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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 600x372, AngelicPretty-MilkyPlanet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7955539 No.7955539 [Reply] [Original]

Worst lolita related thing you've ever done?

>Have annoying as fuck ita in my comm
>She's looking to buy her first brand dress
>Tell her I'll sell her my Milky Planet OP for $400
>She takes it
>Buy Milky Planet replica for $70 counting shipping
>Switch tag out with old AP skirt
>She never suspects a thing

>> No.7955545

You're going to hell, anon.

>> No.7955552

I've stolen so much shit from dealer's booths and AAs

>> No.7955565

Got maikodolly to send me about $2000 during the incident, pretended to have sold her a lot of stuff, she believed me and sent me the money.

Also, wasn't there a taobao shop making AP replica clothing labels? I almost want to buy melty cream donut and get the fake labels and sell that shit.

>> No.7955567

LOL that's awesome

>> No.7955582

Damn, she must have been pretty fucking bad.
Was she nyaaing her head off?

>> No.7955593

holy shit anon a+

>> No.7955599


That's fucking shitty. Well done.

>> No.7955600

It was pretty cool. I got all my friends christmas gifts and bought some new brand. It was still sort of a bitch because "her friend's account" did the chargebacks as well, so she ended up wiring me the money in the end.

>> No.7955602

How do you get away with it? Any dealer booth or AA table I see is so heavily guarded, there are eyes always on you constantly, it seems.

>> No.7955604

ITT: Lolitas prove their greed.

>> No.7955616

Do it when it's crowded or they're busy. I once stole 5 minecraft plush toys from a booth at AX. The guy was like "go around and check out with the guy on the iPad to use card" so I just left.

>> No.7955619

You guys have guts.

>> No.7955625

>"worst thing you've ever done" translates into "actions that represent the lolita community as a whole"
>implying cosplayers aren't just as greedy

>> No.7955637

Yeah, awesome hell

>> No.7955645

One time at a pretty big con a few years ago, I tried to sneak one of those super tiny Rilakkuma shaped bell cell phone charms into my sleeve. The seller was asking 5$ a pop for them and the whole booth was overpriced. He saw me try to take it and asked for it back, and I gave it to him. Spent a little more time looking around at the booth to try to play it off like I forgot it was in my hand, but I was so mortified I never tried to take anything ever again.
I'm thankful that the guy didn't make a huge deal, just gave me a look like "you know what you tried to do wasn't ok."
Still made me feel ashamed.
On the other hand I once knew a girl who stole literally dozens of anime figures from various cons by smuggling them in her bag. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I did that, it's kind of shocking that people do that so easily.

>> No.7955648

Newfag here, what was the incident?

>> No.7955661

A girl bought a lot of stuff with her (dead?) mom or grandmothers' credit card, charged back all the purchases including thousands of dollars from Baby and AP directly, then tried really hard not to pay people back/to play an innocent act and she turned herself into a hilarious scamming lolcow.

>> No.7955663

oh wow. But wouldnt she know where she had bought items from?

>> No.7955665
File: 116 KB, 500x500, seesyourdick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to steal a bell
>surprised you were caught

>> No.7955669

Nope, she bought too many items to count and it was about 6 months later. I am thinking she probably just assumed all the money would be returned on her card and none of the people she bought from would lose any. She seemed like she panicked at first to give people money, but then she stopped caring after a while. Some people never even got paid back.

>> No.7955670

Have you ever seen those tiny things? They make next to no noise if you hold the metal part in your hand. Coupled with the fact that it was in a loud dealer's hall I was shocked the guy even noticed. It wasn't like I was trying to steal a wreath of jinglebells.

>> No.7955671

They probably didnt get their money back because >>7955565 took it.

>> No.7955674

Want me to share the easiest way to steal at cons?

>> No.7955678

I took an extra scone and sandwich before being told there was only enough for 1 for each person.
I was starving and under the assumption that we were going out to eat after.

I felt really bad since it was a potluck and I didn't bring anything (I didn't figure out what it was till I was on my 2 hour journey to the place)

>> No.7955679

No, most of the reason they didn't get their money back is because the retard EGL mod wonderfinch kept making everyone feel bad for accusing maiko of scamming and instead of trying to get their money back from her directly, WF she was in contact with the police over the situation and to contact them, even though they do fuck all.

I am still convinced that is finchy's greatest fuck up of all time.

>> No.7955685

>WF she was
>WF claimed she was


>> No.7955718

sure anon, go wild

>> No.7955729

Alright, me and my friends have had the best luck with the distract approach. I'll greentext the basics for you.

>you and one friend go to table start getting all excited and bouncy
>one of you(the less bold, charismatic talker) stays aside to chat up seller
>friend 3 calls you and runs up excitedly towards you, you run over with items in hand acting super bouncy/hyper etc
>begin walking away
>friend 2 is busy asking questions and mulling over whether or not to buy for a few minutes
>notices you've left and then heads back over to you
>you have items and seller probably didn't even notice in all the squeeing.

Note: squee/bouncyness can be replaced with manly bro-ness or otaku sperging if necessary.

I have so much shit from this method.

So much.

>> No.7955731

not loli related, but I walk away from the cherry blossom festival every year with at least $100 worth of loot

>> No.7956236

If I ever saw a fellow con-goer stealing, I would report them to security in a heartbeat with no shits given.

>$5 for a phone charm at a con
>Overpriced enough to steal

I've never seen a phone charm at a con be under $5, even for a shitty one from the AA.

>> No.7956247

>steals artwork from AA
>one of a kind
>taking pics of cosplay with recognizable stolen art lining the walls

>> No.7956254

>thread specifically for people who've done shitty things
>a dozen contribute
>OMG this totally proves the entire community is full of greedy assholes


>> No.7956255

I actually think this was really shitty of you, because she was clearly trying to improve.

>> No.7956403

Personally, I don't take pictures in my room, so I would never have that issue if I were to steal from an AA. Still, though, stealing from AA's is retarded.

>Less traffic than dealer's room
>Waaay smaller space for each vendor
>Usually two per booth
>AA vendors tend to be much more cautious about stealing than DR ones
>They pay way more attention to you
>You can't retreat into the crowd as easily

>> No.7956413

I was at a con this weekend and I was so, so tempted to steal from a stand in the trade hall because their shit was really overpriced and they were super rude. I probably could've gotten away with it since it was a big stand and they were constantly mobbed with questions. I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one, but I couldn't do it.

