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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 139 KB, 600x900, 1416203445735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7943266 No.7943266 [Reply] [Original]

What first comes to mind when you see this at a con?

>> No.7943269

"It's a little cold I hope she's okay"

>> No.7943272

>She must have put so much time into making sure everything stays put!
>I wonder what her workout/fitness regime is!

>> No.7943293

>put some clothes on bitch

>> No.7943294

Needs more hips

>> No.7943295

I would say "Damn she's asking for it."

>> No.7943315

>implying she works out

>> No.7943323

Jesus did not die for this

>> No.7943325

Stop sucking in your stomach

>> No.7943327

"face of a gremlin"

"shit wig styling"

"sucking it in hardcore."

Seriously your ribs don't show quite like like that unless you're sucking it in.

And finally "those nasty stretch marks / cellulite on those thunderthighs."

>> No.7943328
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>> No.7943332

Im not taking up for her but my sister has ribs that stick out like that. Even without sucking in. Just an observation.

>> No.7943334

No, you can't see any of her OTHER ribs. My ribs stick out similarly, but you can see my second and third ribs. There's no way there's that much bottom rib sticking out without a second or third rib also showing. You can also tell because of her little pouchy under her belly button. You don't get a pouch like that and still see ribs.

>> No.7943336
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>> No.7943345

Isn't this from a hentai?

>> No.7943354

Yes, it's called Kuroinu.

>> No.7943356


>> No.7943367

honestly my VERY first thought was "what the fuck is wrong with the cape" ... then I realized it's just a shit tier one

>> No.7943391

Then I'd ask myself if she's implying that she likes 20" ogre cock. I like this girl.

>> No.7943398

Me too anon. Id ask her that and tell her to take me to see the Queen.

>> No.7943415


>> No.7943433

I hope she doesn't reproduce.

>> No.7943447

>why must sexy cosplays so often be shitty, I want to feel impressed by the craftsmanship as well as a rocking bod and confidence
>why this
That cape especially. But maybe the character itself has a shoddy cape? Idk no real dramu comes to the forefront for me

>> No.7943450

Dressed like that im sure it will happen one day.

>> No.7943455
File: 80 KB, 576x495, say no to elves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking elves stealing our husbandu

>> No.7943624

I could tell you whether her vagina and nipples are accurate, no idea what her cape looked like.

>> No.7943675


>> No.7943676

I'd feel the need to follow her around with emergency tape and a fluffy sweater/blanket for the inevitable costume malfunctions and/or hypothermia

>> No.7943690

>Is that Xander from Drawn Together?

>Oh that elf hentai thing. lol.

>> No.7943693
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>> No.7943701

>Shit, I need a picture of her.
>Front AND back.

>> No.7943721

fluffy tails are better

>> No.7943752

is that thong painted on?

>> No.7943787
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>> No.7943814


I've watched the hentai.

She wants to be raped by giant ogres.

>> No.7943818

>she needs to work out
>thank god I don't look like that
>decent craftsmanship, tho

>> No.7943833

this makes me want to ask you something /cgl/. I know a lot of you on here do actually watch hentai but do you people ever cosplay much hentai or personally know people who do?

>> No.7943851

>ill never see a JK to Orc Heidan: Aku Buta Oni ni Ryougyaku Sareta Seijo Gakuen or night when evil falls cosplay.

>> No.7943852

>decent craftsmanship
>not loking at that cape, the leggings, or the seems on the chest
bro she's hot enough to not need to work out but she has shit crafting game

>> No.7943862

a lot of people who cosplay that stuff don't watch it and instead go for the cute designs afaik. Though they could be lying. That girl who did that really cute navy cosplay from some series is the only one I know of though. I guess some DMMD people too? I don't know anyone who's done any though.

And for me, I'm not into those games and comics so I probably wouldn't have the opportunity unless it was suggested to me.

