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File: 957 KB, 2784x1856, IMG_0913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7959717 No.7959717 [Reply] [Original]

New Lolita General
Last one is on autosage >>7954553

>> No.7959852
File: 51 KB, 388x400, $_1dlkjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many of similar striped otks (green, hot pink, black with skulls, purple with silver) that i don't use really much because they would look ita/shit on printed dresses, but at least they would look acceptable in a solid black jsk with some subtle punky/accessories with the color of the stripe or silver tones spiked stuff or i'm going to ita territory?

>> No.7959857
File: 68 KB, 740x448, 10390999_834241863294214_1501550183211614332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own a pair of Baroque's glitter shoes? Does the glitter fall or wear off easily?

>> No.7959865

Ita, why do you even own socks like that?

>> No.7959878

I dress gothic outside of lolita but not having any non lolita dress/skirt i can coordinate i just wanted to see if they could work in a lolita coord. I see at times some people use striped socks in good coords but it was more an old school thing.

>> No.7959882

The only thing I can see working is a blue dress with black/white striped socks and black shoes for an Alice feel.

>> No.7959885

Those kind of socks are really a thing in gothic fashion? I always thought of gothic fashion being classier, and less trashy/mall goth. No offense to your socks.

>> No.7959893

I have similar socks. Honestly, since you're apparently goth outside of Lolita, just keep them to that part of your wadrobe. Black/Something looks tremendously ita.
Even if it were Punk Lolita, I think mono-coloured stockings would be appropriate.

>> No.7959896

It depends on which gothic style, really. Black/red and Black/white are the most common, but sometimes black/purple comes out okay. Black/pink are sometimes used, but these tend to be the people who insist on some kind of "SUPER FEMININE" aesthetic with their goth-ness when often times it looks pretty trashy.

>> No.7959926

Well usually the bright colors like hot pink or green are more cyber or punk than the usual goth stuff.
Some wear them, some not. I don't like that much lace, velvet and elegant stuff outside lolita. My look is more punk than elegant goth i admit but i love velvet, lace and stuff in gothic lolita strangely.
But also, there are many styles inside the goth umbrella.
I don't have them in black/white sadly.

>> No.7959934
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 27-11764_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon wanting to try wa-lolita >>7959468 , look for a 2-piece kimono on Rakuten. The top half is seperate from the bottom half. The search term is 着物 二部式

>> No.7960007
File: 52 KB, 875x515, Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 10.46.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else having issues with FromJapan? I try to order something off of mbok it always gets cancelled and refunded, despite nobody else bidding and the auction still being listed. Pic related is the email they always send.

>> No.7960017

Maybe the seller blocked FJs account and they aren't admitting it? It's pretty common for Japanese girls to block known SS.

>> No.7960021

Some mbok sellers don't like dealing with shopping services.
Don't know the exact reason why though, could be a foreigner thing

>> No.7960335

Thank you!!

>> No.7960410

I do fall off but not excessively. I've worn mines out a few times.

>> No.7960418

It happened once to me on y!j as the seller explicitly said that they'd cancel bids from accts with more than 2 negatives. You should read through the mbok translation thoroughly to see if they have this sort of stipulation as I've done multiple mbok auctions without issue through fromjapan.

>> No.7960509

I have a shirt that has "dryer burns" on it. Like it stayed too long on the drum and it has little discoloration marks on it. It's not horrible, but how fucked is my shirt?
Also, Surface Spell's embroidery: does anyone else have a problem with it unraveling? What can I do to stop it from progressing?

>> No.7960521

They're a staple for mallgoths.

>> No.7960562

It's a mobile thing. Because it's a mobile bidding platform, you can access their personal information more easily than through YJA, so they're wary of men (most shopping services are run with male names), shopping services (due to harassment/poor service situations; they also don't follow the rules. A lot of mbok sellers require you to "introduce" yourself by contacting them before bidding, and a lot of large SS just skip that step, so their bids are cancelled), and to a lesser degree, foreigners.

Most of my mbok bid cancellations have been through large SS companies. Smaller, private ones, particularly the ones headed by women, are less frequently rejected.

>> No.7960606

>not wanting to leave a trail of glitter everywhere you go

>> No.7960634

this is really useful information, thank you anon

>> No.7960665
File: 960 KB, 1280x1826, celestial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody going to try to fight for this print? I had honestly given up on AP but man, the detail shots of this print are gorgeous and I love that high-waisted JSK.
But with my luck, it'll sell out in minutes and the resell prices will be through the roof.

>> No.7960674

IMO it's way too busy so I'm not even going to try. Even just looking at the ad gives me a headache.

>> No.7960678

Same. I used to be pretty into AP's prints but lately they have been such a clusterfuck.

>> No.7960685

Thanks anon! Do you have any smaller SS recommendations?

>> No.7960696

Ap's site has completed fucked up for me while trying to add things to my cart, freaking out, honestly. Also took too long and missed out on crystal dream carnival in lavender.

>> No.7960699


>> No.7960702

Love the print, hate the cuts, again. High waists look hella unflattering on me.

>> No.7960704

That OP is so ugly.
The more I see of the print the less I like it, but I know I would later on regret it if I did pass. Going for the JSK or skirt in black.

>> No.7960711

I hope there's gonna be a special set.

>> No.7960718

Ugh, I'm torn between getting this or Ragnarok. Both are an example of "good idea, bad execution" but...

>> No.7960719

I can't even load the site right now,

>> No.7960728

Yeah it won't load for me at all now either.
I'm actually so sad, I should have just ordered in the first 10 minutes instead of being indecisive and looking so much first.

>> No.7960729

The lavender skirt is still there for me?

>> No.7960734

It's working again!

I'm sort of happy that there's nothing I really want on there (well, the stuff I wanted is sold out). Now I can go back to bed.

>> No.7960736

This attitude is what makes me spend way too much on brand. The fear of missing out makes me buy much more stuff than I would otherwise.

>> No.7960759

I just bought boots from Closet Child that ended up being way more damaged than in the pictures. I'm not sure if it happened in transit or I damaged them by trying them on, or if they really underestimated the damage on the site. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.7960763

Not for me, I've ordered from CC over a dozen times in the past year and I've never had them underestimate damage. Sometimes they even overestimate how bad a mark or a spot is and I can't even find it when the item arrives. That's pretty unusual anon, were they packed well? Because it sounds more like it happened in transit than anything else.

>> No.7960765

Really? that was gone for me after around 20 minutes I thought, oh well the skirt would have been really tight, I wanted the jsk.
Sorry to here the stuff you wanted sold out anon.
haha, exactly, I was over my budget and had to talk myself out of getting another cutsew even though it was only $70.

In the end I got Loyal Rosette in brown and the Loyal key cut sew in brown, I wanted red in both but the skirt sold out while I was checking out and I was tossing up between the brown and red anyway, plus my friend were telling me to get brown and red was her last choice, so I am not really disappointed at that. I've been wanting to get more brown for my wardrobe so now I've given myself the excuse to get more as a I have a mainly brown piece.

