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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7945306 No.7945306 [Reply] [Original]

>browse online for clothing
>Wow, look at all these pretty jackets/dresses/shirts
>tfw you realize there's no point to getting more then what you already have because you don't go out a lot/have no reason to wear it

Has anyone had that feel?

>> No.7945309

Maybe you can wear it for me ;) haha just kidding

stay safe baby girl

>> No.7945310
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well, maybe a little bit...
i try not to think about i though, if somethings cute and i can afford it, i get it
even though i might not find time to wear it...
>mfw about 9 or 10 dresses i havent even worn yet in my closet

>> No.7945344
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My feel is more relative to having to dress appropriately for the weather

It's hard to look cool or cute when it's 30f outside with a windchill taking off another 10 degrees, I just have whatever can keep me from turning into a popsicle

>> No.7945437

At this point, this is true for me for all clothing, but especially true for nicer/fancier stuff. Even dressing up for "no reason" still means there's a lot of stuff I only wear a couple times a year. Especially since it's like 10F outside already, so cute clothes are out of rotation until probably March. I still buy some new stuff, but I feel a little bad and overly consumerist about it.

>> No.7945713


I'm at this point myself. I don't go to occasions, I don't have parties, I have little reason to dress up. It doesn't help I'm a poorfag, where going out just means using money that could be spent on food/rent..

>> No.7945722

Same feeling. What's the point of buying clothes if you suffer from social anxiety disorder/

>> No.7945750

I know that feel. I look a million times better in skirts and dresses but it's always so fucking cold and windy where I live that I'll be walking around holding my skirt down, while trying to hold up an umbrella in winter

>> No.7945757

At least i'm not the only one feeling this! I buy some lolita or jfashion but i dont really wear them often because most of my time is at home.
>tfw not good at driving and living in the countryside
>and most friends aren't in my shitty town

>> No.7945764

I might stay home a lot, but it doesn't stop me from buying cute clothes
>looking fabulous at the grocery store, getting gas, or picking up takeout
>or just dressing up at home

>> No.7945779

I need to get on your level, anon.

>> No.7945894

I use my frills as my shield. People are more interested in your clothes than you, plus being a fucking sperg means I can feel comfortable talking about my interests

>> No.7945943

Except I enjoy going to random...er places for no fucking reason.

My main problem is that it's permasummer where I live and the temperature probably averages out at like 30 degrees Celsius throughout the year. I go to college so that's where I wear my stuff. I'm always overdressed (or more precisely, overelaborately dressed), nobody's even surprised anymore.

>> No.7945972

>"Oh these clothes are cute let's order them"
>Receives package
>Carefully puts together an outfit
>Thinks I look stupid as shit in my new, cute clothes
>Gets disappointed and throw them as far back into the wardrobe as possible

Every fucking time, I wish I could pull off the cute look but I just simply don't. Guess I'll stay trash forever

>> No.7946070


Do what I do and go to goodwill and try stuff on. At least that way it's cheap and you don't feel so bad. Of course check for stains and missing buttons as well (found a great quality sweater the other day, from a brand that was made no later then 1997)

>> No.7946104

>browse online for clothing
>Wow, look at all these pretty jackets/dresses/shirts
>tfw you realize there's no point to getting more then what you already have because you don't go out a lot/have no reason to wear it
>buy it anyway

Me everyday, OP. It's sad because I love my Lolita clothes, but when I don't go to meet ups I rarely or almost never wear them. I just lack the confidence. But I like the clothes and they are one of the few things in my life I actually still enjoy, sooo fuck it.

>> No.7946145

All the fucking time..Always just end up in jeans and a tshirt. So hard to get the confidence up, especially living in a small town!

>> No.7946429

It's almost like you're in my head....

I get this feel all the time with lolita clothing. I always want
to buy something but it's getting too chilly to wear it!! Even with the layers I get far too cold during the day.

>> No.7946439

I put it on my mannequin.

At the point of seriously considering getting a store mannequin and redoing its face to look like a cute kawaii life-sized BJD. (Would buy a cute kawaii life-sized BJD but they don't seem to be built like mannequins with the detachable arms and no legs. I'm not up to wrestling life-sized ball-jointed limbs into cute clothes and then trying to make it stand.)

