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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7960731 No.7960731 [Reply] [Original]

So, many of us if not all were weeaboos someday. Some maybe less than others.
But, did it really go away?
Do you still have some yaoi-posters hanging somwhere? Are you still doing aidoru dances when noone's looking? Do you have a secret waifu you keep in a folder deep deep in your PC?
Tell me all your secrets anons~

>> No.7960735

I still have Loveless fan art hanging in my room, both bought and some I drew. My entire room is pretty weeby still, but that's probably the worst of it.

>> No.7960738

I still love Japanese to death. It's a genuinely interesting and beautiful language.
I love how cute Japanese products are and I still read the fashion magazines, albeit for adults.
I don't watch anniemays anymore but I still read Doraemon occasionally.

That's really really tame considering that I was a titan weeb obsessing over anything Japanese, although I was never really that into the pop culture I'll admit. I even used to put on eyeliner to make my eyes look more Asian, and you can imagine how terrible that looked.

I still have a habit of having mini-obsessions over stuff like TV shows or cultures although I hide my power level like nobody's business.

>> No.7960921
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For all the growing up I have done.
For everything I've done to try and abandon the shameful past...

I still want to be kawaii. Not cute, kawaii.
And its a struggle because I'm this lumbering landwhale and I'm trying to be more mature and do things that are more adult but it feels like I am a little baby chick stuck in the body of a 30 pound turkey. Gobble gobble, motherfucker.

So even if I'm not open about it, an obsession of kawaii is something I struggle with every day. I see the kawaii everywhere I go, in things that shouldn't be seeing as such.

>> No.7960933

My room has Madoka posters on every wall and my best friend and I have matching necklaces of Homura and Madoka's soul gems.
Also my fixation on my waifu is a thousand times worse than my waifu fixations were back in my middle school weeb days.

>> No.7960951

My weebness didn't really go away, it just kind of metamorphosized into something a lot less cringeworthy. I take Japanese classes in school, go to cons, buy j-fash and have anime posters. I've just socially developed out of that cringe worthy weeb phase into a weeb that can function with regular people.

>> No.7960955
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>I still want to be kawaii. Not cute, kawaii.
Same, anon. Be it jfash or even just buying cute weeby Japanese accessories, I want that life.

I also dream of having a kitchen like one you would find in Japan, and making nothing but traditional Japanese meals. There's a cute little Asian grocer a few cities away from me that imports stuff from E. Asia, and I want to buy everything. Really, I just want to live like a FoB, buying nothing but imported stuff.
>no, no, I can't buy this fifty pound bag of rice from Walmart
>I have to buy this fifty pound bag of rice imported from Korea
>even my toothpaste is Japanese
>one day

It sounds so bad when I write it all out, but I'm actually fantastic at hiding my powerlevel.

>> No.7960968

ngl kawaiianon laughing atm because that actually sounds like my on-off again girlfriend in the best of ways.

She's very mature, sophisticated on outward appearances, and quite intelligent.
Nobody ever suspects that when she gets home from her university like 90% of her meals are japanese or chinese or korean inspired and that she uses only authentic things from those countries as well.

Don't feel bad about that powerlevel, at least this anon feels its really endearing and I hope you get that dream kitchen one day!

>> No.7961047

I'm still a huge weaboo.....
>Collect nendoroids (chibi anime figures)

>recently started going to cons

>jojo pose when i'm alone

>get off solely to 2d

>> No.7961097

>just started well paying job
>plan on spending half of income on lolita, anime shit, and video games and and turning my apartment into a weeaboo wonderland with figures, posters, and various kinds of merch everywhere

>have had multiple relationships, one which lasted 4 years
>literally have never loved anyone as much as hasubando
>get single best boyfriend ever irl
>getting married in summer
>no longer feel romantic obsession for hasubando of 7 years
>no longer fantasize about our wedding or him fucking my brains out
>no longer fantasize about going on dates to carnivals and watching the sunset on the beach
>have never known life without obsessing over a fictional character to an unhealthy extent

now that really takes me back

>> No.7961103

Good work anon, if your bf is ok with a weebish heaven you're really lucky!

>why leaving husbando
>secretly imagine me and bf as my otp while having sex sometimes
>noone will ever know

>> No.7961154

I listen to those otome porn drama CDs as I fall asleep. I also have that Sleepy Time Boyfriend app for the times I don't want to fall asleep to bad sloppy kissing noises.

>> No.7961175
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>Sleepy Time Boyfriend app

What have you done to me

>> No.7961184

>name my pokemon weeby names - either -chan or -kun after their names depending on their gender
>wear kuma crafts sailor moon necklaces in public, albeit in outfits that are attempting to be normalfag
>watch yaoi
>sailor moon christmas album is the only holiday music I have on my ipod

I've always been pretty good about hiding my power levels, never shared any of this shit when I was in high school or college with the general public. But not that I"m done, I don't give a damn anymore and am fully embracing the weeb.

>> No.7961195

Psst, Shall We Sleep? is a good app as well. The character gets mad if you touch his crotch.

>> No.7961209

Being a weeb in the military is suffering...
Beats being a NEET I guess, but I wonder how Uncle Sam feels when he finds out I spend 80% of my freedom dollars on nippon imports.

>> No.7961213
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>still full fledged weeaboo trash
I just hide my power levels now. I'm still a buyfag, still watch anime and read manga on a regular basis and sleep next to my body pillow of husbando every night despite having an actual husband now.
>tfw actually bought valentines and birthday gifts for husbando
true love never dies

>> No.7961222

I am crazy for rabbit-themed items. Clothing, stuffed toys, I even have several pairs of ears and tails. My favorite outfit right now includes a rabbit-eared hoodie, and I have at least four or five hats with rabbit ears and kawaii accents. I plan on getting a maid outfit and wearing my rabbit stuff with it, and cooking/cleaning for my boyfriend in it.

I would pay good money to be transformed into an actual usagi-mimi.

I want to be kawaii so bad, it hurts me.

>> No.7961225

as a fellow rabbit lover, I feel your kawaii pain

>> No.7961543

I collect figures and still have a pile of ufo plush. I binge watch anime every once in a while and recently managed to watch love stage twice, read the whole manga that's out, listen to both drama cds and read the first chapter of back stage in about a 2 week span. Oops.

Nearly 30 btw

>> No.7961551
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I kek'd, but yes, I understand.

Anyway, happy Thanksgiving!

>> No.7961562

>I would pay good money to be transformed into an actual usagi-mimi

The idea you are trying to convey is pretty fucked, but that sentence is just really fucked beyond belief.

>> No.7961572 [DELETED] 

Man, I'm not sure if I ought to post here or in the cgl feels thread.

Oh well.

>Have gotten really good about hiding my power level over the years
>Haven't had time to watch anime or play vidya in a long while
>Waste a lot of spare time on 4chin though
>Have made good friends with community and happy to share our weeaboo interests
>Can't hide my grin whenever I see someone else toting around something related to anime or J-pop culture

I've been saying the word "Kawaii" in place a lot.
>tfw graduating and moving away soon
>should save aside for boring grown up shit like moving out of parent's house, loan repayments, life insurance, and retirement
>really want to use money not spent on grocery bills for all things kawaii
>hoping that I get hired in some office and/or retail place so I can make bento lunches

I've misplaced my glasses while I was moving my things out. I'm really bummed because 1, I need them, 2nd, it was in a super kawaii blue case with a bear's face on it.

>> No.7961585

Can't see why. I'm pretty sure a lot of weebs would pay alot of monies to be actual kemonomimis. Me included.

>> No.7961586


Man, I'm not sure if I ought to post here or in the cgl feels thread.

Oh well.

>Have gotten really good about hiding my power level over the years
>Haven't had time to watch anime or play vidya in a long while
>Waste a lot of spare time on 4chin though
>Have made good friends with community and happy to share our weeaboo interests
>Can't hide my grin whenever I see someone else toting around something related to anime or J-pop culture

I've been saying the word "Kawaii" in place of cute a lot.
>tfw graduating and moving away soon
>should save aside for boring grown up shit like moving out of parent's house, loan repayments, life insurance, and retirement
>really want to use money not spent on grocery bills for all things kawaii
>hoping that I get hired in some office and/or retail place so I can make bento lunches

I've misplaced my glasses while I was moving my things out. I'm really bummed because 1, I need them, 2nd, it was in a super kawaii blue case with a bear's face on it.

>Back home for break
>Don't like dealing with mom's in-laws or people gatherings in general
>Find myself joining a 2nd cousin at the computer while she browses the "kawaii" pinterest tag
>Happy to help her find hime-kaji and fairy-kei clothing
>she babbles excitedly about going to Anime Expo with her uncle, trying to make a pleated skirt and cosplay, and wishing that there were more people into anime like her at her new high school
>tfw seeing my 14-year old self in my cousin
>tfw no heart to correct her mispronunciation of "nya"

Man. I seriously hope that I can help her through this awkward stage of adolescence. If she goes full weab, I wanna make sure that she had better sense of style than I did.

>> No.7961591

Once I get a house to settle down in, I'm dedicating one room to be a weeb room. The walls will be lined with manga, there will be a kotetsu in the middle and a huge TV to watch anime on. There will be a mini fridge stocked with Ramune and other Japanese drinks/snacks. Perhaps a shelf unit filled with figurines as well.

