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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7958735 No.7958735 [Reply] [Original]

New artists alley thread.

Previous one: >>7914752

>> No.7958786

Reposting my question from the last thread:

Anyone got any pictures of table displays that don't use PVC pipes or grid cubes?

>> No.7959139
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>> No.7959152
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>> No.7959170

I was thinking about making pillows to sell at my next AA. Do you think that original art would be ok, or should I stick to known characters? I wanted to do maybe some cute animals or something like that.

>> No.7959179

I have never had an AA table, but I really want to break into the whole thing. I make cute waist aprons that are video game inspired and such, but that really doesn't seem like it's enough for a table. Are there any things else I should consider?

>> No.7959188


If you specialise in sewing merch, maybe you can consider smaller items like pencil pouches, cell phone bags, charms, small plushies, etc.

I had a bit of a hard time at AA this year, and I think one of the reasons why is because I only sold jewelry. Last year, when I sold bows as well, I had a better outcome because it appealed to more groups and had cheaper pricing.

>> No.7959209

Thanks. I always blank on ideas when it comes to trying to make something to sell. I make a few polymer clay earrings too. Mostly tentacles, but I wasn't sure of how they'd sell.

>> No.7959217


I think the earrings would sell really well! Just make sure to price accordingly - people for instance won't shell out $20 for a ring usually. You're usually dealing with cheap teenagers on a measly budget who may or may have not spent all their money on posters already and are looking for a way to burn their last dollars.

>> No.7959224

How can I avoid thefts of items like jewellery and clothing that I make?

>> No.7959229

I think I price my earring fairly cheap. I usually charge about $15 for regular earrings then about $25 for fake sizers. I really hope I can get a nice list made up so I know exactly what I want to do. I've also been toying with the idea of making kigurumis.

>> No.7959234

I'd keep the jewelry pretty close to you at all times. As for clothing, if it's just like a shirt design, I'd say to have a book of your designs and then just keep boxes of the shirts under the table.

>> No.7959240


Put one of that item out instead of all of the item (for instance, one of a pink donut ring instead of five), and get clear jewelry stands so you can clearly see what's going on from behind.

>> No.7959448
File: 117 KB, 900x687, dakimakura___elios_by_jcmx-d3ffj4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well do dakimakura sell? Is it worth it to try my hand at it? Pic sort-of related but if would be of a popular character and not shit-tier..

>> No.7959567

Someone should make fugly sonic recolor dakimakuras, in MSPaint or crayon like that, print them for cheap and sell them for cheap. I'd buy one.

>> No.7959695

>I was thinking about making pillows to sell at my next AA. Do you think that original art would be ok, or should I stick to known characters?

Cute should sell. There's a girl in the AA FB group that makes merpug pillows (pug/mermaid fusion) that are super cute and she does extremely well at cons.

>> No.7959750


You should ask Soltian at tumblr? She used to take commissions for dakimakuras and sell the spares at cons at around $80 for each, so she'd be able to give you some pointers

>> No.7961240
File: 795 KB, 300x230, c16a5320fa475530d9583c34fd356ef5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the anon who was going to review her silhouette cutting machine? I'm dying to know her full thoughts on it.

>> No.7961455

I'm not sure how many people apply, but there's only like 80 tables at AnimeNEXT. I assume they get a lot of applications because it's one of the only anime cons in the NYC area, so yeah you really have to go into it expecting not to get in.
I had a great experience selling there and meeting other artists, but had a lot of headaches with the preliminary stuff and watched a bunch of artists get into internet fights with the artist alley heads on more than one occasion. It's a poorly managed artist alley, but the artists I met and the money I made more than made up for it. I like the convention a lot, but I always warn people about that stuff because I wish someone had told me.

>> No.7961664

I've had an awful experience with the AnimeNEXT AA. So much lack of communication.

>> No.7961835

Was your bad experience with the staff or the con in general? I've heard mixed things.

>> No.7961945

Are they the same organizers as mangaNEXT when it was running? I remember applying to mangaNEXT and being told 2 weeks before convention start that I got a table via wait list. Had to turn it down since I'm from CA and it would've been prohibitively expensive to get airline tickets and hotel with that little notice.

>> No.7962069

I think so!
The first time I applied for animeNEXT I got wait listed, then they told me I had a table 36 hours before the convention. Like, I got the email the wednesday night before the con! I'm not as far away as you are, but I still would have needed a hotel room or I'd be driving an hour and a half home every night plus there was no way I could get off of work for the whole weekend/restock my prints. I wonder if they got someone to fill the spot or if there was just an empty table in the aa that year.

>> No.7962086

that sounds really cute do you have a link to her stuff

>> No.7962399

I'd invest in a glass case for the jewelry. Only let one person take something out to examine it at a time.

>> No.7962620

Are there a lot of good/popular plush artists that sell at cons? I feel that every con I go to, it's usually a bunch of mediocre plushies and maybe 1 that's really good...

>> No.7962693

Damn, that's super short notice! I mean, I know that some cons have walk-in opportunities when the con starts but there has to be a better process when it comes to wait listing. Even AX acknowledges wait list at least two or three months before con.

>> No.7962824

sure! Look for "Shlii" on FB.

the person I mentioned above, Lucky Squid Studios, Janelle's Plushies on etsy, Kimchi Kawaii, to name a few

>> No.7962895

Does anyone know a good place to get custom lapel pins? Or the best place for custom lanyards, too? I've been seeing a lot of those pop up in AA and Dealership hall lately.

>> No.7962994

swagrobot does that kind of thing iirc!

>> No.7963066

I'll check them out, thank you!

>> No.7963068

The con itself was fine. I had a pretty pleasant experience because the artists around me were fine. I sold a pretty decent amount too.
The staff was the problem. I feel like some of them had no idea what they were doing. One refused to let me in because he said I didn't have an artist badge (when I did, obviously), and just general communication with the AA staff was slow and unhelpful.

>> No.7963077
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I did the method of having one of each thing out at a time and it's twice now that I've had no theft. I also make sure to have the items near the edge of the table in view. Though, so far I've shared my table with a friend so I didn't have more than four feet to watch.

>> No.7963320
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Silhouette anon here. After a week's worth of use I'm still pretty happy with it! I've experimented with different cuts and different papers (sticker, cardstock, watercolor) and handles all of them really well. It's a really good investment.

The software is easy, but needs major rehauling. The fact that undos include zooming is unheard of. If you have inkscape, corel draw, or illustrator, it's better you do your main layouts there and import it to designer. If you only own raster programs like photoshop or sai, the autotrace for outlines works really well. I did have one design that autotrace glitched on so I had to use a vector program to redraw my cut, but most of the time I just used the autotrace.

If you're using this for stickers your cut area is roughly 10 x 7.5 inches based on a 8.5 x 11 sheet. You can make two 5 x 7 sticker sheets per page and yes kisscutting comes out great. I stick mainly to diecuts. I can fit 15-20 1 1/2 inch stickers on a page or 4-8 medium/large stickers. I use LD glossy sticker paper which I can get 100 sheets for 20 bucks and it's goes a long way. Next year I'll add vinyl to the mix for more popular stickers, but I'm okay with the stuff I'm using.

If you're planning to get a silhouette do not get the latest one that just came out. The features for it are pretty useless and are more for scapbookers.

