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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7944608 No.7944608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Any dramu?
>Any shitty meets?
>Any creeps?
>Any annoying weebs?
>Any obnoxious comm leaders?

>> No.7944618
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My comm rewrote their rules in an effort to see how far they can suck John's dick.

>> No.7944648

When they announced the rules were being revised, I just knew there would be a work-around for the 24 hour rule.

>> No.7944710

I feel embarrassed to say the OP summed up our entire city with their questions.

>> No.7944778

deetz pls! and which comm?

>> No.7944792

>Participating in ANY illegal activity while at a meet will result in a temporary or permanent ban depending on the severity of the situation.

Was there a reason they had to actually make this rule? Did someone actually try something illegal at a meet...

>> No.7944821

Yeah ladies! Do your illegal shit BEFORE a meet like everyone else, thank you.

>> No.7944876

At Manifest 2013 there was someone who let a smoke bomb off at the trading hall. Not sure how illegal that is (i think you get fined for it?) but the police did an investigation and they had to call the firefighting boys in, too.

>> No.7944912

Wrong contient. Anon's comm is in the US.

Plus I really don't think that was a lolita that set that smoke bomb off. I mean I wasn't there but highly unlikely.

>> No.7944949

I was moreso referring to the fact that people actually do shit like this at cons. I know cons =/= meets but it gives you an idea about the dumb shit people are capable of.

>> No.7944999

So what's your position in your comm's hierarchy? What's the hierarchy like?

>> No.7945153

Chicago. Since I joined not long ago I'm not sure yet. But two groups are clear in the city and the suburbs. The city hierarchy is the mods and their friends and the suburbs is different people.

>> No.7945183

I just moved to San Jose from a bumblefuck town in Virginia and joined the San Francisco comm. Everyone has been cordial, but the only contacts I've been unintentionally keeping in touch with are younger girls. I'm fine having friends of all ages but I wish there was an easier way to get to know other lolitas around my age (I'm in my mid-late 20s). There's an event to visit a distillery for ILD, which is rad. Although I missed the reservation, I'm hoping that there will be more meets like this.

A lolita asked me if I was going to do the chocolate event for ILD, and I said most likely because I didn't have a chance to go to the distillery event.
>"ew alcohol disgusting!!!"
>proceeds to rant about all her friends that go to clubs and bars
>mfw idgaf about your social insecurities

One lolita in particular is still in high school and has been pressing me questions about my income and my spending. Uh, excuse me? If I'm not questioning you about spending whatever money it is that you have, don't question mine.

Another lolita wants me to drive her around to all of the meets - even to the ones I didn't RSVP to on facebook.

I guess I shouldn't complain, as I was a lone lolita up until now, but can't the world be nice and give me a few quality friends I can chat it up with?
>cgl doesn't count

>> No.7945188

not liking alcohol is not about social insecurities
and if you talk shit and bitch about anyone you meet for the first time like that, no wonder you have no friends

>> No.7945198

Please stop projecting. It's because I mentioned alcohol (it was relevant) that she blew up my phone with 30 messages of her shit talking her friends for drinking alcohol when college is all about ~finding yourself.~

Unless you're from the SF comm and you feel like you're one of the girls I mentioned? I'm not a babysitter, I shouldn't be giving lolitas gifts because I have a job or rides because I have a car.

>> No.7945203

I live in Tennessee and there is no comm to speak of. If I want to go to a meetup I have to go to Atlanta :(

>> No.7945205

I think the high school lolita is just trying to think realistically about the fashion since she knows its pretty expensive. Since she probably has her parents buy her stuff she hasn't had to worry about budgeting so she's just curious about how older lolitas balance the fashion with their particular income.
Its probably a bit rude but I can understand where she's coming from at least.

>> No.7945229

>Any dramu?
Not currently. We don't usually have a lot in any case, just isolated incidents here and there that blow over pretty quickly. (Though I enjoy the drama that sometimes comes from our sister comms...)
>Any shitty meets?
Only if something actually goes wrong. Meets are usually well-organized, if a bit cookie-cutter.
>Any creeps?
There's one guy who is borderline creep, but seems to be improving and hasnt given anyone any trouble.
>Any annoying weebs?
There are always one or two annoying young people, but since most of the comm are anime nerds, being weeby is better than being an ita.
>Any obnoxious comm leaders?
As a comm leader myself, I don't really think I'm qualified to comment on that, haha.

Mod/comm leader. Honestly speaking, I'm one of the best dressed (basically all of the mods are) and I think I'm reasonably well-liked. I'm not efamous or anything but I'm pretty well-known in all the local comms.

>> No.7945235

our kawaii ambassador went to an apparently important meet with international guests and stayed in jeans and tshirt for like...half of it.
she amazes me everytime, and not in a positive way.