I'll be making my kids bentos for lunch too. Less because weeb and more so because I'm artsy and enjoy cooking, and want to be a good mom and show my kids that I put in the extra effort just to make them smile.

>> No.7961593


You sound like waifu material.

>> No.7961597

Same. For me it all started on Gaia with that calico cat tail and ears... The dream of surgery to give you animal ears/tail really never dies.

>> No.7961605
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Oh anon stop it, you mustn't make such absurd remarks

>> No.7961703
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I used to have a YouTube channel and I would post videos of me singing and dancing and I put on this fake *kawaii desuuuuu * voice I was a Venus angelic rip off .I totally regret it I removed all my videos the other day. Pic of me here I still like Japanese culture but I'm not a weeaboo .

>> No.7961804
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You could say that my weebiness never really went away but I'm definitely a lot more mature now than when I was 14.
I watch anime and read manga regularly but don't shove it in everyone else's face.
I picked up Japanese because of anime/manga but I use it to converse with with my boyfriend and friends in Japan.
My iPod is 70% Japanese/Korean/Chinese music but you'll also find a ton of English music.
I'm a bartender and often indulge in making anime/videogame themed cocktails.
I run a yaoi blog on tumblr but am completely aware of how 80% of that website it full of pretentious dumb fucks.
Basically, I'm a functioning human who just happens to really enjoy weeb things.

>> No.7961816
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I go out my way to buy items from amiami/toranoana/pixiv/1999 jp/slaps. It's so bad that my proxy knows me by name and I have over ten boxes of things.

>What I'm trying to buy now.
>Might have 300+ doujinshi

>> No.7961841

> Was part of a tiny doujinshi circle in Asia
> Lived the "grow up to draw manga" dream
> Move to US
> Doujinshi culture is non-existant
> Feels bad, son

>> No.7961942

>Are you still doing aidoru dances when noone's looking


>> No.7961969

Still totally a piece of weeaboo garbage. I am just way better at hiding it then I used to be and no longer deny it.

>> No.7962023

I still say a lot of really smarmy "THIS IS HOW THEY DO THINGS IN JAPAN" to people. I always feel embarrassed but it's like I can't help it.. somehow
I almost always wear lolita when I go out to sushi.. feels goodman
I plan to start casually wearing my hair like Usagis, I just need to buy new extensions.

>> No.7962377

I spend a fuckton of money on figures with no plans of slowing down, but I try to hide my powerlevel.
In public, you might see me in either unkempt normalfag mode or moderate otome, so you probably wouldn't suspect I horde waifu/husbando figures at home.
Still keep a shitton of weeaboo posters up because I happen to like them, and I'd love to move all this shit into a dedicated weeaboo/hobby room when I move out.

>> No.7962384

>still love naruto
>tons of posters in my room
>talk to people about my mangos and animus (though they're not as shit-tier)
>recently named my new kitten after my husbando

>> No.7962393

>buttload of Sailor Moon shit everywhere
>mostly new merch, but a few of the old vinyl 18" figures and prize figures
>still wear stupid anime t-shirts around the house
>decorative replica swords on wall of living room
>framed posters from a few series hung in bedrooms of the house
>framed postcards as little "salon" style montage in the hallway
>phone wallpapers all anime related somehow
>special shelf dedicated to anime
series/movie DVDs
>Totoro rail pass case for actual train pass
>use Sailor Moon diary/calendar
>bought a bento set for occasional lunch/picnic use

>> No.7962420

i cant do the aidoru dances anymore.
i thought I was just lucky but I was actually a late bloomer.
in the past 2 years(18 1/2 currently)or so ive developed an ample bust and a big ol' ass so i feel like i probably just look like a reformed stripper now and not kawaii at all.
why, god? why couldnt you give it to someone who wanted to like, twerk or something?
at least lolita is forgiving.

>> No.7962424

> animu poster all around my room
> still doodles animu on my fucking notebooks though I've taken to erasing them immediately after
> wears 'kawaii' type makeup/clothing
> doesn't correct people when they mistake me for Japanese
> stuffed animals imported from Japan
> bookcase full of manga
> can't stop using ETO ETO ETO as a sentence filler
I've realized that I'm still a fucking weeb, just one that's better at pretending to be a normalfag.

>> No.7962435

I'm absolute weeaboo trash, I've just learned to hide my power level in public.

>collect nendroids
>obsessed with iM@S
>have an oppai mousepad of my waifu
>have plenty of waifu specific items
>still doodle awful anime art in notebooks sometimes and i'm still an awful artist
>ipod is overwhelming japanese music
>actually it's overewhelmingly iM@S music
>almost exclusively play japanese games that i can barely even read
>i have tumblr that is almost 100% hentai and J-AV

so basically i didn't grow out of being a weeb
i just became a worse weeb

>> No.7962929

>I wish i had a japanese boyfriend, they're so cute -feels good to finally admit my yellow fever-
>a friend made me a hat with animal ears and now i want to be a kawaii magical girl
>i can't stop thinking in japanese gibberish
>i still want to go to Japan just because i want cute japanese stuff

Now the sweet memories:
>be 14
>"writer" because asspats from everyone
>i loved animoose like: digi charat nyo, doremi, pita ten. Pure moeshit
>be at language class
>teacher made us write a story with any theme
>she said she liked what i write all the time
>made a story about me and my 21 years old grorious japanese husbando with glasses
>i was supposed to wear a kawaii rori dress in that story
>there i was going to a convention alone
>even though I was fucking 14 years old
>show story to teacher
>she reads it
>asks me "do you like older men?"
>explain because i heard that a long time ago it was normal
>she tells me "just be careful"
>go back to my fantasy world

Sorry for the cringe

>> No.7962937

> kotetsu
that homo from tiger and bunny?

>> No.7962948

>1213 animes watched
>Finishing three more today

Besides that

>Room decorated with BL posters by artists I like
>Lots of figures
>Lots of manga and artbooks
>Huge collection of merchandise of a VK artist I love, including very rare demo tapes and such
>When asked about what series I like, fangirl about anime even though I realize they're asking about fox series

It's not too bad, it's just part of my life.

>> No.7962953

>Are you still doing aidoru dances when noone's looking
-Slowly mutes Buono!-
Of course not..
I was a bad weeb back then, I'd actually jump and twirl around in my old house with my friend pretending to be mew mews...
My mum once broke her foot so had to use a cane and I then used that cane to twirl and pretended I was Sakura from Cardcaptors Sakura. No judge please.

>> No.7962967

She probably can't pronunce it anyway.

>> No.7963047
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Jesus fuck, anon, are you me?

> have small lolita wardrobe
> want to wear it even just around the house
> too afraid to so much as put it on because I don't feel like I'm good enough
> tfw can't understand why wanting to look kawaii and feminine feels wrong when all my life I've been a babyfaced, short, chubby girl

>> No.7963117

Love it! Wish there was an end dub tho

Also if there was a version with a chick who was less of a loli

>> No.7963131
File: 131 KB, 434x389, demass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The character gets mad if you touch his crotch.

>> No.7963134

>weeb room. Also planning on doing this. I'll have a nice girly house, then an explosion of weeb.

>> No.7963151

Lord help me, I work at a sushi restaurant and fuck. It kills me when people mispronounce it and as I'm writing down the order I say it the correct way and god. Sometimes people are really cool and ask me to teach them the correct pronunciation but most of the time I'm sure they think I'm just pretentious as fuck.

>> No.7963153

because you are

>> No.7963154

*When people mispronounce things.

>> No.7963159

I know I am, but this is something I can´t help. Especially when my boss smiles really bright when he sees I'm the only one who pronounces things right, he's my pretentiousness enabler(?)

>> No.7963255

Does it matter?

>> No.7963257

>kotatsu I guess

He wouldn't care considering that we are China's whore.

Are you still a weeb if you draw pictures for anime character's birthdays?

>> No.7963605

>Sleep with a dakimakura every night
>Have another case hanging on the wall, planning on buying another one and an oppai mousepad in a month or so
>Posters and wallscrolls everywhere
>Hello Kitty themed everything because kawaii
>Getting a Jojo's planner for 2015, Jojo pose when I'm in my room alone
>Am actually moderately serious about my waifus and hasubandos
>Probably jamming to Berryz Koubou 24/7
>Actually passes as a fairly normal dude most of the time


>> No.7963853
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jesus it just got way way worse. I don't let fucking anybody know about it tho. I have a huge figure collection, I have 20+ wall scrolls, posters, commissioned art, body pillows... It's a goddamn mess. Like I said I don't let anybody know. My house is my sanctuary.

>> No.7963855

yes yes this guy gets it. You just gotta hide it with grace and everything's hunky dory

>> No.7963856

Oh yeah, and I wear a fucking wedding ring because of my devotion to husbando. If anybody asks I tell them it's long distance relationship...

>> No.7963878

>name my pokemon weeby names - either -chan or -kun after their names depending on their gender

Damnit I'm going to start doing that now.