>> No.7960769

I've ordered from Closet Child a couple of times and despite the page saying my items had some damage they arrived pretty much perfectly. They usually mark their items way down for things like almost-invisible spots or a couple of pulled threads, so your boots were probably damaged in transit.

>> No.7960780

That was my experience, too. Everything I bought from them before was always in way better shape than they said it was and some of the spots they'd circle were practically indistinguishable in regular lighting.

The boots were wrapped in bubble wrap and put in a relatively large box. They had cardboard tubes and wadded up paper inside to keep the shape, which I was surprised to find because they looked rather squashed. The box was fine, though. They spent about a five days in customs. Could that have something to do with it?

I'll see if I can take some pictures of the
damage. I hope I can fix it somehow.

>> No.7960801

Customs employees can be very rough on packages. I don't know where you live, but I've received broken boxes every single time my items have been through them. Maybe they checked the inside of your boots or something.

>> No.7960812

3 colors 3 cut, just dunno which cut/color combos to choose. Maybe the SK too if I can't grab shit. Already have 2 SSs each covering 2 colors 2 cuts for me. Going for my no. 1 by myself online just to be safe. I've never failed getting at least /something/ in the online store ... here's hoping!

The sax though urgh. I thought it was ivory and was going to go 4 colors 4 cuts. fml.

>> No.7960929

What happened to them, exactly?

>> No.7960979

Oh my, customs. In my country, customs have to use special tape when closing packages again after they checkes them, so that people know that their shit has been looked through.

>> No.7960997
File: 860 KB, 676x752, damage on boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My packages never don't go through customs so I wasn't that worried. Maybe you're right that they thought there might be something in the boots, though.

Pic related. There is no such damage shown on CC's pictures:
I think this should be fixable but it's still a really nasty surprise since they were supposed to be mostly fine. The right boot is especially bad.

I'm used to them going through my stuff (and the fees...) but they've never damaged anything before.

>> No.7960999

They don't open every package, only "suspicious" ones. But looking at your boots, I don't know how that could've been customs. I mean, what could they have done to cause this?

>> No.7961000

Yeah, short of customs putting these on and going for a hike in them, I dunno how they could cause that damage.

>> No.7961003

Were they like this before or after you wore them? Sometimes the pleather in shoes can start to fall apart if they're old

>> No.7961006

Damn, that's bad. Did you contact closetchild about it?

>> No.7961009

it gets super cold on the plane, could have damaged the pleather.

>> No.7961018

Idk man.

I didn't notice it immediately but I only tried them on for a few seconds to see if they fit. I didn't even walk around in them.

Not yet. Do you think they would do anything? They could easily just say it was my fault.

>> No.7961020

Just shoot them an email.
In the past they sent me the wrong AP royal chocolate bag so I emailed them about it. They refunded me and paid for return postage.

>> No.7961021

Did you find some residue on your floor or inside the box?

>> No.7961032

I might try this. Thank you.

Nope. I actually searched the box and its contents pretty thoroughly because I was looking for some small accessories I also bought. They turned out to be stuck to another package I had already removed from the box.
I also noticed that the cardboard tube in the right boot (the most heavily damaged one) was only filled with wadded-up paper for about 1/3rd of the length whereas the one in the left boot was filled for about 3/4th. Either they were sloppily packaged or someone removed it and didn't put it back properly.

>> No.7961040

Best of luck, anon!

There was also the time when CC sent me items with the security tags still attached. They were really accommodating that time as well, so I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.7961058

Good luck, make sure to keep us updated! I've only bought from CC once, and the item was in pristine condition. Seems really unusual, hopefully they'll be accomodating.

>> No.7961126
File: 177 KB, 498x876, FireShot Screen Capture #145 - 'Haenuli _Angel Of Music_ _ Phantom of the Opera RESERVATION' - www_facebook_com_events_894937850538535_permalink_896834293682224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7961130

Entitled fatties ruining everything for everyone as usual.

>> No.7961134

Good job fatties, you ruined it for everyone.

>> No.7961144

This is really upsetting. Talking about Haenuli, wasn't Planetary Dreamer supposed to ship in November?

>> No.7961146
File: 152 KB, 495x1536, FireShot Screen Capture #148 - 'Haenuli _Angel Of Music_ _ Phantom of the Opera RESERVATION' - www_facebook_com_events_894937850538535_896834293682224__comment_id=896851500347170&notif_t=event_mall_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments

i gave up on censoring names, sry guys

It's publicly viewable anyway

>> No.7961147

I don't even get what the fatties' problem is?

>> No.7961148
File: 23 KB, 459x46, Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 11.46.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true gulls?

>> No.7961152

I think they might be upset about the restrictions. Basically, this whole thing is all or nothing, if Haenuli doesn't get enough orders for the 1X, then it's all canceled and they will never try doing this again. But even so, that is a ridiculous reason to be upset. They should be ecstatic that a prominent indie brand is even entertaining this.

This is also a possibility

>> No.7961155

Wtf Ashley Baker...

>> No.7961157

Just saw this on tumblr. I feel so bad, she even made the offer to accomodate their size, yet she's being harassed? Good fucking job. Her sizes are really plus-size friendly to begin with, even without the 1X.

>> No.7961159

I can't find anything like this.

>> No.7961160

Because disagreeing with something on 4chan is basically seen as harassment anyway.

>> No.7961161

Lol when did anyone ever say this? Yeah people were complaining about fatties and saying they should lose weight to fit the dresses but I never saw a single comment about harassing Haenuli for offering plus sizes. Bitch is making shit up.

>> No.7961167

This. I bet she also sent Haenuli harrassing msgs.

>> No.7961177

I'd put money on those harassing comments coming from one or a small number of asshole trolls who are not plus sized and have no intention of buying a plus size dress.

>> No.7961179

For sure.
I guess 4chan is an easy target, since everyone who goes on here is a trolling meanie and source of all cyber bullying.

>> No.7961186

This is why I will never admit to posting here, ever. I don't even get nasty on anon but there is no way to prove this, and my comm has been witch hunt-y about teh evol 4chan bullies in the past. I just know that if I admit to posting here I will be accused of every mean thing that was ever said about any of them on here, because 4chan is full of ugly jelly trolls who hate everything kawaii and have little horns and bad breath and can't possibly be normal people ever.

>> No.7961187


I don't understand any of this. Why would people complain to a designer for finally making sizes they will actually fit?
She's clearly going out of her way to accommodate people of all sizes here, that should be commended ffs.
Why fuck are they harassing her? These chicks make no sense. They should be thanking her, not harassing her.
Quite honestly, as a chubby-chan, I always thought their original sizes went quite large to begin with. Their L/XL, which they've always offered, is legit plus size friendly to start with.

>> No.7961190


While I agree a lot of hostility, some bullying and and trolling goes on here, it's not like that all the freakin time.
There are some really nice and helpful people on here as well. I feel CGL doesn't deserve the bad name it gets and not all seagulls should be tarnished by the same brush iyswim.