>> No.7946448

This. I buy it but think its too much?

>> No.7946449

It does not help that I wear work-out clothes to work. I try to be cute, but it is still not the same.

I just bough a few Lolita items, and I have no idea when I am ever going to wear them.
Most of the weekend I am crashed at home.

>> No.7946456
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>tfw only like wearing long sleeved clothes and pants
>tfw summer is here

>> No.7946479

>I have no shelves
>There is no IKEA for several hundred miles
>Shipping would be murder
>I am twenty years too old to be needing children-sized roleplay toys

>> No.7946484

Go visit /toy/. Live vicariously through their posts.

>> No.7946514

I got too fat for my wardrobe. So it makes me think the same about there being no point in getting more.

>> No.7946516

The bodices of my smaller pieces have been feeling a bit snug recently and I'm worried that this is going to happen to me soon.

>> No.7946606

I'm not buying any new clothes until I lose weight, so who knows how long that will take.

>> No.7946609

> lost a heap of weight
> need new clothes
> normalfag clothes so expensive for how shite they are
> cannot hide under lolita in all situations unfortunately.

>> No.7946685

Dress weights are your friend!
Sewing in something, or attaching something to prevent skirt liftage

>> No.7946728


man I've been overweight for god knows how long and I barely buy myself any other clothes other then what I really need because i feel like I don't deserve it while I'm fat. I feel like no matter what I wear I look like shit while I'm fat so no point in getting pretty clothes.

>> No.7946756

Are you me ?

>lost 15kg
>tfw all my normal fag clothes are way too big
>need to buy new clothes
>fast fashion it is, right ?
>motherfucking too small for F21 S size
>u wot m8te
>can't dress myself outside of lolita anymore
>settle for oversize sweater + tighs look for normalfag purpose

Good thing is I can fit high fashion now.
>tfw no money

>> No.7946819

...doesn't exactly help with the fact that I feel stupid in cute clothes, anon.

>> No.7946825

This is what I'm trying to do right now. For me, going outside is rather scary so I tend to put off chores that need to happen outside of my home. But if I get dressed up that day I suddenly feel way more comfortable about going out and actually get shit done.
It's not very time-efficient since I spend like two hours putting an outfit together just to get groceries but it makes me feel better about myself and my wardrobe.

>> No.7946834

Me too.. everytime i put together a cute outfit ready to go to the shops, as soon as I take 1 step outside I run inside again and just wear a large, baggy shirt and jeans. The only time I ever feel confident in cute clothes- or even just skirts- is when I'm with my friends, and that's not a lot of the time.. :(

>> No.7946840

>tfw finally get my first piece of brand even though it should fit serious boob loaf
>Shouldn't have bought it in the first place but it was my favorite brand
>Sits in closet waiting for me to lose weight
>Wedding stress has me gaining weight

>> No.7948206

>love cute skirts, sweaters, and tights
>can't justify buying any new clothes because no one will see them anyway
>sit in my room in a kigurumi that I have been wearing for the past week
>save pictures of cute clothes online

>> No.7948227

Anons, you should try to find fleece lined leggings. The colors are usually kind of limited, but they do a good job of keeping my legs warm in the winter! With a cute wool skirt, nice coat, boots and leg warmers it's super cute.

>> No.7948833

I know that feel. I only wash my hair every other day, and my whole face is just this close from being chapped. It's only November and I'm wearing a rubber coat and lined boots to go anywhere. Can't even worry about looking nice, just not getting frostbite walking somewhere.

>> No.7949423
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>Be tall, broad-shouldered, and very, very butch
>Wear almost exclusively mens and boys clothes
>Fall in love with pastel cutesy J-fash
>Buy a bunch of cute things off of Aliexpress
>Discover I don't look good in cute things
>Fiance is male and bigger than I am so can't even have my SO wear them and be cute for me.
>Life is suffering

>> No.7949428

> because you don't go out a lot/have no reason to wear it

Fuck that, I'm gonna wear whatever I want wherever I want.

>> No.7949437

Who cares? Rock it. Put on boots. Squish things.