>> No.7963905
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I hide my power level pretty well:

>Never post about anime on my Facebook
>Never talk about it anywhere I've worked
>Have DvD's/Blu-rays and games I hide when people come over
>Also hide half of my figmas, people seem to be okay with the Berserk figs but I don't want them to see my Madoka figmas, oh or my Ryuko fig either, because... yeah...
>I kinda have a daki I sleep with, kinda. It's the pillowcase that came with the collectors edition of Cathrine and she-I mean IT sleep-I mean LAYS outside the sheets and against the wall. It actually keeps me from both rolling over and pulling all the sheets to one side of the bed

However, lately I think my power level is beginning to show:

>The more friends I make at conventions, the more status's about anime I like and comment on
>Tagged in cosplay pictures
>Explain to coworkers I need time off for going to anime conventions, they know I'm into anime and occasionally poke fun at me for it
>I noticed my posts have been fewer and farther between and most of them involve vidya now

I think I'm slowly coming out of the closet.

>> No.7963923
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>Keeps buying these
>Doesn't even like Kirito or SAO
>Owns around close to ten

Trying to figure out what to do with them all.

>> No.7963926

T-that's actually r-really lovely.
Who is your husbando, if I might ask?

>> No.7963929
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>> No.7963936

Fuck I love these too, anon. Fuck.

>> No.7963937

I was just thinking about that post Anon holy shit.

>> No.7963942
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In middle school, a friend and I made these things called "anime binders" in which we printed out a shitload of fan art and official pictures from Geocities (remember those?) sites. During our advisory/homework periods, we would always sit and talk about anime and squee all over the place. We'd drop the "kawaii" and "baka" and such.

One day, some other people wanted to see what our huge binders were all about and what we were discussing. We were in the middle of talking about Sailor Moon and I remember screaming some made up sailor attack at them and started tossing crayons at them. My friend joined in. When they went away, we screamed BAKA after them. It was really awkward trying to explain to the teacher what happened. She died laughing and that was kind of the moment where I realized I needed to keep my power level hidden and grow the fuck up.

>> No.7963943 [DELETED] 

Reading this thread made me figure a bunch of ppl from /cgl/ are lurking about

>> No.7963968
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I'm trying like hell to not buy all of these either


>Zankyo no Terror figures coming out in May
>Same month as my birthday
>tfw I want to ask for this as a birthday gift from friends/family
>tfw "I'm never going to hide my power level."

>> No.7964018
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Ahhh it's really embarrassing but it's Midousuji from Yowamushi pedal. I have had so many pics of him commissioned, wedding clothes, cool poses, compliment giving... I also have keychains, stuff from the animate cafe and the onsen, doujin merch, I'm this close to commissioning an artist I like a lot for a dakimakura design... I really really love him so much.

>> No.7964021

Oh wow...

>> No.7964023
File: 308 KB, 245x175, tumblr_mi6l12LSVQ1qh0qluo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have husbando for many many years
>not much merchandise since he's more of a side character
>into cosplay
>most cosplays of him are total trash
>asked crush to cosplay husbando
>he agrees
>my vagina is so hard right now

pic related

>> No.7964034

Tissue engineering is a thing.
science, where the hell are my cat ears?

>> No.7964126

Are ya gonna fuck him?

>> No.7964128

Wait Stein? He's a side character? Nah he's not a side character.

>> No.7964130

it's called a reaction image, anon

>> No.7964141
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I feel like trash because I've had my husbando for years and years now, but recently I've come to terms with that I would marry Minato if I could.

Ace....I'm so sorry, I feel like I'm cheating on you.

>> No.7964145
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I love my waifu.
She's my everything, I think about her a lot while doing random shit like cooking food or buying clothing, like imagining her with me.
I'm trying my best to build a shrine for her, even though it's going pretty slow.
She's also sort of hated on the internet, and I've caught myself spouting death threats under my breath when I come across the shit people say about her.
I also do a lot of other weeby stuff, but that's probably the worst part of it.

>> No.7964147

Not that anon but who the fuck is the character then?

>> No.7964148

I sure as hell hope so.

>> No.7964150

Who's yer waifu, faggot?

>> No.7964157

Sorry, it is stein. I said sort of because although he is really really important, the focus isn't on him 100%. I more meant he's viewed as one by the fandom. He's not really a side character, but the other characters in the series are much much more popular.

>> No.7964161
File: 45 KB, 690x388, kiririn smile 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully pls

>> No.7964163

Do you want to fug yer sister?

>> No.7964169

Kirino best girl. Kuroneko go home.

>> No.7964194

I remember when I bought a fuck ton of artbooks and softcore manga at the used bookstore, ever since they all closed down. My love for the hobby also started dying as well.

>> No.7964195

I have a Mari Illustrious dakimakura in my bed and a bunch of Super Sonico figures and posters in my room. It's weird because back in my high school weeaboo days it was all about "teh yaoiz and V-KAY" and I had Yoko Kurama and Sesshoumaru posters all over my room. It's totally flipped and turned into a NEET room with a kotatsu covered in cans and a fan to cool down my computer. Yet the Dir en grey won't leave me. Once side of the room is ecchi anime merch and the other side is Dir en grey posters.

>> No.7964199

>super sonico
>NEET room with kotatsu
You and I are the same.

>> No.7964201
File: 1.98 MB, 300x176, jhjh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading this hentai where her brother turns her into a sex slave, and then Kirino turns his girlfriend into his other sex slave. Shit was so cash.

>> No.7964208

I just know that someone somewhere on /cgl/ has to have a years old shitty milanoo dress that they keep in their closet for posterity.

>> No.7964210
File: 67 KB, 1024x576, SE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon >>7964128 here. You feel stupid now?

Stein is one of the most popular characters next to Death the Kid. I see him all of the time anon so you should be happy.

>Barely anyone knows who my husbando is.

>> No.7964213

my entire middle school was me being a weeabo and taking mcr waaay too seriously. feels bad, i try not to think of it ever

>> No.7964214

>tfw I can only find like 2 h-doujins with stein
>countless with maka and soul
>only ever saw 3 cosplays
>all disgusting chub weeb dudes
maybe my country is just garbage

>tfw crush is a cute, toned skinny guy with sadistic tendancies

i'm excited as fuck.

>> No.7964219

Funny thing. I threw mine away and all the sudden in magically re-appears in the garage on a hanger. My mom had taken out of the garbage thinking I made a mistake. "Why would you throw away this pretty anime dress, honey?" It's still in the garage. And I see it staring back at me when I pull in my car.

>> No.7964225

Do you ever consider putting it on for shits and giggles?
How old is it?

>> No.7964229

Why'd your mom look through your trash, that sounds so weird.

>> No.7964230
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 71354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try pixiv. There's ton of artwork of him there. Trust me anon he's really damn popular. I think I see him the most with Medusa or Maka or hell even yaoi.

I personally seen five Stein cosplays including one with Death the Kid. I think I seen one Justin Law though. But I live in the USA so I dunno? I haven't seen a Soul or even a Black Star yet.

>tfw there's never going to be another season of Soul Eater.
>tfw the manga just 'ended' like it was axed.
>tfw people are still arguing about a characters gender from Soul Eater.

>> No.7964232

I think it's from 2009? I only tired it on once and never again. It was a replica of a bodyline dress which was also replica. The bows are attached with safety pins. Two different shades of white fabric used. The elastic was yellow when I got it. It' s truly a thing of horror. It needs to be sprinkled with holy water before I can throw it away because it will keep on finding me.

>> No.7964235

Sell it on Tumblr.

>> No.7964237

to pixiv then I guess. honestly it may just because i reignited my weebness that i am so ignorant to the knowledge. I still secretly had him as a husbando for all these years though. thank you anon. also, is justin law your husbando?

>> No.7964240

is it that bad?

>> No.7964242

She's always losing things and she'll go through the trash if she thinks she threw something important away. One time she thought she threw out her cell phone but it had fallen into a shoe.

>> No.7964243

Yeah man get it get it up high

>> No.7964250
File: 3.65 MB, 320x180, 0382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored as fuck, lurk various boards
>come across this shit

>> No.7964262
File: 1.98 MB, 350x197, LRpTv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought another Sonico prize figure like 10 minutes ago.

>> No.7964267

Which one? Did you order tiger parka version that was supposed to be released already? Why does she keep getting pushed back?! I really love valentine rock and roll one.

>> No.7964270
File: 433 KB, 956x1280, campuslife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Campus Life figure to match my giant fabric thingy.

>> No.7964278

hey man fuck you, we all got hobbies shit

>> No.7964290

i watched death note (despite hating anime-tards) in college when it was on adult swim....i don't know why...i was just sort of waiting for something to happen since it was all build up each episode

then the series just sort of ended...
i was 4 credits short on my first undergrad since i failed Spanish III in high school

(because the racist ass teacher kept yelling at me for not rolling my R's despite speaking japanese since i was like 6 years old....my childhood friends taught me Spanish but it was apparently not proper spanish and bastardized spanglish "me gusta panochita" ???)

so i took japanese culture...and pretended not to know a word of Japanese for the easy A

course graded on curve, yes I'm that asshole

>> No.7964301
File: 95 KB, 711x677, 1412545555170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7964306

sounds like a weab made that to not identify as a weab

persona 3 on the psp in the closet makes you a weab

any gundam figure makes you a weab

>> No.7964364

Sell it on ebay. Itas bought my milanoo trash for Bodyline prices.