>> No.7963330

Any AA anons planning for Acen? I'm interested in what shops/commissions/things you are going t o do.

>> No.7963362

i'm so happy more booths at artists alley are accepting AMEX cards because i get really anxious when i carry around cash at cons!

>> No.7963629

which one is the new one? Is that the cameo?

>> No.7963827

I've seen it online as the cameo 2/or the new cameo. It's a bit more expensive than the original.

>> No.7964320

anon would you happen to know the difference between the cameo and the portrait?

>> No.7964555

The portrait is just a smaller basic version of the cameo, but it's limited. It can only handle 8x10 sheets, meaning you'll have to crop sheets beforehand. You'll also won't be able to use rolls of material. It does the same basic functions as the cameo. It's just more small scale.

>> No.7964952

Thinking of making kigurumis, but not sure on how much to charge.

>> No.7965123

Any seagulls planning to table at Shinkoucon in NJ?

>> No.7965163

I was given these plastic containers with compartments in them filled with plastic beads from a friend who didn't want it anymore. I made a bunch of simple kandi bracelets (no cuffs or masks) out of the beads so I could use the containers for other stuff and I'm going to sell it at my table as just a small side item to get rid of it. I never really pay attention to the prices of that stuff at other cons so I don't really have a clue aside from some of the prices that I've seen on etsy. So what prices would you all recommend?

>> No.7965174

What advice would you give to someone going to stall at AA for the first time? Any beginner's mistakes/pricing/item suggestions?

>> No.7965279
File: 53 KB, 960x714, 10460922_791108454257297_1019762307268704305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to get into resin for AA, just had a few questions.

I love making shrinky dink jewelry and charms right now, but I want to upgrade to a more finished and polished look. How would I go about using a design that I have created on the computer, and incorporating it into a resin piece?

Specifically I would love for it to have the same shape as the design (picture related) instead of my design randomly shoved into a square or circle.

How would still using the shrinky dinks work but then maybe doming the front of them be?

Any help appreciated.

>inb4 shitty Holley Tea Time

>> No.7965281


Depends on what you plan to sell Anon

>> No.7965300

Quick question to AA veterans. Did any of you have to deal with overcoming that "Oh god my stuff won't sell and I'll look like a total loser in the room with no one coming to my booth?" sense of doubt your first time doing AA? If so, how the hell do you overcome it?

>> No.7965316

I'm looking to buy a desktop laminator and have done some looking, but thought I'd ask here. I'd really like something that can handle 7 or 10 mil sheets so my chibi charms are thick (I do use 100 lb cardstock, too), but I'm not sure if there are inexpensive ones that handle that thick of laminate.

Anyone got a recommendation on a good laminator? Willing to spend up to $100. Thanks!

>> No.7965334

Is there any place to see a list of popular cons and when their apps go up? I really want to branch out, but I keep missing cons because I'm out of the loop...

You don't.
I've been doing this for five years, consider myself pretty damn successful, have never failed to pull a profit, and I STILL feel that before every con.

>> No.7965337

>inb4 shitty Holley Tea Time

It is shitty, why didn't you post one of the 50000 other good looking resin topped jewelry on etsy?

Anyways, for your question, you could probably make a resin safe mold out of silicone or something.

>> No.7965683


It just so happened to be the first example I came upon. It did convey the message didn't it?

Anyways thanks for the tip on silicone molding I guess.

>> No.7965728

At some point there were either spreadsheets or wiki pages floating around but they all stopped being updated after a point.

I recommend just stalking twitters and facebook pages for the cons you're interested in, or signing up for mailing lists. Most cons aren't consistent in their timing for AA reg, and you'll usually need to reserve things like hotels well before AA signups open.

>> No.7966082
File: 129 KB, 800x609, kawaii_cell_phone_charms_by_michellescribbles-d6tt8a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just bought 500 cell phone straps
>God Help Me
>Aka, CGL I need some pointers

Does anyone have and expert advice on cell-phone charms? I'm just starting out and as far as I know shrinky dink is my only realistic option right now. How do you personally make yours look good? I'm not apposed to 3D figures, but I'd rather do flat-surface ones that I can just reprint.

Also, none of that laminated bullshit, they always break since it's literally paper with two sheets of plastic.

>> No.7966091

OOPS, this was sort of answered, sorry.

But if theres anyone with advice on how their make theirs I'm still open to it.

>> No.7966102
File: 162 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbcd6bqzJC1rrshzfo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends. If they are just regular colors go for something cheap with maybe like $2 and you'll be able to sell a lot (since you got the supplies for free it shouldn't matter). If they're actually designed and have a word on it then maybe a couple bucks more. I can say for sure that if you did cuffs you'd be able to sell them for like $10 or $15, people love that shit.

OH, and if any of the beads are like pastel (or rainbow/sparkly/semi-transparent) shit you'd make gold. Seriously, I make bank off of selling products that are just pastel colors because of "aesthetic" bullshit from tumblr.

>> No.7966498

Is there a noob guide for Tax ID stuff? I'm gonna do my first AA and all I pull up on google is stuff for businesses and not for people that do this as a once a year thing.

>> No.7966618


If you know anyone else who does AA in your state, that definitely helps. I asked a friend who had been doing it for a few years and she was able to point me in the right direction. I live in TX and it was easy to register, I just have to pay sales tax every quarter, if I make any money that quarter. I register my freelance design business as my actual business, and run the AA as a side part of that, but it seemed the most ethical thing to do (even if I only do freelance projects every 2-3 months). I also wasn't sure what to call the AA business, so it seemed easier to use the name of my established design stuff.

>> No.7966786

Do you even need licenses or tax stuff for most conventions? I'm doing my first one in the summer and I don't see anything about either of those on the website but I know some other conventions at least need a sellers license.

>> No.7966813
File: 88 KB, 640x476, modmelts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone made cabochons or keychains out of hot glue molds? I saw some Modge Podge molds for hot glue of all things at Michaels this morning when I went for their Crayola 50% off sale. I know resin is the best but I thought maybe I'd try their hot glue stuff.

>> No.7966835

What happens when those hot glue figures come in contact with a little heat? Resin is at least a chemical reaction, but won't hot glue just remelt all over the place?

>> No.7966838

>Glue guns come in low-temperature and high-temperature (hot-melt) versions. Low-temperature glue guns operate at approximately 120 °C (248 °F) and are well suited when high temperatures are undesirable, such as gluing lace and cloth.

I wouldn't think so. Not unless whoever buys them is holding the items over an open flame or left them on the stove.

>> No.7966854

In 45 degree heat (113 degrees for the Americans) I've certainly had some of the hot glue elements on my larp costume get a bit soft but not enough to deform. Most items aren't going to cook on metal in the sun for as long as my detailing did.

>> No.7966923

The hot glue things should just take on the properties of an unmelted glue stick. Probably fine for jewelry and hair accessories but probably not things that take a beating like keychains or phone cases.

>> No.7966982

I'm thinking of selling some home decor type stuff from taobao and Aliexpress this year. Nothing copyrighted, but lots of cute mugs, aprons, bags, etc. Would I be all right in between all the homemade stuff, stuffed animals, and drawings?

>> No.7966994


artist alley if for things done by the person - or, at least, by the publishing house. You are looking for a vendor's table.

