>> No.7986363

YawnI just woke up for a good days
Yeah umm I told ya David Vincent wasn't coming to come to OtakuCon. :P Also I bumped into Nathan yesterday and he didn't even mentioned that David couldn't make it. I feel thats a detail you wouldn't forget. Even more evidence that all he thinks about is himself

>> No.7986576


>I share a planet with people like this

>> No.7986628

I assume he means don't post anything that would give them a reason to cancel. Threatening to shoot up the con for example could give them a reason to cancel!

>> No.7986637

So is there anything good on at Otaku Con at all? Looks like such a disaster

>> No.7986640

Well they just hired a molester as staff, so looks like it should be a fun weekend

>> No.7986643

u fookin wot

>> No.7986646
File: 74 KB, 365x774, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anyone see that otakucon's director is protecting someone who was accused of sexual harassment of cosplayers?

This guy is also going to be security on the weekend.......

Photo very relevant

>> No.7986648

one of the members of their security team assaulted a girl at archdeacon and go banned

>> No.7986652

This con really is the gift that keeps on giving. What an utter travesty

>> No.7986653

I know that was probably the work of Autocorrect but I still had a giggle.

>> No.7986654

that is disgusting. I know the girl who this happened to and the fact that someone would even try and defend that bailey scumbag makes me sick.

>> No.7986655

omg...meant to say arcadecon

>> No.7986657

i'm amazed it wasn't autocorrected to faggots

>> No.7986660

This entire post reeks of victim blaming and I hope the whole convention is an entire shambles.

>> No.7986666

Jesus fucking Christ.

Girl "I was harassed by this guy"
Otakucon "No you weren't :D"

>> No.7986667

I'm reading the comments on that status update, it's basically 3 of them high-fiving eachother

>> No.7986670
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Can we expect more libel and deformation cases?

>> No.7986671

How do you keep failing so consistently and creatively at every possible turn.

>> No.7986672


That's a fairly stereotypical post. I'm normally the first person to suggest that people take the time to work out what actually happened and not react too quickly, but that post is just a fucking parody of every sinister sexual harrasment response ever.

Is this some giant troll? The Aristocon?

>> No.7986673

the fuck? so after hearing from loads of different sources that this happened, at the end they just go 'nah it didn't'????

>> No.7986674

>I took a course in business management just to give me better knowledge of running the convention.
Dis guy so modest

>> No.7986678
File: 513 KB, 2048x1529, 10708616_739177066173138_1295529523058186809_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this alpha

>> No.7986679

I hope the dude gets banned from every convention...creep.

>> No.7986682

Are they a for profit con? I haven't seen any mention of a charity anywhere. Though what charity would want to get involved with them anyway

>> No.7986686

Two reatards and a packet of crisps can run a better convention then this faggot

>> No.7986690

Granted, innocent until proven guilty, witnesses can't necessarily be trusted most of the time, but really, can anyone actually not see yer man doing something like that?

>> No.7986697
File: 7 KB, 196x204, Pointy-Haired_Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst managers I've ever met always boast about the management courses they've passed.

>> No.7986701

I've heard no mention of any charity from them. Sounds like a for profit con to me.

>> No.7986712

He's a bit of a creep, treats his girlfriend pretty shit as well from what i heard.

>> No.7986713

Anyone here work for Revenue? For-profit cons have to pay taxes.

>> No.7986715

so basically the only up side to this con being on is that it won't happen again?

>> No.7986719

Yes, they do.
If they pull in a profit.
And if their annual revenue is above a certain limit.
I don't think there's a chance of either of those.

Technically, all non-university ons in Ireland as 'for-profit'. In practice, they all run at a loss, or such a low profit that their taxes are fuck all.

>> No.7986724

I don't think there is a hope in hell that they are going to turn a profit!

>> No.7986726

I get the feeling they will...

from everyone going to watch it fail.

>> No.7986728

Someone send this to potsy, she and her band of SJWs would go mad and the resulting fireworks would be amazing!

>> No.7986733

Wait, how did he come to the conclusion that she was lying/exaggerating? From yer man's word alone?

>> No.7986737

"Hey buddy did you assault some chick."
"Nah man I just slapped her on the ass!"
"Haha you go dude!"
Or something along those lines.

>> No.7986738

because all he did was 'slap her on the ass' according to bayley anyway

>> No.7986739

"Did ya do it?"
"K den."

Actual conversation that happened.

>> No.7986740

Pretty much. Although i know the girl who been claiming it. She's kind of attentiony, but i still believe it is the type of thing that guy would do.

>> No.7986743

He got help from anonymous people.

TBH if he announced that Jesus and Joseph came down from haven on a large dick.
Then announced that bailey didn't do it.

I wouldn't be surpised

>> No.7986744
File: 21 KB, 600x630, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be sexually assaulted at Otaku Con by Amy King

>> No.7986745

It was probably her own fault for fraternising with some fuckwit called Bayley anyway

>> No.7986756

Why would you want to?
There is plenty of horses out in the field that look just like her for you to choose from!

>> No.7986760

Please don't talk about my goddess and muse like that. I just want her to sit on my face and smother me until I pass out.

>> No.7986810

CGL dies everytime you mention Amy.

Why don't you take you try hard hate somewhere else faggot

>> No.7986814



>> No.7986819

CGL dies whenever Amy is mentioned because everyone on the board simultaneously gets the urge to masturbate for 5 hours non stop!

>> No.7986822

This nigga gets it.

>> No.7986834

whats the latest word on the guy at otakucon? will he still be there?

>> No.7986837

Quote from the Otakucon guy's page: "I am beginning to see more and more why David Vincent thinks so highly of everyone in the Otaku con staff"

Is David Vincent too nice or completely delusional?

>> No.7986852

If you could read anon. You would see that he's not staffing as it would hurt the convention.........

>> No.7986859

Yes because the con director showing very public support for him wont hurt the convention at all.

>> No.7986977
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>> No.7987019


He's certainly getting bent out of shape over all that 'deformation'.


>> No.7987021

He was deformed in the womb, The cyber gardai should be arresting his mother.

>> No.7987031

Guys. I live about 10 minutes from Otaku Con. I'm going to go and get locked at the fucker. Are yokes easy to get at cons? I've never been to one.

>> No.7987034

I doubt it any yolks there will get you date raped,

Pls wear a go pro and report to us!

>> No.7987038

I own a phone with a camera on it. Will that do?
I can only go on the sunday because of work though

>> No.7987041

We wouldn't expect you to expose yourself to more than an hour of that shite.
Try to sneak in, no point giving those spastics money.

Oh and get a photo of the ball pit!

>> No.7987044

I actually used to work in a store behind where it's on so I know the place well. I can sneak in by going to the resteraunt first, I hope.
Will definitely be hitting up that ball pit

>> No.7987061

So ArcadeCon is moving to the Crowne Plaza for next year. I really don't see weeaboos doing too well in and around the Blanch Centre - once Corduff gets a whiff of it, that is...

>> No.7987096
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>> No.7987100

>running a convention
>can't spell or proofread at all

Fucking hell

>> No.7987103

This con is going to be fucking amazing. Like and IRL cringe thread. It's slightly cheaper than the zoo too so that's good.

>> No.7987129

Please don't feed the animals while you're there.

>> No.7988409

People still go to Arcadecon?

>> No.7988414

Somebody make a new thread

>> No.7988658