>> No.7964378
File: 43 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n2prsuKR2D1qamhyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reminded me of this anon

>> No.7964380

It was so painful to watch Watamote for me, because I knew I was a lot like this in my teenage years.

>> No.7964381

or just donate it and not rip people off

creepy comment but you're fucking beautiful, stop with the circle lenses and the weird wigs

little gap between your teeth is hnng

buy normalfag clothes please

>> No.7964394

Ah i sesshomaru was my first husbando.

>> No.7964401

Yeah anon, donate your dress to that homeless lolita shelter. No homeless lolita should every be without frills!

>> No.7964413

thats not even how donations work

>> No.7964431

You have shit taste and Ayase is the best girl.

>> No.7964507


>Friend shows me a Phantom of the Opera otome game
> Can no longer watch the movie without hearing those squishy sex noises

>> No.7964516

I still am, would have way more figures if I didn't tell myself constantly that I don't need them since I'm broke anyway most of the time.

I have my Fire Emblem awakening husbando keychain attached to 3DS and bless that game for letting you marry absolutely everyone. So much delightful indulgence.

Also I fucking love those cheesy ass idoru animes. There's nothing really good about them but they're my guilty pleasure because it's just cute as fuck.

>> No.7964523
File: 42 KB, 435x435, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeb phase, buy shitloads of manga
>study japanese in school
>can't afford much, cut magazine covers off and hang them as posters in room
>wear baggy, ill-fitting black shirts all day every day
>slap my hair into a ponytail whenever i didn't shower
>didn't know how to hide powerlevel
>the whole kazoo
>eventually, obsession subsides
>never speak of it again

Sometimes, when i see a gaggle of girls walking around in public, squealing about Black Butler or something, i am reminded, painfully, of the thing that i once was. i've promised myself not to go to that place ever again.

>Japan is still super interesting, hopefully will visit one day
>last year, watched an anime series online as it came out
the recent hasubando adjusted preference from pale, skinny guys to muscular, brown-tan men
>currently reading JoJo

it just doesn't end, does it

>> No.7964613

It's weeb you fuckhead.

>> No.7964642

I used to dress really weird. Now I attempt to look like a normalfag but for some reason still look awful.

>> No.7964669

I still have a collection of plushies from various animes and games. I have several wall scrolls still on my wall, seifuku uniforms hanging in my closet, I use kigurumis for pjs...

>> No.7964673

My friends say all the time that I don't look like someone who would enjoy anime, and im usually good at hiding my powerlevel in public unless it's my phone, which has an anime case on it.

I used to be the schools weeaboo, but I've really toned down since I've started college.

>> No.7964680

Ignore him, he's a special needs child.

>> No.7964685

I'm still weeb trash, albeit not as bad as I was when I was 12-15. I'm 24 now and had fallen out of the weeby life for a couple of years, but now it's hit me full force. I'm more mature now, not using rando japanese words in my sentences and I don't shove it into everyone's faces.

>60% of ipod is Jpop/Jrock/some kind of animu music
>stylizes some outfits to character's
>still watches animu and reads manga regularly
>wants to live that kawaii life still
>love japanese and japan but it's turned into a love for the culture instead of just love of the animu
>has figures and plushies and posters
>a need to live the kawaii liiiiiiiiiiife

I really don't care tho. Weeb trash or not, I'm happier than I was in that weeb-hiatus I had.

>> No.7964693

suck my weab dick

>> No.7965180

I never subscribed to the view of paying for overpriced physical shit. Exhentai still gets use every week, but I don't watch shows that often because 90% of them blow.

>> No.7965199

Yeah. He's...special to say the least. He doesn't have a role much in the anime because the anime ended when his arc just started so most Soul Eater fans don't know who the hell he is.

>tfw most of my husbandos are slightly insane or bad guys.
>Justin Law, Kaworu, Tsukiyama, Kaneki and Archer

>> No.7965209
File: 402 KB, 785x435, es-re-sttl-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it fucking matter?

>I want to wear this casually
>It cost so damn much at the Eva store
>Find this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=&id=42298791452&ad_id=&pvid=b44f8f6b-d80d-4dc6-81ef-2b36460a3da0&jlogid=p29083412b027f
>Going to pm SS to see if the store can do the whole outfit.

>> No.7965235
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Having multiple husbandos

>> No.7965236

>buying anything from the EVA store with out your wallet catching on fire.

Seriously the amounts of want and the lack of money…

>> No.7965239

People can have multiple waifus so why not?

Tbh my current husbando is Tsukiyama right now.

>> No.7965260

> Tsukiyama
Good taste.

>> No.7965267
File: 34 KB, 640x360, ihavenomouthandimustvomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Having multiple waifus.

>> No.7965288

At least you're an equal opportunity douchebag

>> No.7965644

People who have multiple waifus are polygamous shits who don't understand the point of waifus

>> No.7965718

You can like other animu girls and collect stuff of them as well, but calling them your waifu when you already have one?? it's like fucking your significant other's best friend, it's just wrong

>> No.7965724

Seriously. When I did that I just called them gyarufurendos. But I only have one true waifu now.

>> No.7965731
File: 30 KB, 500x700, cdbdfa2b647fd1d5c5306b3e3119080f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you're suppose to have one waifu/husbando ever? What happens if you change fandoms or don't like the fandom anymore? Where in the official rule book does it say that.

Those are all my previous husbandos. I only have one now and that's Tsukiyama. I may be a whore but I don't give a fuck because he's fabulous.

>> No.7965733

Use different words then. You don't marry every boyfriend you have and divorce when you get bored. A waifu/husbando should be a time tested love for the character. I've only ever been attracted to 1 anime guy in my life pretty much and so I know he's the animu one.

>> No.7965740

>Time tested love for a character.

I can't even think of any character that I liked since I was thirteen and continued to like them. Well I'm not like that nor do I feel that way because things happen.

Prime example is my friend. His waifu was Kuroneko from Ore imo and because of the ending he dumped his waifu. Things like that happen with me in almost every series I like.

Prime example would be Justin Law from Soul Eater. God...his role was horrible in the manga because the manga-ka just didn't give a fuck and he ended up being flanderized so badly.

>> No.7965762

I miss being a weeaboo.
I was obnoxious, delusional, and annoying as hell but at least in that delusion I was happy.

Now I'm a redpilled cunt that is too weeby for normals and too normal for weeaboos.

There's no fucking magic in the world anymore.

>> No.7965765
File: 126 KB, 400x400, Laughing elfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people out there who treat having a waifu/husbando as SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS

>> No.7965781

This is about weeb tendencies. What did you expect?

>> No.7965786

Don't you realize though? There are tons of us, we can be together and be vaguely weeb without looking like total autists in public. This is the promised land. Plus, if you stay weeb and delusional you end up making a fool out of yourself and being more of a cunt when others point it out.

>> No.7965798
File: 1.38 MB, 2618x900, f10cb268fc655557ae6c97e4dbdea1f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much >>7965762. I'm sure this describes tons of people here. I managed to find balance between my weeb hobbies and everything else I do without letting stuff bleed through too much.

That aside, my waifu eases the pain from the fact that I'll never be with the only girl I've ever had feelings for, so I have no regrets there.

Also, my weeb interests bring some fire into my life. They've helped me have the drive to accomplish stuff and realize my personal goals. The fact that no one else in my family likes weeb stuff also gives me a sense of identity and individuality, since growing up I basically felt like a clone in the shadow of my older siblings.

>> No.7965815

Now I'm just a cunt that wants to drag everyone down because my happiness is gone

>> No.7965842

You just need a jackass friend to get you really drunk and take you to a good con, one you haven't been to before.

>> No.7965855
File: 616 KB, 2500x1378, plate51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7965856
File: 46 KB, 601x698, a33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I posted a geological map of Yosemite instead of this

>> No.7965857


>> No.7965865

Why do you even have that in the first place?

>> No.7965867

I'm a geology major and had to do a presentation on the geological history of Yosemite.

>> No.7965889

>used to put on eyeliner to make my eyes look more Asian
Dude, I don't intentionally do that, but people ALWAYS comment about how "Japanese looking" my makeup is.
I'm a pale Caucasian girl with winged eyeliner, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I'm terrified that I look like something out of the Mikado.

>> No.7965906

japan isn't too interesting

pretty westernized, food isnt that great

maybe i am biased because i go every year but its pretty dull TBH

just spend my days in club sega or at book off and buying food

gashpon and anime wore off quickly

>> No.7965980

Naw, the food and culture are pretty damn awesome
but maybe that's because I went to the countryside and small cities instead of the typical Tokyo trip
that and going every year sounds like it'd get old

>> No.7965985
File: 1.02 MB, 1680x951, Yumichika_laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replying to sieg

>> No.7965986

yeah, thats what you get for being the only one capable of taking care of the family home i guess.

i would trade these trips to japan for literally anywhere else europe, africa, south america etc

japan and the US is just..the same old same

hunger games posters in america, hunger games posters in japan.