>> No.7967002


Depends on the con and state. For A-kon and A-fest in Texas it's required. Check with the AA person for your con to see whether you'll need an ID or not. I mean, yeah, it's only for a con, but it's also a business, so legally, whether you need an ID or not you should still pay taxes on it. However, that's between you, the con, and Uncle Sam.

>> No.7967117
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You can always dome it with resin. Just mix the resin and wait until the resin gels, it's more easier to coat charms like this because it's harder to overflow.
Anybody wants some shrinking plastic inspiration? I have a lot of cute pictures on my folder.

>> No.7967119

Is it just me or does it seem not that big of a deal not to pay taxes if you're only doing one or two AAs a year? It's not like you're really rolling in dough after that. You'll earn what, maybe $500 per year?

>> No.7967219

>Also, none of that laminated bullshit, they always break since it's literally paper with two sheets of plastic.

I like you. I was never fond of laminated keychains, seemed pointless to me. Seems like easy money though.

>> No.7967225


Well, the thing is you'll probably not make enough to actually need to pay taxes for income stuff, but you will need to pay a sales tax for your state more than likely. It's not a huge deal, but I personally had to register with the state tax office to get my sales tax ID to sign up for AA, and in doing so I knew I'd have to pay taxes on what I made. I registered my existing freelance business, so there is a web trail of my account. I could lie, but they could also theoretically check up on me. They probably won't, but my taxes were so little this year on my AA stuff I had no problem paying. I did one con, made $1600 after deducting my costs, and paid $75 in a combo of state and local taxes.

Yes, I could have lied, but I chose to accurately report what I made. I'm registered with the state so I'll fairly pay my taxes. If you're unregistered then it's just up to your conscience. But proportionally, the tax you'd pay would be very small, if any.

>> No.7967292

I haven't tested the mold with resin yet, but it works well with those glue melts. I also tried the glue melts in one of my other molds... the casts came out pretty good, though they were slightly sticky for 2 days.
Once you paint/seal them they should be fine.

>> No.7967298

I hate glue melts, I think they're cheap and waxy looking. Wouldn't buy them would reccomend against. 1/10 would go up to your table and passive aggressively bitch about your use of them.

>> No.7967360

a friend of mine encouraged me to try and sell plushes at my table, despite normally being a button/print seller. I was thinking of making luma (mario galaxy) plushes but I noticed some other artists make them.

Is there some unwritten etiquette to making plushes of the same thing? Most of the lumas I've found through google seem to be cheaply made and I'd like to make something nicer (something more like a beanie baby than the felt ones I've seen). While I really don't think this will happen, I want to avoid any conflict with sellers who may be selling a plush of the same character. If there is an artist known for their plushes of a certain character or series, should I flat out avoid making the same character?

>> No.7967369

No, just make them better and you'll win out.

>> No.7967371

what's up kumoricon

>> No.7967574

In NCC whats the Artist ally there i want to go next year

>> No.7967596

For those that don't have a button machine -- if you were to get some buttons made, how much is your ideal price per button? 25 cents? Lower?

>> No.7968100

Anyone know any services that will do fractal/broken glass/shiny printing? I know JiMi Agency is open right now, I just can't afford it right at the moment.

>> No.7968192

Yes please!

They look so tacky to me, I would never pay money for them. Kind of puts me off to the artist when I see those on display.

>> No.7968218

I'm gonna set up a kissing booth but we put a piece of paper between our lips and you are buying the paper with my lipstick mark on it.

>> No.7968436

I think these would work better if there was a compatible paint you could paint in details with first before gluing. Kind of like a chocolate mold. Because I feel a lot of potential detail gets lost and flat.

>> No.7968860
File: 139 KB, 480x480, 1aebde13a5c8c94437233550b8b30eaa35d6f585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was waiting...
This is my favorite.

>> No.7968863
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>> No.7968867
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>> No.7968870
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>> No.7968875
File: 102 KB, 480x640, 269f72b648a5ff4f9623b65650c8dfb9c3a331dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from >>7968860

>> No.7968887

Can I get a list of what's popular right now?
Besides Tokyo Ghoul, Free, and Yowamushi Pedal, I don't really know what's popular.

>> No.7968891

Do you have a tutorial on how to make stuff like this? They're so cute

>> No.7968893

This is really cute--feels PMMM/Inu Curry inspired.

>> No.7968902


Thanks so much for the useful reply!

>> No.7968904


Oh wow I just got to creep the rest of the thread. Love this! Thanks for contributing .

>> No.7969007
File: 46 KB, 640x383, e2b80cc6f74d24785bd723921c4c542a26cf5e98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I got a little bit more.

>> No.7969020

Haikyuu and Kuroko no Basket as well

>> No.7969023

Does this person have an online store? I want to buy stuff.

>> No.7969055
File: 247 KB, 640x442, f50adc51c5fdd0a033e551a91426c608d29b5261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you just print your stuff and dome it with resin or you can try using embossing powder too(But resin gives cleaner finish). What I find that makes 100 better this pieces sometimes are the findings used.

>> No.7969059
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>> No.7969061
File: 125 KB, 465x620, a0099ac0-53a5-4929-9f07-0043b226467d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one, I found this one on pixiv.

>> No.7969219


Resin noob here, when you say dome it with resin can you explain further? Do you just literally cover the printed paper item in resin?

>> No.7969245
File: 489 KB, 440x5066, e95bc301jw1ekqt0qipirj20c83wqk4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that is shrinking plastic to begin with.
You need to shrink it before doming it with anything.
To dome with resin, you just mix equal parts of resin and hardener until it's clear. You can dome it with it immediately after that or wait half and hour or so until the resin gels a little so when you pour the resin into your piece, it won't overflow so easily. I wish I had a better tutorial, but this is the only thing I got that explains it a bit.

>> No.7969286

Anyone know good brands or places to buy shrinky dink plastic? This domed resin stuff is really inspiring and I already have resin to play with.

>> No.7969364

Are her legs on backwards or is it just me?

>> No.7969367

I think it's one of those comic book poses where the spine is impossibly twisted.

>> No.7969374

I got mine at Michaels. I use Grafix Shrink Film (make sure that it's for your inkjet printer).

What kind of resin do you have and where did you get it? I've been meaning to try using that stuff.

>> No.7969380

The backs of her heels just look like they're the same color as the shoe, so they blend in. You can kind of see the outline of it if you squint.

>> No.7969410

Is there a tag on pixiv for these types of projects and other similar ones? Navigating the original work side of pixiv is kind of daunting compared to just googling the moonrunes to your animu of choice.

>> No.7969416

Thanks so much for posting these! Do you happen to know what the general price range for selling these types of charms is nowadays?

>> No.7969436

How is the graphix brand shrink quality wise?

I've want to try some to see how well it cuts on the silhouette but I've heard mix reviews on it.

>> No.7969438

*I've wanted

sorry phone typo

>> No.7969472
File: 1.40 MB, 1836x3264, WP_20141201_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this epoxy resin at home depot to save some cash instead of the overpriced stuff marketed for crafting. Used it in silicone molds and it worked fine. When trying to find it in the store ask for the resin people use to coat bar tables etc. otherwise they just get confused. It was hiding among the various laquers and wood finishes. I want to get into garage kit making eventually so I'll try out some polyurethane resin for that someday.

