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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 300x452, sweet_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7939179 No.7939179 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread on autosage.

So seagulls, what's your favorite Japanese shopping service for Mbok and Y!J? I usually use Japonica, but I'm also usually buying a single dress at a time, so the fees aren't too bad. But now I'm interested in buying several smaller things, and 500 yen comission to bid on a brand novelty that's 600 yen is pretty ridiculous, and will clearly rack up quick. Are there any ss that do a comission based on total price of items bought? Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.7939200

Is anyone having problems with lacemarket allowing them to upload images? I wanted to list some things today, but it keeps telling me to try again later.

>> No.7939292

How much in cm is long the Putumayo x Nightmare Before Christmas skirt? I'm 160 cm but i fear it's too short. Also waist is more than 70 cm?

>> No.7939302

FromJapan is pretty good for lower cost items. I paid 200¥ commission on an item I won for 300¥ recently, which I don't think is too bad considering that's still only $5. Shipping was the only thing that really added on in that case, both domestic and international, as the transfer fees were still only another buck or two.

LM gets mad when you try to upload more than 2MB total of photos at once, is that it?

>> No.7939363

suace on bolero in pic?
Is it AP?

>> No.7939652

For some reason, on LM the same girl has asked me the waist measurements(which are listed) for the same skirt 3 times. All the messages are written differently so it's not being sent multiple times. I answered her twice, second time I politely informed her that she had asked once before, now I just want to ignore it.

>> No.7939663


I would ignore it. Either she's having communication/tech problems or mental problems, I want to deal with neither one.

You could always append the measurements onto your listing for other buyers.

>> No.7939754

What would you do if a bunch of weird stains got on a brand JSK? I'm probably going to replace it since I can't get the stains out but I don't know what to do with the one I have now. I don't really want to sell it so I was thinking about making something out of it?

>> No.7939766

What kinds of stains are they, anon?

>> No.7939793
File: 270 KB, 600x450, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I have no idea. I was removing an unrelated stain and left the dress in a basin for a few hours and I came back to find them. They won't budge.

>> No.7939828

Yikes, and it's right on the print/glitter too. It looks like some kind of ink or dye stain, did you have anything else in the bin with it when you were letting it sit?

>> No.7939831

What kind of basin, and what kind of soap were you using to soak it?

>> No.7939841
File: 20 KB, 221x300, 51Z2JpCYffL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah no, just the dress.

Just an ordinary plastic basin, it was soaking in pic related.

>> No.7939855

I want to love Putumayo but most of their work looks like it's from Shoujo Chara

>> No.7939860

I actually love putumayo...

>> No.7939863
File: 695 KB, 737x1361, shugo_chara_hinamori_amu_png_by_bloomsama-d6eq9re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the artist for Chara worked part time at Putu

>Still like both tbh

>> No.7940013

I want to make a reserve on a future AP dress, but since I've never near a computer at the time of a release, I always miss my chance. Who do you seagulls usually go to if you need a reservation made in your stead?

>> No.7940015

I really love shugo chara as well. Fuck! Now I need to buy Putumayo.

>> No.7940028

If you do sell it I might be interested, I prefer to buy damaged stuff

>> No.7940030


>> No.7940047
File: 317 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For the anons wondering about IW boleros in the last thread. I have 101 as Bust measure. the bolera can be closed without a problem and fits over my bust so tey will fitt over yours. I also have monster arms but it works I think.

>> No.7940076

What would you be willing to pay for it, anon? I have the barrette to match it too. By the way, one of the waist tie buttons popped off and I've been meaning to sew it back on but never got around to it. It should be easy to do, though, if you'd like to try. It's the original Milky Planet special set, not the re-release.

>> No.7940080
File: 56 KB, 603x750, pepfoxjsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here try to grab Peppermint Fox's sample pieces?

>> No.7940085

I was thinking about it, but I'm too worried about pulled threads. I'd rather spend my money on something else.

>> No.7940088

My internet went down when I got the cherry and navy in the cart, lost the navy.
I am so upset.

>> No.7940089

Huh I'm not really sure what would be a good price for that, idek what it goes for undamaged nowadays.

>> No.7940095

Didn't go for a dress but I grabbed the adorable King of Foxes brooch

>> No.7940109

I tried snooping around for a few links to recent listings but couldn't find anything, ahh... I'm sorry if this price is outrageously high, I'm not sure how much is appropriate to deduct for a damaged item, but how about $200 shipped?

>> No.7940110
File: 45 KB, 290x290, T1uA1SFdBaXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_290x290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's cgl's opinion of qi lolita? Just found out about it and I think it's adorable

>> No.7940117

i think qi and wa are just to die for! i've been wanting to try wa for some time now, but don't want to be flamed for not being japanese- as it incorporates traditional kimono elements with lolita flair.

> inb4 "but weebs do it all the time" / japanese people encourage traditional costume wear

>> No.7940118

Can you post a photo of the stains?? And do you have an email I can contact you at?

>> No.7940119


You'd be flamed because wa looks like shit, not because you're not Japanese.

>> No.7940129

Yay I will be able to get one!

I quite like qi but wa usually looks like shit. Miss point does nice qi.

>> No.7940145
File: 28 KB, 675x416, tiltshead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... I let the dress keep soaking and the stain has gone down a lot it seems... Now I feel really silly for getting so upset over it. I think I'll still sell it though, I don't even want to look at it now.

My email is espella@mymelody.com

>> No.7940196

Where can I buy IW like mille fluer boleros in jewel tones?
I tried, ebay, aliexpress, etsy, clobao and normalfag stores without result. Should I give up and buy from bodyline and alter/dye it to my liking?
I would prefer indiebrands since my pricerange is low.

>> No.7940208

I love that 07-punk look

>> No.7940211
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love qi, I've only seen wa done nicely a couple of times though. Pic related.

>> No.7940244

Indie brands on Facebook that might make a similar styled bolero are The Phantom and The Maiden, Glitter Tale (just started up in the summer but I commissioned a custom bolero from them), there's a full indie brand spreadsheet here but it might involve trawling through a lot of links


>> No.7940257

Will take a look, thanks!

>> No.7940271

The few times I've seen qi it's looked lovely. The many times I've seen wa it's looked like shit, bar perhaps two coords? I don't even think it's necessarily only because wa is considered weeby, just that it's a lot easier to reconcile Chinese clothing styles with the lolita silhouette without it looking like it came from the mind of some kin of twisted fashion Frankenstein.

>> No.7940277

Awesome, thank you! I want to get it in brown to coord with my IW union jack jsk (in bordeaux) and a brown bag and brown socks.

>> No.7940287

That is awesome! If it's not too much trouble could you share your shoulder measurement?

>> No.7940336
File: 63 KB, 411x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make a stiff bonnet?
I mean the stiff material used for. I don't think cardboard would work at all...

Pic not related

>> No.7940342

Do you want shoulder to shoulder or neck to shoulder?

>> No.7940343



Or, hie yourself down to your haberdasher's and pick up the stiffest interfacing you can find. If it's not stiff enough, baste two or three layers together.