>> No.7961193

This is so true. If you come in here with a good attitude, even being ita, people will help you. I attribute my quick improvement to participating on cgl. But, I wouldn't be able to tell my comm this, only my closest friends know I frequent here.

>> No.7961194


The more I think about it, the more I think you are spot on with your comment. I wouldn't be surprised if it were actually fatty hating trolls are trying to spoil things here.

>> No.7961308
File: 52 KB, 756x625, 1471307_10152537002406270_770545252848529281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On today's deal or no deal.

>> No.7961312
File: 67 KB, 500x375, 1415107813272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting Fact: Around 17 years ago was on a date with an ex boyfriend when they had gone for a meal at a ‘posh’ restaurant and were ‘dressed very elegantly.’ When they were walking out the restaurant she fell over resulting in her dress lifting up exposing her underwear in front of all the diners.

>> No.7961313

Talking about fatties, I'd love to wear AP cutsews, but the bust measurements are ridiculous (below 80cm). I have a 96cm bust, how far do these things stretch and howshitty will it look?
Inb4 fatties blaming it on their bust measurement, but seriously, it always pisses me off when some pieces have huge waists (80cm and more) and a maximum bust of 91 or 94.

>> No.7961314

Oh fuck I'm wearing that same dress right now in a different colorway. Red clashes with this thing, you need a dark pink.

>> No.7961316

This info is from her profile on the website. lolwut.

>> No.7961319

any way of cleaning black scuff marks out of pink antaina tea parties? let my friend borrow them, fatal mistake

>> No.7961320

It's called the asian body type.
I imagine that the cut sews have negative ease. Why no buy one?

>> No.7961325

Yeah, I was being sarcastic, in case that wasn't clear.
I really like coming to this board for that reason. Sure, I've had the occasional anon calling me a dumb cunt because they disagree with me, but the majority of people are really nice, if blunt, and every interaction I've had off-anon with a seagull has been nothing but pleasant. The drama is really easy to avoid.

>> No.7961328
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 79410_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since there's no price check thread atm and I can't be bothered to make one just thought I'd ask here
how much is dreamy pony ribbon in the jsk worth in pink? It's on sale on lolita sales uk for 80 quid but I'm literally turbo broke at the moment so I was just wondering how much does it normally go for and how often does it go up for sale?

>> No.7961331

This, pretty much. I'm always very hesitant to say that I go on 4chan, since people will immediately think of /b/, and /pol/, and think it's the all same thing. I cringe a bit every time someone calls /cgl/ a "hate forum"

>> No.7961335

Since it's jersey, it should stretch quite a bit. I think some brands are more accomodating than others, as far as I remember, BABY is a lot less stretchy than AP?
Buy a used one on mbok or whatever, and resell it if it doesn't work. The real problem might be the arms and shoulders, if you're chubs in that area.

>> No.7961336

>dreamy pony ribbon
please buy it from lolita sales uk before I do :( it's calling to me, from what i can tell it's about right for it, it's been up for sale a few times recently

>> No.7961338
File: 418 KB, 500x375, 555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7961343

But asians are pretty tiny period, and most pieces are also small around the waist. But then some are huge and I get mad about some flatty-fatty buying it.

>> No.7961344

Yup this.
I tell people because idgaf but it does annoy them a lot. And I explain that not all of the boards are bad.

>> No.7961353

I really do have have big shoulders/arms, but usually those are not a problem. There's a few really cute AP cutsews with fitting shoulder measurements and pretty wide sleeves. I should maybe really just buy one, I was only kinda hoping that maybe some anon has already tried.

>> No.7961358

Fucking Ragnarok man, I'd be 10000% more ready to throw money at it if the side seam wasn't such a painful sight. But it's so pretty too...

Agreed. Either way though, no matter who it is they're well out of line.

>> No.7961374

We may bitch about fatties on here, but I doubt a gull really cares enough to actually go out of their way to do something like email harass H.
Bet my money on more entitled fattie mentality of blaming others (its not my fault I'm fat! Its not the 4,000 calories I eat! Its genetics!)

>> No.7961378

I smell some sandy shills getting extremely pissed off at the thought of FATTIES IN THEIR BURANDO~*~*~

>> No.7961381


What the hell is this about? I know of the easter design from Haenuli but I had no idea people were mad?

>> No.7961390

haenuli agreed to do a test run of larger sizes for plus sized girls. apparently she's been getting hatemail about it.

>> No.7961411

I own an AP turtleneck and it definitely doesn't go over 90cm in the bust. Maybe it depends on the cutsew and some are more stretchy.

>> No.7961412
File: 52 KB, 500x333, 1414697995257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these retards. They're from the ny lolitas comm. Surprise suprise.

>> No.7961419

Why are they retards for being upset about harassing messages being sent to Haenuli?

>> No.7961429

I think they're implying that they're being dumb for scape-goating.

>> No.7961485

Oh, they're definitely out of line, obviously. And I think it's worse that it's very likely to be coming from immature, fatphobic asses who are trying to make their target hated group of people look bad and ruin something nice for them.

>> No.7961490

i cant tell you how badly i want to but i seriously just yesterday bought aps tulle ribbon from the sales and I actually took money from my savings to get it because its a perfect colour match for my new tea parties
but aagghhh so is pony ribbon in some parts!

>> No.7961503

you bought tulle ribbon from the crazy girl! she can't be more than 17/18 years old, yet has loads of brand and a boyfriend, and a normal facebook account where she's emo as heck (not that i stalker her or anything, i just love seeing fellow uk lolitas..)
i bought a pair of tea parties from the sales last week and they've not arrived, i think they're lost forever :( the seller's offered to refund them but it sucks for her to have to do so

>> No.7961592

Thanks anon!

>> No.7961600
File: 13 KB, 232x234, removing-spray-tan-off-hands-21662580[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Magic sponge. They're soft blocks of melamine. If there's a Daiso near you head there instead, they sell packs of them. Wet the sponge and rub over the scuffs, it should remove most of the marks.

>> No.7961611

>Magic sponge
have you ever done it before? I'm worried I'm going to take the paint off or something ;_;

>> No.7961616

December 5-15. We still have a few weeks.

>> No.7961687

Well done Suzy!

>> No.7961763

It's not a cleaner per se, it's an abrasive, it's not a chemical that would react with your finish and cause the color to come off much. If you're really worried about it, put a shoe protectant on it afterwards.

>> No.7961820
File: 489 KB, 884x452, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good old Mckeen, thanks for the lulz

>> No.7961838

Of course I missed the start of AP's sale, I wanted the Dramatic Rose JSK in mint, but the socks are sold out, and now I don't want it anymore...
Why is so much of it in stock anyway? Don't people like this print?

>> No.7961847

Looking at this Haenuli shit now I'm super interested in an Angel of Music OP. What colorway should I get? I really like both. I was going to just go for the black but I sort of like the white a lot (I think the navy bit is pretty) and am wondering if I should switch it up with my wardrobe a little (I have mostly dark colors). Though I like the black, I feel like if I don't get the white I might be sad/disappointed later, haha. If I'm a fattychan should I stay away from the white, though?