>> No.7969702


I'm also curious about the Grafix Shrink Film. I had some Shrinky Dink paper kicking around my house that was pretty old (ink jet from an old project) and I decided to use the rest of it. It was really frustrating to work with and I almost gave up hope. I had a new Shrinky Dink ink jet package that I used and was completely stunned at the changes they made. It was so much easier to work with and was perfect for me 10/10

Changes from the old to the new
>8x10 sheet
>Only one side printable
>Smudged easily
>I had huge problems with a lot of my pieces shrinking crooked or not co-operating

>8.5x11 sheet
>Both sides printable
>Its been much more forgiving and doesnt seem to smudge
>Pieces have shrinked perfectly with no warps

Anyways how is Graffix? Pros and cons?

>> No.7969734
File: 148 KB, 600x369, resincoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there is, but I found that by searching on BOOTH instead of Pixiv itself.
You can always try "ハンドメイド" (Handmade) to see the related tags.

I'm actually very new to shrinking plastic and I saw recently a tutorial on youtube on how to make your own bracelets, so I decided to give it a try, How can you curve perfectly a shrinking plastic piece? This was like my fourth attepmt and it's still little wavy on the center.And yes, it's domed with resin, I found with this piece, that it was better when the resin gels.

>> No.7969796


So I've heard on this thread before that Shrinky Dinks mess up the colors when you print on them, does anyone else have printed Shrinky Dink stories? I currently make all my charms as the laminated kind, but would love to make them more durable by doing the Shrinky Dink plastic instead. Or, does anyone know of a custom acrylic site that does low numbers? My problem is I have lots of chibis, but don't ever need 100 of them. I only do AA twice a year.

>> No.7969859

I think zapcreatives let's you get up to 5 different designs when you order 100 charms. Maybe you could email them asking how much they would charge for an extra design.

>> No.7970208
File: 966 KB, 1110x700, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had good and bad results with my shrink film. These two were from my own toaster oven, and they came out way too orange.

>> No.7970216
File: 248 KB, 500x422, tumblr_ndvs6ybp1W1qgpl0to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then these were made using my boyfriend's toaster oven which came out color accurate. We used the same settings. You'll probably have to experiment a little to get it right.
Check kaiami's charm tutorial, she explains the settings to print them at.

>> No.7970226

While we're on the topic of Shrinky Dinks, who here used a heat gun instead of an oven? Which method of of shrinking do you prefer?

>> No.7970242

>that rolf

>> No.7970256

Sweet! Thank you!

You need a base that you can wrap it around when you first get it out of the oven, when it's still malleable. You can also reheat it a little bit if it didn't turn out right the first time (try to avoid doing it too much, it can mess with the image).

I've had my storenvy up for like 4 months, and no one has bought shit. Does anyone have tips for making sales?

>> No.7970275

if you would stoop as low as snk, that os popular, also fairy tale and sao

>> No.7970278

These are so precious!

>> No.7970335

Tfw my toaster oven has gone missing since moving.

>> No.7970443
File: 205 KB, 1146x1048, tumblr_m6r4uwXlc61rs5ciho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this talk of shrink plastic is so inspiring.

i bought a pack of clear shrinky dink plastic to play with but i'm not sure how everyone colors their work. i really like how punimelt's pins look, and so far the only method i've done is with acrylic paint. however it tends to look uneven and the paint layers seem to get thick very quickly. how does everyone here color their pins?

>> No.7970444
File: 234 KB, 500x382, tumblr_ncn2rin5mP1ti9u12o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wrong image sorry, pic related is how i want them to look

>> No.7970533

It kind of looks like pen and marker to me. I've seen people recommend colored pencil/markers if you're not printing them.

>> No.7970626

I've never used shrinky dinks before but I'm curious about it now after seeing all the posts about them. What's a good beginners shrinky dink product?

>> No.7970678
File: 514 KB, 535x570, 398556ac7e6b250dffe757503f47245cf1b68dc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I actually did that but the plastic didn't bend that much. I don't know if it was because I needed to heat it more but at some point the plastic went full hard and didn't bend at all. I used graphix shrinking plastic.

I think what >>7970533 said too. I saw people using posca markers to get white solid outlines like picture <

>> No.7970682
File: 334 KB, 640x480, caf2ccdc34876c4eee24d5d0d36d883aad450ff6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*grafix, sorry I will use this to add another picture.

>> No.7970807

Yes! http://creamyalamode.storenvy.com
I just put it up a few weeks ago and put some leftover stock up. Currently making new stock for the shop.

>> No.7971097

I'm looking to get a heavy-duty button maker sometime soon, something to make buttons between 1 and 1.5 inches. I'm leaning toward the 1.5 because I personally like bigger buttons and how much they show off the art on them, but I typically see smaller ones in the Alleys I've been to.

What size does /cgl/ have/make? What size do you folks prefer?

>> No.7971107

I prefer the 1.5", at least they usually have a more secured backing where the pin part won't fall out like a lot of the 1" sizes do. And with that size you'll get to show off more of the button details.

>> No.7971302
File: 94 KB, 167x229, rosette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a rosette like pic related, but all I get are flower tutorials when I search.

>> No.7971312

People actually buy this shit?

No, wait, people actually make this shit? Eww.

>> No.7971315

Wow, what's with like, all the stolen designs?

>> No.7971440

if a lot of you go through with them shrinkadinkas, please calm your hands before you cut out your designs. Nothing worse than all these little plastic things with unclean, jagged edges.

>> No.7971653

Samefag gonna samefag.

>> No.7971657


Someone posted up a good rosette tutorial a while ago, I'll post it again.


It's called a medallion bow for googlefu purposes (I had the same problem as well).

Just be warned it takes quite a bit of a learning curve. My first few bows were pretty lumpy.

>> No.7972031

I did 1" for a couple years, but I've moved onto the 1.25" and prefer it for showing off more of the artwork like you mentioned.

and if you're looking for recommendations for what type of button maker, go with the Tecre. I've tried a couple and it's my favorite so far

>> No.7972439

Is the anon who printed on eco canvas on spoonflower here? I got some funds and I want to give it a try but I'm not sure how the print comes out.

>> No.7972656

I have a 1.5 inch and I love it. They can show a lot of detail without being too big. Their a good size for keychains too. I got keychain buttons in 2.25 made and they're too big for my liking.

>> No.7972831

What size is this for? I personally think this is a steal for 1.25 or 1.5 inch buttons.
I don't think you should go lower.

>> No.7972863

I've only got my buttons made at one local place for 100pc for $28 after taxes, so generally it costs $0.28 per button. It's okay for me since buttons isn't a big thing for me, but I think to get it done for even less would be better.

>> No.7973162

Thanks anon! I knew I remembered seeing someone have the same problem somewhere...

>> No.7976282
File: 17 KB, 236x333, 564396de493eb55d4eba929a13be5a30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with selling stationary sets? Like cute paper like this, colored envelopes, some with designs some not. Adding stickers and a pen into one package? Do you think that would sell?

Also would be best bet be kinkos to print stuff like that out?

>> No.7976384

Would it be possible for me to ask for print pricing suggestions on my art if I were to post one of my pieces?