>> No.7956430

I don't think I could ever steal at a con because so many of the vendors are hobbyists that either pour their heart into making the stuff, or it's their dream to be a vendor.
Except for the big ones like Tokyo Toys or whatever, but they always have so many staff watching their overpriced merch like hawks, getting caught stealing weeb shit isn't worth the embarrassment.

I'm actually a recovering kleptomaniac, I think being busted for stealing things is the most undignifying thing in the world, unless it's literally a basic foodstuff like bread since then you can play the 'starving' card.
People caught stealing Naruto trinkets and disposable fashion are risking ruining their lives for a criminal record in the worst way.

>> No.7956446

Every time my comm's drama comes up either here or on BtB I stoke the flames for giggles, and I'm not even actively involved IRL. One time I made a secret about a very 'controversial' person in the comm and made a bunch of shit up to make it a spicier read but it all turned out to be true. A handful of people started accusing each other of posting that secret and in the end the person featured in it was banned from the comm for being the creep that he was. I don't feel bad at all.

>> No.7956455

It's cosplay, not lolita, but whatever. All names fake, obviously

>Pair cosplaying with best friend in the world, Audrey, for upcoming convention in two weeks
>Trying to figure out our final line-up
>Decide that it will include a Sailor Moon group
>Message the people we had in mind
>Only our friend, Jenny, can do it
>Ask her if she knows anyone who can fill the gap
>She says she does
>Jenny usually has pretty cool friends and I assume she would choose girls with at least decent body types
>So very wrong
>Organize sewing get together to work on costumes at my apartment
>Meet two girls Jenny suggested
>Daphne is beautiful and perfect looking
>Velma is ugly and chunky as fuck, not hambeast status, but definitely fat
>We all sit down and have some tea before we start and get to know each other
>Velma says she wants to be Venus
>It had already been decided who was who in the facebook conversation we all had; I'm Mars, Audrey is Venus, Jenny is Usagi, Daphne is Mercury, and Velma is Jupiter
>Velma says she doesn't like Jupiter
>Tell her too bad
>She shuts right up
>We start making costumes and Velma requires twice the fabric of everyone else
>She can't sew for shit so I end up having to make pretty much her entire costume for her
>We finish three days before con
>Try on costumes
>Just as I expected Velma's thighs are covered in cellulite and stretch marks
>So bad it shows through thick pantyhose
>Everyone else thin and beautiful
>Really don't want group ruined by this foul pig
>Get to con, time for group
>Really don't want to be seen in public with Velma
>Pay extremely attractive male friend $100 to flirt with her and get her to spend the day with him

We were missing a scout, but it was so worth it.

>> No.7956458

Should have given her food poisoning and saved yourself the money.

>> No.7956469

You monster.

>> No.7956480

Worst thing we've done in general, or worst thing we've done to someone else?

In general: I've posted myself in ita threads and BtB just to get asspats when I know I'm not ita

To others: I shit talked one of our community's mods before I knew her very well on here, and I left identifying information on the post because I'm a dumbass. I don't know if she knows but if she does she doesn't show it.

>> No.7956499

What kind of identifying information?

>> No.7956511
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting, selling Miky Berry JSK with slight damage (pictured), asking $150 shipped domestic but will consider offers as well! Email if interested.

>> No.7956513

The kind that identified me anon what do you want me to do, find the post? Let me just incriminate myself further.

>> No.7956514

Am much tarded, wrong tab, thought is was buy/sell/trade thread

>> No.7956515

Wrong thread, probably?

>> No.7956516

Suuuuure. Tell us your secrets anon. How did it get damaged?

>> No.7956526

Got damaged when they were running from the loli police for stealing it from some overpriced brand vendor.

>> No.7956584

>report them
Me too, anon.

>> No.7957215

We all know you don't cosplay, you worthless faggot.

>> No.7957221

Forgive me ugguu goddess sama

>> No.7957245

Different anon here, I don't like to steal from AA because independent artists, etc
But I have stolen from dealers a lot because those prices are jacked up because they know dumb weebs will still pay. I've been able to simply walk away with wall scrolls, shirts, plushies, accessories or whatever simply by acting like I'm holding it and waiting to pay, then simply walking away. Most people are so distracted by everything else around them they arent oaying attention to you. If you already have a bag from the con/another dealer it makes it easier as well.

>> No.7957249

Posted my very small comm on BtB. Comm leader who is nice saw it and got very upset.

>> No.7957705

>But I have stolen from dealers a lot because those prices are jacked up because they know dumb weebs will still pay.
They have to pay to import that shit and whatever other business costs they have, as well as needing to make a profit. Some really do price things far above what they should, but I've seen so many people bitch and whine over vendors selling $100 figures for $120 and I just want to punch them in the face.

>> No.7957716

I'm jealous of the conventions you go to cause I've only ever seen figures that retail for $20-30 dollars, going for $90. It's a complete rip off. Most of the shit is fake and from taobao anyways

>> No.7957794

yeah I've seen pop figures selling for $150. some vendors are assholes.

>> No.7957861

I only go to Anime Boston and I check the price of any figure I'm not familiar with on my phone to make sure I'm not paying a fuckton more than what I should for it. There's a couple of vendors that double or triple to prices, but most are reasonable. Of course, many weebs are cheap as all holy hell and pretty much every year, someone in the group I go with has to embarrass the rest of us by complaining very loudly about how they could find a given figure for soooo much cheaper online... when it's only $10-$25 less on the internet and when you factor in shipping costs, the prices are evened out, anyway.

>> No.7957897

>when it's only $10-$25 less on the internet and when you factor in shipping costs, the prices are evened out, anyway.

This is only ever true of rare items. Buying on ami-ami or mandarake has been at least $20 cheaper for me with shipping costs factored in. A rare item I found on Mandarake ended up being almost $100 cheaper than at a con or on ebay. Take that for what you will.

I guess if you're one of those people who only buys from places like ebay or amazon it would make little different, but those sites are fucking you over anyways.

>> No.7958065

I make btb posts about how cute I am and never post them >:)

>> No.7958089

Honestly that's kind of cute because you're just building up your confidence for yourself. You keep doing you, anon.

>> No.7958108

I made a bunch of secrets in a row on BtB several months ago about a certain person. Another person was framed for making the secrets and she decided to leave lolita after threats of violence against her.