>> No.7961864

I like Treasure Japan, but I've been meaning to try a few others because these small services tend to die off when the owner/runner finds another means of income or experiences a major life change.

The thing about personal shopping services is that they're almost always going to be more expensive. I don't mind, because they're generally better at providing service. For one thing, they'll ask sellers questions (a lot of large shopping services say they do as well, but they often don't manage to get around to it in time for the auction's end, because everything is automated).

>> No.7961884

Black is more flattering, but I think it's not impossible to pull of white if you're fat.
Personally, I prefer the black, but that's just me.

>> No.7961966

Why do so many lolitas wear sandals with tights?

>> No.7961995

So how do you guys decide when it's time to let go of a piece/pieces? I have a few things that are too sweet for my wardrobe anymore, and I'm interested in being rid of them. I've been thinking about it for days, but I'm not sure if I would regret it...

>> No.7961998

Oy vey, I don't know why making a color choice is so difficult for me right now. I suppose I could also save up money and be ready to buy the other color secondhand in a few months? I guess the other thing I'm worried about is if I buy it in white but find that I dislike the color and have a hard time trying to find it in black, or vice versa. I suppose I just have to suck it up and make a choice. Out of curiosity, what color are most people getting?

>> No.7962000

Where can you find what items are on sale? I'm logged in and don't see anything.

>> No.7962001

Just went through the archives and didn't see anything about it either.

>> No.7962003

I let go of half my wardrobe recently. I had to re-access what I wanted from my clothes and how they made me feel. If I felt anxiety at the thought of wearing certain things, I knew it was time to sell them and put that money into something else.

>> No.7962020

I pretty much do what >>7962003 described.

>> No.7962047

idk if it's just me but Alia really gets on my tits.

I have an AP cutsew and I'm 110cm. It rides up a little higher than it would on smaller girls but you can't tell when it's worn with a JSK or Skirt

Just looked her up and she's written her name in katakana as Suujee if you are m8s tell her it should be スーゼィ

>> No.7962128

My work is having a thanksgiving gathering tomorrow, and I'm considering wearing a simple coord. The thing is, they have NO IDEA about my powerlevel... they know I'm sort of a nerd but no one has seen me in lolita and I dress casual/grunge at work.
Good idea or bad idea? I like everyone and they're all kind of friends (been there three months but slowly getting along with everyone) so they are going to find out eventually but I'm not sure how to introduce it to them.
Also, how do you introduce lolita to your friends? Do you just dress quirky often enough it's not weird? Since I usually wear weird shit just going out with nonwork friends it's less of a surprise to introduce those friends to it, but after three months of seeing me in jeans and uggs I feel kinda weird showing up in BTSSB to this thing.

>> No.7962137

I think this Ashley Baker lady is cray cray.

>> No.7962144

She is probably counting on her followers not actually checking this out or being here, since 4chan is EVIL AND HATES GODDESS SIZED WOMEN so they will just take her word for it that it's our fault.

>> No.7962170

I always have issues letting go of pieces that I really love/used to love but don't fit into my style anymore. I try to reason with myself that I can buy a new piece that fits my style and wardrobe better with the money.

>> No.7962202

I'm looking to sell my lolita for the first time ever. Is there some kind of helpful guide somewhere that I can use to help me? Any suggestions/tips?

>> No.7962301

When is this being released?

>> No.7962304

I'm not sure about AP cutsews but I've had H Naoto ones fit my 96cm bust.

>> No.7962313

>I have an AP cutsew and I'm 110cm.
That sounds great, do you have a recent one?

>> No.7962580

I use these on my ap shoes all the time. Works like a charm!

>> No.7962595

this dress looks like it was made from a joanns print, please dont cop

>> No.7962600

How old is too old for lolita? I just started and I'm 22.

I'd like to think my style is super toned down sweet.

>> No.7962604

No age is too old unless you look old, is what being on 4chan has taught me.

>> No.7962615

It's not so much an age thing as an appearance and life situation thing. I know a woman who is in her early thirties and still pulls sweet off really well. Many Japanese and most popular western lolitas are in their early to mid twenties. If you work a srs business job where people are less accepting of weird hobbies or are starting to look a bit old (unlikely at 22!) you might want to tone it down a bit, but there is no strict cut-off age where the lolita police comes to your house to repossess all your burando. Usually people's wardrobes only truly get going once they're in their twenties and have more income.

>> No.7962618

Which one do you have, can you post pics? I really want one, but I've never dared.

>> No.7962621

>mfw I started lolita at 26
>mfw two years later feel too old for it, only wear dresses at home
oh well.

>> No.7962623

I'm absolutely ruthless about my normalfag wardrobe, and there is a few questions that I always ask myself:
> does it fit me well? Will it fit me well in the immediate future (< 6 months)
If no, toss it/sell it
> have I worn this within the last year?
If no, toss/sell
> Do I look good in it? Does it match the rest of my wardrobe and my aesthetic?
If no, toss/sell

I've started to apply these to my lolita wardrobe as well, is working pretty well. I feel like keeping something you won't wear is a waste of money, unless it has important sentimental value to you.

>> No.7962642

Apart from everything else that >>7962623 mentioned, I look at a dress, think about the market price, and if I would hand the dress over without hesitation to someone who offered me that money then I know I have no sentimental attachment to it and probably don't love it enough to keep it.

I wouldn't wear full lolita, even a simple coord - I would try something more normal with lolita items. They'll probably not be able to get over you wearing a dress let alone lolita...

>> No.7962648

where do people get their simple blouses from? they never come up on BST threads on here and lacemarket (when it's up) seems to only have OTT or offbrand normalfag blouses
>tfw I live in jsks

>> No.7962656

I started wearing more "out there" clothes/casual J-fash and wigs around my friends, everyone accepted it very quickly. Then I just showed up in a casual lolita coord to a small gathering.
People usually accept quirks very quickly, you will get some comments at first, but just smile, don't make a big deal about, don't even talk about it unless prompted. They'll probably just roll with it.

>> No.7962715
File: 10 KB, 414x75, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the wig didn't work but when did being on trend count for putting together a coord. Am I the only one who doesn't understand these mentors?

>> No.7962718

>want to be trendy
>in alternative fashion
Wow, I really dislik that state of mind.

I get mine from Innocent Wolrd. As they do lucky pack they often pop up second-hand and they carry several sizes.

>> No.7962750

okay she's crazy, but does she have a bad sales rep?

>> No.7962791


Not gonna defend the mentor, since the comment is out of context so I don't know if she's giving good advice or not.

If you've been in lolita for more than 5 years, you'll be able to see trends change -- and with it, lolita opinions.

Currently the trend is against fake-looking candy-coloured wigs, but it's not as simple as "this is in right now, a lot of girls are doing it". There is also a large chunk of lolitas who view unnatural candy-coloured wigs as turning lolita fashion into a costume, and will judge you harshly for wearing one.