>> No.7943885
File: 170 KB, 480x480, baf0a840-f082-4b72-b131-dcbd0e978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Night When Evil Falls

mai nigga

>> No.7943889
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Kuroinu! I've been actually thinking about cosplaying Chloe as well, but that bodice looks like a bitch in the original design. Trying to figure out how to piece everything together so it can feasibly stay on my body and I don't end up with a baggy fit like OP.

>> No.7943939


>> No.7943962

fucking white girls stealing brown cosplays

>> No.7943977
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>> No.7943995


>Implying I'm white

Nope! One of the big reasons I really liked her design, I'm just the right shade. This series overall was pretty well animated too, rare finding hentai with animation that doesn't suck.

>> No.7943997

Why would you ever want to cosplay this.

>> No.7943998

I meant OP, not you

>> No.7944002

Actually I didn't really think about your comment but yeah my shitposting was for OP specifically

>> No.7944009

> liked her design
> worst girl

>> No.7944011

>What first comes to mind when you see this at a con?
"I wonder what it's from."

>> No.7944019


Because I'm a fan of the material/design??? Isn't that why people cosplay things most of the time?

Loads of other h-game stuff I want to cosplay as well for the same reason. Sorry if it's too much for your pure mind to handle.

>> No.7944021

I like how she did the wig

>> No.7944023

holy shit what a loser

>> No.7944030

"that's awesome"

that's what springs to mind. Why do you ask? Thinking of wearing similar? go ahead girlfriend.1

>> No.7944040

its still one of my favorite. somehow this and brandish got me to frequent /d/
you... I like you.

>> No.7944042

>wearing that
>in public

even hookers wear more clothes than that when strolling the streets

>> No.7944053
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I like you too anon!


Cool story, can't say I give too many fucks though.

Can we turn this into a h-game/visual novel cosplay thread? I wanna post more stuff to make the salty anons even saltier.

>> No.7944054
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>> No.7944057 [DELETED] 
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Sengoku Rance is another game I'd love to see more cosplay of, but I guess more people need to play it first.

>> No.7944058

You're advertising you watch Chinese cartoon porn to the public. You're the one who sounds salty. You better be hot enough to pull these hardcore eroge costumes off.

I know you're not tho.

>> No.7944065
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>Advertising it in public
>On anon, on a niche board that generally caters to a good chunk of people that also watch chinese cartoon porn

Oh dear, whatever will I do if the other people here know about the things I enjoy?

>> No.7944066

when people comes up to you to take a picture there's literally no other reason than "dis couspluer is caspraying muh pr0nz"

idk the vibes I get from it is unhealthy

>> No.7944070

I'm talking about the public as in an anime convention, ya know where people normally cosplay, dumbass.

>> No.7944072

Pretty sure anon is referring to the public, as in outside, as in a convention where moms have to shield their kids' eyes because some edgy teen decided to dress like a $5 hooker.

>> No.7944079

Can I request some Oyari Ashito cosplays? Eiyuu Senki, Little Witch Romanesque, Sugar Coat Freaks, etc.

>> No.7944084

Keep your kinks and fetishes indoors. Sounds like you crave the taboo thrill of exhibitionism.

>> No.7944089

> implying cosplaying hentai is any worst than JNig's sluttifying of a regular character.

>> No.7944090
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Funny thing about that, I cosplayed from an h-game once, and most of the people who took my picture had no clue who I was, one guy even thought I was from Lucky Star. Cons are generally full of casuals, so if I actually was recognized, I'd be pretty happy.


I'm at an anime convention cosplaying...and I like *gasp* anime and various forms of it be it porn or not porn?! Holy shit, you're right. Better stay in the shadows and hide my deep terrible secrets.

You're also implying there aren't ways to avoid exposure and modify a costume. Certain conventions also have different rules regarding the issue, I would never go to an advertised all ages (One that comes to mind is Sakuracon, not a drop of porn to be found in the dealer's hall last I went) con wearing something of this nature.