>> No.7958113

>few years ago
>two really young cosplayers come to lolita meet with their friend
>fucking obnoxious weaboo teenagers
>one wearing closet cosplay of Ciel with a plastic Halloween top hat
>other wearing "decora" with shitload of hairclips from Target's baby section
>they're raving about going to Japan and how popular they'll be, since they're both blonde
>talking about how their friend said they'd be recruited by a maid cafe for sure
>both are also 14-15, covered in acne, and bordering on obese
>embellish story about friend of friend getting detained due to suspicions that she was a prostitute
>real story, she was released after giving them her passport and local ID card to check visa details
>fake story, tell them she was deported to Russia instead and stripped of all documentation
>really embroider the tale into a crazy saga of mistaken identity with failed attempts to return home
>story ends with a variation of the escape plan in the Val Kilmer version of The Saint, complete with mad dash through the embassy gates
>they completely buy the story
>they're now terrified to go to Japan and are making plans to dye their hair black "to blend in"

>> No.7958122

I think you've saved Japan from one really big headache.

>> No.7958124

I do this at every convention I go to. I have multiple giant-sized alpacas that I've acquired this way.

Honestly, there are so many people walking around with merchandise, nobody will think twice if you walk away with something in your hand. As long as you are confident and you look like you are supposed to have it. Wearing sweet lolita, nobody has ever noticed if I picked up a big toy and walked off.

I would never steal merchandise from smaller booths or the AA, though! I try to only target merchants who have overpriced their items or are selling clearly knockoff items. I also steal from stores in the mall so I have a little bit of practice. But it really all comes down to confidence and not acting shady or suspicious. And honestly being white, probably.

>> No.7958230

Items being over priced is not in any way a justified reason to steal from some one. They paid for that item, it's their right to price it however they want and if you don't want to pay for it, don't buy it. Simple as that. No one is forcing you to spend your money there, whatever they decide to price it at has absolutely no negative impact on you. It's not like it's something you actually need and they have a monopoly on it, leaving you with not choice but to steal for survival. Grow the fuck up and save instead of trying to justify your crimes by blaming the victim.

>> No.7958233

my nigga

>> No.7958239

me too. I don't mind people stealing from big businesses, because well they get it manufactured overseas for a few cents by the butt load. But small businesses and independent artists and dealers don't have that luxury so I don't think its ok, cause most of the time they themselves will be working well and truly below minimum wage to bring you the "over priced" products.

>> No.7958241

At conventions, if I'm wearing lolita or even just normalfag clothes, and people come up to me asking about my cosplay, I make up a totally random fake anime.

I love seeing how long I can keep people going... asking about favorite characters, scenes, etc. it's hilarious watching people bluff through it. I've never had someone admit to not seeing it.
I swear, the first person that is truthful to me get 20$.

>> No.7958243

ahahahaha this is glorious

>> No.7958246

Big businesses still take theft out on their employees, though. So you're not hurting the big companies, but you could potentially be fucking with the livelihoods of the people who work for them.

I've said it before in a couple of threads, but the store I worked at refused to give anyone decent raises regardless of performance, because our shrink was so high (we were in an area that had no security, weren't allowed to actually STOP known shoplifters because of the risk of lawsuits, and we had a lot of people stealing on a daily basis). I was the highest paid non-managers in the store at $8.35 an hour; everyone else was sitting at $7.50-$7.75, depending on their position. My ASM once was offered a $0.05 raise, even though her assessment on all points was perfect, because our shrink rate for the quarter was too high.

It fucking blows. Especially with the economy the way it is now. I had a full fucking double degree at that point, had been fired from my other (almost as shitty) job for falling ill, and was stuck working there until something better came along. A lot of the women who worked with me didn't have the option of "something better" because they couldn't afford to go to college, and it was still an improvement over cleaning toilets all day.

>> No.7958253

I'm going to post on behalf on this women in my area who runs an alt fashion store.

walked into her store the other day to see an indie lolita dress normally priced at $117 for sale for a whopping $410. There is only one other experienced lolita in my area, the rest are beginners. This is so blatantly beginners and their ignorance, as the store owner knows that lolitas who have been doing the fashion for at least a while are too well informed to pay such an inflated price.

That's just the worst, taking advantage of people is not ok.

Just for reference it was Infantas cinderella jsk.

>> No.7958254

sorry derp face, *taking advantage of beginners and their ignorance*

>> No.7958282

Which store is this?
You dont overcharge. You message the seller, get a bulk discount and then go up to like $150 max. holy shit.

>> No.7958288

You are an asshole. It is never ok to steal from people, regardless of how much they are charging for an item. Some women walk around in dresses with cleavage and legs showing. This does not make it ok to rape them.

>> No.7958291

Are you really comparing walking off with a stuffed animal to rape?

>> No.7958296

I post here and trash talk my comm knowing that they all blame it on another girl. It's really her fault for making it so clear that she's a seagull. Hopefully she quits lolita because of it.

>> No.7958306


Isn't that a replica of an IW print as well?

>> No.7958344

That's so cute anon.

>> No.7958346

You're a jerk.

>> No.7958353

is this australia based?

>> No.7958354

Is this a store in Aus?

>> No.7958360
File: 93 KB, 500x500, Lolita-Light-Blue-Mixed-Pink-Long-Curly-Style-Anime-Women-Cosplay-Hair-Wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a similar experience with an indie fashion store in my area.

Said store decided to start selling wigs. I check out their Facebook page because I thought they might have some nice stuff. I look at the photos and they're all shock photos directly ripped from AliExpress and Taobao (picture related) being sold for $10-$15 each and this store was selling them for $70-$90 each.

People started buying these wigs up like hotcakes and I decided to send a message to the owner. I wasn't overly confrontational and I told her that if she's pricing them based on what her supplier is asking she's being ripped off and if she was the one overpricing them then I felt that was a bit dishonest of her. I even told her how much I would love to support her business because it was independent and local. She fired back with something like "that's just the way we price things".

I honestly didn't know what to do so I didn't really pursue it any further. People are still buying those wigs up and I feel really terrible though.

>> No.7958371

or better yet stones corner

>> No.7958382

well that's her business, she's right. It's unfair but you can't tell her how to price things, just tell people where to buy cheaper ones.

>> No.7958404

You're right. I was also concerned that she was also getting ripped off by her supplier because I've seen that happen before to independent businesses.

But I suppose in the end it is her business.

>> No.7958406

Not stones corner. they don't sell actual lolita do they? I feel bad about actually naming the store or the location :( but lets just say its just outside of Brisbane.

>> No.7958407

Meanwhile I make a lot of negative secrets about everyone and everything that pisses me off and almost never post them. Usually just forming my thoughts is enough to make me get over the subject.