Contrast this with 5-7 years ago when AP photoshoots first started appearing with candy-coloured wigs. The sweet lolitas back then were excited to try it as the idea of wearing a pink wig to match you AP coord was something new and interesting at that point in time. There may have been a few lolitas who didn't like the wigs even back then, but they were the minority, whereas now they are the majority.

Fair enough if you want to argue that trending things alone shouldn't influence your fashion choices, but in this case the wig choice comes with other people's negative judgements attached to it. For a newbie who may have entered the fashion based on actual burando photoshoot from 2007, 2008 when candy-coloured wigs were still novel and interesting, this is really the most sensible explanation -- yes, they used to be cool, but now they're not cool anymore, so don't wear them.

>> No.7962801

I love stripey socks. Not with lolita though

>> No.7962839

Honestly I think part of my issue is that finding a colored wig that doesn't look like you pulled it off the 70% clearance rack at the Target Halloween section can be tricky, and a lot of newer lolitas just straight up miss the mark. I'm glad to see natural hair colors coming back into style again, but unless someone's wig actually looks thin and super shiny (in other words, shitty costume grade), I think it's a little silly to count it against them for the purposes of a mentor thread. It's better to improve your coording skills before you start trend-chasing for tumblr reblogs.

>> No.7962847

>trend-chasing for tumblr reblogs

That's not what I was talking about though. 2006 is before tumblr was a thing.

>> No.7962861
File: 18 KB, 280x373, DressUpPearlyJabotCutsew-brownxiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Dress Up Pearly Jabot Cutsew 2012. I wear it without the jabot though as I don't like it so much in my colour way. All AP long sleeve cut sews seem to be cut the same way so you shouldn't have problems. Maybe pick up a cheap one from mbok and see how it fits?

>> No.7962871

That's fine to say if the wig doesn't suit the coord or is of bad quality, then use that as a point. But saying that it's not in trend right now isn't good advice. It didn't go with the coord but being on trend shouldn't matter. That's all I was saying.

>> No.7962884


I don't know what coord it went with, that's why I said I'm not defending the mentor or her advice.

I'm pointing out that tumblr-reblog-chasing is not the only way to interpret the comment.

>> No.7962988

incorrect it looks cute as fuck

>> No.7963008

I'm trying to make my first taobao order using Taobao now and none of the links to the items I put in the shopping cart work. Am I doing something wrong? I feel so stupid.

>> No.7963011

You might have better luck in the Taobao thread. Do your links have tw. in them? That means you're on the Taiwanese Taobao and those links don't always work off-site.

>> No.7963013

Well that would explain it. I was trying to order from foxcherry and that has the tw. I'm guessing I would have to use a different shopping service then?

>> No.7963024

no, just take the tw out of the link, and switch taobao to global

>> No.7963035

Try Chrome as your browser.

>> No.7963040


previews of btssb/aatp lucky packs are out; can't tell if they're only available in store or?

>> No.7963064

I can try that but chrome crashes on my pos computer.

I tried taking the tw out and it still didn't recognize it. I don't know what that second part means. never done any of this stuff before.

>> No.7963070

Thanks a bunch anon! I'll give it a try!

>> No.7963086

I started 2 years ago at 21, and girls in their 20s is the majority in my comm. Just make sure to look cute or pull off elegant really well.

>> No.7963088

I started at 24. One of my mentors is in her 30s, looks to be in her 20s. I am a firm believer that as long as you look nice in your coords, it doesn't matter what your age is.

>> No.7963098

It say's you have to reserve them in store

>> No.7963136

If I want to get something from y!auctions what would be the best SS?
Is FromJapan good?

>> No.7963149
File: 30 KB, 250x333, iw arabesque rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new lolita here - finally won my first piece of burando and super excited to wear it in the spring! Thanks for all the advice and support that's lead up to this moment, seagulls

>> No.7963150
File: 42 KB, 1099x307, helping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.7963157

Congrats, wear it with pride!

>> No.7963167

is my lolita dress a legit site?

>> No.7963169

Legit but overpriced seems to be the general consensus, they're just a Taobao reseller.

>> No.7963170


>> No.7963172

>arabesque rose
Oh honey...

>> No.7963173

What's wrong with Arabesque Rose? I wouldn't like it enough to buy it myself but it's a perfectly nice dress.

>> No.7963197
File: 64 KB, 828x414, IMG_132976787847958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is all the second hand goth stuff (in the west) either fucking expensive or this...awful shit..?!

>> No.7963218
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1357593555996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone received any secret santa stuff from their comm etc.?
Mine arrived the other day and honestly I'm a little disappointed, I received no Lolita (or even slightly related) items at all, despite this being one of the rules. In fact they were all items picked up from a supermarket in my country. This sounds pretty ungrateful I know but I always put a lot of effort into my secret santa's and I end up being let down every time. I think that's a common theme with secret santa though

>> No.7963230

It's fairly infamous because it was in everybody's lucky packs for a while and a lot of people found it ugly (the fabric has a weird texture and is kind of shiny). I think it looks fine though and if you like it and got a good deal, then that's cool for you.

>> No.7963233

Was that not the Emmelina JSK?

>> No.7963238

It was. Biased anon is biased and knows shit about IW.

>> No.7963252

Where is this gif from?

>> No.7963261

a dab of clear nailpolish can stop threads unravelling

>> No.7963263

seconded. this also helps if you get any runs in your hosiery, a dab of clear nail polish will seal it and prevent it from spreading

>> No.7963269

This is my big worry about secret santa because you cant quality control what is being sent out. You can talk to who organized it about what you got, but im unsure about what they can do really besides try to figure out ways to stop that from happening.

>> No.7963271

The question was asking about being an anime persona while wearing lolita or something. I don't remeber anyone else mentioned the wig

>> No.7963289

Arabesque rose is pretty fab and many people have it on their wishlist.

>> No.7963319

Yeah I'm probably going to message her just to give her a heads up and maybe she can put out a reminder message to the other participants

>> No.7963360
File: 16 KB, 232x313, 3731e1f429017620c21fd1b49f639e8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got this dress, which is absolutely beautiful but the cape keeps falling off my shoulders. Is the only solution safety pins, or is there something that I'm missing here to keep it on?

>> No.7963373

Nope, I was in the rufflechat and local comm SS, and nada so far. It's fine, I'm honestly not expecting to receive anything at all from the rufflechat one because people are shitheads and my local comm has a decent amount of itas who crawled out of the woodwork at the prospect of free shit. I just really like to take the time to put together nice, personalized gifts. I already sent off my rufflechat one with a nice little note urging the recipient to contact me when she receives it so I know it got there ok. It's shown as delivered for a week and not a peep. People are disappointing.

>> No.7963411
File: 39 KB, 240x400, keramaria-s-2011-03-10T14 22 42-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fine first dress anon that you'll get good use out of.
Yes, the material isn't the standard blend but you can still make some great coords with it.

>> No.7963445


You're mixing it up with the dress mentioned in:


Arabesque Rose is lovely, but of course I didn't appreciate it until after I had sold it from my first oddment pack.