>> No.7944091

>keep kinks and fetishes indoors
Is that the joke? I don't get it.

>> No.7944097
File: 72 KB, 652x939, es1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eiyuu Senki desigs are cute as fuck anon, good choice. Glad to also see that Litte Witch Romanesque is getting translated!

>> No.7944099
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>> No.7944101

You sound underage.

>> No.7944102
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>> No.7944105

> projecting this hard

>> No.7944108
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Nope! But really anon, why are you so pressed about people cosplaying whatever they want? I've never seen threads about hentai draw out so much upset.

>> No.7944110
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>> No.7944111

>daddy issues

>> No.7944115

ding ding ding
I have no problem with slutty cosplays, I've realized. It's just the slutty tits link/booker/groot shit that's obnoxious.

>> No.7944116
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>> No.7944120
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You still haven't told us why you're upset anon, we want to help you, but you have to open up to us first.

>> No.7944123

>implying it's not multiple anons confirming you're an attentionwhore

>> No.7944126
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>> No.7944130

>hot enough to not need to work out

No. Not in the face, definitely not in the body. Just no. Where did you leave your standards? Did someone take them from you?

>> No.7944131


>> No.7944138
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And that's fine, I love getting attention when I cosplay, but I just don't understand why everyone is so mad.

>> No.7944143
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Sorry, I'll just refer to myself then. I want to know why all the anons here are so upset is all.

>> No.7944144
File: 27 KB, 332x375, ;^).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with autism or other social and behavioral disorders fail to read cues correctly. Misreading social cues can lead to a person acting out, which can then result in negative interactions and social disapproval. Therefore, social cues are believed to be an important aspect of inclusion and comfort in personal, interpersonal and social environments.

>> No.7944152
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>> No.7944157
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>> No.7944163


>> No.7944166

The lack of belly button disturbs me

>> No.7944172
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>> No.7944179
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Looks like she's wearing a covering to avoid exposing her skin, I almost didn't see that.

>> No.7944180

You take over an entire thread, and we're the salty ones?

>> No.7944184
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>> No.7944187

Yeah this thread was a really quality idea before

>> No.7944201
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Eh, I thought I'd keep the topic fresh instead of shitting all over the girl in OP for cosplaying from hentai, but whatever. I'll post more from her set just for you anon.

>> No.7944212
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>> No.7944227
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Not too many photos sadly. But seriously, it's just refreshing seeing people branch out past Bible Black for hentai themed cosplay.

>> No.7944229
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>> No.7944257

>tfw no one will cosplay Kaya with your Aria

>> No.7944258

there is too much bible black cosplay.

>> No.7944272


Have you cosplayed Aria anon? Post pics!


Babby's first hentai, plus it was dubbed so that's probably why it has a stronger reach than most.

>> No.7944317
File: 81 KB, 428x640, 95006-angelblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Angel Blade cosplay ever other than this

>> No.7944329
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You're right, cure is pretty dry...

>> No.7944333

Sadly it's still a WIP. I'm having fit issues in the waist, so I'm going to mess around with it a lot more before I feel like it's quality enough to post.

>> No.7944435

her thighs look thick in the first shot but honestly- she's cute. dont worry you're probably cute too anon

>> No.7944825 [DELETED] 

Can we all stop for a second to laugh at all these hentai watching losers?

Lmao you fucking clowns watch cartoon porn

>b-but the storyline!

Spend more time outside you sexless freaks

There's not a single sane, non-autistic person in the world that watches this shit.

>i'm gonna dress up as one of my favorite anime porn characters that likes to get fucked by big dick ogres, at a convention with my vag hanging out because i lack a universal understanding of social norms!

>> No.7944833
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>not watching Hentai
>being on 4chan

>> No.7944836
File: 317 KB, 500x375, facbec99-3e4f-486a-8ef7-1b2482df4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be boring not sharing your doujinshis with your gf/bf.