>> No.7940344
File: 71 KB, 467x735, TB2T6tGapXXXXa_XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!653678154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Qi is my weak point, but I'm also very picky about it. Most of it is pretty tacky. I quite like Jewelry in Sunrise's qi stuff though. I just bought their latest series. Who knows where I'll wear it.

>> No.7940465

I love qi but it's almost always done too costumey. It can definitely be done, though. I think the silhouette is better for lolita than wa cuts because of the sleekness of the bodices and you can just do the collar/bodice details.

>> No.7940466
File: 275 KB, 1184x880, GreenBonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used stiff interfacing before with good success. Basically two layers of the thickest sew-in interfacing they had at the fabric shop, sandwiched together with a layer of fusible interfacing to hold it together. Pic related: bonnet I made using this technique!

>> No.7940501

That is ridiculously low for a lavender milky planet with faint stains. You could at least have gotten 250, maybe even 300

>> No.7940556

Does Closet Child combine orders? I made an order yesterday and something new popped up on the site today that I'd like to add to my order to save on shipping. They've already sent an invoice for the first order but I haven't paid yet.
I'd ask them but I'm a bit paranoid about them going full BtSSB and blacklisting me for being a problematic gaijin or something.

>> No.7940558


>> No.7940559

I'm basically a chinaboo, so I love it. I wish I saw it done more, and well. Maybe sometime I'll try it? I'm worried about it turning out too costumey, though.

>> No.7940561

I know a girl who cut up a straw hat and covered it with fabric and stuff. I thought it looked pretty cute.

>> No.7940593

They've done so for me in the past, although that was several years ago. They're more laid-back than Baby, from what I've heard, so it's worth dropping them a line.

That said, they can probably only combine shipping if the items are at the same store (it should note on the listing which shop they're at).

>> No.7940610

I somewhat want that OP in rl, without the legwarmers.
>it has also cat paws!

>> No.7940635

What are some places to find gothic aside from fanplusfriend?

>> No.7940645

winter lolitas, what are some good shoe / boot options for people new to snow-ridden environments?

I'm from california and have never been in real snow, so any general clothing advice is appreciated!

>> No.7940655
File: 127 KB, 478x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dress is this?? I've never had it this bad for a dress before.

>> No.7940669

Lief sacred night

>> No.7940673

wtf you smoking. It sure looks like soras designs but that ain't sacred night

>> No.7940675
File: 2.20 MB, 1785x2537, TB2sWhtaVXXXXXiXXXXXXXXXXXX-1023246685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Ecailles de Lune's Forest of Pipe Organ.

>> No.7940677


It's Écailles de Lune's (indie taobao brand) design. They've done reservations two times already, don't think they're going to do another one. Best bet is to look at secondhand sales both on lacemarket and ershou.taobao.com. Good luck.

>> No.7940687

Thank you!! I really should have paid attention to the taobao threads because I didn't recognize the dress until I saw their red and navy colorway, which I overlooked. Fuck the white is gorgeous. I'll try looking for it on the secondhand market

>> No.7940694

that looks like shit.
please don't bring your shit taste

>> No.7940718
File: 417 KB, 504x3901, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we time travelling back to 2002? Much lace, so monster wow

>> No.7940721

I don't know, are YOU time travelling back to a time when doge was funny?

>> No.7940724

Was doge even ever funny? I always thought it was stupid.

>> No.7940791

I dunno, to me it looks like everything Bodyline is trying to do, but done right. Maybe it's better not as lolita though.

>> No.7940795

Atelier Pierrot

>> No.7940802

Fuck cgl I spaghetti'd so hard. I saw a girl in lolita today at the mall and decided to compliment her. I asked about where she got her jacket and if she was lolita. Then I said she looked very pretty.

> kill me now
>I have crazy social anxiety
>I was shaking so much after the encounter

>> No.7940826

They will be restocking the rest of the cherry and navy jsk 9AM AEDT.

>> No.7940832

I'm miserable today. I want to go out in my frills bit I don't know what to do. Maybe just Christmas shopping. I don't know.

>> No.7940918

Heavy sew-in interfacing or buckram.

>> No.7940929

I personally like buckram, and you can find it at chain stores like Joann's just fine.

>> No.7940960

What's a good layering petti for maximum poof?

I currently have a CP A-line. I want more poof for thicker material and just general ridiculous poof.

>> No.7940961

Lucky! Here in Canada, it's a pain to track down, which is why I usually go with interfacing instead.

>> No.7940978

Are you meaning as in 'aristocrat', or gothic lolita? Atelier Boz and Moi Meme Moitie do both styles. Atelier Pierrot also does gothic lolita, as already mentioned. Alice and the Pirates used to be great for both styles, but in recent years, has gone a lot sweeter in style, and doesn't do as much aristocrat/pirate style as it used to.

>> No.7940984

I cannot wait for this trend to stop. I know a lot of people love this but it looks way too OTT for me.

>> No.7940988

Tbh I think you should list it for $400 on lacemarket or something instead

>> No.7941016

So...how did she respond?

>> No.7941170

Not sure where to ask so I will ask here.

I know gulls don't approve of replicas. But what if I am buying replicas for my boyfriend's little sister?

She really likes sweet prints but I like classic. I want to give her nice chocolate prints and all that but is it worth it to buy brand for a 13 year old?

I am not a part of my local comm either because apparently it's not a nice comm. I just don't want to be a lone lolita and I love this kid.

So what do you say /cgl/? Is it acceptable for me to buy replicas for a kid?

>> No.7941181
File: 67 KB, 400x490, tumblr_mupyw6r0p21qjj1ako1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this is the right place to ask - I'm looking for a nice, simple black and white JSK or OP. Maybe something a little bit old school? Perhaps a bit like pic related, although less lace would be ideal - i'll take what I can get though. Any ideas/recommendations? I've been searching all over but I haven't worn lolita in almost 4 years so I don't really know how to jump back in to this.

>> No.7941187

Why not get her something from a Taobao brand or an indie brand? How much are you looking to spend on it?

>> No.7941191

I would avoid it just because it might become awkward if you have to tell her its a replica. I mean otherwise she might think she has this nice brand print, and then she could end up being accused of being a liar if someone realizes it isn't, which isn't the end of the world but might be upsetting when you're 13, plus that might reflect poorly on you. Otherwise you'd just have to tell her "hey, this is a replica by the way" and that might be pretty awkward to explain.
You can get some really nice brand pieces for pretty cheap on closetchild or fururun to be honest, I'd think that would be a better idea, and it might seem more meaningful as well.

>> No.7941201

This, teens self esteem and ego are easily bruised when they're 13. Get her a nice indie piece, maybe get two and you can twin, to make it special, if you want.

>> No.7941205

Navy sweetie violet JSK up on closet child for 36.8k yen.
There's usually someone interested in buying it so I thought I'd mention it.

>> No.7941212

I'm not very familiar with indie brands. Any recommendations would help a lot.

She actually doesn't care about the prestige of wearing brand. She just likes the dresses because of the prints. She knows that she has to wear them a certain way to not be ita and must at least do something with her hair and look nice.
I basically introduced her into lolita because I know she loves sweets/dessert anything.