>> No.7965987



>> No.7965988

This is me. I even look fairly cute but I just feel like I would be ridiculous in kawaii jfashion. I am constantly picking out tons of kawaii clothes and accessories online but I can't bring myself to hit "check out" and forget about it...but I want that kawaii life.

>> No.7965989

Please stay away from europe, we don't need faggots here.
Please stay in faggotland.

>> No.7965993

I can relate to this.

>> No.7965995

eh, i can act straight...

>> No.7966025

Dir en grey never leaves you.

Did you know most if not all of their music is up I spotify.

>> No.7966038
File: 1.63 MB, 500x375, 2009-08-22-190997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, is that some kind of meme
im from jp so i dont know your trips

>> No.7966041

> Be in middle school
> Read CCS and see that whole Sakura's friend and the teacher relationship going on
> Get into older, mature guys because "it was in a manga so it was totally okay!"
> End up dating guy 4 years older than me as a result
> He was a totally cool guy and but also a bit of a pussy
> People get uncomfortable about our relationship
> Get forced to break up with him
> Everyone keeps bashing "older guys in real life aren't like those cartoons, they will rape you and kill you" into my head.
> "If that's the case, then 2D guys will never hurt me."
> End up with anime guy harem and refuse to date anyone that's not an anime
> Pull out anime picture and tell people it's my boyfriend of the week
> Somehow the adults were okay with this

> Many years pass and I run into my ex
> He asks me if I'm still only into 2D
> He became a bit of a weeb himself, waifu and all
> We're good friends now

>> No.7966042

Are you trolling or are really some lost visitor on this board?

>> No.7966049

but 4 years isn't really that bad

>> No.7966050


I think your friends just overreacted

>> No.7966060

I was 12 and the guy was 16. I lived in a small town where everyone knew each other so I think they were concerned with him sexing me up when I didn't even learn how babies were made yet.

>> No.7966063

I understand their worries, what kind of guy wants a girl this young? "What is wrong with him not getzing a girl his age?" comes to mind. And 4 years are a lot at this age.

>> No.7966069

4 years as adults? Fine. 4 years as a middle schooler? jesus christ no that's weird

>> No.7966098

Not everyone finds a waifu. Don't go searching for one, when you find her you'll know.

>> No.7966100

If this ain't a troll, seig is basically the most useless trip on the board.

>> No.7966103

Its bad until you're an adult, hell most people still think its weird for a senior in college to date a freshman.

>> No.7966126

> You were 12
> He was 16

Nope. Just nope, that's wrong in a lot of ways. I was assuming you were 16 or something

>> No.7966191

Are you me? You sound exactly like me.

>> No.7966230

Luckily I'm half Asian, so when my doodles have a slight weaboo tinge to it, or my powerlevel shows to an extent, people just blow it off as being Asian so I'm weird.

>> No.7966283

I actually find Asian weebs the most embarrassing. There's no kind of Fremdschämen like the kind you experience seeing some ABC that has zero ties to their country worshipping everything Asian and acting like it's just ~genetic~ for them.
>has Vietnamese 'friend'
>born in Cali
>can't speak Vietnamese OR English
>still goes on and on about how he's so great because he's Asian
>gets laughed at by the other Vietnamese for being a whitewashed weeaboo

>> No.7966362
File: 1.31 MB, 994x1052, 1413623108450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mispronounce nya
How? I thought this one was impossible to screw up. Is it like mispronouncing "wan" as "woof"?

>tfw no bf
>tfw don't want one
I'm in love with 2D. My inner weeb hasn't disappeared, if anything it's gotten worse now that I have money and can choose who I hang out with.

>> No.7966388

Personally I don't act like Asians are superior or anything, in fact I hate Asian culture with a passion. I just really love anime art style.

>> No.7966456

Goddamit guys, after about 6-8 years of not doing so, I'm now searching for yu-gi-oh fanfics to read.

>> No.7966471

confession, i live out my normalfag life, go to work, take college classes, watch dull TV shows and gossip about fashion.

But I still follow Kamijo and Hizaki from Versailles on twitter, and every time one of their twitters posts or one of them drops a record, im back to calling my pals and squealing like a dumbass. There's no escaping the inner weeb.

>> No.7966534

Why "Fremdschämen" if there is "second hand embarrassement"?

>> No.7966604

I like to think this is why /cgl/ is so angry

>> No.7966628

I still do aidoru dances for the sole reason that my youtube channel has a bunch of subs. Also the community isn't too bad; Since they're a bunch of middle school weeb girls, I think of them as little sisters. It's really not a big deal though, since most casuals think I'm doing a zumba dance.

I didn't realize it was high-level weaboo though. Huh.

>> No.7966638
File: 249 KB, 405x640, Hanma_Baki_by_tengokustyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a strong weeb in junior high. Had posters how to draw manga. It was bad. Have hid my power levels since then and my room looks normal. But I do have a full on husbando obsession with Baki Hanma.

>> No.7966642

I dunno. I was half listening, but I caught her saying it like, "Nai-yah" instead of "Neeyah" and it was accompanied with the cat paw gesture. It took me a bit to register what had happened.

>> No.7966699
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was about 12, I got really into Weiss Kreuz, and thought that wearing one long earring-- and only one-- was the height of fashion. I did that for about 6 years.

Also, from middle school through high school, I wore a cat collar with a bell on it every day. Sometimes ears and a tail. My mom tried to stop me, but instead of realizing that she was right and I looked like a complete retard, I just hid them in my bag until I got to school. I'm a few years out of college and I still don't want to go to reunions for fear that someone might remember me.

>> No.7966874

There's nothing really wrong with wearing one long earring, the cat ears, collar and tail on the other hand...

>> No.7967217

Come off it. Life is too short not to do what you love. Maybe you'll even find a girlfriend.

>> No.7967394
File: 340 KB, 700x700, lost my mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to go on Taobao for lulz
>Use random tags and all that jazz
>Find this image
>Thinks it's hilarious
>"Why am I surrounded by clones?"
>"Shinji-kun, I want Shinji-kun not these fake and tsundere breasts."
>"Give me my depressed emo boy lover."
>Says it in his voice
>Can't breath

I'm a dork.

>> No.7968088

>anime binder

I had one too!! It was when I was in late elementary to early middle school. I didn't watch many animes back then so it was full of Sailor Moon, Teen Titans, Harry Potter, and Neopets. I would look through my binder with two of my friends and always update it for them.

I would also make collages in Paint of fan art and kawaii pixels of random stuff. I must have made a new one a week.

>> No.7968093

It's okay, I JoJo pose at work and pretend it's a stretching method.

Actually got co-workers to JoJo pose with me little did they know...

>> No.7968125

>>tfw no bf
>>tfw don't want one
>I'm in love with 2D. My inner weeb hasn't disappeared, if anything it's gotten worse now that I have money and can choose who I hang out with.

Same here. Long ago, I thought I would have grown out of this by the time I hit my 20s but I'm in my mid 20s now with a full time job, disposable income, and my own apartment, so the freedom to be a total weeb has just made me go full on with a husbando and everything. I have no intention of stopping...this is just what I like.

>> No.7968160

>>tfw no bf
>>tfw don't want one
>I'm in love with 2D. My inner weeb hasn't disappeared, if anything it's gotten worse now that I have money and can choose who I hang out with.

I feel you Anon. Although I wouldn't mind a boyfriend and already had relationships, 2D is still present in my life. It's like porn, but with feels.

>tfw still have husbando
>reading BL all day every day
>read tons of fanfictions and doujinshis from OTP
>mutliple OTPs that I constantly daydream about
>even draw my own filthy stuff to masturbate to
>now that I earn money, buy tons of merchandise
If Lolita wasn't already such an expensive hobby, I'd be a buyfag within two seconds.

>phantasize about husbando and OTP while cuddling with an actual person
>sometimes imagine husbando/OTPs while having sex with an actual person
>still consume shot tons of hentai/ff/doujinshis
>not even feeling really guilty about it
i-is this rock bottom?

>> No.7968189
File: 175 KB, 500x269, tumblr_nf1pks4hEn1r45133o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Don't have many friends
> Watamote made me think that being a fujoshit is the reason I don't have friends
> Attempt to be less awkward and try to hide power level
> Someone made me aware of Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
> The manga pushes the "true love accepts your hobbies" bullshit
> Revert back on full on fujoshit weeb mode

>> No.7968198

>>phantasize about husbando and OTP while cuddling with an actual person
>>sometimes imagine husbando/OTPs while having sex with an actual person
>i-is this rock bottom?

You haven't reached the bottom until you make the other person dress up and role play as your husbando while having sex.

>> No.7968210

I started reading the manga because it was obvious she would end up with blond pretty boy that hated her at first, the rude guy.
Will she really end with him?

>> No.7968214
File: 196 KB, 749x701, 1410208747959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never considered myself a weeaboo in the past, because I don't watch anime or anything and never had the phase either.

But last night I had a dream that I was 1/4 Japanese, and everyone was jealous of me. I woke up smiling.

Not sure what that was about.

>> No.7968220

It's pretty obvious that she'll end up with him unless the author dodges the "heroine always ends up with the asshole" stereotype.

I prefer that she ends up with the 1st year boy.