>> No.7963448

Sew on some press studs.

>> No.7963455

I'm attempting to make my own detachable sleeves for a blouse I already have, and I'm struggling to picture how they would work - I don't suppose anyone could quickly photograph the contraption that sticks them together for me? Long shot I know but it'd be much appreciated!

>> No.7963461

Snaps! I've put snaps onto burando before, it's only a few little stitch holes and done, then you can just remove them to sell.

>> No.7963464

>I don't suppose anyone could quickly photograph the contraption that sticks them together for me? Long shot I know but it'd be much appreciated!
It's just buttons, usually the button is under the lace bit of the shortsleeve, with holes in the long sleeve part. generally 4 or so, spaced the same distance apart in the circle.

>> No.7963465

I got a package torn in a 30/60 split, left from right and then stitched back together with tape. But customs does have to use a special yellow tape when they do that here, so I know it was them. The item was okay, but damn

>> No.7963470

... I feel so embarrassed for not thinking of that before, I was imagining some hook and eye fiasco but then how would you even get them on/no way will they stay on!? thank you, sage for being a moron

>> No.7963472
File: 68 KB, 880x586, celestial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which colorway and cut will be most popular? I can't decide which color I want.

>> No.7963481

The jsk in navy or black will definitely be most popular. With that OP being second probably.

>> No.7963524

Try nail polish remover, worked wonders for me on my pink An Tai Na heels. Be careful tho, try on a hidden spot like the heel first. On my shoes the paint didn't come off and all the scuffs were gone.

>> No.7963532

What are your measurements?
I'm 5'11, 90 cm bust, 74 cm waist. I own plenty cutsews from AP, Baby and Meta. They do stretch, the only problem could be if your bust is really large it will ride up and become too short to tuck into a skirt but you could wear it under a JSK anyways.

>> No.7963537

I ask myself: Would I buy this right now if it were for sale? If the answer is no, it has to go.
Another (more funny and kinda dumb) question is: if I died today and this would be my last coord/worn dress, would I be happy/proud/ask to be buried in it? Again, if the answer is no it goes to the sales.

>> No.7963540

What do you need to know?

>> No.7963542

*Rolling eyes* Lurk moar.

>> No.7963543

I'm so embarrassed by this post

>> No.7963544

Don't do that. Wear them with pride, you don't need anyone's approval after all it's your dresses and if you love them you should showcase them.

>> No.7963548

Taobao, Luckypacks, Innocent World.

>> No.7963555

i started at age 19 im about to turn 22. i think you can pull lolita off as long as you dont look old, so the number doesnt matter

>> No.7963556

I own Arabesque in both cuts and it's stunning. Also own Emmelina in pink, never understood why everyone hates it I love it to peices. it's very light, perfect for summer, and really cute for a more casual look.

>> No.7963560

Anyone in the SF comm know if they're doing a meet up before or after the black Friday sale for the BTSSB store? I'm a visiting lone lolita from SoCal and wanted to meet some new people (and hopefully not some gross dude).

>> No.7963582

>people in this thread talking about being 22 as if that is old

oh ok

>> No.7963600

My friends are going. You'll have better luck asking in the Facebook group!

>> No.7963602

+1 to the people assuming all of 4chan is /b/

>> No.7963610

Man, I envy you.
Except for the possibility of that Melissa Black creep.
But otherwise, getting into the BTSSB store on Black Friday sounds like a mix of Pandemonium and fun.

>> No.7963618

I was under this same impression for a while, until a friend of mine pointed out how it's actually not that bad, minus the occasional sandy cunt.
Kind of doesn't help how the SJW of Lolita, Kota Bear tried to make /cgl/ sound horrible af.

>> No.7963631

Just try to chat up people. I don't see why prone won't go for food/other things after the sale. Most people in the comm are friends with the shop staff.

>> No.7963637

Usually, the people who rip on /cgl/ are those who have never actually been on the board, except for maybe being linked to the ita thread.

>> No.7963710

What is a reasonable amount of time to mail out an item?
I bought an item on lacemarket and because shipping was included she said she would ship it the slower method and I was fine with that because I just needed the item before christmas and I bought it the beggining of november. Then it took her a week and a half to mail the item out so I ended up having to pay extra to get it shipped faster so it would still make it in time. The extra shipping wasn't that much more but I feel like it was kind of rude that she charged me at all for it considering it was her fault it wouldn't get to me in time. I am a seller as well and I always get my items in the mail within a day or two of payment....

>> No.7963716

I'd say a reasonable time is a week. With the way things are set up now, you dont even need to go to the post office, just print the label, wrap up your package, and stick it in a mailbox. There's no reason that should take 2 weeks, and it's kind of bullshit that she charged you extra to get it shipped faster, especially if you told her that you needed it by a certain date and she agreed to that.

>> No.7963719

Well, this board is full of underageb&, what do you expect

I agree a week is what is reasonable, but would like to point out print and ship doesn't really work when you have a full time job and lazy or untrustworthy postmen so every time I see this 'you don't even need to go to the PO' crap I have to envy you naive, lucky fools who have a good post office.

>> No.7963723

As a seller, I aim to ship within 3 days. I think 5 days is still acceptable, a week is pushing it, unless you're away on vacation or something. Week and a half is unacceptable to me. She should have covered the shipping

>> No.7963724

Not that anon, but I'm from Europe, and how hard can it really be? You can print the shipping label at home, and then just drop it off at the PO right? Who doesn't have a PO close to their home? Every shithole village in Europe I've ever been to has at least one, bigger cities at least 3-4

>> No.7963731

Do you seriously have mailmen who don't collect the mail from mailboxes? Is that even legal?

>> No.7963739

>mailmen pretend they tried to deliver mail and regularly leave missed notices or don't deliver mail, double if there's weather
>PO opens after I go to work and closes before I get out
>If I'm busy with another commitment Saturday morning, no time to send a package that week
Trust me, we've tried. It just wastes money and time, we've had packages sit in there and get doggy in the rain because they never picked up. Also there's no way my mailbox would fit a package bigger than a small accessory anyway.

Welcome to federal employees?

>> No.7963740

*get soggy
I don't know what getting doggy is.

>> No.7963754

That himi storenvy is pissing me off so much. So many people are buying from her when it's clearly just marked up taobao shit. At least she's not spamming the sales groups any more but god it's so infuriating.

>> No.7963761


Thanks for your input. I was just trying to see if I should leave her poor feedback or not. It would be a different story if she had communicated better but she took like 2-3 days to respond to every message and she didn't even invoice me til 3 days after I bought the item on lacemarket. Not impressed.

>> No.7963771

How far do Meta's otks stretch? I want to try otks but I have giant calves unfortunately and kinda assumed that meta would be my best bet since their stuff tends to fit larger sizes anyway? Or should I just not bother?

>> No.7963777

I sent Meta an e-mail about brizblossom and her use of vote farming sites, providing links and screencaps. What do you think is the likelihood of them responding or taking some sort of action, seagulls?

>> No.7963779

I was wondering about that, she has way more likes than the girls who look way better than she does...