Yeah, I should probably check for older pieces because she doesn't care about getting the newest anything. But I want to get her an AP replica because I showed her a video with Milkyfawn unboxing melty ribbon chocolate and now it's her dream dress.

I will definitely take the advice given though. I just want to make her happy.

>> No.7941224

You can get brand pretty cheap on japanese markets.
Does it have to be chocolate or can it be other sweets.
is pretty cute and has sweets on it

>> No.7941235
File: 117 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.663078852_lcb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone recommends Daisy Kingdom fabric for lolita

shit man, that's 'Merican kitch right there.

>> No.7941249

Yeah, she'll take any food print. Thanks anon.

This is a really cute idea I wouldn't mind being sweet for a day. Thank you.

>> No.7941252

Ph okay good.
Unless it's a surprise then just try to lurk sales sites with her and see if she likes anything.
Another dress:

>> No.7941303
File: 10 KB, 500x375, 1412921219595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think to myself "I bet someone will bitch about Doge meme heh"
>And there it is.

>> No.7941318
File: 23 KB, 384x384, fur boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on fururun, closet child, maidenclothing, usagiyouhinten and violetblue....most of them have simple black + white stuff fairly regularly and usually won't be more than 5000 yen + shipping.

I wouldn't get her a replica, but I would get her more basic/cheaper stuff like the bodyline waffle print.

That sounds, on the face of it, to be a reasonable social interaction.

In proper snow and ice I usually wear actual snow boots, I definitely wouldn't recommend any of the usual 'lolita' shoe places - for me it's all about the decent sole and snow NOT getting in. I would look for plain, versatile boots with a decent sole, and then go about making them warm with insoles, leg warmers etc. and cute/lolita with fur boot toppers and shoe clips.

>> No.7941437

Is brand jewelry worth the price or are you just paying for, well, brand?

>> No.7941448

You're paying for brand and design. That said, similarly priced designer costume jewelry is the same way.

>> No.7941462


She seemed probably just as awkward or not wanting to socially interact. I dnot know she seemed super uninye rested and just wanted to leave.

> okay.jpg

>> No.7941561

I got the bordeaux JSK, hopefully one of the ones with the least damages.

>> No.7941619

I don't really think it's worth the price. They're just selling you the brand.

>> No.7941946


holy carp this was from my phone earlier.


>> No.7941969

Chinese Gossip thread on eight chan, /egl/ board. Get in here bitches. Anything and everything. Come call me a sandy cunt or ugly bitch idc.

>> No.7942051

All it said was that height is 154-162. I guess you'll be fine if the model is around your height as well.

>> No.7942053

So, I ordered Haenuli's whipped cream kitty back in August through her store envy shop. Everyone I know who ordered it received it about a month ago and I've not gotten mine, there's no tracking number. I got EMS shipping. I sent a message about a week ago, and no response. I'm starting to get worried that it's gotten lost or something in the mail or was never shipped. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen before or am I just SOL. The expected shipping date was way past the 45 days to claim it on paypal so there's nothing I can do from there.

>> No.7942132

Thinking strongly about going to the AP store this weekend to try for a Lucky Pack. This is gonna be my first actual step into lolita, so I don't know what the fuck I'm doing

Has anyone gotten a lucky pack from either of the SF lolita stores before(AP or BtSSB) ? Any tips? I'm probably going to go early, but I honestly have no idea what to expect. Any tips/thoughts/experiences?

>> No.7942329

I have some AP jewelry and it's not that amazing quality, honestly. I mostly buy it because it's adorable and if it matches perfectly to something I have.

>> No.7942331

You should have gotten your tracking no. about a month ago, I got mine pretty much around their estimated shipping date. Maybe try posting on their facebook page and emailing them again? Be persistent.

>> No.7942337 [DELETED] 

I mean, if that's what you've gotta tell yourself, I guess. It looks frumpy as fuck to me though. The tights really aren't working for me either and those snakeskin bags are so fucking dumb. I'm really sick of seeing them.

>> No.7942478

Did the lolita friendship thread get deleted? Wtf there was no drama in there whatsoever, no names, nothing, just problems and advice relating to relationships and socializing in a relatively close-knit niche fashion community. The cosplay community thread is still up.
Can we fire this fucking janitor?

>> No.7942520
File: 57 KB, 500x600, quartetchocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I buy this...

>massive regrets

>> No.7942529

it's cute but i know the feeling

>> No.7942556
File: 35 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw it doubled in price

>> No.7942567

I wonder what Japanese lolitas think about the huge portion of mbok being bought up by shopping services.

>> No.7942571

I bet they add greed and pettiness to their list of why xenophobia is a good attitude to have towards foreigners....

>> No.7942574

I'd be pissed off as hell if I was them though. A lot of dresses on mbok/Y!A have been bought up by shopping services or had the bids jacked up by them.

>not to justify xenophobia

>> No.7942590

Most of the dresses I stalk only had either me winning the bid or against other shopping services. Maybe just the rare and popular dresses, but it's money for Japanese lolitas to buy more dresses to put back on the market.

If I were japanese id be more pissed off about the scalpers - at least the western bitches who scalp do it away from mbok and y!a

>> No.7942669


This? 3 shopping services..... is it that popular for gaijins?

>> No.7942724

I feel for that lone Japanese bidder.

>> No.7942759

I'm pretty new to lolita, so I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but is there much of a difference between blouses when it comes to classic vs more toned down sweet lolita? A lot of blouses look pretty much the same to me, with varying amounts of lace and bows, but I wasn't sure if there were certain cuts that I should avoid when doing one or the other style since I'm interested in both. Thank you!

>> No.7942807

As far as blouses go, a lot of them can go either way, but for me, big peter pan collars, short puffed sleeves and lots of ruffles are more sweet, whereas high-collared blouses and necktie-blouses without a collar are more classic. Personally, I prefer the more neutral ones (medium collar, medium ruffles), since I feel they work for a variety of styles.

>> No.7942847
File: 479 KB, 1536x2048, 1617942_772116872861881_8702557562355584825_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be lolita back in early high school. My coords were quiet and boring, neither ita nor amazing. I dropped out of lolita when my family moved and I had to sell my clothes. It's five years later and I'm at uni, and I really want to start dressing lolita again from time to time and joining the community here, but the girls here (especially one) are much richer than I am. Some of them can afford to be daily lolitas and always have the newest brand first-hand.

I'm afraid of being judged and left out because I won't be able to dress like them, and definitely can't afford to be a daily lolita atm. Even if they're nice, which they seem to be, I don't want to be that one frumpy/plain person ruining all their beautiful photoshoots. Can you people give me some advice/encouragement/a verbal slap please? I really want some lolita friends...

>> No.7942967

Is there an easy way for an idiot foreigner to ask a question on Yahoo auctions? The listed item came in three sizes and the listing doesn't indicate the size.

>> No.7943001

You can be a good lolita and look amazing in second-hand brand and taobao. If you coord well, most people won't judge you, and if they do, they're probably not the kind of people you want to be friends with in the first place. The vast majority of lolitas don't wear it every day.