>> No.7968224

I had a brain fart, I meant I stopped reading it. Welp, guess I won't pick it up again.
Shoujo harem is often bad because the first chapter show who will win, and the other dudes rarely have a devolved chapter. It doesn't even try to maintain the illusion that the girl could end with anyone.

>> No.7968254
File: 50 KB, 320x298, tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husbando is Tamaki. I've been obsessed with him since I was 13, and sometimes I get depressed when I think about how he's not real. The struggle is real when there are no figures or dakimakuras of him.

I just love him so much. His piano playing melts my heart, and I love how he is so kind and gentlemanly, but so weird and crazy at the same time.

I also have a thing for Mad Hatter characters, so when he was the Mad Hatter....hnnnnnnnggggg. I just....I just love him so much.

>> No.7968290

I've been spending a ton on the Sailor Moon Proplicas, star lockets, and eau de toilettes lately. I guess that's really it? I quit Cosplay and Lolita about 2 years ago. I guess my geek level is somewhat low? Idk how to scale these things.

>> No.7968448
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i just to be a horrible weeaboo. until naruto came around since then ive been hiding my power level to be normal. Its only at cons that i kinda turn into a weeaboo again

and i love it

unrelated story: ive always been an outgoing dude, i dont consider my self shy. But when i saw someone cosplaying as my waifu i couldnt bring my self to take a pic of her. To this day i am ashamed.

>> No.7968452


This is a problem?

>> No.7968459
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>have been watching anime since I was 2 (there was a lot of it on tv back then), never even considered stopping
>I still write fanfiction after 10 years
>I ship (bl/gl/het) and I'm not even sorry
>I have a few anime figurines and posters on display in my room along with other non weeb stuff
>I fucking love visual novels and I really want to make one myself one day
>I own several doujinshi of my otp and a dakimakura of my waifu
>I know enough Japanese to translate Pixiv comics etc

Only thing that's really changed:
>I went from drawing in a manga inspired style to being interested in realistic painting

Idk, I'm pretty happy as I am and I don't see why I should change. I'm not ashamed of enjoying these things and I have no problem talking about it when asked/relevant.

>> No.7968464

It sounds like you don't know how to pronounce it either.

>> No.7968485
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>be weeb
>Naruto, One Piece, and WoW take turns with being my main obsession
>seriously wish to die/fall into coma so I can be with my husbandos and fav characters

>be now
>falling back in love with my original husbandos that I thought I was finally over with
>I can never have them
>they will never be real
>fugg I just want to get DP'd by them

At least I learned how to hide my power level

>> No.7968506

>because of the ending he dumped his waifu
>dumped her just for losing
Your friend a shit

>> No.7968527

He's just like that anon. I gotten used to it after so long. He's pretty anal when it comes to anime series and bitches at the most minor things, i.e. if a series doesn't have lolis or little girls.

We have a silent long standing feud because I didn't like Monogatari since it has his current waifu, that one loli vampire. He couldn't understand why I didn't like it because of Hitagi.

>> No.7968808
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>younger me hated yaoi pairings
>secretly drew OCs so I can pair myself with characters
>loves self-insert fanfics
>was/still obsessed with living in the 2D world
I guess it sort of worked out because I kept drawing and now I'm decent at art.

I still go to anime cons even though they bore me now because of a pathetic hope that I'll hook up with a chill person who shares my interests. Cons are the only real place where I won't hide my power level. I might as well stick to 2D.

Also, I got into figure collecting and I find the room in OP's pic appealing.

>> No.7969242

>Younger me hated yaoi pairings.

You still hate them now?

>> No.7969323

>younger me hated yaoi pairings
>secretly drew OCs so I can pair myself with characters

ugh, are you me?
I still have headcanons now and then of my OCs and my husbandos getting together and such. But I'm not drawing them at every occasion like back then.

Also, my younger me didn't like yaoi either. My present me neither.
I really never understood what's so special about it. Back then I read a lot of BL mangas at my friends house out of boredom (she had nothing else ) and they were all basically the same: some seme-teacher-like person "raping" a student-like dude into being gay, while the student was basically a woman trait-wise. I never likes stories without women anyway, they are visually way more appealing; many different body types, clothing styles, hairstyles and such, men always have this slim but fit body with this spikey hairstyle.

>> No.7969348

>and they were all basically the same: some seme-teacher-like person "raping" a student-like dude into being gay, while the student was basically a woman trait-wise

>Generalizing all yaoi like this.

>> No.7969360

No, I said I read a bunch at my friend's house and they were all the same. Maybe she had a shit taste, idk but the stuff I saw at cons and deviantart didn't look any better.
Also my preference for female characters still stays. Idk I think a story without any women is not worth reading, just my taste.

>> No.7969365

Nah, anon. As a fujoshit, even I gotta be honest with myself. A lot of the stuff I read fell into the category of some seme-in-power doing some really dubious stuff to a frail-girly-uke.

On the other hand, I remember my favourites were the ones that stood out from the stereotype.
> power bottoms are my weak spot

>> No.7969546

Both are wrong.. its Nya like Nyah. I cant even phonetically spell it anyother way...

>> No.7969709

>I just want to get DP'd by them
who doesn't dream of this tbh

>> No.7969742

Haha, I didn't realize it was so hard to phonetically spell it. It's sort of like saying ya(with long a obviously) with a little bit of an 'n' in front.

>> No.7969754

Recommendations? Power bottoms are my favourite too and I need something new to read.

>> No.7969774

My friends were the same way about BL and I'm still not into yaoi either. Not being a fujoshi makes me feel left out.

Yaoi to me now is 'meh' but I can't say I hate it as much as I used to back in my super delusional weeb stages. My hate came from the fact that every time I looked up fanart of my favorite male characters, they were paired up with their popular yaoi partner. I couldn't relate to being a gay guy in a relationship, so I preferred straight pairings where I could at least imagine myself as the female.

Now it's the equivalent to searching for hentai of my husbando and having all the doujins come up as yaoi anyway. I can't see myself getting fucked by my husbando in that, so what's the point. God, just typing this out gives me a massive cringe, but it's true.
>2D love 5ever

>> No.7969778

porn of my husbando is 98% yaoi, 1% weird het that sucks and 1% straight shota. i started going for the straight shota and now i am a shotacon. i didn't ask for this life...

>> No.7969780

>Middle school years (If I'm remembering correctly)
>Absolutely obsessed with everything Inuyasha.
>Would watch stupid hentai flashes wishing it was me instead of that slut Kagome
>Ran like Inuyasha
>Had a shit OC I paired with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Filthy fantasies of threeways and marriage, but was always faithful to my husbando mutt

Eventually my mom got me an Inuyasha plush from Hot Topic. I tore the sword off and would take it to school with me. Some kid on the bus talked shit one day so I hit his finger with it, really hard. I guess it was built on cardboard or something because the next day his finger had this small but gross bruise.
-During recess my friends and I would pretend to be Tokyo Mew Mew or Naruto characters. Basically whatever was popular at the time
-I was looked up to as "Seme" by other female weebs. We all ending up getting Naruto headbands and wore them with pride.
-I wrote so many God awful yaois. I still have a few of them. They were very stereotypical.

I still have some weeby tendencies, but nothing as serious as my younger years. Inuyasha is no longer my husbando. That role is now occupied by Dandy.

>> No.7969793

>I wrote so many God awful yaois. I still have a few of them. They were very stereotypical.
This brings me so much memories
>uses to write shitty yaoi stories in my diary
>stories with lots of unexperienced BDSM and romanticized rape
>and those uncanny positions
>oh god the age gaps
>showed them to my friends
>they loved every single story
>or they just gave me asspats
>it was so pathetic
I destroyed every story, but the cringe is still there

>> No.7969795

I have two left. One is Pokemon trainer themed and the other is some highschool bullshit.

>> No.7970125

Oh yes, this is so annoying, but I think that's what makes the difference whether you'll like BL or not.
I think fujoshis see them as 'eye-candy', the more hot guys the better (like men like lesbian porn bc they have more hot woman to look at). But non-fujoshi want a relatable situation, either an OC or OTP you could pair your husbando with.
That's why I like stories with women, I can relate to the female part of my OTP and take her role in headcanons.
This sounds so weird, but sometimes I like to think about my OTP having sex and I'm kinda taking the role of the girl.
Honestly, I haven't read Naruto since my weeb phase, but when I read the ending and saw SasuSaku and NaruHina getting canon I suddenly had hot sex dreams of them again.

>> No.7970387
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I learned Japanese in college, but I eventually became pretty disillusioned with Japan, and now I don't like it as much as I used to in high school. The yellow fever's gone. I still enjoy a lot of weeby stuff, though, and I sleep with a Reimu dakimakura.

pic is my room

>> No.7970435
File: 199 KB, 1026x778, Black_prince_wrathion_by_jmxd-d6o9t2i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>One Piece
>No Chopper to hug
>No Trafalgar to share the bed with
>Or Mihawk
>Or Crocodile

>No Wrathion to hug and calm him down after his tantrums
>No humanoid Chi-Ji to cuddle with while listening to his soothing as fuck voice
>No more Garrosh to hatefuck
>No goblins to gang bang with since they breed like rabbits

>more husbandos
>i'm a rotten person

Life is suffering

>> No.7970449

>Are you still doing aidoru dances when noone's looking?
So, I'm pretty self conscious about going jogging in public, but there aren't many cardio options cooped up in my dorm room.