>> No.7944873

that's actually kind of sad if the only similar interest you and your s/o have is your love for anime porn

>> No.7944889

That's actually kind of sad that you think you can only have one thing in common with your significant other

>> No.7944899

That's actually kind of sad that you think that I think that you can only have one thing in common with your significant other and that you didn't take the time to read the anon boasting about how boring it must be not sharing your anime porn collection with your significant other, but I have no doubt in my mind that anon doesn't even have a significant other they share their anime porn collection with and are just merely being spastic autistic cunts.

>> No.7944907

If i saw her at a con in Ireland i'd be wondering how is she not freezing to death.

>> No.7944964
File: 1.93 MB, 360x360, klokov living the dream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A deep, raw and uncensored stream-of-consciousness that's representative of the male crossposter from /fit/:

>1. I want 2 fuq dat
>2. Is that from that hentai?
>3. Why? Is she looking for deviant sexual attention?
>4. What kind of chick blatantly does that?
>5. Is she aiming for the fucked up weeaboo neckbeard crowd? Why would you want sexual attention from them?
>6. There are disgusting, greasy fatbodies here that are more capable of holding a conversation with her than I am
>7. What does that make me?
>18. I wish I wasn't so fucking autistic
>19. I gotta make myself even prettier
>20. I'm not getting swole fast enough
>21. I want a GF :(

100% undeniable truth

>> No.7944966

Gtfo feg

Chloe and Discordia a best

>> No.7944970
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>> No.7944973
File: 52 KB, 900x671, b3d3f3c3-76b1-4dff-85c0-98d991897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People cosplay Kill LA Kill

>> No.7944979

Kill la Kill is actually less slutty / more decent than that, but nice try kiddo.

>> No.7944984

>I wonder what manner of power wedgie she gets from that thong?
>Do you think she enjoys being savagely gang raped?

>> No.7944993

The OP is wearing a thin piece of cloth to "hide" her genital region. Most KLK cosplayers actually make an attempt to cover theirs.

>> No.7945005

Shes actually kinda cute

>> No.7945020

>that power level tho

Props to her if she actually watched Kuroinu

>> No.7945049
File: 48 KB, 775x1031, 14357743255673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, anon-kun.

>> No.7945055

I don't like her face, her tummy, or her thighs. Her body just looks kind of dumpy. I'd put her at a 5/10, maybe a 6 if she has nice tits, but you can't really tell.

Sage for nitpicking.

>> No.7945117

Alicia is where it's at son, fuck off

It is arguably on point with Kill la Kill. Nudity(or partial nudity) is the core focus of the plot.

>> No.7945162
File: 41 KB, 400x400, Qs-1cssN_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alicia a shit. Human scum!

I love all the girls in the show

>> No.7945500
File: 285 KB, 576x432, 3d048cfe-705c-483b-9206-e1acff9f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right anon I'm being the autist here...
also no that's not the only thing I share with her. what made you think that it was?
no. there equally slutty.
OK I have met with some and no klk cosplayers don't. infact we have talked about this in multiple threads a lot of klk cosplayers don't. I don't even like that show and I know this because its brought up so goddamn much in commission threads.
exactly. on a side note i be noticed a lot more revealing clothes from ecchi than hentai.

>> No.7945527

Why are you trying to force your cartoon porn onto others?

>> No.7945567
File: 116 KB, 427x640, 2fd6326b-841e-4cd5-b9fd-40f15d6d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its actually the opposite.
I didn't watch much hentai or know what doujinshi even was before I met her. she kept showing me ones she thought were cute and ones that she thought were funny.

>> No.7945607

That's pretty similar to my train of thought
>she's cute and I can almost see her vagina (back of the knee maybe?)
>want to talk to her
>do I even have anything to talk about?
>remember that I'm terrified of girls
>remember that I'm terrified of people in general
>remember that I'm unattractive
>I didn't even come to con in cosy today
>she probably already has a boyfriend
>I don't want to be here anymore
Then I go to the gaming room and lose at Street Fighter

>> No.7945642

dude, you really ARE salty

>> No.7945653

You are so salty right now anon that you're calling other anons salty

>> No.7945658

>noticed a lot more revealing clothes from ecchi than hentai
That's because hentai can just show it all, ecchi needs titillating stuff to keep people watching since there's no actual sex.