>> No.7943006

If you know how to dress and present yourself well, then imo you shouldn't worry. Plain doesn't have to be frumpy or bad if you're well coorded, nor does it mean you have to be dressed head to toe in brand.
Sure you won't look as over the top amazing fancy as those who have a full closet of burando, but depending on how often or what kinds of meets you guys have, there's usually no point in looking like you're going to a brand party every time.

>> No.7943010


This! Also, don't be afraid to be plain. It's alright to ask for help and as long as you don't do it too often/don't come off as needy, if they're as nice as they seem, I bet they'd enjoy helping you with coordinates.

>> No.7943107

Round 2, bitches.

>> No.7943110

Aww, I only just saw the BIN price. How dull.

>> No.7943199
File: 14 KB, 400x534, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just received a black Nameless Poem dress and I didn't realize the white collar is actually peach. Is this normal compared to other NP dresses?

>> No.7943208

That looks ivory. Presumably intentional, since true white with black looks cheap.

>> No.7943209

All the other worn photos look white. That's weird.

>> No.7943215


Was this dress really that popular?

>> No.7943224


I've heard people talking about/complaining of the peach color before, and when my friend pointed it out, I could see it was vaguely peach. I think it's normal and not a solitary finding, however it was definitely whiter in stock photos.

>> No.7943277

Yes it's incredibly popular

>> No.7943278

That's just ridiculous. How much is that, 5 times the retail price?

>> No.7943279

I own this OP as well and that peachy color is very hard to photograph, but it was definitely intentional and it's not a flaw.

>> No.7943326

Come on, it's pretty. Cheer up, anon.

>> No.7943330

If you want to sell it later I'll buy it.

>> No.7943338

Email's in the field, drop me a message?

>sorry if this isn't allowed

>> No.7943369

Thank you, kind anon! It's just that I fell into a rather awkward financial situation where I really can't justify an impulse buy literally just as I bought it. Wish I had known.

>> No.7943386

Impulse buys are my problem, too. That's why I try to always spend only so little money that I always have enough left for an impulse buy.
But honestly, I think it's one of the cutest special sets AP has put out in a very long time, the others seemed so dull.

>> No.7943423

Thank you so much anon, I'm beating myself up for buying it and you've made me feel a lot better about the set! You're a lovely person.

>> No.7943437

Anyone else had an issue with Timeless Trends being unresponsive when it comes to returns/exchanges?

> get two corsets
> both are too big
> contact the via their website
> "Hi, here's all the related info. Could I please exchange them?"
> no reply for two weeks
> send them back anyways
> include return form, as instructed on website
> that was on 10/29
> no response yet

Mother fucker, I am not going to be out $215 and not have my corsets.

>> No.7943444

That's what caught me off guard since it looked pure white in the stock images. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the peach colour.

>> No.7943445


Just tried calling their customer service number. Nothing but beeping.

>> No.7943518

I was one of them. I got to ~450 and gave up. It'll pop up again I am sure.

With Shopping Services though, I think most people are buying them because it's their doreemu doresu~ rather than scalping?

>> No.7943531

Is harajukuhearts.com reliable?

I wanted to check out Black Peace Now USA's website but it directed me to this website, which they refer to as their "sister site". I am currently giving it the stink eye because I don't know what to make of it since I haven't heard of it before

>> No.7943550

I believe they're an official reseller for several Japanese brands. I've ordered Chantilly stuff through them before without any problems.

>> No.7943557

Harajuku Hearts is AP SF. They sell BPN, Chantilly, Putumayo, as well as AP. If you dont mind Lynda's craziness, then you don't have to give them the stinkeye lol

>> No.7943563

You know, if Japanese lolitas are so pissed about us buying up the stuff on auction maybe they should ask the brands to release more of each dress.

>> No.7943593

They also reap the benefits of higher resale values and have more access to first and secondhand dresses than people who live outside Japan. It can be frustrating to get outbid on something, but they don't "deserve" it more than a woman in Spain, and they're not exactly victimized or prevented from buying clothes first hand or through Closet Child stores, etc.

>> No.7943713

It's still in stock anon, if you have the funds. Looks like this series wasn't popular at all., nothing has sold out yet and it's been up for weeks.

>> No.7943745

Call your credit card company

>> No.7943755

I can't imagine how hardcore Japanese lolitas shit on Lynda. Their view of gender and sexuality over there is so closeminded, I'm unsure how they even gave the job to someone like that.

>> No.7943769

I've been wondering this as well...

>> No.7943782

I feel like there is a story behind all this. Do you mind bringing me up to date on this Lynda drama?

>> No.7943829
File: 47 KB, 567x97, closetchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a dumb question, but I'm trying to check out with Closet Child and on step 3, it tells me this for paypay... but I don't see a red paypal button on the next page (step 4) and I'm nervous to proceed to the next step in case I did something wrong.

>> No.7944034

Thank you very much! I'll give meeting them a try. <3

>> No.7944055

Just check out. As long as you have your email address in there they will send you an invoice within 24 hours.

>> No.7944098
File: 18 KB, 250x333, awh-YLZxeGHbEjLY9OXuGUE9Nu3AocBxBZKoX-TuxCrvLNjMax61wuiwZ4ynAGGX0eZVQllmwhBj-kOIWmRo4MA8US7GCWTNqAyDZ9nq_jbM2R46-fdOHAs6hflPy6HupVGR3bTN0xpIdamkELzWs53ORoUCxfw=w250-h333-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had anybody ever worn tuck frill circular? I'm always tempted, but I see it for sale a lot and have never seen a worn pic so that makes me think it looks like shit

>> No.7944128

I don't think there is any particular drama around Lynda. It's just that Japan's largely homogeneous society is very close-minded in regards to sexuality and gender. It's not full-blown hate against LGBTQ people like you find in the West. It's just that the existence of gay people is not talked about or acknowledged very much. There are still plenty of Japanese people who think homosexuality is not a real thing, or believe that even if one is gay, one should still marry and raise a family, for the sake of one's family.

Of course stuff is changing, but change can be slow.

>> No.7944159

You'll see one on the next page, so just continue on to the next part. That's what they mean by "red PayPal button of next page."

>> No.7944196

Thanks so much! I used the orange PayPal link in 'step 5' (I'm assuming that's what they were referring to), and was able to pay and complete my order.

The sent me an email confirming my order and payment, but it had this at the bottom of the message:
>For future reference, a payment can be made at the same time when you placing the order.
>Please complete the procedures for making the payment via PayPal or Credit Card using PayPal.
>We appreciate your understanding."

Is this part of the automated message that they send to all overseas customers, or is there something I should do differently next time? Sorry for being so paranoid and bothersome, but I just wanted to double check that I didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.7944209

Do accessories, like headbows for series pop up that often? and is there one place over the other that is better to keep an eye on?

>> No.7944250

It just seemed like the store envy contact wasn't going through. I sent her an email through her regular email address and got a reply in 2 minutes, and then they figured out the problem and got it shipped out to me tonight. So it's all situated now. That's a relief.

>> No.7944260


The colors are terrible. I'm all for red and brown, but this legit makes me think of a period or something. It's so gross and busy.

>> No.7944263

It's a bit of a muumuu but if you have the face and figure to normally pull that kind of thing of it should be fine.