>> No.7958408

>A friend of mine is tall and thin and she wanted to start wearing lolita after researching for a couple years.
>Tell her she's too black and too tall for lolita because ashy knees syndrome.
>try to deter her from starting since I'm short and can't fit into brand. I dot want her being a part of the local comm and wearing cute shit without me.
>basically tell a local comm member the nonloli was talking shit about her even though they've never heard of each other
>nonloli has a small wardrobe for herself but is too nervous about the comm hating her to wear it outside.
>said local comm member gives me free burando with lots of shirring for watching her back.
>feels good to be kawaii

>> No.7958410

does it start with CC? but the stones corner place had over priced infanta and ita-tastic dresses called "lolita" and when i said that it wasnt lolita the owner contacted me and yelled asking what was wrong with her handmade loli dresses

>> No.7958421

Are you my evil twin?

>> No.7958423

You are a shitty human being.

>> No.7958425
File: 877 KB, 314x472, failfailfailfailfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really can't say because its a small town and it may come back to bite me. It Just makes me so sad because so many people would go in there look and may become interested in lolita, but be deterred by the price tag or beginners could get ripped off.

But then again, I don't think C will be in business much longer with business ethics like that cause really, no beginner will pay $400 for their first pieces, and no informed lolita would buy infanta for $400.

I went into UL to see that dress for lols and the attendant actually told me they got them made overseas, so no excuse for 'handmade'.

pic is sort of related but more for everyones amusement. yes that is reflective tape.

>> No.7958426

>implying this wasn't written by the "tall and thin" girl

>> No.7958435

thats the fucking one she claimed to have had made jesus christ

>> No.7958441

you can get the skirt for less than 100...

>> No.7958445
File: 742 KB, 711x779, whyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7958449

I haven't done anything really bad except enabling a milanoo ita.

A girl at my work decided to start lolita, so suddenly she was an expert on the topic and treated me like a lolita equal (if that makes sense). She wore her crappy ita tastic dress one day and I politely said she looked good and asked where she got it etc. she said she got it from Milanoo. I'm like oh ok, erm I've heard Milanoo can be a bit dodgy with their sewing did all of your items come in ok? (tip toeing around the issue so she didn't lose excitement over her first lolita, or make her feel like an idiot). Unfortunately she got a bit defensive despite my attempts. So I left it. Next time I saw her we where hanging out and she was bragging about her big $800 milanoo order that was coming in, and I was just like fuck it (other annoying shit happened during the day this was just what broke me), I've had enough of this bitch, shes rude, condescending, wont even listen to the slightest advice and fucking annoying as shit...

So I told her that I was wrong and Milanoo was the greatest so she should keep buying there forever, and then gave her $100 to spend at Milanoo for her birthday.

Still Ita to this day.

>> No.7958450

I knew that was the one you where talking about, thats why I posted it haha.

>> No.7958453

wow I didn't know she over priced too.. cant she even iron it/ steam it??

>> No.7958463

it was worn with a hell bunny petti underneath it too

>> No.7958464

Wtf? Even the "lolita" shop near me sells infanta for less than £100 ($156?)

>> No.7958481

there's a online store in my country that is just awful.
Let's say if I buy a wig on aliexpress it costs 30-55 of my country's money. She (the online shop owner) sells them for 100-150 and lots of new cosplayers/lolitas buy from her.
She even got on TV once for scamming people. Also, she just buys stuff on aliexpress and have it shipped to the costumer's house..It doesn't even stop by her first.

>> No.7958516

Is that in camden? Only place in the UK I can think of with a physical store

>> No.7958533

or is it manchester maybe? there are a few 'lolita' shops here

>> No.7958542

They don't even sell something as good quality as infanta. It's all milanoo tier.

>> No.7958694

I actually have no problem with people doing this. I say good for them if they can get away with it. Any time I see unfamiliar expensive shit I want, I look up the brand to make sure I'm not being ripped off. It's not the shop owner's fault if their customers don't care enough about their money to do the same. Why should they price it lower if it's selling just because some weebs haven't done their research and aren't ware of the numerous other vendors selling it cheaper?
I'm assuming they made that comparison because of the victim blaming mindset that accompanies both. Personally, I think it would be more accurate to compare it to raping a hooker that you felt charged too much.

>> No.7958695

>tfw the nearest Lolita shop is in the next country

>> No.7958707

I'm sure the tall black girl would look better in some shitty F+F abomination than you do squeezing your stubby chunky self into your brand. Girls who need full shirring are disgusting unless it's entirely due to breast size, which is almost never the case, despite every fatty in the lolita world liking to cite this as the reason as if their 35+ inch waist has nothing to do with it.

>> No.7958715

How dare you even call her your friend.

>> No.7958718

I gave up on being nice to itas long ago. The thing with this fashion is that it has extreme special snowflake appeal, so anytime you try to tell an ita that their conception of what is lolita is way off, they see you as trying to stifle their "creativity". It doesn't matter if they know you've been in the fashion for 5+ years and they just discovered it last month, they never listen. Now, I just straight up tell them "that's not lolita and if pictures of it ever made it to the internet, you'd be a laughing stock" with no shits given.

>> No.7958741

It wasn't on purpose, but back when I was a newbie I had this dress in the black colorway.
> decide that it was a bad purchase, put on LM
> list for 130 + shipping
> woman messages me to buy it for her daughter
> Happily sell it to her, collect money, pass go
> Find out later that dress can be bought new for around 90 dollars total
> Almostfeelbad.jpg
> Bought dress originally from Jill Punk x Loli, still not sure if replica or not to this day
> ohwell.jpg

>> No.7958746
File: 38 KB, 573x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I get it, it's just clothes--but it's a fashion that has rules and aesthetics to follow. A person can still be super creative while still maintaining a Lolita silhouette and adhering to the guidelines--I've seen some really cool color and print combos that I would have never pictured working. But these special snowflake girls think they can incorporate STUPID shit into coords and still be *~*lolita*~* because "fashion is about expressing yourself!!"

Pic related.

>> No.7958765

I hope she drops your ass once she realises how two-faced you are, and becomes the blackest, most well dressed lolita in your comm.

>> No.7958767

I could have gone my entire life without ever seeing that screen cap, good lord.

When I was in high school, my best friend started getting into lolita because of me and her dream coord was Sugary Carnival with neon fishnets and Doc Martens. She said if she got the skirt instead of a dress, she would wear a pink mesh shirt with it. She got so fucking angry, to the point of swearing, when I told her that wasn't a good first coord choice. I said something along the lines of "it's better to know more about the fashion and have a lot more experience before doing experimental things". Also, her head was completely shaved besides her bangs and she refused to wear a wig.

>> No.7958770

Lemme guess, you're in the sf comm.