So yeah, pull up tutorials on my laptop, gives me a goal of memorizing new routines and actually trying to look cute while dancing. I recently finished memorizing the dance for "Toluthin Antenna" and now I'm just trying to make it look cute. It's a good easy workout for someone without much space.

....Then again, my school hosts a "JAPAN NIGHT!!!!!" every year in the cafeteria. Most of it is like, traditional dance routines and cute Japanese exchange students singing and playing guitar, but then there's always one performance of some girls doing like, the Renai Circulation dance or something. I don't have THAT sort of confidence.

>> No.7970450

There are two kinds of ways to watch/read porn, self insert and onlooker. A lot of people like onlooking more, but self insertion is also fun, and probably why you imagine being the girl.

>> No.7970486

>>fugg I just want to get DP'd by them
>tfw not DP by Boyfriend in Houkago Play and Akihiko Sanada
lmao why live

>> No.7970491

Different anon but I personally I have a fondness for Brook and Kizaru. Mihawk is a cutie though...

>> No.7970528

>be in middle school
>be massive narutard
>have plushies proudly displayed in my room
>mum was nice, if somewhat weirded out, and allowed me to hang a wall hanging in the hallway
>wore a naruto headband to school everyday
>friends and I LARPed as Naruto characters every day at lunch, obscenely loudly
>wrote shitty highschool AUs
>invited an acquaintance over and showed her shittily voice-acted yaoi comic videos on YT
>weeb stage was intense, but only lasted about a year and a half
>still go through stages of continuous cringe whenever I remember those days

These days I hide my powerlevel, but I'm really involved with online RPing for a really fucking weeby fandom, and I mostly RP my husbando. I still get really autistic about people butchering his character, but I try to avoid being an obnoxious weeaboo and I certainly don't go on about it IRL.
>TFW nobody IRL understands when you're irrationally angry over some illiterate weeb screwing around with your husbando

>> No.7970707

I left my boyfriend for my waifu.
I've realized I'm gay but I am not looking for a cute girl right now, I have 2D.

>> No.7970722
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>being into anime and japanese culter was only a phase

You all disgust me.

>> No.7970727

Whose your husbando and where do you rp?

>> No.7970748
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I'm a relatively normal person in appearance, but my room is like some form of subtle weeaboo shrine. Barring the nendos and figmas, of course.

>> No.7970755

>implying your inner weeb ever goes away

I've simply learned to speak of anime and video games when appropriate. I won't talk about the recent anime episodes I've watched when I'm out clubbing with friends, after all.

>> No.7970762
File: 402 KB, 800x452, this fucker right here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prussia/Gilbert from Hetalia, because I'm an unrepentant weeb that has a weird attraction to emotionally compromised assholes.
I RP mostly on Chatzy and occasionally on Skype, it depends.

>> No.7970778
File: 45 KB, 406x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh I don't know how people enjoy clubbing.

I have way more fun in my room in the dark wrapped in a blanket watching anime or reading manga till 4am

>> No.7970785


I'm pretty sure I got the pronunciation right. It looks really off when trying to phonetically spell it out, but what I meant to do was emphasize how differently my cousin and I would have said, "Nya". I honestly don't know how many Japanese dubs she watches, but I usually prefer them.

>> No.7970789

Not to sound too old but the last time I went to a club it felt like I was going deaf, it was impossible to talk to anyone without having to shout.

>> No.7970794

i dont get how people like these either its like you cant even hear yourself think

>> No.7970795

Same. I love dancing, but nightclubs usually suck -either someone's trying to grind on you and getting in the way of your dance floor or the friend who dragged you out of the house decides to wallflower.


I wonder if anyone (besides bartender-san) have ordered anime/vidya inspired drinks at bars.

>> No.7970802
File: 1.53 MB, 1289x1284, THE MVC3 PEOPLE OH GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW nobody IRL understands when you're irrationally angry over some illiterate weeb screwing around with your husbando
I understand

>> No.7970811
File: 597 KB, 380x678, YowapedaTrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally relate. Next month's order is going to be killer for me.

I want to get both of them too but they're so overpriced for a company that puts out figures of questionable quality.

Top quality husbando

>> No.7970814

You come off as being a bit annoying in the pedal threads

>> No.7970850

Anyone else cosplay as their own waifu/husbando?

My waifu was my very first cosplay, and I still wear it to cons 5 years later. Somehow that mini skirt still fits....

>> No.7970865

Cosplayed my waifu twice (Moemura and Homucifer).

>> No.7974808
File: 144 KB, 686x1024, evee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my weeb level has increased, but so has my power level of hiding it.

In middle school Yugi and Kaiba were my fanfic love interests, I carried around my "How to Draw Manga" book, and always drew little kawaii animu doodles in my notebooks.

Once my boyfriend got into anime a few years ago, so did I. He's really good at hiding his and my weeb levels though. He prevents me from buying merch that comes off as weeb, which also saves me money. I do have Eva and Kill la Kill listed in my favorite TV shows on Facebook though...

Pic related: super cute backpack I want that's $90 but I was advised not to get it

>> No.7974899

I wish i could have a bf to cosplay my husbando
>tfw only one person could make an acceptable cosplay of your husbando

>> No.7975090

Yeah every couple years I find myself crawling around the internet hunting for puppyshipping. I can get away for a while, but like a disease I still get occasional outbreaks.

>> No.7975175

It's not hard at all to lose weight.

>> No.7975205


I need all of the doujin. There is never enough melodramatic Sasusaku or Tendershipping or Thiefshipping or Bakushipping sexy cuteness....

>> No.7975214


I dug my first dress out of a fabric bin because I couldn't bear to just cut it up. So I hacked off the sleeves and made it just acceptable enough to wear to go shopping or the park in...

Still have a oddly nice seifuku top from Milanoo and one absolutely awful skirt. It took buying a much better Bodyline skirt to make me acknowledge just how bad it was and a waste of money.

>> No.7975215

pretty sure rock bottom is fantasizing while being alone

>> No.7975221
File: 3.25 MB, 4160x2340, 20141204_011416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a weeb back in middle school, but definitely not as bad as others. I think my worst habits were doing hinata's finger twiddling, being super shy like her, and whenever I was really surprised I would pose in shock (think of ranma and how their hands would go up in a metal "\m/" pose, idk what its called). I also drew retarded anime shit with zero understanding of anatomy, which is still screwing me over years later as an animation major.

I guess I call myself more of an anime fan now because I do watch a lot more than I used to, along with a bigger variety of series. I don't really have a specific waifu or husbando but my dressing style and living screams the wrong impression I want on people haha.

>70% of wardrobe is anime shirts, rest is lolita and some fairy kei inspired things
>pic related is my favorite jacket in the whole world, not because it's azusa but I just really like cool colors and allover print
>have been collecting figures for about 2 years, bf and I have about 600 pieces
>unhealthily like goofy characters and have seriously considered commissioning an artist for a space dandy, Jojo, or polnareff daiki
>boyfriend likes to collect Japanese (specifically bemani) arcade games and anything related to em

I feel like the anime weeb phase was something that didn't affect me a bunch and thankfully didnt made me too socially awkward. but the exposure to anime has definitely affected my hobbies and my college life. Sometimes I think my mom hates that I do the things I do because it betrays my culture as well.
>"anon what are you going to do with your life after you graduate? Are you still gonna draw those Annie may cartoons"

>> No.7975225

I'm 22, bf is 26 (do occasionally freak out about him being closer to GROWN ASS MAN than I am to the teenager I still feel like) I'm in my senior year, he's just started lol

>> No.7975230


Actually no. I can't really look at dudes in the same purely sexualized/visually orientated way I look at girls (or the way most of society is trained to look at girls...) For me it's so much about the character and the feels. I love me some angst and fluff with the sexytime thrown in for good measure.

>> No.7975236

Young guys suck ass though. Advice for all anons: older guys who don't try to act like they're forever 18 are the best. They have jobs, cars, and a sense of responsibility. I wasted too many years on guys my own age. I'm 24 though so the age difference isn't weird or illegal or anything.

>> No.7975242

>clap my hands and laugh/yell because someone calls kotetsu a homo
>"they know what's up he's so gay I knew it's not just me it's totally canon blah blah blah"

I'm not normally this bad but he's part of my OTP, so I'm allowed. Anyway, yaoi and slash are my thing. I don't watch as much animu as I used to, but I still find something to ship in every show. I squeal, too, when ~important moments~ surrounding a ship happen.

Besides that, I don't own any merch besides four figurines (two OTPs) so regarding that I'm not that bad. I do have plans to study Japanese in uni, though.

>> No.7975254

If you date someone based on what job they have and whether they have a car, I have bad news for you.
My grandparents AND my parents were piss poor when they married and built up their fortune over the years, your personal possessions have zero to do with maturity.
You sound really immature yourself, as a matter of fact, for thinking in that way.