>> No.7944265

Pretty sure it's automated. I checked my old emails and it's on there too, and I've always been fine.

>> No.7944307

I have one in black I got in an oddment box. It's not very loli, but it's nice as a everyday dress. I wear it with a belt to give it some shape and usually wear leggings or tights underneath. Maybe it could work for otome?

>> No.7944387
File: 357 KB, 575x600, IMG_0954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember an anon from a while ago was interested in Grimoire's new Celestial Closet op. Well I got mine in a few days ago and I got around to taking some detail shots of it if anyone is interested. Here's the op with flash.

>> No.7944393

I like the pussy mountain

>> No.7944400
File: 3.51 MB, 1200x1600, celestialclosetdetail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The detail shots.
I don't have much experience with [non-original] printed dresses such as jetj's painting pieces, but for the sake of comparison I'd have to say it has the quality of a low-res jpeg. Of course this isn't a problem from a distance and I don't think you can expect amazing sharp quality on textile.
The material is a thick, smooth polyester. In the last right photo, you can see some puckering around the seams because of the fabric choice. Other than that, I personally think it feels nice. The dress is fully lined and has no pockets.
Another important point with this op is that the sleeves are pretty short compared to lolita brands. I'm 5'4" and the sleeves hit me perfectly at the wrists, so I'd have to say it's not tall-friendly.

>> No.7944401


>> No.7944409

Well shit anon, now I can't unsee.

>> No.7944423

wear 2 CP petticoats

>> No.7944428

Is it as high waisted as it looks? The proportions look like the waist would sit right under your boobs if you're not flat as board.

>> No.7944429

Not that anon but I was looking for detail shots too. I'm a sucker for astrology prints so I'm going to order it now!!

>> No.7944442

My friend got the Ivory and it is so pretty in person.

>> No.7944444

op here. Sorry, it's because of the angle and the waist tie. It sits right at my waist for me.

>> No.7944451

Anyone have pictures of the white grimoire op?

>> No.7944466

I was wondering what would be a way to be introduced to women who are into the Lolita fashion?

>> No.7944487

Buy me the Wicked Princess OP set and I'll tell you.

Sidenote, does anyone know if Innocent World's bordeaux would be a close match to AaTP's wine? I'm looking for a headpiece to go with a red 2011 VR.

>> No.7944492

>go to con
>casually bump into lolitas
>if theyre at a stall you have common groud with, strike a conversation
>blah blah blah
>btw thought i might say i love what you're wearing, can you tell me what it is? i think i seen it before

>> No.7944509

Anon actually never emailed me about it, so I never sold it. Honestly I just want to get rid of it as soon as possible so I'm not terribly concerned about the price.

>> No.7944528

What are the tights the ouji is wearing? I need them!

>> No.7944732 [DELETED] 

Nice quints

Where did you get it from?

>> No.7944796
File: 327 KB, 900x1520, TB201P_aVXXXXbtXXXXXXXXXXXX-207021942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one else digging this?

Looks a bit cheap in my opinion and never heard of this brand before.

>> No.7944822

I quite like the gift box concept but the fabric looks flimsy.

>not ironed even forstock photos

>> No.7944827

The farbic reminds me of paper skirts I used to wear in kinder kindergarten. Still, colours and details are adorable.

>> No.7944830

I can't get passed the fabric lining up so awkwardly with the pleats.

>> No.7944831

Use a personal shopping service instead of one of the big, automated ones. It costs more, but it costs more because they'll message the seller to ask questions for you.

>> No.7944835

I'm 5'7" and it's alright on me, wouldn't want to be any taller though. The sleeves hit at the wrist but do have a tendency to ride up.

>> No.7944875

Cute design, flimsy execution. The fabric looks thin and like it wrinkles super easily, so if you get this dress prepare to iron it every single time you want to wear it.

>> No.7944894

I'm visiting Tokyo next month, any stores I MUST visit? Obviously I have AP, BTSSB, IW and Closet Child down, any hidden gems or off brand stores?

>> No.7944933

Most of the burando stores are either in Laforet in Harajuku and Marui Annex in Shinjuku. Marui Annex has ETC, Milk and Kera store which is a select store and has "indie" brands like Princess Doll. Baby's head store is in Harajuku but is a bit of a walk from the station. Go to the Calbee store in Takeshitadori in Harajuku, they serve freshly fried potato chips. There's also a store in Tokyo station. There's a massive Disney store in Shibuya near Parco, you might be able to find some loliable stuff there. You can always find an odd brand skirt/jsk in random second hand stores so give it a go if you have time.

>sorry for the unhelpful

>> No.7944938

Shit sorry, forgot to format.

>sage for OT

>> No.7944978

Just a PSA, the recession in Japan is making the yen fall further in our favor. That means more brand for the buck.

>> No.7944998
File: 341 KB, 720x450, 1392006161333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 1 USD = 116 JPY

Yet another reason for the Japanese to hate the western market, but w/e.

>> No.7945009
File: 20 KB, 260x329, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me all tingly. Too bad I have to wait until Friday to pick it up :(

>> No.7945017

would laforet be a good place to visit for luckypacks on new years? Or would I have better luck visiting the stand alone shops individually?

>> No.7945053

I got this in an oddment pack too. It can't really be worn with a petti, so it's not really lolita. I've been wearing it layered with a long loose cardigan, beret, and boots for more otome-like casual wear.

>> No.7945071

Where are you getting this? I can't see it for sale anywhere online yet. Thanks for posting the cover image, I'm excited now!

>> No.7945076

What is this?

>> No.7945082


and the kinokuniya web page.

also, it's about time since they're fall/winter spring/summer

>> No.7945086

otome no sewing book 6.

>> No.7945089

I wasn't super-impressed with the last one I picked up, but I love the outfit on the cover! Thanks for posting :)

>> No.7945096

Yeah...#5 wasn't so hot. But this looks promising (Anne of Green Gables vibe is really jiving with me)

>> No.7945145

Sorry if this is a retarded question, but when do brands usually put up their winter LPs?

>> No.7945165

Thank you, can't believe I didn't think to check Amazon. I thought it would be November from their other published dates, but it does seem really late considering its autumn/winter.

The last one was odd because they went down a costume route with it, but some designs were nice and others were modifiable. I'm interested to see the other designs as the cover looks more Natural Kei than Lolita, but that could just be the styling and fabric choice.

>> No.7945169

Is there a good way of finding out when the winter sales start, or do I need to stalk brand websites daily? I know it's frowned upon to alert others of sales though

>> No.7945199

Got mine today as well! I missed it though, have to wait until thursday.

>> No.7945292

Chantilly I think?

>> No.7945450

Anyone have any thoughts or feedback on how BtSSB or A&P cardigans fit on non-slender bodies? I want to avoid the arm sausages look and tight shoulders.

>> No.7945531

Are F+F blouses generally acceptable quality? Never ordered from them before, but they have a couple up I'm considering.