>> No.7958980

props to you, if >>7958770 is true.

our comm is a hot mess and i can't really take it seriously most of the time. but good riddance he is gone, made so many of us uncomfortable.

>> No.7959039

hello this is the asshole thread, if you don't like it get out

>> No.7959079

No but it still isn't right and your logic is flawed. They are in control of their own stock, you are an asshole for saying "baww it's overpriced, Ill just take it because I don't want to spend any money".
Better comparison

>> No.7959092
File: 57 KB, 563x580, tumblr_ln7k4b1Nlb1qzoeyuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CUTSEWS the answer is cutsews For fucks sake. Even if it doesnt have a cake or some teddy bear/toddler shit it can still work. Theres other types of lolita besides sweet.They've been done for ages. Make the sleeves poofy, add lace and wear with a detachable collar.

Jesus Christ people here can't see past their own noses. Just because YOU are a sweet or classic lolita with the most Ott convention coords doesn't mean everyone has to be too. Not all of lolita has the same aesthetic. It's insane to me that you cannot even consider anything passed your own aesthetic to help someone achieve the best version of theirs.

>inb4 special snowflake lolita.

I'm not a special snowflake lolita, just a basic ass irl daily classic/sweet lolita.

>> No.7959099

You're the absolute best anon.

>> No.7959102

this is disgusting. why do girls try to force this type of individualism into the fashion? if you want to wear your stupid band tshirts with poofy skirts, dont call it lolita. that's all that we're fucking asking

>> No.7959104

He really was a hot mess. I recently posted a coord on CoF and he liked it. I immediately blocked him so he wouldn't be able to see any of my coords or try to find out any more info about me.

He doesn't care about the fashion. He's a troll that just wants to get his jollies off of women's clothing.

>> No.7959119

wow that looks terrible. And I'm not a lolita. It just looks like ballsacks and nachos anon.

>> No.7959124

You idiot newfag, its hardly a new concept its called punk loli. And there's so many things wrong with everything you've just written, lolita isn't some mass uniform. Just fuck off to your full sets and leave coordinating to us pros. Hopefully, no one is ever stupid enough to ask you for advice.

>> No.7959125

>short straight bangs

disgusting as fuck

>> No.7959129

you can't be serious.

>> No.7959132

This is one of the best examples of punk loli I've ever seen.

>> No.7959142

I think so too, I've only ever liked that one pic of Nana kitade as far punk goes.

Why do cosplayers think they can chime in on a topic they know nothing about?

>> No.7959228
File: 142 KB, 622x1024, 4645-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hardly individualism. Cutsews are a basic staple of the fashion particularly to the daily wearer. If someone's wants to wear their band shirt with lolita it seems only logical to have it turned in to a cutsew and steer them towards a more punk outfit.

This is one of the best punk lolitas I've seen. Though I've never been much of a fan of the style. Admittedly, I probably only like it because it lacks the usual punk elements like fishnets and plaid and random-mess which I'm not a fan of.

>> No.7959243
File: 664 KB, 1053x1070, 1411102233853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akthually faggot, I'm not a cosplayer either.
It doesn't take an expert to know you're clothing choices are shit.
Lolita is a fashion mmkay? And that is the most pedestrian highschool scumbucket attire I have ever seen, or rather it would be if rockabilly wasn't trying to make a comeback you useless kike.

>> No.7959254

How do these look anything like that hot mess?

>> No.7959255

I read the shirt as "casualitas" at first
I really like this outfit though.

>> No.7959270

> tooootally a compleatly different thing. Doesn't even have deserts, teddies,or brand logo on it!1

Anon pls.

>> No.7959289

Cutsews are basically just shirts with poofy sleeves. They come in a variety of styles, the one the girl is wearing is really basic even if it doesn't look *exactly* like any of the ones pictured.

>> No.7959295

holy mother of christ get a guitar stand and get that guitar off the shitty dirty floor.

>> No.7959341

It doesn't matter who you are stealing from, someone has to pick up the loss.

It really saddens me to see so much theft in the Lolita community, especially when a significant portion condemns replicas because thats essentially art theft.

If you can drop $300 on an authentic AP dress, you don't need to steal shit from anyone. People who steal and then condemn replicas are total hypocrites.

>> No.7959368

Punk loli is dead anyway.
What passes as lolita is determined by the brands and people wearing the clothes. If 90% think you're an ita you can cry salty tears, nobody cares.

>> No.7959393

>What passes as lolita is determined by the brands and people wearing the clothes.
This. Street fashions are home grown and have majority vote. Don't like it? Wear it as something else and just where what you want.

I don't get all these girls that try to get into lolita and then get pissed when what they're wearing isn't actually lolita. If you like it just wear it, why so insistent on getting group validation?

>> No.7959421

Alice uaa
Alice and the pirates puts out punk pieces alot.

Most lolita brands cater to a specific style, that doesn't mean any other style is "dead". Sweet and classic brands have never sold punk. Punk Loli brands are still around, YOU are just not in to them doesn't mean no one else should wear it at all.

Honestly, you people have no bussiness in alt fashion. You're all just trend hopping.

And just because a trend is old, doesn't make it "not lolita". Headdresses for example, are lolita whether or not it is currently trendy.

>> No.7959426
File: 12 KB, 250x260, trollan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's been in lolita for 6 years I can tell you're new as fuck and have a huge lack of understanding in regards to how fashion works.

>> No.7959431

>If you like it just wear it, why so insistent on getting group validation?
A lot of newbies are attracted to this and other street fashion because they perceive it as a pure, unrestricted form of self-expression as opposed to something that is well-defined and *gasp!* has actual rules. When they put together a coordinate, they do it to try and experience an unrestricted expression of self that they perceive is only limited by their budget (as opposed to their coordinating skills or actual understanding of the fashion). That's why they get so defensive when someone insults their shoddy coordinating skills and why they're so quick to call "brandwhore"; they can't see any reason for someone to criticize their coordinate beyond the fact that it's not "100% brand" or a "full set" and therefore dismiss the criticism as an attack on their wallet instead of on their ability to recognize and create a true lolita coordinate. The worst of the worst itas are those who never crawl out of this immature mindset and continue trying to inject themselves into the community despite not fully understanding what lolita is, but they're also the most fun to laugh at imo.

>> No.7959432

Lol pls.
I've been wearing for 10.

If anyone sounds like a newfag, its you. I bet you think old school isn't lolita either kek

>> No.7959440
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7959441

So from what I can see, shitty rockapunky bitch is going ratchet on everyone who's outing her shit coord. Alright then.