>> No.7963784

Honestly I didn't have an issue with her promoting on tumblr, facebook and other social media because at least those voting for her are likely to be interested in the fashion and I'm sure other girls are doing it too, but vote farming is just sinking to a whole new low because it's randoms who don't give two shits about the fashion/

>> No.7963786

yeah, exactly. That is BS.

>> No.7963793

They are super stretchy and I think you'll have no trouble fitting in them but OTK's aren't flattering on large calves unfortunately

>> No.7963794

I figured which is why I only have tights. But I want to try it even if I don't leave my house wearing the socks. Socks are cute.

>> No.7963796

a lot of people are saying it's super busy but i'm honestly so in love?? i think i'll try for the jsk in black or navy bc i'm all about black/gold + navy/gold coords

>> No.7963803

Fair enough! I'd definately go for the Meta ones then because they have some serious stretch -- maybe get the lucky pack?

>> No.7963804

Anybody knows if she lurks here? I wonder if she reads all this

>> No.7963806


You don't need to turn everything into a question?? Especially when it's not a question ???????

>> No.7963814

The lucky pack they have now or are they coming out with another soon? I'd save up for a different lucky pack to get some filler pieces anyway.

>> No.7963834

The one that'll be coming out soon
I find that if you don't like things in it, they are easy to sell (especially the LP skirts on the plus size groups) and pay for them selves.

>> No.7963841

Oh awesome. Im going to go for that for sure. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.7963913

They already emailed me back saying they wouldn't do anything.

>> No.7963916

We should spam her and tell her to drop out.

>> No.7963921

No you shouldn't, it makes us look like horrible people.
But if a bunch of btb secrets came out showing how much she has cheated I am sure the international comm will think that she is the one at wrong here, not us for "cyberbullying", which you know she would make that claim.

>> No.7963924

True, lets spam btb secrets then.

But then, what if someone posts something on tumblr about how unfair it is to the other girls and how she ruined the point of the contest and is 'bullying' other contestants by doing so? Or some tumblr shit.

>> No.7963928

The navy JSK, I think. Navy is super popular lately, I feel.

I'm going for the sax or lavender, so I hope those won't sell out as quickly...

>> No.7963934

Out of curiosity, would you be willing to screencap and post how meta replied?

>> No.7963935

Seriously, fuck you guys. Thanks to your indecision and lack of motivation, briz is going to win and no one is going to do anything about it. This is why other boards think so little of cgl, you are literally incapable of doing anything but talking about makeup and your periods. I hope you're all proud.

>> No.7963939

/cgl/ can't agree on anything except pixyteri

>> No.7963941
File: 106 KB, 511x215, metaresponse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7963947

We could just post caps of the websites she used when she wins across a bunch of social media platforms and get it out there without doing the bullying slant. Just make it publicly known that she used vote farming sites.

>> No.7963951

This was already posted in btb and no one cared

>> No.7963961

too bad we can't vote for someone else like /pol/ did by setting up that thing to vote about whether or not the grand jury made the right decision in the ferguson case.

>> No.7963966

Sounds good, lets get going, we can blog, tag and reblog.

>> No.7963969

We tried but no one could decide on anything

>> No.7963974

god dammit, someone needs to ask pol what script they used to vote and then fucking pick someone.

>> No.7963980

Welp. If she cheated and theyre cool with it, I'll buy votes for someone else

Did anyone use fiverr to get likes? Did it actually work?

>> No.7963990

It won't work because this is a Facebook voting thing and you need Facebook accounts to do it with, noobs.
I think it is inappropriate, she fixed the contest so she can have money. But at the same time anything we do now would also be equally wrong and fix the voting for someone else.

What if we go through and like every other picture except hers?

>> No.7963994
File: 40 KB, 480x560, meta_contest_suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should all buy likes for this one.

>> No.7964002

It's fucking maddening. I'm not a part of the contest but seeing her cheat pisses me off. I wish we could move her to step down.

>> No.7964017

Ya know what? I don't care if she cries bully, we should post on the Meta FB page how we, the community don't want her in the contest because she's using random likes from outside the community to win a contest about fashion. I will make the sacrifice to post it myself if anyone would back me up.

>> No.7964026

Does anyone think pleading to /b/'a legion could knock this bitch off her pedestal?

>> No.7964027

I'll back you up.

>> No.7964031

/b/ won't care. /b/ only cares about an oddly specific list of things, I don't think weird non-sexy asian fashion is one of them.

>> No.7964033

Why do we need to? /cgl/ is just as good

>> No.7964036

But obviously we can't fuxking agree on anything otherwise we would have chosen someone to vote for

>> No.7964037

Tbh I'm kinda glad she's cheating because I've had an irrational hate boner for Briz Blossom's weirdly shaped head and colorblind coordination for awhile now. The Meta coordinate sucks extra bad. None of the blues make sense and the hair and lace gloves are tacky.

>> No.7964038

I'm doing this as we speak. Everyone join in if you want.

>> No.7964039


>> No.7964045

Same. Everyone do this.

We could ask /fa/ to contribute?

>> No.7964053

Jesus christ, don't bring those retards in for something so inane. Not that they'd care anyway.

>> No.7964056

/fa/ would tell us to fuck off. You guys are weirdly optimistic about the amount of shits other boards would give about this contest.

>> No.7964059

someone should ask r9k

>> No.7964061

we could!
doing this as well, instead of whining how we can't agree let's just do it.
Can some anons with better Japanese write complaints on the page? I'll do it in English after I'm done with this.

>> No.7964063

they would call us whores and start shitposting >tfw no gf on the board

>> No.7964073
File: 227 KB, 768x996, Screenshot_2014-11-28-05-55-04~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for buttcape.


>> No.7964081

Ok everyone, like all coords except the one who cheated. This is nt an attempt to make her lose, it is an attempt to even out the competition for other people who don't have a chance at winning because she bought likes.

>> No.7964084

I went and made sure to like the highest ones that could stand a chance to hers, and anyone can tell something's up when you compare her pictures to the others like Choke who look 10x better
But I don't know if we can get through with the 300-person gap

>> No.7964113

Yes this, 300 people is a loooot... We need to get other boards or people involved with this if we want it to work, there just aren't enough cgl users to make it happen.

>> No.7964144

Best-case scenario, other boards will ignore us. Worst case, we'll get raided to hell and back.

>> No.7964218

Voting just closed for the contest, we are too late.

>> No.7964238

I guess I can't blame them- it sucks, but Briz wasn't doing anything against the rules. It would make them look bad if they changed the contest at the very end. It's nice that they sent a reply though, and hopefully they'll do something next time to prevent other shitty loophole-exploiting cheaters.

>> No.7964289

anyone have photos of classical puppet's royal carousel OP being worn?

>> No.7964293

Anon whose boots were damaged here (>>7960997). Good news, Closet Child gave me a full refund! They're making an insurance claim on their end, and need me to go over to my local post office with the box and the boots to verify that there was a problem. I have no idea how this works but I'll figure it out.