>> No.7945551

Is Classical Puppet super fluffy petticoat okay with this skirt : http://www.fanplusfriend.com/machine-birdcage-steampunk-lolita-with-trimmings-skirt-2color-instant-shipping/ or should I use a less fluffy one ? Also, it's 55cm long, so what petticoat lenght is better ? Sorry if my request is inappropriate, ew.

>> No.7945558
File: 538 KB, 750x900, SP00160_02__13383.1407883916.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The petticoat would go better with a different skirt my friend.

>> No.7945565

Oh, thanks, what can be okay with this skirt, so ?

>> No.7945570

Hey anon, I never emailed you because I feel like you should be selling it for a higher price. I'm totally gonna kick myself for that later, but I'd feel like I'm ripping you off otherwise

>> No.7945577

They're pretty short (kind of cropped) and tiny. They're stretchy but it's skintight sort of stretch. I wouldn't recommend them if you're looking to avoid arm sausages.

Plus I think they shrink a little in the wash.

>> No.7945583

I think anon was telling you not to buy that skirt.

Personal opinion on the print aside, yes, the bell shaped petticoat will work.

>> No.7945584

I know it's not truly considered lollita. But can anyone recommend sites for aristocratic lollita? Lace market is dried up at the moment.

>> No.7945613
File: 32 KB, 384x384, 2mze4ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aristocratic lollita

is this you anon?

>> No.7945615

Nope can't say that it is.
Though now I need to check out the link.

>> No.7945626


Maybe I should clarify when I said I know it isn't considers lollita? In any case second hand would be preferred.

>> No.7945627

I think you need to go back to lolita school.
>aristocrat ≠ lolita

>> No.7945631

>I know it's not truly considered lollita.

Although I'm willing to bet anon is a cow who can't wear regular lolita. So shame anyways.

>> No.7945637

Here we go /Cgl/ further boosting our salty reputation.
All I know anon is that Moi Meme Moitie and Atelier Boz make aristocratic.

>> No.7945640

Forgot to link.

>> No.7945646
File: 64 KB, 492x492, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coming to /Cgl/ and not expecting people to be assholes.

>> No.7945652
File: 237 KB, 800x533, chara005-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is winter and our cavernous vaginas are dry.

>> No.7945657


> befriend local rich girls
> go to meetups in whatever you've got, do your best anon
> offer to be photographer at photoshoot
> don't suck at photos
> become rich loli's friend
> let them sell you their castoffs with the "friend discount"
>ascend to a higher level of existence

I'm not that rich but I've given my best friends (second hand) brand as gifts. it happens anon, if you can dream it, you can do it

>> No.7945661

One if the best posts I've seen all month.

>> No.7945686

I assume you are from Oxford as that photo is from Connie's fb? I really wouldn't worry too much, as long as you dress well even if they are maybe not the most elaborate coordinates it won't be trouble. All the UK Lolitas (minus a few drama hungry girls in the NW) are really chill girls and very kind

>> No.7945758

Has anyone ordered from Phantom and the Maiden? I can only find one review, which is positive, but the bodice doesn't look like it fits well. (To be fair, the girl said she lost weight after she gave the measurements, but still.)

>> No.7945802
File: 769 KB, 736x604, tumblr_nahanh5HL21tddup8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand are these shoes? I see some similar ones on Antaina that I assume are replicas of them. I need to know what brand they are before I buy them because I don't want to accidentally wear them to that brand's event someday.

>> No.7945812

AP, can't find the lolibrary page but look up angelic pretty crown shoes

>> No.7945824

Put it on lacemarket for 250, someone will most likely buy it quick

>> No.7945834
File: 51 KB, 1164x549, Screen Shot 2014-11-19 at 8.31.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF has been up with LM lately? I keep on getting errors like this.

>> No.7945835

How much do well done alterations like lengthening JSK straps affect the resale value of a dress?

>> No.7945839

since it's a minor alteration, I would put it around 15%-20% lower than the market price?

>> No.7945874

man i am so salty that i got into lolita after that purse was released

>> No.7945879

You could also try to fix it yourself, if the alteration was just moving the buttons on the shoulder straps...

>> No.7945920

If it's something that can be taken out easily, it shouldn't effect it too much. If it's permanent, then I'd suggest what >>7945839 says.

I tend to lengthen mine on some styles of dresses, but I usually hand sew a strip of fabric to the straps to lengthen it. Hand sewing is a little more gentle on the fabric in the end rather than ramming it through a sewing machine. Then remove it and re-sew on the buttons to their original location when I decide to part with it.

>> No.7945986

They're usually for new year's but start checking for announcements beginning of Dec for online orders if they're doing that.

>> No.7946000

The problem is the straps are not adjustable - it's a royal unicorn JSK. I don't want to sell the dress or settle for the skirt (when I lose enough weight) because it's just too pretty, but there's really no way around altering it if I'm going to keep it

>> No.7946101

Actually the ones in the picture are Secret Shop replicas of the AP shoes because AP didn't make them in gold.

>> No.7946309
File: 330 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else save their brand tags? I've been saving mine in a little ziplock bag but i have so many that I need to upgrade to a larger storage container.

>> No.7946311

I''m not really sure where mine go come to think of it...

>> No.7946312

Yeah, I save them. But I'm a general slob so they're scattered all over my apartment.

>> No.7946317

So whenever I get a new dress, after hanging it up I periodically visit it in the closet, enjoying how it looks amongst the other things in my wardrobe. Am I the only weirdo who does this?

>> No.7946319

I just put it on a bunch of times, at least once a day, for like a week, revelling in how much I love it.

>> No.7946327

no but the way you wrote it is pretty funny

>> No.7946329

One of my dreams is to buy my dream print in many different colors and cuts. Once I get like 6 different ones I want to throw them all on my bed and then roll around on them

>> No.7946348

i've done this, feels good anon

>> No.7946349

I have a relatively small wardrobe, so whenever I get a new piece I like to look at how it interacts with my other dresses in terms of colours, cuts, details, etc. Sometimes for fun I pretend they have different personalities and imagine what they would do if each dress were an actual person. Most of my dresses have people names so it makes it even more amusing in my head.

>> No.7946361

>Sometimes for fun I pretend they have different personalities and imagine what they would do if each dress were an actual person.

haha, this is pretty funny.

>> No.7946366
File: 2.05 MB, 2439x1440, 613_707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for advice here! This is my favorite dress from my normalfag wardrobe, but I am really tempted to use it in a lolita coord since it holds a light petti and looks good enough imho. What do you think, anons?

>> No.7946367

(Sorry for the huge pic!)

>> No.7946368

I personally might wear it with some of my lolita items, but wouldn't call it a *lolita* coord.

>> No.7946371

I didn't explain myself to well, now that I think about it. I was mostly asking if specifically lolita pieces like blouses or shoes would clash too badly with it. I wouldn't wear it to a meetup or anything.

>> No.7946381

Innocent world seems to have at least 2-3 different shades of bordeaux from what i have seen. My one dress from them is purple while another one is like a dark red/wine sort of color. Also I'm not sure what aatps wine looks like in person so it sounds like it could be tricky to match.