>> No.7945822

are you me or am i you?

>> No.7945830
File: 1.35 MB, 1326x624, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tequila Gundam

God bless you for posting this anon.


There seems to be debate over KLK and the girl's costume as far as revealing? Uh, they both pretty much reveal a lot. Satsuki has more of her arms and legs covered which might seem to help, but all the main bits are still in clear view, and her ass is also hanging out from behind.

>> No.7945836

>complaining about this chick cosplaying from Hentai
>there are hundreds of 15 year olds cosplaying from DMMD and no one says anything

>> No.7945842

>I didn't read the thread!

>> No.7945847


The issue is that her body is on display. No one cares about fat girls badly crossplaying. Moderately attractive female cosplays with t/a on display from a hentai, and there's bound to be some cattiness.

I agree with you anon, but remember where you are.

>> No.7945850


That is the issue though. Some anons got all butthurt about the fact that she was cosplaying from hentai.

>> No.7945854

It's more about how revealing it is than the fact that she's cosplaying from a hentai. The hentai part just adds to the bitterness.

>> No.7945868


Again, not much more revealing than loads of stuff in regular anime/vidya, KLK being another great example. Pretty sure it's because the character is from pornographic material that's tearing everyone up inside for whatever reason.

>> No.7945869

Her boob cups are atrocious and ill-fitted, the rest of the costume is meh and honestly the original design isn't that flattering either.

The biggest disappointment is that the photos sucks ass, and she could have looked 100% better with a capable photographer.

>> No.7945888

People do day something though, anon.

DMMD also doesn't have lolis getting brutally gangraped by ogre cocks breaking their hips

>> No.7945899

>tearing everyone up
It's because girls who cosplay from hentai think they're special snowflakes and no one likes that.

>> No.7945905

That one girl did manage to derail this thread and make it about her so you've got a point.

>> No.7945909

It still has boy rape. Also, all hentai isn't like that, some of them have boy rape, like DMMD.

>> No.7945915

>"wow, I love the way her wig is styled. I wonder how much time she put into fitting the rest of the cos-"

>> No.7945919

>where moms have to shield their kids' eyes

>> No.7945922
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Really? I assume it only comes off as such because virtually no one cosplays from hentai (but at the same time, most people wouldn't recognize a character from one anyway).

Special snowflakes like attention right? You aren't going to get that from cosplaying a marginally obscure character from a porn game, that maybe 2/40 folks at a con might recognize. You're better off doing a slutty genderbend cosplay or something for "special snowflake" attention.

Also fuck what anyone else says, call me a special snowflake, but visual novels have some of the cutest designs period. Any other Eiyu Senki fans? I'd kill for a group...

>> No.7945925

>no one likes that
Speak for yourself, anon. Shouldn't you be in one of your lolita drama threads?

>> No.7945926

But the specific thing OP is from does have that, and from what I've seen it's literally all rape.

>> No.7945927

>europoor detected

>> No.7945929

>special snowflakes
Nah, you're just salty.

>> No.7945934

wtf are you even talking about

>> No.7945935

>Special snowflakes like attention right? You aren't going to get that from cosplaying a marginally obscure character from a porn game
dressed like that, she is.

>> No.7945940

>Eiyu Senki
Yeah, Oyari Ashito draws really cute dresses (and lolis).

>> No.7945990


>> No.7946008

kinda flabby let's be honest

>> No.7946048

>people should be limited to cosplaying characters of their own race


>> No.7946096

>I would never go to an advertised all ages (One that comes to mind is Sakuracon, not a drop of porn to be found in the dealer's hall last I went)
Uhhh... what? There is just as many as other cons. The booths selling single anime DVDs all have a pretty sizable hentai section and that hentai game company Mangagamer has had a table there for years.