>> No.7959446

>i've been a rori since i was in da womb
>lel newfag lets twist your words around
>old styles are totes not ita even though the style has changed!!


>> No.7959447

>Honestly, you people have no bussiness in alt fashion. You're all just trend hopping.

There's always been a shit ton of those around IMO. I remember when Mori first popped up and everyone "left lolita for Mori" or when OTT started to happen and people left the fashion because " it's not what it used to be." which basically means they left because they didn't like the new trends and their Coords wheren't getting attention. Honestly, those people never last too long, and at the end of the day if someone really likes punk loli or old school they'll continue to wear it whether or not it's popular.

>> No.7959452
File: 32 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-speechless-caucasian-middle-aged-man-wearing-a-casual-checkered-shirt-portrait-on-white-background-152628317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old school

>> No.7959453

Old styles of lolita ARE lolita and not ita. We have threads on them every so often, stop your basic bullshit now. It's not a matter if opinion it's fact.

>> No.7959457


Samefag bait.

>> No.7959464

Try again.

I didn't say "old school" I said old styles.

I really don't get why you're getting your bloomers in a twist. Fashions change and evolve and aspects of them become obsolete. Specific things are tried and abandoned. Old school is different than something like punk, which was really difficult from the get go. And wa is technically lolita but most of it is ita as fuck.

Also, you're defending someone who cites h.naoto as a lolita brand.

>> No.7959466
File: 34 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-delayed-flight-194126786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Specific things are tried and abandoned.
i guess kuro/shiro aren't real substyles anymore now

>Also, you're defending someone who cites h.naoto as a lolita brand.
h.naoto is a lolita brand, they're just... questionable a lot of the time

>> No.7959473

h.naoto has stated a number of times that they're not a lolita brand, but that they have a lolita subsection(frill).

Seriously though, all your cherry picking of everyones posts aren't going to make you right.

>> No.7959475
File: 6 KB, 300x300, img-thing (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.naoto is a punk brand that caters to punk lolis frequently.

And I'm sorry, what exactly do you think old school is?

>> No.7959476
File: 10 KB, 392x179, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look inside yourself, anon.

>> No.7959480

I was going to comment on how stupid I think all of you are for derailing the thread so bad, but it was shit to begin with so carry on.

>> No.7959483

Newfags, newfags everywhere.
It's winter, when will this eternal summer end?

>> No.7959485

catering to lolita =/=exclusively lolita brand

I'm not sure how to answer that one because your lack of reading comprehension is more concerning.

>> No.7959486

it's always summer somewhere

>> No.7959488

>And I'm sorry, what exactly do you think old school is?
I'm not that anon, but I think she was trying to say that there is a difference between old school and older styles that didn't catch on back when they were starting out. Like, think of it this way, creepy cute was booming a few years ago, but all the creepy cute items were sweet lolita paired with weird accessories, or ugly trash like that horse dick dress.

>> No.7959490
File: 29 KB, 478x360, The_Endless_Summer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not.

>> No.7959499

Lol I could say the same. The point is brands still sell punk lolita. The same brands that have always sold it. Your point of "brands decide what's loli and punk isn't" is there for mute. You're picking at straws to "win" the argument while trying to distract from the point. Nice try.

>> No.7959506

You've been doing that the entire time though.

Are you done defending your shitty coord?

>> No.7959511

With all the replica hate, you do that.

>> No.7959512


You keep stating your opinion as fact. Was lolita is lolita whether you like it or not, so is punk lolita. I also happen to agree that they both look like shit but If someone goes "I wish there was a way to wear traditional Japanese clothes with lolita" you don't just go NOPE NOT LOLITA because you don't like it. Despite it being an already established style.

>> No.7959518

You're not making any sense, and idk why you would assume that's me? it's a petti cop-out to the current argument that punk lolita is a style.

>> No.7959520
File: 195 KB, 405x454, 00Hb4-4a7390e7-5ba4-4b77-b5cb-bcdb065b2820[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I also happen to agree that they both look like shit but If someone goes "I wish there was a way to wear traditional Japanese clothes with lolita" you don't just go NOPE NOT LOLITA because you don't like it.

But that is exactly what people do you blithering idiot.

>> No.7959522

It's not, newfag.

>> No.7959523

Is anyone actually arguing that though? The only thing I've read is that people think it looks like shit and is ita, but then other people keep chiming in about how if it -was- lolita it's not ita, which is dumb as fuck. Technically baby and meta lacemonsters are lolita but they are ita as fuck.

>> No.7959528 [DELETED] 

Oh god I remember this, fucking Maikodolly
Isn't she the reason we cant use paypal with AP or Btssb any more?

>> No.7959531

Anyone who thinks this isn't ita as fuck is simply just wrong and needs to reevaluate their taste. It has nothing to do with the fact she's going for punk loli, this is just wretched. That is one of the worst punk cutsews I've ever seen.

>> No.7959532

Oh for fucks sake, I'm arguing at how stupid that is. It's the entire point of that post with the cutsew etc. The ability to see past your own personal look and understand others etc, etc.

>> No.7959534

Those brands are all very different from >>7959092
They are not disgusting abominations that should be burnt with the person who concocted such an atrocity in them

>> No.7959535

You're trying to hard.

>> No.7959547

I hope you all realize that this is what you are arguing right now

>that punk coord is ita
>punk is pretty much dead
>it's still ita

It's like that bullshit tiferett said about brands being 100% lolita 100% of the time.

>> No.7959548

h NAoto has a punk loli subsection.

>> No.7959554

Not as hard as you. Why can't you just accept the fact that this is an ita abomination and you don't know the fashion as well as you think?

>> No.7959565


>> No.7959608

Do you understand how hard it is to fuck up a cutsew? You're just mad it doesn't have a brand logo.
>the worst punk cut sew!!1!
It's just a basic cutsew

>inb4 bs about construction.

>> No.7959622

This is seriously just lolita with a Casualties cutsew. I dont think there's anything punk loli about it. But I guess that's why people who like it, like it.

>> No.7959650

It has nothing to do wuth brand, you can tell just by looking at it that it's shit quality. And it's not just the cutsew, her skirt is awful, as are her boots and tights.

You're just mad because you have shit taste.

>> No.7959652

I have no problem with the cutsew, the rest of the outfit just needs some work. maybe different skirt and shoes. like go hard or go home.

>> No.7959657

most people who try i are special snowflake weeb idiots who don't even try. Much like steampunk lolita. I maintain that it could work if a few people actually put a solid effort into creating a legit co-ord and other people took hints from them.

otherwise its just idiots wanting to be individual wearing bitter sweet with dread falls.