>> No.7976409

typically prints range from $5 for smaller, standard paper sizes; to $10-20 for larger sizes. This of course also depends upon how high the quality of your print and paper are. If you're using your home inkjet printer, you're stuff is going to look like it came from a home inkjet printer and should be priced accordingly.

The biggest factor in the price though? Will simply be how popular your work is.

>> No.7976435

>Adding stickers and a pen into one package? Do you think that would sell?
I think adding some cute stickers and a pen would help sell it possibly. I feel like the pen would have to be nice quality or made specifically for the memo pad (not just one from the dollarstore). The stickers could be cute characters with "OK!" or "CUTE!" speechbubbles, or even cute emoticons or flowers.

>Also would be best bet be kinkos to print stuff like that out?
I know ArtsKow (replace the K with a C, damn spam filter) does custom memo pads. My friend get a couple made and they looked great! I'd like to get some soon myself.

>> No.7976436

No one really knows I exist in the art world, so what would I do in that case?

>> No.7976443


Cool! Thanks for your help!

>> No.7976446

>in the art world
chinese cartoons isn't the 'art world'

>> No.7976491

I'm thinking of using cardbacks and small baggies for selling now. Right now I just put my business card in a small baggie and putting jewelry in there for shipping. I'm thinking of just ordering more business card, but with a portrai orientation and more "empty space" for the item to sit on.

>> No.7976503

okay sorry the internet anime art world

>> No.7976596

A little. Are you good at drawing? Are you better at pandering?

>> No.7976600

draw popular pairings from popular series with cult-like followings (aka pander to fujoshi and those types)
or draw really good/interesting group photos of main characters from widely popular series

>> No.7976602

I'm not sure. I like to think I'm good. I'm not godsent amazing, but I feel like if I were to post anything then you guys would rip my art to pieces if I'm not godsent

>> No.7976605

Thanks for the tip anon

>> No.7976611

Most people at artist alleys are bad to mediocre artists. Self-promotion and hitting the right buttons with the right fandoms seems to be more important.

What kinds of prints were you thinking of making?

>> No.7976623
File: 1.09 MB, 1020x1320, Miss_Flonne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17 size prints
One of my friends who's done artist alley recommended me a site, which turns out to have a location in my city. Their stuff is good quality and not that expensive, and I won't have to pay shipping costs.

I guess I'm going to bite the bullet then with this and actually ask: would this classify as mediocre? Any advice on it?

>> No.7976628

oh shit that's huge. Oops sorry for such a huge photot

>> No.7976629

You better learn to pander, hard.

>> No.7976632

It looks unfinished and proportions are off. It's bad. Not horrible or the worst, but not something worth selling.

>> No.7976633

The style of shading you are doing is kinda a huge issue for me personally. The girl looks like she has cellulite all over her body. Pay more attention to the volume of things and don't just shade so randomly. I'd also say practice hands a lot because those hands aren't drawn very well. Put down the dodge and burn tool too. You have potential but these are all things you need to work on.

>> No.7976639
File: 99 KB, 199x402, CustomFaces-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a slightly older piece. I don't normally do very much digital.
Really this is the most recent but it's not even a full composition

>> No.7976642

Still had proportion and shading issues. You are studying surface detail without mastering the basics. If you want to be great you need to master the form and not just the surface.

>> No.7976650

Original characters don't sell. Stick to popular series and focus on nailing your composition. Find references that are close to what you want and copy them, if you're okay with it and don't make it obvious then you can trace. You won't sell enough for someone to find out and if you stick to just tracing rough poses it won't matter even if you're caught.

I don't think you're at the point where you should be trying to draw things straight from your head. Even professional artists use references.

>> No.7976740

Every time I check my storenvy, it's closed?? I click the open button and within a day, it'll just auto-close itself. Is there a reason for this? I have a paypal/email set up and items in my store, what the fuck storenvy

This is probably stupid, but Google isn't giving me any results. I'd appreciate any help

>> No.7976810

It looks like old vn art to be honest.

>> No.7976933

can artist alleys make me a millionaire?

>> No.7976950


Your comment reminds me of this crusty high school chem teacher I had. She was this old lady who was rumored to have 20 cats or something.

One day, some student decided to be a little smartass.

>Hey Ms. Cat Lady, what job can you get with a chem major that makes six figures?
>Cat Lady pauses
>You can always be a crack dealer. That earns six figures.

Then she walked off cackling to herself.

>> No.7976952

so, it's possible?

>> No.7976965
File: 512 KB, 800x618, 1401241411951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that story
Had me in a brief fit of laugh

And a random table pic to be topic.

>> No.7977573

Bumping the question.

>> No.7977594

did they also call her Heisentits?

>> No.7977654
File: 20 KB, 270x450, 55282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys use for jewelry packaging? I'm looking at a place that sells generic sets of foldovers and earring cards but should I look into getting something printed with my logo or will it just get thrown out right away?

>> No.7977711

A heads-up for Orlando artists; It's a Trap posted on their Facebook page that they're looking for geeky art to stick in their shop on consignment. Some of you may be interested.
"CALLING ALL LOCAL GEEK ARTISTS! We are looking to sell your handmade geeky goods on consignment in our lobby! We want items (jewelry, knick knacks, prints, etc.) that are medieval fantasy, science, zombie outbreak, role playing, or puzzle-themed. We want to showcase the best that Central FL has to offer! PM us with a link to your store/portfolio if interested!"

>> No.7977713

I got logos done from a shop on aliexpress and I still have a ton of them. They were cheap and pretty nice.

>> No.7977873

Speaking of packaging, I'm having a hard time finding custom tights packaging. Anyone know any search terms for the style on the left that's just cardstock wrapped around and taped in place, cardstock insert and plastic hanger. Or even someone that does custom packaging from the left without crazy high minimums.

>> No.7977875
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x1836, WP_20141205_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.7978082


Honestly anon a lot of that could probably be done yourself (the card stock insert and hanger) if you order the supplies and then just get the wrap printed and cut out from a letter or tabloid sheet (like, design the whole wrap and just get it printed and cut somewhere). Bit more work, maybe, but it wouldn't be hard to put together.

>> No.7978191

Piggybacking you could probably get the wrap from Kinkos setting up a letter or legal size page with two wraps, get it printed on some decent glossy paper meant for mailer ads and slicing them with a paper cutter. Then use a bit of pretty washi tape to keep it together.

>> No.7978718

Anyone? I still can't figure this out, it's been doing it for like two months now. (sorry for the self bump)

>> No.7978915

Thanks for the specific suggestions. Figured I'd have to not be lazy on this one in the end.

>> No.7979680

What do you HATE to see at artist alley tables? For me, it's:

>Art that's clearly bad/can use a lot more improvement
>Overdone "kawaii" things aka putting cute eyes and blush marks. That shit sells but it makes me cringe.
>Thin laminated paper charms

>> No.7979686

>Overdone "kawaii" things aka putting cute eyes and blush marks. That shit sells but it makes me cringe.

I started making shit like that years ago and as much as it makes me cringe nowadays, it still sells so well.

>> No.7979696


Yeah, I'm getting a table with a friend and he suggested making kawaii shit like that and part of me wants to now but put the kawaii face on a trashcan or an electrical outlet or something stupid like that so it can be ironic but still sell

>> No.7979775

Given that everyone on Tumblr is doing the 'I'm trash/You're trash' thing right now, the trashcans would sell.