Do you guys think there's a way for me to make the damage less noticeable? I can keep the boots and they fit well, so it would be great if there was a way for me to still wear them. Some kind of paint, maybe? And if all else fails regarding the damage on the ankles, has anyone ever been able to make spats work with lolita? ...That may just be me getting desperate but I don't want to throw these things away.

>> No.7964296

>has anyone ever been able to make spats work with lolita
One look at any of hildekitten's co-ords should be enough to put you off the idea for life. Try taking them to a shoe repair shop, maybe? If nothing else, they'd be able to tell you whether or not they're salvageable.

>> No.7964308

Yeah, I thought so. I'll try taking them to a cobbler.

>> No.7964314

I think getting other boards involved on the Briz situation is a really bad idea, it's unfortunate that she decided to cheat but there is nothing to be done about it - even Meta said as much. If people want to vote for Choke or other girls then they can do that of their own accord but we need to not stoop to her level for this. It's quite embarrassing to take it so far.

Maybe buy some detachable bows and sew/glue them on? You could even buy some velvet in a matching colour, cut it into a small heart shape and glue it on over the cracks

>> No.7964317

any one else noticed the different layout of closet child's webshop? what's your opinion?

>> No.7964322

i found the change bewildering and vaguely traumatizing
time will tell when it comes to how well it functions, but it does look richer/more expensive with all the burgundy and gold

>> No.7964342
File: 43 KB, 640x960, tumblr_naf3pwXctk1s1aaybo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone ID this dress for me?
it's moi-meme-moitie

>> No.7964345
File: 110 KB, 500x300, animaatjes-sailor-moon-118947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatthefuck? Did this just happen? It looks great, though. The old layout was getting on my nerves with all the sales ads at the top and the Google translator plugin is more well-integrated into the website. I can see more merch on a page... maybe the thumbnails are bigger, too? It all looks very sleek and pretty.

>> No.7964387

found out shes wearing a blouse under a dress
this is the blouse


>> No.7964404

Any word on who won the hats from the Meta contest yet?

>> No.7964483

For IW if they sell out of a reserve on the webshop will physical stores still get the dress?

>> No.7964489

They're announcing winners on the 4th.

>> No.7964601

>Anybody knows if/when IW will release Oddment LP's?

>> No.7964621

I just came here to talk about it. It's so much nicer now, wow

>> No.7964706

I just saw one of my dream dresses on YJ but it's been years since I used a bidding service. The auction ends pretty soon. Recs on a good service that can get my deposit confirmed and have me able to bid in a day or less?

>> No.7964709

this, it'll hopefully be my first LP and I'm pumped for it

>> No.7964716

Japonica will bid on auctions ending in less than 24 hours if you send them the deposit via paypal

>> No.7964729

Story of my life. My postal worker is shady as fuck. They never pick up my packages even though I scheduled them and they either drop my package off at my neighbor's, plop them on my porch (I live in a bad part of town so I hate that. This is also why I hate UPS), or just leave a message saying I missed my package when my family members were home the entire day.

>> No.7964730

Who are you going to buy them for? I'll help you

>> No.7964736

"Oh well we didn't specifically have a rule against cheating so we can't do anything about it" Come the fuck on meta, really? I hope they ban all westerners, kek

>> No.7964743

Use buyee and bid on it yourself.

>> No.7964746

Feels weird because it's quite different, but I like it. Very modern and easy to use.

>> No.7964751

I was thinking about

Blonde girl in the green/red christmasy coord
or Girl in the red pleated dress
or Steampunk tophat girl

>> No.7964756

Unless you have like 50cm calves, they will probably fit you. I only have one pair, but they're super stretchy and very comfortable on my fat legs.

>> No.7964758

Uh... anons, isn't the voting closed?

>> No.7964763

son of a taint

you're right

oh well, injustice prevails

>> No.7964808

Does anybody know what taobao brand makes this coat?


>> No.7964977

Think of it this way, win or lose Briz Blossom with forever have a reputation for cheating. The latin lolita comms might love her, but everyone else will know her for what she is.

>> No.7965000

Can someone explain:
please? I know its origins but at this point what does it mean? Is it a compliment or just an automatic response to females on 4chan?

>> No.7965097

I thought it was a way to ask your location (since I've seen variations with other cities/countries). e.g. "I hope you're located in London"

Could be wrong. Sage for ot

>> No.7965183
File: 71 KB, 300x400, mary_op_bertille_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, it's the anon who asked about wearing lolita to a debut threads ago. My friend said it's fine as long as I wear something that can pass as a ballgown. Do you guys think that pic related with an underskirt would?

Note: I'm pretty short(4'11) so normal sized dresses usually go past my knees.

>> No.7965201

Definitely not.

>> No.7965273

I wore Bertille in navy to a friend's Debs (I was asked last-minute and had no formalwear, sue me) and everyone said I looked adorable, you're probably fine.

>> No.7965296

Anyone having trouble getting on AP's site?

>> No.7965298


>> No.7965307

Anyone try to get Celestial?

>> No.7965310

Website won't load

>> No.7965311

I had socks in my cart then the website started fucking up.

>> No.7965313

Looks like everything sold out super fast I couldn't even get the site to load before everything was gone.

>> No.7965320

Yeah. I saw the JSKs before they sold out and tried to get one but the site stopped working. By the time it started working again, they were all sold out.

>> No.7965329

Got the skirt and tights in sax! Holy crap that was stressful.

>> No.7965332

I tried to order the Celestial Cross JSK... Not the slightest chance...
Is my interweb too slow?
All I can do now is try to console myself by telling myself that the cut wouldn't have suited me anyway...
I hope there's gonna be a special set, but then again, I'll have to go through the same pain if I miss it again.

>> No.7965339

I'm curious, for the Celestial AP release happening today, did anyone happen to see if the high waisted OP was released? I see all the other cuts except that one.

>> No.7965345

They are being released next week.

>> No.7965347

Meant to reply to >>7965339, sorry! There's info about it on AP's site.

Celestial Dress (分納の為、数量限定となります。)

Celestial Dress(後納分)

※入荷日が決定次第Angelic Prettyオフィシャルサイトにて御案内させて頂きます。

>> No.7965352

Ah- thanks for the information, anon!

>> No.7965355

Another question since I'm not too sure how shopping services work when pre-ordering. If I requested the high-waist OP on top priority, but also requested the bonnet and OTKs, would they have purchased the accessories or in most cases no? I placed an order through Chibi Tenshi.

>> No.7965379

I'm wondering the same thing, actually. If you find out, I'd be curious to know.

>> No.7965397

Would it be rude to message her and see?

>> No.7965412

I don't think it's rude.

>> No.7965469

It's a replica of MM's Gabriella coat, but here's the taobao link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41335517049

>> No.7965545

its so weird cause she looks like mah bf.....

>> No.7965969

Unfortunately no. It's still unknown what colour (if any at all) she'll be able to get me, she didn't want to there to be a chance at grabbing mismatching accessories, so yeah. I'll probably have to keep an eye out for second hand sales.