>> No.7959668


>> No.7959673

Seriously stop trying.

She needs a bigger petti and cooler shoes I agree but...its a t-shirt with poofy sleeves. You're looking for reasons to whine about it and falling short. It's shit quality? Really? Its a band shirt you fuck wit.

Cry moar sweet lolita tears. I swear it boils down to it not being pastel kawaii.

The casualties cut sew IS the punk element? Most punk lolis go overboard with the theme so it clashes and looks bad IMO.

>> No.7959676

wow this thread went to shit fast

>> No.7959688

I am "friends" with an efamous lolita. Whenever I see her dream items pop up, I buy them and enjoy it when she whines about missing out on it.

>> No.7959690


I don't understand the butthurt about the punk's outfit. Not perfect but not it-hurts-my-eyes ita.

Unless she got posted because of a vendetta... I think someone even complain about the girls bangs, kek

>> No.7959715

I know that was supposed to be a joke haha.

>> No.7960503

This sounds like someone I know. She told me a the head honcho from the local comm hated me while I was accumulating the beginnings of my wardrobe.
They'd hang out together a lot so I believed her. But I'd never met the girl so idek why she'd hate me. I don't go to meets so it's a mystery.

Worst lolita thing I've done? I sold a girl a pair of shoes in a box with no padding because she was being difficult and whiny.

>> No.7960619

by your reasoning, if you only liked say sweet lolita, then you're saying that classic, goth, country, hime, etc. aren't lolita.

try again.

>> No.7960657

I haven't commented yet but holy fuck, no. Even if that co-ord wasn't ~punku rokku desu~ it would be fucking terrible. It looks like a badly constructed, trashy mess of ugly-as-fuck misconceived punk trends that an 11-year-old mallrat would wear. There's literally nothing lolita about it except the disgusting unironed frills on her skirt (pretty sure her collar is even eyelet lace ugh).

>> No.7960726
File: 94 KB, 514x935, Fruits+Issue+29_Page_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old school is lolita
>punk lolita is lolita
>both look ita most of the time

Pic related and similiar passed as lolita long ago, but a fashion evolves with new brands, trends and it's wearers.
Even lolitas that wear old school nowadays incooperate new rules in their style (natural colored wigs, lolita shoes, petticoats, color matching).
Punk lolita is rarely worn and good coords are even rarer.

>> No.7960748

No. You're ignorant as fuck.
Ita = lolita done wrong.
Old styles of lolita, are not lolita done wrong. It's just not trendy lolita.

There are diffrent types/levels of olschool. It doesn't just come in this 1998 shade. Because someone is doing old school, doesn't mean they are doing lolita wrong. Most people who do old school are doing 04-08 lolita. Which is different from the barely lolita thing you've posted. Pretty sure no one even called it lolita then? The style wasn't really defined/ was being born.

And mixing too much of the new can make an outfit not oldschool. and that's been discussed before. Print less dress =/= old school. Styling is everything.

>> No.7960751
File: 562 KB, 1280x1707, 2001 angelic pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops dropped pic

>> No.7960754

Nope, but we had a very similar problem.

>> No.7960756

OP, was this a couple of years ago? Because I swear I've heard this story before.

>> No.7960784

I think you're a little confused. People who do old school now are usually doing mid to early 2000's lolita. Lolita has been around for a while now. Color matching, lolita shoes, and petticoats are not a new trend. They've been around for about ten years.

>> No.7960796
File: 83 KB, 550x944, Fruits+Issue+12_Page_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not to well informed about old school, but I recently had a post coming up my dash a few times about old school lolitas complaining how back then you could be more rad and clash colors and wear it mire individualistic.

>> No.7960839
File: 102 KB, 725x1049, tumblr_mnp76hEhAm1qik1sco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like today, there where the established trends and the old school styles.

The only difference was that back then, the older styles where not seen as ita or wrong and that allowed for more leeway. Unlike today's girls who seem to think lolita as it is right this very moment is the only kind of lolita and older version are ita. Lolita's have been matching since right around 04/05 but that doesn't mean that not 'matching' stopped being done all together and was seen as wrong.

The Matchy lolita of back then is still different and seen as old school by today's standard however.

>> No.7960850

>Unlike today's girls who seem to think lolita as it is right this very moment is the only kind of lolita and older version are ita

Hardly. The only people who think that are the teenage newfags and nobody really takes their opinion seriously.

>> No.7960855

>about old school lolitas complaining how back then you could be more rad and clash colors and wear it mire individualistic.
I feel like itas take this and try to use it to explain their shitty choices, though. Like, yeah, you used to be able to get away with wearing black shoes with old school sweet, because that was pretty much your only choice. It looks dumb with modern sweet because now we DO have various shoe colours to choose from. A lot of the iconic looks from old school comes from the fact that they were just making do with what they had, which wasn't a lot.

>> No.7960856

even back at the start people were wearing natural coloured (sometimes ringlet) wigs or their natural hair. Nearly everything you've said is way off.

>> No.7960871
File: 224 KB, 740x1048, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These brand shoes came in white mate.

>> No.7960879

>pretty much your only
Compared to the ten thousand colours easily found today, you saw black and perhaps dark brown way more than anything else, especially when you look at Western old school from that time.

>> No.7960909
File: 107 KB, 738x1050, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no.
Just stop bewfag.

Brand shoes have always come in black, white, pink with sometimes the variation of blue, red or brown.

Pic related, same g&l bible, same shoes in red.

>> No.7960917

>I don't think I could ever steal at a con because so many of the vendors are hobbyists that either pour their heart into making the stuff, or it's their dream to be a vendor.

People seem to forget that we are small businesses and the profit margin on items is pretty tiny plus you also have to cover the cost of the booth. If you really must steal then take things from big businesses where the loss hits them less. Even Tokyo Toys are still a small business but I don't deny they are dicks haha

I have zero problem with calling security over and having them search peoples bags, I will call the police and press charges too even if the item is only tiny. I think the best way to prevent stealing is to name and shame them within the community though because being branded a thief teaches people a lesson they won't easily forget.

I'm pretty sure all dealers are wise to this scenario. Honestly the more hyper customers seem to be the more suspicious I am.

>> No.7960926

>five colours if you're lucky
>lol look at this newfag amirite?
They were offered, yes, but still nowhere near as common as you're trying to make it out to be. There's a reason most people think of big black clunkers when they hear old school. I'd drag out my Keras and scan them if I could find them.

>> No.7960930


Wtf 03/04 wasn't the fucking dark ages.
>They had no shoes
>They han no shoes in any color not black

Where are you getting this from?