>> No.7949447
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>tfw i go nowhere
>stay inside all day
>only go to work
>no reason to dress up
>buys boatloads of cute dresses
>uncomfortable in anything lower cut than t-shirts
>wears pj's instead

oh well. maybe one day i'll wear something cuter than my cute zombie pjs.

>> No.7949466

Ooh cute zombie PJs?

>> No.7949475
File: 43 KB, 500x375, There was a cat on my lap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's a pun. My shirt is a pun.

Pic is a little blurry because it's a crappy webcam.

>> No.7949493

Not sure if it's the same, but I love crossdressing and female clothing makes up 80% of my clothes. The only time I wear any of these clothes outside is late at night in the park. Only a few people have seen me.

So buy those clothes OP, buy them and enjoy them.

>> No.7949776

Yeah that's my problem too, I want something to do while looking good, and I'm like the other anon who said they dress up even if it's to the gas station, I do that too. however my boyfriend always pokes fun at me about it and says "Who cares"

>> No.7950043

Why you don't get cute pictures of yourself and publish them online? At least you can wear jfashion for pics.
>i do this infact a lot

>> No.7950085

Aw that IS cute! Thanks for sharing, I was picturing hundreds of little zombies on them
Also >>7950043 is a good idea. I don't do it much but posting stuff on a blog makes me feel more like I'm a part of the culture rather than just a hoarder.

>> No.7950632

Off topic but related feel

>Have a dress that I've never worn.
>someone posting wtb for that dress
>price much higher than retail
>want to sell but I love that dress
>but I never wear it
>but love it a lot
>but moneh
>what if I miss the dress after it's gone?

fuck, what should i do? Hoard the dress or sell it?

>> No.7950683

>hoarder instincts that bad
>not making more money from it

I'm ashamed, anon.

>> No.7950690

Sell it.

>> No.7950709


It's easily one of my top ten dresses though. Consider that once it's sold, I'd have to pay that high price myself to get it back, if I ever change my mind and find that I miss it a lot.

>> No.7950725

My boyfriend does that too. Whenever we go out he says "what are you getting dressed up for? it's nothing fancy" no matter where we're going. Whether it's class, the zoo, a restaurant, his parents' house, the movies, a birthday party or a graduation ceremony, as soon as I put on a dress he's all "why so fancy"? It's kind of annoying and demoralizing but I have to keep in mind that this is a 26-year-old guy who shows up to job interviews in a t-shirt, jeans and worn-out sneakers. I guess we'll just be that couple where one is always overdressed and the other is always underdressed.

>> No.7950726

You're not going to miss it.



>> No.7950736
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>watching UtaPri
>getting crazy dokidokis
>wake up husband for sex
To summarize,
>tfw 2D dokidokis make you pursue 3D ass
I can't be the only one that does this.

>> No.7950737

Wrong thread?

>> No.7950740


>> No.7950742

What, this isn't the new cgl feels thread?

>> No.7950751

>cgl feels
You mean /a/ feels? That has nothing to do with /cgl/.

>> No.7950769

You sure?

>> No.7950771

This. I've been selling a lot of shit I had in storage recently and I don't really miss anything.

>> No.7950787

Uh most of what you linked to is /cgl/ related and the rest is out of context so I can't say if it is or isn't.

>people who can't admit they posted stupid things in an unrelated thread

>> No.7950866

Thanks anon! I had another one that said "Vegetarian Zombies eat Grains" but I've lost it somewhere.

>> No.7950887

It's a good idea to give it some thought before buying. I rarely buy "useless" stuff anymore, but I do have a couple of pink frilly dresses that really don't fit my personality and style AT ALL and I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them.

I also rarely get a chance to dress up, since I do physically heavy work at a storage and my uniform there is pants, t-shirt and ponytail. Can't keep even remotely long nails either because it would be hard to lift and open stuff. But that also inspires me to dress up when I CAN do it, which balances my girly side.

>> No.7951271

I will admit I posted something stupid in an unrelated thread. I should have made sure this was the right thread first, but the thought of what I posted being considered /a/ is just gross. /a/ is awful.