>> No.7979816

>Art that's very good but then ruined with bright red triangle/potato noses
>Unoriginal perler bead sprites
>Pins/shirts that just have some kind of weeaboo/koreaboo phrase on it

>> No.7979886

>Clay statues where the creator can't sculpt anything beyond snowman shapes
>Haven't seen it in awhile but that one artist who just makes super shiny kawaii sameface portraits of characters that sells a fuckton. Got in huge trouble for buying 6+ tables one Otakon and probably some others. Wish I could remember the name
>"Keep Calm and _________"

>> No.7979924

>Haven't seen it in awhile but that one artist who just makes super shiny kawaii sameface portraits of characters that sells a fuckton. Got in huge trouble for buying 6+ tables one Otakon and probably some others. Wish I could remember the name
I looked it up because this made me really curious, here you go. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Ramy http://ogiuemaniax.wordpress.com/2008/08/14/otakon-2008-artists-alley-ooplah/

>> No.7979937
File: 95 KB, 700x700, thing full o stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be a bad thread to ask about selling not homemade stuff? The local cons around me mix the vendor and artist alleys together.

I was thinking of selling kawaii stuff from Taobao, like this. Good idea, bad idea?

>> No.7979953

Do you guys sell at every con in your area, or do you focus on big cons?

>> No.7980209
File: 157 KB, 960x540, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in the FB AA group. Are people really this shameless to sell shit with googled images pasted into them? Goddamn.

>> No.7980219

Eww. Such an ugly mess of images and styles and formats.

>> No.7980222

>all your base are belong to us
... that's still a relevant thing?

>> No.7980232

>Custom bottle caps take 3-4 days
>custom resin pendants take 7-10 days.

Bitch it aint like youre making it by hand. Why does it take 10 days. Youre just printin it out and pastin it under some motherfuckin resin. Fuck.

>> No.7980271

so im going to start making prints to sell, but i was wondering what dimensions do you guys usually go with? and resolution? thanks!

>> No.7980446
File: 338 KB, 1990x2158, mismagius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some opinions on my stuff? I wanted to start mass producing "kawaii" stickers like this but I was afraid they wouldn't be cute enough.

11x17 inches have been pretty standard for me but I know many do 8.5x11 and 6x4 for mini prints. It really depends on the place you choose to print from but those are all pretty standard sizes.

>> No.7980507


No way! This is super cute!! And not overly kawaii. The eyes have more depth and your lines are beautiful 10/10 would buy

>> No.7980513

Youtube and meme art makes me cringe. Something about going to an animu con and seeing Pewdipie and Game Grumps everywhere makes my jimettes rustle.

>> No.7980552

I see those damned bottle caps everywhere now. Went to the mall last weekend and there's a bunch of local booths set up selling Christmas gifts and one had nothing but a table full of those, half of them MLP and Frozen.

>> No.7980553

I think it's pretty cute. I like the flat coloring, you don't see that often lately.

>> No.7980562

I'd totally buy a mismagius sticker yo.

>> No.7980617




It took a lot of self-control not to go full autism on some artist at AWA this year who had both. It wasn't even anything new or interesting, just the Game Dumps header image redrawn to an 11"x17" format

>> No.7980659

Boring. It's all just generic sweet shit. Low quality looking ones at that.

>> No.7980662

I would buy the fuck out of cute stationary sets

>> No.7980670

Those look awful. This is why I hate most AAs. They're mostly first come first serve and don't quality check the people they let sell things, so you get this shit.

>> No.7980790

Seconded. I really don't understand why people would buy/make prints of youtubers.

I wish more AAs were juried. I understand they want everyone to have a fair chance but the AA is one of my favorite things about cons and if it's constantly shit then I don't feel the need to come back.

>> No.7980813

Anyone know about Artist Black and what anime cons h/s is going to?

>> No.7980833

I really dislike how artists can hound you with hints and constant talk about their work & products in hopes you will buy it from them. I do plenty of artist alley events and I never try to convince potential customers to buy something to the point it makes them feel uncomfortable, all I do is smile, greet and talk with them briefly depending if they want to or not.

>> No.7980986

as a plush maker (though I don't do cons with them, just visit) I get particularly buttruffled by stuff relevant to my own craft:

>plush artists that just make cube or "mochi" versions of various characters, zero effort or actual pattern-making skill required
>plush artists (or in fact any artist in general) doing that thing that's just "inanimate object, especially food, with a :3 pasted on it." while I admit I've found it cute in the past, now it's just so played out and unoriginal it kills me
>plush artists using nothing but terrible already-pilling fleece or cheapass craft store quality felt to make their stuff. Have some pride in your work and use some decent freaking materials, they may be more expensive, but guess what the end result will look much better quality and you can increase the price!!! Shocking.

>> No.7981006

My heart always aches for plush makers and when I see you guys in the AA I'm always really hopeful.

A friend of mine does really good plushies and she charges a fair price for the work in to it, complexity, materials, everything. But you get those people who walk by, ask how much, get told then roll their eyes and groan that it's sooooo expensive. All while others are doing what you said.

Using cheaper materials, gluing happy :3 faces on, things are already fraying, stuffing's spilling out or they look dirty and sell them for cheap but made a ton that are selling fast so it's no real loss.

>> No.7981244


the :3 face will be the end of me. I bought a decently made plush that was modeled after Pusheen, side ways fat kitty with little legs, but it had a fluffer material. I bought it cause it was really cute and I got home and realized that it had a little patch of pink material under its tail. I don't know why but that plush butthole made me happy with my purchase

>> No.7981316
File: 57 KB, 910x898, 10802047_4721736178328_5071270640281142171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plush butthole

>> No.7981422
File: 48 KB, 396x298, deariead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed out an ab aa table this year and was thinking about doing dealers room instead. Would anyone be interested in splitting a booth/ does anyone know when dealers room starts accepting sign ups?

>> No.7981482

people like that are truly irritating, and kind of disheartening, but I hope your friend doesn't let it get to her! the high price tag for truly decent hand made plush is well worth it knowing what goes into it, so those people's comments might come every con from ignorant people but should be soundly ignored...

Actually, I've heard people do that even with art prints and such. It's like they feel art should be almost free... yet they're willing to spend 4x what it's worth on mediocre imported snacks like pocky instead, haha

This made me laugh really hard omg. Thank you for the lols from your unexpected butthole.

>> No.7981488

You can't do dealer unless you're a dealer. It's not the same as AA, you have to be a business and stuff. Plus you don't sell art or handmade, you sell merch.

>> No.7981552

Requesting good set up pics please!

>> No.7981557

Just curious, has anyone ever tried to sell jpop/jrock or kpop related art? Is it worth printing/selling?

>> No.7981587

I think it depends on the con and what constitutes a business. I've seen Sweet Poison Cupcake designs and a lot of other artist-y tables in the dealer's room who probably just have a decent website and can pay the fee.

As for the price of a decent plush, I gotta say I love being in norCal now because there's an older nerd crowd of people all working high-paying tech jobs and understand what goes into a good product.

>> No.7981621


It depends on the con. I had to get a different tax registration, but other than that it was no big deal - I think the biggest problem would be that dealers are supposed to sell licensed merchandise.

