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File: 196 KB, 730x1095, country_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7952475 No.7952475 [Reply] [Original]

I really liked country Lolita when I first got into Lolita but could never find many good coords so please post your favourite country Lolita coords here.

>> No.7952488
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Dumping what I have

>> No.7952489
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>> No.7952491
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>> No.7952494
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>> No.7952497
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>> No.7952500
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>> No.7952503
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>> No.7952504

Would people consider this Country Lolita? It's very much in the classic camp imo, the materials are too delicate for country, I think.

>> No.7952506
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>> No.7952510
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Imo, country exists on a spectrum of classic to sweet, most of the country stuff we see (straw hats, short sleeved blouses) is pretty much sweet, but I would say this is right down at the classic end.

>> No.7952513
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>> No.7952514
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>> No.7952517
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>> No.7952518
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>> No.7952519
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>> No.7952520

>I want to go take a nap outside in a cute country coord
>looks outside
>sees snow
fuck you op

>> No.7952522
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>> No.7952523
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>> No.7952525
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Aaaand this is all I have!

>> No.7952526

>classic lolita with straw hat style

>> No.7952529

newfag detected

>> No.7952531

u wot m8
Many of these are very sweet. Country, like sailor, is a theme that can lean towards both classic and sweet.

>> No.7952538

thank you for your posts, country is a favourite of mine! just wish it was warmer out

>> No.7952541

seconding this OP! snow is not kawaii.

>> No.7952559

I won't lie, that's kind of what I thought with some of these, particularly >>7952494. I am admittedly new to lolita and am still trying to get a feel for sub-styles, though.

>> No.7952577

That's pretty much what it is. It's sweet or classic with country themes. It's not really a subcategory of lolita by itself, rather a theme I guess. It's one of those things that comes back into season with brands every couple of years.

>> No.7952622

Okay! I kind of had the impression it might be more of an overall deal, like a lot of sailor lolita clearly has the theme from head to toe, for example. Thank you for clearing that up for me!

>> No.7952743

Ignore the disbelievers. Enough people believe in country to make it valid on the Western online community. I don't like the idea of bitter sweet but it's clearly a thing.

>> No.7952758

i remember when bitter sweet started becoming a thing, oh the backlash kek

>> No.7952759
File: 105 KB, 640x384, Country_Lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be quite honest I don't think >>7952494 is country at all.
Traditionally country style incorporates items like straw hats or bonnets, picnic basket-style bags and gingham or fruit prints. Florals tend to be more cutesy and simple like daisies rather than elegant like roses. It can definitely be done head to toe but it's just not as popular as sailor is anymore.

>> No.7953045
File: 187 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 23-11-14 at 10.12 am #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely adore country lolita style. It is a bit classic, a bit sweet, a tiny bit mori/natural kei and even crosses over with otome sometimes! I am gearing my wardrobe towards this, most of my pieces work well with country (all but one jsk and some accessories).

I have been looking for plain boaters that I can buy online for a while but don't know where I can find a good one. Does anyone have places they recommend? Everywhere I look I almost always see them in the same style with the striped band around them, but I just want really plain ones. I prefer ones with a slightly thicker braid. I plan on decorating them when I get them so I can make them match my wardrobe pieces.

Pic related is details from todays coord, I feel like it kind of fits the country aesthetic? The only things I am missing for a perfect coord with this are a boater hat and wicker bag!

>> No.7953099

Winter country lolita should totally be a thing

>> No.7953219
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x1707, 1412882145319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping what I have

>> No.7953220

Seeing all this country lolita makes me want to have a picnic so bad now but it's winter. Country lolita picnic in an igloo?

>> No.7953223
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>> No.7953229
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>> No.7953231
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this looks like it's at least related.

>> No.7953249

She's so beautiful.

>> No.7953262

Why this trhead?
Country lolita isn't a true lolita style
It's like bittersweet, sailor or steampunk
So please stop with this charade

>> No.7953283
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>> No.7953305
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what do you mean why this "trhead"? i mean sure you can think it isnt "true lolita style" but that dosent mean we cant have a thread for it? weve had threads like this before...?
cgl has threads for anything now a days, this shouldent be surprising to you anon.

>> No.7953312

OP here, thank you so much for all the pictures, all these coords are perfect and gorgeous! I've already ended up on Bodyline, looking at a few new gingham skirts and dresses! To all those saying Country isn't a thing, I literally couldn't care less.

>> No.7953319

And what are the only valid lolita styles according to almighty anon?

>> No.7953361


>> No.7953470

Pardon me, but you're retarded.

>> No.7953551
File: 121 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moicrtIs6i1rtfhbjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

searched up on tumblr and saved a few.

>> No.7953552
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>> No.7953555
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>> No.7953557
File: 241 KB, 500x661, tumblr_mpgu3rAhSB1r20c1uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually hate this girl but this outfit is cute.

>> No.7953563
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>> No.7953569
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>> No.7953574
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>> No.7953577
File: 120 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mnw1oks6XU1qadi4fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is either the last one or the second last one.

>> No.7953581
File: 163 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3i9oqt4aL1tx66eio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7953596

>that blouse with that dress

>> No.7953602

Are you the same retard who went stupid about sailor lolita in the other thread? Because you're still pretty fucking stupid. Fuck off.

>> No.7953605

That dress does not suit the way she coordinated it. It's not something that works casually.

>> No.7953610

Why do you hate her?

>> No.7953616
File: 67 KB, 500x334, beach-sand-sea-seaside-shovel-Favim.com-359846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's you again.

Instead of being a retard, start digging.

>> No.7953617

I don't hate her on a personal level or anything I just don't like the majority of her coords and there is something about her face that makes me want to cover it with a paper bag. She is probably very nice and sweet girl.
Yeah I agree actually, I don't think it' the best but I wasn't really looking that closely as I saved them.

>> No.7953660

>Lolita fashion with straw hat
Didn't mean to narrow it down to classic. You knew what I meant.

>*objective point of view detected

>> No.7953668

Wow, Brown and white Coord with hat! Uncanny.

>> No.7955163

If ero and punk can be a thing, stylings that generally don't follow the rules of lolita dress, then sailor, country, steampunk, bitter sweet, cyber whatever can be as long as they follow the basic rules.

stop picking and choosing when it suits you fucktard