>> No.7953388

this, its so hard to be excited about a lovingly chosen outfit when you've got to wear a coat that will cover it up/will turn the colour scheme into ass

>> No.7953464
File: 5 KB, 213x160, emocorner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unemployed and although I own lolita clothing I never wear it because I don't believe I deserve to - I can almost hear /cgl/ style rage in my head when I think about it "what the hell is this bitch doing going out and about dressed like that when she doesn't even have a job'?! I haven't been in work for close to a year now and all this lolita stuff just sits burning a hole in my wardrobe (and in my head).

>> No.7953472

It seems like you have the wrong impression of /cgl/ stop pushing your insecurities on us.

>> No.7953484

To be fair, that is exactly the kinda thing /cgl/ would say, and more/worse. On the other hand learning to give no shits whilst making an effort to better yourself is easier said than done.

>> No.7953496

Heh it's true, the insecure devil on my shoulder just happens to sound eactly like the sandiest parts of /cgl/. I'm sure there's an all encompassing metaphor in there or some shit.

>> No.7953506

I mistook this for /r9k/.

>> No.7954548

> still live with my mom
> mom despises unusual clothing
> bought a few casual offbrand dresses
> try one on and show it to her
> "Mom, it's just a japanese fashion that I really like. I don't think it looks that bad or extreme..."
> "These dresses are made for adults. I wouldn't have been able to fit into this otherwise."

And that's why I'll be limited to browsing cgl and merely looking at all the dresses I want until I finish university and earn enough money to live on my own.

>> No.7954594

You can get those life-size sex dolls from Japan that look like BJD (minus the joints though). Probably cost a fortune though.

>> No.7954601

Ouch. Which dress?

>> No.7954608

Jesus. I live with my mom for school, too, and I'm so glad she's not batshit about my wearing jfash (black parents don't give a fuck about how out there your clothing is). If you do buy stuff, I'd recommend hiding it from her, because it almost sounds like she's the type to destroy your clothing.

>> No.7954636

.. I just bought 8 wigs and a couple of cosplays to go with some of those wigs last month. I only ever attend one con every year and only leave my house to go to the grocery store and attend college classes.
As soon as I received the wigs and cosplay, I tried them on, had 2 minutes of feeling like I was someone else and then put them up on sale cause I have no use for them.

>> No.7954740

Sounds like me. I like how I dress but nothing kills my confidence faster than trying to dress as a proper girl and realizing how shit I look. It gets tiring being mistaken for a crossdressing man when your goal is to be cute and feminine. On the other hand, everyone correctly assumes I'm a girl when I'm wearing my dude clothes. I'm not trying to pass as a male so that works out I guess.

>> No.7954757
File: 24 KB, 300x404, White-Long-Sleeves-Blouse-And-Black-Cotton-Lolita-Dress-5771-sp0014381.jpg_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have a tag so I can't find a pic of the actual dress. It looks like pic related, but mine has a few bows on the skirt and a bigger one on the chest.

For that reason, I'm not buying anything lolita until I get out of here. Wouldn't be the first time that clothing she dislikes dissapears out of my closet.

>> No.7954769

To be fair I'd probably forbid you from wearing something that ita too..

>> No.7954843

>Barely spend time building my normalfag wardrobe anymore
>Decide to donate all the out-of-date old crap and buy some new shit
>Spend 4-5 hours in the mall hating everything

Lolita and otome have changed my aesthetic so much. Whenever I touch clothing from fast fashion shops I can't help but cringe. Nothing has the right shape and cut that I like, too. After all of that I only bought a dress and some boots.

>> No.7954854

Well, the dress I own looks a bit better than this one. It's not something I'd wear to a meetup though.

I wasn't sure how my mom would respond to lolita, so I thought it was a better idea to buy some cheap dresses and see how she reacted to that, rather than buying a brand piece.
As I said, she has thrown my stuff away before. This dress wouldn't be a big loss if it came to that.

>> No.7954979
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>tfw living at home for school too
>Nigerian parents
>Mom actually did destroy my wardrobe once

>> No.7955060

Do Nigerian parents tend to be especially strict or something? Curious because I genuinely have no idea.

>> No.7955143

Nigerians who raise their kids in diaspora are kind of like your typical Asian domineering parents. They raise them in white suburban neighborhoods and get shocked and angry when they act, well, white. (Or even worse in my case, wapanese.)