>> No.7983753

Sorry if this has been addressed before, but would anyone mind filling me on the situation/rules with Disney prints?Not just con scenes, but places like storenvy too or something. I've heard of crackdowns on Disney material (since they apparently trademark instead of copyright) but with the Frozen explosion, everyone was selling Frozen stuff left and right. I want to do Big Hero 6 stuff but:

>> No.7984003

Etsy is a no for Disney/Marvel/Funimation related properties and they've been plurging. Haven't had issues with storenvy, but I don't post anything Marvel/Disney on mine.

>> No.7984086

I guess my question is also that if I wanted to do a fanbook or prints, would it look bad on my record (especially on the off chance that I receive a C&D) if I want to be a professional artist in the future as well? Or should I just steer clear and just draw it in my own privacy?

>> No.7984208

Can I ask for opinions on the purple kecleon stuff? I know it's not incredibly relevant but I recently got to meet tvface at a con and it kind of broke my heart how they were afraid to do cons because of pk.

>> No.7984580
File: 350 KB, 600x900, cattylolilaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first read it had pink material under its tail, I thought you meant on the tail and was like "oh no, some weird error? what?"

Then I lol'd. A lot.

>> No.7984583

PK did some shitty crap to tvface. I stop watching them after she was selling an AT print they collabed on and refused to credit TV for their half.

>> No.7984990
File: 1.85 MB, 5184x3456, plushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of looking into some plushie making to possibly sell at cons but do people have any idea what would actually sell?
I saw people talking about cute stuff like food and things, but do you think it would still sell if I made it without the ":3" face on it?

Also what is the biggest price you would be willing to pay for a plushie at a con? I've seen vendors sell plushies for up to 50-60$ but those aren't handmade so....

Sorry for all the questions btw, I'm fairly new to artist alley stuff

>> No.7985086
File: 34 KB, 358x299, octopus-backpack1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know what that's from but I'd buy it. I'd love to see more plushies with pouches to hold stuff or even plushie backpacks.

>pic related

>> No.7985316

Thanks for sharing this, anon! I bought some yesterday since I've been wanting to try at resin lately and I did a test run last night. I'm working on more today, but I wish I had more glitter.

>> No.7985834


What's the story being that?

>> No.7985842

Plushies depend on the seller. Usually its $30-60 depending.

I would totally buy some from you if they were handmade though.

>> No.7985847



>> No.7986043

Post what you make I love seeing how people use resin.
Pro tip you can color the resin with oil paint. I tried it after reading up online. It takes a while to mix into the resin and makes it more translucent than transparent but it's way cheaper than coloring agents sold specifically for resin. I just bought a cheap art kit pack with small tubes of the basic colors and the more specific colors like pink you can buy separately. You can probably color it with other things too but avoid water based like acrylic, moisture causes bubbling in resin.

>> No.7986054

I'm talking about AB specifically.

>> No.7986237

>perler bead sprites, these are always ripped from video games or stolen by some other artist (ex. AbyssWolf's SSB sprites or desktop ponies)
>gluing gears onto anything
>sewn felt
>cube plush
>gluing fabric accents to plush
>adding the "MLP tax," because if a professional can charge over $100 for a plush, so can someone whose sewing experience amounts to identifying the pointy end of the needle
>selling bootleged merchandise/putting bootlegs on things

>> No.7987229

Do any of you guys know of a "standard" printing size for longer, skinnier posters? Like, a few inches skinnier than 11x17. I'm doing an Alphonse Mucha-style print and 11x17 is too wide for it. I'm not sure if the printing place here does weird sizes.

>> No.7987539

Door poster sized maybe? Idk for certain shops anything larger than 19 inches is considered large format printing and they'll charge more. You could print on 13x19 then manually crop it too.

>> No.7987568

Catprint does custom sizes.

>> No.7987582

what exactly do you mean by sewn felt? Like plushies made out of felt or just anything made of felt that was...sewn? As opposed to what, glued? So confused

>> No.7987661

People selling cute taobao accessories that could pass as handmade. I don't HATE this persay, but I know there's got to be a legit artist who didn't get a spot to display their hard work over someone who just knows how to buy shit from China.

>> No.7987671

erasers glued to ring bases. like sushi and those single colored animals.

>> No.7987701

omg a galactika plush

i'd buy that

>> No.7988556

I really want a stingray plush backpack.

>> No.7989547

Any advice on the ACEN aa registration time? Anyone know when it'll open?

>> No.7989903

bumping, in the same waiting boat

>> No.7989912

Are you me?

>> No.7989916
File: 531 KB, 720x540, SAM_4284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, dang. All I have is acrylic and watercolor paint. I've just been painting the backs with nailpolish since I don't really have any other usual resin stuff aside from some cosmetic glitter/shimmer.

Top left need to be domed again since there was spillage from doming the back. Right side needs to be glossed/domed. Middle are done. And bottom need the back domed. The eye was just some experimenting.

Aside from the roll cakes, moon, winking bunny, and purikura pic, the rest are hand drawn.

>> No.7989985

these are really ugly

>> No.7989995

Gee thanks. At least I didn't just dump some cake sprinkles in and call it a day.

>> No.7990006

plan them out next time instead of copying some random "kawaii" pictures from tumblr and dropping them in the resin with an unrelated background/glitter, that's heart-shaped for some reason

>> No.7990012

this, or at least colour the resin pastel or something, and make the cake and chocolate themed stuff brown in the background.

>> No.7990099

The only thing I copied from tumblr was the eye. Is my art style too tumblr-y? At least my next convention isn't until March, so I have plenty of time to improve and acquire proper supplies.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think brown would look nice. I thought the glitter white was safe.

>> No.7990103

I think the glitter white is fine too, anon. I feel brown would look gross.

>> No.7990105

no, it looks like an arts and crafts project by a 10yo girl.

>> No.7990107

I said brown on the chocolatey stuff, not all of it. I clearly said dye the rest pastel.

>> No.7990110

But none of it is chocolate and brown would still be weird on the cake ones.

>> No.7990130

Did you just use paper for the designs? Doming is for shrinky dink type things. Try making shrinky dinks cut into relevant shapes and dome them, that has been the general consensus of a good idea in this thread.

>> No.7990185

Yes? My mold isn't glossy, so I gotta dome or gloss them. The eye is just an index card though, so it's bendy.

>> No.7990216

You can use paper you just need to seal/mod podge it first.
resincrafts bl*gsp*t com/2011/04/resin-doming-technique-explained.html

>> No.7990221

oops linked the wrong one

>> No.7990230

You have no fucking clue what you are doing or talking about do you.

>> No.7990238

it's just a coat of resin if it's not a flat piece. "dome" means to put a thick dome of resin on top a flat piece to give it volume and strength.

>> No.7990329

Different anon, but that tutorial is awesome. You could probably make some sweet custom pins/buttons with that method of attaching findings. Thanks for posting it!

>> No.7990349

Now I have a use for my sticker collection I've been hoarding forever. Thanks anon!

>> No.7990389
File: 84 KB, 960x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I charge for something like these little bunnies and cats I made? They're about 13cm tall. I used some foiled kimono-patterned cotton and the nice, soft stuffing, and they each took me about 15-20 minutes to make.

>> No.7990483

oh my god they're adorable and I want lots of them

>> No.7990496

id pay 3 bucks ea max

>> No.7990511

You could probably be alright charging about $7 or $8 for them, with only twenty.