>> No.7945237

I love my comm, everyone's lovely. But, we had this problem with a creeper brolita a while ago. He's since been kicked out the comm, but a new brolita has recently joined. I don't want to assume all brolitas are creeps like the other guy, but I don't know, just puts me off!

>> No.7945238

You're not a babysitter but you are an adult. By bitching about some teenage girl on here you make yourself look incredibly immature. And no, I live in Canada.

>> No.7945240

I'm trying to see it from a different perspective, I really am. I don't want to get into detail, but if shes getting incredibly rare and sought out pieces, then she should have some idea how much this all costs
>wow anon, you have so many dresses!!
>how much did you spend on it?!
>wow....... you spend a lot!
>I really want ___! it's my dreaaam dress but it's so expensive
>you should sell it to me for cheap XD

Not verbatim but the overly enthusiastic use of punctuation and emoticons are there.

>> No.7945246

Teenage girl sounds like a pain in the ass. Bitch away anon!

>> No.7945248

Well if as I said in my first post, she probably is relying on her parents/an allowance to get these pieces. She's trying to think ahead about actually budgeting on a specific income where she can't cry to daddy for a new dress. While she's not being very elegant about it, I think she's doing the right thing by looking at how older lolitas manage their fashion within their budget.

>> No.7945251
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I went to a meet up last week, but the thing was the I was the only one attending. Even thought it sounded like several people were coming. The comm is very small, so people had gotten something else instead and didn't tell anyone. So everyone else but I couldn't make it...

>> No.7945253

She sounds like your average obnoxious teenager, nothing worth getting your panties in a bunch over.

>> No.7945268

>comm thread
>got any drama, shitty meets, annoying members?
She wasn't even being that rude about it, just complaining, not really shit talking or bitching. It's okay to vent when underaged girls are being annoying.

>> No.7945278

but that's literally nothing new. It's like bitching about the sun being bright.

>> No.7945281

Why are you so butthurt over people moaning about teenagers? Who cares!

>> No.7945283

Okay, no one ever vent about something in your life ever because it's happened before, old news, get over it.

She's new to being in a comm, so it's new to her. Why do you care if she wants to write a little bit about obnoxious comm members in a thread specifically designed for that kind of thing? Yeah, I agree it's petty and pointless, but so is pointing that out.

>> No.7945284


As if bitching on /cgl/ was ever inspired. We're all cunts here.

>> No.7945285

10 points for MajiGaku pic. Sage for OT

>> No.7945320

>Any dramu?
Not really, we had one girl who threw a stink over not being allowed to link replicas in the comm's facebook group bc it was oppressing her as a plus sized woman or something like that but other than that not really.
>Any shitty meets
No, all the meets I've been to have been pleasant.
>Any creeps?
I've heard that there was a stalker sex offender in a local comm, but I think they've gotten rid of her a long time ago.

>> No.7945331

is this sarcasm or

>> No.7945341

There are two comms in Tennessee, Midsouth Lolita Meetup and Lolitas of Tennessee group on FB

>> No.7945351

Hi fellow comm member
I'm in my twenties, turning 23 soon.
Maybe we'll see eachother in the future?
I'll be at the monthly and maybe the ILD (not the distillery event) haha

>> No.7945387

>tfw in NY state
>2 hrs from NYC
>2 hrs from Albany area

>feel like a judgmental bitch since a lot of posts on FB groups posts are generally lacking in common sense

>> No.7945398

this is a stupid statement since two of the mods live in the suburbs. If you just joined recently I would suggest you stop making assumptions because it will make you look bad

>> No.7945402

Top kek

>> No.7945445
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Im in the sf comm too, although I'm not as active as I'd like to be. I'll definitely be going to the ILD meet as well.
Throwaways up, if you wanna send me your throwaway or your facebook I can add we could chat? I'm in my mid 20's and it would be nice to meet other people in the comm. Everyone from the comm it pretty nice but it's pretty hard when you first join and see that most people already have their own groups of friends.

>> No.7945452


>> No.7945459

>Any dramu?
No, nothing. It's nice and quiet. I sometimes wish we had a little drama, like, juuuust a little, tbh. I am a bad person, yes; I have been tempted more than once to post some members because their outfits were horrible or they were annoying ita weebs (got a few of these here). But in the end I am not enough of a drama loving bitch to actually do this.
>Any shitty meets?
Our neets are usually fine. I wish we had a fancy tea party or an event with burando or a fashion show, but other than that our meet ups are usually great! Depending on the host though, there is soetimes little social interactions. If you are e newbie it can be quite hard to make new friends.
>Any creeps?
Not really. We have a middle aged photographer who sometimes attends meet ups and is really annoying. He is very nice and not creepy at all, but he talks so damn much about his photography and camera and shit and his photos are not even very good... I feel a little bad because he obviously tries hard and is nice and friendly, but I try avoid talking to him because then you get stuck for the next hour with a sermon about photography and his life. No.
>Any annoying weebs?
A few, yes. I haven't talked much with them, and they aren't loud or obnoxious so I don't really know or care about them.
>Any obnoxious comm leaders?
Not really. They are all nice, well dresses and good at what they do.