>> No.7946111

"Ha, that's pretty clever. I've fapped to this series before. I betta go ask her for a picture."

>> No.7946119

Have you ever though that maybe they actually like the source material? Girls can like hentai/eroge. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.7946128

Time for me to cosplay sasha grey

>> No.7946134

Bring a toilet seat and lick it once in a while. Carry around high level literature and tell everyone you have an IQ of 200.

Then you're all set. Carry around a water bottle filled with rice water for maximum effect.

>> No.7946135


That's already been stated in the thread. Mad anon is just mad.

>> No.7946140


Really? I must not have been looking hard enough the year I went, couldn't find any hentai doujin. Used to cons like AX that have multiple booths with a lot of 18+ material to choose from.

>> No.7946228

When I see someone skinny like this, all I can think of is, "Man, I could really go for a burger right now."

>> No.7946305
File: 129 KB, 1000x664, crossfit chicks 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, tubby.
Nobody's fooled by your high test HAES shilling.

>> No.7946370

What is there to like about it enough to want to spend time and money on a cosplay though? There're no interesting characters with anything more than "sadist" "nympho" "slave girl" etc., no story beyond the usual rapey stuff, so the only thing making it worth it is the costumes themselves, which should not be so appealing to outrun any other source material unless you have shit taste and like 90s-looking stuff.

>> No.7946387

Same reason you wear pretty lingerie. Just because you like how it looks. Some people like the costume part more than the play part.

>> No.7946410

>id touch that given the chance
>not like a passed out chance tho
>thats creepy
>what if i did walk by her and she was passed out
>what do you even do
>do i report it
>would that sound weird
>hey theres a girl sleeping in the hallway
>okay thats nice. freak.
>does she use the cape as a blanket?
>i would
>but wheres the pillow
>cant sleep without a pillow
>wheres the food
>i hope they have brownies
>skanky elf girl costume needs a brownie....

Full circle.

>> No.7946422

I love Oyari Ashito, I'm making the trip for Cook fabric this weekend! I want to cosplay someone else he designed too, but I can't decide between Kohane from Period (i love the uniform, but the content was mediocre) or someone from Quartett.

>> No.7946431

"That's not chocolate, I ordered chocolate."

>> No.7946435

One time wheni was in high school I walked into the bathroom and there wws this girl passed out on the floor. I did a 180 and walked out and never told anyone

>> No.7946838

Needs moar tan. Also would rape her like the Orcs did.

>> No.7946839

It's all ogre now.

>> No.7946901

That wig looks really nice.

>>7943889 and >>7943787 for comparison.

>> No.7946910

so I take it you only look at the stuff /h/ and /a/ recommends for hentai. they have pretty shit taste m8. you clearly don't read enough doujinshis or VNs so I can ignore you. comeback when you actually get a good understanding of the media your bashing Anita.

>> No.7946920

So. . . why are all hentai fans such losers?

>> No.7946938

Don't worry, they'll grow out of their edgy phase.

>> No.7947069

No kidding.
> >>7946910

>> No.7947086

It's think it's pretty cool.
It really looks like the base material, I like it.

Granted, it's very very risky, but if she's the one who wanted to wear this, what's the problem ?
I saw worse stuff at AX with all these Nudist beach / KlK.

>> No.7947112

Best post in the thread

>> No.7947117


qt with a booty

>> No.7947143

what booty

>> No.7947152


>he hasnt seen the entire set

>> No.7947168 [DELETED] 


he hasn't posted the entire set

>> No.7947171


>he hasn't posted the entire set

>> No.7947176

Sorry anon i looked but i cant seem to find it. Maybe some other anon could provide dat posterior for you.

>> No.7947185

back here in russia she is big joke of cosplayer no one give her respect.