>> No.7946390

Too bad the canadian economy is also doing shitty so my payments get converted from yen to USD and then to CAD which makes the exchange rate still pretty shitty. *Sigh*

>> No.7946394

I think it would work fine in that case. I keep thinking about making some more normalfag style dresses that will hold a petti to wear with some of my bags and shoes. Most of the time my dresses are just too fancy for my usual weekend activities.

>> No.7946403

Same here. I am trying to find some sort of middle ground and incorporate my lolita items into more everyday-friendly outfits. Sometimes I just can't go out in full lolita but I don't want to feel like I am underdressed either.

>> No.7946418

Yes. What am I doing? I'm not going to use them, or these brand bags (the plastic shopping bags I mean) or post cards for anything either. They're just so cute...

>tfw you just put em all in one pack and sell em to a seagull for the price of shipping because you would rather that than just throw them away.

>> No.7946426

I save all my brand bags too, and only use them when the item I'm selling is their dream dress. I also add in some free gifts and a little notecard... I feel lame for admitting the lengths I go to to making a stranger happy.

>> No.7946454

this sounds weird as hell, but i would totally take some bags/tags off your hands. I actually use them to decorate my wall and for crafting stuff!

>tfw just 6 baby ribbons short from finishing your craftboard

>> No.7946469 [DELETED] 

Is this a A-line or Bell shaped petti tutorial?

>> No.7946470

Yep. They're in a little keepsake box. I don't know why I bother saving them though. I don't do anything with them.

I have learned to remove them from dresses without cutting the string, though. If I were a really sneaky bitch, I could reattach them to dresses to claim "NWT" for sales. Hmmmm.

>> No.7946481


Requesting photos of this, anon, I love to see how people get creative with this stuff.

Also, what do you buy to get the ribbons? I've bought dresses and the bear and lucky packs but never received a ribbon in my packaging. Do you need to request gift wrapping?

>> No.7946486
File: 2.29 MB, 1000x1333, 0103201310682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an A-line or Bell shaped petti tutorial?
There's 3 layers, 2 are two times and 4 times the waist, and 1 is 4 times and 8 times the waist. just to tell you how much poof is in it if you don't understand what she's saying in the video.

>> No.7946642


The sole reason for needing a cupcake petticoat is rectangle skirts, which have a lot of loose fabric in the hip area.

A cupcake petticoat simply has the majority of the poof in the hip area to fill out that loose fabric.

So if you want to make a cupcake petticoat from the tutorial, change the measurements on the tiers -- make the first tier shorter, start the second tier either right around or just an inch above your hips.

A lot of rectangle skirts benefit from a petticoat that's slightly A-line as well, so you can add a third tier to one of the layers of the petticoat, eg- one layer is 4-8-10 instead of just 4-8. Don't add too much or your skirt will become overstuffed.

If you want to make an A-line petticoat, then make two even tiers, that way the poof is more gradual and starts below your hips instead of above it.

>> No.7946661

alright thanks.
all that makes perfect sense.
gonna wait til black friday and get my tulle super cheap.

>> No.7946681

Would be nice for otome!
I think it would look absolutely fine in a lolita styling, and if you wear it right it could definitely work for lolita.
However always remember that you should try to look nice, don't shove lolita upon this if it isn't going to happen. From what I can see it looks nice, but it might not be so loliable when worn.

>> No.7946690

Speaking of petticoats, anyone have any good recs of where to buy an a-line one, besides Classical Puppets?

>> No.7946702


Malco Modes and most square dancing pettis are A-line.

In fact, most petticoats are A-line. It's the cupcake ones that are hard to find. Just be careful of the hardcore square dancing ones that have too much poof.

>> No.7946729

How do you guys manage the size of your wardrobe? Have any of you had that realization of
>Holy shit I have too much brand

I have a fairy large closet: half was for lolita, half for my normalfag clothes. Over the year lolita is taking over and it's incredibly stuffed. I'm not sure if I should buy a separate drawer and store all my regular clothes in there or if I should sell off some dresses instead.

>> No.7946757

I have the same setup. I have a double built in wardrobe, one for lolita, one for normalfag, and the lolita is getting out of hand. I personally feel like giving up on normal clothes, and it wouldn't be a problem for me since my job allows me the freedom to wear whatever i want and i hardly ever wear normal clothes now except for lazing around the house or exercising. I think it all depends on
>How often you wear the clothes in your lolita wardrobe
>If there are pieces you haven't worn/are collecting dust
>If there are pieces in your wardrobe that aren't cohesive, or you have nothing to match

I'd suggest going through your wardrobe and deciding on what you can't bear to let go and what you could definitely live without, if you want cohesion it's a great place to start.

>> No.7946787
File: 134 KB, 877x334, 1415952190753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on how this turned out? Did the buyer flake?

>> No.7946863

No. I usually put new items on my mannequin, and stare at them and touch them constantly, then I put them in my wardrobe, and continue to gaze at them for a while. The more I think about it, the weirder it sounds.

>> No.7946864

Alter it then. It's your dress, after all. If you do it carefully, the alteration should be completely reversible.

>> No.7946873

It's okay anon, different anon here but just piping up to say I literally spend a lot of time just sitting in my wardrobe next to my dresses and looking at them. Not even that much of a collection, but it's calming.

>> No.7946884
File: 197 KB, 500x281, 1412405477006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it too anon. I just sit with my closet door open and look at my dresses, i do it quite a lot. It makes me feel at ease and very happy. When i move out of my current house i hope i can have just a big clothing rack or a walk in wardrobe so i can look at them all the time

>> No.7946887

You are right, thank you so much!

>> No.7946915
File: 35 KB, 481x316, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't she also the one that tried to sell lolita advice?

>> No.7946923

I have a really shitty cramped dark closet/bedroom so whenever I get something new I often take it out and into the living room where it's light so I can stare at it. Since it's so hard for me to see my wardrobe as a whole I have a pinterest board dedicated to everything I own that I stare at and play with on occasion, especially if I'm not at home and can't put new coords together IRL. It's like playing paper dolls with stuff I actually own. It's great.

Yeah, she's ridiculous. Shitty indie brand she spams everywhere, "lolita advice" subscription, trying to scam foreigners, pretending that her brand is Korean even though it's obviously Chinese, hilariously overpriced "wedding dress" made out of stretch cotton... Other Chinese lolitas apparently hate her for being such an embarrassment.

>> No.7947080
File: 66 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nf802j6ig11qgjjjyo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else getting this? It's been a while since I've been so deeply in love with a piece. I don't usually go for sack dresses but since I'm skinny and flat I think it'll work out.

>> No.7947095

Speaking of sack dresses am I the only one that hates Maria catholic nun op? Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of all these nun dresses that keep popping up, like nameless poem, but that cut looks unflattering on EVERYONE. it seems like everyone has it or wants it and if they have the dress, they look like shit in it.

>> No.7947113

Also, this is still bell-shaped, right? I can never properly tell with sack dresses.
I love it to death and hate myself for not reserving it. But yeah, it's unflattering on anyone with boobs.

>> No.7947118

No it's aline. There's nothing gathered at the waist

>> No.7947146

Thanks for the advice! I wear toned-down classic most of the time or otome and I wanted to get more use out of this dress, since it's very flattering and looks even nicer in person imo. I will try to coord it with a simple blouse, bag and tights with a small pattern and see if it looks convincing enough.