>> No.7945460

Yay other comm members~
Not the person you replied to but yeaaaaa

>> No.7945496

There's some separation but I've been in the comm for years and it's not as cliquey as it used to be. Pretty much no drama and I'm happy with the current mods. Things used to be really bad, they've really improved.

>> No.7945510

>Any dramu?
not really. there is some shit flying around on /cgl/ involving a few girls, but nothing that involves the comm. Everyone gets along, and even people who don't care for eachother are civil towards eachother and act like adults for the most part
>Any shitty meets?
We've gotten a lot of noobs this year, and now they are starting to plan meets. I use to do a lot of meets for my city, but i haven't had the time/money/energy to do much lately, so I sort of feel like I'm passing on the torch. We'll see how they pan out. I try to give tips and advice because i know how hard it is planning and running a meetup. If I can, I'd really like to support these new members and go to their meets.
>Any creeps?
not in the comm itself, but there is a "photographer" at cons who tries to latch onto the girls. He's hit on me before and complained to me how he wants a lolita girlfriend. In fact, because of my position within the community, I unfortunately get a lot of that. But I don't let that shit fly, so again, it's not really an issue within the community itself
>Any annoying weebs?
sort of. like previously mentioned, we have a lot of noobs this year. But I chalk it up to them being young. I have hope they will improve. Some of them are more awkward then anything else, so they don't really bother me. Thankfully everyone I've met aside from a lewd joke here or there-since most of us are adults- no one is overly loud or obnoxious, or cause a scene in public
>Any obnoxious comm leaders?
May be biased since I am one, but no, there aren't. If anything, the only thing I can complain about is that out of all the mods we have, I tend to be the most vocal/active. Of course when there's an issue, we all discuss things together to find solutions, but the members tend think that I am the only person doing anything, so when someone doesn't like it, I get the flack. It's tough, but it's part of the job i guess.

>> No.7945513


h-hi comm members. i haven't been to a meet in agess (mostly cause i'm awkward and feel awkward in a group), but I'd like to go to the chocolate event.

on a scale of 1-10 how much do you guys frown on people bringing their SO to meets? Assuming they are a courteous and normal person.

>> No.7945517

Someone probably blazed it during a meet or something

>> No.7945518

Everyone left in my comm are super ita except two people and both of them are really young.
I'll just be a lone lolita forever then.
All I want is a comm with adults my age to twin with and do things young people can't afford with.

>> No.7945522

ugh i can't stand other highschool lolitas. they all bitch and whine about not having money for dresses. Get fucking jobs. I work for hours every day after school for whats probably less than minimum wage where i am. I'm in highschool (senior year) and other girls my age around 17 to 18 always flock to me and try to be my friend when they meet me because our ages are similar and i own nice pieces. leave me alone.

>> No.7945533

Hey! Another east bay lolita here too. The comm is huge and since there's easy accessibility to brand might be why you're running into lolitas of different ages, from teens to even lolitas in their 40s. The younger girls don't mean any harm although I can understand your frustration. You should come to the monthly meet since this will be the first one since the MB fiasco and a lot of lolitas are more comfortable coming forward and hanging out with everyone.

Hope to see you at the monthly meet and/or ILD

>> No.7945534

Trust me, it's even worse when you get older, those same girls are going to act the same way, bitching and crying about their bills and how they still can't afford lolita blah blah blah. It's called fucking budgeting. I went on a 2 month long ramen diet to afford Milky Planet(before the rerelease when it still wen't for 450+), and everyone shit themselves "omg is that the real thing? can i touch it? i can't believe you have it!" I saved like crazy to afford it, and i lived on my own, had my own apartment and bills, and didn't have anybody living with me to help me out.

>> No.7945539

>2 month long ramen diet for a lolita dress
opinion discarded

>> No.7945562
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Hiya :)
1 being least frownage, we are at 1.

Don't worry at all, I brought my SO to a recent event, and everyone was sweet about it.

Echoing what a previous comm member said, if anyone from the comm wants to add me on fb or chat- I'm game.

>> No.7945571

there are a ton of cheap ass tasty ways to eat ramen. you don't have to settle for eating a cup of noodles twice a day.
My mom kicked me out of the house when I was 18 because I spent more time with my boyfriend then her, and my minimum wage job barely payed for bills. I use to buy eggs and frozen vegetables for cheap and add them to my ramen. I use to eat it as soup, or stir fry it, if i could get some discounted meat i'd throw that in there.