>> No.7947202

Can you maybe post some of her other cosplay?

>> No.7947214

who is she?

>> No.7947216


>> No.7947219


I really thought she was BR

>> No.7947222

First thing that comes to mind?

>> No.7947225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7947230
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>> No.7947239

Hey now.. i never said the booty was large like nikki minaj in anaconda

>> No.7947273

I don't see any

>> No.7947323

This was mine too.

>> No.7947391

I don't get the hate that skimpy cosplays get. It's as if you only want to give girls attention when they don't want it and it makes the whole community seem gross.

>> No.7947402


>liking porn is edgy


>> No.7947423
File: 77 KB, 360x450, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cartoon porn
>getting off to animated drawings

>> No.7947566
File: 392 KB, 889x743, r-jkrek5pr-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a beautiful hentaifu to spend every morning, evening, and night with

>> No.7947600

I totally agree, that's why I only read the porn manga. Fuck animation.

>> No.7947619

>liking porn that's a cartoon with monsters raping everyone while being a teenage girl

>> No.7947678

Not all hentai involved tentacles and lolis.

>> No.7947685

But almost all involve nonconsensual sex.

>> No.7947686

>raping everyone
>never heard of consentacles

This nigga

>> No.7947719

But for the purpose of this thread, we're talking about ogre gangrape

>> No.7947724


That's wrong again too, a lot them are like harem set ups where all the girls want the guys dick. Like regular harem anime, just with cheaper animation and sex.

>> No.7947787

Also school days.

>> No.7947846

Yeah this

But still name me some that are as hardcore as Kuroinu with consensual sex.

>"but that's what makes it hardcore!"
Nah they could want to be as badly treated as they are in that show. It always starts as rape and then they start to like it.

>> No.7950487
File: 266 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-2014-06-24-11h42m56s111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh-WHat the fuck is taht that's not Link....
Is she cosplaying from Queens Blade?

>> No.7950492

Read the thread

>> No.7950497

Rape is an easy way to make shit seem hard and edgy, so a lot of people use it even though it ends up making no sense at the end when they try to piece things up.

>> No.7950510

It's right up there next to Literally.

>> No.7950937

I can agree with that

>> No.7950958

good point

>> No.7951320

who stands like this

>> No.7951399

she should go read the /fit/ sticky. surprised she has the audacity to go out like that while being in that shape

>> No.7952096

>i have never watched a hentai ever
>only the "hentais" that america makes in a shit animu style

>> No.7952139

>meet cute hentai cosplayer
>ask for a picture
>she ask me if i know who she's cosplaying
>she gets all happy and chatty
>starts talking to me
Thanks, Obama!

>> No.7952586

I'm going to ask that person if I can take a picture and hopefully she will say yes, if not than I'll just respect her wishes but hope she didn't think i was a creep.

>> No.7954554

For every single girl in this thread (also for every girl ever):
>I wish I could see them naked

>> No.7954558

Gurl, you brave.

>> No.7956357

"Can i be the strong, masculine Orc that you need in your life baby?"

>> No.7956588

You're saying hentais aren't like that? Nigga please.

Wtf even is an "American hentai".

>> No.7956605

Time to dress up like a bad Guts knock off and play conqueror

>> No.7956610
File: 71 KB, 499x500, lel copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7956633

Fate stay night is from an eroge/ adult visual novel and that is insanely popular.
Are you going to call all Rin/saber cosplays sluts too?

>> No.7956706

Lets be fair here. Kuroinu and FSN are at pretty differing points of the eroge spectrum.

>> No.7956813

Fine then. School days had more hentai scenes. That was somewhat popular.

>> No.7956829

School days is weak sauce. It has a story that while about sex, it isn't centered around hardcore sex scenes.
We're talking Bondage Game-levels here.

>> No.7956928

I'm curipus, care to post a pic of you to see if you got what it takes?

>> No.7956941

At least she saved money on fabric.