White shoes exsited in the western comm. And dying your shoes to match was pretty common too. They wheren't wearing black because they had nothing better, they where wearing it because it looks good and back then we where more about coordinating than always matching. Black shoes look good, with damn near everything, match it to your bag and you're good it's just basic fashion.

>> No.7960936

Lol wat? How about you just reaserch brand shoes from that time. Literally ALL brand shoes came in difftent colors.

>> No.7960941
File: 304 KB, 500x500, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F540bffbe6431f4eac06397bc1685b812%2Ftumblr_nfk9b5iKhb1s5eqnzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think black goes with everything.
Pic related is not me, but my ivory Honey Cake is the only dress I can't wear my black blouses/bags/shoes with.

>> No.7960942

>I don't understand the butthurt about the punk's outfit.
Then clearly you aren't a very good lolita.

Guys, I like punk loli, but this is just a terrible example of it. I don't know if it's a samefag or if there really are multiple people in this thread who think that coords acceptable (I've noticed more and more ita seagulls this past year or two, so I could believe the latter, sadly) but it just isn't. I agree it's not the worst example of ita, but it's still ita.
Have you caught people stealing from you before? Got any stories?

>> No.7960945

>Black shoes look good, with damn near everything, match it to your bag and you're good it's just basic fashion.
NOPE. If you're wearing pastel vomit AP shit with no black in it, having black accessories will look pretty bad. That "black goes with everything" idea is a HUGE generalization. It goes with most things, but far from everything.

>> No.7960962

>*went with everything.
My bad.

Pastel vomit shit didn't excist back then and everything was mostly solid. If there was a print it had two colors in it maaaybe three, so adding black was fine.

But yeah, DONT add black to a coord with a dress that has the whole rainbow on it.

>> No.7960966

I have caught people stealing at my old retail job about a million times. Once some parents put these little crowns on their children's heads and just walked out the shop so I chased them down the road and made them hand them over in front of other shoppers whilst talking loudly about theft.

I haven't got many good stories form cons unfortunately but I like to shame people if I see them around at other conventions or similar events. "Oh hey! Weren't you the girl who stole from my stall last year?" I like to do this in front of other vendors too so they know to watch out for them.

Sometimes I hope to catch shoplifters because I know that this is unlikely to be the first time they've done it and not every vendor is good at spotting them.

Most commonly it's girls around the 13-15 age bracket and more often than not they are in Homestuck cosplay

>> No.7960978


Not the other anon but

>damn near everything
>damn near
> NOT everything
>just damn near

>> No.7961002

My first time selling at cons, I had actually been lurking cgl and saw how people liked to lift at cons.
I took precautions when I set up my both.
My keychains were clipped to a little wire display shelf, and they couldn't very easily be removed without the person being noticed.
Had someone try to casually lift a plushie from the corner of the table and walk away all sneaky-like, only to be stopped when I heard the "CLINK!", as part of the ribbon I tied on its neck for decoration was also attached to the table leg with little nylon rope. They tried to play it off like they were just trying to examine it, but, fuck, I saw them trying to brush it off the table and into their bag. Gave them the stick eye and they left in a fucking hurry.

Same with the keychains, sometimes, though. A couple people darn near took the whole display shelf with them because they didn't realize they were clipped on and thought they were just sitting on the shelf.

Seriously, don't steal from the little guys. I dunno about mass-produced stuff being sold and/or overpriced at cons, but don't take handmade stuff.
It just sucks.

>> No.7961023
File: 520 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n1tej2Bad61racnx0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the black is balanced (head, top, legs) and all the pink items are the same shade, I've seen far worse. Maybe I'm just too old school, but I think as long as you add 3 or more black items and keep things balanced it will look okay.

>> No.7961041

I'm >>7960966
You should report them to the other vendors when they do this. Although they haven't stolen anything from your stall it is 100% likely they will steal something during the day from less secure booths. You can report them to security too but you need to catch them nicking something for their bags to be searched.

>> No.7961064

sorry anon, I've been seeing more and more people actually taking it seriously.

>> No.7961065

The style has been around since the 70's and 80's People have been calling it Lolita in Japan since the 80's and early 90's the style wasn't just born in 98 or early 2000. Am I reading your comment wrong or something?

>> No.7961156

This isn't the worst /cgl/ related thing I've ever done, but since we're on the subject of jacking shit at cons, I figured I'd share.
>helping friend by manning her booth in dealer's room
>the agreement was she would pay for my badge and let me stay in her hotel room free of charge if i spent four hours a day at the booth
>booth is over 20 feet long and has 30+ people looking at shit at all times
>only me
>work four hours
>notice a couple things missing during that time
>another half hour passes
>text her to see when she's coming
>no answer for another half hour
>call her and get no answer
>have to pee
>keep calling
>can't get in touch with any friends to watch the booth while i go to the bathroom
>wait another half hour and finally have to abandon the booth to piss
>when i come back i notice shit missing
>i've worked seven and a half hours before she gets in touch with me
>she ran into a popular cosplayer she ass kisses and acts like she's best friends with when they've met twice and the most interaction they have is reblogging each other's shit on tumblr
>she decided to go hang out with her and her friends
>ask her why she didn't at least tell me
>she says her phone died
>i told her that it was on when i tried to call again and again
>she gets all defensive so i drop it
>i tell her how i had to leave the booth to go to the bathroom
>she screams at me and threatens to kick me out of the hotel room
>apologizes an hour later and tells me to just not pull that shit again
>next day i'm at booth again
>she texts me to let me know she can't come and take over because she's doing a photoshoot with before mentioned popular cosplayer and they're going out after
>i tell her that is not okay
>she tells me she's the one who paid for me to go to the con so i have to deal
>i take four nendoroids, three figures that were over a hundred, and eight little blind box figures
>would have taken more but that was all i could fit
>told her it was stolen
>she buys it

>> No.7961173

Are you a supervillain?

>> No.7961191

I don't blame you for what you did, your "friend" was a total ass and deserted you.

>> No.7961192

Good, she deserved it.

>> No.7962863

...can you not read, or did you only read CGL posts about this? Wonderfinch said If you have been directly affected by this situation- even if you have received a resolution through PayPal- please contact your local authorities [...]

She was also suggesting people contact the moderators.... if they needed help figuring out how to do a paypal claim.

>> No.7962872

No? you are thinking of the DOL replica of the Gertrude print, probably.

>> No.7962894


so it was you

>> No.7964104

She can fuck right off, good on you.

>> No.7964447

An observation of a situation cannot be that influenced by opinion anon, try again.