>> No.7947166


Someone in a much, much older thread suggested this, but didn't provide photos, and they didn't explain what to do with the braids. I'll try to explain what I remember, see if you find it useful, but I didn't get around to trying it myself so I can't vouch for it either:

Most of the dresses are joined at some point on the shoulder straps, like on Royal Unicorn jsk the front and back are joined on top of the shoulders. Some dresses might be joined at the back or in front instead, like particular btssb/aatp dresses are joined in front.

Very, very carefully pick apart this join, be very careful not to loose any fabric or poke any holes. Then add extra length: use a ribbon of the same width as the shoulder straps, the same colour as the dress. Insert the ends in between the fabric and the lining of the joins, then sew it shut (I guess using some hidden stitch)

To hide the stitching where the join is and to make it look deliberate, use more of the ribbon to make bows large enough to cover the length of ribbon you added in, and attach them on top so it looks like a design feature instead of a slapdash alteration. For something on top of the shoulders, I'd personally do the bows on brooch pins so that you can remove them if you want to wear a bolero over them.

Apparently when it comes time to sell, you can unpick where the ribbon is joined, remove the ribbon, and resew the front and back pieces together. I don't know if the person suggesting this ever disclosed this alteration to her buyers; it explains why she never posted photos of her alterations in case her buyers caught her at it I guess. At least, if you use this method you can tell your buyers no fabric was removed from the dress and it can be restored to its original state, just different stitching in the shoulders.

About the ribbon, I've considered that if the perfect ribbon match cannot be found, you could find matching fabric and make tubes out of those.

>> No.7947180

totally forgot about malco modes but those tend to be 50+ dollars last time i looked. was looking for something under 30ish dollars but i'll look again. maybe i'll get lucky.

>> No.7947269

Do you happen to know if the special set version of this print has any shirring in the back? I know it´s sold out now on the AP site, but I´d like to know for the future reference.

>> No.7947275

There's a shirring panel at the back. Not full shirring, thank god.

>> No.7947282

Hit up garage and estate sales. I found a full length hoopskirt for $5 at one before and I see petties of various fullness' all the time. Don't be afraid to bargain with them. Also if you can, deal with men, they tend to know less about women's clothing, generally.

>> No.7947299

Good to know, thank you.

>> No.7947302


>> No.7947389

>symphony instruments
>military bodice
Revoking all these high school marching band feels jfc
I wasn't even good, but I want to buy everything that has a drum or accordion on it.

>> No.7947452

It's forest of pipe organ. Watch escallies de lune's taobao page for a rerun, I have the OP in blue and it's drool worthy. Even better workmanship than Krad lanrette's lost at sea. it's not shirred though, just a warning.

>> No.7947468

Im giving my sister some of my brand that doesn't fit my style any more. I've given her Bodyline in the past and she loves it to death. You can find 2nd hand brand for cheaper on closet child than you can buy a replica. If you think brand is a bit wasted on someone so young (my sister is 13 too) than find cute stuff for her on taobao. if she goes on tumblr to brag about her "brand" then her confidence could be shattered.

>> No.7947470

Is there going to be one?

>> No.7947490

This was the last post I read on my lunch break. No regrets

>> No.7947498

I use my brand bags as shopping totes because they fold up so much smaller than an Eco tote but are just as strong. I used my stationary sets to write to lolita friends while I was inpatient. It was kind of reassuring to them that I was doing okay and cared about them enough to use brand stationary.

My philosophy is to use special stuff because it isn't so special if you hoard it. Same with lolita, I wear it as often as I wear normalfag clothes because I'm not going to spend $250 on something I'm afraid to wear.

>> No.7947502

Possible. there have been two runs so far and krad lanrette did three(?) runs on lost at sea. I think forest of pipe organ is just as popular.

>> No.7947556

I wish I could be like this. I am always scared to mess up my brand, and I dont like to spend a ton on dry-cleaning.

>> No.7947571
File: 89 KB, 615x761, tumblr_nf8a6227eD1qf46efo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just found the ultimate lolita dress

>> No.7947587

I need this.

>> No.7947668
File: 355 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ndy21yFsfg1twoeuzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this girl is from Ameblo, but these edited versions of her pics are on a tumblr account saying it's her.
Is it legit? I can't reverse google image because of those stupid line stickers, but I'm pretty sure it isn't her.

>> No.7947744

I always wear an undershirt under my brand to make them last longer between dry cleanings.

>> No.7947757

I wash my brand separately from my other clothes, cold water and delicate run. Anything with a lot of lace goes in its own lingerie bag. I also hang dry pieces I'm worried about, again with the lace. A "free and clear" detergent keeps odd smells and detergent stains away.

If you already take care of your normalfag clothes, you don't have to worry about brand unless it's a print that runs. Spot test your waist ties to check for running and dry clean the ones that fail.

>> No.7947781
File: 43 KB, 640x640, TB2a4okXVXXXXcmXXXXXXXXXXXX-98836477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Antaina make a matte gold like that or only a shiny like this?

>> No.7947925
File: 50 KB, 333x400, $_1dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what type of otks (offbrand only) i have to wear for a dark red jsk coord so i thought these socks are ok. Or maybe i have to wear solid black otks?I want my coord gothic lolita themed, not classic.

>> No.7948004

Post pics in a coord help thread, maybe?

>> No.7948007

I got some from Antaina and they're pretty shiny.

>> No.7948053

So, I've never ordered a dress from Baby before, and I wonder how generous the sizing is.
I have a pretty big bust and when I order from Meta I try to buy items that have a max. measurement of at least 98cm, but I also managed to fit smaller measurements when there's shirring. Most AP Jsks are huge anyway.
So how about Baby? Any experiences?

>> No.7948153

Baby is usually pretty good about circumference, if a dress says it will fit 98 cm, it will, possibly a few cm more. The only problem you'll probably have with baby is that the straps on their jsks tend to be on the short side, so if you're busty (I am too) this is obviously a problem. Pretty much all of my dresses from them have straps that are too short.

>> No.7948343

Has anybody had problems ordering with sweetmildred before? I ordered something from her like two months ago and she still hasn't finished it. I told her I wasn't in a rush but I was kind of thinking she would be done by now? I messaged her a week ago and she didn't respond, getting kind of worried because I think I missed the paypal dispute window....

>> No.7948878


Just ordered this too. I love the other 5 issues, can't wait to start sewing classes in the new year!

>> No.7949186

Mhm, the straps could really be a problem, thanks anon.

>> No.7952463

Uhhh, that's not really what the drama is with Lynda at all, although it does make it surprising that AP deals her with. It has less to do with her being trans and a lot more to do with the fact that she's a gun toting crazy that has threatened people on multiple occasions. Not to mention her shady business practices like APUSA's huge overcharging on shipping. Anon is right that it's not really a specific 'story' to be up to date on, just a longtime string of behaviors that make people not want to deal with her.

>> No.7952472

Yeah, I like mine. Stick with only the ones that have cluny (cotton) lace or none, the raschel that some of their blouses have is awful.

Yes >>7942457