>> No.7990641

bumping this question. I know somebody has been to acen at least once in the past 2 years you guys can give me some advice.

These are super cute! I think at most I would pay 8 dollars.

>> No.7990644

Up to $10, maybe a little more if they were attached to keychains or something so it's functional besides being cute (though because they are so cute, I wouldn't mind them as stand alone tiny plushies). But really price yourself accordingly to your time, materials, and efforts. They are quite cute and I love the random kimono patterns.

>> No.7990647

I'm positive this is asked all the time, but it's worth bringing it up. Where do you get your prints made?

I've heard about people using Overnight Prints- and I used them for my Business cards, but I dunno. And our local Kinkos has pretty shitty print quality.

>> No.7990740


I used my local Alphagraphics store in TX and got a great deal. Did 10 tabloid prints, 10 designs each and paid less than $60. They were heavy, cover weight card stock and the colors came out perfectly fine. Will definitely be using them again for this next season.

I get my business cards through Morning Print and really like their paper options, but I've also used GotPrint for really inexpensive but good quality business cards.

>> No.7990823

I've seen people recommend catprint as a good place to use.

>>7987568 said that they do custom sizes too which sounds pretty awesome

>> No.7990934
File: 126 KB, 704x960, 10836397_371395619705841_293860082_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally make plushies and crocheted crafts for my artist alley table but recently I've been making little dice bags for tabletop gaming. Here's my most recent one I made for my boyfriend where I heat embossed the black mana symbol into the velvet. I would love to be able to spread out into other genres though because I've found that I really like heat embossing velvet.

>> No.7991169

Still waiting on that Acen registration to open up...

>> No.7991191

I have a business-y question: I have been using my first and middle name on my business cards as opposed to my first and last. Is this bad? I figured it wasn't much different than just using a pen name but am I at risk of any danger?

>> No.7991197

No, only now everyone knows your embarrassing middle name, Eugene.

>> No.7991229

This is the list that people have printed with on the AA FB page:

NYC - http://www.printmornyc.com
Canvas Prints - http://www.photos2canvas2u.com/
Fireball Printing - http://fireballprinting.com/
Richmond Pro Lab- http://richmondprolab.com/

I've personally printed with catprint, overnightprints, and fireball.

Catprint is amazing, definitely get a sample book if you have time as it's much easier to choose the right paper for your prints. And you can get samples of your prints too before committing to a huge order.

Overnight was what I used to use until I got a badly printed batch of posters. They can be great, but sometimes you get screwed.

Fireball was okay, but a little pricier.

>> No.7991342

acen website is ded

>> No.7991389

Thank you so much!

>> No.7991525

Actually can't find my old stickers but realized I have a ton of random free stickers and stuff I can cut up from AX and Miku expo, plus hang tags. Excuse me while I make myself a lifetime supply of weeb jewelry.

>> No.7991554
File: 155 KB, 450x600, 43775325_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone knows how the tiny gold frames of my picture are called?

>> No.7991556


Pendant trays?

>> No.7991561

Thank you kind anon, english is not my first language :_:

>> No.7991805

One of my AA friends specializes in Kpop stuff and that's where most of her sales come from. She's been establishing herself in various fandoms, though, and has been doing it for a while. I think you can definitely get good results if you stick with it/have more than one piece of merch for a particular group, but it's harder to pull off as a one-off thing

>> No.7992025

Where do you guys get those grid squares?
and how much do they cost?
i've sold at AA's for a few years but have yet to update my rig. Thinking of getting some but i have no idea where people get them!

>> No.7992069
File: 185 KB, 640x640, 912efb74affe11e3864a1248f379be2f_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get into colossalcon? Me and my hypertalented friend both got rejected and we want to know what they were looking for.

>> No.7992070

Sometimes people get rejected because they genuinely ran out of space. I've ran a few Artist alleys and we've had to turn away brilliant artists because we didn't have enough tables.

>> No.7992075


I ordered mine from Walmart.com and just the one box was enough. Couldn't build up TOO high but it was high enough to make a nice setup. I'll probably get another set for next year so I can build it more sturdy and have built-in shelving on the back to keep supplies and items.

>> No.7992085
File: 256 KB, 1040x958, 1415037417847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unfortunate but not unfeasible. They had their registration open for a while and a ton of people I know applied. But in that case wouldn't making it juried be a very time consuming process? They should have made registration one say long and juried it from there.
I don't know maybe I'm just upset that I can't afford to go to collosalcon without doing artist alley because I life far and my minimum wage retail job barely buys me gas.

>> No.7992088
File: 37 KB, 499x445, 1404527971908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to write "day" and "live" my phone autocorrect is broken.

>> No.7992131

If you guys ran an artist alley how would you run the selection process?

I think I would cull out the crap entries and from there then try to make a rough quota of print and craft artists I'd like to divide the available tables between then have my team draft who they want to see make it through then tell everyone its a lottery.

>> No.7992211

I think that's kind of what otakon does. They always have an amazing selection of artists.

>> No.7992232


The only AA I've done so far was A-fest this past year and from what I could tell, it was semi-juried? They wanted a range of artists and were trying to make sure I wasn't total crap I guess. I also didn't find out immediately whether I made it or not. They looked through the entries and then got back to us a few weeks later.

Their application process was first come first serve, but they also were looking at your art (I had to submit a link to my work). I think that's a good process. Still have it based off "who gets there first" because that's how to quickly get a short list, but just move out from there if someone has bad art.

>> No.7992701

I like the idea of juries to maintain a quality level, but I also understand the skepticism and potential for corruption and picking favorites (especially since the con circuit is so small/incestuous-- everyone knows everyone else)

I'd probably jury all of the entries for a baseline level of quality (just to make sure you're not selling, I dunno, shitty pencil sketches on paper or reselling official merch), then handpick one half of the alley (veterans, pros, etc) and allow a lottery for the other half.

I think it's really important to keep the pool fresh and allow new people a chance at tabling, but I also understand the draw of popular artists to keep the traffic flowing. I always like a mix of both. It's exciting to see new people in the alleys.

>> No.7992790


>> No.7992825

Amazon, I have the plastic version since they're way easier to carry/setup/collapse.

>> No.7992889

W-would you mind providing an example of your work?
I'd like to see what skill level of artwork gets what, y'know?

>> No.7992898

psst, anon. that's 1.6k.

>> No.7993701

Does anyone sell props at AA?
Madoka soul gems, card captor staffs, that sort of thing.

>> No.7993725
File: 125 KB, 570x1013, kon w badge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell some Kamina glasses and substitute shinigami badges, but only small stuff like that. I don't see many larger props outside of the dealer's room.

>> No.7993727

People would rather go to the dealer's room for those.

>> No.7996205

I wanted to do some mini prints via ac. Is it worth printing a lot of them or I should be warry of the quality? So far I read good reviews about it. I will be doing 4x6 prints with matte finish.

>> No.7996977

I'm curious - how do you guys put up prints on your wall at home?
Is laminating them before putting them up a good idea, or do you just put them up like that with double-sided tape?

I've been meaning to put up some prints I got at a con last week and I haven't gotten to it yet.

>> No.7997248

I just get cheap $4 frames from walmart.

>> No.7998745

I tape them on the wall. I only frame commissioned pieces.