I learned the ways of a ramen master pretty damn fast. Most dresses I bought when i was able to get my own then only required me cutting things out like snacks, deserts, parties, or walking instead of driving to pay for a new $100-200 dress, but i bought the Milky Planet set at the peak of it's popularity for $500.

The point is, it's hard, but it's do able. The majority of these bitches who cry and complain still go out and get their hair and nails done, and go shopping at hot topic on the weekends and buy cheap shitty overpriced anime merch, and then cry about how they can't afford lolita.

>> No.7945576

So what was your hair like? Or did you have a wig?

>> No.7945591

I've always had nice hair. Thanks for asking

>> No.7945597

Man you're lucky. I started going grey at 16 and I don't like bottle dyes so I spend 3.5hrs every 2 months getting it done at my local college. It's 1/3 the price of a salon but it always takes such a long time

>> No.7945623

Shit I couldn't even imagine. I condition the crap out of my hair, and I trim my own ends. My hair grows really slowly so I don't need much work for it. My sister in law dyed my hair once and used a bunch of fancy products that are suppose to keep your hair healthy, but it was for free and she used me as practice for her schoolwork. Thankfully she knows what she's doing.

>> No.7945632

D-don't tease me like that senpai...

>> No.7945638

It used to be a beautiful auburn and it was my best feature, but it's just a dull brown now. It was stress but it never returned to how it was. Bottle reds are always off (too brown or scarlet) otherwise I'd do it myself. It's lucky your sister knows what she's doing

>> No.7945645

All the inner circle is well dressed, bitchy queen that most of the inner circle is dislikes. Semi-regulars seem to mostly like her, but she scared off a few well dressed girls. Semi-regulars aren't quite as well dressed, but still generally cute.

>> No.7945654


>> No.7945656

caps? sounds hilarious.

>> No.7945662

I feel so sorry for the normal, sane people in your comm.

>> No.7945664

another senior here. It really drives me up the wall when young lolitas whine about their parents not buying them lolita. I work my ass off for my used burando, No parent owes their kid an expensive dress.

>> No.7945666

Between GLW and AM, Houston sounds like a fucking landmine of potential drama. Jesus.

>> No.7945668

So much respect anon. That's pretty awesome.

>> No.7945669

Sorry meant to reply to>>7944710

>> No.7945692

What was your first job?

>> No.7945701

pizza place. the place most teens start their working careers at

>> No.7945708

I see, thanks!
Been looking for a place to start out at, I already applied to costco, but let me check out pizza hut to

>> No.7945712

Try for grocery stores. Their turnover rate is pretty damned high, so if you stick with is 6 months or more, you get raises pretty regularly.

>> No.7945714

I don't even know if there's a comm near me.

How can you tell?

>> No.7945717

no jaywalking, kids.

>> No.7945727

Try searching your location with the word "Lolitas" tacked on on Facebook? Or googling. There's also a list of comms that makes the rounds on /cgl/ occasionally, but I don't have it handy.

>> No.7945728

Different anon but my first job was at a grocery store. I was 16 and took all the night shifts, it was great.

>> No.7945732

specifically, it was a kid's pizza place similar to chuck-e-cheese. The manager thought I was cute and hired me to run the register. I quickly went from lead cashier to head of the gameroom, and head birthday hostess, and started earning those tips. I basically ran the place when the managers weren't around and took care of training all the new people. I don't know how a run of the mill pizza place works, but i can't imagine it would be much harder then my old job. either way, good luck! That job bought me my first piece of burando

>> No.7946241

Last time we talked about it the leader samefag'd and accused two girls who aren't even in the comm anymore of shit posting.

Thread was deleted because she probably whined and had people mass report it.

I'll just leave it at that.
We can't even talk about our comm.

>> No.7946267

found it!
Good luck anon, I hope you find a comm near you.

>> No.7946280

Around 7-9, I had a "friend" try to buy my boots right off my feet. Even got on the phone and asked her mom in front of me for money to buy the shoes. She wasn't poor either and her mom bitched her out because on how rude she was.
Some people are just fucking social retards. Sorry you gotta deal with her.

>> No.7946333

Many thanks Anon.

>> No.7946347

My nearest comm is literally dying. Not that we were large to begin with, but half (so like 3) of the regular girls are now all too busy to make time for meets. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because there are other small-mid sized comms for me to drive to within a 2-3 hour radius and two quite large and active ones both within a 4 hour drive, but why can't we have nice things in my own town?

>> No.7946383

Yeah and they're dead as shit.

>> No.7946386

>literally dying
I got really excited for a moment there.