>> No.7975257
File: 53 KB, 226x227, 1407624619665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeb feels
>everyone knows about this manga >>7968189
>read the plot
>sounds exactly like an ecchi called fujoshi rumi that came out years ago
>this shit gets all the attention but know one knows what fujoshi rumi is

>creamy mami gets a bunch of attention
>there's a manga/show called "fancy lala" that was heavily inspired by Creamy Mami
>a manga called "Full Moon" comes out with the same fucking plot as Fancy Lala, clearly inspired by it

>no one knows what the fuck Fancy Lala is but man do Creamy Mami and Full Moon get unlimited attention

more rage
I just want to talk to someone about these two goddammit

>> No.7975277
File: 372 KB, 720x960, PS_20141204041919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually didn't have a waifu for the longest time just fav characters. I finally have one and she has little to no merchandise because this harem anime had 3 chicks and she's apparently the least popular.
I'm practicing drawing so I can make myself a dakimakura of her just being really cute in pajamas and normal clothes.
Since Himeka has no merch Shimakaze ended up becoming my ship waifu I'm just in love with her design and little Rensouhou-chan so I'm collecting all the things.
I can't bring myself to cosplay Himeka because she's too adorable and have considered bribing one of my friends and making them the cosplay of her. I can't bring myself to cosplay shimakaze because of that visible thong. The struggle is real but I'm definitely going to cosplay amatsukaze and hunt down more Shimakaze at AX 2015.
>took pictures with 7 shimakaze at AX this year
>tfw I missed some
>tfw only one person on the internet has cosplayed Himeka but at least she was cute

>> No.7975332

>fujoshi rumi
>Fancy Lala

I actually know both series. I wish I was a manga artist with a magical sketchbook that spits out clothes.

>> No.7975394

Excellent taste.
I also wish I had that sketchbook.
I'd imagine if you drew something too poorly it would just spit out milanoo tier crap at you.

I want her sketchbook and magic pen so badly, but I don't have the skills to make them.

>> No.7975422

I was too poor to buy merch and go to cons as a teenager.
But now that I have a good job, I spend so much money on weeb stuff. My entire bedroom is filled with merch of my husbando.

>> No.7975437

Good ano, you follow that weeb dream!

>didn't get to have weeb stuff as a kid, broke
>did an arts degree, poor choice, still broke
Dammit. One day.

>> No.7975456
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>still have a tokyo mew mew poster that i keep meaning to frame and put back up on he wall
>still buy fanart from AAs of moe moe girls even though i'm gay
>likes to eat traditional japanese meals
>have a shelf full of figures and still want more
>still adore j-fashion and "kawaii" stuff
>own some of those brainwave nekomimi and wear them regularly
>friend is in japan on a student exchange and im overjoyed, jealous and hoping she'll come back with recipes and a taste for glorious nippon food

i'm beyond saving at this point.

>browses sex toy sites to find dildos that match my headcanon for my husbandos dicks
>refuse to buy any others
>i must stay faithful

>> No.7975467

>bf is 26
>old guys are the best

fuck you guys, 26 isn't old.
with that said if someone my age is "dating" a 22 year old, most likely isn't serious.

22 she still wants to get wasted at clubs and is probably just out of college so broke

>> No.7975596

I try so hard to be kawaii, whether it be wearing a wig with my circle lenses, or just kawaii clothes in general. On top of that, my dream is to be a kawaii moe trap. I somehow landed myself a boyfriend who's been to Japan and plans to go there again, who has a huge love for moe traps.
We call each other weeb trash a lot..

my waifu fixation on Asuka is ridiculous. I have a glass display for all my anime shit, but even that thing doesn't have enough space for my waifu obsession. I've even been buying Asuka themed clothes.

>> No.7975664
File: 1.48 MB, 850x7299, FatfucksBTFO07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pick one. You will never be seen as "Kawaii" as a fatty.


>> No.7975669
File: 93 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.7975675

I'm working on a Mami cosplay right now. I'm really excited to finish it and wear it. It's so exciting to get the chance to be so close to her.

>> No.7976063

Waifu and husbando are different from just "that character you really, really like." They're a sign of severe mental problems present in /a/ (and /tv/). They don't just enjoy the character and collect pictures, doujins, and figs of them. They treat them as a real person who they are in a relationship with. Waifus, man, not even once.

>> No.7976068

>Present in /a/ and /tv/

>Comparing all of /a/ and /tv/ to anyone who has ever had a waifu or a husbando.

>> No.7976117

>so I preferred straight pairings where I could at least imagine myself as the female

I still have this sometimes because i'm lonely and 2D is all I have.
Then again I was never that huge into yaoi as all my friends seem to be (I reside within art communities and all so still a lot of yaoi at any age it seems)
I almost feel like I'd commit a crime if I'd ever admit I like a lot of straight pairings over yaoi ones (yuri ones are non existent anyway)

>> No.7976134

My most weeb thing is that to this day I'll still constantly daydream/fall asleep on muh self insert animu fantasies, but I have to add that I had that since before I even know what anime was.
I think the biggest thing that changed since then is that it now involves romance.

Deep inside I just want to be a mahou shoujo.

>> No.7976156

You really don't know the deifinition "supporting character"?

>> No.7976162
File: 41 KB, 960x960, 10846665_745322935547218_2116446173_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still weeby as all get out some days. I don't have any of my plushes or most of my merch because I "outgrew" it. But I still rp on internet and watch a fuck ton of anime. The pic is the friendship necklace template for a friend and I. Both our names start with L and we both well, love L. So yeah. Still weeby as fuck.

>> No.7976170

Fancy Lala is my FAVE, I mean c'mon!
> A little girl who's clearly a little girl for once
> Warm softie father, businesswoman mother and a normal teenage big sister
> instead of fighting, you just follow the main character deal with their powers and how the use them
> AN ACTUAL GAY CHARACTER, though unfortunately just a side character
> Super cute, non annoying furry sidekicks


>> No.7976738

How very thoughtful of you to use a trip so you can be filtered.

>> No.7977795

> Husbando is from a very unpopular otome game
> This means no dakimakura of him
> 90% of the people that do lewd dakimakura commissions are closed
> See other options but with tumblr red potato noses
> Being fujoshit is suffering

>> No.7977888

Thats so cute anon

>> No.7977905
File: 2.14 MB, 4207x2895, madoka-e-homura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best friend and I cosplaying Homura and Madoka

>> No.7977956

Who's your husbando?

>tfw mine finally got an official daki

>> No.7977959

check aliexpress.

>> No.7977979
File: 138 KB, 960x720, 10847010_746188262127352_1476481050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are finished and I'm so excited to give it to her.
Thank you so much kind anon.

>> No.7977980

Try Taobao or Aliexpress

>> No.7978024
File: 15 KB, 256x341, adachi figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My husbando is Tohru Adachi, I feel your pain.
>Most popular persona game
>tons of shitty 13 year old cosplayers on tumblr making terrible adachi gifs
>Thousands of products for every character but him
>His figure is nigh unattainable
>The only thing I've found are coasters with his face
>Coasters, anon

>> No.7978047

Mind me asking who your waifu is, anon? Any pics of the cosplay?

>> No.7978054

>this feel
I was so hype for the P4U having a figure of him...and so sad when I found they wouldn't bring it overseas.

>> No.7978065
File: 73 KB, 413x620, adachi figure2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of the persona series in general so I had already preordered the game before the announcement. I was pretty hyped to see him as a pre-order playable character in P4U.

Pic related, we will never have this.

>> No.7978099
File: 39 KB, 220x300, tumblr_nciaz4lcNu1re2575o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very unpopular otome game

I feel your pain. My husbando is from a drama CD and will never get any merch past that.

>> No.7978108


>> No.7978114

Huh, last time I searched AmiAmi it wasn't there...
Well, there goes my money.
>limit 3 per household
But how will I put one in every corner of my room?

>> No.7978209

I used to be faithful and loyal for years to my crazy albino hasbando.
But then some 14 year old disney's shota happened and it seems like I'm not only a fujoshi but a pedophile too.
But he's so perfect and squishy i'm gonna die

I'm never going back to 3d guys, they are unclean and disgusting.
I will think about them when I will want a child.

>> No.7978210

My yellow fever actually never ended.
>tbh I'm only attracted to eastern Asians
>and i'm repulsed by the thought of having sex with non-asian guys.

>> No.7978215

I'm a middle-school teacher, and we have to have one hour extra per week for students outside of regular timetable. Usually, teachers make compensatory lessons for less talented kids.
>guess who teaches kids kanji and watches ghibli movies once a week
I'm living my best life

>> No.7978217
File: 829 KB, 900x1050, 44855736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I have a whole list of Adachi stuff. He's the second most popular male from that series.

Also that figure is on five sites.

Come back when your husbando is this guy.

>> No.7978220
File: 289 KB, 800x600, 47370948_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw everyone hates your husbando

>> No.7978594

>anime binder

Holy shit I thought it was just my little weeb clique. Until you got to the Sailor Moon shit I thought I'd found an old friend.

>> No.7978735

Isn't this Ky Kiske's kid? Uh, Sin right?

>> No.7983078
File: 312 KB, 440x750, tumblr_mex0hmSbL51qepum0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw qt asian gf
>she only likes drama
> I forced her to watch JoJo and she didn't like it
>She doesn't want to go with me at some con with friends
>we could be perfect cosplaying Josuke and Yasuho feelsbadman.jpg